#i will post real pics with the gloves on and such later. also hid my face because i was So Sweaty
cowboybarney · 2 months
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SOMEHOW FINISHED (kinda) MY GORDON COSPLAY!!!! If you see a certain someone at ctcon please say hi :D
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chatnoirishott · 6 years
In your Dreams
"Pound it!" Ladybug and chatnoir said in unison after defeating yet another akuma.
Lady bug was looking, from the rooftop they were standing on, in awe at the beautiful city of lights, she sat down, dangling her feet off the edge of the roof, chatnoir sat beside her, their legs just barely touching.
Ladybug was about to get up to go, but chatnoir said " happy anniversary bugaboo"
"W-what??" She sputtered back in surprise, "anniversary??" She questioned aloud.
"Yea, it's been a whole year since we first got the miraculouses, it feels like just yesterday I first met you an-" he stopped himself from finishing that sentence, not wanting to ruin the moment by saying: it feels like yesterday I just met you, and fell in love with you, and her saying they have to be strictly business. "And what?" She asked. "Oh nothing to worry about bugaboo" he replied smugly. "Oh come on tell me!" She asked playfully. Chat didnt reply, he just looked at the stars, ladybug however, was looking into his eyes, the reflection of the stars bounced beautifully. Than chat looked at her, and to his surprise he saw her staring at him, but when he looked she quickly turned away, and turned red.
He was about to say some pun about stars, when he felt something on his shoulder, he turned and saw Ladybug, lieing her head upon his shoulder, drifting off to sleep, he laid his head on hers, and softly began to purr, and slowly, himself, beginning to drift off to sleep also. Soon they were delightfully dreaming.
Ladybug saw herself in a black situation, everything around her was black, she was thinking about how she would rather be at the park, when all the sudden, the blackness turned into the park. "Oh good, I'm dreaming" she said happily. " wait, I was on the rooftop with chat, so I fell asleep next to him!" This is horrible!" She exclaimed right before she heard a thud, it came from behind the bench, she started swinging her yo-yo in a protective way, walking eerily twords the bench, when chat popped out from the bench. "Hello m'lady" and what are you doing in my dreams tonight?" He asked. "How did you know I was real, and not a figment in your imagination?" She asked. "Oh well if I was dreaming about you, I dont think it would be where you try to beat me up with your yo-yo" he said as he wiggled his eyebrows. She just rolled her eyes. "Chat be serious, we have to wake up!"
"Okay okay" he exclaimed. "Let's just create something scary, and that would wake at least one of us up, but hey, remember last week when I tried to kiss you? And you said " in your dreams"? Well technically we are in my dreams now" he said as he put himself a centimeters from her face. " oh his soft pink lips looked so delectable" she thought, as she strated blushing.she than pushed him aside. "We need to focus and get back to work" she said as she turned away as to not let him see her blushing face.
All the sudden she was back into reality, not dreaming, her head laying on chats shoulder, and his head laying on her head.
The sun had risen, and she knee she should get going to school soon, but them just sitting there, and his purring, was so cute, she couldn't help but blush and want to stay there forever.
"Hello bugaboo, I see you stayed instead of leaving" he said as he waggled his eyebrows. She hated it when he did that becuase it was so cute. She had to go before he did somthing else cute that would make her blush even more.
"Oh whatever kitty, it's time to go anyway, I'll see you later. Bug out" and within a blink she was gone.
Marinette was walking to school talking into her bag, and was learning some wierd information.
Marinette: why was chat acctually in my dream?
Tikki: well..the ladybug and cat miraculouses are part of a whole, and they always had a bond, but since it's been a year, the miraculouses have a stronger bond, so now you and chat will end up in eachothers dream...in or out of costume..anytime you both are asleep.
She had to stop mid sentence as to not draw attention to herself, their was a huge crowd around Alya and Marinette was curious as to why. She squeezed through the crowd and asked her bestie what was with the whole crowd of people. " well guess who got an awsome picture of Paris's newest love birds?" Alya excitedly exclaimed as she held up her phone to show a picture on the ladyblog. The picture was of her and chatnoir cuddling in their sleep. " I had to climb a fire escape to get up to the roof to snag this awsome picture, and the second I got it I just had to post it, it already has 1 million views!" Alya excitedly exclaimed. Marinette than saw Adrein happily looking at the picture, he looked so happy. She felt so embarrassed that her crush was looking at her snuggling with another guy. She turned so red, and finally the bell rang and everybody rushed into class, everybody was still talking about Ladybug and Chatnoir, as she was sitting in her seat she heard everybodys conversations, people coming up with ship names, and theories. She felt so embarrassed.
Throughout the rest of the day, she kept hearing all the talk about the ladybug and chatnoir cuddle pic.
In science she finally got some quiet and no talking about the picture, becuase there was a test when she finished the test she turned it in on the teachers desk, and sat back down, she checked the clock and saw she still had about a half hour of class left, she dicided to take advantage of the quiet and just lay her head down. "I'm just gonna lay my head down...rest my eyes....not fall aslee-" before she could finish the thought. She wound up in the same black dreamland as last night...only instead of at the park, she was below a bridge, and above it she heard a familiar voice saying " she loves me, she loves me not. She loves me" and she saw little red rose petals falling into the water, she thought it was chat but she knew he wasnt in costume..she could see a hand throwing the petals, not a black glove like she was used to. She hesitated before saying " chat?" . "M'lady?" He replied questioningly. "Well yes, and no" she replied. "It is me, but I'm not transformed". "Yea, my kwami told me that might happen" she sat down on the ground below the bridge." Well since I ended up here after you, that means it's your dream, so what are you doing? " "well right now I'm supposed to be in class but I fell asleep" he chuckled. Avoiding the unspoken question of what was with the Rose petals. " hey I know what would make you more comfortable" he said as he dropped a red and black spotted mask to her. "I have mine on so no worries" he said as all the sudden instead of a bridge they were on the same rooftop as before." Sorry" he said, his face turning red " It just does whatever my mind is thinking about."
Ladybug sat down next to where chat was sitting." Did you see the picture ? She asked. " how could I not? It was all over the ladyblog. But i gotta give Alya some credit, she climbed all the way up there shes really dedicated" "yep, that's Alya for ya" she laughed.
After a bit of silence " hey uh, I know your probobly really embarrassed about that photo and stuff but..I just wanted you to know I dont regret it..and I...i-
Before chat could finish his sentence Marinette was awakened by Alya, nino however was to late and the teacher saw him sleeping, she tapped him and shes jolted up saying " I LOVE YOU" before he noticed he wasnt in a dream anymore. The whole class, exsept adriens 3 friends, started laughing, even chloe. Adrien was so embarrassed he just ran out of the class room and into the Locker room. Plagg came outa his pocket "well kid, that was a distaster" plagg said. "Tell me about it" Adrien exclaimed. "I can never show my face around here ever again!"
"I-would miss your face if you didnt come here anymore" squeaked a little voice. "I mean uh I would miss ur hot face! I mean I uh. UGH." Now she was so embarrassed that she just ran out of the locker room before Adrien could turn around.
Now he was embarrassed and confused, he didnt really know what to do, so he ran. Not as Adrien. But as Chat Noir. He hopped onto the rooftops, he didnt know where he was going, he just was going with his gut. Than he was right on the rooftop where Alya took the photo, and to his surprise he wasnt the only one there,
"Hello bugaboo, why are you here? Dont u have school or somthing? "
"Yes, but no. I dont wanna go back right now, but don't you have school? "
"I'm to embarrassed to go back" he said as he rubbed his neck.
"Wanna talk about it?" She asked.
"Not really. its really embarrassing"
Well I had a pretty embarrassing day too kitty"
She sat down and patted for him to sit next to her. As he sat down he was breathing more sharply than usual. She got this feeling that she wanted to kiss him, but to keep that from happening, she started to talk and look into the sky, instead of at his lips.
"I think I did terrible on my test today," she said.
"Yea. I had a science test today, right after I turned it in I fell asleep. She laughed.
That got chatnoir thinking...he had a science test today..could it be...no..it cant possibly be...could it?
While chat aas lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed ladybug staring at him, she remembered when they first met, how she didnt have feelings for him, and how the feelings she had for him grew and grew. She always tried to keep it professional, but it gets harder and harder.
Chat looked at her, and saw her staring at him..he got a strong desire to kiss her..but he knew they shouldn't..but he wanted to.
It seemed like forever that they were staring at each other, until they heard a school bell ring, and children coming out of the school.
"I guess we should go now, dont want people getting anymore pictures" she said.
They both got up and lept into diffrent directions, unknowingly they both went into the same alley, hid on opiset sides of the dumpsters and de-transformed,than Adrien and Marinette suprisingly bumped into each other, and they noth turned red, like a tomato.
Than out of no where Alya and Nino came, carrying marinette and adriens school bags,
"So this is where you guys went off to" alya sumggly said.
Marinette turned another shade of red, after herbestfriends words.
Alya and Marinette walked one way, nino and Adrien walked the other way, heading home.
That night , marinette was excited and scared to go to bed. She didnt want to go to sleep before chat and be having a weird dream about Adrien, that would be weird. But than again she didmt want to impose on one of chats dreams again. She didnt know what to do, so she laid in bed and drifted off to sleep.
She was in the black surrounding again, she saw a blonde. Facing opiset to her, she didnt know if he knew she was there. She than went up behind him and gave him a backwards hug. She surprisedr him becuase he gave a little "ah" as she wrapped her arms around him. He than turned around and hugged her properly. They just held onto each other. Not talking.
Than chat asked "may i?"
She knew what he was talking about...she wanted to, too. So she replied " in your dreams" as he lifted her chin, with their eyes closed, they kissed, after all the desired times they wanted to, they were finally doing it, than Marinette said "I'm ready"
"Ready?" He asked
She looked upward, at his emerald green eyes, peering down at her baby bell blue eyes.
"Marinette" "adrien" they both gasps
They started to giggle.
"I cant believe how stupid we are"
"How blind are we?"
They went into another tight hug
Than Marinette awoke, hearing her alarm. She was sad. But than she rememberd that she would see Adrien at school. Than she quickly got ready and was already out the door.
"Wow. Look who actually showed up on time to school" teased alya.
"Well there's a good reason I came early today" marinette said as she locked eyes with Adrien
"Oh I dont like that look in her eyes" alya suspiciously said to Nino
Than adrein came up to marinette with one of chats stupid smiles and wrapped his arms around her and they embraced in a kiss.
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