#i wish we had a photomode
blues-screenshots · 3 months
This is what taking screenshots from an ultrawide monitor looks like
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 months
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horizon zero dawn | talanah 4/?
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oobcoops · 2 months
every so often I really wish we had a photomode or pokemon snap style feature to the game
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
So, the year is slowly coming to an end.
everyone does these asweome templates. I'd like to do them as well, but I had a long streak of not playing any game from Jan 2021 til end of June 2022, so I could only fill the half of the templates. I did one but decided not to post.
Nonetheless I'd like to add something as well:
something about Vijay — cutie really made it to an even more sweet cinnamon roll angel since I switched over to pc a.k.a. laptop:
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Yes, he was already cute in vanilla (left), I know. I did not mod him much 'cause I wanted him to stay as he already was — just with better skin, giving him freckles all over, he clearly was missing. Added new (almost real) green kiroshi optics and gave him the long male lashes he deserves and lastly ginger colored stubble that doesn't disappear while in photomode. He grew into a fine young adult man in nearly half of a year.
something about Ryder — created in September, with no real plan how he will look but let's name him Ryder von Scharfenberg, German dude, please. Thanks:
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When I took the first pics of him (left), I wasn't sure if I'd ever warm up with him. But now Ry always surprises me in every session. He developed well in these few months and I'm exited to see where it's going with him. He might also stay as he is now. He's got enough chrome, better don't overdo it.
I'm glad I have two so very different looking oc's. What I can't do with Vj I can do with Ry and the other way around. It's great to have them in my life and I don't wanna miss them anymore. <3
joining the CP77 community here (and on discord) made me happy again since I was so frustratd with my real life photography on instagram. Here people actually give feedback (even if it's only in the tags most of the time, that's the way tblr is) and I appreciate every lovely comment <3
It's amazing to see all these amazing oc's floating around on my dash and so many people are so creative and extremely good vps, sometimes I could just cry in happiness. Also managed to make a few chooms and I am thankfull for that.
I mean even my boys have some chooms now and V also grabbed himself a boyfriend <3 (boy that was a big hurdle for me to ask). I wish I could talk to more of you but I'm always in a nutshell that I think I'm annoying (u all know that probably bc we all seem to be introverts), I'm not giving up and working on it, even tho it's hard.
I'm looking forward to 2023 Night City's finest VP!
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ilikedetectives · 5 years
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Gravity Rush 2 - Marketplace, Jirga Para Lhao
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thegothcowboy · 4 years
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Mary-Beth at Clemens Point.
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scumbagg · 5 years
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“Don’t forget, I was on the run for murder before fallin in with you boys. For three years.”
Lenny Summers
Shady Belle, Lemoyne.
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noirapocalypto · 3 years
Cyberask 2077
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Tagged by @smilepal, thank you so much!! 💕
1. When did you buy the game?
It was actually a pre-ordered Christmas gift from one of my best friends. I think it was maybe about a month or so before it launched? I had expressed interest in playing the game a few times and my friend kept that in mind lol it was probably one of the best gifts I've ever gotten because it completely sparked my obsession with Cyberpunk 2077 (and the rest of the lore), which lead me to my current hobbies and my new friends.
2. When was the moment you knew you loved the game?
Definitely the montage of our time with Jackie right after we meet him. There's just something extremely endearing about him showing you around, taking you into his mother's house, climbing up the mercenary ranks, etc. There's also the scene were we see Johnny's engram in V's apartment for the first time. His smug ass just standing there, thumping his head against the wall. Ugh, I fell in love immediately.
3. Which character did you romance in your first playthru?
Imagine my disappointment when I found out Jackie was already dating Misty, and Vik was unromancable. Then I go and fall in love with Takemura (and my urge to un-corpo him) only to find out that he is also not a romance option. And of course, neither is Johnny, who I feel my V had developed a VERY strong bond with and can easily see them being in love. 😭
So, finding out all my options were off limits, I eventually fell into bed with resident beefcake River. I liked him as a character and I like his voice actor a lot. But it wasn't really fitting with my V.
4. Whose your favorite NPC?
There's so many I really enjoy and REALLY wish we had more interactions with. I liked Dum Dum a lot and I always try to spare him if I can. I like Mateo and wish he had more lines. Takemura was my favorite right alongside Johnny, both two characters I love deeply. Misty endeared me immediately too, with her soft spoken ways. And of course, I'll do anything for Rogue.
5. Did you have inspiration in mind when designing your V(s)?
Not really, to be honest. Paola wasn't my first V. My first one was unnamed with zero backstory, she was mostly my tester run while I got used to the game and saw what decisions resulted in what end-game. I just slapped together some sliders I thought looekd good (spoiler, they didn't now that I go back and look at her screens lol)
But I accidentally deleted her when I saved over her playthrough lmao! So I created Paola (who was also unnamed at the time). I just experimented with the sliders and was lucky enough to have fallen in love with her look. The mods also really helped lol
6. What's your go-to vehicle?
Admittedly, my driving in-game is not the best and I feel cars are way too janky to maneuver, so I stuck with using bikes for Paola. She uses the Arch Nazare we buy from Wakako (customized via mods) for pretty much everything, both in-game and in character. The times I am using a car though, it's usually the Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech we get from the Sex on Wheels quest.
7. What's your favorite gig/mission/job?
Oh man, it's been so long since I've replayed the game again (mostly spend my time in photomode now lol), but I really loved Kerry's quests involving Us Cracks. He just has huge boomer vibes with them, it's very hilarious to me. I also really like the quests were Johnny gets his date with Rogue because I ship them hella. It was just a sweet touch which showed that he truly did change for the best, imo.
8. Which NC radio station do you switch to the most?
I often switch between Los Principales, the Dirge, Radio Vexelstrom and Morro Rock Radio. I pretty much browse through all of them, really.
Tagging: @jsilverhvnd @alteredsilence @wanderingaldecaldo @cyberneticnipples @nightcityberries @nightingalesoul @cayennenpopsicles @disasteralien and anyone else who would like to give this a go! Sorry if any of you have already been tagged!
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 years
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i captured aloy making this hilarious face - does anyone more clever than me want to add text? it feels like a meme template but i am not that funny
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 years
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horizon forbidden west | sheerside mountains 5/?
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