#i would like to know if i can romance krem i just wanna romance krem
vigilskeep · 6 months
Hii <3 I was the bethy anon ! Don't wanna spam too much , but i do tend to ramble when it comes to my favorite birdie tbh ... Oh but i was wondering what do you think her "canon" (canon in quotes bc always picture both twins living) choices after being made Inquisitor would look like ?? I know she believes in the maker , but would she believe she's truly Andraste's chosen ?? oooo other biggie i always think about is her top contenders for romantic interests !! I'd love to see her interactions with Sera, omg or Krem ?!
Thanks again for your time :) Hope you're havin a lovely day ! !
my stance towards bethany believing she’s andraste’s chosen is less would she and more how could i push her to that point, because i think a little religious delusion can really only improve her whole vibe. i don’t think she would necessarily jump right to claiming it—far too self-conscious, for one thing—but i don’t think it would be that hard to make her believe it, either, because bethany loves a good Narrative, and believing her gifts are from the maker is really important to her. is getting one more power from him really so hard to believe?
i’m most familiar with circle mage bethany, who would free the mages. i think she would probably keep celene on the throne, and i wouldn’t be surprised if she exiled the wardens. what are the other choices in this game i can’t remember
i’d be rlly fascinated to see bethany and sera’s relationship but i don’t know if it would work romantically. they both try so hard to be what the other is desperately trying not to be and do not take well to people picking at their pretences. my first choices for bethy to romance someone would be josephine (bethany loves fairytale romance. and rich people), blackwall (in the instance she lets being called a lady go to her head), or, as a bit of a wild card, the iron bull (bethany does not trust the qunari but her curiosity always gets the better of her and honestly i just want to see what happens with these two in a room). i’m also up for bethany/leliana and bethany/morrigan but really we could be here all day
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berrymeter · 4 years
anyway so....... still no da4 info huh
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inquisitorvihannon · 3 years
It would be cool if in Inquisition they had just idk made most of the love interests bi and removed race restrictions unless their sexuality or preference was actually a part of their character (Ie: Dorian being gay is an important part of his backstory, Solas preferring only elves makes sense because of who he is) because like why did Blackwall have to be hetero? Why should I not be able to romance this wonderful bear while playing a male inquisitor? My same annoyances extend to Cullen and Cassandra. As far as I know being hetero isn’t integral to their character so? I just think it would be nice for everybody to have more options for an LI. I’m not saying every single LI should be bi, I just wish that there weren’t so many restrictions for the romances. 
Also, I think it’s absolutely criminal how few options there tend to be. I am literally begging Bioware to let me fucking romance Varric. Like. Please. Why couldn’t Krem have been an option? What I would’ve given for Leliana to be romanceable in Inquisition too. I have such a list of people I think you should’ve been able to romance, including Vivienne, Stroud (if he’s there), and Michel de Chevin. Hell, I don’t think it should even be limited to just relatively major NPCs.
Y’know who could’ve had a hell of a romance story if she’d been given the opportunity? Judith, the cool woods lady from Crestwood. She was awesome, and there could’ve been a great story between her and this weird dirty Maker-sent dumbass that showed up on her front porch one day, who proceeded to kill a dragon in her backyard. You can’t tell me she wouldn’t have fucking killed it as an Inquisition scout. 
I bet Knight Captain Rylen could’ve had a pretty nifty romance story too. Or maybe some of the named NPCs from Haven. Like you rescue them and instead of saying 3 words and then ignoring you once you get to Skyhold you can actually talk to them and their characters get developed. 
There are genuinely so many opportunities for awesome romance paths in Inquisition and Bioware just kinda passed them all over. Actually it doesn’t even necessarily have to be a romance either, like even if you didn’t wanna romance Judith the woods lady, why couldn’t you actually chat with her more? She’s cool, she would’ve been cooler if you could properly befriend her. 
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anemeraldknight · 3 years
About Duke Cadash, part 2
okay so I know that this is supposed to be like an ask thing from here! butI only have like 3 followers on here, I just finished my second playthrough of Inquisition and I really really wanna talk about my Inquisitor :’)) so we’re doing this
what is your inquisitor’s name & race? - Duke Cadash, surface dwarf
what is their sexual orientation? - bisexual <3
what do they look like? (add screenshots, drawings, descriptions!) - he's a freckly ginger and has bright blue eyes, a very well groomed beard (he at least tries to redo the braids every morning), undercut on on the left side of his head but otherwise longish hair, scarring underneath his right eye and between his brows; he's like muscular and thick at the same time, I don't know a good word for it? but yea :) he's prettyy
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how did they feel about being called “the herald of andraste”? - he uses it to his advantage. he doesn't outright deny it to people he doesn't really trust, only those closest to him know his real stance on it. he just takes being called the Herald in stride, doesn't hate it but isn't the biggest fan either
what are their religious beliefs, if they have any? - believes in the Stone because his parents had been cast out from Orzammar and they passed on their beliefs to him as well. he's not super into it though, more like a casual believer.
what is their opinion on the mage/templar war? - supports the mages and even though he can get along with templars if necessary, he often calls them out for their prejudices and bullshit. he believes that the war was inevitable and kind of necessary as well because in his eyes big change usually comes by, sadly, using harsher tactics.
who is your inquisitor’s best friend? - he was suuper close with Blackwall in the beginning because their humor was pretty similar, he was one of the first people he recruited on his own, and they're both pretty close in terms of age as well. however, as Duke grew closer to Dorian, they became best friends instead (and then eventually lovers). I'd say his real best friend is either Cassandra or Solas? because even though he disagrees with both of them quite a lot, they still somehow manage to get on pretty well <33 and they both have been there from the very beginning of this entire journey!! so it makes sense :) also, Duke is suuuuuper loyal, so when he found out about Blackwall :)) he fucking flipped and completely shunned him and never again took him into his party.
who is their rival? - uhhh among the companions? I don't think he really has one...
who is their love interest, if they chose one? do you ship them with anyone else/non-romanceable options? - DORIAN!! <333
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warrior, rogue, or mage? - rogue, archer
how do they feel about the dalish? - he feels for them and wants to support them and work together as much as possible. he can see that a lot of them seem arrogant and standoffish on the outside, but he gets why that is, so he just lets them be and tries to work with it.
how do they feel about the qun? - he does not like the qun, to him it seems like a cult. he can also see many similarities between it and the chantry so.
how do they feel about the chantry? - he doesn't like the chantry BUT he does not shun them out loud because he knows that having them support him makes him look good to those who believe in Andraste and such, but also he doesn't wanna take away hope from those who find it in him during such a difficult time (even though he doesn't believe he's chosen in any way)
which demon is most frightening to them? - definitely the nightmare. Duke doesn’t get rattled very easily but that whole thing managed to get underneath his skin. plus! he’s incredibly scared of spiders and the nightmare created to many of them to freak him out, so the entire fade thingy was very hard on my poor Master Cadash :((
did they choose the qun or the chargers in iron bull’s personal quest? why? - the chargers. he didn’t trust the whole thing from the beginning and basically went along with it because he wanted to support the Iron Bull and because he could feel that something fishy was going on. also, even before the whole thing Duke got along with Krem really well, because he has this habit of taking younger people under his wing (exhibit A: Cole) so that’s also what kinda happened with Krem. ALSO! another thing is that Duke id very much against sacrificing lives in order to get something, so even if he hadn’t cared about any of the chargers personally, it would’ve just went against everything he stood for.
when are they the happiest? - when he's exploring the wilderness with his party, probably picking elfroot or iron lol
how do they feel about the mark/the anchor? - it doesn’t really cause him very much pain so he sees it mostly as something  that’s just there and helps him deal with this whole mess.
upon first meeting cole, were they afraid of him? - not really? he could tell that he was different but Thedas is full of so much surreal and nonsensical shit that this kid who acts a bit outside of the established rules of the society didn't really faze him. when he first met Cole during the attack on Haven, his first reaction was that “why is this young kid out here??? get him to safety!!!!” but yknow in a way where he could still see that Cole was perfectly capable of pulling his own weight, Duke just worries.
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did they use the templars or the mages to close the breach? - mages
what was their court approval like at the winter palace? did they have any fun at all? - the only things that Duke liked during the whole charade was seeing Josephine and Leliana enjoying the whole thing AND getting to dance with Dorian. he got 100 court approval but he hated that everybody kept shitting on him for being a dwarf etc. also dealing with Gaspard, Celene, and Breala was frecking frustrating.
someone is encroaching on their love interest. how do they respond? - idk how to answer this. he knows that Dorian can handle himself but if the situation requires his help then he will get supper angry and protective
what is their favourite weapon? - Duke’s Bayard!! :D this really great bow that he got made
are there any creatures in the wild that they refuse to/are reluctant to kill? why? - nugs because to him they look like a rabbit and an old wrinkly man merged into one. so yea, no. he also doesn’t like killing dragons. the only proper dragon he and his party ever killed was the big one in the hinterlands but Duke didn't feel right about it afterwards so he never went after another again
what is their opinion on blood magic? would they ever use it, if given the chance? - to him blood magic is just a type of magic really but I don't think he'd use it if he were able to
what is their favourite place within playable regions? - interestingly, the hinterlands. it's because he grew up in fereldan is used to that kind of nature
did they feel suspicious of dorian upon first meeting him, because of his tevinter heritage? - a bit, yes, but it quickly faded
as a whole, how do they feel about tevinter + the imperium? - he hates the whole slavery business that they've got going on over there but Dorian manages to convince him that the imperium could be changed so he has hope for it. he doesn't blindly hate every vint he meets.
did they encourage cullen to continue taking lyrium, or to stop? for what reasons? - to stop because even though he’s not very close to Cullen and he has his issues with him, he didn't want him to be dependent of lyrium in order to work to the best of his abilities. because Cullen is in charge of such a huge part of the Inquisition, he needs him to be dependable
does it bother them to sleep in tents when on the road with the inquisition? - nope! Duke loves tracking and yknow finding and looking for stuff out in the wilds so he’s used to that sort of thing since he grew up in a naturey place. he had to spend a lot of nights in similar situations while he was part of the Carta too
are they an optimist, a pessimist, or neutral? - i guess something between an optimist and a neutral? I guess you could call him an optimistic realist. he rarely veers towards pessimism
if varric wrote a book about your inquisitor, how would they feel about that? - he would actively encourage it because it would be fucking hilarious to read
do they get along with vivienne? - nope, he doesn’t even recruit her.
are they afraid of anything specifically? - spiders
what was their reaction to the destruction of haven?
how do they feel about “the game”? - a bunch of nugcrap
are they especially protective of certain inquisition members, even those capable of defending themselves? - even though he knows that all three of them can take care of themselves and he trusts them to do so, he still worries about them the most. Cole, Krem , and scout Harding.
do they like their skyhold pajamas? - he hates the pajamas. but the outfits that he usually wears look superrr fly so he doesn’t mind those one bit
are there any insults they find to be especially offensive? (i.e. “knife ear”/”rabbit” for elves, “oxmen” for qunari, ect.) - I am not sure what insults a dwarf would get in terms of specific words. the fact that people keep making comments about the Inquisitor surprisingly being a dwarf does annoy him though
if varric gave them a nickname, what would it be? - either cherry because of his red hair OR the Archduke :P
do they enjoy being the inquisitor? - yes!! at the beginning, he's more wary of it, which of course makes sense, but even then he's just ready to take on the role of the leader because no one else will do it and he does have the mark so it makes sense for him to do it. as time moves on he grows to really like it! he makes a great leader and he knows it.
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lilsoutherncuss · 4 years
Porn* for a cause?
Hey y’all. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware that America is rife with protests and police brutality, especially in June 2020. I’m not a political blogger so I won’t go into what it’s all about, but I continue to philosophically support BLM (not tagging it since I am not black and don’t want to clutter the tag) and thought I’d put some money where my mouth is. My money, your money, our money. Click the readmore for my shameless advertisement. Reblargh to signal boost, please?
*I also write non-porn things I’m just aware of My Brand I guess.
If you like my writing (link goes to my AO3 if you’re unfamiliar with my work), now’s your chance to commission some more of it (I have literally never done commissions so please forgive me if I am explaining poorly). At a rate of one American penny per word I will write you a thing. I will also match your donation penny-for-penny up to $50 per commission, and some finite value of total commissions, TBD later. Recommend if you wanna get double the impact, you commish early.
What I will write for money: slash, porn (explicit or otherwise depending on your tastes), kinky shit (we could be here all day if I list the kinks I write but just ask for what you want and I won’t hold it against you, pinky promise), dub or noncon, consensual nonconsent, xeno- or teratophilia (alien or monster-fucking), gen/fluff, romance of all stripes, hurt/comfort is negotiable, modern AUs and/or fusions with other fandoms are fine but crossovers may be stared at very hard for a long time to try and determine how they would work. I will consider prompts for extensions/sequels of my existing works but make no promises: sometimes, the muse, she is fickle.
What I will not write for money: cishet sex, whump/angst (I am depressed enough already), fandoms I’m unfamiliar with (note: just because I haven’t written it yet doesn’t mean I’m unfamiliar - go ahead and ask), characters I don’t ship at all (so like...M!Lavellan/Dorian fans, sorry but that’s not me), ships that ignore a character’s canon non-heterosexual orientation (F!Lavellan/Dorian fans, that would be you. F!Lavellan/Bull is okay because Bull is pan, Dorian/Cullen is fine because Cullen is canonically straight but they’re both guys and if you’re here I hope I don’t have to explain to you why slashing a straight character is fine but hetero’ing a gay one is not), fics that invalidate trans characters’ identity (Krem is a man, a dude, a guy, need I go on?), kinks that are squicks or triggers for me (again, feel free to ask for what you want, just know that I’ll tell you if it doesn’t work for me).
I reserve the right to refuse any prompt, but I will let you know why it was rejected, in the hopes we can come up with something that works for us both. Payments through paypal, donation will be made once fic is complete and price is agreed upon and paid in full.
I know enough about myself to know I am bad at estimating, but I’ll keep in touch with you about how the commission is progressing and we’ll work to a goal that you and I are satisfied with in terms of cost, time elapsed, and length.
Shoot me a message of some kind (reblog, tumblr PM, ask, w/e) if you’re interested and I’ll PM you my email if you want more a detailed estimate.
Due to AO3′s (very sensible and much appreciated!) legal constraints, this fic will be posted as a “gift” to the commissioning individual. Please do not refer to it as a commission anywhere on AO3′s site or we might run into legal trouble.
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tiadres · 4 years
7, 12, 41, 61 and 72 (rather than "did you see it", more like "please give your opinion on it" :'D) for the DA questions thing!!
7. Favorite DA:O backstory?
Each of them is very interesting in their own way but since I’m mage trash I’ll have to go with the Magi origin ^^” I like the idea of a character who has lived a sheltered yet very controlled life, surrounded with all the books they could ask for yet wondering what the actual world beyond the boundaries of the Circle is like... Now I made it sound like some princess in a tower-thing lol but there is of course the darker side to the matter; the templars, the Harrowing, the Rite of Tranquility, all the scary things that keep the mages on their toes even if the Fereldan Circle is one of the better ones. Having been born a mage you have amazing powers at your disposal yet you’re constantly told how dangerous you are and what happens to you if you don’t live by the rules. So you’re living in a gilded cage, and then you’re suddenly setting out into the world as a Grey Warden recruit.
Also I really like Jowan and I wish he had been a companion to be recruited :3
12. Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most?
I love how different the games are, each giving us a different protagonist and setting, and they are all awesome in my opinion. My favorite one is DA2... I can hear @dragonageoutlet voice in my head sarcastically saying “yeah I WONDER why Dragon Age 2 is your favorite”, it’s something he said in a conversation we had with a friend we’ve tried to convince to get into Dragon Age :-D Asides from my obvious fondness for a certain sewer apostate, I really like Hawke as a protagonist and that you spend several years in same city, witnessing what happens to it over the course of years. I like that Hawke has a family and all the bad things that happen to them really makes me feel things, and similarly I love Hawke’s companions who have their own lives in the city but have meaningful bond to Hawke. Basically they hang out with you because they’re your friend, and sometimes you might disagree on things and even argue, but at the end of the day they will be there for you. DA2 has its issues and it would have greatly benefited from a longer production time, but I think overall it has a certain atmosphere that really gets me.
41. Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game?
Alistair, Anders and Cullen.
61. Favorite NPC?
I’m assuming this means out of those who are not companions nor advisors. There’s Krem of course, and I already mentioned Jowan, and Lace Harding, Dagna... And I’m pretty sure my tired brain is forgetting someone important but the point is, there are so many awesome characters it’s hard to pick just one!
If I absolutely have to make a choice, I feel like going with Lace today. Such a sweet girl, one whose romance I wanna test out even if it’s not as full-fledged as the other options.
72. Did you see Dawn of the Seeker?
As you know I have indeed seen it, and it was definitely... something ^^” The animation seemed cheap and clumsy and took me some time to get used to, and I felt like the movie had lots of stuff that is inconsistent with lore/timeline or otherwise seemed silly/illogical. And for a story that focuses so much on mages, one would hope that you’d have enough budget to actually show some spellcasting. So yeah, I don’t think it’s a very good film.
On the bright side, young anime Cassandra is really cute and does some cool fighting, and I really liked Regalyan. I’m thinking it might be fun to rewatch the movie with some friends and have a drinking game about the crappy Finnish subtitles since before I turned them off I saw some hilariously horrible translations... “Andrasten säätiö” will forever haunt me lol
Thanks for asking! c: 
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dragonagecompanions · 6 years
How would the companions/advisors, Romanced and non-romanced (+Krem, if possible because I just wanna kiss my Krem-puff! DANG IT BIOWARE!) react to a Quizzy who sleeps sprawled out like a starfish... until someone gets close, at which point, they grab whoever it is, and pull them into a tight hug, refusing to let go and only loosening their grip when the person they’ve grabbed realizes that resistance is futile, and accepts their fate.
The Iron Bull actively encourages the snuggle. Sleeping alone has been almost strange since leaving Haven, as he’s always been used to the company of the Chargers on the road, and before that his unit among the Ben-Hassrath on Seheron. He holds his Kadan just as tightly as they do, taking solace that whatever else happens, whatever else he is now, this is real.
Blackwall finds out one unfortunate night that his new lover has a penchant for smacking him in the face. He’s grown used to sneaking into bed, curling up on the very edge of the bed so they’re comfortable and sighs with a soft good natured smile as he’s left up half the night. He doesn’t mind keeping watch, and every once in a while, it’s worth it when he gets to close to be held, even if it’s a bit too tight. He kisses the Inquisitors forehead as they sleep, grateful as ever to be so blessed as to have them at all. A little uncomfortable sleep is nothing compared to his beloveds early morning and well rested smile.
Dorian tosses and turns with a nasty habit of hogging the blankets and so he and the Inquisitor find themselves at odds. All bets are off when they both go to sleep, and it’s always a gamble if they’ll end up with one of them on the floor or a mangled mess of limbs come morning. Either way, no matter who asserts dominance of the bed that night, they both wake up happy and content to see one another’s face.
You could mistake Sera for having no bones in her body at all as she molds around her lover like a content alleycat. She has no qualms about being knocked around as she’s sure she too gives a few good kicks in the night to her woman. Inevitably at some point her girl gets a hold of her and she’s squeezed in a death grip cuddle, an occasional twitch here and there and they both end up with knocks and bruises but all is forgiven in the morning.
Cullen has trouble sleeping at all, and usually works long into the night unless his Inquisitor practically drags him to bed. When they’re alone, he’s seen them stretch to fill the entire bed and he can’t imagine how they manage it really they’re so much tinier than him. He’s usually content to keep watch over them, falling asleep at his desk and tucking them in. But on the rare nights he’s pulled into bed, he gets around the bed hogging by pulling them into a tight cuddle of his own and they seem to settle down. He won’t admit it but he likes those nights best, and it makes the burning of the lyrium in his veins more manageable.
Cassandra doesn’t give her lover time to take up the bed or clutch into her and doesn’t believe former tent mates when they claim the Inquisitor is an awful bedfellow. Since their first tentative night together she’s gotten in the habit of expectantly waiting for him to come to bed and immediately attaches to him, tucking her head under his chin and wrapping her arms around his waist, forcing him to adjust the pillows just so, in order to keep both of them comfortable. He usually returns the grip right away and they don’t move the rest of the night, waking with sleepy grins and playing with the others hair each morning.
Solas refuses to share a bed with the Inquisitor. Dreamer they may be but their body is hardly ever still at night, and suffocating others. Instead, he doses in the chaise next to the bed, his hand reaching over to lightly hold theirs hanging off the side as they spend all night walking the Fade together in comfort and adoration. When he leaves, he finds it more difficult to fall asleep than in any century before, and finds himself staring at his cold hand, grasping out for the warmth of his vhenan.
Josephine, at first, finds it awkward but endearing that the Inquisitor simply flops into bed and falls asleep immediately splayed out like that. She understands, of course, how very tired they are and end up getting relaxing candles, heated oils and the fluffiest of pillows to mound upon their bed to help their Inquisitor settle better. After a while she figures out the best method is to simply tuck herself into their side and become another pillow for them to snuggle, though she has to playfully fuss come morning when her Inquisitor won’t let her leave to start her early day and groans in protest as she kisses their temple and leaves.
Krem is a very deep sleeper. He’s had to be, not only was Tevene a cramped place with his family on top of one another at all times, the Chargers dont leave much room in their tents either, but Krem shoves them aside so his Inquisitor can find their place among them. Usually he’s on the bottom of the pile, snoring and splayed out as badly as his sweetheart, who’s generally starfished on top of him until they curl up just right. Between the snoring and the pushing away in their sleep the rest of the company demands they go sleep in the Inquisitors quarters. To this day Krem and the Inquisitor don’t know why they’re complaining so bad and find eachother excellent companions, with the bonus of being able to get rowdy anytime they want now that the whole company’s not breathing over their shoulders. Of all the Inquisition, the pair annoyingly gets the best sleep in all of Skyhold.
-Mod Apawstate
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nathans-tales · 7 years
For the salty ask 1, 4, 5, 10
1) What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
I really don’t get Fenris/Anders. Like okay, I understand the appeal of two characters who dislike each other falling in love, but they fucking despise each other. Like, they are always at each other’s throats in the game, to the point where Anders literally approves if you give Fenris back to the guy who fucking enslaved him (but correct me if I’m wrong about that). Like, they can hardly, if ever, be civil with each other, so I just don’t see any positive romance between them. Kind of the same thing with Morrigan/Alistair; they can’t stand each other at all, so that’s not really a ship I can get behind. It just makes me feel gross, personally. I’m sure there’s more I can add to this list but I don’t wanna be ranting forever lol.
4) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Lmfao of course I have NOTPs, I’m a salty bitch. I’ll list a few off the top of my head:
- Blackwall/Josephine. NOT my cup of tea. He’s not the worst person she could be with, but tbh I think she deserves better, idk. I’m biased I guess cause I don’t really like him. Idk if this is a popular OTP, but I think it’s at least kind of popular.
- Cullen/Josephine. NO, GOD NO. Again, I’m biased because I don’t like Cullen but god I’d rather die than think about Cullen/Josie. She deserves better, 100%. Bleh. Please no.
- tbh, anything with Cullen related to Leliana or Josie. Keep him away from them.
- Any women with Dorian or any men with Sera (in that vein, I recently learned that some people ship Krem with Sera based on the fact that he has female genitals and that’s a BIG FUCKING NO FROM ME, YOU TRANSPHOBIC FUCKS)
- any incest or noncon shit (like the Hawke siblings, or Fenris with Danarius)
- I know I must have more NOTPs but I’m currently blanking on the rest
5) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Hhhmmmmm lemme think… I can’t think of any pairings that I used to like that I now don’t like bc of the fandom, so I guess not? I feel like I just kind of stay in my own corner and read what I like and ignore the bad shit. I will say, I’ve read some really unfortunate Leliana/Josephine fics where they’ve horribly mischaracterized Leliana to make her seem like an abusive asshole, and while they didn’t ruin the pairing for me (which would have sucked bc it’s my fave pairing), it did put a bitter taste in my mouth that I had to fix with better fics.
10) Most disliked arc? Why?
Like character arc? I’d probably say Cullen’s, because they kind of force the idea that he’s changed for the better and now has respect for mages and regrets his past behavior, yet he still acts like a dick about mages in Inquisition and never actually apologizes for his past actions. Like idk what he’s like in the mage origins story, but basically from origins through II he’s like ALL MAGES CAN’T BE TRUSTED THEY’RE FUCKING AWFUL AND I’M GONNA THROW YOUR SISTER IN JAIL and then in Inquisition he just expects me to not want to punch him in the dick? No thanks, I’m having my Hawke show up solely to fucking throw you off the battlements, bitch.
and as per your follow up ask:
14) Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
God where to start. Well for starters, the fandom whitewashes characters, the fandom creates and allows straight/bi mods for gay characters, the fandom glorifies every basic white boy character that breathes in the games and ignores the most wonderful and interesting characters the series has to offer.
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maripr · 7 years
So. Your favourite Dragon Age character(s) and ships! And why you like them (if you want). :D
Thank you! /o/This may be long… or not. Depending on my language skills at the moment (it’s 1AM here tho I don’t really wanna go to bed)Let me preface this by saying: I love everyone. There’s probably no companion I truly dislike, even if I have some problems with a few of them (like Alistair. Sorry, Alistair)Anyway, in no particular order:The entire cast of Dragon Age 2. I’m serious. This game grew immensely on me and, though I may still not call it my favorite of the saga (I would say Origins is), it certainly has my favorite story and characters. I don’t know wheter to include Hawke or not, cause they can be characterized however the player wants, but as an archetipe? I fucking love Hawke. Because they embody the tragic Hero of ancient Greece. They’re destined to fail, no matter what they do, because Fate it’s a force not even Gods can’t oppose.Ahem, sorry, my inner classicist geek is getting over me. But, all in all, DA2 has the plot of a greek tragedy.Anyway, back on characters, I would say I love Fenris the most, not only out of DA2 but out of the whole franchise. Something about his story resonated deeply with me and I love his possible recovery, it’s a powerful tale of a man, who was broken in all the ways possible, finding a new place in life and also people to connect with (my personal fav character development for him is him fighting alongside Hawke to defend mages, but I’m biased because the mage ending is my favorite).I repeat I really love everyone in this game, but I should also name Merrill and Anders. Merrill because I find her to be extremely strong despite what everyone (even the fandom, sometimes, thinks of her) and honestly, the fact that she keeps wanting the best for the people who actively antagonize her (Fenris, Anders, I’m looking at you guys) is the kind of ideal I aspire to, in terms of spirituality but also practical life (because grudges only make me feel like shit, lol).And, after some details about blood magic (which I’m an apologist of, because that thing saved my party numerous times in DAO, lmao) and Eluvians in Inquisition, I love the irony that… well, it’s actually debatable on who you ask, but I really think Merrill was right about everything, lol.So I wanna see her back in DA4, so she can see that Eluvians actually work and maybe flip off everyone who ever thought of her like an irresponsible child (she would never flip someone off, because she’s too much of a cutie for that).Now, Anders. Effing Anders. I actually despides him in Awakening, thinking he was only a watered down clone of Alistair, and I was neutral on him in DA2. But then he made the Chantry explode. An action I actually condemn.But that action and his whole reasoning behind it made me fall in love with him because… damn, what a fucking masterpiece of tragic (and he too may be considered tragic as Greek tragedy Tragic now that I think of it) character he is.I’m not keen on the “Anders did nothing wrong” interpretation a big part of the fandom has of him, and I even reblogs some critical meta on him from time to time. But I truly find him grandiose as a character, in a “God, what a beautiful failure of a human being he is” kind on way (no offense to his fans).I just wish his rival romance was better written, orz.Moving on the other games.From Origins, I love Zevran the most. Second fav in the saga. What resonated with him is similar to what made me fall for Fenris, I guess I’m big on Former Slave Discovers Freedom (you’ll also see this with my third fave).Zevran also has this thing of hiding his feelings under a smiley façade that... uugh i really love.From Origins, I also Love Leliana, but I actually think I love her more in Inquisition, because I adore her as the scarred spymaster.Loghain is also a big fav of mine. Guess I love assholes who really believe, in their own fucked up way, they’re doing the right thing (for the record, I dont’ condemn him on his decision of leaving the battle at Ostagar. I am, however, really not ok with him selling elves as slaves).And then there’s Sten, the original husbando. I was so disappotinted when I learned I could not romance him, lmao.From Inquisition, the two that get me the most are Iron Bull and Solas.Iron Bull, I would say, is the third out of my absolute favorites, but Solas at this point may come right after him.Iron Bull was actually the first thing I knew about Dragon Age, so I’ve always been fond of him, lol. Then playing and romancing him made me fall hard. You know, Former Slave, and also a big softie and very inteligent and with hidden depths. I’m so interested in his background as a spy. You usually imagine spies as being small people that don’t realy look interestin, and here’s a giant, bombastic man with a huge pair of horns and an eyepatch. I love it.Solas. Here’s another Tragic character, and another asshole who actually thinks he’s doing the right thing. Bonus points for fixing a huge mistake by making an even bigger mistake. You go, Solas.And also, I’m in love with the fact he’s basically Loki. Love the trickster archetype. Super interesting.Now, this actually got super long. And tumblr is being an idiot and won’t let me do a read more. Apologies to you guys’ dashes. I’ll try to be brief with the ships.So, before Dragon Age, I wasn’t big on OC/Canon characters ships, but DA being a fantasy dating sim, they are a big part of what I ship now. For each OC/Canon Character, I have headcanons that may not fit with the vision some other fan has of that particulas ship, and that’s super interesting to me, I love reading different interpretations. But my headcanons are for another post. Maybe.Anyway, my favorite ships with OCs areZevran/Warden, Leliana/Warden, Loghain/Warden (unromanceable characters never bothered me anyway), Anders/rival!Hawke (I actually found the actual rivalmance a bit underwhelming in terms of writing, so my headcanons about are different), Fenris/friend!Hawke (bonus if Hawke’s a mage, because, again, I’m biased), Merrill/Hawke, Isabela/Hawke, Sebastian/Male!Hawke (also completely based on headcanons), Iron Bull/Inquisitor (bonus if Adaar but also Cadash), Solas/Lavellan (because I’m cliché) and Dorian/Inquisitor.
For NPC/NPC ships my favorite at the moment is Merrill/Fenris and I’m so alone in this, lmao. Everyone out there shipping fenders, which I can’t see at all (no offense) and here I am in my small boat, thinking that Fenris and Merrill are actually somewhat similar and if the huge, HUGE, wall of bloodmagic being the highest on Fenris’ list of triggers for very obious and very reasonable reasons, somehow becomes less evident, Merrill is the one mage outside of mage!Hawke who Fenris could actually trust (y’know, Merrill never once called him a beast - like Anders did). I want to write all the tings but nobody to tell *sob*.Also, Fenris/Isabela. Also, Merrill/Isabela. Also Fenris/Isabela/Merrill. Also, the three of them are my actual “canon” polyship with my main Hawke.Sebastian/Anders I like because of the twisted, and badwrong potential. So is Meredith/Orsino.Cassandra/Varric is another favorite, because I adore how their relationship develops and they would be absolutely the cutest.Then there’s Morrigan/Alistais as sitcom enemies.And last but not least, Krem/Cole. With potential OT3 with Maryden. Phew, I think it’s all of them. Thanks again for asking.
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captain-ezri-dax · 7 years
hope ur fukkin ready for this one babe(i love u and im sorry): inquisition asks for Nova, the good twin
1. Did they suspect his true identity at all? Were they taken by surprise when he revealed himself? - likely suspected a little something was off but didn't expect the full extent, so was surprised ye2. What did they choose to do with him and how did they feel about their choice? Were they guilty about leaving him in cell, if they choose to do so? - would consult with Caim since Caim spends more time with him, but she'd wanna give him to the wardens3. Did their treatment of Blackwall change after discovering who he was? If yes, how so? - was a little more suspicious of him but knew he's sincere in wanting to make up for it, so would let him be4. How close was your inquisitor to Blackwall? What drew your Inquisitor to him or away from him? - not very but didn't dislike him, nothing drew her to or from him they just don't spend a lot of time together 5. Did they remain in contact with him after the events of Trespasser? - vaguely maybe, she'd have him as her contact in the wardens for the inquisition Solas
1. Did your Inquisitor engage Solas academically with questions or were they uninterested in his experiences? - definitely talked about his experiences & got along with him well because of it, she's very interested in the fade & the veil2. Did they agree with his opinions about spirits, that they were friends and trustworthy? If not, what did your inquisitor believe instead? - she didn't at first but her opinion probably changers, especially if her tiny marks let her consciously enter her dreams3. If your inquisitor was told they were “unlike others of their race” by Solas, how did they respond? Were they angry or grateful? - probably pretty pissed tbh, especially bc that's just how she is & how she grew up, and where she grew up made her how she is now? So she is like others of her race 4. Did your Inquisitor think of Solas as Fen’harel or did they continue to think of him as their companion, a friend, if he was one to them, even after discovering who he was? - definitely thought more of him as Fen’harel, especially after learning he has spies in the inquisition 5. What did they choose, stop Solas or attempt to redeem him, and what motivated their choice? Fear? Love? - she’d choose to stop him even if Caim wanted to redeem him, is very afraid & angry & vengeful especially after Caim loses his armSera
1. What did your Inquisitor think about the Red Jenny organization? Did they choose to be apart of it? - I imagine she's probably pretty impressed by it? At the least she's glad that there's someone out there looking out for the little people. Might not be part of it but does lend Sera and other Jennies equipment and shit they might need, tho not officially2. Did your Inquisitor see Sera as troublesome or simply fun-loving? Did they join in for her pranks? - both, honestly. Thought Sera is fun loving but could potentially cause trouble, so she gave her the room in the inn so an inquisition agent is always nearby and if she wants to cause real problems, can be minimised 3. How did your Inquisitor respond to the truth of Sera’s childhood (the cookie scene), if they received it? Did they empathize? - would empathise a little, tho her own experiences are v different & is hard for her to imagine what it felt like4. Did the Inquisitor attempt to stick up for the little people, like Sera, or did they have other goals? If so, what were their other goals? - probably too busy to actively try sticking up for them, but would give Sera resources and do the red Jenny war table missions5. Did your Inquisitor respond well to Sera and seek her company or avoid her? - didn't dislike Sera and certainly would spend time with her, but wouldn't seek her out a lotCole
1. Before Cole’s personal mission, how did your Inquisitor feel about him? Were they comfortable or uncomfortable around him? - pretty comfortable around him, tho some of his comments would definitely make her uneasy, especially if it's about magic 2. What did your Inquisitor think of Cole’s ability to see into people’s thoughts? - probably creeped her out quite a lot, would think dumb things to see if Cole would respond to it3. Was Cole made more human or more spirit and why did your Inquisitor choose what they did? - more human probably, both bc she was interested in what would happen & believed it'd be better for him4. Did your Inquisitor become friends with Cole? Did Cole leave the Inquisition at any point, due to conflict with your Inquisitor? - probably were kinda good friends & would get along well wth him, never left the inquisition 5. How would you describe your Inquisitor’s relationship with cole? Non-existent? Or a relationship like that of siblings? - neither? Were just friends Iron Bull
1. Was your Inquisitor wary of Bull upon learning he was a spy? - extremely so, to the point where she doesn't interact with him until/if Caim assures her that he's good2. How did your Inquisitor react to the Chargers? Did they utilize them as allies or leave them to Bull? - would Utilize the chargers for sure, are useful to have around & she rly likes Krem3. Did your Inquisitor prefer to talk things out instead of force? Did they clash with Bull in that way? - well, considering she literally isn't a fighter & her canon has her staying at skyhold//4. Did they choose the chargers or the Qunari alliance? If they condemned the Chargers to death, how did they feel? - definitely chose the chargers, wouldn't trust a qunari alliance as far as she can throw Bull 5. Was Iron Bull a valuable member of the Inquisition to your Inquisitor? Did they speak to him often? - depends on if Caim likes having him around or not tbhVivienne
1. Did your Inquisitor share Vivienne’s views on the circle of magi or disagree and why? - definitely didn't, her experience with magic is totally different so would totally disagree2. Did your inquisitor view The Game as worthwhile or did they detest court intrigue? How did that affect their relationship with Vivienne? - despite being part of it & being pretty good at it, probably doesn't rly enjoy it3. Did the feelings of your Inquisitor towards Vivienne change at all after completing her personal mission about Duke Bastian, if yes, in what way? - I havee. Never done her personal quest4. Was Vivienne ever considered a candidate for Divine by your Inquisitor? Why was, or why wasn’t, she made Divine by your Inquisitor? - probably not, was eager that Leliana become divine instead & didn't want Vivienne’s views on the circle to be given action 5. How did your Inquisitor feel about Vivienne? Friends? Allies? Rivals? - colleagues, maybe?Varric
1. Was your Inquisitor’s relationship with Varric like that of Varric’s relationship with Hawke? Was it better? Worse? - not quite like that of Hawke but got along with him well enough, liked his stories & playing wicked grace 2. How did your Inquisitor feel about Varric’s situation with Bianca? Who did they decide was right about what Bianca did? - didn't rly voice her opinions on his relationship with Bianca but would definitely think they're both in the wrong, him for giving it out in the first place and her for being careless3. Did your Inquisitor approve of Varric’s stories? Did they read any of his books? - loved his stories 4. Did your Inquisitor try to dissuade Varric from believing that they were the herald of Andraste or did they encourage it? - well, she isn't the Herald so that's up to Caim5. Did your Inquisitor leave Hawke in the fade or save Hawke? How did that affect their relationship with Varric? - again, this is probably a Caim decision since she's not one to go into combatDorian
1. How does your Inquisitor feel about Tevinter? Did Dorian change their feelings at all about the Imperium? - doesn't like Tevinter in the slightest & started out distrusting Dorian because of it, tho their relationship improves 2. How did your Inquisitor feel about the Necromancy specialization? Were they intrigued? Disgusted? - intrigued probably, tho wouldn't be too eager to learn about it cause she wants the dead to be able to rest3. Did your Inquisitor attempt to have Dorian speak to his father or not? Does your Inquisitor relate to Dorian in terms of struggles with family or sexuality? - doesn't relate to him cause I think she's straight, but keeps him away from his father since Dorian is obviously upset & uncomfortable 4. Was Dorian a good companion for your Inquisitor? Was there any personality clash between them? - definitely a lot of personality clash because of his views on Slavery & the like, but they'd get along well enough 5. Did your Inquisitor agree with Dorian’s decision to return to Tevinter? How did they feel about his choice? - did agree and hoped that he'd be a positive changing force there Cassandra
1. Was your Inquisitor Andrastian? Did their religious beliefs affect their relationship with Cassandra? - not in the slightest lmao, she'd leave any conversation that might take a turn for the religious 2. What was Cassandra’s role in the Inquisition to your Inquisitor? Was she a crucial friend/ally or an unnecessary soldier? - I think her brother is gonna romance her, so she's glad to have Cass around. Was a good friend too 3. Did your Inquisitor push Cassandra to rebuild or abandon the Seekers of Truth? Why? - probably rebuild, hoping they'd become another positive force4. Did your Inquisitor agree with Cassandra’s vision for the Chantry? Did they choose her as Divine? - absoltuely not, she disagrees with most of what the chantry is5. Does your Inquisitor know all of her middle names? - she has like 500 middles names I mean c’monThis took. A while lmao, but let me know if u want me to do the romance ones too
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cullensbooty · 7 years
For the Inquisitors As Companions Asks: 1, 6, 19, 22
For Genevieve then, since she’s my favorite child! :D I have a bunch of other Inquisitors and Genevieve would get along fine with most of them, but just for the fun of it, I’m gonna go with Oliver Trevelyan being the Inquisitor where the questions apply, since in my canon world, he’s the companion and (adoptive) brother of Inquisitor Genevieve. (he would also romance Dorian, just so there’s no confusion when you get to the party banter bits)
1. If not for the Conclave, what would drive your character to join the Inquisition?
Like most other companions, Genevieve would join the Inquisition for a chance to do something about the current world state. She would still partly join in the hopes that it might lead her to finding her birth mother, Hayden Amell, as well.
6. Write some of their party banter (in reaction to major events, scenery dialogue, or just shitting around. Askers can specify for which character/event, or leave it up to the writer).
(Upon seeing a high dragon): We should probably head back. Anyone else wanna head back? No? Just me then? Great.
(Approaching a door or wall that can be bashed): I can take care of that.
(During battle): I won’t let you through!
(During low health): I’m being overwhelmed here!
Cole: His smile is so bright it hurts to look, it feels like you’re burning, but you can’t look away. It makes you happy.Genevieve: What?Cole: Krem. You like his smile.Genevieve: No, I--! Cole!Iron Bull (if in party): (Laughs)Dorian (if in party): (Laughs) Seems like we Tevinter men are quite popular with the Trevelyans.Varric (if in the party): Don’t worry, Red, everyone already knew.Genevieve: New topic, please!Cole: But everyone already knows.
19. Once Corypheus is beaten, what do they do during the party? Do they stay with the Inquisition, or go somewhere else? What could the Inquisitor do to convince them to stay?
Genevieve would be hanging around Iron Bull and his Chargers, happily getting drunk and chatting with them as she dreamily glanced at Krem every now and then.
She propbably would consider going back to Ostwick briefly, or join Bull’s Chargers, if he’d have her, but it wouldn’t take much to get her to stay if the Inquisitor also got Iron Bull to stay.
22. If you have another Inquisitor, how would those two get along, specifically?
Oliver would still be Genevieve’s older brother and they’d get along so well, because they’re so very similar. Both warriors, both with terribly huge crushes on handsome men from Tevinter. They’d both be more comfortable if Oliver actually were the Inquisitor too, tbh, since he’s the older, less impulsive and more responsible one out of the two of them. The two of them would occasionally get into arguments when they end up not agreeing on something, but it wouldn’t take long before they were on good terms again.
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magerevolution · 8 years
I wanna know if you read my mind because or something because I was literally thinking the same thing in terms of lack of mlm in the Mass Effect series. I know you added side characters, but I was thinking about the actual main characters in your squad and it looks like Kaiden is the only gay man in main squad you can romance in the series. Honestly, I don't wanna reach but I feel like Bioware purposely try to limit mlm romance to side characters and it's really annoying.
Also it's not to say there is anything wrong with wanting to romance a side character, but it's irritating that people playing as a man has to romance someone who's not even part of the team (and correct me if I'm wrong but Reyes is on your ship at all and you have to go to another planet for him) and not get a fully fleshed out experience as you would with a woman romance 
I’ve been getting enough messages that I want to be upfront real quick: I’m NOT a mlm, I’m a wlw. I’m a woman, and as thus, I’m not wanting to speak about this as something that I’m an authority on, because I can’t be. It’s something that I’ve been observing and speaking about as a member of another frequently shafted gay community. Please, of course, feel welcome/encouraged to add on experiences/commentary/etc and I’ll do my best to reblog that (on any post related to this topic I’m making). I’m also looking through tags and blogs to reblog/boost mlm who’ve been speaking about this issue, and if you find anything/anyone, please shoot me a link so I can reblog them.
To answer you, I don’t think you’re reaching. There’s a lot of problems with how Mass Effect treats mlm from what I’ve read/observed:
1) Mlm romances tend to be “on the side”, aka not squadmates, and in the case of Reyes, someone who’s not even on your ship. Kaidan is the only mlm who is a squadmate and in his case it took three games to open his romance and as thus, women have three games to romance him (well, two, because Mass Effect 2 halted Ashley/Kaidan/Liara romance arcs) and men only have one and as a result lose a large chunk of his full romance.
Cortez is not a squadmate and is not integral to the story, you can miss him. Gil is less missable and is a bigger part of your life on the Tempest, but he is once again not a squadmate and spends most of his time in an isolated part of the ship. You can miss Reyes entirely because he’s on another planet. Out of the FOUR ENTIRE mlm romances (including ALL side romances), only two of them would be noticeably missed if you removed them (Cortez and Reyes would not be missed by the story, Gil and Kaidan would), and only one of them is a squadmate (and once again, you miss a chunk of his romance).
2) Mass Effect tends to make all their romanceable mlm look the same? They really don’t want to stray from this particular face, which many people are rightfully frustrated with when everyone else gets a larger variety of “types” of people to romance, aesthetically speaking. It’s incredibly lazy on BioWare’s part and shows a lack of care for providing not only mlm romances, but diverse mlm romances.
3) There have still been no mlm aliens.
4) Mass Effect is geared towards straight men. The prevailing theory as to why mlm are shafted, regulated to being “side” characters, generally unimportant to the story, and NOT squadmates, is because having a gay or bi man in your squad interacting with you very regularly and needing a lot of interaction to gain loyalty might make straight men uncomfortable. 
This is of course a laughable concern on the part of straight men, considering they could just...not romance a gay/bi man. Indeed, even if there was a gay/bi squadmate, they could choose to leave him on the ship if they’re so uncomfortable about their fictional avatar getting hit on. But Mass Effect is so worried about their sales they’re catering to the “comfort” of straight men by making sure they don’t have to interact with mlm at all.
(This is true even though Dragon Age proved that including mlm as squadmates is...not a problem. There’s actually a lot of men who enjoyed having mlm squadmates in Dragon Age because they were...interesting characters and you enjoyed being friends with them. But of course, Dragon Age has a different market - tends to be geared towards straight women which straight women and homophobia in gaming is a whole other topic in of itself that this isn’t about - and a different production team. This is also evidenced on how Krem was written versus Hainly, once again a different topic all together.)
5) Mass Effect shows a general lack of care or concern for the mlm that do exist in their games. Even if people enjoy them and their romances and genuinely love them as people, in the grand scheme of things and in comparison to other romances in the games (the straight romances, mainly) their writing tends to be subpar. The mlm romances definitely get the least amount of depth and content size compared to the other romances. 
Also, as in the case of Jaal who was bi until launch, mlm romances tend to be “the first to go” if they need to remove something. This indicates mlm romances are probably the last romances they work on, which means they get the least time and care, and if something needs to get cut, it’s mlm that get cut, instead of anyone else.
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All the "If you were the Inquisitor" questions ^^
1. Race: If you look at my body-type, I would say human. BUT I’m a rebel and will say ELF all the way!
2. Class/Specialization: Mage~
3. Your homeland? : Errrrh……. Ferelden? Or… Antiva? Not that that’s where I’d WANT to be from, but just considering ‘elf’ and ‘mage’
4. Your family?: Little brother
5. Who were you before?: Based on my current choice of work, I’d say a healer but for the mind
6. Would you be religious?: HAH - no.
7. Do you have a mabari? - I mean why not? I would rather have a cat, cause I know how cats work better, but if I had a mabari you can bet your ASS that I would love it and call it Muffin
8. Your opinion on other races?: Pretty neat? (Qunari women are hot not gonna lie)
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be?: Well that’s hard to say really given that Varric’s nicknames can be rather obscure XD Buffy?
10. What would your tarot card look like?: Difficult to describe in words T^T
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold?: Probably near the stables tbh, or in the library with Dorian because GODDAMN I love that man
12. What would you do for fun?: Hang out with Dorian and get as many rounds of fashion advice as I possibly could - and talk about books. Many books.
13. What armor would you wear?: I like capes…… And long flowy things…… So basically that
14. What would your room look like?: Cats and books. I would have flowers in there if only I could keep them alive for longer than like three days
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold?: DORIAN, Bull, Krem, Cullen, Cole and Blackwall. I’m sure I’d get along well with Josephine as well tho, so I wouldn’t avoid her… Or Sera. I do enjoy Solas’ company as well and….. FUCK IT - all of them. But Dorian is Best Friend #1
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition?: BRO I WOULD DO ANYTHING TO BE FRIENDS WITH HAWKE
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with?: Maybe Leliana? Idk? Overly religious stuff makes me….Uncomfortable. I think Vivienne and I MIGHT have a slight big of a problem getting along, only based on the fact that she disapproves of every choice I’ve made this far in the game.
18. Who would you romance?: There isn’t really any female in DA:I that I could be interested in I think. Josie is very VERY cute, so I think that’s the closest I’d be able to get, but supposedly Isabela? That woman is fucking amazing
19. Would you do pranks with Sera?: I might
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)?: Might agree to some very very casual sex with Bull only because it would be on my bucket-list and I think the man would give amazing head… And to have something to joke about with him afterwards. Like imagine having casually slept with Bull!!
‘HAH! Remember that one time we fucked?’‘Yeah it was fucking great!’‘Still gay though’‘Damn right, you go get that pussy, boss!’
The one thing that might make me hesitate would be whether it would break Dorian’s heart or not.
21. Would you keep Cole around?: Yeah?
22. Can you play the game (politics)?: WELL……. I have opinions. Strong opinions. But sure - yes.
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)?: Being completely alone - Losing my brother
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars?: Mages. All the way.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why?: Vivienne.
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers?: FUCK NO WTF WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? It’s on par with giving Fenris back to Danarius, it’s A BIG NO28. Would you go after Blackwall?: *I have not gotten this far into the game but Blackwall is my cute lil buddy*
29. Would you drink from the well?: I mean………. Maybe………… Again I haven’t gotten that far yet so I don’t know all aspects of it yet
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded?: Wherever my closest friends go
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god?: Well damn son, that’s cool, wanna take a glass of wine or two with me?
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bioshvcks · 7 years
da:i + trespasser dlc thoughts
i’m chiming in here three years late with my reactions to inquisition + trespasser after finishing it for the first time. if ur interested, i put it under the cut:
okay what....was that. no really. that game was endless and so BIG. i was constantly impressed by the lore & level of details but not by much else tbh
this game was too long. there was too much. there was no atmosphere except for “big” and “exhausting.” there was so many side quests (or even a few main quests) that could’ve been cut out for all the difference they made. so much of this game was a chore to get through, it ended up hindering my enjoyment of it and just made me frustrated & bored in a lot of parts.
so yeah, there’s really no replay value for me, bc it’s just way too long. it’s kinda disappointing.
i don’t want this to be all critcism - i thought the characters were good - cassandra & dorian were two of my personal faves, but once again the interpersonal relationships between the npc’s were still a lot of fun - varric & cassandra were so much fun, KREM AND IRON BULL, also surprising friendships like sera and blackwall which were rlly sweet
i never felt that connected to my inquisitor or to half the people in my party - there was a certain apathy present even when it was abt characters i cared about. everything was so vague when it came to the inquisitor, i know it’s what it’s about (How did they get to the breach, where did the mark come from, etc) but i didn’t feel too connected to my character unlike in the other two dragon age games and i don’t know why
also the final battle was super, SUPER, anti-climatic (the whole end was really) 
and i never really once ever cared about the plot or corypheus or any of that really
Okay and this is the part that gets it’s separate paragraph: THE ELVES. THE WARDENS. AND WORLD-BUILDING
again....what?? firstly, i played this game as a dalish elf. but.....everyone acted like i wasn’t dalish or even elven. it felt like this game wasn’t rlly made for a dalish elf player & it often disregarded that aspect altogether which was rlly frustrating bc i was looking forward to seeing how that would play out but ultimately....it didn’t. and honestly? just generally i’ve always felt like the politics w elves, and even b/w the chantry, templars & circle of magi (though that’s a whole other topic) has always been handled REALLY poorly. i think da:o came closest to really exploring it in a better way but in this game it was just all over place....
and that brings me to the wardens which i was actually mad about....it feels like EVERYTHING we’ve ever been told abt the wardens was disregarded or thrown under the bus and revamped as “unnecessary agents of chaos.” it was really bizarre & disappointing tbh and there was so much potential there but like.....rlly that’s what they went with? also i thought the wardens were heroes yet suddenly no one likes them??? ughghghgh
some of my “big” choices: 
romanced cullen - which i was unhappy with & regretted INSTANTLY i only did it bc i didn’t know who to go for. like i said i didn’t feel invested in too many characters, and i wish i’d gone with josephine, i didn’t rlly care about cullen. i think this game’s strength was friendships and i enjoyed those way more than any of the romances that were possible tbh
i didn’t leave hawke in the fade, i’m not a MONSTER
i was close friends w everyone, i didn’t have any falling out’s or rivalries
cassandra became divine, mostly bc the decision for leilana to be divine comes way, way later than cassandra. it definitely seemed like the game was pushing for cass, which i was happy with anyway
solas was a character who i could never fully take seriously all that much, but his friendship was really rewarding, way way more than i think a romance would’ve been
MORRIGAN: i let her drink from the well. i regretted it straight away, also i wanna say fuck this game for binding her to her mother after all that and everything she went through??? thank god solas killed her at the end there jfc
i disbanded the inquisition  /shrugs/
my last thought about the main game is that really.....this seemed like basically a prequel to the trespasser dlc. i heard so many people say that the dlc was basically the real ending of the game, which yeah i agree with. but honestly this game was...fine. it was average, but it was a lot of time & effort to put into an “average” game, and most of the praise i can offer is towards the obvious work put in & expansiveness of the game. i don’t think it worked well in the almost open-world-but-not-quite-style, it made all the side stuff meaningless bc the story is so linear, so you spend a lot of time running around for not even a little payoff (or only occasionally). 
okay i’m gonna keep this way more short and sweet:
this was far better than the main game
it was less vague, more personal, the world stakes were still high, the lore was reduced & succinct & easier to take in, honestly the main game felt like it was just building up to this
(which is rlly disappointing tbh)
solas & my inquisitor were bff’s so when i found him it was.....horrifying. the tone of his voice, the way he talked, the way he justified the destruction he’s intent on he was absolutely he convinced he’s right. he absolves himself by “letting” people live and not directly killing them now bc they’ll die later. as a great man, jake peralta, once said:
“cool motive, still murder”
also is he a god? isn’t he? who knows
otherwise the party banter was good, dorian essentially giving the inquisitor his skype address was wonderful & broke my heart a little, taking a SPA with vivienne, etc etc, it was the most dragon age either this or the main game ever really felt
this all seems very negative but at the end of the day i am glad i got play & experience inquisition. not sure that i’ll ever do another playthrough but i did enjoy parts of it, i just think that it was too long for a game/story like this.
0 notes