#i wonder who he got it from *stares directly at sonic*
0vergrowngraveyard · 1 month
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tails you’re not allowed to say that
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
you’re a combo of uwu and too many thots lolol thot and thot solidarity 🤝
I thought of where I could fit in best, and too many thots felt like a personal callout so yeah why not haha but uwu? aww thank you! ♥
So... since we're thots... may I interest you in my latest uwu wip I was surely gonna forget about in a few days anyway? It came to me last night during a chat with @dizzydennis 👀👀👀
Prompt goes: Sonic agrees to take Cream out on a small adventure, but Vanilla is completely unaware of that and actually called Amy to come over and take care of Cream while she was out for the day. The end result is Sonic and Amy both fighting over Cream’s care, as Sonic’s proposal might not be as chill as he originally thought.
"He should be here any moment..."
Shortly after their last adventure in Music Plant, Sonic promised to take her out again, this time to a less dangerous yet still adventurous place. The 23rd day after the leaves started falling down was chosen as the date for their next meeting, and Cream waited patiently... until now.
Today's the day Sonic will return, and she's been waiting all day long, leaning on the open window from her bedroom.
"I probably should've told mama about it, don't you think Cheese?"
Her Chao Cheese flew outside and stood in front of her with a concerned look, "chao..."
"Yes, I know... I shouldn't hide things from mama, but I assumed she would be fine with it anyway... maybe I should tell her now, right?"
Cream stepped away from the window, and took a moment to pick up courage to leave her bedroom and talk to her mom. But as she was just about to reach for the door, a voice startled her from downstairs.
"Cream, sweetie, I'm going to be out for a bit." It was Vanilla, ready to go open the front door with one hand, and carrying a bag with the other.
Cream gasped, then opened the door just enough to squeeze her head out the bedroom. "What!? Whe-where are you going, mama?"
"I need to go to the city, buy some things... do you want me to buy you anything in particular?"
Cream hesitated for a second, thinking if she should tell her mom about Sonic right now or not, at the risk of upsetting her or worse... "no... no! I'm fine! Thanks, ha ha!"
"Oookay..." Vanilla opened the door, revealing someone else standing right outside, "oh, by the way, Amy is here to join you while I'm out. Have fun, girls!"
Cream closed the door immediately and held it shut with her body, looking back at Cheese in complete panic, "AMY?!"
Amy entered the house carrying a bag, and slowly walked towards the sofa, "hey Cream! Your mom told me to bring something so I picked up some movies and popcorn for us! I think you're gonna love this!"
Cream didn't say anything, still looking at Cheese, which prompted Amy to leave her things on the couch and come upstairs.
"Hey, you okay?" Amy said, knocking the bedroom door, "something's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing, Ms. Amy!" Cream replied from the other side, refusing to open. "I need to put some things back in place and I'll join you in a bit, don't worry!"
"Fair enough, call me if you need help, though!"
Cream sighed in relief, then jumped right onto her bed, "what are we going to do, Cheese?"
Cheese looked outside the window, confused.
"We got ourselves into this, we need to make up some sort of plan or something, before Mr. Sonic arrives!"
Cheese nodded, and they spent the next 10 minutes thinking about something. Meanwhile, Amy set everything up for the movies, wondering why Cream isn't coming down.
Soon, that feeling of wonder became concern, and Amy went upstairs once again.
"Cream, open this door, please. You're worrying me."
"Okay Cheese, let's hope this goes well..." Cream took a deep breath, then opened the door only to see Amy with her fists on her waist and with a very serious look on her face. "Oh, hey Ms. Amy... I'm so sorry!"
"What was all that about, anyway?"
Cream was clearly uneased by the situation, scratching the back of her head and avoiding eye contact, "Amy, there's something I have to tell you..."
Suddenly, the wind started picking up outside, and Cheese started to fly around the window, weaving arms in panic, "chao! Chao! Chao! Chao! Chao!"
Amy looked extremely confused, but Cream knew exactly what that meant. "Oh, no..."
"Oh no what, Cream? Cream!"
Cream ran downstairs and straight to the front door, Amy chasing after her. A few seconds later, the doorbell rang.
Amy froze in place, "huh? Who's coming now? Cream, stop! Don't open the door to strangers!"
Against her wishes, Cream opened the door, only to reveal a familiar blue hedgehog standing outside.
"Hey Cream, sorry for the delay! There was a bit of traffic, haha." Sonic joked, but noticed Cream was looking down, as if embarrassed by his presence. "Hey, don't tell me you're gonna back out of our plans!"
Cream didn't say a word. Amy, on the other hand, couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"Huh? Amy? Wha-what are you doing here?"
Amy's face suddenly turned to a furious red, "I should be the one asking that question." Then, she grabbed Cream by the shoulder, "CREAMMMMM!"
"Okay, okay!" Cream broke out of Amy's grasp, "Mr. Sonic agreed to take me out today on an adventure, and I... I forgot to tell mama about it!"
Sonic felt a chill running through his spine, "oh, dear..."
Amy facepalmed. "Oh, Cream... why didn't you tell Vanilla that?"
Cream jumped right to hug Amy, tearing up, "I... I was afraid she would say no... I guess I wanted this adventure so so much..."
"It's fine, Cream." Amy comforted her, "but you can't hold things from your mother, you know that... you don't know if she would let you go out or not, but she'll certainly will not let you if you start hiding things from her."
The two stayed hugged for a bit, as Sonic awkwardly stared at them.
"That being said..." Amy broke the silence, "I haven't said no to it yet, and I'm in charge of you today."
Cream's eyes lightened up, "you... you are serious?"
"Yup, I could use some fresh air, and I guess you too. C'mon, go get yourself ready."
Cream stopped hugging Amy, and then happily nodded to her. "Yes! I'll be right back!"
Cream ran back to her bedroom, but Amy stood right where she was, leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed and looking directly at a Sonic sheepishly smiling back.
"So... an adventure, huh?" Amy fired. "You know that can get a bit dangerous out there."
"Well, yes... and no..." Sonic scratched the back of his head, "this adventure... is an amusement park... Adventure Park is its name, off the Golden Bay Zone... should be a pretty chill place."
"A PARK?!" Amy lost her cool for a moment, feeling incredibly upset that Sonic never picked a place for them to go out before.
Sonic took a step back, well, actually, two steps back before Amy calmed down again.
"It's fine, it's fine. I was getting tired of asking you out to the same places anyway."
Just as the conversation got a lot more awkward, Cream returned from upstairs "Ms. Amy! Mr. Sonic! I'm ready! Uh... Mr. Sonic...? Are you alright? You look a bit pale..."
Sonic shook himself back to his normal cocky self in a super Sonic second.
"Pale? Ha... must be the breeze!" He gestured around, then at a nearby tree... that was completely still. "Alright, you ready for the adventure?"
Sonic turned around and Cream immediately jumped on his back so he can carry her. "Yes! ...hold on, a park?"
"The Adventure... Park." Amy added, still crossing her arms.
"Wait, a park? Mr. Sonic, I wanted to wreck some Eggman robots, you said that's the best thing in the world!"
Sonic raised a finger and gestured negatively, "no no, I told you that was way too dangerous! We're gonna do the second best thing in the world, play some dangerous yet controlled amusement park games!"
Cream let a frustrated sigh out, "okay... but what about Amy? Are you gonna carry her too, Mr. Sonic?"
Sonic turned around nervously, and looked back at Amy then down to his hands, "I... think I can do it."
"I can run there by myself."
Amy closed the door just after Cheese, and so the four of them began their way to Adventure... Park.
The sunny afternoon was the perfect set up for this adventure. The park was spread around the bay coast and offered an amazing view of the entire city from its dedicated looking spot, a massive tower sitting on the westernmost point of the bay.
Down on the ground level, Cream was totally amazed by the park's rollercoasters, bumper cars and many, many green spots surrounded by shops and carts. One cart in particular grabbed her attention.
"Oh, oh!" Cream exclaimed, holding on to Sonic's hand while pointing to a cart with the other, "I want some cotton candy!"
"No, Cream." He said, trying to be a bit more strict than last time they went out together, "Vanilla won't appreciate the fact I allowed you to have sugar before your vegetables!"
"Nah, it's fine. Go grab some, Cream." Amy replied over Sonic, still arms crossed, scanning the place around with her look.
Cream and Cheese dashed to the cotton candy cart, as Sonic approached Amy a bit upset.
"Excuse me, I think I'm doing a good job taking care of Cream on my own." He pointed out.
"Excuse YOU, I'm the one left in charge by her own mother!"
"Yeah but I'm the one who told Cream about this adventure first!"
"And I already had plans for both of us before you came around, hmph!"
As they argued, Cream came back overjoyed holding her giant cotton candy as Cheese directly jumped into it, overjoyed as well.
"Hee hee, I'm back! Where to, now...? Oh... are you fighting?"
Both Sonic and Amy stood still for a moment, side by side, both with their arms crossed.
"Oh? It's nothing, Cream! Ha ha!" Sonic tried to look for something to talk about, "we're just... discussing what attraction we should head to first... yeah!"
"Aww," Cream lowered her cotton candy, searching for Cheese somewhere inside it, "don't you think they look cute when they fight, Cheese?"
"Chao! Chao!" Cheese gleefully replied.
Suddenly, Sonic and Amy lost their cool at the same time, letting out a big "WHAT?!" before turning away from each other, upset... and blushing.
"Yeah, they do! They look together, hee hee!" Cream continued, before setting her sights on the next attraction, "I wanna go to the bumper cars next!"
They followed Cream and Cheese, but keeping their distance from one another.
"We don't look cute together," they murmured.
Back to latin-dr-sonamy-trash: Okay okay, this is a very rough draft - written exclusively for this post, and not even spell-checked! I feel like there’s still sooooo much more to this one, but I’m already 1800+ words into it and I need some sort of self-control (well, not only that one lol) or else I’ll never post this ask haha
Also, I would not be a too many thots thot if I finished this one right here and now~~
But seriously, I think I have a solid grasp for this one, and I could actually return to it and finish it! There’s still the bumper cars bit, the rollercoaster bit, Eggman actually coming in and storming the place, and Sonic and Amy’s final reflection on the day (and maybe more? 👀), so, yeah, we’re just halfway done with this little SonAmy trash piece where our emotional support hedgehogs are a bit... grumpy at each other? 👀
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silvereddaye · 4 years
Two Babies and the 501st
This is a WIP. I may not do anything else with it, but I’d like to. The concept is what if Luke and Leia as babies somehow time travel back to the Clone Wars in the middle of battle. The clones have to take care of these mysterious babies who are supposedly the children of their general. Hijinks ensue. (PS I haven’t proof read this at all. So there could be a lot of mistakes.)
-- -- -- -- -- 
Anakin walked into the base of the 501st after a successful battle. They hadn’t won the war for this planet yet. That was still quite a ways off. The Separatists had dug in deep. Luckily there weren’t many settlements here. The planet was mostly mining and lumber camps. There weren’t even large factories to process the raw materials. Everything was shipped off the planet as soon as they collected it. But the resource-rich planet was needed on both sides of this war and neither one wanted to let it go to the other. That was why General and Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, was there with his clone troops. He would free this planet. 
Well after a meal, a sonic shower, and some sleep. He didn’t want to look over reports. He didn’t want to send a report to the Jedi Council. He just wanted some rest. His body felt heavy. His Jedi robes were dusty and singed. He stretched as he walked through the base. Clones saluted or nodded hello. He had a good rapport with his men, but they seemed to be staring. Anakin looked himself over. He didn’t have any large bleeding wounds. He still had all of his clothes and his lightsaber. He patted his head. His hair was there. He slowed down his pace. Yes. The clones were staring at him. 
He groaned and altered course. Something was going on or had happened and the rumor mill had already caught hold of it. He didn’t want to wake up several hours later having to deal with the fallout of old gossip or updated plans. He made his way to the command building but stopped as he noticed Captain Rex jogging over to him. 
“General, sir!” Rex said as he came to a stop. “You’re needed in the medics’ hall.” 
“Is something wrong? Is it Ahsoka? Did she--”
“Commander Tano is fine, sir,” Rex said. “But it’s uh . . . Well uh . . . the men on patrol in the east valley they uh . . . You need to come see this for yourself, sir.” 
Anakin nodded and made his way towards the long thin building where the medics had set up. It was odd to see Rex so flustered. He wondered what could have possibly twisted the captain’s tongue up. The closer he got to the medics, the more the clones seemed to be staring at him. A few even whispered to a fellow trooper when they saw him. Oh. There was definitely something up. Something to do with him, but what had he done? He was almost tempted to spin around and demand answers from Rex, who was following directly behind him. But he kept walking.
He entered the medics’ hall. There was a row of thin metal medical beds lining one wall. Beyond that were tables and stations for the medics to work. There was a group of clones crowded around something back there. He could just make out the tips of Ahsoka’s montrals among the crowd. 
“Alright men, what’s the problem?” 
A hush fell among all of them at once. They all turned around to face them. Their eyes were wide. It wasn’t fear or concern, but curiosity? What in the Force was going on? Then he heard it. A cry. A very distinctive cry. A cry that clones did not and could not make. It was not a cry from Ahsoka. It was a cry of a baby. The clones parted as he rushed forward. 
On the table were two babies dressed in off-white onesies. They were both fair-skinned humans. They were the same size and looked very similar. One baby had lighter hair than the other, but that was all Anakin noticed that was different. Everyone was silent and watching him. The only noise was from the lighter-haired baby. 
“Where did these come from?” Anakin asked waving his hand at the babies. 
Humans weren’t the colonizers on this planet. It was mostly Sullustans, Wookies, and a few Tarros. He hadn’t seen any reports of humans on the planet, but that didn’t mean they weren’t any. 
“We found them in a box, sir,” one clone said. “In the east valley. All alone. No one around for miles.” 
Who would leave two babies near an active war zone? 
“There, uh, was a note sir. Addressed to you.” 
Someone passed him a folded piece of flimsi paper. Written on it in neat handwriting he didn’t recognize was his own name: Anakin Skywalker. He flipped the paper open. The note read: These are your children. Luke and Leia. His eyes snapped back up to the babies. Babies! He absentmindedly put the note on the table as he placed both his hands down flat and leaned over. He looked down at the children.
It was . . . It was impossible!
“This is impossible!” he said as he leaned away. “These aren’t my children! I have never . . . never . . .”
“Never what?” Ahsoka asked with a huge grin. 
Anakin’s cheeks flushed red. 
“It’s impossible,” he repeated. It was! The only person he had ever slept with was Padme! And there was no way these were her children! She wouldn’t have left them in a battlefield! Plus she was never pregnant. 
“We could do a quick DNA test,” a medic offers. 
“Why would we do that?” Anakin asked. “There is no way these are my children!” It was clear no one else believed him. They were are skeptical. Even Ahsoka. “Fine!” he shouted. “Let’s prove they aren’t mine.” 
The results stated that 1.) the babies were siblings and 2.) Anakin Skywalker was their father. Which was still impossible. 
“I don’t . . . How . . . I mean I never have slept with . . . Who . . . “ Anakin rambled as he paced back and forth in the back of the hall. Ahsoka had the girl baby, Leia, in her arms. She was feeding her a bottle. Apparently, whoever had left the babies, had also thought to pack their box with formula and diapers. One of the clones had the other baby. The clone smiled as the baby nodded off. “They’re clones or something,” Anakin muttered. “Or somehow someone got my blood or genes and made some babies in test tubes because there is no way, no way!, these babies came about naturally. That is for sure!” 
“Did you want to hold her?” Ahsoka asked. 
Anakin froze as he looked at his padawan and . . . and . . . daughter? No. No, he wasn’t going to think of these babies like that. They were not his. There had been an error. 
“No,” he said. “I uh . . . Gotta go make a report to the Council.” 
He rushed past the babies without looking at them and out of the hall. It felt like every kriffin’ clone was looking at him. Did they know? They had to know. Juicy gossip travels fast. The officers and troopers in the command room were professional if they knew. No one gave him any long or odd looks. He didn’t pause. He marched straight to the comms room, told the officer on duty to leave, and immediately dialed up the council on the large blue holotable. It didn’t take long for the blue hologram of Obi-Wan to show up. He was thank-the-Force alone. 
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said. “How did your attack on--”
“There are babies,” Anakin blurted out. 
Obi-Wan blinked. “Babies?” 
“Two babies. Twins. A patrol found them. They had been abandoned here. There was, uh, a note saying so. The clones brought them here. We can’t keep babies here. I need a transport to lift them out.” 
“Anakin, the Separatists have put up a blockade around that system to prevent any supplies from reaching you and your men. We can’t get a transport in, much less out again.”
He knew that. He totally, completely knew that, but had just forgotten it for a moment. Kriff. 
“What am I going to do?” 
“Where is the closest settlement? You could drop them off there?” 
“What? No! I can’t do that!” 
“Why not? You said it yourself. You can’t keep babies there. They’ll be much safer in a camp. Probably someone will adopt them.” 
His heart was tight. He didn’t want the babies, or well he did want babies. He wanted lots of babies with Padme, but this was a different matter. He didn’t want these babies right now, but he couldn’t stomach just giving them away. They were . . . supposedly his. 
“Anakin?” Obi-Wan asked. 
“Yes,” he said. “Yes. I’ll deal with it.” 
He clicked the call off before another word could be said, because the only “deal with it” Anakin could think of was he was going to keep the babies. With his army. During a war. 
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officialinuyasha · 4 years
Yashahime News - The Seven Colored Rainbow Pearls! - Theories and Analysis
On September 11th we saw the Sunrise Music Festival Livestream. They said that Souta will play a bigger role in Yashahime and that they wanted to create something that the Fans that grew up with InuYasha and that have became adults - Can enjoy. I did make the post about it, so you may have already seen what I said about it when the Sunrise Music Festival happened on September 11th. I will just say that my wife was not very happy about me staring at a screen for four hours. But hey we also got to see Towa's voice actor, all she really said was the synopsis. But still, fun. I think I completely dissosicated from that because of how long we were watching it alongside my group chat friends. Alot of them passed out directly after because we were exhausted from staying up just to watch this whole thing for more possible information. So we're crazy dedicated to this. The voices for Adult Kohaku, Hisui and Takechiyo have been announced - Ryohei Kimura will be the role of Kohaku Takehiro Urao will be Hisui Ai Fairouz will be Takechiyo [I apologize if I said those names wrong in the video] Here is the translation for Yashahime Keyword number 13 #13 Shikabane [Dead Body Shop] It is a bounty shop that trades heads and the remains of youkai. The owner of the shop, Jyubei, hires Moroha and Takechiyo. Moroha works with Takechiyo, like it had said in Moroha's early translations that she does work for the Shop. It even mentions Jyubei in that translation! So this would be the second time we hear about Jyubei. There's definitely going to be some Bounty Hunter and Demon Slayer conflict. Which is probably why we see Moroha and Setsuna fighting in the trailer. It would make sense for them to have competition because of their jobs. An idea of what could go down for that fight - Setsuna: This is my job to exterminate this demon. We need the parts for our armor and weapons. Moroha: It's MY prey! We sell the parts! The demon slayers could buy the parts from the Corpse Shop for their armor, maybe at some point they can agree and collaborate. But I think it would be nice to see them being competitive with one another at first, and then come to some sort of an agreement. The Corpse Parts shop can supply the Demon Slayers with the material they need for their weapons and armor! They could have some nice sort of trade going on for parts, armor and weapons. So, Jyubei. Who is this guy?- Well, I think it's possible that Jyubei is the new character we see in the poster. I say that because their clothes are tattered like Moroha's. Which gives me the feeling that it's gotta be a signature Bounty Hunter look for the Corpse Shop. That's saying if it's not Shippou or another character that we can think of. What do you guys think? I think it's possible that character is Jyubei. I mean, it also could just be some other character that is a traveler based on the attire. I previously stated that I theorized that there could multiple colored pearls because of the name being rainbow, and because of what was shown to us on the Yashahime Website We have confirmation that there is multiple colored pearls for the rainbow pearls. It was stated in the Yashahime keyword #14 Rainbow Colored Pearls A jewel that enhances the magical power of youkai. It is said that there are seven-colored pearls, as the rainbow-colored name suggests. I know what you're thinking - It's like Dragon Ball or Sonic the Hedgehog. Well Dragon Ball was also actually inspired by Hakken-Den which was a famous Edo-Era Japanese novel, Akira Toriyama said that was his inspiration in Dragon Ball Bouken Special. In Hakken-Den there was eight and he didn't want them to be the same exact number - So he had changed it to seven. If you look at the image, they all sparkle the same as Setsuna's eye does from the trailer. The Shikon jewel sparkles in the same way, as these clearly look a lot like the Shikon Jewel as well. Let's hope that we didn't have seven priests or priestess have to make these...I'm Kidding! I previously talked about how Moroha also has a red pearl on/or in her shell and that it could hold memories or someone is trapped there such as InuYasha, Kagome any of the others. As we know that pearls have to do with memories and portals. However, it's unknown if certain abilities are only exclusive to certain colored pearls and it's something that I'm looking forward to finding out about. So we can also take that possibility into consideration that the different colored pearls may do different things as well. Now we can speculate more on all of the colors that could be related to the characters. We know that there are seven colored pearls based on the Yashahime Keyword but on the site there also is an 8th one that is a Black Pearl. If we want to see about linking these pearls with the characters - We can base the pearls on color palette and also speculate by using the InuYasha Cafe Pictures though some of them are different colored we can still use this as our map. InuYasha Cafe was created to celebrate and promote Yashahime so we can use this as a possible idea for speculation on what the colors could represent. I'll put Miroku inbetween Sango and Shippou, as his colors are in the middle. However, it's more likely that Miroku would be tied with Sango. As we can also speculate if two characters can relate to one pearl as well. We can swap some of these around based on the various artworks, or even the characters color palettes. Such as InuYasha as red - Kagome wore green for a lot of the times, Sango wears pink in her demon slayer armor, Kirara for yellow, Shippou as blue, and Miroku as purple. Maybe Sesshoumaru in the middle. I think it's also a good idea to use The Final Act's Opening as reference as well. - InuYasha would be green - Kagome would be red - Miroku would be yellow - Sango would be blue - and Shippou would be Pink Any of these could be right or wrong. [InuYasha-Red,Kagome-Pink,Sango-Blue,Kirara-Orange,Sesshoumaru-Yellow,Rin-White/Grey] Now, what's interesting is that the Official Yashahime website still has an unclickable pearl. It also reminds me like how Setsuna is missing her memories. Gotta wait on that update for us. We can even speculate using the first Yashahime poster - since Moroha has a red pearl, she is represented by red, that Setsuna is represented by Purple and that Towa would be Blue. The thing is, the pearl that is currently still unclickable on the website may be the purple or pink pearl. If it's supposed to be purple - which would be like Setsuna's color palette suggests on the first Yashahime poster. Though, it could just be a pink pearl. We still don't know if Moroha's pearl is a special pearl, or just for decoration. It's up for speculation as of now. Of course these character colors may have nothing to do with the pearls, but I will say that it's ironic that Moroha does have a red pearl, InuYasha's color palette being red does match the InuYasha Cafe art, and well he is most known for wearing the red robe of the fire rat. While Moroha's color palette on the poster is also red. We also can speculate that each pearl may simply be a fraction of memories that are missing. These memories may be related to the characters or unrelated to the characters. There's a chance that these Pearls could be the other characters memories besides Setsuna. Could these pearls even hold their souls? More hidden places in these pearls? We do know that Setsuna needs a Rainbow Pearl to recover her memories, it could be that she just needs one or multiple as each could represent a fraction of her memory. We're getting closer to the air date. LET THE ANXIETY CONTNUE. Or, you could be excited. Or BOTH! Hosenki's son said it would take him 100 years to create a Black pearl, it could be that Hosenki himself made these. Unless these are newly made experimental pearls that his son made. I wonder how old these could actually be. Hosenki's son did say that his father used all of the pearls before he passed away. But, you never know if there was some secrets none of them knew about. It's possible Jaken's staff could help them find these pearls, besides just the black one. The Black Pearl being the 8th hidden pearl could lead us to InuYasha or of course the Inu no Taishou's grave. It could be that these pearls were not made by either Hosenki or his son, there's always the possiblity of these being made by another Oyster Demon. As there could be others that we don't know about. Their origins are such a mystery, and I can't wait to find out what their history is. I'm guessing the pearl in the middle will be called the white or grey pearl. I'm just saying this based on the website because it shows the darkest color pearl at the bottom, which we can assume is the Black Pearl. Unless they decide to call this middle pearl, a black pearl as well. But as we know from the information given to us, they will recover Setsuna's memories for sure. These pearls make demons stronger and I like that they took the idea for the Black Pearl and made them multicolored. As obtainable items that increase power, similiar to what we had seen with the Shikon Jewel. I've previously talked about that - There's a possibility when all of the colored pearls are collected that they can combine and create one whole rainbow pearl. If the characters are sent to different dimensions in each pearl, I wonder if time passes differently inside of them. It could be that the others would be sealed and perhaps not even age. Someone wanted to know how long I think Yashahime will be? Well as a season I guess would be 24-26 episodes. There's a lot of times that we have anime that run on 12 episodes, but since I think Yashahime will do well - Around 24-26 atleast. I also don't think that they will reveal who the mother is of Towa and Setsuna right away. I think it will be revealed later on, as they want to keep our attention on watching the series. I think it would be very quick for them to finish Yashahime in one season, especially with the idea of collecting seven pearls - so I think that they should do more than one season. Here's to hoping that it will be more than one season, but I still will be content with one season that wraps up well - Because this is an InuYasha Sequel we are talking about. It is a big deal to me. I know it's a big deal to a lot of people. What do you guys think? Are you guys excited or what? October 3rd is coming up fast!
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Yo, hedgie squad! I’m back with another quick one shot that I found in my Ipad, and decided to post it here! So, what inspired me to write this is the word ‘Legacy.’ Hamilton constantly repeated the same word throughout the musical, and he defined it in such a unique way. And I quote “Legacy...what is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see... I wrote some notes at the beginning of a song someone will sing for me,” - The World Was Wide Enough; Act Two
That made me think about Sonic. I try not to think of a Hamilton crossover with Sonic, because Hamilton ends up cheating on his wife, and I can’t imagine Eliza’s pain go to Amy. Although Amy definitely fits the part of Eliza, I just don’t want to feel their heartbreak, as that’s what fanfiction does to me. I thought:
“Sonic doesn’t seem like the type to settle down, but he would need his legacy to be passed on to the future, for any villains that may rise when Sonic passes. What if he asks the woman most dearest to his heart to bear the son of Sonic the Hedgehog?” That’s right, folks. The foreplay and aftermath of how his legacy passes on. There is no lemon in this, but rated M for mature themes. If you want the more ‘mature’ version, I’m currently making it, and it’ll be on my Wattpad.
It was a summer night, and a thunderstorm had just passed Amy’s humble little cottage in the meadow, the sun peaking out from the dark clouds above. A 26 year old Amy Rose had opened up her curtains, smiling at the sight in front of her. It was Sonic. The sun’s rays were shining above his head, creating a halo in her innocent jade eyes. After watching him slowly approach her door, she realized that he was coming to her house.
She opened it to reveal a royal blue hedgehog with long blue quills. He wore a scarf, Amy personally didn’t think it was appropriate for the weather they were in. He wasn’t the only one to have grown. She wore a mature dress, a little tight, but that’s what makes her look like a woman, Rouge told her once. She had also grown her quills out as well. She smiled genuinely, Sonic doing the same. He slowly walked in when Amy moved to the side for him. They stood there, beside the closed door, the windows showing that the sun had become even more brighter. She decided to speak up, seeing as the awkward tension was rising.
    “...Wow, it’s not everyday we see the hero of Mobius walk into the abode of his number one fan...” She had hesitated, but Sonic could clearly hear a faint joking tone.
    “I like to think of you as good friend, but if you wanna go along ‘number-one fan,’ I’m not stopping ya.” Sonic could see the miniature glint of sadness appear in her eyes upon being called his best friend, but she covered it up with her cheery demeanor.
     “Just tell me what you’re here for?” This time, he heard her mature voice, something age gives you along the path of life. She smirked as she said it, but Sonic was not here to joke. He sighed.
     “I’m here to ask you a very big favor. If you need time to think about it, I’ll let you do so. Please, just hear me out.” Amy’s smug smile had faltered, wondering what he would ask of her.
     “What is it?” She asked, leading him straight to her living room. They both sat down, side-by-side, eye contact never breaking. There was a different type of tension this time. It wasn’t awkward, it was the type that raised the mood and emotion within the two people to the point it started to show externally.
      “I’m growing old.” Sonic simply stated, wanting to give the message to her slowly, but also fast enough so she could decide what her answer would be. Amy laughed, the tension only staying within Sonic. He couldn’t help but smile, the sight of Amy laughing brought a fluttering feeling to his heart, a feeling that only she was able to access.
    “Is that all? Of course you’d be growing old, silly! It happens to everyone!” Amy chimed. She got up to get him something, before she was pulled back down gently by her waist, something that surprised Amy.
     “I mean...soon enough, later on, I might die. I could die any day, and no one would be able to pass what I worked so hard to build. What we worked so hard to build. A world where everyone is safe.” He looked up to find a confused Amy.
      “I...I’m afraid I don’t follow, Sonic. Are you dying?” Amy questioned him worriedly. Sonic shook his head in denial.
       “No, Amy. I meant...I need someone to continue to be a hero once I’m too old to do anything.” Amy stared at him, trying to understand.
        “Why don’t you ask Tails? He’ll continue being a hero!” Amy told him.
        “He’s 22, Ames. He’s not that far along.” The corner of his mouth turned upwards, but quickly went back to a straight line. He sighed again. “I mean...I need a heir. Someone with my blood to continue on, fighting any villains that come to his world. What if Eggman also has a descendant, but no one knows about it? I need a child, someone with my speed to continue on.” He explained. Amy understood, but wanted to hear the favor being asked directly from his lips.
      “What are you asking of me, Hedgehog?” She stood up, and put her hands on her hips. He stood up as well, stepping closer to her.
       “Be the mother to my child, Ames. It’s your dream, right? Well, it’ll come true! I want you to give birth to my descendant.” Sonic took her hands in his own and his eyes pleaded her. She could never get herself to say no to those eyes. Hell, she wouldn’t say no anyways.
      “Th-This isn’t a j-joke, right? You’re serious? If you’re kidding I’ll never forgive you!” Her eyes showed the same pleading look as his. He smiled, bringing her in to embrace.
      “I’d never play with your heart like this, Amy. I’m serious about every single word. I want you to be the one that gives that special motherly compassion to my kid.” He whispered in her ear, seeing she was shorter than him. He felt his chest become a bit wet, and he pulled away to find that she was crying.
With a smile.~
He smiled too, leaning down to wipe her tears away with his thumbs. Gently, he tilted his head and slowly brought his lips onto her glossy pink ones. A lot was spoken in that kiss, something along the lines of:
    “I love you...”
   “I love you too. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you earlier.”
    “I really do care for you...”
    “So do I, I want you to know that.”
     “Don’t run away this time, just tell me if you’re going to run.”
     “I won’t run away unexpectedly, I’ve fulfilled my boyhood fantasies.”
      They broke apart, absolutely no lust featured in those deep pools of green, one pair showed happiness to no end, the other showing slight satisfaction to how happy the jade pair was.
      “So, that’s a yes?” Sonic asked, one hand on her cheek, the other on the small of her back.
       “It was always a yes, Sonic. I’m surprised you even had to ask.” Amy giggled. He brought her in for another kiss, and another, and many more throughout that night.
The next morning Amy had found out that she was indeed pregnant with Sonic’s child. Or children, but they didn’t know that yet.
Sonic stayed by Amy the whole time while she was pregnant, and restricted her from even thinking about battling Eggman, although she had gotten away with it many times, resulting a strict lecture from him. She ordered sound proof ear plugs, put them in and Sonic wouldn’t notice that there was anything in her ear, while she closed her eyes and listened to his muffled voice.
He dealt with her mood swings, knowing that they were normal, but couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed when she gets all irritated when he tries to touch her, but also gets clingy and depressed when he just goes out for something like buying necessary groceries. On Amy’s second month, she allowed him to sleep with her, but she seemed to get up a lot to go to the bathroom, but Amy assured Sonic that it was completely normal.
On her sixth month, her pregnant stomach really started to show. Everyone could see that it was not fat, but a perfect circular bulge. It was obvious she was pregnant. She was forced to tell everyone about what Sonic and her did. They were all happy about it, and congratulated them. She had a baby shower that only their friends knew about. They received many gifts, most of them being unisex, some being gifts for girls, some for boys.
Amy knew that with her symptoms, she would have more than one baby, and was worried about Sonic. How would he react to that?! He showered her with love, and made her feel special, because she was. As Amy’s stomach grew, she started to feel self-conscious at how she looked, and how she did basically anything in front of Sonic. Sonic noticed her behavior changed to all nervous and stuttering when he was in the room, and was afraid that she was feeling stressed out. After all, stress was bad for the baby...well, babies. He rushed back to their house, quickly looking around for her. He found her in the bedroom, looking at herself in the mirror.
When she closed her eyes, Sonic quietly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, taking in her scent and beauty. He didn’t understand what she was so conscious about. She was gorgeous in his eyes.
Not gorgeous.
This woman has fought off and has become friends with countless amount of enemies.
This woman always wears a smile on her face, even when things are going absolutely terrible for her.
This woman knows how to make everyone happy, even if it means she has to sacrifice her own.
This woman happily agreed to birth the descendant of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Just by looking at his eyes, Amy could tell he was lovestruck. Completely, and utterly lovestruck. The sweet everythings he whispered in her ear at night were enough to get her content and energetic self back.
Next came her last month. Any day now, she would give birth to Sonic the Hedgehog’s children. They weren’t just his children, but her’s too. Her water broke just as she she was cooking something for lunch, she felt something wet. She screamed Sonic’s name, who was luckily in the dining room, chowing down on a chilidog. He ran her to the hospital immediately, and stood by her side as she gave birth to three healthy baby boys. Amy apologized to Sonic over and over again, but Sonic cut her off with a kiss.
     “What are you apologizing for?” He asks, as he holds his youngest in his arms, cradling him a bit.
     “This was more than one baby!” She exclaimed, but before she could open her mouth, Sonic’s mouth was on her’s again.
      “So? I may not be showing it, but I’m really happy that I have more than one kid. I’m a triplet too, you know.” Amy smiled. She looked the two bundles in her arms, kissing their foreheads. Sonic knew he had made the right decision. Of course, she wouldn’t let him name any of the kids “Sonic Jr.” They all looked like Sonic, although the oldest looked a little more indigo, and the middle child had a few royal purple highlights and Amy’s bangs. The youngest had Amy’s eyes, but otherwise, he looked exactly like Sonic.
They named them from oldest to youngest. Flash, Dash, and Blur.
They would carry on his legacy.
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
heey! Could we have some sonamy forces? Maybe Amy being a badass and making Sonic like ‘O_O’??? Thank you!
A strong Rose
It was one of those easy days for Sonic. After the long run, he softly made his way through the Resistance HQ's. The automatic doors opened and as he took some steps forward, he was bombarded with the liveliness of the place. The Resistance was a rusty place, it definitely needed remodeling but to the blue hedgehog, it gave a comfy atmosphere. It smelled like wet soil, one of Sonic's favorite smell, he even ran to places that were raining just to smell it and have the pleasure of it. He expected to be greeted by the other agents but it seemed like they were too busy to care that he was here. They ran to what it seemed to the Resistance's main room. As Sonic made his way through the halls, the agents bumped into him. They always apologized to him but they made sure to keep their eyes on the location.
Sonic had finally reached the Main Room where it got complicated to get in. The agents all pushed each other, standing on their tippy-toes to try and get a look at the immense computer that was placed right in the middle of the room.
"What is all of this fuzz about?"
Sonic looked at the Mobian next to him, a green wolf boy with glasses who seemed way too excited to be here.
"Captain has gone to a mission for the first time!" the green wolf's stayed stuck on the computer's screen, not noticing that the one next to him was no other than Sonic the Hedgehog. "I've only heard stories about how great of a fighter Ms.Rose was! I can't wait to see her in action-"
The green boy finally turned to look at the blue hedgehog and he gasps at the realization. One of his idols was standing right in front of him, the blue hedgehog was one of the reasons why he joined the Resistance, in the hope that he would see him one day.
And that day was today.
"Amy for sure is a skilled fighter but," Sonic said, he smiled at the green wolf. Although he didn't care for fame, it was fun to see other's reactions to him and it lowkey raised his ego. "What is she doing out there in the field? I thought she was always too busy to take on missions."
"Captain Rose said that this mission was too dangerous for any of us to take," the wolf boy said, looking around the room nervously. "And she couldn't contact anyone from Team Dark nor Silver and Blaze and you weren't here nor Knuckles so she decided to go by herself."
Sonic knew that Amy was strong and she could perfectly take care of herself. Nonetheless, there was always this feeling of uncertainty, he cares too much for her to give a blind eye on the situation. His eyes were now glued to the enormous computer screen. For now, it was only blue and the screen had the words 'connecting...' as if it was waiting for a transmission to start. The agents still pushed each other to try and get as many people inside as possible. However, all chatter and movement were stopped the moment they saw that the computer screen no longer showed the previous words. Now it was showing live footage.
"How are we seeing this?" Sonic asked again as he could perfectly see the pink hedgehog he missed so much showing up on the screen.
"Mr.Miles sent a small android to accompany Ms.Rose, it's recording live," the wolf, although he was very excited to see his idol, he also wanted to see the heroine in peace. Mentally he wished Sonic stopped asking questions and instead just enjoy the show along with him.
The blue hedgehog didn't know what was going on and actually, he didn't need it. The flying android allowed everyone to see live the adventure of Amy Rose through the gigantic computer screen displayed in the middle of the room.
With no further actions, Sonic just lay back and relaxed, waiting for Amy to display her abilities.
The screen showed the pink hedgehog walk towards an army of egg bots. Probably around 50 of them or so Sonic thought, maybe even more.
"I don't want to hurt any of you but ..." Amy's voice had deepened and her stance was strong. To Sonic this was unknown, he had never seen Amy look so ... strong. "But if you don't give me my friend back in three minutes ... I won't have an option."
The Eggbots didn't think about it for a second and they were fast to throw a metallic spear at Amy.
Sonic flinched instinctively, and he shook aa little. However, he was relieved and surprised to see that Amy very calmly only moved her head to the side to dodge the spear.
"Is that all you got?" Amy said. Instantly the agents in the Main Room all stare at the computer screen in awe.
"Come on! Shadow's Chaos Spears are better than that!"
Sonic didn't know what to be more surprised at. That there was a possibility that Shadow had thrown a Chaos Spear at Amy or that Amy thought that Shadow's Chaos Spears were weak.
As if to answer her question, all 50 robots threw metallic spears at the pink hedgehog at the same time. Amy was quick to pull out her hammer and with it, she ricocheted the spears back at the Eggbots one by one.
The Main Room of the Resistance was filled with excited screaming, cheers and applause as they watched their captain being a total badass. Sonic meanwhile, was remembering the day Amy let him carry her hammer. The famous Piko-Pink hammer wasn't heavy ... it was impossible to pick up. Sonic could only lift it a few centimeters of the ground once and that was it. Watching Amy move it so easily and with such a fast technique made Sonic ... sightly impressed, he had to admit that much.
He continued to watch the screen as saw Amy ran at full speed towards the Eggbots. She was fierce and fast, using the strength of her hammer she would destroy each robot that dared to stand in her way.
Amy threw her hammer and it landed directly in the Eggbot that was guarding Eggman's entrance to his base. She did a backflip as to dodge the spear attack of one the Eggbots and finished, she landed a kick that went right through the Eggbot's metallic inside.
Amy snapped her fingers and quick her hammer appeared in her hand again. The pink hedgehog destroyed everything in her way. She had such a unique technique and stance that he had only seen been accomplished by a very well trained black hedgehog.
The green wolf looked at with excitement at the computer screen in front of him and he controls the need to fanboy his platonic crush. He looked next to him and found something rather amusing. Sonic the Hedgehog was utterly impressed and he could tell by the way his green eyes opened more as each second passed by.
Sonic had always known that Amy was an extremely gifted fighter ... But holy Chaos she was utterly strong. He knew for sure that the pink hedgehog had done some training in the six months that he was gone running around the world. Her fighting style reminded him of Shadow and Sonic wonder if they had spent some time training together while he was gone.
He would be lying if he said that the thought alone didn't bother him. Sonic trusted the love Amy had for him but he also knew that the pink hedgehog could bring the best out of people ... and a certain black hedgehog may have liked that about her.
However, a certain sense of proudness filled the blue hedgehog's soul. Watching the Resistance's agents fanboy and fangirl about his favorite pink hedgehog, made his heart smile. He wanted to face them, point at the computer screen and tell everyone, 'Look at her! Isn't she so cool! That's my Amy Rose!"
Although he was too shy to ever say something like that out loud.
The android that Tails made to follow Amy had suddenly stopped as the pink hedgehog entered Eggman's base. As if they were watching a movie, the agents and Sonic were waiting for their Captain to come out victorious of her mission. However, panic began to overtake them as the computer screen showed Eggman's base lit up on fire, bombs after bombs were detonated. Sonic held his breath in as to stop himself from running and finding her.
"Come on Amy ... Get out."
A few more seconds passed until finally, the pink hedgehog came out of Eggman's base victorious. Carrying in her back, a very well known red echidna.
The Resistance exploded in cheering and screaming, clapping. Sonic couldn't stop feeling a great sense of peace and especially, happiness. He began to cheer as well, even if Amy wasn't able to hear him. Sonic went as far as to give the green wolf next to him a small hug, which took him by surprise.
That was Amy ... his Amy.
When Amy came back to the Resistance, she was greeted by cheers and applause from the other agents. Although she wasn't badly hurt, there were some cuts and wounds that she needed to take off. She was in the infirmary, where Knuckles was sleeping in his bed peacefully. He had gone to Eggman's base to retrieve one of the Chaos Emerald but he had run into trouble and Eggman captured him.
So, of course, she had to go and save his butt again.
Not like she minds.
She was putting a bandage around her right arm when suddenly, someone entered the infirmary.
It was her favorite blue hedgehog.
"Sonic! I wasn't expecting you to come here today," Amy said, still seating on the edge of her bed.
Sonic smiled as she walked towards her and took a seat next to her. "Yeah, I was passing by ... So, how are you?"
"I am good, I definitely had worse," Amy was still trying to tie a bandage around her arm and seeing her struggle, Sonic took over her task. She blushed a little seeing act so kindly towards her.
"I saw you on your mission today," Sonic said concentrating his sight into treating Amy's bandages.
The pink one looked at him, her blush getting redder by the second.
Sonic looked at Amy as he finished tying her bandage. "It was dangerous."
Amy felt a sense of guilt wash over her and disappointment came with it too. The last thing she wanted was to make Sonic worry about her-
"But it was really cool, too!"
As Sonic smiled, Amy's heart skipped a bit. "The way you use your hammer was so cool! The punches and kicks! The way you moved your way towards the entrance of Eggman's base was out of this world-"
For a second, Amy thought that she had died in that mission and she was now in heaven. The love of her life was not only taking care of her, but he was praising her as well. Like an excited child in a candy store, Sonic was listing all the thing he loved about Amy without realizing.
"You were so cool, amazing, fantastic and-"
"For Chaos ..."
Their moment was interrupted as they turned their attention to the red hurt echidna in front of them.
"Would you two just kiss already?"
A/N: Here it is, this week's request! Sorry for the wait, I hope you like this!
I am working on the next prompt request already!
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What's "how to get to cracker barrel" ?
What's "how to get to cracker barrel" ?
Oh now that, that one isn't Actually a wip. It's a short story I finished ages ago that later ended up being inspiration for one of the plotlines in an anthology style audio drama podcast I want to make some day. There's 4 main characters:
The Mckellen sisters Jamie and Lady who aren't Actually sisters but pass rather well for twins since one of them is actually a changeling, Natalie Anderson, photographer and lady's GF, and Gavin Walker, a mage still haunted by the death of his fiance, Caleb Adams, mostly due to the fact that his fucking ghost won't leave him alone.
Art by @unded-bun (click image for higher quality)
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I'm leaving out a lot of details, but I'd be happy to fill in the gaps if anyone asks.
I'll Also throw the story itself under a read more here, bc I'm still super proud of it even though it's a few years old now.
A small hotel on the outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. There is a Sonic Drive-in across the busy street. Bright neon lights in the window state, “Open 24/7!” A Greyhound bus is idling in the parking lot. A man, Gavin Walker, climbs off and crosses over to the hotel. He walks easily, but not confidently. Approaching the hotel’s entrance, he spots a cat eating from a plastic bowl in front of the door. The feline is small, and feral. He is black, with white paws. He does not pay Gavin any mind as he enters, only continuing to crunch on dry cat food.
There's a desk on the left side of the lobby. The receptionist smiles kindly as he checks in. Her eyes are tired. Gavin gives her a knowing nod, and travels deeper into the building. There is a sign marked, “Out Of Order.” on the elevator. This is a good thing. Gavin takes the stairs, of which there are three flights. This is also a good thing, because three is a good number. He enters the hallway, which is old, and worn. The walls bear chipped yellow paint, and the floor, faded red carpet. Gavin continues down the hall after checking the time on his phone. It is exactly 11:59PM. He turns the device off and begins to count the seconds. At sixty he has stopped in front of the elevator. The fluorescent light above him flickers. The elevator does not have an out of order sign on it. It is the same elevator as before. Gavin enters.
He presses the button for the first floor. In the lobby the check in desk is now on the opposite side of the room. The lights are off, the receptionist is gone. It is daytime outside now. The bus is gone and the Sonic is closed. The road is vacant. There is a cat outside. She is white, with black paws. She looks up at Gavin as he approaches. They lock eyes, and he kneels in front of her.
“Hello, cat.” He says.
“Hello, Mage.” Says the cat.
She flicks her tail, “What is it you seek?”
She nods and stands, before making for the road. The Sonic across the street is closed, but it was never empty. A Sonic is not a sit down restaurant. Customers are expected to pull into a parking spot and order over an intercom, and then a waitress delivers their meal directly to their car. Gavin’s pretty sure places like Sonic were more common in the 1950’s, and he knows that drive in diners are a dying breed now a days. The thought gives him a strange sense of nostalgia for something he’d never actually experienced, and he shudders involuntarily.
The cat sits down in the parking spot furthest from the building. She watches as he presses the the button on the intercom, listens, ears swiveling, as they are greeted with static. Looking out of the corner of his eye, Gavin can see something moving within the darkened restaurant. An outline of a figure, only vaguely humanoid. The thing moves like a deranged ape, long, long arms dangling to the floor and dragging it forward. Its back is hunched, legs short and stumpy. Gavin can not see its face, and he does not wish to. The intercom crackles to life.
“WhAt can aH’ do fER ya’lL?” Drawls The Thing in the Sonic. It’s got a southern accent thicker than congeling visera, and the pitch of it’s voice fluctuates wildly. Gavin glances uncertainly at the cat, and she nods.
“I’m looking for Direction.”
“Ahhhhhh……” groans The Thing, “WEll, watch’ Yer goNna wanna dO is hEad doWn the road, bout maybeEEee…..foUr, five miLeS, an’ yer gOnna wanna look fer’ weEl, watch yer gonna wanna fiNd is soMeTHing’ idEaliZed, ya knOw? Like uh, somethin’ kinDa romanticized, an’ a liTtlE faKe in sOme senSe but reAlLy true in anOther, ya follow?”
“Yeah.” said Gavin, even though he did not follow at all.
“Yep,” Continued The Thing, “n’ yer gOnna wanna gEt yourself sOme rasPberRy lemONade when ya get theRe, It’s some gOod shit, lemme tell ya.”
“Alright, I’ll uh, I’ll do that.”
“Good, GoOd, That’s Good. Y'all have a niIiiccceee daaaaaay nooooow.” And then the intercom crackled once more, and returned to spewing static. Gavin released the button and looked around for the cat, hoping, maybe, for some more guidance, but she had long since abandoned him. He started walking down the road, away from the Sonic Drive-In, and The Thing inside, and hopefully towards where he needed to be.
Gavin started to think as he walked, which was not something he liked to do often. He much prefered to act in the moment without much consideration for the consequences of those actions until they themselves became the moment. Gavin did not like to think because he often thought much too deeply, and it sometimes scared him. Gavin thought about a lot of different things in quick succession, he thought about the missing greyhound bus, and The Thing in the Sonic, and wondered if the disappearance of one had to do anything with the appearance of the other. It probably did. He thought about what The Thing had told him to do, and why he was doing it. He thought about why he’d come here in the first place, to this inverted little section of Georgia. And he thought about Liminal Spaces, about busted elevators and darkened hotel hallways and empty stairwells. The air shifted suddenly as a pickup truck speed past him, it had a faded confederate flag on the back window.
Liminal Spaces, simply put, were the areas between one place and another. The small spots in the middle of point A and point B where reality seems to be altered in such a way that the change is almost imperceptible, and yet, it is still enough to leave you feeling so impossibly strange.
Liminal Spaces can also be doorways, if one knows how to properly open them.
Gavin isn’t sure how long he’s been walking down this empty stretch of road, but it’s been long enough that he can no longer see the Sonic Drive-in behind him. It’s not even a dot in the distance now, just gone, as though it were never there to begin with. He keeps going. He walks until his feet hurt, and his legs ache, and keeps going even after that. At some point he sticks his thumb out towards the road, tired enough to risk hitch-hiking, but no cars have gone by since the pickup truck. And at some point he takes a moment to rest. He sits down on the shoulder, and just breathes for a while. And then when he stands again, he sees the Cracker Barrel just down the road. Exhausted as he is, he knows it isn’t possible for him to not have seen it earlier. Gavin decides it’s best not to dwell on that, though, because this is exactly the kind of place where Cracker Barrels can just pop into existence. (Although, as he enters the restaurant, he remains somewhat annoyed that it couldn’t have decided to do it a little sooner.)
The front of the Cracker Barrel is a store selling all manner of things. There's a back corner full of vintage candy, a small section of organic make-ups, and another full of knick-knacks like salt and pepper shakers, and dreamcatchers, as well as the usual crap that tourists like to buy, T-shirts and mugs and what not. Gavin has never actually been in a “regular” Cracker Barrel, so he’s not sure if this is a completely normal thing, but he’s certain that a “regular” Cracker Barrel would not also be selling such wares as bottled crocodile tears and Unicorn meat slim jims. There aren’t a lot of people in the store, and yet Gavin finds it impossible to get a good look at any of them. The people look normal, but they move like extras in the background of a film. The only person in the room with any notable features is the waitress standing by the back. She’s short, and her hair and eyebrows have been dyed a vibrant blue. As Gavin follows her into the seating area he can't help but stare at her hair, and he finds himself thinking that it can’t possibly be dye, it’s too bright, somehow. She smiles at him as he sits, and her teeth are a just little too sharp.
Once he’s seated, she says, “Can I start you off with a drink?” Her voice has a pleasant, lilting tone to it.
Gavin thinks back to The Thing in the Sonic, “A Raspberry Lemonade? If that’s something you have here?”
She nods, and goes off to get him one. Gavin leans back in his chair and takes in his surroundings, trying to relax. The decor in the Cracker Barrel has a sort of vintage, rustic feel to it, there’s things like black and white photos, and old advertisements on the walls. All the furniture looks antique. There are quite a few other customers present. Most of them look like the same nondescript folk from the front, but a few stand out. There’s a woman in the back corner, she’s dressed in black furs and her head is an ember eyed wolf skull. She’s sitting across from a man with the skull of a stag upon his shoulders, the antlers adorned with ivy. There’s something resembling a giant moth sitting two tables away, slowly crunching its way through a Caesar salad. Occasionally, there’s a figure leaning against the kitchen doors, they look as though they’re made up of television static. Gavin’s eyes start to hurt from trying to look at them, so he turns his attention to the menu instead. The waitress returns with his Raspberry Lemonade, and he orders the Country Fried Shrimp.
Gavin takes a sip of his drink and finds that he agrees with the Thing in the sonic. It’s definitely some good shit.
“Funny seeing you around here, Gav.”
Gavin looks up from his drink, almost spills it in surprise.
“Is this seat taken?”
Gavin manages to shake his head.
Caleb Adams pulls out the chair across from him and sits. Gavin stares at him. He’s wearing a T-shirt that reads, “NORMAL HOROSCOPES: Making your day a little more magic whether you like it or not.” Gavin’s not sure if it’s supposed to be advertising for a psychic’s shop or if it’s some strange indie band he’s never heard of. Knowing Caleb, it’s probably the latter.
He finally manages to speak, “You’re dead.”
“Yeah?” Caleb leans an elbow on the table, and props his head up in his hand, his smile never wavers, “And?”
“And- and I don’t know, Fuck, I don’t know.”
The waitress briefly interrupts his existential crisis by depositing his Country Fried Shrimp on the table. Gavin looks down at it and tries to focus on the smell of greasy seafood instead of the dead man sitting across from him.
“You seem confused.” Caleb’s voice sounds uncharacteristically sympathetic.
Gavin nods.
He sighs, frowning “Eat your lunch, and then we’ll talk.”
Gavin eats what he can, but it’s a large portion, and he’s somehow not that hungry. He takes a final bite, and pushes the plate across the table, silently offering Caleb the rest of the shrimp.
The barest hint of a smile returns to his face, “Thanks, but no.” And then he’s frowning again, “Why’re you here, Gav?”
“I just went where I was told to-”
He shakes his head, “No. I don’t mean the friggin’ Cracker Barrel, I mean Here.”
And Gavin doesn’t really know what to tell him. That he’s here because he felt lost and desperate? That he didn’t know what to do anymore? That it doesn’t matter anyway because he’s fine, everything's fine and he’s just tired?
But he doesn’t tell Caleb any of that, he just says, “I miss you.” And he can’t keep his voice from cracking.
“I know you do.” Caleb places a hand over his, “But this is damn near one of the dumbest things you’ve ever done. You knew this place wouldn’t be safe for you.”
He feels numb, “I didn’t really care.”
“Gavin,” Caleb grips his hand now, “Look at me, please. I mean, really look at me.”
So he does, he looks up at him, and finally, meets his eyes.
They have not changed. Death has not reduced the amount of compassion behind them, nor faded the sea blue color. Gavin stares. Eyes are supposed to be a window into someone's soul, a way to truly see into them, and Gavin just stares because Caleb’s eyes are still capable of conveying so much, and he can feel tears running down his face…..
“It’s time to go home, Gav, okay?” He gestures to the window, and the Greyhound bus has pulled up, “Your ride's here.”
And Gavin knows has to force himself to look away and loosen his grip, and he can’t bring himself to.
“It’s alright.” He says, “It’s going to be alright. I’ll take care of the bill, Please just let go.”
And Gavin finally, Finally manages to tear himself away.
He does not feel anything but relief as he leaves, as he boards the bus and settles into a seat. He leans back, and watches through the window as the world shifts and shimmers and is suddenly dark and starry once more. As the Greyhound pulls out of the Sonic parking lot, Gavin closes his eyes, and slowly falls into the comfort of a deep, dreamless sleep.
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singledarkshade · 4 years
Party Time
Summary: Invited to a party, the Doctor and Rory find it's not the party they've been invited for. Sequel to The Doctor And The Nurse, A Fishy Tail, Getting To Know You, Kernel Of Stubborness and Home Sweet Home.
Rory stared at himself in the mirror.
“I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything like this,” Rory mused, pulling at the collar of the tuxedo to loosen it.
“Really?” the Doctor asked appearing behind Rory in the mirror, he was also dressed in a tuxedo although hadn’t put on the fancy shoes he’d made Rory wear, “I seem to need to wear this every few weeks.”
Shaking his head, Rory asked, “So, where are we going again?”
“The Star Liner of the Medraxion Emperor,” the Doctor told him, “The parties are legendary, and I think we both deserve a night of fun.”
Rory shrugged, “Did we have to dress up in the monkey suits?”
“It’s a fancy party, Rory,” the Doctor told him disapprovingly, “We want to look our best. And let’s face it,” he fixed his tie and grinned at their reflections in the mirror, “We look good.”
Rory chuckled softly.
“Come on,” the Doctor tapped his friend’s shoulder, “Let’s get going. They do this dip which is just,” he did a chef’s kiss, “And the cakes are amazing.”
“I do like cake,” Rory smiled.
The Doctor grinned and bounced away heading to the console room, Rory following on behind.
  “Wow,” Rory breathed as they stepped out the TARDIS and directly in front of him was a window showing a myriad of stars and swirling colours.
“Ahh,” the Doctor stepped out behind him, “The Colleian Nebula. One of my favourite sights on this route.”
Rory continued to stare, letting out a breath of amazement, “I’m so glad I came with you.”
The Doctor clapped him on his shoulder again, “We should get to the party. Come on.”
Tearing his eyes away from the scene before him, Rory followed his friend along the corridor. The sound of the party reached him as they moved closer to the doors, and Rory smiled when they entered the hall. It was lit up with what looked like floating candles around the room, everyone was dressed in finery with wait staff circling carrying trays filled with drinks or canapes.
The Doctor grabbed two glasses and handed one to Rory.
“This is Julton wine,” the Doctor told him, “It’s strong, be careful not to drink too much.”
Rory handed it back, “I’m not much of a drinker normally, so alien wine is probably not a good idea.”
Taking a sip of his wine, the Doctor nodded, “That’s a good attitude.” He put one of the glasses down and grabbed another from a different tray, “Try this. It’s like apple juice.”
Accepting the glass, Rory took a tentative sip before smiling at the taste. He looked around the room and was amazed that the fact there were aliens mixing with people who were human (or human looking) didn’t surprise him anymore.
The Doctor began to move around the room, listening in to conversations and Rory simply followed on behind not wanting to lose sight of his friend.
      “Doctor,” a woman called from behind them making them turn, “I’m so glad you received my invitation.”
Rory studied her, she had long black hair and was wearing a red evening dress, but it was the determined stride that put him on alert.
The Doctor frowned, “You’re not Madeline Grainger.”
“I’m Melinda,” she replied, “Her daughter.”
“Where’s your mother?” the Doctor asked genially but Rory could hear the edge in his voice.
Melinda smiled at him, “She’s in her room. Mother has not been keeping well recently and the party was a bit too much for her. She asked I bring you to see her as soon as you arrived.”
The Doctor glanced at Rory and nodded slightly, before he turned back to Melinda, “Lead on.”
“Doctor,” Rory murmured as they followed the woman, “You don’t like this, do you?”
He shook his head, “The invitation I got was for a party. There was nothing to indicate Madeline was ill.”
Rory nodded, “Not been keeping well doesn’t sound like it’s something that just came on. But I can check her if you want.”
“That would be a good idea,” the Doctor replied, “Keep your eyes open, Rory.”
They reached one of the state rooms, and Melinda opened the door for them. Motioning them inside Rory frowned at the empty room, turning as the door closed and he heard the lock click ominously.
“Your mother seems to have either gotten well and gone to the party,” the Doctor noted, “Or she’s so sick she dissolved. Making the bed after her.”
Melinda smiled coldly but said nothing as the door to one side of them opened and three more people entered the room.
The Doctor looked around before asking, “Anyone else joining us?”
Melinda stayed silent as the two women and the man joined her facing the Doctor and Rory.
“You know,” the Doctor rolled his eyes, “If there’s a reason for this, now would be the time to say. Otherwise, we will be leaving.”
“You’re going nowhere,” Melinda snarled, “I worked hard to get you here at the right time and place. I admit I expected the blonde bimbo to be with you but from the looks of him, your friend will work.”
Rory stiffened and glanced at his friend who was staring coldly at the woman.
“Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?”
Melinda smiled, as the man of their group pressed a gun into Rory’s side, “Completely. Which is why we’re all armed and if you don’t do what I say we will kill your friend.”
The Doctor smiled suddenly and took a seat on the bed, “And what do you want me to do?”
“You are going to steal the crown of the Medraxion Emperor,” Melinda told him, “And then take us off this ship.”
The Doctor look at her thoughtfully, “Really?”
“I have your box, I have your friend,” she replied coldly, “I don’t see any other option for you.”
The Doctor stared at her for a few minutes before nodding, “Well that’s true, you’ve got me. I’m assuming it is in a secure area of the vessel that not one of you can access.”
Melinda nodded.
“Then I need Rory with me.”
“Oh, you misunderstand,” Melinda laughed, “You won’t be stealing it. He will while you walk him through it.”
“What?” Rory demanded.
Melinda turned to him, “I’m not a fool. The Doctor is slippery, but he has a major weakness.”
Rory stared at her.
“That would be you, in case you’re wondering,” she told him.
The Doctor stood, “You really want to be careful about any threat you make.”
She smiled at him, “Your friend will go with Fiona and retrieve the crown for us. Once they’ve done this then they will bring it to your box and then you will take us to safety.”
The Doctor glared at her before nodding, “I need to speak to Rory and tell him what to do.”
Melinda nodded magnanimously, “Just make sure he does what we want him to.”
“Rory,” the Doctor cut him off, “I need you to do as I say. I am going to get us out of this, but you will have to go with them to steal the crown.”
Rory frowned, “I’m not a thief. I took a penny sweet from the shop once and felt so guilty I went back the next day and gave the shopkeeper ten pence for it.”
The Doctor smiled slightly at his friend’s confession.
“I’m the last person who could steal this thing,” Rory continued, “I will be caught in seconds.”
“Do you trust me?”
Confused by his friend’s question, Rory nodded, “Of course I do.”
The Doctor placed his hands on either side of Rory’s face, “Then trust me. I’m going to create a telepathic link between us, as long as you’ve got a hold of the sonic screwdriver, then it’ll be as though I’m right beside you.”
Rory stared at him for a moment before nodding again. Closing his eyes, the Doctor reached out with his mind and gently slid into Rory’s. Making sure he avoided looking at any memories the Doctor created the link.
Rory gasped at the connection and the Doctor had to catch him.
“Take this,” the Doctor slid the sonic into Rory’s hand, “Do not lose connection with it or we’ll lose the link. Okay?”
Shakily Rory nodded.
“Alright,” Melinda called, “It’s time to do this.”
      Rory gripped the sonic screwdriver as Fiona held his arm tightly moving them towards the secure room the crown was being kept in. The communicator that had been shoved in his ear was uncomfortable, but Rory knew if he tried to touch the thing then Fiona would not take kindly to it. He could see two guards standing in front of the door, both were armed and built like American Football players. Rory hoped they would stop them, hoped that the Doctor would find a way to escape even if he ended up imprisoned.
“Calm down, Rory,” the Doctor’s voice came.
Glancing to one side he was surprised to see Fiona hadn’t reacted.
“I’m talking to you in your mind,” the Doctor explained, “Don’t react and don’t speak aloud.”
Before he can think of a reply the guards noticed Fiona and Rory walking towards them.
“This is a restricted area,” the first guard growled.
“Oh,” Fiona batted her eyelashes, as she gave them a sweet smile, “I didn’t realise. We’re just looking for a private romantic place to look at the stars.”
The second guard gave Rory an amused smirk before adding, “Go up one floor. The observation deck will be empty just now.”
“How kind of you,” Fiona gushed before two shots came from the small clutch bag she held under her arm. Each shot found their mark in the guards’ hearts and Rory cried out moving instantly to try to save them.
“I wouldn’t bother,” Fiona said, lifting her skirt slightly to allow her to step over the bodies, “I don’t miss.”
Rory glared up at her, “You didn’t have to kill them. There must have been another way.”
Fiona chuckled, “It was easier though and it means you understand that I will have no qualms in shooting you if you don’t do what I say.”
Ice trickled down Rory’s spine at her words while he checked both men’s pulses just in case, before he slowly stood.
“Stay calm, Rory,” the Doctor’s voice came once more, “Stay calm.”
“Get over here now,” Fiona ordered, before touching her ear, “Mel, we’re at the door.”
“Alright, Doctor it’s time for you to tell your friend how to get in,” Melinda stated, “And trust me if you try to double cross us, your friend has already seen what a good shot Fiona is.”
“Rory,” the Doctor said, this time his voice was not around him but directly in his ear, “Use the sonic. I’ve set it for you, and it will open the lock then disarm the security system around the crown.”
Rory frowned and asked, “It’s that simple?”
“It’s that simple,” the Doctor confirmed.
Activating the sonic screwdriver, Rory was both surprised and relieved when the lock clicked, and the door swung open. Rory followed Fiona inside the room and stopped when he saw the jewel that they were there to steal. The crown looked as though it was made of one full piece of diamond, with rubies set inside the solid jewel before it shifted and became pure gold with emeralds.
“Don’t let it confuse you,” the Doctor’s voice said, this time through their link, “Switch the sonic to setting 445. Once you remove the casing, do not touch it.”
Rory glanced down at the sonic and changed the setting as told, the moment the security case was deactivated Fiona stepped forward taking a black velvet bag from her clutch and slid the crown in.
“We have it, Mel,” Fiona crowed, “We finally have it.”
“Get to the meeting point,” Melinda ordered, “The Doctor will be taking us to safety.”
“What about my date?” Fiona asked turning to where Rory was standing the sonic still clutched in his hand.
“If you harm Rory,” the Doctor snapped, “Then the deal is off.”
There was a pause that Rory heard every heartbeat pulsing loudly in his ears as he waited.
“He comes too,” Melinda stated.
      The Doctor walked with Melinda and her cohorts to where they stashed the TARDIS, relieved to see the blue box. He stopped outside the door and folded his arms.
“Open it,” Melinda ordered.
“Not until Rory is here and I see he’s safe,” the Doctor replied.
Anger covered her face, “You forget who is in charge here.”
“Nope,” the Doctor shrugged, “Trust me, I am well aware of the hierarchy.”
Before she could retort Fiona and Rory walked through the doors, a black velvet bag held in Fiona’s arms.
“Yes,” Melinda breathed seeing the package, “The crown.”
“You were right,” Fiona laughed, “It was easy and we’re going to be rich.”
Rory slid across the room to move to the Doctor’s side, his relief at being back with the Time Lord and the TARDIS palpable.
“Alright,” Melinda and Fiona both produce weapons again, “It’s time to leave.”
The Doctor gently rested his hand on Rory’s shoulder briefly before he opened the door of the TARDIS. Rory slipped inside first and headed to the console before the Doctor allowed Melinda, Fiona and their people inside.
“It’s true,” Melinda breathed, “Bigger on the inside.”
The Doctor entered the door last and closed the door behind him before heading to the console.
“Where to?” he asked.
He could feel Rory’s eyes on his back but didn’t move his gaze from the small group of people standing just inside the door.
“The only place we can auction this off,” Melinda smirked, “I’m sure you know where that is.”
The Doctor nodded and entered the co-ordinates, he threw the lever to send them into the time stream. The familiar sound of the engines filled the room, and they began to move.
“What the hell?” Rory breathed moving to the Doctor’s side, seeing Melinda, Fiona and their people beginning to phase out before suddenly disappearing, “What happened?”
The Doctor chuckled, “I move the TARDIS around them.” They landed and he motioned Rory to follow him to the door. Stepping outside he nodded to see he’d moved only a few feet and could see Melinda and her group being arrested by security.
“How did you do that?” Rory demanded confused.
“Never give me a way to access security systems,” the Doctor chuckled.
Rory frowned, “The sonic. That’s why I had to hold onto it, not for the telepathic link.”
“Well, I used the link to set the sonic to send the message,” the Doctor explained, “Sorry I couldn’t tell you, but I didn’t know how much they could overhear.”
“What now?” Rory asked.
“Now,” the Doctor turned and placed his hands on either side of Rory’s face, removing the telepathic link before smiling, “We enjoy the rest of the party.”
A smiled touched Rory’s face, “Sounds good.”
Wrapping an arm around his friend’s shoulders the Doctor led him back to the ballroom, “Let’s hope there’s still cake left.”
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fatherlyssa · 4 years
The Past.
Tumblr media
summary: old feelings and relationships are reunited between y/n and ethan.
"Y/n, you have to come! It'll be so much fun." Cam whined over the phone as you pulled it away from your ear. You placed the phone on speaker and sat it on your bed, continuing to do your laundry.
"Cameron," Your voice trailed off as you held the shirt up in front of you. It was one of his t-shirts. One that you didn't have the heart to throw away or give back to him. You owned it for so long and wore it so often there was holes forming around the neck. The him happened to be Cameron's brother. "I don't think it would be a good idea."
You thought back to the last time you saw him. The cardboard box in your hand was full of everything of his that was at your house. Items ranging from his hairbrush, mouthwash, toothbrush, clothes, pictures, and a couple of movies. You didn't want anything that was going to remind you of him in the slightest.
His reasoning behind the breakup was simply, "I don't love you anymore. Not like I did."
The words replayed in your mind everyday. Everytime you looked in the mirror. Everytime you passed a Sonic because that's where you two ended up every Friday night. A cookie-dough master blast in your hands and a brownie blizzard in his.
How can you just love someone one day and not the next? It never added up in your mind. But you were never raised to beg for anyone to stay in your life that didn't want to be there. So, you let him go. You left his house that day and never saw him again.
The downside of the entire thing was his siblings were your best-friends. Cameron remained one of your closest friends, but Grayson drifted away. It was understandable. Where Grayson was, Ethan followed.
"Look, as far as I know. He's not even going to come. You know how him and Grayson are with alcohol."
Cameron was having a get together at her new house. She had a pool with a jacuzzi made into it and it had a slide going down into it also. It was very nice to say the least. The party wasn't for anything in particular. It was for her to say, "Hey, I have a pool!", and that's okay.
You and Cameron were of legal drinking age so you didn't turn down a beer or seltzer, but Grayson and Ethan's morals stood strong. Usually.
The thought of being able to lay out by the pool while just hanging with some people your own age didn't sound bad at all. It sounded relaxing and that was exactly what you needed after the stressful work week you had before.
"Okay, fine. I'll come, but-"
Before you could finish your statement, Cameron was shouting excitedly about how much you were both going to have. She told you what time to come and then hung up abruptly.
You were going to tell her that if he showed up, you were leaving. No if's, and's or but's about it.
You looked over your outfit in the full body mirror you had set up in the corner of your room. You had lost a little weight within the last five months. Your appetite just wasn't there like it used to be. Nor did you ever have time for with work and all the overtime hours.
The top of the bikini was strapless and was open in the middle, exposing the valley of your breast to the world. The bottoms were just a plain black cheeky style. The bikini was more revealing than what you would normally wear, but it gave you a new found confidence. The confidence that said you didn't cared if showed up at this point.
But, soon it washed away as you put your blue jean shorts and thin white t-shirt on. You were back to your old reserved self.
The drive to Cameron's house took you no longer than fifteen minutes. The closer you got the more your anxiety rose. Several cars were parked in the long driveway and a few on the grass along the curb. You decided to park on the curb, not wanting to get trapped in the driveway if something were to happen.
"Y/n!" Cameron spotted you as soon as you walked through the front door. She was already sporting a bright yellow one piece that made her look super tan and slim. "Here. Your favorite." She reached her hand into a red cooler that was in the kitchen and handed me a mango White Claw.
"Thanks, I'm gonna need about ten more." You laughed with her as you popped the top and took a couple of sips.
She began introducing you to couple of her college friends. A few of them you had already met from other get-togethers and a few were new. By the time she had walked around and talked to everyone with her arm around your shoulder, you had finished your drink.
You were never one to sit around and babysit a drink. You had tried in the past, but it never worked out.
After excusing yourself from the crowd of people in the backyard, you walked into the kitchen. It looked as if everyone had moved the party outside. The sun was shining brightly and a few people had already gathered in the pool also.
"Oh! Excuse me.." As you stood up from where you were bending down by the cooler, the back of your body collided with someone else's.
"No worries." your breath caught in your throat as you turned around to face him.
His hair was gone. He had buzzed it. You knew of this because you watched the video. Seeing it in person now, you realized it suited him well. His shoulders seemed more broad than they were before. He had definitely been working out.
You shook your head and pulled your eyes away from him. Without another word added to the conversation you walked away. Part of you wished you wouldn't have apologized to him, but your good nature and manners would have never let that happen.
"Come get in the pool, Y/n!" Your eyes landed on the blonde haired boy with dark brown eyes. Introduced to you as Bryce about ten minutes ago.
"I will in a minute!" You told him with a smile as you opened your new drink. It was a lemon flavored white claw. Why would I grab this?
Your mind was still racing from the prior happenings. Should you leave? If you leave right now he'll know it was because of him. He'll think he has some sort of upper hand on your emotions still. You have to let him know you don't care. Even though you still do.
You took a seat in one of the lounge chairs that were placed around the pool and continued sipping your drink, watching everyone around you have fun. While you were stuck in your shell of anxiety.
When you were younger, early teens probably, you used to get anxiety attacks quite frequently. They came at random times even when you thought you were okay. After a year of them happening you were taken to the doctor and put on a certain medication. The attacks went away.
About a year ago, when you were happy and full of life you stopped taking them. You didn't need them. The people in your life at the time had taught you how to not worry about things so much and to just go with the flow.
Now, as you sat on the lounge chair you felt like you were a mile away from everyone else. You could them all talking, but you couldn't understand what they were saying. It was happening again. And you hadn't had one in so long, you didn't think you could remember how to handle it.
You stood to your feet, cupping your hands around your face to try and focus on what was in front of you. You could feel your breathing begin to get uneven as you stepped into the house.
Your feet led you to the bathroom on the bottom floor, your back sliding down the wall with your knees pressing to your chest.
Focus, Y/n. You're fine.
  "Y/n? Are you okay?" It was him. He noticed your absence from the party. He was the first of your friends to witness one of these episodes. And he was the first person in your life who took their time and helped you through the episode.
Before you could respond the door opened and he knew what was happening. He closed and locked the door behind him, sitting down directly in front of you.
  "Shh," You didn't know you were making any noises. "You're okay. Everything's fine." His words sent a calming effect over your body.
Even if he was the one who caused the attack, he still somehow was managing to stop it.
  "Look at me." His voice wasn't harsh. It was easy and smooth. You had no choice but to follow his orders. His eyes were still the same. Still had the same shine to them. "Breathe with me."
Your chest rose and fell with his. Your hands still cupped your own face. It was a thing you did that you noticed seemed to help you. It blocked out everything that didn't matter.
  "Your hair looks pretty." He said, his finger reaching up to twirl a piece of it around his finger.
He had noticed the highlights you got. Most of them had faded and blended in with your natural hair color, but he still took notice.
  "Thanks. So does yours." You giggles at the fact that he really didn't have any at that moment. He took the sarcasm like a champ, flicking an imaginary ponytail over his shoulder in the process.
Silence overtook the bathroom. It was comfortable and not awkward. Who would have thought sitting in a bathroom with your ex-boyfriend would be anything but relaxing?
"Why haven't you been taking your medicine?"
Here came the parenting Ethan. When you were together, you didn't need to take them. He was your medicine. He made you forget your problems.
"I forgot." It wasn't a lie. You really did forgot about it. Most of the time you were too busy to sit and wonder or overthink things that would lead to these episodes.
The silence flooded back and all you could hear was each of your breathing. At this point neither of you knew what to say. Was there anything that needed to be said?
Ethan moves abruptly and stood to his feet in front of you. You stared up at him as he outstretched both of his hands down to you. You were hesitant at first, but slowly let your hands slip into his. They had the same warm feeling. The warm feeling that made you feel safe.
As you brushed your shorts off and pushed some of your hair behind your ears Ethan spoke up.
“Hey, Y/n?” You peered up at him, your eyebrows furrowing together a bit.
In an instant his lips were pressed against yours. The kiss shocked you, leaving you stunned and pushed against the bathroom wall. Almost as if you had just gained your consciousness, you let your lips move against his.
It was rough and needy. It was something both of you needed.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, letting one of your hands cradle the back of his neck while the other one fell further down his back holding his body tightly to yours. His rough fingertips pressed into the bottom of your thighs and he picked you up, turning the two of you around so you now sat on the sink counter.
His lips pulled away from yours only to reattach themselves to your neck. A small moan fell from your lips as soon as he sucked on the one spot he knew drove you crazy.
“Ethan,” His name fell from your lips smoothly, “Wait, stop.” You forced the words out of your mouth.
As much as you didn’t want the actions to stop, you knew they needed to. This was wrong. You two were supposed to be broken up. But here you sat on a bathroom counter with your legs wrapped around his waist and his lips pressed against your neck.
“Why?” He stopped the magic he was doing on your neck and moved to look you in your eyes once again. “Don’t you miss this? Us?” His eyes held hope and lust. Which are the two worst emotions to mix together. Because nothing good ever comes from either.
“Ethan. Of course I do. You did this. You ruined us. You walked away from this.” You scooted your way off the counter and began to leave the bathroom.
Only to be stopped by a hand grabbing yours.
“I know I did. I did that because I knew I wasn’t good enough for you. I’ll never be your knight in shining armor that comes to save the day. You deserve someone who doesn’t forget your anniversary and brings you flowers. I knew I could never be that person for you.” His voice cracked at the end. Your gaze began to get blurry as you focused on his t-shirt.
“You don’t get to decide whether you’re good enough for me, Ethan. I get to decide that. You were perfect. I don’t need flowers. I can’t take care of myself What makes you thing I can take care of a plant?” You chuckled as you wrapped your arms around yourself to almost try and hold yourself together.
He silently stared at you for a second until he spoke up again.
“Do you still love me?” It was a whisper. Almost like he was dreading an answer in return.
“Never stopped.”
You didn’t want to be stuck in the tiny room with him any longer. You could feel the bubble growing in your throat and that was you needed was for him to see you breakdown. Twice in one day.
You didn’t bother telling Cameron goodbye or any of your new friends. You headed straight to your car and left. Never looking back to see if he followed or if he chased you down like the do in movies. Because you knew if you did, your hopes would crushed looking at the empty road.
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Putting Out Feelers
“What?” Bakugou snapped. He was bent over and pulling on his laces until the walls of his shoe pressed up against the sides of his feet.
“Um, I have something I want to ask you…”
Bakugou looked at Deku out of the corner of his eye as he knotted the laces. The nerd was bunching up the hem of his shirt and kicking up little clouds of dirt, nervous energy radiating off of him like a sonic wave. “So ask.” 
Deku opened his mouth, but no words came of it before he snapped it shut again. It reminded Bakugou, strangely enough, of a lock tumbler clicking into place. And it pissed him off.
“Hey, you brought it up!” Bakugou shouted, glaring directly at Deku. “So ask me your dumb question before I beat it out of you.”
Why did Deku have to beat around the bush so much? It wasn’t like him to be so tight-lipped (or, at least, it didn’t used to be). This was the same nerd that would start muttering to himself and not realize it until someone told him to knock it off, for Pete’s sake!
“I was just wondering, K-kacchan…,” He spoke haltingly, like he was afraid one wrong word would set him off, which just ticked Bakugou off even more. “W-what you do think of villains’ kids?”
Bakugou’s eyebrows shot straight past his hairline. Of all the questions Deku could have posed, his opinion on villains’ kids didn’t break the top 50 likely topics, no top 1000. He honestly expected it to be something relating to his quirk. Deku was obsessed with quirks, wrote in countless notebooks analyzing and breaking them down. He’d even shyly shown Bakugou a page he’d done on Explosion. Bakugou had been equal parts impressed and creeped out.
“Villains’ kids? Who gives a shit? Unless they rob a bank or attack a stadium, I don’t care who they are or what they do.” Bakugou stood and dusted off his jeans. As far as he was concerned, that was that.
Besides, they were both going to be heroes. Did the news ever show All Might seeking out the villain’s family after he took the bastard down, either to arrest or comfort them? No, they did not, because All Might had better things to do with his time. 
“No, Kacchan, I meant, um. Do you think a villain’s kid is destined to become a villain? Just cause their dad o-or mom is?”
Bakugou could only stare blankly at Deku. What the fuck did the nerd want from him? Deku was staring steadily back, hardly blinking, as if trying to read his mind (wait, could he? Bakugou would have to check later).
“I meant what I said before. I don’t give a shit. All I’ve got to add is they better watch themselves when I become number 1, ‘cause I sure as hell won’t be showing any mercy to villain scum.”
Now that, he’d thought, was a cool answer. But rather than gushing over how awesome it was, like Deku should have done, the nerd deflated. His shoulders slumped and his eyes got all misty, like he freakin’ kicked his puppy right in front of him.
Bakugou opened his mouth, about to demand what his problem was. He gave a perfectly good answer! Just like Deku wanted! If he wasn’t going to like what he heard, he shouldn’t have asked in the first place. Dumbass.
But before he could, Deku ran off. Mumbled a quick, “see you tomorrow” before sprinting off so fast, it had to be the work of another quirk. Leaving Bakugou there gaping after him, looking like a jackass.
That evening, Bakugou practically stomped his way back home, leaving black scorch marks in his path, raging inside at Deku and his dumb questions and not, repeat not, feeling the least bit guilty or sorry for whatever it is he said that upset him.
I don’t know if this is as devastating as All Might telling Izuku he can’t be a hero without a quirk but I aimed to evoke a similar feeling.
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badlydrawnmanic · 4 years
time for episode 3 i guess! wish i could focus on the things i gotta do but something’s bugging me and i just can’t, i might have to start from scratch but anyway...
• manic wants to find a place where he belongs... • why were the triplets born in... an alternate dimension??? what • dingo is a tree and it’s freaking me out • sonic: hey did you notice anything strange about that tree   manic and sonia: no we did not see the canine face with stupid glasses staring at us directly as we passed by • the fact that manic’s drums can cause earthquakes and stuff is pretty neat • i seriously feel bad for dingo at this point • there’s a camera angle where it looks like manic’s levitating in front of sonic when sonic is supposed to be dragging him along real fast • i don’t understand why the bad guys are like “lmao nature and clean things are stinky” like i know you’re bad but like ??? man • i think this show would be much more visually appealing if they used brighter backgrounds like in mobodoon • again how old are they supposed to be, it’s their birthday? they’re so small • i know mayor winnieham (how the fuck do you spell that) is a horse but she looks like a soft dragon, she’s so nice and i actually like her voice • hooray for socialism • sonic sniffs and it sounds like jaleel had a stuffy nose that day • horse lady is so nice but a ton of nice people in this cartoon are traitors so i’m like :grimace: • A CHAOS EMERALD • manic is so overwhelmed by the fact that someone cared about him and his siblings that he starts to like fall backwards and the lady has to push a chair under him, he’s crying someone hug this boy • “sonic’s always been cool, having this mondo world as his home” sorta implies that he had adventures before all this, i only say this because i’ve been trying to slap together a timeline and i think i made underground take place between satam and sonic 3? i forget exactly
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• h • you’d think horse lady would be more excited that they’ve returned and stuff • gee sonia why does your mom let you have super speed and strength • did she recognize dingo this time?? she got mud on her and immediately attacked him so like... would she do that to anyone??? • the people who wrote this show don’t understand how siblings interact with each other, i don’t call my brother “bro” every two seconds and i don’t think anybody does • okay why does the horse lady say they were born in this nursery room, i would assume that that’s... not true... please tell me there’s a hospital or something in this city • three episodes into the series and manic’s like “i’m gonna stay here and break up the band :D” • horse lady made evil eyebrows i don’t trust her all adults are bad • SONG TIME AGAIN, SONIC UNDERGROUND STYLE • I think this is one of the only songs where manic sings and it’s not even clear that it’s him? i was told that it was him singing • GSDJG MANIC’S HAIR IS BIRDS • sometimes the baby triplets are cute and sometimes they’re terrifying • they reused animation that was used like just before the song started • manic goes “wow” in his normal voice right in the middle of the song • i actually really like this song, but like... the singing voice is odd, a bit nasally. other than that it’s good and i’d listen to it again, like... 9/10 i think, i’ll hum it absentmindedly after the episode is done. if they re-recorded this for any reason or if there was a cover of it i’d be pretty happy about that! • sleet unrolls a huge sheet of paper with absolutely nothing on it • the background characters in mobodoon aren’t as hideous as the normal background characters • sonic leaving fire everywhere when he runs seems like it would be an issue at some point • sleet and dingo are terrorists • they deadass just stole a family’s whole house • THE CHAOS EMERALD • i’m calling it a chaos emerald, apparently it controls the daylight cycle and structural integrity of the whole dimension which is odd • if she’s so worried that mobodoon will fade why don’t they evacuate? unless they can’t without the chaos emerald or something • apparently they can leave whenever because sonic’s back with sleet and dingo • they used footage from this episode in the previous episode’s music segment...? i wonder how production was • sonia and manic fall from the sky • “manic, hold all the important doohickeys while we do the cool stuff” • dingo’s fucking feral in this segment holy shit calm down • the cave of wonders................ • MANIC HAS LITTLE SHARP TEETH • manic did it!! • i still don’t get how mobodoon works • how unstable is that dimension if the chaos emerald being gone for an hour max is enough to make it nearly collapse • sonic called dingo “dingus” and i have no idea how old that term is
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• manic looks like a very small child waiting for his mom to say he did a good job saying “thank you” to the grocery store checkout person and that’s adorable but also he looks goofy as shit • this poor boy, i imagine he just wants a mother figure, horse lady has her hand on his shoulder and she’s probably one of the few dependably nice people they’ve encountered in a while • aw, sonic and sonia like... acknowledge that manic is happy here and are willing to let him stay in mobodoon, that’s pretty wholesome. i feel like this was supposed to be an emotional beat but like... bad pacing kinda mucks it up
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• “don’t forget to visit” god, my heart, he says it so gently like poor baby • “oh i almost forgot that your mother who has been absent in your lives since you were literal babies and that you’ve been risking your lives to find stopped by during the climax of the episode, my mistake”
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• okay, i can see the horse part of her now maybe more of a donkey • “together at last” is one of the audio blurbs they play and they say it like they’ve been separated forever • they knocked sleet back into mobodoon like that solves the problem??? • i kinda like how they replay part of the song at the end of the episode to like... reestablish an idea in a different light? like when it played the first time it’s like “oh i found my childhood home and the place where i came from” and now it’s like “i’ve found the place where i belong with my loved ones” and that’s actually really good imo • i feel like manic has the most potential for depth out of all of them just because if you look any deeper into what’s happening in the show it gets kinda sad? [slaps roof of manic] this bad boy can fit so much emotional trauma in it
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ms31x129 · 4 years
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Gypsy Journey:  By Ms31x129 (Existence AU - Part 6)
Summary:  Nightmares intersect with reality on a gypsy journey with no end in sight. 
“I can’t forgive you for hiding him from me Dana. A man has a right to see his grandson grow. “
Part 1- A Child Is Born, Part 2- Desperate Lullaby,  Part 3- Sacrifice & Part 4 - Faded Love Part 5 - Haunted Dreams
If I tagged you and you aren’t interested please ignore and sorry for the wait. Link HERE for AO3 or if you prefer reading on Tumbler it’s below for the newest chapter and linked on each chapter title. 
@cultureisdarkbeer @season4mulder @baronessblixen @kikocrystalball @kyouryokusenshi @piecesofscully @monikafilefan @today-in-fic @improlificinsarcasm @lappina @skullsmuldon  @wholeperson @mobygirl21 @faithfirst2016 @postmodernpromartheus @lmsmith099 @alienbaby-babymama @sandymans-world  @blossom-ofsnow @rationalcashew @thatsaprettycoolposter
Part 6: Gypsy Journey
They’d been travelling for almost 7 months and they’d stopped in Peachtree City just outside of Atlanta in Georgia when Gibson heard him - it for the first time in months.
“Come to me. Do not run.”
Gibson looked around, Mulder was still in the restroom with William. There at the rear of the building stood an Alien Bounty Hunter. Gibson swallowed and hoping he wasn’t about to make a mistake walked closer.
“I could have killed you many times over, human.”
“Then why haven’t you?”
“You know why.”
The hunter reached out and placed his hand on Gibson’s head. “You have been damaged.” Gibson felt a warmth pass from the Hunters hand, his head felt like it was on fire. And then just like that it wasn’t. The Hunter stepped back and Gibson heard Mulder calling his name, he turned and had to brace himself against the building wall when dizziness passed through him.
“You okay Gibson?” Mulder began to walk towards him; William in his arms. William called out to him in his own way verbally “Gi, Gi…” And a mental thought of a dark ominous beach - waves crashing forcefully. William’s arms were outstretched and he wiggled in Mulder’s arms. Gibson looked behind him one last time - the hunter was gone.
Gibson met Mulder halfway, “I think he wants you to hold him, Gibbs.” Mulder had started calling him that several months ago. He liked it. Mulder handed William to him and William snuggled close, almost like he was comforting him. 
Batesburg-Leesburg, South Carolina
As they moved up the east coast the nightmares kept them steady company on their gypsy-like journey. Scully walking away holding William, William reaching out to Mulder, a plaintive “Da-da...” fading as both mother and child became one with the endless sand.
 They took a circuitous route north driving west in South Carolina first. The plan was to spend a night in Spartansburg. Gibson stared out the window and noticed the silence first, then a vibration that grew louder. He turned his head and looked at William whose eyes were wide with fright.
It was only a few moments until he read the mind of the man he once accused of being afraid of him.
“Krycek thought he could kill me, he was wrong. I’m going to give you another chance Marita, even though you did nothing to stop him from pushing me down the stairs.”
Gibson could feel the satisfaction from the man taking a deep slow drag from his cigarette. “I want my grandson found and when you do you are going to bring him to me.”
Suddenly Gibson heard other sounds - dark, dangerous - something was in Spartansburg. The sign ahead read Spartanburg Exit 14 A Route 85 North. Gibson grabbed Mulder’s forearm.
“Mulder - don’t take the exit. We can’t go to Spartanburg. I, I can’t explain exactly - there’s something - danger. WE can’t go there.”
Mulder looked at the fear in the earnest young man’s face and nodded in unspoken agreement and merged into another lane. Gibson closed his eyes and sighed in relief, but William was projecting - the dark ominous beach was back.
The nightmare that came while in the safe house in North Carolina was the worst. Gibson didn’t know how much longer any of them would survive without restful sleep.
A triangular UFO made of sand, lifting up, up - changing into weather stained metal. A low humming began as more craft of all sizes now dotted the skies, the beach became a city of rubble. Screams of the dying, explosions, buildings toppling as the crafts above continued their reign of destruction.
A baby’s wail shattered the dream and a new one crept in. William crawled across the sand toward his father. Mulder was sick, dying, skin pasty his face and body moist with sweat, eyes red. William on his knees hands on his father’s chest, grasping Mulder’s shirt in his small hands. “Daa-Daa… Daa-Daa….” Mulder raised his arm weakly, a thumb wiped at the tears on his son's cheek. He swallowed his throat, felt raw, tight and it was getting harder and harder to breath. 
In the distance Scully ran toward them, in her hand - a syringe. “Mulder… ” her voice echoed. Everything would be okay now. Scully was coming. “God, I love you William.” Mulder’s hand fell just as Scully dropped to her knees beside them. “No, no, no, no… Mulder. Damn you!” She plunged the needle into his neck. “C’mon, c’mon don’t do this to Me! To our son!” Scully ripped Mulder’s shirt open and began chest compressions continuing to scream at him to wake up.
William was still on his knees beside her when she noticed the change Mulder’s skin had turned gelatinous… No! She looked at William as he was pulling his hands away from his father's chest, a stretchy, viscous slime coating his hands. Scully looked at her own hands pressed against Mulder’s now translucent chest and the creature writhing within. Scully scooped William into her arms, got to her feet and backed away. 
The creature burst from Mulder’s chest, it seemed to sniff the air until it swiveled its head and looked directly at Scully and William. Scully took several steps backward, her eyes never leaving the creature, until she bumped into something - someone. CGB Spender held a gun to her back. “Give the boy to Marita, Dana… I can still call you Dana can’t I? After our oh so memorable road trip… I’d rather not shoot you in front of the boy.”
Marita stepped forward and Scully reluctantly relinquished William; his cries grew louder as Marita carried him away toward a car. Spender also began backing away the gun still trained on Scully.
“I can’t forgive you for hiding him from me Dana. A man has a right to see his grandson grow. I wonder if there’s anything left of Fox in that creature? Perhaps you’ll be the one to survive? I think not, it’s unfortunate - I could have given you the world… It’s too late for that. I’ll raise William as my own, my heir. Finally a child to mold who can be the son I always wanted.”
The Mulder-Creature slowly slinked forward closer to Scully. “Goodbye, Dana.” The creature  moved like lightning striking driving Scully into the sandy beach. William struggled in Marita’s arms. “Da-da, da-da… n, n, nooo….” The creature turned toward the sound of William’s voice and took a few steps away from Scully. “Get the boy in the car, Marita. NOW!” Spender hissed.
Scully rose shakily to her feet and launched herself at the creature, instinct took over and it turned on her, slashing with its claws. Marita was still trying to get the struggling William in the car, his cries reached a fever pitch. “Nooooooo…...M, M … Ma….Mama!”
A sonic bomb, a wave of psychic energy consumed them, scouring everything clean.
Pure Darkness. 
William was crying out for his father. Both Mulder and Gibson stumbled to the makeshift nursery, Mulder took his son in his arms. “Shhh, Will… it’s okay, I’m here.” Gibson shook his head, the remnants of the dream fading. His head was pounding, he felt the familiar wetness above his lip, he reached up and swiped, blood on his fingertips. Gibson noticed blood beneath Mulder’s nose as well, as their eyes met. 
“What just happened?” Gibson shook his head, the dreams were fading, becoming hazy. William was calming, becoming quiescent in his father’s arms.
Miles away the ABH felt the child’s power spread, an invisible wave -  so much untapped potential - so untrained. The ship responded, absorbing the energy even as the readout from a monitor went static. His brothers surrounded him. “It is done,” one of them said. “Call the boy,” intoned another.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
10 Things About You
ShadAmy (One-Shot/ Valentine’s Special)
    Shadow always had everything under control. Ever since he discovered his past, he decided to always have control in every aspect of his life.
That was until Amy Rose appeared.
He disliked her and a lot. Her happy go lucky attitude, her idealistic ideologies, and the way she always saw something good in everyone. Even in him.
Shadow hated that. He didn't need anyone to tell him he was good but unconsciously he found himself waiting for her approval.
He hated that everything in his life was going the way he wanted ... but her.
"Hey Shads, I am leaving already."
Rouge walked down the stairs, looking more sexy than usual. She was wearing a short black skirt that showed her toned legs and a matching tank top that accentuated her flat stomach. Rouge was about to tease the guy for staring but the thought went away the moment his eyes diverted back to the TV.
Of course, he already had a pink hedgehog on his mind just like she had a red echidna on hers.
But that didn't mean she couldn't tease him in other ways.
"You will have the place for yourself. Omega is getting reparations at G.U.N. I won't be coming back home so feel free to bring someone to ... spend the night with."
"Didn't you say that you were leaving already?" Shadow said sarcastically, his eyes still glued to the TV.
"You know, if you were nicer maybe you could have gotten yourself a Valentine."
Shadow turned his head around as he looked up and down at Rouge; it was judging look that could make anyone feel less. "So I can make myself look like a clown? No, thank you."
Rouge wasn't affected much by this. She was used to Shadow's horrible personality and attitude, but that still doesn't mean she wasn't going to fight back.
"Well, maybe you should start looking for a costume and makeup..." Rouge walked towards the door, ready to leave. "Because as far as I know, Amy has a thing for clowns."
Goddamit, Rouge. Shadow wished for her to get married to the red one already so she can leave the shared apartment.
Shadow thought he was good at hiding how much he hates the pink one but it seemed Rouge caught into that.
But once again, he would make it pretty obvious sometimes.
"Shadow stop pulling my hair!"
"Shadow stop eating my food!"
"Shadow give me back my pen!"
"Shadow stop with the pranks!
Shadow! Shadow! Shadow!
"Come on Shadow, give me my notebook back!" Amy jumped constantly as she tried to grasp her favorite black notebook. Shadow was holding with his right hand, he was enjoying too much watching Amy trying to get it.
"I don't think so, this is my favorite new notebook."
Amy stopped jumping and she looked directly at Shadow's eyes. "Do you like my notebook?"
It caught Shadow off guard, and seeing that he wasn't responding, Amy added;
"Alright then, you can keep it."
That memory always hit him back at random moments, and he was embarrassed to admit that he still had that black notebook. It was brand new and nothing was written on it, which made Shadow wonder why Amy always held it as if her life depended on it.
But that was some time ago already and the display of hate Shadow showed her had caught Rouge's attention.
"You are like a little kid who doesn't know how to tell his crush he likes her so he bullies her instead to get her attention."
Or so he remembers Rouge saying when she confronted him about the issue.
How stupid of her, to think that the Ultimate Life Form could ever have such feelings for a plain hedgehog.
Shadow switched the channels of his TV and as he expected, every single one of the commercials had to do with Valentine's Day. Couples walking hand by hand, kissing, hugging, Shadow didn't want anything but to this day to be over.
His mind went back to the pink one as he saw a commercial of a shy girl confessing to her crush.
Would Amy do something like this for Sonic? Not like it matter, Sonic wouldn't look at her twice.
Shadow focused his attention once again to the commercial. After a lot of failed attempts of confessing, the shy girl was successful at her task and her crush accepted her.
If Amy tried confessing today, would Sonic change his mind?
Something light up the moment Shadow thought about it. Yes, he would tease Amy whenever he had the chance. However, Amy's reaction to his teasings is completely different from when Sonic teases her.
He had seen it before. Her distracted eyes looking from side to side; how she played with her hands, the light red tint in her cheeks.
No matter how much Shadow tried, he couldn't get her to be like that with him.
Another thing he couldn't control.
How he hated that; how much he hates Amy Rose.
But another thought crossed his mind. If he shows Amy how much he hates her; would she accept that? Would her reaction be the same as when she is with Sonic?
Shadow shook his head; no, there was no way he was going to.
He changed TV channels again and again. Valentine's Day plastered all over the commercials and shows.
Shadow sighed in defeat.
"Well, I was planning on giving back that notebook anyways."
    It has been two hours already and Shadow was trying to give Amy her notebook back. He couldn't just give it like that, that would be too rude. So he passed by the store to get a small bag. He picked up a red one with white polka dots on it. He put it back immediately, it was just a notebook. So, maybe a simple carton bag is fine? No that's too simple. A white bag? No that's lame.
And that's how Shadow spend two hours trying to pick the perfect bag.
He took the red bag with white polka dots at the end. It reminded him of Amy in a sense, that should be good.
However, all confidence went away when he saw her leave her apartment building. He immediately took the notebook out of the bag and threw the bag away.
He was starting to panic, maybe today wasn't the best day to give it back, she looked like in a rush.
Wait not, fuck that. It wasn't when she wanted, it was when he wanted.
Shadow saw Amy walking towards him and he immediately began to walk away, slowly, very casual. Good thing that he was wearing all black clothes so he could blend in perfectly with the night.
"Hey, Shadow!"
Fuck. How did she find out it was me?
Shadow stopped midtrack as he heard her voice. Forgetting the fact that he was wearing his G.U.N jacket and that his name was written on the back with bold white letters.
He pretended not to hear her and kept walking.
"Is that my old notebook you are holding?"
Shadow was holding the black notebook behind his back, yes it was stupid of him. This pink girl always made him do stupid things and that's why he hates her.
He turned around to face her, knowing that it would be impossible to escape now.
Damn. How much he hates her.
She was wearing a long red coat that reached to her knees. A white turtle neck blouse with a pink and purple striped skirt that was above her knees. Black thighs covered her legs and small black heels accentuated her legs. She was holding a small red bag to complete her outfit.
Shadow hates how Amu=y wasn't even wearing anything provocative but he was still having unwanted feelings about the way she presented herself.
That was one part of him. One of desire.
His other part focused on her face, she was wearing light makeup but he could still see the under circles in her eyes. The small breakouts in her skin, the way her eyes glowed like the pole light next to them. Her messy hair was tied into a ponytail but her bags moved softly with the air.
This part of him told him that he must care for the pink one, he doesn't know why ... and he hates it.
But the third and last part of him was the worst.
"I can't believe you still have it, were you planning on giving it back?" Amy smiled and Shadow grew angrier by the second.
The worst part was her personality ... and he hates how much control that part of her had over him.
"Yes, it was taking too much space in my room. So instead of throwing it away, I decided to give it back."
"How considerate of you, but I can't accept it."
This is what he gets for being nice. He made a mental note to never do this again in his life.
"Fine," Shadow added, "I'll just throw this in the fucking trash-"
"No, please don't."
Amy touched Shadow's hand and he immediately flinched, pulling his hand away. Amy saw his reaction and she spoke immediately.
"I mean, today is Valentine's and well, usually is the girl who gives a gift or chocolate to the guy." Amy felt her cheeks feel hot as she looked in her bag. She took out a small elongated pink box with a ribbon attached to it. " I have this for you ... and this won't work unless you have the notebook. So please accept my gift and if you don't want it then wait until White Day to give it back."
Fuck Amy Rose and this power she had over him. If it was anyone else, he would have laughed it off and deny the gift but when it was her ...
Well, let's just say that Shadow had never run so fast to his apartment to open his gift.
He sat down on the couch again and with a 'pop' he opened his gift.
It was a plastic pen.
Shadow took it in his hand, he was perplexed that Amy had given him such a cheap item in a very elegant box. He analyzed the pen, up and down. It was pink and small and on the side, it had a small button. He pressed it and a purple light came out of the top.
Shadow perfectly knew that this was. It was an invisible ink pen with UV light.
Was Amy out of her mind? Why in the world would she-
"I have this for you ... and this won't work unless you have the notebook."
Shadow connected the dots, he was fast to get the black notebook. He flipped through the pages, all of them blank.
He went back to the first page and he grabbed the pen. He pointed the end of the pen towards the paper and pressed the button. The purple light came out of the pen, revealing letters on what used to be blank pages.
And Shadow began to read.
Dear diary #1:
I am happy today because I got this notebook at the store. It came with an invisible ink pen with UV light so no one can read you. Only me!"
Dear diary #2:
I tried confessing to Sonic and he rejected me .. again. It's ok tho, I'll keep trying until he loves me!"
Dear diary #3:
I hate Shadow! He is so mean to me! I don't understand why I always try to be nice to him. I hope he stops teasing me so much.
Dear diary #4:
Rouge told me that Shadow might like me. That's so gross! I don't believe it, just the idea makes me want to throw up. I can only love Sonic anyways.
Dear diary #5:
It was a strange day today. During the meeting, I commented that I would love to have a crepe with whip cream. A few hours later, I went to the Resistance's kitchen and I found Shadow secretly baking something. I left him alone and went back to my room. A few hours later someone knocked on my door and when I went to open it, I found an overcooked crepe with too much whip cream outside my room.
Was it ... Shadow?
Dear diary #6:
Today, I found Shadow beating up some guys in the city. It wouldn't be a weird sight if it wasn't because those were the exact guys who told me bad stuff at the Resistance a few days ago.
Dear diary #7:
It was my birthday today and I received a beautiful arrangement of flowers. I thought Shadow was smart. The flowers had a tag in which it had the name of a flower shop. I went there and they told me that a black with red stripes hedgehog was the one who sent the flowers.
Does that mean that Shadow ... likes me?
Dear diary #8:
Shadow says he hates me but he looks at me all the time during the meetings. He looks angry whenever I am talking to other male agents. He looks hurt whenever I am with Sonic.
I think ... I think Shadow really likes me.
Dear diary #9:
The more I pay attention to Shadow, the more I find myself intrigued. In battle, he is brave. Although he doesn't show it, he is kind and cares for all agents at the Resistance. He might act cold, but he actually has a really soft personality.
Now, I find myself looking at him the most and our eyes meet more often.
Dear diary #10:
I don't even think Shadow is aware that he likes me. I honestly don't want to be the one breaking it to him. He enjoys teasing me and the attention I give him. And if teasing me makes Shadow happy, then I am happy too. I'll keep up the act just to see Shadow happy.
He makes me happy ... because ... because I really like him.
I like Shadow.
   He closed the notebook and put the pen on top of it as he placed it next to him on the couch. An overwhelming amount of feelings overtook him. Shadow knew that Amy wasn't one to lie, especially when it came to a personal diary like this. He tried to think again, but whenever he thought he had come up with a result, he denied it. He was confused and angry but he also had some content in his heart.
He hates how he can't understand his feelings.
He hates how he is incapable of understanding his feelings.
And he hates how Amy Rose is the only one to blame.
And even so, he couldn't bring himself to hate her completely. She was there in his best and his worst moments. In his moments of intimacy, in his moments of rage and his moments of confusion. She was there.
And although he hates her, Shadow had to admit that he loved the way he didn't feel lonely when he was with her.
Shadow was unsure about his feelings but he was confident about one thing ...
He needed to give Amy a present for White Day.
A/N: Happy Belated Valentine's Day! Something short and no related to my other stories, but I hope you enjoy it! The idea came when I used to live in Japan and I had to give tomo-choco to my friends and for White Day, I received gifts or chocolate back lol. Also, I may have another chapter of 'Stages' done by today, so keep looking forward to that, I see you again soon!
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elyreywrites · 4 years
do you know who you are?
a fic written for Pride Month 2020!! (yes, i know pride month is over, but i posted this on AO3 on June 30th so.) this is a projection fic. it’s not an exact projection of my experience, nor is it meant to be a generalized representation. this isn’t everyone’s experience.
warnings: slight mention of Jack and Janet Drake potentially being homophobic, and discussion of compulsory heterosexuality
thank you to my betas in the Capes & Coffee Discord - Bumpkin, ZulieTheProgrammer, and Oceans!!
title is from Moana’s “I am Moana”!
AO3 Link
Teen 1,678 words Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent slight one-sided Tim Drake/Jason Todd - as in, tiny-Tim has a crush on Robin-Jason
He’s twelve and watching Robin fight. He’s seventeen and staring up at the ceiling. He’s nineteen and text-spamming his best friends.
Tim’s growing up and finding himself, and he would really appreciate if the Realizations didn’t happen when he’s trying to sleep. Kon and Bart would probably appreciate that as well.
- - - - -
It starts as he’s watching the second Robin knock out some muggers. It’s not the first time Tim has seen Jason’s Robin take down a group of criminals, but it’s the first time that he nearly gives himself away as he squeaks.
 Jason’s so strong, and cool, and pretty, and – oh. Ah. Okay.
He calls it a night at that, bright red from the questions that are swimming around in his head. He spends most of the trip home lost in thought. When he’s sitting on his bed, one of his best pictures of Jason’s Robin sitting in front of him, he gives them a voice. Talking usually helps him get his thoughts in order. “Okay,” he whispers, “do I like boys?” He doesn’t dislike them – not at all. But does he like them? Maybe, but… how is he supposed to know? “Is that too big of a topic?” he wonders aloud to the picture. “Let’s start with this: Do I like Robin? Jason-Robin.”
That doesn’t turn his brain into a jumbled mess like the previous question did. Of course he likes Jason-Robin. He’s absolutely amazing, protecting people and checking on the working girls and kicking criminal ass! He’s only a couple years older than Tim is, but he does so much more! And he’s real in a way Dick isn’t.
Jason’s just a kid like Tim, though they have such different backgrounds. Dick was a trained acrobat, with skills Tim never really believed he could learn. Jason seemed closer. He was still more amazing than Tim could ever hope to be, but it wasn’t an entirely impossible stretch like it was with Dick.
“And he’s so passionate, especially when it’s a kid that’s in danger. And every time he smiles, it just makes me so happy that I kind of want to giggle and—” Tim stops babbling. He doesn’t need to anymore, after basically answering his own question. Yes, he does like Jason Todd, the current Robin. As in, he has a crush on him. Tim falls back on his bed to stare up at the ceiling.
“Well,” he says, “that explains the weird, squirmy feeling I get in my stomach every time I imagine talking to him.” That feeling is always accompanied by a fierce blush and Tim hiding his face for a good two minutes. He thinks he probably should have caught on sooner. Deciding that was enough Realizing Things for the night, Tim quickly locks the picture of Robin up with the rest and collapses on his bed to sleep.
The next day – a Saturday, which is Mrs. Mac’s day off – Tim hops on the computer and starts researching. He has a crush on one boy, but Tim still thinks girls can be cool. Batgirl is pretty awesome, after all! After a few hours and a lot of new information, he settles back on his bed again. He’s bisexual, and sexuality can apparently be really fluid. In all honesty, it didn’t take him hours to find the term, he just fell into a rabbit hole of researching sexual orientation and gender identities. Tim’s fairly secure in his gender, but he’s glad to have learned. It’s something to keep in mind about other people – to not assume anything based on appearances.
He’s bisexual, with a crush on a boy, and his parents will still expect him to only date girls. At least the boy was Robin and completely unattainable.
- - -
Years later, Tim is laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling once again. It’s a different bed by now, in his own apartment at seventeen. The thing is, he’s pretty sure he has no interest in romance. And now his brain was mixing everything up in a tangle of thoughts and feelings again.
“Holding hands is nice,” he admits. “I like cuddling. That was fine.” He hasn’t gone further than making out with anyone, so that’s about the limit of his physical experience. It’s the implication of emotions that makes him want to skitter away. Specifically, emotions of the romantic variety. Now Tim’s reassessing every romantic relationship he’s had, though he’s only ever dated women.
At the time, he had thought he was happy while in each relationship, but… it’s becoming much more likely that it’s because he was previously starved for affection. He suddenly got that affection while dating someone. That thought makes him want to hide from everyone he’s ever dated. Stephanie is the only one he really still has to see, and that has him burrowing under his blankets.
It sounds awful, honestly. Like he was using the relationship to get the affection he so desperately wanted. Logically, he might be overthinking this. He just wishes his dumb brain would tell that to his anxiety and the ingrained societal expectations. “I didn’t mean to,” he mumbled into the blankets.
Romance, dating, being happy in a relationship? He has no other experiences to reference! He didn’t know that something wasn’t right.
Hell, he’s only having this Realization because a woman was flirting with him at a gala and asked if he would like to get dinner together sometime. A romantic dinner date with a woman he wasn’t close to. The entire scenario would be romance with no physical affection, and that didn’t sound pleasant in the slightest. It did, however, make him realize that he might need to think things through again.
So, here he is. Thinking things through. No romance – if he’s remembering his research correctly, the term is ‘aromantic’, similar to ‘asexual’. Asexuality was something he’d heard more about over the years, but he rarely heard of aromanticism. It had just stuck out because while the terms were similar, their meanings were pretty different.
Now he’s glad it stuck in his mind. It gives him less reason to panic about being confused. So, he was bisexual and aromantic. That’s fine! He’s a vigilante, romantic relationships would be difficult anyway.
- - -
A year and a half later, Tim’s fingers fly across the screen of his phone, sending text after text without waiting for a response. Either his friends would wake up or they wouldn’t. Hopefully they would.
Tim: Oh my god. Guys, wake up, I’m an idiot. Bart, Kon, please. I’m so dumb. How the hell am I this oblivious? I’m not bi-aro at all. I’m just fucking gay. It’s 5 am and I can’t sleep, and I just want a boyfriend. I want to do couple things, like cuddle up while watching movies.
Clone Trooper: dude, it’s the middle of the night. why do you do this to us?
Tim feels no sympathy for his friends – he’s been running on less than six hours of sleep for years. Sometimes less than four hours. High school and vigilantism don’t mix well. Anyway, they can deal with waking up to deal with his Realization.
Sonic: bro we cuddle up when we watch movies are we not good enough for you anymore
Tim: Yeah, but that’s platonic, Bart. And yes, I’m aware of the time. I’d like to be asleep too, but I’m lonely and sad and having Realizations! Suffer with me.
Clone Trooper: … suffer how? are you expecting us to have an existential crisis too, or is this just suffering by being awake?
Tim: Being awake. It’s not an existential crisis, it’s just a Realization.
Sonic: its the middle of the night i think it can be deemed an existential crisis
Tim: But seriously, someone please tell me how I jumped passed the logical conclusion I should have come to of “I’m just not attracted to women” and directly to “I have no interest in romance at all”? How did that make sense to me?
Sonic: society conditioned u to like women
Tim blinks at his screen. Bart isn’t wrong, but Tim has absolutely no idea where he’s going with that. He already had the Realization about societal conditioning, thanks.
Tim: Okay? I’m aware, but I’m not sure how that translates to how I didn’t think of the logical conclusion.
Sonic: dude. for years it was a fact – since you were a kid u were so conditioned that u should like women it was just a fact
Clone Trooper: think of it like this, tim: as far as you knew, you liked women. later, you figured out you like guys, but you still think you like women too.
Tim: We’ve established, yeah.
Clone Trooper: so, suddenly something is weird. the only really new thing is that there is romance involved. so that’s clearly gotta be the issue.
Oh. He stares so long the screen goes dark. He drops his phone on the bed and stares up at the ceiling, turning that over in his head. So. He jumped to not wanting romance because it was so deeply ingrained that he was supposed to like women? His exhausted brain seems to accept this explanation enough to calm the edge of self-recriminations.
Tim: That. Makes sense, I guess. But still, it really seems like I should’ve realized a while ago. Also, I’m kind of surprised that you aren’t teasing me for being oblivious.
Sonic: oh thats coming but teasing is saved for when u arent having a crisis
Clone Trooper: later, we’ll absolutely laugh about that jump in logic. but right now it’s too early and you’re already having A Time.
He’s not sure if he has wonderful friends or terrible friends. Tim suspects that he’s still going to hear about this in a few years. It’s the kind of thing they won’t let die for a while.
Tim: Fair enough.
Clone Trooper: great, glad we got that cleared up! now tim...
Tim: What?
Clone Trooper: please. GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP.
Snickering, Tim plugs his phone in and smothers his face in the pillow. He’s still lonely and he still wants to analyze every missed evidence over the years, but he’s also exhausted. The chat with his friends did get his brain to shut up enough that he might actually be able to sleep. He can rethink his entire life again after he wakes up.
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[WIP] Dolled up. (I think.) Half of first chapter.
TW: Violence (They are figthing.) Dealing with injuries. Wounds. Blood. No medical experience so, all of this could be very well absolutely wrong and very worthy of cringe. Mention of death. Body horror? I think? There is a very ugly looking monster. And I wrote how I imagined them to look, so... 
The blackened earth was smoking, the greyish thing going high to the darkened sky. Rubble was everywhere, disaster and chaos claiming what once seemed to be a very calm forest. Animals carcass lithered the burned ground, and Shadow worried for a while that maybe there wasn’t going to be anything growing in a very long time, and seeing how far the damage extended, it really was concerning.
Or, maybe not.
Strange things happening in Mobius was something Shadow was becoming used to. Things that should not happen were the normal here. People, Mobians and Humans for equal, had learned to stop questioning the around.
If it wasn’t something dangerous, then let it be.
He still hadn’t get the hang of it. But.
He gazed softly at the half burned bunnies and half dead squirrels (and that one bear.) praying softly in a low voice for them and the destroyed natural bunch of flowers and grass that were...well, everywhere. The smell of burning wood and fallen trees marked the path for him to walk, were the fight sounds have already subsided. Looking over himself, and deciding that he wasn’t that bad as if for not being able to continue, he quickly stood up, shaking softly as he ran to get rid of annoying dirt, fallen quills, hairs, rocks, and well, dried (And not so dried.) blood.
He just hoped he wasn’t going to find bugs crawling on him later on.
What remained of the big bio mechanical beast he and his companion had been battling was on the ground. All three of them had fallen at great heights, a stronger that he expected punch with long claws making him slip and fall before they stopped. It had hurt, a lot, more because they had been battling for quite the while, and he got the hit directly in already bruised areas. He had been dizzy, and unable to stand up or answer Sonic scream asking if he was okay.
There may be a few broken bones or strained, sprained muscles. A few burned patches, no doubt. Scratch’s, cuts, and bruises that were going to get swollen and hurt like a bitch.
He didn’t think there was internal bleeding? But maybe it was too soon to say?
Sticks broke under his skates, flowers and thick logs that have been throw around as spectators of the battle. The beast laid unmoving, debris all around. He could see a destroyed house not very far, an un-salvable fence and what could be a garden. He could hear some animals screaming near, and the desperate chirping of new baby birds whose parents had fled during the altercate.  
Feeling guilty, he made a mental note to try and search for them, see who could be saved and what needed to be put out of its misery.
— Shadow! — He heard Sonic screech, and quickly wiped around, trying to find from where the blue menace was screaming. He didn`t find him, but he, however, was found indeed.
Just that not by a very tired looking blue cute hedgehog, but by a miserable looking thing that tried to call itself a cyborg. The beast, no doubt an hybrid made in an experimental laboratory seemed to have lost itself in pain, and its feral stare cut sharply to unfocused hazy red eyes.
He dodged the attack with a pant, his body complaining at the every move. It seemed it had finally snapped, as it didn’t mind anymore the pain it felt. It barely growled at him when with a good punch, he managed to take off one of its various mechanical arms.
There was nothing under it, and the view evidently made Shadow feel very uneasy and uncomfortable, because at least there, there should be something. Uneasy enough to make him falter just a bit, and almost get his nose bitten. He got it licked, though.
Was he being mocked?
Was he a joke to Cyborg-thingy?
Falling down hard on his already hurting tail, he barely reacted in time to block its big maw with his skates, clawed hands digging on the soil beneath him as if to not get pushed around. He flexioned, bringing his knees to his chest in the most unexpected moment, making it lose balance for a second.
The second he needed to yank and make it fall forward hard, almost flying over his head.
Shadow felt like screaming, the agony on his body and that twist he did that pulled hard on already sensitive muscles was a lot to deal with, more with his old, still healing, wounds. He lifted his head from the ground, trying to look out for Sonic, wondering where the fuck was his ally. He found him battling with those annoying smoll winged beasts a good few meters apart from where he was, smile all but gone and seriously attacking those bitches.
He made a face, because Shadow barely could fight them without getting nightmares or feeling shivers running down his spine, not that, well, anyone knew. Those things creeped him out. Like. Really. Maybe it was how crazy their eyes looked? How...red? The scars and metal plates peppered over their bodies? The scary looking stiches on mismatched skin? The dark-feeling chaos energy they had?
His stomach lurched just thinking about them.
— Disgusting. — He muttered. They really made him nervous and tense.
"When something was so annoying, it was almost pleasant seeing them disappear or die." It just...He couldn’t get that feeling completely when battling them. Even so.
Mh, Wasn`t Sonic being a tad too much on them? He seemed almost...angry?
Maybe he should follow his example. He just needed...5 more seconds. You know. Catch his breath. Swallow back his liver. Pray it goes to where it belong.
The usual.
A loud creaking noise made him open his eyes abruptly, and he looked back at his own beast.
Did this dude didn’t know when to give up?
Or how to die?
He rolled out of the way, avoiding a tree being send flying his way. It crashed, hard, close the chaotic house.
Shadow could barely spare it a thought, though. Not when it sprinted towards Sonic, apparently deciding that Shadow was too much of a rough cookie and needed to try his luck somewhere else.
— Nope! — He muttered, standing up as well with a big effort. — Idiot! Wa-Watch out! — He screamed to his distracted rival. Or tried to. He could barely talk. He was becoming dizzy once again.
This was. Concerning. Had he got his head--? Forget it. Of course he did.
Skating the distance between them, he outran the beast, breathing hard, and started trying to attack it, or distract it. He stabbed, punched, pulled, heck, even gave a bite, but the thing ignored him, as if Shadow were nothing but a mere bug. Sonic had long noticed them, but the flying things didn’t left him a chance to go away. They clipped his skin, and avoided his spins. Didn’t reacted to his quills, and clawed at him, don’t letting him leave.
They were so many, it almost looked like a private tornado. Every time Sonic got one down, two more would pop out of nowhere and take its place. They were flying around him, circling, going high and then diving in attack. In made it hard to see Sonic.
Clinging hard to a bit of fur, Shadow managed to climb it. It started to pay him more attention, but didn’t change his direction, adamant in attacking Sonic. Unsteadily, he made his way and managed to make a deep cut on its neck. Digging his claws, he tried to break it. Make it quickly, and stop its pain.
Just end it. Give it peace.
The beast let out a big roar, and his shaking almost threw him at the ground before honestly scared green eyes. A few flying things started to attack him, making it harder to stay put. He really didn’t know if the blood he was seeing mating the beast fur was his, its, or from them.
Because he was kicking their asses as well, yes sir.
He squeezed harder, and the beast tripped and twisted with a yowl. Shadow had to jump before he got crushed beneath it, tackling Sonic on his way, as well, getting both of them out of the way of the beast by rolling on the ground…and well… rocks and branches.
One word.
No good. Really.
No good.
The winged ones flew all around them, in a very messy and menacing mayhem. A lot of them were surrounding The beast, clinging and... Were they taking off with it?
Their wings were beating them, flashes of green, brown, red, metal grey and blue all around. Even the sky above was darkened because of them. They clipped Sonic hands, arms, face, Shadows ears, back. Their screeching was disorienting, painful on sensitive hedgehog hearing.
This time it was Shadow who got pushed to the ground, his whines of agony washed out for all the noise, Sonic rolling them out of the way of a big, big, Winged One. He got a nasty cut (With a sting powerful enough to steal a high yelp of pain) on his side thanks to it, and a push forceful enough to throw him off Shadow and make them roll a bit. Two of them flew way to low, making both of them duck their heads and, in consequence, leaving them unable to see the next attack before too late.
Sharp claws pierced the skin on Shadow back, making him actually scream thanks to the excruciating pain and scaring the ever loving shit out of Sonic, who immediately reached out. Shadow clung to Sonic arms when his body was lifted from the ground. Sonic yelped as well, panic flowing through his body and mind as his upper part was lifted too and couldn’t find purchase with his shoes for 2 petrifying seconds. They weren’t taking Shadow from him.
They couldn’t.
Sonic refused. ___ Hi? Im sorry if this seems like too much, but im proud of how this is coming out, so ! Yes. I just dont know if I should publish only Tumblr. 
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 8
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 8 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 8/? SUMMARY: The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret, because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
[A/N - I know I said a new chapter on Monday but I really wanted to watch and write today once I got home.]
When River, the Doctor, Rory, and Elise got to the children’s home, they found Canton pointing a gun at a door.
“Okay, gun down. I've got it,” the Doctor told him. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and soniced the lock.
“Amy, we're here. Are you okay?” Rory asked.
“I can't see!” Amy cried.
The Doctor opened the door and they rushed in.
The room was empty except for the spacesuit that was lying on the floor.
“Where is she, Doctor?” Rory asked.
The Doctor soniced the spacesuit and River pulled up the visor. “It's empty,” she said.
“It's dark. So dark. I don't know where I am. Please, can anybody hear me?” Amy’s voice asked. Amy’s nanorecorder was lying on the floor, flashing.
Rory picked it up. “They took this out of her. How did they do that, Doctor? Why can I still hear her?”
“Is it a recording?” River asked.
The Doctor soniced the recorder. “Um, it defaults to live. This is current. Wherever she is right now, this is what she's saying.”
“Amy, can you hear me? We're coming for you. Wherever you are, we're coming, I swear,” Rory said.
“She can't hear you. I'm so sorry. It's one way,” the Doctor told him.
“She can always hear me, Doctor. Always. Wherever she is, and she always knows that I am coming for her. Do you understand me? Always.”
Rory’s devotion to Amy always warmed Elise’s hearts. She hoped that one day she’d find someone who would search the universe to get back to her.
“Doctor, are you out there? Can you hear me? Doctor? Oh, God. Please, please, Doctor, just get me out of this,” Amy’s voice begged.
“He's coming. I'll bring him, I swear,” Rory said.
“Hello? Is somebody there?” a voice asked.
A man came into the room. It was the owner of the orphanage. “I think someone has been shot. I think we should help. We c…I can't re…I can't remember.”
They went down to his office and a Silence was lying on the floor, bleeding from a gunshot wound.
Elise gasped and hid behind River and Rory as the Doctor knelt in front of the creature.
“Okay. Who and what are you?” the Doctor asked.
“Silence, Doctor. We are the Silence. And Silence will fall,” it said.
They took the spacesuit back to the warehouse to examine it.
“It's an exoskeleton. Basically, life support. There's about twenty different kinds of alien tech in here,” River said.
“Who was she? Why put her in here?” the Doctor asked.
“You put this on, you don't even need to eat. The suit processes sunlight directly. It's got built in weaponry, and a communications system that can hack into anything.”
“Including the telephone network?”
“But why phone the President?”
“It defaults to the highest authority it can find. The little girl gets frightened, the most powerful man on Earth gets a phone call. The night terrors with a hotline to the White House.”
The Doctor stepped away and licked his blue envelope.
“You won't learn anything from that envelope, you know,” River told him.
“Purchased on earth. Perfectly ordinary stationery. TARDIS blue. Summoned by a stranger who won't even show his face. That's a first, for me. How about you?”
“Elise, you, me. Our lives are back to front. Your future's my past. Your firsts are my lasts.”
“That's not really what I asked.”
“Ask something else, then.”
“What are the Silence doing, raising a child?” His eyes flickered down to Elise who was staring at the spacesuit.
River’s did the same. “Keeping her safe, even giving her independence.”
“The only way to save Amy is to work out what the Silence are doing.”
“I know,” Rory said.
“And every single thing we learn about them brings us a step closer.”
“Yeah, Doctor, I get it. I know.”
“Of course, it's possible she's not just any little girl.”
“Well, I'd say she's human, going by the life support software,” River said.
“She climbed out of this suit. Like she forced her way out. She must be incredibly strong.”
“Incredibly strong and running away. I like her.”
“We should be trying to find her.”
“Yes, I know. But how? Anyway, I have the strangest feeling she's going to find us.”
“Apollo 11, this is Houston. How do you read? Over.” A broadcast was playing on a small TV nearby.
“Why does it look like a NASA spacesuit?” Rory asked.
“Because that's what the Silence do. Think about it. They don't make anything themselves. They don't have to. They get other life forms to do it for them,” the Doctor said.
“So they're parasites, then?” River asked.
“Superparasites, standing in the shadows of human history since the very beginning. We know they can influence human behavior any way they want. If they've been doing that on a global scale for thousands of years…”
“Then what?” Rory asked.
“Then why did the human race suddenly decide to go to the Moon?”
“Ten, nine. Ignition sequence start. six, five, four…”
“Because the Silence needed a spacesuit.”
“One, zero. All engines running. Liftoff. We have a liftoff. Thirty two minutes past the hour, liftoff on Apollo 11.”
River was scanning the suit when it started twitching. Elise jumped back. “This suit, it seems to be repairing itself. How's it doing that? Doctor, a unit like this, would it ever be able to move without an occupant?” River asked.
“Well, the little girl said the spaceman was coming to eat her. Maybe that's exactly what happened.”
The Doctor looked over at Rory, who was listening to Amy talk through the recorder. He walked over to him and sat down.
Elise looked at them.
“What’s on your mind, little star?” River asked her.
“Falling in love.”
“Falling in love isn’t always wonderful, you know?”
“I think it sounds amazing.”
River reached down and petted Elise’s hair. “Don’t worry, little star. You’ll find him one day.”
Elise looked up at her. “When?”
River smiled. “One day.”
Finally, the day came that they would rescue Amy. The Doctor, Elise, Rory, and River stepped out of the TARDIS.
“Oh, interesting. Very Aickman Road. I've seen one of these before,” the Doctor said.
The room they were in looked exactly like the spaceship above Craig’s flat.
Elise briefly wondered how he and Sophie were. Maybe one day she’d find out.
“Abandoned. I wonder how that happened? Oh, well I suppose I'm about to find out. Rory, River, keep one Silent in eye-shot at all times. Elise, stay by the TARDIS. Oh, hello. Sorry, you were in the middle of something. I just had to say, though, have you seen what's on the telly?”
The Doctor picked up a television and set it on the console. “Oh, hello, Amy. Are you all right? Want to watch some television? Ah. Now, stay where you are. Because look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me, when I'm confident. Oh, and this is my friend River. Nice hair, clever, has her own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that. Kind of do, a bit.”
“Thank you, sweetie,” River said.
“I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you.”
River backed up to where he back was touching the Doctor’s. “Well, the first seven, easily.”
“Seven? Really?”
“Oh, eight for you, honey.”
“Stop it.”
“Make me.”
“Yeah? Well, maybe I will.”
“Is this really important flirting? Because I feel like I should be higher on the list right now.”
Rory ran over to Amy and was trying to unlock her bindings.
“Yes. Right. Sorry. As I was saying, my naughty friend here is going to kill the first three of you to attack, plus him behind, so maybe you want to draw lots or have a quiz. Or maybe you could just listen a minute. Because all I really want to do is accept your total surrender and then I'll let you go in peace. Yes, you've been interfering in human history for thousands of years. Yes, people have suffered and died, but what's the point in two hearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving, now and then?”
The Doctor was standing toe to toe with a Silence. “Ooo, the Silence. You guys take that seriously, don't you? Okay, you got me. I'm lying. I'm not really going to let you go that easily. Nice thought, but it's not Christmas. First, you tell me about the girl.” The Doctor turned on the TV. “Who is she? Why is she important? What's she for?”
“And we're getting a picture on the TV.”
“Guys, sorry, but you're way out of time. Now, come on. A bit of history for you. Aren't you proud? Because you helped. Now, do you know how many people are watching this live on the telly? Half a billion. And that's nothing, because the human race will spread out among the stars. You just watch them fly. Billions and billions of them, for billions and billions of years, and every single one of them at some point in their lives, will look back at this man, taking that very first step, and they will never, ever forget it.”
“Okay, engine stop. ATA on the descent. Modes control both auto. Descent engine command off.”
“Oh. But they’ll forget this bit.” The Doctor took out his phone. “Ready?”
“That's one small step for a man…”
A Silence appeared on the TV screen. “You should kill us all on sight.”
“You've given the order for your own execution, and the whole planet just heard you,” the Doctor told them.
“One giant leap for mankind.”
“And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence! You just raised an army against yourself and now, for a thousand generations, you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day. How fast can you run? Because today's the day the human race throw you off their planet. They won't even know they're doing it. I think, quite possibly, the word you're looking for right now is oops. Run! Guys, I mean us. Run.”
The Silence started producing electricity from its body and River started shooting.
“I can't get her out!” Rory yelled.
“Run! Into the TARDIS, quickly!” River yelled.
The Doctor ran over to Amy and Rory and soniced her bindings.
Rory and Amy dodged electricity as they ran back to the TARDIS.
“Don't let them build to full power,” the Doctor said.
“I know! There's a reason why I'm shooting, honey!” River yelled, “What are you doing?”
“You've got a screwdriver. Go build a cabinet!”
“That's really rude!”
“Shut up and drive!”
The Doctor ran into the TARDIS.
River spun around in circles until all the Silence were dead. She flipped her gun around and put it in her holster. “My old fellow didn't see that, did he? He gets ever so cross,” River said.
“So, what kind of doctor are you?” Rory asked her.
“Archaeology”. She pulled out her gun and shot a Silence that was coming up behind her, all without looking. “Love a tomb.” She ruffled Elise’s hair as they went inside.
River ran up to the console and started throwing levers.
“You can let me fly it,” the Doctor told her.
“Yeah, or we could go where we're supposed to.”
Elise smiled.
River looked at her and picked her up, setting her on her hip. As River flew the TARDIS, she explained to Elise what every button and lever did.
“Don’t worry. In a few years, you can fly it yourself.”
They stepped out into the Oval Office.
The Doctor walked up to Nixon, who shook his hand.
“So we're safe again,” Nixon said.
“Safe? No, of course you're not safe. There's about a billion other things out there just waiting to burn your whole world,” the Doctor told him, “But, if you want to pretend you're safe, just so you can sleep at night? Okay, you're safe. But you're not really.”
He turned to Canton and shook his hand. “Canton. Until the next one, eh?”
“Looking forward to it.”
The Doctor turned back to the President. “Canton just wants to get married. Hell of a reason to kick him out of the FBI.”
“I'm sure something can be arranged.”
“I'm counting on you.”
“Er, Doctor. Canton here tells me you're, you're from the future. It hardly seems possible, but I was wondering…”
“I should warn you I don't answer a lot of questions.”
“But I'm a president at the beginning of his time. Dare I ask? Will I be remembered?”
“Oh, Dicky. Tricky Dicky. They're never going to forget you. Say hi to David Frost for me.”
They all stepped back into the TARDIS and took off. Their next stop was Stormcage.
“You could come with us,” the Doctor told her.
“I escape often enough, thank you. And I have a promise to live up to. You'll understand soon enough.”
“Okay. Up to you. See you next time. Call me.” The Doctor started to walk back to the TARDIS.
“What, that's it? What's the matter with you?” River asked.
The Doctor walked back over to her. “Have I forgotten something?”
River smiled. “Oh, shut up.” She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
The Doctor stood there awkwardly. “Right. Okay. Interesting,” he said when she pulled away.
“What's wrong? You're acting like we've never done that before.”
“We haven't.”
“We haven't?”
“Oh, look at the time. Must be off. But it was very nice. It was, it was good. It was er, unexpected.” He walked back to the TARDIS and opened the door. “You know what they say. There's a first time for everything.” He went inside, leaving Elise with River.
“And a last time.”
Elise reached out and wrapped her hand around River’s.
River smiled and looked down at her. “Don’t worry about me, little star. I’ll be alright.” She knelt down in front of her. “Be good for your father, okay?”
Elise nodded.
“There’s something on your mind,” River said.
“Can’t you tell me about him?” River smiled.
“He has blue eyes. The most beautiful blue you’ve ever seen.”
Elise smiled. “Like mine!”
“Yes, like yours.”
“Elise!” Rory called, “Come on.”
Elise tapped River’s forehead lightly with her own and then ran back to the TARDIS. She yawned as she stepped onto the platform. Her father picked her up and kissed her head.
“Sleepy, eh?”
Elise nodded.
“Why don’t you get ready for bed? I’ll be there in a bit to tuck you in.”
He set her down and Elise made her way to her bedroom. She walked over to her desk and pulled out her sketchbook. She searched through her colored pencils and found a blue one that matched the color of her eyes.  
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