#i wish I could 100% verify it as true but either way it’s a fun story
brookbee · 1 year
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@bowiesdreamreality hi I saw these tags and I love an opportunity to tell a fun bowie story lol. I’ll be completely honest tho that the source is hard to verify, since it references an issue of a magazine from the 90s and there’s no actual scan of the magazine nor can I find it archived online anywhere
But anyways the story goes that Bowie was scheduled to play the songs Little Wonder and Telling Lies for SNL. Reportedly during the week of rehearsing for the show he was butting heads with Lorne Michaels over the sketch that week. He knew that Lorne Michaels hated/was terrified of the song Scary Monsters (or the whole album really) and so before Bowie was set to perform Telling Lies he told his band to play that Scary Monsters instead. After which he was immediately escorted from the premises/momentarily banned from the show
There’s been a few articles about it on different sites, but they usually seem to cite this post as their source
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rem289 · 6 years
Response to (idiotic) accusations made by some people against me and especially Aoimotion
(which is why I have to waste time writing this stuff)
Hi guys,
Here I am again, with a "small" update of the journal published a few days ago here on my blog  in response to an offensive, derogatory and defamatory post that unfortunately has been circulating for a month without the direct interested, I and above Aoimotion , being aware about it, as we weren’t intentionally mentioned, so we were denied the right to reply.
Of course I took care to reply immediately after discovering it, telling our version of the facts. But the post was soon removed, so all I could read were four short comments left by the owner of the blog on which the announcement was written, @spanish-vega
Needless to say, the cancellation didn’t bring benefits to its victims, since eliminating a post to the source on Tumblr has only the (partial) effect of hiding the identity of its author. Therefore, if you are interested in knowing what I am talking about, a copy of the accusations I’m going to reply to can still be found here.
This only shows how its content was a distorted interpretation of real facts that, once brought to light, irreparably refuted the veracity of the post in question, forcing the author, or more likely: the authors, to eliminate it before taking their own responsibility and have a real confrontation with me. Unfortunately, this action was too serious for me to ignore it. In this regard, I will now proceed to respond to the feedback I received from Miss Vega. There really would not be much to say, given that the comments (written, among other things, under HER OWN post), can hardly be considered an answer, so I will take this opportunity to focus on many issues that are close to my heart.
I want to warn you that in the following part the subjects will change often, sometimes I will refer to those directly involved or only one of them, sometimes to a wider audience, so sorry for this confusion, unfortunately the topics to be addressed are many.
Dear Vega, here we are again. I don’t know whether to feel more sad or worried by the fact that after all the time that has passed and even now that I have placed you before the fact, you say you have not regretted having  basically tried to ruin a person's reputation. In part I envy you, I would also like to face certain things with such coldness. On my way I have met many boring and dishonest people, yet I have never dreamed of defaming them publicly, notwithstanding all the evil they had done and the reason I could have. Same for Aoi, of course, who between the two was the most oppressed in recent years. But in your case perhaps, this is the only way to really solve the matter, since the private ways don’t work, or rather, only serve to make fun of me, taking advantage of my honesty and fairness. It’s too convenient to pillory someone publicly and then demand to settle things in private; you all have always speculated on the fact that both Aoi and I are much more mature and discrete than you, so we would never have put ourselves at your own level (or your own pettiness, depending on your point of view). In fact, it was supposed to be like this, but unfortunately my tolerance has reached the limit, you managed to make me infuriate as few have succeeded in my life, so now I will repay you with your own medicine, the only one you know and that maybe have some effect on you.
You affirm that your wish was to make the truth known to the Spaniards, but I think it was more correct to say: "the Spaniards had to know my version of the facts", given that this was the case. Because the intention of the post you wrote wasn’t to inform people, but simply to seek consensus and compassion from them. If you had even had the slightest respect for those who would have read, you should have also involved the parts you accused so that the readers were provided with more complete information and not just your distorted and incomplete version. But I can imagine that, from the perspective of a liar, the idea of acting in conditions of complete incontestability is very appetizing, so I cannot say I'm surprised. Embittered, but not surprised.
You also continue to reiterate: "you know what Aoi did to @landsec (sorry, the tag doesn’t work because this person has blocked me, I will return to this point later)". Obviously I know, as a huge amount of people know, thanks to the political propaganda that your friend has not failed to do. Aoimotion had a heated discussion with him, as a result of which she apologized in spite of, let me to reiterate it once again, the first to be wrong was Landsec, for the reasons I explained in the previous post and that you will surely remember (assuming that you have read them). Too bad that, in addition to this episode of which Aoi has largely repented, for her part there has been no other action directed against Landsec.  An intervention, perhaps more "important", happened later on my part. On this intervention, many words were spent in private, with the usual sharing of screenshots, but none in public. Perhaps, if the real problem were the things I myself told Landsec, it would have been more correct to address ME directly to make his grievances, rather than going through a person whose role in this feud is mostly incidental, and certainly not because Aoi or I asked for it. Anyway, some time later the famous translation policy post appeared on our channels. And here Aoi actually made a mistake, the only mistake that could be attributed to her: on DA, she signed the post with her name. She did it out of habit, because it was a few months since the account had passed from being “RemArt” to be “AoiRemArt”, so she tried to point out that it was now managed by two people, not just one. In addition, I let her write the posts because unfortunately it’s known that English isn’t my strong suit, so I agree it’s easy to associate her writing with her name. But it takes a lot of imagination to imagine that such a crucial and important post was written only by one of the two, from a common account, as if I had been watching while she was preparing the crime or, even worse, she had bound me and gagged me to deprive me of any freedom of speech, so she could freely do what she wanted. A fantasy that I prefer to call "convenience". The concepts of the post and the way in which they are exposed have been agreed both by Aoi and by me, as it has always been and as it still is, therefore, whatever offense you may have received in your opinion, be aware that it came fully in the name of both. The only thing I'm so sorry about is that I didn’t stop her right away when I saw that she had signed only on her behalf, because I gave people I thought smarter another opportunity to pour their hatred and frustration on her.
Anyway, I'm sorry to disappoint you, dear Vega, and all the rest of the people who share your thoughts, but even then you totally misrepresented what we were saying. We can only validate the Italian and English versions because they are the only ones edited by the original author of the texts: Aoimotion, who writes them personally and has full control. Since we don’t know other languages outside of these two, we have no tools or knowledge to verify the content of the text with confidence and to consider it 100% faithful to the original, correct or reliable. It’s pure and simple logic, concepts that should also be within your reach.
I’m sorry that my authorization has implied the opposite and has made you consider these texts as official, perhaps better than the original ones. It's probably another thing that I should have explained from the beginning. We don’t want to diminish the work behind it, but yours is still a fan-translation, certainly not considered as an official language released by us. If we did it we would take responsibility for making official a thing we don’t know, it would not be serious on our part.
About this, I take this opportunity to apologize to the translators for not having explained well right away that the first translations were authorized only by me and only by inexperience, due to the fact that I myself felt like I was using borrowed characters and I sincerely regret that all this happened, because if I had been more careful and far-sighted from the beginning, now there would be no translation in the first place and now we would have no problem.
Secondly, after all the conflicts that have existed, and still exist between us, not only I consider your vain attempts to flatter me ("incredible artist", "fantastic person" and so on) extremely hypocritical, but the thing that makes me laugh is how in public you proudly declare that you have no problem with me (feelings that, even if they were true, would not be returned from me anyway), when in private things go in a very different way.
I'm really sorry, Vega, that you spent your time writing a post in defense of Landsec, that you, blinded probably by some feeling that I don’t feel entitled to determine, called "one of the kindest members of this fandom". The same kind member who didn’t stop you when he had to and could do it, but made you cancel the post only when I intervened, exactly after a month. The same kind member who has denied any involvement in your actions, either in public or in private with me (I will spare you the agony of reading his own words because, unlike Landsec and probably many of his friends, we don’t have the same habit of divulging private conversations, even when we could take advantage from them, as in this case), running for cover,  reblogging my post as if he wants to declare himself on my side, pleading - we don’t know who - to leave him alone, and discharging all responsibility on you and yours impulsivity, and then, on top of the cake, canceling his reblog just five minutes after doing it. The same kind member that blocked me just two days after the answer to my post in which he recited: "I don’t have any problems with Rem" and "We. Are. Cool. ". I suppose he must have been very afraid of being ignored for the first time by me, after I’ve always endeavored to behave with maturity towards him in an attempt to smooth out the shameful situations created by himself. In light of the fact that I find myself writing this unhappy communication, when I could use my time in more pleasant and productive ways, I gather that I was the only one of us who ever intended to definitively close this story.
Fortunately, before Landsec took his "precautionary measures", I had time to realize that the post in which he announced his retirement (the real one, not the defamatory garbage written a month ago) had been promptly canceled by his main channels. Evidently, when a better scapegoat was presented to him, which would have made his gesture a heroic martyr, he thought well to change the version of events. I could make a lot of comments about it, but I think that's already self-commenting. In any case, a "proof" that this post existed can be found at this link  dating back to May 9th, in which it's clearly mentioned the retreat, already happened, of our kind member. 
Now you will ask, why insist on this point? In reality it's very simple: the author of the defamatory post, quoted and linked at the top, has accused us, -no, maybe it's better to be precise: only Aoimotion- of Landsec's withdrawal, inserting this accusation even as subtitle of her the post ("Motivo del retiro de Landsec") . But if this post that I found refers to the Landsec's withdrawal on the 9th of May, I can assume that his abandonment was announced at least a few days before the 9th of May. And if the very first private discussion between Landsec and us took place about fifteen days later (in May 23-24th); And if the post about translation policy we made that, according to the opinion of the author of the post, would have completely destroyed the good intentions to continue in the translations of her friend, was published on June 25th, I wonder: it’s possible that these people have the gift of clairvoyance? Or can I just assume that unfounded and ridiculous accusations have been made with the intention of demonizing a person and, at the same time, gathering support and compassion?
Returning to us, always wanting to quote his "hit and run" reblog, in fact it was the same Landsec who writes: "So if you have any involvement with it [your post, Vega], solve it yourself and LEAVE ME ALONE ". So, from woman to woman, I hope that you, Vega, have long thought and drawn your conclusions after this shabby show. After all, he practically left you alone in my clutches, after you had exposed yourself so much to defend him. He didn't even try a second to protect you like you did with him. A kind person like him, does he really deserve your loyalty?
The connections between people are simple as long as they are coalescing in the face of the possibility of slandering, mortifying and tarnishing someone. In that case, people are ready to swear loyalty, support and mutual affection from here until the end of time. As soon as the nuance of reason and congruence is destroyed by the reality of facts, this is how these bonds crumble and change into the vile, filthy and disgusting vault I have ever seen.
That would be great, since everyone is free to build their personal bonds in the way that best suits him/her ... if not that, these same people ready to tear each other if the situation worsens, even find the courage to distort the partnership between me and Aoi, painting it like a toxic relationship in which she manipulates me according to her will, and I'm reduced to a doll that is limited to executing orders or, in the best case, watching while she sows discord and destruction in the name of both.
At this point, you understand that I cannot ignore such a foul-smelling accusation, so let me tell you how things are: none, and again, none of the things I've said or done in the past two years have been influenced by Aoi. Because, you know, I'm also capable of independent judgment (ability that instead of many of you are missing, I noticed) and not only, I'm even able to get angry! I understand that it sounds absurd, so take a minute of meditation to assimilate this information, and then take a few hours, or days, or even weeks, to realize how all the things that you didn't like and that you think damaged you, that you considered more convenient to attribute to my partner, in reality they were the combined and harmonious effect of two minds that have always worked in perfect harmony, without never prevaricate each other. And perhaps, for many of you, the problem has been (and still is) just that. You can hardly forgive me for I have found a partner "out of the group" (who anyway I knew and with whom I had a firm friendship since well before knowing you, in case you didn't know or you were conveniently forgotten) with whom I chose to work closely, a person whom I admire and whom I appreciate, an I'm very fond of, who made me embark on a project for which I decided it was worth it, which goes beyond fame and glory and any other value to which you attach importance. Perhaps many of you have been wondering for months: "Why Aoi? Why not us?", and so, you decided to vent this suppressed frustration on her,  when perhaps, and I say perhaps, the person you really wanted to vent your livership was and is me.
I will not deny that, for the short time I attended your group, I appreciated your company. As I told to Landsec in the last message I sent him months ago, there were people among you whom I esteemed and respected and which were pleasing to me, but I always treated our relationship lightly;  I never thought there was anything between us that could go beyond kindness and mutual courtesy. We were acquaintances, and nothing more than that, and I'm really sorry if my attitudes (which no doubt were wrong) may have given some of you reason to think otherwise, or in any case to "elevate" our relationship to something more. But this has never authorized you to treat Aoi in the way you did, to denigrate her, to deride her and to accuse her of having performed actions on behalf of both, overshadowing my will and my ideas completely, as if there was no way that I could be something else than what you thought I was. Your myth of Rem always kind, always available and always friendly is an image that you have created of me, which absolutely doesn't belong to me, which I consider incredibly reductive and silly to apply on a person since, sorry if I always repeat the obvious, the reactions are adapted to the situations and you have given me many reasons to be anything but courteous and kind to you. All of this is a mirror of what your real opinion is of us, of the presumption that you have to know two people whom you have always chosen to see only the part that made you more comfortable, and probably even what is the limit of your reasoning ability.
And now I refer directly to the “translators”, I regret to find out that for a long time you have translated comics written by a person you don't esteem at all, as opposed to what you claim to think of me. I sincerely ask myself why you decided to put your blog and your "face" in a story and in dialogues that you thought so bad of, since apparently the only thing that you appreciated the comic were the drawings. Maybe you could create your own comic and think about the interactions between the characters, the story and the dialogues, and translate them into English as it is a far less demanding work than translating into your language.
From this point of view, I understand why you always want to boast about how much effort you make in translations, literally using every possible excuse to reiterate how hard and draining your work is. But then I wonder: if for you to translate from English TO YOUR MOTHER LANGUAGE is so hard, so demanding, then what Aoi should say, as she translates every day from our mother tongue (which I remind you, it's Italian. Maybe it was clear with me but not with her) to English and vice versa, if her work requires to? I’m sure that you too know that translating from English to your own language is not as difficult as doing the opposite, given that you proclaim yourselves to be certified and expert translators and you, Vega, also defined yourself as a writer, as if this title could authorize you to say all the balderdash that left your keyboard. Aoi has been doing this every day for more than two years, but I don't remember ever having seen her making noise for what she has chosen to do, not even when many people ignored (deliberately or not) her role as author in the comics and she would have all the right to point out that she was the mind behind those stories that everyone liked so much. For this, I cannot help but applaud the despicable courage with which you have diminished Aoi's work, who is a translator like you and even more than you, besides being so many other things that you aren't, and laugh at how you have mortified her while you were doing your master work by basing yourself on a translation that came well before you. Therefore, maintaining the scale of judgment with which you have always judged her contribution to comics: if you want to rate Aoi's work as zero, go ahead. But at this point, following your reasoning, I ask you: how should your work be defined? With a negative number? Or even better, with an imaginary number?
In conclusion, I regret that many people believed in Vega's version, full of holes and inconsistencies, without even ascertaining the veracity of what they were being offered. To believe in facts without evidence to support them is a very serious act, which sets out a very dangerous trend to this day. Dangerous for these people, and also for who / what is found in the crosshairs of such lies.
And speaking of these people, I would like to use this post to respond to some brilliant comments that I found myself reading under Vega's propaganda, released by people who arrived like flies that, attracted by the trash, got themselves gathered around it to feast festively, though mostly, I will do nothing but reiterate old concepts. I will not mention names, because there is no need; in any case, those who are curious can go to read through the comments of the post of which I attached the link above, although I don't recommend doing it to those who are particularly weak stomach.
When you accuse Aoimotion of having had, and still have, a very strong influence on me, there is one thing you're right about: if it was not for her, I would have stopped having any contact with the Zootopia fandom already two years ago. Probably my interest would be exhausted within a couple of comics, or even stripes, given the general attention that I can have in fandom, especially if it's fandom related to films and therefore self-contained stories. But then I met her, who overwhelmed me with her imagination, her enthusiasm and above all her pure and unconditional love for the narration, which pushed me to continue. To make a lot more comics than I had expected, to draw a lot more pictures of Nick and Judy than I would have done alone. 90% of what I have produced, and for which you have idolized me (and given the situation in which I'm now, I wonder how sincere these flattery were), exists because she was with me, by my side, close to every process of creation and always ready to advise me, encourage me and help me. So, when you accuse Aoimotion of having forced me to leave the fandom, you should instead thank her, for holding me into it a lot, so much more than I could have predicted.
When you accuse my style of drawing to be "Zootopian", know that first of all this is just a neologism devoid of any meaning, given that Zootopia itself is a Disney-style film and that then brings the style of his factory. And that just because dozens of artists have thrown into the cauldron called "Zootopia" any anthropomorphic animal their pen has created, doesn't mean that the same applies to me. In any case, know that my style is evolving and will evolve again and again, until finally this latest silly accusation will fall into the pit of the "absurd accusations" that are offered to us every day by this fandom.
When you accuse us of wanting to "steal Jack Savage from Disney", when you even use your time to create meme and "fun" comic of dubious taste, of which only the authors, the stupids and their little friends can laugh, hold on to mind that Jack Savage has always been, and always will be, nothing but a sketch on an artbook with a few lines of background, and that all we have built on him is OURS, including much of his physical appearance (which, like everything that is in this fandom, has soon become a collective good, like it happens in the best communist societies). And that we have the right and the duty to take it back, while you have neither of those to come and tell us something. If, as you think according to the legal knowledge of which you are definitely in possession, what we have in mind to do (which, incidentally, has not yet been disclosed to anyone, then as well as experienced lawyers, you're also skilled Espers able to read our minds; if I had your powers, now I would fight in the biggest tribunals of the world, not brawling from behind a keyboard) is wrong, we will pay the consequences; but if what we are doing is simply a nuisance to you, and it stings you as if you were thrown into a bush of nettles, I'm sorry to say that it is not our problem. Maybe you need to take a break from the internet, as I suggested to Vega and Landsec, to review your priorities and give a little more value of your time. Or you could "give yourself to horse racing", as we say in our parts.
Among other things, while we can afford to take away from Jack any connotation in common with his concept and have our fanbase almost unchanged, if anyone else tried to do the same would find himself in a second to swim in anonymity. I invite you to ask yourself why, and if you can, even to give you an answer. It would be sufficient to explain a few of our apparently incomprehensible reasons, and even the reasons for those whose main purpose in recent months seems to have been to discourage and mock us.
The Jack’s question is very well connected with another theme that we considered closed for months, but that obviously still doesn't really go down to some of you: the alleged plot against our readers, hatched by Aoi and me, which established to introduce our OCs in Black Jack, in order to impose them on you and force you to appreciate them and follow their vicissitudes.
We have always considered this accusation extremely funny (it’s a pity that the harassment we suffered because of it were not) and all in all, putting ourselves in the shoes of the average fan and reasoning (indeed, refusing to reason) as such, the thing could also make sense. So we let it go. This only until the moment we published Black Jack.
Once this comic ended (and even a few months before it ended), we reiterated several times that we would never treat Zootopia again. Of course, you understand that we couldn't write "WE WILL NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT NICK AND JUDY !!" at the end of each post or as a watermark on the pages of the new comic, otherwise some brilliant mind would have told us that we were paranoid and unpleasant. So, at a certain point, we stopped coming back to the subject.
At this point, as far as I'm concerned, anyone who has continued to follow us after Black Jack, has done so of his own free will. Perhaps it's hard to publicly admit that you find an interesting story that does not have Nick, Judy or the "Zootopia" tag inside; It’s easier not to express yourself, to avoid the risk that some friend, fervent supporter of the fandom (because now there are no longer supporters of the movie but of the fandom), can stone you on the spot. In this way, you have at any moment the possibility of turning silence-assent into fierce indignation, pulling out the fable that someone is manipulating you to force you to follow something you don’t like and don’t care about. I'm sorry if you felt obliged to follow us by some dark force that you could not fight back, it was absolutely not our intention. We have never been interested in gathering as much support as possible (if we wanted to do it, we would certainly emulate some eminent fandom figure who knows how to keep fans tight), what we always wanted is to express ourselves artistically in absolute freedom, and be judged without any "fandomistic" prejudice .
Therefore, I will reiterate it once again:
if you have no interest in our current work and/or continue to follow us hoping that one day we'll rekindle the desire to work again on Zootopia;
if you have decided to follow us because this gives you the illusion that we're still feeding the dunghill that this fandom has become;
if you’re bad and evil in the soul and find pleasure in spitting poison on a couple of artists who didn't do anything wrong (because now, honestly, what have we ever done to deserve certain crap? After all we have given you for a year or more, you should just learn to be quiet) ...
If you're one of these things, more than one or all put together, I warmly and DEFINITELY invite you to vanish and never return.
Regardless of everything, I'm here to reiterate that we will go on, while the best these people can get is to fossilize themselves where they are now. We are trying to do something big and original, bigger than a mere sub-project of another work, more original than creating new animals that stand on two legs and exist somewhere in the universe of Zootopia (without nothing to take away from those who do it, we simply have different ideas and different objectives). And you know, partly we have already succeeded, and I feel once again to thank Aoi about this, thanks to her characterization and her stories wich allows us to give our OCs peculiarity, to distinguish them from the crowd even if some people try always to imitate the character design of others artists. The more time passes, the more people from the fandom stop following us; but for each of them that leaves, two new readers follow us, people who often have nothing to do with Zootopia and its fandom. And if this is not a victory, I don’t know what it is.
Summing up, I would say that perhaps, rather than feeling angry at certain people, the most appropriate feeling here is compassion. But for respect of ourselves, it's right that even the most miserable and vile of individuals will learn what their place is; for how much compassion I can feel for them, I’ll never transact ever before a villainous gesture. Unfortunately, the more falsehoods are propitiated and stacked, the more the truth will be evident and lethal later. The more you are liars, the more you will be hurt when someone puts you in front of the reality of the facts, exposing your slanders for what they really are: snake venom. For this reason, from now on I strongly advise you to dose more carefully your nonsense, in order to avoid having to hide like rats the moment the truth will surface. This is the last thing I will tell you because, after this refreshing parenthesis, I hope I will never again have to deal with any of you, anywhere in the internet.
And if it were to happen, however, I beg you this time to call things by their real name; to strike directly and clearly who you REALLY want to hit, without first making a shield of people who have nothing to do with the problems you may have with someone. In any case, we will be ready to respond, using the most effective weapon in our possession, the truth; Therefore, I sincerely dissuade you from doing so.
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cutepresea · 4 years
10-1 The Sirius of Zwei Wing: Removed from Tranquility
This is the last event to be in the English version of XD Unlimited, which will be ending service at the end of this month. Full event name is actually “The Sirius of Zwei Wing Ver. wing beat” but including the version would make the post titles a bit too long and isn’t 100% necessary anyway since we never got the original (the differences are very minimal).
Apologies for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #the sirius of zwei wing for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight  from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations,  and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Kanade Amo: "...Not too long ago, I wouldn't have even been able to imagine this."
Kanade Amo: "To think that she'd ever stand before my eyes again."
Kanade Amo: "My other wing, which I thought I'd lost for good."
Kanade Amo: "And then came Gjallarhorn--a complete relic that links world together--which made my crazy dream a reality."
Kanade Amo: "There was another Tsubasa, who came from a world where I was the one who died instead."
Kanade Amo: "She was like a mirror-image of myself, having lost a wing of her own."
Kanade Amo: "But this Tsubasa... her heart, her mind, were nothing like mine."
Kanade Amo: "I had rid myself of music and bonds, growing withdrawn and cold. She helped thaw my heart. She fixed me."
Kanade Amo: "I had been cowering in darkness, and she gave me the wings--the songs--to soar back into the light."
Kanade Amo: "That day, I made a promise to Tsubasa."
Kanade Amo: "That now that I had her, my lost wing, back, I would fly higher than anyone."
Kanade Amo: "That I would never let my song be cut short again."
Kanade Amo: "And that I would fill the world with my songs."
Kanade Amo: "I'd like to sing on stage with her one more time, and give our fans a show to remember."
Kanade Amo: "And sing songs not meant for battle, but to move people's hearts!"
Kanade Amo: "Singing together, as Zwei Wing."
Kanade Amo: "But now I'm just indulging myself. Perhaps I'm wishing for too much."
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's wrong? You've just been staring off into the sky."
Kanade Amo: "Ah, it's nothing much, really. I was just thinking back on old times."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Honestly. The moment I get here, I find you lost in thought.”
Kanade Amo: "Haha. Sorry 'bout that."
Kanade Amo: "But anyway, it was cool of the old man at S.O.N.G. to give you permission to come here."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Well, I've been due some time off for a while now, so they gave me the all-clear."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I hadn't been on break for a while, and was just pacing back and forth near Gjallarhorn thinking of Kanade.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Thankfully the commander picked up on that, and gave me the okay. But I'd never tell her that.)
Kanade Amo: "Whatevger the case, I'm really happy to see you."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm glad I get to see you from time to time like this."
Kanade Amo: "Haha! Well, give the old man and the others my thanks."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Oh, sure..."
Kanade Amo: (I'd bet the old man and the others on the other side have been worried about me.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is something the matter?"
Kanade Amo: "Ah, it's nothing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey Kanade, could I check out your room?"
Kanade Amo: "Sure, go ahead. Just don't go poking at each and every thing."
Kanade Amo: "Not that my room's all that interesting, though."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's not true."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Kanade's got books-worth of lyrics and new songs laid out. She's sure taking her role as a singer seriously.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey, these are lyrics to a Zwei Wing song. It's Backlit Wings..."
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Kanade Amo: "A Zwei Wing song, huh?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "it's kind of strange, really."
Kanade Amo: "Strange?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah, I was a little surprised at first, but these are all just like the Zwei Wing songs from my world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "They don't seem like anything from some other world in the slightest."
Kanade Amo: "We may be from different worlds, but some things still stay the same, I suppose."
Kanade Amo: "Still, that makes me happy."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Me too."
Kanade Amo: "Besides, just looking over these lyrics with you feels like we're in a prep session together."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hehe. You're right, it kinda does."
Kanade Amo: "Putting together and prepping for Backlit Wings was especially fun, since that was our first song."
Kanade Amo: "You were as serious as ever, and so stuffy about, like, everything at the start."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I was not."
Kanade Amo: "Naaah, I'm positive things went the same way in your world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "In my world, you said ridiculous things about how we'd sing for an audience of seven billion people."
Kanade Amo: "Wh-Whoa... It does kinda sound like something I said back then."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hehe..."
Kanade Amo: "Haha!"
Kanade Amo: "See? Things really aren't that different."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Kanade Amo: (That really was a fun time, too. And even now, I'm having plenty of fun, but still...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I was never able to say it. I know it's impossible, but still...)
Kanade & Tsubasa: (If it were possible for you and I to be on stage one more--)
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is that from Section 2?"
Kanade Amo: "Must be."
Kanade Amo: "What's up, old man? Need me to deploy?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Yes, we've picked up multiple Noise signals. I know you've got a guest, but I  need you at the scene ASAP."
Kanade Amo: "Roger that. I'll be right there."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Kanade, be careful out there."
Kanade Amo: "Yeah, I know."
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Kanade Amo: "I'm at the specified location. Where's the enemy?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "The signals are coming from nearby. Be on your guard."
Kanade Amo: "Understood. I'll stay on alert and perform a sweep."
Kanade Amo: "Aha, there you are."
Kanade Amo: (Huh? Something's off here... What the...)
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Aoi Tomosato: "Hold on! There's something different about these Noise patterns!"
Kanade Amo: "I can tell! They're Alca-Noise!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Alca-Noise?! But they're--"
Genjuro Kazanari: "They're from the world that Tsubasa, Hibiki-kun, and the others come from."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "Surely they didn't cross over from their world?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "...No, I believe they're likely Alca-Noise from our world."
Genjuro Kazanari: "What do you mean, Ryoko-kun?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "I've heard rumors that alchemists in our world have created a new type of Noise."
Genjuro Kazanari: "What?! I've received no such reports."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Sorry."
Ryoko Sakurai: "My intel wasn't exactly reliable, so I wanted to verify it before informing you, but I guess that backfired."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Kanade, be careful!"
Kanade Amo: "Easy for you to say, old man!"
Kanade Amo: "Yaaaaaah!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's the situation?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Ah, it's you Tsubasa. I'll be honest, it's not great."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Somehow, it turns out there're Alca-Noise in this world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "No way... How's Kanade?!"
Aoi Tomosato: "She's staying on her guard and is holding them off, but..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Yeah. It's not looking good."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Alca-Noise possess dissection organs capable of dissolving anything."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Kanade's Gear isn't outfitted for them. which means she's in trouble." [1]
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Commander, please give me permission to go out there and provide backup!"
Genjuro KazanarI: "I hate to ask, but are you really willing to help us?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Absolutely."
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Kanade Amo: "Graaah!"
Kanade Amo: "At least my attacks still hurt them..."
Kanade Amo: "But there's no way I can take out this many of them before one of them touches me!"
Kanade Amo: "What's that sound?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Raaah!"
Kanade Amo: "What are you doing here, Tsubasa?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Why, bailing you out, of course!"
Kanade Amo: "Tch. I could've held them off a little longer..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If you're still capable of keeping up that facade, I guess that means you're doing okay."
Kanade Amo: "It's mostly thanks to you, I guess."
Kanade Amo: (Even if I hate to admit it, she really came at a good time...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'll cover your six. You keep pushing forward."
Kanade Amo: "If you insist. Think we can clear them all out in one fell swoop?!"
Kanade Amo: "Phew... So, did that count as one fell swoop?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'd say so."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Uh-oh... We spoke too soon, Kanade! We've got company."
Kanade Amo: "What?!"
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Mysterious Woman: "I never imagined that I'd meet THE Tsubasa Kazanari."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Who are you?!"
Kanade Amo: "She looks human, but she doesn't strike me as being on our side."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Those robes... An alchemist?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Are you the ones responsible for these Alca-Noise?!"
Mysterious Woman: "You're pretty well-informed. I'd expect as much out of a Symphogear wielder."
Mysterious Woman: "There's a lot I'd just love to stick around and talk about, but right now..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (What? She's holding out her palm--)
Kanade Amo: "Ngaaah! What's with this sound?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It feels like it's... It's echoing through my head!"
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Genjuro Kazanari: "What sound? There's nothing coming in over the comms."
Aoi Tomosato: "I'm not picking up any abnormalities in the audible or ultrasonic range either."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "But there is an odd interference in their brainwaves. They're at risk of de-linking with their Gears."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Is this what alchemy is capable of?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hmm... We need to find some way to fight back against it."
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "You think... this... is enough?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ignite Module! Drawn Blade!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "En garde, alchemist!"
Kanade Amo: "T-Tsubasa!"
Mysterious Woman: "How titillating! You appear powerful enough to fend me off."
Mysterious Woman: "Are you that powerful a candidate? Or no, perhaps it's your Gear?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (She may be an alchemist, but I can't cut down another human being.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (If I can bring her in and get her to tell us what she knows...)
Mysterious Woman: "Your Gear's transformation capabilities are quite intriguing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Trying to stall for time?!"
Mysterious Woman: "Hehe!"
Mysterious Woman: "At any rate, this seems to be as far as we can go so long as it remains incomplete."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Incomplete?"
Kanade Amo: "I can move now? And the ringing in my ears is gone..."
Man in Robe A: "Relic activity confirmed. It won't be long now."
Mysterious Woman: "So quickly? I was sure it would be impossible at this stage, but it seems I made a happy miscalculation."
Mysterious Woman: "That Tsubasa Kazanari really is something."
Man in Robe B: "...We shall now activate the Relic."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What are you talking about?"
Mysterious Woman: "Thanks for the phonic gain. Here's a little something as a show of my appreciation."
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Aoi Tomosato: "Environmental temperature is dropping rapidly!"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "I'm also picking up a minor earthquake!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "It's one thing after another... What the hell is going on?!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's this shaking?!"
Kanade Amo: "Be careful, Tsubasa! I don't like how this feels!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Me neither!"
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???: "Grr!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What is that monster?!"
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Ryoko Sakurai: "Is that... No, it can't be!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Do you know what that thing is, Ryoko-kun?!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "You two have to get out of there, right now!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "No. I can't turn my back on the enemy!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Now, prepare to taste my blade!"
Kanade Amo: "Hey! Tsubasa, wait!"
Kanade Amo: "She's always been like this. Cool on the outside, foolhardy and reckless on the inside..."
Kanade Amo: "I guess we're fighting this thing!"
???: "Grrraaah!"
Kanade Amo: "What is this thing?! It's way too resilient!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Even with Ignite, I'm barely making a scratch!"
Mysterious Woman: "Curses! Watch where you're aiming, you brainless giant!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It just committed friendly fire!"
Kanade Amo: "Is that thing going berserk?"
Mysterious Woman: "Are we ready?"
Man in Robe A: "Yes. We just finished up."
Mysterous Woman: "Good. Then let's follow our plan and establish control with the Armonica."
Man in Robe B: "Understood."
Mysterious Woman: "Now, Bergelmir... Obey me!"
Kanade Amo: "Tch! There's just more and more of these guys!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'll handle the Alca-Noise!"
Kanade Amo: "I'm counting on you!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Raaaaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (They're still coming?!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I don't know if I have the strength to hold out...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (But I'm not giving up yet!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Raaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Huff, huff, huff..."
???: "Graaah!"
Kanade Amo: "You think you can hit me with that?!"
Kanade Amo: "Wait! It wasn't aiming for me!"
Kanade Amo: "Not good! Tsubasa, look out!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Aaaaaah!"
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ngh... To make it... this far..."
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa! I'm coming for you!"
Kanade Amo: (Rgh! I'm getting close to my limit, too.)
Kanade Amo: (As I am now... Taking on both that monster and the Alca-Noise are beyond me...)
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Genjuro Kazanari: "We need to get the wielders out of there ASAP!"
Aoi Tomosato: "On it!"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "I don't know if we'll make it in time..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Just try! Rgh! Why am I so powerless..."
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Mysterious Woman: "Relax. I won't kill you."
Mysterious Woman: "I detest fighting, anyhow."
Kanade Amo: "Big words from someone who's been doing just that this whole time!"
Mysterious Woman: "I had no choice."
Mysterious Woman: "This is all in order to make a world without war."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ugh..."
Man in Robe A: "We have successfully recovered Tsubasa Kazanari."
Mysterious Woman: "Excellent. We're pulling out."
Kanade Amo: "No! What are you going to do to her?!"
Mysterious Woman: "She'll just be coming with us."
Kanade Amo: "Oh no she won't!"
Mysterious Woman: "I have no need for a failure such as you."
Kanade Amo: "What did you say?!"
Kanade Amo: "Don't you... Try and stop me!"
Kanade Amo: "Grrraaaagh!"
Kanade Amo: "G-Give her back..."
Kanade Amo: "Give Tsubasa back!"
Mysterious Woman: "Hehe! Now, then. Farewell."
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa... Tsubasaaaaaa!"
[1] I assume they meant to put a comma in there instead of a period, which is why "which" isn't capatalized
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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lifeonashelf · 5 years
Do any of you remember a film from the ‘90s called Shazaam?
Allow me to refresh your memory: Shazaam was a vehicle for C-list comedian Sinbad, who is perhaps best known for starring in a 1994  sitcom that was creatively titled The Sinbad Show—which I never watched because the show starred Sinbad. The Sinbad Show didn’t even last a full season on the FOX network (probably because the show starred Sinbad), but sometime either shortly before or shortly after that program was cancelled, its namesake landed the lead role in a film entitled Shazaam, a part which allowed him to stretch his acting chops by playing a wisecracking genie who acted exactly like Sinbad.
I distinctly remember seeing the trailer for this cinematic tour de force. To the best of my recollection, the plot revolved around two precocious children—one girl and one boy, naturally, to ensure that twice as many kids would beg their parents to buy the tie-in merchandise that would inexorably be produced if the film was successful—who one way or another encounter a djinn named Shazaam. Though their initial meeting befalls as a startling surprise for all parties concerned, they quickly become the best of pals and Shazaam subsequently convoys his youthful comrades through a rote series of comical PG hijinks. The specific nature of their shenanigans has been lost to the haze of time, but those details don’t matter much; a mid-‘90s movie built upon that scenario and geared toward that audience sort of writes itself (I doubt there was a subplot about Hungarian sex traffickers, for instance). I’m sure Shazaam helps the moppets surmount some sort of reasonably benign conflict and everyone learns a lesson about the true meaning of family by the time the credits roll. I’m assuming a clever dog is also involved in some fashion, and I’m confident the film features at least one protracted flatulence gag. Mind you, this is all just speculation; I can’t verify any of it since I never actually watched Shazaam (I decided not to because the trailer revealed that the film starred Sinbad).
Perhaps you already know where I’m going with this, but in case you don’t: Shazaam likely qualifies as the least successful celluloid offering ever concocted, because it is a movie which literally nobody watched. Oddly, this dearth of viewership didn’t have anything to do with Sinbad starring in it; the main reason nobody watched the film Shazaam is because the film Shazaam doesn’t actually exist. And I have a real difficult time wrapping my head around this, because not only am I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING CERTAIN that I remember viewing the trailer I’ve described, I can also readily visualize the VHS case for this movie that was never really a movie on the shelves at Blockbuster Video (imagine my incredulity when I learned that Blockbuster Video never actually existed, either). And even stranger, there are evidently thousands upon thousands of people who recall the existence of this movie that does not exist as vividly as I do.
If you kept up with the brief internet furor about this topic which arose a couple years ago, you’re undoubtedly aware the Shazaam phenomenon has been explained away as some peculiar mass delusion known as the Mandela Effect—apparently, so many human brains muddled the title and star of the ill-advised Shaquille O’Neal genie flick Kazaam that our collective hive-minds fabricated an illusory film to match our erroneous memories. (Of course, this begs the question: do those of us who remember Shazaam subconsciously wish there was a film in which Sinbad plays a sassy, flatulent genie…?). This clarification makes a kind of sense, even though my vague recollections of the corporeal Kazaam and my lucid recollections of the false Shazaam differ substantially (in my brain, Sinbad never raps or does karate in his movie, yet both disciplines factor into major plot-points in Kazaam—and Shazaam doesn’t meander into a baffling second-act detour about Hungarian sex traffickers like Shaq’s film inexplicably does).
So here’s the reason I’m bringing this up here: when I sat down to write about the band CKY, the paramount thing I intended to delve into was how I was introduced to their music. Do me a favor and keep that in mind—this information will come in handy later.
  When I was a twenty-something in the very late 1990’s-slash-very early 2000’s, I worked at Domino’s Pizza as a delivery driver, which was a really excellent gig at the time. I had almost no bills and gas was a buck a gallon, so I only needed to work about 20 hours a week to earn enough money to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. And like most twenty-something males who make their living as pizza conveyance professionals, when I wasn’t on the road, my comfortable lifestyle mainly entailed spending inordinate amounts of my free time listening to a bunch of punk rock, smoking a bunch of pot, and playing a bunch of video games.
[To be clear, not all of my co-workers at Domino’s did even one of these things. There was Dennis, for instance, who to the best of my knowledge did not enjoy punk rock, marijuana, or video games. He did, however, regularly come into work with cartons of expired baked goods that he extracted from the dumpsters behind Vons, which he would then rinse in the sink to make them “fresh” again. The prevailing rumor about Dennis’s backstory was that he was a former surgeon who had a nervous breakdown after losing a child patient on the operating table. I’m not so sure that was true, although I am very sure that he once brought in a plastic grocery bag filled with vomit instead of pastries and attempted to rinse that in the sink, too—which is why I tend to lean more toward believing Dennis was probably just fundamentally insane. There was no preamble to his unambiguously unhinged act; the dude simply strolled into the prep area at the start of his shift and said “hey, Taylor” to me like it was any other day… except he was carrying a sack of upchuck with him, clutching it right below the straps, as if girding the parcel to ensure he wouldn’t spill any of his cargo. My manager sent him home when she saw what was in the bag, but Dennis came back to work the very next afternoon—sans puke satchel—and the incident was never spoken of again. To this day, I cannot fathom how Dennis accumulated all that vomit, why he was hauling it around in his car, or what he was hoping to accomplish by soaking it in the same basin where we washed our pizza pans. Anyway, what I was getting at is that he didn’t especially fit the stereotype I outlined. We got along okay, though; I always made it a point to be really nice to the guy—you know, considering his alarming derangement and all.]
One of the staples of my Playstation habits in those days was the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series. Despite having only spent a combined total of maybe zero-point-three hours on an actual skateboard in my entire life, my best friend Andy and I logged approximately 19,000 hours guiding the avatars in those seminal games through a multitude of gravity-and-logic-defying feats which no human being could ever possibly achieve with or without a skateboard. In the real world, I probably couldn’t even pull off an elementary trick like an ollie—but in the realm of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater I was a four-wheeled fucking god who could effortlessly grind up the side of a building, soar off the opposite edge, perform roughly nineteen twisting flips on my way back down, then execute a perfect landing on the downslope of an opportunely-placed ramp so I could launch off that and catch enough air to do nineteen more flips. Though I have never been an aficionado of that particular sporting pursuit, the Tony Hawk games were incredibly fun and offered endless replay potential due to the almost pornographic extremity of their facets. The conscientious city planners in THPS’s utopia were mindful to randomly insert dozens of half-pipes and empty swimming pools all over their towns, and none of their edifices featured a single surface that could not be utilized for some sort of astonishing aerodynamic exploit.
Instead of composing an original musical score for the series, the developers of the Pro Skater franchise rather ingeniously opted to license fifteen-or-so songs by relatively popular bands for each installment. These tunes supplied the background inspiration during gameplay, and were ostensibly chosen because they represented genres which the skater demographic enjoyed—unsurprisingly, the soundtracks predominantly relied on crowd-pleasing punk and hip-hop material (although one of the sequels featured a song by Powerman 5000, whose fanbase was roughly equivalent to the number of people who have watched Shazaam). However, a cycle of only fifteen tracks doesn’t go a very long way when it’s entirely feasible to play 100 rounds in one sitting—as Andy and I regularly did. So as you might suspect, we ended up hearing the same song-batch an incalculable number of times throughout the course of any given session, which inevitably burned every one of those tracks permanently into our brains. This is how I became intimately familiar with the band CKY, whose cut “Flesh Into Gear” appeared in one of the Tony Hawk releases and was consequently submitted for my listening pleasure hundreds upon hundreds of times.
Luckily, “Flesh Into Gear” is a really cool tune, a prime slice of appealing proto-metal with an insidiously catchy chorus and a snaking stoner-rock guitar riff that would undoubtedly inspire anyone in their right mind to rail-slide across a chain of forty conveniently-equidistant park benches. I could hardly believe a song this excellent and shrewdly-crafted was coined by an outfit like CKY, since the group’s foremost point of notoriety at the time was their drummer’s family ties to one of the cast members of Jackass—an obtuse reality television showcase for the misadventures of a squad of unabashed idiots whose misguided testosterone impelled them to launch bottle rockets out of their rectums, drink animal semen, and obsessively scour the ends of the earth searching for various objects to pummel each other’s testicles with.
My persistent exposure to “Flesh Into Gear” via Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater eventually motivated me to purchase CKY’s 2002 release Infiltrate-Destroy-Rebuild, the album the track was borrowed from. I have been spinning that disc repeatedly since I started writing this, and—while the rest of the band’s material is satisfactory but un-extraordinary—every single time “Flesh Into Gear” comes on, it instills me with a rush of delightful nostalgia. I cannot remember the last time I played any of the Pro Skater installments, but with “Flesh Into Gear” navigating my recollections just like it navigated my board-wielding avatar seventeen years ago, I can still clearly visualize the games’ indelible imagery and virtually weave my way through the vast intricacies of those levels I traversed countless times back then. And these evocations are accompanied by a flood of additional splendid reminiscences, snapshots from a far simpler and more idyllic time—perhaps my very favorite phase of my life—an era free of real jobs and real responsibilities, when on any given day my best friend and I could unreservedly spend endless hours engrossed in Playstation, and the most critical concerns in our purview were what combination of toppings we should order on our pizza and whether or not we would be able to track down an eighth so we could smoke a bowl before watching that evening’s new episode of South Park.  
This is the true and immeasurable splendor of music. Even this many years removed, I can still listen to “Flesh Into Gear” today and instantly be enveloped in those potent and wonderful memories, transported back to a comfortable living room in Lakewood, sitting in front of a big-screen television beside someone who is closer to me than a brother, our fingers frenetically tapping on the joysticks which control our destinies on the monitor, beautifully oblivious to the evaporating hours because we are twenty-one and our time seems infinite and our futures are wide open and we have a whole lifetime of escapades ahead of us. On these glorious occasions, Andy and I weren’t just mindlessly zoning out on some silly skateboarding game. We were ardently devoting ourselves to having fun, pure and unadulterated fun, the kind of serene merriment you only get to have for a woefully short yet richly blessed period of your existence, the kind of immaculate and untroubled amusement you don’t realize you won’t ever experience again until that phase of your life imperceptibly cedes to the next and the ravages of the real world begin to methodically devour your body and your soul. We were also laughing, a lot, often so vigorously and exuberantly that our giggle-fits overtook us in irrepressible paroxysms that brought tears of elation to our eyes. Simply by being in the same room with each other, we were celebrating just how special a friendship that spans literal decades truly is, and how singularly magnificent it feels to spend time with people whose mere presence has the ability to make you happy. So, it didn’t ultimately matter how many times we heard “Flesh Into Gear”. I never got sick of that song. Who could ever get sick of laughter and happiness?
The list of CKY’s quantifiable merits isn’t an especially long one. Nevertheless, they created something which conjures a surge of jubilant memories that I will never forget, and would never want to. Thus, they will always occupy a warm place in my heart, a place where they are inextricably tied to one of the most joyful epochs of my life: those euphoric and carefree days when my best friend and I had all the time in the world to listen to “Flesh Into Gear” over and over and over again while we were playing Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.
Okay, are you ready? Here comes the Sinbad part…
In the interest of accuracy, I went online to look up the Pro Skater series and clarify which installment this particular track was used in. As I said, each of the Tony Hawk releases featured a different assortment of songs, and since Andy and I enthusiastically immersed ourselves in all of them as they came out, we heard and re-heard the music on all of those playlists accordingly. I was fairly certain “Flesh Into Gear” was part of Pro Skater 3’s soundtrack, but I wanted to verify that it hadn’t instead appeared in one of the previous games before I started waxing nostalgic here.  
What I found out is this: CKY’s song “Flesh Into Gear” did not appear in any edition of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. The band did indeed supply a track to THPS3, but it was an entirely different cut called “96 Quite Bitter Beings”, which I do not have in my collection because it isn’t even on the same album as “Flesh Into Gear”. This means that for the last however-many years, I have been assigning a reverent sentimental significance to a song that, for all intents and purposes, has absolutely no relevance to the detailed web of memories I have snuggled around it. The crystal-clear recollections I have of guiding a pixilated daredevil through a labyrinth of nosegrind-ready obstacles while “Flesh Into Gear” churned in the background never happened.
For the record, Andy is still my best friend, and has been for 33 years and counting. Our lives have changed significantly since our Pro Skater era, but our bond has not. Though we are only able to hang out every couple months or so at present, whenever we do, we still play video games. And we still watch South Park. And we still approach ordering pizza like the medley of toppings we select are variables in an intricate and vitally-imperative equation. And we still laugh a whole fucking lot.
Sure, I miss the old days—anyone who doesn’t miss the old days obviously wasn’t doing the old days right. Yet, despite only seeing Andy a handful of times a year and having to drive two hours to Oceanside to do so, I never get so wistful for the way things were that I neglect cherishing the way things are now. I love Andy’s wife, Neisa, and I love having a front-row seat to the incredible and inspiring marriage they have built together. I absolutely adore the two remarkable humans they created, Shae and Nixon, and I consider it the most profound honor of my life to be their Uncle Taylor. There are plenty of things I would change about my own contemporary reality, but there isn’t a single thing I would change about theirs.
Still, every now and then, I do find myself wishing I could revisit that living room in Lakewood, settle down in front of that big-screen TV with Andy, turn on the Playstation, and feel as infinite and invincible and utterly content as I did back when I was a twenty-one year-old pizza conveyance professional whose universe was far too harmonious and secure to generate even an inkling of anxiety about the present, let alone the future. If I did return to that time and place, it wouldn’t be so I could instigate any sweeping amendments or pass on some sage piece of cautionary wisdom to my younger self. No, I think I would let the pages of that chapter turn exactly the way they did. Because, all things considered, spending entire days on end doing something as enchantingly frivolous as playing Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater with your best friend in the world isn’t really all that irresponsible—it’s probably precisely what life is all about. And, you know what, it wouldn’t matter to me one bit which CKY song was on the soundtrack, just as long as Andy and I were having fun while we listened to it.  
I hope you enjoyed this piece. Even though it starred Sinbad. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go ahead and roll the credits here on that poignant note. I’ll save the story about my run-in with Hungarian sex traffickers for another time.
 July 21, 2018
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
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    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
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So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
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You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
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  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
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A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
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 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
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Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
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 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
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Great questions, that’s for sure.
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 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
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    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
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Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
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You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
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to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
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Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
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What’s In Each Pack?
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 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
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Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
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Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
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280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
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Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
Tumblr media
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
Tumblr media
 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Tumblr media
Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
Tumblr media
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
Tumblr media
 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Tumblr media
Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
Tumblr media
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
Tumblr media
 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Tumblr media
Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
Tumblr media
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
Tumblr media
 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Tumblr media
Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
Tumblr media
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
Tumblr media
 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Tumblr media
Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
Tumblr media
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Tumblr media
So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
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 Buy Now
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    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
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 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
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Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
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Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
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Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
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* Click button above to see in your local currency
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So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
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 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
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Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
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Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Tumblr media
Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
Tumblr media
Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
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* Click button above to see in your local currency
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So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
Tumblr media
David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
Tumblr media
You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
Tumblr media
Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
Tumblr media
Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
Tumblr media
Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
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 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
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Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
Tumblr media
Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
Tumblr media
Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Tumblr media
Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
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* Click button above to see in your local currency
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So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
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David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/gold-standard-trivia-pub-quiz-questions-and-answers-3/
Gold Standard Trivia Pub Quiz Questions And Answers
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 Buy Now
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    Are you tired of using dull, unimaginative, straightforward questions in your trivia and pub quiz competitions?
If so, then we have the ANSWER!   Announcing the GOLD STANDARD in Trivia Quizzes …
Thousands of fantastic quiz questions & answers from one of the greatest minds in trivia
So well-researched…   So entertaining…    And at times, so Downright Evil… 
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You’ll leave them yearning for more, more, MORE!
Say goodbye…
to those crappy easy-peasy quiz questions sites giving away or selling quiz questions that even a ten year-old could answer
Say goodbye…
to those days of spending hours & hours writing witty, intelligent, thought-provoking questions to keep your teams focused
  We offer thousands of great quiz questions AND answers all written & researched by our experienced Quiz Master and tried-and-tested in hundreds of bars around the world  
Uses for our Quiz Questions
  Pub Quiz Events at a Local Bar   Fun Nights in With Family or Friends   Charity or Fund-Raising Events   Office Team-Building Events or Parties   Mobile Phone Applications   Internet Quiz Games
Ask Yourself:
  How long does it take to write and research thousands of questions?
  You could save all that time and energy if you were to download our SATISFACTION-GUARANTEED Quiz Packs
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Pack 1
1,700+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers, of course
Over 150 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below)
Additional Bonus Items
Download Quiz Pack 1
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Pack 2
1,900+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 2
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Pack 3
2,000+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers 
Over 125 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (see below) 
+ Unbranded Printable Answer Sheets
Download Quiz Pack 3
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Pack 4
Our Best Selection Of Questions!
2,100+ Gold Standard Quiz Questions and Answers
Over 140 Printable Pages Of Content In Multiple Formats (also includes ePub format for iPad etc)
Download Quiz Pack 4
Easy To Print Out:
None of our quiz formats are print or edit protected, so you can print them as many times as you like, even remove questions as you have used them. 
Split Into Convenient Sections:
All our questions have been sorted into convenient sections so that you can find them easily. For example, 100 geography answers would follow 100 geography questions, all numbered in the same way. Then 100 history questions would follow those, and so on. 
A table of contents is also included in the quiz pack and page numbers can be found at the bottom of each page. 
So Many Pages, Surely You Use Large Fonts?
No, we use Arial font size 10 for questions and answers
Multiple Formats To Choose From:
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Not all computers are the same and not everybody has the same software installed. That is why when you order one of our quiz packs, you may choose from the following file formats when downloading (you can even download the quiz pack in all formats if you so wish):
Microsoft Word™ format 
Adobe Acrobat™ Reader PDF format
Standard HTML format
Standard Text format
Microsoft Excel™ format 
Is Your Preferred Format Not Listed?
No problem, simply send us an email and we will try our best to convert our quiz pack to your preferred file format 
Instant Download
As soon as your payment is complete, which takes only a matter of seconds, you’ll be taken to your download page for the chosen product.
All products can be downloaded instantly – no waiting for an email is required.
Our payment system generates a personal download page for you, that you may bookmark for further downloads.
Can I See Some Sample Questions?
Yes of course you can, we have a free question and answer sample pack. Simply download the pack by clicking on the button below:
Download the sample.zip file
What’s In Each Pack?
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 Pack 1
169   Geography Questions 187   Sport Questions 141   Science & Medicine Questions 143   History Questions 174   Music & Lyrics Questions 245   General Knowledge Questions 146   TV, Cinema & Radio Questions 121   Animals, Plants & Botany Questions  108   Arts Questions 90   Words & Language Questions 60   Food & Drink Questions 50   Mythology & Astrology Questions  49   Literature Questions 21   Maritime Questions 24   Aviation & Space Travel Questions Total = over 1,700 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 1
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Pack 2
283   General Knowledge Questions 176   Sport Questions 165   TV & Film Questions 182   Food & Drink Questions 167   Geography Questions 162   Music Questions 146   Language & Literature Questions 155   Science & Nature Questions 142   History Questions 90   Entertainment Questions 65   Letters & Numbers Questions 28   Christmas Questions 21   Missing Link Questions 90   Tougher & Small Themes Questions + Beatles, Bible, Football Questions Total = over 1,900 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 2
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Pack 3
200  General Knowledge Questions 200  Music Questions 200  Geography Questions 200  History Questions 200  TV & Film Questions 160  Food & Drink Questions 155  Sport Questions 150  Art, Literature & Culture Questions 145  Science, Technology & Nature Questions 107  People Quiz Questions 100  Words & Language Questions 61  Clothes & Fashion Questions 61  Numbers Quiz Questions 59  Seasonal Themed Quiz Questions 52  Mythology, Beliefs & Ideas Questions 45  Boats, Seas, Oceans and Waterways Questions   Total = over 2,000 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 3
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Pack 4
280   Art, Literature, Movies & TV Questions 233   Geography Questions 200   General Knowledge Questions 175   Food & Drink Questions 158   Sport & Games Questions 167   Music Questions 130   Language Questions 125   Science, Technology & Nature Questions 171   History Questions 110   Human Body Questions 52   Multiple Choice Questions 60   Law & Order Questions 65   Albums Questions   21   Tough True or False Questions 20   Fuel & Energy Questions + 9 Further Categories of Questions Total = over 2,100 Questions (with Answers of course)
Download Quiz Pack 4
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Our quiz questions have been written by a VERY experienced Pub Quiz Master. The Quiz Master has been writing Pub Quiz Questions for twenty years and knows the game VERY well, nothing gets past him. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Canada and Germany he is well-travelled and well-read, boasting a natural love for information and trivia.
When someone loves trivia and information this much, you just know his questions are going to be entertaining!
Every single question in these packs has been tried-and-tested on a pub quiz audience. We only include the best questions from our expert question writer in our products.
I am very happy with the quiz pack…
 … and I had no problems downloading despite being on a Mac computer. The price is more than reasonable for so many good questions. All in all I am very impressed with your service, wish I had discovered the site before, I just found it by pure accident on Google. Many thanks.
June Fraser, UK
Wow! What can I say!!! Your questions are a breath of fresh air.
 I have searched for years to find decent questions for my weekly pub quiz and finally I have found quiz questions that not only meet the level of my quiz players, but also entertain them and bring them back for more … and there’s so many to choose from. Thanks again
Peter Martens, UK
Top Quality Quiz Questions
 I have bought lots of questions from other websites similar to yours but I have never found such a consistently good set, until I found this one that is. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge. For that price I expected low quality, easy questions but your quiz pack has really blown me away.
Joel Gottlieb, United States
Great questions, that’s for sure.
 I bought your quiz pack when you only had 1000 questions and was pretty pleased with the product. Now I check back and see that I can download the updated pack with 1700 of the critters! Thanks for your great service, highly recommended, I will be back, let me know when you have another pack for sale!
Paul Bartos, United States
My Quiz Teams love the questions.
 Having ummed-and-arred over whether or not to buy your first quiz pack, I finally decided to take the plunge. I run a pub quiz in Melbourne every Monday night. Prior to buying your product we managed to half-fill the pub, now the pub is packed week after week, all regular players. Anyway, I have since bought your second quiz pack too. Witty questions, pitched at just the right level for my regulars. Cheers Guys, great job!
Mike Parsons, Australia
Not too easy – not too hard AND very well researched:
Most of the questions can be solved by a mixed-ability quiz team, given time and the right thought process. None of them are straight-forward, but who wants to be given straight-forward questions to solve?  
Written in English – but not just for Brits or just for Americans:
We’ve written our questions specifically with a worldwide audience in mind.  You won’t find questions about British soap operas that an American could not answer in the same way as you won’t find questions about American football, that only Americans could answer.
Our customer base includes many happy buyers from North America, the UK and Mainland Europe, Australia, India, Thailand and basically anywhere in the world where a quiz can be presented in English.
Important Information
After your order has been verified, you will be immediately directed to a download page where you can download your quiz pack and the bonus quizzes. All download formats are shown on that page and you may bookmark that page in your browser for return visits.
Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge made by either ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM, since ClickBank process payments for us.
PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers and works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account.
Microsoft Word™ version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 is required to view the Microsoft Word™ format download. If you do not have Microsoft Word™, you can either download the viewer free from Microsoft, download the excellent free OpenOffice.org™ software, use Apple Pages™ or simply download a different format of the Quiz!
Adobe Acrobat™ PDF format requires the free plugin from Adobe.com in order to view
If you need another format, then simply contact us, we will be happy to make a conversion, where possible.
Click one of the download buttons below to see prices in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 1
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 2
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 3
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
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Download Quiz Pack 4
For £15.00 *
* Click button above to see in your local currency
Special Bonus
+ 10,000 Bonus Quiz Questions
For the special discount price of £47.00, a saving of £13.00 off the price of buying them at our usual prices above.
£47.00 * including 10,000 FREE Questions
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* Click button above to see in your local currency
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So, for just £47.00, you can get your hands on our four gold-standard trivia quiz packs plus receive a bonus 10,000 trivia Questions and Answers on-the-house!
100% Secure Payments, strong encryption used throughout
You’ll receive your order instantly even if it’s 3 am!
To Your Quiz Night’s Success,
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David Small ChanceToLearn.com
* Even though our prices are in British Pounds, you can pay in any currency you wish, without extra charges incurred. All major credit cards are accepted, as is Paypal. Your payment is secure (via Clickbank’s secure server) and we do not store or share your personal information.
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