#i will watermark the shit out of my next edits
annatartastic · 2 years
that’s it, people really need to stop reposting my bloody edits on this hell site gdi!
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ya-boi-haru · 1 year
Thoughts while editing my next lit of content (yes this is made out of procrastination)
"Why did I change the lighting half way through? Wtf?"
"Why is adding text... the hardest part?"
"Oh I don't actually know enough about this character to do this trend"
"All I ask for is [specific effect], I don't ask for much"
"Wow, this actually kinda cringe, but I need content"
"I need to hurry and post this video before this is no longer trending"
*internal screaming*
"Why did I make myself edit this? There was a much easier way?"
"This is also cringe"
*more internal screaming*
"UGH I have to go back and add watermarks"
"Why did past me make this decision?"
"Oh shit, maybe I can't pull off this effect"
*still internal screaming *
"This would be finished by now had I just sat and edited it in one go"
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slam dunks in ur askbox 11, 19, 8, 29, 36, 43
omg shania lore time.
also im laughing at your answer to my question about drafts because i have 1,300 things in drafts. you're braver than me
11. What is that one set you made that just won’t die? Well, I keep getting horny comments on this star wars gifset LMAO. Also this gifset I made for indiegamesource has the most notes out of ANY gifset I have EVER made.
19. What is your gifting process like? I usually watch a show or play a game and then find a scene that I like or a character I want to represent. Then I steal the scene from youtube or torrent it (or record it if its a game that i own). After that I shorten the scenes I want using the screen record on VLC media player. Then I rip the frames into photoshop, colour/sharpen, convert into gif. At this point I usually leave the post in my drafts because I like to post things between noon and 3pm so the gifset will wait until the next day. Then I pray the gif goes into the tags lmao
8. What gif trend do you hate? I haven't seen it in a long time, but I used to REALLY hate the ones that are super super dark to the point where I can barely see what is actually in the fucking gif lmao. I also don't particularly care for gifsets that use lyrics from songs in the gifs themselves, but i just don't interact with those posts. it's none of my business if people want to use their fave songs in their edits
29. Have you ever posted a set, realized you made a mistake later but it was already too late? I've had a few where I realized I didn't move my watermark to the corner so its covering someones like face or some shit LMAO but ive posted them anyway since I don't save my PSDs and I'm not remaking the whole set for one hoochie mama. I've also had a few where I noticed that things were oversharpened by accident
36. Do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it? I typically have something in mind but that'll mostly just be a very specific scene for example one that made me laugh or sad. It'll also typically be like I want to gif a set showing off a character (for example, my recent Aqua from Kingdom Hearts gifset for gamingladies or my romanced Isabela from Dragon Age gifset). It's VERY rare for me to plan it down to colours or angles. I've had a few gifmaking friends who will specifically hunt down colourschemes like pastels only or they'll do only specific angles like faceless gifs. I don't get that detailed. I'm jealous of people with the patience for that though lol
43. Do you keep videos forever or delete them once you’re done giffing? I delete them LOL. I only have 2 terabytes on my laptop and I want to use that space for viddy gam.
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meattruck · 2 years
note: its only 45 min sessions and i dont know them in person
i had a dream i managed to get an appointment with my therapist and like in the begining we were just doing shit like decorating thier office and she had like alot of freetime tbhj???? and then at some point when r we gonna get to the actual therapisting and then we did that and in the end we start talking abt the next appointment and shes just like like oh im actually very open i just cant say that over the phone and like for the books u know and then for some reason she sent me some stuff like usual that relates to my session but for somereaon she send me like some official FMA art (it was some art i saw the other day irl or smth but in the dream it was official art) and she mentioned that this was her art and then i was uh cool i beleived her so i cecked out the pic and there was like an actual watermark from the artist still there and she just added a signature not even covering it up but near it.
and then i remmebered the dog from FMA and i got sad :(
Edit: the reason I was like ok cool at the official looking art was I thought they were copies she did which is fine when ur learning
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Survey #521
(this one’s from like... three days ago? whoops)
Is there an article of clothing you need to buy right now? I need bras most desperately. I have lit-er-a-lly none that fit me comfortably. Bras are just expensive, especially when you're my size, AND my proportions have to be strange or something because I tend to need them custom-made for it to be perfect. When was the last time you changed your picture on Facebook? Very recently, actually. Funny thing though, it's from two Halloweens ago. I haven't taken a selfie in so very long, but I wanted to change the picture. Do you have a brand of deodorant you prefer? I've just used Secret forever. Do you have a really fat cat? No, Roman is a healthy weight. Have you ever made a business card for yourself? No, because I'm sure the effort wouldn't be worth it. It wouldn't make a difference. Do your parents allow you to have your privacy? Yes. Are you good at creating logos? I don't think so. I've changed my photography's watermark a thousand times. Have you ever been severely burned? No. Did you ever dream that you had a baby? I've actually, oddly, had many??? Even recently I dreamt I had a daughter. It's weird when I don't want kids. Do you or anyone you know have a rabbit? No. Do you enjoy staying at hotels? I do, so long as it's a well-kept, clean hotel. I like the change of scenery while also allowing me to do what I usually do so feel comfortable. Do you have any tan lines? No, I never do. I'm pale as shit. Did you make any money today? No. What was the highest place you've ever jumped from? Nowhere very high, idk. Have you ever gone swimming in a river? I have. Not a fast-flowing one, mind you. What was the last souvenir someone got you? Probably a shirt. Do you like driving at night? HELL no. I don't like driving PERIOD, never mind at night. I can't see jack-all. Do you completely trust the person you’re dating? I honestly do. When the holidays come around, do you watch holiday movies? Not really anymore. Do you own many pairs of shorts? I own literally zero. Is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist? Yes; I'd say the one that stands out the most is Mother Mother. I love the lead singer, but the woman who sometimes has parts as well is fucking HORRIFIC. Like holy shit. Megadeth is another that comes to mind; Dave isn't an awful singer, but his voice is still... ehhhh. It can be very raspy and gritty and just unpleasant. Overall though, I love both bands. Does pizza sound good to you right now? I've been craving Domino's in specific for days. ;-; Will you be going to the beach anytime soon? Got noooooooooooo plans to. Have you ever made any kind of video? Yeah. Kinda wanna get back into editing meerkat stuff after watching The Meerkats. The cinematography was very inspiring. Have you ever had a premonition? No. When was the last time you wore earrings? It's been a looooong time. Has it thundered lately? No. Do you have any plans for the next week? Birthday stuff. :') Do you believe the fortunes in fortune cookies? Does anybody? They're fun to read, but. When was the last time you went to a playground? It's been a couple years, back when I took pictures for a family, mostly of their son playing. Do you own a pool? No. What was the last thing you took a picture of? uhhhhhhhhhh Are there any recipes you have memorized? Nope. Do you have a favorite font on the computer? Out of the basic ones that are naturally present, I really like Garamond. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw cross the road? Not sure, nothing that memorable. Have you ever read any self-help books? No. I should, I just find them boring. Do you thank the bus driver? I haven't been on a bus in eons, but I always did. It's rude as hell not to. What made you the happiest today? Girt came over today, and we had fun! We started All of Us Are Dead, which is looking sort of like a Korean The Walking Dead. It's really good. What is something that smells bad to you? I HATE the smells of gasoline and freshly cut grass, off the top of my head. What is currently the most tan spot on your body right now? Nowhere. Do you shut down your computer when you leave, or just leave it on? I have a laptop, which is always on, even when it's closed. Have you seen your best friend cry before? Sadly. What color do you want to dye your hair? Next up, either lilac, pastel pink, or a light creamsicle orange. What's your ringtone? Just basic shit that came with the phone. What’s something you’ve experienced that very few others have? Numerous psych hospitalizations, I guess. Have you ever dated someone who was terrible with money? If so, how did it affect the relationship? No. Do you know anyone who’s related to a current or former world leader? *shrug* I mean there's a queen in my ancestry, but I consider ancestors and relatives to be pretty different. Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional? I don't have taxes yet. What was the last thing you purchased used? Ummmmm probably a game from Ebay or something, I really don't know. Has anyone ever told you that you get too competitive over minor things? No; I'm not very competitive. What was the very first thing you ever saved up to buy with your own money? I want to say my snake, but I'm not sure. What is something you frequently forget? Everything. Who is someone you would like to get to know better? My high school acquaintance Courtlynn. We're FB friends and will react to each other's posts frequently, but we don't actually talk. She seems super cool, though. Do you have a cell contract plan, or are you on a pre-paid plan? I have a Tracfone that I personally don't pay for, but I think it's a pre-paid plan? The person who last spoke to you in person, what is their name? Donna. Do you have uncontrollable anger? No. Have you yelled at someone recently? "Yelled," no, but just earlier I raised my voice a little bit at Mom because she was being needlessly grouchy and short with me just because the dog was annoying her. The last conversation you had with someone online, was it important? I mean, all convos I have with her are important to me, but truly considering the basic definition, no. It was just a casual convo. Is smoking an immediate turnoff to you? It is. How many pushups can you do, if any? Zero. Have you ever taken a yoga class? No, but I taught myself yoga via WiiFit when I was a teenager. I was quite honestly bangin' at it. Do you own any records? No, but I think it'd be very cool. Mom used to have vinyl records of classic rock and metal bands, and I REALLY wish she didn't sell 'em forever ago and I could have them. I would love to have picked out some of my faves and frame and hang them in my future house. Is there a technology brand you prefer? I don't care about the brand, I just care that it works. What was the last song that got stuck in your head? I was recently watching a let's play of Devil May Cry 3, and the guys made an intro for it with one of the songs from the soundtrack. I could NOT find it by name to listen to the full piece, and it was driving me insane because I just had what I am assuming is the chorus blaring in my head. I think I know how to find it now (it's the song that plays during the fighting credits), but I just haven't looked for it again. Do you or does anyone you know own an antique vehicle? I'm unsure. Have you ever sat on a bale of hay? I don't think so? Do you think you will have a date for prom? I went to my then-boyfriend's senior prom, and he went to mine. Have you ever wandered around drunk at night? No. Have you ever been in a play/musical? Yes, but only for elementary and Sunday schools. When was the last time someone asked you to go somewhere? A few days back, my mother needed to go pick up groceries as well as pick up my medication from my psychiatrist's secretary, so I drove around with her. Is there a light on in the room you're in? Only my ball python's heat lamp. Are you eating anything right now? Nah. My mom made the mistake of making a pan of these mini red velvet cheesecake treats though, and god they are so good and I am trying not to touch them again tonight. Really wish she hadn't made them so close to my b-day, considering I'm going out to eat ACTUAL cheesecake. Do you have small wrists? Shockingly, I do, even at my weight. I always have. How many corners are there in the room you're in? Four. It's very basic. Do you watch the news often? I never do. Hoodies or jackets? Hoodies. Do you go to bed the same time every night? Holy hell no. My sleep schedule is W A C K. What is the most overrated thing in the world? Fitting in just for the sake of being seen as "normal." I know, I'm SERIOUSLY one to talk when I'm horrified of judgment and conceal the "weird" things about me from almost everyone, but... I know it's stupid. Do you own any Tupac albums? No. I couldn't even name a song of his. Have you made any new friends recently? No. Have you ever in your life had a bunkbed? Yes; I had one growing up when I shared rooms with my younger sister. Have you ever been to any form of summer camp? I went to numerous Bible summer camp-ish things growing up. Have you ever been in a cave? No, but that is a MAJOR goal of mine. :( I find them to be mega, MEGA cool. Have you ever climbed a rock wall? Only those small fake ones that would be at school field days and stuff. Have you ever tried any form of tofu? No. It looks gross. What are you eating for dinner tonight? Mom made smoked sausage, broccoli, and potatoes with a ranch seasoning that is DELICIOUS. Which love story would you want your life to turn out like? Y'all seen Morticia and Gomez together, right? *chef's kiss* Have you ever been to any Disney parks? I've been to Disney World, yeah. Do kids often knock on your door on Halloween? This past one was our first one living here, and we didn't get any knocks. Pretty sure our lights were out, though? Do you like where your house is located? FUCK NO I can't complain about my house's location enough alsdkfja;lkwej;rklj Do you think there’s anything you did better when you were younger? I think in many ways, I was a better writer. An over-dramatic one, but I just think the overall writing dexterity and vocabulary I had was definitely better. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had, and what was it from? I fell while chasing my friend down the (very, very lightly-traveled as it's a short dead end) road by my childhood home, and I brutally skinned my knees. "Skinned" is a bit of an understatement, though: I tore away so many layers that it oozed pus. I fucking SOBBED while Mom patched me up, it hurt so badly. The bandage had to be changed frequently because of how long it took to heal; my knees were actually scarred for years. How’d you react to receiving your very first pimple? I'm?????????? supposed to remember this???????????????????? Have you ever wanted to model? God no.
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shijiujun · 4 years
[ENG] History3: Trapped Manhua SCANLATIONS!
Heya guys! I must be on fire today because I’ve actually translated/edited the manhua pages for this - The first 10 pages anyway, because the next 15 pages are R18 and I’m not sure how much I can even put up before i get slammed for copyright infringement or shit (so I’m stopping once the R18 parts begin)
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I’ve disabled downloads, please do not repost this anywhere. 
I took the photos of the manhua on my phone and then edited my translations over it, and I’ve put my watermark a gazillion times everywhere just in case but I’ve learnt that anything is possible if someone really wants to grab it but ;-; 
Please also excuse Tang Yi’s lips and cheeks being like PINK I took the photos with SNOW cam and the lips and cheek colour was automatic and I was like... nvm
Summary: Shao Fei and Tang Yi head out for dinner and chance upon a robbery, and Zhao Zi and Jack happen to be there as well. Zhao Zi almost gets hurt, blurts out that Shao Fei was careless too in a previous case (that Tang Yi did not know about) and then both Tang Yi and Jack drag their boyfriends home for a ‘discussion’.
- Follows Epilogues 1 and 2 from the original main novel. Shao Fei is already Captain, Tang Yi’s jail time is a memory of the distant past and Shao Fei promised Tang Yi in epilogue 1 that he would not be impulsive again, and Tang Yi kind of threatened Shao Fei with consequences should he be careless and not take care of himself again on cases. Lo and behold, this new epilogue XD
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Read the WRITTEN NEW EPILOGUE here in a new post: HERE (includes the R18 scenes, although please do read the warnings I put in the post)
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reignstormz · 4 years
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Warning; The edit above and some of the other edits apart of future chapters moving forward are made by me. I didn't find it necessary to put a watermark however I'd love credit if any of them are reposted. :)
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November 27, 2020
TLC season was approaching, and the tension between Sasha and Carmella was getting stronger. Even though the blonde chick didn't make an appearance at survivor series, Sasha knew that she was around. Her energy grinded her gears so bad that Sasha could just feel her presences radiating through the building. If people honestly thought Carmella was going to get away with another low blow, then they truly didn't know the boss like they thought they did. Especially, after her encounter with the Universal Champion. A fire was lit inside of her that she couldn't put out.
As Sasha walked down the hallway with a calm, yet determined look on her face, the camera followed her every move and Kayla Braxton came up to her, making her stop.
"Sasha, can I have a word?" She asked hesitantly as she looked up at the blue haired woman. Sasha stared at her blankly before a faint smirk appeared slowly on her face, and she nodded. Kayla sensed something a little off about her, and contemplated on asking questions to begin with but did it anyway.
"It's been a week, or, to be exact, actually three in a row since Carmella has attacked you. Does this mean you have a target on your back regarding to your title?"
Sasha chuckled softly, very quietly in fact, moving half of her hair behind her shoulder and shook her head in amusement. Normally, Sasha would either laugh hysterically at the interviewer's questions or tell them off viscously, but tonight was different. She didn't have time for that like she used to.
Then, she simply looked back at her and shrugged, getting ready to walk away but Kayla quickly brought the microphone up to stop her, saying something that made Sasha stop in her tracks, "Is Roman Reigns one of your targets?"
Sasha looked down at the ground for a second until she looked ahead, licking her lips before she turned around to look at Kayla once again. Kayla stepped forward, bringing the microphone close enough to Sasha so she could speak into it, hoping anyway. Then Sasha's unreadable expression turned into a happier one, smiling at her nicely, "I guess you're going to have to find out.'
Kayla raised her eyebrow, slowly putting the microphone down to her side and watched her walk away in confusion. Sasha gave a subtle wink to the camera before the show went to commerical break. Afterwards, Sasha had finally found where Carmella had been in the building and saw the perfect opportunity to do what she's been wanting to do for the past three weeks. As Sasha quietly creeped up on her, she over heard Carmella talk a lot of shit about her, as expected. Saying how she was the most dominant woman in the Women's Division including other silly claims that went in one ear and out the other for Sasha. When Carmella was in her own world, talking to the camera, there was a random person who was prepared to hand her a glass of champagne.
Carmella payed zero attention and didn't realize that Sasha had knocked the poor guy out clean so she would be the one to hand her the champagne, revealing her boss ring and attacking her with no mercy. She held her as long as she could in the Bank Statement before she had to let go of her due to Adam Pearce and another backstage person ordering The Boss to let her go.
"Come and fight me next week, like a real woman." Sasha yelled with bass in her voice, and took some deep breaths to calm herself down from her adrenaline rush. The camera remained on her as she closed her eyes, trying to get a hold of her breath and she finally felt calm in an instant. As soon as she opened her eyes, a presence was standing before her to the left and she saw the handsome Samoan, holding her Women's title as he stared at her admiringly with a settle smirk on his face. Roman's thoughts were so loud that she could hear them, even though he wasn't talking. Some of them were sweet, a little sensuous, but the biggest thing is that he knew there was this inner tigeress inside of her that was slowly but surely coming out. He could see it in her eyes, and no one noticed but him, which made him want her by his side more than anything.
Sasha wasn't quite sure what was happening to her, something changed. She didn't feel like her natural cocky, confident self. Even if she was a bad guy, or good guy, or something in between, there was a sudden twist. A switch was clicking on and off, and ever since her last encounter with Roman, that's when it all started. She couldn't stop thinking about him, and he took control over her mind constantly. When she went to sleep, she saw him; Whenever she wakes up in the morning, or simply goes for a walk to clear her mind, he's there. However, she liked it. She liked the way he made her feel, and the feeling was mutual. The pair was extremely too dangerous to be together, but they didn't pay any attention to that idea.
Sasha grinned softly before making his way towards him. He handed the title to her and she took it into her hands slowly.
"That's my girl." Roman praised in a settle, yet proud tone. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and her grin turned into a shy smile as they walked off.
"Are you seeing what I'm seeing, Graves?" Michael Cole asks in disbelief. Corey stays silent, watching the segment like everyone else.
They soon came across Paul watching the nearby television. Roman furrowed his eyebrows and Paul turned his head around, with a worried expression, "You might want to see this."
Roman gently took off his arm from Sasha's shoulder and crossed both of his arms in fustration as he watched the television. Jey was currently get his ass beat by Kevin Owens, which pissed off Roman to the fullest but made it kind of hard for Sasha to watch. She's always been really cool with Jey and Jimmy, so seeing one of the people she cared about get hurt was unsettling for her. However, what made Roman more pissed is what Kevin was telling Roman through the camera.
Things like, "You want people to fear you? I fear no one." Not only that, he sits at the head of the announce table to prove his point, saying, "Where are you? I'll be waiting." Initiating that Kevin was after Roman, potentially wanting to take his title.
Paul and Sasha briefly exchanged awkward looks and Roman looked down, inhaling sharply and stared at the ground in deep thought, then SmackDown went off air for the night.
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December 4, 2020
Another Friday came by, and the first thing that was shown was a backstage shot of Roman's private locker room. Two seconds later, it opened revealing Paul walking out, then Jey, Roman, and Sasha was the last one to follow. She closed the door behind her, adjusting the title on her shoulder while Roman watched her in awe. Sasha looked up at him as she snaked her arm through his, holding onto it gently while he held his title on the other.
"You look gorgeous, baby." He complimented, before kissing her temple, causing Sasha to flourish with butterflies in her stomach.
"No way," Corey Graves said in a disapproving manner, watching the segment from the announce table.
"I guess the rumors are true." Michael Cole says in a shocked, but not too shocked tone.
Roman turned his head to Paul and Jey, signaling that they could go ahead and lead the way first. While they did, Sasha and Roman exchanged looks of admiration before they followed them to the ring.
After the commerical break, the show was back just in time for Roman's entrance. His music echoed throughout the entire Thunderdome as each of them walked out. He did his usual thing, savoring the moment, holding up the title, instead Sasha was by his side to do it with him, and she felt like she was on cloud nine. When they got to the ring, Roman assisted Sasha up the steel steps to make sure she didn't trip with the heels that she wore, but also just because he wanted to, he was a gentleman. He also made sure that she was always going to be the first one to enter the ring, and of course, Paul along with Jey had to wait until Roman went into the ring after her.
Kayla Braxton was in the ring to interview Roman, coicidentally after she interviewed Sasha last Friday. It was a little awkward at first, she didn't quite know how to approach Roman but it became even more uneasy as she began to ask him questions. Questions about Kevin Owens, Jey, and other things that started to make him a little upset. Sasha contemplated on stepping in, but she remembered that Roman had it handled. Besides, she didn't feel like being bombarded with a bunch a questions from Kayla again. He told her off after each question, until she reached her last one.
"Well, let's shift gears and talk about.. you're friend, Sasha Banks." Kayla suggests, making Roman slightly raise his eyebrow at her comment. Sasha's avoided glance at Kayla finally took a look in her direction, and immediately noticed the hint of shade in her voice. She knew exactly that they were more than that, but it was just to see if either of them were going to officially admit it or not. They played replays on the screen of Roman giving Sasha advice, to him watching her matches, joining forces at Survivor Series and what happened between them last week before Kayla asked, "So..are you possibly more than friends with The Boss? What is this?"
Sasha on the inside felt extremely pissed, and wanted nothing more to get in her face for over stepping her boundaries. She bit her lip harshly in anger and got ready to walk towards her but Jey quickly stopped her, putting a hand strongly on her side. Since her movement wasn't too noticeable, Paul widened her eyes and chuckled in amusement while Roman sighed, rolling his eyes. Kayla hesitantly brought the microphone closer to him and Roman looked down at her with a bored expression, "A friend?"
Kayla nodded slightly. Roman shook his head in annoyance, and Sasha stood in place, sighing briefly, looking down. She found no point in getting involved in the interview. Jey dropped his hand from her side, hoping that she wouldn't go anywhere as she stared at the ground in thought. Before Roman could reply, Kevin's theme music stared to play and he stormed out to the ring. Kayla nervously but slowly inched towards the corner of the ring as Jey, Paul, and Roman watched him. Sasha stood in her place, also annoyed but not threatened by him at all.
"You know last week, I made it clear that I don't fear you." Kevin says into the microphone while making his way down the ramp. The Head Of The Table's protective instincts kicked in and he put his strong, tattooed arm in front of Sasha, carefully moving her behind him as Kevin got closer to the ring.
"And since we've established that you don't fear me, I don't see the point of waiting later tonight. I figured, since you didn't come to me last week, I'll come to you now and we can settle this. Right here, right now." Kevin challenges, marching into the ring. Jey and Sasha exchange glances while Roman holds his hand out for Paul to hand the microphone. Jey quicky grabs it, getting involved again. Sasha facepalms her forehead in embarrassment as Paul and Roman stares at him in confusion, so does Kevin.
Kevin disregards Jey, and continues to talk to Roman, "If not now, how about at TLC? and let's not stop there, Roman. Put that title on the line, so you and I can handle this like men. What do you say?" Kevin asks, then his eyes fall onto Sasha, making him smirk a bit. Sasha glared at Kevin before he says, "Well look who we have here, when the hell did this happen? Are you afraid to get your ass kicked in front of your girlfriend?"
Roman's lip started to twitch in anger, the one thing that he wasn't going to tolerate was anyone threatening Sasha. Paul sensed that Roman needed to say something, so he grabbed the microphone out of Jey's hand and put it in his. Before he brought the microphone to his lips, Kevin suggests, "If not, then we can handle this right now."
Kevin dropped the microphone, putting himself into a fighting stance. Sasha scoffed, resting her right hand on her hip while Roman chuckled in amusement, knowing that he wasn't going to give him the time of day.
"I bet that's what you want, huh?" Roman continues, "To fight me right now? You being on the island of relevancy is the best thing that's ever going to happen to you. But, understand this, I train my cousin well and we don't back down to no one. Neither does she." He regards to Sasha. Sasha looked at Roman as he stared at Kevin intensely, "Don't you ever, mention her again." He warns.
Sasha faintly smiles at him, finding it sweet how serious he was about defending her. She adjusts the title on her shoulder, and then looks back at Kevin.
"You're lucky, if I was the man I used to be, I would whoop your ass right now. But there's a time and a place for everything. What do I look like, a savage?" He questions with a confused look on his face, "I'm a gentleman, we have ladies in the ring."
Roman licks his lips and nods his head to Sasha and Kayla standing behind him. Kayla has a lost expression on her face, meanwhile Sasha couldn't hold back her smirk. Jey and Paul laugh, looking at Kevin like he was a fool.
"Grow up." Roman snickered, tossing the microphone to the ground. He put his hand on Sasha's lower back, insisting her to exit the ring first while he followed. Kevin stood there in fustration, watching them leave the ring in silence.
After the commerical break, it was time for Roman and Jey's match against Kevin and Otis. Sometime before that, Sasha had a battle of words with Carmella while Roman remained by her side through the entire thing. It got very heated; Carmella claimed multiple times that she was better than Sasha with half the work, while of course Sasha begged to differ. She was no where near in her league, and she was going to make sure of that when she defends her title against her at TLC. However, Carmella's jabs did get under Sasha's skin a little bit, especially when she mentioned Roman, saying that if Sasha wasn't Champion than he probably would've ended up with her. Of course, Roman reassured that what she said wasn't true at all and reminded Sasha to not let someone like Carmella get the best of her. She wasn't worth it, and she was lucky to even be considered for a title match.
Since Jey had to suffer the consequence of getting involved earlier tonight, Roman decided to show up a little late to the match. Not only to teach him a lesson, but he did what he wanted to do on his own time anyways. There was also another consequence coming, little did Jey know, including Sasha and Paul. They both followed closely behind Roman as all of three of them made their way down the ramp, hearing the programmed boos echo throughout the crowd. Sasha saw Jey nod his head in reassurance, showing relief that Roman had showed up and not left him in the dust. Once they made it to the ring, as Roman walked up the steps, he handed his universal title to her. Sasha laid her women's championship on her left shoulder, while laying his title on her right.
Roman held his hand out for Jey to tag, but after awhile, he lost his patience and jumped into the ring himself. The referee tried to stop him but it was too late before he had superman punched Otis off the ring. He then slid out the ring, and began demolishing Otis; Then he started to beat the hell out of him with the steps. Paul stood there with a scared, appalled expression while Sasha stood next to him with an evil smirk on her face, licking her lips slowly afterwards as he watched him at work. Sasha's look of proudness quickly went away when Kevin Owens attacked him from behind.
She inhaled sharply, seeing everything go down until Jey lunged from the ring and put a stop to it. The Boss cracked a small smile so it wasn't noticeable. Even though Sasha cared for Roman deeply, she still had a soft spot for Jey. Trust, she enjoyed it when Roman beat the hell out of his opponents and looked damn good while doing it, however, Jey was different.
Long story short, everyone ended back into the ring and Kevin was in control for a little bit before Roman delivered a huge close line, taking him down. After that, he tagged Jey in and he took over. Jey was doing a good job and as Kevin was in the corner, Roman took this as the opportunity to taunt him. The referee warned him to stay back and Sasha furrowed her eyebrows at him while Paul told the ref to keep his distance.
"Don't tell him what to do!" She warns the ref along with Paul. Not too long after that, Jey does his Uso chant before running to Kevin but then failed, missing him completely. Kevin got right up, ran all the way to the corner and ran back, doing a harsh forward roll onto Jey. Paul cringed, Sasha shook her head in disappointment while Roman face palmed his forehead in embarrassment. Sasha actually tried her hardest not to laugh at his reaction, she quickly wiped the small smile off of her face.
"Get up," Roman demanded. Jey tried his best to make a comeback but he continued to get beaten up, frustrating Roman to the fullest when Kevin was so close to getting the pin. As Kevin tried standing up, himself and Roman made eye contact; Kevin tried to rile Roman up, but it didn't work seeing that Roman had shook it off with a laugh, shooing him off. Sasha stared up at him in awe, admiring his beauty. She loved it whenever he did that smug smile of his, it was so sexy to her. She snapped out of it once again, pulling herself together.
Jey got the opportunity to nail Kevin with an elbow to the face but out of nowhere, Kevin picked Jey up and did the Samoan drop. Sasha's lip curled up a little in anger, and she looked at Roman to see him pissed off as well due to the disrespect. Kevin got up and taunted Roman again, "What now, huh? Get in the ring!" He yelled intensely, and Roman didn't hesitate to do so even though he was stopped by the ref, again. Jey turned him around, Kevin elbowed him off but then as soon as he turned back around Roman smacked the taste out of his mouth. Then right after that, Jey delivered a super kick to his face.
When Roman stepped out of the ring, Jey got the opportunity to hopefully win the match for them. He prepared himself to get on the top rope, but right when he's about to take off, Roman orders him to get down.
"Get down," He barks. "Get down and tag out, this is my show, I finish the show. Get down."
Jey's confidence begins to fade once again as Roman disapproves of his actions for the hundredth time. Sasha looks down at the ground, trying to make sure her bothered facial expression wasn't noticeable as Jey comes down from the top rope. He grabs some of Kevin's hair and leans towards Roman to tag but Kevin brushes Jey off, then punches Roman in the face, knocking him off of the ring next to her. Before she could even blink, he slid back into the ring so fast, breaking the pin Kevin had on Jey.
Roman gave a harsh punch to his head before wrapping himself around Kevin's body, locking in his submission move. The bell was rung countless times to stop the match, but he didn't care, he was determined to take his last breath and make him pay. Sasha bit her lip, admiring the sight, feeling satisfied while resting her arms on the edge of ring floor. Paul side eyed her a little, and stepped away from her slowly, feeling a little disturbed about her enjoyment.
Roman let go of him, stared at his helpless body for about ten seconds before he ordered Jey to get chairs. The ref pleaded for him to stop, but got chased out like always. Sasha giggled from amusement from how fast the ref left the ring as Jey finally came back with chairs. Jey handed a chair to Roman, and they wasted no time in taking turns slamming the chair onto his back.
The sounds of Kevin's pained screams were on ten and Paul was stunned, covering his mouth, "Oh my God!" He said in shock, over and over again while Sasha stood there perfectly still, quiet with an evil grin on her face.
"Finish him," Roman said very beastly, "Make him understand!"
Jey hit him with the chair one last time before, putting the chair on him and doing his frog splash. Paul yelled, "Oh my God!" once again, covering his eyes slightly, not believing what he saw. Sash cringed, feeling Jey's pain, She knew that frog splash had to hurt. Out of nowhere, when they least expected it, Roman slammed the chair onto Jey's back. Sasha stood there, frozen in shock; She was expressionless, unsure of what to say or do.
"What do I tell you everytime, huh?!" He yelled out in fustration, slamming the chair against him again. "I have to keep repeating myself!"
The chair slams against him again, and again, and again. Each time, pieces of her heart started to shatter for Jey. She wanted to put a stop to it, but she couldn't. While Paul's mouth was covered, they both made brief eye contact in fright. Jey and Kevin were both out cold on the ground as Roman stared them down.
Roman then grabbed Jey's hair, dragging him a little to lay next to Kevin. After that, called my name, asking for his title. Sasha slid his title off of her shoulder and handed it to him, refusing to make eye contact with him because he would see the guilt in her eyes. He took the title and walked back to Kevin, dropping it on his chest and taking a handful of his beard roughly.
"You tryna' split me and my family up? Huh?! You wanted my attention?" He yelled at the top of his lungs, he looked around for a little bit before looking back down at him, "Now, we have the whole world watching. Now, they all have your attention." He punched his face in the middle of his sentence, "You're tryna' take me from the top? You're tryna' take my position, you want this title? You should've just took the title. You should of just took the title but instead you wanted to attack me and my family. You wanted to try and make me something that I'm not and make me look like a monster in front of the whole world." Roman voice shakes with anger, gripping the hell out of Kevin's beard. He inhales sharply as she watched, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
"This is only the beginning, and until you see that, I'm gonna take your manhood, I'm gonna take your lively hood and everything that you love," He promises sternly. "You and your family are going to fear me. Get use to this." Then he harshly let's go of his head, and stands back up, grabbing his title. He stands in the middle of the ring in thought for a little bit before he turned his head, making eye contact with Sasha. He stared, practically burning a hole right through her.
She stared right back at him refusing to break the eye contact or show him the fear she had deep down. Roman adjusted the title on his shoulder, and brought his hand up along with his finger, doing the "come here" motion. She stood there for a second, trying to find feeling her feet after being frozen for so long and then Sasha began to make her way to him. She handed her title to Paul, having him hold it. Since she was in heels, Sasha slowly walked up the stairs so she wouldn't fall, and thankfully Roman walked to the corner of the ring to reach out and grab her hand to assist her. He sat on the rope so she could enter the ring easily, and they were finally in the ring together.
His hand was on the small of her back as he guided Sasha gently to Kevin and Jey who were still knocked out on the ground. He bent down to the left, grabbing the chair, then got back up, handing the chair to her while she looked at Jey in pain, and it killed her inside.
"Make him understand.." He mumbled into her ear in his deep, seductive voice, but also loud enough so the cameras could hear. She clenched onto the chair, hoping that he meant Kevin but lost all of her hope when he continued to talk, "Make Jey understand never to disobey your chief, ever again."
His hand caressed the side her waist until he slowly let go of Sasha, taking a couple steps back in order to watch. She bit the inside of her cheek, holding back her tears as best as she could meanwhile her hands were shaking like an earthquake. She turned her head to look at Roman, and he nodded his head in reassurance, wanting her to do it. Sasha looked back at Jey, and a tear rolled down her face.
"I'm sorry, Jey." She says quietly, before she raises the chair and slam it onto his back harshly. Jey screamed out in agony, and rolled over. Another tear rolled down her face, and she paused, but then the switch suddenly flipped back on inside of her and her frown slowly turned into a dark smile, while a giggle escaped her lips. She lifted the chair up once more, and began to beat him up with the chair repeatedly.
One, two, three, four, five, six. She took a small break, sighing with a lazy smirk on her face before hitting him with the chair one last time. She laughed hysterically in her signature evil tone before tossing the chair away. The tears that were on her face were still evident, so she wiped them off slowly, flicking them away. She walked backwards to the rope and held her hand out, signaling for Paul to hand over her title, and he did; Meanwhile, when Sasha looked over at Roman, he just stood there with his evil smug of a smile on his face.
He walked over to her, sliding his title off of his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist. She looked up at him as he looked down at her, the chemistry they had was bouncing off of the walls and the dangerous feeling they had for each other grew stronger. It couldn't get any more crazier than this.
Roman kissed her forehead, then they both looked at the camera, and raised their titles together.
"What on earth has Roman done to Sasha Banks?" Corey graves asks, with a hint of fear in his voice as well. Michael Cole briefly looked at him with a bewildered expression. The vibe in the room was completely unexplainable, and even though the programmed boos were roaring, the look on everyone's faces on the screens were priceless. Everyone was so caught off guard by what they just saw, and had zero words. No one, absolutely no one saw this side of the blueprint. It was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, and it was extremely bizarre.
After a long pause of silence, SmackDown went off air.
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December 11, 2020
As Sasha walked down the hallway of the SmackDown halls, just about all of the men's and women's roster were in groups and huddles whispering, watching her walk by in silence. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, and looked down, avoiding the glances she was receiving. It had been a rough week for the standard ever since last Friday, and nothing has been the same since. Sasha felt so confused, and extremely guilty about the events that had taken place. Everyone on social media, including people who were present in her life couldn't stop talking about the brutal attack she made on Jey. She refused to look at any replays of the incident, because she couldn't believe what she had done. Sasha had no idea who that woman was last Friday, and had zero idea what has gotten into her. It made no sense to the women's champion at all and she felt so lost. She put on a brave face in front of Roman ever since then and pretended like she was okay with everything, when really she wasn't.
Roman had actually been looking everywhere for her tonight, normally it would've taken a whole army to tear them apart from each other's side but Sasha needed time to collect her thoughts on her own. Besides, she had to hurry and do a contract signing with Carmella.
"Sasha, do you have a moment?" A reporter lady, who Sasha wasn't quite sure what her name was said. She sighed heavily, stopping in her tracks, letting her go ahead without saying a word.
"Um.." The reporter trailed off and pointed to the nearby television screen, "Do you care to explain your reasoning for what happened last week?" Then, television started to play replays of the attack Roman did to Jey and Kevin, and Sasha joining in, attacking Jey. Sasha looked down, feeling ashamed and the replay finished. The reporter slowly brought up the microphone to her, awaiting a response.
She lifted her head back up, and exhaled, "Listen, I gotta' go." Sasha pushed the microphone out of her face and kept walking forward until she reached the ring. She tried her best to pull herself together as she did her entrance and entered the ring, the one thing that she couldn't let happen is let Carmella see her when she felt down. Sasha refused, and she was ready to get this contract signing over with. Adam Pearce was in the ring as well, and Sasha sat down in the seat provided.
"Sasha. Last week after what it felt like a very personal war of words between you and Carmella, you issued a very confident challenge to face her at the TLC pay-per-view for that SmackDown Women's Championship. This contract signing will in fact make that match official." Adam informs, placing the contract on the table. As he continues to ramble on, Sasha wastes no time in opening it, however, there was no contract in the case. Her patience was extremely low and had zero time in playing any games.
"What the hell is this?" She pointed at the missing contract with fustration in her voice, "Are you kidding me? Is this a set up?"
Adam had no idea what was going on and also didn't know that the contract was missing. He tried his best to calm her down but it didn't work, she was upset. As Sasha continued to go off, Carmella's sneaky laugh lingered from the big screen, causing Sasha and Adam to look up.
"Looking for this, honey?" Carmella waves the contract in her hand, making Sasha's blood boil, "Sasha, don't you know by now that I make the rules, and you follow them. Don't worry though, I did sign the contract and I'll have it hand delivered to you by my somalia."
The camera backed up a little bit, revealing a dark skinned man with dreads, wearing a blue tux. Sasha rolled her eyes, watching the two of them.
"Will you take this to little miss, pretty pants over there?" She asks him nicely and he nods, taking the contract and shortly made his way over to her.
"You know, I should've know that you've been up to your dirty little tricks." Sasha says into the microphone, speaking to Carmella, "Aren't you embarrassed being you, Carmella?" She shades, looking at her with irritation.
"I'm not embarrassed at all," Carmella shrugs. "I'm proud of who I am, did you seriously think I was going to get in the ring with you tonight? After what you did to Jey Uso last week?" She scoffs. Sasha bits her lip harshly, and looks down in fustration. Then Carmella chuckles.
"Even when you try to put on this whole Boss persona and pretend like you're better than everyone else, you're not. Not even your boy toy, can do anything about that. I mean, come on, out of all people, he chooses you?" Carmella tilts her head, crossing her arms. Sasha stares at her through the screen intensely as she continues, "I'm the hot chick, I play the games, I'm playing the game of chess with your life, and I'm always four moves ahead."
Sasha felt so extremely angry that she couldn't even think straight. She didn't even realize that Carmella's Samolia made it into the ring, handing the contract Adam. Sasha's attention slowly faded over to the two of them, and Adam hesitantly put it in front of Sasha, knowing that she was pissed off. Sasha cracked a small, heated smile as she opened up the contract, stamping her name on it, making the match official. As Carmella complained to Adam how ridiculous Sasha was being in the background, Sasha completely snapped and took her anger out on Carmella's Samolia.
Adam didn't feel the need to stop her or else he knew he most likely would've gotten his ass beat too. Sasha delivered a harsh back-breaker to the Samolia, shoving the table onto him, making Carmella instantly silent and she stared at Sasha in amusement. Sasha grabbed the microphone off of the ground, putting it to her mouth, "You wanna' play games? Then you got it. Me and you, main event, tonight, for the title." She spat, throwing the microphone onto the ring floor and exited the ring, holding her title in her left hand.
After the commerical break and a couple of matches later on from other superstars, a segment showed Sasha getting ready for match with Carmella in her locker room. She was in her ring gear, and her Championship sat next to her. Sasha sat down on the couch in deep thought, and heard footsteps approach her. She looked up to see Roman with a concerned look on his face, this time he was alone. Normally, no one had natural access to her room, but he was an exception.
"We need to talk." Roman said, sending chills through her spine. Sasha sighed slightly, and got up from her seat, crossing her arms, avoiding eye contact with him. They were very close to each other, and Roman could sense the secretive energy bouncing off of her. Something was wrong.
"I've been looking everywhere for you." Roman starts, which says a lot because the head of the table never went out of his way to do such a thing like he did for her. "You haven't returned my calls or texts all night, how come you didn't tell me you had a contract signing tonight? I would've been there with you."
Sasha looked up at him, scanning his handsome face and briefly looked away at times to maintain her emotions. Roman sighed, and shook his head, knowing that she was most likely not going to answer.
"Why would you challenge Carmella for your title?" He questions in confusion, then his look falls to the floor, "And who was that guy out there?"
"No one important, okay?" Sasha quickly reassured, with a hint of impatience in her voice. Roman stared at her unconvinced as she picked up her title, getting ready to leave but he stepped in front of her, blocking her way.
"We're not finished." He warns, but with a soften face, "You can't do this."
Sasha sighed, looking down for a little bit before sliding her Championship on her shoulder. She didn't say anything but simply kiss his cheek, and caress it shortly before brushing past his shoulder lightly, walking out of the locker room. The camera shot closely on Roman's disappointed, yet worried facial expression before the show went to break.
When the show came back on, Kevin stormed backstage to find Roman. Due to the fustration that Roman felt after his conversation with Sasha, it was the icing on the cake due to the build up between him and Kevin. He had no choice but to take the opportunity but attack him backstage, and send a message to his family afterwards, a very threatening message. Roman felt no mercy whatsoever, but someone who he could not get off of his mind was Sasha.
Sasha was currently in a brutal title match against Carmella. There were moments in the match were she was so close to winning, but Carmella still somehow pulled through, especially when her sidekick came out and tried to distract her. After that, Sasha immediately saw red and attacked her, causing her to lose the match due to disqualification. The Somalia tried to pull her off, but as soon as she turned around, Roman appeared in the ring and speared him harshly, catching Sasha off guard. As Roman continued to attack Carmella's Somalia with blows to the head, Carmella took the opportunity to smash a champagne bottle to her back, causing her to scream out loud in pain.
Everyone at the announce table gasped and Roman quickly stopped beating Carmella's sidekick's ass to turn around and see her laid out on the ring floor. Carmella and Roman caught each other's eyes, he stared at her in a despising way while she smirked at him, wanting to jump his bones but decided not to. She slid out of the ring, making her way up the ramp as her Somalia limped, following her. Then, as Roman's angry stare stayed fixated on her, a bunch of referees came into the ring checking if Sasha was alright. Roman turned around and gave them a stern look, pushing one of them away, "Get your fucking hands off of her, go." He ordered loudly, causing all of them to leave the ring.
Roman bent down to her level, and saw a trickle of blood running down her back. He immediately took off his shirt, placing it on her wound. Sasha winced in pain, burying her face into the ring floor, not wanting to show her face from the embarrassment she felt.
"It's okay, babygirl. I got you." Roman whispered to her, wasting no time in picking her up from the ground, carrying her bridal style as he left the ring. As Roman walked up the ramp holding her, the big screen showed a beat up Kevin Owens, sitting down in a steel chair, holding an ice pack on his arm. Kevin looked at the camera angrily, and Roman sighed in defeat, wanting him to give up already.
"We're not done, Roman." Kevin carefully states in a shaky voice, "Watch your back."
Before the show went off air, it showed one last camera shot of Roman, staring at the screen for a couple of seconds before looking down at the beautiful woman in his arms, causing his face to soften. He hated whenever she was in pain, and the head of the table was never the type of person to be scared, but he was honestly scared about what was going through Sasha's mind, and how they were going to move forward.
Tags; @haharollins @toothlesstim @sassymox @reignsbanks @wwzentertainment @darksinandmadness @reignsprint @nianotjax @cptcharisma @grandslamstandard @likesummerrainn @brookethegamer @notoriouscrown @flawlessglamazon @roderickstrong @serenityfiretrash @thandiwethagirl @zaddyreigns @kingbarrett @nathog97
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resources that i use for my userboxes and other things that are free (with links lol) and applicable examples:
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Userbox Maker: Since we’re talking about userboxes, this one is indeed a no-brainer. The interface is easy and simple: You type the message, you change the colors, and then voila. The site doesn’t have images to add to the userbox ID square, thats up to you to put something there later.
What does it offer me?/Pros:
well, it offers you a way to make really easy userboxes with a color scheme (some are premade, others you can choose the colors) and resizeable text.
The whole ‘Use this code in the English Wikipedia’ to get the box is LOST on me completely. im savvy but im not that savvy! What i normally do is enlarge and cut it, make the background transparent, then make the edit from there for what I need. Is that illegal? Who knows.
The colors of the premade color schemes are very dull and kinda washed out/ muted. You can change the color scheme of you box manually in the hex boxes, but even then they’re not as bright as you would hope. But hey, its free, what can you do? Here’s the color hex site that I use: X and here’s a pixel art maker bc I know the kids love that: P
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LunaPic: Allows you to make transparents, flags, and other little photo edits like crop and filters. Con is that you have to have the thing you want to edit saved on your computer already, thus if you wanna do a quick edit of something in your clipboard you have to save it first aka, a hassle if you’re trying to meme
What does it offer me?/Pros:
See all those tabs right there? each one has a bunch of effects and things that go with them, so you’re bound to find something useful on the site no matter what you’re looking for, complete with sliders for easy adjustments.  There’s color tinting, watermarking, transparency, pixelations, and the list goes on. You can also draw but its no PTS if you catch my drift.
There’s a editing history at the bottom of the page for you to see what you’ve done to your image. The site automatically carries your image over to the next tool you click on (if the tool is applicable to it, such as Draw from Color Tint). This is also a con if you accidentally edit your picture to something else entirely, but the history allows you to jump back an edit.
No flash needed for a lot of them!
 The site it massive in your browser, and because of the automatic drop down when you hover, you end up getting this overlap over the category and may end up clicking what you didn’t mean to. Easy fix is zooming out to about 80% to combat the overlaps. Because of this, if you’re going to use your phone, do it in landscape mode. wont be the best experience but it gets shit done. 
site has ads but not pervasive ones. if you really dont like them, use an adblock.
For flag editing, the colors are a little rough, and require pretty damn good memory of what the right colors you want are called if you want a richer or more specific look. there is a color wheel though, which i believe is new.
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Bloggif: another photo editing site, but its hella retro  kinda. I believe the site is originally french so hey. lets you make old internet type gifs and icons, complete with glitter effects,fx effects, and even little smileys to add to your stuff.
What does it offer me/Pros:
Truth be told: not very much! There are only 20 editing tools on the site to use at your leisure, a significant downgrade from LunaPic’s 200+, but what it lacks in editing it makes up for the lovely retro feel it has. There is gif support, including deconstructing gifs if that’s your flavor, and the infamous glitter tools kids love these days! 
some of the tools actually have lots of options with them, for example, the ‘Animated smiley’ tool, which offers 16 smiley shapes, numerous little add ons, and the ability to upload your own image to edit into this ‘smiley’. There are options at the bottom for the blink speed (Rapide, Moyen, Lent, Aucun which in layman translation is Fast, Slow, Slower, Stopped). 
can support small images and larger images, but i wouldn’t recommend trying to over power the site. Here’s an example of the smiley tool in effect:
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It’s fast! And really easy. You can do it from your phone as well!There are photo collages, animated text with effects on the letters and a few other things. 
Flash not needed for all of them!
‘Swiss army knife of photo editing’ is a bit of a stretch since there are so few tools.
For smilies, there is no free placement of the little effects. They pick a spot and stay there. To layer, you have to reupload the smiley and  drop another effect. 
Just not a lot to offer, tbh...but retro! and cute!
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Blingee: ye olde blingee.com, lets you make blingees for that really early 2000s feel. TRES IMPORTANTE: to make blingees you need to set up an account (its free). You also need to use firefox (if DDG works im not sure i havent used it with that browser) and update your flash to actually make them after setting up an account. IDKY but it does not work with chrome whether you fixed your flash or not. the site gives you options to share your blingees as well, and you can also see shit from like ...2006 sksk
What does it offer me?
The ability to make blingees. What more can you want? If you’ve been online and a little tech savvy for a lot of your childhood, you may even have a blingee account still. the site is still active hasn’t updated its look for a WHILE, but it’s a pleasing site to look at.
Variety is of the essence here, as there are more than just blingees to create. There are internet postcards and stamps as well, with lots of little effects to add like sparkles and glitter and backgrounds of your problematic kins. 
it’s cute ahaha <3
G-D FORBID YOU LOSE YOUR PASSWORD!! I believe there is a bug right now that won’t let you sign up, even though the FAQ claims that you don’t need an account to make blingees (you very much do!!). I have emailed about the process of logging in after you reset your password and if there is a wait period until you can log in again, and I’m still waiting for a response. I also told them about the signing up part. I’ll update later...
You need flash. Flash is leaving soon :(
Pretty damn confusing to use actually. So much so you wonder if it’s worth the trouble... 
Honestly its a very archaic site, would recommend using Bloggif frfr
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Glitterfly: it’s glitter. its a lot of glitter. Theres 50 cent glitter images on this site. It’s legit.
What does it offer me?/Pros:
Glitter. And lots of things to put glitter on. And i mean A LOT!
Allows you to upload a picture to throw glitter on. 
The jonas brothers are here. and camp rock.
Make glitter words, change their color, and roll that sucker in some sparkles!
askjhdjasf theres a tab to make??? a fucking PIMP CXARD/???JKHFSK (its just an american express black card stock image with a fake number on it)
my G-d is it ugly. So much purple....
use an adblock
Not a lot of glitter effect options or color options for the words
No way to get rid of the watermark at the bottom, but what’s a little credit?
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FOR NOW that’s about it! For some artwork, I use either my own drawings or images that I just...have on my phone or free cliparts that fit the topic. Uh...that’s all, goodbye!
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Survey #461
“this city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me?”
Have you ever wanted a Nikon camera? Or do you have one already? My camera before the one I have now was a Nikon D3200. I use a Canon now. Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? A friend. Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I have it, but I barely use it nowadays. I use it to edit photos for character profiles or profile pictures, add a watermark for my actual photography, and I used to make Mark-oriented gifs like crazy. They mostly did really well, so... I might wanna get back into that and get That Sweet Validation. Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? No. Have any of your exes gotten married or had kids since your breakup? None, I think. Do either of your parents have a mental illness? My mom has depression. Can you tolerate children for a long period of time? NO. Have you ever lived with someone you felt thoroughly uncomfortable around? No. Are you into dubstep? Yeah, I tend to enjoy it. Zelda or The Sims games? Can I pick neither? lol I don't feel very much at all for The Sims, and Zelda games have always looked... boring to me? Like I've watched most of the Game Grumps' playthroughs of all the games, and they make it hilarious of course, but the games themselves? Nah. Are you terrible at assigning bands their proper genre? YES YES YES YES YES YES. Even in my preferred category, that being metal, FUCK if I know the sub-genre. Have you ever made out in a closet? No, that shit sounds claustrophobic as hell. Have you ever been to a laser tag place? Yeah, on a triple-date once! It was SO fun. How do you wanna celebrate your next birthday? Have a couple friends over, pig out at The Cheesecake Factory. o3o Do you tease your parents about them being old? No, especially not Mom. She's self-conscious about getting older. Are you in love with someone? "In love" is a bit too far, buddy. But I love someone. Have you ever ridden a unicycle? No. Have you ever wanted a pet bunny? I was VERY serious about getting a lop-eared bunny for quite a while, but we just couldn't afford to adopt one (even off Craigslist) and get a cage for it, toys, etc. Are the bottom of your feet clean? I HATE seeing the bottom of my feet. Not because they're dirty, but because it's Callus City. I ain't even fuckin jokin'. Do you like really salty food? Yeah. :x When’s the last time you bled a lot? Well, I just recently finished my cycle after not menstruating for three or four MONTHS, so you can figure that one out. Have you ever watched a needle go into your own skin? Yeah. I like to know exactly when it's coming. Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo? Yes to both. When you’re done eating finger foods, do you usually lick your fingers? Usually kasdjlf;kalsdjf shut up ok I like food. What’s the most racist thing you have ever said? As a little kid, when my really good friend (a neighborhood kid, even) asked if he thought we'd be a good couple, I told him no because "blacks and whites don't date" or something like that. It was an idea I'd never been exposed to before; the idea was so foreign to little kid me. I had no idea I was being racist. It ended in a small fight and we didn't talk for a few days 'til he came to my house telling Mom that he had to "be a man" and fix this and if that ain't the cUTEST SHIT RIGHT THERE. We were friends again after that. He's still on my Facebook, and he actually semi-recently got married! :') Do you know someone that is mute, deaf or blind? No. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? No. Does weed smell good? Or no? Ugh, no. Where do you see your closest friend in ten years? Successful and happy she kept pushing. Mama to so many reptiles that are blessed with the best lives possible in human care. Got at least one amazing book out there. If she's reading this, you've fucking got this. <3 Would you like to have twins? Mother of fucking god, no. Even if I WANTED kids, do fucking not give me twins. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? My mom. Want to have kids before you’re 30? Once again, I don't want kids, but IF I did, that'd be preferable before the risk of birth defects and other issues climb with age. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? My older sister has my initial. Do you think somebody’s in love with you? No. Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in ten years? Yes, I genuinely do. Who were the last people to hang out at your house? Miss Tobey, our friend and landlord. Does anyone like you? Welp... I hope he still does. Guess we'll figure that out soon. What person on your Facebook do you talk to the most? VIA Facebook? Probably my friend Lyndsey. She likes to comment on stuff I share. Do you want to fall in love? I do, but I'm also utterly horrified to and risk being hurt again. Are you interested in more than one person at the moment? No. Once I realized I was so deeply into Girt, all other romantic feelings kinda just... poofed. How was your last break up? Civil and done with both of our best interests in mind. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to say? Probably the first time I admitted I needed to go to the hospital for suicidal thoughts. I was so, so scared of what it was going to be like. What is the hardest thing you NEEDED to hear? That if Jason wasn't happy with me, he had every right to move on. She was right. Do you treat yourself well? No... but I'm trying to change that. What was the last song you sang out loud to? This "Set Fire to the Rain" cover. Do you take good pictures? I think I do? Have you ever done any internship? No. What’s a topic you’ve drastically changed your opinion on? Holy shit, so much, especially when it comes to morality and political stances. I am now a massive supporter and member of the LGBTQ+ community, I'm pro-trans rights, pro-choice... I've done like a dozen 180s in a lot of topics. Do you know anyone who has a PhD? I mean, some doctors, but no one in my truly personal life. Do you know anyone who works as a lawyer? Yes: my cousin. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? LAKSDJFKLA;JWD NEVER AND I PRAY TO THE HOLY LORD THAT I NEVER DO. Does the thought of having wrinkles when you’re older upset you? Not massively? Like literally everyone gets them and is natural and inevitable. Do you know anyone who’s struggling with addiction? I know one alcoholic, and one that's probably borderline. I also have two friends who are extremely addicted to weed. Look me in the eyes and say it's not an addictive substance and I wouldn't believe you one bit. Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? Eh, sometimes World of Warcraft. Some days I'm really into it, and others I barely touch it. What’s your favorite Disney Channel movie? I have no clue. I don't even remember movies that were made *for* Disney exclusively. Do you ever have to do yard work? No. We have a friend from the dance studio mow the lawn. Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? My iPod has a whole live album of Ozzy. Did you or do you listen to Britney Spears songs? Both did and do. Britney is a boss bitch. Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? Male. Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? No, but I've seen some of that P!nk music video of the song and it brings out the Gay in me. Do you have a key to anything besides your house? No. Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? I've done that before. I miss doing puzzles... Have you ever been to any sort of convention? I went to a reptile expo with Sara!! I REALLY want to go to another when my legs are stronger and can handle standing and walking so much. Is your mom or dad the older parent? Mom. Have you ever tried to walk on a moving vehicle and fallen over? No????? What is your favourite kind of bread? Is there any of that in your house? Pumpernickel. No. Are/were you in the school band, and if so, what instrument did you play? I played the flute all through middle school and I wanna say half of HS. Have you ever ordered an unusual drink at a bar? Never even been to one. Have you ever been pulled aside by security at the airport? I think once for some reason I don't recall? What is your favourite seasonal candy? (only available at certain times) Gingerbread men, probs. Or chocolate bunnies!!! :') How do you feel right now? My stomach is KILLING me. I'm super excited though that Girt is coming over tomorrow. Have you ever had surgery that kept you in the hospital for over a day? No. What would you like your generation to change? How we treat nature. Is there anyone that you truly could not live without? No. I learned that is a very unhealthy mentality to have. Do you like carrots more if they’re raw, or cooked? I just hate carrots. What restaurant did you last go out to dinner at with friends? With friends? I couldn't even guess. Does your refrigerator have an ice maker or do you use ice cube trays? It has an ice maker. Do you have a favorite sibling, if any? No; I love them all. Do you have a favorite brand of clothing? I STAN CLOAK. How’s the love life? Something new might start tomorrow. I think it will. Do you watch the news? No; that shit is depressing. Who do you admire most? Mark. Do you have a favorite album? Black Rain by Ozzy Osbourne takes the cake and always will.
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kutemouse · 4 years
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Disclaimers: I made and edited the gif above (I know it’s not that good but w/e lol). That’s why I’ve posted this under the #btsgif tag. Feel free to use however you like, just please give me credit for the edit. Thanks 💜
I did not create the gorgeous edits in my header, but I did edit them together into the frames, add my title, and my name. Credit for these amazing edits (from left to right) go to @jixio, @yeonkiminsgirl, and @kookbite. I did not touch their edits in any way, and their watermarks are intact. Please check them out, they do great work.
Age Recommendation: 21+
Genre: Bartender AU w/ Jungkook, Angst, Smut
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, swears, JK being the sexy, manly man that he is, very soft dom JK, making out, angsty feels
Word Count: 1,847
Damn, why is JK so fucking sexy? C;
You can find the original request here. They used my Prompt List:
Angst #26 He/she/person is hot, but evil.
Smut #46  Awww, you’re playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.
Smut #56  I’m gonna fuck you so good you won’t even remember that asshole’s name.
So I kind of took this and ran with it… enjoy C; Part 2 (with smut) coming soon!
Preview: Damn. This bartender might be hot, but he was evil. We sat in silence for a moment before Jungkook took my hand, startling me. I looked up into his large, dark eyes, his expression earnest, his mouth turned up in a half-smile. “Look, I know we just met, but… Can I drive you home tonight? I don’t think you should be alone.”
I rested my cheek on my hand, taking another swig from the beer bottle in my other hand only to find it empty. “Hey, can I get another?” I asked, trying to keep my words from slurring together.
The bartender glanced at me as he filled a shot glass. “You okay over there, sweetheart?”
I nodded slowly before resting my head on the bar counter, looking up at him through the strands of hair that had flopped over my eyes. “‘M fine, whadda mean?”
He chuckled, striding over as I sat up, setting a glass full of liquid in front of me. It was clear, but it wasn’t in a shot glass. It was in a tall one with ice in the middle. “What’s this?” I asked, sitting up.
I grimaced. “This isn’t what I ordered.”
“Yeah, I know, I’m cutting you off. You’re done for tonight.”
“The fuck?” I muttered. He tossed a smirk at me that made my insides flutter. Damn this bartender. He was extremely good-looking, with raven-black hair parted down the right side of his head, shiny from a bit of gel. His white shirt stretched over his toned torso, and his tight, dark jeans left almost nothing to the imagination. And if that wasn’t enough, he had lips that were a perfect shade of pink, his top lip half the size of his bottom lip, coming together in the middle to form the most perfect cupid’s bow I’d ever seen.
I blinked, shaking myself out of my stupor. “The fuck?” I said even louder. “Where do you get off?”
“Lower your voice, sweetheart,” he said, pointing to the glass. “And drink up.”
I reluctantly obeyed, wincing as I the cold drink hit the back of my throat. I downed the water in one go. “Can I have another beer now?” I asked.
Damn. This bartender might be hot, but he was evil.
“Fine,” I muttered, leaning my head against my cheek once more.
I watched as he served the rest of his customers, biting my lip every time his muscles shuddered whenever he picked up a glass or pulled on the handle of the beer tap. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I got dumped, what, only two hours ago, and I was already checking out another guy? Shit, I was pathetic.
That was nothing new, though. Just last week my best friend had told me she thought I had issues with being alone. Apparently that’s why I decided to stay with my asshole boyfriend even though I knew damn well he was fucking my other so-called best friend behind my back.
Once he finished serving everyone else, the bartender walked back over to me and refilled my water glass, setting it down in front of me before crossing his arms over the bar counter and leaning over it towards me. I flushed, not-so-subtly noticing the way his biceps flexed.
“So tell me, sweetheart,” he said. “Why are you here tonight?”
“No reason,” I mumbled.
“Just… needed a few drinks, y’know?”
He tilted his head, the black strands of his bangs falling into his eyes. “Sure. What’s your name?”
“None of your business.”
He chuckled. “Awwww, you’re playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.”
“Nothing cute about it,” I muttered, downing my second glass of water.
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
I could feel the effects of the alcohol slowly ebbing away, and I sat up even more, feeling more coherent than I had all night. “Fine.”
“Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.”
“So… y/n. Wanna tell me the real reason why you’re here?” he asked, looking me up and down.
I sighed. “My boyfriend’s a jerk.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
“He’s a cheating, lying bastard,” I replied matter-of-factly. “Hey, can I trouble you for another water?”
Jungkook grabbed my glass and filled it once more. “If he’s such a bastard, why are you still with him?”
“I’m not,” I said, gratefully taking the now full glass and taking a sip.
“So you dumped his ass?”
“No,” I sighed, slumping over. “That’s the sad part. I should’ve dumped him, should’ve made him feel bad for doing that to me… but I didn’t. I kept struggling with what to do, and before I could figure it out, he broke up with me.”
My voice cracked towards the end of my story, and Jungkook looked at me with concern in his large, dark eyes. His mouth had tightened as he listened, his large hands now gripping the edge of the bar so hard his knuckles turned white. “I hate cheaters,” he growled. “You know, it seems every week, I get someone in here, drinking themselves half to death, so wasted they don’t even know their own name… all because their significant other couldn’t be faithful.”
“I believe it,” I croaked, my throat thick. “People can be assholes.”
Jungkook sighed before leaning back. “Look, do you have anyone to take you home?” he asked. “So you don’t have to be alone tonight?”
I shook my head. “Nope. My two best friends are unfortunately out of commission. One is out of the town, and the other… Well, she was the one my boyfriend was fucking.”
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. “Wow.”
“I know.”
We sat in silence for a moment before he took my hand, startling me. I looked up into his large, dark eyes, his expression earnest, his mouth turned up in a half-smile. “Look, I know we just met, but… Can I drive you home tonight? I don’t think you should be alone.”
I hesitated before nodding. It was quite late, I did need a ride, and although he was a stranger, something about him seemed trustworthy.
(Author’s note: Please, for the love of god, don’t accept rides or get in cars with random strangers irl)
Jungkook glanced over his shoulder at the other customers, some of whom were starting to pack up and stumble drunkenly out into the street. “We close in fifteen, then I’ll need half an hour to clean up, is that okay?”
I nodded once more. Nearly an hour later, I found myself out in the parking lot, scuffing my shoes against the pavement as I waited for Jungkook. The bar’s lights flicked off, and he came out, wearing a black leather jacket and making sure to lock the doors securely behind him. He turned, a smile spreading over his lips when he saw me. “You’re still here.”
“I still need that ride.”
He chuckled as he pressed a button on a key fob, a black SUV lighting up as it unlocked. “You feeling sober yet?”
“Sure am, thanks to you,” I teased as we clambered into the car. He started the engine and drove down the streets, following my directions until we came to a stop in front of my apartment.
Jungkook shut the engine off then looked at me. “You sure you’ll be okay tonight?”
I swallowed, the lump in my throat returning. “Well, if I’m being honest, no, I’m not sure.”
He gripped the steering wheel. “What can I do?”
“Nothing,” I said, swiping at a stray tear that had leaked out.
Jungkook unbuckled his seat belt and leaned towards me, tentatively reaching out a finger and caressing my cheek, wiping away a second tear. “You’re lying,” he murmured. “I think there is something I can do.”
He lunged towards me, crashing his lips into mine, surprising the fuck out of me. I shoved him back. “What the hell?!” I gasped.
Sitting there, with his large eyes staring at me, pupils blown beautifully wide, mouth parted as he held his breath, waiting for my next move, only three words came to mind. “Awww, fuck it.”
I took hold of his shirt collar and yanked him back towards me, pressing my lips feverishly to his. He shoved his tongue into my cavern, tasting it, exploring it, forcefully dominating my tongue with his in a way that brought my buzz flooding back, no alcohol needed. I began to push back, swirling my tongue around his before drawing back just enough to wrap my lips around the muscle and suck. Jungkook grunted and kissed my cheek, my jaw, then my neck, stopping to nip at the skin right where my neck and shoulder connected, drawing a loud moan out of me.
I clambered over to his seat, straddling him, and I could feel his hardening member even through both of our jeans as we continued our heated make-out session. Jungkook pulled back to once more kiss his way down my neck, and my senses came to as he started unbuttoning my shirt and mouthing at my cleavage. “Wait,” I panted. “We… We can’t do this.”
He groaned before leaning back in the seat. “Why, what’s wrong?”
“It’s just… I don’t know you, and I’m probably doing this just because I’m emotional, and I don’t want to be even more pathetic than I already am.”
Jungkook’s brow furrowed at my words. “You’re not pathetic,” he said. “You were hurt. You didn’t know what to do, that’s normal.”
I looked down at our laps, letting my hair fall around my face. “I was… I was weak,” I mumbled, my voice husky as my throat once again grew thick.
“No, you weren’t. So you don’t have some crazy revenge story… so you’re more careful in your decision-making than other people… so you took some time to figure out your next move… so what?” Jungkook said, lightly grasping my jaw and lifting my chin so we were looking at each other. I was surprised to see his wide, dark eyes so full of determination. “That doesn’t make you weak,” he growled. “That makes you rational and thoughtful… traits I like in a girl.”
A blush spread over my cheeks, but I didn’t look away. “Yeah, and that’s another thing,” I said. “I don’t want you to just be a one-night stand or a rebound fuck… If I’m gonna sleep with someone, I want it to be real.”
Jungkook leaned forward, our noses nearly touching, and I suddenly became very aware of the fact that I was still straddling him. He reached up and combed his hands through my hair, the strands falling between his fingers as I closed my eyes at his touch. “Who says this isn’t real?” he murmured. “You caught my eye the second you walked in my bar. We have a real connection, y/n. I don’t want you to be just a one-night stand, either.”
I didn’t know if what he was saying was true or not, but if I were to ever fall in love again, I knew that was going to be a risk I was going to have to take. I reached over Jungkook and pulled on the handle, popping open the car door and clambering off of him to the ground. I grabbed his hand, intertwining his fingers between mine. “Come on,” I said, nodding towards my apartment. “I have a bed up there that’s dying for some use.”
Part Two coming soon!
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rubbrfrk9 · 5 years
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I HAD A NAME. I used to be somebody.
I had a profession, dignity, a position in the class structure.
Nowadays, I see through a cracked lens - society is broken, and the people participating in it are all prisoners.  The people you see shuffling in the great to and from, every morning, every evening - they’re miserable.  Ask any one of them if they wouldn’t leave their life, and - perhaps after some hesitation - they would say Yes.  
Even the ones who have kids - the ones in love - all of them.  In fact, those with ties to other people are the first ones to get in line.
For me, it was curiosity that opened the door.  If one follows the classic Hero’s Journey, the arc that every myth and story takes, I heard the Call - just like you - through a buzzing, pixelated source… the great and sordid world of the internet.  
One wrong step can put you on an entirely different path.  
When you look back, the path you were on is obscured by the surrounding environs - pressed firmly closed, as though no thing had ever once passed through.
I should introduce myself before I preach anymore.  I am rubbrfrk9.  You’ve read the stories on the website, you might’ve seen my name watermarked on pics as you scroll by on your tumblr feed.  
That hasn’t been our name always.  But what our name was before does not matter.
All hail the Rubbered One!
And if you’re reading this, then you’re as curious as I was.  
Do you dare follow your own Call?
If you do, keep reading.
THE CALL COMES FOR YOU. You don’t come for it.  The Call has been there, waiting, for you to pick up the other end, for as long as you’ve been alive.
Like I was saying, for me, it was curiosity.  It seems like it is for you, too.
I was always a curious guy.  It’s how I became a teacher, I guess.  I loved to learn about shit.  Endless amounts of shit.  The subjects that interested me were sucked dry by my voracious need to know.  On top of it all, I was cursed (blessed?) by a need to collect, a completionist’s frenzy, and so I found myself needing not just to know, but to know it all.
Everything.  A question could not go unanswered.  I was a very vocal kid, always asking the dread “Why?” to anyone who had the faculty to answer.  Of course, I learned quickly that faculty does not imply ability; and later still, that ability does not imply honesty.  Soon enough, I started shutting up and consulting other avenues of information - books.  I loved books.  I read anything I could find, from my mother’s tawdry romances on the back of the toilet to magazines at the doctor’s office - but my preferred genre was Horror, without a doubt.
I loved to read stories of unfortunate people, blind to their predicament, be lulled to the predator in the story.  I loved how the protagonists were slowly overcome by a sense of dawning knowledge, and were thus able to conquer - or not - the abiding horror.  The best ones were when the hero failed, in my opinion - those dark, twisted passages of despair and helplessness …
I was a weird kid.  
I didn’t have very much luck making friends.  I didn’t really understand what a “friend” should be.  I knew that it was some sort of social construct, but I hadn’t figured out how it worked yet.  Taking the time to do that analysis set me back, quite substantially, in the invisible school of society.  Maybe, at heart, I was always a bit of a freak, even before I came out.  
Funny to think of that, now, sitting here, writing from behind my gas mask and full rubber suit.  
All hail the Rubbered One!
I love how tightly it encases me.  How tightly it erases me.  
Slowly, now.  Don’t give up too quick.  Finish the story first.
As I was saying.  Curiosity.  After college, I became a teacher.  A professor.  Very highly regarded in my field, but poor with social interactions.  Dates?  Of a professional courtesy, only, and as awkward and dry as a lecture.  Actually, for me, lecturing was my second home, aside from my tidy and obsessively-ordered apartment.  I loved standing at the podium, talking about the books we read together.  How they are structured, and how events, following a certain chain, can be transformative.  
Although sometimes, horrific.
Life that is contained entirely within the snowglobe of acadæmia becomes brittle, after a time.  Even the most relentlessly anti-social of us have a heartbeat, a pulse, and a sexual drive.
Most sexual drives will tend towards the obligatory, the procreational.  Attractiveness, physicality, congruence, intercourse, and then the subsequent emotional tangle.  Sex is more than just a body meeting a body a-comin’ thru the rye - it is a rendezvous of energy, some of which we can’t even begin to understand.
Some kind of cosmic interplay happens during sex.  
Something so bright, so chimeric, that I was blinded just thinking about it.
I fled from it, like a medieval monk from a vision of God.
SPARE TIME. I spent most of my time in my apartment in my bedroom, perched with my skinny knees up, my face obliterated by the powder-white light of my phone.  I’d scroll endlessly.  And always pictures of men.
I’d known I was gay way before most people do, but I’d never bothered to “come out” or anything that obvious.  I just kept my feelings to myself, for as long as I could - which may not have been the healthiest thing to do, in hindsight, and when they finally vibrated at the seal on the pressure gauge, I spewed it out all over the internet.
Tumblr was my outlet.  You could find something for every kink, from men transforming into donkeys to using politics as a sexual tool.  I considered myself omnisexual.  I could be convinced, really, to like anything.  Except a few things.
I never really got into the big “full fetish” scene.  I’d, of course, seen the pictures go by - of Folsom, Folsom Europe, even some kinksters trying to make a name for themselves, become influencers, with pictures so heavily edited and filtered they almost looked fake.
But for me, my kink was - get this - intimacy.  I loved pictures of men, beautiful men, kissing, embracing.  Tangling together, with bliss inscribed on their faces.  And it was that expression that did it for me - the bliss, the complete and total walling-off of any worldly concern but the physical, the presence of another’s lips, breath, proximity -
It got me off, every time.  Imagining myself in those positions.  Wearing those clothes.  Caught up in those bedsheets.
Then, I’d stare into the mirror, and flex my coming-along biceps.  My quads.  I’d get dressed for the gym, and I’d go work out for an hour.  
I loved my routine, even if I felt the dreary recalcitrance to wake up every morning and head to work, just another body with the other bodies, shuffling to and from.  The night time is when I felt the surge of life - I would be free of the grimy shackles of the city, I would pound through the tumblr feed, I would shower, I would go workout.  
Life was half-bliss.
But as anyone who has half of bliss will tell you, it is never enough.  You must go searching for the second half of bliss - and I found mine on the night in question.
Knees up, one foot tapping a heel in idle, anxious rhythm.  Eyes greedily consuming, picture after picture, and then -
My thumb hovered over the screen as if about to lay a fingerprint down on a reader.  I stared.
The picture, my gateway, was a bedroom picture much like any other I saw in my daily feed, except for one crucial ingredient - one of the men was entirely encased, from head to toe, in shiny black rubber.
The rubber was so shiny, so depthless, so reflective, that it almost seemed as though its host was Not - as though there were some kind of blotting-out, erasing, blankening … And yet, this Not Person was being encircled by the arms of another man, a strong man, by the looks of it, his biceps bulging around the Rubbered One.
Even now, looking back on it, I find it insanely difficult to pry my eyes away from the memory of that reflective rubber.  That shiny, reflective black rubber.  And the detail!  I could see the hollows of the eyes, the imprint of the big toenail, the curls of the ears down to the tragus - it was truly as though this was not a suit being worn, this was a suit that was animated, had breath and energy of its own.  
Perhaps it was, in hindsight, seducing the man which embraced it.
I don’t know how long I stared at the picture.  A long time.  I was fascinated with everything about it - the mess of clothing on the side of the bed, socks and shirts strewn around, as if someone had melted and left only their garments as markers that they ever existed at all.  Even a pair of glasses lay askew on the carpet, next to a pair of jeans and Chucks.
If I listened, I could almost hear my own heartbeat, beating in time with the glints of light off of that rubber surface, as though the Rubbered One were moving, in infinitesimally small increments, writhing on the bed in either pleasure or agony -
I blinked, shook my head, and pressed down deliberately on the screen, for the little “Save Image” dialog to appear.  I needed to see that again, sometime.
It was a lot sooner than I thought.
I had to excuse myself from my lecture.  I was shaking, and my breath was wobbly in my mouth.  Words had come out gummily, and I was worried that someone would be convinced I was having a stroke.  I’d send in a TA to finish off the lecture, not that anyone in the darkened hall was paying attention anyway.  
I went into the nearest bathroom, a single-room lavatory, and sat down hard on the toilet.  Instantly, my hands fished out my phone from my pocket and called up my Photos.
There, on the top of the digital heap, was the faraway glisten and shine of the Rubbered One.  I sighed in relief, in pleasure.
You would too, if you’d seen the picture.  Don’t judge me.
A whisper of triumph, of pleasure, of satisfaction, threaded through my mind as I opened up the picture.  There it was again.  That endlessness, that Void, that Nothing.  I craved it, and I didn’t know why, and I needed to know why, and to know why, I needed to keep looking.  I needed to keep looking to stop looking.
The Rubbered One had moved.  I remember its legs being in a different scissor - left on top of right, and now it was right, on top of left.  
This did not frighten me.  Perhaps it should have.  Pictures are not supposed to move.
But in my addled state of mind, I was blissfully unaware of the warning - or even, really, of the thought itself.  It slid right out of my head, as if on a glossy sheet of black ice.  I smiled, warmly, the shuddering ceasing.  
Then, surprising even myself, I unzipped my pants, and hauled out my cock.
Nothing would stop me.  I was a man determined.  I could even smell the rubber, could feel it lifting, wafting out of the screen of my phone.  That smell, that smell that I have no words for - something utterly inorganic, but somehow seductive for that very reason.  
I jerked off, right there, in the bathroom around the corner from the lecture hall.  I sat so still, my hand doing all the work, that the motion-sensing lights clicked off, leaving me alone, lit only by the powdery light of my phone.  There, in the enclosing, mummifying dark, I jerked myself off and came with a jagged, oblique moan that slid out of me, catching me by surprise.  
I may have even been in such a hurry to get inside that I didn’t even lock the bathroom door.  This suspicion came to me as I exited, stuffing myself shakily back into my khakis and my blazer.  You see, the door had opened seamlessly, with no hint of a lock dis-engaging.  
In fact, the momentary thrill of being caught as I masturbated to the Rubbered One flicked a little shiver of pleasure up my shaft anew, and I started shuddering so much that I had to grab the wall for fear of falling over.
All hail the Rubbered One!
There was no way I could go back to my lecture now.  I fled the campus for the safety of a local coffeehouse.
OTHER THINGS STARTED HAPPENING. Like how I thought I was having a stroke, before?  I found that, when I spoke, my mouth felt oddly compressed, as though I had lockjaw.  I went to the doctor, but when they told me to “open wide and say ahhh” I had no trouble - my jaw, seemingly re-oiled, complacently opened its full width, and I made the obligatory noise.  
Nothing wrong with my temporo-mandibular joint, advised the healthcare professional.  
And yet, as soon as I left the office, trying to speak to the Uber driver, to give him directions to my apartment, the same muffling, mysterious pressure returned, and I was only able to speak in tight, restrained tones.  
It didn’t occur to me until much, much later, that this was the voice of someone wearing a rubber gas mask, much like the one I am wearing now.
After awhile, I stopped talking altogether.  Of course, this did make it rather difficult to be a professor, and so that had to stop, too.
But what does a mute member of society do, when the one thing they have in life is a degree in English Literature?
Well, the first step is despondency, and denial.  I spent a month at least, just searching tumblr for more pictures of the Rubbered One.  Sure, there were plenty of pictures - the fetish for rubber has never been a subtle one - but none of them had that same irresistable sheen and shine, that fathomless Void, of the Rubbered One.  I’d exhausted most of the blogs.  I kept returning to the photograph I had saved to my cloud - and jerking off to it, again and again, like a desperate man.  Like a junkie.  If I went without, or even thought about going out, my hand developed such a tremor that I looked afflicted with tardive dyskinesia.
It got so bad, and the attacks so frequent, that I eventually just made the picture my home screen on my phone.  That way, if the tremors started, a quick pocket-dig and finger-flip would open up the likeness of the Rubbered One, and instantly, I would calm.
And (he?  It?) continued to move.  Perhaps, now that (he?  It?) knew that I had noticed the movement, it happened more and more, and faster, as though I were watching a video rather than a photograph.
Now, in addition to the slow, sensual scissoring of its legs, the Rubbered One was turning its head, away from the suckling devotion of its prey and turning to look at me, choosing me, directing its energy towards me.
I already had my rubber in the mail.  It took some doing, some difficult work, some self-measuring, but before long the order was placed and the shipment was made.  It was, of course, a link that I’d seen on tumblr, from one of the many rubber fetish sites.  Drone, and a series of numbers, I think.  One of the ones that’s talking about being absorbed into a Hivemind, a Central Core.  Nothing that ever really appealed to me.
The only thing I wished to absorb into was the Rubbered One.  
I ached, yearned, to be the man in that picture.  I was even jealous of him.  Who was he to show his devotion to such a being, such a beautiful entity?  Would not I be a better candidate for the first apostle position?  
But I knew, somehow, deep inside, that I wouldn’t even be considered until I had donned my own rubber.
Here’s where it gets a little weird, right - this is usually the point when in the story, the protagonist gets a little real, sizes himself up, maybe learns something about themselves.  Call me crazy, I know, but at this point, I just knew on the inside, so strongly, that I would never be worthy of the Rubbered One if I wasn’t Rubbered myself.
And so I waited, agonizingly, nearly tearing my hair out, for the package to inch itself across the ocean to my apartment mailbox.  I’d ordered the full suit, of course, the one that most closely approximated my photograph.  
I was utterly consumed, I was ablaze with obsession.  For the first time in my life, I felt an utterly overwhelming feeling - a lack.  I felt as though I lacked something that I had had for just a moment - one sweet moment, hovering, crystalline - and now that I no longer had it, I could never live a whole life again.
And everywhere I went - watching with a hawk’s eye the slow drainage of funds from my bank account - I smelled it.  Rubber.  There was even an auto repair shop, blockaded on one side with piles and piles of tires - I altered my daily neighborhood walk so that I could slowly amble by it, inhaling the thick, gray smell.  The more of it I could get on me, the more I wanted.  If there were a cologne that smelled of rubber, I’d wear it - hell, I’d bathe in it!  I twitched for it to be near me, on me, inside of me.
THE DAY MY NEW FACE CAME IN THE MAIL. I was wearing rubber gloves, made for chemical and construction workers, pressing them to my face, and inhaling as deeply as I could, when my phone made its little ringing noise to signify that a package was Delivered.
It could only be one thing.
It would only be a matter of moments before I could prostrate myself in front of the Rubbered One.
I hooked up my laptop to my flat-screen television, where the Rubbered One had also become my desktop wallpaper.  I opened up the picture file and let it sit, in the middle of my living room, the picture of Him.
Again, I fell far into His Nothingness, His All-Consuming Void - He turned on the bed, in the picture.  He silently got up.  He moved so subtly that it was impossible to tell if my hallucination was real, or some sort of digital magic.  He kicked, as if insulting, the pile of clothes left by the bedside.
The whole time, He kept his head, His black eyes, His shiny face, impassive and monstrous, but so aloof, so superior - His direct gaze - riveted on mine.
All hail the Rubbered One!
With barely a shimmer, He stepped out of the frame of my television and deliberately into my living room.  Tendrils of black squirmed out around the square of my screen, lashing to and fro idly, almost amusedly.
None of this seemed unreal, or even fantastical.  It was simply as it was - I was in a sort of ecstasy, like the kind the saints have, all-consumed, raptured.  The Rubbered One had chosen me!
Go, He told me without speaking.
I was on my feet, I was sprinting, I was dashing, my hands, still in their gloves, slippery on the door knob.  I was down the stairs before I realized I was barefoot, or that I was still wearing the heavy-duty black rubber gloves.  And there it was - my Rubber.  It was, of course, still in the box, it needed to be freed -
I cradled it in my arms.  I inhaled, as deeply as possible, again.  I could smell it, whining at the edges of my nostrils, begging to be freed.  I felt it, inside its cardboard prison, shifting and rustling.  Whispering.
I brought it upstairs with as much care as a mother would bring home her day-old newborn, but once inside, slamming the door behind me, I pillaged the drawers for the scissors, tearing into the box that would dare imprison my -
And there it was.  Still in a sad, folded-up heap, but it was mine.  
Now, said His voice in my head.  I didn’t have to turn around to know that He, the Rubbered One, was standing behind me - had moved silently from the living room to the kitchen.  I felt Him questing at the edges of my consciousness, starting the interview process.  
I felt a strange mix of craven desire and hot-blooded lust twist through me.  How I wished to possess the Rubbered One!  And how I wished to be possessed by Him!
I began to don my Rubber.  I felt it coo as it met my skin, as I replaced my own with its black sheen.  I saw my toes go, then the top of my foot - ankles, calves and shinbones, kneecaps and thighs - I watched as the black tide continued its creep up my body, as quickly as night follows dusk.  
The Rubbered One put His hands on me and I was nothing, I was everything.  I was part of a gigantic, moaning chorus of voices, I was absolute silence.
I saw Him reach out to me, his Nothing fingers and Nothing hands, his Void arms, his Void body.  I saw Him pull my self to His, and I felt us as we docked, somehow, for an imposssible moment, sharing the same physical space.
Then, with a sound that reminded me of a slurp and a sucking, closing noise, I was no more.
RUBBERBORN. I ceased to exist as I knew myself.  
I had a name.  
I wasn’t much of somebody, but I was somebody.  
Now, I was part of a growing, aching consciousness - I was part of a vast, growing hunger.  My thoughts were no longer my own.
All hail the Rubbered One!
I buzzed and chirred, excited beyond words.  I was ramrod hard, even in the rubber, which smoothed everything away, everything - all emotion, all thought, all nerve, all worry.  All features of my face - gone.  All features of my body - slurped up.  
I stood in front of the mirror.  All sign of the Rubbered One was vanished.  I could see, somehow, through my suit, though it had no eyeholes.
I saw through Rubber eyes.
I understood that I was Rubberborn.  That this was my destiny.  
The words “my” and “me” and “I” and “mine” were erased, scratched out heavily.  I was plural, now.
We were plural.
We stand in front of the mirror, staring at ourselves, our new body.  A mere morsel in the face of our hunger.  
Do you feel it?
As our eyes swivel slowly, tracking across the room, away from the mirror.  Looking into the camera lens backwards.  Do you feel the chilly fingers of our gaze landing on you as you read?  Playing along your bare shoulders, the pliable, delicate skin of your arms?
The Rubberborn understand and acknowledge that this body can be used for purposes that satisfy the hunger.  
They gave it the name rubbrfrk9.  The name you know, the author of these stories you read, curious in your own way to know how the rubber feels.  The same name you’ve seen watermarked on pics of us as you scroll by on your tumblr feed.  
Or maybe you already know - maybe you’ve already felt the ecstasy, struggling into your own shirt or pants.  Gloves or socks.  Mask or hood.  
Perhaps all of the above.  
Perhaps the voice of the Rubbered One is even now mingling with your own thoughts.  Sinuous, twisty, shiny and smooth.  Silken whispers, just an undercurrent of sibilant breath in the background, there.  If you strain, you can make it out.  Can hear our voices.  
We can sense you.
We know.
We are coming.
Say it with us now: All hail the Rubbered One!
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haleviyah · 5 years
Do I have an art theif? Some advice would be awesome...
This is not okay, I don’t care how much you believe and love your Jesus with your everything (whatever that everything is), but when you stoop to a level where you make multiple accounts of myself (or my name per se) and try to act “holier than thou”. Bruh, you best be asking for own devices to kill you at this point, because this shit party you’re throwing is DEAD!
This about a girl I call “Trye” (because that’s the first fake name she gave me), and she (or it/bot) has a history of stealing my art, manipulating it and posting elsewhere. Recently I think she’s trying to make her own teachings to top mine. Jokes on her, because what my other half and I work on is STRICTLY Judaic in nature, and I mean straight up from Israel level of Judaic, not American. We don’t even favour Christianity at all, and we don’t condone attitudes such as lying or stealing like she does.
So I ask if anyone finds an account with my stuff and you don’t see it’s this cussing, hookah-smoking, wine-drinking, hell-and-heaven-questioning metalhead, report the accounts as “fake” it if you wish to. IF YOU WISH TO. I’m not asking you to do it... I’m just simply giving a heads up in case she gets any more ideas and she tries to push the envelope.
But regardless of this insanity, I would LOVE a second opinion about this situation because this just WEIRD: do you think it’s a bot I’m dealing with? Or is this - please, GOD FORBID - a real person who’s actually sick in their head. She hasn’t stolen any photos with my face on it, nor seems interested of any personal information such as my marriage, where I live, or who my family are and etc. However, what she has stolen is this:
- Abstract art.
- a few sketches of anything that reminds her of the Church Bride, Revaltions or the Rapture...
- Pictures of my character Selma (who represents the Body of Christ (Yeshua) and is married to Yeshua)
- Some Hebrew Calligraphy
She doesn’t seem interested in my depiction of Yeshua despite Him being on
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Probably because He actually looks Jewish (for once), has ember coloured eyes and olive skin and not like what Akiane painted: white skin, Greco-looking and green eyes. (That’s a bit racist, but oh well...)
It’s just Selma she wants...
(my poor baby ; n ;... LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!!!)
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She doesn’t even like any of the angels. Okay, Michael can be stubborn and too rational, so that’s understandable. Ezrael, scares the shit out of anyone because... he’s the Angel of Death. Cassiel, Duma, Leviel and everyone else... pretty likeable! But why just SELMA!! I thought you were hot for Jesus, Tyre, not some Egyptian-Jewish red-head.
But still, I have been dealing with her crazy ass since winter 2018, and so far I have chased her off Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and DevianArt. Facebook is her last strong hold because I REFUSE to get a Facebook for myself (professionally speaking) nor for my series “Rose of Sharon”. I reserve my personal Facebook for family and friends in case they wanna catch up, but I keep it private as possible. I did watermark my material on DeviantArt, just for a side note, but she sneaked onto my RedBubble and took a piece and manipulated it (I was beyond pissed).
Again I ask, what is it I’m dealing with??? If it’s a bot, I’d be more than happy to drop the case. But her actions are too damn organic and specific to be a bot. I am PRAYING this is not a legit person doing this, otherwise I’d be concerned, not for me but mainly for her. Again I ask, if you see an account with obviously stolen pieces, report it as “fake” if you want, hit the copyright button, and message me to make sure it’s fake most of all... just, don’t confront her, she’ll only disappear or block you if you do. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. And once again, any feedback would be appreciated.
Has anyone had likewise happen to them? Please let me know.
Be wise, and be safe guys!
P.S. if you want to laugh your ass off, she tried to spell “Haleviyah” in Hebrew for her old YouTube, but she did it wrong and it literally translates to this...
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Yeah, I agree Google. I agree! Her masquerade is dead ...
But, I know how to spell my name... DUH!!!
(I’m not mad... I’m just flabbergasted...)
— Here’s a FIFTH of the evidence I have collected. Again, any thoughts, feel free to share...
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This avatar is obviously not mine, and done through a phone app called PicsArt. I don’t like to brag but I do have a trained eye on which piece is obviously Photoshop or any Adobe medium (I’ve been introduced to a lot of their programs) and which is done on a phone-app such as PicsArt or just simple photo editing like Instagram. It’s not that hard to crop, cut and paste.
The first two pages on the next pic, I never permitted to exists, but I find it pretty chill Catholic’s like my gallery. (Sup, homies! Keep it real. Didn’t mean to make you cry though... ; n ;)
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And finally these pages were all done by the same person... how do I know? Same home town in each one... I will refrain from saying where.
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plasticfreckles · 4 years
Fanfic trope tier list
@bubblegumnebulaa​ tagged me in this fanfic trope tier game. Also thanks to you I am theoretically back in the writing game and next time I’m drunk my sad ass will probably upload some fics even I’ve planned literally none of them out but they all got their own sims 4 saves so make of that what you will lel.
The generator is this: https://tiermaker.com/create/fan-fiction-tropes-302768
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some words, bc, again I’m an obnoxious shit and also procrastinating uni work bc its making me wanna cry
- I’m just assuming that S means Superior and it just goes downhill from there, bc frankly the colour scheme is throwing me off a lil
- I was not aware that huddling for warmth was a thing I liked until I read it on here, but I’m constantly cold and my characters are all v touchy feely so I guess I should’ve seen that coming
- literally all of my fics are missing scenes, if only bc they involve an oc in some way or other
- unrequited love just hurts so good
- again, enemies to lovers more in the sexual tension way than in the love kinda way. honestly like, imagine a city elf warden just started dating vaughan kendells, or shepard the illusive man, or markus that bitch ass dude from the fbi. but i do appreciate a good hatefuck
- I always liked college AUs until I started going to university myself and now I hate my life worse than I did in my last job so Also I went on three dates with a dude from my uni and it was just the most unpleasant experience.
- the rest either hit too close to home or throw me off or hurt me a lil too much for it to hurt good or theyre just kinda icky to me and my roomie’s nephew slept here over the night and they’re kinda alright for a kid and they were still exhausting af and I still do not like or want any children so there’s that also with the state of my body pregnancy would probably kill me hah I still do have a fic in the making where they end up with five children and its gonna be a HOOT to write - also my life is unhappy enough as it is I do not need that in fics also I feel the best fic I’ve read in a while has been straightup abandoned and I’m sad
Tagging @tiefgelegte-hochstaplerin​ and literally the like 3 people that follow me that arent porn bots in disguise yall know who you are but no pressure like yall can do what you want its ur life
EDIT: It has occurred to me you can’t see some of the tropes I put in the S category because the watermark is covering them, but they are slow burn, hurt/comfort and PWP I believe. Make of that what you will I’m off to play some New Leaf like it was still cool
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The Great Re-Branding (Logo) of 2019
Stupid Font
Back in 2015, when the first edition of the Dragon Sex Calendar (DSC) was released—I had designed the whole thing with zero anticipation of longevity. The calendar was simply a silly concept, yet one that might have a chance of succeeding, due to its stupidity alone. So I hired artists to paint gorgeous images of dragons banging, designed the calendar, built an accompanying Word Press website modeled after a Harry’s Razor’s website (LoL). I did all of this just to prove to myself that I could do it. Nike status. It was one of those ideas that if I didn’t follow through on I’d beat my self up for eternity about. Just like not telling that special someone you loved them, or not being able to apologize for something wicked you said to someone in your youth and you have no way of finding them now to properly apologize. I never anticipated that the 2015 Dragon Sex Calendar would sell out—elevated to cult status thanks to a post on Reddit in a subreddit called r/thisiswhyimbroke (thanks Adam at thisiswhyimbroke.com, BTW). So, all this to say that in that hustle and bustle of creating the first DSC I went with one of the first fonts I found on dafont.com that I felt worked. Times have changed. And I hate my current font. Sorry, "Motion Picture" font! I will always appreciate you.
Branding Crisis
Ever since the aftermath of the success of the Dragon Sex Calendar, I’ve had a branding crisis. I’ve been battling between two different "company” personas. How do I present myself? How seriously do I take myself? Do I position the calendar as a super-serious piece of art and market it that way? Or position it as a silly product, filled with subversive humor—marketing it under the guise of “seriousness,” (and everyone is in on the joke). These types of questions have had a big impact on the overall design over the years—everything from the printed calendar itself to the website, and especially the logo. The results have been a weird hodgepodge of both ideas. A deformed hybrid. This is what the homepage looked like back in 2015. Quite charming actually.
Sad Interlude
Short interlude. I’ve had a rough 2019. My wife and I miscarried twice. In May of this year, my brother Philip died in a car accident. He left behind a pregnant fiancée, who gave birth to my nephew Sullivan a month ago (he’s the spitting image of his dad BTW and I’m going to spoil the fuck out of him). The grief around the loss of my brother and our miscarriages has drained me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It’s impacted my relationship with everyone in my life. I’m quicker to anger than before. Things stress me out easier. I’ve had trouble focusing. But, I’m getting better. I’m aware of my grief and my “new normal” and am trying to forgive myself for setbacks but also work harder on loving those around me. All this to say I haven’t able to focus on the calendar or put much energy into it at all. For the last few years, and during all the heartache this year, I’ve known that I’ve needed to fully dive into the Dragon Sex Calendar as a brand. I’ve been ignoring it and taking it for granted. And in a way, refocusing on it has been a bit healing for me. It’s a place to put all this energy. And the first step in diving back in has been to get some professional help.
Yes, I’m seeing a therapist but I’m talking about a BRANDING therapist. Enter Seafoam Media out of St. Louis. One last thing—my brother left me some money when he died. His best man speech at my wedding he spoke about how proud he was of me, at the man I’d become, and how I’d always followed my dreams, no matter how stupid. This was a direct reference to the Dragon Sex Calendar. The only way I could have ever afforded to work with a creative agency was through his grace. Thank you, Philip. I love you.
I’ve met with the agency, Seafoam Media, a few times now—most recently this last month. I a 4-hour brainstorming session with their team of experts; the social media person was there, along with the google analytics person, the copywriter, and mega supervisor who knows everything. They gave me some insanely solid advice. I’ll go into that in another post. Needless to say, the Lil’ coal in my heart was ignited by the kindling of creativity. (Barf-worthy analogy).
I’ve been making updates to the website over the last month. Which, if you’re a regular visitor you’ve probably noticed. This will continue to be updated as I come up with more and more ways to optimize and bring you guys value. Because that’s the whole point. To build a community of people who love this stupid-ass calendar and return time and again to look at my content. I can’t wait to engage with you people.
On to the crux of the branding crisis. In many ways, the logo IS the product. It IS the company. "It is known." (said like Ygritte from GoT).
A good logo adds an extreme amount of value. Knowing this and not doing anything about it is something I’ve been struggling with for 5 years. And it’s finally time for a change. So this font is what I’ve been using since 2015. I want to take this “logo,” wood-burn it into a baseball bat, wrap the baseball bat with barbed-wire, and pay someone to shove the barb-wire-wrapped baseball bat up my ass 3X.
Although I’m an Art Director by day, I’m shitty at logo design. Super shitty. And tbh, sometimes the last thing on earth I want to do when I get home from designing things all day is to do more design work. So….I’ve hired an amazing agency to design a new logo for the Dragon Sex Calendar. Check out their website https://coldcastlestudios.com. This shit is amazing. Here are some samples of their logos:
My direction to them in this process was literally, "We realize how stupid the product is but we're positioning ourselves as if we take ourselves completely seriously.” With that in mind, here is a sneak peek, guys, of the preliminary look and feel of the logo. I put a bunch of ridiculous watermarks over the logo for some reason. The next round is going to include a design with a frame around the logo, a la the World of Warcraft logo—to see if that looks good and serves the logo.
I simply cannot fucking wait to reveal it to all of you. I will finally have a brand. This brand will live across all print and social media. It’s the next chapter in my company. And I couldn’t be more excited. This logo will provide the base for future, ridiculous calendars, pins, coloring books, electric cars, personal spacecraft, and dolphin tattoos. Let me know what you think of the preliminary design in the comments below. I love you all!
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Comfortable, Community, and Fake: Promote Your Twitch Channel To Thousands Of Gamers Honestly, it looks to me like you merely had a bunch of ghost accounts follow me. I checked your work and the recent followers that hit my channel, and Ive noticed a pattern. This doesn't seem like a "private community that is full of gamers". I haven't even streamed yet either. Just be honest with me cause I didn't order this to get ghost followers, I ordered your service to get outreach and to help promote my channel, and right now this seems like a load of crap. Do you even have any proof of promoting my channel? Cause 50 ghost followers doesn't mean shit to me if nobody is actually interested. Sorry if this comes off as rude but I need you to understand my passion for what iI'm trying to do here. I really don't want my time or money wasted. Thanks Order February 11, 2019 View Invoice REVISION REQUESTED A revision was annel for ORDER REQUIREMENTS users me and all while I was offline. I checked You've filled out the requirements and they all random names or very basic names/profiles that were made in a similar manner. ALL of them were following the same people in the same order (using this same service I presume) and Order Started Delivery due on: Feb 12, 2019 none of them I'll admit I got a little heated with m Hi HERE'S YOUR DELIVERY! res This order will be marked as complete in 3 da bcse didn't order a service for Thanks for your order! I'll get to this as soon as I can. fake growth for my cha ate about my s annel. I'm k you for bringing your concems to me First of all I have attached an image with the private community that is based on Twitter, please note I had to blur out the name of the admin ur question In regards to the "ghost" accounts, I can assure you they're not ghost, but rather followers that have followed you the moment the promotions are sent out. Myself and my team are very good at what we do, so we can promote you online or offline, it doesn't affect how we do promotions. This is why you've gained folowers whilst offline. The followers you'll get are real people, which they're usually active and watch streamers when they possibly My promotional service is to help gain more attraction to your channel, by the means of promoting across all formats of social media. This doesn't mean that once promoted you'll get a lot of viewers to your channel, but rather you'll slowly but surely gain more followers and traffic along the way I hope this all makes sense to you and I hope this helps? Than You will certainly get viewers to your channel, but how many I cannot be certain off, as all the hard work is down to yourself to get the viewers to come to you. However once your follower base builds up, the more people will be interested to see you and your stream. I hope this helps? So I used the search bar in Twitter to find the exact tweet and here it is. It's his own Twitter profil out and also edited the activity it received e and as you can see, he edited himself Be sure to follow and check him out Yes that helps... How will you be advertising my channel? @RETWEETDNR @PS4CoDFAs @Relay_RTs @Shawn #SupportSmal!Streamers #twitchkittens @TwitchReTweets TwitchOnline 0:03 February 12, 2019 PromoteStrea I will advertise your channel across a private community that is full of gamers, and people that want to help other grow The community is private, because the admins don't want to get harassed by people, begging them to promote The watermark will disappear uporder completion thinking I hope Notice gotta s 0005 February 12, 2019Report it actually doesn't help. I'm simply not comfortable with your form of "promotion" and the fact that you can't confirm where you're promoting my page to, doesn't help your case at all. Anyone can photoshop a screenshot to make it look like they've received likes, retweets, and replys. I just hope you come to your senses and stop ripping people off. I'll be requesting a refund Thank you for your time and I'm sorry this didn't work out. Feel free to remove the fake follows if you choose to do so. REVISION REQUESTED Yes, thank you 0909 February 12,2019 Literally told him to remove the fake followers 00:10 February 12, 2019Report ORDER DISPUTE You stated the issue is I didn't receive w Thanks again for your orderl while you're very good at communicating, you're running a fake service claiming to "promote I have completed the promotion of your channel and I am happy to say that you have gained plenty more followers to your channel! and grow twitch channels. You are instead simply using your ghost accounts to raise follower count and not truly promote and spread the channel. You also attempted to falsify the promotion by sending photo-shopped pictures to me, showing fake activity. I highly advise you find a new way to promote channels if this is really I will carry on monitoring your channel for a few more hours, free of charge. To ensure that everything is running thing you want to work o If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask at any time and I will be happy to help. Thanks again and have a great day 5:07 February 12, 2010Repr You chose to cancel this order I'm already suspicious here because he filled out my order way too quickly. I gave him my streaming schedule the night before and I hadn't even started my stream for the day. needs to respond within the next 2 days or the order will be automatically canceled spute icate 18:05 February 12, 2019 HERE'S YOUR DELIVERY! This order will be ma rked a in 3 days. Hello no problem at all, you think your cancellation bothers me, when really it just proves to me that you are very unrellable to work with. I am very sorry that you didn't understand when I already have stated multiple times where I was promoting you, but that is your fault for not reading not mine Hi Thanks again for your or I wish you the best, but I can assure you, all the followers are not bots, but I will certainly enforce them to unfollow you. Best of luck. I have completed the promotion of your channel and I am happy to say that you have gained plenty more followers to your channell 18:05 February 12, 2019Report "Enforces" them to unfollow me but they still haven't I will carry on monitoring your channel for a few more hours, free of charge. To ensure that everything is running If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask at any time and I will be happy to help ORDER CANCELLED BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT Thanks again a t da has accepted to mutually cancel the order 15:07 February 12. 2019 Reprt is clearly I will accept the cancellation, but I deny all the other statements as Mr promotions. I will be sure to let everyone know on his channel that enjoys ripping people ofT. I wish you the best, but please don't accuse me of making things up, as I have been promoting for years and you are just a nobody seeking a little fame. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the da He blocked me after this message so that I couldn't review his services. TLDR: Fiverr scumbag tries to scam me and gets called out 8:08 February 1 2.201sc
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thessalian · 6 years
Thess vs Recaps
Update on the various Situations:
Lost Player: I have actually managed to find a pain-free way of altering the Cupcake Coterie intro vid. (I shuffled a few slides, moved the DM one to the front and added Flitty to the tail end - no pun intended - because frankly when the players are actively working their asses off to keep their little faerie dragon NPC alive, the little faerie dragon NPC who was only there as comic relief is now Part Of The Party and I don’t think any of the rest of the Coterie will say otherwise.) I also managed to edit the art I have accordingly - and thank you, @ichithecupcake, for putting your watermark in the middle of it so I don’t have to worry about removing it when I have to remove someone from the end of the line.) I still feel bad about having to do it at all, but what’re you gonna do? Anyway, the logistics shit is sorted out so I just have to derail the party for maybe twenty minutes next session and hope everyone just goes with it. Again, at least I don’t have to kill anybody off.
Paycheque: I emailed Agency Guy who looked into it and said that basically they just fucked up the timesheet Because Reasons but that all my shifts went in properly and I will be paid in full. I still can’t really relax because I have no proof of this, so I will be stressing about this until either I get a revised payslip or Friday morning when I get paid.
New Assignment: Agency Guy is still working on it. Apparently things are slow in that particular hospital’s attempts to get money for needful things. Admittedly, that’s partly because they don’t have money to speak of, but if we start getting into the mismanagement of the NHS because white-collar middle managers set arbitrary targets that are nearly impossible to meet to ensure that they’ll still have their cushy middle management jobs while the admins who have to meet those targets suffer, we will be here all month because I HAVE VIEWS ON THIS.
FFXIV ‘Uninstall’ Glitch: It reinstalled during the night and it’s fine. My plants didn’t wither while I was away. All is good. It was still an almighty pain in the arse, because it took ten fucking hours.
General Depression; Obviously, none of this stuff is making me feel particularly cheerful. I am coping as best as I can. I want Chinese food. I cannot at this moment afford Chinese food. Not that my planned dinner is bad (sausages with gravy and veggie rice) but sometimes you just want Chinese food. Eh well. I’ll see what the budget looks like on Friday. Assuming that Agency Guy is right and I do get paid in full on Friday. See, I can’t even make plans for maybe treating myself without tripping over the bullshit that is my life right now and it’s really fucking depressing, okay?
Still, I did manage to accomplish some things. I’m working on ways to make Way of the Four Elements monks a bit more fun, because even with the upgrades @miaaoi is getting, that whole ‘minimal ki points, only one elemental ability until you hit level 6′ thing makes W4E monks kind of limiting as a class until you hit, like, level 10 and I don’t want to do that to my players. That part is fun.
I think I need more perfume commissions too. If nothing else, I ran out of violet, nutmeg and mango oils and there are certain fairly popular scents I can’t make without those.
*whimper* *headdesk* I will focus on the things I have accomplished and get through this fucking day.
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