#i womder why
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kcuf-ad · 10 months ago
Me: *writes a 40k Word chapter*
Me: Hmm, I wonder why I do not have a prom date?
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tgcg · 11 months ago
Karkat, got any tunes?
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wildroombas · 1 year ago
God this website is fucking terrible
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ispreadrabieslikewildfire · 11 months ago
Chat its so over i started drawing her touchibg my sona at 5am what the fuck
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fleuranna · 4 days ago
One of my favorite facts about snail slime is that it's a natural material that has properties of both a lubricant and an adhesive! How many other materials can you think of that can reduce friction and stay sticky?
Unrelated but a slug broke into my apartment yesterday and I found her just vibing on the bottom of my laptop. I think she squeezed between the (theoretically closed) window panes. She left a lovely slime trail on my curtains and wall lol
Slug tax
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ive recently been able to get over my sensory issues regarding moisturizer by literally just saying "im going snail mode"
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guesst · 1 year ago
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shukuchiisms · 1 year ago
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jeepers-scoob · 2 years ago
Things in my everyday bag as an autistic person that just make sense:
Extra clothes (shirt, bra, undies) bc sometimes when I feel like the world is ending and I want to die it's just bc one or more of those things feels icky and I never know when or which one but strangely enough I don't have issues with pants
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clonewarsahsoka · 2 years ago
I have discovered information I wish I hadn't learned
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worldend · 2 years ago
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lightnersdream · 2 years ago
swat🎨🖥️*starts bleedinf*
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inwumaki · 5 months ago
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Your Instagram while dating Manjiro Sano/Mikey—
Anime: Tokyo Revengers/Tr
Character: Manjiro Sano/Mikey
Synopsis: What your Instagram looks like while dating Mikey!!
Note: wanted to do this for fun :>
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♥︎Liked by miKey_S.an_o and 409 others
Y/n.exe_ie: @miKey_S.an_o Late night rides with him??
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Shin_c.hi: you two are too young for these lovey dovey stuff.
--➤Emo_ma: just admit you're jealous.
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♥︎Liked by Fuyu.chi_ and 400 others
Y/n.exe_ie: STOLE HER PHONE HEHE >:]
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Izaizana: still wonder how you put up with his dumb shit
--➤Y/n.exe_ie: trust me sometimes I wonder too.
--➤miKey_S.an_o: @Y/n.exe_ie hey :((
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♥︎Liked by drago_Ken and 521 others
Y/n.exe_ie: buying @miKey_S.an_o dorayaki's cause he's mad at me😮‍💨
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Baji_loves_cats: no womder he wes all pouti aNd winy at the mewting todai.
--➤Shu.jiHan_: what is wrong with your spellings.
--➤Fuyu.chi_: did you turn off the auto correct again...?
--➤drago_Ken: why is no one talking about his username wtf.
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siphoklansan · 1 year ago
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Charin tho….the “oh? And what do we have here?” WAS SO CHARIN CODED YOU DID HIM JUSTICE THANK YOUUUUUUU I can already imagine his voice sayintha tomkfkifkismickoksimcimkmxiksimdimsoakismxoksomaimkdmckmzkaodmkm
Hello And thank you for my dear friend sippy for letting me use your incredible oc’s and I hope you like how this turned out^^
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Word count: 1.1k
Summary: The pain and Panic duo meeting three interesting students
Warning: none:D
For: @siphoklansan
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Aɴᴀɴ + Cʜᴀʀɪɴ
Shoes could be heard across the almost empty halls of Night Raven College along side some panting. “Hurry up Phobes!” Stated Aikat as he turned a corner in a hurry. The male behind him, Phobes, let out an annoyed groan as he followed. “No whining! We��re gonna be late”
It had been a couple of weeks since the school year has started. But even still, the twins weren’t all that familiar with the layout of their new school and got lost pretty easily -especially with how shit they are at directions- “I told you we should’ve asked Orpheus or Ortho!” Said Phobes as he continued to run through the halls. “Or even Idia!”
As the two continued to banter back and forth between themselves, Aikat suddenly collided into someone. As he fell back with a yelp, Phobes crouched next to him to make sure he’s alright. “Oh? And what do we have here?” The two looked up at who was talking to find not one, but two people peering down at them. Phobes let out a small yelp and hid his face in his brothers shoulder. “Sorry about that” Aikat laughed out “wasn’t looking where I was going”
“It’s alright” the white haired male, the one who spoke earlier, said and offered his hand to the two. Aikat gladly took it and dusted off his clothes. “You two look like freshmen, correct?” Aikat nodded while the stranger helped up his brother, who let out a small thanks and hid behind Aikat. “Yup!” He exclaimed happily “I’m Aikat Spanos. This is my twin, Phobes Spanos” he tilted his head to his brother, where Phobes stayed hidden “he’s a bit shy”
“I’m Anan Atthakornmetha” spoke the other stranger, now known as Anan “this is my bodyguard Charin Kamolnath” Charin gave them a small wave and grin. “Oooh bodyguard! Are you like, famous or something?” Aikat asked with a tilt of his head. The two now no longer strangers looked at him with a blank face before Charin let out a chuckle. “Do you really not know who he is?” He asked, Aikat’s response was a shake of his head.
“He’s a prince Kat” Phobes said to his brother with a slight frown “how do you not know about him?” He asked with a sigh, a bit annoyed. “Your twin is right. He’s a pretty famous guy around here” stated Charin. “Really? Sorry your… majesty?” Ana shook his head “it’s quite alright. No need to apologize or for the pleasantries. Ana is fine” “sounds good Anan!” Aikat beamed at the two.
“Anyways. What were you two in a hurry for?” Charin asked and crossed his arms. “Huh…… don’t know” the blue haired male shrugged and placed his hands in his pocket “I forgot. Probably isn’t important” Anan raised a brow at him “is it perhaps your first class of the day?” He asked the two since the first day of the class for freshmen has already begun. “Oh yeah! That’s what we were running to! I totally forgot about that thanks!”
The four of them continued to stand in silent before Phobes let out a flustered sigh before grabbing his brother by the upper arm “I’m sorry but we have to go to class” he said before hurrying off, dragging Aikat with him. Charin let out a laugh as Anan shook his head in disapproval.
Aikat stretched as he left his class with his twin. They had finally finished their last class of the day. It’s been a week or so since their meeting with Anan and Charin, and they’ve been hanging out a couple of days. Aikat usually hung out with Charin, while Phobes goes with Anan. But since both pairs are often together, they usually just hang out together.
The two had originally planned to have dinner with the young prince and his bodyguard, but they had to cancel last minute due to some important thing. So instead they decided to go to the library, pick up a few books, and have their lunch in the botanic garden. So that’s we’re they’re headed.
The library was mostly empty since it was the weekend. Only a few students plus the librarian were around, making the entire place ever quieter than normal. Aikat took a seat farthest from the door and pulled out his phone. If he’s just going to sit there and wait for his brother to finish finding all the books he needed, he might as well have some fun.
Phobes skimmed through the book shelves looking for something exciting to read. He stopped in front of a history book, specifically an autobiography, of a soldier that died during a war. He picked it up and started reading the first few pages of it.
“Excuse me” he glanced up to see a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes. “Would you mind handing me the book over there?” She asked while pointing at a book behind him. He blinked a few times and looked behind him. “Um…. Which one?” He asked as he scanned the books. “The purple one with a hardcore cover please” Phobes nodded in response and picked it up. It was an old one, with peeling leather and barley visible letters. Then he handed it to the girl with a smile “thanks!” She smiled back and took the book from him.
“What type of book do you have there?” She asked and pointed to his book “it looks nice” “oh, um, it’s an autobiography” she nodded before asking another question “are you also writing a paper on it?” He shook his head no “I just like reading. Are you using that book for a paper?” The girl nodded her head “yeah! It’s for an essay on the history of sunset savanna” Phobes nodded and turned back.
“If that’s what you’re writing about” he mumbled before picking up a few books from the shelves “I suggest these instead” Phobes held out the books “they’re much better for that topic then the book you’re holding” the brunette smiled and took them from his hand “thanks! I’m Siphok by the way” she smiled and held out he hand “you?” Phobes gladly took her hand and shook it “I’m Phobes Spanos, I have a twin named Aikat, he looks like me but with dark pink hair and glasses”
Siphok nodded at him “I’ll keep that in mind. I have to get going. It was nice meeting you Phobes!” She waved as she walked away, the stake of books still in her hand. Phobes smiled and waved back at her before walking back to his brother.
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This is honestly so much longer then I originally planned it to be😭 but I hope you enjoyed this sippy<3
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time-woods · 1 year ago
this might sound a tad weird and i don’t really know how to phrase this bcimbadatcommunicating
but i was womdering if prismo and scarab’s voices change in the au? and what their voices would sound like if they did change in the au? if that makes sense?? ?
like how winter prince and ice king sound different ?? UABGGGGH
i feel like Sīdus sounds more so the same simply cause hes so much of an self insert for Prismo but Carma on the other hand pitch wise is like in between the mummy/human scarab disguises and his normal one but his tone is a lot different- more harsh (sharp?) also his cadence is less slow and proper like scarabs, more commander like but hes got some silly details abt his speech-
ive put this somewhere before but ill type it again cause i like the idea, so hes usually always wearing his helmet meaning he has to raise his voice in order for it to not be muffled and also because hes the head knight-hes gotta throw round lots of orders so that means even more yelling (thats why i draw his speech bubbles like that) so he has a hard time speaking softly and that means when he does his voice cuts off/ breaks a lot. also he doesnt realize hes yelling half the time without his helmet cause hes so used to it
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year ago
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here before "why would you pit two bad bitches against each other" its Marina Ida from Splatoon facing Miles Morales from ItSV/AtSV. Who do you like more?
Marina Propaganda:
"there should be Splatoon 3 DLC where she and pearl get married"
"She’s a DJ, engineer, pianist and vocalist!! Hee songs kick ass!! She builds her own stages for splatfest!! She can ride a motorcycle! She can draw!! She skipped multiple grades bc she’s so smart!! She heard a song so good she decided to escape from the oppressive underground Octarian society!! She helped Agent 8 escape the metro and save the world!! She’s all but stated to be in love with her costar!! And she’s gonna show up in the next DLC too!!
She’s one of the most interesting and lovely characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing about and I hope you can see just how cool she is too!!"
"marina makes kickass music and has cool outfits and has a womderful short wife and is tall also she draws shoujou manga about the people she knows and is so. argargargagrhargargghhhhh"
"have you considered Marina has committed several war crimes and is also autistic and lesbian"
Miles Propaganda:
"love this dude. so amazing"
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yellowcry · 5 months ago
So if I'm on it... I feel the fandom has (or had in early days when there were many people, it's only a handful who still in) a huge problem with Luisa's hyper-feminisation.
Yes, I'm talking about the poytrayal of Luisa as somebody obsessed with pink, delicate things. At the same time being unable to hurt a fly.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the idea that Luisa would love lace, cotton and everything what is associated with (traditional) feminity. She can do it all she wants, that's womderful. The problem is that sometimes people act like this is the only way Luisa can express her gentle and feminine side by acting ONLY the way stereotypical feminization wants. And turn it to the most extreme point. Because, essentially it actually makes her look more masculine. As it often does look like a over-compensation for her more masculine-associated traits physical, which she CANNOT control (deep voice, very tall height and muscles). Why does Luisa have to be pushed into the whole girly girl thing so much conpared to the rest? It just looks like ppl try to make it up for what in her is not typical for women. So if she can't look small and delicate in stature and strenght she has to be the most feminine personality and interests-wise not to be concidered a man in a dress. Which is VERY messed up.
Because, surprize, Luisa is not more masculine by default to have and compensate for it. Why is the idea of Luisa wearing pants seems to frustate more people compared to the other girls? Why is she the one who would be jealous of pre-wecid Isabela's style? When Dolores and Mirabel would probably have far more reasons to do so just because of trauma. Luisa can enjoy masculine things amd femiline things. She doesn't have to go all over with feminization to be put in line with the rest of the girls.
And what is even worse is that by extension in a lot of the stereotypical potrayals of Luisa her positive masculine-associated traits are being swapped onto the opposite ones, which are aften viewed as negative and stereotypically being labeled on women. Such as always needing protection/somebody who speak up to her and saved her (while we clearly see Luisa as extremely protective over Mirabel during Surface Pressure). Or exaggerate her emotionality and vulnerability to the point she breaks into tears for the smallest things. Which honestly has very misogynistic implications. As it gets an idea that women (and feminine people as whole) are always weaker and unable to defend themselves. Or that their emotions are always very strong and irrational. And this is definitely not good thing to imply. As I did say, it turns into a godamn misogyny at this point where for Luisa being girly associated with the literal opposite of her character.
Again, there's nothing wrong with imagining that Luisa would love feminine, girly things. But there's also nothing wrong with Luisa preffering practical and simple style. And pushing her out of character just to make her more conventionally feminine isn't a good thing to do. She's a woman regardless of what she looks like and pushing the idea that she MUST look sertain way to be one is really bad. I can understand that most people never think that they make it all look like attepmt to compensate for non-typical look and actually have good intentions. Wanting to show that the way your body looks doesn't have to match your personality/interestsm. And that women like Luisa can still be very feminine. But in the end the entire thing gets very dimolished by the fact that Luisa is being basically forced into hyperbolisation where she can't express anything even remotely related to masculinity.
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