#i won btw because my gal vorbak Refused to Fucking DIE
I played a game of Horus Heresy with Word Bearers
Yes, the tabletop version. It was done via tabletop sim and I was against a guard list. 1.5k points each cause it was a beginner's game for all of us involved.
And I have learned the following: 1. 5+ Feel No Pains are clutch as fuck 2. Gal Vorbak as troops is a fucking meme. They're pretty expensive but were well worth the points -- Initiative 5 fucking saved me against Ogryns so hard. 3. THE MHARA GAL IS GENUINELY FUCKING OVERPOWERED WHY DOES IT HAVE 8 WOUNDS 4. 14 armor bastions are annoying but not the end of the world. I had 2 lascannons cause I only brought 1 heavy support squad (cause I misinterpreted Breaching on the Mhara Gal's weapons, F) and I only nicked off 1 Hull Point of damage with them. Ever. And my opponent put a fucking MEDUSA SIEGE CANNON IN THERE. Along with about 20 guys. 5. Unswerving Devotion was CLUTCH, along with the new Procurator unit from the Guilden's Star thing. Being able to have a free d6 to help make sure I got my Diabolism off was very very nice.
My opponent didn't want to play marines due to bad experiences with 40k tabletop, hence him playing guard, but it was still a fun game all around. Sweeping Advance is fun, even if I did lose 5 Tac Lads to them failing morale and being out of range of my Warlord. Which sucked but eh, they had done their duty.
But the Mhara Gal is a fucking brutal nightmare. 8 Wounds is kind of fucking insane. Needing to Instant Death it in order to bring it down before it stomps over and whacks you with a S9 AP 2 Brutal 2 Murderous Strike 5+ claw is wowie. And it costs 35 pts less than a squad of Gal Vorbak. Why. Who approved of this. That is insane.
So my personal playgroup are gonna try bringing it down to 5W instead and see if that's a bit more balanced, but maybe it'll seem less insane in a proper 3k pts game. That is going to be attempted at some point.
BUUUUT I do recommend checking out the HH tabletop if you're on the fence about it. Reactions feel way better than stratagems and there's a lot of good fluffy stuff and it overall feels like a more relaxed game. There's some swing but it's enjoyable.
Also Erebus's fucking Warlord Trait is indeed maximum annoying and I've made a deal with a friend who plays UM in 40k to do Calth so I can run a game with him and another with KP. Though the one with KP will also be against Guilliman so that's gonna be a Sunny Funny Death Match. I expect to lose, of course, but it'll be a satisfying loss. Because KP deserves to get curb stomped every once in a while.
Asscravat he is.
Anyway. That's the post. HH 2e good. That is all. Enjoy your day.
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