#i wish i was lil petey and he let me move in with him and we hung out all tha time
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spoookyb0t · 26 days ago
do you guys think dog man would like me i hope so
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silkscream · 3 years ago
congrats on 2k! 💌 sleepy peter. that’s it. that’s the fic
oh my god bro. i wanna cry thinking about this.
you're in your shared apartment with peter and of course, you're having once of your lil movie nights. maybe this time you'd convinced him into watching a stupid romcom or a horror instead of his usual stars wars/science fiction, but you also coaxed him into drinking with you even though it's not really his thing.
but it's past midnight now and you're full of energy watching some sitcom on the couch with him since the movie ended, but he's fallen asleep on your shoulder. you're lying on the couch with him and he's cuddling you so strongly that you can barely move. godddd. his eyelashes flutter in the cutest way when you even attempt breaking out of his grasp and the sound of his even breathing just brings you immediate calm. but you really need to get the two of you off of the couch.
damn him and how strong he is. and despite his height, he's built like a fucking brick. and no matter how much you try to move, he just grabs you tighter with his whole arm snaked around your waist.
you almost break free, squirming out of his trap when he wakes up.
"baby?" he whimpers groggily. the sound of his voice alone probably makes a puddle form in your underwear. jesus christ.
"you fell asleep, honey," you whisper softly, running fingers through his soft hair. "wanna go back to bed with me?"
"don't wanna move," he mumbles. "come cuddle.”
"but we need to get you into bed, petey."
he pouts, blinks his thick lashes to you with groggy eyes. he's very clearly out of it.
"you're so pretty. how come you're so pretty?" he mumbles sleepily.
"you're prettier, peter," you chuckle. you pull on his arm but he whines in response. "you can't fall asleep on the couch, baby. don't you wanna be in our bed with all our nice blankets?"
"yeah," he huffs, and sleepily, he straightens and sits up despite his drooping shoulders.
he lets you drag him to the bedroom but decides to be a little shit about it, heaving his weight so that you have to nearly drag him. he shuffles his feet in protest and you wish that you were strong enough to pick him up like a kitten.
"okay, 'm gonna go do my skincare routine," you tell peter, but he pulls you by the arm so hard that you're nearly yanked back into bed.
"no, don't leave me," he whines. "your skin is perfect. wanna kiss you all over your face."
"no. go sleep now," he mumbles with closed eyes. and with that, he pulls you even harder, that damn super strength, until you're cradled in his arms with an iron grip.
you suppose it's much more comfortable than being trapped by his body on the couch. his warmth is enough to make you fall asleep.
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professional-benaddict · 2 years ago
could I request a spiderstrange scene ? Like daddy Stephen cuddling his lil boy petey or giving him a bath or both 🥺🙈 (you’ve probably gotten this prompt before but they’re both so cuteeee)
this is such a cute scene!! i added some medical whump (bc its my fave thing ever sksks) i hope you don’t mind hehe💗💗💗
Daddy Stephen, +18 Little Peter, Littles Are Known, hospitalisation, baths, nighttime routine, fluff, comfort
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There is a knock on the door, and a nurse’s aid enters. The aid looks at the empty hospital bed, a puzzled expression on his face. Where did the patient go? Little patients tend to be playful and can hide under their beds, but this one seemed to have disconnected the monitors without setting off the alarms.
“Yeah! Your boat sank, oh no!”
There’s giggles and wet splashing coming out of the bathroom, and the nurse’s aid heads over. He opens the door to find a Little boy in the bathtub and a man dressed in scrubs next to the tub.
“Daddy!” The boy squeaks at the sight of a stranger. He moves closer to his Daddy, putting his naked and wet arms around his Daddy’s arm.
“Oh, hi!” The man smiles at the aid.
“I’m making rounds doing sponge baths, but I guess you got here before me.” The aid laughs. He tries to get a glimpse of the man’s ID tag.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I guess I did your job.” The man chuckles. “Peter’s my own Little and my shift just ended, so I’m spending the night with him here.” The man explains. “I hope I didn’t make your job harder.”
“No, no, Peter was my last stop, so you saved me some work.” The aid says, shaking his head. “I’ll leave you guys to it then, Doctor…”
“Strange. Stephen Strange. I’m upstairs at neurology.” Stephen smiles.
“Matthew Clark. I’m here with the Littles.” The aid, Matthew, replies. He then waves to Peter and wishes them both a good night before heading out.
Peter turns to his Daddy once they are alone once more. His eyes are wide and he is still clinging to Stephen’s arm.
“Did Matthew scare you, huh? He scared me a bit too. Although, I guess I owe him for not letting him know I’d come take care of you myself.” Stephen says, tapping Peter’s nose.
The boy giggles and rubs his nose with a wet hand. He lets go of Stephen’s arm and grabs his boat to sink it again. For some reason it keeps floating up if Peter doesn’t hold it down. Silly little boat.
“Yeah? I hope a rescue boat will come help them soon.” Stephen chuckles, grabbing the cup to keep rinsing the conditioner out of Peter’s hair.
After a few more minutes, Stephen drains the tub and gets Peter into a fluffy towel. It is one that the doctor brought from home so that Peter would be more comfortable during his hospital stay.
It’s bitter sweet having Peter here. Stephen would rather see Peter running around, being as healthy and happy as ever, but at the same time it is sort of nice having him so close. Stephen checks on Peter whenever he has some free time and he spends all his lunches with him. Sometimes the boy is so exhausted from his treatments that he isn’t awake when Stephen comes, but the doctor stays no matter what.
Once Peter is almost dry, Stephen lays him down on his bed, getting some lotion and rubbing it into the Little’s skin. The whole process is like a sleepy massage to Peter, and his blinking slows slower and slower as his eyelids get heavier with sleep. The doctor gets the boy a fresh pull up, and then a clean gown and socks.
“You want a paci, bud?” Stephen asks, showing Peter a pacifier with a sunflower on it. The boy opens his mouth to take the pacifier and sucks on it happily.
“My bestest Little boy.” The doctor sighs fondly, leaning down to kiss Peter’s forehead.
Peter hums behind his pacifier and makes grabby hands at his Daddy. It means he wants cuddles, and cuddles the boy shall have.
After toeing off his shoes, Stephen lays down on Peter’s hospital bed. He helps the boy to lay comfortably next to him, and then makes quick work of hooking him back on to the monitors. The boy fusses a little, but he calms down once Stephen is done and wraps his arms around him.
“Sleep now, baby. Daddy’s right here.” Stephen whispers, his head resting so that his lips faintly touch Peter’s forehead when he speaks.
Peter’s breathing evens out and becomes deeper within the next few minutes, and soon enough he is fast asleep.
“Sleep and get better, baby.” Stephen whispers.
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quillsandtypos · 4 years ago
Pretzels, Popcorn, and Winners
Summary: Peter simply won't leave you alone to watch a movie till you finally turn the tables. But can you keep the tables turned?
Warnings: none but this fic is basically just a tickle fight
Words: 1.8k
Pairings: none but could definitely be read as Peter Parker x reader
You quickly took your seat next to your best friend on the large sectional in the middle of the Avenger’s living room. Peter and you had decided to watch a move on one of your days off of school and hero work.
“Peter, did you grab my popcorn?” you called out as Peter messed with something in the kitchen behind you.
A large popcorn bowl quickly appeared overhead. “Thank you!” You gladly took the popcorn bowl and immediately started munching on it.
“Wait, you can’t eat it yet, the movie hasn't started!” He attempted to pull the popcorn bowl out of his hands, but you held it out of his reach.
“Then play the movie then!” you argued, as you still protected the bowl.
“Fine, but you’re no fun,” Peter said with a faux irritated eye roll. You chose to ignore it in favor of watching the movie.
But apparently, Peter had other plans. You probably hadn’t even got five minutes into your movie when Peter reached for your popcorn.
“Peter, you have your own snack!” you pointed out as you held it above your head.
Peter’s mischievous face matched your amused one. “I know, but I want your’s,” he pleaded, as he still reached for your popcorn.
“Well you’re not getting it,” you said as you stretched it further out of reach.
Peter's eyes seemed to glitter as a sly grin formed on his face. “You do know I could stand up to get it right?”
You cocked your head, you knew your best friend well enough to know that you were going to win this argument. “Are you going to bother to stand up?”
He thought for a moment as he considered his options before giving up with a shrug. “Mhmm, probably not.”
“That’s what I thought,” you said smugly.
After another five minutes had passed you found that Peter’s mood had somehow infected you. You waited until he was fully engrossed in the movie before slowly snaking your arm over to his pretzel bowl, but just as you were about to pull your arm away with a handful of pretzels, Peter’s hand grabbed a hold of your wrists.
Peter raised an eyebrow. “What exactly do you think you’re doing with that?”
You perfectly matched his body language. “You tried to take my popcorn, I think this is perfectly fair.”
“But I didn’t take it,” Peter pointed out.
“That’s because you’re,” you poked his chest with your free hand, “way too short to,” you scoffed.
“I’m not even that much shorter than you!” Peter released your wrist to throw his hands up in the air in exasperation.
“It’s okay, I still love you Lil Petey,” you teased as you happily ate your stolen pretzels.
If it was possible Peter glarred more, but you noted the smile he was trying to fight off. “I hate you.”
“You wish,” you laughed.
Peter shook his head but he turned back to watch the movie. You soon found yourself engrossed in the movie. Now that you were getting into the plot of it, it was actually fairly interesting. But just as you were on the edge of your seat you felt someone squeeze your side.
You didn’t bother to let your eyes leave the tv screen. “Peter, don’t start shit you can’t finish,” you sang.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything.” You didn’t have to look over at him to know that he was lying, or that he was trying to look innocent and failing miserably. You chose not to give him the satisfaction of answering him. That was until you felt another squeeze at your side.
“Peter,” you warned. This time your eyes drifted over to his.
“What?” His grin grew wider, but so did the devious glance in your eyes.
“I will beat you at this,” you smirked.
“You’re joking, right? I would wreck you,” he gloated.
“Maybe,” you shrugged. To Peter’s surprise, you turned back to the movie. He eyed you curiously, he was certain that you were going to try to do something, but you didn’t seem to be up to anything. He cautiously went back to watching tv, but just as he did you jumped on top of him, successfully pinning him to the couch.
“But I’d wreck you first,” you whispered as you squeezed his sides in unison.
“Whahahahit y/n nohohoh!” he giggled. Peter was desperately trying to pull your hands off his sides, but to no avail, he was laughing too hard to use his strength.
“You know you’re too short to get away, right? You’re stuck here Pete,” you teased as you noted his failing attempts.
“Liahahar,” he retorted. Even in his unfortunate state he still wouldn’t give in. You weren’t in the slightest bit surprised, but you decided to play along.
You held one hand up to your heart. “Peter I am honestly offend-” you had started to say, but removing your other hand had given Peter the opportunity to flip the tables.
He immediately started squeezing right at your hip bones, which he knew killed you.
“Peter!” you screeched. It felt like your nervous system was being played like a piano. All you could do was laugh, you couldn’t even tame your reactions.
“What, does it tickle y/n?” he asked. Though you both knew it wasn’t really a question.
You managed to wheeze out a response. “Shuhuht uhuhp!”
“Aw, I bet your face is so warm right now,” Peter taunted.
You couldn’t answer from all of the screams and laughter coming out of your mouth, but you could feel your cheeks heating up. But that evidently wasn’t enough for Peter, considering that he was still teasing you.
“I bet you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face if you tried.” If he hadn’t pinned you, you would’ve had him on the ground screaming in that moment. You sincerely wished you could wipe the evil smirk off of Peter’s face but he was not giving your hips a break.
“Oh, I have an idea!” he suddenly blurted out. His hands finally moved away from your hips, but just as he did, his face tucked down to blow on your stomach. You screeched as your feet kicked out at the air.
After your third raspberry, you had decided that you need to turn the tables somehow. So just as he pulled away from another raspberry you took your chance to dance your fingers around his neck. Peter practically ducked and rolled to get away from your hand, and you had pinned him again in a second.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait-NO!” Peter screeched as you scuttled your hands across his neck.
“See, all it takes is one poke to your neck and you’re done for,” you grinned.
“Fuhuhuck ohohff,” Peter giggled.
“Oh, and you can’t forget the saying about people who have really ticklish necks,” you said ominously.
“Whahaht?” Peter asked, as he unknowingly played right into master plan.
You bent down so your mouth was parallel to his ear. “Everywhere else is worse,” you whispered. Before he could figure out what you were doing, your hands darted down to claw at his ribcage, and Peter practically screamed.
“Sthohohop!” Peter barely squeaked out.
“What? I thought you’ve told me that teasing doesn’t affect you?” you asked smugly.
“Youhoho are so dead!” he yelled.
“That was so intimidating with your eyes all scrunched up because you’re totally not the most ticklish person ever,” you said, sarcastically as ever.
“Shut up!” he screeched like a pterodactyl.
“What was that you said earlier? Right! I have an idea!” You quickly reminded him of his earlier torture of you by blowing a raspberry right on his neck.
Peter’s laughter went silent, but his body did not. His arms desperately tried to push away your head as his legs twisted from side to side.
You paused for a moment to look at him. “Aww, Peter are you blushing?”
His face turned an even brighter red at your mention, but pausing to take it in was your first mistake.
You were once again underneath him, but this time you noted that you couldn’t move your arms. He had webbed your hands to the floor, which left you with no way to escape, until he decided you were done.
“Now, for the real tickling to begin,” he paused, “after you tell me your worst spot,” Peter instructed.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. “I’m not telling you that.” You subconsciously looked down to where Peter was sitting for a split second, but the second was long enough for Peter.
“Ahh, so it’s your thighs,” Peter concluded.
You bit your lip in anticipation. Peter’s hands hovered just above them, and you couldn’t help but let a few nervous giggles slip out.
“I have a deal,” he started as his hands neared closer to your legs. “If you admit defeat, I won’t tickle you anymore.”
You stubbornly shook your head and you clamped your mouth down more.
“That’s what I thought you’d say.” Based on Peter’s smile, you were certain that you had given him the exact answer he wanted.
His hands hovered just centimeters away from your thighs and they began to wiggle as he counted down. He was counting painfully slow, but you wouldn’t look away.
“3…...2….-” His hands latched onto your thighs before he hit one.
You would’ve yelled at him for cheating, but your belly laughter was using too much of your air. It was loud, and it seemed to fill the whole space with a sort of light, a light that Peter couldn’t help but grin at too.
He squeezed up and down your thighs just as you had done to his sides. “If you admit that I won, then I’ll stop,” Peter sang. You knew he was taunting you, but you weren’t willing to give in just yet.
“Fine, if that’s how you want it.” His hands moved down to squeeze just above your kneecap and your laughter went silent.
“Fine!” you screamed. Peter stopped and looked at you.
“You win,” you admitted quietly.
He smiled in satisfaction, but he cupped his hand to his ear. “What was that?”
You would’ve crossed your arms if you could’ve. “Peter you have super hearing, I know you heard that.”
Peter squeezed above your knees again.
“Fine, you won!” you yelled.
“That’s what I thought,” he laughed.
Peter finally released you from his web fluid and offered you a hand up. You each took your spots on the couch again, but this time you made sure to stay a safe distance from him.
“I hate you,” you joked as you finally got your blankets situated again.
Peter returned your grin. “You wish.”
The two of you peacefully existed for the rest of the day, happily enjoying one another's presence. Or at least you did till Tony questioned why he could hear your laughter from five floors down, and then Peter and you took off again.
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schoolfullofmorons · 5 years ago
petey lowkey having a crush on gary for a long time bc hes a pretty bad boy, but it takes some actual therapy and a small reunion for gary to feel some actual LONGING to have petey in his life again. he becomes surprisingly soft and supportive, in his own way, with their renewed friendship, and it takes jimmy casually promising to kick his ass if he messes up with petey for gary to realize he might actually have developed some romantic feelings for their friend. cue panic and breathing exercises
July, 2007.
Here he stood, on the threshold of hell on Earth, about to talk to Satan himself, and he still wasn't ready to run.
Well, maybe that wasn't entirely accurate. Pete Kowalski, rising junior of Bullworth Academy, was very prepared to run from the menace that had tortured him last year. Gary Smith, the mentally unstable asylum patient, waited for him just on the other side of this door.
His palms had grown hot with sweat, and he nervously wiped them off on his clean, ironed jeans. Pete hated having generalized anxiety disorder. It made him nervous even about this, even about coming here, which was literally his own choice to begin with. The thought of facing his once best friend filled him with a mounting dread that made his throat burn with the urge to cry.
But Pete wanted this. He was determined to get the answers he wanted, because Jimmy and him had been fucked over. And Jimmy might have brushed his hands of Gary, Jimmy might have decided that he was done caring, but Jimmy wasn't Pete and Pete cared way too much. He needed to know why Gary had ditched them, betrayed them, left them to rot. He wanted to know the cause of all this.
And, deep down, maybe he missed Gary, too.
He had been standing there too long, staring at the door. Pete knew if he didn't act soon, the orderly that had trailed behind him would get annoyed. Licking his lips and swallowing down his own anxiety, he pushed open the door, letting the orderly shut it behind him.
And there he was, the mastermind himself.
Gary was so... different, in here, but in reality he still looked like a Smith. All sharp jawlines and piercing stares. When Gary rose his head to look at him, hair that was growing slightly shabby due to a month of no cuts falling into his face, Pete felt his heart skip a beat.
And then a grin passed over his face, his eyes lighting up with genuine joy. He launched himself off of the small white cot all asylum patients had been provided, and sauntered over to Pete with slow, calculated steps. Too proud and too arrogant for someone who was incarcerated.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Did Petey Kowalski decide to pay lil' ol' me a visit? The big, bad, awful wolf, Gary Smith?" Gary's words cut into him, and Pete felt the urge to wipe his hands off on his jeans again. His friend's eyes bore into him.
Why'd you do it? Was the question that sat on Pete's tongue, but instead he cleared his throat and avoided Gary's eyes. "I... wanted to check up on you. Y'know, see how you were holding up."
"Oh, look at that! He cares about me!" Gary reached out to sling an arm around him, bringing Pete in close with a sharp jerk that had Pete yelping. "Did somebody miss me? Just couldn't sleep at night knowing I was away, could you?"
"No, I-"
"I already knew you weren't straight, but this is taking it to a whole new level."
The protest died away on Pete's tongue and he swallowed as the familiar burning sensation hit the back of his throat. When he didn't get an answer, Gary huffed and shoved him, hard. Pete stumbled, hitting the cell wall and sliding down it.
"God, you're pathetic." Gary spat.
"Why do you have to be an asshole all the time, Gary?" Pete snapped, and in one sudden rush, angry words bubbled up and out of him. "For once in your life, can't you just accept that you're the one in the wrong? You're in a cell, for god's sake! Don't you realize that I'm the only one left who doesn't want you to drop dead? Half the school pities you and the other half hates you! You destroyed our lives! You took away our peace! You don't get to be calling me the pathetic one!"
The room fell silent enough to hear a pen drop. The air around the two boys grew thicker, and thicker, and thicker still with tension. Pete risked a glance at the boy who stood looming in front of him. He had to swallow back fear as he noticed Gary's hands were clenched so tight that the skin was starting to turn white.
Pete pushed himself to his feet, slowly, unwilling to startle Gary. If he moved too fast he was afraid that Gary would snap. A predator in a hunting crouch, moments away from delivering the killing bite. That's what Gary was.
"You know, I used to like you. I used to want you around. I used to think you were smart, and funny, and cool. But now you just remind me of a... a walking toddler, who throws a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way. I hope you get better, Gary. I hope you get the help you need so you can finally grow up."
Pete sidestepped Gary, who had yet to move except for his head, his eyes slowly following Pete back towards the doorway. Pete opened the cell door and looked back one more time, meeting eyes with the person he once considered his best friend.
And then he left.
September, 2008.
To the parents of Gary Alexander Smith,
I am writing to you to inform you that your son has completed rehab. According to his court order, this is the final step needed in order for him to be released back to the public.
Please note that he will still have to check in weekly with a nurse that will ensure he is still taking his medication. This will no longer be a requirement after his 100 hours of community service is over.
With this in mind, we will be releasing him on the 8th at 3 PM. We require a signature before his release in order to ensure that he is in the proper hands of his guardians.
Thank you for your time,
Happy Volts staff.
The reunion with his parents was about as happy as you'd expect with parents as terrible as his. Really, they didn't talk much through the entire thing; it was pick him up, take him home, and let him clean himself up before they had dinner.
It was the first meal that he had had in a long ass time that was actually good, instead of being almost edible. He really did have a newfound appreciation of his maids after that, though he'd never admit it to them out loud.
The thing about spending a year away from home is that it caused him to reflect on things he could have done differently. It also made him realize that a lot of the shit he had done his sophomore year simply didn't... matter. Maybe it was the medication, and the advice of actual doctors from the state after being transferred from Volts and their terrible medical department, but Gary was beginning to see things in ways he had never thought to see them in before.
For example, he was pretty sure Jimmy had never said anything all that terrible to him. Where had he gotten that idea from? Yeah, some of it was an addiction to power, but he was pretty sure the other part was perceived rejection. Learning about rejection sensitive dysphoria really did help him out in a lot of ways. He just wished it had been explained to him sooner, before, y'know, he betrayed all of his closest pals because of an inexplainable fear that they hated his guts.
(Which now they probably did. Go figure. Pete's words still ate at him when he tried to sleep at night).
That didn't matter as much now, anyway. He wanted to know what he'd be doing. He wasn't trapped anymore, with only medical professionals and other patients that had, admittedly, been really kind to him when they weren't Bullworth Branded(tm). He wanted to know what his future would be like, now that his head was much clearer.
When he asked his father, the response he got didn't surprise him much.
"We've decided to respect Crabblesnitch's decision and homeschool you. It'll be best, in order to prevent anymore... incidents."
And so began the process of sleeping, waking up, eating, being immersed into various studies by a freshly hired tutor with a bitchy voice that Gary tried very hard not to snap at, eating again, and going back to sleep. This pattern only broke on days where he had been assigned community service, or had an appointment with his psychologist.
As the days went on, he began to make the effort to expose himself to the outside world. Being locked up made him unusually skittish around people, and he was still having trouble getting used to the crowd that was his father's staff. This led to him climbing onto the roof of his father's house as he watched the sun dip steadily over the horizon after a long day of studies.
Being in high places had been a huge comfort when he was a child. He liked to watch the world, and he liked to feel in control by being able to see his surroundings. His friends would occasionally join him. He had many memories of Pete's smile catching on the sunset, or his nervous expression watching him as Gary got too close to the edge.
This was their place first, before it became his and Jimmy's. He wondered, briefly, if Jimmy still thought of their battle as often as Gary did, or if Gary just did that because it was the last substantial thing he had ever done with himself before the lock-up.
He really missed those two.
He got it, though. He couldn't have them back in his life. They had both kicked him out, and that was his own doing. He had hurt them, and he might regret it, but he had to let go.
He just didn't know how, when he didn't have anyone else.
December, 2008.
He finished his community service. Christmas break came, and since he had been working so hard on catching up with his junior year studies, his father had allowed him to take it off for himself. He was grateful at the idea of a break; he had been working tirelessly, and was nearly three quarters of a way through his junior year. He wanted to catch up to his senior year already, so that he could graduate in May like the rest of the Class of 2009.
Suddenly filled with free time that he did not want taken up by family, Gary found himself wandering into town more than he had previously. At first he didn't go far, but as the days passed he found himself going on longer strolls until he found himself deep in the heart of Bullworth Vale.
He should have known it would be easy to be spotted there, considering the gym was a hotspot for prep activity. Jimmy's lighthouse was also down here, causing Gary to avoid that spot as much as he could.
It was a smart idea, by all means. Unfortunately for Gary, however, Jimmy was king, and the preps told him everything. Especially Gord, who he'd had an on-and-off relationship with for a few years now.
That's what led to his peaceful stroll being interrupted by a massive fist slamming his head into the side of a brick wall, so hard that his ears rang.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Came a familiar voice in his ear, and his blood ran cold.
"James." Gary grunted into the brick wall. He tried to lift his head up, but was deemed unsuccessful when Jimmy's fist jerked him back down, causing him to wince. "What is it you want? I was busy."
"Busy doing what? Making the smiles of tiny children disappear?"
Gary had to remind himself that Jimmy was completely justified in this reaction, but it was hard when his cheek was beginning to fucking bleed.
"Get off."
"Not until you tell me what you're doing out of jail where you were supposed to rot."
"I got released! I finished the stupid program, okay? Let me go!" Gary hissed, and to his surprise, Jimmy did.
"What program are you talking about?" Jimmy asked, crossing his arms. Gary rubbed the grit off his face and took a moment to let his eyes wander over Jimmy's freckles.
Jesus, he forgot just how many James had. He was like a freckled forest.
"Technically a bunch of different programs... rehab was one, and I went through some community service hours." Gary shrugged. "Does it matter? I'm out now."
Jimmy's face contorted into three different expressions of confused anger, and Gary had to stop himself from laughing out loud at it.
"Like hell you're coming back to Bullworth-"
"I'm not, actually. I'm being homeschooled." Gary replied, smug at his one-up despite his best efforts not to be. It was just easy to feel smug around Hopkins.
(He wondered, briefly, why he wasn't downright pissed at Jimmy for sophomore year; but it had been a long time since then, and Gary was different, more different than he'd ever been).
"What? How long has that been going on?"
"Since September." Gary told him.
"Oh. Wow."
The two of them stood in an almost awkward silence, and Gary flicked his eyes over to watch the road as cars passed by. He had almost zoned out when Jimmy spoke again.
"So, what? Are you scheming to get back in?" When Gary turned his eyes back to Jimmy, the shorter boy was squinting at him, looking suspicious.
"No." Gary said, honest. "I'm not going to bother you, either, if that's what you're going to ask."
"Why? Not that I don't appreciate your kindness or whatever. I'm just trying to understand."
"I get it, don't worry." Gary shrugged and sighed, turning on his heel to face the road. "Honestly? I've had a lot of time to think. And... I messed up with the two of you. Bad. I don't want to pressure you into having to deal with me again, because, well... I fucked up your lives. I understand that now, I understand how bad it was back then for you. I wasn't going to seek you out, but I suppose thinking that I could hide from you forever wasn't necessarily the brightest idea."
"I can't believe this." Jimmy mumbled. "Gary Smith? Showing remorse? Who would of thought."
"Yeah." Gary said, quietly. "Wild idea, for sure."
The two boys stood looking at the cars in a slightly more comfortable silence. It had started to lightly snow, and Gary rubbed his gloved hands together to create the idea of warmth before he half-froze to death.
"I don't know if I forgive you, you know." Jimmy spoke.
"Yeah, I figured." Gary murmured. "And you don't have to."
"I think if you're putting in the effort, I'd like to forgive you." Jimmy told him, and Gary turned his head, regarding him with surprise.
"What you did was... terrible, to be frank, but I've seen worse. You weren't all that bad, back before the fight with Russell." He shrugged and Gary continued to stare. Jimmy had liked their friendship? It felt like a crazy idea.
"And I think... I think Petey really misses you, too." Jimmy shifted to glance at him. "He... told me, about your fight."
Gary didn't like thinking about it, much less talking about it. He clenched his hands into slight fists and let out a small huff. "Really? Man..."
"Its fine, really. I mean, I was pissed at the time and so was he, but I think he just misses you now." Jimmy turned his whole body towards Gary, suddenly furrowing his brow. "Hey, give me your hand."
"What?" Gary frowned. "No, get your own hand to hold."
"I'm not tryna flirt with you, dumbass. I'm gonna write Pete's number on your arm."
"Pete's - what?"
"You should apologize to him." Jimmy said, matter-of-factly. Bewildered, Gary handed Jimmy his hand. Jimmy took a pen out of his pocket and uncapped it, scribbling a hasty number on his wrist, just above his glove.
"Pete's parents had enough money to get him a cell phone. He can answer texts but texting back is a slow process so he prefers to call." Jimmy pocketed his pen. "I'm sure you two can work it out for yourselves though."
"Why are you giving this to me? I thought you hated me." Gary asked him, pulling his arm back to run his fingers over the messy digits that were gracing his skin.
"I never hated you, to be honest." Jimmy told him. "I was mad, but I never hated you. I was always rooting for you, Gary."
"I see." Gary replied. "Thank you, then, James."
"Of course." Jimmy clapped him over the back, causing him to stumble. "See ya around, crazy man."
He went home with black ink on his wrist and the words I was always rooting for you stuck in his head on repeat.
January, 2009.
Gary procrastinated all of Christmas break away thinking about calling Pete.
He didn't know why the task was bothering him so much. It hadn't been difficult to apologize to Jimmy, but then again, he knew he had been wrong about Jimmy going into it. Admitting to himself that he had no idea what Pete thought of him was a different challenge that was taking a lot of effort to push through.
There was also the part of Gary that had finally, finally let him accept that he missed Pete. And now he was getting a second chance with him, to fix things. To make things right.
He really, really didn't want to screw things up. That's why he was having so much trouble with this one, stupid, idiotic phone call.
(Rejection sensitive dysphoria, thou is a heartless bitch).
He was once again by the house phone, twirling the wire around his finger as he held it up to his ear. He chewed on his lip as he continued what had become a daily debate in his head: to call, or not to call?
Fuck it, he said, and dialed the number.
Pete picked up on the third ring. "Hello?"
Gary took in a sharp breath as the static in his head got louder. Was this a good idea? Probably not. Why did he trust Jimmy? Jimmy was a moron, how would he know what Pete thought?
"Hello? Is this a prank caller?" Pete asked, sounding slightly annoyed.
"No!" Gary spoke and then cleared his throat. "No, uh, its-"
"Gary? Is that you?"
"Yes! Yes."
"Holy crap, I thought you were still in-?"
"No, I got released a few months ago. I ran into Jimmy and he said you've missed me, so-"
"If this is going to be another teasing session about how 'homosexual' I am, I swear I will end this call right-"
"No no no, its the opposite actually. I wanted to apologize."
The line fell silent, and Gary shifted from foot to foot as nerves raced through him. Pointless restless energy. Only ADHD things.
"Look, I really messed up with you."
"Uh-huh. I know."
"And I wanted to say I really, really regret it. You were one of my best friends."
"And I'm sorry. You deserved so much better than how I treated you."
Another silence. There was a noise as if someone had sat down a dish. "Listen, if you expect me to just accept, then I don't think I can do that."
Gary's finger twitched and he rested his head back on the wall. "I understand."
"But I'll give you the chance to prove that I should accept." Pete's voice was quieter now. "You just... you just have to prove it to me through actions, not say sorry and go right back to being a jerk."
"Yeah." Gary said, equally as quiet.
"Do you want to meet up sometime? To catch up?" Pete asked, and Gary had to fight to keep down the grin spreading over his face.
"I'd like that," he answered.
He might not have been forgiven yet, but he'd take what he could get.
They made plans to meet at a small cafe just outside of Bullworth Vale that following Thursday.
Pete Kowalski, senior of Bullworth Academy, sat in the quiet coffee shop that he had recommended for his and Gary's little "outing."
He had brought his laptop, as he had an essay due for his current English class and like hell was he going to pass up an opportunity to write it in a quiet space. He had actually arrived early in order to start it, since he knew Gary liked to ramble on, and he wanted to get some work done before he was interrupted.
He also wanted to think, which he had been doing between writing paragraphs analyzing the societal symbolism in The Scarlet Letter. His thoughts were turned towards the boy who he was currently meeting today, his good friend, Gary Smith.
He had missed Gary, if he were being honest. That didn't make him any less bitter about the things Gary had done to him, but it was still a cemented fact nonetheless. Gary Smith just... felt like his own addiction. Once you were around him once, he wouldn't get out of your head, and you wanted to see him again and again.
So Pete had decided to meet him here.
Of course, Pete wasn't stupid by any means. If Gary showed up acting like he had the last time they met, Pete would end all arrangements here. But Gary had shown... actual remorse. It was more than he had seen from him in a long time.
He just, really hoped it would work out well.
When the time came for him to show, the small bell over the door rang, signifying that someone had entered the coffee shop. Pete lifted his eyes and was immediately faced with the boy he had been crushing on for a good few years now.
Gary Smith, although he looked significantly less Smith(tm) now, his facial features softened but what could only be newfound maturity. Gary's brown eyes scanned the room and landed on him, and Pete swore his heart fell into his throat.
He was just so handsome. It wasn't fair, when Pete was supposed to be angry at his dumbass.
Gary approached the table, a lot less intimidating in his stride but still as confident as ever. The closer he got, the more his face cracked into a grin, sporting the gap in his teeth.
"Petey. Long time, no see!"
Pete couldn't help but smile faintly. "Hey. Go ahead and take a seat."
Gary slid into the table opposite from him and reached over to grab Pete's cup of coffee without warning. "What are you doing?"
"I could ask you the same. That's my coffee, Gare." Pete huffed and watched as Gary froze halfway to putting the cup to his mouth. A red blush spread over his face and he grumbled, setting the cup down.
"Yeah, sure. Don't share then."
"Don't be a dick. And I'm working on my English essay, to answer your question."
"Essays aren't too hard to write as long as you can focus on them."
"Well, yeah." Pete shrugged and looked down at the computer. He knew Gary had pretty much a natural talent at anything academic. "It just takes up a lot of time."
"What's the essay on?"
"The Scarlet Letter. You ever read that book?"
"Duh? Everyone in our grade has read that stupid ass novel. Its notorious for being boring." Gary rolled his eyes and Pete cracked a smile.
"Yeah, it honestly is. Doesn't stop the teacher from assigning it, though."
"Did you get Galloway again?"
"Nah. Got an actual competent teacher who makes us do stuff."
"Oh, I bet Bullworth isn't taking that one well." Gary smirked and leaned forward. He practically radiated smugness. "How has it been, with ol' James Bitchfucker Hopkins there to rule it?"
"You know, you could be nice to him for once instead of insulting him every other sentence." Petey chastised and rolled his eyes.
"Its our dynamic, Peter. Gotta insult him before the weirdos think I'm getting soft on him." Gary laughed. "Now answer the question."
"Yeah, yeah. Bossy." Pete looked at the words on his screen and then sighed, closing his laptop. Seems his work time was over. "Things have calmed down a lot, actually... the cliques all kind of kiss up to Jimmy, and in turn he settles all their disputes for pocket cash before they can get too violent. Its honestly kind of nice?... A lot of people have, uh, come out recently, and Jimmy's been beating up people who make fun of them."
"Come out?" Gary eyed him. Pete wasn't sure if he was making up the accusation in the burning stare or not. "As in...?"
"Gay, of course." Pete's cheeks burned. He almost wished he hadn't brought it up. "Jimmy is - he's bi, you know? He's been talking to a lot of kids who have come to them about their sexuality, like, um, Mandy-"
"Mandy??? The girl who is always clinging to a guy?"
"She doesn't do that anymore. She even talks to the nerds now, sometimes. As in, like, nicely." Pete shrugged and shifted. "She, she came out as a lesbian."
"What the hell." Gary furrowed his brow. "Did Jimmy put queer shit in the water?"
"Gary, don't say that, its rude. And no, Jimmy just..." Pete chewed his bottom lip and smiled. "He's supportive."
Gary pursed his mouth into a tight frown and Pete narrowed his eyes, his smile falling. "If you say something homophobic, I will cut you."
"Jesus, Pete, I leave you alone for a year and a half and you turn into the sass master. No, I wasn't going to say anything homophobic." He scoffed and turned his head to the side, purposefully ignoring Pete. Pete felt his cheeks burn.
"Okay, well, I just - wanted to make sure. Since, you know. I'm bisexual."
Gary snapped his head around to stare at Pete, and Pete felt his cheeks grow darker. "Stop looking so surprised. You already suspected it."
"I thought - I didn't - what?"
"Weren't you the one to call out the fact that I stared at boys for too long, repeatedly, for years?"
"I never thought you'd actually admit to it."
"Yeah, well, I wouldn't have if I'd had stayed around you." Pete said, coming off colder than he meant to. When Gary's face fell, he blushed and put his hands up. "I- shit, I didn't mean it like that, don't get upset. I just... you weren't the most accepting, Gary. I needed someone who would be so that I could experiment without feeling dirty."
Gary stared at him and then glanced out the window, huffing and setting his face in a tight line. "Yeah, okay. I get it. You don't have to explain."
"So... are you okay with it?"
"Obviously." Gary turned a glare at him, looking annoyed at the implications, and Pete smiled softly.
The two boys fell into a familiar routine after that, with Gary visiting the coffee shop after class on Wednesday to talk. On weekends, when he had nothing to do, he would call up Pete or Jimmy - sometimes even both of them - and they'd walk along the train tracks, talking as they relaxed in the quiet wilderness.
It was nice.
February, 2009.
"So I was like, dude, can you shut up already and give me the dang pencil? I don't care if it has MLP on it."
Gary snorted. "Is it really that surprising that Trent was into MLP?"
"No! That's why I didn't give a shit!" Pete laughed from beside him, and Gary couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. Pete's laughter was infectious.
Their shoes made crunching noises on the gravel as they walked along the train track. They had been walking like this for a good twenty minutes as they caught up on their week.
"Valentine's Day is coming up." Gary mused. "Do you have a date?"
"Who? Me? Pete Kowalski, the quiet kid? Please." Pete chuckled softly, but it sounded sad more than anything.
"Hey, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt." Gary teased and gently shoved him. "Do you have anyone you want to date?"
"What, like a crush?"
"Well..." Pete hesitated.
"You do have someone." Gary grinned as Pete returned to his side. "Who is it? Don't tell me its MLP boy."
"Trent? Ew, no. I'm not Jimmy, man."
"Is it Jimmy?"
"Is it Hopkins?" Gary rose an eyebrow. Pete blinked, seeming caught off guard.
"No, of course not. I mean, Jimmy is cool and all, but..." Pete shrugged and glanced away. "I just, like someone else."
"Who, then?"
"Why do you want to know so bad?"
"Because I'm curious. Bite me."
"Curiosity killed the cat."
"Satisfaction brought it back. Just tell me, Pete, please?"
"I..." Pete stopped abruptly and Gary turned, alarmed as a frown made its way on Pete's face. "I don't want to talk about it, okay?"
Well, that's not weird at all. Gary let his eyes roll up and down Pete's figure, reading his body language (which screamed I'M SAD! in all caps), and then sighed. "Okay."
"Thanks." Pete smiled softly.
Gary wondered just why it bothered him so much in the days to follow.
Gary finished his junior year assignments and started his senior year courseload, feeling a lot happier now that he was in the proper grade level, even if he was behind by a small margin.
Despite that, his thoughts were mostly on one person: Pete.
For some reason, it bothered him knowing that Pete had a crush. Especially one that he wouldn't tell Gary about.
It felt like... this strange mix of anger, worry, and sad that Gary wasn't quite able to process.
Mostly because it felt an awful lot like jealousy, and he was not going to be jealous over Pete Kowalski, especially considering that had even deeper implications such as the idea that he might not be as heterosexual as he once thought.
Not that he had ever been attracted to girls, which... honestly, confused him more. Did that mean he was gay? But it couldn't. He hadn't ever been attracted to anyone except Pete. Maybe he wasn't... anything. Maybe he was just Gary.
Did sexuality have to be as labeled as Pete and Jimmy's? And, fuck, why was he even considering this in the first place, he so totally did not have a crush on Pete because he was NOT jealous.
A loud snap brought him out of his thoughts, and he realized he had broken his pencil. Fuck.
March, 2009.
February passed with little to offer. Valentine's Day found Gary wandering Bullworth Vale - Pete said he didn't feel like leaving the house, and Jimmy had a date. Overall, it was uneventful, except for the fact that Gary couldn't stop thinking about Pete.
Spring break would be coming up, the first week of April. Jimmy had suggested that they go camping by the train tracks. Gary had agreed, trying to ignore the pounding of his heart when he thought of Pete being there, sharing a tent with him.
April, 2009.
"Tent building is hard." Gary breathed out heavily as he leaned across a nearby tree.
"Lazy ass." Jimmy passed him with some firewood in his arms, hitting Gary lightly over the head. Gary rose an arm to shove his hand away.
"Shut up. Pete's complaining too." Gary pouted.
"Pete's different." Jimmy passed said boy, who was sitting on a treestump, and gave him a friendly smile. Gary felt jealousy pulse through his veins.
Okay, so he had accepted he was jealous. But that didn't mean anything. So.
"Pete's a loser." Gary retorted and playfully smirked at the boy, who rolled his eyes.
They had spent the first hour or so setting up camp before the sun went down. It had made two out of three of them tired, with Jimmy being unable to feel exhaustion ever.
As Jimmy began to build the campfire, Gary moved from the tree he was leaning against to settle next to Pete. His heart beat hard in his chest as their knees brushed.
"So, little Petey, are you ready for a night with the creepypastas?" Gary teased and shoved him lightly.
"Shut up. Its bad enough that you've been trying to get me into them without mentioning them here." Pete huffed at him, putting one hand up to shove his face away. Gary laughed, ignoring the tingle that ran through his skin where Pete's hand made contact.
"They're fun! Come on, your gay ass can't tell me you don't find at least one of them attractive."
"They kill people!"
Pete opened his mouth to respond, then seemed to think better of it, pouting instead. "Shut up."
Gary felt his face slip into a familiar grin. He let his eyes trail over Pete's face as the boy turned away to watch Jimmy, taking in his soft brown eyes. When he smiles he gets dimples...
He felt a burning stare pierce through him, and slowly turned his head to see Jimmy giving him a knowing look with a raised eyebrow. Gary felt panic shoot through him, but externally he kept his face in the same grin.
"Done yet, James?"
Jimmy studied him curiously and then looked back at the fire. "Yeah. Should be enough for the night."
"I brought stuff for smores." Pete smirked and moved away from Gary. He tried not to be disappointed at the distance.
"Hell yeah, we like, gotta roast marshies. That's the first fuckin' rule of camping." Jimmy smirked and sat down by the fire. The sun wasn't down yet, but it was steadily approaching the horizon - it would be sunset soon.
"Marshies?" Pete laughed. "Are you in grade school?"
"Hey, don't diss my flow. Marshies are the bomb, man."
"You're so weird." Gary rolled his eyes and Jimmy shrugged.
They spent the next few minutes unpacking the food, preparing to make dinner. The campsite they had picked out had a grill nearby, and Pete had brought burgers for them all to eat. Jimmy lit the grill and left Pete to cook as Gary stayed by the fire just a little ways off.
"Hey." Jimmy greeted, his voice quiet as he sat down next to Gary, moving to rest his hands on his knees. "I need to talk to you."
"What is it?" Gary rose an eyebrow. "Does Pete need help with something?"
"Nah, that little dude's got it all figured out. I was gonna grill but he insisted. He's had a fascination with cooking ever since his parents decided he was old enough to touch the stove." He chuckled and shrugged.
"Then what?" Gary pulled his knees to his chest, eyeing Jimmy out of the corner of his eye suspiciously.
"Look, man. I don't want to pry, since I know it isn't any of my buisness, but... I see the way you and Pete look at each other."
Gary felt his blood run cold, and he turned his head to look at his friend. "I don't know what you're-"
"Earlier you spent like fifteen seconds staring at his face man, you were practically swooning like a stupid schoolgirl. Its so blatantly obvious that you like him."
"I..." Gary was at a loss for words, panic rising up in his chest. "No, no no no I-"
"I'm not going to tell him or anything." Jimmy held his hands up. "I just want to say... if you mess up with him again, I'm gonna have to kick your ass, alright? So, don't."
"What?" Gary breathed out. No, no no, it can't be that obvious. I thought I was hiding it better than this, I can't like Pete, I can't.
"I'm rooting for the two of you. You two deserve to he happy and its obvious he likes you back, so..." Jimmy shrugged and then furrowed his brow. "Are you okay?"
Gary realised then that he was hyperventilating. "What? Yeah."
"Gary, man, take it easy." Jimmy reached out, hesitated an inch away from him, and then gently allowed his fingers to snag around Gary's wrist once he was allowed. "Look at me. Focus on my hand. Breathe in, breathe out."
Gary took in a deep breath, letting himself focused on the calloused feel of Jimmy's hand around his wrist. He released his breath, and looked at Jimmy. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat.
When he was calm enough, Jimmy let him go and nodded awkwardly. "You good?"
"Yeah." Gary muttered, embarrassment pooling in the pit of his stomach.
"So did I assume right?..." Jimmy murmured, keeping his voice low. Gary nodded, looking into the fire. The heat coming off of it soothed him.
"Really? Does that mean you're gay?"
"I... have no idea?" He could feel his face flushing. "Look, don't tell him, okay? I've only figured it out recently-"
"Recently? You've been looking at him like he's your princess ever since you came back into our lives."
"Don't tease me Hopkins, okay? Fuck you. I was in denial about it, it isn't every day that I actually like someone, let alone like them in that way."
"Yeah, yeah, you're an emotional robot, we get it." Jimmy rolled his eyes. "I won't tell him. But you should. He likes you back, I can tell."
Did he? Gary pursed his lips together and stared into the fire, choosing not to comment. But why would he?
He spent the rest of the night in bewilderment as they roasted "marshies," told horror stories, and eventually went to sleep in the tent. It was weird, sleeping beside Pete with the revelation he had just been presented, and he tried very hard not to freak out.
Eventually, morning came, and Gary got up, groggy from anxious sleep. They had to pack up and then they'd be heading back.
He really, really hated the disappointment he felt because of that.
May, 2009.
Gary decided that emotions were not something he was very strongly suited for.
He had been avoiding Pete, unsure how to feel about his conversation with Jimmy. Part of him still did not want to accept that he was capable of a crush, let alone a crush on a guy. (God, his father would be so pissed). The other part of him wanted to accept it and let go, because Pete was cute and smart and kind and... well, Pete.
As the month went on, Gary found himself missing Pete more and more. It was easy to cancel plans under the guise of schoolwork, but it was becoming excessive. And, well...
Maybe it was time for him to admit to himself that yeah, he was queer. He wasn't sure of the proper term (gay? bi? who knows) but he knew he was LGBTQ+ of some origin. And...
Well, Jimmy had given him a vote of confidence. Maybe he should just go for it.
He held off for a few weeks, but Gary was never one to deny himself what he really wanted. And he wanted Petey to look at him, more than anything.
He decided that he'd have to do this. It was time. And, readying himself, he began to devise a plan.
Pete had a burning frustration for all days dedicated to couples. He had always wanted to be a part of a relationship. It wasn't that he hated being single; he just... wanted to know what that connection was like. And, well, he also wanted to like someone that was actually obtainable for once.
Because of this, he tended to lock himself in his dorms during those days. And, here he was once again, in his dorm.
It was Prom Night, and Peter Kowalski had bought a new book to read to distract himself from the painful torture that is Being Single.
A knock on the door distracted him from Pip's adventure into newfound wealth. He stood up and went to answer it, curiousity pumping through him. Jimmy was the only one who ever came to his dorm, but Jimmy had told him he had a date tonight.
He opened the door to find Gary Smith there, a grin on his face and a suit in his hand. He was dressed in formal attire of his own, making Pete's heart skip a beat.
That is, until it hit him. "Gary? What are you doing here? You aren't allowed on school property."
Gary shrugged. "It isn't like the Prefects will care anyway. Its prom, Pete."
Okay, he had a point. "Still... do you have a date or something?"
Gary's grin widened. "Yes, actually." Abruptly, he shoved the suit into Pete's hands. "Get changed, we're going out."
"What?" Pete furrowed his brow. "But... what about your date?"
"Do I need to spell it out for you? We're going out. I already bought the suit for you and everything."
It clicked in Pete's head, and he flushed a bright red. "Oh!" He squeaked. "Okay!"
He went back in his room and quickly changed. He had not been expecting this, and part of him was still sure that it was a prank? (If it was, well, he'd deal with it later).
Pete stepped out of his room in the new suit. Gary's eyes scanned down over his body, and Pete flushed red, fidgeting nervously. "Is this... okay?"
"Its perfect." Gary told him, reaching out to grab his hand. Pete could see the faintest traces of red blush on Gary's face. "Let's go."
"Wait." Pete stopped him. Gary turned to him, looking annoyed. "For clarification. Are - are we dating now? Like, um, boyfriends."
Gary narrowed his eyes. "Ugh, that's such a stupid term."
"I guess. If you want to be b-words then I'm here for it." Gary glanced away from him.
Pete broke into a grin. "Okay." He said, very quiet, as happiness settled in his chest.
"Are you ready now?"
"Yeah. Yeah, let's go."
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rynhaswritersblock · 5 years ago
quaranteens (hc) | p.p.
summary: how you and petey boi spend your quarantine <3
i'm not even writing a warning for this one at this point y'all now how i write HAHA
Tumblr media
+ + +
- covid-19
- coronavirus
- lil shitbag asshole virus
- let's get it !
being quarantined with peter parker at avengers headquarters
- lots of animal crossing
- like lots
- you and peter visit each other's islands and it's SO FUNNY
- you keep BONKING each other on the head with your nets
- you shake a tree and a wasps nest falls out
- naturally you yell "SHIT" and steve yells "LANGUAGE"
- so you start fucking SPRINTING (in the game lmao) TO RUN AWAY FROM THE WASPS
- you start fucking WHEEZING
- you cannot breathe
- peter just sets the switch down and throws his head back, letting out an annoyed groan/yell
- "bitch ass motherfucker" he whispers as he picks the switch back up
- let's not forget to mention the fact that
- the entire time you and peter are playing
- the two of you are like intertwined
- most of the time your head is in his lap or vice versa
- like y'all get into the WEIRDEST POSITIONS on the couch
- sometimes steve or tony or nat or any of them really will walk by and be like "wtf... kinda cute doe"
- but it's so comfy!!!!!!
- and when y'all play at night it's of course in your rooms
- usually it'll start with the two of you separated
- and then one of you is usually like "why the fuck are we apart right now" and goes into the other's room
- then y'all will get all close to each other and play and there'll just be occasional giggling and tiny conversations and cussing here and there
- peter just starts to HARASS one of ur villagers
- you get a little upset but it's AL so you're like... lol not my problem
- one day peter shows you this tiktok where some couple was playing together and it was like "how me and my bf are spending quarantine apart"
- but you and peter find it SO FUNNY
- you know what's coming
- irl the two of you are DYING in his bed
- like rolling all over the place because you're laughing so hard
- peter uses a popper as... you know... and you YELL CAUSE YOU LAUGHED SO HARD
- also it's 4 in the fucking morning
- sam is FED UP
- !!
- he's like what in the everloving HELL are they DOING!!!
- so
- the man enters the premises like
"what the hell are you two-"
- you can barely get that word out because of your laughter
- but you hold up the switch
- sam watches and realizes RIGHT AS PETER USES ANOTHER POPPER
- the LOOK on his face
- he fucking smiles and buries his face in his hands, shaking his head
- when he finally composes himself his eyes are fucking
"i might just have to get that game.."
- okay that's it for the animal crossing section of this imagine lol i'm obsessed with this game AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE IT
- OKAY MOVING ON!!!!!!!!!!
- the AMOUNT of TV the two of you watch
- the two of you alternate shows you pick (so like peter chooses then you then peter etc etc)
- peter chooses b99 (bae)
- y'all finish that shit in a WEEK
- then you recommend euphoria
- he's like uh okay
- cause he knows how inappropriate that show is lol
- so every time there's a dick on the screen he covers your eyes
- and every time there's b00bies on the screen you cover his
- and some point he's like
"y/n you do realize that i've seen boobs before"
- you're like
- i mean yeah but i refuse to think about that because you're supposed to be innocent and pure and a puppy dsfjkdfnkj
- so you retort
"and you do realize that i've seen a dick before?"
- peter is the more jealous baby
- he pauses the show and shifts his body towards you
"wait, where?"
- you cringe
"some kid i'd just met sent me a dick pic.."
- peter's like okay convo over
- the two of you keep watching but now it's more uncomfortable
- at the end of the episode you were watching (imma say episode two lol)
- you bust out laughing
"you know the kid's dick was like... small, right? like i didn't enjoy receiving that picture? it was unsolicited, peter"
- he laughs lightly
"yeah, okay"
- you poke his cheek
"someone's jealous"
- he gasps
"i am NOT jealous!"
"you just don't like the fact that i've seen a dick"
"i guess, yeah"
"peter, i'm going to eventually"
- the poor kid is like we need to stop talking about penises right the fuck now
- im so sorry for writing that part in haha it just came to mind and it's CONTENT you know and i really feel like it's a realistic convo to have in that situation
- the last episode makes you cry and you don't even realize you're crying until peter holds you closer and wipes the tear off your cheek
- bae
- let's just say the two of you finished euphoria in a day
- okay also
- the amount of dance parties the two of you had... insurmountable
- like y'all would be training together and a bop would come on and you'd stop punching just to jump around and make complete fools of yourselves
- the two of you had to have a dance party after finishing euphoria because that shit put you in a FUNK
- but yeah
- dance!!!!!!!!!!!
- okay BAKING!!!!!
- y'all made so much food
- cookies
- cake
- pretzels
- brownies
- like
- never going hungry
- half the time the kitchen is a whole MESS but it's okay cause when you do clean it up you and peter throw bubbles at each other and it's great
- steve swears everyone is going to get so out of shape
- so he comes up with a system
- everyone gets snack time together and then thirty minutes later everyone goes and trains to make up for the extra calories
- and lemme just say
- the training sessions go HARD
- everyone is fucking sugar high it's the most chaotic thing ever
- music blaring
- sam and bucky are wrestling
- tony and steve are arguing in the corner (award for most calories burnt)
- nat and wanda are fighting bruce and pietro and nearly kill each other
- meanwhile you and petey boi are seeing who can do the most complicated gymnastics set
- as soon as the boy does a layout you're like okay BYE
- so yeah
- baking!!!!!!
- time for even more fluff
- cuddling
- oh
- my
- god
- the two of your are in physical contact 99% OF THE TIME
- and that's mainly peter's fault because he lowkey clingy but YOU LOVE IT
- the two of you build a fort in the commons and have movie marathons along with your tv marathons
- occasionally one or more of the team will come chill with y'all
- there's an overall "no judgment zone" that has been declared at headquarters
- aka mind ya own fucking business
- unless someone is literally in a deep state of depression then something needs to be done
- but like
- literally everyone notices how often the two of you are just intertwined with each other
- it's 🅱razy
- also y'all order tons of pizza
- like tons
- thankfully u and peter are like ayo fast metabolism check! (smh i wish lol once i quit soccer it really hit me OOPS)
- y'all are switched to online school
- you and peter-man get really competitive with it to see who can finish all their work the fastest
- thing is the two of you literally have pretty much identical schedules so you end up going at the same pace to work together
- maybe you help each other on quizzes and tests
- no one will ever know
- and overall you two are lowkey thriving in that department because you end up finishing your work for the week in like two or three days and have the rest of the time to just VIBE
- a/n y'all i seriously recommend actually doing that like i get a SUPER big workload at the beginning of the week and as soon as i can i just ZOOOOOM and try to get it all knocked out and it's honestly really helpful
- obviously this can be really difficult for people who aren't self motivated and maybe depressed but i would just try!! if you can!! okay note over BACK TO THE SHITS N GIGGLES
- so yeah
- i don't really have anything else to say but
- overall being quarantined with peter and the team is really nice and the vibes are THERE
- fuck i got another idea
- okay
- it's the middle of the night and you and peter are watching some movie that netflix autoplayed
- the two of you get a notification and look at your phones at the same time
UPDATE: Midtown School of Science and Technology has now been shut down for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. Online school will continue.
- the two of you visibly shrink
- deadass
- like you just slump over and toss your phone
- you curl up into the boy and a tear rolls down your cheek cause it finally hits you
- this shit is real..
- you sniffle and peter immediately turns to you and wipes your cheek
"hey, it's okay. i'm here."
"i don't know, i just... miss everyone, i guess."
- he nods
- and then he kisses you
- oh so softly
- i'm here
- ...
+ + +
thank u for reading loves
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Twelve days of Christmas: day 2. Early presents.
Early presents. A/N: Christmas shopping with these dip-sticks and a early present. _____________________________________________ Pairing: Wade Wilson/Peter Parker Warnings: all characters are 18+, bad language, sexual referencing but nothing actually sexual happens. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ He's used to the cold, Queens was always cold, so it doesn't really bother him when he walks all the way home from work, or to the store, even when the wind is icy and a little blustery. It just doesn't phase him. Wade however? It phases him. He can't stand the cold in the slightest, and it's almost laughable. He wears four layers when it drops below fifty, and Peter's fine with a hoodie. That's probably the main problem Wade's had since moving in with Peter, he just hates the weather. Sure, it'll get warmer, and sure, it's especially cold right now, it's almost Christmas, but god, he's never seen anyone hate this time of year more than Wade. "It's too fucking cold," he whines, slumping down further onto the couch that Peter has spent the better part of ten minutes trying to pry him from. "It's not that bad," Peter assures, giving Wade's arm another tug. He's wearing a long sleeve shirt and hoodie over that, there's no way he can be cold, especially in the house with the heat on. "Come on, we'll be inside anyways." "Nope, sorry doll face," he said, shaking his head. He's always so stubborn. "Wade," Peter sighs, long and drawn out because he's so damn frustrating. He’s lucky he loves him. "Come on, we're running out of time, I need to get Tony and Aunt May presents. I haven't even gotten you a present yet, so I know you haven't gotten me one either, let's go." "Petey, come on, we can do it some other time, when it's not so damn cold." "it's almost Christmas, it's just going to get colder.” Wade groans far louder than necessary and gives Peter a big doe-eyed look, sticking his bottom lip out. He really hopes he doesn't expect this to work, because even when Wade /does/ look cute, he's become quite the expert in saying no to him. "Maybe you can warm me up, sweetie-pie?" He says with a grin, and he looks ready to take a bite out of him. It's really no wonder why Aunt May had been so skeptical of them dating, let alone moving in together. He's eighteen though, and he loves Wade, even if he doubts it sometimes himself. He rolls his eyes efficiently, on queue and shakes his head, letting go of Wade's arm. "Not a chance," he says easily, watching Wade pout. He's going to get him out of the house though, he's determined. "You're evil," he says with a huff. Peter pays it no mind. "I'll cuddle with you when we get home if you get off your ass and come Christmas shopping with me." That sparks interest, and he squints at him, almost like he's expecting Peter to lie or laugh at him and say it's a joke. "Oh really?" "I said I would," Peter says with a little chuckle. He knows Wade too well, and it makes negotiation too easy, not that he's really complaining. "You drive a hard bargain, Petey," he sighs, like he's really weighing the options. Peter already knows he's won, so he just cocks his hip, watching him with mild amusement. "I could just stay home, sleep... stay warm." "Uh uh," he says, unable to keep his grin off his face anymore. "But, you're a sweet lil thing and I do like being able to hold you, and kiss you, and anything else that might follow. You know, early Christmas presents and all that." Peter rolls his eyes again, shaking his head. "Knock it off," he says tiredly. He's pretty well used to it by now. This is just how Wade is, and he'll never admit that he actually kind of loves it. It's an okay part of their relationship, really. "Yeah, yeah, okay," he chuckles, smiling. "let's go then, before I freeze to death or really regret this." So eventually Wade is actually up and ready to leave and they head out, cramming into their shit car. The heat works, but it takes a while, so he listens to Wade whine the majority of the ride there. Once they're parked at the mall he's thoroughly cold himself, though he seems to have a much easier time keeping his mouth shut than Wade. "Come on, you need to help me pick something for them," Peter says with a grin as he shuts off the car and steps out. He's awful at picking presents, he really is, and he's hoping Wade is better at it than he is. Or at least more helpful than he's been so far. "yeah, yeah, I'm coming," he says dramatically, but he can hear the smile in his voice. Sarcastic bastard that he is. Wade climbs out with little grace, practically tripping over himself in the process. Peter thinks it's a bit of a mystery how Wade hasn't nearly killed himself on the ice yet. He burns himself making toast. He wraps an arm around Peter's middle, gentle but still firm enough that they can share body heat. "How're you not freezing?" "I'm used to the cold?" He offers back, looking at Wade with a confused face. "No one gets used to the cold, Petey, don't lie to yourself." Peter snorts out a laugh as they push through the doors. It's considerably warmer just inside the door and Wade sighs loudly, maybe slightly too sexually. Luckily no one seems to notice. "Wade," Peter hisses, smacking at his arm, because God, he's embarrassing. He just laughs, nudging Peter back playfully. "Calm down, no one even cares." He glares back anyways. He doesn't care, Wade still strives to make Peter squirm. "We're getting food before we leave," he says after another pause. "Fine, but not until we're done shopping, okay?" "Fineee," Wade groans, leaning into Peter for emphasis. He drags him to some nice little shop with clothes and nice smelling candles and stuff, because it's as good a place as any to start looking for Aunt May. There's a lot of pretty dresses and things he could imagine she'd like, but he's really not sure. He always wants to spoil her, it's the money that gets in the way. "Heya, Petey?" "Hm?" He looks at him as he twirls one the lave scarves around his index finger. "I don't know him as well as you, I'll admit, but I'm fairly sure you aren't gonna find anything for Stark in here," he says with a little shrug, holding up one of the tiniest dresses he can find, all lace and soft looking fabric. Peters eyebrow actually twitches as he gives him a long look. He really isn't joking. "I'm looking for Aunt May, not Mr. Stark!" He says, his eyes are wide and he's honestly kind of wondering why he ended up with this moron. His face is hot, is he blushing? He feels like he’s blushing. "Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense," he says with a sigh, though he looks vaguely disappointed. "Maybe we can get the dress for you instead?" "Fuck off," he mumbles, scanning the isles. He doesn't know where to even start. He's awful at shopping on general, it's even harder for women. "Can I help you gentlemen?" Says some lady, leaning over the counter. She has a thick accent, Texan maybe. She's pretty, her hair is thick and blond, pulled up in a ponytail, though it's clearly been bleached. She's tan, curvyand tall. She looks nice and slightly intimidating. "I hope," Wade mumbles, flashing Peter a grin. He just glares back. ”No, uh, I don't think so," Peter says awkwardly. He probably could use her expertise, but he's way too awkward and he would rather avoid talking to her, really. She seems to disregard him completely though and comes around her desk. "Lookin' for a sister? Girlfriend?" Wade's chuckling madly behind him, letting him suffer the attention and bombardment of questions. God, he hates him sometimes. "Uh, no," he says, but he sounds uncertain even to himself. "Hmm? Who is it for than, sugar?" He hopes dearly that this doesn't bite him in the ass later and have Wade never, ever let his inevitable skip ups go. "Uh, my aunt? My mom, really." She perks up, and she looks far too excited. "Ooh! Cute!" She squeals, bouncing on her heels. "Come over here, I'll show you some of our newest additions to this line, we just got some new perfume and sweaters in!" Wade hangs back, looking at thigh highs and other skimpy looking outfits. He's pretty sure he's doing it to make the situation worse for him, but who knows. Peter couldn't care any less about their new perfume or stupid sweaters. Did she even like perfume? She always just smelled nice. It's not like he payed attention to that stuff. "We've got these four new perfumes, and they're in such cute packaging, ya know? They're limited edition, so only for Christmas!" He tries not to show how much he really, really, doesn't care. He made a mistake coming in here, apparently. Women were so difficult. Eventually, after what feels like quite literally a century, she's shown him every possible option in perfume, lotion, makeup, clothes and anything else he could possibly think of. He doesn't want to buy anything of the stuff either, though now he feels generally compelled to. "Gonna get her some panties?" Wade says in his ear, which when the hell did he even come over here? He jumps back a little, smacking him in the chest. "Shut up, asshole." "I'm helping you," he says incredulously, looking offended. He shakes his head. "Imma leave you behind, you're the worst." "No you won't, you love me," he says with a grin, draping himself over peter like he does so often. He gives the girl behind the counter a long look, and he's not sure it's not some bizarre attempt at dominance. She does look uncomfortable, either from Wade's odd display or something else, he can't really be sure. "Lucky for you." With a decent amount of awkwardness, Wade gets him to leave the store, though he really does feel obligated to buy something at this point. "How about we go somewhere that'll actually have good presents?" "And you're the expert now?" Peter asks with a little grin, pulling Wade's beanie down over his eyes. He wishes he wouldn't hide so much behind his clothes, but he knows he's uncomfortable as it is, and the less attention drawn to himself the better. Wade grins widely, tugging the hat back up so it's on his head properly again. "I am, actually," he says matter of factly as he grabs Peters hand and tugs him towards another shop. The mall is getting kind of crowded at this point, and they're weaving through people as he tries his best not to trip over himself and into his boyfriend or someone else. "Oh yeah?" He says through a laugh as Wade pulls him to the side quickly. He stumbles a little at the sudden force behind it and almost ends up against the wall or in Wade's chest but he catches himself. "I'll prove it," Wade says smartly, ruffling Peter's hair a little. He hates when he does that. "Okay, I'm waiting," he teases back but Wade doesn't even looked phased. He wonders vaguely, if he isn't so bad at shopping. It wouldn't surprise him really, Wade is good at a lot of weird things. He drags him almost instantly to the store right next to them where there's loud music playing overhead, some rock band he's never even heard before and the lights are bright and multicolored. The walls are lined with bizarre things, men's dress wear, sunglasses, bongs towards the back, and a long line of shoes all the way from Converse to dress shoes. He thinks there's probably a reason that he hasn't ever been here before. "Boom," he says proudly, like he solved everything. Really, Peter is just more confused. "What the hell is this?" "Where you're gonna find Stark a present, honey-buns," he grins, licking his lips quickly. "Showing me a shop is different than finding a present," he says flatly in response. "Here I was thinking you were some expert." "Did I say I was done?" He raises his eyebrows in silent expectation. Wade bounces into action then, jogging over to one of the shelves in the back, he's like a wind up toy that never winds down. It's tiring just watching him. "Alright, okay, so get him a stupid dress jacket-thingy," he says waving his hand vaguely at the stuff as peter catches up. "This one." He grabs it off the hanger and peter nods mutely. He could see him wearing it. "Then just get him a snazzy ass pocket watch. Boom, done." "Okay, not bad," Peter admits, amused. He's taking this way to seriously, it's both hysterical and kind of cute. "I mean, unless he needs a pipe and a huge ass, neon-pink bong..." "Okay, just stop." Wade chuckles and buys the stuff, refusing to let him see the price of anything and then he's towing him around like a rag-doll again to several other stores after that. Eventually they're each carrying a pretty damn huge bag of stuff for Aunt May and Tony alike, and Peter is about ready to go and get something to eat himself. "What do you want to eat?" Wade waves a dismissive hand at him in response, making a face. "Food can wait, we have one more stop to make." "I already got plenty of stuff," he assures with a laugh. "Not quite." "Okay, what else do I have to get?" "Come on, you'll see." So peter follows him blindly, confused. Wade let's go of him when they're in front of one of those stupid jewelry stores, and he almost laughs and tells him the joke is over before he thinks that a nice necklace or something might be kind of perfect for Aunt May. "Alright, smart." Wade grins a little, looking all too pleased. "I know." "Let's hurry so we can go eat?" "It'll just take a minute, everything is already picked out," he says, shrugging as he walks in. Peter follows quickly, catching up and wrapping an arm around Wade's. "You picked something for her?" "No." "Then how do you know?" Wade doesn't answer, just goes up to the counter where the lady smiles brightly and hands him one of the pretty and expensive looking boxes all of the rings and brackets are held in. "Because I picked it for you, obviously," he said, turning to look at peter. "We aren't shopping for me, Wade," peter says, rolling his eyes. Seriously, why couldn't he be secretive like everyone else's boyfriend on planet earth? "Well, I was," he says, pouting as he started to undo the wrappings and open it up. "Well don't show me!" "I kinda have to, Pete," wade says with a laugh. "Normal people wait until Christmas!" The lady behind the counter is starring but she's smiling, so he guesses she's used to this stuff. "Well, one, I'm not normal," he says, and Peter just shakes his head, unamused. "And second, I can't wait any longer, so you're just gonna have to deal with being engaged before Christmas." "What?" Wade just kind of grins. "you heard me." "Wade--?" He gets down on one knee before Peter can even react or form a sentence, opening the little box with a small, silver band inside. And wow, okay, he's gonna pass out. "Marry me?" "Shit, you suck so much!" Peter screeches, and yeah, he's already crying. Wade snorts. "Yeah, I know. So uh, marriage or?" "Fuck," Peter squeaks, covering his mouth with his hands. He pretends like he doesn't notice how much he's shaking. "Yes, yes!" The lady giggles, hopping up and down a little as she gives a small little round of applause. Wade gets up then, still grinning widely and smugly, Peter wants to punch him and kiss him at the same time. "you such so much," Peter breathes, tears still pooling and spilling over. His heart is beating out of his chest, he thinks he might have an aneurism. "I hate you." "No you don't," Wade says, kissing some of the tears from peters cheek as he fits the ring over Peter's finger. "There, now you're mine." Peter sniffles, smiling down at the ring. "And now you really owe me lunch."
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