#i wish aliens were real 😔
sometimesmaybespoof · 1 month
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Real height difference from my silly to my mutual's/bestie's/pookie's silly.
Also hi I haven't posted in a hot minute lmao.
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musette22 · 2 months
I wonder if Steve has a significant amount of imposter syndrome, especially when he came out of the ice. People had solidified this idea of him and expected him to excel and be that, hell even his teammates were just like oh I know all about you. (Expect maybe Thor, who I think was one of Steve’s closest friends in the beginning)
He can’t escape these expectations and if he goes against it, he’s berated for it. It’s made even worse with the serum, but at least with that he had the howling commandos to ground him and encouraged him. In the 21st Century there was no one to bounce of and the fact it would have been made worse by his survivors guilt.
Idk Steve is a character that has so many layers but gets over looked because he isnt allowed to fall into a vulnerable headspace. I kinda wished we saw more of that in his character, not in like a reflective sort of way but a kinda overwhelmed by everything portrayal. I’m sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
Oh absolutely, yes! I think you're completely right. I also think Steve struggles hugely with the expectations people have of him, the dichotomy between the persona & legend of Cap versus the real Steve Rogers. He had to get used to a whole new body first, and then on top of that, he also had to learn to deal with all those expectations and the idea(l) people have of him which he doesn't even recognise himself in, half the time. He doesn't feel worthy of all the attention and hero worship, constantly thinking that if only people knew the real him, they'd be sorely disappointed. At the same time though, I think he feels like the whole celebrity aspect of being Cap is empty and meaningless anyway, most of the time (except for when he can use his fame to do something good, of course, which he tries to do as much as he can because otherwise, what's the point?), so in a way I think he doesn't even want to live up to people's expectations of him. He is also known for his stubbornness and righteousness, after all 😉
And yeah, in the 21st century, there isn't anyone left who knows the real him, who can grab his shoulders and shake them and tell him that it's the real Steve Rogers, that little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight, who makes Cap great, that he is worth knowing and loving. That his ideas may be reckless and harebrained more often than not, but that he does what he does for the right reasons, because he is a good man first and foremost, even if others can only see a perfect soldier. He must've felt so enormously alienated and lost, those first few years 😔
While I love the idea that (most of) the Avengers would've ultimately come to understand and appreciate Steve for Steve too, the way things stood at the beginning of TWS, they definitely weren't there yet (thank god for Sam, who at least tried). Which is why I adore the kind of fics in which Bucky, after he comes back, is not only cared for and helped to get back to himself by Steve, but in which he also gets to care for and help Steve to get back to himself in return ❤️ Mutual healing, that's my jam 💫
And yes, Steve Rogers is actually a huuuugely layered and complex and interesting and underrated character, and I will die on that hill!!! The MCU unfortunately did not explore any of this nearly enough (in fact, they cut some of the scenes that would've been the most telling when it came to the state of mind he was in) and they massively oversimplified his character development for the sake of action/tony/heteronormativity/etc. I'll always wish we'd have gotten to see more of Steve's motivations and character in the movies, but I'll also always be grateful that fanfiction has given us what the MCU didn't dare, and a thousand times over too! ❤️
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derangedfanficwriter · 6 months
An Alien Stage take by a MILGRAM fan, holy shit!?
Anyways, if this has been said before, ignore it for I live under a rock. So anyways, I have seen some people say that Ivan is dressed up like a groom while Till is dressed up like he's attending a funeral(all black). I have also seen someone say that Ivan wearing all white is like a corpse being dressed up all white.
Now that I think about it, Ivan dressed up like a dead person and Till dressed up like attending a funeral makes sense. Because, Ivan dies at the end and Till is standing in front of Ivan's corpse. People stand in front of the dead body(well, in front of the coffin their dead body is in) and look at the photo to pay respect to the dead in a funeral. That's what people do when they attend a funeral, yeah? And Till is standing in front of Ivan's corpse while looking at his face. So, in a way, Till is attending Ivan's funeral at the end. If we are to compare it to a normal funeral-
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Till standing in front of the corpse: People standing in front of the coffin
Till looking at Ivan's face: People looking at the dead's photo(By the way, if there's any inaccuracy here regarding the funeral thing, correct me because we don't usually have funerals in my place💀).
Also, MiziSua and IvanTill parallels real. In Round 1, both Mizi and Sua were wearing black and white respectively. Sua is the one who dies, so the funeral thing could be, by some extension, applied to them as well.
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In both of the above pictures, Sua and Ivan look relived in a way. Why? Because, they know that they lost and their loved ones(Mizi and Till) are going to live.
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I have nothing much to say about these two pictures, but I like the difference in their reactions here. Mizi's smile going to a blank one when Sua dies in front of her and Till's face being that of shock. Mizi thought that both her and Sua were going to win if they did a duet instead of a dual, but it didn't work at the end. Till's expression being a shocked one is interesting. He was probably shocked because of the fact that Ivan actually helped him instead of killing him. As many people have already said, and I would also like to say- Ivan was simply putting up an act of attacking Till so he would be disqualified and lose, so Till could win and live. He kissed Till as that was his final wish before dying.
I love this one specific difference between MiziSua and IvanTill rounds though. In Round 1, Clematis has this sort of sad tone to it. Just like how MiziSua's love is. Their love was mutual, but deep down, they both might have known that one of them will die in the future and the other will live. Them trying to cheat the system by singing a dual instead of a duet is more sad(?). And how Mizi looked so shock because she was certain that both of them were going to live. Anyways, moving on to IvanTill. I love how their song has this sort of vibe that exactly matches their love(idk how to explain the vibe or name it, help). Their one-sided love from Ivan. Till didn't reciprocate the love. Their song has this sort of tragic tone to it(not like the tragic that Clematis has) and the raining in the middle of their round adds more to the vibe. The vibe that matches their love. A tragic love that will forever be one-sided and never reciprocated.
All Ivan did his entire life was to care for Till, man😔. From the flashbacks in Round 6, it could be said that they were not just acquaintances, but friends. And at the end when Ivan falls on the ground, smiling even though he's bleeding, Till looks shocked. He could be shocked not only because of the reason I said above, but also because he cares for Ivan as well. I MEAN, LOOK AT THE FINAL FRAME OF THEIR ROUND WHERE TILL IS LOOKING DOWN AT IVAN'S CORPSE. BRO WAS ALREADY FEELING S#ICIDAL AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ROUND AND NOW HIS FRIEND DYING IN FRONT OF HIM WHILE HIS CRUSH IS MISSING(well, missing to his and the others' knowledge)????????
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mifhortunach · 10 days
tag game!
tagged by @thesedamncannibals - ty!
Do you make your bed? nominally? i put it back together, but not consistently
What's your favorite number? 7 or 41 - i like primes ! what can i say
What is your job? i work in fast food rn 😔
If you could go back to school, would you? i will be soon!! was it a poorly thought out excuse to quit my job? maybe..........
Can you parallel park? yes, tho i dont do it often
A job you had that would surprise people? worked for a tiny bit in a factory that made the big vinyl stickers that get put onto cars & vans
Do you think aliens are real? probs?? i think theyre great fun either way
Can you drive a manual car? excusively!
What's your guilty pleasure? i dont think i really have any? but the closest thing would be how much i love podcasts about star wars - i cant explain it, but theyre so compelling to me
Tattoos? nope
Favorite color? i like a teal :)
Favorite type of music? ive been listening to a lot of 70s stuff recently, or 90s pop
Do you like puzzles? depends on the type, i do like suduko, & every couple of months i wish i were good at crosswords
Any phobias? not especially
Favorite childhood sport? i played badminton for a while when i was like, 14, and i do kinda miss it every so often
Do you talk to yourself? yeah, but mostly just when when driving tbh 😅
What movies do you adore? big lewbowski, aftersun, first cow, fright night, noroi, operation avalanche, texas chainsaw 2, the dirties :)
Coffee or tea? black coffee, decaf tea
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? paleontologist :) changed my mind after i read a story about someone growing a mushroom thru doing it :S
Tagging, if they're up for it!: @mithridacy @dariuseppsenjoyer @gatogotica @thaliatimsh @nonsensegnomes :)
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autumnapricot · 1 month
also tagged by @saviour-of-lord for this tag-game with a few personal questions, thank you & here we go (super super belated…again…sorry) <3
Do you make your bed?
yes! i never used to but now i can‘t leave the house without at least hurriedly doing it lol.
Favourite number?
What's your job?
i‘m an administrative assistant in a process technology department. basically an all-in-one-job. kinda boring kinda cool kinda fun
If you could go back to school, would you?
nnno. maybe only for the fooling around with my friends. but otherwise no.
Can you parallel park?
i can, yes. do i want to? no. like. i’ll do it if i MUST. otherwise i‘ll happily park 4 blocks down the road and walk thirty minutes lol
Do you think aliens are real?
i absolutely think there are other forms of life out there in this endless universe. like, in a way i would find it unsettling if we were the only ones on this tiny little floating rock.
Can you drive a manual car?
yeah! in fact i now have my dream car and i miss my old manual tremendously :( i wish my new one would’ve been available as a manual
Guilty pleasure?
eehh—uuuh—hmm. collecting perfumes, i would say? i don‘t really count it as a hobby per se…but man, i do love perfumes. i would also be richer if i didn‘t own an entire shelf but oh well. i also try to guess other people‘s perfumes all the time and rank them like mmhm you using that perfume? slay. gained sympathy points. 😋
yeeehaw-yes. my left arm and shoulder, and two little ones on my right one. kind of want to do my back too :) but also legs. but also maybe i have too much already. sad-yeehaw. 😔
Favourite colour?
blue :)
Favourite type of music?
hard to say. i kind of like a lot! probably my most listened to would just be pop, rock or rap though. maybe indie? oh and i love sad songs so much
Do you like puzzles?
if i need a distraction lol but then i often just find them frustrating oops
Favourite childhood sport?
i admit i don‘t really have any. i work out a lot but i didn‘t play any sport as a kid i believe. i danced for a while though as a teen, so maybe that.
Do you talk to yourself?
concerningly much. i hold entire podcast sessions with myself. i like to label those as therapy sessions, though ☝🏻
Tea or coffee?
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
a vet…but i could never. my heart would suffer too much :(
What movies do you adore?
i love, love, loooove the cars movies! though 1 & 2 are the best. my absolute comfort movies <3
thanks for the fun little game! i, again, or still, have no one to tag 🥹 as always, anyone who would like to do this, please please feel free to take this is your invitation!! <3
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hasdrubal-gisco · 3 months
i wish aliens were real so i could kill them 😔
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lonepower · 23 days
oh I completely forgot to actually post my one single liveblog post i just saved it as a draft lmao. anyway if anyone wants my realtime Romulus Thoughts (tl;dr it's good) here ya go~
oh hey it starts on my birthday!! already a good sign <3
the audio quality on this cam is only a little bad but i cannot understand anyone for Shit. the 2 identical british dudes especially are basically speaking Peanuts Parentsese. i've been spoiled rotten by the shift to streaming and need my subtitles ))):
i really like this actress, she reminds me of someone - daisy ridley or summer glau maybe? she's so cute uvu
oh i want her and Pretty Hair to kiss so bad. she looks like she's shaping up to be the final girl though so i should probably not get too attached to anyone else, rip
ohhhhhhhhhh here we go
man I REALLY wanna know what their homeworld is like. I mean like the actual original world they came from instead of whatever time travel shit or w/e that prometheus was on, idk i blocked it from my memory. anyway there's so much about their design & behavior that seems like they're meant to be amphibious/semiaquatic to me? they're about the right size to fill the same niche as sharks or crocodiles, too...... did hr giger actually think about this stuff or was he just like "hey you know what would be fucked up"
rip bald girl we hardly knew ye. you were facehugged on all those posters anyway so i'm glad you weren't interesting
awwwww, no, man, don't, don't do that, that's not cool. why do we gotta do this. cmon. fuckin nightmarish
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girl go see a gynecologist or something i don't think that's a normal pussy pH
hnnNNnggH i'm ngl though that was. hot. also a very satisfying death for my least favorite character. i hope it hurt as much as it looked like it did 🤭
LAUREL IS CANON????? man she was a fun oc i should play around w her some more. love me some xeno gene therapy gone wrong. better hope the canon version doesn't fuck you up the same way<3
LMAOOOO NOT 2 MINUTES LATER!!!! EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! i'm so delighted my cringe nae nae river-tam-expy science-experiment mary sue is explicitly canon compliant now. this is great. oh my god.
Oh This Will Go Well
oh this is a Cool setpiece that seems very ill-advised
...yep. nicely foreshadowed, too
• HEL FUCKING LO??????? 👁️👄👁️
okay wait on slowmo rewind #4 that's actually the one from before? i'm no less jealous but slightly more confused. xenomorph yuri is still real thank you god 🙏🙌
ohhhhhhh that's why. yeah that makes more sense lol.
oh to be tenderly rescued by a terrifying alien who's only saving my life so they can use my body for their own nefarious ends. who said that
also the bishop echo at the beginning was cute but this one didn't land. you can do better. :\
while we're still on the subject tho: i think we do need an Enemy Mine scenario with a xeno now. the yautja got one with scarlex. it's time. i deserve it
Oh here we go. xenomorph yuri real round 2(????)
honestly this is just an accurate representation of what normal human pregnancy sounds like to me. having a little creature burst out of your ribcage killing you instantly is Vastly preferable tbh
i think this thing is less unsettling than the newborn but only barely. like 0.4% less unsettling. what the fuck
average white man behavior
i like my idea better tbh. Pretty Hair deserves to be monsterified and Final Girl deserves a terrifying mutated alien gf. we could have had it aaaaaaaaalllllll
I DO appreciate the obvious resurrection parallel though. my black sheep most beloved getting the legitimacy & recognition it deserves 😔✊
in conclusion WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK. resurrection and avp will probably always be tied for my favorites and tbh I would rank 2 a little higher as well, but this was solidly middle of the pack which is a gargantuan fucking improvement. the main thing is that it was Actually Recognizably An Aliens Movie which, after the prometheus/covenant nightmare, is honestly the highest praise i can give. thank GOD
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ziracona · 3 years
I do gotta say I feel very harshest that I asked specifically multiple times if the vampires in HoA were real & everyone said yes, so I thought I’d finally get some good cultural monster lore but instead they went “No the ancient Mesopotamian Rabisu was their perception of crashed aliens,” like, I know this puts me past fool me once and I should quit believing insider info but c’mon fam. Do you know how much heartbreak I endured w the whole ole racist ancient-aliens double twist?
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I totally get what you mean from your Jade bingo, it's understandable how you feel towards your favourite character and how the identity of a character and the fandom view of a character can easily be warped.
I also love that you included the fact that you can be upset at how he's percieved and still handle the opinion respectfully by just moving on. I wish more ppl were like that, I real do enjoy your thoughts on your character bingo's because their truly insightful even if our opinion's differ, I think that's the fun part of reading your posts!
So, please do comment more on your Jade rot!
Also you don't have to be bothered to reply to this btw, I just wanted to tell you that your basically really cool lol
[Referencing this post!]
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Yeah, it’s just 💦 a really weird, alienating feeling… like you don’t belong among your own peers, or like no one understands you 🥲 I know I’m not alone in this either, because I have friends that are fans of other TWST characters and they have similar sentiments. They see how the majority of the fandom perceives and interprets their favorite characters, and then they feel like the odd ones out for not thinking the same as seemingly every other [insert character here] fan. Then it makes them nervous about sharing their own thoughts… It becomes a subtle cycle of self-doubt.
Even now, I feel that same doubt whenever I write about how much I l*ve J word, or even when I share my thoughts on anything TWST-related (especially if it’s an unpopular opinion, such as disliking Malleus or wanting to give Crowley the benefit of the doubt). It’s been a real struggle trying to overcome that to just make the content that I enjoy.
I think it’s important that we acknowledge what we do and what we don’t like so we can make a conscious effort to curate our online experiences. No one should go out of their way to attack, harass, and/or bully another person for not thinking the same as they do 😔 If something bothers them, they should ignore it or block it and move on. Forcing an opinion on others never works out well, and it just causes harm to the victim and perpetuates an unhealthy, toxic mindset in the one forcing it on them.
Everyone’s here in this fandom just to have fun, so we should be mindful not to disturb others’ fun in the process of having ours.
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cowboy-garfield · 3 years
Goku has never kissed Chi chi and that IS CANON. Maybe you should read and watch the Canon. Goku isn't best dad or husband, but he ain't the worst either. He is below average.
"maybe you should watch canon"
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PLEASE talk to someone who's friends with me hdkdj
After 12 years I see the DBZ family discourse fairy has finally come to my inbox. Tbh I rly am not feeling up to defending an opinion rn but seeing as this is like a rite of passage in this fandom, I'll speedrun it.
I don't really disagree. He's a flawed character; they all are. That's why they're interesting, especially when they're without malicious intent and if someone tried to tell me GOKU has malicious intent towards his own family I'd laugh them out of their clown shoes.
There's a difference between malice and selfishness, and while he makes a lot of mistakes, you can't deny he loves his family. There's a bunch of evidence scattered around I'm not going to go hunt down atm, but they are there, and they're canon. And I'm literally rewatching the show as we speak, so I'm not pulling that out of my ass.
I think at this point arguing over how "good" a parent/partner DBZ characters are is asinine; "good" is relative and not some static state of being, and the series is so self-contradictory and sprawling and messy that Toriyama himself said not to take it too seriously.
When it comes down to it, the focal point of DBZ will always be the action, not the domesticity though I wish we got more of that than we do 😔 Goku is the main brawler in this show about brawling. It's gonna cause some falling-short in other aspects of his character
And no, this is not me saying "oh don't be critical of media don't enjoy media at a deeper level than it was written as." This is just me saying that Maybe, just Maybe it's not worth dropping into people's askboxes unprompted to argue about whether the betittied monkey alien man is valid or nah based on the standards of real life relationships
Anyway Goku is a stupid himbo and I love him superficially and that's a-ok
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Also don't they kiss in the cell saga? Their faces were out of frame but I could have sworn they did. Anyway even if not my thoughts are unchanged
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