#i wish every day that oscar was nowhere near that team so i could like him properly
overtake · 4 months
why are people acting like zak brown getting a tattoo for a driver win is some special tradition he thought of and not very very much daniel’s thing. i hope that ugly ass trump-loving motherfucker’s tattoo falls or blows out.
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leclerced · 9 months
Girl we kind of have one brain cell cause I was literally thinking about Athena’s daughter for Lando and then I was like “yeah well break the rule and get him someone else everyone knows about it”. Also so true about Oscar sending him to Hades. I literally forgot he could open the ground and just watch Lando fall with a lil “oopsie. See ya looser”.
Lando would want a revenge and he’d start spraying water at Oscar from nowhere. Maybe one time he sneaks up on him and his girl when they are near the late and he sweeps Oscar from her and is like “okay now you go on an adventure through my world” and sends him through some ocean or sth. Meanwhile he chats with Oscar’s girl and she’s just so done with both of them because they have this competition of who will prank who better. So Lando is practically half dead with how often he’s in the underworld and Oscar now has friends among some fishes with how often he’s in the ocean hahaha
ok sorry started answering this at work but had to save it to my drafts and im home nowww
imagine oscar and anthena’s daughter met as kids and were brought to camp together, kinda like luke, thalia, and annabeth but less tragic. she was super smart and always got them away from monsters by outsmarting them. i can so see like, oscar having played call of duty or smth and wishing for help from soldiers and like, bc he’s a son of hades that wish raises dead soldiers to fight the monsters while they escape. they’re both super confused about why zombies are rising from the ground and fighting for them but take the chance to escape. then one day one makes it back to them and they’re terrified, thinking it’s going to attack them until it asks oscar for it’s next command. they're claimed pretty soon after arriving at camp, he raises a bunch of dead people to distract the other team and she's the one to actually find and capture the flag. their team captain would have given them orders but they would make their own plan when the captain won't listen to their suggestions. they’re both claimed right after that first game!
can see him and lando becoming friends when lando gets there and is claimed, the only two son's of the big three. then he discovers lando’s secretly dating his best friend? he accidentally opens the ground and sends him down to the underworld when he finds out by catching them together sneaking around one night. he’s kinda hurt his friends didn’t tell him but mostly annoyed about it, doesn’t trust lando not to hurt her. plus imagine they made fun of him all the time, he’s a newbie at camp and is just starting training and is making a fool of himself constantly!! they make fun of him during every practice session, and then late at night she’s sneaking around with him. oscar’s baffled by it.
it's like lando’s sneaking into a club n getting kicked out, some underworld creature comes and returns him back to camp. imagine him crawling up the crevice he went down through and they’re trying to fill it in and he’s like, “we’re you going to leave me down there?” chiron explains it was a safety hazard, three people fell in after he did. lando saying he didn’t fall in, looking for oscar to glare at but he’s hiding from the wrath of athena’s daughter. she would have given him an earful after lando suddenly disappeared down a crack in the earth, demanding he go down there and retrieve him lest he get stuck.
“oopsies see ya loser” is sooo real. lando gets back to camp after his trip down to the underworld and waits until night time to flood the hades cabin, filling it with seawater and fish and oscar wakes up floating on his mattress with a fish flopping on his chest. opens a hole in the ground to drain the water and make it erupt into the poseidon cabin because no one else could have turned his cabin into a four foot deep fish tank.
she has skeletons following her around to keep lando at bay because they creep him out. she'd knock them over and because it's just bones, they fall into a pile but magically they'd re-articulate after a few minutes and find her, probably trying to sneak off with lando for some private time and lando's suddenly not in the mood anymore 😭 he eventually stops but thats how the prank war between them begins
lando gets him back by having the nymphs spray him and his girlfriend down with water when they get close to the water. one day oscar and his girlfriend making out on the shore of the beach and suddenly the water is grabbing him and pulling him in. he’s jerked away from the kiss and barely sees lando laughing as he sits next to oscar’s gf before he’s submerged. naiads and nymphs keep him down there until lando gives the signal to release him and he’s swimming up to the surface and gasping for fresh air because it feels so wrong to breathe underwater, he hates it so much when lando gives him an air bubble and sucks him underwater.
his girlfriend rushing to meet him at the shore and asking if he’s okay and lando’s like, “he’s fine! he could breathe the entire time, nothing compared to being slobbered on by cerebus.” oscar insists that being held underwater with an air bubble around your head is definitely worse.
oscar makes friends with some nymphs and mermen after awhile, and lando makes friends with cerebus and random spirits roaming around the underworld!! like meets shakespeare and is telling him all about the 2000s remakes of his plays.
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Fanfic #17: The Time Where Oscar (Somehow) Got Invited to Smash Bros.
It all started one morning in Altas where Oscar woke up to get ready for the day. Once he was finished getting himself dressed, he stumbled upon a white envelope, with a a red sticker on the back that has a strange looking symbol.
As Oscar opens the envelope, he found a letter inside which said:
Dear Challenger Oscar Pine,
We here in the Smash Universe, would like to invite you to our upcoming Super Smash Bros. Tournament this year. While you would face tons of unfamiliar faces along the way, we encourage you to do your best and get stronger in order to get to the top.
We would like to see what you're capable of in the ring. And wish you the best of luck.... you'll probably going to need it at this point
The Announcer!
After reading every word the letter said, Oscar was starting to get very confused on the invitation in question. "What is the Super Smash Bros. Tournament?", "Who exactly were the challengers they've mentioned?", and "Why would they want him, of all people, to participate in a tournament hasn't heard of before?" These were the three questions that the farm boy quickly thought on in the top of his head right now.
Oscar: (Maybe I should ask the others about this...)
As Oscar walks towards the kitchen, he instantly saw both sisters, Ruby and Yang, on the table having their sisterly conversation until they saw the farm boy walking towards them.
Ruby: (Smiles Brightly) Good morning, Oscar!
Oscar: (Smiles a little back) Morning, you guys.
Yang: (Smiles as well) Soooo, how our favorite little farm boi doing on this fine morning.
Oscar: I'm doing okay... though, there is something I need to show you guys, if that's okay.
Yang: No problem.
Ruby: Yeah, what you wanna show us?
Oscar: Well, I found this note on my desk this morning... something about inviting me to some tournament.
Ruby: (Starting to get confused and a little worried) A tournament?
Oscar: Yeah. I think it's called the "Super Smash Bros Tournament". I honestly have no idea what that's all about, so I-
Oscar: (A little startled) Uhhh.... that's what it's called....
Both sisters exchange looks from each other
Yang: Hey, Oscar, you think we could take a look at the letter right quick?
Oscar: (Gives the letter to Yang) Here you go.
After reading every word said from that letter, both Ruby and Yang were more confused on how and why these people would invite someone like Oscar to an all-star tournament like Smash Bros. However, the two sisters have already come up with what to tell Oscar.
Ruby: I'm sorry, Oscar, but there is noooo way we're letting you go anywhere near that tournament.
Oscar: (Understood their answer but still curious) Not that I don't agree with you guys or anything, but how come you don't want me to go there, anyways?
Yang: Well, for one, it's extremely dangerous for you to enter. In fact, all tournaments are dangerous for a kid like you enter. No offense, bud.
Oscar: None taken.
Yang: Plus, those "unfamiliar faces" the Announcer mentioned? Yeah, those guys are nowhere near as ordinary as the warriors we faced here.
Oscar: (Surprised) They're not?
Yang: Afraid not, buddy. Fighting these guys would be even more difficult than any of us could even imagine.
Oscar: When you put it that way, it seems like the fighters there are no joke. You think you two could tell me more about these guys?
Ruby: (Smiles a little) Sure thing!
Ruby and Yang began to tell Oscar everything about each of the tournament's fighters' abilities, as well as how strong or even powerful each of them really are. They told him about every wacky rules they have to follow by in order to win the match. Oscar was already very interested with each of the fighters' overall abilities in the ring. As well as quickly realized that's maybe taking part of that tournament in question, wasn't really a good idea, after all. And it made the sisters so glad that Oscar is not interested in participating there anytime soon.
A explanation later.
Oscar: Wow.... I never realized those guys would be that tough to beat...
Yang: That's Smash Bros for ya. Always filled with a bunch of characters with weird abilities.
Oscar: Well, I guess that's a good reason why I shouldn't go there, huh?
Ruby: Well...there is another reason why we didn't want you to go....you know, besides being worried sick about you and everything.
Oscar: Oh, really? What's the other reason, then?
Ruby: Well.... and please don't take this the wrong way when I tell you this, but while we all think that you're able to take care of yourself pretty well so far....we just don't think you're ready to take up a challenge like this.
Yang: Ruby's right, Oscar. While we're really proud of you and what you've accomplished so far while on your journey with us, you still need a lot to learn about not only being a Hunter, but being a capable fighter as well.
Ruby: Plus, we all have to do whatever we can to stop Salem from causing any kind of harm to our world. (Frowns Sadly) And that we can't do it without you. You're a part of this team and our friend, Oscar.... we need you.
Oscar: Yeah...I get what you're saying now. Besides the whole Salem thing.... I really do have a long way to go, don't I?
Ruby: (Reassuring Smile) I know it's pretty difficult right now, but that's okay. We're not going to let you go through this alone, Oscar. We'll do whatever we can to teach you everything you need to know about being a Hunter!
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) Thanks guys. I'm glad I came to you guys for this.
Yang: I'm just glad we were able to tell you everything you need to know about the tournament.... y-you're still not thinking about going there, are you?
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly) Don't worry, Yang. I won't be going to that tournament anytime soon.
Yang: (Relieved) Ok, good. Cause I would hate to see you get hurt out there. (Smirks slyly) I know, Ruby would be too~
Ruby: (Blushes while being embarrassed) Y-Y-Yang!!
Oscar: (Laughs Softly) Never knew you guys would be the worry types. But still, thanks again for looking out for me as always, guys.
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