#i would love to see from alex or even april's pov another time
kristsune · 1 year
I just had to capture a few bits and pieces from when Alex, Jonny, Sasha, and April played very different versions of the game The Forest. Screenshot is the fun shark head given to Jonny and Sasha.
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RWRB Social Isolation: Week 3
Call me Mama Mia because here we go again! Again, I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who’s participated so far. If you’ve done every day or just one day or even just supported folks who are doing this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
And just to reiterate, these are just designed to be fun ways to fill time and connect folks while we’re staying inside! There are no rules! Feel free to pick and choose what you’re interested in. If you do anything, please tag this blog and use “#rwrb social isolation” to make sure I see it 😊
Monday, April 6: RWRB as! What starbucks drink is Bea? Which Greek god is Pez? Do you have an unexplainable meme on your phone that really captures Nora’s energy? Pick a category, and give us a list of RWRB characters as things from that category.
Tuesday, April 7: External Quotes! Is there a line from another book that always makes you think of this one? A lyric that’s screaming Henry’s name or something an artist said once that made you think of Amy? Let us know! You can write it out or type it, do just one or multiple... anything would be wonderful.
Wednesday, April 8: Something new! You know the drill; try out something you’re not used to doing! It could be something you’ve done previous weeks, could be something totally new to you; whatever you want is beautiful.
Thursday, April 9: Alternate POV! How does Amy feel about constantly pulling Alex and Henry off each other? How does Bea feel about watching her little brother fall in love? What does Zahra see when she walks into Alex’s room that night after the DNC? Show us (in drawings, bullet points, fic... whatever way you want!) a scene from the book from someone else’s perspective.
Friday, April 10: Moodboards! I can’t believe we haven’t done this yet, but it’s time to put together pictures that make us think of a character, a scene, a location, or the book as a whole!
Saturday, April 11: Catch up! Did you really mean to do something, but time got away from you and now you feel like you can’t? Don’t worry! If you missed a past prompt (from either week) and realize you really wanted to do it but feel like you can’t, this is your day! Of course, if you get to things late any other day feel free to post them whenever, but if you wanted express permission that’s today baby!
Again, these are all meant to take as much of as little time as you have, and they’re just supposed to be a fun way to build community and keep busy while we’re spending time inside! I’ve tried to come up with things that anyone can do with stuff they have, and that will accommodate various skill levels/art forms. The best way to make sure I see it is probably just to tag me; I’m checking the hashtag a few times a day but we all know Tumblr likes to swallow things.
Also! Feel free to let me know how you feel about these prompts! I know I’m probably going to accidently lean toward things that are more writing-based or cerebral, because that’s how I work, so if you’re like “hey I can’t do these for x reason” PLEASE let me know so I can do better next week. I’m always taking suggestions as well; I want this to be as fun as possible for everyone involved.
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Fireproof #3 - Someone Like You - An Alex Mini Series
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Harder Than I Thought (#2)
**Word Count 4,772
13 April 1939
“Well, Alex, it appears your stitches have healed rather nicely,” the doctor told him as he examined Alex’s wound. “Y/N, since you stitched him up, I think it’s best if you do the honors of taking them out.” 
“Of course,” I nodded. 
“I’ll be back shortly to check on things once you’re finished,” the doctor said to me before leaving the exam room. 
“Um, it uh, it might be easier and more comfortable if you lied down,” I said. 
He nodded swinging his legs on top of the bed and laying down. 
“Am I gonna need the cloth this time?” He asked. 
“I don’t believe so,” I laughed. “You’ll only feel a light pinch every so often.” 
He nodded. I gathered the supplies and went over to him. 
“I know you’re not exactly a chatter, but it might help taking your mind off of what I’m doing,” I said. 
“How long have you been a nurse?” He asked. 
“Well, funny you should ask that,” I laughed. “I actually finished nursing school a few months ago before I started working here.” 
“Really?” He asked as his eyes widening. 
“Don’t worry,” I said quickly. “I know what I’m doing, promise.” 
“No, sorry, I’m not worried,” he said. “I’m just shocked is all. You seemed like you’ve been doing this for a while is all.” 
I took the scissors and slowly starting snipping away at the thread to release the stitches. “In a way I have, I guess,” I said. “When I was younger, I helped out the children in my neighborhood whenever they’d scrape their knee or something.” 
“Is that why you decided to become a nurse?” He asked. 
“Mostly,” I nodded. “I also knew I wanted to help people and heal them. Nursing seemed like the best option to do that.” 
I slowly start pulling the remaining thread with the tweezers. “What about you? Why did you decide to join the Army?” 
“Why does anyone decide to join the army and willingly put their lives on the line?” He said. 
“For the love of their country? Or to keep their loved ones safe?” I stated. 
“Or to get away from something worse than being shot at by the enemy?” He whispered. 
I stopped what I was doing and tried to think of what to say next, but he beat me to it. 
“Or for the glory,” he smirked. “I mean the only way to become a war hero is to fight in the war. I joined so one day I hope to see my name in the paper and have all the birds gushing over me like they already do.” 
I huffed at that and went back to removing the last of the stitches before cleaning the area. “Surely there are other ways to do that than going over to war,” I said. 
“Maybe, but I didn’t bother to find out,” he said. “Plus, dames sure do love the uniform.” 
“Mhm,” I said applying some ointment. “And how does your girlfriend feel all of these dames drooling over your uniform.” 
He laughed. “She doesn’t give a fuck because she doesn’t exist. I don’t have a girlfriend.” 
“Well, I guess that’s a good thing,” I said grabbing a bandage. “Then she doesn’t have to worry about them.” 
“What about you? How does your boyfriend feel about you be surrounded by half naked soldiers all day?” He asked. 
“There is no boyfriend,” I said. 
“Husband?” He asked. 
“Nope,” I told him. “No one.” 
“Oh,” he said. 
“Why are you so shocked, soldier?” I asked cocking my eyebrow. 
That was the first time I’d ever seen him blush. “I just, I figured someone like you would be spoken for is all.” 
“And what’s someone like me?” I smirked. 
The red tint on his cheeks flushed even more. 
“Someone who’s beautiful and takes care of assholes, even after they’ve treated her like shit,” he said looking into my eyes. 
“Well, I won’t lie and say there haven’t been any offers,” I said. “There just hasn’t been any worth accepting.” 
Alex’s POV
“There just hasn’t been any worth accepting,” she told me gazing into my eyes almost as if she was willing me to make her an offer. 
Just this morning, I was telling myself to stay away from her, but I just couldn’t.
“When’s your next day off?” I asked her. 
“Sunday,” she said. “Why?” 
“W-Would you... Would you like to go out with me then?” I asked. 
“Like a date?” She blushed. 
“S-sure, if you’d be okay with that,” I answered. 
She smiled. “Okay, I’d love to go.” 
“Great, I’ll pick you up at the Nurse’s house around 11?” I said. 
“Sounds perfect,” she smiled. 
I tried to hide my smile from her as she reapplied another bandage to my healing wound. I knew asking her out was a selfish thing to do because I knew this would never amount to anything and I’d end up hurting her. But I was addicted to the way being around her made me feel and that was all I cared about. 
“Well, you’re all patched up and ready to go,” she smiled. 
“Thanks,” I said buttoning up my shirt for the second time that day. I jumped down from the bed as she cleaned up. “I guess I’ll see you on Sunday?” 
“I guess you will, soldier,” she smiled before walking out of the room. 
16 April 1939
    Oh god, what was I doing? I can’t believe I agreed to go on a date with Alex. He had been so arrogant and rude, but yet I could see that deep down he wasn’t like that. It was as if the rudeness was simple a show he put on to protect himself. He was definitely protecting himself from someone. 
I wasn’t sure if he knew I heard him when he talked about getting away from something worse. He didn’t show it, but I could tell whatever he wanted to get away from, even the Army wasn’t getting him far enough away. I looked through the outfit choices I had laid upon my bed, but I had no clue what to wear. 
My hands were shaking while I applied my makeup and curled my hair. Nervous was an understatement at the moment. Even though Alex was an ass most of the times I’ve seen him, but I felt different around him. There were butterflies in my stomach and my heart pounded against my chest. My cheeks flushed whenever he looked at me. I discovered this all while I was removing stitches from his body. 
This whole thing was absolutely insane, but I never felt saner in my life. 
The clock in my bedroom was quickly approaching eleven o’clock, so I quickly just grabbed a simple light pink dress and pulled it onto my body. I took the pins out of my hair and let my curls flow down my back. I grabbed my mother’s pearl hair clip and pulled a small section of my hair back before clipping my pearl necklace around my neck. 
I stepped back and looked at myself in the mirror smiling. A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. 
“Y/N, there’s a fine looking young soldier out on the front porch waiting for you,” one of the girls said from the other side of the door. 
“Thank you. I’ll be out in a jiffy,” I said quickly. 
I grabbed my purse and took one last glance at myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath and walked out to meet Alex. 
Alex’s POV
The longer I stood out on the front porch of the Nurse’s House, the more I thought about running far, far away. My stomach had been in knots all fucking morning as I got ready for my date with Y/N. 
A Date. 
God, I’ve never been on a date to save my life. 
I don’t go on dates with girls. I meet them, I bed them, I move on. It’s what I’ve always done, but I didn’t want to do what I’ve always done with Y/N. She was special and I wanted to treat her that way, even if the inevitable would soon come. Not only was I second guessing this date in general, but also these stupid flowers I bought from a market down the street and the plans I had made. 
What if she didn’t like daisies? What if she found our date boring? 
Why did I care so much about what she thought? 
In the midst of my internal debate, I heard the front door open. A pair of nude heels walked over the threshold and onto the front porch. My gaze followed up her legs to the light pink dress before finally resting upon her beautiful eyes. She was breathtaking and I was utterly in awe of her. 
“A-Are those for me?” She asked gesturing towards the small bouquet of daises. 
I was brought back down to reality and quickly nodded. “Y-Yes! Um, I uh, bought these for you,” I said. “I didn’t know you’re favorite flower so I um, I got daises. They’re my Mum’s favorite.” 
She smiled taking them from me. “They’re lovely. Thank you. Let me just put them in some water really quickly and then we can leave.” 
She went back inside the house for a few moments before walking back out. My heart was racing even more now as we walked to the taxi. I opened the door for her and she climbed in. I got in after her and the driver took off. 
The drive was mostly silent. She was playing with the strap on her bag while I was digging my nails into my skin. I wasn’t sure if she could tell just how nervous I was and wondering if she knew, made me feel even more nervous. 
“So, how’s training going?” She asked. 
“It’s going,” I said. “I’m just ready to get it over with it and get into the action.” 
“Do you know where you’ll be sent once training is complete?” She asked. 
“It all depends on where we’re needed,” I told her honestly. “What about you? Do you stay here in London?” 
She shook her head. “I’ll be sent to an army camp that needs more nurses,” she said. 
I looked over at her. “You’d... You’ll be sent to the middle of the war zone?” 
She nodded. “I mean as a nurse I won’t be on the battlefield itself, but it won’t be far off.”
“Aren’t you scared?” I asked. 
“Are you?” She asked me. 
“No, but I have a rifle in my hand and grenades in my pocket,” I told her. 
“Well, I might not have those things myself, but I will be surrounded by soldiers who do,” she said. 
My legs started shaking as I thought about her being in the middle of the war. Of course, the chances of me getting wounded or killed were much higher than her, but they were still there. Luckily, the taxi driver arrived at our destination. 
I gave him some money for the trip and time to pick us at to bring us back home. I got out of the taxi and grabbed the basket of food from the trunk while Y/N got out of the car. I gave Y/N a small smile and started walking. 
“What’s in the basket?” She asked as he walked along the park. 
“Well, there are few sandwiches and desserts,” I told her. “Nothing too fancy. I didn’t want to poison you,” I laughed. 
“They do say it’s the thought that counts,” she giggled. 
I smiled at her, something I found myself doing quite frequently whenever I was around her. We approached a nice, secluded spot in the park, so I stopped walking and placed the basket down on the grass. I opened it and pulled out a blanket. 
“Milady,” I smiled gesturing for her to sit down. 
She crouched down in the grass with a smile and sat with her legs to the side, pulling her the hem of her dress down. I joined her on the blanket and started pulling out the sandwiches, little cakes and cookies, and some water. 
“Everything looks delicious,” she smiled. 
“Looks can be deceiving,” I joked. 
“That’s true,” she nodded. “Do you believe the same for people as well?” 
“I believe that phrase was invented because it being true for people,” I admitted. “Some of the most ruthless people I’ve ever met were good looking, while some of the nicest people I’ve met, had teeth missing and hair falling out,” he laughed. 
“Well, what do you think about me?” She smirked. “Do my looks deceive you or am I just as you thought I would be?”
I blushed. I didn’t know what to say. I could easily blurt out everything she was beautiful, sweet, gentle, caring, etc, etc, but I didn’t want her to think I was some love sick puppy. 
“I don’t know,” I smirked. “So far yes, but I could see you pulling me and then turning to the other side.” 
She laughed. “Damn! You figured out my plan.” 
I laughed and took a bite out of my sandwich. Once I had chewed the bite thoroughly, I looked back over in her direction. “What about me?” I asked. 
She shook her head. “No, your looks don’t deceive me, but your actions do,” she said softly. 
I looked at her confused. “What are you talking about?” 
She sighed and placed her half eaten sandwich onto her lap.
   “When we first met on the train, you were the only passenger to step up and help me with my bag, but then during your physical, you were so rude to me. And then again at the club when you pulled Arthur from me, you didn’t have to do that, but then you went back to being rude to me,” I told him. “You’re so hot and cold with your actions that I’ve realized that this tough, selfish attitude you portray is only an act. I can see that under the rude, sarcastic comments and all about me attitude, there’s a sweet and loving person, who just wants to come out.” 
With that final word, I was worried I had said too much. Here we were on our first date after only know each other very little and I was analyzing his entire life. 
“I can tell you there is not the sweet and loving person inside of me,” he said. “I don’t know what love even is, but I know it ain’t inside of here,” he said pointing to himself. 
“I think you’re wrong about that,” I said. “There’s love inside every one of us.” 
He let out a dark laugh,”Not my father.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” I offered. 
He shrugged putting his elbows on his knee as he bit into another sandwich. “There’s ain’t much to talk about. My father was a dirty old drunk, who liked to use me as a punching bag.” 
I reached over and placed my arm on his shoulder. “I’m sorry. Nobody deserves that.” 
“Oh, but I did,” he said with the same dark laugh. “I was the reason my father’s life was ruined. Not the fact that he got my mother knocked up out of wedlock was forced to marry her. Nothing was ever his fault. Not fucking my mother. Not using his entire paycheck on booze instead of food. Not even when he got so angry just by looking at me that he hit.” 
“He was the something worse you wanted to get away from wasn’t he?” I whispered. 
“Yep,” he said as he took a drink of water. “Only the son of a bitch and all the scars he left on me is still here.” 
“The bruise. The bruise you had that day on the train that was your father, wasn’t it?” I asked. 
He nodded. “My Mum was trying to get me to reconsider, although it’s not like I could have even if I wanted to, and I already pissed my dad off once that day and hearing my Mum begging me to stay made it even worse. He told me I would amount to anything and that I’d be sent back home after training because I failed, so I told him off one last time and he gave me a nice right hook,” he said. 
I sighed and moved closer to him. I wrapped my arm around his and put my head on his shoulder. I didn’t know why I did it, but it felt right. 
“At least you’re away from him now and he can’t hurt you anymore,” I whispered. 
Alex turned his head to face me and our faces were mere inches apart. “Not physically at least,” he whispered. 
“I know,” I nodded. “But with time all wounds eventually heal.” 
“You shouldn’t be here,” he sighed. 
I looked at him confused. “What do you mean?” 
“With me. You shouldn’t want to be with me,” he whispered. “I’m going to hurt you. It’s all I’m capable of.”
“You’re not going to hurt me,” I told him. “Because you are capable of love, you just have to believe in yourself. I believe in you.” 
When I gazed into Alex’s green eyes, I saw all the hurt and pain he had suffered all of his life. But I also saw the want and need that was masked behind it. 
“C-Can I kiss you?” He whispered. 
The butterflies were back to flying in my stomach and a few had flown into my throat because I couldn’t mutter a single word, so I gave him a nod. He bought his right hand to my face. The skin was rough, but his touch was gentle. He slowly leaned towards me and I did the same to him. 
The moment he pressed his lips against mine, I felt a fire inside of me I had never felt before. 
23 May 1939 
Alex’s POV
   According to the papers, the Nazi’s have signed some sort of treaty with Italy. There was a war brewing and everyone knew it. While there were troops out trying to keep the peace, I knew it was only a matter of time before we all were really involved in it all. 
But I was ready, I’ve been ready. 
The moment I arrived in London, I already wanted to leave and while that was still my goal, I wasn’t looking forward to leaving Y/N. For some reason, she kept seeing me after our first date and we’ve been going steady for quite some time now. I kept telling myself it was only because I was deceiving her into thinking I was this gentleman she thought I was. 
If only she knew the only reason I stayed with her was that I was too selfish with my feelings. When we shared our first kiss, there was a feeling inside of me that I couldn’t explain. It felt like I had too many of those herbal smokes Billy likes to light up before bed. 
She was like a drug to me, so I kept going back. Over the last month or so, we’d gone to the picture shows and to the local diners for dinner. We walked the streets of London with her hand wrapped around mine. On days where the weather was warm, we’d go back to our place in the park. We’d chase one another through the field and I wrapped my arms around her waist whenever I caught her. 
I’d lean down and press my lips against hers and hold onto her as if I was afraid to let go. 
And deep down inside of me, I was, but I would never admit it. 
30 June 1939 
Y/N’s POV 
   I’ve never been happier than I have in these last few months of my life. I was being praised at my job in the hospital and I was finally experiencing what it felt like to be in love. There was just something about being with Alex that felt so right. We saw each other almost every night, even if it was for only an hour. On somedays, Alex would stop by the hospital and we’d eat lunch together. 
With every day we were together, Alex would let his true self-shine, but of course, there were times his mask would return. We were leaving a picture show one night and he didn’t like something a man I said towards me. I told him to just ignore it, but he couldn’t. So, he walked over to the man and pushed him against his car. Just as Alex brought his fist up, I screamed and it stopped him. 
He pushed the man again and told him to apologize to me. Once he did, Alex grabbed my hand and walked me back home. 
Even though I was happy with Alex and he was a huge part of my life, I couldn’t bring myself to tell my parents about him in my letters. It wasn’t that I was ashamed of him, I was just worried that my parents wouldn’t approve of me being with a soldier, especially one like him. 
I knew one day I would have to tell them, but that day was not today. 
3 September 1939
Alex’s POV
   I was packing another basket full of food and other items to take for Y/N and I’s nighttime picnic in the park. Tonight would be our last date, but she wouldn’t know that, not until the very end. Just two days ago, Germany invaded Poland and Britain declared war this morning. My unit was given its orders and we shipped out tomorrow morning. 
This was the day I had been waiting for see I enlisted and I couldn’t wait, even though I would be leaving Y/N. 
But this thing with her, it was always going to end. Either with her finally realizing she deserved better or with me hurting her. I hated to do the latter, but I had to and I had to tonight. With me leaving tomorrow, I had to make sure she knew what we had would be over. I didn’t need to worry about her while I was trying to survive and I didn’t need to come back and see that she had moved on. 
So, it was better to end whatever this was between us tonight. 
When we arrived at the park, I placed the blanket on the grass and we both sat down. After we finished eating, we laid down and looked up at the stars. She was pointing out different constellations and telling me all that she knew about them. I watched her and a smile was brought to my face. 
   “What?” I asked him when I noticed he was staring at me. 
Instead of answering me, he pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss and he rolled over, so he was hovering over me. His hands were roaming their way around my body as we kissed. After that, it was all a whirl wind of emotion as we undressed the other and began making love under the stars. He was so gentle as he moved inside me and his arms were wrapped safely around me. 
He pressed his forehead against mine and we looked each other eyes. We were so close, I wasn’t sure where I ended and he began. His movements started to become faster and my grip on his shoulders tighten. We both cried out as an amazing feeling took over my body. 
Alex kissed me and I could feel that he was trembling. 
“You’re trembling,” I whispered pushing hair our of his face. 
“I’m fine,” he whispered smiling. “I promise.” 
Alex’s POV
  I did not plan on sleeping with Y/N tonight. It just happened. I should feel horrible about this knowing what I was going to do to her, but I didn’t. I felt fucking amazing and I’ve never felt like this before. No other girl has made me feel this way before. I never knew I could feel like this. 
I rolled off of her and wrapped my jacket around our naked bodies. I pulled her into my arm’s and kissed her forehead. She smiled into my chest and it didn’t long at all for her to fall asleep. I gazed down at her because I wanted to remember ever inch of her. I wanted to memorize every freckle on her body. 
I felt tears in my eyes as I made the realization I had been denying for as long as I remember. 
When I was for sure that Y/N was fast asleep in my arms, I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I love you,” I whispered. 
4 September 1939
   The next morning I woke up as the sun rose over the hill. Alex was already dressed and packing up last night’s picnic. I bit my lip as I wanted to say something, but I thought better of it. I slipped on my dress and followed Alex to the car driven us in. 
Something between us had changed after last night and it wasn’t for the better. When we arrived at the house, I didn’t get out. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked him. 
“Nothing’s wrong, I’ve just got things I gotta do,” he said. 
“If you’re worried, I regret last night, I don’t,” I said reaching for his hand. 
He pulled it away before I could even touch him. “I don’t give a fuck if you regret it or not because I don’t give a fuck about you,” he snapped. 
My back pressed against the car door in shock at his outburst,”I-I You- you don’t mean that,” I said. 
“Like hell I do!” He said. “How many times do I have to tell you before you get it Y/N? I. Don’t. Give. A Fuck. About. You. I never did. I only wanted to fuck you.” 
“No, you’re lying!” I shouted. “Why are you doing this? I know you’re scared, but this isn’t you Alex.” 
“Jesus Christ, Y/N,” he shouted. “This is me! I told you from the bloody beginning, but you kept believing that stupid bullshit that you made up in that stupid head of yours.” 
I shook my head. “I’m not that one believing stupid bullshit, You are! You’re just afraid because you’ve fallen in love and you just won’t let yourself do it. Alex, I love you.” 
His grip on the steering wheel was so tight his knuckles had turned white. “I don’t love you. I’m not in love with you. You and I are done. Now, get out of my fucking car,” he said. 
A mix of hurt and angry tears filled by eyes as I glared at him. “Fuck you,” I said shaking my head. 
“Yeah, well, you already did,” he smirked over to me. 
Alex’s POV
    Y/N grabbed her purse and got out of the car. She slammed the door shut and floored the gas pedal, leaving her behind. The tears I had been holding back finally fell down my face as I drove to the barracks. She was right. God, she was right. I wanted nothing more than to tell her I was sorry and I was just being a dick. 
But I couldn’t because I had to hurt her. I had to make her hate me so she’d forget about me. When I arrived at the barracks, I only had about an hour before the train was set to leave. I already had my belongings packed and ready to go, all I had to do was change into my uniform. Before I got out of the car, I wiped away any evidence of my tears from my face. I grabbed my jacket from the seat and noticed was underneath it. 
I picked it up and carried it with me inside. I got changed and got my bag before heading to the train station with the rest of my unit. Once we got on the train, I went straight to my seat. I reached into the inside pocket of my uniform jacket and pulled out the pearl hairpin that was hidden under my jacket in the car. 
Y/N’s pearl hairpin she wore on our first date and countless of times after that including last night when I touched her for the first and last time. I ran my fingers over the tiny pearls and held back my tears as the train pushed forward into enemy territory. 
**Please, don’t hate me. Lol
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sleepyverstappens · 7 years
Dancing Through Life (9/?)
Title: Dancing Through Life
Pairing: Aaron Dingle/Robert Sugden
Rating: M
Warnings (New warnings in italics): Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Non-Graphic Violence, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Panic Attack(s), Coming Out
Summary:  Two boys, stuck in a small village in the Yorkshire Dales, until they found their unlikely way out, through ballet and each other.
A/N:  Surprise! I found some stuff I had written in a notebook a while ago and actually managed to finish a chapter already :D! It's a quite dialogue heavy one, but I hope you all like it :) (Also this is from Aaron’s POV again, it just worked out liked that, will probably be back to switching between them in the next chapter).
(Read on AO3)
(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8)
Chapter 9:
He heard the murmur of people in the theatre get louder and louder as he walked down the stairs towards the backstage area. He crossed the sign that told them the audience would be able to hear them from there on and finally found himself stage left. Nervous energy was running through his body as he caught a glimpse of the people finding their seats. This was only his 3rd show as a principle and it was his first original work. He knew his mum would be somewhere in the crowd of people, orchestra, row five, seat 16, to be precise, he had gotten her a seat smack-dab in the middle. Cain would probably be sitting next to her along with Lisa and Belle. Marlon, Charity and April were somewhere else in the theatre as he had only been able to reserve four tickets.
Cain had most likely been pressured by his mum to come along, his uncle still not the biggest fan of ballet, but he would do anything for his sister and his nephew. Lisa and Belle had come to love ballet and had been to most of his shows over the years. Marlon was only there because April had begged him, saying she was old enough to go and see Aaron perform now. And Charity was probably only there to get out of her shift of the Woolpack. Whatever their reason was for coming, Aaron appreciated it a lot, it was always great to share the high from an opening night performance with his family afterwards. He wondered how Robert must feel right now, no family there to support him.
Speaking of Robert, he caught his gaze briefly as Robert made his way over to the other side of the stage where he would enter. Yesterday’s events had played through Aaron’s mind all day long, not the best preparation for opening night but he had clearly been able to hide it better than Robert, as the other man had been called out more than once during the day. They hadn’t really spoken throughout the day, both trying to keep focussed on getting everything right for opening night.
He heard the opening notes ring through the theatre and looked over as Ruby entered the stage from the coulisse next to him. She danced her opening scene and one by one the other dancers entered the stage until it was only Aaron and Robert left backstage. He looked over to the other side of the stage and found Robert’s eyes focussed on him, with a small nod he acknowledged him. Robert nodded back and then they both entered the stage.
Aaron forgot about everything else around him and was fully focussed on dancing his heart out. Movements flowing from him as he danced the first pas de deux with Ruby, eyes focussed on the woman in his arms as he lifted her up easily and spun her in a pirouette. Then smirking over at Robert’s Etienne as he dipped her right in front of him. The characters’ battle for her hand had started.
A roaring applause burst through his bubble as they finished their pas de deux and he left the stage for Robert’s scene and pas de deux with Ruby. He had a few minutes to catch his breath before he was right back in another intense scene. Time seemed to fly as all of a sudden it was time for his and Robert’s duet. They looked at each other from opposite ends of the stage, reminiscent of the start of the show, and with another mutual nod they ran onto the stage and jumped up, both of them forming a perfectly timed jeté. He grabbed Robert’s arm and twisted him around and into his body, hands wrapping around his waist as he lifted him up high, eyes focussed on each other the whole time. Sparks were flying between them as Aaron lowered Robert back to the floor. Their hands lingered slightly as Etienne twisted away from Antoine in defiance, before both of their character started a petit allegro.
As they ended their quick movements their characters tried to one up each other by performing more and more complicated movements, until finally they burst and Aaron’s lift was coming up. Antoine made out to move away from Etienne, but then twisted around with a turn in the air before ‘launching’ himself at the other man in anger. Aaron runs up to Robert and feels the other man’s hands wrap around his hips as Robert lifts him up, turns around with the momentum before pushing him off again. Antoine seems to have lost the battle and applause rings through the opera house as Etienne dances victoriously, but then out of nowhere Antoine comes back and Etienne’s victorious sissonne clashes with Antoine’s aggressive sissonne and both of their characters are knocked down.
As Aaron and Robert fall down, Ruby’s Mathilde runs back onto the stage to see both of her suitors dead. She caresses both of them in a mournful dance, before being joined by the other female dancers in a synchronised dance as she stands strong while Aaron and Robert get dragged off stage by Adam and Alex.
Ruby finishes off with an impressive pirouette another loud roar of applause is reverberated throughout the Royal Opera House. Adrenaline rushes through his body as Robert and him run back onto stage to take their bows. Both of them grab one of Ruby’s hands as all three of them bow, before Ruby steps forward to take her own. People are standing and the applause seems deafening; and Aaron can’t seem to wipe the grin of his face as he takes in his surroundings.
A great opening night.
“Mate, have you read this?” Adam asked as he walks into their kitchen holding a newspaper. He must have gone out to get it, as they don’t normally get papers.
“The review of the show,” Adam said as he shoves the newspaper into his hands.
“Brilliantly mesmerizing new Royal Ballet original.” The headline reads.
It talks about the basic premise of the story and praises Ruby’s performance, but the next line mentions him and Robert.
“The male competitors, while showing their skills to impress Mathilde, played by female lead Ruby Rosenthal, seem to actually have more sexual tension with each other than the female lead.”
Aaron huffs, “What are they on about?”
“Mate, it’s true though. It’s like there’s an invisible thread that you each keep pulling on, but you never seem to be able to get to each other.”
“Since when are you all metaphorical?” Aaron asks his best friend. Adam is great, but not always the smartest and hearing him spout some random metaphorical shit is confusing.
“I’m not, read the rest of the article.”
He reads the rest of the article, it mentions the bit that Adam had spouted at him. The writer wondering if this apparent sexual tension between the male leads is intentional or not. It then goes on to talk about the rest of the show and the other company dancers, before ending with the details of where to find tickets for the show.
The article gets him thinking. If even complete strangers could see what was going on between them, then why were they still playing this game?
Aaron wanted him, the two kisses they had shared had already left him wanting more, but then the itch should’ve been gone after their escapades the other day; it wasn’t gone, if anything his body craved more. He also knew Robert was right. Getting involved would complicate things at work. Especially now that they were in the same show and in these roles that shared so many scenes. Was Aaron willing to risk the fragile working relationship they had managed to build over the last few weeks?
“My sister is coming to the show today,” Robert said a few days after opening night. They hadn’t mentioned what had happened the day before opening night, but they hadn’t gone back to avoiding each other either, so Aaron considered it progress.
“That’s nice, right?” Aaron said with a smile, it always felt great to have family in the audience, he assumed Robert felt the same.
“Yes, it’s great. She would’ve come on opening night, but she couldn’t get out of work.”
“Ah, that sucks. What does she do?”
“She’s a cook in a pub,” Robert said with a frown.
“Not what you had in mind for her?” Aaron questioned.
“No, she’s way too good to be stuck in a village pub cooking grub for the local boozers. I’ve been trying to convince her to apply to a culinary school over here for ages now. I think she’s about to finally give in, now that I’m back in London, and she’s been moaning about her colleagues a lot lately.”
“It’s nice that you look after her like that,” Aaron replied.
“Yeah, well, I missed too much of her growing up already, guess I’m trying to make up for that still,” Robert sighs with a wary look on his face that intrigues Aaron.
“Why is that?”
“It’s complicated,” Robert replied too quickly, like it has become a rehearsed answer.
“Try me?”
“It wasn’t by choice. After my mum died… stuff… happened and I didn’t see her anymore, not until 7 years later when my dad died. She’s been coming to my shows ever since though, even came to Paris a bunch of times and we were able to forge a pretty great bond over the years.”
“Well, you should invite her backstage, introduce her to everyone,” Aaron responded, though his mind was racing with this new information. What was the ‘stuff’ that had happened all those years ago? Why hadn’t he seen his family for years? He had a feeling it was something to do with his father. Robert really didn’t like talking about him, but he didn’t want to push the other man. Knew he wouldn’t want people pushing him to talk about his. If Robert wanted to tell him he would, eventually.  
“Victoria?” Aaron asked as Robert was about to introduce them.
“Aaron, hey.”
“Wait, you’re Robert’s sister?”
“Duh, you hadn’t made the connection yet? Sugden?
“Yeah, well there’s bound to be more Sugdens around than just your lot,” Aaron shrugged.
“What about all the times I mentioned going to London to see my brother called Robert perform,” Victoria chuckled.
“Wait, you two know each other already?” Robert asked, confused by the conversation going on in front of him.
“Why’d you never say you’re from Emmerdale?” was the response he got from Aaron instead.
“Hang on, you never did either!”
“Oh boys, you’re both as thick as each other,” Victoria said shaking her head. “With you both in the same show, I’d assumed you knew.”
“Okay, so how exactly do you know each other?” Robert asked again.
“Emmerdale is a tiny village, everyone knows everyone. Don’t tell me you’d forgotten about that. And well she works in me mum’s pub.”
“Well, I haven’t really been back since I was 21 and then before that I hadn’t been back since I was 14,” Robert shrugged.
He sees Vic give Aaron a don’t ask look, which he’s grateful for. Though he assumed Aaron would be able to connect some of the dots after their talk about his parents.
“Wait, so you couldn’t come to opening night because my family was coming?” Aaron interrupted his train of thought.
“Yeah, they should really get some more non-Dingle staff at the Woolie! I was stuck working the bar and kitchen on my own until Bob was done at the caf! Anyway, now that we’re all caught up, let’s hit the town eh.”
“Vic, come on it’s the middle of the week, we’ve got a full day of work tomorrow,” Robert groaned, his body was already starting to ache now that the adrenaline boost from the performance was wearing off.
“Oh come on Robert! It’s one night, I’m sure you’ll be alright you old sod,” Vic said grinning broadly at her brother. “You coming with Aaron?”
“Yeah alright then, don’t want to be called old now do I? Is it okay if I ask Adam along as well?”
“Sure, the more the merrier. See Robert, Aaron’s coming.”
“Okay, okay, stop pestering me already,” Robert whined, but a smile starts pulling at his lips.
They had found their way to a pub not that far from the theatre, none of them feeling up to getting a taxi somewhere further away. The pub’s bustling around them, but not over crowded. It reminds Aaron of the Woolpack in a way, some obvious regulars are propped up at the bar. The booths filled with people nursing pints, some shoving handfuls of prawn cocktail crisps into their mouths as they chat amicably. There’s a more even mix of regulars and outsiders than there ever is in the Woolpack, but then they are in London after all. A young couple sits in the booth next to them, speaking a language he can’t really make out; a group of men with American accents are laughing loudly over at the booth in the corner, clearly having already downed a few. But it’s nice, easy, letting his sore muscles relax in the worn down leather from the booth they had managed to snag.
Adam and Vic had hit it off pretty quick and were now lost in their own world, leaving Aaron and Robert to entertain themselves.
“So why didn’t you tell me about her before?” Aaron asked.
“Well, I told you I had a sister didn’t I. Didn’t really think you’d know her, so why bother? And you never asked either,” Robert shrugged.
“Fair. Why’d you tell me about her coming today though?”
“Ever heard of making conversation, you know what we’re doing now,” Robert grinned. “Nah, I told you she couldn’t come opening night didn’t I, so I guess I wanted to tell you. Wanted to tell someone and as you may have noticed I don’t really have any other friends here yet. Not in the company at least and most of my old friends have moved to other places by now.” Robert seemed to hesitated slightly on the word friend, was that what they were?
“Right, so I was your only option?”
“Well, we had at least talked before,” Robert smirked, insinuation clear.
Aaron blushed slightly, mind all too eager to bring what had happened in the rehearsal room a few days ago back up to the forefront of his mind. He tried to ignore the insinuation though, in favour of questioning Robert some more; he wanted to find out more about him.  
“So, why’d you come back to London if most of your friends have gone?”
“Like I said, London is my home. I guess I’m just a sentimental fool like that…” Robert said wistfully.
“Emmerdale not home to you anymore then?”      
Robert just shook his head. “As I mentioned before, I haven’t been back there in 10 years. And that was only for two days, I hadn’t been back for 7 years before that.” Robert said, still avoiding the reason why he hadn’t been back there in so long. “It is to you?”
Aaron thought about that for a while. His family was back in Emmerdale, but it hadn’t really been his real home in a long time. Which is what he told Robert. The other man nodded.
“So, you go back there often?” Robert asked, turning the questions back on him.
“Hmm, not as often as I like. My mum comes down to London often enough, but I still miss her a lot. And the rest of ‘em only come down here every so often, opening nights mostly. So whenever I get the chance to make the trip up there I do. Wouldn’t dream of living back there full time though, much prefer the city life.”
“No gossiping old ladies, amiright,” Robert chuckled.
They talked some more about Emmerdale, but eventually the conversation diverged to other topics. They didn’t even talk about ballet, the conversation flowing easily without the need to fall back on that common ground.
Aaron saw Robert trying to stifle a yawn; feeling a yawn of his own start in response. He glanced over at the clock by the bar, it was almost midnight, the pub would be closing soon; it already being open later than most.
“We should probably head home, about to get kicked out anyway,” Aaron said. They were the only people left apart from the lone stranger sat at the bar that had just downed the last of his pint, and the bartender who was beginning to give them more and more dirty looks, clearly eager to close up.
“Yeah, let’s go. We can walk together, what way is your place?” Victoria asked.
Aaron told her which street him and Adam lived on and they found out that they lived only a few streets away from Robert, so they could walk a fair bit together.
Adam and Victoria walked a few steps in front of them, still chatting along easily even though they hadn’t stopped to catch their breath all night. Robert and him walked together quietly, happy to let the noises of the city be their soundtrack. Their shoulders brushed lightly every so often with how close they had ended up walking, sending a shiver down his spine every time. He could see his and Adam’s house dooming up all too soon and found himself slowing down his steps, not ready to say goodbye to Robert yet. They had both opened up more in the few hours in that pub than they had in the almost 2 months that they had been working together and he couldn’t help but want to know more.
“Oi Aaron lad, you coming or what?” Adam called out to them, already at their front door.
“Well this is me…” Aaron murmured.
“Right. See you tomorrow then?” Robert said softly, eyes roaming over Aaron’s face as if to take him in just once more. His hair was all floppy, falling over his forehead, having dried naturally after his post show shower; cheeks slightly red from the cold wind. He looked slightly sleepy and so much younger, and it made Aaron feel all soft inside.  
“Yeah,” he sighed. And then all of a sudden lips were pressing against his cheek, gone all too soon again, but they left a his cheek tingling. A slight blush creeped up his neck as Robert hurried away, grabbing his sisters hand as if to get away as quickly as possible.
“Mate, you’ve got it bad,” Adam said all of a sudden, he hadn’t even notices his best friend walking up to him.
“Shut up,” Aaron huffed, quickly drawing the hand that was pressed against his cheek away, when had that happened?
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