#i wonder if she also hides interesting things in her speech :)
beevean · 2 years
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“What did he wish from me, that he even rebelled…? Unforgiveness is my nature. The more precious things are, the more they resist and are lost…”
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“I shall take his head as a consolation… One more thing… while this is regrettable…”
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“I will obey You…”
«Why are you hurt? Humans are difficult, aren’t they…»
This is my translation: here’s the much more widely available fan translation of the page, which I’ll use as comparison.
This is quite the fascinating conversation, and I think it’s worth analyzing. It happens after Hector confronts Dracula and affirms his own humanity - and gets thrown off the castle keep as a response. But that’s not the point: the point is that these three panels show facets of Dracula and Isaac that I would have never imagined.
“What did he wish from me, that he even rebelled…?”
Not much to say about this line for now, but I’ll point this out: Dracula is genuinely confused. This doesn’t sound particularly angry, not even in a “tranquil fury” way.
“Unforgiveness is my nature.”
I genuinely struggled to find the right word for 情. It can mean anything from “heart” to “emotion” to “compassion” to “situation”, and it’s more commonly found in compounds. The fan translation goes with “Being unforgiving is my compassion”; I think “nature” is more apt, based on compound words such as 人情 (human nature) and because, well, it just makes more sense in context. Lord Dracula isn’t known for being forgiving. Implied, Hector should know that. And yet he rebelled anyway, and Dracula can’t wrap his head around what was so important to him, that he’d rather face the wrath of the Dark Lord.
“The more precious things are, the more they resist and are lost…”
“Precious” is 惜しい, which has three meanings: “regrettable/pitiful” (as in “such a pity that...”), “precious/dear”, and “too good for something” (for example “too good to be thrown away”). The fan translation says: “So is one dear, so is one wrested away”. The other two don’t make much sense and I don’t think they fit grammatically, so I agree with the fan translation for one main reason: the tone of the whole conversation implies that Dracula was genuinely affected by Hector’s betrayal.
This is so intriguing. Is that so? Not just enraged that his underling dared to question him (and how enraged he was!), but actually hurt and confused? The mighty, cruel Lord Dracula? Well, this is purely my speculation, but... remember who else turned his back on Dracula during this period of time? Someone precious to him? :)
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That’s got to sting. Ah, if only they didn’t completely ignore Alucard in CoD...
Basically, compare this whole speech with its equivalent in the MF manga, and you’ll see that the tone is very, very different:
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While Dracula’s feelings were surprising, Isaac’s softness was also unexpected, coming from him.
"While this is regrettable, I will obey You…”
The fan translation says “I’m sorry to say... I will serve you now”, which... I don’t know if it’s correct? Why would Isaac say that it’s unfortunate that he will serve Dracula? Yes, 残念ながら all together means “unfortunately”, but I think the words are meant to be read separately in this context. It makes much more sense that Isaac is trying to comfort Dracula: “yes, it’s regrettable that Hector left, but don’t worry, I’m still here”.
There is something to be said about the hesitance that comes off with the pacing: “one more thing...”, and “I will obey You” being in a separate panel, to emphasize it. It’s as if Isaac is scared to say those words, because of their inherent gravitas.
(as for “serve”/”obey”, I just found the latter to be a more common translation of 従う, along with “follow”.)
(also when I first read 貴方 it really threw me off - anata? Isaac is calling his Lord anata??? That is way too close. But apparently it really used to be a polite way to refer to someone of higher status that became ruder as time went on, kind of like kisama. So nevermind, Isaac is still being as formal as he should :P I was already ready to question their entire relationship)
“Why are you hurt?”
And this is why I went for the translation above, and what cemented my interpretation of Dracula’s tone: there is personal care here. Isaac is feeling sorry for him and empathizing with him. He’s surprised that Dracula seems to be affected by Hector’s betrayal: it might mean “why are you hurt? You’re Lord Dracula. You’re above this”. That’s why he wants to comfort Dracula, by reaffirming his loyalty and swearing that he’ll bring Hector’s head back. It definitely feels something more than mere servitude.
I wonder if perhaps the sentiment is also influenced by Isaac’s own personal feelings. After all, I’m just assuming that the subject is Dracula. It could be Isaac talking to himself. Japanese is funny like that :)
“Humans are difficult, aren’t they…”
This comment takes sad connotations when you remember the pervasive theme of Devil Forgemasters being human but not feeling like they're part of humanity - fun fact, this is also present in the Japanese version of the Devil Forging formula heard in the game! Devil Forgemasters call themselves “a person who is not of the human world” everytime they forge an Innocent Devil :)
So, does Isaac consider himself as “difficult” as the humans that have hurt his Lord, or is he speaking from a place of detatchment? The tone, along with the art, feels melancholic to me. Knowing Isaac, I would assume that he’s keeping distance from the humans that he resents. “Difficult” is the direct translation of 難しい, but other good translations would be “troublesome” or “complicated”, which have different connotations, and I don’t know which one I prefer.
Have I looked too deeply into three throwaway panels? Maybe. But the potential for alternative character interpretation is too vast to ignore <3 I’m just enjoying a lot this deeper side of Isaac that we didn’t get to see in canon thanks to the Curse (related to this, his honor code when it comes to fighting), and what could be an inkling of humanity from Dracula.
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love-byers · 1 month
for 2 years i've been wondering what the connection is between the byler scene and the max scene. like they didn't seem similar at all, but after reading this i realized something.
earlier today i was thinking about the track "Letter to Willy" and wondering why it sounded so familiar. after some listening im 100% sure it's because "Letter to Willy" is a version of "Eulogy", a song from the s2 soundtrack. I'm 100,000% sure and i painstakingly edited this to make it clear to anyone listening
"Eulogy" plays whenever the scene is related to death, more specifically a character who has died. hence the name. a eulogy is a speech written to honor someone who recently died, often times read at their funeral. which is interesting, because the first time we hear "Eulogy", it's not an actual eulogy. so clearly this has a deeper meaning.
here's are all the times the track has played, as far as i'm aware
season 2
2×01 nancy cries about barb in the bathroom
2×01 mike puts his toys in the donation box and remembers el, who is believed to be dead
2×03 hopper shows el the cabin for the first time
2×08 hopper sits with joyce after bobs death
2×08 mike tells the group about how bob founded the av club
season 3
3×01 joyce has a flashback of bob
season 4
4×03 mike and el fight
clearly there is a pattern here. (and for the hopper and el one, if you watch the scene there are multiple references to dead characters. hopper mentions his grandpa, and hides a box of sara's things right before the song plays. this could also be representative of the death of el's old life.)
"This is your new home."
so if "Letter to Willy" is 100% directly connected to "Eulogy", what does that mean?
(i'm not sure if "Letter to Willy" plays in more than those 2 scenes, but i'm pretty sure it's just the two so i'll proceed on that)
so we can assume the two scenes are related to someone or something that has died. obviously, max is reading her letter to billy at his gravestone. unknown hero agent man is dead and there is shared imagery of gravestones, but mike and will aren't talking about that when the song plays. they're talking about mikes fight with el, again.
mike and el's fight. the scene that "Eulogy", aka the theme for DEATH, plays in.
mike and el's relationship died during that fight. even mike knows it, he keeps trying to say it in different ways. "A fight you can't come back from." go back and watch the scene, and look at el's face when mike says "you're being ridiculous" she is so so done with him. mike is right, this is a fight they can't come back from.
i also think "Letter to Willy" could be implying that the truth of the situation is being hidden. max later admits that vecna was right, she wanted billy to die and that is a source of her guilt. in the letter she implied she had just frozen and wishes she had done something, but that wasn't the whole truth. it was partly on purpose because billy made her life a living hell.
and with byler...i mean do i even need to say it? mike isn't not telling the truth, but he's not saying the whole truth either. he dances around the reason he didn't say what eleven wanted him to say, he won't even say what that thing is. and if you ask me, a byler truther, this is also indicative of mike and will not outright saying their feelings for each other because they're both closeted.
"Eulogy" plays when mike and el's relationship dies.
"Letter to Willy" plays when mike and will are talking about the death of the relationship.
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
Recalled updated! Okay okay okay im very excited about this lets gooooo!
How are yall doing? I've been freed, (then I got sick haha.) We are back with the final part of Directionless and we find the main group inside Hyrule castle trying to figure out what to do next.
With some shenanigans along the way.
Okay, time for the important things! Recalled and all panels belong to @recalled11 and its wonderful artist @l3ominor. Go check it out!
You can find the comic page here!
Now, it is time for snacks and drinks, Let's do this! :D
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Backgrounds my beloved, you get so much story telling from just this one shot it's great.
MAlon and Time and helping Wild gather information, Sky is resting his leg while flower and Sun discuss something.
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Hmm, Sky's looking very serious right now. What's on your mind blorbo?
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Look at him run. I love him.
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This makes me chuckle. I love when we get Wild shenanigans.
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I love how casual he is about this. But I'm gonna note something here.
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The orange glow of what I assume is ultrahand. Which would be it, If this next panel didn't exist.
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Wild's eye is glowing orange. The eye which changes colour when he's looking at the orb.
So Wild's eye changes colour based on what ability he is using.
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Confusion and joy.
Like ust look at these guys
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These two are just cackling at Time's expense. And Wild's shenanigans and I totally agree.
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The man is still holding his hands out like he's still holding the books.
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Flower's little pen for her pura pad. I love it. I can only assume She's got a little diagram on her screen which is just chaos
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What's on the paper captain? I hope you didn't tear it out of your book.
I wonder if it's a group drawing of the war heroes looking at a reference picture while trying to find information would make sense. Depending on the length of time it's been since he was fighting that war.
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Hiding something are we captain?
I reckon he's trying to figure out just who Time is. And has dug out a picture from the war. (Im unsure, do we get Big Brother Captain? Because I live for Big Brother Captain)
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interesting we get symbols for these heroes.
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What's the problem Time? Are you looking at someone who you recognise and now he's mentioned your hero title you dont want to talk about it?
Look at Malon, She's like 'You have gotta tell him.'
And Captain looks sad about it. Which tells me that he knows and that he's waiting for Time to approach him.
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Thats interesting. We know we get Midna as a companion in Hyrule Warriors. And I assume that Fi mentioned Sky at one point.
I sense some Angst in our future.
Sun putting her hand on Sky's shoulder like that gives me life. i love these two a healthy amount okay.
Also these backgrounds are pretty, I love the triangle behind Sun and Sky here. Thats' Wisdom On the triforce (If observed on the left hand). And considering that sun is in the centre of the frame. I find this interesting. Maybe because they are learning a lot of information right now?
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Okay, so you may be wondering who says this line on the left here. I was too. I reckon it's Sky. As a shock response to being mentioned by Captain.
Mainly because From the angle of the speech bubble and the location of the heroes in relation to Wild, it only gives a few heroes. Mainly Sky and Sun.
Sky asking this makes sense as he and sun are the newest to the group at this point.
Okay now its the time for the big one'
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The orb. (Or compass,)
I've taken the time to translate the words I can identify and have extrapolated the rest of them from there. The language is Sheika, and most of these words are what (From what I understand) Is what Wild himself identifies each hero as.
So we have, (Rapid fire style)
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Hero of Wind
Hero of Spriits
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Hero of Sky
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Hero of Time
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These all say, Unknown.
A little more on this as well.
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This circle around this orange arrow. I believe this is the arrow that Wild has chosen for them to approach. Orange if I had to give you a guess is Twilight's colour. Mainly from this bit before.
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Backgrounds give a lot of information by themselves. This looks like a Twili portal.
The reason Wild chose that is unknown to me. During one of his adventures, he encountered Wolfie. So it makes sense. Maybe he was able to identify his name as Twilight. Or called the wolf that himself.
I suppose the next arc will give us more information!
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Woo! Adventure time! :D
Okay, thats enough of me rambling.
Thanks for hanging out with me today! I love this comic so it's always a pleasure to write these!
Now I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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sipsandfables · 10 months
Unfiltered Thoughts While Reading: Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
Chapter 1
If I were Violet, I’d be like “Forget these biscuits and EXPLAIN YOURSELF SIR” 😂
If Brennan survived, then why did Tairn’s old rider die? 
“Stop bringing logic into an emotional argument.” Hahaha love Violet
I will say though that if she’s going to be mad at Xaden, she can be mad at Brennan for the same thing
Chapter 2
is this foreshadowing? Will Violet or someone else learn the art of ward building to save them all?
“Weapons are the only things that can win this war” for someone so intelligent, I’ve never heard Brennan say anything more foolish than that 
Andarna is a teen 😂
will she go through an emo phase? Hahaha
At least it sounds like her mom wasn’t in on this murder plot 
“Fucking Dain.”
Lol agreed
Chapter 4
I love how Dain acts like nothing happened. Like, wtf? Why are you surprised Violet hates you?!
Unless he didn’t know about the plan somehow and we all just assumed he did.
Also, maybe another mind reader read his mind and he didn’t actually tattle? But even if that’s the case, he still read Violet’s memories without her permission this whole school year
Chapter 5
“I’m pleasantly fuddled but not entirely sloshed.”
Lol I’m using that the next time I get drunk
Chapter 6
Violet has more self-control than me. She should have let Xaden stay the night lol
Chapter 7
I knew it! So, less dragons are bonding because of the war and the venin. I wonder if they are bonding with the rebels or just staying out of it completely 
Chapter 8
so Aaric is the kings son?! Bold move 
And now Liam’s little sister?! This series is going to kill me 😭😭😭
oh shes angry lol 
“What in the angry-Mairi was that about?”
Lol I love Rhiannon
“I've danced with Malek more than my fair share over this last year and told him to fuck right off every single time. ”
Fuck this dragon and fuck Varrish. What. The. Hell.
I’d be so pissed if someone ran after that because that stupid dragon is killing people in the way anyways. Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, they’re flaming everyone up in here.
“If Solas comes near you again, he knows I will devour his human whole and let him rot within me while his heart still beats, and then I'll take the eye I so graciously left him." "That's...graphic."
Tairn has the best threats lol he and Violet were made for each other
Chapter 9
I knew Imogen would grow on me!
Omg I bet the person they’re interrogating is Xaden. He never made it out to his post and it’s why he hasn’t come to see Violet. I just don’t know how they can keep the dragons from each other 
“"I can take her," Sloane fires back, white-knuckling her knife, "From what your letter said last year, her joints pop right out. How hard can it be?" "Seriously?" I shoot a reproachful look at Imogen. "I can explain." Imogen puts her hand over her heart, "You see, I didn't like you last year, remember? You're kind of an acquired taste."”
hahahaha I love the banter in this series
OMG!!! Nadine!!! I am NOT okay with how fast characters be dying in this damn series!! 😭😭😭
Chapter 10
I knew this dude was sent by Aetos. So freaking sloppy! And the more this book goes on, the more I think Dain didn’t know about the War Games thing. He’s an annoying prick but I don’t see him being malicious enough to let Violet walk to her death. Plus, I actually don’t recall him shitting on people with a relic. He just seems to hate Xaden lol 
Welp, there goes my theory about Xaden being tortured lol
I find it hilarious that Xaden is so obsessed with Violet’s hair lol
Chapter 11
“Coconspirators with a vested interest in keeping each other alive.”
Lol love Imogen. She’s giving me Ron Swanson vibes here with his “work proximity associates” speech 😂😂😂
Banning people from knowledge in order to keep their corrupt secrets from the public is not sustainable. Sure, it drastically slows the distribution of information but the truth always comes out - it’s just a matter of when!
I wonder if the Scribes are translating everything from the old language in order to hide more lies
 Varrish grinning at Violet saying “dragons don’t take orders from humans” does not bode well. Has he found a way to control dragons? Or at least influence them with blackmail or something else?
Varrish is such a dick. Like, get a life dude. 
Chapter 12
That comment about a blade of grass sticking to Violet was so random. 
Chapter 13
This Varrish guy is the worst. He’s like Miss Umbridge from the Harry Potter series
“You wish you were my type. I’m phenomenal in bed.”
Hahahaha I love Imogen. SHE BETTER NOT DIE
Oh no, I bet it’s that freaking survival class test! They’re getting kidnapped!
Chapter 14
Tairn is so sassy and I love it
Obviously, the water is drugged! Have they never read a fantasy novel?! 
I adore Ridoc 😍
You would think there would be more crossover activities and exercises between riders and infantry if they have to work together so much and infantry are expected to work alongside dragons
Chapter 15
Rhiannon is responding to Violet keeping secrets way better than Violet is to Xaden lol She’s like “hey, you’re hiding something and that’s fine but don’t lie about lying” with Violet. And Xaden is like “Honestly, I have secrets I can’t tell but here are all of the intimate details of my life.” Come on Violet! Quit trippin' and get back with Xaden lol
I don’t like the rift going on between Rhiannon and Violet this book. They need each other and it’s annoying lol
Alright 2 things that annoy me about this book so far:
1. The lack of Xaden and Violet scenes  2. Violet being mad at Xaden for keeping secrets from her in order to protect others
 Chapter 16
Yesssss, Imogen is spitting facts!!! Hopefully this will convince Violet to let him back in
“I’m still speaking.”
Okay Imogen 👀 She could get it 😏
Oh man, I really hope nothing happens to Rhi’s family and she blames Violet for keeping her in the dark
Of course she misses the interrogation technique class!!! Bad move man
Chapter 18
Theory time: Omg is death what’s powering the wards??? Is that why so many more people are dying at an alarming rate? They need more students to die to power up the wards? And maybe daggers work because they are an instrument for causing death?
“I want you.” All day. Every day.
Omg I love how ride or die Rhiannon is about Violet lol 
Who’s soul is Nolon mending?!
Chapter 19
Theory time: Solas’ orange is off and Dain’s dragon's breath stinks because they’re giving the dragons some concoction. Maybe it’s to control them? 
“Humans have the memories of gnats. Dragons hold grudges.”
Pearls of wisdom from Tairn lol
Damn it Tairn lol while I love that he put Varrish and Solas in their place, things just got a whole lot worse for Violet 😬
Chapter 20
“Ugh. Let’s go throw knives at shit.”
Has Mira met Imogen? They’d be two peas in a pod lol
I’m also shook that they kill civilians. Wowwwww
Chapter 21
Man, this is starting to feel like Final Destination since all the Resson survivors are dying one by one
“History and current events are tied because one influences the other.”
Interesting foreshadowing 
I like Devera and I feel like she’s trying to do the right thing while the rest of leadership goes to shit. Like Professor McGonagall does when Dumbledore is no longer headmaster 
“That’s what we’re not going to do.”
You tell em, Devera!
I bet Varrish will be in charge of the torture lessons given his background and he’s going to try to kill Violet 
I was JUST wondering where Dain has been. Haven’t heard his holier than thou whining in a while lol
omg I called it in the last book! Her mom gave Xaden those scars! I also still think I’m right about Dain being guilty of being a prick but not of sending his best friend to get murdered 
Rhiannon is so smart! She reminds me of Bree from Legendborn 😍
I knew I liked Aaroc/Cam for a reason! Hope he doesn’t die….
Chapter 22
It’s strange that Violet is so bad at remembering names when she studied to be a Scribe her whole life lol
Chapter 23
For some reason, book 2 reads a little more like a YA novel than the first book
HAVE THEY LEARNED NOTHING?! Don’t  eat or drink anything!!!
Okay, you didn’t drink but did you eat the jam?!
Ridoc and his snake confession had me cackling
lol I totally thought Ridoc broke first but he was lying haha
I knew fucking Varrish would somehow weasel himself into this training
They’re using Dain? Well hell.
Also, isn’t his signet supposed to be a secret???
Chapter 24
Wait, they’re practicing on civilians?!?! At what point do people wake up and think “hmmm, we’re the bad guys”?
"We should consider quitting the quadrant." Ridoc jokes as we walk over the door and out of the chamber, "We'd be kickass thieves." "With dragons," Sawyer agrees. "Unstoppable," Ridoc says with a grin.
This is giving Six of Crows and I. Am. Here. For. It.
Unlocking doors? hmmmm interesting 
Chapter 25
I know exactly who did this! A scribe! It was the person walking in the hood earlier that Violet noticed. I wonder if it’s her friend or someone else
Those statements have to be true - Markham is acting too squirrelly about them
Idk how I feel about this book now lol like really? 
Hundreds of cadets die every year and they spent valuable resources and time to mend him?! What happened to “we let the weak die”?! This is utter bull
Also, Nolon mentioned how hard mending a soul is….it doesn’t sound like Jack has a soul 
Chapter 26
I love the nonchalant way Sawyer and Ridoc are ready to murder Jack lol
Chapter 27
Territorial Xaden is the best lollll he’s like who the hell's jacket is that and why isn’t it mine?! 😂
Well, that escalated quickly 👀🔥
Chapter 28
Oh that has to be his ex. The one that Bodhi mentioned
I knew it!
Chapter 29
“Pull yourself together”
Tairn with the tough love 😂😂😂
“I will already know, as I am continuously with you,” he grumbles. “Forced to bear witness to the awkwardness that is twenty one year old humans.”
I forgot who Professor Kaori is but I love them!!
Chapter 30
FINALLY Violet realizes how hypocritical she was being about Xaden when she tells her friends part of the truth
I bet Andarna is sleeping longer than expected because she’s going to be powerful as hell lol
Holy shit. Too many people die too often in this series. I don’t even remember who Eya is!
Ridoc better not die
Chapter 31
Freaking JACK saved her?!?! What is this rouse?!
I 👏🏾 don’t 👏🏾 trust 👏🏾 him 👏🏾 
Let’s go Aaric! Sidebar, I need a novella about him. He sounds hot
Chapter 32
I thought Aaric ‘s brother died in Threshing! Well I guess Xaden could have killed him then lol
There’s no way Nasya sleeps through his post every time. I bet he’s spying on them
Oh Imogen has it taken care of lol good. Also, that’s a badass signet!
Chapter 34
“The birth of iron rain” !?
That sounds ominous
Fucking hell. I honestly can’t even feel anger for Nolon’s betrayal because I’m too annoyed with Violet rn lol
Chapter 36
So Dain is finally choosing the right side!
I’m so glad Varrish is dead! He’s the worst lol. Violet will definitely have to watch her back from Solas
Yay! Devera came through!
The secret is out! Finally!
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Andarna is back!!! Yayyy!
I bet this “blood magic” means sacrifice! they have to kill people to build a new ward
I knew Mira would punch Brennan after seeing him for the first time haha
Chapter 39
The 6 strongest riders: Caden, Felix, suri, bodhi, violet, Brennan - I’m surprised Mira isn’t one
Chapter 40
I do think Violet is a little slow on the uptake when it comes to understanding her power which is surprising since she’s so smart
I’m excited about this sibling trip lol
Chapter 41
“Fuck it. We don’t need a luminary.”
Mira is a whole vibe lol
Cat is the worst and Violet is annoying me by listening to her lol Xaden is obsessed with you girl - ignore this jelly belly lady
Well that explains why Violet was trippin' hahaha wasn’t her fault
Chapter 43
yeah I agree - allowing people to die on the parapet is unnecessary lol
Holy shit ! This entire hike is stressful as fuck!
Chapter 45
“The problem with mankind is we too often find our souls to be a fair price for power.”
Chapter 47
I hope Violet kicks Cat’s ass and makes it embarrassing for her lol
Chapter 48
Well that was hawt lol
Xaden talking shit about Dain will never get old lol
The way Xaden feels about Violet reminds me of Rowan to Aelin because his love isn’t conditional and based on if she’s “good” - “If you’re a monster, I’m a monster” (Queen of Shadows)
Xaden is very swoon-worthy lol
Chapter 49
I feel like it’s always Sawyer pitching the idea to just kill an annoying enemy (Cat, Jack, Varrish) and I’m here for it 😂
oh no….am I starting to find Dain not so bad? Lollll
Chapter 52
Theory time: I really think these nightmares are real - somehow the Sage is communicating with Violet through her dreams Theory Time: I bet she gets captured or agrees to go to the head Sage by the end of this book to set up the next book
Oh god, I really hope an attack doesn’t occur while they’re on this training mission and then Violet feels responsible for not putting up the wards sooner 😬
Chapter 53
Violet must be thinking of Xaden and how he might go mad since his dragon was previously bonded with someone in his direct line
Fucking Solas. I almost forgot about this enemy!
Chapter 54
Honestly I’m surprised she doesn’t have more enemies since if you kill her, you essentially kill 4 beings in one swoop
Andarna is a badass
Chapter 55
No lie, this fight between Xaden and Violet is a little silly and getting exhausting
Ah, I came to the wrong conclusion about Xaden and his bond with Sgaeyl 
Chapter 56
Omg is Xadens second signet mind reading? That would explain a lot. It would also explain why he’s scared to share since they execute people with that signet
Called it!!! I’m glad her response was not immediately “I don’t love you anymore”
Now I need to reread these books to see when he reads her mind. Oh man, I hate to say it but it kind of sounds like what Dain did to her last year
hmmmm, that was too easy lol
Ugh, we’ve been here before - Violet discovers a big secret about Xaden right before some war conflict and they’re fighting in the midst of chaos. Not sure I’m a fan that it’s a repeat of the last book lol
Chapter 57
well I’m glad Cat has stopped being a twat and decided that focusing on saving the continent is the way to go over petty squabbles over an ex lol She reminds me of Lysandra but in a good way lol 
I think the trouble with the writing of their relationship is that Xaden is so amazing and their relationship is so magnetic that their conflicts feel forced. The obstacles they face within their relationship are hard to develop when Xaden is always saying the right things after they fight lol Not that I’d want it any other way - but I think that’s why I’m struggling with not rolling my eyes when they get into arguments. Violet deserves to be angry about the betrayal but then it just feels like her decision on what she’ll do next about them takes FOREVER and it feels like it’s dragged out across a whole ass book.
Omg did Brennan come?! Is he announcing his “undeadness”?!
Violet immediately wants Xaden to use his secret signet on the others? I don’t disapprove at all but that better mean she will forgive him swiftly lol
It isn’t in Violet to NOT help innocent civilians if she can.
“I love you enough to bear the weight of your disappointment.”
Total mom sacrifice right there!
I need a novella of their mom and dad and how they got together lol
Chapter 58
If I were with the Rebellion, I’d agree to help Navarre on the condition that they make it public knowledge that Venin are real and they’ve been lying to citizens for centuries in order to keep a specific amount of citizens safe - that way, they’re not leaving innocents to die AND if they all survive the battle at Solstice, the rebels will walk away with an additional win (the entire continent knowing the truth)
am I the only one who visualize white walkers from GOT when I read about the venin in this book? Lol
Alright let’s go!!! Way to not turn into the enemies! 
Chapter 59
What is with Andarna’s scale colors?! Their changing colors have been mentioned all book - I wonder what’s the significance? Is she a rainbow dragon?! That would be dope lol
Jack's dragon's eyes are weird? Another reference to dragons seeming off! I bet they’re controlling it! But who would want the wards to fail? Who is Jack in league with if Varish is dead? IS Varish even dead?! Did freaking Nolon bring him back to life like he did with Jack?!
What the heck?! Did Jack become venin?! Why did he slaughter his own dragon?!?
Chapter 60
I knew he became venin! But didn’t realize it was for SO LONG!
Well, everything is going to hell in a hand basket 
“Fucking Jack.”
Ain’t that the truth lol
There’s no way this battle is in this book, there’s not enough pages left!!!!
Chapter 61
Can Andarna turn invisible??!
I’m so stressed lol
Chapter 62
Omg is Andarna a chameleon?!
Chapter 63
Theory time: Andarna is head of the seventh den of dragons! This is why she’s so unique. She’s not actually black like Tairn . I bet she’s one of one making her the head of her den. It would make sense since she’s an orphan 
Add-on to the theory: I think both journals are right but describe it differently. Warrick says six AND the one that combines all which must be what Andarna is since she’s always changing colors. Lyra’s journal says seven because it combines the six and the one
Good thing Andarna can make fire now!
Chapter 64
Not a Liam letter 😭😭😭
This heartfelt moment between Andarna and Violet is everything. 
The way that Andarna looks up to Tairn gives me all the feels
What about Sloane?! Can she somehow reverse her power and GIVE instead of siphon?
Ah yep, apparently she can.
Her mom is going to sacrifice herself! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 65
I’m honestly surprised Xaden killed the main sage. I figured he’d be a bigger part of the storyline 
Don’t tell me Xaden is also now Venin?! 😭
Sgaeyl is pissedddd
Chapter 66
I can’t recall if Violet only had the nightmares when she slept near Xaden 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am unwell.
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sssammich · 5 months
i’m starting with one even though frankly i want to send you all of them
i'll send you a document with a response to all of them how's that
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
god where would i even start
well i guess i'll pick one
personally, as in my personal opinion, i just don't believe in kara coming out as somehow the next best step for her. this matter of being your 'full self' just screams 'nobody knows what work/life balance is' lmao. this is what we call 'vocational awe' in libraries LMAO i get what it's trying to do in that this has been the series-long crusade for kara. who is she? kara danvers? or supergirl? and i have posited elsewhere that kara danvers is her default setting, not supergirl. so supergirl's role in kara's entire life is a cape/persona she dons...and then takes off. so i think the bigger identity reconciliation should be between kara danvers and kara zorel, not the hero but the alien. she's superpowered because she's alien first, etc etc. but idk how to explain that without writing an essay right now so i will withhold.
the point is i just didn't think it was a satisfying end for her to come out as supergirl to the world to satisfy the juggling of her two identities. i think she should have just done a better job juggling them LOL like i think it's important to determine how to be your most authentic self but i don't know if it needed to be done at the face of revealing your alien identity. because i still think that the target on her back just gets infinitely larger??? what's the point of keeping 4 years of secrets to lena at that point? couldn't she have reached that conclusion sooner if that was the case? i think she could have expressed her authentic self by marie kondoing what's the most important parts of her life and how to let the *right* people in, not *every single person* in. also like idk from a logistics standpoint, kara should have just hired a fucking assistant for herself to keep things organized. the issue here is that she keeps working 40 hour work weeks for both jobs. and also to accept editor in chief? like those people leave work early. the solution was for kara to have hired an assistant, maybe 2. like the reason why she's conflicted is that she's working 2 jobs? she doesn't need to combine those 2 jobs and announce to the world that she's doing them as 1 big job. ETHICALLY she was citing herself???? god the integrity of everything should be put to question lmao
what would have been more compelling to me myself and i is if she really took a look at her time as supergirl and wondered if she should maintain the cape or not. like did she do as much good as she hoped? what about the people who had died or who had gotten hurt or whose lives and situations were otherwise sacrificed on her behalf? is this the life for her? is this something she wants to keep doing because she wants to or because she feels she has to? she feels a responsibility and i think that's fascinating for a character, and she thinks that there's a duty to uphold to the humans of national city because she has these gifts. but i think the ending should have been kara determining the future of supergirl, the superhero, and not how to mix the two and count that as authenticity.
tangentially, it is oh so interesting to me that this authentic speeches comes from cat and lena to be the ones to convince her to stop hiding herself? two people who are notoriously private people???? who are essentially living private and public lives??????? funny how that goes i guess
anyway it's fine obviously and if you liked it then that's also great and it's an intentional high note feel good ending yes yes good great. i am not trying to yuck your yum at all, but based on how i have since engaged with the show, it's pretty clear the writers and i simply did not share a vision lmao
ask game
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subastian-swallows · 1 year
Dark Whispers, Light Vows
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★ Chapter one
Chapter three ★
Pairing: Dark!Sebastian x AurorMC x AurorOminis - Love Triangle Fic
Words: 6.8k
Warnings: ANGST
Summary: “In a race against time, (Auror’s) Alice and Ominis must work together to recapture their former friend Sebastian, an escapee from Azkaban. But when Sebastian begins to use a mysterious new form of magic to haunt Alice’s dreams, she’s torn between bringing him to justice or helping him escape, risking everything in the process. Love, friendship, and the battle between light and dark intertwine as Alice must decide which path she will take.”  
A/N: Life kicked my butt, sorry for the wait, BUT SHE'S HERE AND SHE'S ANGSTY
“Nobody loves the light like the blind man.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
Listening to Ominis converse with the Minister—Faris, always felt strange. He always spoke as if politeness equated the same as respect and perhaps, that was why he was respected. Unlike Alice, who cared little for what others around her thought, Ominis always went out of his way to prove himself. When Alice had asked about it, perhaps feeling rather confused by the idea someone as special as Ominis had to do such a thing. She never expected that’s how she would’ve learnt about his family. They say, doing something in spite of others, would eventually lead you to hate it. But Ominis relished the fact that he had found something he loved, while also being able to rub it in their face—Alice perhaps, just loved the idea that he did it so casually, that it drove his family mad. 
Faris must have begun his lengthy speech, about why Sebastian must be stopped, due to Ominis naturally tensing up beside her. But Alice hadn’t truly been paying attention. No, instead she had been focused on the way his hair looked particularly thin and she wondered if he was stressed out. For some reason, Alice was unable to retain anything he said, her eyes locked onto his face to show she was present. And yet, his words sounded nothing like words, but more so, muffled noises—as if he was speaking to her underwater. She wondered if this was a way her mind allowed her to cope, she was there, but not really. Alice didn’t want to be here. She didn’t want to track down Sebastian and she sure didn’t want to see him again. 
Because seeing him again would only hurt, that much was certain and she had gotten so good at pretending—she was better. 
“Alice? Are you still with us?” 
“I’m sorry?” Alice said, realising quickly that she hadn’t really succeeded at acting as if she had been listening. But when she sat up straighter and realised Faris was observing her more closely than before, she gave him a half-assed smile. “I might have missed that last part. Hard to focus on so much information, when no one has any leads. No one does, right?”
Ominis moved to lean away from her now, his chin resting gently against his hand as he attempted to hide the amusement spreading quickly across his face. But when Faris let out a defeated laugh, as if he knew better than to fight Alice, he shuffled in his chair and fiddled with his pen. “We were hoping you two would have an idea on where to start—”
“So you have nothing…nothing at all?” 
“What Alice means…is that we might have some ideas,” Ominis said, straightening again, only to pinch her knee gently. He would have loved to say her bluntness was due to the situation with Sebastian, but Alice never really treated Faris any differently from their other colleagues. It was something that should have gotten her in trouble—but for some reason, Faris simply let it be. “Have you had a team visit his cell block?” 
Faris smiled and clicked his pen, something he did often enough that Alice was tempted to throw it out of his office window. But instead, she just gently gripped the arms of her chair. “We have, but there was nothing of interest. No touch of magic—nothing, it’s like he simply vanished.” 
“Perhaps, they didn’t look hard enough?”
“What are you saying, Ominis? You think he left something behind?” Faris asked, clicking his pen again as he leant forward and this time Ominis’ hand took a firm grasp on Alice’s knee. He knew her too well and she tried to relax back into her chair, when his grip loosened slightly. “Why would he—”
“He must have left a clue…or something. The whole thrill of this, if that’s why he’s done it—was clearly the idea behind being chased.”  
Alice pushed away from the table at Ominis’ words now, the abrupt movement causing him to slip slightly as her chair scraped noisily against the floor. But she didn’t care, moving to stare out the window in a huff. “Perhaps, he just simply wished to leave that place? I mean, wouldn’t you?” 
“And perhaps, you’re just giving him too much credit, Alice?” Ominis said, straightening up in his chair, before he exhaled and stood up. Unlike Alice, Ominis had practised a lot harder when it came to pretending it wasn’t Sebastian they were after, though it sure wasn’t easy. “There has to be more to this?” 
“You and this stupid ‘credit’ talk? Ominis, you’re so focused on the anger you feel towards him—that you’re ignoring the fact…that he might just want peace?” 
Ominis crossed his arms against his chest, eyebrows furrowing as if Alice had said something ridiculous. And yet, perhaps a part of him agreed with her, though, he refused to allow it more space in his heart. That was his way of coping with the loss of a friend. “Regardless of what his reasons for escaping were, it’s clear we need to start at the beginning.” 
“You’re not suggesting we start at his cell, are you?” Alice asked, turning back from the window and stepping towards Ominis who was now tense and looking in her direction. Faris had stayed quiet this whole time, perhaps just to observe and so Alice ignored his presence and moved closer towards Ominis. “You want to visit Azkaban? You cannot be serious?” 
“It only makes sense, Alice. Besides, we might find something the others couldn’t.” 
Alice turned towards Faris, as if he would ever take her words over Ominis’. But his face seemed unchanged and when she rested herself against his desk, it was only then that he clicked his pen and stood up. “Ominis—makes a good point, Alice. What could look like pointless scribbles to us, might look and be something more to you.” 
“So let me get this straight, you’re not only asking me to track down an old friend, but also visit the place we threw him in as a child?” Alice asked, tensing her fingers against his desk and flicking Ominis a pain-filled look. He had now exhaled softly at her words and it was in moments such as this, that Alice realised just how differently they had processed everything. “I won’t go—that’s just…it’s off the table.” 
“You’re being unreasonable, Alice.” 
She scoffed and pushed away from Faris’ desk now and moved to stand beneath Ominis’ nose as he refused to acknowledge her. He wasn’t trying to make Alice upset but it was impossible to deny that her fear was going to make things more difficult and so he swallowed harshly and placed his hands against her shoulders. Ominis might not have been as open as Alice when it came to the pain that lingered due to Sebastian, but it was there and he understood her more than she knew. And it was hard trying to argue over something that even he didn’t want to do, but Ominis also knew Sebastian all too well and he was sure they were missing something. No matter how small. 
“You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to help—”
“Did I? Well that’s news to me, Ominis…in fact, if I knew that it meant I would have to step foot in Azkaban, I wouldn’t have agreed,” Alice said, shrugging off his hands and when his eyebrows furrowed in response, she simply rolled her eyes and turned to face Faris. “You can call me unreasonable all you like, but I’m not doing it.” 
Ominis sat back down now and Alice welcomed the sudden silence from him. Unlike with Faris, who had begun to click his pen again while looking over the scene unfolding in front of him and yet, it’s only after Alice glanced angrily at his hand that he stopped and smiled. “We’re not here to force you into anything, Alice. But Ominis is right, you both have a strong connection to Mr Sallow—” 
“And that’s exactly why this request is ridiculous.”
Alice pushed away from his desk and headed for the door, easily shrugging off Ominis’ touch on her way past. Faris stood, whispering to let her go, before calling out to her as she swung the door open. “Alice, you have until the end of the day. Otherwise, Ominis must pick a new partner—or go alone.” 
She didn’t respond, but the words sunk into her back as if they were digging their way towards her heart and Alice hated it. The Ministry had a lot of tactics, ones that slowly chipped away at you, but using your feelings for someone—was their favourite. Faris knew of their strange relationship, unrequited feelings if you could call it that and he did well to play on it, as if they both were nothing but pawns to them. And that’s exactly what they were, nothing but a means to get things done—when the Ministry didn’t want to get their hands dirty. But unlike Ominis, Alice had always shown the possibilities of going rogue, she was talented yes, but unpredictable and that frightened them. 
Slamming the door shut behind her, Alice barely acknowledged the reactions from those waiting patiently to speak with the Minister and stormed out. She had grown used to being looked at, as if she was a spoilt child—destined to make things difficult. But no one truly understood what she was going through, not really and she despised everyone for it. They treated her like a fool, picking away at how easily her heart controlled her actions and yet, they always asked more of her. Alice had thought often, perhaps more than one should, about leaving the Ministry—only to disappear completely, but she always ended up staying and it was always for Ominis. 
Ominis always knew where to find Alice when she disappeared from the office. Realising that despite wishing to get away, she could never really go that far—something he would often tease her for and yet, he was glad for it. The Ministry held many secrets, with its walls containing much of the knowledge about their world, but the one place Alice enjoyed most was the vivariums they had acquired. They were found in the Department of Magical Creatures, usually off-limits to those that weren’t from that sector, but Alice always managed to slip in unnoticed—it had become such a normality, that they eventually allowed her permission. Truthfully it amused her that her unsanctioned visits became such an annoyance that the department just gave up and left her be, but it wasn’t as if she was doing anything wrong.
No, in fact, all she needed from the vivariums—was a place to hide and being surrounded by magical beasts was just an added perk. Slowly moving the sleeping niffler from her lap, Alice refused to look up when a shadow covered her, perhaps already knowing who it was. And yet, Alice’s fingers twitched slightly as if she was preparing to reach for her wand. The reaction alone caused Ominis to chuckle under his breath and Alice recalled a past memory, one where he had mentioned she tensed her fingers too much. So much so, that he could always tell when she moved them, his explanation being that he had gotten used to the sound. But Alice just thought he was guessing and somehow got it right every time, for it didn’t make sense for him to be so attuned with her—right?
“You need a better hiding spot,” Ominis said, sitting down beside her and when his arm brushed hers, Alice exhaled and leaned back on her hands. She wasn’t mad, no that wasn’t the right feeling, truthfully Alice was disappointed—perhaps she had hoped Ominis would suddenly agree that everything was wrong. But he never did and she hummed sadly, when he nudged her. “I’m sorry for calling you unreasonable, Alice. I, perhaps, should have been more considerate of your feelings.” 
“Should have been? Ominis, all these years and you’re still terrible at apologising. I suppose none of my griping stuck—I sure am glad I even tried.”
Ominis smiled and reached forward to scratch the niffler’s head, which had now awoken and moved to nibble at his shoelaces. Alice pouted as she sat up and moved him away, the niffler whining softly in the process—but her thoughts were preoccupied, when Ominis’ fingers brushed hers. “Isn't that a part of my charm? Being harsh suits me, don’t you think?” 
“Not at all actually, it’s an act you’ve got incredibly good at—but, it doesn’t suit you, nor is it the real you,” Alice said, nudging the niffler to join the others as Ominis rested his head against his arms, which were now perched on his knees. Alice watched him curiously, reminiscing about their moments in the bell tower courtyard, sitting just like this and she smiled when he hummed softly. “You thought I didn’t notice, right? No matter how bad I got, I always noticed you Ominis. You were just always too afraid to let anyone see you—”
“I, let you see me.” 
Alice’s jaw tensed and she looked away. Not because she was embarrassed, that would have been too easy, instead she felt rather guilty. She knew Ominis had fallen in love with her by the end of their sixth-year, but she couldn’t give him her heart fully and so she gave him none of it. “I suppose you did…do you want to know what I saw?”
“Enlighten me…please? I would be lying if I said I wasn’t curious?” Ominis said, moving his head now so that he looked in her direction completely and Alice swallowed shyly, keeping her focus on the grass as she began to pick at it. “What exactly did you see?” 
“Well, I saw pain…and I saw love.” 
Alice smiled as she thought about the memories they had shared and how Ominis brought her back to life. He was the warmth her body craved and he had never strayed too far, it was cruel yes—but they both had gotten so used to it and Alice didn’t want to let him go. “I saw a boy who found the light amongst the darkness, challenging everything it threw at him and yet, you never allowed it to consume you. I wish I could have said the same for myself. But I think what I love the most about you Ominis, is that the real you, is kind—is bright.”
“Bright? Now, I feel like my curiosity has only grown,” Ominis said, his smile quickly hiding against his arms as he turned back to look ahead and he chuckled softly when Alice huffed and nudged him. He could tell she was trying to be sincere, her words seeping their way into his heart, only to restart it again and he gently nudged her back in response—despite wishing to do something else. “Tell me more, I like listening to you talk—especially when you’re talking about me.” 
“How vexing, I think I’d rather stop there…you know, before your head gets too big for your shoulders.”
Ominis nodded in agreement, perhaps just to give up on teasing her and Alice laughed as if she had won something. Truthfully the reason he was here was to try and get her to reconsider the idea of visiting Azkaban and although it seemed impossible, he might have relied too much on their friendship. Hoping she would end up agreeing to the request. “We still need to speak about it, Alice. You do know that right?” 
“And there you go, ruining the mood,” Alice said, before she stood up and dusted herself off. It was clear that Ominis wasn’t here for anything more than what they had been tasked with and honestly, Alice actually felt a little hurt. But it’s not until Ominis followed her and grabbed her arm, that the hurt slowly turned to anger. “I already told you I won’t go, Ominis. I don’t plan to change my mind.” 
“So you’re not at all curious? They told me his cell is filled with writing, scribbles—what if he has left something for us to find?” 
Alice tried to pull away now, wishing for Ominis to get the hint that she didn’t want to do this. She barely liked the idea of Azkaban on its own, but now thinking about it being the place Sebastian had been for the last few years—frightened her and so when she finally yanked herself free, Alice took a step back. “Or, here’s a thought…he might have just gone mad—like everyone else that enters that place.” 
“But don’t you want to make sure? Alice, think logically for a second here,” Ominis said, stepping to the right, just in time to catch Alice from trying to make a beeline for the door and when she grumbled and tried to push him away—he simply held on tighter, until she gave up and looked away. “What if he left something for…you? If you truly want to believe he left to find peace, wouldn’t he have left you a goodbye?” 
“That’s not fair, Ominis.”
Ominis hated himself for the tactics he had learnt from working with the Ministry, but he knew that without Alice, any hope in finding Sebastian would be fruitless and so he swallowed his guilt. “None of this is fair, but we don’t have a choice. I understand the intensity of the situation, but will you truly make me do this alone? I wasn’t lying when I said I needed you with me for this.” 
It wasn’t hard to figure out what Ominis was doing. In fact, Alice almost wanted to laugh at him, as if he had somehow forgotten that they had both been taught the same tactics and although the situation seemed to amuse her, Alice wondered if there was any truth behind it. She hadn’t allowed herself to think about Sebastian in Azkaban, the thoughts filled with so much darkness that even she felt sick from them, but sometimes—when Alice found herself transfixed on her memories of him, they often slipped into her head and she would always end up crying. Perhaps, that is why she didn’t want to go through with it. Alice had created such a barrier in her head, pretending that Sebastian was safe and unharmed, that visiting Azkaban would destroy that. It would remind her of the guilt she felt on the night he was taken and how she couldn’t even bring herself to say goodbye.
Feeling Ominis’ hands slowly move to reach for her face, Alice finally looked back at him and she didn’t realise she had started to cry, until his thumbs delicately swiped at her cheeks. But it’s only after she looked at him properly, her eyes shifting between his softened gaze to his lips, slightly parted—that her hands slowly wrapped around his waist and she pulled him closer. “You’ve gotten awfully good at manipulating, Ominis. I’m not sure if I should be afraid or impressed.” 
“I’m not trying to manipulate you, Alice—”
“Oh? Forgive me then, I must be losing my mind,” Alice said, slowly leaning her forehead against his chest and using his heartbeat as a way to slow her own. Except, considering his own was beating just as rapidly against his chest as hers—her plan failed before it even began and so she could only hum in defeat. “You know, you could have just begged. I might have just agreed if you did.”    
Ominis’ arms had snaked around Alice now, providing her with the comfort she needed, no matter the pain that lingered with it. He didn’t want this, he didn’t want to allow Sebastian back in their lives—purely for the sadness that he brought with him. But perhaps, Ominis had just been hoping their demons stayed in the dark. “Do I look like someone who has to beg?” 
“For me—you should have tried. For this…you should have pulled out every tactic in the book,” Alice said, pulling back just enough to look up at him and she realised his eyes were flickering, as if he was thinking about what to say or what to do, she pouted—she could feel it already stretching them both, ripping at their hearts and she gently reached for his face. “Perhaps then, I could have pretended—”
“And perhaps, I just hoped you would have followed me without question? If I was him, you would have.”
Alice’s hand tensed against his cheek and she would have pulled it away, except Ominis swiftly held it in place with his own. She hated the fact that he was right, she would have done anything for Sebastian—and Alice almost did. “Ominis, you must understand—”
“I understand perfectly well, Alice. Do not forget, I was there too,” Ominis said, his eyes closing softly and suddenly her hand loosened, now laying limp, but he didn’t remove his hand and he certainly didn’t wish for her touch to disappear—so she allowed him to keep them connected. “But, we cannot sit by and let this destroy us. He’s done that enough, ingraining himself into our pain—we need closure…and I won’t lose everything I’ve worked for…for him, I can’t.”
“You can barely mutter his name anymore. Could you actually find it in you, to bring him in?” 
Ominis’ eyes fluttered open and a lopsided smile appeared on his face, almost making Alice want to slap him for the timing of it, but it quickly faded and when his sadness returned—she finally pulled her touch from his face and bundled his hands together in hers. “I’ve said his name plenty of times. In fact, I don’t say his name, simply—because of you. I know it hurts you more…hearing it. So I try my best not to use it.” 
She should have known that from the beginning Ominis had tried to be considerate of her and yet, Alice still wished to refuse. Deep down, she had thought she had it all planned out—only agreeing to help, until things got too intense. But now, Alice was almost too afraid to pull away, realising that the whole time she had been following Ominis along to visit the Minister—the gnawing sensation of guilt and responsibility had slowly been building. She now felt stuck, as if she was torn between hurting herself or Ominis and she swallowed down her fear, knowing she would always choose to suffer over him. 
“How would we do this?” Alice asked, her voice now soft and unsure, as if she was having to force out the words. Because truthfully, she wished to say something else, she would have loved nothing more than to tell him no and be done with it. But Alice always knew that Ominis had a way with words and perhaps, she should have known that despite everything—she was always going to agree in the end. “I’m afraid, Ominis. Auror’s aren’t meant to be afraid.” 
“And who told you that? Alice, do not forget—as an Auror we risk our lives every day? If you weren’t afraid, I would be concerned.” 
Alice forced a smile and gave his hands a gentle squeeze, before she let them go. She was battling herself already, but perhaps overcoming this first step—would eventually help, when she came face to face with Sebastian and so she exhaled and straightened her uniform. “And are you afraid?”
“Of course I am. He—Sebastian, was practically my brother. I would have done anything for him and he broke that trust, Alice,” Ominis said, his voice showing no sign of fear or pain and Alice always felt jealous at how he could hide how he was feeling, while hers lay bare—for everyone to see. “Everything that has happened, was because of his decisions. But, that doesn’t mean I’m not afraid of seeing him again. We are more alike than you know, you and I…I’m just better—”
“At hiding it, yes. It’s as if you’ve read my mind.”
Ominis chuckled softly and reached forward to fiddle with her hair, which she hadn’t noticed was slightly out of place, until his fingers brushed through it. Alice wondered if he knew somehow, or just simply used it as an excuse to touch her—either way, she let him do it. “I would like to say I could read your mind, but I am not sure I would like to…besides, truthfully you’re just consistent and so I don’t have to try too hard to figure you out.” 
“Why does that sort of feel like an insult?” Alice asked, shivering slightly when Ominis’ fingers brushed along the side of her face, before he pulled away and offered her his arm. Ominis was smiling now, a more innocent version of the smile he had donned since earlier, but it was still a smile and Alice grumbled slightly at his reaction. “Do you plan to tease me the whole time? Or just while you try to win me over…is this some sort of new tactic of yours—reverse psychology, perhaps?
“I will neither confirm nor deny that statement…my tactics are my own.”
Alice huffed and took his arm. She had always found it strange how quickly Ominis could calm her down, in a way that made her feel like she could take on anything. And although her fear was now just buried deeper within the pit of her stomach, Alice perhaps had a small inkling of hope. “Keep your secrets then…but I’ll get it out of you one day.”
“If you’re sweet enough, I would consider telling you,” Ominis said, jolting slightly when Alice pinched at his side and so he took it as a sign that they could finally leave the safety of the vivarium, perhaps pulling Alice back into reality. But when Ominis felt her tense slightly, all he could do was hum softly and pull her closer. “Hey…we’ve got this, alright? I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere. We’re in this together.”
“Right, yes…together.” 
Azkaban, what a dreadful place. Nightmares barely did it justice, but despite the icy touch of the wind, drifting in from the sea or the Dementor’s that floated above, desperate to feed on anything good—it was the screaming that Alice hated the most. Now, it wasn’t as if she didn’t believe there were many that deserved to be here. Knowing well that a few of the dark wizards that lay behind its walls, had every right to be locked away. It was the fact that knowing Sebastian was once a part of them, always made her want to throw up and she might have—if it wasn’t for Ominis, comforting her from the sidelines.
There appeared to be more Auror’s stationed at Azkaban now, a lot more since Sebastian’s escape and even Alice had to admit that she commended their courage. Faris had asked her once, more so in passing, if she would be interested in guarding the prison—and she practically scoffed in his face. Even if it wasn’t for Sebastian, Alice was more than aware that she would never be cut out to be stationed here. The idea of being in such a place haunted her dreams and so she was always thankful to have Ominis alongside her, putting in a good word. Faris had commanded the Dementor’s to stay back, just enough so that the Auror’s could walk freely—but Alice made sure to keep her guard up anyway. 
Feeling Ominis pull at her arm, Alice quickly snapped from her thoughts and frowned, realising she had lingered too long at the registrations office. The man behind the counter had long since disappeared, perhaps annoyed by her just standing there and so she slowly turned as Ominis’ hand glided down her arm and reached for her own. “You’ve got this, Alice. I’m right here.” 
“It just feels wrong—”
“This place is just a place—at the end of the day, we won’t be long. So hold onto your strength, even if you have to search deep for it,” Ominis said, his voice soft and toneless, as if he didn’t know whether his sarcasm fitted a place such as this and so he kept his words tense and professional. Alice mocked him silently, knowing that he had opted to be the brave one for once, a title they would usually fight for—but not here, not now. “Besides, we’ve got a job to do. The sooner we find something, the quicker we can put this place behind us.” 
Alice looked at Ominis properly now, realising that she had been trying her best not to look at his reaction to the place and when she finally did, Alice’s hand quickly tightened around his. His face had begun to contort slightly with each new scream that they heard and she wondered just how much more intense the place was to him, to his senses. Slowly moving to place her free hand against his chest, Alice froze with how quickly his heart was beating and her frown only deepened. “You don’t have to be brave, you know? I understand better than anyone.”  
“One of us has to be brave, I’m just choosing for us.” 
“I suppose I have no other option, but to accept. Though I don’t like it,” Alice said, swallowing nervously as Ominis slowly pulled her with him and when her eyes glued to just how tensely he was holding his wand, she leaned into his side. No matter how many times he told her, he was being brave, she would never believe it. “Do we have a time limit? I feel like I’ll need a moment to get over the initial visit—before I can even work properly.”
Ominis chuckled softly and perhaps a little abruptly, the sound echoing off the walls and although it was a little out of place—Alice welcomed the sound. It made her feel grounded, as if she was still whole and so she squeezed his hand again. “Only mere hours ago, you said you’d never step foot in here. Now, you want to make sure you have enough time to have a breakdown and be able to do your job? You’ve always been strange…but, that’s a new one.” 
“Clearly, I’m just full of surprises. Can’t you just be happy that I’m here.” 
“Oh, I’m very happy, don’t get me wrong. It’s just amusing that’s all,” Ominis said, a smile teasing on his lips as he realised that their small talk was keeping Alice distracted enough from the cell blocks they had been passing and so he continued. “Truthfully, I must admit that it makes me feel like you chose to come…well, because of me. I suppose it’s a nice thought, even if I’m wrong.”
Alice hummed softly and noticed the two Auror’s stood guard in front of a cell block and so she quickly let go of his hand. Ominis wasn’t wrong, if she had been asked by anyone else, she would have never set foot in Azkaban. But it was different coming from him and Alice knew that in the end, it was the right thing to do—no matter how much it hurt. The Auror’s stationed by Sebastian’s cell, looked tired, perhaps even sad and when Ominis acknowledged them, ignoring Alice’s sudden silence, the Auror’s nodded and moved to the side. It felt like ripping off a bandaid, the slow pull Ominis had to do as Alice stalled in the doorway, but he had gotten her this far—and so he simply refused to let her turn back now. 
They had been right about his cell. The walls were covered in carvings, some words were legible, while others were scribbled and sporadic. But Alice found her focus had landed on the moulding bed in the corner of the room, if you could even call it that. Before she slowly pulled away from Ominis—and reached out to poke at the moth-eaten sheet, that laid along it. Had Sebastian truly been here, suffering with nothing but his thoughts and the icy touch of the sea, Alice in that moment felt her stomach tense and she covered her mouth. Her vision grew hazy before she had a chance to do anything, realising that it was more than she could bear and it was only after Ominis grabbed her shoulder—that Alice stood up and buried herself into his chest.
“This place…he…Ominis, he was just a boy. We were just kids,” Alice said, her voice broken with silent sobs and she tightly gripped at his coat, twisting it so harshly that it felt as if it was going to rip. But Ominis didn’t say anything about it, he just simply held her close and softly rubbed at the back of her head. “It’s horrible…everything, he was just a stupid kid.” 
“Alice…I’m sorry, I know this is difficult. If you need a moment…” 
Alice shook her head against his chest and tightened her grip. She didn’t want him to let her go and she hated herself for it. All of her confidence had suddenly disappeared now and she felt like she was suffocating, the air feeling tight and restricting. But Alice didn’t want it to be like this and although she sobbed softly into him, wetting his coat ever so slightly, she tried to think of ways to calm herself down—and yet, she had nothing. “I just need…you to hold me. Don’t let me go, please.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, Alice,” Ominis said, resting his chin against the top of her head now and he just held her. Her pain slowly engulfed him, swallowing them both into an intense moment of reminiscing about their school days and of Sebastian. It was sickening and Ominis felt every hair on his body stand up, but he promised her he would be brave—so he had to be brave. “Do you think you can continue…? If you can’t, I will understand.” 
“I just…need a moment, I’m sorry. But, I won’t give up…just yet.”
Ominis hummed sadly and pulled her head back, his hands now gripping her face gently as his thumbs lightly drew circles against her cheeks. His eyebrows had furrowed at her answer and when she tried to pull herself back into him, he held her in place—making her whine softly. “Don’t you ever apologise to me. Not over this, Alice. I don’t ever want to hear those words come from your mouth, do you hear me? I’m no monster…I know this isn’t just another job. But it is now our responsibility to see it through.” 
“You’re too good at this, Ominis,” Alice said, gently straightening out his coat which had now been dishevelled by her touch and he smiled softly at her words. She did mean it though, Ominis always knew exactly what to say and he did it with such ease—that it felt as if he had practised it beforehand. But truthfully, it was just another thing he was perfect at and she welcomed it openly. “Let’s just get this over with…I don’t wish to stay here, longer than needed.” 
“I’ll be right here, you can even hold my hand…if you need to.”
Alice smiled weakly and leaned up to plant a soft kiss against his cheek, before she even realised what she was doing and pulled away. Ominis’ eyes had widened just enough to show that he was surprised by the sudden reaction and so Alice quickly took a step back, reaching slowly for her lips. “Ominis…I…I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” 
“It’s alright, tensions are high…I understand. Do not concern yourself,” Ominis said, his voice a little shy and as she watched him turn slightly, reaching a hand to his cheek—the guilt returned in the pit of Alice’s stomach and she frowned, biting at her nails, before moving to look around the room. “Will you…can you tell me what you see?”
“Words…just tons of words, scratched into the walls—against the floor. It’s as if he was trying to remember them…or, wait.”  
Moving past Ominis slowly, making sure to give him a gentle squeeze on the arm, almost in hopes to make the situation less awkward. Alice used her wand to illuminate the darkened walls of the cell, before she realised that some words had been underlined. But what seemed more strange was that the certain words, which had been marked, were perhaps trying to tell them something and soon enough—Alice picked up on what Sebastian had left them. 
“You were right, Ominis. He’s left us something indeed,” Alice said, her voice still shaky and despite clearly feeling proud of herself for figuring it out, her heart still ached from just being in amongst the walls of his cell and so she hummed sadly and turned towards Ominis. “There are certain words spread around the cell that have been underlined, but that’s not all. Within those certain words, each one has a number of lines etched underneath them—”
“A message—he left us a message.”
Alice nodded and moved towards Ominis, outstretching her hand to him. Magic was not allowed to be used within the walls of Azkaban, perhaps with the worry of the prisoners being able to get a hold of it and so they had to go old school. “Do you still have that pen and notepad? I think I can decipher his message.”
“I’m surprised the others didn’t notice this,” Ominis said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out what she needed, before he smiled as she quickly took it and turned him around. Ominis understood well that she wouldn’t want to sit against the floor of the cell, so he happily offered his back—which she used for a table. “Perhaps, they just didn’t look hard enough.”
“It’s a little on the nose…but I only noticed it by accident. Perhaps, they didn’t see the need to linger here.” 
Ominis chuckled softly and Alice whined as the pen slipped slightly, smudging her writing. She had now pushed him towards the wall and placed her wand between her teeth, narrowing her eyes faintly, just enough to still see the walls and when she wrote down the final word—she pulled away. “So? What does it say?”
“It says—’in the heart of where lovers once shared their first kiss, there lies a letter. Find it.’—I suppose, even being in here, he didn’t lose his love for the theatrics,” Alice said, her eyes scanning over the paper, rereading it as if she had gotten it wrong and yet it matched perfectly with what was scratched out against the walls of the cell. “I might be wrong…but I think I might know of this place.” 
“Are you saying this is about you and him?”
Alice looked up as her hands started to shake and she realised Ominis had turned to face her, his jaw tensed just enough that she could see it had caught him off guard and she hummed sadly. They should have known that Sebastian would have pulled something like this, but what did it mean? “Well…there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?” 
“And where does this letter lead us, Alice?” Ominis asked, his words suddenly more tense and although he was trying to sound like it hadn’t bothered him, for the first time—Alice noticed the shift in his voice and she pouted slightly as she reached for him, only to pull back slowly. “This feels almost too intimate, I wonder how Sebastian would feel with you sharing it with me.” 
“If…I’m right, our next stop is Hogwarts—the Undercroft, to be more exact.”
Ominis chuckled a little defeated and straightened his coat, perhaps to keep his hands preoccupied before he raised his wand and pointed towards the door. Alice could see that this hurt him, in a different way from simply getting a step closer to finding Sebastian and she desperately wished to reach for him—but she couldn’t move and he exhaled softly, moving towards the door. “Well, it seems that we have to take a trip down memory lane. Shall we?” 
Alice didn’t hesitate with leaving, wishing to be as far away from Azkaban as she could possibly be, but knowing that Ominis was upset—made her stomach twist uncomfortably. But, he could never truly stay mad at her for very long and he knew deep down that this situation was going to be hard for the both of them and so he hummed softly, reaching out his hand. There were too many memories attached to this job and Ominis knew it was only going to get worse, the closer they got to Sebastian and so he chose to ignore his feelings—at least for now.
Once Alice took his hand, her grip tightening almost immediately, Ominis forced a smile and pulled her closer. He didn’t want her to feel guilty, his unrequited feelings weren't her fault, but it sure did suck. The pair eventually made their way outside, thankful that the icy wind had grown still with the evening sky and without another word—perhaps just desperate to get this over with, they quickly apparated back to where their story began. 
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
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alittlextrathatway · 9 months
"Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted" -any location
Going back to visit the High School AU.
Location: Library
You can find part one: here.
It didn't take Matt long to realize he and Sylvie had the same free period. She typically spent hers in the library either getting a head start on homework or studying for her next class. Like him, her grades were important to her. For different reasons, he's sure, but it didn't really matter why. It only mattered that they had that in common.
And that it meant he knew he would always have at least a half hour of one on one time with her every day.
He's leaving his AP English class, after an impassioned lesson from Mr. McHolland. Matt never really enjoyed reading, especially not fiction, but when Mr. McHolland teaches it he has to admit he can see the appeal.
Normally, he can zip out of English and make it to the library before Sylvie, but today Dawson decides to get in his way.
"We should probably figure out when we're gonna work on our group project," she says, crossing in front of him and planting her feet.
He skids to a stop, just short of running her over. "Don't you need to leave for City College so you can make your next class?"
Gabby is dual enrolled at City College in an effort to get her freshman humanities courses out of the way. He admires her drive. Like many of his friends, college is only option if you work exceptionally hard. For Gabby that means reducing the amount of years she'll need to be in college to earn a degree. For him, it means needing scholarships.
"The professor cancelled class today," she says, shrugging. "Besides, my early college courses aren't gonna matter if we don't nail our Senior Project. It's twenty-five percent of our grade."
"We have the whole semester, Gabby. We have plenty of time. I've gotta go, I'm running late."
She smirks and lifts a brow at him. "Isn't this your free period? What are you running late for, exactly?"
He winces. He really tried to keep his interest in Sylvie away from Gabby. He knows he's no good at being subtle. He can't hide it, but he can avoid talking about it with her. He knows Gabby still has a thing for him almost a year after they broke up. If he's honest, until Sylvie, he always assumed he and Gabby would get back together eventually. But now...
Well, the new girl changed everything.
"How much do you know about her, really?" Gabby asks, seeing straight through his hesitance to answer her question. "I've seen her around talking with that Junior on the football team -- Grainger? And at lunch yesterday that Sheffield Kid came up to our table to talk to her about joining Key Club. She's got plenty of options. How do you know she's not one of those people that just likes to flirt? The farm girl act is cute and all, but that doesn't mean she's the right fit for you. I mean, I like her. I do, but how sweet and innocent can she be, really? She might have left a trail of broken hearts between here and Indiana, for all we know."
He can't tell if Gabby's jealous or genuinely looking out for him. She seems to get a long well with Sylvie. She and Shay have welcomed her into their group. But her speech reminds him of all the reasons they broke up. Gabby cares about the people around her. She's very protective. But she can also get wrapped up in her own interests and dive so far down into self involvement that she becomes petty and vindictive. She seemed to be that way with him when they were dating more-so than anyone else they knew. He loves her as a friend. She's been by his side through a lot of tough times. But, as a couple, they bring out the worst in each other. That's the last thing he needs right now.
"That's kind of the point, isn't it?"
"The point of what?" She asks.
"Of getting to know her. That's all I'm doing right now, Dawson. So far, I really like what I've seen and I'm excited to learn more. That's enough for now."
"For now?"
"Yes, for now." Because he's almost certain he's going to ask Sylvie to be his date to the homecoming dance. Which he needs to do sooner rather than later considering, as Gabby mentioned, he has plenty of competition.
"Do what you think is best, I guess," Gabby tells him, her tone flat and hard.
"Gee, thanks for your permission," he snaps, shaking his head as he side steps her and leaves her standing alone in the hallway. "I'll see you for our stats class at three."
By the time he reaches the library Sylvie's deep into her history homework, making notes out of a resource book for a paper that's due at the end of the week. She looks up and smiles at him as he approaches their usual table.
"I was about to send out a search party for you," she whispers as he sits down next to her. "You're never late for free period."
"Yeah, sorry about that. Got a little tied up after English." He gets out his stats book and notes, deciding to double check his homework before he turns it in later. He did it in a rush late last night.
"Everything okay?"
The concern on her face runs deep as if his potential problems are the most pressing issue in her world right now. Gabby was way off base in her assumptions about Sylvie. He doesn't know how he knows, he just does.
"Yeah, just Gabby being Gabby. No big deal."
She bites her bottom lip, apprehension suddenly shining in her baby blue eyes. "Ah, okay. So, are you and Gabby -- I don't know -- a thing, I guess?"
Does she think he would flirt with her so blatantly if he was still into Gabby? God, he hopes not. "No. Not anymore. I mean, we used to be, but we weren't good together. We're much better off as friends."
"Oh, right." Wincing while amusement overtakes her apprehension, she says, "does Gabby know that?"
He laughs at her sympathetic expression and shrugs. "I have no idea what Gabby thinks. Never did. She doesn't exactly put her cards on the table most of the time."
"I've noticed that," Sylvie replies. "I wonder why that is?"
He can tell her interest is earnest. She's wholeheartedly trying to fill in the puzzle that is Gabby Dawson, hoping she'll end up with a better understanding of why Dawson is the way that she is. "If you figure it out, let me know. I could never get to the bottom of it. Did I miss anything in the last few minutes?"
"No, not really. Just Grainger asking me to the Homecoming Dance." She shrugs as if that one sentence doesn't crush every bit of hope in his chest.
"Oh?" He asks, cursing inwardly as his voice pitches up an entire octave. Being outwardly disappointed won't help his case. It'll only hurt Sylvie's feelings.
"Yeah, but...I said no. He's a nice guy, for sure, but I don't feel like it would be fair to him to say yes. There's plenty of other girls who would be thrilled to go with him. I am not one of those."
He had to have heard her wrong or hallucinated or something. "You said no?"
She twists her watch band, looking away from him shyly as she nods. "I'm sort of holding out for someone else. It probably won't happen, but I don't think I could go with someone else and not feel like I was leading them on or something, you know?"
Dammit. Of course she already has someone else in mind. And he has a feeling he knows exactly who she's waiting on. But also her reasoning speaks exactly to Gabby's concerns, not that Matt ever doubted Sylvie in the first place. "I get it," he assures her. "So, who are you holding out for? Sheffield?"
Looking up and meeting his eyes again, she blushes. "No, not Kyle. He's okay, I guess. But I don't know him that well."
"Then who...who else is there?" He asks, confused.
"Oh my god," Sylvie says, rubbing a hand over her face with a grimace. "Am I really that bad at this?"
Ms. Platt, the no nonsense librarian, glares over at them from where she's leaning against the circulation desk. "Pipe down over there, will ya?"
Sylvie's eyes widen and she immediately returns to her notes. "Sorry, Ms. Platt."
"No," Matt whispers, leaning closer to her. "Wait. We're not done with this topic yet. Who else is there, Sylvie?"
"Matt," she pleads, face red with embarrassment. "Just drop it, please. Pretend I never said anything."
The blushing, the embarrassment, the hesitant way she looked away from him earlier...
"Holy shit."
"Matthew Casey," Platt huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't make me send you to Grissom's office. I'll do it."
He winces and holds his hands up in surrender. "No more outbursts. I promise."
"If you're gonna curse, whisper at least. My god," Platt mutters, forcefully unloading books from a nearby cart.
When he looks back over at Sylvie, she's slid down in her seat and hidden her face behind her book. He cranes up to look up and over the book and notices her face is somehow an even deeper shade of red.
"You meant me," he whispers, sliding his chair over to hers to joining her in her hiding spot.
"Forget it," she urges him, speaking softly. "I thought--I thought you knew that I was -- or that you were flirting back with -- but clearly I was wrong."
He ignores the fact that she didn't finish a single sentence. To him, her meaning was clear. "No, I don't want to forget it. Sylvie, I have been flirting with you. I'm not very subtle. Never have been. I'm positive you read everything accurately. But I thought maybe you were just being nice or polite and then Gabby mentioned she'd seen you talking to Grainger and Sheffield so I just--"
"You assumed instead of asking me?"
He nods, running a hand through his hair while meeting her eyes with a sheepish expression. "Yeah, I kinda did."
"Well, if it helps," Sylvie supplies, leaning so close her forehead brushes against his. "Nothing's changed. I'm still waiting to be asked to the dance by a particular person."
He beams at her, so wide his cheeks begin to hurt. This is his moment. Before he even begins to ask, her face transforms into one as joyful as his. He's sure they look like idiots -- huddled behind a shared book and grinning like creeps -- but he can't help himself.
He really likes this girl.
"Sylvie Brett, will you go to Homecoming with me?"
"Why, Matt Casey, there's no one else I'd rather go with than you."
"Took you long enough," Platt mutters as she snatches the book out of Sylvie's hands. "If you're not gonna read this, then I'm putting it back. It's a shared reference book. Not an invisibility shield."
"Sorry, Ms. Platt," Sylvie replies, barely stifling an elated giggle.
Platt rolls her eyes and meanders by them to reach the reference section. As she passes them she murmurs, "you're a terrible liar."
"You wanna get out of here?" Matt asks, eying Platt warily. "We should make official plans without an audience."
Sylvie finally releases her giggle and the tinkling sounds causes a weird fluttery sensation in his chest. God, she's so damn cute. How is she this cute?
"Sure, the choir room should be empty right about now. Is that okay?"
"Sounds perfect."
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The Royal Archives Keith personality
Welcome to another session of rummaging through the royal archives of the Queen, today we will explore Keith dual personality or better what make it switch, comments and further exploration are always welcome especially if explained respectfully, that said I hope this work of mine may entertain and interest you gentle readers. 🤗
Switch trigger
Today we will explore one of the reason that could trigger Keith to switch personality deeply related to the duties, since it seem this tire Kind Keith maybe favouring the switch with Dark Keith.
In the prolgoue of season 2 chapter 7 A gentle deer he is having a good time chatting with MC, sharing with her the fact he feel uncomfortable at such events, until his attendant from Jade arrive and remind him of his duties as prince.
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Kind Keith comprehensibly feel bad about that subtle judgement and stare at his boots, so his face in this moment is hidden and I am prone to believe the switch happened as he was still staring at the ground, because when he look back at her she felt him being different from before.
Dark Keith show up, as consequence of Kind Keith beating himself up over the subtle critic of the attendant, leaving Him to go on with his proper duties as Prince.
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Other routes
Same thing happened in Sariel route chapter 7, MC is visible relived to see him and talk about something she was looking forward to that is not related to her duties.
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Maybe he was wondering about her reasons for getting closer to Keith, thinking that maybe she wanted to take advantage of Kind Keith, what we know is that she find Dark Keith to welcome her, talking about duties again.
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Speech Pattern
His speech pattern change from polite and kind to downright more commoner style and pretty harsher too, maybe wishing to scare her away in a twisted way to protect Kind Keith well being, may hap foreseeing her rejection after she would discover both his sides.
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Dark Keith seem to be perceptive as well of her thoughts and feelings, even though he hides them behind a though facade, see as he sheepishly gaze away when she tries to thank him for showing her the view of the garden, To catch a bunny rabbit Epilogue, or when she thanks him again for saving her from the slave market, Be my master : Mine if even only now.
In Be my lover be my beast not only does he teach her to play with the coins, as he did previously, but he also suggested to use a more little coin better fit for her fingers.
Even more all the while he is aware of her feelings, when he laugh he took a point to underline he is not laughing at her but only out of her cuteness, explaining the reason of his sudden mirth to not upset her,
He openly ask, not desiring to make her feel uncomfortable, if he can keep touch her face and hair before proceeding to do so after her permission showing a certain degree of growth since the To catch a bunny rabbit Epilogue, we may see he has become more aware of her boundaries and how far to go as to not make her feel uncomfortable ans scare her for good, as he did when they were alone in the room and he tried to kiss her.
Tagging @itsmyara @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @candied-boys Thank you for the support to this project 🤗
@aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @randonauticrap @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @itsjudesfault
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mirimiramiri · 8 months
We found love...
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“Prince Van Fanel. I hereby name you King of Fanelia and present you with the sacred insignia of power.” 
A sword, Hitomi thought in wonder as she stretched her neck to peer over the soldiers' heads. She had rather expected that the unfriendly boy, or rather, conceited prince, would take off the oversized helmet and someone would try to force a crown onto this bird's nest of black hair. On the other hand, the Tennō was also presented with the ancient sword of Japan. Apparently a coronation didn't always include a crown.  
She discreetly looked around at the warriors among whom she was kneeling. Everything seemed like she was visiting a museum. A museum the size of an entire city. 
The men looked like samurai; the rooms in the palace reminded of her grandparents' traditional-style house in the country. At the same time, no one wore a kimono and no one walked around on geta. The people, this prince (or now king) and the unfoundedly jealous girl with cat ears were more reminiscent of extras from a Central European historical drama flick. 
If only this was all a set-up, an incredibly elaborate prank at her expense like Hidden Camera. She would laugh it off graciously and hide the fact that she had already begun to doubt her sanity. 
Why did I end up here, she asked herself. Why for heaven’s sake? And when can I go home again? 
Her gaze wandered to the cloudless sky. She almost hoped to see that ray of light, like from a flying saucer, again. Which beamed her away, back to the sports field, back to Yukari and Amano. 
Was it that unfriendly Van‘s fault that she was here? After all, the pink stone from the dragon had started to glow just before she was ripped away from Earth's gravity. Had he done that on purpose? Hardly, as coldly as he had treated her after the nice wolfish grandpa had picked them both up. This rude Van guy clearly wasn't keen on her. At least he let her stay in his castle. But beyond that, he barely seemed interested in her. There were obviously a lot more important things right now, like this humble event at the moment and ruling over a kingdom later. 
Van had probably already forgotten about her. On the other hand, he had at least told his fencing master that she had helped him defeat the dragon. That wouldn't have been necessary. Nevertheless she was impressed by his honesty. 
She had finally understood that the fight against the dragon was a ritual, the success of which proved him to be a worthy heir to the throne. Was it against the rules to get help? But she was a little flattered by the way Vargas gave her a look of genuine gratitude while the cat girl cuddled the prince almost to the point of unconsciousness. 
Hitomi sighed softly. This scar-covered mountain of a man had given her his word of honor to find a way to send her home after the coronation. He looked scary, but spoke gentle and respectful. 
She couldn't wait to finally leave all this inexplicable weirdness behind…
Shouts reached her ears, getting louder and louder as the priest reeled off a monotonous speech to the Fanelian royal family tree. People began to turn around and the crowd became restless. 
What was going on, Hitomi wondered. In the distance, a thin column of black smoke seemed to rise into the sky. The priest had fallen silent. The new king, Van, had also turned around and appeared to be facing the city gate. She couldn't see the expression on his face beneath the huge helmet and behind the tangle of black strands. But somehow the atmosphere had changed. The crowd was nervous, small children began to cry and were hugged tightly by their mothers and fathers. The ceremony was interrupted and hardly anyone was paying attention to the important event. 
Then a fast rider appeared, forcing his way through the crowd and shouting, “We are under attack! The women and children go hide in the mountains, the men should take up arms! We must face the enemy!” 
Was this a drill, a show? But no one laughed, rather there were panicked shouts as the men around them jumped up and ran away in different directions. Hitomi stood up but stayed put. What should she do? She often had to make way for a samurai to avoid being run over. Nobody paid any attention to her. 
Nor, she noticed, on the newly crowned king. He stood apart, as ordered and uncollected, with the blue sword in his hands. He seemed lost, overwhelmed, and that left a bitter taste of fear on her tongue. Finally he started moving, running as best he could in the ceremonial armor to Vargas.
Hitomi could see the two briefly exchange a few words. Then, to her amazement, they both turned to stare at her for a second. Vargas then ran away and the boy dove towards her. He looked quite frightening in his white armor and flowing cloak. 
“You there!” he shouted. “Don’t stand around, come with me.” 
“What me?” Hitomi babbled confused as he grabbed her arm rather roughly and dragged her behind him. 
“Who else,” he grumbled. There was a slight metallic echo in his voice under the helmet, like a robot. He ruthlessly made his way through people. He paid them no attention, just as they paid him none. Some, soldiers, men of all ages, ran towards the tumult with their swords and lances drawn. The others in the opposite direction. Many carried small children or old people on their backs. Here and there someone was desperately calling out the names of friends or family members. 
Hitomi had never seen so much haunted fear on other people's faces. She tore herself away from the boy's grasp and followed him. "What's happening?" 
“What does it look like?! My country is being attacked!” As he ran, the boy grabbed the helmet and carelessly threw it away. The useless thing rolled over the cobblestones with a clatter. Then he sprinted to a small pedestal and picked up the stone on display that he had cut from the dragon's carcass. 
“Come now, stay close to me!” 
Attacked? Hitomi thought, but somehow she still didn't understand. She ran alongside him to the middle of the square. She saw the people who had excitedly attended the ceremony fleeing in all directions. Horrible noises could be heard in the distance and dark smoke, increasing in volume, rose ominously. "You there! Hold this!” the boy suddenly shouted and threw both his new sword and the pink stone at her. 
“Hey!” she complained, but caught both deftly. The dragon’s stone, the color of happy bubblegum, pulsed in her hand with a warm energy, as if it were still the heart of this horrible creature. It was scary in a way that's hard to describe, but not the least bit gross. Rather, it felt good in her hand. Just as if it enjoyed the touch of her skin.
The thing and the weapon together were surprisingly heavy and Hitomi panted as she ran, but managed to keep up with the boy. He was already starting to get rid of the annoying armor. To do this, he untied several ribbons. The breastplate and the cloak simply fell to the ground. Underneath he wore the simple red shirt and slim beige trousers again. 
Now he looked much less like a king, if not at all. 
“My name is Hitomi and not you there!” she snapped at him as he simply snatched the sword out of her hand and strapped it to his belt. 
“I have other things to worry about right now!” he hissed back. Nevertheless, he took the time to give her a stressed look. But there was more to it than that…fear coupled with fierce determination. Like yesterday, or was it the day before yesterday, when he killed a real-life mythical creature in front of her eyes. 
Side by side they rushed through the gate of the square building in the center of the courtyard. The boy - King Van - made a short, strange hand sign as they sprinted past the stone carving of a woman in warrior's outfit. Maybe a greeting, a small religious gesture that you had to take time for under all circumstances? 
They continued through a dark corridor. Hitomi followed her instinct rather than poor vision. Or even the quick breaths in front of her. <-- you can probably omit this. it doesn't flow well and just adds unnecessary context that feels out of place. 
Was that a bomb shelter? Then why did only the two of them flee here? Without warning, a vast, semi-subterranean chamber revealed itself before them. It was beautifully decorated, the walls full of colorful, mystical patterns. Partly covered in gold, like a subtle reference to the poor country's long lost wealth. 
Hitomi concluded from the excellent condition of the room that it must be an important, possibly sacred place. Fanelia did not appear to be a well situated country, but here they were not stingy with opulent decorations.
Was it a burial chamber? 
There were three coffin-shaped boxes standing next to each other back there. But the floor was particularly noticeable. Steep stairs led down to an angular pool. Several circles of metal slid into one another, looking like gears, all coordinated with one another. The colorful mosaic of a mechanical watch. A light shaft provided poor but atmospheric illumination. Countless grains of dust glittered in the few rays of sunlight. 
Speechless, as if she were a tourist in the Vatican, Hitomi took it all in. Van, however, was in a hurry. Without thanking her, he grabbed the stone and ran into the middle of the structure. Every step he took, every breath and every heartbeat was clearly audible. It was dead quiet here. The noise from outside was not allowed into this sacred site. 
Van pulled out his new sword. Even in the dim light here, the sharp blade shimmered. Then he intentionally cut his thumb. It had to be a deep wound because he was bleeding profusely and a considerable amount ran directly into the grooves of the stone. It disappeared into it like rain between the petals of a rose. Hitomi watched him spellbound. He didn't say a word, seemed absolutely sure of himself and his actions. 
Van raised his arm and Hitomi's gaze followed. A huge boulder hung from the ceiling. How strange, it seemed to be held by steel chains but at the same time floating independently. How did that work? What was the structure used for and why did they even flee here? 
Then she saw that his actions resulted in something that could only be described in one word: 
Just a moment ago the energist had been pretty, but dormant.
Nourished by the king's blood, it awoke to new life and shone brightly like a star fallen from heaven in his outstretched hand. Something similar had happened before. Just like in front of Sasuke Inari Shrine, when that light burst from the night sky, her running shoes suddenly just lifted off the ground and she was plucked from the Earth. 
Out of nowhere she was startled when the young king began to roar: “I am Van Fanel, King of Fanelia. My blood shall seal the pact with you in the fight against evil, Escaflowne!” 
An incantation, Hitomi was amazed, because there was no one here to whom he could speak. The marble ground vibrated slightly under her feet as if a weak earthquake were occurring. 
“The moment has come to awaken your spirits again, mighty dragon!” 
With that his magic was probably complete, because all of a sudden the colorful circles around him began to rotate. They turned smoothly against each other. As if they had always done it that way and would continue to do so for all eternity. 
Hitomi caught her breath. The spectacle was too strange and beautiful. Streams of air rose from the platform, shining like an upside-down waterfall of shooting stars. They enveloped the king's lanky form in his splendor until he faded into the shadow of a human being. 
Any average person would have fled by now. Not so the boy. Suddenly wild lightning danced around him, as if he was creating a small thunderstorm. Their origin were the wheels turning ever faster. The electrical discharges were aimed at the large rock on the ceiling. It broke like an egg under pressure. A deafening crack filled the air. The spell was broken, the seal lifted, and a power beyond what Hitomi dared imagine was unleashed. 
Freed from its cocoon, an oversized suit of knight's armor emerged into the open. The metal was a brilliant white. It appeared clumsy and light-footed at the same time and landed directly in front of its lord and master. Large blue marbles on the visor looked down at the fragile little humans, like insect eyes. Red and green heraldic symbols made of crystal glittered on the chest and helmet tip. The long purple cloak fluttered as the armor genuflected and bowed. 
The boy remained calm as if it was the most normal thing in the world. This despite the fact that the armor - Escaflowne - could easily trample him to death. He hurried towards it, the energist secure in his hand. His arrival was expected by Escaflowne like a savior in an emergency. 
It was time for blood and triumph. 
The armor had been caged, it’s might restrained for far too long.
Eager to be sent back into battle. To serve the cause. 
"So this is Escaflowne, like in my vision," Hitomi murmured. 
As in my vision of Escaflowne...
What followed next marked the end of a coronation in flames and the beginning of a long, long journey.
Note: Thanks to wonderful @eireanness to help translate this little snapshot from my ongoing fanfiction. I decided to not use the term "energist" here to often because it is Hitomi'POV and she only learns about them during that mine heist. The title might seem strange, but this was only the introduction to a longer chapter. The last thought of Hitomi really works better in English than in German.
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subwaytostardew · 5 months
(Prev annon) oh Chandelure’s and Ingo’s bond is really interesting! Poor ingo getting gaslit tho ekjdndndjd love that the manic has to work overtime with joltik. Little baby does Not know what object is… and! The insertion of emmet in the 10 heart event was so much fun! I knew immediately that something was up when chandie said she sensed something fjfnnff
Yup! We thought a lot about how the twins interact with their Pokémon! And their respective personalities! Their ace's especially!
Chandelure sensing something was actually her picking up on the wild Bidoof in the area, but I also like that you interpreted it as her sensing Emmet prob hiding somewhere or following them wondering - "Where the heck Is Ingo going with the farmer?!"
Emmet wasn't supposed to be in the event until I was debugging and thought- I miss Emmet! Let's get him in here. I did want the "Psst. You should kiss him." part to be ambigious as to if it was Chandelure or not until Emmet revealed himself though.
Also, since it'll be a while 'till we even show how the Pokémon are like personality wise... (Even though there is a glimpse of them during their heart events like Emmet's 8 Heart and the twins' respective 4 heart events.)
I'll actually give a breakdown of them. Do note - I am copying and pasting what we have on a document here.
Their personalities and characters are subject to change as we think about them more, but this is what we have for now!
▽▲ Pokemon Characterization ▽▲
(M) = Male
(F) = Female
(N) = None/Nonbinary
Submas Pokemon
Chandelure (F)
• One of the more responsible Pokémon on the team.
• Being Ingo’s Ace- She has to make sure the other Pokémon are not causing an issue. Or a delay in their schedule. (She is the Boss Lady! No Pokemon dares cross her.)
• Demeanor or presence is that of a noble lady or a lady in waiting (Flowery language/carries self with lot of maturity)
• Will sometimes say some train words or use her trainer's phrase of Bravo.
• Cares deeply for Ingo and via proxy Emmet, she will burn a soul if someone dares….
• Not afraid to sometimes break her own rules a little if the moment calls for it. (Teasing, having fun, etc. she is a Ghost Pokemon.)
Eelektross (M)
• Feels a sense of responsibility as Emmet's ace but is clearly overwhelmed with it, not the best leader but he tries, a little unsure of himself (He is quiet in nature. And a bit wiggly.)
• Does get dragged into mischief... (Thanks Excadrill...) he's reluctant at first (follow the rules!) but above all, he's silly and wants to have fun (everyone smile!).
• Elongates words like Emmet, but more towards E's and S's.
• Veeeeeeeery quiet. Not the best at putting things into words. Often reframes everything into battles to make sense of them in his mind.
• Prefers to let his actions speak for themself. A bit impulsive at times.
Archeops (M)
• Derpy bird — he is aloof and silly at times.
• He is hardworking and persistent in Battle. Due to his ability (Defeatist) if he goes down he vows to try even harder for Emmet.
• Is prone to falling into a slump and becoming discouraged.... defeatist.
• Can mimic human speech. Though only short words or string of sentences. (Like a parrot!) He thinks it's fun to randomly shout things they hear. (Farmer can understand them fully)
• Full of Energy. Can’t sit still for too long or he’ll become bored.
Garbador (F)
• Acts shy- Will openly say what is making them embarrassed. Which in turns makes them more embarrassed
• Nervous about battling and messing up however… Everyone can agree… she is a formidable opponent. (Do not underestimate her)
• Loves cleaning up and helping (Beach, Trash, etc.)
• Also adores and loves flowers.
• May feel bad about their appearance towards others (She is a trash Pokémon… of course she gonna have self-esteem issues)
• Shy in the "Kyaaaaa >m< anime girl way" while Crustle is shy in the "quiet hermit" way
• Still worries about not fitting in with the main team since she's the newest member of them.
Crustle (M)
• Shy and reclusive, but polite.
• A bit territorial and likes their space...
• Want to make sure people or Pokémon get to the right destination.
• Living train (reference to Pokepark).
Haxorus (F)
• One of the more responsible Pokémon on the twins teams. (Works well with Chandelure.)
• Often acts mature. (She is a noble dragon!) Much like Cyllene but as a dragon.
• However…. She worries about the safety of others. Mostly the twins. (She coddles them.)
• Is not afraid to put a misbehaving Pokémon in their place.
• She will take care of others before herself. (Does not do self-care well and needs a bit of a reminder to take a break and stop worrying about others)
• Though she will not say it outloud - she finds that Emmet being frustrated about her using Earthquake in a multi-battle setting to be funny. Even though she was just following her trainer's orders - she has to keep her presence of being one of the more mature Pokémon.
Galvantula (F)
• Tired Mom.
• Often has to clean up other people's messes.
• Dedicated to tending to her Joltik babies. A bit of a one-track mind. Her babies come first and foremost. Will throw everyone else under the train for them.
• Loves Food. And will often try to find the best places for everyone to eat. (She will also keep in mind places the twins went out to eat before and like so if they are ever fighting about food she will simply grab a menu pamphlet from a place and present it to them)
• A bit judgemental... You can't be too trusting of others taking your children!
Joltik (N) (Though other mentions of Joltiks are various genders. Brothers, Sisters, etc.)
• Child-like
• Galvantula’s Baby
• Will say phrases. Example: Food! Fun!
• Can string sentences. But rarely. If they do talk to the farmer- think of a toddler or a little kid trying to talk.
• Main Joltik is surprisingly emotionally intellegent, but still just a kid in the grand scheme of things and doesn't quite know the terminology. When they see Emmet "splitting tracks" with the farmer they just think "Oh no! Emmet's doing the thing Mister Archeops does sometimes!"
Durant (M)
• Second newest addition to their main team (right before Garbodor).
• A hard worker. Basically a mafia henchman to Excadrill (You got it boss. I'm on it boss. Kind of thing)
• Thick New York accent???
• Is more of a follower than a leader as Durants are group or teamwork oriented Pokémon. (Reference to their various Pokédex entries)
Excadrill (M)
• Full of themselves. (Mafia Boss)
• Thinks he's soooo cool and mysterious but well. He's playing in the mud.
• Loves digging
• Is known to be one of the Pokémon that causes trouble.
• Will often make plans and put them into action with no worries for consequences or if they would accidentally harm others.
• Is not afraid of Chandelure (He actually is. Liar)
• However, They are a big softy to their trainer. (Loves to hug Ingo) and will get angry at others if they dare tell other Pokémon…. (He has a reputation to uphold of course!)
Klinklang (N)
• A silent watcher. He just observes the other Pokémon and their shenanigans
• Very emotional but well... it takes a while to understand how they express it.
• Has a twin sibling though they are currently back at home at Gear Station. Making sure everything runs smoothly during the twins absence
• Belongs to either Ingo or Emmet. But no one knows which Klinklang is which!
As you can see, their personalities vary between each other - they are a chaotic bunch as each Pokémon will have their own stories in the future to unfold. (Along with their own string of issues)
Some are a duo pair - like Durant and Excadrill. They're actually our favorites and we have some ideas with how their stories going to turn out.
Durant ended up being one of my favorites to think about... I have some thoughts about him being awkward but supportive coworkers with Garbodor (fellow newbie) as well. We're still working things out (and well... putting off delving too much into the Pokemon side of things since we can't quite implement them as full NPCS yet) but I'm excited to expand on their dynamics!
Overall this is what we have so far. And of course things change over time as we refine the mod more and more.
Also once again - Thank you so much for the kind words in the last post! When I saw that I just squeaked with delight.
It's actually reassuring to know that I'm doing something right when it comes to characterizations, etc. I'm also glad that Thylak doesn't mind proof-reading.
It's fine! I'm just glad Kade is so good at coming up with ideas. ^^
◁ Station Stewardess Kade
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loquaciousquark · 8 months
15, 24, 30 for the Tav asks?
15. What motivates your Tav to either embrace or resist the tadpole?
She...well, she never quite embraces it, but she does lean into its power at first! While the idea of having a leech in her brain is horrifying, and she's deathly afraid of the pain of ceremorphosis, she's also extremely used to a narrow view of her own survival. She hasn't looked more than a day or two down the road in over a decade, so it's very much a "if this helps me survive this moment right now, I'll do it happily and deal with the fallout later" thing. She's also half-convinced the prism will fail and the worm will take her any moment regardless, so why not snatch up what she can get? She's going to die any moment anyway; might as well go out knowing she did everything she could to stay alive beforehand.
However, after Myrkul & the early stuff in Act 3, she suddenly starts wondering if they might be able to get rid of these things after all. If she might actually have some kind of future possible after the Absolute and Cazador and everything else. If that's really on the table, she wants to be present for it and not a dribbling husk, so she stops feeding the parasite. She does use what she's got, though, and post-game she does faintly miss exploding people with her mind.
24. What first impression does your Tav give off to strangers?
When she's just been orphaned, she's one of those big dewy-eyed tearful kids they use in those horrible fundraising Sarah McLachlan ads. That doesn't last long, however, as she learns how to avoid being noticed in the first place. If she's actually seen, she's usually just looking hunted and desperate as she tries to extricate herself.
Post-game, once she's become better at interacting with speech and honesty and open exchange of ideas rather than petty theft, I think she's much more comfortable being seen in day-to-day life and going to social events where part of the goal is to be perceived. As she and Astarion travel around the continent, I think they play games like "let's pretend to be minor royalty in this new city and see how many balls we can get invited to before they throw us out."
She was brought up well before her parents died, so she's not going to make major crass faux-pas; instead, she's friendly and conversational, but she always has a touch of distance in her eyes. An invisible wall, a little - disdain isn't quite the right word, but a little - impersonal arrogance, maybe. She's with you, but she's not one of you - she's seen things you can't dream of, and she doesn't really mind if you feel it. I think it's more pronounced the more expensive the society is, for whatever that's worth. She certainly feels more at home in the gutter, even if she'd die before going back there again.
30. What are your Tav’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
Get Astarion his ring, first and foremost. Once that's settled, they travel everywhere they can get passage. They've both been trapped in Baldur's Gate for so long, even if their raw years are disparately dispensed, and she wants to see everything the world's been hiding from her! The Underdark, the City of Splendors, Calimshan deserts, the Moonshae Isles, Evermeet, Marsember (the City of Spices! it sounds so beautiful until they get there and it's all misty swamp and haunted bogs), Cormyr - beaches! (which they both hate because it's TOO SUNNY and TOO SANDY) - basically anywhere they can get a portal or a road to. They're not hoofing through the woods anymore if they can help it.
I do think Tav splits the money among the companions left behind (so no shares to Wyll, Karlach, or Lae'zel directly, though she takes out some accounts at the Counting House for them and starts accruing interest in their names), and she uses her connections with the Counting House & the Thieves' Guild to start building some portfolios of her own. She never wants to be in a place where she has to think about money ever again. (I think she carries letters back and forth from Wyll to his dad, & Wyll gets his dad to get her in touch with one of the city's trustworthy financiers to help her get all this started.)
Between all that they visit Lae'zel in the Astral Sea for like a week, and when they come back both of them are like, "WELL that was fun let's never do THAT again," but they do visit Karlach and Wyll in Avernus quite often! I think they bully Helsik into opening the portal for them the first several times, but they don't like being dependent on her or the location, so they steal a very hefty supply of the rare materials (esp. the infernal marble) and a copy of the exact rites, along with contact info for more supplies in future, and they repurpose one of the portals in the House of Hope to open to Gale's tower in Waterdeep. (I don't think they tell him ahead of time.)
At some point they figure out how to extend Tav's life, but that's way down the road. Also I think she starts a Thieves' Guild with the tiefling kids that's secretly an orphanage/pipeline into gainful employment.
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eternally--mortal · 1 year
I have an ongoing Maladaptive Daydream storyline for a Klance fic that won’t leave me alone but that I also know I’ll never write, partially because my brain treats it a little like a choose your own adventure story every time I imagine the storyline. But I wanted to write out the bare bones of it so that it doesn’t haunt me constantly.
Basic Background:
Basically takes place in the canon universe, but Krolia was the daughter of Zarkon and Honerva. She secretly joined the resistance and then faked her death when she stayed on Earth to protect the blue lion, then ran off to fully join the Blades full time to avoid alerting her parents that she was still alive. She left Tex and Keith back on Earth where they would hopefully stay undetected from the Galra Empire. Fast forward to the end of canon where they want to put Keith in charge but end up with Krolia as their ruler. Krolia reveals her heritage and history before she agrees to be Empress.
This causes a stir in different political factions and on various other planets with aliens who are still suspicious of the Galra Empire and especially of Zarkon’s family (even though Zarkon and Honerva were corrupted by Quintessence and were not naturally crazy evil warlords).
Keith ends up in his canon role as an Ambassador, traveling around with the Blades and helping to heal the damage done by the Galra Empire as it was under Zarkon and Lotor.
Lance stays on Earth and only ever leaves to meet up with the other paladins on Altea where they have an annual remembrance of Allura. As their lives get busier, fewer of the paladins are able to make it. At the start of the story, Lance and Keith have agreed to meet up on Altea, although the other paladins have either said that they can’t make it or that they will be arriving late.
So this is a time travel fic (because I’m addicted to them. I’ve said this before. I basically have a head-canoned time travel fic for ever fandom I’m in because I’m sort of obsessed with comparing the original characters to their later character growth. I get a little viscerally feral about it. I foam at the mouth for a good, realistic character-growth comparison).
Other background info:
Krolia is in a relationship with Kolivan.
Lance no longer travels space except between Altea and Earth once a year. He’s started to grow insecure about his place with the Paladins—whether he was really ever a hero at all. He hears about Keith traveling as an Ambassador, Pidge working with Alien technology, and Hunk traveling with Shay, and Lance feels overwhelmed—like he’s chosen to stay back and is now being left behind. He knows that Shiro mainly works on Earth with the Garrison, but even that seems miles away from what Lance is doing with his life. He looks at his younger self and wonders where that person went. He’s on a journey, in part, to find himself again.
The story itself:
We follow the story from the perspectives of the early Paladins who have been brought forward in time (whether Allura is there or not has sort of been a shifting element depending on what mood I’m in when I imagine it. That’s part of the whole choose-your-own-adventure thing. Lots of this changes around.) They end up in an underground lab within a sort of maze structure of tunnels. They meet an alien there who begs them for help and says that the Paladins aren’t there to protect them anymore and that he has a plan to bring down the Galra Empire. When the Paladins ask what happened he goes into a speech about how the Paladins were scattered and corrupted and how they would need to stop their future selves. The alien seems particularly interested in Keith based on the way his eyes keep drifting over to him.
Suddenly there are alarms going off in the chaos, the Paladins end up out of sight as the alien goes to check out the chaos. From their hiding spot, the Paladins see/hear Future!Lance. Lance has the alien backed against the wall and is threatening him, asking ‘Where is he?’ The alien is spitting insults at Lance and calling him a ‘Galra-Lover,’ etc. The alien also pokes at Lance for being out of practice, saying he’s not even really a Paladin anymore. He claims that Lance has betrayed the cause.
In the midst of the chaos, the future machine is damaged. Lance finds the younger Paladins and explains to them that Zarkon (and Lotor and Honerva—whom the Paladins don’t really know about yet) have been defeated and that the Galra Empire as they know it has largely been dissolved. The Paladins are a little wary to believe it, but, also, it’s Lance, so they give him the benefit of the doubt. Although they are a little thrown off by his Altean markings. At first they assume this is an alternate universe. Lance tells them it’s not, but hedges around his explanation for how he got the marks.
Lance ends up taking the Paladins with him. He figures the best way to get them home is to rendezvous with Future!Pidge, but Pidge is working on an independent project at the moment and is out of reach. Lance tells them that he’s in the middle of a mission and that he can’t delay it. He’s on his way to Daibazaal for more information and supplies. Reluctantly, the Paladins travel with him. Lance can’t really leave them alone and they want to investigate whether they can really trust Lance.
Upon meeting Krolia at Daibazaal, the young Paladins learn about Lance’s mission. Apparently the Galran Prince (*cough cough* Keith *cough cough* —but they don’t know that yet) and his party were attacked and drugged by a radical political faction—the same one that brought the Paladins forward in time. The group drugged the diplomatic meeting in an attempt to capture and kill the Galrans, but they were interrupted by a Second radical political faction. The second faction abducted the Prince before the First faction could enact the rest of their plan, and, in the chaos of the clashing political groups, the rest of the Galran diplomacy team escaped alive and relatively unharmed.
So the Paladins now understand that the people who brought them forward in time are part of a group intent on the destruction of the remainder of the Galran Empire and the death of the royal family. This is why Lance was there when they arrived in the future: to question the political faction. This is also why the alien that Lance questioned was so particularly bitter: because the plan he’d carefully lain out to capture the Prince had gone sideways. (Lance of course knows that the First radical faction brought the paladins forward in time in order to get a hold of Keith specifically and to turn the younger Paladins against their older selves. He does not share this information with the Paladins.)
What the Paladins don’t understand is why Lance is involved with this at all. They’ve been told that the Paladins are scattered and that Voltron no longer exists. But there are a lot of things they don’t know (that Altea exists again, why the Galra empire still exists at all, who the Blades are, etc. etc. etc.). They don’t trust Krolia, especially after discovering that Zarkon is her father, but they see that she and Lance get along well. While eavesdropping, the Paladins also catch a conversation between Krolia and Lance that seems to indicate that Lance has romantic interest in Krolia’s son (Krolia invites him to visit again and tells Lance that her son misses him and that she knows it would make him happy to have Lance there more often).
Krolia is especially kind to Keith, but she doesn’t tell him who she is. The cooks in the kitchens make food they know he’ll like, the guards direct him towards the training space they know he’ll appreciate, someone alludes to the art studio (although he does not have time to check it out properly). And Kosmo shows up and sticks to Keith like velcro.
Lance and the Paladins spend the afternoon and the night on Daibazaal before packing up to go the next morning. Lance has been in meetings getting information on the radical group and their possible location from the Blades. Krolia can’t leave Daibazaal during a time of crisis, but Kolivan is in communication with various sectors where members of the Blade are investigating leads. Lance agrees to follow up on one of the leads that has not yet been covered. He warns the Paladins to be careful. Apparently this Secondary radical group is a religious cult derived from Hagar’s Druids that worships Honerva and believes that she can be summoned so that she can return as their ruler. (They’d like to use Keith to try and reach her since he’s her grandchild and because of his powerful quintessence as a result of his time spent with Voltron and his mixing of human, Altean, and Galran blood.)
When they get to the sector in question, Lance and the Paladins find a massive ship. Lance sneaks onboard, instructing the Paladins to stay behind and wait for him. The Paladins of course do not listen. When the Paladins sneak on board, they find the ship largely deserted, but they walk themselves right into a hallway where the remaining members of the cult are preparing to make their final stand. From the shadows, a cloaked figure drops down, startling the Paladins and causing an uproar from the cultists. The Cloaked Figure grabs the dagger from younger Keith’s sheath and slides into battle. Keith shouts out in frustration that his knife has been stollen, but watches in confusion and awe as the dagger transforms into a sword. Shiro asks why Keith has that dagger and where he got it from, but they are all distracted by the Cloaked figure who is fending off the cultists.
Future!Lance turns the corner and begins to berate the Paladins for not listening to him and staying on the ship. Then he notices the Cloaked Figure. Lance pulls out a rifle and begins firing, shooting the enemies that are in the fighter’s blind spot. As the last of the enemy falls, the Fighter’s hood is pulled back and he turns to face them. It’s Future!Keith. Future!Lance goes up to meet him and Keith looks initially surprised. Lance comments that he ‘should have know’ when he ‘found the cells empty.’
If Keith is surprised to see the younger Paladins, he hides it well. He seems more shocked to see Lance, but grateful. They fall into an easy banter that surprises the younger Paladins by its friendliness. Shiro interrupts to explain to Keith that they’re looking for the Galran Prince. Lance tells them not to worry about it anymore. The Paladins find this odd, especially considering the conversation they overheard earlier where Krolia indicated that Lance had a crush on the Galran Prince. They also want to know why Keith is there. Lance tells them that Keith is an Ambassador who was traveling with the Galrans when the attack happened. Lance makes up an excuse for why they don’t have to go find the prince (in spite of Shiro’s protestations that they have a duty and that they made Krolia a promise), asking Keith if he’s stuck here because the Prince stole his ride. Keith sort of side-eyes Lance but easily falls in line with the ploy and says that yes, the Prince is fine and has a ride out. Lance gives Keith his actual knife (which Krolia had given to Lance earlier), and Future!Keith returns his knife to his younger self.
Together they all make their way back to the ship. They alert the Blades about the enemy cultists and their location. Lance asks younger Keith to fly them out of there and has younger Lance grab the first aid kit to he can patch up Future!Keith.
At some point there’s a meaningful conversation between Keith and Lance about how Keith is surprised to see him because Lance never leaves Earth except to visit Altea. Lance explains that Keith was late to their meeting on Altea and how Lance was at first upset to be ditched by all the other Paladins but came to the conclusion that Keith wouldn’t do that to him. He got into contact with some of the Blades and found out what happened and set out to gain some more intel for Kolivan and try and find Keith.
(Lance and Keith both like each other, but Lance is intimidated by the new life that Keith has built without him, and Keith is worried about whether Lance actually likes him / is over Allura.)
Here’s where I have a lot of divergence:
In some versions, Allura is there with them. She stays back on the ship while the Paladins sneak into the base. Allura refuses to let them back onboard until she realizes that it’s ‘just Keith’ who’s with them.
In some versions, before returning to Daibazaal, the Paladins, Lance, and Keith end up stopping for supplies or answering distress beacons. In some of these situations, they run into other members of the Blade (the one I replay most is running into Antok and his family so that there are cute little Galra kids interacting with ‘uncle Keith’ and close slip ups where the Paladins almost figure out that Keith is the Galran Prince. Most of it is explained away as Keith just being an important Ambassador who’s regularly on Daibazaal).
In some versions where they make pit stops, they run into more members of the radical groups or into hostile Galrans who are against the new rule. At some point, Keith’s eyes go yellow and his fangs come out and the Paladins have their little ‘aha’ moment.
Sometimes I have the Paladins just put two and two together—usually Pidge saying ‘what if we were Always going there to pick up Keith?’ And then younger Lance being in denial and being like ‘you mean, we were never there for the Prince?’ To which the answer is ‘No. what if Keith is the prince.’ Plus all the evidence.
Also scenes of Pidge using technology so the Paladins can spy on Lance and Keith while they’re talking alone to try and figure out whether their future selves are still trustworthy.
A scene where Keith and Lance talk about not advertising the fact that the cultists have been defeated so that they can fly under the radar back to Daibazaal.
A scene where the younger Paladins mention that Lance is totally in love with the Galran Prince in front of Keith and use Krolia’s conversation for reference. They talk about it because younger Lance is trying to puzzle out why his older self would travel all that way to rescue a guy and then would just ditch him to hang out with —ugh—Keith of all people. Cue a necessary conversation between Keith and Lance where they continue to be stupid because they’re both Still hedging around the issue.
The scene where they return to Daibazaal and Krolia hugs Keith and he calls her mom. And then Krolia insists that Lance join the hug as well. And, if the Paladins (or maybe just younger Lance) are still oblivious to Keith’s identity, you see their reactions as well.
Kosmo appearing to tackle Keith. Kolivan showing up as well. Lil Galra kids who Keith has gotten to know from his time on Daibazaal and random guards and Galrans in general being happy that he’s home safe. Members of the Blade who were there when he got captured being there and glad for his return.
Keith showing Lance the paintings and murals he’s done to remind him of Earth (because I’m a sucker for artist Keith). Cue another conversation about Keith not visiting Lance on Earth more because Keith thought Lance needed space. Also Lance being upset that Shiro didn’t come to help Keith even though they’re brothers when Lance knows for a fact that Keith would move heaven and Earth to help Shiro in the same situation (I headcannon that Shiro is really just worn out at this point and that while he cares for Keith it has grown to more of a distant brotherly respect at this point—that Shiro is very practical and figured that the Blades could handle it, while Lance tends to emotionally invest himself and not want to risk the chance that someone else Won’t take care of it).
Pidge showing up on Daibazaal to help figure out the time travel situation.
Keith and Lance asking Pidge about Matt, etc. and younger Pidge getting excited/asking questions.
The general journey of the Paladins to try and decide whether they like the future and whether they want to trust their future selves or not.
Lance admitting to Keith that he feels kind of worthless, especially since Keith basically escaped by himself. Keith emphasizing how important it was for Lance to be there and how much of an impact it made for Lance to actually leave Earth and Altea to come find him.
Alternate rescue scene where Keith has been basically drained of Quintessence by the cult and therefore was unable to rescue himself. Keith thinks he’s hallucinating Lance because of course there’s no way Lance would leave Altea or Earth just for Keith. Them explaining all of it away to the Paladins by claiming that Keith already rescued the prince and that the cultists captured and tortured Keith for retribution.
Any potential drama from a plotline that involves Allura / Lance coming to full terms that he’s not in love with her anymore / Lance trying to separate the version of Allura that he wants to remember from the young version of Allura that is currently hostile and racist towards the concept of the Galran Prince and therefore (unbeknownst to her) Keith, whom Lance is in love with. Allura having the hardest time coming to terms with the new Galra empire and the fact that Krolia is half Altean and that Keith is just as Altean as he is Galran. Young Lance struggling between Allura’s strong feelings about the Galra and the knowledge that his future self is in love with the Galran Prince. And gets along with Keith. Who, surprise surprise, happens to be the Galran Prince.
I’m sure there’s more. My brain is somehow too invested in this plotline and also not invested enough to make it cohesive.
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whimsyswastry · 3 months
Can I ask about the Hot Zone?
Of course!
The Hot Zone is a Mass Effect Andromeda fic that takes place sometime between High Noon and the end game.
Kallo takes a much needed vacation, leaving the tempest without a pilot when Tann requests they investigate unusual activity on the lava fields of Aya. As luck would have it, Reyes is handling business on the Nexus and agrees to Scott’s request for help.
After tracking the unusual activity on Aya, Scott and his crew find a research center that’s hiding almost as many secrets as Reyes. The stakes rise even higher when a biological mishap leaves them quarantined in the facility, waiting on backup from the Nexus.
It was heavily inspired by Containment (the CW show from 2016).
"So, Reyes, tell me what it's like being the Lord Ruler of Kadara." Peebee cast a quick glance at Scott but continued her line of questioning despite his glare.
”I don't know what you mean, I'm just a small-time smuggler," he smirked and then turned to look out the window, trying his best to politely communicate that this wasn't his idea of appropriate conversation.
"Bullshit—you know we all know."
His nostrils flared in an otherwise stoic expression. "I see,” he said, his tone clearly unhappy with how open Scott had been with the information.
"It's a small ship," Scott said weakly. "There's very little they don't know about anything."
"It's true. Like Kallo sings Elcor operas in the shower. And Liam says he doesn't eat sugar because it's bad for muscle definition, but he sneaks candy bars out of Vetra's room when everyone is asleep. And Scott—“
”I don't think Reyes is interested in what quirks you've discovered about me."
"Oh, you couldn't be more wrong, Scott. I am simply enthralled. Continue Peebee."
Scott wanted to wipe that inane smirk off Reyes' face with his fist.
"Scott was really shy at first. He kept himself to himself and didn't really share much with the group. But the key to getting to know Scott is finding him when he thinks he's alone with Pancake."
Scott’s stomach dropped to the floor of the NOMAD.
“Pancake?" Reyes asked.
“The pyjak," Drack grumbled. "I still say we should've eaten him. Grilled pyjak with a Tummy-Tingling Tuchanka dry rub is the most flavorful, succulent meat—“
“Pancake is friend, not food!” Scott shouted. "Besides,” he cleared his throat. “I don't know what you mean, Peebee. I never talk to Pancake."
Peebee snorted. "You told Pancake about the nightmares you've been having. You know, the one where you're giving a big speech in front of all the Kett, telling them how you're going to kick their collective ass. But then you look down and you’re wearing—“ Scott began to sing nonsensically as loudly as he could, but Peebee just yelled over him. "Wearing superman tighty whiteys!"
There are a few muffled giggles that Scott tried to ignore. “Yeah, well, at least I..." But he can't think of anything strange that Peebee does. She was a good listener and loved to tinker with anything technology-related, but aside from that, there isn't much he can say about her. There was that one time in the escape pod...but he didn't see how bringing that up would serve anybody. Peebee would probably just suggest that he and Reyes spend some time of their own in her escape pod.
Scott felt his cheeks heat up at the thought. Maybe she was on to something. If he and Reyes just had hate sex he might be able to move past the whole thing. He stole a glance at Reyes, who was still looking out the window, but his smile has turned fond. Scott made a point to not wonder why Reyes had turned so soft.
"I don't understand the embarrassment, Scott. I also speak to Pancake," Jaal said quietly. "In fact, if Pancake hadn't been in my room when I was trying to reconfigure the Carfalon to work with Angaran physiology, I never would've figured out that it was the neurochemical stimulant that was blocking access to the bioelectrical cortex.”
"Steak...cutlets...chopped liver...even deep-fried pyjak tail. There really isn't a part of the pyjak you can't eat."
"Drack!" Scott started to chide but changed tactics halfway through. Distraction would always work better with his crew than rules. "Okay, everyone. We have another ninety minutes before we get to the lab. Maybe we can talk about our plan of action instead of what type of glaze would go best with my pet."
"Raspberry ginger," Drack offered.
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thelediz · 4 months
Sonic Underground Episode 25: The Hedgehog in the Iron Mask
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
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The plot (for want of a better word): The triplets rescue a mysterious hedgehog who claims to be a long-lost relative, and spurs thoughts of what life will be like after they regain their birthright. Will the Sonic Underground be able to overcome their sibling rivalry, and remain a team forever?
Yeah… this episode should have been so much more plot relevant than it ended up being.
So Aleena starts this episode talking about how we secretly hide our ambitions from other people, and how it takes courage to let the world see who we really are. It’s… interesting. The first half of her little monologue sounds quite suss, and then the second half is inspiring. One could make too much of this, Aleena!
The triplets are breaking into some kind of prison on the idea that Aleena was once imprisoned there, and there will be clues as to where she is now. Meanwhile, there’s a guy doing opera warmups and preparing for a show.
The triplets are going to be surprised he’s an actor later, but the audience is, as always, way more aware than them. I wonder if that was supposed to be a running theme or point at one point?
The triplets are confused when they hear him, because Robotnik doesn’t normally imprison people—guys, you literally just said Aleena was imprisoned here—and he howls when he calls out, and Sonia finds his voice familiar. None of this will stop them believing him later.
Manic jokes about Sonic’s off-key singing. This is not the only time they will make a joke like this. Now, granted, I would probably not say I enjoy any of the triplet’s vocals, and as I said once, when I was a kid I liked Manic’s best (I no longer know why), but this is such a strange joke that comes up every so often. It’s the sort of thing I’d work up into a big thing about Manic and Sonia resenting Sonic being the front man of both the band and the Resistance, except it’s not. It’s just a random joke. And it’s bothered me since the first time I heard it.
Moving on.
Gotta say, the flow of the animation in this episode is not terrible. Character models are still awful, and they are reusing frames where they can, but the flow is good.
Oh look. An orange item in the middle of the room. A suspiciously moving curtain off to the side. Whoever could have seen this ambush coming.
Dingo is a great actor. I just want to say that. When the triplets tie him up and interrogate him, he spits his lines about how the prisoner is important but did nothing wrong brilliantly. Give that man a Tony.
The Song: Part of the Problem. Another rare Sonia lead, with a pretty funky brass backing. They’re singing to the crowd to try and get people to tell them who the prisoner is. This of course will not really help because there IS no prisoner, but it’s a good propaganda song for the Resistance, so uh. Cool.
But of course it doesn’t work, so of course they need to break back in to rescue him. Which is not very hard, given that’s Robotnik's whole plan.
The prisoner is wearing a metal headcovering, which he claims is a bomb that will explode if it’s removed. And he, in a complete turnaround from literally everyone else in the series, does not recognise them as Aleena’s children. Now, at this point, even if we didn’t know he was an actor, I’d be suspicious, because EVERYONE knows these kids EVEN WHEN THEY SHOULDN’T.
Also, he’s not a great actor. He barely avoids saying the word 'GASP'.
He gives them some golden rings that ‘bear the royal family crest’ which—I remind you—was established last episode as the Royal H. They do not have the Royal H. But this may just be poor continuity, so whatever. They're tracking devices, spoilers.
Now. Now. He gives a speech here which is totally made up but I clearly internalised and took it as gospel. He claims to be the queen’s twin brother, and that there’s a law that says there can be only one ruler, so he was sent into exile. This is to sow conflict between the siblings, obvs, but is also legitimately contrary to the Council of Four. In my story, I very much make this a point, because triplets don’t just come out of nowhere, genetically – you will tend to see twins and triplets throughout family lines. But we NEVER hear of any other family members. So I, being the problem that I am, take that to mean that problematic heirs are quietly removed from public life once they stop being important backups and lose their legitimacy to the throne. Because this royal family has PROBLEMS, folks.
Meanwhile, no sooner has the actor said his lines than the triplets start bickering, with Sonic assuming he’ll be ruler, Sonia laughing at the idea because a “ruler needs to have some CULTURE”, and Manic stating that he’s the “real representative of the people”. So, you know, effective plot building on their pre-identified internal conflicts (except Manic, but we’re pretty sure that’s just fumbled characterisation, not actually out of nowhere). It’s not a bad setup for an episode, is what I’m saying.
I also obsess over the fact that Sonic is the only one of the three who focusses on how he won’t banish the other two. Manic and Sonia DO NOT MENTION THIS ISSUE. Sonia, in fact, is being SO SHALLOW this episode, claiming she gets the crown because the other two would suck and she looks best in finery, while Manic is just getting all resentful.
Oh, oh, oh, I love Sonic and Sonia’s argument so much for my purposes. Sonia snaps that Sonic would drive Mobius to disaster (which he would, to be fair), and Sonic is the first to say that he’ll banish HIMSELF if Sonia becomes queen, and points out how he never needed anyone before and doesn’t now (which again, is true, to be fair), while Sonia is clearly throwing a tantrum and runs off on her own. Manic, as always, just goes along with it, and so the triplets split up.
Manic, naturally, lasts about five minutes before he gets captured. Sonia needs a bit of a guilt trip, but then gets caught too. But when the actor tries to finish up by catching Sonic, Sonic’s suspicions kick in, he decides he’s had enough of this ‘uncle’, and recognises the rings as homing beacons. But as he fights the ambush off, the actor throws himself in the middle of Sonic’s attack and Sonic brains himself on the helmet.
Yes, that’s right, Sonic actually doesn’t just save the day this episode! They’re actually going to bring the Sonic Underground back together to win this time! THIS EPISODE ISN’T GOING TO DEFEAT THE WHOLE STORYLINE OF THE SERIES!
So now that the hedgehogs are caught, the actor has served his purpose and is thrown with prison along with them. Without his mask, revealing himself to be “Luke Perrywinkle” (oh honey. Luke Perry was not this hammy thespian.) that Sonia was a huge fan of and Sonic thought was a ham. Manic had no idea.
Sonic with a sword, Sonic with a sword, Sonic with a sword!
So of course they have to work together to get out, and the actor announces he’s going to join the resistance, and the triplets decide they will rule together, and we end happily once more.
And I... I'm...
This was an actual good episode, guys.
Like… still low budget and still a bit messy, but… guys, this was… actually good? Like… it had story and character progression and a lesson that the siblings actually learned that would legitimately lead them toward The Council Of Four and…
Tomorrow better be back to form, or so help me I might actually have to give you credit for trying.
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pebbledragon78 · 10 months
RANT: My Actual Opinion on Melami Goldmine (As well as a character study)
Ignore if not interested
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This is not a Rain Code meme-post, but rather a small vent about Melami Goldmine. More details will be below the cut.
I’m not sure if it’s too soon for me to say this, but I assume to have built a reputation here based on how much I talk about Melami. I make sure to talk about and feature her in every Rain Code post of mine, as many of you have probably noticed. But is the affinity that I have for her actually genuine? I want to talk about that today.
First, I want to start off my speech by mentioning what we see from Melami when we first meet her. Back then, we saw Melami as a cheerful, outgoing girl who heavily liked clothing and reading people based on what they wear. Of course, she also had her Spiritism Forte, which would have most likely been one of the most effective Fortes in the game had it not been for its numerous restrictions. But we always saw that as nothing but an added quirk to her character, and nothing more.
However, this is where I want to begin my insight on her actual character. Now, this could just be my way of seeing things, but I wonder if I’m the only one here who sees her as a sort of cryptid.
Like think about it for a minute; A good portion of her actions don’t make sense at first, she doesn’t perceive life, death or clothing the same way that everyone else does, and she always knew more than she let on, beyond the outgoing girl that we initially perceived her as.
Of course, while Melami is not nearly as creepy or as foreboding as Vivia, she still had some degree of oddity to her that set her apart from the other Master Detectives, just enough for the player to think, “Yeah she’s definitely hiding something” in a doubtful manner. She had something off about her compared to everyone else in the game, and that’s saying something considering the colorful cast of characters we were given.
Like, not even the Gumshoe Gabs revealed much about her upbringing or how her Forte influenced her as a child; Much of it was left to the player to figure out for themselves. In retrospect, there was a delicate mixture to her between benevolence, glamour, extroversion, relevance, and mystery. It was a beautiful sight to see.
I don’t know, I just found it really cool how Kodaka explored on such a unique personality throughout the course of the game, especially in the more vital events that happen in the later chapters. Of course, I’m not gonna spoil anything, but damn; She was just, really really cool. That’s the only way I can summarize her, honestly.
Am I looking too deeply into this? Probably. But I suppose that’s what happens when you really like a fictional character. In any case, I’ll post another collection of Rain Code memes sometime in the future; I’m actually close to gathering 10 memes. So uhh yeah, look forward to that and thank you for listening to my little rant.
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roter-zirkus · 9 months
Ma'am, I just work here
Working in a pawn shop in Baldur's Gate sometimes means being privy to the most interesting items, even those that maybe you should have never put your hands on.
or: Raphael visits the most unfortunate little pawn shop worker
It's another quiet day at the "Brokering Gate", a little smarmy pawn office that lies between the recently collapsed Steel Watcher Foundry and the Guilt docks, a blocked-off area for incoming trade that remains just barely under the table. Ever since the rubble of that huge flying brain mass came down, there has been a weird rotting note to the air that borders on repugnant just barely. To keep the worst of it out, most of the "Gate's" shutters have been closed and enchanted with a shield-type spell – Yas doesn't care much for the details – due to their windows being blown to shittereens during the initial blast. It's a wonder, or curse depending on who you ask, that the shop still stands.
Yas hates, absolutely loathes working at the "Brokering Gate" on account of its weird customers and despicable owner, but she also hates not having anything to eat or a roof over her head, so in the end she just has to bite the bulette. And with the evasion of total annihilation comes some perks. People find the most interesting things to sell amidst the chaos coming to their silly little pawn shop, their competitors having mostly been wiped out or turned into ilithids.
One of those people had surprisingly been none other than THE hero, Tav, and their merry band of weirdos waltzing into the store, most of them heaving under the weight of overfilling pouches and backpacks, the jingle-jangle filling the air when the bags hit the ground. It had been a bad day for their accounts but a good one for stuffing the shop up the roof with items of varying usefulness.
One of these items had been a trilogy of diaries. As soon as Yas opened them during a lull in the shop she knew she had found her new obsession for the next weeks. Two of the three books were filled to the brim with mischief, silly little poems, intricate plans, or just daily developments, all written by some seemingly third-grade bard working hard to fill his made-up fantasy with lore. The third one however stopped halfway through, leaving an open end to the saga of the writer, a self-serving schemer hungering for power over the Nine Hells, and his assumed dalliance with the so-called hero, a tadpoled fool trapsing through the world the writer seemingly controlled.
Usually, Yas wouldn't go for such bottom-of-the-barrel fiction, but after skimming over them she had decided to fully embrace their weirdness.
Now it's deep into the afternoon and instead of having another go at the inventory she stands entranced at the counter ruffling through the pages, giggling to herself.
"Predilection. Who talks like that?", she quietly murmurs, although a part of her envies the artful usage of these special little words. With a grin, Yas comforts herself by imagining the fop with this kind of speech trying to order a beer at the bar she works her evening shifts at.
The soft little chime from the bell above their entrance takes her back to the store and she mentally readies her customer service personality. In walks an older man, a slight limp to his right leg, steadying himself on an intricate wooden cane with golden inlays, the soft tock of it accompanying the scraping of his "good" foot across the floor. Yet something about his demeanor stops her from emphasizing with him. His "warm" smile sends shivers down her spine, not the good kind, his left hand readies itself in the air for a grand gesture and his clothes look preened and faultless. She knows she probably can't hide it behind her fake smile, but all she feels is disdain.
Yet when the man starts to talk, she does notice that his voice has a deep rumble that resonates with her. Yas gets a good look at his sharp features and soft skin, since no matter what he says, he can't seem to stand still, instead opting for theatrical movement and emphasis on his words with every twitch of his face. "My dear bespackled attendant of this fine éstablissement, may I use some of your precious time to inquire about some items that might have found their way into your possession? Obviously, your help will be well compensated should you have any of these items at hand. I have had quite the adventure searching all over town and imagine my unbridled surprise upon finding out that there was still one last market to peruse. Resting amidst the-"
By this point Yas has already put two and two together, looking forward to the peacock finishing his exhausting monologue and confirming her suspicion. In the meantime she nods politely along, adding some "Uhuu's" and "no way's" here and there, nearly draining her affirmative vocabulary, until she finally has it and simply moves the diary she had been reading across the counter.
That shuts him up all right. As soon as his eyes spy the unassuming, worn-down cover, a wave of joy washes over his features, quickly hidden away just so, behind his noble mask.
She hopes that between his grandiose entrance and the following speech, he never realized that she was actively reading one of his diaries, before pushing it out of the way. When trying to glean his face for a reaction all she gets is the usual calm demeanor.
"I'm sorry for interrupting you, but from my colleagues' descriptions, this book and its siblings might be the item you're looking for. If you would like we can verify this by counter-checking the text with your description." Yas is trying everything not to let her face betray that she knows about the innards of this book or that she can't believe that the writer is the guy in front of her. It's never good to directly laugh at a customer.
A shadow crawls over the customer's face and suddenly her giddiness dissipates into fear. Unlike before, this time she feels like the show of emotion is meant for her. Yas quickly puts up her hands in defense: "I'm so sorry that my colleagues rustled around in your private property but they had to make sure none of the books were cursed or dangerous in a similar fashion. Obviously, I have no interest in further violating your privacy."
Now a toothy smile flashes across his features and instead of the cane he now leans onto the counter, somehow still being taller than Yas standing at full height. "My dear friend, I am so very grateful for your understanding. The loss of these precious memories has left me quite hurt and it would not do to add to this pain. There is no need for you to read more of the text, there should be a sigil on the blurp, simply lay it out here and I will show you."
With an unsure grin of her own, she does as he bids and lays down the book, blurp for both to see. A swift motion later he holds a dagger in his hand, much to the shock of Yas, yet before she can exclaim her bewilderment, he simply pokes himself in the finger and vanishes it just as quickly as he conjured it. A distinct smell of sulphur fills her nose and she gets a bit queasy looking at two drops of blood spilling on the page of the book.
A second ticks by and suddenly a fiery symbol burns itself into the book.
The silence afterward is palatable.
"Yeah. I guess this is yours, huh." Yas is sure that she is not getting paid enough to deal with what kind of fiery devil shit this might be, so she just shrugs and goes to the backroom to get the other books. She wants this man out of the shop as soon as possible.
As soon as she comes back into his view, he starts up again: "Thank you very much, dear. Say, you don't happen to have some hellishly delicious paintings lying around?"
Oh no.
She knows very well where they are, but considering what Cambrin, her boss, has done to them, she decides she won't be the one to bring this up.
"There might be some more in the personal vault of my employer, but he is unfortunately not in today and won't allow anyone else into his office." Before she finishes the sentence anger flashes into his eyes and his nose scrunches, but she has an idea to smoothe him over immediately. "I'm sure he will come in in the evening to make sure everything is up to speed. Considering how late it already is, it shouldn't be long now."
That somewhat appeases her customer and she allows herself a moment of respite.
He purses his lip, a hand to his chin as if to seriously consider what she just said. "Well, I think I can offer up some more of my precious time for your employer, even though it will certainly throw around my plans for the evening. Will some of your other colleagues be there tonight? Specifically, those that wanted to sate their curiosity with these books?" He is all smiles but there's a dangerous shine to his gaze, that renders his brown eyes almost black.
"The evening shift should be taking over then, yes. We usually stay open late into the night, so we have to change it up. Considering the work plan they might be there, but I can't make any promises."
He pushes himself further onto the counter to lean closer to her face as if to share a secret just between the two of them. "Surely you have heard of the little idiom of the fortunate rat, fleeing the ship before it tragically goes down with its captain. I suppose, there are certain situations in which one should adhere to that principle, saving one's skin before it is too late." He gifts Yas another smile, this time arguably more toothy than before, his canines growing before her eyes.
She can't stop herself from mumbling: "That would make me the rat I presume." They both lock eyes and all he does to acknowledge Yas is a slight tilt of the head.
Living in Baldur's Gate is hard enough as it is, with weird tentacle monsters, bandits, and bloody murders seeping into the daily survival. And now this… thing was making it very obvious that the shop was going to see his reckoning. Maybe it was finally time to leave the city for good.
With a deep inhale she takes a step back and fishes the key to the store out of her pocket, puts it on the counter with a soft clink and slips it over to the stranger.
"A very wise decision."
Without another word or acknowledgment, she steps out behind the bar and slowly makes her way to the exit. Before she can fully leave, however, the stranger has to get in another sentence:
"I do hope you remember to keep privacy matters a higher priority from now on, my dear. After all, you never know who might be watching."
She can only nod, locking eyes with him once again before she all but runs out of the store.
The next day she will walk past the store, finding it surrounded by Flaming Fists trying to put out the fires and talking about the charred corpses inside.
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