#i wrote this in one sitting que milagro
midnightcradle · 5 years
Yellow Tulips
Ikevamp MC & Saint-Germain Hello! This was the first angst-type thing I’ve ever written. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoy reading! Warnings: angst
Le Comte de Saint-Germain watched her from where he stood on the balcony. She was down in the garden, smiling to herself as she tended to the flowers. He had noticed how much she enjoyed the garden, so he once gave her seedlings to plant. “What kind of flowers will bloom?” She had asked. “You’ll just have to wait and see, ma chérie.” She had planted the seeds and tended to them each and every day without fail. And she always smiled while doing so. It was her smile that had drawn him in. Her smile was always so bright, so pure, and so beautiful. She had given him a smile the first time they met. How wonderful that smile had been-
“Arthur!” Her voice rang out from the garden. “Hello, there, luv. Ready to go?” He offered her an arm which she gladly took. Le Comte watched silently as the pair climbed into the carriage that would take them into town. “Ah.” Comte let out a sigh before he turned to go back into the mansion. He hadn’t meant for this to happen. He had only meant to watch over her. It was his fault that she ended up in the mansion, after all. It was only fair for him to look out for her. Le Comte made sure that she was comfortable in the mansion. He’d make sure she had enough clothes in her closet, made sure that she enjoyed the food that was provided, made sure that no one was to lay a fang on her. But the more time he spent with her, the harder it was to deny his feelings. He never meant to fall in love. But how could he not? As she eagerly planted the seeds in the garden, she had unknowingly planted the seeds of his love for her. His love had blossomed in turn with the flowers. 
Despite watching her fall in love with someone else, his love for her never wavered. It was enough for Saint-Germain to see her smile. Arthur Conan Doyle was often the source of that dazzling smile of hers. All he had to do was say a few sweet words and she’d be in the palm of his hand. It was the same for Arthur. Anything she said or did had him completely captivated. Comte would watch them from a distance, glancing at the woman any chance he got. Although the way she looked at Arthur made his heart ache, Comte couldn’t help himself. Pitiful, really, the way he loved her despite her heart belonging to someone else. 
“Le Comte!” Her sweet voice called from outside his door, followed by a knock. “I’ve been waiting for you, ma chérie.” He opened the door to his room with a smile. The scent of tea filled the room. “And I’ve been looking forward to having tea with you.” She smiled sweetly back at him. This was le Comte’s guilty pleasure. He’d have tea with her a few times a week. It had been somewhat of a tradition ever since she arrived. It was the same every time. She would tell him about how her day was, and Comte loved to hear about it. Having her so near filled his heart with joy. “The seedlings you gave me have finally begun to bloom!” Her eyes lit up with excitement. “They’re beautiful, Comte. I had no idea what would become of them. Those little yellow tulips brighten up the garden perfectly.” “Ah, how wonderful. I’m glad they’ve finally started to open up.” He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. The day he picked the seeds out was a dark one for him. That was the day she and Arthur had finally become a couple. The day Saint-Germain would regret for the rest of his life. If he could have just said something, if he could have told her of his feelings before then, perhaps things could be different. Perhaps she would smile for him, and him alone. He would hold her in his arms and tell her everyday how much he loved her. He’d spoil her rotten. But it was too late for them, for now her heart was Arthur’s. “Comte?” Her voice brought him back to himself. “What do the flowers mean?” Of course she was curious. And of course he’d never tell her the truth. Yellow tulips symbolized hopeless love. And his love was the most hopeless of all. “Yellow flowers represent friendship.” Try as he might, he couldn’t force a smile this time. He picked up his tea cup and took a sip, knowing that the love of his life would never be his. 
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panda-paco · 7 years
FC 2018: A Californian adventure
(English version below)
Gran manera de empezar el año, toda una aventura en mi primera vez visitando el estado de California, en Estados Unidos.
Esta experiencia fue posible gracias a los amigos, por lo que se le agradece al furry fandom, y a internet, por permitirnos encontrar grandes amistades en cualquier parte del mundo, que si no fuera por ello, sería casi un milagro encontrarnos con personas con las que podamos dar un click perfecto en cuanto a aficiones similares. El furry nos ha permitido ser grandes amigos de personas que incluso pueden ser muy opuestas en todo, en raza, profesión, cultura, y hasta en equipo de futbol favorito; pero sin embargo ese gusto por los animales y sus historias nos conectan.
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El pretexto inicial del viaje fue la convención Further Confusion, en San José, CA. Pero desde una semana antes llegué a California para estar con amigos y conocer nuevos lugares. Mi compañía del viaje fue Koidel Coyote, gran compañero, furry local, y quien se ha vuelto de mis mejores amigos. Aún cuando no estuvimos todo el viaje juntos, vaya que en la planeación de ambas aventuras estuvimos involucrados los dos, desde cómo llegar a Tijuana, cruzar la frontera a pie, y llegar hasta el centro de San Diego (todo de forma legal, claro! jaja), y hasta el regreso desde San José.
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La razón principal de ir a San Diego fue visitar el zoológico, pues como un gran aficionado de los pandas, y Koidel que me secunda en eso, no podíamos perdernos esa oportunidad. Además que tengo el challenge personal de visitar a todos los pandas de zoológicos en el continente Americano (ya solo me faltan dos).
En San Diego tuvimos a un increíble host, Kazan. Quien se ofreció a llevarnos a lugares muy interesantes por conocer en su ciudad, y nos hospedó por una noche, le quiero agradecer infinitamente, pues todo el tiempo que pasamos en su compañía fue increíble para nosotros. No hubieramis visto ni la mitad de lo que conocimos sin ti.
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Tomé un tren que me llevó a San Luis Obispo, y de ahí tomé un autobús que me llevó a San José. En el trayecto del tren pude ver Los Angeles por mi ventana, sigo sin conocer esa ciudad, y me encantaría poder algún día visitarla, pues además tengo a muchos amigos en dicha ciudad, quienes ya me han ofrecido muchas veces que deberíamos ir a Disneyland.
La primer mitad del fin de semana la pasé con Croc, al igual que con sus dos compañeros de casa Jimmy y Bacon, todos son grandes seres, los amo! Y tuve justo lo que necesitaba: tranquilidad. Unos días de relajación, sin planes mas que sentarse a ver películas, pasar charlando con amigos, ver videos juntos. Hace mucho que no ocurría algo así, desde meses antes que vivía en un rush intenso, viajando de un lado para otro, trabajando a mil por hora... no me había dado al menos unos días de descanso para no hacer nada, y qué mejor que con amigos que pocas veces veo como ellos. En verdad fue de mis mejores momentos del viaje.
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Pero es dificil decidir qué fue lo mejor del viaje, porque la otra mitad del fin de semana la pasé con Panda, mi gran amigo monocromático con quien desde hace mucho tenía tantas ganas de pasar tiempo con él, pero las pocas veces que lo veía en convenciones siempre estaba ocupado. Y en verdad fueron momentos increíbles a su lado. Me llevó a conocer San Francisco, y allá vimos a Mirawis y Pepe Mapache, otros dos grandes amigos que mi desición de viaje valiera oro. Panda también me llevó a Santa Clara y a visitar varios paisajes hermosos entre bosques y playas californianas, a pesar de que fue un día el cual estuvo lloviendo todo el tiempo, me encantó tanto los lugares que conocí como la excelente compañía.
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Pepe y Mira me hospedaron en su casa rodante, otra grande experiencia, agradezco mucho su amabilidad en todo, todos mis amigos allá me hicieron sentir tan especial. Es por seguro que si todos ellos vienen a visitarme a México recibirán un trato igual de excelente. Me encanta mostrarles mis ciudades a mis amigos que vienen de fuera.
Por propia cuenta fui a la Mansion Winchester, en San José, tras haber visto tantos videos en internet sobre ese lugar, y aunque la entrada no fue barata, y no dejaban tomar fotos en el interior, fue un gran recorrido que siempre vivirá en mi mente.
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Y después empezó la convención!! Volví a encontrarme con Koidel, y ahora también a TK Coyote y Wusky, que fueron mis compañeros de cuarto. La convención estuvo más tranquila de lo que estaba acostumbrado, y me di cuenta que se trataba más de hacer planes con amigos, pues hubo un momento que quería ir con el flujo del evento, y terminé aburriendome, quedandome sin planes, pero una vez que empecé a planear momentos en la convención con amigos, me la volví a pasar bien. Sería imposible mencionar a todos los chicos que vi en la convención, creo que aquí se volvería infinito mi journal, pero momentos que recuerde fueron con Yaps, Red Wulf, Tonya Song, los mismos chicos con los que estuve en el viaje antes del evento (Croc, Panda, Pepe, Mira...), Marci, Pro Husky, Clipey, KevCorgi, Tucker, Flip, Zarafa.... muchos!! Una disculpa si no menciono a todos.
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Después de la convención pasé un día más con Koidel y Flip Bunny, el conejo me invitó a su casa y nos llevó a experimentar algo completamente nuevo para mi: un sauna banya, además de llevarnos a pasear cerca de San Francisco junto con varios de sus amigos, todos muy cool y amables.
Este viaje más que conocer nuevos lugares y tener experiencias nuevas, que claro, todo eso se apreció mucho; consistió en pasar un tiempo todavía más especial y de mayor calidad con esos amigos que los veo en ratos muy cortos durante convenciones y que mi mayor tiempo de convivencia había sido tras la pantalla. Y también para darme cuenta, todavía más, lo importante que se ha vuelto el furry fandom para mí, y lo mucho que ha influenciado en mi vida.
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Si quieres ver las fotos del viaje y de la convención:
Ahora el siguiente plan es dentro de unas pocas semanas, un viaje a Dallas, TX para TFF. Este próximo viaje solo será para la convención, no se hará nada más. Si vas a Texas para la convención, ahí nos vemos!!
Oh gosh, the problem when I realize that I wrote so much, is that now I'm kind of lazy to translate all what I said in Spanish but now in English, eeeh but I really want this on the two languages!! Most of my friends speak English and I really want to share all this experience with all of you, too!
Great way to start the year, a big adventure in my first time visiting California, in the United States. Yeah, I hadn't been there before.
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This experience was possible because friends. I'm very grateful with the furry fandom and the internet, for allowing us to find great friendships in any part of the world; if it were not for it, it would be almost a miracle to meet people with similar hobbies or whom we can match that perfect click. The furry has allowed us to have great friends with people who are even very opposed to us in everything: race, profession, culture, and even in favorite beer; but nevertheless that like for animals and their stories are what connect us.
The initial excuse for the trip was Further Confusion (the furry con from San jose). But I travel to California a week before to be with friends and meet new places. My tour company was Koidel Coyote, great companion, local furry, and who has become one of my best friends. Even though we were not together all the trip, we were involved in the planning of both adventures, from how to get to Tijuana's airport, crossing the border by walk, and get to downtown San Diego (all legally, of course! haha), and until our back home from San José, two weeks later.
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The main reason to go to San Diego was to visit the zoo, because I'm a great fan of pandas (you're not surprised, right?). Also, I have the personal challenge of visiting all the pandas of zoos in America (continent) (only two more are missing).
In San Diego we had an incredible host, Kazan. Who offered to take us to very interesting places to meet in his town, and we stayed with him for one night, I want to thank him infinitely, because all the time we spent in his company was incredible for us. We wouldn't have seen half of what we went without you, and you're such a sweet guy.
I took a train to San Luis Obispo, and from there I took a bus to San Jose. On the train journey I could see Los Angeles through my window, I still don't know that city, and I would love to be able to visit it one day, because I also have many friends there, who have already offered me many times that we should go to Disneyland.
The first half of the weekend was spent with Croc, as the same his two mates Jimmy and Bacon, they are all great guys, I love them! And I had just what I needed: tranquility. A few days of relaxation, with no plans but to sit and watch movies, spend time chatting with friends, watch videos together. A long time ago something like this hadn't happened, since months before I lived in an intense rush, traveling from one place to another, working very fast ... I had not given myself at least a few days of rest to do nothing, and it was excelent doing that with friends that I rarely see. It was really my best moments of the trip. Oh also we had a great dinner with Chance and Furahi, another two adorable guys!!
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The other half of the weekend was spent with Panda, my great monochromatic friend with whom I had wanted so long ago to spend time with him, but the few times I saw him during conventions he was always busy. And in truth they were incredible moments at his side. He took me to see San Francisco, and there we saw Mirawis and Pepe Mapache, two other great friends who made my travel decision to be worthy gold. Panda also took me to Santa Clara another day and also we visited several beautiful landscapes, forests and Californian beaches, although it was a day that was raining all the time, I enjoyed all the places I met and the excellent company.
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Pepe and Mira hosted me in their mobile home, another great experience, I appreciate their kindness in everything, all my friends there made me feel so special. It is for sure that if all of them come to visit me in Mexico they will receive an equally excellent treatment. I love showing my cities to my friends who come from outside.
On my own I visited the Winchester Mansion, in San Jose, after having seen so many videos on the internet about that place. And although the entrance was not cheap, and they don't allow to take pictures inside, it was a great!!
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The convention started !! I met again with Koidel, and met TK Coyote and Wusky, who were my roommates. Lovely guys! The convention was quieter than I was used to, and I realized that it was more about making plans with friends, because there was a moment that I wanted to go with the flow of the event, and I ended up getting bored, running out of plans, but once I started planning moments at the convention with friends, I had fun again.
It would be impossible to mention all the guys I saw at the convention, I think this journal would become infinite here, but moments I remembered were with Yaps, Red Wulf, Tonya Song, the same guys I was with on the trip before the event ( Croc, Panda, Pepe, Mira ...), Marci, Pro Husky, Clipey, KevCorgi, Tucker, Flip, Zarafa .... many !! An apology if I didn't mention everyone.
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After the convention I spent another day with Koidel and Flip Bunny, that cute rabbit invited us to his house and took us to experience something completely new for me: a banya sauna, besides taking us for a walk near San Francisco along with several of his friends, all very cool and kind.
This trip more than knowing new places and having new experiences, of course, all that was appreciated; it consisted in spending an even more special and high quality time with those friends who saw them in very short moments during conventions and that my biggest time with them had been behind the screen. And also to realize, even more, how important the furry fandom has become for me, and how much it has influenced my life.
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If you want to see the pictures from the trip and the convention:
Now the next plan is within a few weeks, a trip to Dallas, TX for TFF. This next trip will only be for the convention, nothing else will be done. If you go to Texas for the furry con, I'll see you there !!
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