#i wish they would have at least kept them for the main story šŸ˜­
yujikuna Ā· 2 years
man hyv really is trying to tell us theyā€™re ending the tears of themis japanese dub because of covid like the game didnā€™t come out mid-covid and the vaā€™s arenā€™t still recording other projects likeā€¦.. we all know itā€™s probably money lmao
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jugheadvarchoni Ā· 1 month
Ranking every Riverdale Season (from worst to best)
Reminder: this is just MY opinion. Feel free to share your own!
7. Season 5
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With the exception of the first 3 episodes (which I just consider to be part of 4), this season was just a huge nothingburger disappointment. The idea of a time jump was cool, and it even started out okay. Then it quickly went off the rails and not only fell back into repeat territory but the jump itself was just executed so poorlyā€¦ I was beyond done with Hiram villain stuff atp. The Mothmen were fine, just nowhere near as good as the Gargoyle King or Black Hood for me. Too many characters are written TOO awfully (especially the queer characters) and sometimes it feels like they tried to cram way too much into it. It just leaves the season feeling bloated and incoherent. Best parts by far were Toni getting a big role and the introduction of Tabitha.
Still, those werenā€™t enough to save the season imo. Overall S5 felt the least like Riverdale to me & it was lowkey boring a lot, so it gets last place. Boo. šŸ…
6. Season 4
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Iā€™m actually so serious when I say I really love this season. S5 is probably the only one I dislike, the rest of these can change at the drop of a hat lol.
The main reason Iā€™m putting S4 here is that it was very hit or miss with my enjoyment of the storylines. Jugheadā€™s stuff at Stonewall was okay. Cheryl got another unhinged story when she shouldā€™ve been getting therapy, Archieā€™s story was mind-numbing, The Auteur was creepy and great until it was revealed to be Jellybean (wah-wah-wah). Maybe it has to do with COVID throwing things off, but the whole season was just a little lackluster and disjointed. Also, TICKLE-PORN?????
The tribute to Luke Perry was beautiful tho. Miss him. šŸ’”
5. Season 1
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ALRIGHT. Before you pull out those pitchforks, just hear me out. Itā€™s an incredible season, itā€™s the most well-written, the tone was amazing, and it set everything up perfectly.
But I do think that because itā€™s only the first season, and because itā€™s so short, a lot of the dynamics I personally love just donā€™t exist. Toni isnā€™t on the show yet. And I feel like part of what made Riverdale stand out, WAS the craziness and the willingness to do literally anything remotely cuckoo, which S1 just didnā€™t have. Iā€™m just personally very attracted to wackiness of the other seasons. Itā€™s a little overrated.
But again, this still season is INCREDIBLE and Iā€™m still obsessed with itsā€™ vibes.
4. Season 7
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Donā€™t hurt me. šŸ˜­
But buckle up, because I have a lot to say here.
I REALLY had such a good time with this seasonā€¦ I mean, the Choni of it all is really want gets me obsessively thinking about this season on a daily basis. The way they were treated in the first half is everything I wished for them back in the earlier seasons. If this were a ranking based on Choni throughout the seasons, S7 would be #1. Kevin also got a ton of great stuff. S7 was so kind to the queer charactersā€¦ Other than them, I just love how they got to have FUN. They took us back in time and basically just put the characters into an old-timey Archie Comic. Ridiculous but entertaining side plots that actually kept me interested and put the characters in a totally new environment. And despite the fact that people seem to want to ignore this, they ARE still the characters weā€™ve known and loved since S1, they just didnā€™t remember. But the memories are still there, and still inform all of their decisions and relationships.
Unfortunately, my biggest gripe with S7 is the way it feels disconnected to the rest of the show overall. They really let the comet story flop hard. Even if we decided to stay in the 50s in the end, we shouldā€™ve had way more time with our characters with their memories. They shouldā€™ve had conversations that were long overdue, that circle back and bring things to a close, the way final seasons should. I wouldā€™ve preferred they go back to the present, but in an altered timeline due to all the changes made to their lives. Tabitha was WASTED and thrown away and it makes me so mad tbh. They chickened out with the Varchie vs Barchie thing and instead we got that dumbass polycule and everyone dating everyone only for literally no one to end up with anyone (except Choni & Clevin uwu). The later half is especially a letdown, because thatā€™s when we shouldā€™ve been ramping up to the end with their memories and certain people coming back together. Instead, we just got a lot of randomness. Which, while fun, doesnā€™t make for a good final season imo.
I think this season wouldā€™ve been ranked in my top 3 had it NOT been the final oneā€¦
Itā€™s such a polarizing season for me and thatā€™s why itā€™s smack dab in the middle!
3. Season 2
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What a lot of people consider the glory days lol.
Everything that was well-established in S1 was built on and just made even better. The dynamics between the core four and each one of their storylines was spot on and interesting. Black Hood is probably the most interesting mystery villain we ever had on the show and delving deeper into the Cooper family was great. The slasher horror movie vibes with Black Hoodā€™s story & his victims were just elite.
The season was darker and full of lots of twists and turns, which I always appreciate to keep my on my toes. We got introduced to Toni and Choni was born!
It did have some meh stuff tho, the Archie vs Hiram wasnā€™t all that interesting to me in this season, even though I DO like Hiram a lot. Heā€™s always been an intriguing character to me, I just think he was severely overused. I also donā€™t like Bughead lol. The Chic stuff is hit or miss. It was bordering on crazy, but not quite at that sweet spot yet.
Overall this season was more exciting and deeper than even the likes of S1. And this is, of course, where we started getting into the Southside Serpents and the gang wars, which I think is such an iconic aspect of the show. Just a fun, deeper, more interesting season for me!
2. Season 6
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Iā€™m a sucker for witches and magic and time travel shenanigans, so this season was RIGHT up my alley. Rivervale, Sabrina, the spookiness, Cherylā€™s witch arc, Percival was great, Tabitha getting to shine, I loved SO much of this season. Having one villain, that they all focus on I think did wonders for the cohesiveness of the season. Almost everyone got involved in it, there werenā€™t as many tangential storylines, and the buildup to the comet was so much fun. It was the perfect blend of camp and wackadoodleness and serious life/death stuff.
The worst part for me, is the ships. Tangs being a plague on society and them making Toniā€™s whole storyline about being a mother (a bad, awful one ugh). Fangs was never a standout to me, but they just made him insufferable this season. The custody battle was insanely stupid and a waste of time. ā€œBaby Anthonyā€ sucked (Dale FTW). Barchie has always bored me. Cheryl/Heather just felt like besties lol. The ships suffered hard in this season lol.
Still, we got Choni confirmed soulmates and Thabigail + Jughead/Tabitha were cute. So that aspect wasnā€™t ALL bad.
Tonally, itā€™s soooo different from the other seasons but I think they strike a better balance between mystery villainous plot and campiness than the other seasons. I ate up the supernatural and horror stuff, the plot is one of the most consistent in the whole show, thereā€™s good character development and I just loved the craziness. They easily redeemed themselves after that abysmal S5. šŸ™
1. Season 3
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Ahhh PEAK insanity. Wild, compelling, dark but also silly af sometimes. The show went off the rails in the best way and I have a blast every time I watch it. A true fever dream. They embraced the crazy and I think thatā€™s what sets it apart from all the other seasons. Imo, there isnā€™t a single ā€œbadā€ episode here. They were still in high school, giving us that teenage drama/those dynamics that made Riverdale what it is. My fav ships were together (not without their drama), there was an intriguing mystery with the Gargoyle King. The flashback episode with the parents was amazinggggg and I loved everything about the Gryphonā€™s and Gargoyleā€™s storyline and how it trickled down to affect so many people. The atmosphere of the season, the main cast that got focus and actually got to have screentime together, Heathers heing probably their strongest musical. I love it SO MUCH.
There are some weaker points tho. There is a lot that happens this season, like A LOT. But I enjoyed it so much that I lowkey give it a pass for being so convoluted. Dilton was wasted and killed off after not getting much in general. Bughead & Veggie suck. I wish the G&G and Cult stuff had been intertwined better.
An organ harvesting cult led by Chad Michael Murray? Archie fighting a bear? Mass seizures? Babies thrown into a fire and then levitating? Veronica opening a speakeasy as a teenager? Choni cat burglars? Archie in juvie? Bunker sex? Speakeasy sex? Fizzle rocks? Killer DnD? THE EPIC HIGHS AND LOWS OF HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL?
I-C-O-N-I-C. Riverdale is at its best for me when it doesnā€™t care about being a normal gritty teen show. Maybe this season was a little messier, but I think the sheer fun and craziness more than makes up for that. Everytime I rewatch this season, I enjoy the crap out of it and am reminded why I love these characters and this silly little show so much. ā™„ļø
So to recap:
S3 > S6 > S2 > S7 > S1 > S4 > S5
P.S: if thereā€™s a major typo or I put something in the wrong season, lemme know. I just regurgitated this all from memory when I woke up so my thoughts were hella jumbledā€¦
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titsthedamnseason Ā· 8 months
juli!!!!! now that the like us series is over (thinking about when we'll ever get another hale pov šŸ˜­) what have you thought? and what are you most hoping for with the cobalt empire?
hahaha what a loaded question! iā€™m also sad about the hales hence me rereading dlu already lol šŸ’š but also on patreon kbr have started posting extras in kinneyā€™s pov which i am so grateful for. great way to keep us connected to the younger generation / give a sneak peek and i feel lucky it was with my favorite girl!! i am relying on this content to hold me over lol (plus next we have XANDERā€™S BOOK!!!!! to look forward to. which i almost expect to get sooner than we might think šŸ‘€)
my thoughts on the series as a whole are kind of hard to articulate but iā€™ll try? i think the series started really strong and sort of devolved from there. i think going back to dlu put a lot into perspective for me because right from the beginning they did a lot of great set up and left threads that were still being picked up in lunaā€™s books so i applaud them for their forward thinking and planning in that regard (i know that either krista or becca - i donā€™t know who is who lmao - is super dedicated to going back and rereading all the early books and making sure everything is still flowing and connecting and i must say thatā€™s very apparent looking at the big picture. a job well done for sure). i think all of moffy and farrowā€™s books, definitely oscar and jackā€™s book, and iā€™ll even say jane and thatcherā€™s books, function well on their own. moffy and janeā€™s books also do a nice job in contributing to the series as a whole
but obviously there was also a lot left to be desired and i think that despite whatever flaws the earlier books contain, things REALLY started going off the rails with sulliā€™s books (my poor girl šŸ’”). while the overall series arc ended up functioning pretty well imo, as the series progressed the plots of each individual book just kept getting wishy washier. i wish kbr would just realize that romantic and interpersonal development is enough to drive a story without needing a bunch of other distracting side plots that actually take away from the main focus of the book and divert readersā€™ attention from what the twins are best at writing. like the romantic plots should be enough to sustain a book IF THEY ARE DONE WELL, and kbr are capable of doing them well, but they got so caught up in trying to include other things that they couldnā€™t give the real focus of the stories the attention they really deserved if that makes sense. iā€™m at least glad they donā€™t rely so much on the third act break up or use miscommunication between couples to drive the books
i also think that now that theyā€™ve taken such care to establish quinn and frog as a budding romance, oscar and jackā€™s book should have been its own thing outside the series and maybe started a different (cobalt-empire-esque?) spinoff for all these side characters that theyā€™ve grown attached to and insist on making books for. charming like us is a great book on its own but doesnā€™t really fit in with the rest of the series (is the original / sub-heading / tagline of the like us series not ā€œbillionaires and bodyguardsā€????)
as for the cobalt empireā€¦..iā€™m trying to go in with a very open mindset. benā€™s book was honestly the last one i was expecting but definitely the most ideal scenario for me!!! im really hoping these books wonā€™t be super dragged out and bogged down by extraneous and unnecessary side plots and characters (one book per brother honestly sounds ideal but i know thatā€™s a foolā€™s hope). obviously a really big thing iā€™m looking forward to reading about is the evolution of ben and charlieā€™s relationship and also seeing ben grow closer to all his brothers and finally finding a place within his family šŸ’™ this is why benā€™s pov is great to start with because weā€™re going to see him thrown back into this environment with all his brothers and this time theyā€™re all older and thereā€™s no parents. i know that apartment is WILD in a way that ben cobalt simply is not (or is he? šŸ˜)
iā€™m also now conflicted about whether the ben and xander resolution should be expected in burn bright or if we have to wait until xanderā€™s books (BUT IT BETTER NOT HAPPEN IN BETWEEN!). i made a post about this at some point but i also think if kbr canā€™t keep it down to one book per brother, and overlapping style similar to addicted / calloway might work really well as opposed to the clunkier progression of the like us series.
i CANNOT WAITTTTT to finally get into charlieā€™s head also. thatā€™s going to be a wild ride. i canā€™t wait to get a deeper look into charlie and beckettā€™s interactions and for the two of them and their love interests to be the best friend group ever. the cobalt boys ALL have really really really good tropes setting the scene for them (expect for ben who is the only one weā€™re kind of in the dark about right now) and im excited to see that unfold. also!! as much as i love the hales, its going to be great seeing rose and connor more again! itā€™s not an aspect iā€™ve spent too much time thinking about yet but they have such unique and different relationships with each of their kids so im excited to see each of their interactions. ALSO!!! FREEDOM FROM BODYGUARDS GOD BLESSSSSS šŸ™ none of the cobalts are super close to their bodyguards to my understanding so after the like us series this will feel like a breath of fresh air
and the last thing i must say - what iā€™m really hoping for is that harriet isnā€™t going to play a big roleā€¦..i know this is clowning since she JUST moved to new york and the same college as everyone and is lowkey the only person thatā€™s been introduced as a possibility for benā€™s love interest but god that idea just bores me lol. especially when all the other brothers already have such compelling love interests and book premises. but alas i am probably wrong and will need to get over my unreasonable dislike of this poor girl who never did anything but be lunaā€™s friend. i think my ideal way for the harriet situation to play out would actually be if she started dating xander but then they broke up before his real books start because i think it would be nice for some of these kids to get some real dating experience before ending up with the love of their lives forever!!
anyway. sorry as always that iā€™m incapable of being normal about kbr books and canā€™t just answer with ā€œthe series had its ups and downs but im excited for whatā€™s next!!!ā€ but that functions as a great tldr i guess lol
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milktearosethorn Ā· 2 months
Oooh if you read MHA what did you think of the ending ?
Oh man.......... Where do I even start....
For context, I've adored MHA since season 1 of the anime first dropped. It was probably my main fandom for at least five years. The first fic I ever posted to AO3 was an MHA fic. I obsessively kept up with weekly manga leaks, and even helped translate the raw Japanese for friends in discord servers.
It was never a perfectly written manga, and I was fine with that. The writing was on the wall since the Overhaul Arc, where cracks started showing with character bloat, constant sidelining and awful treatment of female characters, and out of control power creep. I think the manga could've been a lot better if Horikoshi wasn't crushed by the brutality of the publishing demands of Shounen Jump. But I thought at its core, the story had a wonderful heart, and that was what kept me in love with it.
I fell out of MHA in around 2021 with the Deku vs Lady Nagant fight, because when she blew up from the AFO failsafe I pretty much rage quit over the fact that every time a woman got to do or be something cool, Horikoshi found a way to rip it away from us. I wasn't really feeling the story anymore, so my love for the manga became overshadowed with my frustration and I decided to move on for awhile (and then my friends got me into DSMP lol). Also the fandom was toxic AF and that was not helping. For instance, I have some criticisms of the overall writing of the Todoroki family plot, but some people chose to interpret every manga panel and line of dialogue in the worst faith imaginable, threw a fit over it every week, and it was just exhausting. The LOV were some of my favorite characters too, but that section of the fandom was a cesspool of negativity sometimes. (Of course, other portions of the fandom had their own issues too, but I wasn't around to see all of it).
I still kept tabs on the story to this day, and while I thought the final arc was heading into a rushed mess, I loved the thematic direction that the story was going in. That Midoriya, Uraraka, and Shouto were going to be better heroes than all that came before them by saving the villains.
Then, uh, we got the most depressing endings imaginable.
I could forgive the flaws of the ending and walk away from the story happy if it hadn't lost its heart along the way. It's just baffling to me that a series that began with the Deku saying "This is the story of how I became the greatest hero" ends with him failing to save the person who needed it the most. Shigaraki is the saddest character in the manga and Deku, our protagonist, who back in the Sports Festival Arc would break all his fingers twice over just to get through to a friend, had to kill him instead of saving him. It's bleak. It's a tragedy. And it makes no sense that we are experiencing this tragedy in the same chapter where somehow Edgeshot of all people survived by becoming a sentient worm on a string. Where Hawks's solution to fix a hero system that enabled domestic abusers to flourish and used assassins to 'keep the peace' is to hand out participation trophies. Like????? Meanwhile 17-year old Toga has to die of blood loss even though Gran Torino gets disemboweled on a monthly basis and Best Jeanist has no lungs. There's also the whole issue of how the story seemed to show that having a clear #1 hero and that responsibility being on one man's shoulders (All Might) was a bad thing. But then the power scaling got so out of control that the same burden was placed on Deku's shoulders šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I'm just baffled lol. It's so odd that we are flip-flopping between a bleak tragedy/cautionary tale and a cartoonishly simplistic way of looking at the world. Idek, but no matter what I wish the best for Horikoshi's health because I think it's clear that this manga took a huge toll on him.
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lellokitty Ā· 3 months
omg katie. i just finished awakening. oghren. i have so many thoughts on him and also i don't ??? he wasn't my go-to party member in origins and i did the deep roads quest last LOL so i didn't really have a lot of time with him !! he DID rub me the wrong way IMMEDIATELY tho bc as soon as i met him, he was all "you're an elf AND a woman ??? šŸ˜’" EXCUSR ME ????????? but i did honestly feel bad for him with the branka quest šŸ„ŗ and i had a bunch of gifts for him by the time he was in my party so our friendship level was pretty good ! and i left him at the gates when i fought the archdemon and it was kind of sweet to hear him be like "i gotchu warden šŸ˜¤āœŒšŸ¼" šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹
i was excited to see him in awakening !!! bc i started it and DID NOT have my lover alistair, didn't have anyone i knew, didn't even have my DOG, was all alone šŸ˜© and so i was hyped to see him right away and was all for making him a grey warden !!! but then i kept having negative interactions with him ??? bc he kept COMPLAINING !!!! he would get all "omg i can't believe we're in the fade wtf šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”" brother this is just another tuesday for me !!!!! get over it !!! and then when his baby mama showed up and he just dismissed them i was so WHAT ?????? that was crazy and made my opinion of go all the way down qifbdiqkqkq
anyway sorry for going off in your inbox akfndjaka what's so funny is the minute i mentioned to my friend that i was playing awakening, the first thing she asked me was what i thought of oghren LMAOOO idk katie what was your experience !!!! šŸ©·āœØļø
i donā€™t much care for oghren actually!! i dislike a lot abt his character (his misogyny and prejudice like hello??) plus his main trait seems to be heā€™s a drunk?? which nothing against that, but just interesting to hinge everything on! i literally never took him with me after completing the deep roads quest (which i also do last). our friendship is also fairly high because i have a lot of gifts built up when i get him. so i didnā€™t have to interact with him much, but when i did i always felt like ā€˜why did he say that..?ā€™
when i first played awakening i felt the same way! like you donā€™t get your LI, you donā€™t get your DOG!!! (i was so upset about losing out on my dog. like hello i saved you from the blight!!) and all of my original companions are gone, so at least one familiar face was nice. however i got irritated with his whole deadbeat dad thing. like he got sober (iirc) and then abandons them?? and he gets all snippy with the warden like wtf!!! and choosing to become a warden when he knows he has a kid on the wayā€¦? truly a deadbeat.
i wish they wouldā€™ve just given us a new character companion but shown oghren becoming a warden. like every other awakenings companion was so much cooler than him. he wasnā€™t even the coolest dwarf companion, sigrun takes that. i also feel like his awakenings plot is ā€˜lamerā€™ than his origins plot, while the other characters have more interesting backstories and reasons that drive them.
i hope youā€™re enjoying da2 so far!! i think da2 is my favorite out of all 3. i have no clue what it is about da2, but i just love it so much! i love the characters, i love the story, and i love the relationships. my next da2 playthrough iā€™m going to try to do a mage hawke fenris romance. last time i played i somehow had a good relationship with fenris (and i did mage hawke) so im hoping ill be able to do the same.
i started playing dao again! iā€™m doing a rogue female cousland run so my character can marry alistair and become queen! i was going to play mage again, but didnā€™t want another mistress ending. so far iā€™m enjoying playing as a rogue (although i can be COMICALLY bad šŸ˜­). i just finished the fade quest to get the mages and that quest is so much worse than i remember. maybe it seems worse because im not a mage character this time, but omg!! it felt longer + the kitchen nightmares sound effect kept breaking me out of concentration. i also ran around as a mouse MUCH more than i shouldā€™ve like it was actually a lot of fun to be a mouse.
i hope everything is going well for you otherwise!! iā€™ve missed sunday streams, but ive also been busy the past couple sundays so i am glad i havenā€™t missed anything!
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salaamdreamer Ā· 1 year
Thoughts on the season one finale of Vatanim Sensin
first off I only started watching this show because I kept seeing edit and clips of hileon only to find out they arenā€™t the main characters. I fasted forwarded a lot in the beginning but I ended up getting hooked on the overall story and it is phenomenal. Iā€™m gonna start out with what I didnā€™t like šŸ˜† I donā€™t have much complaints of the show but my biggest is the way they handled Eftalya. That poor woman deserved better than to be passed around from one abusive man to another.I was honestly waiting for her storyline to connect to Ali Cemal. But the show chose to completely drop their friendship and erase their connection completely. They were literal besties šŸ˜­. Also The season finale felt like The End so I donā€™t know what theyā€™re gonna do for season 2. I have so many thoughts on Commander Vasilis death but Iā€™ll just say the only time I truly felt bad for him was when he was executed he deserved it but the way Cedet went about was shocking. Cedet dying was obvious by the premise of the show alone. Even if the showmakers decide to make him survive four gunshots to the chest and a bomb so they can bring him back for season 2 his endgame is still gonna be death. Ali Cemal leaving with Veronica and Leon wouldā€™ve never have happened if Vasilis hadnā€™t died. Ali Cemal breaking his promise to Yildez was bound to happen regardless of him finding his birth mother. I love Yildez but she was never gonna get chosen because as much as Ali Cemal loves her. he values family more. Him promising to run away with her was completely out of character and only done because she confessed her feeling and made him weak but I never believed he was gonna go through it and I donā€™t see him coming back for season 2 like yes he promised he would but as Yildez said he never keeps his promises so that to me sounded like forshadowing. I could be wrong but I still donā€™t see them ending together even if he does come back. Hilal was never gonna choose Leon over her family but I do wish sheā€™d at least said goodbye but I guess it was too hard for. I know he comes back for her Iā€™ve seen the edits šŸ˜‚ but I wouldnā€™t have minded this being their ending . I wanted Cedet to personally kill tevfik and if he ends up surviving the bomb Iā€™m gonna be mad like let that man die already. Lucy being the reason Charles loses was obvious from the get go but I wasnā€™t expecting her to be a willing participant in his demise that was nice. Also when Yaqoob made his appearance in the show midway I wasnt expecting him to play such an important part I wouldnā€™t be surprised if heā€™s apart of the main cast of season 2. Azize killing Stavros without a flinch made me so happy also the scene was shot so well with her only being seen behind honce heā€™s dead on the ground šŸ˜˜ sheā€™s a nurse but šŸ˜ I wish weā€™d gotten a little bit more of Hilal and Yildez but other than that I think the ending was perfect and I wouldnā€™t have minded if it was the series finale. Tbh Iā€™m actually a little worried that season 2 only exists because they wanted to milk the shows popularity but forcing a second season but Iā€™m hoping Iā€™m wrong and that the show was always gonna be two seasons.
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hopefulromantic1 Ā· 5 months
First of all, the girlies falling one after another is too funny šŸ˜­
Now to TST:
1. Which chapter was your favorite?
Definitely chapter 9!!! The FLUFF was so cute, T making sis a chocolate fondant šŸ„¹ The SMUT was crazzzyyy, I loved it and the ANGST like angry T telling damion to fuck off was hot. And the angry sex? Yup šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø That chapter had everything
2. which chapter was your least favorite?
Every. Single. One. Was. Amazing.
3. is there any particular scene that you loved? Anything living rent free your head?
Maybe Iā€™m a freak but the scene in LA when T and sis were in the car and T was looking at her nails because we know why lol. Idk I love details.
Also every scene with papa mark in it šŸ„¹
4. are there any situations you felt were going to end differently that they did in the story?
I thought Jude and jobe would actually sabotage them but luckily they didnā€™t cause they really love their sis and got out of their way (Jude) to help her with T which is sweet
5. Is there anything youā€™d wished was in the story?
BAA BABYS šŸ˜­ (strawberry cornetto will pay)
6. is there anything youā€™d take out of the story?
No, it is perfect the way it is and Iā€™m not saying that to be nice I mean it
7. Who was your favorite main character - Trent or Bellsis
I really love T but Bellsis is THAT girl, full stop
8. who do you think needed to do more apologising - Trent or Bellsis?
For me Bellsis, I mean yes they werenā€™t together but the whole Damion situation was still disrespectful, irl I would be fuming. And on top of that she really told T that Tchoua was checking her out and then go bowling with him? No girl šŸ˜­
9. If you could change something about Trent & Bellsis persona/attitudes in this story what would you?
Nothing tbh, they may have "negative" attributes but these allowed them to grow as a couple
10. what did you love about their relationship?
Their passion for each other! Passion is so much more than sexual attraction, like they really want each other more than anything else on an emotional level as well.
11. what did you dislike about their relationship?
Their communication skills lol but again it brought them to where they are now
12. who was your favorite supporting character?
Papa mark šŸ«¶šŸ½ heā€™s just a girl I love him šŸ˜­
13. which brother did you enjoy reading about most? Jude / Jobe?
I love sis and Judeā€™s bond so much so maybe Jude but jobeless is too funny šŸ˜­ Also Marsellout? Yeah closing your mouth is free
14. Do you think this pairing would last beyond the written stages of their relationship ? (Like years down the road)
I have no doubts!! If they survived Damion, Tchoua, their yapping brothers, dragon in law then why not? We need the bubbas
LOA was my girl but TST came and ATE
I canā€™t wait to reread everything šŸ˜ I canā€™t imagine how hard it is to write a literal book for us and then doing it so so well like wow you can be very proud of yourself šŸ¤ regardless of everything that happened during the week I hope you can still enjoy your masterpiece, donā€™t let anything take your joy away, you worked way too hard for it!!!
I'm excited to go through all of these! Thank you for all of your comments!
Kind of like a book club vibes, I might more post these so everyone in the book club can see how others felt about the story rather than respond to every line. But trust me, everything you say makes me smile šŸ˜­ this story is well over 300 pages (its a novel truly) so I love to hear what moved you and how you feel about something that is a part of me now essentially.
hahah a lot of people liked the hand scene! T in this story definitely has a hand kink for Jodie! the scratching and the obsession with her hands was very present - he loved it & she kept her nails DONE for him
Papa Mark ā¤ļø the kindest of them all
Marsellout fucked their shit up and they don't even know!
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beaulesbian Ā· 2 years
I love your Dream x Hob posts so much, there is not a whole lot of them around here :(
I wanted to ask you, since Iā€™ve been curious and no one around me really ships those two (cry) can we agree, in between us and whoever wishes to confirm, that the ear touch Hob makes after theyā€™re done fighting against Lady Johanna and her dummies is the equivalent to hair twirling? As in is the equivalent to flirting? Besides just asking him to find another bar right after that (or before, canā€™t remember correctly)ā€¦ My point is, my boy Hob was totally head over heels by this time, and I will not accept no for an answer, but! I wanted to know if like, itā€™s just me seeing things, this ship has me bad lmao.
-šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøanon
Ahh thank you so much!!
I love reading and reblogging posts about them, and I want to make more gifsets, but theres not enough of Hob in the series so far šŸ˜­ I hope he will be there more in s2, bc with the way they're setting it up, it seems like he will be even bigger part of Dream's life from now on.
When Tom described how the show isn't really about Dream being a hero or main character of the story, but it being more about stories of the people and their dreams, it seems really important how they brought Hob and Dream's backstory as something very personal for Dream- specifically Dream learning how to keep this one important friendship,(and we can hope maybe something more, if they will have the foundation of trust and friendship first)!
And you're absolutely right about that ear touch during the 1789 part. I think Hob could have slowly realize how special this relationship was, because even through his lowest points before, Dream was still interested in him, in learning more, in seeing him. Hob was probably already in love! At least that's what I'm gonna believe!!
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And I feel this part was also Hob putting together the pieces, what this all means to Dream, and trying for Dream to stay longer.
But it was Dream who didn't stay, and in the next meeting, 1889, Hob had it figured out already - Dream wanted (needed) their friendship, he was lonely, and he did slowly changed. But Dream wasn't ready to hear it and wasn't ready to accept Hob's full love and what it would mean for them both.
And yet Hob kept believing Dream would return, so he kept the tavern and possibly built The New Inn just beside it, waiting for his return.
And it's sad we didn't get to hear anything from their present day reunion šŸ˜” but even Hob's words of 'You're late.' speak so much - his full trust in knowing Dream would return and so he was waiting for him; and Dream having had a LOT of time to think about his relationship with Hob and decided to apologize and acknowledge that, yes, they're friends.
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I just can't wait to see what happens between them next, and I definitely believe in 'Hob fell first but Dream fell harder' !!
Thanks for the ask šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøanon šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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breitzbachbea Ā· 3 years
You're too sweet Bea šŸ˜­ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤
And I also want commentary on your drabble series yes please šŸ‘€ ā­
I wish I could be sweet enough to actually read all the stuff you write :( <3 This was the least I could do
Send me a ā­for a director's commentary on a story/section of a story/line I wrote
Oh my, the Drabble Collection. First of all, I have no idea why it does such numbers. It has an insane amount of likes and hits compared to my other fics, but since people rarely comment on anything, I don't know why it's so popular.
Way back, in 2015, I wanted to create more stories with my characters, so I asked friends what ships they wanted to see. For like ... the first three drabbles. Don't think anyone ever asked me again for anything afterwards. But I kept writing little drabbles. I actually write a lot more than I upload, because working on main projects takes a lot of time and effort, but there is a lot of time and ideas to write about inbetween working on those.
Not all of them make into the Drabble Collection either, though, since I set myself the limit to only upload ships to it. You see some drabbles having a bigger ensemble cast, like #47 with the entirety of Team Italy coming over to the Beilschmidt house or #76, which is essentially just Team Sicily & Team Greece plus Despoina. It's an arbitrary rule, but I think I'm sticking to uploading only things that contain a romantic or otherwise non-gen relationship because of tagging. It makes it easier for everyone involved to find the things they're looking for. However, it does mean that I have to upload such gems as this Harry & Charlie Halloween costume desaster on tumblr only.
Another arbitrary rule is that drabbles can't contain timeskips; every drabble must be about an immediate moment, even though there can of course be exposition to how people got to that point. I also used to have the rule that every drabble had to start with a line of dialogue, but I discarded that one by now.
The Drabble Collection isn't part of the "Le Nostre Storie" Series, because there's too many old drabbles in it, which I can't consider canon anymore. A lot of the earlier stuff contains some type of ooc characterization and I don't ship at least one ship anymore. It's sad, though, because there are some drabbles which I would consider canon events of my AU "Like Father Like Son" world, like my FraTur or GreSic or ScotFra drabble(s)! But this is the best way to go, since I also don't want to delete the old drabbles - Both because someone else still might find joy in them and it's also nice to see how far I've come.
The original ao3 tags were actually beyond the taglimit, so I had to delete all the non-hetalia tags :( It makes no difference to it being able to be found, but I like to tag my Original Characters & Ships as well, so people can see which characters and ships pop up across my body of work. Like, if they stumbled upon my one Charco PWP, they could have seen that the Drabble Collection has the same ship.
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newjenns Ā· 2 years
sologie why have we been to all the same concerts šŸ˜­ i have also seen top and patd. last i saw top was in 2019 and at the time they were touring trench and to get from like the main stage to the smaller stage they would do some songs on, they would split the pit with like rope barriers to create a path that tyler would walk through while performing nico and the niners. so I had pit tickets and knew this was gonna happen from vids on twitter. and they had like the path marked with color on the floor. and my best friend and i planned this out okay. at the beginning of nico we were gonna make sure to be standing in the middle of the path so that when they started separating the crowd, at least one of us was against the rope. so like against the barrier. right up front as he was walking by. AND IT WORKED! probably like scariest 3 minutes of my life and only time i have ever genuinely thought i was gonna fawking Die. was my feet literally being off the ground as the person next time to me kept full body shoving me trying to push me over. my best friend was like holding up my entire body weight to stop me from falling. i was elbowing at one point to not fucking fall over. but alas i was agains the rope (being suffocated as it dug into my stomach but Not The Point) and tyler joseph was like a foot away from me for 2 seconds and i have a video on my phone of him being Right There that still kinda makes me lose my mind whenever i see it. thatā€™s my fun seeing top story and Well i am a sucker and bought tickets and will be seeing them again in september yay. what i learned from this experience is i would never ever want to be very front against barrier at a concert for Hours.
LMFAO i saw twenty one pilots in the pit in 2019 too i almost got into a fight with the girl next to me ooh i wish she wouldā€™ve swung first
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