#i woke up at 2am and had 25 notifications and when I woke up again now i had 68
muralconservator · 3 months
hi noel :3 good morning hands you a tub of garlic dip
good morning <333
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stillebesat · 6 years
For the Meme ask for writers: 3, 7, 10, 12, 25, 30, 36, 37
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?Hmmm….the main one that comes to mind is the love triangle. 7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.Oooo this is difficult…. let’s see… :S hopefully this is prose—I’m going to go with a scene from my most recent fic A Work of Art 
Roman threw his keys in the basket by the door and pulled off his wine and chocolate stained work shirt. Kicking off his shoes, Roman tossed the ruined uniform into the washer as he moved into the tiny kitchen to grab the jug of milk from the fridge and chugged the remaining liquid in one fell swoop.
He’d buy another one tomorrow.
His pocket vibrated again in another series of alerts as Roman lowered the jug. He exhaled, tossing the empty container over his shoulder, listening to it land in the recycling can as he pulled out his phone.
Four hundred and seventy-eight new notifications.
Roman slumped against the counter, running a tired hand through his sticky hair as he stared down at the tiny screen.
Declan really wasn’t holding back now was he? Had he gone and tagged the entire world in that stupid livestream video?
As to why I like this scene. It just…feels really real and vivid to me. It’s just a snippet, a glance into Roman’s life, in what he does when he gets home from work, especially after a hard day. But I love the fact that I can picture Roman actually doing this. Taking a break from his role to just….be himself. ^^;; 
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
^^;; The easiest to write was  A Sweet Discovery
It’s a fic where the idea of it woke me up at 2am and I just…wrote it. Most fics I write involve a lot of false starts, pauses in writing to figure out what I want to say and reworking it and such. But a Sweet Discovery? Nope. Didn’t have that. I wrote it from like 2am-7am and then it was done! And it was such a…well… sweet ;) feeling to have the words flow so easily. :D 
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Hmm… difficult. Very difficult. For Sanders Side I would say that Accepting Anxiety 2/2 is probably the main episode that inspires me. Though I often rewatch Losing my Motivation just to motivate myself to write. ^^;;
DCMK….The remake of Episode 1 in Detective Conan is inspiring. Movie 19 is also one I love. And in Magic Kaito 1412 it would be Episode 1 where Kid returns, and Episode 11 where KID returns the Phantom Lady’s ‘treasures’ are partial favorites of mine. 
Though really…it depends on what fic I’m working on as to which episodes inspire me most. ^^;; 
25. What do you look for in a beta?
I don’t know? ^^;; lol. I don’t really use betas. I have a close friend who I bounce ideas off of and show my writing to first before I post it to make sure it flows and makes sense, and to give me encouragement when I’m feeling discouraged….but otherwise…it’s just me critiquing myself. ^^;; heh. 
But if I were to look for a beta….hmmm….it would probably be someone who would point out continuity errors, double check grammar and punctuation (because punctuation is not my friend), and point out loose threads that I could expand on to make the story better, but also be a cheerleader… 
30. Do you accept prompts?
Should they show up in my inbox I wouldn’t say no to them. ^^;; 
I probably will never actively go out and say “Send me prompts!!” because I already have too many ideas I need to write. But I’m always game for a challenge and writing prompts are a fun challenge.
…So short answer. Yes. 
36. Which is your favorite site to post fic?
For the Sanders Sides I currently only post on Tumblr. 
For DCMK I post on both FanFiction and A03. 
…. >.> But once I get another DCMK fic written and posted, I plan to start posting Sanders Sides to A03 as well. 
37. Talk about your current wips.
*laughs* Umm….I don’t think I have time to talk about all 60 of those… >.> 
For Sanders Sides here’s fiveish: 
1. There’s my Big Bang Fic which: Shhh secret secret. Can’t talk much about it. 
2. A currently unnamed AU that I’ve drawn artwork for. Concept is ‘Cyborgs’  except instead of using robot parts, it’s parts of animals…so Creaborgs? Creatureborgs? idk. But I’m also playing with introducing creatures/aliens similar to the Egyptian Gods into this world that are the causation of humans gaining animal aspects (tails/claws/ears/wings etc.) 
3. I have a handful of various sympathetic Deceit fics in the works. Mostly focused around the other Sides helping Deceit. 
4. I also have a couple of fics in the works focusing on Moxiety where Virgil is the one to help Patton instead of the other way around. One of those is a Winged fic that I’m rather excited for. Patton getting wings unexpectedly and Virgil coming to his aid. 
5. And one fic involving Remy being his sassy self as he helps Roman and Logan find adventure in the city. –It’s set in a world of Magic and Familiars. 
For DCMK here’s fiveish: 
1. Sequel to In the Rubble. lol yes I’m still working on this, hammering out details and such and how other characters become involved. :D
2. Sidequels to In the Rubble. -A couple other short stories that will tie into In the Rubble’s Sequel.
3. A fic where Kudo helps Hakuba free KID from being trapped in a Ghostly State. 
4. Then there’s a fic where KID visits Kudo’s grave. 
5. An AU where Kogoro abandons the Detective Agency and Ran.  And Ran –in order to pay off a mountain of debts- takes over Kogoro’s unfinished cases so that people can find closure, and while on one case encounters a Delinquent Kudo (who isn’t a detective) and he ends up helping her solve a case. 
Thanks for the Asks!! :D They’ve been fun. ^^;;
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