#i won't tag all the other survivors lol
starving-mimi · 1 year
Uhmmm, What do Maxwell and the others think about the transformation?
Well, the others don't really know about the transformation.
Wilson tries really hard to avoid the others learning about it, and you can thanks Maxwell for helping him with taking cover for him so the other's don't have any suspicions over him.
However, if the other DID find out, well... let's just say that well, that transformation isn't exactly like woodie's one for exemple. Imagine finding out your friend randomly transforms into a terrorbeak and sometimes has barely any control over his actions and could kill you and also drives you insane if you stay close to him? yeahh... Some might take it better than others but it'd still be a pretty negative impact at first.
And that's if he even tried to explain it normally, but since he's too stuborn to tell the others the most likely way for them to find out is while he's transformed so huhh... Now imagine finding a beast wearing your friend's clothes and that beasts maybe either tries to run away or fight? yeahh even worst
tl dr: no one would be really happy about it
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revengemicrowave · 2 years
Tumblr media
So continues my attempt to not be aaaaapanic by actually posting stuff haha and feed the Lukadrien tag, my true motive
Another older doodle when I was still figuring out Luka's hair, from Zombie!AU I have all the ideas but no time to do the comic for. Ahh, the endless struggle...
Premise (completely spoiled lol) under the cut. tw: body horror, parasites/bugs, usual zombie stuff, talk of mercy killing a bitten
On a particularly warm day in April, a sudden outbreak sweeps through Paris. People turn wildly aggressive, biting and killing others - who then get back up to do the same hours later. The dead are controlled by a parasite that pupates and hatches from the face of it's host into a stunning, shimmering purple moth. It's wings extend over the face, like when Shadowmoth controls the akumas.
When the host makes a kill, the moth detaches to lay eggs in the new body and die, leaving a shambling biter with other larvae (potentially) still to hatch. However, rarely some stay in rooted to the host brain and become more intelligent, more dangerous zombie variants (like the really mushroomy clickers in Last of Us).
Luka gets seperated from Juleka and Rose on a supply run into the city, the Liberty a safe haven on the water with a small community of other boats. Has a chance run in with Adrien's group when Adrien saves him from one of the first of the more dangerous variants. Everyone is strangers in this AU, besides Luka, Juleka and Rose (and Anarka!), and Adrien, Alya, Nino and Marinette. There are other survivors, but small main group. In the group, Kagami carries a bow and insists she doesn't view the infected as human anymore. Marinette is their medic, Nino is the defender and they're trying to find Alya (who is with Chloe, driving eachother insane). I was also considering Weyham or Max or someone, make it more of a mixed group. Luka is a very reluctant zombie slayer, which is what nearly gets him killed when he first meets Adrien. He has an axe because I'm hilarious. Juleka carries a baseball bat with nails and Rose a can of mace and bugspray (which ends up being suprisingly effective). Rose the alchemist surprise-making a flamethrower, please. So, Luka joins Adrien's group and tells them there's a safe place on the Liberty, but they need to get to it and signal from shore without drawing attention. Because of the cluster of survivors on the river, the banks of the Seine are swarming with zombies, but the moths won't go in the water.
A sneak-through a building goes wrong and Luka gets bit. Marinette patches him up despite his protest about using the supplies, because he 'still shouldn't be in pain'. Kagami reminds them what a bite means, but finally softens when he jokingly tells her to look after the kids (they bond as the two most emotionally mature). The group have to say goodbye, and still in denial and shock, Adrien offers to be the one to 'take care of it'.
At first, it's assumed the bite is what turns you, as no moths have hatched and the first people killed turned after 18-24hrs. Adrien has to come to terms with leaving the guy he's falling in love with in a locked room to turn into a monster, or put him out of his misery.
But Luka doesn't turn (come on as if I'd turn favourite bluebell into a zombie and do that to Adrien) and over summer the hoardes thin as the bodies start to rot. They just need to make it to winter.
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wereh0gz · 3 months
Sending this ask mainly just to encourage you to share if you perhaps happen upon more thoughts of this new au of yours 👀 [imagine grabby hands] ? (Not forced ofc)
Ehehehehe :)
Ok so. Like I said in the tags of my prev post, the main sort of plot for this au starts with sonic losing to dark gaia, which basically causes the apocalypse and kills most people on the planet, including (presumably) sonic's friends
Sonic is saved by chip using the last bit of his energy- not to seal dark gaia and himself away like he was supposed to- but to protect him temporarily from the ensuing destruction and teleport him somewhere safe. Because of that, he's still around but in a weakened and comatose-like state
When sonic comes to again, he awakens to find everything destroyed, chip unconscious near him, and the sky blotted out by thick purple clouds of dark gaia energy. A pit forms in his stomach when he realizes this is *all his fault*
He failed the world. He was supposed to protect it, everyone left their hopes and dreams in his hands and he crushed them
Now everyone he knew and loved is *dead* and it's all his fault and there's absolutely nothing he can do to fix it
But he tries anyway
Fast forwards a couple years, sonic's still alive (though not even he knows how). He's been wandering the world in a daze, not knowing where he's going or why, just knowing that he needs to keep moving, needs to find *something*
As far as he knows, he and chip are the only people left in the world, and chip is still in the god equivalent of a coma, so he's effectively alone... Until he runs into a certain ultimate lifeform that is
Meeting shadow leads to him finding out that at least some of his friends, as well as a few other people, managed to survive, which reignites his hope that maybe, just maybe, he can make up for his mistakes somehow and help the world heal
That's the synopsis of what I've got so far so here's a few other things
Exposure to all the dark gaia energy that engulfed the world slowly turned him back into the werehog, with it being permanent this time. There's no longer a distinction between day and night since the world's been plunged into darkness, but even if there was, he'd still be stuck in that form. Shadow is also changed in a similar way, though to a slightly lesser extent. He mostly just looks more alien
Besides sonic, chip, and shadow, the only known survivors among sonic's friends are tails, amy, knuckles, and omega. Tails and amy fled to angel island during the fallout as it's mostly unaffected by everything going on below. They periodically go back down to the surface to search for survivors with the help of shadow and omega, and then bring them up to the island. They've basically formed a makeshift town around the area of the master emerald shrine (much to knux's dismay)
Sonic is, understandably, completely changed from canon. He's quiet, tired, and striken with a grief and guilt so intense it's suffocating (also, he's allowed to cry. And he does it a lot. He needs to.) But he lives on, because even the smallest part of him still thinks he can make things right, even if it doesn't seem like he *can* do anything at the moment
Eventually chip will wake up but I'm still thinking of how that'll happen. Maybe visiting the now ruined gaia temples will do it
And yeah that's it so far 👍 I've got a design for sonic bouncing around in my head but I wanna work on art fight stuff so that probably won't be out for a while lol
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Feed my BG3 hunger.
I wanna know for those playing with CustomTavs that will romance someone in the game, who are they wooing? And why? How do you imagine their dynamic? In tags or reblogs are fine! I'll start;
Delight- Warlock, Tiefling, Criminal
I literally cannot unsee her romancing Astarion.
Their pasts just line up and mirror so well, as do their current situations, and while she's not outright cruel she's definitely not a Good Guy. She finds him funny and over the top, and is entertained by his poor lying but drawn in by his vulnerability. He finds her contradictory but also funny (laughing together about the walking undead husband was a sweet moment between them lmao) and is starting to find her smartass comments and teasing endearing. They don't just become good lovers, they become good friends, and they will be wonderfully morally grey and chaotic together.
Briallen- Half-Orc, Sorceror, Folk Hero
This bitch can fit so much Survivor's Guilt inside her!! I think she will really fit well with Halsin all things considered. She is, down to her core, a genuinely good person who wants to protect and help, even if she sees her heroism as a selfish act to punish herself. I can see her being drawn to Halsin's strength, confidence and wisdom and I can see him drawn to her bravery, selflessness and serenity. But hopefully he will be able to curb her extremely low sense of self-preservation and she will show him that she will accept him in his entirety with no strings. Two folks who really admire each other slowly falling head over heels for each other!
Iker- Human, Ranger, Soldier
Gale. Not just because he's a magebreaker and I love the whole enemies/rivals to lovers, but because Gale is a wonderfully complicated person and turns out Iker finds complicated hot. I can see Gale intially finding his standoffish and straight up cunty behaviour annoying/vaguely amusing at first, but become increasingly curious about the person he used to be before everything. Iker looks at Gale and they think "Fuck. He's hot. Damn mage." and becomes fascinated with the fractured man beneath the perfect veneer. Idk about Gale, but Iker is actually the devoted type and in the future won't care what he does as long as he lets them stay by his side. Unhealthy obsessions all round let's get on it cunts.
Rowan- Half-Elf, Wizard, Scholar/Sage
I am truly a bit stumped with them BUT I can see them making poor decisions and falling for Wyll. He's got secrets and they're a curious sort who naturally wants to uncover them, for good or ill. They trigger Wyll's protective instinct, as they are particularly a bit naive about the wider world beyond their studies and dig sites and he's as soon to find them crouching down in the middle of a battle protecting a suspected artifact as he is to find them completely closed off to the world with her nose in a tome. He would find their completely objective opinion about his situation surprisingly refreshing and they want to study him under a microscope (oh and he has a very nice smile they can't seem to say no to). They'll make him better, he'll make them worse lol.
Zlatan- Githyanki, Cleric, Outlander
Oh Shadowheart for sure. Not only does he find her beautiful, he's intrigued with the fact that such a kind person (objectively) worships such an evil goddess. He's always been fascinated with outlier cultures and beliefs, like the drow. She would obviously be wary of him at first, but will be pleasantly surprised by his easygoing and cheerful nature yet shocked by his daredevilry and adventurousness. When she finally lets down her guard and they get closer, I can see them having actually quite a romantic dynamic between them.
Delshad [Name WIP]- Dragonborn, Fighter, Noble
I'll be honest, I was inspired by the Panel to make a hot af dragonborn to sweep Karlach off her feet. I'm weak. He is literally Just Some Guy. He's polite, he's softspoken, he likes embroidery and he will Fuck You Up when pressed. He would find Karlach very, very cute once she trusts him with her more romantic side and he can withstand her sparky tendencies with all his scales. She would appreciate the fact that he's pretty non-conforming in terms of his status and his gender stereotype and that he's only a gentleman with her FOR her. Very sweet, very soft relationship ahoy!!
Tav [Name Undecided]- Gnome/Deep Gnome, Rogue, Urchin or Charlatan?
Now this Tav is very much a recent and underdeveloped idea, because I saw The Prettiest gnome Tav the other day and I had this image of a cute gnome lady Absolutely Down Bad for Lae'zel because she loves big strong hot mean women. I imagine a very messy, horny dynamic since this Tav despises any authority on principle and Lae'zel comes from a society very much built upon obeying authority, but I can see Lae'zel finding Tav's dedication to chaos and getting things done her way or no way quite attractive.
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yunessa · 1 month
Six-Song Soundtrack
tagged by @dujour13 Thank you! This was a lot of fun! I listen to a lot of EDM due to hearing loss so a lot of these can be put as 'interpret as you will'. Tagging: @jean-dieu @spyridonya
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following:
An event that defines your character's past
How your character sees themselves
How others view them
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
A major fight scene
End credits song
For Yunessa: 1.) Equillus- "Darkness" "Lost again in a bitter heart of darkness. How far this time...? How far?" 2.) Stupendium- "A Pizza the Action" This is a ways into their story. But Yunessa has always been about choices and the freedom to pick them.
So come pick your destiny off of the menu (fate won't wait 'til the Sun comes up) Or be laid to rest in your favourite venue (arcade to arcade, crust to crust) In this amusement park, you are the Superstar We know that you'll go far, but you must choose your path Those neon tubes cast shadows on a truth so dark It's up to you to battle to its putrid heart So savour the taste of your last pepperoni (you've got a party pass to a backstage tour) 'Cause you're taking the stage for one night only (but will dawn chorus be your encore?)
3.) Psylla- "Furor"
4.) Dion Trimmer "Internet boy"
Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me? Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me?
Are you only passing through or (incoming message)
I feel the love I've never felt before I'm fired up now Conceal the words I've never said before I'll say them out loud
Everyone loves everyone You can't turn it off, no Anyone under the gun We close our eyes and let it go
Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me? We close our eyes and let it go Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me? We close our eyes and let it go
I don't wanna be Anywhere but here with you Future memories We can carry on the truth (I found you)
5.) David Hasselhoff- "True Survivor"
Dominoes falling Riot in the streets Baby this time There's no retreat There's no surrender A devil is rising A shadow from the past Feeding the flames with fire On the edge of fury
Out of time Running in and out of time Hear the ticking of the Countdown clocks tonight
Girl, we need some Girl, we need some Action! If we re gonna make it like a true survivor We need some
6.) Wojciech Golczewski- "Summer 1992" Alternative songs below
#1.) Celldweller- "Unshakeable"
Beyond the reaches of our galaxy Three figures watch over us all As suns are rising on a distant planet's shores They are watching and waiting, always orchestrating Celestial covering of humankind Perfectly hovering in space and time A world that turns when they're in control Means we're bound to stand on ground that's unshakeable! Unshakeable! (I am beyond) Unshakeable! They are watching and waiting, always orchestrating Beyond the reaches of mortality Three figures watch over us all As suns are setting on a distant planet's shores They are watching and waiting, always orchestrating
#2.) alternative: SWARM- "The Oncoming storm"
Do you remember who I was before? You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore This constant wave of anxiety inside me Won’t leave me be and it’s screaming That everybody is lying to me Let it rain Open the floodgates Let the waves crash down carry me away Let it rain Let it flood Let it pour Swallowed by the oncoming storm
#3.) Mazare- " "Battlecry"
We're braver than a lion We're steady in our state of mind Keeping our composure Another one breaks the silence Another one shuts the door We're never gonna be the same as we've been before A city burned down to ashes Memories lost in vain It's only gonna make us stronger, as we heal the pain
#4) Alternative, but Lann's point of view,lol. Flight Faculties "Crave you EDM Remix."
Why can't you want me like the other boys do? They stare at me while I stare at you Why can't I keep you safe as my own? One moment I have you the next you are gone Rehearsed steps on an empty stage That boy's got my heart in a silver cage Why can't you want me like the other boys do? They stare at me while I crave you It's true I crave you Crave you It's true I crave you
#5) Toccata- "Overwerk"
#6) Saint Punk "Empty Bed" For an alternative 'bad' story ending for Yunessa.
Your footsteps On the stairs If I listen hard enough They're still there You think I'd Know better by now But I still drink until you're next to me again, baby Yeah, yeah, yeah And I still think that in the morning, I might wake up next to you
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renlyslittlerose · 11 months
I was tagged by @ragnarlothcat @palfriendpatine66 and @thegrimshapeofyoursmile ❤
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
108! I went over the 100 works mark during kinktober, but I was in such a fuge at that point that I didn't even realize. Woops! Anyways, that is over the course of twelve years, with some blank spots from 2019 to 2022.
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
1,308,673. That's.... that's a lot of words lol.
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Star Wars, but I used to write for Mass Effect and A Song of Ice and Fire. I also wrote Resident Evil and FFVII but we won't talk about that.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Downtown Eastside - By far my most popular fic of any fandom I've written for on AO3. Still can't believe how much traction this fic got, but endlessly pleased and grateful for it.
Cactus Flowers - An A Song of Ice and Fire Cowboy AU haha. I don't even remember writing this, but it still seems to engage readers now and again!
Three Aspects to Loras Tyrell - Another ASOIAF fic. It was just pure smut lol
Soldier's Heart - Another Mass Effect fanfic, exploring my Shepard's struggles upon his survival at the end of ME3. It was a series of therapy sessions between my Shepard and an OC I had created specifically for the story. Lots of themes explored like survivor's guilt and combat PTSD. Still really proud of this one.
Gold in the Air of Summer - And again, an ASOIAF fic from way back in the day. Modern AU, exploring Renly and Loras' relationship during university.
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Or, I try to! I think some get lost in the shuffle because I typically wait a few weeks before I respond. I like to collect a tidy sum and then go through and reply all afternoon 😊
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably one of the FFVII fics we won't be discussing, but I wrote it in response to losing my Canadian grandparents. They passed away one after the other over the course of a few weeks, so I started writing fanfic as a way to cope with the loss and sort through my feelings. But the ending has a major character death so. Not the happiest.
But also, Sacred to the Gods, which was my first Star Wars fanfic I wrote. Has a canon ending with Obi-Wan debating if it'd have been better for him to have killed Anakin and then himself before any of the agony could have happened. Big yikes lol
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of them! Right now I'm thinking about the ending to my obikin fic Ain't No Mountain! Can't get much happier than an obikin proposal~
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Back when I posted on FFnet I did, but that was back in 2007-2011 when the fandom culture had a lot less unspoken rules and niceties. Whenever people say they wish fandom could be like it was in the ~old days, I'm like 'were you guys not on any major website?' Because the hate could get pretty extreme then, too.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah, a lot of it 😂 I write whatever sort of smut floats my boat, but I think I'm best known for writing emotional and plot-heavy smut? Like, I want the sex to say something, even if it's just a quick one-shot. Whether it's a character introspection, or looks into the dynamic between the two, or says something about the society they're in or the circumstances surrounding them.
I also like to get a little poetic even if it's just about Obi-Wan licking Anakin's asshole~
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I guess my current fic Of Good Men and Monsters is kiiiiind of a crossover, in that it's set in a Buffy-type universe, with Watchers and Slayers, etc. But it's not a proper crossover as there are no Buffy characters present, nor references to the universe beyond borrowing a few concepts.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep! But again, back in FFnet days.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few, yes! Some of my A Song of Ice and Fire fics were translated into Chinese 🥰
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have not! But I soon will be... 👀
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Spuffy, but that doesn't count because I haven't written for it. I am tempted to say obikin only because I am currently obsessed with it, but the other ships I've written for will always hold a special place in my heart.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Deine Toten Werden Leben. Another ASOIAF AU. But I don't doubt I'll never finish it - I know I never will. Sorry for those who liked it, but it is the one and only fic thus far I have abandoned.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Evoking strong imagery, I think? Like, dragging the reader into the setting through descriptions of scents, sounds, textures, lighting, etc. I try and keep it to a minimum, though, as I don't want to bog the reader down.
I also think I'm pretty good at writing emotional scenes between characters
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, for sure. Also, regarding what I am good at, I can also get bogged down in the details at times. Like we don't need multiple descriptions of how Obi-Wan's tummy doesn't feel good because he's anxious. One mention is good enough lol
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
My German grammar is not good enough lol
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
FFVII. I was a big Cloud/Zack fan back in 2006~
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Persimmons and Sandalwood. An obikin fic that just came together without a lot of angst or editing afterwards. I'm still pleased with it and don't mind re-reading it. Close second and third is Moonlight Serenade and Soldier's Heart
I tag whoever hasn't been tagged yet! ❤❤❤
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annwayne · 10 months
So uh, I was wandering around tags an I found your post where you were talking about your wips, the ask the writer about them
And I’m curious about your OC x Riddick isekai Fic could I know about that?
!!! Oh hell yeah! I'm always up to talk about my wips lol. Any questions or details you'd like to know about are welcome!! (though there are things I won't give away hewhewhew)
Thanks for asking! This got uh, a little long, so I'm putting it under a cut lol.
Alright, so first thing I think I should lay out is that this isn't a totally traditional isekai fic (as far as I know them to be).
My oc, Ares Mayer, goes between her world (our world basically) when she's awake and Riddick's world when she's asleep. It all starts when she falls asleep in front of the tv, with netflix playing Pitch Black. Her dreams go on for as long as she, well, survives. Then she wakes up in the 'real world' and goes about whatever regular stuff she does. And by night time when she goes to bed the story picks up nearly right where it last ended.
At first it's a blast for Ares. A lucid dream where she's part of a movie she loves? Epic! But then, this is a horror situation. Doom is impending and for whatever reason, she can't change anything.
She didn't really notice it the first time. Once she realized where she was, Ares tried to pull that other crew member off his chair, to save him. But then she woke up. The blue light of the tv washed over her living room. Realizing what had happened, Ares turned the tv off and went to sleep in her bed. It took awhile to fall asleep though, thanks to the headache she had.
Next time she's in the dream much, much longer. Waking up to Carolyn yelling at everyone to leave as she gave her crewmate a merciful death. She met the other survivors, helped with finding supplies, even talked with Riddick at one point-the whole thing plays out just like in the movie. Nearly. There's more now, because she's there. When half the party leaves to try and find water, she sticks behind. Maybe the guy in the chair was impossible to help, he was yelling at her and wouldn't listen after all. If she just warned Zeke, then he'd be okay.
He wasn't okay.
She woke up.
Not so weird, you know, something scary happens in a dream and that wakes you up. That's normal. She goes about her day, headache growing.
Three dreams in a row. Two nights. One day.
This time Ares woke up on Carolyn's back, with everyone screaming, trying to pull them up out of the caverns. Ares freed the cord and they tumbled out of the dirt mounds into sunlight. How she survived is greatly debated, and the survivors start to suspect her of being dangerous due to the odd circumstances of her rescue. Not to mention, Ares was rather cryptic and frightening, talking in what sounded like riddles to everyone else.
Johns was ready to write her off as some sort of psycho, but Carolyn was slightly more generous. There was a way that Ares talked to Carolyn, like Ares could see all of her soul. A sympathy and sadness that carried in Ares eyes when she spoke to Carolyn.
Riddick already found Ares interesting, thanks to her shameless flirty introduction, but now she was a puzzle, something to solve and something that may benefit him. His conversations with Ares are the most confusing, because he didn't immediately write her off as crazy, so Ares opened up to him about what she thought could be happening quickly. Theories about dream-walking into different realities where fiction was real, ideas of temporal rifts and visions made into fictional media, even godly intervention to teach Ares some lesson was brought up once. That sounded like god to Riddick.
So it keeps happening. Wake up, pop an advil, go to work, live a life, and then fall asleep. Fail to prevent death after death after death. Fail to convince anyone to leave early. Fail to change the story. Ares is desperate and breaking. Watching these deaths with the barrier of a TV screen was different to watching them play out right before her, so vivid and clear with smells and touches she couldn't be dreaming-could she?
So, that's the premise. This might seem like I gave a lot away, but the fic I have planned will go all the way up to the 3rd movie, maybe even 4th if that comes out while I'm writing.
Unfortunately I have no potential release date to give you for a first chapter. I fandom-hop and write fics as they inspire me. This idea will never be abandoned, but it will likely take a few years to be posted anywhere. Again, thanks for your interest and ask <3 I actually got some writing for the story done because you got me thinking about much I love this story again!! Feeding your authors really does so much for us xD
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roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 6/30/2023
Title: Leaning Towards The Sun
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)
Relationship: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: World War II, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Recovery, Holocaust Survivor Erik Lehnsherr, Soldier Charles Xavier, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, First Meetings, Hospitals, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Night Terrors, Injury, Paralysis, Suicidal Thoughts, Hopeful Ending, period-typical violence
Summary: Charles is injured in battle. In the hospital, he's told he won't ever walk again. Charles finds comfort in talking to the patient in the bed beside his, a holocaust survivor. Erik doesn't talk, but he listens.
Getting a bit heavy with this one, what with the WWII connections and all. Not that this is entirely without precedent; Erik being a Holocaust survivor is probably the most famous part of his canon backstory. But typically he was a child/teenager at the time. And Charles was definitely way too young to have been a soldier. It’s a shift in canon, but it works so well.
I love this story’s Charles so much. He’s so close to canon without actually being canon. Still our Charles, but changed by his experience. And any time an AU still keeps him in a wheelchair is fine by me, especially if there’s a in-universe reason for it (although such is absolutely not required). Erik is characterized well too, even if he is somewhat incapacitated for most of the story. Between the two of them, his backstory is the least changed. He’s just aged up by like ten to fifteen years.
The romance element is subtle. So subtle. Built very gently over the course of several short scenes. Snapshots, if you will. It has the same feeling that a lot of Cherik fics do - the idea that no matter the universe, no matter the time, no matter the setting, these two will always find each other. Which never gets old. The final scene is the ultimate payoff for everything that came before. When I tell you I sighed dreamily, lol.
Next Week: Gonna dip back into the Hiddlesworth RPF well again. Please indulge me, if you would, lol. Same deal as the last one: they aren’t actors. It’s a completely alternate universe, so hopefully that helps to get you more interested if you aren’t into RPF. And, much like this week’s rec, the upcoming fic also deals with a very serious and heavy subject - Alzheimer’s.
See you next time!
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eirenare · 11 months
Hi hi~! Life update here
Hi there!
Yes, I'm still alive lol, it's just that 85% of my social media time I currently spend it on Twitter (I refuse to call it how Elmo Muskrat wants the site to be called lol), and 15% I spend it on Bluesky (which, by the way, if you wanna find me there, I'm Eirenare too there lol).
I'm still very veeeeeery much in my Reylo brainrot haha, so yeah, you might see me posting or reblogging every now and then some of it, although I've been as well into some other stuff lately (Elden Ring for example), so you might see me posting about that too, so just a heads up there about it (and don't worry, everything I post here, regardless of what it is, as usual it'll have its tags and spoiler warnings, a "read more" if need be, etc).
My energy's been specially low for the past months though to be honest, so I can't guarantee I'll be very active around here (except for private messages, I'll be checking these every little time), just that every now and then I'll come here and post or reblog some stuff, probably Reylo and other things Star Wars or series/movies, life updates too, maybe will share in a bit of my Elden Ring brainrot and theories as its DLC approaches and I get more and more excited.
Anyways, here's some random life update stuff and anecdotes that I wanted to say before I log off for the night here:
I fell into the Kalluzeb (Kallus x Zeb, from Star Wars Rebels) rabbithole some time ago and it was, and is, neat, I love them so much
earlier today I had churros and hot chocolate as desert at lunch time and I was in cloud nine all the while I chomped on them
apparently my brain won't cease to come up with new Reylo AUs which is amazing and so much fun but also if I ever showed you guys screenshots of my Google Docs you might just faint because there are just so many things there between WIPs I'm currently working on that are already on Ao3, future things to go on Ao3, vague WIPs, AU ideas... and my energy is running so low and I'm working on various Ao3 WIPs so yeah lol I don't think I'll ever write even half of the fics I noted down
I watched Barbie at the cinema and it became one of my new comfort movies and one of my fave movies of all time
somehow I'm not as bad as I thought I'd be at Elden Ring even though I'm clumsy, a scaredycat and my tunnel vision goes lvl 100 when I'm playing videogames which usually means "good luck remembering to look at your stamina bar and using key items", so seeing myself not get too stuck on bosses was unexpected and neat (in fact, funnily enough: somehow this game even makes my anxiety lower at times and it barely increases it at all even when I'm fighting bosses, go figure lol)
I had the chance to buy Final Fantasy XVI at a much cheaper price than release price but because at that site I didn't see any warning that it was temporary, by the time I went to buy it, it had risen price again so now I'm awaiting once again for both better prices and for my wallet to recover
my brother bought a PS5 back in spring and a copy of Star Wars Jedi Survivor and, since we live in the same house, I did play that game and it was amazing asdfgffdgfjfb there were only a very few things I didn't like that much but holy shit was it good, some stuff even felt tailor-made for me in ways I wasn't expecting but that I enjoyed very much (and also the tears, the rivers of tears I shed on certain scenes lol) and now I'm super hyped for the 3rd whenever it is that it'll happen
the official Star Wars accounts at Twitter have been posting quite a bit about Reylo and the sequels and Ben for the past days (and I gotta say, the account from Spain even added some extra Reylo flavor in some tweets that other accounts didn't which is curious) and I'm clowning kinda hard, hoping that DLF finally realized most of the people actually like a lot Reylo (or don't mind it) and the ST, and hoping (always hoping, always dreading to hope too much, but hoping anyways) that we'll get Rey and Ben reunited in her movie
Anyways x2, enough anecdotes and thoughts for the night, see you around lovely people~! <3 Hopefully soon lol, but if not... *looks at 2024 fast approaching* if not, then I'll 100% be around to gossip and scream for when the Rey movie begins production and talks begin and all that stuff, lol.
Good night~! :D I hope you have a great day and/or a good sleep~! <3
EDIT: looooool apparently this was my 100th post in here and I got a free badge for my profile so yay, nice~ x) XDD
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macrotiis · 2 years
I'm Blitz!
28 years old aries (23rd march)
Neutrois Transmasc TME
xe/xem/xyrs, he/him, she/her
@rainbowmancer-gwen is my fox gf 💙
Aus/NZ Pākehā (white)
I don't do DNI's, I just block. I usually block proshippers, ppl who are heavily into discourse, bigots & rude ppl. I'm here to have a chill time, I dont go looking for things to be mad at & dont appriciate ppl trying to start shit (letting me know if I'm rbing from a bigot in PMs tho is appriciated 💖).
That said 18+ only please! This blog is not NSFW orientated, but may sometimes post NSFW things coz I'm a big boy.
There will be NSFW in my likes, I'm sorry Tumblr decided that's what ppl want on their dash now, not much I can do about it boss.
I'm not a huge fandom person, but I rly love Crash Bandicoot (bold coz this is my primary special interest lol), Spyro the Dragon, Digimon, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Invader Zim, Star Trek (currently watching TNG), Furries & Table Top Roleplaying (Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder and Gaslands).
I have a deep love for science fiction, fantasy & horror themes.
I like a pretty wide range of music; metal, punk, ska, new wave, drum n bass & some other EDM.
My favourite colour is blue, I love hairless cats & Australian wildlife.
I like to draw a lot, my art blog is @staticblitz :) I also have a Crash Bandicoot side-blog @n-trance which is strictly sfw.
I'm very politically active with strong Anarchist leanings, I heavily criticize capitalism, liberalism, nationalism & imperialism. I align myself with marginalized people & workers above all. Anti-fascist.
I'm sexpositive & an on-n-off sexworker, sexworker liberation is very important to me.
I'm also a cult survivor, I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness & have a lotta weird trauma surrounding that lol
Part of a system of some kind. I tend to keep it to myself coz I'm still figuring it out, but I can't rly pretend it's not a thing for me anymore lol. You probably won't see the others on here much, we're pretty anxious about it all still.
I tag image & video posts with #no id for those who rely on alt text & image descriptions. Posts with descriptions won't be tagged with this & I regularly trawl through notes to find image descriptions. This is not a judgement against you, I just want to make my blog friendly to visually impaired folks :)
I also tag potentially triggering content with just what the trigger is, you may ask me to tag things for you if you need me to. (I will not tag reclaimed slurs tho, those are important to ppls identity & should be treated as such)
NOTE; I will not respond to messages asking me to reblog crowd-funds.
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rootsofdread · 6 months
Yikes, you weren't kidding about the search function being awful. I just had to update the app for the first time in months and it seems like it's worse than ever. I'm literally out here inputting the characters' full names and it's giving nothing 😂 It's okay though because I can just click on your tags, but jeeze haha. I share your enthusiasm for making lists, too!
Quantum Break sounds fun! And I've heard good things about Control. Isn't it great when you find a game that just clicks with you? ^^ I'm playing Bloodborne for the second time.
I hope you're still having fun writing the requests, too :)
oh yeah, tumblr's search function has always been really bad (or at least for as long as i've used the site...since 2016). you can type in something word for word and tumblr will pull up nothing, or it may pull up something but it won't be what you're looking for (it also often displays search results on blogs completely out of order for some reason, which probably doesn't matter to most people but i find it annoying personally). if i ever want to find specific posts on any of my blogs i'll just dig through my archive for it lol
but i did start making my master lists today! i'm working on two separate ones for killers and survivors so it's not a hundred miles long haha. they'll probably be done by tomorrow! i figured i should make them before i open my commissions (currently planning on the 30th or 31st) so that my writing is much easier to access and reference!
and i actually finished QB the other night!! i was a little disappointed by the ending (it's anticlimactic tbh AND a total cliffhanger -- remedy wanted to make a sequel, but haven't been able to since they don't own it) but it was such a fun game to play through, two of the characters have done irreversible damage to my psyche (/affectionate), and i still love it to death. totally clicked with me. i need to do just two more playthroughs to 100% it with all the collectibles & achievements and i'm really excited to do that :-))) after that i'll get control, & when i finish that i'll buy AW1 remastered! clearly, remedy is my new fave game studio lol (studios that make 'cinematic' games really do something to me. i own every supermassive game that isn't VR. and i'm soooo excited for TCoFS!!!)
i've wanted to play bloodborne!! i'm not great at games so i would probably end up dying every 5 seconds, but idk it's the one soulsborne game i've really wanted to play :-) i really like the aesthetic and the designs are so awesome!!
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hajihiko · 2 years
A quick FAQ PLZ READ if new
link to art tag
link to fic (Finished!)
link to KoFi (I do little 10$ doodle requests!)
Note: when it comes to commissions, if it's a Genshin Impact character, I won't draw the canon outfit fully
Okay! I love to talk don't get me wrong but in case people are wondering:
Have you played-?
Watched playthroughs of games 1 and 2. Played v3 with a friend.
Will you play-?
I'd like to, but I'm not much of a gamer and probably won't spend money on a game unless there's a sale or I suddenly have time to play.
What do you ship?
Friendship mostly! I am all about the DR2 survivors on this page so expect most of that. But I also like Taka/Mondo/Chihiro, Aoi/Sakura and Sonia/Gundham. Also also I'm a sucker for polycules in general so I do enjoy SurvivorsxEachOther, Kyoko/Makoto/Byakuya (humorous only) and Kazuichi/Hajime/Fuyuhiko
As of v3, Shuichi/Kaito/Maki
Related: feel free to interpret things your own way if it makes you glad. I'm not super into labels anyway so odds are you're not even wrong! What's in a name? A rose by any other etc etc
Who are you? (name age pronouns etc)
You can refer to me as whatever lol, but do know that I'm solidly over 18.
Are you also a different user?
Yes, several. You may know me from instagram, you may know me of some side blog, don't worry about it this is just what I do lol.
Can I use your art for ______?
Generally, yes! Unless it's for roleplay purposes or anything explicit, in which case no.
Why didn't you answer my message?
a) I get a surprising amount of messages! Might not have gotten to it or it got buried.
b) I have a bit of an anxiety about answering messages where I think I have to have something meaningful or funny to say and if I don't, I can't reply (I'm working on that one which is why I might respond very late).
c) I might have drafted a big long reply but am still working on it because of problem b) and generally being bad at explaining myself.
What programme you use?
Clip Studio Paint mostly!
Opinions on gender / neurodivergence ?
No. I barely do gender at all, dislike hard labels, and I'm not a good authority on what's neurodivergent or not. No comment. Don't ask me unless it's about me specifically and not society at large.
Also I am new here and know nothing of the fan community of olde (but I heard stories lmao).
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letssimptogether · 3 years
💕requests and info!💕
💀 Horror House Discord Server; feel free to join! https://discord.gg/YEqeZm5ekb
💀 I know I had one out already, but I decided to update it! I didn't know how to write some characters I had down, and so I'm updating this lol
💜 Characters and What I'm Willing to Write:
Dead by Daylight:
💀 Killers: Albert Wesker, Ghostface, Huntress, The Legion (all of them), Nurse, Oni, The Shape, Pig, Plague, Pyramid Head, Trapper, Trickster--if you don't see who you'd like on the list, send a request and I can try my best<3 Survivors: I basically write for all survivors!
💀 Bo Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire, Bubba Sawyer, Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends), Ghostface (Billy, Stu, or poly!), Lester Sinclair, Michael Myers (Rob Zombie, 1978, and our beloved peepaw), Vincent Sinclair, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt
💀Ben, Tobi, Slenderman, Jeff, Liu, Masky, Hoodie, Dark Link, LJ, EJ, (for now, I’ll probably add onto this once i’m more comfortable with writing for the characters!)
What I Will Write:
💀Headcanons, NSFW, Oneshots/shorts, SFW-I also write x fem!reader, x!pregnant reader, x male!reader, and x gn!reader—they’re also tagged accordingly too!💜
What I WON'T Write:
💀 I*cest, R*pe, P*dophilia, anything potentially triggering for anyone!
❗️minors don’t interact! stuff i reblog may be suggestive❗️
**if there are any questions, don't be afraid to ask me, my loves!**
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houseofdabs · 3 years
I realized I never made an introduction post so here's a lil about me and my page!
Hi I'm Almond (she/they) ! I'm 20 and I make art and write dumb lil stories about the Sinclair brothers. I ask that you please don't repost my art or anything that I write
I take requests for fics but please do not request anything like:
-anything romantic or sexual (I only plan to write for the Sinclair brothers for the moment, so anything like x reader i wont write unless i plan to do it myself, if i do write x reader I will write genderless unless its self indulgent)
-rape (also please do not interact if you post rape fics, as an SA survivor that shit makes me extremely uncomfortable, dub-con and cnc is okay but full on r is.... ESPECIALLY if you romanticize it)
-pedophilia or CSA
-if you are a bigot of any sort (TERF, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc.)
-if you stan Costas Mandylor or Megan Fox
-if you're pro-ship, anti anti
Before you follow:
I don't know how to use tumblr all that well so if I don't respond or anything it's because I'm fighting for my life out here and idk what's going on
I write mostly fluff but I will write angst and things such as child abuse (i will always try my best to tag, if i fail to please please let me know)
I tend to project onto the Sinclair brothers and quite a bit of that goes into the fics I write, they may seem OOC but all I can say is if you don't like how I portray them there are plenty of other very talented writers on here who could sate your interests
I might also write for other media like Saw, this account isn't strictly House of Wax although it might seem like it lol
I don't take requests for art but I might draw things suggested to me, it's hard to find motivation to draw and it takes so long to finish a piece so I won't be able to churn out stuff as often and i'd rather do it on my own terms
Also minors are welcome since I don't post +18 content, it's really just fluff here, but if I make a thirst post I ask that you please do not interact with it, it makes me super uncomfortable
I do have a NSFW account, I ask that no minors follow or interact with it at all, it’s @house-of-ass
Anyways I hope you enjoy what I post and don't be a stranger ! My ask box and dms are always open to talk !
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
Hi! I just need to rant for a sec, hope that's ok lol so I've always known any site on the internet can have it's fucked up corners (like everything else) but I've found that people here understand better than irl and are a little kinder with each other and stuff, but I saw those two girls literally making fun of someone for saying that they've been forced sexually and... idk anymore. Like, next time I open up about something, how do I know that won't happen? And also in what world is that ok?🐰
🐰 bc in my real life I've been told that what happened to me "wasn't that bad", "at least I was asleep", "u shouldn't have drank so much" and that's why I don't talk to real people about it lol but this gave me those same vibes and if I can't even share it securely here, then where? And I know (or I want to think) that those bad people are the minority and most of them are actually good. I'll probably forget it in a couple days just idk. It shook me up a little bit, the heartlessness of it.
Hey darling, I know what you mean. Thankfully those people have apologized for reacting harshly. But I totally understand that it shook you up a bit. Tagging stuff is one thing, seeing mockery is another, especially as a survivor. I haven‘t gone through abuse of that nature but I know how it feels when people do that.
What happened to you was bad and you are not to blame for it EVER. I understand why you don‘t share it much IRL, but I hope you‘ll continue to see this as a safe space. Sometimes people have a bad day and say things they don‘t actually mean (in this case those people are survivors themselves as far as I know).
I don‘t know if you read dark!fic since you didn‘t disclose that in your ask, but if you read it to cope with your own trauma I want to tell you that it is absolutely okay. But I need to tell you that some third parties that have involved themselves into the topic yesterday didn‘t seem to care about the mental health of the reader with their only argument being „triggers are everywhere“ (yeah, but there are common ones and those include implied things) and „It‘s not my job, movies also don‘t do this“ (Yes, they do. You can literally check on imdb if there are intense scenes).
Thankfully @sherrybaby14 and @darkficsyouneveraskedfor both have apologized for the way they reacted and stated that tagging triggers is important to them, so you can continue to read their fics and know that you are in a safe space (of course, always have caution in case they forget to tag something, which can happen to all of us). I can‘t speak about anyone else in the dark fic community, but some striked me as really hostile yesterday and I hope those didn‘t also shake you up, cause some of those posts where really harsh compared to what was said in the main posts and pushing all responsibility on the reader.
I‘m just glad it is resolved and that I, they and (hopefully) you can move on. In case you ever need an ear, my DM‘s are open and anon asks are too (most of the time). Remember that you always have people in your corner. Here is a hug for you and anyone involved or not that needs one:
Tumblr media
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cancerbiophd · 6 years
hi julia! i know you probably won't have an answer, but i'm kind of in a rough place and i'd like to ask if you or other students have advice for me. recently, i was withdrawn for my university for not being in good academic standing. i take full responsibility for my failings and understand the decision made, but i'm still disappointed in myself. at heart, i know that this is probably the best thing for me as i've been struggling with many things, including mental + physical health which (1/3)
Has both left me burnt out and just not a good student or even being present in my own life. however, im at a loss. my goal is to work hard to try and orient myself in my personal life and then apply for college again. But, in the moment, like that seems more daunting than I can even imagine. I’m sad and scared and I guess I just want an outside perspective. If you have any advice for what I should focus on to better my chances in continuing my studies and my wellbeing overall. (2/3)
there’s so much uncertainty in my future, but ik it’s too late to go back. I’m going to try my best to figure things out—bc I truly do believe my future is in a university degree and I know I have it in me to make it through college. Eventually. At some point. :( anyways, thanks for being a beacon of light in the community and, if nothing else, for having ur inbox open. (I’ve followed u since original yj days!) (pt 3/3)
Hello my OG YJ days anon! (aaahhh i’m such a bad fan i haven’t even started s3 yet)
I want to start by telling you that everything is going to be ok. I know things are tough right now, but you’re tough too. You’re a survivor, a fighter, and a dreamer. I can tell you’re trying your best to see your life for what it can be, and that’s a fire and a passion that’s absolutely priceless. You’re going to be ok anon, you’re going to be ok. 
And it’s ok to be scared and nervous. It shows you care! It shows you’re invested in whatever decision you’re going to make. You are valid, and your emotions are valid. Acknowledge them, let yourself feel them, but then also tell yourself: “I know I’m scared but I know I gotta do this anyway!”. And you got this! You got this. 
Let’s take things one step at a time. Do what works best for you. Don’t do what works best for me, or that other person; but what works best for you. Perhaps you can start by taking just one class a semester. Just one. You can do this either online, or in the evenings, or in person; at your old university, or a new university, or even a community college. Just take one class, and see how it goes. Give your body and mind and daily routine time to adjust, so you’re not overwhelmed from the start. And then if you feel ok, and your grades are ok, then up that to 2 or 3 classes a semester. Small bites of the cookie is better than no bites of the cookie! And you’ll still end up finishing the cookie no matter what :) 
Visualizing your goals one at a time will also help to feel less overwhelmed. Thinking about graduating and the long to-do list that comes with it can be really daunting! Instead of focusing on 4 years from now, just focus on one semester from now. Picture yourself finishing one class. And then one more class. Break your big goals into more doable bite-size pieces and you may just feel less overwhelmed. 
You deserve the kindness of help. This includes for your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and academic wellbeing. Helpers come in the forms of doctors, therapists, friends, community members, your professors, advisors, tutors, and fellow students. None of us has gotten to where we are without the help of another person. I am who I am today, and where I am today, because of an army of teachers, tutors, mentors, friends, family members, and hundreds more people. 
I’ve always benefited from finding a study buddy or study group with my fellow classmates, even if it’s just to share notes with in case one of us can’t make it to class. And it’s just always nice to know you’re not alone when you’re writing a hard paper or studying for a challenging exam. Nothing beats that feeling of camaraderie when you’re all ranting in a group text at 2 am before exam day lol. 
I have loads of goodies in my #study-advice tag. Perhaps there are a few study methods there that’ll work for you!
And no matter what happens: you are a valid person. You are important, and the world needs you. The world needs who you are right now, and it’ll still need you if things don’t turn out the way you planned. 
I’m so proud of you anon. I’ll be here for you if you ever want to talk, or know you’re not alone in your journey. I’ve got your back
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