#i wish i remembered how to cry. i know i'll be annoyed tomorrow. i hope you wont see me. i need to go.
Happy galentines day! Send this message to the inbox of 3 blogs to let them know you appreciate their work 💞
Tempted to not send this to you today so i could write a big fucking letter tomorrow because you will always be my valentine.
Yes I'm about to let the whole of this fandom know exactly what we've been through.
I was 17 when i met you. SEVEN FUCKING TEEN. WE WERE CHILDREN IN TWITTER JUST HAVING FUN. and now? I'm 22 and tomorrow it's your birthday (yes i remember) and we are two adult women still having fun and trying to figure our shit out. (If you're asking me we are doing a pretty damn good job).
You are the first person to ever read any of my scripts. First script i ever wrote in my life, you were the first to say something good about it even if it was crappy af (but Jude law forever YK). You were the first to push me into chasing it professionally and always there to hear any of my silly ideas and dumb writings, always supportive. I made you a promise and i intend to keep it that you will be there for my first premiere.
You've been there at my worst for real, made me laugh, made me cry and somehow i know that even if we don't talk for a year it's always the same with us. Bullying tom Holland, bullying each other and screaming about things we can't control.
Thank you for being my big sis, tolerating me when I'm an annoying Greek and loud girl, for being this person i know i can run to always. I hope you know I'll always be that person for you too. Funny how it all started by bullying holland, isn't it?
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I love you forever xx
WHATTTTTHAWNS I LITERALLY DID NOT SEE THIS NOW IM CRYING AT 3AM??? I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH WOW I DONT DESERVE YOU 😭😭💖💖 no like im literally crying i love you soooo much im so glad we’ve stayed in each other’s lives all this time (you’re literally getting an invite to my wedding like FRONT ROW) (and thank u sm for remembering my bday omg) wish i could give u a hug rn ilyssssm SO SO MUCH! HERES TO OUR NEXT SEVEN YEARS OF BOTHERING EACH OTHER MWAAAH HAPPY GALENTINES LOVE U! (Have i said I love you yet? no? I LOVE YOU!!!)
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desolatedpigeon · 3 months
Tomorrow will be a hard day for me. On the 2nd of July (2021 I think) I've met a guy. Not face to face, but over the internet.
He was a small musician, not even 100 followers. Shortly before I found his music on SoundCloud, I was in a hospital, had to give my puppy away and was in a really bad shape, mentally I mean. His music touched me on a personal level and I really boosted his numbers up. Like from 30 to 300. You see, if I start to like a musician I'll listen to it 24/7. And since I had nothing to do other than stay alive at the time...
Anyway. On 30.06 he followed me back on SoundCloud and on the 02.07 he followed me on Instagram and posted a picture of the view he has when he writes his songs. Then we started to write. I remember how I was drunk as fuck and talked with some random guy about "N". That random guy told me to just message N. And I did that. The result was that N and I chatted over months. He gave me insights of the process of his songs, we talked about our childhoods a little and some other personal stuff. Hell, N even was my drug-companion once when I took LSD. Because of him my kettle is named "Kenny". During my trip I always saw a bulldog in the side of my eye and it was the kettle on my ground. He said I should call it Kenny.
At one point we talked about the collective of musicians he was in and how they named it. I suggested another name that would have fitted too. Let's call my suggestion "C". He said that it would have been a great name, but they don't change it anymore. But he wrote a song about it. And, as far as my understanding of English goes, the song "C" is about how he wants to meet a girl. Like, he sings about how he has feelings, wishes she was there and how he has to find a way to meet her soon. Idk but since the song's title comes from my suggestion and I'm literally in another country than him, I thought it might be about me. He even told me, that he wishes I'd live next to his place and that he would like to meet me.
Maybe it was silly from the beginning, but he really helped me in one of my darkest times. I had feelings for him back then and I still have. I know I've never met him IRL, but that doesn't mean I can't have feelings, does it? I just wish I had told him. Or that it could have gone differently.
It all ended because of me. I missed a message from him and for about one year I thought he didn't answer. And I just left it alone. I thought about him every now and then. When I went to a "festival" near the sea and I had a similar view like he had when he wrote his songs, I cried so, so much. After a while I checked his messages and noticed my mistake. I wrote to him, and we exchanged a few messages. But then he didn't reply anymore. And I was depressed because of this. I didn't want to bother him or do something stupid when I drank alcohol. So I blocked him on Insta. I felt like I needed to protect my own heart and his. Because when I'm "drunk borderline mode" I can be really annoying.
But surprise, it didn't help at all. I still think about him. I'm not even sure if this is just still "love" in my heart or if it turned into an obsession. Maybe it was an obsession from the beginning. I have a damn "N" tattooed in my face. I remember multiple dreams, where I searched for him.
And now that the annual day of our first "meeting" is so close, I can't help but listen to his music, cry over and over again, and I really want to just get drunk. I will not, but I really want to. Why do I have to live in Germany and not over where he lives?
The last time it took me that long to forget someone was my ex fiancé, it "just" took me 5 years to get over it. But after 3 years I didn't think that much about my ex like I do right now with N.
And you know what's the saddest part of all this? For about one year, he didn't make any new music. I hope he's alright.
I fucking miss him.
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foaming-sea · 6 months
Different people have different thought patterns. This is how I imagine some of them, but I need help/advice.
Person 1: Dark, too dark, need to get out of here, get out get out get out help me no no no don't think like that i'm scared no one will ever find me caves are dumb and scary why why why am i even here i'm dying too wet too damp i'm drowning out of water no no no no no no no…
Person 2: So cool! I love these trees! Blue and yellow birds, what are they called again? I don't remember. I'll look at that bird book again when I get home. SO PRETTY! Bluest sky ever seen, marshmallow clouds. I wonder what's for lunch. I can't believe I've never noticed how much clover there is here before. I'm excited! I'm coming back tomorrow!
Person 3: ...only four stones... ...lucky they're gone or I'd make them leave... ...annoying idiots... ...who cares, anyway, no one knows... ...if they make me eat baloney one more time I will throw up in their faces... ...ha ha ha the look on their faces is priceless... ...the nerve... ...they'll be sorry... ...dumb rooster I'll wring it's neck if it crows one more time... ...no more plates... ...that guy looks ridiculous…
Person 4: This papaya was boring. Just kind of boring all the way through. Normally I like papayas, but this one was boring. Maybe I'll eat another one after this one. But what if that one is boring too? I need a nap. Naps are nice. I'd feel better after a nap. I wouldn't be so sleepy. Naps aren't complicated. Maybe I'll eat another papaya and then take a nap. Maybe this time it won't be boring. I don't want another boring papaya. Maybe it's sweet. I hope it's sweet.
Person 5: That guy looks shy. I glanced at the map earlier, and it said that the trains go northeast. Why is that bird flying so fast? Something must have scared it. I hope the people here like me. Heavy, humid air, it'll rain soon. Hot, itchy. That building needs a new paint job. Person in front of me looks scared, glancing around and trying to look smaller than she is. Up to something? Or shy? Just nervous? Wonder who she is. Blue raincoat, kinda pretty. I like blue. That store over there, I'd better remember that for later. I'm hungry. Pizza place over there, tacos three streets over, or I could go to the grocery store and cook later. I've got 15 dollars to spend. Wet, did it rain earlier? Apartment Stinton Rd, 386. Should be close. Getting nearer to that part of town. Maybe I could see if they have good clothes at the thrift shop, I kinda need some. I only have two outfits, and I need to wash them both. I wish mosquitoes were extinct. Kid looks tired. Nap time? Somebody dropped a penny. Map said go left from Cranberry, I think that's the next street over. I miss home. Too bad, shush, don't think about it, wasn't my fault. If I start crying, I am a baby, a silly baby. I can handle it. Shush. Dark in a couple hours. Pretty trees, they painted it with limestone to keep the bugs from burrowing in it. I wonder if bugs are a problem here. I hope there aren't any termites. Termites are a nuisance. If that person says one more rude word they will be written across his face in blood. Oof, no, don't think like that. I have no right to think that, if I'm the kind of person to want to hurt someone. I should get sandwich stuff, and maybe treat myself to a candy bar. No, I don't deserve a candy bar. There are too many people here. I wonder what it feels like to be a plant trying to grow in a sidewalk crack. Hard enough, and then some dummy steps on you quite frequently. Gotta check my phone when I get home. I hope the plumbing works at the apartment. I want a shower. Avocados a dollar a bag, ok that's worth it. Must be close to expiration. I'll get tomatoes and chips and lemons and make guacamole. Maybe the apartment will have a fridge. Glad this stuff isn't expensive.
Keep in mind that person 5 is thinking all this in the same amount of time as person 4.
Person 6: When I get home, I’m going to write down those ideas. I have to. The sunrise is so pretty. I remember that poem from Robert Frost. Nothing gold can stay. That one. That one has a lot of meaning. I remember reading The Outsiders a while ago. It’s powerful. I’d like to write that powerfully one day. Maybe I could sketch a leaf on the top of the page. I should have brought my notebook. Maybe I could write about a squirrel. They’re so energetic, and fun. Smart, too. Like a hummingbird. Flashes of color, hovering almost like they don’t need wings to fly. How do they hover so steadily while flapping so fast? I could paint one. Bright blues, purple and orange/yellow feathers. Maybe a squirrel in the background.
Person 8: No more, no more, no more. Think of nothing, nothing at all. Go blank. No, calm down. Calm down. Not my fault, no freaking out, just calm down. I got nothing to say, nothing to say, nothing. Time to go away, away, no more of this. No reason, they’re not mad. Look calm, calm, look okay. Just go blank. Nothing, empty, please, just nothing. No reminders. Just hush. Gotta do your math. Math. Focus on math. 2X times -7, gotta know that. 2X times -7. 2X times seven. Fourteen, now make it negative. No, focus. -14X. Focus. Nothing else.
Person 9: ....................................................I kind of have a headache..........................................................I'm tired......................................................hmm, I wonder if I should do something with my life......................................................but what... I don't know what to do........ I'm kinda hungry.......... *spends 45 minutes figuring out what to eat........ spends another 2 hours making it....... why don't I feel good...................................................maybe I'm hungry!......... spends another hour making and prepping food..............................................I'm sad.......................maybe I should do something with my life............................ *finally gets up and does something... this is awesome! The sky is beautiful, I love the way that the clouds frame the sun.... that tree is so elegant... ooh, flowers! Do they smell good? Yes! It's incredible that all of this was made for us, I take it for granted too often...... one hour later................................................. why don't I feel good?............ Maybe I'm hungry?.......................
I'm not sure what you need help with. But this definitely how people think. Different people have different thought patterns. then again, one single person have different thought patterns too. Depends on the situation they are. For an example, I picture my thought pattern as similar to person 5. Sometimes it's like person 6 too, that usually happens when I'm in writing mood. When I'm very panicked over something it's like person 8. So I'd say the way you are imagining these thought patterns are very valid. If you need help or like me to discuss somethings specific about these thought patterns then let me know. This was interesting to read through.
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kellystar321 · 3 years
#periodical life updates#life has been. god. im so tired and irritable lately. everything makes me upset so ive been withdrawing more.#retail work has been kicking anxiety and depression into high gear. i never do anything right and people yell at me without explaining.#i feel worse physically; mentally and emotionally with each passing day. i havent been eating as much or sleeping normally.#ive been. so upset for more reasons than just this. it feels like im struggling just to live day to day. just surviving.#i ordered dried mango tonight (my survival food for when i need /something/ to live for/look forward to)#my world's been such a dark place recently. and i just have to keep going. it feels like drowning in deep inky waters. barely treading.#im so tired. im so sad. im annoyed and angry and upset everday. time will pass and november will come and the wind will carry me away.#its shtty pop music and the constant beep of a scanner and putting clothes on back on hangers for them to inevitably fall away again#icarus met both apollo and posideon and maybe i will too.#i want a laptop. i want freedom and free will. i want to be happy again and i want to be loved (genuinely for myself and not what i provide)#(not for who i am in relation to people; not for selfish gain. i want to be loved just for myself. why cant i deserve that#theres more to say. too many unhappy occurances. theres always more to say and i wont say it. i'll keep it all.#i wish i remembered how to cry. i know i'll be annoyed tomorrow. i hope you wont see me. i need to go.
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prelovednikaidou · 3 years
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corrupt; draken, ken ryuguji [01]
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In which you met the man of your past, but he didn't come back to remind you of the bitter break-up. Draken had one thing in mind and it was to never let you leave his side ever again. Distance made the heart grow fonder but he'd rather let you spend the rest of your life hating him if it meant you'd never leave his sight.
"I don't wish you well when you ain't with me, I want you crying."
mention of suicide, oral receiving (reader),
a/n: taglist are open up to 10 users! comment '☁️'
Word count: 2.1k
series masterlist
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[01: jealousy]
Draken wanted to take you away.
The curves of your spine, flowing down to the slope of your well-rounded bottom flesh, he watched the symmetrical dimple right above your butt - mocking him that those precious intimate spots were no longer his possession to own.
It wasn't only him who shared the same thought; everyone in this crowded room had their eyes glued on you. As if you were holding those guests captive, you felt immense pressure on your feet and thighs, quivered before you wrapped your leg around the shining pole.
Spinning, spinning, spinning.
Those blinding lights showered your sweating figure in all fairness, the sound of Abel's voice had long dimmed down, it meant that your show was done. It was silent in a minute,
lifting your face - your lips curled into a hunting smile and the room soared with cheers, crumpled money tossed across the stage, but your sense of content was suppressed by the overwhelming tension.
A pair of black pupils were starring at you - pinning you to where you stood. He was among the crowd, all in his glory without care but you. You felt something burst inside your chest, unable to tear your focus from him.
This longing for him is toxic.
Flashes of memories where those sober eyes bore into yours when he pumped his fat cock into your tight cunt until his thick cum over spilled, the same eyes that once shone with so much love but turned cold.
A shout from backstage startled you from your daze, another coworker came up and escorted you down, assisting you to take off the painful high heels.
"What's with you?" She threw a curious stare your way.
You still couldn't wrap your mind. He was there. Flesh and soul, presented in front of you. It was a brief eye contact but it was enough. Enough to tell you that he was coming back for you.
It had been years since the two of you chose to split up, making your paths without each other's companion.
"I, I've got to go. I forgot that I locked the windows, my cat's probably waiting for me. He's been out for 3 days so he's starving I think. Y'all can continue without me,"
You stood but your knees turned weak at the sudden arrival of him, standing by the door. A few steps taken back, you lost all rationality to stay calm because your heart thumped loudly.
Standing tall on his 6' ft, athletic and young Draken was nowhere to be seen but replaced - with a mature adult man that induced everything he carried into lust.
The robust body looked incredibly fit, lean, and you could see the strong outlines of his defined chest and abdominal muscles from the black shirt. If it was years ago, those leather jackets wouldn't suit him - he'd look like those up-start wannabe gangsters.
But it was different now. It clung to his broad shoulders perfectly, he wasn't as cheap as those local pranksters. The dark jeans also did little job in hiding his long legs. He was indeed a member of a gang; eerie and cruel - but he had never look this good that you want to fuck.
Draken's presence was enough to brush away every man in the room that you belonged to him. Your little admirers couldn't even look at him in the eyes, let alone make up a fight.
They left with a strong sense of defeat; no wonder you never once accept any confessions, turned out you have such a man waiting.
"Why is he here? This area is off-limits. Only staff is allowed. Naoki, guide him out." You forced yourself to mutter those words, uncaring to look at him with your back facing him.
Naoki sighed, this man literally slipped $750 under the table just to meet you. Those incompetent flies who claimed to love you didn't even spare this much effort. She only signaled him to step in before she whispered to you,
"Remember the guy I told you? The one that booked a whole session for your private room? He's that guy. It's just that he arrived a little early than the arranged meeting but it'll be great if you can build a connection with him."
You glared back, "Then send him back. We still have a week before that, right? I'm tired. I can't keep up with this," You pushed off her hand from your shoulder, began to take off your wig. His eyes were still the same; always undressing you naked.
Naoki could only grit her teeth, the money already landed in her pocket. What if he asked it back? She can't let such a great deal slip so she greeted him,
"She's a bit tired from the recent show. How about we push this to tomorrow? She's got free time on her hand to rest too." At least, this would do, right?
"If I have so much time on my hands, I wouldn't have come a week early. So you guess it yourself." His voice has changed too. It was an octave lower, you immediately rubbed your thighs together before you waved a hand.
"Haaa... leave us, Naoki. But I need you to go to my house. I wasn't joking about what I said earlier."
Naoki hurriedly nodded, clutching to her pocket before her eyes warily darted from Draken to you. Is this a couple feud? She noted in her head that she'd help this guy soon in the future - who doesn't want easy money?
"Okay, I will. Sir...? Err.. hope you have a pleasant chat with Dollface. I will excuse myself then ." The hindrance in Draken's eyes finally left the room, the door closed in a thump and the subtle tension thickened.
He didn't say anything, only leaned his body by the door as he watched you wiped off your makeup. This was his morning view back when you were still wet behind ears about pole dancing. You'd come back at the crack of drawn and he'd already been out to his workshop.
Stubborn like a little cat, your doe eyes didn't look up from your make-up bag and he could see through your act to be so busy. He loved how feisty you've become after years. It eased his heart that you could chase off those little shit.
"It suits you, [Y/N]. Face so pretty like a doll. Make one's heart itch to keep around. But I wonder why the name sounds so familiar."
"State your business. I'm heading home straight after this so don't expect a lap dance or something."
"Then that's the plan. I'll drive you home, eh?"
That damn 'eh'. He picked up your habit too well that the time he spent with you shaped him into copying your habit. It sounded cute but your heart still couldn't forgive him. Let him suffer a little.
"Don't need to. My boyfriend is great at doing his job. So do me a favor and let me rest quickly, how about that?"
Now, you were looking at him through the mirror. It was just too hard for you to muster yourself to face him directly. Draken didn't seem shaken. He stood straightly, you clenched your thighs tighter.
"Have I ever been quick in everything when I'm with you, [Y/N]?" His towering figure gawked over your smaller frame - casting his shadow over you as his sharp facial features caught your attention.
"Can't remember. Maybe? Because I said it just now almost like a reflex." You replied, not backing down but instead, squaring up to him that your ample breasts brushed against his torso.
His cologne didn't smell like the tacky, cheap body spray he used to own. This one smelled so expensive, alienated your memory of his familiar scent.
"Now you're getting older, your memory is getting rusty, dollface. Should I put on a play and see if you can call anything in mind?" You felt your breath became heavier but he didn't let you lose your focus yet.
Your chin was tugged upwards, the shadow of his cap cast upon his face and you remembered now; it was his eyes. Because he wasn't vocal about his feelings, you could understand everything from his eyes.
"You've grown softer, Draken. I almost threw up listening to you talk like this. What, are you changing jobs now? Don't tell me you went from a gangster to a con artist."
No, you were lying to yourself. Draken didn't change but improved. Change can be something bad but he never did anything that would bring him down. He just got better.
And it was true when the velvety touch on your beating pulse suddenly moved to your lips before he squished your cheeks in his hand.
"Fucking hot as hell but so damn annoying." He laughed, the light from his eyes never return, only replaced by a wicked glint.
He wanted to take you to his place, fuck you in his bed until you couldn't walk properly so he'd have more reasons to keep you at his place. He wanted to swallow you whole and he barely even started but why was it so damn hard to have you?
"Don't dare to think of anything nasty. You might not care about commitment in a relationship, but I do. So take your hands off me, Draken."
"Kenie. It's Kenie for you."
Your lips were so plump and wet, his other arm wrapped around your waist - hoisting you up to his body before he leaned by the dresser.
You shrieked when his scalding hot palm touched your naked back and as he untied the strings of your bra, he smiled at your face as he said,
"Do you think I'm going to believe that, dollface? Do you really think I don't know that this pussy hasn't been fucked well for months? I have eyes across this ward. You don't get to fool me."
Heat rose to your face, your small hands pushed on his shoulders, "You're still up in my business? Sounds like someone can't fucking move on."
He nodded, ripping off your lacey bralette and his big hands began to palm your heavy breast - carelessly rubbing your nipple with his thumb. You fought the urge to moan, you hold onto his shoulder for dear strength.
"You're right. I can't move on." Your breath hitched, he nuzzled his face to the column of your neck, inhaling so deep, and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. He missed you so much. So much that if you ran away again, he'd just kill himself.
"I fucked my fist thinking of you. I got this hard just by thinking of you. I'm not ashamed of it."
"That's your problem, Draken. I'm not you. I'm living my best life right now, and sorry that I can still cum just with my fingers."
"That's my girl," He pushed you until your back met the concrete wall, your eyes widened when he took off his cap and put it on you before he dropped to his knees.
"I am aware of your appetite, [Y/N]. You won't be happy with such a small meal. You always keep coming back to have your tight pussy stuffed. Even when we were living together, you couldn't stop begging my dick every night."
"What the hell are you talking about-" You pushed his forehead away from your private part, one hand covering your pussy but he gripped the side of your hips - bringing you straight to his mouth.
"I don't care if you use me as your favorite Cherry Twins. But don't deny that I made you cummed the hardest when I was in your life, dollface."
Your eyes became misty, his words just flew through your head - empty when his mouth latched on your clothed crotch, lapping on the small fabric that the nudge of his tongue probed on your budding clit.
Cherry Twins were the name he gave to your vibrators. Since he was always out when you were at home, he'd make you use them to your greedy cunt - even made a video call so he could jerk off in the public restroom.
You were wild, but he taught you to live even wilder.
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Next page: chapter [02] →
a/n : next chapter is full smut bcs thats the only thing my brain's capable of. Taglist are open up to 10 users! Comment '☁️’.
Taglist: @hanmascult @q-the-rockaholic @hikkarins
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antonhousehold · 3 years
so let's love
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summary: sometimes, katsuki let his insecurities get the best of him. and sometimes, you get hurt because of that.
song: so let's love - day6 (click the song, its totally worth it!)
warning: angst. bakugou being toxic. reader is touch starved. yelling and cursing. insecurities. reader is in love with bakugou but he's afraid!! no fluff end!
reader: gn!neutral (or i tried to be neutral!)
note: this is my first time writing angst, so im sorry if is shitty. also, i would like to let know that english is not my first language, so im sorry if i messed up with the grammar and stuff like that!
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loving bakugou was kinda... hard.
sometimes he's sweet in his own way. you remember the times when you fell asleep in his arms. the way his heart almost ran away from his chest. the warmth of his body against yours. it was simply beautiful.
he was beautiful.
everything started when you met him in that street. the sky was pouring and some thunders were lightning up the clouds. the city was dark and the stars were the only ones in the scene. he was smoking a cigarette and the smell of the tabaco and the rain was a very unique fragrance to you. you tried to cover him from the rain with your umbrella. gladly, he didn't stop you.
«have I seen you before?» you asked. those vermillion eyes were as deep as the ocean.
«i think so, [name]»
you remember the first time he asked you out in a date. it was simple but nice. just like him.
you remember the times when you were with with him in highschool. the way his words were harsh towards everyone. you thought he overcome that.
«i told you before, dumbass. i can't stand when you touch me like that in public! it makes me look fucking weak!»
we sometimes fight, and get hurt by each other's sharp words
«i didn't even hug you! i just leaned on your body. i can't help it, I'm your partner!»
«my partner would fucking understand and respect my boundaries! or are you too dumb to actually get it?! »
and you tried to be understanding about him. you tried to give him the space he need it. you stopped showing affection towards him in public. it was kinda hard, but if this was the best way to keep him happy and comfortable, you were completely down for it.
then, in your shared apartment, he started to accept your love. you believed in the soft kisses, the hugs, and the fuzzy feeling of his words in your heart. You wanted to believe in the memories of happiness and beautiful moments that you locked in your mind. the promises and the not so often sweet words. it made you feel special. he always made you feel special, or that's what you wanted to believe.
i can't possibly erase all the wounds you left in me
everything was going on very well, at least at the beginning. until those ethereal moments started to get serious. katsuki realized how much in love he was with you. how his heart almost ran away from his chest every time you looked at him.
it was overwhelming.
so he started panicking. you were just too good to be with him. he didn't feel worthy of your love. why would you even love someone like him?
i'm too afraid that you might leave me
«hey katsu, wanna shower together? i thought it was a good idea since both of us are exhausted»
«shower first. i'm not joining»
sometimes, he just didn't even consider your dates or plans with him. every time was the same. 'i have stuff to do, maybe tomorrow', 'i need to study for this test, i'm not gonna throw my career just for you'
you just wanted a little bit of his love.
you know me, please hold my unstable heart
«can you stop looking me like that? it's giving me goosebumps»
«i'm sorry»
it was hard to him as well. every time he saw your disappointed face and the teary eyes of you, his heart sinks. he didn't want to hurt you, but the feeling of loving you were scarier than hurting your feelings.
saying harsh words was so much easier than accepting the fact that he was feeling vulnerable when you were with him.
«i'm not gonna go to that shitty party. go by yourself»
«it's going to be so much fun! come on, grandpa!» you tried to play it cool. you just wanted a little of him.
«are you deaf? im not fucking going. i have stuff way more important than getting drunk with you»
i want your love, please love me. that's all i wish for
«why the fuck are you so clingy around him?!! do you like him or what?!» he asked once you walked through the door.
«what? what are you talking about?»
«don't play dumb with me. answer the fucking question!»
«i don't even know what are you talking about?!» his eyes were staring at you so furiously, that you even felt the goosebumps in your skin. bakugou always looked scary when he was this mad.
«i'm talking about that shitty extra!» he pulled out his phone and let you see the bright photos of the party night that was all over his social media.
even one word, i need to say it carefully. even this sentence with a trembling heart..
in fact, you were with that green haired boy, hugging him and smiling so softly that bakugou wanted to throw up. it was totally disgusting. 'how can they be so lovey dovey with that piece of shit and bitching all the time with me?'
«why are so mad about it? you hate when i touch you or kiss you, then why are you so obsessed when i show affection towards someone else?!» this whole situation was getting on your nerves. it was hard to keep a conversation about this with him, because he'd always yell the same thing about you.
«because you're my fucking partner!! i didn't expect you to be such a whore just for a damn hug!»
his words got stuck in your head as he started walking near you, just to look at your eyes with those deep vermillion eyes. for a moment, you thought he wanted to cried, but his screams blinded his emotions.
his scent stills reminds you fo cigarettes and rainy days. thunders and fire. it was hard to keep all those emotions in your chest.
i thought we were still fine, but i was wrong
«what the fuck is wrong with you, bakugou?!! you don't want me to even look at you but you get jealous when i have a good time with my friends. what the fuck do you want from me??!» you tried to fight the urge of crying. your eyes were begging to let them cry, but the knot in your throat was suffocating you at this point.
«i want you to fucking LEAVE! i'm so done with this shit. i can't stand you anymore. i don't want your shitty 'affection'» he yelled. you jump in your place of how unexpected his words came out. «i don't think i ever loved you! you're so fucking annoying with the same shit. 'please katsuki, love me please' so damn annoying. you wanna know what?! nobody wants your fucking affection, not even me, get over it!!»
we were shaking as much as we could. we were getting that cold
the words he said, the way he screamed, everything felt so out of him.
you felt your hot tears walking down your face so painfully. even felt your blood run cold against your skin. there's no way he was your boyfriend. katsuki was a jerk, totally, but he would never hurt you like that. he's not your katsuki. something happened to him.
you tried so hard to believe that he didn't mean those things. you thought it was just another fight, that tomorrow everything will be normal again. nothing changed, it wasn't real.
«i-i know you didn't mean it»
«i did. fucking leave. take your shit out of here soon»
i'm incomplete. i'm only complete with you
you know me so please, hold my unstable heart
«this is my apartment too»
«then i'll leave! throw all my stuff. enjoy your apartment, you can be free again»
he walked to the door with his phone and wallet, leaving the place with a heavy silent. you stared at the door, expecting to see him trying to apologize, but that didn't happen. you even imagined everything was a really mean joke, that he didn't mean something like that. you can't lie of loving someone for almost six months.
you tried so hard to keep him happy. you tried everything, but at the end, he didn't even love you as much as you did. all your wishes were just a pure thought of hope. it wasn't real. you just wanted a little of his love.
a last kiss.
a last hug.
a last minute of his life.
i want your love, please love me. that's all i wish for
so let's love more in the future
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mingkii · 3 years
LOVE AGAIN ─✎ 송.민기
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❖❳;Pairing; Song Mingi x Fem!Reader (ft. P1h's keeho, itzy's ryujin, and wooyoung)
❖❳;Genre; Greek mythology au, angst, reincarnation au.
❖❳;Words ; 6.2k
❖❳;Warnings; Mentions of death.
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❖❳;Synopsis; A mission to find your lover who was reborn in the mortal world became a mission for heartbreak as you watched him fall in love with someone else.
❖❳;A/n; I honestly don't know what happened near the end, very disappointing but oh well. Not very proud of this so im sorry and don't get your hopes up.
❖❳; Note; My entry for @/sleepylixie and @/delicatewerewolfsoul 's hamartia collab. This might contain inaccurate representations of greek gods but for the sake of the story, just go with it. Slightly modernized as well.
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The sun rises on the horizon, casting light all over Olympus, waking the gods in slumber, reminding them of the work they need to do. However, you wanted to fight the sun for rising so early. The rays piercing through the depths of the ocean, just enough to peek through the windows of your room.
You stir under the covers, not wanting to get up. The light blinding your closed eyes, preventing you from going back to sleep. You were honestly hoping you won't wake up the next day. You didn't want to wake up in agony knowing there's nothing to wake up to. You still picture his crescent eyes when he smiles, his laugh that echoes in your ears as if he is there with you. His hands that felt soft and warm left a mark on your skin, reminding you of how he held you in his arms.
Every night you see him in your dreams— for a while at least. Your heart was hurt, it wanted to remind you of all the things you could've done, but it knew that if you kept dreaming about him, you would have died grieving years ago.
A loud knock on your door suddenly erupted, a groan escaped your lips. You rolled to the other side trying to bury your head under the covers to drown out the sound. Then, your door busted open, making you sit up in surprise.
"What the fuck," you furrowed your brows, watching your father fix the dislocated door hinge.
"Don't use such language on me, young lady," he leans his trident beside the door. "You have a very important schedule to meet your suitors today."
Your eyes widen, "Suitors?!" You shrieked, your father's face contorts.
“Father, I think this has gone long enough for you to know that I am not interested.” he let out a sigh. He’s well aware of that.
"Look, I understand, but I will not have you sulk for the rest of your life just because that good-for-nothing son of Athena died," your blood boiled at his words.
"No father, I don’t think you do understand," You said with resentment.
You tried to bury the tears back down, not wanting to cry in front of your father. The pent up anger made you want to lash out like what he said was the last straw but your pride was much stronger.
"It's rude to keep them in line, they've travelled far just to get here, so I suggest you make yourself presentable and be there as soon as possible," his last words before shutting your door closed behind him.
The knick-knacks on your shelf shook as your father slammed the door shut. He wasn't mad, he was just….strict, as your father and god of the sea, you are under his territory thus, giving you no choice but to follow him.
You laid back on your bed, pulling the covers, letting out a muffled scream into the blanket. Only kids get treated like this, he acts like you aren't already a hundred years old.
You didn't want to meet another batch of mermen with plastic smiles and fake personalities. They were only after you because of your title, daughter of Poseidon, god of the sea, with a legacy that soon passes unto you. You had sisters and brothers, you didn't understand why it had to be you, but Poseidon himself already had it all planned.
You swam near the big stadium-like structure, with large pillars that were carved so intricately in quartz.  The end of the stadium planted Poseidon's throne where he sat so elegantly. You hid behind the pillars, spotting the men that were seated to the side, waiting for your arrival, but you already decided you weren't going to attend. Not this time.
You took the longest route to Olympus, making sure no one spots you, escaping the suffocating vast seas that used to be called home.
"You know one day I could get killed by your dad," Wooyoung set the teacups filled with hot liquid on the dining table where you sat.
It's been a while since you set foot on land, you didn't miss it, the painful after-effects of walking for too long did make you wonder how land dwellers live.
"He won't since I made him promise it," your cheeky smile made him roll his eyes.
"But won't he easily find you here?"
"He will but he couldn't be bothered to travel all the way here," you took a sip from the cup, hot liquid running down your throat.
"I'll be home by sundown, can't have him wash Olympus just to find me," you force out a laugh, wooyoung giving you a sympathetic look.
He knows you are still mourning. Deep inside you are still in pain, but you try to keep it hidden.
"You know, it's been years and he is still bringing me these men I barely even know and he wants me to pick one to marry?" You planted your forehead on the table, hiding your face in frustration. "It's getting annoying." After those annoying years of having to pretend you are ok and just sitting pretty in front of dozens of merpeople, making yourself look like a prize in a glass box waiting for a winner to take you home.
But of course, it's still your choice and you chose to be with none of them.
"Were any of them attractive at least?" You hear the familiar charming voice. You look up to see Wooyoung's mother— aphrodite— adorned in her usual attire, laced with gold sequences, a headpiece in gold, and jewellery that complimented her skin.
You shook your head as you gave her a soft smile, "They always have this forced appearance to look strong and the wide creepy smiles that they think will help attract me to them," she listens to your rant, pouting slightly, "What a shame, you know your father's taste was never that good," she winked. You knew she was talking about your mother, whom you didn't know that well since she is always focusing on your brothers.
"I thought you went out early," Wooyoung questioned. Aphrodite cupped her son's cheeks, kissing the top of his nose.
"I just forgot something dear," you giggled at her ways of babying her son. Fixing his hair and touching up the light makeup he puts on every day. You can't deny how attractive Wooyoung is, you could see the features that he inherited from his mother.
"Poseidon won't stop what he is doing though, I suggest you do as his wishes y/n, or you'll face his consequences," strips of memory to that day cross your mind again. It was truly painful to recall, it made your heart clenched and you wanted to scream your head off.
"Look, whatever it is you want to do, just make sure it isn't something stupid," Wooyoung held your hand in his, rubbing your skin with his thumb. You remembered the last stupid thing you did.
You were grateful to have met someone like Wooyoung, he has always been there for you. Even though your father had been skeptical of him for so long, he still let you be around him.
But you can't promise him this time because another stupid idea just popped up in your head.
"Are you kidding y/n? Didn't we just talk about this?" Wooyoung follows you from behind as you walk through the forest. The last time you were here was the day your world fell apart.
You swore to not cross paths where it reminded you of him but right now, it is important.
"Look, demigods are bound to be reincarnated, there's a chance I could see him again," you explained, stepping on sticks and pebbles, slashing through vines and large leaves with your bronze dagger. Mingi wasn't like you or wooyoung who had both parents that are gods. Like Athena, he was created by her from her mind. He wasn't born….normal.
"And then what? What will you do if you see him?"
In all honesty, you didn't plan that far, all you thought of was to meet mingi in the mortal world. Wooyoung's concern for you just became worse when the silence answers his question. You have no plan, you just wanted to see mingi again.
You ignored Wooyoung's continuous nagging until you reached your destination. The tree that grew sweet magical berries that can only be found deep in the forests of Olympus. The berry that could help the gods enter the mortal realm.
"Y/n…." Worry settles in, Wooyoung knows the side effects of these berries. You weren't as powerful as your parents who were able to visit the mortal realm on your own, you needed help and you were certainly not gonna ask your father.
"I'll be fine," you picked a few handfuls of berries and stuffed them in your bag, "Atlantis won't be that far, If I need to, I’ll just come back." You smiled at Wooyoung.
"I leave tomorrow."
"What about your dad? Won't he get mad?" You two made your way back out of the forest, taking the path of where you came from.
"I just told him I'm sleeping at your place for a while," Wooyoung freezes in place. As expected of his role as your best friend, he's responsible for covering you up.
"You owe me big time."
Arriving at the mortal realm, alone and slightly scared. But the sight of what seemed to be the city made you giddy all of the sudden.  
You walked around exploring the beautiful structures of the city. Tall buildings surrounding the area, billboards, and giant screens with lights and flashing colours. You were overwhelmed at first but it was quite interesting. It was nothing like you have seen before.
There were tons of people who wore casual attire, some wore suits as they travelled to work. Big buses and cars drove by in the streets— you almost got run over by one, not knowing the purpose of the blinking traffic light; the horrendous sound of the car horn almost did make your ears bleed.
Settling down on one of the park benches, you took a break from walking. The sandals you brought weren't doing any justice for your feet.
Your surroundings were peaceful, pink flowers scattered across the concrete, different coloured leaves decorating the trees, getting ready for the fall season. Suddenly, you felt a gust of wind. The eerie grey smoke rising in front of you. Chills running up your spine, your mind having a clear idea of where it's coming from.
A cold mischievous laugh emitted from within, your initial reaction was to pull out the dagger from your side, clutching the handle tight until your knuckles turned white.
"Relax, it's me," the same annoying voice you dreaded hearing.
"Ryujin, what are you doing here?" You scowled. She was bad news— the spirit of mischief lives within her, wherever she goes, chaos follows.
"Hmm, are you not happy to see me?" Her Cheshire cat-like smile plastered onto her face as she took a seat beside you, crossing her leg on top of the other. Her hair was shorter than the last time you saw her, eyes still full of mischief.
"I was hoping to not see you again after the incident 20 years ago," you spat, hatred lacing your words.
"Right, the poor boy, died so soon," her face turned into a sad look before smiling once again.
Ryujin was the main cause of his death. Your father just made it happen. Leading Mingi to that place in the forest where she knew your father was there, he hated Athena's children, he wouldn't hesitate to kill one in sight.
You wished there was a way to go back in time to stop Ryujin from leading Mingi to his inevitable death. But as expected, she felt no shame or guilt whatsoever.
"What is it that you plan anyway, there is a reason for you to come here, right?"
You kept your mouth closed, not wanting to possibly give your plan away for the spirit of mischief to take its course. And so, you kept quiet. Ryujin clicked her tongue in annoyance. She wished she could read minds, but that's her brother's power.
"Fine, keep it to yourself," she stood up, grumbling something under her breath, "Just so you know, I am not leaving without having a bit of fun," another gust of wind blowing in your direction leaves swirling in a circle on the concrete just below her feet, the puff of smoke covering her figure as she disappeared.
Your mind was in shambles. Usually, she would try and pressure you into answering but she brushed it off so soon.
You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding, the weight suddenly leaving your chest. Sometimes the presence of Ryujin gives you this uneasy feeling, but it was better than getting a visit from her brother. He is ten times worse.
You finally adapted to the mortal world, got a place to stay all by yourself. There were obstacles on the way but you got over them easily.
You lay quietly on the bed, and to be honest, it was a bit uncomfortable. The covers are placed over you up to your neck. You stared at the ceiling, counting rams in hopes of helping you fall asleep. And on your 1117th ram, your eyes finally grew heavy.
But to your dismay, your throat decides that it was parched. You sat up from your bed, wearing your slippers, and made your way to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass and filling it up with water, but before you could take a sip, you saw a figure on your couch.
You dropped the glass, shattering across the floor. The figure whipped his head around and you couldn't believe your eyes. Is this a dream? You must be dreaming… You might have even gone mad.
"Mingi?" You stuttered. You haven't called out that name in so long.
"Y/n, be careful you'll hurt yourself," he stood from the couch, making his way to you. You took a few steps back. Mingi's face shows a look of confusion.
He stepped on the glass unfazed by it. Did he not feel that? Of course, this is a dream, he's not real.
"What's wrong?" His arms out to reach for you.
"N-no, I'm dreaming, this can't be—" you shook your head, tears pricking your eyes. You felt warm hands cup your face, it was so real, your knees so close to giving out.
"What do you mean?" His eyes were the same shade of brown. His hair is styled the same way he always has it in.
"You're real?" Your voice croaked, mingi chuckled. The same smile you saw years ago, but as expected, his face started to fade. This is definitely a dream. It was impossible to have mingi physically there, you saw him….die, right in front of your eyes.
"Of course I'm real," his voice was soft, comforting even. You were really hearing his voice, this is his voice. He pressed his forehead against you, kissing the top of your nose promptly.
At this point, you couldn't stop the tears from falling. You sobbed making mingi pull away and look at you with worry in his eyes.
"Please don't leave me again," you pleaded. You wished it was real, your chest grew even tighter. What kind of cruel punishment is this?
"Why would I leave?" He wiped the tear on your cheek. "I'll always be here," he said in reassurance as he pulled you in his embrace. You missed it so much—you missed him so much. The same warmth was still there, but it eventually started to feel cold. Like Hades was paying a visit to take him back to the underworld.
You finally got to see him again, even if it was only a dream, it really felt like he was there, body and soul present. You didn't want to let him go, there's no way you are losing him again.
His image starts to fade, you start to feel the emptiness again. His hold on your body began to feel like nothing, it was cold like ice. You tried to grip his shirt, keeping him from disappearing. You spewed out pleas, begging him to stay. At Least for a little longer.
But then you woke up, hot liquid running down your face.
You were crying, something you haven't done in a long while. Slapping your cheeks, making sure you were really awake.
"Come one y/n, it was just a dream," you said to yourself out loud.
20 years and you thought you were over him. But those agonizing years were torturous. Everything seemed to remind you of him. Wooyoung almost didn't see you for 18 years until you finally decided to visit him. You wouldn't know what to do if wooyoung was never in your life, you might as well have been asleep for the rest of your life.
The clamshell that sat on your bedside table glowed. It was a magic shell that sends messages back and forth in writing. You gave one to Wooyoung so you could communicate from a distance.
"Did you find him?" The letters glowed as they appeared.
"Not yet." you wrote back, watching the writings disappear indicating that he is reading it.
"Time is ticking y/n." Anxiety washes over you again. Soon the berries won't be enough to hold you there and you'll be needing to come back home.
"Y/n, you there?" A voice startled you, making you almost drop the shell. It would be bad if you did, it was a fragile thing, you could risk shattering it and won't have anything else to communicate with.
"In here!" You called out, quickly hiding the shell in the dresser.
"I brought lunch," mina smiled, holding up a paper bag filled with takeout.
The day you moved in, still exploring the apartment that you rented, you heard a knock on your door.
You peeked through the peephole. A woman stood in front of the door patiently, short brown hair— half of it tied into a ponytail— dressed in a leather jacket and denim pants. She looked about 20, maybe 21 but she doesn't look older than 25.
You almost pulled out your dagger but resisted, remembering that they are mortals and you could get in trouble. You slowly twisted the doorknob open, opening it slightly so your body is visible but not the room.
"Hi, I'm mina!" She said in a bubbly tone. Her energy made you slightly overwhelmed. "I'm your neighbour, just next door." She pointed to the apartment beside yours.
You nodded, not knowing what to reply. "Have you finished unpacking?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Do you need help with boxes or anything?"
You looked back in your apartment, body moving aside just enough for Mina to have a clear view.
"Did you not bring any stuff?"  You shook your head.
"I only brought a satchel," you gripped the strap that hung across your body. She gazes at the small bag attached to your body.
"Well, it looks like you need help settling in, why don't I cook dinner for you? You don't seem to have any pots or pans or food either." Your stomach grumbled at the mere mention of food.
Mina giggled, making you heat up in embarrassment. "I'll take that as a yes."
Since then Mina has been your source of food and company. She's been a great companion for the past few days. You told Wooyoung all about her and he just replied coldly. The thought of your best friend getting jealous of your new mortal friend made you laugh.
"So, I just started my 3rd year of college, and honestly, I am tired of it— I've been thinking of dropping out but then my mom might whoop my ass…"  Mina rants while you sit there, zoned out watching the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"Earth to y/n," mina waves her hand in front of you, snapping you out of your daze.
"Oh sorry, What were you saying?" The girl pouts, eventually brushing it off to discuss other things.
"Oh right, so I met this guy on campus and he is like, really cute. He is super tall and like, maybe a bit built..." You listened to her attentively but still in the back of your mind you couldn't help but discuss your plans on how to find mingi to yourself.
"Should I ask him out?" You blinked— you weren't paying attention again.
"I'm sorry?"
"The guy I met on campus on my first day, should I ask for his number?"
"Oh totally, you should," you said plainly, you feel really bad for not paying attention but you couldn’t help it when your mind is being occupied with something else. Mina just brushed it off, not noticing your spaced-out expression. She continued rambling while your mind wandered.
Time was running out, you needed a plan.
"Remind me why I am on your college campus again?" You said, mina dragging you by the arm. She woke you up at an ungodly hour just to travel early to her college campus. Few students were walking around campus, on their way to their scheduled class.
"Look, I barely have friends, also do you go to college? You look to be around my age," your eyes widen. Atlantis doesn't have schools, you had to travel to Olympus just to make it to class, but you only had to go until you turned 18. And you are immortal, you haven't been to school for a hundred years.
"I graduated," you just said. Hoping she won't ask further questions.
"Oh so you're older than me then," you nodded. She stopped to sit by a tree in the campus garden, patting the grass beside you. You sat beside her, leaning on the tree.
"I don't have class 'till after lunch, we can grab something to eat before you can go back to your apartment," she took out her textbook and paper to finish what she didn't the day before.
"Sorry for dragging you, You are always locked up in your apartment so I thought why not take you here with me," you were planning on exploring more of the city, just to take note of the possible routes to get around.
"Won't I get in trouble? I don't go here."
"You are fine, besides, it's an open college, anyone can visit here," she explains as she gets back to her work.
Your eyes wandered off somewhere else, spotting the students who were early, sitting on the grass as they got some sleep under the trees. Some were reading books and some were having their breakfast.
It makes you sleepy after a while, deciding to lean your head against the tree, closing your eyes for a brief moment.
A pair of shoes tapping against the grass, crunching the leaves on the way. You didn't bother to open your eyes so you just stayed and listened. Must be one of mina's friends as you hear her voice ushering for them to sit.
They sat on the other side of the tree beside mina, talking about classes and homework but something about that voice tingles your brain. The familiar deep husky voice made your heart ache. You were confused as to why you were reacting that way.
Soon the person left and you were forced to open your eyes when mina shook your shoulder abruptly.
"Guess who just gave me their number," she said, grinning from ear to ear.
"The hot campus boy," she squealed, waving the paper in her hand. "His name is mingi and it's kinda cute and his voice was deep, not that deep, but like...deep."
Your eyes widen, "mingi?" She nodded. You felt like your world stopped spinning. Your mind is in shambles, processing the information. Your ears deafened the sounds around you, muffling mina's continuous babblings.
You thanked the gods that he's here, but then reality hit. He doesn't know you for he is only a reincarnation of the mingi you knew. He is no longer the son of Athena, he is just human.
"Are you sure it's the mingi?" Wooyoung's message appears from the clamshell. You lay on your bed, a book on your lap as you were reading just a while ago.
"Yes, Mina's description fits so perfectly," you bit your lip, anxiously fidgeting with your necklace. What if it wasn't him? You can't confirm that it really is him, he has no memory of his past life.
"Ok, so what are you gonna do now? You found him, what's the next step?" You mentally slapped yourself for being unprepared. You wanted to see him again, that was your main goal, and now that you know he's here, you have no reason to stay.
You want to be with him but it's impossible, you are immortal, he'll age while you stay young. Well, nothing much was changed when he was a demigod, but he had the opportunity to become immortal. It's not like there is some way a mortal can become immortal.
…..or is there.
"I'm coming back," the writing disappeared letter by letter as wooyoung's message appeared right after.
"Really? So that's it?"
You shook your head as if he could see you. "I have a plan"
"Oh no," wooyoung thought. Letting out a deep sigh. "She's gonna get into more trouble isn't she?" Wooyoung wished that somehow something would knock some sense into you.
"Mina, hey," she threw herself at you, engulfing you in a tight hug.
"I'm gonna miss you," she squeezed around your neck, restricting your airflow.
"Mina," you patted her back, making her apologize with a sheepish grin, "I'll be back soon though, you don't have to miss me too much."
"I know— wait, are you free right now? I was wondering if you wanna go eat before you leave," you thought for a second. Though it isn't difficult to travel back to Olympus, you're unfortunately on your last berry.
"Sure," you hoped it'll last you for another few hours.
Arriving at a restaurant with mina, ordering food as soon as you sat down. Your eyes wandered around. The restaurant was busy, waiters quickly passing around, trying to get to the customer's table as soon as possible.
"Finally," Mina says, standing up on her seat. You turned your head to the person she was referring to.
"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic."
"I invited mingi, I hope you don't mind y/n," Mina says with a sorry smile.
"I don't mind at all." That unsettling feeling soon washes over you, seeing mingi stand in front of you, face to face. You find it weird to see him like this like he didn't die. He looks like the same mingi years ago, it just felt….different.
You took your seats again, Mina helping mingi order his food. The three of you waited for your orders, chatting about anything that comes to mind. Mina talking about classes and homework that is due and mingi asking if any of you were free to a party this weekend.
Of course, you can't go.
"So, Where are you from y/n?" He asks you. His voice sounded so natural to you but at the same time, it felt foreign, like you just heard of it now. Technically you did but, the way demigod reincarnations work is they get reborn the same. Meaning they'll look the same, speak the same, and their personalities are most likely the same. Nothing will change once they get reborn— except, they won't remember anything from their past life.
"Atlantis," you blurted out, panic rushing through you. You can see the confusion in their faces.
"Like, the lost city of Atlantis?" Mortals, what are they teaching them?
"I mean Atlanta," you corrected yourself, body stiff as stone.
"America? That's far, do you have a flight?" Mina intervened. You didn't even know where that was, you just so happened to remember that book you read before coming here and the main character lived in a place called Atlanta.
"Uh yeah, sure," you felt cold sweat trickling down the back of your neck. You just hope they won't ask any more questions.
You let out a sigh of relief as the two of them get back to chatting with each other.
Finally, the food arrived and the sooner you finished the sooner you got to go home. And with your last berry, you popped it in your mouth after the meal.
Leaving the restaurant with mina and mingi you were finally able to go back to Olympus.
As you are ready to part ways, Mina engulfs you in a tight hug, cutting off your airflow. "Mina, you're squishing me," you said in a choked out voice. "Be quick ok," she gives you a final hug before walking in the other direction.
You waited until the coast was clear and hid somewhere secluded.
You arrived safely and with just a minute to spare. You were gonna go to wooyoung's place first before going back to Atlantis when you saw a lightning strike. A gust of moist air blows your way, a growling thunder piercing through your ears. Your mind immediately assumed that it was Zeus but when the clouds cleared you saw your father, sitting on a cloud with his trident on his lap.
"Father," you said, greeting him with a bow. Though he didn't look pleased with seeing you at the gates of Olympus, he still gave your hair a ruffle.
"You have me worried sick y/n, where were you?"
You expected yelling, hearing these words and this kind of tone shocked you. Especially even after telling him that you were staying at wooyoung's but still found you at the gates
"Look, I know I may have gone too far— with...you know, the marriage," he admits. Avoiding eye contact with you as much as possible. Not that it wasn't sincere, he just wasn't used to admitting he was wrong. But he loves you dearly and he'd do anything for you.
"It's ok, I actually forgot those happened." there was an awkward silence. Then, Poseidon left, after informing you of what time dinner was gonna be.
You finally arrived at your best friend's house and instead of a worried wooyoung, you were met with a furious wooyoung.
"I knew this was a bad idea, your father almost killed me!" He said. You rolled your eyes at the exaggeration.
"Relax wooyoung, nothing happened," you placed your bag onto his bed, taking out the souvenirs you got.
"Did he say anything to you? You are still alive so I'm guessing you haven't met yet?"
"I met him at the gates and he said he was worried." Thinking back to that moment made you shiver, it's like someone replaced your dad with someone completely different.
"Huh, well ok then— Ooh what are these," he was quick to change the topic as his curiosity fills in. Wooyoung takes the bag of candies you brought, ripping it open to take one of the wrappers with the sugary treats inside. You chuckled, watching wooyoung chew on the candy.
He notices your gaze stuck on the floor while you get lost in your own thoughts.
"Hey, did something else happen there?"
You snap back into reality, taking a while to process what wooyoung just said. You shook your head in response.
"Actually, is there a way to stay there without the berries?"
He stares at you for a moment, he honestly thought you were done and you weren't going back there. It's dangerous for you since you are not as strong as your father. Even with something more efficient than a magical fruit, you are bound to get in trouble.
"My mom has a necklace," wooyoung says, he didn't want to say it but he knew how important this is to you. Eventually you'll stop, knowing mortals and gods cannot stay together forever.
"She used to make me wear it when she let me go to the mortal world with her."
"Can I borrow it?"
"Y/n!" Mina ran to you with open arms, "I missed you so much," you giggled at your friend.
"I've only been gone for a week."
"A week too long," she pouted.
She takes your hand in hers, pulling you to whatever direction. You arrived at the airport, making it look like you got here by plane. Passing security check out and exiting the building.
"You still remember mingi right?" She asks.
"Of course, I left for a week, it doesn't mean I forgot anything that's here," she grinned.
"Why, what happened?" You asked, hiding the hint of fear in your voice.
"Oh nothing," she sing-song, trying to stop her lips from smiling too much.
You both stopped at the front of the main entrance, waiting for you-don't-know-who. Until a car stops in front of you. Mingi came to pick you two up, giving you a ride to your apartment.
"So, what's it like in your hometown," she asks, taking a bite of her food.
"Uh, It's….you know —uh…. there's trees and buildings."
Mina nodded slowly as she continued eating her food.
After you two finished eating, Mina left to finish her college work— probably with mingi.
You didn't want to think the worst but considering mina's behavior around mingi, you couldn't stop the thoughts running around your mind.
You gripped the pendant that was tied around your neck. It's pearly white color glowing due to the light reflecting on it. Its sharp edges indicate that it was shattered into parts.
The other half is with mingi.
Atleast, when he was still with you. It symbolizes your promise to always be together and be there for each other.
But fate just wasn't on your side. And it still isn't.
As you walked out of your apartment to get some fresh air, you spotted the two by the parking lot. Their faces are inches away from each other.
You didn't know why but you felt your heart sink. Tears welling in your eyes. You reminded yourself that this mingi isn't the same mingi that promised to be with you. He wasn't the same mingi that helped you run away from home whenever your parents were arguing again.
That gave you a reality check, you can't be with him anymore. You have to let him go.
Your gaze still stuck on the two, not noticing the sudden appearance of another spirit.
This time, it made you feel chills.
"Keeho," you said in a whisper. You didn't bother to look in his direction.
"Oh, I'm glad you recognize me," he said, a mischievous smile growing on his lips.
"Ryujin would have loved to see this, after all, this was her plan." You curled your fist into a ball, tight enough until your nails dug into your skin.
"Why?" You managed to let out. You didn't want this to affect you but it does. After everything you did, it all didn't matter in the end.
"I don't know, ask ryujin. I'm just here to relay a message."
Keeho pushed himself off the wall that he was leaning on and came over to you.
"Don't try to bring back something that was meant to be taken away, it'll come back to bite you in the ass," he whispered against your ear, sending chills down your spine.
Then he left, disappearing into the mist again.
Even though you just came back, you were already itching to leave. Packing your bag and locking the apartment. Giving the keys to the landlord.
Mina notices you in a hurry to leave, running after you to catch you.
"Y/n! Where are you going?" She grabs your wrist making you stop. You didn't turn around, you stayed rooted to the ground. Swallowing the thick lump in your throat before speaking.
"I'm sorry Mina," you pulled your wrist away from her and left. You felt guilty, she was your only friend and she felt betrayed. You left without an explanation.
"Y/n? You're here, did something happen?" Wooyoung read your expression.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as you replaced the sad look with a small smile.
"I'm great, I just didn't like the whole vibe there," you lied.
You removed the ruby crystal around your neck giving it to wooyoung, muttering a thanks. Alongside you removed the pendant that was tucked under your shirt. Wooyoung was shocked as you never took it off and you swore you never would.
You tucked the necklace into your pocket, taking a mental note to put it away when you get home.
Although you didn't accomplish your original mission, you did realize that it's always good to let go of something. Never let anything or anyone tie you down. You are still heartbroken, but you are sure you could get over it soon.
Of course, the siblings that stared at you through the window, mischievous smiles on their faces, will not let you live just yet.
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emma-nation · 3 years
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU)
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“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Notes: This is my first RES fic, so I'm sorry if I mess it up a bit. English is also not my main language, so a mistake or two may happen. I hope you enjoy it :)
Trigger Warning: Language, abuse, blood and violence.
Eastern Europe - July, 2009
"If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"
Mother closed the book, placing it on the bedside table between Auryk's bed and mine. Then, she lowered herself and kissed my forehead like she did every night. Her long, blonde hair tickled my face and left a trace of her sweet lavender fragrance in the air. I giggled.
"Good night, sweetheart," she spoke.
"Good night, momma."
"Cherish your last night as a six years old. Tomorrow you will become a..."
"A seven years old girl. The prettiest girl in the village."
"Pffft," Auryk let out a displeased grunt from his bed, covering his head with the pillow to avoid listening another word from the conversation.
"And you too," mother sat by his side on the bed and repeated her nightly ritual of kissing his forehead to wish him a good night too. "You'll become the most handsome and brave warrior in this village. Do you understand?"
"I hope so. Good night, mom."
"Good night, buddy."
Mother left the room, leaving us both in the dark. However, we couldn't sleep. Not because we were thrilled about our incoming birthday party as any regular child, but because we knew our lives were about to change. Seven years old was the age every child from our village was introduced to the truth and started being trained to fight the evil that haunted our lands. Auryk and I spent minutes, or maybe hours, in silence, staring at the ceiling.
"Leena?" He was the first one to speak. "Do you believe a spell can broken? I mean, like a curse?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I answered, feeling my thoughts starting to drift away. "Maybe we're doomed after all. Or... we could learn how to love the beasts."
The birthday parties always happened during the daytime, rules of the village. We could no longer be outside after 6 PM. Mother got help from the other women to prepare the treats and organize the decorations. Auryk was disguised as a pirate and I... I was Belle, from the Beauty and the Beast.
"So, what do you think you will be getting this year?" My best friend Elena asked while we were playing with our dolls. She was about two years older than us.
"I don't know," I shrugged. Being a merchant, my father always returned home with the most unusual gifts: a magical music box, a voodoo doll that had a life on its own or a fragrance that chased away the monsters - and everybody else too. "A new book. I'm hoping for a new book."
It was only by the end of the party Adrian Novak made his entrance. That was the mystery about him. Nobody knew when he would show up, or if he would show up at all. He still had that same annoying smirk on his face. The corner of his mouth holding a cigarette. The months away made his beard grow longer, as well as his dark hair. In the sunlight, the scar above his eye was even more visible.
"Auryk," he shouted, "come here, son. I've got something for ya."
My twin brother, who had been climbing trees with his friends stop frozen in spot for a second. I couldn't tell if he hated or feared that man. Maybe both. He slowly followed father's command, approaching him cautiously.
"Hi, dad."
"Happy birthday, son," father ruffled his dark straight hair with his strong and calloused hand. "It's about time you grow up."
He handed my brother a large package. From our experience, we knew exactly what it was, a shotgun.
"T-Thank you, dad."
"I'll be spending some time at home. Tomorrow we'll start practicing."
Auryk consented. He shot me a quick glance. From our twin bond I could tell my brother was far from happy. When he blew his candles that afternoon, he didn't wish for a weapon. We wished to be a normal child.
"What did you get, Leena?" He asked once we were locked in the safety of our bedroom.
"Pencils and a drawing book. Dad thinks I'm talented."
Not really. Adrian Novak would never allow his daughter to hold a shotgun. That was, according to him, 'a man thing'.
"Good, at least one of us got what they wanted. Happy birthday, sister."
"Happy birthday, brother."
4 Years Later - October, 2013
It wasn't easy to be the weakest of the twins. Although he was born first, Auryk was the tinniest. The one who was always getting sick or getting injured. The one who couldn't hit a single fucking target when he had the alcoholic breath of his father on his neck.
He aimed for a crow, sitting still on a fence. How hard could it be? Even the eldest man from the village could do any better than that.
BANG! He shot again. And missed.
"Again?!" Adrian angered, shoving him hard on the shoulder. "What the hell is your problem, kid?"
"I don't know, okay? This gun... it's heavy!"
"Heavy? And why do you think we've been exercising for all these years, huh?! We do not live in Disneyland, Auryk. We need to fight monsters, abominations. Someday I won't be home and you need to be prepared to protect our people. Do you understand?"
Tears started forming in the corners of the boy's blue eyes. He couldn't cry. Not in front of him. Crying was a sign of weakness and he couldn't be weak. Not right now. Auryk started to think about all the things he could be doing. He thought about the ocean, as he had seen on TV and books. He could feel the warmness of the sun on his skin. The sand between his toes. His mom and sister were also there, of course - they'd carry them with him everywhere. And he would study Math and Physics. There would be no guns, no monsters, no blood, only numbers, only formulas, only theories. He smiled. He no longer felt like crying.
"I'm sorry, dad," kindness was always the answer, his mother said. "But this isn't for me, you know? I don't like it. I... Remember that boarding school my teacher mentioned? I thought maybe I..."
His words were interrupted by a hard slap on his face. Auryk could taste a small amount of blood coming out from his lower lip.
"So that's what you want? To become one of those little fancy fags? Maybe you're not my son after all."
Adrian started walking away, leaving his son alone, sitting on the floor.
"I AM!" Auryk yelled, enraged. "I am your son."
"Then prove it."
"You shouldn't take so hard on him," Savannah poured her husband a cup of tea. "He's just a boy."
"He's eleven years old, for god's sake," the husband punched the table strong enough to make it shake. "He needs to man up a bit. You should stop spoiling him."
As I left my bedroom I found my brother sitting on the stairs. He didn't have to be so close to listen to the conversation between our parents, father's voice was loud enough to echo through every wall of our small and cozy home.
I sat down by his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"Maybe you should do it, Leena. You'd do it better, I know."
"I'm not so sure. Remember when I tried to shoot a scarecrow and almost shot that old witch?"
"Come on, you aimed on purpose! I know."
Auryk finally let out a small laugh at the memory.
"You're good at everything, Leena," he spoke fondly. "You're an extrovert, you're everybody's friend, you can cook, you can draw and paint... you're a true artist. I'm a mistake."
"You're not a mistake, Ryk," I pulled my brother closer, resting my cheek against the side of his face. "We're only at the wrong place and you know it."
Going back to our bedroom, we pulled from the drawers the postcards our grandma Louise sent us from San Diego. Mom had been born in California and lived there her entire life, until she met father during one of his trips. God knows what made her fall in love with that man. Adventure? Danger? I expected better from myself when I turned eighteen. Otherwise, I'd never want to fall in love. Love could be my ruin, just like my mom's.
"Leena..." Auryk held the postcard tightly, "do you think... if he died... do you think mom would take us to nana's home?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I didn't want to think of my father's possible death. But I also dreamed of a better life. "Maybe."
"What the hell?" Father's voice in the kitchen made me jump in fear. I knew that tone. I grew up used to that. Something was wrong in the village. We had to hide.
"To the basement, now!" He emerged at the bedroom, holding a rifle. "Lycans were seen surrounding the area."
We barely had any time to react, mom came and dragged us both to the basement. Father left, carrying his arsenal of weapons as usual. There were other hunters in the village but we always knew how badly it could end. Somebody could always get seriously hurt. Or worse.
The basement had been carefully prepared for that kind of situation years before. It had a big bed, two armchairs, a heating source, some stored food and a shelf. Mom sighed and forced a smile.
"So," she walked to the shelf, "what is it going to be today?"
"Frankenstein," Auryk suggested. My brother loved mystery and horror. As if his life hadn't enough of it.
"Romeo and Juliet," I spoke. There was something about forbidden romance that always caught my interest.
"Okay. I... I'm gonna say a prayer and you two can read the books you picked by yourselves. What do you think?"
Mom kneeled down by the bed's side, holding a crucifix. I could join her if I wanted to, but I'd rather watch in silence. I grabbed my book, sitting on one of the armchairs and pretending to pay attention, while I tried to distract myself from the fact my father could be the Lycans' next prey. Or all of us, if they managed to break into our house.
"Leena?" I woke up hours later with my mom shaking me. "Leena?! Where's Auryk? Where's your brother, Leena?"
I had no idea. I had fallen asleep and apparently, so did mom. She checked for the basement's door, it had been locked from outside.
"No..." she tried to force it open. "No! I can't be..."
All Auryk had to do was to successfully kill and take a Lycan's carcass as a trophy to his father, right? That was what that old douchebag wanted him to do, to prove his courage, his manhood. We had his shotgun, a binoculars and a knife, that should be enough, but first, he needed a good plan.
Looking down to his hands, he had the most perfect idea. Without thinking twice, he sliced a cut through his palm, letting some blood pour on the ground. Then, he found a tall tree. He climbed it and observed. The smell of blood his trail left behind should be enough to attract a creature.
"Come on... come on..."
From a distance, Auryk could hear the sound of destruction and death. There was a battle going on somewhere nearby. Once again Lycans should have found a family or a group of hunters.
And then, he could hear it. The heavy footsteps, the screeching sounds, the sniffing. The mutant creature was only a few meters away from the tree. He aimed, but it was still too distant. He needed to move to a closer branch.
It all happened in one second. He was almost there, reaching for the spot he had picked, but his weight was too much for the tree's branch. In a blink of an eye, he was lying on the ground. His vision was blurred. His head hurt intensely, as well as his arm. It was broken for sure. He possibly had a concussion too. He tried to stand up and run but his legs wouldn't follow his commands. The Lycan was coming straight at him.
"AURYK!" His mother screamed behind him. "NO!"
Time seemed to freeze in that fraction of second. How did she manage to escape the basement? How could she have found him?
But without hesitation, Savannah threw herself on top of her son, protecting him from the jaws and claws of the monster. Auryk couldn't see much, but he could smell it. He could feel it. Blood. There was blood everywhere. He couldn't tell who it belonged to, he or his mom's.
A fast sequence of shots suggested the hunters had found them. The creature stopped moving, stopped howling. It was finally dead.
"M-Mom... it's dead. We... We're safe."
She didn't answer. Instead, he heard another familiar voice.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" It was from his father. "Savannah! Savannah!"
"D-Dad..." Auryk tried to speak, but the words got lost along the way. "I... I..."
Adrian lifted him by his jacket, holding him inches above the ground.
"I..." tears streamed down the boy's face, his injured brain trying to process what had just happened. "I'm sorry.'
After he was thrown back to the ground, he was hit with a hard kick on his stomach. He turned his head around to notice a small figure hiding behind a tree, watching the whole scene in pure horror.
"L-Leena..." he muttered.
"This is all your fault, Auryk. You're a disgrace to this family."
And then, he passed out. Rumors said he was unconscious for days or maybe weeks. When he woke up, he wished everything had been a nightmare.
Present Days - July, 2021
Nobody mourned Adrian Novak when he died. Not his children. Not his village mates. No human being would ever feel any sympathy for a man who abused and blamed his eleven years old son for his mother's death. It had been two years since Adrian left this world and I couldn't feel any more free.
"Hey," I left another message on my brother's voicemail, "in case you've forgotten it's our birthday today. I'd like to have my twin home, you know? Call me when you get this message."
It was useless, I knew. Auryk would only pick up his phone when he wanted to. Or when he was too drunk. God knew where that guy would be at that time, probably waking up at some girl's bed or getting some rest from... working.
After grabbing myself a cup of coffee, I checked the door's mat. Bills, bills, newspaper and... California Institute Of Arts? I remember having an argument with Auryk about this matter at some point. He wanted me to fill the application and send them my portfolio. I insisted we had no money, not even to pay for the tuition. I won - I always win every argument by the way.
"Your damn son of a..." I placed the envelope on the kitchen's table. I was a coward, I confess. However, I didn't know which pain was worse - to be sure I wasn't good enough or to be sure I was, indeed, but I'd never have money to leave that hellhole. Anyways, I decided to leave it alone. I had more important things to do.
My morning routine: to go to the middle of the woods and do some training. My father used to say fighting wasn't a girl thing, but I was no regular girl. And never in this life I'd allow someone to tell me what to do.
After running, climbing and doing a set of push-ups, it was time for combat training. Travelers from abroad taught me some different set of moves, I'd like to think I created my own fighting style. I was also very good with knifes, daggers or any kinds of short blades, they were useful during a close distance combat. My shooting was a work in progress, once or twice I'd miss the center of my handmade targets.
Then, like everyday, I'd go back home, shower and follow to my shift at the village's pub.
"Hiya, Leena," Gustav greeted me when I arrived. "I heard today is a special day... the day a little girl..."
"NO!" I stopped him. Gustav was my best friend. We had known each other since we were children and somehow, he liked to make my birthday a special - and embarrassing - event.
He placed a handmade fairytale-like book on the table. There were some edited pictures, mixed with some messed up drawings about my birth and childhood. He called it 'The Princess Who Carried The Light'.
"God, you're soooo stupid..." I rolled my eyes and moaned, before wrapping him into a very tight hug. "I love you, you know that?"
"I know. You'd probably marry me, if you weren't into girls."
We laughed together, as Olga, our boss emerged from the kitchen, bringing a cake with nineteen candles.
"Here's to another year," the older woman opened a wrinkled smile, "make a wish, my darling."
I fell pensive for a moment, besides having my twin brother back home, safe and sound, what else could I wish for? California, that scholarship, a new life... that's for sure.
"I wish for... a new life, a new adventure," I pronounced aloud while blowing the candles.
"Careful," a male voice spoke behind me, "words have power, little sister. You may get what you want."
I jumped straight to my brother's arms. I could swear that in only a few weeks he had gotten a little bit taller, and stronger too.
"I wouldn't miss my own birthday, right?" He smirked. "So, where's the cake? Please, chocolate... tell me it's chocolate."
"Your silly boy," Olga spread some icing on his nose. "Of course it's chocolate, as you love. And with cherries too."
Auryk responded with a satisfied smile. Olga and her husband, Kristoff, were those responsible for taking care of him after the Lycan attack, years ago. They sort of adopted him like one of their biological children.
"Oh!" The woman exclaimed taking a closer look at Ryk's forearm. He had gotten a tattoo. I hadn't been informed of those news either. Apparently, my brother had more secrets than I could even start to imagine. "This is... new. It seems like my kids are really growing up."
"And only now you noticed that, Olga?" Gustav joked.
Olga shook her head, grinning at herself and returned to the kitchen. The customers were starting to fill the pub. I stared at Ryk again, wondering what other secrets my brother could be keeping.
"So, what does that mean?" I pointed to his newly gotten tattoo, a strange and ancient symbol it seemed.
"Protection from the evil. This is what we need the most in our lives, especially in a place like this. What reminds me -" we turned around, taking a small box from the pocket of his jacket. "Your gift."
I took the black velvet box from his hands, it contained a golden necklace with a magenta gemstone as pendant. My blue eyes drowned themselves in the stone. It had a mysterious glow. Something hypnotizing. Something magical.
"Whoa..." was everything my mouth could pronounce. "And I bought you an Astronomy book."
Auryk stood up from his chair and went behind me, taking the necklace from my hands to wear it around my neck himself.
"This is supposed to protect you from any supernatural and inhumane beings. I won't lose you to them, Aleena. Not like I lost mom."
"Ryk, I... I can't even thank you enough."
"You don't have to. Just... stay alive."
First, I was overflowing with happiness. It either had to do with the fact my brother was home, alcohol, or both. Also, Olga should thank me. Most of the costumers of the day only stopped by the bar because of me. They absolutely loved me and knowing it was my birthday, they had to come and see me. A few of them even gave me some extra tips or a small gift, which was even greater.
"Okay, party girl..." Auryk helped me to get inside of the house as I tripped over the door mat. "Time to go to bed now. Don't you think?"
"Come on, Ryk! Have some spirit! You're home, Olga gave me the day off tomorrow, I earned some money..."
"You told Mrs. Hansen you secretly had a crush on her daughter during Middle School, you danced on top of a table, you're gonna get a hangover..."
"Party pooper!"
I threw myself at the couch. Auryk stood in front of me with arms crossed, looking like a father about to give his child a lecture.
"What?!" I yelled. "It's not like you've never been drunk before. Remember when you stole Adrian's..." I started to laugh, remembering the episode.
"When you were going to tell me about this, Leena?" He showed me the envelope. The Art Institute envelope. The one I had been struggling to open.
"Oh! I forgot. My bad, I didn't open it myself yet. I probably didn't get in anyways."
"You did."
I did?
"It's not like we have money to pay for my tuition. Also, how are we supposed to move to California, Ryk? I work at a pub and you..."
"I've gotten more than enough for that. You know that getting out of this place has always been the plan, since we were children. Leena, I've done some big jobs those last few months. I have the money to grant us a comfortable life in California."
"Smuggling, Ryk!" I raised my voice, saying aloud the information that was supposed to be a secret or not. "You've been stealing to grant us this life."
My brother stared at me in silence. I couldn't tell if he felt offended or embarrassed about my words.
"I'm getting out of here, whatever it takes," he ran a hand through his dark hair. "And you are coming with me. In two weeks, we move to United States for your enrollment."
What I was trying to protest against? Leaving the village and starting a new life with my brother was everything I always dreamed.
"Look, I promise you," Auryk placed both of his firm hands on my shoulders, "once we settle down, no more smuggling."
"Okay," I sighed. "We leave in two weeks then."
There was a loud knock on the door. Being drunk as I was, I figured out I should have forgotten my purse at the pub. Or it could be a neighbor with some very stupid emergency.
Auryk opened the door and there was a strange looking man standing there. We wore sunglasses and a hat, behind his back he was carrying a giant hammer. According to the rumors and stories I heard from my parents, that was one of the Lords of The Four Houses, Karl Heisenberg.
"Auryk Novak?" He asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Come with me, kid. You've gotten yourself in big trouble."
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hoyaanae · 3 years
My thoughts and all the things I love about Lovely Us (2020)
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This drama really surprised me with how good it was written and made despite already knowing that this is highly rated by my cdrama mutuals. First ep right off the bat made me laugh and cry. The following eps kept the flow really well and established the characters and their relations. Before I know it, I'm already in love and attached to the characters and everything about this drama. It's very charming, calming and heartwarming to watch. The acting, writing, execution, ost, and production are well-done.
Set in 2007, this is another drama with nostalgic vibe that will remind you of your childhood and probably teenage years as well of your old neighborhood and the people you used to hang out with when you're younger. Even though I'm kinda fed up with childhood friends to lovers trope by now, this one did it the right way. Romance is slowburn but the buildup isn't slow at all. The main cp are so cute despite the daily bickerings that you just can't help but root for them to be together. It also have unrequited love trope where you'll see the character continuously root for that person and not expecting anything in return. There's no antagonist/evil characters in this story, just your feel-good slice-of-life drama with a touch of teenage romance in it.
Another strong point this drama have is the friendship and family dynamics. The five main leads have such amazing and solid friendship and their chemistry with each other is very natural to watch you'll wish you have the kind of friendship they have. It's endearing how their respective families are friends with one another and the parents have absolute trust with their children even allowing them to stay in closed room, have overnight at their house without adult supervision and even go to outdoor camping sharing one tent. It's refreshing to see how they showcased different parenting styles in each household and the parents aren't portrayed as someone controlling, instead they understand and communicate with their children. There's even one case wherein a parent realized he's doing it wrong so he asked for advice and help from his son's friend in order to get closer with his son.
Unlike other dramas, this one never drags out misunderstandings and touches the issue in the most heartwarming way that it never felt annoying or frustrating to watch, instead I became emotional at those moments that I can't help but shed a tear or ugly cry.
The characters are funny, full of mischief but sweet and thoughtful on the inside. It's a delight to watch them get together and have their little meetings, bicker and help each other out.
The ost will surely stay on repeat in my playlist for the next few days or weeks even. The song choices fit the mood so well and I find myself heavily lss-ed with the opening song. The song "Can I See You Tomorrow?" gives off the ultimate nostalgic vibe and reminds me of one ISWAK ost.
What really stood out to me the most are the moments in each ep wherein a certain character will narrate his/her thoughts about love, life, and family. They're beautifully and oftentimes poetically written matching with flashback scenes that made the dialogue even more heartfelt.
Here are some of the lines that are deeply engraved in my heart because they are beautifully written and will really go well as book passages:
"Once people become parents, their memory begins to become biased. They always remember they are their children's most reliable parents, but often forget that they are also children loved by their own parents. When they are waiting for their children to come back home, they forget that their own parents are also waiting for their return in a similar mood."
"The audio frequency of the sound when a snowflake falls on the water surface is over 50,000 Hz. Because it falls beyond human being's hearing range, this snowy day is still so quiet that it seems I can only hear my own heartbeat and that it seems there is only me and the person in front of me on this planet with a population of 6.6 Billion. I hope this world can be noiser so that I can pretend that I've never discovered this secret."
"They think that the probability is just 0.01, so they put on the emperor's new clothes, trying to hide their affections with magic. But affections are not that easy to hide. Even if the probability is pretty low, it will be revealed at a certain moment. So on that rainy night, while looking at her back, he found that the most obvious evidence of falling in love with her was the feeling of easement in his heart and the smile on his face when he looked at her."
"You think nothing will change as time flies by. But this time, the moment you let go and turn around, some things completely changed. The sun went down and before it rises again, some people will leave you forever. We always thought that there would be a big ceremony to say goodbye, so we keep waiting for a warm hug, a refreshing drink, and a heartfelt goodbye, but in the end, we realized that most goodbyes in our lives are all silent."
"At that silent corner in my mind, there are a number of weird illusions. For example, can I become Alice who enters the wonderland with White Rabbit? For example, can I become the little girl who enters the forest with Totoro? For example, is there some special switch in this box which can teleport me? No, none of them exist. There's no flying dragons or knights, and I'm not the heroine of some comics for girls, either. However, the only thing I'm sure about is that this escape greatly shocks my world. My palms would sweat, and my sight would be indistinct. Then my view becomes narrower and narrower until there's room for only one person in my eyes. After a long time, I know such a moment is named adventure, in which the one in your eyes is irreplaceable."
"The familiar chirping of cicadas on summer nights, the familiar bear doll who must lean by the lamb, the familiar lovely girl who frowns even when she sleeps, and the 17-yr-old time wrapped by the sense of familiarity never seem to have changed. The only difference is that when I look at the familiar him, I feel a flurry and uneasiness that I have never expected."
"There are many new days like today. Today, he holds my hand. Today, he holds me in his arms. Today, he carries me on his back and runs in the street in the early morning. Many days with him like today will eventually become my unforgettable past days. I'll remember days like today for a long time."
"Friendship means so much to us. It brings us close, and makes me flinch, so sometimes we just tell ourselves that as long as we're together, I can be just a friend of hers. But the taxi that I failed to catch, the phone calls that have been hung up, the time that's flying and my restless heart are telling me eagerly that in this world, both love and friendship are important. Every detail related to you is reminding me that we can't be just friends. So when it's still not too late, I have to tell you the things that I want to tell you as soon as possible. Huang Chengzi, I like you."
"In this world, it seems like all wishes have a guardian. Wishing wells, shooting stars, the aquarium's white whale. They're all hiding in the corners of the universe caressing the sorrow of loving someone alone. It's just that the god of happiness can't bless everyone out there. They let some people be happy and their wishes come true, and let some be sad, but they can't admit how sad they really are. The feeling of being in love is like a butterfly gently flapping its wings, that stirs up a hurricane in people's hearts. The second you realize it, then there's no escape."
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choicesfanaf · 3 years
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The Meeting of a Lifetime AU
Part 13: The Pre-Wedding Rituals
Pairing: Ethan x f!MC (Dr. Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Elijah Greene, Bryce Lahela, Rafael Aveiro, Tobias Carrick, Naveen Banerji, Alan Ramsey, Sienna Trinh, Aurora Emery, Jackie Varma, Harper Emery, Kyra Santana, Mridula Patel (OC), Ruby Ramsey (OC), Uma Kulkarni (OC), Sahil Kulkarni (OC), Greg Barnett (OC), Edward Walter (OC), Apoorva Sharma (OC)
Word Count: 1458 words
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan and Aru hold a ceremony to conduct certain pre-wedding rituals according to Aru's traditions.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @nooruleman, @izzyourresidentlawyer, @jooous, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @sophxwithers, @red-rookie
@nooruleman: Noorie, I am extremely thankful for your help, support and motivation. It was only because of you that I decided to write this series. You are a literal sweetheart. Thanks a lot for your help!
I sincerely apologise if this turns out to be messy or not up to your expectations.
A day before their wedding, Aru and Ethan had a pre-wedding ceremony according to her traditions, known as Haldi. This ritual consisted of the bride and groom's family members and loved ones applying turmeric paste on them using mango leaves.
For the ceremony, Aru invited all of her friends from Edenbrook, as well as Mridula, Sahil and her good friend, Apoorva. She wanted everyone she knew to celebrate her happiness along with her. Ethan brought Alan, Naveen, Jenner and two of his closest friends from college along with him.
The day started with Naveen and Sahil explaining everything about the ritual to their guests so that they knew how and what to do as well as arranging some delicious Indian and Continental food and snacks for their guests.
The ceremony started as soon as Aru and Ethan arrived, both coordinating in yellow outfits, dancing to some famous Bollywood songs, which were being played by a DJ.
Naveen was the first person to smother the turmeric paste on the couple, who was applying it almost everywhere. He was doing it so excitedly as he was very happy to see Ethan finally getting married to Aru and respecting her culture as well as letting her plan her wedding the way she wanted to.
After Naveen was done teasing and blessing the couple with a long and peaceful life, Alan came forward to apply the paste and told the couple to always take care of and understand each other, which they promised they would.
"Ethan, big man, before I apply the paste, I just want to remind you how lucky you are to have a chance to marry the love of your life. So, please don't do anything that will make you lose your chance, okay? And didi, don't forget, I'm saying the same thing to you. I'm equally protective of both of you."
"Don't worry, young man, I'll take good care of your sister. And I know very well that she is strong enough to see that if anything happens to her, she will take good care of it all by herself."
"Sahil, don't worry about your big man, I know to not do anything that invokes his bad side and to stay away from it."
"That's comforting to hear, so I wish you all the happiness in the world, you guys. Always stay happy and healthy and take care of the little angels."
"Thanks a lot, Sahil. Your approval means a lot to both of us."
"You know, I started trusting Ethan from the moment I met him. The way he spoke about you and looked at you, I knew he was the one for you. I'm really glad fate gave you two another chance and you guys took it."
"I know, I thank God for it every day."
"And every day when I look at her, I forget how difficult my life was before her."
"Oh, Ethan", Aru said, on the verge of tearing up.
"Okay, you lovebirds! Dry up your tears! Enough with the sappiness and bring on the happiness. You are getting married tomorrow! You guys must be really excited!"
"We are! It seems like I've been waiting for this day to come ever since Aru returned into my life."
"Who knew Ethan would be such a softie, hey!", exclaimed Bryce as he and her friends joined Sahil to tease the couple.
"You know what, Aru has turned him into one!", teased Elijah.
"That's true, Elijah, you should have seen him before her. He was extremely grumpy back then", pitched in Harper.
"Harper, you'll have to tell us some stories of Ethan before Aru waltzed into his life", mentioned Tobias, "cause I knew how grumpy and annoyed he used to be at all times."
"Yeah, definitely. You'll love to hear them."
"Did you know, he was so grumpy that we, along with Tobias, had nicknamed him Major Grumpy Pants back then."
"Aru, meet my friends, Greg and Edward."
"Thanks for the nickname, Greg, now that's what he is going to be saved as in my phone."
"Even we have some good stories about Ethan's grumpiness that we would like to share someday."
"Sure, you all are welcome to."
"Well, Aru, it seems like you have cast a spell on our Ethan."
"So has Ethan on Aru. Just look at them!"
"I hope that this spell never wears out and may you live happily now that you have gotten another chance."
"Hey, Ethan, why didn't you invite us for your bachelor party?"
"I did, but you said that you both were extremely busy that week and would love to catch up later."
"Greg, did you say that? Cause I don't remember saying so."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Relax, Ethan, they are joking around", Aru said, as Greg and Edward started cracking up.
"Never change, Major, never change."
"Okay, guys, now let's get done and get going so we don't block others from meeting the couple. We'll have plenty of time to talk to them later", chimed in Sienna.
"But before you leave, let me give you something", Aru said, as she applied the paste on her friends.
"Why did you do that? It's your Haldi, not ours", said Bryce.
"Meathead, the bride and groom apply the paste to their unmarried friends so that they can find a partner soon", explained Jackie.
"Enjoy this new chapter in your life, you guys. May you be blessed with happiness and joy all the time."
"Aww, you guys, you are going to make me cry, you all are too sweet", Aru said.
After the group was done, Mridula and Apoorva came in to meet and greet the couple.
She pretended to be happy for the couple, but she couldn't stop thinking about how she missed her chance to be with Aru and how much she regretted letting her go.
"Is everything going well, Mri?", asked Aru.
"Yeah, everything is going good, there are no major mishaps or issues as of now."
"That's great, Mri. We are very glad that you are our wedding planner. All of this was a part of our imagination and we could turn it into reality all thanks to you", Ethan replied.
"Oh, you don't need to thank me, I am glad to have met Aru after this long. It's been a pleasure doing all this. I've always dreamed of planning Aru's wedding and I'm extremely glad I got a chance to do so."
"You don't know how happy I am to hear this. You are seriously the best wedding planner out there."
"Aww, Aru. Well, can I?"
"Yeah, go on, it's literally our Haldi. You have a right to apply the paste on us today."
"She's right, Mri. Go on. You don't need to ask us today."
"Alright, then, may you all be blessed with good life and be together forever", Mri said while lathering them up with the paste.
"You too, Mri", Aru said as she applied the paste on her face.
"Hi, Apu! I'm delighted that you could come for my Haldi. It's been ages since I met you."
"I know. We need to catch up as soon as possible. I want to know everything that has happened since the last time we met."
"Yeah, we will need an entire day for that."
"Well, that's what makes it interesting. So, congratulations on your engagement, Aru! I would have never thought that you would get married to the guy who you so deeply admired."
"Just like Ethan, who never thought that he would get married to one of his interns", joked Greg.
After everyone was done wishing and blessing the radiant couple, they went on to take a ceremonial bath, while the others had fun applying the paste on each other and enjoyed the party.
When Aru and Ethan came back, Naveen and Alan told them, "So, children, you will not be allowed to meet each other until tomorrow, okay? Will you be able to do that?"
"Definitely", they said together.
"Also, the bride and the groom meeting before their wedding is considered to be inauspicious, so we will not be doing it."
"Since when did you two become superstitious?"
"Ever since we realised that we couldn't take any more chances."
"That makes a lot of sense."
"So, you both can go and take your beauty rest while all of us will help clean up."
"Thanks a lot for everything you have done for us and the girls. We can't ever thank you enough."
"Dear, you don't need to thank me. I'm just returning the favour from every time you both have helped me", replied Naveen.
"And I'm just doing my job as a good father, Aru, you don't need to thank me at all."
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pixie88 · 4 years
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Chapter 9 - Together - Adam & Ellie.
A/N: Thank you again for proof reading and scene ideas lovely @aussieez​ you are a star! This chapter I wrote the NSFW scene after I had a few drinks Friday night, so I hope I got all the mistakes out. It also includes something that happened to me in RL I’ll leave it up to you to guess what it is haha. Hopefully you find it funny as I have we need to laugh atm. I hope you like it!
If you like it let me know or if you don’t still tell me why I won’t be offended!
I am only tagging those who have asked to be tagged in this new series from now on as I don’t want to annoying people with tags. So Let me know if you would like to be tagged and if I missed anyone sorry just let me know!  
Find previous chapters HERE under Together - Adam & Ellie.
Song: Sia - Helium
Word count: 2123
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Fluffy fluff, NSFW, Mild Angst & adult language.
Pairings: Adam x Ellie.
After Nina and I had our nails done we did a bit of baby clothes shopping followed by lunch, which after Nina had a few drinks, so it turned into dinner too "Nina, can I tell you something?"
"Of course sweetie!"
"You can't tell Al! Adam and I were thinking Charlie could have Alistair as a middle name. Do you think he'll like it?"
"Oh, Ellie he will love that. That's so sweet!" she gets up and hugs me.
"Did you hear that Charlie bear you are going to be named after the two greatest men you could wish for"
I tear up a little "Nina, that's a lovely thing to say!"
She hugs me again "Aww Ellie, I didn't mean to make you cry, but let me elaborate on that"
I laugh wiping my tears "Ellie, I can tell your dad must have been a great man because you are a sweet girl and you adore my Adam. This is why I know you two will be great parents" This makes me even more emotional.
We finally get back about half 10 Adam and Al are already in bed, I open our bedroom door expecting him to be asleep, but I'm greeted by him in bed in just his boxers on his phone, he gives me that gorgeous smile "Did you have a good day beautiful?"
I start getting undressed "Hey, yeah, it was such a laugh your mum, and she's super sweet"
"She has a soft spot for you," he laughs while his eyes roam my body as I strip down to my underwear.
I climb into bed next to him, "What did you and your Dad get up to?" he pulls me towards him.
"Dad took me golfing, which reminds me. Mum has her book club tomorrow night and Dad has a darts night, so we have the house to ourselves" Charlie starts kicking, he hates it when I lay on my side.
I run my hand over my bump "Come on Charlie, Mumma just wants to cuddle up to your Daddy" I roll onto my back.
Adam's hand runs over my bump, his lips follow "Hey, You go easy on mummy" he whispers before laying back next to me "So this morning it wasn't very nice to tease" his hand circles my bump as he is laid on his side.
I smirk "It wasn't very nice to trick me at the pub either"
He kisses my nose "Well, you have started something now I'll finish it" He runs his fingers under and along the waistband of my underwear his touch is electrifying, I try to control my breathing.
His lips brush along my pulse line (Fuck! Do not let him win!) His hand slips into my underwear "I'm not going to make love to you Ellie" He parts my folds (God!) I bite my lip trying not to act bothered, he nips my collarbone.
His fingers enter me, I take another deep breath "So, who won at golf?" I try to change the subject.
I feel him smirk against my neck "We drew but right now I want to focus on making you come"
I laugh, "Adam!"
He speeds up his pace, I roll onto my side now Charlie has calmed down and I slip my hand into his boxers. I grasp him, work my hand along his hard shaft as my lips crash against his.
"My plan hasn't worked, I...oh god fuck..I was supposed to tease you and leave you wanting more...but..." his tongue tangles with mine.
I smile against his lips "But what?"
I speed up my pace "God...Ellie,"
I'm getting to him, "Come on Adam! I thought you were going to tease me?" I grasp his lip between my teeth.
He groans, "We've got to be quiet, baby, I don't want your parent to hear us" I pull his lips to mine again.
Both our paces speed up, we can't get enough of each other "Ellie come for me, so I can make love to you!"
"Not until you do!" I whisper against his lip.
He kisses me harder, firmer "I love you Ellie"
"Guess what?"
I smile, "I love you too more than anything!" I can't hold back any longer "Yes, Adam Yes!!" I fall over the edge, and he hits his climax right after"Fuck baby!"
He pulls off his boxers and I help him remove my underwear as his body cover mine, he pushes pass my entrance.
"OH!! God..that's it! Yes!! Adam Fuck me!" my back arches of the bed I grip him tighter.
He grasps the head board, thrusting harder into me "Ellie, this is all I've been thinking about all day!"
"I have a secret for you...oh"
His lips move against my neck "Secret?"
"Uh huh, this is....all I've.....been thinking about all day too" his lips crash to mine.
He grasps my hips, moves faster against them "Oh god...I'm gonna..Ohhhhh" I hit my climax again.
"Yes, that it Ellie. God...Yes! Ellie!" We're both catching our breath he collapses onto the bed next to me.
"So, how did teasing me work out for you Adam?" I wink.
"Don't worry beautiful I'll get you back!"
I laugh, "We better clean up!"
I get off the bed and hold out my hand "Wanna join me in the shower handsome?"
"Depends on what you're asking?" he give me that grin.
"I'm asking you if you want to add extra steam to the shower?" I bite my lip knowing what this does to him. Adam jumps off the bed picks me up in a bridal carry and leads us to the bathroom.
The next evening his parent are out Adam has ushered me upstairs to get dressed up, he's cooking.
"Are you ready beautiful?" He calls up to me.
"I'm just finishing up now" I spray myself with perfume and make my way downstairs. It's smells amazing and beautiful every counter in the dining room is covered with tealight, lighting up the room.
"Wow this is gorgeous, Adam!"
He smiles "Glad you think so! I'll grab you a drink. Take a seat" I sit at the dining table and wait for him to come back.
"Apple juice for my gorgeous wife," he hands me the glass and pecks my lips "Right, have fun. I am shattered. I'll see you in the morning" he turns and walks out the room.
"Wait? What? Adam?" I heard his footsteps head up the stairs. (He's joking right?) I sit there confused for a couple of minutes, I pull out my phone and look for the nearest restaurant.
I grab my keys and bag, just as I'm making my way to the door I hear, him coming down the stairs "Ellie, where are you going?"
"I'm going out for dinner as I thought we were having dinner here together, but I guess not," I try not to act bothered but the tone of my voice gives me away.
He gives me that smile and chuckles as he wraps his arms around me "I was messing with you, I was getting you back for yesterday, did you really think I went to all this effort to let it go to waste?"
"WHAT!? You thought that was funny?" I spit back at him before I pull away from him and walk out of the house and towards the car.
"Ellie, wait I'm sorry it was just a joke!"
He gently grabs my arm and spins me round to see the massive smile on my face "Gotcha!" I stick my tongue out at him.
"Now that was evil! I thought I had really upset you!"
I laugh, "No, but now you have to come up with something better than what you had planned"
He grins, "I just dug my own grave didn't I?"
"Well, that will teach you for playing a prank on me won't it! So, get thinking Mister!"
He kisses my nose "I think I have just the perfect idea grab a coat and blanket. I'm going to grab the food and a few other bits"
"Where are we going?" I call after him.
"It's a surprise" he throws me a smirk.
A few minutes later we are in the car, Adam is driving "You know your Mum made her own playlist yesterday. There was a song that kinda reminds me of us and everything we've been through lately"
"Oh, what song is that?"
I laugh, "She actually heard it in one of the Fifty shades films she watched with your Nan!"
His face turns to disgust "Thanks for that! I didn't really want to know they had seen those films"
"Come on, Adam every woman has seen it or read the books"
He looks over to me for a second "What about you? Have you watched or read them?"
I laugh, "Yeah, I read book one but skipped two and three. But I have seen all three films, I can't remember if it were the second or third film me and my friend Gemma got kicked out of the cinema for laughing and talking the whole way through!"
"You got kicked out of the cinema?"
"Yeah, there was this moody woman in front of us we were talking she kept shushing us. I think the finale straw was when he'd put Anna legs in this spreader bar on this bed then he flipped her from her back onto her front or the other way round. Gemma snorted and said if her husband John did that to her, she'd end up peeing herself especially after having her two kids. We were both howling. After that we were asked to leave"
He laughs, "I can say I've never been kicked out of a cinema! What was this song anyway?"
"I'll play it, hang on a second" I scroll through my recent playlist Sia - Helium press play.
His face lights up at the chorus "So, I'm your helium?"
I smile, "Yes, I think it would be prefect for our first dance song. What do you think?"
"I love it! It's perfect. My sassenach! We're here"
I look out of the window "Where are we?"
"Blackford Hill, we need to walk just 2 minutes that way. The view is stunning"
We finally got to the top "Wow, Adam this is beautiful!"
"I know, it's stunning isn't it?" He places a picnic blanket on the grass with a couple of cushions "Dinner with a view. Am I forgiven now?" we both take a seat.
I roll my eyes, "I suppose. but it depends on what you've made for dinner?"
"Well, you will definitely forgive me if it depends on dinner," he reaches over to thermal bag and pulls out a little tub as soon as he pulls off the lid I know what it is "I've never seen someone face light up so much over a beef hotpot!"
"Oh my god! Wait, so our romantic meal you got your mum to cook?"
He chuckles "Actually I make this, and she taught me how. I have the recipe so if it tastes exactly the same I can make it at home for you. So, try it"
I try a forkful (It tastes exactly like Ninas maybe even better) "Oh, wow... this is awful!"
His smile drops "Is it?" he takes the fork out of my hand and tries it "Ellie, you're mean"
I smirk "OK I lied. It tastes exactly like it if not better but you can't tell your mum I said that" we laugh.
After dinner we are laid back on the grass looking up at the stars, "You do know I will get you back for earlier!"
I hear a soft laugh escape from his lips as pulls me tighter against him "But for tonight we can call it a truce?"
"I suppose so! But watch your back!"
"Hey, have you see anyone walk pass since we got here?"
"No, why?"
"Good!" Before I can ask him what he means, he pulls the blanket completely over us, his body covers mine as he captures my lips.
"Adam! We can't! Not here! Someone might see us" I giggle.
"We better be quick then!" I can't deny him.
Later we get back to his parents "Looks like they aren't back yet!" He picks me up and walks us into the kitchen and places me down on the counter.
"Down boy! I draw the line at doing that in your parents' kitchen! What's the time?"
He pulls out his phone "I have a voicemail" puts it to his ear, his face drops.
"Adam, what's wrong?"
It's changed from shock to anger the phone is still against his ear "Adam, you're scaring me what's wrong?"
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 10.
@lem-20​ @aussieez​ @khoicesbyk​ @txemrn​ @shewillreadyou​ @irisofpurple​
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kamosweasley · 4 years
Won’t you pull me through ? (Fred and George Weasley)
Description : Amber meet her friend Emily to take a tea and they talk about the war and the twins. It’s inspired by the song Trouble by Cage The Elephant.
Word count : 2.2K
Warning : angst, mention of death, torture, scars, death and mental illness.
Lyrics from Trouble by Cage The Elephant are in italics.
Tag list : @memekingofwwiii​ 
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After knocking at the door, Emily entered with her brighter smile. It's been a while since she's had the opportunity to see her friend, the last few months have been a mess in the wizarding world with the death of Voldemort and the end of the war. She's doing her best but she's still overwhelmed, although the smile of Amber makes it all go away within a second. 
-Hey love. 
-Emily ! It's been a long time since the last time I saw you around ! How are you ?
-Pretty good, things are exhausting lately but we have to deal with it. We're in the middle of reconstruction, it's normal that things are moving fast. 
-This is a good thing, this terrible year is finally behind us. Do you know how well the reconstruction is progressing at Hogwarts? 
-McGonagall supervises, so it's efficient and almost done. She must be a great principal, she is what the students need after the trauma of war.
-I don't even want to imagine the condition that some people must be in, a whole year being tortured by sadistic deatheaters when they were only children …
The two friends sat down at a table to drink the tea Amber had prepared in advance. There is a silence following Amber's sentence, Emily looking at her with a hint of concern. Rare are the people who have not suffered from war and who do not continue to suffer from it today. Some have experienced more painful things than others, such as Amber who was imprisoned and tortured during the war at the Malfoy mansion. It was in the last month before the Battle of Hogwarts, she was able to escape thanks to Dobby, with Luna and Ollivander. Emily hadn't been able to see her before the Battle of Hogwarts a month later, she didn't seem to have experienced all the horrors she told her afterwards. On the battlefield she looked like a warrior determined to win, even at the risk of her life. She was unstoppable, and she survived. They both survived, not everyone was so lucky.
-Now all these assholes are either in jail or dead. My only regret is not being able to get revenge on Bellatrix before Molly killed her. That bitch left awful scars on me, and since they were made with black magic it can't be removed.
-You talk about it like it's nothing, so you feel better ?
-It was hard at first, the first few weeks after the battle I felt like I didn't recognize myself. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a stranger. But it's been getting better for a while, I feel good.
-I’m glad to hear it. You know that everyone is worried about you, you haven't had an easy time of it.
-There are some who have been through worse, I keep breathing and I have resumed a normal life. I think I’m doing well. Doesn't it look like it ? 
-You seem peaceful … After what happened 
-Can we talk about something else ? This war has already hurt us enough, don’t you think so ?
A little annoyed, Amber finished her cup of tea, her hands slightly shaking. Nothing impressive, but Emily notices it, which awakens the worry inside her. She doesn't know what to do, maybe she should apologize for bringing it up. Obviously the blonde didn't want to talk too long about it. With a fleeting look in her eyes, Amber tucks a strand of her long hair behind her ear. The room suddenly seems to her empty and hostile, she loves Emily but talking about the war remains something that makes her uncomfortable. She much prefers to talk about the future and all the joyful things that await them. This is what helps her get better, telling herself tomorrow will be better and she always has the people she loves with her. She will be able to live that future with them. A smile appears on her face, speaking of joy she immediately thinks of them. Her two rays of sunshine.
-I have received the new catalog from George and Fred's store. Have you seen it ? It's still so colorful, it's good to see all these colors in this sad world. Wait, I'll show it to you, I think I put it over there.
The blonde leaves the table to rummage through the drawers of her dresser as Emily looks at her. We had talked to her about it but she wasn't expecting it, how is it possible ? 
-Oh Amber …
-What ? You already saw it ? You can tell me, I'm just trying to talk about my best friends. Maybe you went to the store not long ago, it's still fantastic isn’t it ? This place exudes a good mood, if I could I would spend all of my days there. 
-Did you go back ?
-Of course ! George and Fred wouldn't talk to me anymore if I wasn't their best customer. I love them so much, I'm glad the war doesn't change them. They are still funny and malicious, they always have been. You know, I think people don't realize how wonderful they are.
-I have never laughed so much as with them, they have always been very funny.
-You see ? That's what I said. I grew up with them, we did so many silly things together but we had so much fun ! 
-I know, you had few problems because of them. They always took you in their pranks, you were driving the professors crazy. They found you calm and studious, they didn't understand why you were doing this. 
-Do you know this song ? It says “trouble on my left, trouble on my right, I’ve been facing trouble almost all my life.” That’s on growing with George and Fred. You learn to like problems and to be clever enough to make it good. 
-I can imagine. Which song is it ?
-Trouble by Cage The Elephant. You should listen to it one day, it’s really great. It reminds me of my friendship with George and Fred. 
-Because they always put you in trouble ?
-Not only that, and to be honest I’ve always loved it. These are the best moments of my life, the three of us always had fun as kids. It's not really the same anymore … 
The silence remains, for a moment you can see a shadow on Amber's face, revealing suffering. The mask falls, she has not moved on as she claims, she is still haunted by what happened. We can not say that she is an exceptional case, it was war, but Amber is a special case. 
-I miss them, they don’t come often but they’re busy with their shop. Business is running for them, they deserve it. They work so hard for their shop.
-Amber, you know very well that their store has not reopened.
-What the hell are you talking about ? Of course it reopened ! I went there, I helped them put everything back in place. 
-It's not possible Amber. The store is still closed, and there is no new catalog.
-But I was there! I know it better than you do, I didn't imagine it ! Were you there to help them with the store ? I don't remember seeing you there, so how can you say it's impossible ? You didn't go back to Diagon Alley ? How can you say the store is closed ? It is not closed !
-Amber …
-IT’S NOT CLOSED ! Damn it, where is this damn catalog !
Now she’s crying, all her body is shaking. Her hands are clenched to the chest of drawers, the white knuckles, she’s so tense. It seems as if the slightest word or gesture could make her explode. Unsure of what to do, Emily gets up and starts walking towards her friend. She wants to comfort her, to tell her that everything will be okay, but that would be lying. It’s been a while now and it's not going to get any better visibly. Yet seeing her like this tears her heart out, she wishes there was something she could do to make her feel better. 
-I’m sorry Amber.
-Don’t … Don’t say this, you have nothing to be sorry about.
-We both know isn’t true.
-Why did you come ? I thought you wanted to talk like in the good old days, not that you wanted to bring up all the pain. The war has taken something from all of us, it's time to stop it and take it back.
-Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, we can't take back what it took from us. The dead cannot be brought back to life.
-No one should have died.
They can only agree on this point, this war should not have taken place and it should not have taken so many lives. Emily is standing in the middle of the room, Amber still in front of the dresser but she is almost shaking. The tears are already drying on her cheeks but she doesn't seem to care, she keeps scratching the inside of her right hand with her index. Worries fill Emily's thoughts, she feels like she's screwed up all over the place. She was hoping that she could make things better, make Amber feel better, but she's not worried that she's robbed her even more.
-Please leave, I need some quiet.
The blonde takes a cassette from one of the drawers of the chest of drawers, with red eyes she inserts it into a cassette player. The music begins as she leaves the room with a heavy heart. How did her friend get there ? After closing the door, Emily lets out a sigh. Things are worse than she expected, Amber is still in denial. The real version of the story is much sadder than Amber's version. She really escaped the Malfoy mansion in April after being tortured, she wasn’t that good but it’s the Battle of Hogwarts who makes her fall. She was on a fine line, fighting for her survival and to save her loved ones. She was fighting against her own sanity during the battle, every second, every move, every thought was a step forward. She was winning, seeing a glimmer of hope when Voldemort died. Her first reaction was to laugh at having a hard time breathing, it was over, they had won, she had won. So she ran through the castle to find her two best friends, she had seen them during the battle but was unable to join them at that time. They were finally going to be reunited, to be again the trio they always have been. No matter what they had gone through, they had survived and they will be able to rebuild themself together. 
Nobody can imagine the pain that hit her when she saw the two dead bodies on the ground. It was like the blast of an explosion, in less than a second her world collapsed. They were all she had, she has been an orphan for years, an only child, Fred and George were all that mattered to her. Thus broke the spirit of the young woman
-She hasn't progressed since May …
-It can take a long time before she may feel ready to accept the truth. She knows it but she needs to do it all again. 
-But how much longer ? She's not going to stay locked up here all her life !
-When she accepts reality and gets over it, she can return to live with her family.
-She has no family left, her parents died years ago and she had no one else. And the twins died too ... I'm afraid she has no family left.
The lyrics of the song can be heard through the door, from what she hears, Emily understands how this music speaks so much to Amber. “My sweet love, won’t you pull me through ? Everywhere I look I catch a glimpse of you.” It must be horrible to lose your two best friends, even more when you think of them as your brothers, your last family. She really lost everything that day, even her sanity.
“God don’t let me lose my mind.” She sings with this whole heart, eyes closed and serenity filling the room. She knows the lyrics by heart, it became her favorite song because it reminds her of them. When she opens her eyes she faces the twins, sitting at the table. They exchange a mischievous look before looking at her, it's like when they were young. A blink of an eye and they are three children facing each other, mischievous and innocent. Then teenagers, running through Hogwarts to escape Filch, out of breath but having fun. It's only onto the common room they can relax, out of danger. Fred told Amber that it's her turn to do it, so she takes his wand and puts it on the map. Surrounded by his two best friends, Amber open her eyes and as a tear falls, she whispers :
-Mischief managed.
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
uhh,,, saw your reply to my ask and i- snsjs thanks a lot, ur really nice. i guess I'll request something to get ya started, I hope you don't mind! 👉🏻👈🏻 could i get sdr2 boys w/ a fem! shsl baker s/o? s/o is really affectionate and sweet too, she wears pink and pastel clothing with her baker outfit, + firmly believes in the phrase "sometimes kindness is enough" + that even bad people deserve a second chance. just trying to ship my cute af oc with my fav boys, don't mind me.. 👉🏻👈🏻 >u< 💐
This was really fun to write! I'm so sorry that it took a while. Also, some of these are more based in the middle of the relationship, some are more meeting to the beginning of the relationships. I hope you don't mind :)
Sdr2 boys with a fem, shsl baker S/O who is very kind, patient, and affectionate
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
People aren't normally very patient with him, especially due to how on edge he can get
It's a bit shocking for him to see that you've stuck around, even before you started dating
When you two first cuddled he was so embarrassed. Blushing bright red and muttering a few reluctant insults before going quiet and just being a bright red mess. 
You don't remember if he fell asleep in your arms, or if you fell asleep in his, but it didn't matter.
You kiss him every morning. Sometimes it wakes him up and other times it doesn't, but it makes you happy either way. 
He really has a sweet tooth, even if he doesn't like admitting it. Peko and yourself might be some of the only ones who know.
You often surprise him with sweet things. Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and especially doughnuts.
He always acts a bit annoyed at first but the facade collapses as he eats
"You didn't have to make me anything, you know? I don't like sweets"
"Thank you, (Y/N)... This is amazing, as usual" 
Gundham Tanaka
The Lord of darkness and a sweet baker never seemed like they'd be the best pair, but they were. 
Even before you got together, you would surprise him with small cakes you were creating recipes for to get his opinions
"A Lord of darkness such as myself does not need such worldly goods!"
Yet he still eats them and showers you with compliments
Apparently, all the horrific forces at play in the many universes would enjoy them
When you found out about his demonic beasts, you found them absolutely adorable
You went to your recipe book to see if you could find any treats for hamsters but couldn't find any. 
The same went for online
So you made that your mission. Making a sweet for only the most ferocious of hamster beasts.
You tried to keep it a secret, but gundham found out, and declared he must join you on your mission in life. 
Every afternoon he would meet you at your kitchen and you'd both work on recipes to find something that would be easy to replicate and mass produce that brings the dark devas powers to their fullest potential. 
You would work until the early hours of the morning. What was once going to be a small present had spiraled out of control, but you didn't mind. 
It was fun to spend your time with someone as passionate as the ultimate breeder.
When you had finally cracked the code, it was early in the morning. He was so happy that he looked like he was about to hug you
"(Y/N), I often wish you weren't a mere human." He said as he watched the devas eat their sacred meals.
"Even a human of your strength would perish by simply touching me, and it pains my heart"
He continued to ramble about how his power had the ability to destroy any human, and how he sometimes feared making companions for that reason
And then you hugged him
He was caught by surprise, and shocked when you didn't turn to dust in front of him
Maybe you weren't human after all
He decided you would be a perfect companion to rule the underworld with someday.
He crowned you the princess of darkness and unwavering determination.
Hajime Hinata 
Though he was a reserve course student, Hajime would often spend time with your class after school. 
He just became one of the pals.
You loved giving out treats during homeroom, so you would make sure to save him some to give him after school.
"I'm so sorry that it isn't warm, Hinata! Oh! What if you come with me? I'll make you some of whatever you want!"
You dragged him off to your room. 
"What do you want? I'll make anything!" 
He reluctantly said he'd have some chocolate chip cookies. 
You whipped them up instantly and gave them to you nice and warm. 
He thanked you generously.
You continued the habit of making him things, making them more and more creative.
His favorite was your orange zest cupcakes
He had wanted to ask you on a date for a while, but was too shy to. He was a reserve course student, why would you go after him of all people? 
Mahiru ended up being sick of him being so shy, so she asked for him.
You laughed and accepted. 
You both went out to dinner a few days later. He was flustered and yet also a little frustrated that Mahiru rushed him. 
The dinner went overall well, and he walked you home that evening. 
He thanked you for coming out with him and being so kind and sweet 
And then you suddenly 
Kissed his cheek
He went deep red and flustered as he sorta blanked out
He kissed you back quickly as you parted ways.
You both couldn't wait for tomorrow
Imposter (Byakuya)
You decided to hand out brownies to your class one morning, when they were nice and warm. 
Almost everyone showered you with praise for the baked goods, but one person especially. Byakuya Togami. 
He told you it was the best food made by a commoner he had ever tasted. 
You two slowly grew closer as you brought in baked goods once a week. 
At first he had treated you with overall indifference, yet as you talked to him more he slowly opened up to you. 
He talked about his favorite foods, his favorite brands, and even his hobbies. 
As you two started to talk out of school, you noticed some things that didn't seem to fit in with the way he normally talked. He wasn't calling you a commoner anymore.
He started to treat you like an equal. 
One morning when you were handing out baked goods during class, he gave you a note. 
Meet me at my locker after school today. I have something important to talk to you about -Byakuya Togami
He didn't say anything else, besides a quiet thanks. 
When you went to his locker after school, he looked surprisingly anxious
"Follow me, we're going to the park, (Y/N)" he said coolly 
He sat down on the bench next to you under a cherry blossom tree. 
He let his secrets spill. That he always wanted to be someone else. Someone who would be noticed. That he wasn't even sure who he was… 
He spoke quietly and with a steady voice as he stared you in the eyes
"Would you really care about someone who you don't really know?" He asked. 
"Yes, yes I would Byakuya. Because even if that isn't your name, I didn't befriend a name or a face… I befriended you for your heart" 
He looked like he was about to cry as he pulled you into a soft embrace. 
Kazuichi Soda
Souda really, really loved touch, and was surprisingly easy fluster.
He loved it when you held his hand in public, it would make his heart thunder out of his chest.
Not to mention cuddling
Running your hands through his hair
He would rub your back sometimes, too. 
Whenever your kitchen gadgets broke, he would rush over and fix them.
He tried to add some mods, too. To make things faster or more efficient.
They were often to fast to use reasonably, but you thanked him for them anyway
You loved surprising him in his garage when he was working. 
You would always bring him his favorite- death by chocolate cupcakes. 
Sometimes you'd get grease on your clothes. He'd rush to help you clean them and try to get the stains out. 
When he realized they wouldn't be able to fully get it out, he took her to the store and bought the same outfit, along with something else.
He adored spoiling you.
You were his princess.
Nagito Komaeda 
You had heard some of the things your classmates had said about one of the ultimate lucks. That he was creepy and had an obsession with the other ultimates
You didn't believe them. You didn't think they were lying or anything, just that they didn't understand him. 
You decided to introduce yourself to him, and he was so excited.
An ultimate would talk to him?
He apologized in advance for having to put up with trash like himself.
You assured him he wasn't trash, and even invited him to hang out after school. 
He asked about what your ultimate talent was.
When he heard baker, he was awed. Oh the hope that you would be able to bring into others with your treats!
You two would gradually hang out more and more and become better friends. 
You would bake him something every time, but something always turned out wrong.
A bit of eggshell somehow got in, the vanilla would slip out of your fingers and dump into the batch, the baking time on the recipe was wrong, or something had spilled on your cookbook
Nagito had to anxiously explain the way his luck worked. Terrible luck had to come before good luck, followed by even more terrible luck.
"Well then, I don't mind! As long as you're getting some good luck, I don't mind having to bake something a few times to get it correct for you due to bad luck"
He was shocked by your amount of hope and kindness. 
"What do you think the good luck is, by the way?" You asked him suddenly
"To be honest, I think its spending time with you after school, (Y/N)"
He asked you out, and you accepted. He thought it was all his luck, but it wasn't. 
You loved giving him love and affection. Even small things like holding his hands in public, to cuddling him on the couch when you watch tv together. 
The bad luck would really be inconvenient, yet you got through it if it meant you got to spend time with him. 
He often rambled about how much he didn't deserve you, yet you always cut him off and tell him how much you loved him. 
He loved you so much
You loved him so much.
Nekomaru Nidai
You two were both rather sweet to others, so it made sense that you got along right away. 
You quickly became the power couple of the school
He would pick you up and carry you on his shoulders all the time and make up little excuses for why he'd do it
Maybe it'd be faster if he just took you
It was for his workout
You had to grab something on the shelf
So on and so forth. 
You didn't mind, you just loved being carried by him. 
You would have movie nights with him all the time. 
You'd make cookies and pop some popcorn, and then cuddle with him or sit on his lap as the movie started
His favorite movie was Rocky
His favorite movie snack was your oatmeal bar cookies.  
Sometimes he massages you during the movies. You swear that those are the best things in the world.
He invites you to work out with Akane all the time. You aren't very athletic but accept anyway!
He has a list of exercises to help different parts of your body so you get a balanced yet not painfully difficult workout. It's one he had once used for a beginner's team, but it works well for you too. 
He makes sure to work out at a pace you can handle and gives you tons of tips before going off to spar with Akane
Sometimes, the winner gets your cookies. 
Those are the most intense any of their battles get
Teruteru Hanamura
You and Teruteru had something in common before even knowing each other, as both of your ultimates were centered around culinary
He hadn't really tried to bake before
You decided to invite him to your home so you could show him what he was missing
He treated it like it was a date, and kept making inappropriate jokes the whole time, but you didn't really mind too much. 
He was having fun after all. 
You guys kept inviting each other over, either cooking or baking with one another. 
You realized he had feelings for you, but didn't reciprocate for a while
One day when you were cooking together it just hit you that you loved him
You loved his passion for his craft
You loved his kindness
You loved his humor
You loved him.
You asked him out
He accepted
Some things- a lot of things- stayed the same.
You would cook and bake every day together and search through recipe books to find new things to make
Other things changed
You were both big on cuddling and affection and couldn't get out of eachothers arms at night
His accent totally changed too. You didn't expect him to speak in a southern accent, but also didn't mind
It was nice to hear him talk about how beautiful you were in that voice. It showed you he didn't have to put up a front around you.
He would buy you aprons and dresses with light, pastel colours.
He just loved how everything looked on you. 
He would also buy some risque clothes, but if it made you very uncomfortable, he'd stop.
You realized why some of your classmates hated him, he could be pervy at times, even bordering on creepy. 
But that was just one flaw about him. 
His passion was almost unrivaled by your classmates, not to mention how funny he could be.
You just had to stick around to see that passion. Your patience went a long way. 
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Rehab (pt.2)
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¡Hola bellos! This is my entry for @pretendcnco 300(?) followers challenge! Congrats babes on hitting that milestone! I hope you guys enjoy this!❤
Pairing: criminal!Chris x reader
Warnings: swearing, angst?, mentions of jail, mentions of marijuana, feels, drugs
Word Count: 8.1k
“Forget all we said that night, no, it doesn't even matter, 'cause we both got split in two, If you could spare an hour or so we'll go for lunch down by the river, we can really talk it through.”
Christopher's POV
The pouring rain outside foreshadowed the mood for me all day. I've been stuck in jail for 15 days. 2 weeks and 1 day. It's been 15 days since I was dropped off here, and 15 days since the break up. I've been feeling nothing but pain, sorrow, hurt, and regret. Regret for my past, my actions, my self. But most importantly, I felt regret for letting her go so easy. Then again, there's not much you can do to contact someone when they arent on your visitors list, or just dont want to see you at all. All I know is that I need to apologize and explain myself to her. I cant let her go that easy.
Walking out of my cell, I approached the makeshift cafeteria and was given my breakfast. Breakfast today consisted of pancakes, blueberries, and a carton of milk. Just like Y/N used to make. Only much more edible. Nevertheless, I ate the slop. The meal had reminded me to much of her that I didnt realize I started to cry until a tear landed on the plastic tray. God I miss her.
Sulkingly, I finished the breakfast and stood up from the metal table, throwing my trash away, and returning the plastic tray to the men who were working the cafeteria. Heading towards my cell, I had some major thinking to do.
Arriving at C153, I entered, and was locked back in the tiny cubicle. As I looked around the room, my eyes landed on a picture. Inmates were able to keep some form of personal life with them during their stay here. Mine just so happened to be a picture. A picture that held a thousand words. In the picture, Y/N and I were on our couch laughing at god knows what and just having a good time. Though, my ass was high as fuck that night, I still remember the lecture she gave me. The lecture that ultimately landed me here. The lecture that tore us apart.
"Christopher stop! That's too much."
Christopher had arrived home high as hell, and you weren't letting him off easy this time. You and him say om the couch. Your legs intertwined with his, holding hands, with your head on his chest. What started off sweet would soon turn into something you may regret.
"Chris, babe, you're high again. You need to drink some water." You tried to help him recover.
"I'm fine Y/N." His words slipped up, and he definitely was not fine.
"Chris stop! No you arent. You need to get some rest, and drink some water too." You tried negotiating with him.
"I'm fine Y/N. I promise." Christopher slurridly said.
Sighing, you take a step back. He wasn't going to listen to you. He never does when hes high. You always told yourself you knew what you were getting into, when you started dating a drug dealer. You thought he had changed. You helped him stop his drug addiction. You were there for him. And you always would be. However all good things come to an end. Once an addict, always an addict. Right? Halfway into your relationship, he went back to his old ways. Recieving yet another addiction to marijuana. You couldn't handle this anymore. You needed to stop this once and for all.
You tore the blunt he held in his hand away from him. "What the hell Y/N?" Chris had shouted at you.
"Chris, this needs to stop. Once and for all."
"Why? I feel fine. I'm telling you that I'm perfectly okay right now." Chris fired back.
"No you're not. Just stop." You nagged him on.
"Just shut the fuck up Y/N. I said I'm fine and I mean it. Sometimes you just annoy me. I wish I didnt date you sometimes." He muttered the last part to himself, but you still heard it.
With tears brimming your eyes, you shakingly look up, hoping what he didnt mean what he said. "You dont mean that, do you?"
"Of course I do. You nag me all the time about stupid shit, when you know damn well that I'm perfectly fine of handling it myself."
Ouch. That stung. But then you remembered that he was high and most likely wouldn't remember most of the things he said tomorrow.
So with all the courage you had, you mustered up two words. "Fuck you." You sneered at him, walking to your room and locking yourself in it to hopefully try to get some sleep.
The next morning you woke up, and went to check up on Chris. When you got downstairs, he made breakfast for you. Pancakes, blueberries and coffee just the way you liked it: four sugars with five creams.
He seemed stable today. You needed to talk about last night though. "How was your night?" Chris interrupted your thoughts.
"Good. Pero, we need to talk about last night."
Chris remembers what happened last night, and hes scared to talk about it. Of course he didnt mean to hurt you and say what he said, it just slipped out and was a heat of the moment type thing.
"Mira princesa, lo siento. Nothing I said last night was true. I love you and I love having you as my girlfriend. You've helped me through so much, and I can't thank you enough. I dont know what I would do without you. Tú eres mi vida, mi mundo."
The speech was heartfelt. But you wouldn't let it get to you this time. You needed to make sure Chris was understanding this as much as you were. "Chris, I love you, tú eres mi luz, but this needs to stop. You can't continue to do drugs. It needs to stop. Once and for all."
Chris was silent for a while. Realizing he may lose his love to marijuana. "Princesa, I promise to stop doing drugs. Pinky promise."
Trusting him, you intertwined pinkies, though you didnt trust him fully.
Coming back to reality, I realized I was crying. Sobbing even. I didnt realize how much of an effect Y/N could have on me. I said some stuff I regretted that night, and I broke a promise I made. A promise that led me here. In jail. For what cost? Nothing, because I lost something so great to me. All of a sudden, I remembered one final way I could contact her. I would have to write a note. Grabbing some paper and a pen from my cellmate, I began to write the letter. It would all be coming from my heart.
Querido Y/N,
Dios, where do I start? First off, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for breaking a promise I know was so important to you. I'm sorry for being such a terrible boyfriend. I'm sorry for not being there for you, when you were always there for me. I'm sorry for the countless times I've left you sitting at home alone, wondering where I was, when I was out doing drug business. I'm sorry for all the fights I've caused. I'm sorry for what I've said during those fights. Pero, I want you to know that I love you. Te amo mucho. Being in jail, without you gave me some time to think. Think about all that we've gone through, and how lucky I am to even have you in my life. I promise you, after this, no more drugs will be involved. I'll go to rehab, a halfway house, and do anything to get me back to where I need to be. With you. I'm sitting here, writing this note with full regret for my words and actions. Pero, actions speak louder than words, and my actions led us away from eachother. I just wanted to say gracias. Gracias por everything you've given me, and supported me with. I dont know where I'd be if I didnt meet you. You continue to make me want to get better and change for better. One day, we will be together again. I'll always be waiting for you. Whether you're on the other side of the world, or I have to wait a lifetime, my arms are always open for you. Te amo mucho. Forget all we said that night, no, it doesn't even matter, cause we both got split in two, If you could spare an hour or so we'll go for lunch down by the river, we can really talk it through. I love you.
Tú amor,
Tears rid the letter. It was a very heartfelt one. Tears littered my face as well. I cant afford to lose her. Sealing it in an envelope with her name and information on it, I quickly say a prayer to God hoping he'll answer me.
Walking out of my cell with the envelope on my hand, I put it in the box labeled "outgoing mail."
Now all we can do is wait.
@smoljoelito, @estoy-enamorado-de-ti, @cncobby, @ericksmamita ,@ellos-me-vuelven-loca
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And I'll run in the rain till I'm breathless. (Roger Taylor x Reader)
» Kinda impossible for me to stop writing @[email protected] are two exams, this month and next month, so I have been studying non-stop and jfc I’m burning the hell out. I really wanna write something, so here it is!
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Summary: Y/n is part of the underground rock community in London. One day Brian introduces her to Roger and they quickly became a friend. But that doesn't last long; after giving Roger space supposedly reserved for her best friend—y/n get to finally see Roger's true face behind his cool looks.
Pairing: Mr T (Roger Taylor) x Reader.
Warning: Fluff at the end. Maybe a wee bit of angst? Profanity; a lot of profanity (cursing too much ain’t cool, peeps). Smoking (it’s bad for ya).
Word count: 4917.
Inspired by: Fool in the Rain by Led Zeppelin.
Dedicated to and perma-tag: @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark, my new friend that’s instantly clicked with me. <4 <4
Another note: This means what happened currently. Italic means memories in the past. Roger can be either actual Roger from any era the readers like or Ben Hardy’s Roger.
It’s foolish to think anything is going to work out with another man when your heart lies elsewhere. You wish to cry for him, but you can’t. There’s no reason for it. You don’t feel anything. Despite being his best friend for years, you see Loui as nothing more than a brother. A brother that doesn’t mine slapping you for being honest with him. After you’re accused to almost stood him up when you simply get the address wrong, he stopped you mid dumping him with a slap so true you feel like you’re still dreaming down in the rain. You finally snapped from the mind-bending action you thought he will never do, and quickly take shelter under the bus stop.
“Well. It’s going on three years.” You whispered to yourself. “If he was to do that to me, maybe I would do the same with what Loui did to me.”
Or maybe not. The only one time you hit someone was because you’re already so damn mad, and you’re too drunk to think straight. And it was an accident too, you only try to get him off; because he’s helping you to get up even after you say you can stand on your own. At least that time your feelings for him is still atom level it almost didn’t exist. Perhaps your old self when you start seeing his bad side would never think you’d be like now. Missing him. Somehow. You’ll do the dishes for him, but only two times before you start yelling at him. Like always.
You chuckled in silent as you wipe the water running down your hair. You wonder where he is now. Ever since you date Loui, you had a big fight and you moved out. You heard a couple of things from Brian, but they’re not so important, seeing the nature of the man. That makes you laugh again. He probably already exceed thousandths girlfriend. Maybe he’ll laugh too when his housemate told him to put a sock on the door.
“What’s so funny?”
You looked at a guy sheltering next to you. He’s also drenched. You shrugged.
“I don’t really know, mate. You got housemate still? Do they tell you to raise the flag when you’re shagging a gal? I used to be that housemate. I don’t know why I even bother to tell him. Good times...”
"I should've not introduced you to him." The man sighed deeply. You could only stare sharply. So bloody sharply that the brunette refuses to look at you until you stopped.
"What makes you think that? I have been painfully average in college anyways." It hurts to say that to the tall Astrophysics boy you have been crushing for so long. But sass is like honey in your blood. You can't help but get addicted.
"Cut your fucking sarcasm for once. It never helps your situation."
"Correct. But it makes it better." Now it's Brian's turn trying to kill you with his eyes. "What am I supposed to do then, Bri? Tried to fucking evict him? Emphasis on "tried"! That arsehole have me kicked out and shunned by my ex-bandmates! I fucking know I sucked at bass and guitar! But they're—."
You didn't realize you almost throw your coffee cup at him. It still got half of hot coffee in it, and it makes Brian looks perfectly petrified with both of his hands up as if he ask you not to shoot.
"I'll talk to Roger. Again..."
The two of you knows it. It'll make no bloody difference; you can't even remember how many times you almost get Roger kicked by the landlady. But Mrs Marianne eventually falls victim to Roger's seduction and as he turned her against you. The last time you could convince her how horribly low maintenance her blonde tenant was, Roger played, hope-fucking-fully, his last trump card and get you voted by your own bandmates, from the band you fucking founded. His sugary victory has you wish you were bald so there'll be no hair you can pull out of frustration. Although the incident this time was that not only he ate your food and didn’t even try to do the dishes, he also blasts his music when you have clearly stated you’re going to study.
At least the silver lining to all this was that every time Roger KO'd you, Brian will give you his time—most likely out of guilt—disguise it as helping you to study. But, 1) his teaching and tips actually help you, and 2) the two of you did studies in the end. So you're not sure whether the lanky guitarist was just so bloody kind, or there could be something else that can be of use for you. That's why you can't really blame him for Roger's case; were you not taking interest with the man with his curly hair, perhaps it'll be long enough for you to secure the space at the house for your best friend—as you originally planned and supposed to do, instead of giving it to the satan-spawn.
A sound of a phone vibrating makes the two of you jumped out of your concentration. Lucky it was Brian's phone. If it was yours, the two of you would've been dead from the damn loud rock music ringtone.
"Your mum?"
"Ha, ha..." He mocked whilst he checked the caller. "Oh, my girlfriend. I'll be back in a minute."
As the man stands up and goes outside to answer the call, and you simply sat there. Your world suddenly destroyed. Almost feels like the café starts crumbling before your eyes, but you can do nothing to stop it. Only to witness and stunned like a helpless heroine in her love story. The warm rustic atmosphere from the café-around-the-corner. A romantic scene, perfect for a date and be with your love. Not so many people around so you can enjoy, now apparently, your heartbroken. You’re not going back here anytime soon, that’s for sure.
"Hey, sorry about that. Chrissie just found out about your fight with Roger and she's very worried about you. She told me to tell you this; you can bunk with us in case Roger is being Roger again."
Brian's sudden presence as he sits down finally snaps you out of your post-apocalyptic perception of the world.
"Chrissie? Chrissie Mullen? She's your girlfriend?"
"Ah, that reminds me, I always forgot to tell you, Loui is her friend."
"I know that! We are friends too for quite a while—."
So that's why Brian always feels so fucking guilty. It's the one-thing-lead-to-another bullshit; Loui talked about how you're quick to eye him to be your housemate. Being Chrissie's friend—Brian's future girlfriend,—he's around Roger when he showed off your loyalty as his best friend, only to have the lights of hope immediately extinguished by the bastard of a drummer on exactly the next fucking week. Brian bloody knew. But he's not a god to see the impending doom.
"Ha. That's funny." Your eyes stare blankly at him for a solid three seconds before your hands start packing your things in your backpack as fast as lightning. But it's no longer the fact that Brian was already taken by none other than your friend, funny enough, you used to crush on too, but the pang of pain in the bottom of your stomach was now caused by his lack of reaction seeing you bursting out of the café. That's the only reason left you needed to change the reason to go to the music club. Now it's to drink.
You wish to laugh at the situation like you always do the almost fifty times it happens. But this time, the girl’s scream can’t even faze you as your mind trying to make what is going on. It is clear as day what is going on. The currently naked woman trying to get her clothes whilst Roger looked frustrated but not helping his date.
“Sock on the door, ya cunt.” It’s hard to hide your slur, but currently, nothing can make you care enough. “At least tell me ya be shagging a gal. How many times was this fucking thing have to—.”
When you run to the bathroom to throw up, his girl ran out of the house. An impossible scenario for two young and wild girls to leave him behind in a hurry just like that. Even more impossible to see you getting so drunk you throw up. Not after he almost get you to bed him the one time you’re drunk when he’s also in the house; which makes you swear to Brian or Loui or your close friends to never let go you go home when you drunk.
“You... Alright?”
“Do I look alright, young boy?” You didn’t even try to cover your face knowing full well Roger always throws his briefs at you when you call him that. So you’re not surprised when Roger is too shocked to find you in that state.
“Just leave me the fuck alone and wreck this house like you always do.”
You don’t expect him to care. At least you wish he didn’t, or he might prank the shit out of you, and you might be too shitfaced to not restrain yourself from murdering him on spot this time. Hell, you’re too fucking drunk to see that he already did the wrecking the house part; one thing you’ll thank him for instead, because being too angry at him whilst cleaning the house will surely make you forget tomorrow.
“Ha. Annoying housemates after another. Just fucking avert your eyes, my sex life is none of yer’ business.” The man starts smoking, he offered you one, but you shake your head. “That one gal is the only one that lasts longer living with me. She’s still the champion in many different things too.”
“I bet she also hates you smoking near her.” You stated quite sharply. He inhaled deeply and exhale it away before he throws the cig on the pavement as he stepped on it.
“Miss that about her too.”
“No, you didn’t. You still smoked.”
“Just like her, you don’t know me quite well.”
“Well, you’re not helping much.”
“Because you only see what you want to see. You ignore everything else.”
Maybe that’s true. In the beginning, you hate your blonde housemate so much for many different reasons. Perhaps way too much that you can’t see him changing his attitudes towards you? But you have to be completely honest, if he does that when he’s not bringing home his bassist friend—that makes your housemate actually looks like the Satan himself, you’ll absolutely notice it much faster and sooner.
Something is happening with Roger. Ever since that day, he’s less of a bitch than he used to. He still doesn’t do dishes, or clean the fucking bathroom, or still refusing to throw trash away along with himself. He doesn’t pull a prank on you or insults you as much. He doesn’t blast his stereo, he even turning it down when you kick at his door when you need to study. He hardly brings some shag home anymore. Instead, that cute brunette is the frequent guest. And of course, you’re not complaining at all. The nostalgic peacefulness almost makes you so fucking drunk, Roger will take pity on you and left you a half-opened snack like when you discover the daddy long leg of your crush is already taken.
“Huh, y/n, did you see my lunch set? You eat them?”
Roger’s yell doesn’t make you jump despite it successfully breaks your concentration.
“You ate yours this morning.” You reminded him as you continue looking for riffs. “You can eat mine. I have toasts for lunch.”
“Yeah, piss off.”
And he did leave you alone. Quietly heating and eating the lunch set and boil some water. Except, he can’t stop staring at you as he does all that.
“You’re very good.” Roger’s friend that you just learn the name as John, commented. He sat right in front of you as he put a mug of hot coffee on your side of the table.
“Oh, I know. But apparently not good enough.” You stare at the mug to which he nodded. “Thanks so much about the coffee.”
“Roger made that, not me. And no. It is very good. How long have you played?”
“Since fifteen. And tell that to Jukebox, maybe they’ll listen to you.”
“You used to be in Jukebox?”
“You’re still salty about them?” Roger joins the two of you. But as he sits right next to you, you immediately grab your amp, your music sheets, and goes to your room for some privacy. As expected; Roger found it offensive.
“What the hell did I do?”
“Everything. And Jukebox. You give out bad vibe my muse fucked off. By the way, John, I still got some cheese on toast in the fridge if you want.”
“I’d like that. Thank you.”
“What about me? I just made you that coffee.” He whines mockingly, almost makes you throw your music sheets at him. But instead, you slammed your bedroom door. “Wait, I’m serious. I’m still hungry.”
“You have fucking legs, Roger! Get them yourself! And whilst you’re at that, why don’t you drink the coffee and all our fucking foods?”
You hear a muted conversation as you write some notes down a bit later. It sounded more like an argument, but there’s a loud; “Fine! You don’t even have to thank me!” followed by the sound of plates and glass clunking. If it is indeed Roger that does the dishes, you promised yourself to listen to him and not thanking him. That’s his responsibility, you have done yours, and it’s not even that much. But the harder you try to ignore that, the more you can’t help that maybe Roger is turning to the better, and not because John is getting on his nerve as much as you did, but the drummer can’t do much about it.
“You’re right. But you have to understand it from my point of view. Ever since my housemate starts to live with me, he has done nothing but annoys me. And at that point, after plenty of fights, I want nothing but for either of us to move out.”
“Yeah, alright. I realised that a bit late. But still, ouch?” He laughs, hands automatically reach for a new cig before he notices what he’s doing. Your stare makes him put the smoke pack back inside his trousers. “Eventually the gal and I stop trying to murder each other.”
It’s still pouring out there with a zero sign it’ll stop anytime soon. Even though you wear layers of clothes, London is still a merciless place when it comes to weather. Despite that, recalling your sweet memories helps you warm up from the inside.
“Calm before the storm.” You break the silence, in which he quietly appreciate. “But maybe the most important part. After that, there’s no more filter on how we feel about each other.”
“I have to argue that my housemate and I are too much of childish bastards.”
This time it’s you that’s laughing. He’s right. Roger is growing softer and actually act like how a normal person should, especially to their housemate that give him a chance to live there in the first place. That’s when you can finally see he’s not just an arsehole rockstar wanna-be that’s a twat backstage. He is a twat backstage in a literal sense, but that’s something else entirely.
It’s hard to convince Loui who gets jealous easily that Roger was just a housemate. Much harder to hide the fact that you and Loui are dating, whilst he tries to convince his fellow Jukebox bandmates that you’re framed by the blonde from Queen. Undoing the childish plan that successfully kills your motivation to ever join or create a new band. When Loui is to get you involved again in the band because of his utter distaste towards the new bassist—who prefers to play over contributing in the creation of new albums, you’re too busy juggling your relationship, college, and Roger.
What’s with Roger? It’s clear he doesn’t know you’re already with someone else. Not that it'll stop him. But he doesn’t stop treating you like someone not only he wants to shag, but also date long-term. That’s how he hooked Dominique. Their bad breakup—that later you find—was the necessary fuel for him to chose and have you kicked out from Jukebox because you pissed him off at the wrong time. If Loui knows, there might be a fist fight between the two. You don’t hate Roger that much anymore to be able to see him lose miserably against the former boxer.
“Here to see us, love?” There he is. Approaching you like a snake ready to eat its prey.
“Jukebox actually. Don’t call me that.”
“Why? They kicked you out.”
“Because of you. But let me elaborate; I’m here for Loui.”
“Ah. Your gay best friend.” He nodded almost jokingly. “Still, please do enjoy our performance. I’ll even dedicate a song for you.”
“Can’t stop me. Just you see, you’ll finally fall in love with me.”
You really wish that was only a joke. That it’s just a simple word. But it didn’t. You don’t know what happened to you. When Queen is the first one to perform at the music festival in London, they bewitched you. Roger didn’t even lie about dedicating a song to you. As he stated it; “This is for my girl and housemate. Sorry to get you kicked out of Jukebox; you deserve a better chance in a better band. We’ll be waiting for your application, love.”
All three of his bandmates knows who that message was directed, but they simply laugh it off, thinking no one would believe that. Although what you feel right now is bloody far from the cheery and cheeky mood that Queen radiates. You feel like your heart stopped. A storm is about to ensue and you try to run towards Jukebox’s dressing room, only to bump with the right man half-way through.
“What the fuck was that?! You say he’s just your housemate!”
“Let’s talk somewhere else, dear.”
“No! I need a word with that man if what you say is true!”
“Do you want to get Jukebox’s approval or not?! Knocking Roger’s down his drummer set will have Jukebox kill you!”
The man with light-brown curly hair finally controls his breath as he stares at you. When his emotion subsides, he drags you to the storage room.
“Move out.”
“I’ll tell Roger that you and I are dating.”
“No, you can’t. Jukebox still despises you, and that son of a bitch will leak our fucking secret like it was his own sex tape, just to bring us down and to get you. He fucking admits it in front of the audience he got you dropped out the band! You’re my fucking girlfriend! You think I’ll let him near you after all he has done to you?!”
You’re trying to rack your brain and defend Roger. What is it to defend? He is the arsehole that makes you hates him the day he set foot in that house. He did get you kicked out the band you fucking found with Loui, how, you don’t know—maybe because of Elise, Dorian’s girlfriend, that he shag that day. He almost gets you evicted too many times because Mrs Marrianne believed in his lies more than your truths. But that’s not what makes you speechless. It’s the fact that you think to defend him at all. He has been much kinder than he was before, and he has been flirting with you non-stop. How come that’s enough to get you chose him over Loui, your best friend and now boyfriend?
“Move out. I’ll find a place to live far from London for us. Alright? I will not wreak havoc. But him saying that he gets you kicked out from the band will help me change our bandmates mind about you. Things will get better once you’re away from that bastard.”
"You're right. I'll get myself ready and start packing. I don't know what"s got into me."
Loui hugged you tight as he kisses your hair. Despite hugging him back, you still can't get Roger out of your mind. More specifically, why you can't and why he's still ticking you off even though he's no longer act like an arsehole to you. The man is handsome, but you have long grown immune to his antics. Maybe because he has been getting on your nerve so much all this time that he left a mark? Would that mark matters, though? You'll move out and eventually forgets about him right?
That's how it's supposed to go. For everything to finally be right and normal. And it is, at first; the band finally listen to Loui defending you and decide to reconcile after the concert. It was all fine and dandy until one of the crew knock on Jukebox's dressing room door to reveal that Roger is looking for you.
"Hey, arsehole. Get something to say to y/n after what you did to her? Apologies?" Dorian start first, most likely because he has been personally involved without his knowledge and consent by Roger in his plan getting you voted out.
"Oh absolutely. But I'm here for more than that. That lady is booked by us, and she's expected to join us... Hmm, preferably in twenty minutes?"
"My girlfriend is not going anywhere, Taylor." You quickly stepped in between Loui and Roger. "Kindly piss off and never show your face again."
"Girlfriend? I think you're mistaken, mate—."
"No, he's not." You cut him off. The atmosphere grows heavier by the minute. The tension makes everyone suffocates. And Roger silence, even just for a couple seconds, is escalating everyone's heartbeat.
"What? Isn't the answer is obvious? Just breaks up with him."
"Yeah, mate. Stop embarrassing yourself and date the boy that makes your life miserable." Jake's adding fuel to the fire, clearly amused by the hostile situation. "Lose all your senses. Get dumped once he's bored, you know, like Dom."
The drummer's blue eyes instantly catch the figure that has spoken the name he knew well.
"What's your problem, mate?"
"No. What's your problem?" You stopped Loui for moving towards Roger. "Y/n, let go."
"Fight, fight, fight."
"Shut the fuck up, Jake." You commanded whilst you push Loui away. "Don't start anything that'll cause trouble to all of us, Rog."
Roger squint at you before turned around and walked away. Foolish to think the confrontation was the finish line. It's simply the beginning of the end. Roger confronts you again at your house which almost turned into a fist fight with Loui that's insisting to go home with you. If not for the house party Roger throws without your permission, you might rethink your decision to move out and to continue your rather toxic relationship with Loui. The bad move from Roger is enough reason for you to side with Loui instead and declare that you'll move out.
Unfortunately, the war doesn't end there. You can't simply pack your things and move out when neither you nor Loui has found a place to live yet. And the process that took longer than what you anticipated was the chance Roger's practically abuse to persuade you to change your mind. And you might if he stopped his routine bringing home new girls to bang. Although the waves are getting calmer, sign for the battle to finally end, he finally shows his human side that melts your cold attitude towards him; getting you close enough to him and finally see the seriousness of his intention on making you his.
But it's too late, you think. You've committed from the start that you have chosen Loui. Last month you moved your things was when Roger is getting desperate. He refuses to give up, to the point that he plead guilty over his shit attitude and how much he regretted it. You wish it was a lie until John told you that Roger is getting too blue and how it affects their band activities.
"I can't. I'm already with Loui."
"Okay. Then make it clear to him that you're not changing your mind."
"John, I have tried saying turning him down many times. Emphasis on tried. Rog says he's not giving up. And to be honest, it's getting harder for me."
"Then I'll talk to him. Again..."
It's finally time for you to leave. Roger is there at home, still not letting go. It's so fucking cliché it left a bad taste in your mouth on how the situation was set up; Loui waiting for you at his car, looking grumpy, whilst Roger was by the front door, pleading. It’s like a goddamn romance film tropes you hated with a passion, and you got no fucking clue what to do.
"Things still could change. There's no such thing as too late." Roger says, almost whispering.
"Give it up, Taylor. You're a bloody rockstar, plenty of shags are lining backstage." Loui snarled as he reaches for your hand. "Let's go, dear."
"Y/n?" The blonde ignored your boyfriend.
The way he called your name almost breaks you. But you still believed whatever you're feeling for him was nothing. That it'll simply pass. There are no words. The wordless goodbye where you can't even look at him without contemplating the hell you've been through and whether you're making the right choice.
From then on, you only see him from afar. Queen is growing in popularity and continue showing up in the local music channels. Jukebox eventually breaks up without your contribution even get the chance to be published. You and Loui moved a couple more times before settling back in London, already past the incident with Roger. And eventually, your last date with Loui after three years of on and off.
"I wonder how my housemate is doing." You continue. But more because you're fed up that the rain refuses to bloody end than breaking the awkward silence. “Would he forgive me if I apologize to him? That I regretted the day I stepped out of that house? That I can’t stop thinking about him and how much I miss that wanker? That I lie to both him and myself about my feelings? Do you think he will forgive me?”
There was a long silence, and Roger is trying hard to not take a side glance at you. But you see it, a pink growing on both of his cheeks. It’s obvious that he wants to be considered thinking about whether he should forgive you, but you know he will, and is finding a way to reap as many benefits as he can when you’re on the palm of his hand.
“Well? As the said housemate, what do you think?”
“Hmm? What are you thinking?” Cheeky smile growing on his lips as he finally returns your stare. “These three years I changed, you know. Harder to impress me now. You see, I’m a rockstar.”
You aren’t going to give him any chance at all. You just go for it and kiss him. You can tell he’s half-expecting it, but it still caught him off guard. He cupped your cheeks and deepen the kiss as you grab his hips. It’s a bit impossible to execute what you’re planning to do when he drowns you and showing off his kissing skill. And being the greedy man that he is, it’s too clear he also misses you as his hands roam your body like he owns it. Too bad for the both of you, you have made up your mind as you push him out the shelter and get him drenched again.
“You bitch!”
“I know you like chasing more than being chased, Rog. Catch me if and I’ll allow you to do whatever you want!” You yell as you run in the rain. His wide naughty smile as he’s getting ready to sprint makes your heart jump. You feel like screaming from the excitement, but you will not give him a challenge with that big of a prize. Except you have to stumble at something and almost fall.
“Whoa there, you alright?” He grabs your hand and waist. “Even the world will not let you run away from me anymore, y/n. Just give it up.”
You try to struggle your way out, but he won’t let you and instead, he hugs you so tightly whilst he kisses your neck and shoulder.
“Alright, alright! You won!” You laughed, he still refuses to loosen his hug. “I love you, Rog.”
The F-bomb finally does it. He turned you to face him, the two of your eyes locked that you wish lasts forever. His blue eyes’ dilated. His warm breath despite the cold weather calmed you. He grabs your cheeks, his smile grows no matter how hard he tries to hold it back.
“I love you more, y/n. You have no fucking idea.”
“Hmm, maybe a couple of ideas.”
He finally let his grin shows before he kisses you again. This time, a bit more intimately, the one that makes your heart and body ablaze. Even if he might drift away, it’ll be you that’ll refuse to let him go that easily.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞
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here's the last beach vignette by me! and it's about our boy allen, who's suffering because of how bored and lonely he feels during this trip.. so he decides to find a way to entertain himself.
allen: "so annoying.. everyone has found something to do here, they're playing, swimming, surfing.. and i'm just sitting here, with nothing to do."
allen: "it's not like i even can do anything, my clothes are too heavy.. ugh, it sucks that i can't wear summer clothes like everyone else."
allen: "all because of lumi's magic.. i don't blame her, but i really want to live a normal life without worrying that i'll get sick the moment i wear something light or eat ice cream."
allen: "i don't know if lumi will ever be able to break the spell.. maybe it's just not possible."
allen: "but i feel so jealous, watching everyone have fun, while i.. i.."
allen: "no, i can't cry now. come on, allen, you've had this problem since childhood, why are you still not used to it?"
allen: "but can't i get at least a little bit of sympathy?? i'm suffering here and they're just ignoring me! yes, i can't play or swim with them, but they could at least try to invite me!"
allen: *sobs* "i just.. i just don't understand.. i thought that they would start treating me better after my overblot.."
allen: ".. it's fine. they're just too selfish to think about me."
allen: "but i know someone who's not selfish at all and who always thinks about me!"
allen: "here, let me just text him.."
allen's message: "hayden!! it's so boring here without you and they're all ignoring me.. ಥ_ಥ"
allen's message: "are you sure you can't join us?? tell that octopus guy to let you go!! i'll beat him up if he doesn't."
allen: "!! he's typing!!"
allen: "ahh, he answered so fast.. he really was thinking about me.. i knew it, he was waiting for me to text him!"
hayden's message: "I'm sorry to hear that, but I really can't join you :( I have way too much to do here and I have to help my dorm leader.."
allen's message: "go and tell those twins to do everything instead!! aren't they his friends or something?? why are you the one who has to do it?"
allen's message: "don't tell me.. did he make you do all the work because he wants to separate us?"
hayden's message: "I don't know. But I wish I was there with you."
allen's message: "don't say such things!! you're gonna make me miss you even more!! o(╥﹏╥)o"
allen's message: "i love you too though~ ( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )"
hayden's message: "Don't miss me too much, okay? I'm sure there's something you can do or someone you can talk to."
allen's message: "no, i don't!! you're my only hope, hayden! and i don't need anyone else!"
hayden's message: "I'm so sorry, but I have to go now. If you get too sad, remember: it's only for one day. We can spend the whole day together tomorrow :)"
allen: "no, he can't leave me like this!"
allen's message: "but i can't wait until tomorrow!! come back!!"
allen: "he's offline.."
allen: *sighs* "but i really wish he was here.. everyone would be so jealous of our relationship! and i wouldn't be so lonely.."
allen: "someone i can talk to.."
roland: *tries really hard not to laugh* why, hello there.
allen: roland-senpai? what do you want?
allen: if it's about my outfit, please shut up and go as far away from me as you can.
roland: no, no, it's not about that. i just wanted to see how you're doing.
roland: and from what i can see, you're not doing so well.
allen: wow, thank you for noticing.
roland: oh, actually, i came here to make myself a drink, do you want me to make you one too?
allen: a drink?..
roland: i'll just throw as many things as i can into this blender and see how it goes.
roland: i know, sounds scary, but at least it's not boring.
allen: this sounds absolutely horrifying. sign me up.
roland: wait, are you sure? i wasn't that serious about making you a drink, but i really am going to throw random ingredients into this blender.
allen: i'm so bored, you might as well poison me, i'm gonna suffer either way.
roland: .. okay then. don't say i didn't warn you.
roland: so, allen, why can't you just simply go and talk to others, if you're so lonely?
allen: why should i even try? look at them, they're having so much fun without me. if i show up, they'll get scared and leave. my reputation is not that good, you know.
roland: yeah, can relate. but hey, i'm the one who came up with this trip, well, at least for rsa students.
roland: and i still brought some students with me despite my bad reputation.
roland: who knows, maybe i'll make more friends this way.
roland: actually, i saw your cousin, riley-kun, standing there not so long ago. he was just watching everyone do their thing and he looked bored, just like you.
roland: but now he's building a sandcastle with that white-haired girl.
roland: why not try hanging out with them?
allen: .. i don't want to do anything with riley.
roland: wow, you hate him this much? why? he seems like a nice guy to me.
allen: everyone loves him so much, everyone says that he's a nice guy, he gets love confessions every single day, students want to be close with him, teachers praise him, BUT HE'S NOTHING SPECIAL!
allen: why? why does everyone love him so much?
allen: it's always been this way. i feel like even my parents like him more than me and he's not even their son!
roland: well, i also like riley-kun and i think he's cute, but.. i understand what you mean.
roland: i also don't understand why people love one person more than me. there's absolutely nothing special about him.
roland: so why did she still choose him?..
allen: oh? what was that, roland-senpai?
roland: forget about it. let me finish making your drink.
allen: are you jealous, roland-senpai?
roland: ...
allen: i saw you looking at that girl from nrc few minutes ago. i don't remember her name, i think she's from pomefiore.
allen: and i got a feeling that you don't really like her boyfriend. like, you hate him. i think his name was ignis?
roland: i don't know what you're talking about.
allen: you know what i'm talking about, roland-senpai. you're jealous and you want to be with that girl.
allen: you wish she would fall in love with you instead. you want her boyfriend to just.. disappear.
allen: so let me give you an advice as someone who has more experience.
roland: more experience with what-
allen: don't you think she deserves better than ignis? you should make her believe that you're perfect for her! prove that you're smarter, stronger and simply better than ignis!
allen: or you can just get rid of the competition.. if you know what i mean.
roland: get rid of the- allen, please, you're not making any sense.
roland: i can't believe i thought talking to you was a good idea.
roland: here, drink this. i must go, i have other things to do.
allen: hey, you forgot your own drink!
allen: he left.. but i have a feeling that he will follow my advice.
allen: after all, me and roland-senpai are not so different.
allen: hmm, maybe he hates me because he can't help but remember his past when he sees me?
allen: well, i can't be sure about that, but i'm absolutely sure that my day will become more fun thanks to this conversation.
allen: *spits out his drink*
allen: roland-senpai, you really are cruel..
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