#i will have to insure i make a 80-85 in order to pass instead of a 77 or above
angered-box · 5 months
ok going to try and sleep for a bit...
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 7: Wherever You Are Is My Home
⚠️WARNING!!!⚠️ this episode not only talks about suicidal thoughts but also a character trying to commit such acts, of you are sensitive to this I suggest you just skip this post or at least skip #75-77
1. Anne calling it comforting that no two snowflakes are alike, as well as calling snow a sign of gods forgiveness as he blankets the dead world in a beautiful frost
2. Josie gossiping about her while she’s RIGHT THERE
3. Her and moody just talking
4. “And I love Christmas, don’t you?” “I don’t know, but I plan to.” “Did you not have Christmas at the orphanage?” “There wasn’t much to it really. I’m not sure why Father Christmas wasn’t able to stop there, maybe the matron scared him off.”
5. “Do you at least know if they’re going to keep you?” “Keep me!?”
6. Anne trying to sing with the others but the other voices quickly fading out as she panics and rushes home
7. “They’re not going to send you back, you’re in the Bible and everything!”
8. Marilla has every right to be angry that Matthew rushed their home without even discussing it
9. “I knew you’d lose your head-“ “Oh, I oughta smack yours right off your shoulders!”
10. Matthew is prone to heart attacks, the very same thing causing his death in the books
11. “He’s had an episode of the heart” just a funny way to say heart attack, sort of long winded
12. Marilla not understanding the complex math because she had to leave school when she was young
13. Anne helping her with it because she’s top of her class
14. “Not keeping you? You’re a Cuthbert, for better or for worse! No getting out of it now.”
15. The awful bank not relenting on the payback schedule despite the fact that Matthew cannot work. Corporations are cruel and ungiving despite the human struggles and needs of its clients and it hurts. I know the bank invested that money and they need it back but Matthew was indisposed by a tragic event and to not only not extent but to SHORTEN the payback schedule is just unfeeling
16. Marilla putting out an ad to the mainland to take in borders
17. The terrifying idea that you must sell everything you have in order to survive
18. Marilla being desperate yet still too prideful to accept charity
19. The fact that it not only effects the family but also Jerry, as they can’t afford to pay him. It puts him out of a job and lowers his families income
20. A reoccurring theme I love in this show is the idea that the characters will give up their belongings, no matter how sentimental, in the name of family. Matthew selling his dead brothers watch, Marilla selling her grandmothers brooch, Anne selling the dress of her dreams, all because no matter how important these items are, they are just things. That family is more important, so even though it pains you to have to give those things up, you do it in the name of love for others
21. “Theyre just things.”
22. Anne feeling sorrow and yet being excited to stay at aunt Josephine’s
23. Despite being told she can keep the dress, Anne insists on selling it back because it’s a family effort
24. Anne being exited for a solo adventure and then getting stuck with jerry
25. Jerry has to be there to get money Anne his family is hungry :(
26. “I don’t actually need your help.” “When’s the last time you drove a sleigh? Auctioned a horse? Let’s go.”
27. Diana giving her things to sell as well
28. Jerry knows how to drive a sleigh?????
29. “It’s not so bad to ask for help sometimes, y’know?” “If I needed help I would say so.” “No you wouldn’t.” “Yes, I would.” “Wouldn’t.” “Would! Times infinity.” “What???”
30. Jerry singing in French
31. “No singing. I mean it. I’m serious, Jerry! This is an important journey! I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BEAR HANDS!”
32. Jerry grinning as she gets madder
33. Anne bring mystified by the dress shop
34. “I’m here to return a dress.” Is something wrong with it?” “Not a thing.” “Do you not like it?” “It is my very favorite thing that I have ever possessed in life. But I need to return it to help my family.” “You’re Anne, Matthew’s Anne!” “I am! How nice it is to hear it said that way.”
35. Anne being upbeat until Jeannie asks what’s wrong and then ask just breaks down
36. Poor Jerry waiting outside in the snow for her
37. Either Matthew spent some much money on Anne’s dress or Jeannie gave her extra, or both
38. “Did Matthew really spend this much?..” “You’re worth a lot to him.”
39. “I hate to say goodbye…” “😏 I won’t be so long~” “To the HORSE, Jerry. Why are you so annoying.”
40. “You’re a good horse Birdie, try to remember that. Someone will be very lucky to have you.”
41. Birdie really is a beautiful horse though
42. Anne’s little “my parents are spies” act she uses on the pawn broker
43. The pawn broker is so understandable rude because of his profession, it makes him equally annoying and funny
44. “What a piece of work you are.”
45. Anne is so good at making up stories on the spot
46. “If you can’t afford it I completely understand.”
47. I love how snide remarks of “being a good Christian” are frequent and effective insults in the 1800’s
48. Poor Jerry doesn’t just get beaten up and robbed, he gets brutally beaten by two grown men and there’s nothing he can do despite that being… his last paycheck. That was the last income he was going to give his family and he’s so ashamed of himself that he keeps apologizing for it despite most of the money being his. He apologizes to Anne, to Matthew, it bothers him for months to come
49. Gilbert’s back!!
50. “Still seems unreal. Even though I just sold all our… everything.”
51. “He’s a good man.” “I love him with all my heart. I don’t know what if do if…”
52. Them arguing over not arguing
53. Anne apologizing
54. “Anyway…” “Anyway..”
55. I genuinely didn’t realize that the men who beat up Jerry are the same men that took in borders at green gables, I got the same face blindness as Jerry himself
56. “I’ve missed you.” “Yeah?” “At school, theres.. no one to compete with.” “”You want to spell out a few words for old times sake?” “How about… truce?”
57. Jerry thinking Gilbert was going to hurt Anne and take her money and immediately jumping in to stop him despite swaying on his feet
58. When Anne asks him if he’s okay he immediately starts apologizing about the money
59. “I don’t like the city.”
60. “Just take care of yourself, and come home someday.”
61. Anne and Gilbert staring at each other quietly
62. “This is a palace, not a house.”
63. Jerry assuming that they’ll make him sleep in the stable instead of inside the massive house
64. “I’ll look after belle.”
65. “This city is rife with ruffians!”
66. Aunt Josephine insisting on helping
67. Matthew lamenting his own life, talking of how his life insurance will give them a sizable sum and how he drags them down despite them needing him
68. “Anne loves you, you have to remember that.” “But her future…” “Which do you think she would choose, this house or you?”
69. Jerry bring terrified to stay in a room by himself because he’s always had his family around him
70. Anne making room for him only for him to sleep upside down
71. “Don’t worry, I don’t kick like my sisters.” “Yeah, you’d better not.”
72. “Everything will be alright. It’ll be alright..”
73. Aunt Josephine helping by paying for Jerry to work at Green Gables, as well as giving Anne books
74. “We’ve been together all these years, thick or thin, so don’t think I’ll put up with you slipping away now. Anne will be home today, and she’ll be very happy to see you.”
75. Matthew trying to kill himself because the life insurance would pay off the debt he caused
76. Jeannie happening to show up and find Matthew with the gun just in time as he tries to hide what he’s almost done from her, realizing what he’s done
77. The way they stress how his passing would effect Anne the most because of what they mean to each other, that she will suffer without him despite what he’s trying to do
78. “Don’t ever get old…” “Too late for that.”
79. “You would’ve left us that way!? Left me?..”
80. “Give it back. I won’t take charity.” “But.. love isn’t charity.” “I won’t take it.” “Nay I ask why not?” “We will not be pitied! I don’t want people thinking we can’t fend for ourselves.” “Well at the moment we can’t, and I’d sure give my last bit of strength or my last dollar to help a friend. Then I know that friend would feel grateful and loved above all else. And I do. I feel very grateful to have such a dear friend as Miss Barry. Sometimes you just have to let people love you Marilla.”
81. Anne selling her cleaning services to make steady income
82. “We’re rich, aren’t we Matthew?”
83. Jerry carving a star for the Christmas tree!!!!!!
84. Anne’s friends coming to sing carols at their house
85. Anne helping Matthew walk outside
86. Not Nate :(
87. Nathaniel, the bane of my existence
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statetalks · 3 years
Who Were The Republicans That Voted For Obamacare
Actual Events That Occurred As A Result Of The Affordable Care Act 2011 To 2014
January, 2011: In 2011, insurance companies had to ensure the value for premium payments. If insurance companies did not spend at least 80% to 85% of premiums on care the difference is sent to customers in a refund.
January 2011: A Florida judge rules that elements of the Affordable Care Act are unconstitutional.
November 14, 2011: The US Supreme Court agrees to hear arguments in the Obamacare case brought by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business. It argues that elements of the Affordable Care Act are unconstitutional.
January, 2014: Health Affairs published its most recent analysis of Medical Loss Ratio performance by major insurers.
March, 2014: The New York Times reports that the U.S. Census Bureau, the authoritative source of health insurance data changed its annual survey so thoroughly that it became difficult to measure the effects of President Obamas health care law. 
How Different Groups Of Republicans Voted
Many hard-line conservatives, including Freedom Caucus members and recipients of campaign contributions from the caucus’s political action committee, expressed opposition to the bill in its original form, but voted yes on Thursday after several changes to the legislation. Much of the Republican opposition to the bill came from members whose districts voted for Hillary Clinton.
Affordable Health Care For America Act
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The Affordable Health Care for America Act was a that was crafted by the United States House of Representatives of the 111th United States Congress on October 29, 2009. The bill was sponsored by Representative Charles Rangel. At the encouragement of the Obama administration, the 111th Congress devoted much of its time to enacting reform of the United States’ health care system. Known as the “House bill, HR 3962 was the House of Representatives’ chief legislative proposal during the health reform debate.
On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed an alternative health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act . In 2010, the House abandoned its reform bill in favor of amending the Senate bill ” rel=”nofollow”>reconciliation process) in the form of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
Senators Who Had Voted Against Obamacare Repeal Are Now Wavering
Matt Fuller
WASHINGTON Theres nothing like a deadline to get things moving on Capitol Hill, and with a Sept. 30 expiration date for the bill that want to use for an Affordable Care Act repeal, Senate Republicans who once seemed resolutely opposed to even the most modest Obamacare repeal suddenly sounded less resolute Monday.
The proposal authored by Sens. Lindsey Graham , Bill Cassidy and other Republican colleagues would still likely result in millions losing coverage. The bill would still cut Medicaid, albeit over a longer timeline, and states could still choose to undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions. But the measure, attached to a reconciliation bill that allows a simple majority vote, would give states more flexibility in deciding those cuts and coverage decisions.
That flexibility has inspired Sen. Rand Paul to come out strongly against the legislation, castigating the bill as a rebranding of Obamacare. Conservatives should say no, Paul Monday.
The proposal, however, is seemingly less repellent to Sen. Lisa Murkowski , one of the three Senate Republicans who voted against the skinny repeal in July, along with Susan Collins and John McCain . Murkowski told HuffPost on Monday that shes undecided on Graham-Cassidy, as the measure is known, and that she and her staff were still looking to see how Alaska would make out under the bill.
Whether we repeal and replace Obamacare comes down to a few key senators, Meadows said.
Employer Mandate And Part
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Health insurance mandate
The employer mandate applies to employers of more than fifty where health insurance is provided only to the full-time workers. Critics claimed it created a perverse incentive to hire part-timers instead. However, between March 2010 and 2014, the number of part-time jobs declined by 230,000 while the number of full-time jobs increased by two million. In the public sector full-time jobs turned into part-time jobs much more than in the private sector. A 2016 study found only limited evidence that ACA had increased part-time employment.
Several businesses and the state of Virginia added a 29-hour-a-week cap for their part-time employees, to reflect the 30-hour-or-more definition for full-time worker. As of 2013, few companies had shifted their workforce towards more part-time hours . Trends in working hours and the recovery from the Great Recession correlate with the shift from part-time to full-time work. Other confounding impacts include that health insurance helps attract and retain employees, increases productivity and reduces absenteeism; and lowers corresponding training and administration costs from a smaller, more stable workforce. Relatively few firms employ over 50 employees and more than 90% of them already offered insurance.
Is The Supreme Court Likely To Save Obamacare
The Supreme Court is likely to leave in place the bulk of Obamacare, including key protections for pre-existing health conditions.
Conservative justices John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh appeared in two hours of arguments to be unwilling to strike down the entire law a long-held Republican goal.
The courts three liberal justices are almost certain to vote to uphold the law in its entirety and presumably would form a majority by joining a decision that cut away only the mandate, which now has no financial penalty attached to it.
Leading a group of Democratic-controlled states, California and the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives are urging the court to leave the law in place.
A decision is expected by late spring.
Laws Ripped From ‘the Handmaid’s Tale’
Then there are the political headaches that would be triggered by the overturning of Roe: the likely countermobilization of liberals and alienation of many moderates suddenly witnessing the painful realities of abortion bans, and stronger pushes in Republican ranks for a total national abortion ban and other extreme measures.
The Republicans incendiary antiabortion rhetoric could come back to haunt. If abortion constitutes the murdering of babies, as antiabortion language insists, and theres no longer a Roe v. Wade getting in the way, arent the Republicans obliged to ban it in every instance and every place, whether through the courts or the political process?
Will Biden get in the ring?: Patients shouldn’t have to fight this hard for an abortion 
Expect emboldened right-wing politicians to push more legislation that sounds like its been ripped from the scripts of The Handmaids Tale.” Abortion bans that make no exceptions for victims of rape or incest  a hallmark of the Mississippi law heading to the high court this fall. Bills like one that advanced recently in Pennsylvania that focuses not just on abortions but miscarriages, too  categorizing miscarriages as deaths and requiring health care facilities to file death certificates and get burial permits. As if the would-be mother werent already suffering enough, now this extra burden, served up with a sinister insinuation about her miscarriage. 
Rep Tom Reed Of New York
Reed, a leader of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, broke with his party on a handful of votes relating to the government shutdown at the start of the year. He told Roll Call after Wednesdays vote that he was concerned about his partys position on health care heading into 2020.
Hopefully, maybe, this puts a marker down with our leadership and with the Republican Party in the House and Senate, as well as across the country, that we owe it to the American people to show in black and white how were going to fix health care, he said.
The DCCC is not targeting Reed, who won re-election by 8 points in 2018.
Trump carried Reeds district, which stretches along the border with Pennsylvania, by 15 points. Reeds 2018 opponent, cybersecurity expert Tracy Mitrano, is running again. Inside Elections rates the race Solid Republican.
Trump: We’ll Soon See If Republicans Will ‘step Up To The Plate’ On Health Care
I’m not going to vote for something that’s a scaled down version, that’s a political punt,” Graham said earlier Tuesday. The South Carolina Republican will vote for the motion to proceed but added that a final product to fix the health care system should go through “regular order.”
Collins said the proposal wasnt described at the weekly Senate GOP policy lunch.
And so apparently that is an amendment that the leader would offer at the end, she said. I have no idea whats going into that.
And Republicans are considering making further changes to the repeal-and-replace plan. Administration officials and senators are discussing adding as much as $100 billion more to earlier drafts to help low-income people with premiums, Republicans said.
Before Tuesday’s vote, McConnell urged senators to take the first step to provide relief on this failed left-wing experiment.
Id like to reiterate what the president said yesterday. Any senator who votes against starting debate, he said, is telling America that you are fine with the Obamacare nightmare Thats a position that even Democrats have found hard to defend, McConnell said.
The fate of the vote was uncertain as recently as Tuesday morning. Paul, Heller and moderate Sen. Shelley Moore Capito waited until the final hours before the vote to announce they would support opening debate on the bill.
Heller said his support for whatever emerges later is not assured.
Rep Pete Stauber Of Minnesota
The freshman flipped a longtime Democratic seat in northeast Minnesota that Trump had carried by 16 points in 2016. Its a largely white, working-class district, where Trumps populist appeal resonated. The former Duluth police officer ran a campaign ad last year about his son Issac, who has Down syndrome, and he talked about the importance of insurance companies covering pre-existing conditions. Democrats are not targeting this seat in 2020. Inside Elections rates the race Likely Republican.
Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act In 2014
October 1, 2013: Health insurance exchanges scheduled to open for 2014 enrollment begin writing policies that go into effect January 1, 2014.
January 2014: People buying insurance on their own get subsidies to help them pay their monthly insurance premiums. Premiums are allocated on a sliding scale, as determined by income. Any individual earning over 400% of the poverty level does not qualify for subsidies.
January 2014: When health insurance exchanges are operational, small business tax credits are up to 50% of premiums.
January 2014: Insurance companies are required to provide health insurance to any adult aged 19 to 64 who applies for coverage.
January 2014: To prevent people from waiting until they get sick to buy health insurance, the ACA requires all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a fine. The fine starts at $95 for an individual in 2014 and goes up each year until 2016, when the fine is $695 or 2.5% of a persons annual income, whichever is greater.
January 2014: Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans , established in 2010 are scheduled to expire on January 1, 2014 once all major ACA reforms go into effect.
What Did Trump Say About Obamacare
President Trump has been actively trying to repeal the healthcare law since he campaigned for the 2016 presidential election.
The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to revoke Obamacare because it’s been an “unlawful failure.”
A brief filed in June asked the court to strike down the Affordable Care Act, arguing it became invalid after axed parts of it.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “President Trump and the Republicans campaign to rip away the protections and benefits of the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the crisis is an act of unfathomable cruelty.
“If President Trump gets his way, 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose the ACAs lifesaving protections and 23 million Americans will lose their health coverage entirely.
“There is no legal justification and no moral excuse for the Trump Administrations disastrous efforts to take away Americans health care.”
Republicans also argue that some people are better off without Obamacare due to the fact that it does not cover those who need it most.
According to the provisions, people who earn just slightly too much to qualify for federal premium subsidies, particularly early retirees and people in their 50s and early 60s who are self-employed are not covered.
Trump endorsed a replacement to Obamacare in 2017 but fell short of passing the Republican-controlled Congress.
“The 2020 election will be pretty simple: if you want more sick people without healthcare coughing on you, vote Trump.”
Scotus Votes To Uphold Obamacare Based On A Technicality No Decision On Constitutional Issues
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The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a Republican bid that had been backed by former President Donald Trumps administration to invalidate the Obamacare healthcare law, ruling that Texas and other challengers had no legal standing to file their lawsuit.
The 7-2 ruling authored by liberal Justice Stephen Breyer did not decide broader legal questions raised in the case about whether a key provision in the law, which is formally called the Affordable Care Act, was unconstitutional and, if so, whether the rest of the statute should be struck down.
The provision, called the individual mandate, originally required Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a financial penalty.
It marked the third time the court has preserved Obamacare since its 2010 enactment.
Breyer wrote that none of the challengers, including Texas and 17 other states and individual plaintiffs, could trace a legal injury to the individual mandate.
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Joe Bidens administration in February urged the Supreme Court to uphold Obamacare, reversing the position taken by the government under Trump, who left office in January.
After Texas and other states sued, a coalition of 20 states including Democratic-governed California and New York and the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives intervened in the case to try to preserve Obamacare after Trump refused to defend the law.
A Final Vote Isn’t The Whole Story It’s Like Researching Your Ancestry And Going No Further Back Than Your Mother And Father
The day after she was one of three Republican senators to vote against her party’s proposal to repeal chunks of the Affordable Care Act, Susan Collins of Maine posted a press release that said: “Democrats made a big mistake when they passed the ACA without a single Republican vote. I don’t want to see Republicans make the same mistake.”
It was a nice nod in the direction of bipartisanship. But it also perpetuates a deceptive narrative, repeated often by Republicans, that they were completely excluded from the process that resulted in Obamacare. While it is true that no Republican voted for the final bill, it is blatantly untrue that it contains no GOP DNA. In fact, to make such an assertion is like researching your ancestry and going no further back than your mother and father. 
Not only were Republican senators deeply involved in the process up until its conclusion, but it’s a cinch that the ACA might have become law months earlier if the Democrats, hoping for a bipartisan bill, hadn’t spent enormous time and effort wooing GOP senators only to find themselves gulled by false promises of cooperation. And unlike Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s semi-secret proceedings that involved only a handful of trusted colleagues, Obamacare, until the very end of the process, was open to public scrutiny.
More:Spare America a do-over on health care. Seize the bipartisan moment.
POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media
Requirements For Health Plans And Insurers
See also: Health insurance policy cancellations since Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act prohibited individual market insurers from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. This policy is known as guaranteed issue. Guaranteed issue regulations had already existed for insurers selling employer-sponsored health plans, and the ACA extended this rule to the individual market as well.
The law also required insurers to allow young adults to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans until age 26. Insurers were also required to allow people in the individual market to renew their health plans each year unless they did not pay their premiums.
The ACA required individual and small group health plans that were offered both on and off the exchanges to cover services that fall into 10 broad benefits categories, called essential health benefits:
Ambulatory patient services
Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
Prescription drugs
Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
Laboratory services
Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
The ACA placed restrictions on the way individual and small group insurers set a plan’s The amount a consumer is required to pay for a health insurance plan. Premiums are usually paid monthly, quarterly or annually.:
Nancy Pelosi
Medical loss ratio
Stabilization programs
The House Has Voted 54 Times In Four Years On Obamacare Heres The Full List
Sunday marks the fourth anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, however you prefer to describe it.
While Democrats are struggling with whether to embrace the law or push for changes, Republicans are reminding voters that since they took control of the House in 2011, they’ve voted 54 times to undo, revamp or tweak the law. Here’s a full list of those votes, as provided by GOP aides. Dates with an asterisk denote a bill that also passed the Senate and was signed by President Obama:
Votes during the 112th Congress, from 2011-2012:
1.Jan. 19, 2011: The “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act” would have repealed all of the Affordable Care Act. It passed 245 to 189 with three Democrats voting for it, but was never considered by the Senate.
2.Feb. 19, 2011: The House’s version of the fiscal 2011 continuing appropriations bill included several amendments that would have “severely limited” implementation of the law. It passed 221 to 202 with no Democratic votes and was never considered in the Senate.
The next few votes were on amendments added to the appropriations bill:
3.The Rehberg Amendment #575: Prohibited funding for any employee, officer, contractor or grantee of any agencies funded under appropriations for the departments of Health and Human Services and Labor to implement provisions of the law.
4.The King Amendment #267: Ensured that no money included in the appropriations bill would be used to implement the law.
Democrats Sought To Put Gop Colleagues On Record With Symbolic Vote
Bridget BowmanSimone Pathé
Democratic congressional campaigns have already made health care an early focus of their 2020 messaging, and House Democrats bolstered that effort Wednesday with a symbolic vote that sought to once again put Republicans on record on the issue.
Eight Republicans sided with Democrats on the nonbinding resolution, which the House adopted, 240-186. The measure condemned the Trump administrations support for invalidating the 2010 health care law in its entirety. The Department of Justice, in a new filing last week, backed a Texas judges decision to strike down the law. 
Three Republicans  New Yorks Tom Reed and John Katko and Pennsylvanias Brian Fitzpatrick had voted in January to authorize the House general counsel to intervene in the lawsuit to defend the health care law. All three also voted for the resolution Wednesday.
One Democrat 15-term Minnesota Rep. Collin C. Peterson bucked his party and voted against the resolution. Hes one of the last Democrats remaining in the House who opposed the 2010 health care law and is likely the last Democrat who can hold his heavily agricultural 7th District seat.
Democrats were otherwise united in supporting the resolution, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launched positive Facebook ads touting their vulnerable members votes to protect families with pre-existing conditions.
Also watch: What if we switch to a single-payer health care system?
How Many Republicans Voted For Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, received no Republican votes in either the Senate or the House of Representatives when it was passed in 2009. In the Senate, the bill was passed with a total of 60 votes, or 58 Democratic Party votes and 2 Independent Party votes. The House passed the legislation with 219 Democratic votes.
The Affordable Care Act received 39 votes against it in the Senate, all from Republicans. One senator abstained from voting. In the House, the ACA received 212 votes against it, with 34 coming from the Democratic Party and 178 from the Republican Party. There were enough votes for the ACA in the Senate to prevent an attempt to filibuster the bill, while the House vote required a simple majority.
The ACA originated in the Senate, though both the House and Senate were working on versions of a health care bill at the same time. Democrats in the House of Representatives were initially unhappy with the ACA, as they had expected some ability to negotiate additional changes before its passage. Since Republicans in the Senate were threatening to filibuster any bill they did not fully support, and Democrats no longer had enough seats to override the filibuster, no changes could be made. Since any changes to the legislation by the House would require it to be re-evaluated in the Senate, the original version was passed in 2009 on condition that it would be amended by a subsequent bill.
Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act After 180 Days
September 23, 2010 :
Seniors are entitled to a $250 rebate to close the Medicare Part D coverage gap.
A government website is created to allow people to search for information about health insurance companies, available plans, and other essential facts.
Insurers are not permitted to exclude pre-existing conditions from coverage for children.
October 19, 2010: eHealth publishes its first in a series of resources to help uninsured children navigate differences in individual states.
History Lesson: How The Democrats Pushed Obamacare Through The Senate
Twenty-five days of consecutive session on a bill that was partisan in the sense that Republicans were angry with it, but we still had the courage of our convictions to have a debate on the floor. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer , remarks on the Senate floor, June 19, 2017
To highlight the secrecy of the GOP health-care deliberations, many Senate Democrats have pointed out that the debate over the Affordable Care Act was the second-longest consecutive session in Senate history. Schumer even sought a parliamentary inquiry on the claim, and it was confirmed by the presiding officer, Sen. Joni Ernst
The Secretary of the Senates office notes that H.R. 3590 was considered on each of 25 consecutive days of session, and the Senate Library estimates approximately 169 hours in total consideration, she said.
The longest session, Feb. 12-March 9, 1917, concerned whether to arm merchant ships during World War I, shortly before the United States entered the conflict. That lasted 26 days.
But this statistic obscures a reality: The key work on creating the Senate version of the ACA was done in secret. Lets take a trip down memory lane.
Republicans Plan Healthcare Vote; Obama And Tv Host Denounce Bill
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6 Min Read
WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans announced plans to vote next week on their latest bid to scuttle Obamacare even as a popular comedian who has become part of the U.S. healthcare debate denounced the bill and former President Barack Obama on Wednesday warned of real human suffering.
President Donald Trump, who has expressed frustration at the Senates failure thus far to pass legislation dismantling Obamas signature legislative achievement, said 47 or 48 Republicans back the bill, which needs 50 votes for passage in the 100-seat Senate, which his Republican Party controls 52-48.
We think this has a very good chance, Trump, who made replacing Obamacare a top 2016 campaign promise, told reporters during an appearance with Egypts president in New York.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul opposes the bill. At least five other Republicans are undecided on it: Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan of Alaska, John McCain of Arizona and Jerry Moran of Kansas.
Republican Senator John Thune on Fox News said: Were a handful of votes short of having the 50 that we need.
As they worked to gather enough votes to win, after prior legislation failed in July, congressional Republicans and the White House were on the defensive after Jimmy Kimmel used his late-night TV show to blast the proposal and call Republican Senator Bill Cassidy, one of its two sponsors, a liar.
Related Coverage
Factbox: Trump on Twitter – Graham-Cassidy bill, Luther Strange, North Korea
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-were-the-republicans-that-voted-for-obamacare/
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akoaganier · 6 years
Jeff Bezos the founder and CEO of Amazon, owner of Blue Horizon and The Washington Post has become the Richest man in the world and modern history as of October 27 2017.
He now surpasses Bill Gates by 10 billion dollars.There is a lot I would want to ask a person of this affluence. How did you accumulate this wealth? Did anyone help you? What do you do with all this money? A lot of us are struggling, are you helping America? What kind of effect are you having on our country? How much richer are you than than the rest of us?
Jeff Bezos makes $231,000 a minute, his warehouse workers make $12 an hour.
It’s safe to say that the wealth of Jeff Bezos comes from the hard labor of others and unjustly so. Excusing the likes of Jeff Bezos and his type of psychotic anti-social business practices is perpetuating the exploitation of the American people and widens the gap of income inequality. Jeff Bezos just bought a 23 million dollar home, an old textile museum he plans to covert into two mansions. I do not think I would be alone in this to say; he should probably properly accommodate his employees before making the grandeur purchase of a 27,000 square foot property. TIME magazine says that from January 1st to May 1st of 2015 Jeff Bezos saw his wealth increase by 275 million every single day. His average employee makes $28,446 a year, he makes that every 8.93 seconds. His warehouse workers from Lehigh Valley, whom are documented to have worked in an 114 degree environment and pass out from heat exhaustion, make $12 an hour while he makes $190,920 every minute in 2015 (as of 2018 he makes $231,000 a minute). Jeff Bezos paid ambulances and paramedics to be stationed outside of the warehouses rather than install air conditioning. In the list of priorities, running your business ethically would be at the top, a customer receiving their package with two day shipping is not worth the cost of a warehouse workers health. Furthermore your fortune should not be made on the savings that come from underpaying your staff.
Elmer Goris, a resident of Allentown, worked in warehouses for over 10 years, he worked for Amazon at their Lehigh Valley warehouse for one year before quitting in July 2011, because he was “frustrated with the heat and demands that he work mandatory overtime”. "I never felt like passing out in a warehouse and I never felt treated like a piece of crap in any other warehouse but this one" Elmer Goris says "They can do that because there aren't any jobs in the area”. Amazon is notorious for their abuse of temporary workers. Amazon hires workers through third party contractors to save money and to avoid being responsible for injuries - it allows them to avoid the American standard regulations that would otherwise give workers unemployment insurance and make Amazon liable for worker compensation. Abused workers cannot even unionize, because the work force is constantly changing and most of them are not legally tied to Amazon. It is a loophole and it leaves Americans in the dust after they are overworked by this mega-monopoly.
Amazon runs on a dystopian set of moral values. Temporary workers interviewed at the Lehigh Valley warehouse say “few people in their working groups actually made it to a permanent Amazon position. Instead, they were pushed harder and harder to work faster and faster until they were terminated, they quit, or they got injured”. Rosemarie Fritchman a 67 year old warehouse worker was driven away by an ambulance after medical staff examined her for heat exhaustion. Rosemarie Fritchman says “Following company policy, she provided a doctor's note upon returning to work, and she was still terminated without explanation”. She was in a conference room pleading for unemployment benefits of about $160 a week and was denied. The human resources agent that sat across from her denied her plea, this agent of course does not work for Amazon instead she works for Integrity Staffing Solutions, a company paid by Amazon to recruit warehouse workers and “one of the fastest-growing agencies of its kind in the country”. Jeff Bezos uses them to save money by fighting off workers like Rosemarie Fritchman who were injured on the job and are pleading for unemployment benefits. In June of 2011 an emergency room doctor called federal regulators to report the Amazon warehouse as an “unsafe environment”.
“Tell Mr. Bezos and the rest of management to come out of their offices and get on the shop floor. At the end of the day, they never feel what we go through in a day for $12 an hour. They get to sit down in their offices and get paid more than we will see in a year,” - a single mother of two, 2017.
In 2018 Amazon still avoids compensating Amazon workers for injuries acquired on the job
This is not a resolved issue, since then Shannon Allen 49 years old of Azle, Texas was injured twice after beginning work on May 2017. When being injured on the job her experience was this; “Nobody was taking me seriously about my injury. My injury was being minimized. It was not being acknowledged”.  On October 24, 2017, at 10:30 at night she told her manager “My back is killing me” she felt a sharp pain in her back “It felt like someone stabbed me in the back and dragged it all the way down my spine”. There were no doctors or nurses, just EMTs. The EMT told her to lie down on a heating pad for 30 minutes, then she was discharged without pay which Amazon labeled “voluntary time off”, a bizarre label for an injury on the job. Rather than send her to a doctor, Amazon set up a questionable “treatment plan” that consisted of sitting on a heating pad for 15-20 minutes a night. She went back to work the next night but the pain was so severe she could not get passed the first four hours of her shift, and when she could not complete her shift, Amazon sent her home without payment for the work she did complete. “Amazon paid Shannon $25 a week for her short-term disability”. She says “They tried to push narcotics on me. I said I don’t want your narcotics. I want to get better”.
She “returned to work on January 27, a day before her birthday”. Amazon called her time off an “excessive amount of time to complete therapy” and cancelled her workers’ compensation. The day she returned to work Shannon was injured a second time. This time Shannon looked for other doctors other than the therapist chosen by Amazon’s insurance company. This doctor said “he did not understand why she was being released to go back to work. He said that she was seriously injured, ordered her to take off work for a month, and indicated that she may need surgery”. Amazon’s “peer review group” overturned this doctor’s diagnosis. After both injuries in the Amazon warehouse, on April of 2018 Amazon’s workers’ compensation manager told Shannon that the company’s “safety senior ops” manager “had determined that she did not need any accommodations for her job”. “They really don’t care about anything but profit” says Shannon.
Shannon Allen even had to take a co-worker to the emergency room herself because her blood pressure skyrocketed, “The doctor said if she had not come in, she would not have made it”. “Every time we would go on break, ambulances would be waiting outside to pick people up. But not one manager, nobody from HR, nobody from security is out there escorting people to the ambulances. They just don’t care. You are on your own”. Shannon Allen says “On my shift we were picking people up from heat exhaustion”. As per usual Shannon Allen described the Amazon warehouse as “sweltering” the working environment reached levels of 80, 85, and 90 degrees Fahrenheit “In the summertime, it gets over 100 degrees in there”.
Bill Gates uses “billions of dollars a year on global health, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is putting $1 billion a year into his Blue Origin space venture” - GeekWire. “The only way that I can see to deploy this much financial resource is by converting my Amazon winnings into space travel” says Jeff Bezos during the Axel Springer award ceremony in Berlin. Jeff Bezos just referred to the profit that he makes off the underpaid sacrificial labor of his workers…as Amazon winnings, this is not a lottery it is the deliberate exploitation of the American people. Jeff Bezos has the personal financial resources to pay his workers especially if he can say something like this; “Blue Origin is expensive enough to be able to use that fortune. I am liquidating about $1 billion a year of Amazon stock to fund Blue Origin. And I plan to continue to do that for a long time” liquidating as in cashing-in his stock, thats tangible money. All the while many Amazon workers are relying on food stamps and being pushed to work until they burn out. “They brag about the number of people that they fire” - Shannon Allen.
Allen says “There are people living in the parking lot at (Amazon warehouse) DFW-7. I have seen that myself. They go in to wash up in the bathroom”. She says “I hate this place. I feel like I’m working in a prison camp”.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders posted a video on May 22 2018 outing Jeff Bezos for his greed highlighting the fact that "Bezos makes more in 10 seconds than the median Amazon employee makes in a year: $28,466”. In response Amazon News posted “Please compare our median pay & benefits to other retailers. We’d be happy for you to come see (an Amazon warehouse) for yourself”. Accepting their invitation Bernie Sanders posts "I remain deeply concerned about Amazon, an enormously profitable corporation, paying workers wages that are so low that they are forced to depend on federal programs like Medicaid, food stamps and public housing for survival. At a time of exploding profits, I would hope that Amazon would pay everyone who works in your (warehouses) a living wage”.
Amazon threatens housing for homeless
Amazon was founded on July 5, 1994  in Seattle, Washington,  its about time this morally questionable monopoly and Jeff Bezos pay their fair share to the American People. Just last month on May 1st of 2018, Amazon “halted construction of a new 17-story office building in downtown Seattle, Washington to protest a proposed city council tax that would fund housing for the homeless”. Amazon also “threatened to sublease office space it is presently using in another downtown building”. Another massive corporate move to manipulate our government and policies, halting progressive reforms.
“The city council proposal would tax large businesses in Seattle by a total of $0.26 per worker hour for those employed in Seattle (i.e. if an Amazon employee in Seattle makes $50/hour, Amazon will pay $50.26/hr, with $0.26 going to the city). This would generate $75 million a year to fund the construction of 1,780 affordable housing units within five years, as well as a modest expansion of social programs for the homeless. If enacted at a city council meeting on May 15, the tax would cost Amazon $20 million per year—roughly one sixth of what Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos makes each day”. - wsws.org
Seattle has the third largest homeless population in America. In 2017 the Seattle Times reported that “Nearly 22,000 homeless people” were counted, a 3.5 percent increase over the course of a year. 169 of which died outdoors in 2017.
Amazon has routinely exploited the American people for the last 23 years and has built a $129 billion fortune for it’s founder Jeff Bezos, at a 2018 rate of $231,000 per minute. To make matters worse Amazon does not pay it’s taxes. Steve Kovach a Business Insider senior correspondent says that Amazon's profits in 2017 were about $3 billion and it paid almost no federal taxes. Bob Bryan a Business Insider Policy Reporter says “Amazon avoids paying federal taxes using a variety of tax credits and tax exemptions that are legal and built into the U.S. federal tax code. Some of these can include the research and development tax credit which allows them to deduct some of the costs of new investments” this includes Amazon’s research into drone delivery, but that simply means they get tax breaks for investing in themselves and becoming an even bigger conglomerate.
“Amazon does a really good job at avoiding federal taxes, and for most of its existence, it avoided charging you state sales tax. That's because of a Supreme Court case from 1992 that prevented states from collecting sales tax from e-commerce companies. It allowed Amazon and other retailers to sell tons of stuff to you effectively tax-free. By 2017, that all changed, Amazon started charging sales tax in all the states that have it, but it's not that simple, a lot of third-party sellers sell stuff through Amazon as well, and many of them don't charge sales tax” says Kovach. Bryan adds “there are tens of millions of dollars every year in state sales tax that go uncollected from third-party sellers”. According to Kovach, in addition to the saving Amazon has collected from avoiding federal taxes and sales taxes “(Amazon) has gotten over $600 million in tax breaks to build warehouses in certain states. It got another $147 million in tax breaks for building data centers around the country. Keep in mind Amazon is valued at over $700 billion, it's not like the company is struggling to save money”.
Every time you order using amazon to save a few dollars, those are tax dollars that will not go to schools, benefits for federal retirees and veterans, science and medical research, elderly and disabled citizens, and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) which provides health care to 60 million low-income American children and parents.
There are alternatives to shopping at Amazon, buy products locally or visit sites like: www.ethicalconsumer.org/boycotts/boycottamazon/amazonshoppingalternatives.aspx to find ethical shopping sources.
https://www.gofundme.com/5impots — Here is a gofundme link for Shannon Allen an Amazon warehouse worker that was injured on the job.
a few random notes to keep in mind
Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post for $250 million and installed a policy to not write anything that criticizes its’ investors witch include the CIA
Jeff Bezos also bought WholeFoods for $13.7 billion
https://www.gofundme.com/5impots — Here is a gofundme link for Shannon Allen an Amazon warehouse employee that was injured on the job
http://time.com/money/5192998/jeff-bezos-net-worth-2018-worlds-richest-man/ - Jeff Bezos makes $230,000 a minute
https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/12/09/amaz-d09.html - warehouse employee quotes
http://www.mcall.com/news/local/amazon/mc-allentown-amazon-complaints-20110917-story.html - amazon forces warehouse workers to heat exhaustion
http://www.mcall.com/business/mc-amazon-temporary-workers-unemployment-20121215-story.html -workers pushed to heat exhaustion than fired for missing work and denied unemployment insurance
https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/05/04/amaz-m04.html - amazon protests tax increase to fund the construction of homeless shelters and affordable housing units
http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-not-paying-taxes-trump-bezos-2018-4 - how amazon avoids paying taxes
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sorayahigashikata · 5 years
Chapter 87: "Spin spin spin spin spin Spinspinspinspin Spinspinspin AAAAAUGGHH!"
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Joe’s Weather Blog: A multi part storm in Florence (TUE-9/11)
Hurricane Florence continues to move towards the Carolinas…and the data hasn’t wavered much over the past 5 days or so…it’s been somewhat amazingly consistent (except the GFS model) and that’s why you’re hearing more confident forecasts and have for the last few days. There are still obvious landfall issues and while many focus purely on that part of Florence, in reality, it’s a small part of what waits for that part of the country. For example…many remember the devastating flooding in the Houston area from Harvey…but landfall on that terrible hurricane was actually much farther south…north of Corpus Christi…it was the stalling part of the storm and the looping back into the Gulf that created the devastating floods that were the main component of the storm.
Florence has now become the biggest news story of the day and you’re hearing a lot about preparations…over 1 million being evacuated, perhaps more. Storm surge…wind…tornadoes…coastal erosion, and what may be the biggest issue..inland flooding…are all likely unless something different happens in a substantial way compared to the data available.
Models this morning are showing the tell tale signs of either a slowing hurricane or a hurricane that tries to do loop de loops (sp) as the storm comes inland…this is a result of a collapse of steering. Also sometimes as hurricanes come ashore the frictional effects of land can slow the storm down…especially when there is not a lot of push to the storm to begin with.
More of Florence in a minute.
Back home into KC though…status quo…nice weather with warmer temperatures through the weekend…highs may nudge close to 90° in some spots, especially downtown KC. No rain is expected till early next week and I’m not confident we’ll get that much from that although we should see a nice cold front come through the region.
Today: Sunny and seasonable with higher into the lower 80s
Tonight: Clear and pleasant with lows near 60°
Wednesday: Sunny with highs 80-85°
Thursday: Sunny with highs in the mid 80s
Obviously let’s get more into Florence.
When hurricanes intensify rapidly, like what happened yesterday, in many cases they peak out and actually weaken a bit. This is because the core of the storm undergoes a restructuring. This is called an ERC or Eyewall Replacement Cycle. This occurred last night. What happens is that the eye of the storm falls apart as a new eye surrounds it and eventually replaces it. Instead of a nice clear center of a hurricane on the satellite pictures…the eye gets more disorganized and isn’t circular anymore. As this process occurs the winds around the core of the storm tend to weaken.
This happened as well…the morning update has Florence “down” to 130 MPH…
Interestingly though…as this process occurs the wind field of the hurricane actually expands…so the hurricane actually becomes bigger in size. Winds expand away from the core of the storm…the waves increase farther away from the center as a result…and in the end you have a bigger hurricane in size at least.
When the cycle completes…assuming the atmosphere is still favorable and the Ocean is still warm (that’s the gas for the hurricane engine) the storm can get stronger again from a wind perspective and model data this morning shows this potential today and tomorrow.
As the day moves along and you watch the images looping above…note the eye of the hurricane…IF it starts to clear out again…that will be a sign that the storm is strengthening from a core standpoint. There is recon data this morning that is showing perhaps a new strengthening process is beginning
[#tweetForScientists] Flight-level winds came in quite strong on the latest recon pass through the eastern eyewall, peaking at 143 kt. The outer eyewall is already well-defined, and the inner one nearly fully eroded. pic.twitter.com/v0EzKY0thD
— Levi Cowan (@TropicalTidbits) September 11, 2018
What happens at flight level (close to 10,000 feet or so I think) isn’t necessarily what happens on the surface…but it can be an eventual indicator down the road.
Messaging of the storm though hasn’t changed really. Again while the landfall point may change the results will be about the same.
The winds from Florence will really start increasing later Wednesday into Thursday morning.
All the graphics above will be updating throughout the day and night so the most current information will be on the blog.
When many talk about hurricanes…the winds are always the 1st item of conversation…how strong are the winds? That seems to be the measure of hurricanes…which gets you half way down the road really when it comes to landfall. In the end though, as I showed you yesterday…flooding is almost the bigger issue and with Florence that will likely be the main thing again.
From a wind standpoint…lots of damage will take place near and to the right of the core’s landfall along the coastal areas.
The chart above, via the EURO model shows the cumulative wind swath of the storm into the weekend.
Look carefully below…the EURO model portrays the strongest wind gusts in the Carolinas. I saw a 120 MPH gust and odds are there are stronger winds somewhere near the core. These would be the strongest winds later Thursday as the storm comes ashore
From the NWS in NC…
Based on the current track of #Florence, devastating wind gusts well over 100 mph are possible across coastal sections of southern ENC. Florence will be a major hurricane at landfall, it is urgent that you make proper preparations and follow all evacuation orders. #ncwx pic.twitter.com/G3o8ujd6LH
— NWS Newport/Morehead (@NWSMoreheadCity) September 11, 2018
Then data suggests that the storm will stall. Flooding is going to be the main problem then.
The map above is VERY subject to change…and the axis of heaviest rains/flooding will be changing I think over the next couple of days as we try to figure out where the stall occurs and what happens from there.
As you might expect…while we may think that the Carolinas are used to this…it’s not that often that this strong a hurricane hits.
This is located at the Wrightsville Beach Museum. #Hazel literally is heads above the rest! pic.twitter.com/MMlWU1Ake3
— Met. Eclipse (@TARCweather) September 10, 2018
Note the height of the water from 1954 and Hurricane Hazel…another 5 FEET higher than the devastating floods/water levels from the other storms at Wrightsville Beach.
Three hurricane have hit the Carolinas at Category Four strength since 1851… looks like Florence will make number four later this week. pic.twitter.com/x3z1qa8rPe
— James Spann (@spann) September 10, 2018
Are folks in NC prepared…well yes and no…
There are five nuclear power plants & almost 1,000 chemical & plastics manufacturing plants in North Carolina. Over 230k homes face storm surge risk but only one county has >50% insured for flood. The poverty rate is 15%. These numbers scare me most about #HurricaneFlorence.
— Scott Knowles (@USofDisaster) September 11, 2018
A LOT of people don’t have the proper insurance…so that aspect isn’t encouraging. Flood insurance is VERY expensive and many simply can’t afford it.
Then there is the aspect of new people moving there…and this is a BIG issue as well. The last major (110+ MPH winds) hurricane to hit the Carolinas was HUGO back in 1989…that’s almost 30 years ago! Many haven’t gone through a hurricane like that before.
NO major hurricanes in the Carolinas since 1989 (Hugo)#GIS MAP= % INCREASE IN POPULATION BY COUNTY from 1990 to 2010 (@uscensusbureau)
RED/PURPLE Counties = 100% + population growth, many w/ NO hurricane experience
PLEASE follow #HurricaneFlorence guidance from authorities pic.twitter.com/9bpQjSEmxd
— Ryan Miller (@RyanMiller_WX) September 11, 2018
For example…in Wilmington, NC…in the mid 80s there were about 45,000 people living there…since then the population has more than doubled to close to 120,000. A LOT of folks don’t have a memory of a storm to fall back on…and say to themselves “we want no part of that again”. You can really appreciate this by looking towards the coastal areas especially…and this is since the year 2000!
Worth mentioning the continued population & exposure growth in the potential path of #Florence. Many spots show robust change since 2000.
Such rapid changes means many new residents have yet to experience hurricane conditions and/or severe inland flooding. pic.twitter.com/gdLmHZDhjr
— Steve Bowen (@SteveBowenWx) September 10, 2018
Since Hugo…it’s even more apparent courtesy @SteveBowenwx
                  The land use has changed as well over the decades. I sent this tweet out yesterday showing the changes since the mid 80s in Wilmington, NC.
One of the many aspects about hurricane destruction along our coastlines over the years are how buildings are built and also how development has occurred through the years. For example… @CityofWilm 1984 (left) and 2016 (right). @NWSWilmingtonNC JL #Florence pic.twitter.com/zYorUoWmj8
— Fox 4 Weather KC (@fox4wx) September 10, 2018
Zoom in area of Myrtle Beach and Wilmington. While we don't know exactly where or if #Florence will make landfall, we do know that development and societal growth in this region has rapidly amplified over the last 78 years. #ExpandingBullsEye pic.twitter.com/wI6li0A93y
— Stephen M. Strader (@StephenMStrader) September 10, 2018
So there are many aspects to this eventual disaster at play right now. From storm surge (more on that tomorrow) to wind damage along the coastal areas…to flooding…and other items to consider with this storm.
It is an impressive storm!
Sunrise on Hurricane Florence.
Gorgeous 30-second imagery. pic.twitter.com/W6QKSSJSKQ
— Dakota Smith (@weatherdak) September 11, 2018
There is some consternation within the weather community about the seemingly poor forecasts coming out of the GFS model. It remains to be seen what eventually happens with Florence but in most cases the GFS model has been ignored by most seasoned forecasters because is some strange solutions. The GFS model is likely to be replaced to start 2019 by a model called the FV3…which has been more consistent and seemingly more realistic with it’s portrayal of intensity etc with this storm. One meteorologist took a deeper dive into WHY the GFS model may be performing poorly with it’s forecast. I even learned something and it all comes down to microphysics.
1) Let's reason out why the #GFS tracks #Florence NE of the #ECWMF even now 3 days till verification? Look at the upper-level cirrus canopy b/c cloud-radiative feedback is important.
The #GFS has a thicker & more expansive cirrus plume NW of #Florence. What is its significance? pic.twitter.com/MPu8h0iJAi
— Philippe Papin (@pppapin) September 11, 2018
OK I need to stop here…if you can find a more through and comprehensive blog about this storm…let me know I need to check it out!
Our feature photo comes from Tammi Camlin…
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2018/09/11/joes-weather-blog-a-multi-part-storm-in-florence-tue-9-11/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/09/11/joes-weather-blog-a-multi-part-storm-in-florence-tue-9-11/
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Were The Republicans That Voted For Obamacare
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-were-the-republicans-that-voted-for-obamacare/
Who Were The Republicans That Voted For Obamacare
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Actual Events That Occurred As A Result Of The Affordable Care Act 2011 To 2014
January, 2011: In 2011, insurance companies had to ensure the value for premium payments. If insurance companies did not spend at least 80% to 85% of premiums on care the difference is sent to customers in a refund.
January 2011: A Florida judge rules that elements of the Affordable Care Act are unconstitutional.
November 14, 2011: The US Supreme Court agrees to hear arguments in the Obamacare case brought by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business. It argues that elements of the Affordable Care Act are unconstitutional.
January, 2014: Health Affairs published its most recent analysis of Medical Loss Ratio performance by major insurers.
March, 2014: The New York Times reports that the U.S. Census Bureau, the authoritative source of health insurance data changed its annual survey so thoroughly that it became difficult to measure the effects of President Obamas health care law. 
How Different Groups Of Republicans Voted
Many hard-line conservatives, including Freedom Caucus members and recipients of campaign contributions from the caucus’s political action committee, expressed opposition to the bill in its original form, but voted yes on Thursday after several changes to the legislation. Much of the Republican opposition to the bill came from members whose districts voted for Hillary Clinton.
Affordable Health Care For America Act
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The Affordable Health Care for America Act was a that was crafted by the United States House of Representatives of the 111th United States Congress on October 29, 2009. The bill was sponsored by Representative Charles Rangel. At the encouragement of the Obama administration, the 111th Congress devoted much of its time to enacting reform of the United States’ health care system. Known as the “House bill, HR 3962 was the House of Representatives’ chief legislative proposal during the health reform debate.
On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed an alternative health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act . In 2010, the House abandoned its reform bill in favor of amending the Senate bill ” rel=”nofollow”>reconciliation process) in the form of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
Senators Who Had Voted Against Obamacare Repeal Are Now Wavering
Matt Fuller
WASHINGTON Theres nothing like a deadline to get things moving on Capitol Hill, and with a Sept. 30 expiration date for the bill that want to use for an Affordable Care Act repeal, Senate Republicans who once seemed resolutely opposed to even the most modest Obamacare repeal suddenly sounded less resolute Monday.
The proposal authored by Sens. Lindsey Graham , Bill Cassidy and other Republican colleagues would still likely result in millions losing coverage. The bill would still cut Medicaid, albeit over a longer timeline, and states could still choose to undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions. But the measure, attached to a reconciliation bill that allows a simple majority vote, would give states more flexibility in deciding those cuts and coverage decisions.
That flexibility has inspired Sen. Rand Paul to come out strongly against the legislation, castigating the bill as a rebranding of Obamacare. Conservatives should say no, Paul Monday.
The proposal, however, is seemingly less repellent to Sen. Lisa Murkowski , one of the three Senate Republicans who voted against the skinny repeal in July, along with Susan Collins and John McCain . Murkowski told HuffPost on Monday that shes undecided on Graham-Cassidy, as the measure is known, and that she and her staff were still looking to see how Alaska would make out under the bill.
Whether we repeal and replace Obamacare comes down to a few key senators, Meadows said.
Employer Mandate And Part
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Health insurance mandate
The employer mandate applies to employers of more than fifty where health insurance is provided only to the full-time workers. Critics claimed it created a perverse incentive to hire part-timers instead. However, between March 2010 and 2014, the number of part-time jobs declined by 230,000 while the number of full-time jobs increased by two million. In the public sector full-time jobs turned into part-time jobs much more than in the private sector. A 2016 study found only limited evidence that ACA had increased part-time employment.
Several businesses and the state of Virginia added a 29-hour-a-week cap for their part-time employees, to reflect the 30-hour-or-more definition for full-time worker. As of 2013, few companies had shifted their workforce towards more part-time hours . Trends in working hours and the recovery from the Great Recession correlate with the shift from part-time to full-time work. Other confounding impacts include that health insurance helps attract and retain employees, increases productivity and reduces absenteeism; and lowers corresponding training and administration costs from a smaller, more stable workforce. Relatively few firms employ over 50 employees and more than 90% of them already offered insurance.
Is The Supreme Court Likely To Save Obamacare
The Supreme Court is likely to leave in place the bulk of Obamacare, including key protections for pre-existing health conditions.
Conservative justices John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh appeared in two hours of arguments to be unwilling to strike down the entire law a long-held Republican goal.
The courts three liberal justices are almost certain to vote to uphold the law in its entirety and presumably would form a majority by joining a decision that cut away only the mandate, which now has no financial penalty attached to it.
Leading a group of Democratic-controlled states, California and the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives are urging the court to leave the law in place.
A decision is expected by late spring.
Laws Ripped From ‘the Handmaid’s Tale’
Then there are the political headaches that would be triggered by the overturning of Roe: the likely countermobilization of liberals and alienation of many moderates suddenly witnessing the painful realities of abortion bans, and stronger pushes in Republican ranks for a total national abortion ban and other extreme measures.
The Republicans incendiary antiabortion rhetoric could come back to haunt. If abortion constitutes the murdering of babies, as antiabortion language insists, and theres no longer a Roe v. Wade getting in the way, arent the Republicans obliged to ban it in every instance and every place, whether through the courts or the political process?
Will Biden get in the ring?: Patients shouldn’t have to fight this hard for an abortion 
Expect emboldened right-wing politicians to push more legislation that sounds like its been ripped from the scripts of The Handmaids Tale.” Abortion bans that make no exceptions for victims of rape or incest  a hallmark of the Mississippi law heading to the high court this fall. Bills like one that advanced recently in Pennsylvania that focuses not just on abortions but miscarriages, too  categorizing miscarriages as deaths and requiring health care facilities to file death certificates and get burial permits. As if the would-be mother werent already suffering enough, now this extra burden, served up with a sinister insinuation about her miscarriage. 
Rep Tom Reed Of New York
Reed, a leader of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, broke with his party on a handful of votes relating to the government shutdown at the start of the year. He told Roll Call after Wednesdays vote that he was concerned about his partys position on health care heading into 2020.
Hopefully, maybe, this puts a marker down with our leadership and with the Republican Party in the House and Senate, as well as across the country, that we owe it to the American people to show in black and white how were going to fix health care, he said.
The DCCC is not targeting Reed, who won re-election by 8 points in 2018.
Trump carried Reeds district, which stretches along the border with Pennsylvania, by 15 points. Reeds 2018 opponent, cybersecurity expert Tracy Mitrano, is running again. Inside Elections rates the race Solid Republican.
Trump: We’ll Soon See If Republicans Will ‘step Up To The Plate’ On Health Care
I’m not going to vote for something that’s a scaled down version, that’s a political punt,” Graham said earlier Tuesday. The South Carolina Republican will vote for the motion to proceed but added that a final product to fix the health care system should go through “regular order.”
Collins said the proposal wasnt described at the weekly Senate GOP policy lunch.
And so apparently that is an amendment that the leader would offer at the end, she said. I have no idea whats going into that.
And Republicans are considering making further changes to the repeal-and-replace plan. Administration officials and senators are discussing adding as much as $100 billion more to earlier drafts to help low-income people with premiums, Republicans said.
Before Tuesday’s vote, McConnell urged senators to take the first step to provide relief on this failed left-wing experiment.
Id like to reiterate what the president said yesterday. Any senator who votes against starting debate, he said, is telling America that you are fine with the Obamacare nightmare Thats a position that even Democrats have found hard to defend, McConnell said.
The fate of the vote was uncertain as recently as Tuesday morning. Paul, Heller and moderate Sen. Shelley Moore Capito waited until the final hours before the vote to announce they would support opening debate on the bill.
Heller said his support for whatever emerges later is not assured.
Rep Pete Stauber Of Minnesota
The freshman flipped a longtime Democratic seat in northeast Minnesota that Trump had carried by 16 points in 2016. Its a largely white, working-class district, where Trumps populist appeal resonated. The former Duluth police officer ran a campaign ad last year about his son Issac, who has Down syndrome, and he talked about the importance of insurance companies covering pre-existing conditions. Democrats are not targeting this seat in 2020. Inside Elections rates the race Likely Republican.
Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act In 2014
October 1, 2013: Health insurance exchanges scheduled to open for 2014 enrollment begin writing policies that go into effect January 1, 2014.
January 2014: People buying insurance on their own get subsidies to help them pay their monthly insurance premiums. Premiums are allocated on a sliding scale, as determined by income. Any individual earning over 400% of the poverty level does not qualify for subsidies.
January 2014: When health insurance exchanges are operational, small business tax credits are up to 50% of premiums.
January 2014: Insurance companies are required to provide health insurance to any adult aged 19 to 64 who applies for coverage.
January 2014: To prevent people from waiting until they get sick to buy health insurance, the ACA requires all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a fine. The fine starts at $95 for an individual in 2014 and goes up each year until 2016, when the fine is $695 or 2.5% of a persons annual income, whichever is greater.
January 2014: Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans , established in 2010 are scheduled to expire on January 1, 2014 once all major ACA reforms go into effect.
What Did Trump Say About Obamacare
President Trump has been actively trying to repeal the healthcare law since he campaigned for the 2016 presidential election.
The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to revoke Obamacare because it’s been an “unlawful failure.”
A brief filed in June asked the court to strike down the Affordable Care Act, arguing it became invalid after axed parts of it.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “President Trump and the Republicans campaign to rip away the protections and benefits of the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the crisis is an act of unfathomable cruelty.
“If President Trump gets his way, 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose the ACAs lifesaving protections and 23 million Americans will lose their health coverage entirely.
“There is no legal justification and no moral excuse for the Trump Administrations disastrous efforts to take away Americans health care.”
Republicans also argue that some people are better off without Obamacare due to the fact that it does not cover those who need it most.
According to the provisions, people who earn just slightly too much to qualify for federal premium subsidies, particularly early retirees and people in their 50s and early 60s who are self-employed are not covered.
Trump endorsed a replacement to Obamacare in 2017 but fell short of passing the Republican-controlled Congress.
“The 2020 election will be pretty simple: if you want more sick people without healthcare coughing on you, vote Trump.”
Scotus Votes To Uphold Obamacare Based On A Technicality No Decision On Constitutional Issues
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The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a Republican bid that had been backed by former President Donald Trumps administration to invalidate the Obamacare healthcare law, ruling that Texas and other challengers had no legal standing to file their lawsuit.
The 7-2 ruling authored by liberal Justice Stephen Breyer did not decide broader legal questions raised in the case about whether a key provision in the law, which is formally called the Affordable Care Act, was unconstitutional and, if so, whether the rest of the statute should be struck down.
The provision, called the individual mandate, originally required Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a financial penalty.
It marked the third time the court has preserved Obamacare since its 2010 enactment.
Breyer wrote that none of the challengers, including Texas and 17 other states and individual plaintiffs, could trace a legal injury to the individual mandate.
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Joe Bidens administration in February urged the Supreme Court to uphold Obamacare, reversing the position taken by the government under Trump, who left office in January.
After Texas and other states sued, a coalition of 20 states including Democratic-governed California and New York and the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives intervened in the case to try to preserve Obamacare after Trump refused to defend the law.
A Final Vote Isn’t The Whole Story It’s Like Researching Your Ancestry And Going No Further Back Than Your Mother And Father
The day after she was one of three Republican senators to vote against her party’s proposal to repeal chunks of the Affordable Care Act, Susan Collins of Maine posted a press release that said: “Democrats made a big mistake when they passed the ACA without a single Republican vote. I don’t want to see Republicans make the same mistake.”
It was a nice nod in the direction of bipartisanship. But it also perpetuates a deceptive narrative, repeated often by Republicans, that they were completely excluded from the process that resulted in Obamacare. While it is true that no Republican voted for the final bill, it is blatantly untrue that it contains no GOP DNA. In fact, to make such an assertion is like researching your ancestry and going no further back than your mother and father. 
Not only were Republican senators deeply involved in the process up until its conclusion, but it’s a cinch that the ACA might have become law months earlier if the Democrats, hoping for a bipartisan bill, hadn’t spent enormous time and effort wooing GOP senators only to find themselves gulled by false promises of cooperation. And unlike Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s semi-secret proceedings that involved only a handful of trusted colleagues, Obamacare, until the very end of the process, was open to public scrutiny.
More:Spare America a do-over on health care. Seize the bipartisan moment.
POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media
Requirements For Health Plans And Insurers
See also: Health insurance policy cancellations since Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act prohibited individual market insurers from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. This policy is known as guaranteed issue. Guaranteed issue regulations had already existed for insurers selling employer-sponsored health plans, and the ACA extended this rule to the individual market as well.
The law also required insurers to allow young adults to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans until age 26. Insurers were also required to allow people in the individual market to renew their health plans each year unless they did not pay their premiums.
The ACA required individual and small group health plans that were offered both on and off the exchanges to cover services that fall into 10 broad benefits categories, called essential health benefits:
Ambulatory patient services
Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
Prescription drugs
Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
Laboratory services
Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
The ACA placed restrictions on the way individual and small group insurers set a plan’s The amount a consumer is required to pay for a health insurance plan. Premiums are usually paid monthly, quarterly or annually.:
Nancy Pelosi
Medical loss ratio
Stabilization programs
The House Has Voted 54 Times In Four Years On Obamacare Heres The Full List
Sunday marks the fourth anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, however you prefer to describe it.
While Democrats are struggling with whether to embrace the law or push for changes, Republicans are reminding voters that since they took control of the House in 2011, they’ve voted 54 times to undo, revamp or tweak the law. Here’s a full list of those votes, as provided by GOP aides. Dates with an asterisk denote a bill that also passed the Senate and was signed by President Obama:
Votes during the 112th Congress, from 2011-2012:
1.Jan. 19, 2011: The “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act” would have repealed all of the Affordable Care Act. It passed 245 to 189 with three Democrats voting for it, but was never considered by the Senate.
2.Feb. 19, 2011: The House’s version of the fiscal 2011 continuing appropriations bill included several amendments that would have “severely limited” implementation of the law. It passed 221 to 202 with no Democratic votes and was never considered in the Senate.
The next few votes were on amendments added to the appropriations bill:
3.The Rehberg Amendment #575: Prohibited funding for any employee, officer, contractor or grantee of any agencies funded under appropriations for the departments of Health and Human Services and Labor to implement provisions of the law.
4.The King Amendment #267: Ensured that no money included in the appropriations bill would be used to implement the law.
Democrats Sought To Put Gop Colleagues On Record With Symbolic Vote
Bridget BowmanSimone Pathé
Democratic congressional campaigns have already made health care an early focus of their 2020 messaging, and House Democrats bolstered that effort Wednesday with a symbolic vote that sought to once again put Republicans on record on the issue.
Eight Republicans sided with Democrats on the nonbinding resolution, which the House adopted, 240-186. The measure condemned the Trump administrations support for invalidating the 2010 health care law in its entirety. The Department of Justice, in a new filing last week, backed a Texas judges decision to strike down the law. 
Three Republicans  New Yorks Tom Reed and John Katko and Pennsylvanias Brian Fitzpatrick had voted in January to authorize the House general counsel to intervene in the lawsuit to defend the health care law. All three also voted for the resolution Wednesday.
One Democrat 15-term Minnesota Rep. Collin C. Peterson bucked his party and voted against the resolution. Hes one of the last Democrats remaining in the House who opposed the 2010 health care law and is likely the last Democrat who can hold his heavily agricultural 7th District seat.
Democrats were otherwise united in supporting the resolution, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launched positive Facebook ads touting their vulnerable members votes to protect families with pre-existing conditions.
Also watch: What if we switch to a single-payer health care system?
How Many Republicans Voted For Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, received no Republican votes in either the Senate or the House of Representatives when it was passed in 2009. In the Senate, the bill was passed with a total of 60 votes, or 58 Democratic Party votes and 2 Independent Party votes. The House passed the legislation with 219 Democratic votes.
The Affordable Care Act received 39 votes against it in the Senate, all from Republicans. One senator abstained from voting. In the House, the ACA received 212 votes against it, with 34 coming from the Democratic Party and 178 from the Republican Party. There were enough votes for the ACA in the Senate to prevent an attempt to filibuster the bill, while the House vote required a simple majority.
The ACA originated in the Senate, though both the House and Senate were working on versions of a health care bill at the same time. Democrats in the House of Representatives were initially unhappy with the ACA, as they had expected some ability to negotiate additional changes before its passage. Since Republicans in the Senate were threatening to filibuster any bill they did not fully support, and Democrats no longer had enough seats to override the filibuster, no changes could be made. Since any changes to the legislation by the House would require it to be re-evaluated in the Senate, the original version was passed in 2009 on condition that it would be amended by a subsequent bill.
Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act After 180 Days
September 23, 2010 :
Seniors are entitled to a $250 rebate to close the Medicare Part D coverage gap.
A government website is created to allow people to search for information about health insurance companies, available plans, and other essential facts.
Insurers are not permitted to exclude pre-existing conditions from coverage for children.
October 19, 2010: eHealth publishes its first in a series of resources to help uninsured children navigate differences in individual states.
History Lesson: How The Democrats Pushed Obamacare Through The Senate
Twenty-five days of consecutive session on a bill that was partisan in the sense that Republicans were angry with it, but we still had the courage of our convictions to have a debate on the floor. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer , remarks on the Senate floor, June 19, 2017
To highlight the secrecy of the GOP health-care deliberations, many Senate Democrats have pointed out that the debate over the Affordable Care Act was the second-longest consecutive session in Senate history. Schumer even sought a parliamentary inquiry on the claim, and it was confirmed by the presiding officer, Sen. Joni Ernst
The Secretary of the Senates office notes that H.R. 3590 was considered on each of 25 consecutive days of session, and the Senate Library estimates approximately 169 hours in total consideration, she said.
The longest session, Feb. 12-March 9, 1917, concerned whether to arm merchant ships during World War I, shortly before the United States entered the conflict. That lasted 26 days.
But this statistic obscures a reality: The key work on creating the Senate version of the ACA was done in secret. Lets take a trip down memory lane.
Republicans Plan Healthcare Vote; Obama And Tv Host Denounce Bill
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6 Min Read
WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans announced plans to vote next week on their latest bid to scuttle Obamacare even as a popular comedian who has become part of the U.S. healthcare debate denounced the bill and former President Barack Obama on Wednesday warned of real human suffering.
President Donald Trump, who has expressed frustration at the Senates failure thus far to pass legislation dismantling Obamas signature legislative achievement, said 47 or 48 Republicans back the bill, which needs 50 votes for passage in the 100-seat Senate, which his Republican Party controls 52-48.
We think this has a very good chance, Trump, who made replacing Obamacare a top 2016 campaign promise, told reporters during an appearance with Egypts president in New York.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul opposes the bill. At least five other Republicans are undecided on it: Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan of Alaska, John McCain of Arizona and Jerry Moran of Kansas.
Republican Senator John Thune on Fox News said: Were a handful of votes short of having the 50 that we need.
As they worked to gather enough votes to win, after prior legislation failed in July, congressional Republicans and the White House were on the defensive after Jimmy Kimmel used his late-night TV show to blast the proposal and call Republican Senator Bill Cassidy, one of its two sponsors, a liar.
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