#i wish i could do more than flip a subtle bird but it is highly frowned upon in most societies
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the-light-is-running-low · 6 years ago
A little update!
( Hey sorry for all of these updates and the silence around here, other than the usual daily comic.  I have tons of memes and fanart to reblog/upload, so please stay tuned!  I thought I was getting better, but my health took a hard hit and I ended up getting real bad bronchitis, so I’ve been mostly sleeping.  Thank you so much for your patience.  I’m trying to queue up fanarts for today and tomorrow, and I’ll post the ask compilation some time soon.  
Thanks again for your patience!  Much appreciated, much appreciated! )
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douxreviews · 6 years ago
Cloak and Dagger - ‘B-Sides’ Review
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"To Tyrone. My best friend. My port in the storm. My hero."
Oh, Cloak and Dagger, I apologize for ever criticizing your love of the theatrical framing device. It paid off with interest this week.
'B-Sides' picks up a visual metaphor from a few episodes back by continuing to represent the personal experiences of our characters as sides of a record. By placing the record on a turntable, you 'experience' the relevant moments of that character's life as recorded there.
This is just a wonderful conceit, and I'm glad that it's back again this week. Clearly we're intended to wonder whose gloved hands are playing the records, but I was so entranced by the elegance of the visual device that I wasn't really that concerned about that particular question. On some level I suspect I was expecting it would turn out to be Tandy herself, ruminating over all the 'could have been' possibilities of her life.
Because, really, that's what we've been conditioned to expect from this sort of format. We spend an episode looking at one or several 'what if' situations, before returning to the status quo as it was beforehand and continuing on with whatever the season long plot is next week. It's a nice way of exploring a character, it can be useful as part of a character's story arc as it lends itself to self-revelation, and most importantly it's super popular with the cast, as it allows them to play different variations on their established characters and do things that that character would never otherwise be allowed to do. Anyone who thinks that 'Superstar' wasn't Danny Strong's favorite episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to film is kidding themselves.
Now, I've gone on record as not being a big fan of 'what if' storylines. Usually they're nothing but a huge pause button that keeps the story from progressing, and it's hard to get invested in them when you know that nothing that happens in the alternate universe can possibly have any consequences. I struggle even to get through 'The Wish,' and that gave us evil, lesbian Willow. What saves this episode from feeling like that was the way that they managed to marry in the reveal of Andre as the real villain while raising a thousand other questions about what's been happening, then somehow taking me in with the exact same last second rug pull that wasn't even particularly fresh when they did it on Angel fifteen years ago.
What I'm really saying, I suppose, is that from an objective perspective a plot summary of this episode would read, 'Tandy takes an ambulance ride to a motel.'  In reality a lot more happened than that. What really happened this week is that we found out that Andre was also caught up in same Roxxon explosion that gave Ty and Tandy their powers. While Tandy got 'hope' and Ty got 'fear,' Andre got 'despair.' When looked at in that light, what we're seeing is exactly the same sort of power usage that we've seen Tandy and Ty use to 'go into' the hope/fear of whoever they're using their power on at that moment. The one thing added is that Andre isn't just going into his victims' despair, he's actively increasing it in his victims, because he needs to feed on the despair of others in order to stop the pain of his migraines.
I should note, I'm not a migraine sufferer myself, but I have enough friends who are that I have no trouble believing that someone would readily take that deal if it made the migraines stop.
Two things worth noting at this point. Excellent job of the show in giving us a completely abhorrent, and yet understandable and sympathetic villain. Andre has clearly made peace with what he's doing, and the fact that he helps nine out of ten women that come to him for help, only eating that tenth one, seems to keep the scales nicely balanced as far as he's concerned. Also, even more excellent job by the show in remembering that Tandy was guilty of this exact same thing during her lowest points last year, and not letting her off the hook for it. I'd been a little concerned that they'd given her a free pass on that one.
So we have three despair visions for Tandy this week, each symbolized by an LP played by Andre in the dark dimension. 'Perfect Life,' 'Fractured Family,' and 'All Alone' are the listed titles of the LPs in question. I highly recommend pausing the screen on the albums to read the track lists written on them, because they're a nice piece of prop detail work and tell interesting little stories in and of themselves.
Each of the three 'elseworlds,' for lack of a better term, attempt to break Tandy down into giving into despair, first through the idea of losing her idea of perfect happiness, then when that doesn't work through forcing her to confront inevitable catastrophe, and then finally through attacking her sense of isolation and loneliness. When none of these work, Andre/Despair realizes what's been fairly obvious to the outside observer from the get go; i.e. that Tandy is never going to be taken down by attacks on her sense of self because her sense of self just doesn't rely in any way on feeling positive about herself. That's just not who she is. Once Andre gets that, he makes the obvious play of forcing her to live through the loss of Tyrone, simultaneously tricking the viewer into thinking that that's what's really happening through the tried and true 'Aha, I've escaped from your twisted dreamscape and defeated you in the real world, oh, no, never mind this is still inside the dreamscape and I've lost now' trick.
Once Andre tries this tactic Tandy gives in almost instantly, as anyone who's been watching could have told him she would. And with that her body arrives at the Viking Motel, which is apparently the final destination for the kidnapped girls. Do all the girls have to have their hope violently removed before they arrive at the Viking? We don't know. But apparently it was necessary in Tandy's case. What's going to happen to her inside? We don't know, but now that she's given into despair it can't be anything positive.  Do all of Andre's victims have to be women?  No, that's probably just implicit sexism on either the part of Andre or the show.  Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say it's Andre.
I'm a big fan of answers that just leave you with more questions. Bring on the next episode, please.
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Bits and Pieces:
-- In Tandy's perfect world, she's a ballet dancer with the Met, Ty's a cop, Connors is redeemed, Billy is alive, and even Duane is living his best life. It's strongly implied that Billy and Duane are a couple now, which was a sweet touch. If all of the 'perfect world' stuff was taken from what Tandy would want, then Tandy is a much bigger romantic than we previously knew.
-- What's the relationship between Andre's record store of despair and Ty's dark dimension? Because the record store we see here was clearly in Ty's dark dimension a couple episodes ago. Are they linked somehow? Is Andre... ahem... inside Ty?
-- The use of 'Sweet by and by' as the linking song in each alternate reality was used to nice effect when they used playing it as the reveal that the scene of Ty being shot wasn't real.
-- It's always nice to see Liam again, even schlubby everyman alternate universe Liam.
-- There's a really well done moment when Tandy is in the stolen car with Ty and begins hearing the ambulance sirens bleeding through into the fantasy and she starts chanting 'it isn't real' over and over again. It's a nicely judged moment, because of course she's talking about the siren noise which is actually real while trying to stay focused in the stolen car, which isn't. It's a small detail but I like a show that rewards closer attention to the little things.
-- I can't say how happy I was that in Tandy's perfect world, Ty was still dating Evita. Perfection, to her, did not involve acquiring Ty as a romantic partner. She was perfectly happy with them being dear friends. That was refreshing.
-- The effect of the record changing every time it was flipped over was just neat.
-- I'm happier than I can say that the resurgence of vinyl as a medium means that the kids of today can recognize that static popping sound of an LP that's run to the end. It's just such a useful sound cue.
-- In the perfect world illusion, all the framed pictures in the stairwell are of a veve I didn't recognize. I thought at first it was Andre's and that he must be a Loa or an avatar of some sort, but apparently he isn't. I'm sure that they'll tell us at some point.
-- There is a recurring Marvel villain called D'Spayre, who's sort of a demon/anthropological personification of elemental forces sort of thing.  I couldn't tell you if he's ever encountered Cloak and Dagger in the comics, but Andre doesn't seem to be related to him other than the coincidence of the name. I could, as always, be wrong.
-- My one real criticism of this episode is the problem you almost always get in alternate reality stories. In order to get across what's different in the universe in as short a time as possible, the dialogue becomes ridiculously expository. 'Well, Tandy, as you know the Roxxon explosion didn't happen when we thought it was going to and therefore your father has left town to go to Silicon Valley, leaving me to open a small transient hotel and get this cybernetic leg.'  I get why they have to do it, but it takes me right out of the drama.
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Mr. Bowen: "Okay, fine, can we hook him up with some tickets to your ballerina-ing? Ballerama? Dance Battle?"
Ty: "Evita spilled some champagne on me. Might have had a little too much." Tandy: "I knew I liked her."
Ty: "One day, long ago, I saved your life. But every day since you’ve been saving mine."
Mina: "Yeah, I’m not explaining myself to structural engineering Barbie."
Liam: "That’s OK. Birds are people too."
Tandy: "Drive!" Ty: "Uh.. no, crazy white girl."
Andre: "Not misery, Despair. There’s a subtle but distinct difference."
Tandy: "Then I was wrong. I have one person." Andre: "I came to that same conclusion."
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I really loved this episode, and I can't wait to see where this is going. Three and a half out of four crappy alternate realities.
Mikey Heinrich is, among other things, a freelance writer, volunteer firefighter, and roughly 78% water.
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imagine-loki · 7 years ago
Title: Irked
Author lokilover9
Chapter 1
Original Imagine: Imagine due to having highly effective telekinesis, Tony Stark seeks you out and hires you. Loki’s been forced to live there by Odin and help on missions when needed, making penance to Midgardians. Prior to moving into the Tower, you learn of his superior and arrogant attitude and upon being introduced, immediately dislike him. Particularly because he looks at you like your his next meal.
Warnings: None
Imprisoned on Midgard by Odin, Loki was forced to live in the Stark Tower and work with Thor and the Avengers on missions Tony deemed him suitable for. This was to pay back his debt to human society and although unenjoyable, it was far better than life in an Asgardian prison. Given his own apartment, he was free to roam about as long as he avoided restricted areas. This lead to restlessness and boredom and much to the dismay of his coworkers, he’d begun seeking ‘inconvenient’ means of entertainment.
Shandi, a beautiful young Canadian woman in her late twenties, possessed the gift of telekinesis. It’s strength being so advanced, she’d worked with the police, military and some government agencies in her country and on some high risk cases and a couple of secret missions in America. Tony learned of her through a military connection and felt she’d be an asset to the team. Her unique ability had also brought on several death threats and one attempt on her life. Learning of this, Tony convinced her she’d be safer living in the Tower than alone in a new city and convinced her to move in. Two days later, he’d gathered a meeting in the main staff room to formally introduce her when realizing Loki was missing.
“Anyone?” He sarcastically asked.
Thor gave him a look and he instantly caught on. “You can’t be serious.”
“My apologies as I only learned of it this morning.”
Whatever Thor was referring to, Tony was clearly unimpressed as were the others. Secretly warned of Loki’s attitude by Pepper however, Shandi’s perspective was the less interaction with him the better and wasn’t disappointed at all. Everyone was welcoming and after some small talk, were about to disperse when Tony glanced beyond her shoulder.
“Now you show up? How kind of you to grace us with your presence.”
The hairs on the back of Shandi’s neck spiked the moment Loki began speaking. “Did you miss me that much Tin Lips? Who would have thought?” Eye fucking her from behind, Loki was quick to meet hers when she turned. “And you must be Shandi.”
The smugness and air of superiority he exuded, immediately irked her and she went silent on his approach.
“Shandi.” Said Tony. “Meet Loki, our resident prickly Cactus.”
Smirking, Loki’s gaze remained fixated on the woman. “Forgive my tardiness my lady, I was…”
“Loki.” Thor warned.
The two locked eyes with disdain and Loki continued. “Bidding farewell to company.”
“No worries.” Shandi replied, before turning to address everyone else. “Nice meeting you and I’m looking forward to working together.” ‘My lady?’ She thought, while passing Loki. ‘Oh please.’
Standing aside, he openly eye fucked her from behind again as she exited the room. “Delightful.” He whispered.
“Down boy.” Said Natasha as she passed.
The rest followed, minus Bruce as he was on vacation and Thor was the last one out. “Must you brother?”
“What?” Loki asked. “Admire the beauty of a mortal? What crime is there in that?”
“There isn’t, but you were taught better manners and could be more subtle in your actions.”
Loki shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll consider it.”
“Sure you will Cactus.” Said Tony. “In the meantime, will you stop bringing hookers into my Tower? We’ve talked about this.”
Thor left as the conversation continued.
“Such odd names you Midgardians have for things. They’re ‘Escorts’ in case you’ve forgotten.” Said Loki. “I request them from the most highly reputable agency for occasional ‘company.’”
“Right and you ‘escort’ them directly into your bed. Oh wait, my mistake. The imaginary one you keep conjuring up with magic on the west side of my third floor that’s under construction. Need I remind you they could be sent here by anyone and try escaping into another area of the building. Why do you continuously disregard the dangerous outcomes of that possibility?”
Loki smugly smiled. “If you’re under the impression I’m ignoring your concern then, ‘my bad’ as you Midgardians phrase it, but trust me. The last thing they wish to do once escorted to my bed is escape and are never out of my sights while on the premises.”
Tony glared at him. “I don’t give a shit, so listen carefully. It’s not my problem dear old Dad doesn’t allow you to leave here without big brother. Therefore, until ‘I’ can trust ‘you,’ he can accompany you ‘outside’ these walls for carnal activities as well. Jeopardize the safety of my Tower and employees one more time, and you’ll be growing hair on your palms imprisoned elsewhere. Have I made myself clear?”
Loki had no choice but to obey. “Yes ‘Tin Lips’, very. Am I dismissed?”
“Yes and I better not hear of you offending our newest employee either. I’d like her to stay.”
Loving how easily he could irritate Tony, Loki snickered as he left. “What if ‘I’ turn out to be the reason she does stay?”
Tony stepped into the corridor. “I mean it Cactus! Does the name Bruce Banner mean anything to you?”
Walking backwards, Loki saluted him with a sly smirk before carrying on.
“Prick.” Tony mumbled.
Two days later, the Avengers were sent on a mission for three days Shandi nor Loki were required for and it gave her a chance to get more settled in. Tony had quickly shown her around, but the place was so massive she went down the wrong hall looking for the gym and ended up at the library. Dressed in tight workout attire, Loki couldn’t resist ogling her again as she stood in the doorway seemingly confused.
“Lost darling?”
“A little and my name is Shandi if you’ve forgotten.”
“Can I help you, ‘Shandi?’”
“Yes. Could you point me in the direction of the gym please?”
He walked to the door, book in hand and nudged his head to the left. “Down at the end of the hall, make a right and it’s the first door on your left.”
Although his demeanor continued irking her, she didn’t fail to notice how stunning he was up close. Piercing eyes the color of emeralds, perfectly chiseled cheekbones, sculptured jaw and lips so crisp in outline and tint, they had to be the envy of many. Still, they way he looked at her pissed her off and she didn’t hesitate to tell him.
“Thank you, but when you speak to me, would you mind looking at my face?”
Loki smiled. “As you wish.”
She headed down the hall and glanced over her shoulder. “You aren’t granting my wish by staring at my ass either. Don’t you have a book to read?”
Turning back into the library, he discovered the couch he’d been sitting on had been tipped over without him knowing. “Clever girl.” He quietly stated. “This should be interesting.”
After working out, Shandi tried leaving the gym, but the door was locked. Inside there was a button that connected her to Jarvis.
“Good afternoon Shandi. How may I help you?”
“The door seems to have jammed here and I’m stuck. Please help?”
“Allow me a moment… Hmm, it appears nothing in my system is indicating a problem. Try again?”
“Nope. Still nothing Jarvis.”
“How odd. I’ll have to look into this further. In the meantime, there’s an exit into the opposite corridor via the pool.”
This didn’t work either and upon returning to the intercom, she saw Loki at the glass door. A smirk curled up at the corners of his mouth as she approached.
“You’re doing this?”
He stood there with his hands behind his back, that smirk becoming a smile. “Just a little return inconvenience for the one you caused me.”
Her reply carried a heavy dose of sarcasm. “Oh dear. Did ems’ have to readjust his wittle couch and tidy up ems’ books? That’s what you get for being rude, now would you mind opening the door?”
“Rude?” He asked. “My eyes were merely paying you a compliment.”
She scowled at him. “Open..the door.”
“Very well.” He obliged and stepped aside, gesturing with his hand. “After you.”
Shandi remained still. “Oh I don’t think so, you first.”
“Ah, so you wish to ogle me from behind then?”
“Seriously? Don’t flatter yourself and from now on, have your eyes keep their opinions to themselves.”
She walked off and Loki waited until she turned the corner before following on his way back to the library. “Wasn’t I supposed to leave first?”
Shandi kept walking and without turning, flipped him the bird.
“Oh my, such rudeness from a lady. Do not come to me if you get lost again, I won’t help you.” He cackled as she kept walking.
‘I wouldn’t come to you for water if I was on fire.’ She thought. ‘Asswhole.’
Shandi rose early the next morning in her pink checkered flannel pajamas with silver hearts on the butt. Discovering she was out of coffee, she ventured to the staff kitchen hoping to find some. Loki entered shortly after in a dark green, loosely tied robe to find her searching the cupboards.
“Morning darling.”
“You’re up early and I told you my name is Shandi. Let me guess, you’re out of coffee too?”
Loki sauntered towards the large picture window, looking out at the city. “Tea actually.”
She glanced at him as he turned to lean against the sill, catching a glimpse of his abs and black boxers. “The God of mischief drinks tea? Right.”
Loki crossed his arms as she continued. “Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Nevermind.” She picked up a chair and carried it to the counter. “Don’t you have clothes you could put on?”
“Why, am I bothering you?”
“You’re flattering yourself again. This ‘is’ a shared kitchen, yes?”
“True, but I wasn’t expecting you to make an appearance and I could ask the same regarding your attire.”
After searching all the lower shelves, she stepped up onto the counter to search the highest ones. “You must know where the tea is. Why don’t you get it and go?”
“I would’ve, but you were in the way.” Leaving his robe still partially open, he walked towards the counter and opened a cupboard two over from her.
“I looked in there already.”
Deep in behind some tall glass jars containing pasta, he pulled out coffee and tea and placed them on the counter. “Are you sure? There’s still two more bags up here.”
She checked again and with a huff, attempted stepping backwards onto the chair. “Who keeps coffee in the same cupboard as…” Her foot slipped through an opening in the design and her arms flailed as she toppled backwards.
Loki darted behind her, gripped her waist and steadied the chair until she freed herself. “That would be Tony.”
Gathering her composure once grounded, she turned slowly and cleared her throat. “Thank you.”
“Next time, be more careful Darling. I may not be around to rescue you.”
He smiled slyly as Shandi lifted the chair, trying to ignore how the feel of his firm body pressed against her had sent a wave of heat to her panties. After putting it back, she politely nodded and left.
A moment later, Loki called to her while stirring his tea. “You forgot your coffee.”
She cringed before returning, quietly picked it up and went to leave again.
“Nice hearts by the way.”
Shandi sighed with her back to him as she left, but said nothing.
Loki then took the spoon from his tea to find it contorted and chuckled. ‘Nice one.’ He thought. ‘This should be interesting indeed.’
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rebeccaflaneus · 8 years ago
A fortnight ago I escaped to a remote Eco Retreat called Deplar Farm, in an ancient, primordial landscape where people live a very different, and highly compelling life. Chief amongst any list of ‘the most beautiful places to visit on Earth’ will be found Iceland – I now understand why, and I hope this post shares some of that magic. It’s long been a romantic dream of mine to visit this isolated, mystical land with its rumbling geothermal engine, and tundra-punctuated basalt landscape; perhaps more interesting to you, my dear reader, is the recent proclamation in The Lancet that Iceland is ‘the healthiest country in the world’ alongside my homeland Sweden! But don’t be fooled, as it’s also one of the most inhospitable places to live on the planet – temperatures where I visited can plummet to an average of −30°C in January, and howling winds can lash at a brutal 160mph, with several meters of snow dumping daily. This means schools close, infrastructure suffers and cars avoid some roads for risk of flipping and/or just being buried! The land is barren and rugged but that’s bred a nation of robust and resourceful people. I was astonished by the natural beauty and the local food, but more than anything by just how much there is to do here!  Click MORE to discover my expedition to Deplar Farm, the ultimate modern luxury retreat that I uncovered in the land of trolls and elves – a truly magical Icelandic saga! 
It says something when countless films and advertisements have been captured in so small a country (including ‘Star Wars’, ‘the Fast and the Furious’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ – a total of 250 movies in under 10 years). That speaks to the rugged authenticity and spellbinding wow-factor of the landscape. From a more practical perspective, Iceland also hosted the trial sessions for Neil Armstrong & Co to practice their moon landings; some people, to this day, maintain that they simply landed here instead, but let’s leave it at that!
Geologically speaking, the country sits literally atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and is effectively just two continental platforms which are separated (and separatING) by an active volcano, which means the island is growing by about 2cm per year – the size of a fingernail. The country lies just outside the Arctic Circle but is situated on a quite unique geological ‘hot spot’ and is warmed by the North-Atlantic Current, meaning you get pretty reasonable summer temperatures and vast amounts of geothermal activity; but it’s called Ice-land for a reason. That poetic coexistence of ice and fire means there’s exciting activity all around the island. Some of the ancient hot springs are explosive geysers which regularly shoot towering pillars of boiling water that can liquefy wildlife on contact, but others are totally benign and in fact propose the perfect temperature for a spot of restorative bathing; these hot springs are equally popular with travelers and locals alike. 
Of particularly interesting remark for me is the enormously skewed ratio of citizens-to-tourists; a mere 336,000 Icelandic souls permanently inhabit this island, yet over 11x that number visit annually for holiday purposes. 36% of the country’s GNP comes from tourism; I can’t imagine many (if any) other single-island countries that have such a dedication to travelers, and that all tells you that the hospitality simply *must* be good. 
Just 40 kilometers from the North Pole, in one of the most remote enclaves of Iceland, Fljot Valley, you’ll find Deplar Farm Hotel, a former sheep farm and part of the Eleven Experience group – purveyors of fine ‘Experiential Travel’ to the international Adventure-set. Shrouded by a crown of towering snow-capped mountains, this place is wild, remote and isolated – it’s completely private and experiences some of the highest average snowfall on the planet in some brutal winters. This is the ultimate secluded adventure pad, pictured below in its snowier winter robes!
The hotel’s architecture celebrates the traditional Icelandic build – abandoned ships were historically turned upside down and clad with a moss roof, and the aesthetic here very much recalls that charming vignette. When approaching this hotel for the first time in one of their specially-adapted Mercedes’ (a sign of the comforts to come), you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s a minuscule structure, shrinking into obscurity at the base of these monstrous mountains which would miniaturize anything. Yet when you enter the 23,000 square foot 13-suite uber-hotel it feels reassuringly airy, spacious, modern and light with floor to ceiling glass windows inviting the outside in.
Before arriving at Deplar Farm I was asked to fill out an extensive questionnaire to inform the hotel of any particulars. You can be as descriptive and detailed as possible, including foods which you like/dislike, music, activities etc. Based on this Deplar fashions a customized plan ahead of your arrival, and they pride themselves on delivering bespoke tailor-made experiences entirely in tune with your desires. If you return to this place (I can vouch that you’ll want to) you can expect that your favorite drink will be waiting for you with your favorite tune playing in the background. Deplar Farm store all your preferences for next time you stop in, welcoming you home.
When sitting down for your first breakfast you’re introduced to the chef, you’re also introduced to the waiter, the bartender and everyone else who works on the property. You quickly recognize who works there, yet it only occurred to me on my final day that they were all wearing a uniform. Subconsciously it had registered but the details here are so subtle and well-thought-out that it’s not obvious.
Unlike anywhere I’ve visited before (other than somebody’s house), you can roam the hotel freely; room keys are optional and most guests choose not to have them. There are snacks, tea and coffee in every room. Books adorn the shelves and you can ensconce yourself anywhere to lose yourself in a foreign world, if you fancy. In many ways, the homely and relaxed familiarity succeeds in that holy grail of the hospitality world – it feels less like a hotel and more akin to a villa with subtly supreme service. The flow of the rooms is beautifully thought through, and I found myself effortlessly gliding from one room to the next, enjoying the succession of communal spaces – as if it were my actual home.
Much as you might experience when arriving at an African safari, the journey is intrepidly off the beaten track, in a remote, isolated and completely foreign environment. You absolutey need a guide to unveil the unknown to you here, and having access to one who knows the area’s hidden  gems is transformative and really allows you to immerse yourself in the ancient natural landscape, sped along by Deplar’s modern-day luxuries. Our guide was the incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and calming Michael Barnet from Colorado, Silverton, who is also a heli-ski guru. He helps create this place into an adventurous man’s playground.
There are endless outdoor activities on the island including heli-skiing, Icelandic horse riding, hiking, fishing, kayaking, clay shooting, and many more. I’ve included a small selection of my images captured during thimesmerizingng trip!
The Fljot Valley enjoys some of the highest average snowfall on the planet. Because of this, the route to Deplar is closed all winter, making it even more remote, private and unreachably wild.
During ski season, there are two helicopters on site; by scrambling the choppers, you could be fishing within 30 min (rather than enduring a 4-hour car journey) and can combine it with a spot of skiing thereafter.
Every heli program is completely custom made – should you wish you could cover just 5 runs or ski for 12 hours a day, come back for lunch or stay out. Skiing in Iceland sounds truly unique in that you can be 1850 meters up in the mountains with a view over the crisp North Atlantic Ocean and finish your long run at just 5 meters of elevation, right down by the ocean. You always have such a clear view of the sea and proximity. Obviously, given my visit was in summer, that wasn’t on the cards for me (I’ll shelve that for a future dream), and instead…
The Icelandic Horse goes back a thousand years. Settlers brought their horses from Scandinavia, but the horses couldn’t cope with the harsh climate, which killed the poor little things. So instead the Scandinavian horse was cross-bred with the independent Mongolian horse who’s more used to temperatures of -40 degrees! To this day, the law decrees that no other horses are allowed on the island. The riding is quite different – it’s a sensation of constant bouncing as opposed to the rhythmic up-and-down motion I’ve come to expect. For me, who as a young girl literally lived in a stable and had horse photos plastered on her wall, this was the dream! Riding an Icelandic horse through the Icelandic mountains is definitely one extra check off the bucket list! Seeing the delicate flowers up close, birds nesting, baby lambs and horse fowls, this was an experience not just for the body but for the soul.
Yet I found that the best way to see Iceland’s nature was by foot. In Iceland, there are some spellbinding hiking trails to discover. The air is impossibly fresh, imparting generous restoration upon the lungs and constitution, and the scenery is simply stunning – vertiginous heights, dramatic mountains, hyper-real waterfalls, adorable newborn lambs, and a simply awesome ocean. On one of our trails, we were treated to some secret hot springs; one hidden in a cliff face, in the ground we climbed down to discover a totally private hot spring, carved by glacial processes thousands of years ago, and yet filled with crystal waters.
Iceland, resting on a terrestrial ‘hot spot’ means there’s a disproportionate amount of geothermal activity just aching to escape to the surface. Deplar Farm is completely fuelled by a nearby hot spring which has been piped in to the hotel. These springs and geysers are so numerous that you’ll simply find them all over the country; for some, the clue’s in the title and they are indeed boiling hot, but others might legitimately be re-named ‘tepid springs’, or perhaps ‘pleastantly warm springs’ – simply the perfect temperature to bathe in. Hot springs are said to have a number of health benefits including promoting the elevation of blood circulation, assisting with stress relief, and improved sleep quality, pain relief. Further, the water found in natural hot springs contains a variety of different minerals, including calcium and sodium bicarbonate, which are said to have a therapeutic effect upon the skin and broader constitution. 
Iceland is said to offer some of the best fishing in the world with a variety of rivers and lakes. Serious anglers will journey here just to experience it, and I know a few who’ve done as much! The hotel has direct access to the Floser River which is teeming with wild salmon, brown trout and arctic charr, amongst many more.
I thought I’d hate this experience but I absolutely loved it! Donning fantastic wetsuits which are surprisingly comfortable and breathable, it’s a bit of a different activity but remarkably demanding. Another superb way to observe the crisp Icelandic scenery from an alternative angle, there are hundreds of powerful rivers down which to kayak – some materially harder than others (I didn’t fancy the one pictured below!). My experience was such that controlling your vessel amidst the rapids takes great coordination, balance, foresight and strength, but it’s utterly exhilarating and superb fun! If you’re looking for something a little less strenuous, kayaking on a still river is pretty special too; for me the deafening silence of this land is astounding, both wholly inspiring and compellingly terrifying in equal measure.
It’s a contemporary and ‘relevant’ take on service – not overbearing, but rather understated, modern and of the highest quality, with all the ultra-luxurious details manicured into the provision. There are of course drivers on standby, a Michelin decorated chef, and spa treatments under the northern lights. For the time you’re here, there’s the inescapable sensation that the place is yours, and no request would be too niche; ‘cinema in the middle of the night with pizza’ is but a helicopter’s call away!
Iceland is said to be the healthiest country in the world, and the cuisine is unquestionably a key part of that. Fishing used to be Iceland’s largest industry, it’s now second to tourism, and I’d say I can’t think of many places able to compete from a ‘freshness’ perspective. Deplar Farm is superbly advanced from this perspective!
Deplar Farm makes the most of the Iceland’s local surroundings; their Swedish Executive Chef Andrea Hurra and her partner Alex Thorsteinsson have put together a refined menu (always accompanied by a short but precise presentation) which is local, fresh and sustainable. The fish which arrives on your plate is caught locally only hours earlier; all products are bought from local farmers; indeed Deplar Farm’s mission is eventually to be able to harvest all their own vegetables on site. This is a compelling proposition, and the quality of the fare, combined with the exquisite and engaging presentation makes the nutritional component of an active escape here a very memorable highlight. 
Each one of the 13 en-suite rooms have their own unique look and feel and are adorned differently. Having never experienced perpetual sunshine that runs far into the night, I was mildly worried about sleep interruption, but the rooms have perfect remote controlled blackout blinds to ensure delivery of a terrific night’s sleep, on vast beds with fluffy pillows. The finish is of a lofty quality, giving a reassuringly high quality sensation the moment you step into your room and start enjoying the details and touches. 
Cement walls with wooden imprints. Minimalist, Scandinavian symmetrical. Floor to ceiling glass with a spectacular 3 wall view of the mountains outside. This country’s need for a hot bath and a restorative spa experience is, understandably, significant. This was one of the things I looked forward to the most at the end of an active day!
There’s an outdoor Hot Pool where one can lay on the immersed sleep beds – this is an exceptionally relaxing experience. Indeed, it’s possible to swim from the inside of the spa to the outside, and during winter, to sit in the hot pool surrounded by snow watching the Aurora Borealis cascade above. That sounds like the definition of magical, so I shall have to return to experience it!
There’s both an outdoor and indoor sauna; indoor offering floor-to-ceiling windows so you can sit inside and gaze out at the mountains, lake and sheep grazing in the fields. The outdoor sauna sits inside a little hill, much like a hobbit home with perfect access to the Plunge Pool…
The plunge pool enable something that’s very much a Nordic bathing ritual. Traditionally, as Swedes we used to (and still do) carve a hole in the ice, sit in the sauna and then when we’re just about ready to melt, we plunge into the icy cold water… Then back into the sauna, and repeat. This is very much the same, and is unlike anything you’re ready for; the cold hits you like a wave of heat. It shocks the entire system but you feel so alive, so energized, and invigorated. And bizarrely, when you step out of the water, a gorgeous sensation of warmth pulses through your body, tingling up and down. It is unworldly and absolutely amazing. There are a host of medically proven ‘immune system’ benefits to this practice, but it’s the lasting sensation of contentment, as if my body is smiling, that I take away from it, for the rest of the day. A must!
Then there are the  extensive range of treatments, the Sleep pod, and the ability to enjoy a session under the Northern lights in Winter!
This country takes its health and fitness seriously; there is no fast food chain on the island, simply because when a major one opened up, nobody cared to go there, so it closed down. Children start with sports early – football, handball, swimming, and teachers emphasize the importance of proper nutrition to improve results.
Fitness competitions are big here, I know one Icelandic fitness winner myself and there have been several Strongman winners from Iceland including Magnús Ver Magnússon and Jón Páll Sigmarsson. People are  outdoorsy and the climate requires strong mental determination – the lifestyle is ingrained in both the national psyche and people’s DNA – men work hard on fishing boats, historically carrying stones, and fighting as Viking warriors.
I could keep going but you’ve stuck with me an awfully long time now. In short, this is magical. The country is unlike anywhere else I’ve been. Deplar Farm hotel is truly the most refined and comforting way of experiencing Iceland that I could imagine. So many aspects of this escape have been astoundingly remarkable that it doesn’t really fit into the classification system of places I’ve previously visited. It has a unique energy which generated a compelling vivacity within me for quite some time after my return, and THAT is the sign of something special.
The post ACTIVE ESCAPE TO ICELAND! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Donald Fitness Tips http://fitnessontoast.com/2017/07/03/fitness-escape-holiday-to-iceland-eleven-experience-adventure/
0 notes
yolandadsims · 8 years ago
A fortnight ago I escaped to a remote Eco Retreat called Deplar Farm, in an ancient, primordial landscape where people live a very different, and highly compelling life. Chief amongst any list of ‘the most beautiful places to visit on Earth’ will be found Iceland – I now understand why, and I hope this post shares some of that magic. It’s long been a romantic dream of mine to visit this isolated, mystical land with its rumbling geothermal engine, and tundra-punctuated basalt landscape; perhaps more interesting to you, my dear reader, is the recent proclamation in The Lancet that Iceland is ‘the healthiest country in the world’ alongside my homeland Sweden! But don’t be fooled, as it’s also one of the most inhospitable places to live on the planet – temperatures where I visited can plummet to an average of −30°C in January, and howling winds can lash at a brutal 160mph, with several meters of snow dumping daily. This means schools close, infrastructure suffers and cars avoid some roads for risk of flipping and/or just being buried! The land is barren and rugged but that’s bred a nation of robust and resourceful people. I was astonished by the natural beauty and the local food, but more than anything by just how much there is to do here!  Click MORE to discover my expedition to Deplar Farm, the ultimate modern luxury retreat that I uncovered in the land of trolls and elves – a truly magical Icelandic saga! 
It says something when countless films and advertisements have been captured in so small a country (including ‘Star Wars’, ‘the Fast and the Furious’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ – a total of 250 movies in under 10 years). That speaks to the rugged authenticity and spellbinding wow-factor of the landscape. From a more practical perspective, Iceland also hosted the trial sessions for Neil Armstrong & Co to practice their moon landings; some people, to this day, maintain that they simply landed here instead, but let’s leave it at that!
Geologically speaking, the country sits literally atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and is effectively just two continental platforms which are separated (and separatING) by an active volcano, which means the island is growing by about 2cm per year – the size of a fingernail. The country lies just outside the Arctic Circle but is situated on a quite unique geological ‘hot spot’ and is warmed by the North-Atlantic Current, meaning you get pretty reasonable summer temperatures and vast amounts of geothermal activity; but it’s called Ice-land for a reason. That poetic coexistence of ice and fire means there’s exciting activity all around the island. Some of the ancient hot springs are explosive geysers which regularly shoot towering pillars of boiling water that can liquefy wildlife on contact, but others are totally benign and in fact propose the perfect temperature for a spot of restorative bathing; these hot springs are equally popular with travelers and locals alike. 
Of particularly interesting remark for me is the enormously skewed ratio of citizens-to-tourists; a mere 336,000 Icelandic souls permanently inhabit this island, yet over 11x that number visit annually for holiday purposes. 36% of the country’s GNP comes from tourism; I can’t imagine many (if any) other single-island countries that have such a dedication to travelers, and that all tells you that the hospitality simply *must* be good. 
Just 40 kilometers from the North Pole, in one of the most remote enclaves of Iceland, Fljot Valley, you’ll find Deplar Farm Hotel, a former sheep farm and part of the Eleven Experience group – purveyors of fine ‘Experiential Travel’ to the international Adventure-set. Shrouded by a crown of towering snow-capped mountains, this place is wild, remote and isolated – it’s completely private and experiences some of the highest average snowfall on the planet in some brutal winters. This is the ultimate secluded adventure pad, pictured below in its snowier winter robes!
The hotel’s architecture celebrates the traditional Icelandic build – abandoned ships were historically turned upside down and clad with a moss roof, and the aesthetic here very much recalls that charming vignette. When approaching this hotel for the first time in one of their specially-adapted Mercedes’ (a sign of the comforts to come), you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s a minuscule structure, shrinking into obscurity at the base of these monstrous mountains which would miniaturize anything. Yet when you enter the 23,000 square foot 13-suite uber-hotel it feels reassuringly airy, spacious, modern and light with floor to ceiling glass windows inviting the outside in.
Before arriving at Deplar Farm I was asked to fill out an extensive questionnaire to inform the hotel of any particulars. You can be as descriptive and detailed as possible, including foods which you like/dislike, music, activities etc. Based on this Deplar fashions a customized plan ahead of your arrival, and they pride themselves on delivering bespoke tailor-made experiences entirely in tune with your desires. If you return to this place (I can vouch that you’ll want to) you can expect that your favorite drink will be waiting for you with your favorite tune playing in the background. Deplar Farm store all your preferences for next time you stop in, welcoming you home.
When sitting down for your first breakfast you’re introduced to the chef, you’re also introduced to the waiter, the bartender and everyone else who works on the property. You quickly recognize who works there, yet it only occurred to me on my final day that they were all wearing a uniform. Subconsciously it had registered but the details here are so subtle and well-thought-out that it’s not obvious.
Unlike anywhere I’ve visited before (other than somebody’s house), you can roam the hotel freely; room keys are optional and most guests choose not to have them. There are snacks, tea and coffee in every room. Books adorn the shelves and you can ensconce yourself anywhere to lose yourself in a foreign world, if you fancy. In many ways, the homely and relaxed familiarity succeeds in that holy grail of the hospitality world – it feels less like a hotel and more akin to a villa with subtly supreme service. The flow of the rooms is beautifully thought through, and I found myself effortlessly gliding from one room to the next, enjoying the succession of communal spaces – as if it were my actual home.
Much as you might experience when arriving at an African safari, the journey is intrepidly off the beaten track, in a remote, isolated and completely foreign environment. You absolutey need a guide to unveil the unknown to you here, and having access to one who knows the area’s hidden  gems is transformative and really allows you to immerse yourself in the ancient natural landscape, sped along by Deplar’s modern-day luxuries. Our guide was the incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and calming Michael Barnet from Colorado, Silverton, who is also a heli-ski guru. He helps create this place into an adventurous man’s playground.
There are endless outdoor activities on the island including heli-skiing, Icelandic horse riding, hiking, fishing, kayaking, clay shooting, and many more. I’ve included a small selection of my images captured during thimesmerizingng trip!
The Fljot Valley enjoys some of the highest average snowfall on the planet. Because of this, the route to Deplar is closed all winter, making it even more remote, private and unreachably wild.
During ski season, there are two helicopters on site; by scrambling the choppers, you could be fishing within 30 min (rather than enduring a 4-hour car journey) and can combine it with a spot of skiing thereafter.
Every heli program is completely custom made – should you wish you could cover just 5 runs or ski for 12 hours a day, come back for lunch or stay out. Skiing in Iceland sounds truly unique in that you can be 1850 meters up in the mountains with a view over the crisp North Atlantic Ocean and finish your long run at just 5 meters of elevation, right down by the ocean. You always have such a clear view of the sea and proximity. Obviously, given my visit was in summer, that wasn’t on the cards for me (I’ll shelve that for a future dream), and instead…
The Icelandic Horse goes back a thousand years. Settlers brought their horses from Scandinavia, but the horses couldn’t cope with the harsh climate, which killed the poor little things. So instead the Scandinavian horse was cross-bred with the independent Mongolian horse who’s more used to temperatures of -40 degrees! To this day, the law decrees that no other horses are allowed on the island. The riding is quite different – it’s a sensation of constant bouncing as opposed to the rhythmic up-and-down motion I’ve come to expect. For me, who as a young girl literally lived in a stable and had horse photos plastered on her wall, this was the dream! Riding an Icelandic horse through the Icelandic mountains is definitely one extra check off the bucket list! Seeing the delicate flowers up close, birds nesting, baby lambs and horse fowls, this was an experience not just for the body but for the soul.
Yet I found that the best way to see Iceland’s nature was by foot. In Iceland, there are some spellbinding hiking trails to discover. The air is impossibly fresh, imparting generous restoration upon the lungs and constitution, and the scenery is simply stunning – vertiginous heights, dramatic mountains, hyper-real waterfalls, adorable newborn lambs, and a simply awesome ocean. On one of our trails, we were treated to some secret hot springs; one hidden in a cliff face, in the ground we climbed down to discover a totally private hot spring, carved by glacial processes thousands of years ago, and yet filled with crystal waters.
Iceland, resting on a terrestrial ‘hot spot’ means there’s a disproportionate amount of geothermal activity just aching to escape to the surface. Deplar Farm is completely fuelled by a nearby hot spring which has been piped in to the hotel. These springs and geysers are so numerous that you’ll simply find them all over the country; for some, the clue’s in the title and they are indeed boiling hot, but others might legitimately be re-named ‘tepid springs’, or perhaps ‘pleastantly warm springs’ – simply the perfect temperature to bathe in. Hot springs are said to have a number of health benefits including promoting the elevation of blood circulation, assisting with stress relief, and improved sleep quality, pain relief. Further, the water found in natural hot springs contains a variety of different minerals, including calcium and sodium bicarbonate, which are said to have a therapeutic effect upon the skin and broader constitution. 
Iceland is said to offer some of the best fishing in the world with a variety of rivers and lakes. Serious anglers will journey here just to experience it, and I know a few who’ve done as much! The hotel has direct access to the Floser River which is teeming with wild salmon, brown trout and arctic charr, amongst many more.
I thought I’d hate this experience but I absolutely loved it! Donning fantastic wetsuits which are surprisingly comfortable and breathable, it’s a bit of a different activity but remarkably demanding. Another superb way to observe the crisp Icelandic scenery from an alternative angle, there are hundreds of powerful rivers down which to kayak – some materially harder than others (I didn’t fancy the one pictured below!). My experience was such that controlling your vessel amidst the rapids takes great coordination, balance, foresight and strength, but it’s utterly exhilarating and superb fun! If you’re looking for something a little less strenuous, kayaking on a still river is pretty special too; for me the deafening silence of this land is astounding, both wholly inspiring and compellingly terrifying in equal measure.
It’s a contemporary and ‘relevant’ take on service – not overbearing, but rather understated, modern and of the highest quality, with all the ultra-luxurious details manicured into the provision. There are of course drivers on standby, a Michelin decorated chef, and spa treatments under the northern lights. For the time you’re here, there’s the inescapable sensation that the place is yours, and no request would be too niche; ‘cinema in the middle of the night with pizza’ is but a helicopter’s call away!
Iceland is said to be the healthiest country in the world, and the cuisine is unquestionably a key part of that. Fishing used to be Iceland’s largest industry, it’s now second to tourism, and I’d say I can’t think of many places able to compete from a ‘freshness’ perspective. Deplar Farm is superbly advanced from this perspective!
Deplar Farm makes the most of the Iceland’s local surroundings; their Swedish Executive Chef Andrea Hurra and her partner Alex Thorsteinsson have put together a refined menu (always accompanied by a short but precise presentation) which is local, fresh and sustainable. The fish which arrives on your plate is caught locally only hours earlier; all products are bought from local farmers; indeed Deplar Farm’s mission is eventually to be able to harvest all their own vegetables on site. This is a compelling proposition, and the quality of the fare, combined with the exquisite and engaging presentation makes the nutritional component of an active escape here a very memorable highlight. 
Each one of the 13 en-suite rooms have their own unique look and feel and are adorned differently. Having never experienced perpetual sunshine that runs far into the night, I was mildly worried about sleep interruption, but the rooms have perfect remote controlled blackout blinds to ensure delivery of a terrific night’s sleep, on vast beds with fluffy pillows. The finish is of a lofty quality, giving a reassuringly high quality sensation the moment you step into your room and start enjoying the details and touches. 
Cement walls with wooden imprints. Minimalist, Scandinavian symmetrical. Floor to ceiling glass with a spectacular 3 wall view of the mountains outside. This country’s need for a hot bath and a restorative spa experience is, understandably, significant. This was one of the things I looked forward to the most at the end of an active day!
There’s an outdoor Hot Pool where one can lay on the immersed sleep beds – this is an exceptionally relaxing experience. Indeed, it’s possible to swim from the inside of the spa to the outside, and during winter, to sit in the hot pool surrounded by snow watching the Aurora Borealis cascade above. That sounds like the definition of magical, so I shall have to return to experience it!
There’s both an outdoor and indoor sauna; indoor offering floor-to-ceiling windows so you can sit inside and gaze out at the mountains, lake and sheep grazing in the fields. The outdoor sauna sits inside a little hill, much like a hobbit home with perfect access to the Plunge Pool…
The plunge pool enable something that’s very much a Nordic bathing ritual. Traditionally, as Swedes we used to (and still do) carve a hole in the ice, sit in the sauna and then when we’re just about ready to melt, we plunge into the icy cold water… Then back into the sauna, and repeat. This is very much the same, and is unlike anything you’re ready for; the cold hits you like a wave of heat. It shocks the entire system but you feel so alive, so energized, and invigorated. And bizarrely, when you step out of the water, a gorgeous sensation of warmth pulses through your body, tingling up and down. It is unworldly and absolutely amazing. There are a host of medically proven ‘immune system’ benefits to this practice, but it’s the lasting sensation of contentment, as if my body is smiling, that I take away from it, for the rest of the day. A must!
Then there are the  extensive range of treatments, the Sleep pod, and the ability to enjoy a session under the Northern lights in Winter!
This country takes its health and fitness seriously; there is no fast food chain on the island, simply because when a major one opened up, nobody cared to go there, so it closed down. Children start with sports early – football, handball, swimming, and teachers emphasize the importance of proper nutrition to improve results.
Fitness competitions are big here, I know one Icelandic fitness winner myself and there have been several Strongman winners from Iceland including Magnús Ver Magnússon and Jón Páll Sigmarsson. People are  outdoorsy and the climate requires strong mental determination – the lifestyle is ingrained in both the national psyche and people’s DNA – men work hard on fishing boats, historically carrying stones, and fighting as Viking warriors.
I could keep going but you’ve stuck with me an awfully long time now. In short, this is magical. The country is unlike anywhere else I’ve been. Deplar Farm hotel is truly the most refined and comforting way of experiencing Iceland that I could imagine. So many aspects of this escape have been astoundingly remarkable that it doesn’t really fit into the classification system of places I’ve previously visited. It has a unique energy which generated a compelling vivacity within me for quite some time after my return, and THAT is the sign of something special.
The post ACTIVE ESCAPE TO ICELAND! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Health And Fitness Updates http://fitnessontoast.com/2017/07/03/fitness-escape-holiday-to-iceland-eleven-experience-adventure/
0 notes
muscledemandsrespect · 8 years ago
A fortnight ago I escaped to a remote Eco Retreat called Deplar Farm, in an ancient, primordial landscape where people live a very different, and highly compelling life. Chief amongst any list of ‘the most beautiful places to visit on Earth’ will be found Iceland – I now understand why, and I hope this post shares some of that magic. It’s long been a romantic dream of mine to visit this isolated, mystical land with its rumbling geothermal engine, and tundra-punctuated basalt landscape; perhaps more interesting to you, my dear reader, is the recent proclamation in The Lancet that Iceland is ‘the healthiest country in the world’ alongside my homeland Sweden! But don’t be fooled, as it’s also one of the most inhospitable places to live on the planet – temperatures where I visited can plummet to an average of −30°C in January, and howling winds can lash at a brutal 160mph, with several meters of snow dumping daily. This means schools close, infrastructure suffers and cars avoid some roads for risk of flipping and/or just being buried! The land is barren and rugged but that’s bred a nation of robust and resourceful people. I was astonished by the natural beauty and the local food, but more than anything by just how much there is to do here!  Click MORE to discover my expedition to Deplar Farm, the ultimate modern luxury retreat that I uncovered in the land of trolls and elves – a truly magical Icelandic saga! 
It says something when countless films and advertisements have been captured in so small a country (including ‘Star Wars’, ‘the Fast and the Furious’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ – a total of 250 movies in under 10 years). That speaks to the rugged authenticity and spellbinding wow-factor of the landscape. From a more practical perspective, Iceland also hosted the trial sessions for Neil Armstrong & Co to practice their moon landings; some people, to this day, maintain that they simply landed here instead, but let’s leave it at that!
Geologically speaking, the country sits literally atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and is effectively just two continental platforms which are separated (and separatING) by an active volcano, which means the island is growing by about 2cm per year – the size of a fingernail. The country lies just outside the Arctic Circle but is situated on a quite unique geological ‘hot spot’ and is warmed by the North-Atlantic Current, meaning you get pretty reasonable summer temperatures and vast amounts of geothermal activity; but it’s called Ice-land for a reason. That poetic coexistence of ice and fire means there’s exciting activity all around the island. Some of the ancient hot springs are explosive geysers which regularly shoot towering pillars of boiling water that can liquefy wildlife on contact, but others are totally benign and in fact propose the perfect temperature for a spot of restorative bathing; these hot springs are equally popular with travelers and locals alike. 
Of particularly interesting remark for me is the enormously skewed ratio of citizens-to-tourists; a mere 336,000 Icelandic souls permanently inhabit this island, yet over 11x that number visit annually for holiday purposes. 36% of the country’s GNP comes from tourism; I can’t imagine many (if any) other single-island countries that have such a dedication to travelers, and that all tells you that the hospitality simply *must* be good. 
Just 40 kilometers from the North Pole, in one of the most remote enclaves of Iceland, Fljot Valley, you’ll find Deplar Farm Hotel, a former sheep farm and part of the Eleven Experience group – purveyors of fine ‘Experiential Travel’ to the international Adventure-set. Shrouded by a crown of towering snow-capped mountains, this place is wild, remote and isolated – it’s completely private and experiences some of the highest average snowfall on the planet in some brutal winters. This is the ultimate secluded adventure pad, pictured below in its snowier winter robes!
The hotel’s architecture celebrates the traditional Icelandic build – abandoned ships were historically turned upside down and clad with a moss roof, and the aesthetic here very much recalls that charming vignette. When approaching this hotel for the first time in one of their specially-adapted Mercedes’ (a sign of the comforts to come), you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s a minuscule structure, shrinking into obscurity at the base of these monstrous mountains which would miniaturize anything. Yet when you enter the 23,000 square foot 13-suite uber-hotel it feels reassuringly airy, spacious, modern and light with floor to ceiling glass windows inviting the outside in.
Before arriving at Deplar Farm I was asked to fill out an extensive questionnaire to inform the hotel of any particulars. You can be as descriptive and detailed as possible, including foods which you like/dislike, music, activities etc. Based on this Deplar fashions a customized plan ahead of your arrival, and they pride themselves on delivering bespoke tailor-made experiences entirely in tune with your desires. If you return to this place (I can vouch that you’ll want to) you can expect that your favorite drink will be waiting for you with your favorite tune playing in the background. Deplar Farm store all your preferences for next time you stop in, welcoming you home.
When sitting down for your first breakfast you’re introduced to the chef, you’re also introduced to the waiter, the bartender and everyone else who works on the property. You quickly recognize who works there, yet it only occurred to me on my final day that they were all wearing a uniform. Subconsciously it had registered but the details here are so subtle and well-thought-out that it’s not obvious.
Unlike anywhere I’ve visited before (other than somebody’s house), you can roam the hotel freely; room keys are optional and most guests choose not to have them. There are snacks, tea and coffee in every room. Books adorn the shelves and you can ensconce yourself anywhere to lose yourself in a foreign world, if you fancy. In many ways, the homely and relaxed familiarity succeeds in that holy grail of the hospitality world – it feels less like a hotel and more akin to a villa with subtly supreme service. The flow of the rooms is beautifully thought through, and I found myself effortlessly gliding from one room to the next, enjoying the succession of communal spaces – as if it were my actual home.
Much as you might experience when arriving at an African safari, the journey is intrepidly off the beaten track, in a remote, isolated and completely foreign environment. You absolutey need a guide to unveil the unknown to you here, and having access to one who knows the area’s hidden  gems is transformative and really allows you to immerse yourself in the ancient natural landscape, sped along by Deplar’s modern-day luxuries. Our guide was the incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and calming Michael Barnet from Colorado, Silverton, who is also a heli-ski guru. He helps create this place into an adventurous man’s playground.
There are endless outdoor activities on the island including heli-skiing, Icelandic horse riding, hiking, fishing, kayaking, clay shooting, and many more. I’ve included a small selection of my images captured during thimesmerizingng trip!
The Fljot Valley enjoys some of the highest average snowfall on the planet. Because of this, the route to Deplar is closed all winter, making it even more remote, private and unreachably wild.
During ski season, there are two helicopters on site; by scrambling the choppers, you could be fishing within 30 min (rather than enduring a 4-hour car journey) and can combine it with a spot of skiing thereafter.
Every heli program is completely custom made – should you wish you could cover just 5 runs or ski for 12 hours a day, come back for lunch or stay out. Skiing in Iceland sounds truly unique in that you can be 1850 meters up in the mountains with a view over the crisp North Atlantic Ocean and finish your long run at just 5 meters of elevation, right down by the ocean. You always have such a clear view of the sea and proximity. Obviously, given my visit was in summer, that wasn’t on the cards for me (I’ll shelve that for a future dream), and instead…
The Icelandic Horse goes back a thousand years. Settlers brought their horses from Scandinavia, but the horses couldn’t cope with the harsh climate, which killed the poor little things. So instead the Scandinavian horse was cross-bred with the independent Mongolian horse who’s more used to temperatures of -40 degrees! To this day, the law decrees that no other horses are allowed on the island. The riding is quite different – it’s a sensation of constant bouncing as opposed to the rhythmic up-and-down motion I’ve come to expect. For me, who as a young girl literally lived in a stable and had horse photos plastered on her wall, this was the dream! Riding an Icelandic horse through the Icelandic mountains is definitely one extra check off the bucket list! Seeing the delicate flowers up close, birds nesting, baby lambs and horse fowls, this was an experience not just for the body but for the soul.
Yet I found that the best way to see Iceland’s nature was by foot. In Iceland, there are some spellbinding hiking trails to discover. The air is impossibly fresh, imparting generous restoration upon the lungs and constitution, and the scenery is simply stunning – vertiginous heights, dramatic mountains, hyper-real waterfalls, adorable newborn lambs, and a simply awesome ocean. On one of our trails, we were treated to some secret hot springs; one hidden in a cliff face, in the ground we climbed down to discover a totally private hot spring, carved by glacial processes thousands of years ago, and yet filled with crystal waters.
Iceland, resting on a terrestrial ‘hot spot’ means there’s a disproportionate amount of geothermal activity just aching to escape to the surface. Deplar Farm is completely fuelled by a nearby hot spring which has been piped in to the hotel. These springs and geysers are so numerous that you’ll simply find them all over the country; for some, the clue’s in the title and they are indeed boiling hot, but others might legitimately be re-named ‘tepid springs’, or perhaps ‘pleastantly warm springs’ – simply the perfect temperature to bathe in. Hot springs are said to have a number of health benefits including promoting the elevation of blood circulation, assisting with stress relief, and improved sleep quality, pain relief. Further, the water found in natural hot springs contains a variety of different minerals, including calcium and sodium bicarbonate, which are said to have a therapeutic effect upon the skin and broader constitution. 
Iceland is said to offer some of the best fishing in the world with a variety of rivers and lakes. Serious anglers will journey here just to experience it, and I know a few who’ve done as much! The hotel has direct access to the Floser River which is teeming with wild salmon, brown trout and arctic charr, amongst many more.
I thought I’d hate this experience but I absolutely loved it! Donning fantastic wetsuits which are surprisingly comfortable and breathable, it’s a bit of a different activity but remarkably demanding. Another superb way to observe the crisp Icelandic scenery from an alternative angle, there are hundreds of powerful rivers down which to kayak – some materially harder than others (I didn’t fancy the one pictured below!). My experience was such that controlling your vessel amidst the rapids takes great coordination, balance, foresight and strength, but it’s utterly exhilarating and superb fun! If you’re looking for something a little less strenuous, kayaking on a still river is pretty special too; for me the deafening silence of this land is astounding, both wholly inspiring and compellingly terrifying in equal measure.
It’s a contemporary and ‘relevant’ take on service – not overbearing, but rather understated, modern and of the highest quality, with all the ultra-luxurious details manicured into the provision. There are of course drivers on standby, a Michelin decorated chef, and spa treatments under the northern lights. For the time you’re here, there’s the inescapable sensation that the place is yours, and no request would be too niche; ‘cinema in the middle of the night with pizza’ is but a helicopter’s call away!
Iceland is said to be the healthiest country in the world, and the cuisine is unquestionably a key part of that. Fishing used to be Iceland’s largest industry, it’s now second to tourism, and I’d say I can’t think of many places able to compete from a ‘freshness’ perspective. Deplar Farm is superbly advanced from this perspective!
Deplar Farm makes the most of the Iceland’s local surroundings; their Swedish Executive Chef Andrea Hurra and her partner Alex Thorsteinsson have put together a refined menu (always accompanied by a short but precise presentation) which is local, fresh and sustainable. The fish which arrives on your plate is caught locally only hours earlier; all products are bought from local farmers; indeed Deplar Farm’s mission is eventually to be able to harvest all their own vegetables on site. This is a compelling proposition, and the quality of the fare, combined with the exquisite and engaging presentation makes the nutritional component of an active escape here a very memorable highlight. 
Each one of the 13 en-suite rooms have their own unique look and feel and are adorned differently. Having never experienced perpetual sunshine that runs far into the night, I was mildly worried about sleep interruption, but the rooms have perfect remote controlled blackout blinds to ensure delivery of a terrific night’s sleep, on vast beds with fluffy pillows. The finish is of a lofty quality, giving a reassuringly high quality sensation the moment you step into your room and start enjoying the details and touches. 
Cement walls with wooden imprints. Minimalist, Scandinavian symmetrical. Floor to ceiling glass with a spectacular 3 wall view of the mountains outside. This country’s need for a hot bath and a restorative spa experience is, understandably, significant. This was one of the things I looked forward to the most at the end of an active day!
There’s an outdoor Hot Pool where one can lay on the immersed sleep beds – this is an exceptionally relaxing experience. Indeed, it’s possible to swim from the inside of the spa to the outside, and during winter, to sit in the hot pool surrounded by snow watching the Aurora Borealis cascade above. That sounds like the definition of magical, so I shall have to return to experience it!
There’s both an outdoor and indoor sauna; indoor offering floor-to-ceiling windows so you can sit inside and gaze out at the mountains, lake and sheep grazing in the fields. The outdoor sauna sits inside a little hill, much like a hobbit home with perfect access to the Plunge Pool…
The plunge pool enable something that’s very much a Nordic bathing ritual. Traditionally, as Swedes we used to (and still do) carve a hole in the ice, sit in the sauna and then when we’re just about ready to melt, we plunge into the icy cold water… Then back into the sauna, and repeat. This is very much the same, and is unlike anything you’re ready for; the cold hits you like a wave of heat. It shocks the entire system but you feel so alive, so energized, and invigorated. And bizarrely, when you step out of the water, a gorgeous sensation of warmth pulses through your body, tingling up and down. It is unworldly and absolutely amazing. There are a host of medically proven ‘immune system’ benefits to this practice, but it’s the lasting sensation of contentment, as if my body is smiling, that I take away from it, for the rest of the day. A must!
Then there are the  extensive range of treatments, the Sleep pod, and the ability to enjoy a session under the Northern lights in Winter!
This country takes its health and fitness seriously; there is no fast food chain on the island, simply because when a major one opened up, nobody cared to go there, so it closed down. Children start with sports early – football, handball, swimming, and teachers emphasize the importance of proper nutrition to improve results.
Fitness competitions are big here, I know one Icelandic fitness winner myself and there have been several Strongman winners from Iceland including Magnús Ver Magnússon and Jón Páll Sigmarsson. People are  outdoorsy and the climate requires strong mental determination – the lifestyle is ingrained in both the national psyche and people’s DNA – men work hard on fishing boats, historically carrying stones, and fighting as Viking warriors.
I could keep going but you’ve stuck with me an awfully long time now. In short, this is magical. The country is unlike anywhere else I’ve been. Deplar Farm hotel is truly the most refined and comforting way of experiencing Iceland that I could imagine. So many aspects of this escape have been astoundingly remarkable that it doesn’t really fit into the classification system of places I’ve previously visited. It has a unique energy which generated a compelling vivacity within me for quite some time after my return, and THAT is the sign of something special.
The post ACTIVE ESCAPE TO ICELAND! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
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