#i will not disclose my reaction whenever i see the fourth wall break. i KNOW context makes it iffy
batsplat · 4 months
Jerez | Estoril 2005: On the way to the podium at Jerez, Valentino Rossi gestures with a grin at Sete Gibernau, who is hobbling up the stairs and clutches his arm in visible discomfort. At the pre-event press conference for the next race at Estoril, Rossi comments again on the race and the resulting controversy - and says he was not aware of Gibernau's pre-existing shoulder troubles.
As a result of the last corner Jerez collision, Gibernau “acquired a lesion to the rotator cuff of his left shoulder and to the tendon which will require rest and treatment". He did race in Estoril, crashing out of the lead.
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devildomimagines · 3 years
could we maybe get the brothers' reactions to an mc that has a lot of bottled up anger issues? kinda similar to how satan is with his wrath, but they just... can't stay mad for very long; they can be upset, sure, but mad? angry, even?? maybe for like, idk, a minute before it just fizzles out.
Sure thing! I love exploring emotions so let's go~
He doesn’t totally understand the rage but he’s lived with Satan long enough.
Though don’t get him wrong, he’s been angry before, frustrated and grieving to the point of murder *cough* but typically he doesn’t have the energy to expend.
Belphie definitely knows the feeling of fatigue once the anger has run its course and left you burnt out.
He offers you support in those moments, calm and quiet so as to not fan the embers.
If he’s awake, he recognizes the first signs of your anger. Your short replies, the tension in your jaw and the way your fists clench and unclench.
He’s never seen you let loose but he secretly wants to see the destruction you could cause.
If he catches it in time, he’ll pull you away from the situation, claiming he needed you for a nap.
The same as his twin, not typically angry but understands from being around Satan.
The only times you can remember seeing him in a fit of anger were when he was denied food one too many times or when his team lost their Fangol match.
Beel doesn’t think you would be as explosive as he has seen Satan be but he also doesn’t want to take the chance and have you get in trouble.
I like to think he’s pretty attuned to his human, he can sense when their heart rate raises or feel the tension in the air when their anger flares.
He immediately takes steps to extricate you, even if that means throwing you over his shoulder and booking it out the door.
I think he would go to Satan for things that he does to calm down to try to help you. He wouldn’t name you, to keep your privacy, but unfortunately he’s a terrible liar so it’s pretty obvious.
Since he’s built like a brick house, he offers to be your punching bag if you ever need it, he swears he wouldn’t feel a thing. It’s tough to stay mad long enough to take him up on that offer but it’s appreciated.
I think Asmo has the best understanding of wrath having heard it from the source directly.
Satan has monologued Asmo’s ear off about everything from how he felt to how he dealt with it.
When Asmo sees the same anger in you, he immediately jumps in, just as he would with Satan.
The only thing that won’t work on you would be Asmo’s charmspeak. Since you aren’t affected by his Avatar, he can’t sweet talk you down off fury’s ledge.
He knows other tricks, breathing exercises or distractions work just as well and he’s noticed you’re much quicker to recover than Satan would be.
He worries for the times you’re not with him, would you use his tricks or would you let the anger fester and bubble up under the surface?
The easiest solution in his eyes is to always be with you, no need to worry if he’s always available to you.
Satan has felt the familiar pangs of wrath coming from you previously and he gets it. Good lord does he get it. He’s never related to someone more than you, once you’ve disclosed this about yourself.
He nods when you describe it as the anger starting out slow and red-hot like lava creeping through every vein in your body. 
Then it’s all consuming and all you can feel is the fire of wrath. In those moments you recognize the need to punch, kick, or scream; something to relieve the fury.
But before you can act on it, the rage is gone. You’re left charred and feeling empty inside; the fire having consumed your being and left nothing alive.
He can share various things he’s learned to keep his own wrath at bay but it doesn’t always help so he’s promised to be your outlet when you need to let go.
He’d rather you explode at him than finding you in the aftermath of being burnt out. It breaks his heart when you give him that look that both says “you’re too late” and “I’m sorry, I tried.”
Satan would never be disappointed in you, so he reassures you all the time, “There’s no need to bottle up your emotions around me.”
We’ve all seen him get angry in game, mostly exploding at Mammon.
In those situations, when he’s comfortable, he’s very expressive, but more than the other brothers, he understands bottling up undesirable emotions that you don’t want to deal with or have others deal with.
He knows firsthand how that doesn’t help, if anything it escalates the issue in your own head. It’s like an echochamber of all your worst thoughts being amplified.
Levi offers to always listen to you rant, wherever, whenever. It’s the middle of the night and Beel’s destroying the kitchen on the other side of your bedroom wall for the 6th night that week? Give him a call. Asmo dragged you out to a club and you’re tired and want to come home? Call him, he’ll come get you. Mammon sold one of your personal items? He will gladly add it to the list of things he pesters Mammon about.
Just as you have listened to his rants on video games, anime or manga, he’ll be there to listen to your rants if it helps your anger.
He doesn’t know specific techniques to help but he can offer examples of what they did in the anime, “My Roommate Leaves Dirty Dishes in the Sink for so Long That They Get Moldy and Now I Need to Use One of the Moldy Dishes. Is It Passive Aggressive to Ask Them to do the Dishes or is it Just Aggressive?”
If you don’t want to talk about it then he’ll offer to take out your anger on some video game baddies as a substitute.
Not gonna lie, he might be the cause of your anger sometimes.
When he’s not going through your things, he’s pretty clingy and a bit pushy. He doesn’t always say what he means and talks himself in circles when he doesn’t want to admit to something. It can be annoying if your personality doesn’t mesh well with that.
Mammon is, however, very quick to pick up on the shift in your demeanor. 
He’ll roll back his last action whatever it may be. If he threw an arm around your shoulder, he’d remove it. If he made a joke, he takes it back and apologizes. 
If it wasn’t something he did then he jumps to your defense, often putting himself in between you and the offending party.
He usually gives Satan space but Mammon wants to help you if he can.
I could see him being very sweet to you after an episode, trying to soothe the edges that came undone, even if only for a second.
King of swallowing emotions, let me tell you.
If you wanted advice on how to not bottle your emotions, this is not the demon for you.
He does understand the rage though. How it burns and devastates anything that comes in contact and how it can take on a life of its own……
Lord Diavolo help you if this is ever directed at Lucifer but if it’s not then he will happily offer his services to smite the cause.
Lucifer may worry that your wrath feeds off of and develops with Satan’s. The worst possibility being you start feeling resentment towards him just like the fourth born.
He will learn your triggers and will make an effort to avoid them if possible to keep your anger to a minimum.
Lucifer will always be available to talk to and would be comforting and accommodating behind closed doors.
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