#i will be posting the next few in a separate post
kiwiana-writes · 2 days
hi MJ!! for the sleepover weekend asks, i'd love some fluffy and a few hurt/comfort firstprince fic recs! and and for fmk: bea, june and nora from rwrb! okay thats it byebye ~saturday xoxo
Forgive me: I sat on this one for so long it's now officially NEXT weekend, at least in my part of the planet, so I guess answering this is also me kicking off this weekend's slumber party 😅
I'm doing FMK first, even though I need you to know this is CRUEL. Fuck Nora, marry Bea, kill June, but I am absolutely relying on Nora's smarts/Pez's cash to get her out of this situation.
take me back to San Francisco by @getmehighonmagic: this has a sequel languishing in my emails for that magical future day when I'm capable of reading again but I have no doubt it'll be just as incredible as part one, which is FUCKING DIVINE. Also I just... really wanna go to San Francisco.
You love me! You love me? by anarchyat4am: How often I shoehorn a rec for this fic wherever it might be even remotely applicable is sort of a running joke by this point but I stand by it actually. This is a massive comfort fic for my trans ass.
Confidential Memorandum by @sherryvalli: this fic is so stinkin' cute I feel like I need to book a dental appointment every time I read it.
Dick, Dick, Dick (You Down) by @everwitch-magiks: do I feel a deep abiding kinship with Henry's anxiety being read as rudeness in this fic? Maybe, shut up.
Getting Clinical by @cha-melodius: Yes I'm biased because this was a gift for me, no I don't care, IT'S A FUCKING DELIGHT.
In His Wildest Dreams by @myheartalivewrites: This fic is a fucking fluffy blanket of joy.
If at first you don't succeed by @clottedcreamfudge: I am lowkey obsessed with CCF second first impressions and Alex being blissfully unaware until he's not.
a shard or two by @aeithalian: you don't read WIPs? I don't care. Read this one. I beg of you. Hands down the most criminally underrated fic in this entire fandom in my opinion. It is so, SO good. I reread it all the time in between chapters, I am hoping DESPERATELY the author will let me ficbind it when it's done, and I will scream about it from the fucking ROOFTOPS to convince y'all to read it. No cliffhangers, no relationship drama, just the meatiest post-canon deliciousness.
(but i knew you) baby, kiss it better by saintsnames: age gap my beloved, sex bloopers my beloved, two idiots in love MY BELOVED.
i ask you how you’re doing (and i let you lie) and even though we know it isn't true by @matherines: double-reccing even though these can be read separately because HAHA OUCH MY HEART. Both of these fics just fucking flayed me alive????
you were more than just a short time by @hypnostheory: DAVID 😭😭😭😭😭😭 mind the living fuck out of the tags but FUCK this is good. Heartbreaking, but good.
Downburst by @cricketnationrise had me clutching my face from start to finish I swear to god.
So I Will Weather the Storm by @sparklepocalypse: while reading this, picture me just screaming ALEX YOU FUCKING DUMBASS at my computer the entire time and it'll be like you were right here with me the first time I read it!
The Domestication of Household Spiders by @cultofsappho: if Spider-Man Alex has no fans I am dead etc etc. This is so fucking SOFT from start to finish.
[Sleepover weekend!]
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winchesterwild78 · 1 day
The Tutor part 4
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Master List
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: mention of cheating, mention of phone sex, separation, fluff
A/N: Just a quick idea that popped in my head. A short series, maybe 2 or 3 chapters. I don’t know yet. No disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction. Jensen has children in this, but I do not use their real names. 
Reader is a teacher and is asked to tutor Jensen’s child. Things develop between Jensen and the reader. I do not condone cheating, again, this is a work of fiction.
This chapter got a little long. Sorry not sorry. 😀 Please overlook any errors. I wrote this fast and edited it fast. 
Minors DNI 18+
Coming out of your room you were still smiling from the video call and the post Jensen made. You were completely in love with him. There was a glaring problem, you both were married to other people. You made the move to leave your husband, but he was still living with his wife. The fear of him never leaving her and you always being ‘the other woman’ was real and kept creeping into your mind. 
The next few days went pretty fast. Jensen called and video chatted with the kids every chance he could, and you would get a special, private video call after the kids were in bed. 
The night before he was due to fly in you were laying on your bed, earbuds in and having video phone sex with him. You were so into what was going on on your screen, you didn’t hear the front door. Jensen was close to his release, and you were right behind him when you heard a knock at your door. 
Your eyes shot open, grabbing your sheet, “Hello? Who’s there?” Jensen stopped and looked at the screen, sweat on his brow, panting. “Baby? What’s wrong?” “Someone’s knocking at my door.” 
“Hey, Y/N. I just wanted to let you know I’m home.” You swallowed hard, “Oh okay, Welcome home Mrs. Ackles.” You looked at the screen as you said it. Jensen’s eyes went wide. “Why is she home?” He questioned. “I’m not sure.” “Well, damn she just killed the mood, I’m sorry sweetheart.” “It’s okay baby. Once you get home we will have to continue this. When does your flight get in?” “I arrive back at 10am. God I can’t wait to see you.” “Me either baby. You better get some sleep. I love you.” “I love you too, Y/N. Sleep well and tomorrow I’ll be in your arms again.”
You smiled and nodded, “I can’t wait.” After you two hung up, you got dressed and laid down, thinking about Jensen and how the relationship would work when he got home. Especially with his wife back. You decided that would be a problem better solved when he got home. Besides, she has a lover, why can’t he? 
The next morning the house was buzzing with excitement. Jensen was due home in a few hours and the kids were so excited. His wife was less than excited. You heard her on the phone talking about his Instagram post, “No, it wasn’t about me honey. I promise. I don’t know who it was about, but it wasn’t about me. Remember I love you.” 
You scoffed as you walked away. You couldn’t understand how she could throw away such a good thing with Jensen. Sure he isn’t perfect, but there was nothing that could tear you away from him. 
She emerged from the office and greeted you with a big, fake smile. “Good morning, Y/N. How are you today? I surely hope I didn’t interrupt anything last night.” She smirked at you. She did hear you. Did you say Jensen’s name? “Oh, Good morning, no you didn’t, nothing that couldn’t be continued later.” 
She nodded, “So, I was hoping I could talk to you about something.” “Yeah sure, what’s up?” “Well, I saw a post on Jensen’s Instagram that took me by surprise. He mentioned finding the love of his life. As you know, he and I are not on the best of terms, so I know the post isn’t about me. Have you noticed any women around here when you’ve been here?” “No I haven’t, well just you and I, and the nanny.” “Hmm, maybe it’s someone he works with. I refuse to let him make me out to be a fool.” “I’m sure that’s not what he’s doing, maybe the post was about you. Why else would he profess his love publicly?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not about me. We haven’t had sex or even kissed in months. We don’t love each other anymore.” 
Of course you knew all this, but you had to play dumb. “Mrs. Ackles, I’m so sorry. That has to be hard.” “I appreciate it, but it’s not that hard anymore. I’m happy with Josh and I want to build a life with him.” 
Before you could say anything else you heard the front door open and saw Jensen walk in. Your heart leaped in your chest. The kids ran to him and threw their arms around him, “Daddy! You’re home!” “Hey my babies. I missed you three so much, were you good for Ms Y/N?” They smiled and shook their heads yes. 
Jensen saw you and his wife standing in the kitchen. He acknowledged her and you. “Welcome home, Jensen. The kids missed you so much.” “Thank you, Y/N, and thank you again for stepping in and watching them. I appreciate it.” You nodded.
“Y/N, would you please excuse Jensen and I, we have some things to discuss.” “Oh, yeah sure. Welcome home, again.”
With that you left to head to the guest house. You decided to start unpacking and get things cleaned and organized. About twenty minutes later there was a knock on your door. “Come in” you called. You looked up and saw Jensen standing there with a smile on his face. “Come here sweetheart.” He crossed the room and pulled you into a tight hug. “God I missed you.” He kissed the top of your head. You leaned back and he crashed his lips to yours. Moaning into each other’s mouths he led you backwards towards the bed. 
As you fell backwards you giggled. “I missed your laugh, sweetheart.” Jensen kissed your lips, “Now, where did we leave off last night?” “I don’t know about you, but I was so close, Jens.” “Me too, darlin’.” 
You and Jensen quickly shed your clothes. Laying under Jensen and feeling his hands on your body was beyond euphoric. He knew how to touch you and make you feel so completely alive. 
About 45 minutes and 3 orgasms later, you and Jensen were laying on your bed, breathing heavily and trying to cool down. Sweat covered the two of you. Jensen held you in his arms as you laid on his chest. “Baby, how is this going to work with your wife at home?” 
“I told her tonight I wanted a divorce.” You sat up and gasped, “What?” “Yeah, I told her I had found someone I wanted to build a life with, someone I was completely in love with, and I wanted a divorce. I don’t care what it does to my image. I want to be with you, completely and without having to sneak around. You deserve so much better than that.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat. No one had ever put you first. Jensen choosing you over his marriage and his image was a true testament of his love and commitment to you. 
“Jens, I don’t know what to say. I don’t want you to lose your job.” Jensen cupped your face, “Sweetheart, I’m not going to lose my job, I promise.” “What did she say when you told her?” “She said she was fine with going through with it. That she and Josh were in love and she wanted to marry him. I told her I wished her the best. She’s moving in with Josh today, and the kids are staying with me.” 
You smiled and kissed his lips, “I love you, Jensen.” He leaned in more, laying you back on the bed, “I love you too, sweetheart.”
“I better get dressed and back inside. We are telling the kids tonight before she leaves. It’s going to suck.” You touched his arm, “I know it is. Should I stay here or do you want me there, to help the kids?” “I’d love for you to be there, but I think it’s best if you stay here. Once she’s gone you can come in and we will help the kids together.”
You nodded, “Okay, Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it. My priority is you and the kids.” “I love you for that too. I’m sure if you were in there it would cause questions to come up that I’m not ready to answer.” As he started to climb out of the bed he stopped and looked at you, “Thank you for making me believe in love again. When she’s gone I want you to come into the house.” You nodded and he got up to get dressed. 
After he was gone you laid in the bed thinking about everything that has happened in your life since you met Jensen. You couldn’t believe how fast your life had changed. When you married Jeff you thought you were marrying the love of your life, but you were wrong. Being with Jensen was easy, and you felt things with him you hadn’t felt with anyone, even Jeff. You loved Jensen deeply, and you cared and loved his kids too. He and the kids were home. 
A few hours later you saw his wife leave with a suitcase. You sent Jensen a text.
You: Hey, let me know when you want me to come inside. I don’t want to intrude.
Jensen: You can come in. The kids took it better than I thought they would. There were some tears, but I think they knew it was coming. 
You: I’m glad it went better than you thought it would, I hate they felt it was coming, though. 
Jensen: Me too, now get your cute butt in here. 😙
You smiled and you put your phone away. Walking inside the house you weren’t sure what to expect. Jensen and the kids were sitting on the floor in the living room playing. You smiled when you saw the four of them. Jensen’s green eyes looked up at you with so much love. You bit your lip as you looked at him, and you blushed. 
“Ms. Y/N, mommy left again, she’s moving in with Uncle Josh. We’re going to stay here with daddy and you.” Jensen Jr said to you. “I heard, sweetie, and how does that make you feel?” You asked him. “I guess okay. I love mommy, but I know I get to see her still.” “Yes you do buddy, whenever you want,” Jensen said. 
You looked over at the girls, taking a seat on the floor, you asked them, “How are you two doing?” Jessica looked at you and you snuggled to your side, “I’m okay. I get to live with daddy and you. I love you Ms. Y/N.” You pulled her in your arms, “I love you too sweetheart, I love all of you very much.” Her big green eyes were wide, “Even daddy?” You smiled and nodded, “Yes, even your daddy.” 
Annie sat quietly. You looked at her and then at Jensen. You saw the concern etched in his face. “Annie, sweetie, are you okay?” Jensen asked. Annie looked up and tears were in her eyes. Jensen’s heart broke. She looked over at you and back at Jensen, you noticed her lower lip quivering. 
“Annie, it’s okay, baby. We’re here for you. Talk to us, so we can help you.” Jensen pleaded. The words were caught in her throat. Jensen scooped up his little girl and held her in his arms, tightly. You ushered the other two to their playroom, giving Annie and Jensen some privacy. 
You grabbed the door handle, about to walk outside, and Annie spoke up, “Ms. Y/N, please don’t go too.” You froze in place, turned around and said, “Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere. I was just going outside so you and daddy could talk.” 
“I don’t want you to leave.” You walked over to her and Jensen and sat down, “Okay, sweetie, I’ll stay.” 
She gave you a slight smile. What she said next completely broke your’s and Jensen’s hearts. “Daddy, why doesn’t mommy love us anymore?” Jensen sat speechless for a minute, “Oh sweetie, mommy does love you and your brother and sister. Mommy and Daddy just don’t love each other enough anymore to stay married. That’s not going to change how either of us feel about you three. I promise you that.” 
She nodded and left the room. Jensen sat on the couch and let out a long sigh. “I guess I need to start telling family and friends, oh and my manager. This is going to go over so well,” Jensen said sarcastically. 
You rubbed his shoulder and took his hand, “Hey, I’m here for you, no matter what. I love you, remember?” He smiled, “Yeah, I remember, thank you baby.” He placed a soft kiss on your lips. 
Jensen stood and walked towards his office. He stopped and looked over at you and smiled. You gave him a soft smile back and nodded. He walked into his office and closed the door. 
Taking a deep breath you started to busy yourself around the house. Cleaning the kitchen and thinking about the future with Jensen and his kids. You knew you were in love with Jensen, and he was in love with you. Nothing else going on mattered, because you knew as long as the two of you had each other you could tackle the world. 
Tags are open, let me know if you want to be tagged.
@nescaveckwriter @kr804573 
@k-slla @jackles010378 
@jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx 
@roseblue373 @cheynovak 
@jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa 
@n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 
@smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 
@manicjk @stoneyggirl2 
@deans-spinster-witch @snowayumi 
@shadowqueen1318 @shanimallina87
@muhahaha303 @fitxgrld
@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
@kindollss @deana1245 
@mostlymarvelgirl @i-love-ptv
@iwouldfightforfrenchie @spxideyver
@peachhiz @glenpowellheart 
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silenceismychoir · 16 days
list 1 of fundraisers by palestinians who have reached out to me recently - donate and share!
(compiled 6 Sept 2024)
@asmaayyad - gofundme - vetted by 90-ghost - raised: €16,550/45,000
@freepaleatine95 - gofundme - vetted by 90-ghost - raised: $8,093/50,000
@save-ahmed-family1 - gofundme - currently unvetted - raised: €1,509/20,000
@abdullahgaza - gofundme - vetted on operation olive branch (no 81) and butterflyeffect project (no 625) - raised €83,017/120,000
@farahmoo2 - gofundme - vetted by 90-ghost - raised: €5,024/20,000
@asmaamajed2 - gofundme - vetted by 90-ghost - raised: $9,374/50,000
@ahmadresh - gofundme - vetted by 90-ghost - raised: $12,024/31,000
@hala-15 - gofundme - currently unvetted - raised: €3,110/5,000
@lamahourani7 - gofundme - vetted by association (see here and here for details) - raised: $1,759/10,000
@noorabd1992 - gofundme - vetted by roadimusprime - raised: $14,964/45,000
@dinamahammed99 - gofundme - vetted by association (see here) - raised: $5,231/15,000
@zainsami - gofundme - currently unvetted - raised: €440/35,000
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lonicera-edulis · 10 months
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A little bit of saltiness.
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xofeno · 1 year
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JESSE LEE SOFFER as Mister Rogers Variety Interview (2023)
Stay in or go out? Stay in, I'm a total homebody.
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calicobunnyrabbit · 2 months
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whoa! it's, like, symbolic.
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part one
Lance has no idea how powerful he truly is.
Seriously. Completely oblivious. He’s convinced that he’s the only one on the team who’s not powerful — and Keith knows this because those are the words Lance said with his own mouth. He’s so convinced that power is Shiro’s strength, Pidge’s intelligence, Hunk’s wit and compassion, Allura’s regality, and Coran’s wisdom. He’s even completely sure that Keith has power in his speed and initiative.
Somehow, though, the heart of Voltron does not know how he holds everyone in the palm of his hand. He does not see the picture of terror he makes; jaw clenched, brown eyes flashing with determination, back straight and shoulders set, demonic spider at his side, telepathic mice gathered on his head, poisonous, sentient vine wrapped around him — and the spirts of two lions, red and blue, growling in tandem behind him as he swears that no harm will come to the beast by Voltron’s hand.
Lance did not see the fear in the dignitary’s face. He did not notice his team staring at him with wide eyes, leaning far away from him and his own army. He did not see the pure, concentrated power rippling from him in waves.
If Keith’s being totally, completely honest, it’s kind of hot.
But it’s also a pain in the ass. As much as Lance’s greatest strength is in convincing people to listen to him, when he sets stubborn eyes on a task, the Universe herself cannot sway him. Keith has a snowball’s chance in hell of managing either.
“Just try,” Shiro pleads. “Please. Attempt to convince him that, as much as it sucks, killing the damn beast is the easiest way to secure this alliance and move on.”
“Shiro, your braincells are spilling out your ears like loose marbles if you think that I can convince him to even listen to the words I will attempt to say.”
“Holy idiom, there, cowboy,” Pidge teases, and Keith breaks away from the intense stare-down with his brother to stick his tongue out and shoot her the finger.
“That’s a normal idiom. Sorry that you grew up in Michigan where the most interesting insult you ever hear is someone saying please with a little more passive aggression than usual.”
“…Alright. Point to Keith.”
“Mhm. That’s what I thought.”
“Paladins!” Allura snaps, ignoring Hunk’s smartass comment that she is also, actually, a paladin, and as such is included in such snappish remarks and thus has lost a good chunk of ethos. “Focus! Stars, it’s like I have to do everything around here. Keith. Put your big boy pants on.”
Shiro chokes with laughter, desperately trying to pretend it’s really a cough, but it fools no one.
God, those two need to stop hanging out together. Shiro is dragging Allura down to his level. Poor woman.
“Talk to Lance,” she continues. “He only really listens to you.”
Keith looks at her incredulously. “Listens to me — have I missed something? I asked Lance to lead a briefing yesterday and he asked me what deity died and made me king of the jungle. He doesn’t listen to a goddamn word I say.”
Allura raises an eyebrow. “Did he?”
“Did he what?”
“Lead the briefing yesterday?”
Keith deflates. Because, well. “Yeah,” he mutters.
“So you’re just being a pussy, then,” she summarizes – why does Pidge insist on teaching her modern slang and why does she like it so much – and this time Shiro doesn’t even pretend he’s coughing. Hunk and Pidge also lose their shit.
“I resent that,” Keith says haughtily, denying nothing.
“Yeah. Okay. Off you go. Convince him to at least attempt to hear us out.”
Keith sighs, but does as asked, making his way to his and Lance’s rooms. He decides to take a minute and gather his thoughts — see, he’s learning, look at how not-impulsive he’s being — and heads to his room first.
When he gets there, he spends a few meditating beside his bed — he’d rather stick a hot iron through his eye than admit it, but Shiro and Black may be a little, teensy, itty-bitty bit correct about taking time to gather up thoughts and reflect or whatever.
Just as he’s about to get up and knock on Lance’s door, he hears Coran’s heeled boots click down the hallway.
Oh, fuck yes. If Coran talks to Lance, he might actually listen without argument! Lance has no issue following Coran’s instructions!
…On the other hand, Coran’s just as much of a — and Keith says this with all the fondness in his heart, believe him, if he didn’t find it so damn endearing he would not be spending his nights imagining what will happen when he finally grows enough of a pair to ask Lance on a date — tree-hugger as Lance is. He won’t be happy about the beast killing either.
But, hey. Coran’s a wise guy. It’s probably fine.
Just in case, though, he gets up as quietly as he can — he knows Lance’s goddamn bat ears will hear him if his fucking heart beats too loudly — and leans against the door to hear their conversation.
“Lance, dear, I was just coming to find you,” Coran says.
So far, so good. If Coran was already trying to find Lance, it was probably to try and gently convince him that saving the beast might not be the best option, right?
Keith heart sinks a little as a new thought worms into his brain: maybe, Lance isn’t just being stubborn, and he’s actually upset. Maybe Coran is going to make sure Lance is feeling okay, like a good person.
…Yeah. That’s more likely. Keith kind of feels like a jackass.
He startles out of his thoughts as Coran’s voice, notably louder than before, speaks again.
“Well, if you’re really feeling so much better, would you mind helping me recalibrate the fabricator?”
“Absolutely,” Lance says, and he does sound remarkably happier than he did when he stomped out of the bridge.
Huh. Maybe Lance convinced himself…?
As he thinks it, he knows it’s not true. But it might not be best to bring it up now, then. He’s only just gotten into a good mood, it will probably be better to bring it up over dinner, or something, when the good mood has enough time to settle properly.
Keith nods to himself. Yeah. That’s totally not an excuse because he doesn’t want Lance to look at him in complete betrayal again when Keith attempts to convince him that saving the beast is not an option, or anything.
part three
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tvntheatre · 4 months
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⚔️@ballcrusher74 ♦ Fencer & Faux
🧸@shynighter Sinny
🍓@il0vecatsuwu Michael
Hey guys I drew your sillies.
Expect me to do something like this again, or repost, because I'm not done with you Fauxerz.
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 hours
I just want everyone to know that in the span of 3 days, I have made 3 loads of laundry, and have a 4th already sorted and ready to go (which includes towels / blankets / bedding). I still need to fold them and put them away BUT the important part is done 🥹
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
been thinking about kubosai with saiki meeting kuboyasus dogs again...
the dogs TEASING KUSUO for having an obvious crush on aren and they all think the two of them are either in a situationship, since theyre CLEARLY in love but dont really look like theyre dating, OR that theyre straight up dating but are hiding it cuz they havent told arens mom yet
"does he know you love him? have you told him?"
"i dont love him..."
"ಠ_ಠ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"i regret showing you that i can talk to you."
this from aren and his mom's perspectives is just kusuo having a staring contest with a dog and looking very annoyed for some reason lmao
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molagboop · 4 months
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Reference sheet commission: client asked for Raven Beak.
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
i agree that theres zionist propaganda in the knuckles show and that it should be called out. but am i the only one who thinks that one big post about it going around (the one that sjust a bunch of screenshots with no elaboration or anything and has like 15k notes) is not doing the best job at accurately conveying whats going on in the scene or what the problem is when it comes to the content of the show itself. at least not to people who dont know what happens already. like im not accusing the op of trying to confuse people on purpose or anything its just that like i said the post doesnt really present the scene accurately and is missing a lot of context and the post in question is probably the only thing a lot of people are seeing about this when its not a very good source of information
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arsenicflame · 11 months
continued thoughts on eds redemption arc
It falls flat doesn't it? he gets banished, sure, but barely for a few hours before Stede brings him back, and then his apology was barely an apology, and the crew are supposed to be fine with that? we are supposed to be fine with that?
But this was what I was expecting, to some degree at least. Stede's well established to be both an Ed apologist, and generally unaware of other peoples feelings, so of course he was going to say that everything was fine now. I wish the crew hadn't pushed over so easily, i loved seeing them stand up to Ed, but it doesn't really surprise me either- there's a lot of power dynamics at play here, Stede's still their captain, Ed's still Blackbeard, no matter what he wants (he has proven Very Well what he's capable of to half of them)
So. That's where we are, but where do we go from here?
The best way i would see to play it is have the crew in a 'forget but not forgive' mindset towards Ed. They're willing to have him on their ship, to have him do Stede's silly ways to 'earn redemption' but never truly grant it. They say they do, sure, they wont hold it over his head, but they don't forgive him.
Have it be this uncrossable canyon between Ed and the crew, have him realise that everything he has done has meant nothing to them. That while they will put it behind them for the sake of living with him, but that he hasn't done a good enough job to find friendship here
Have him learn from his experiences, learn that the way he talked with Fang? that's the way to earn forgiveness. That at the very least he needs to sit down with everyone individually and talk about what happened between them, listen to how they feel and say sorry. yeah, some will be easier than others- I'm sure the marooned crew have far fewer grievances than those who had to stay, and that's not even to touch on the ocean of hurt between him and Izzy, but that's what he needs to do. He's seen it with Fang! he can learn!
And maybe, maybe, he still wont earn his forgiveness. But that's part of it too. sometimes things cant be undone with an apology, and learning that is a part of the process of becoming a better person.
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yeonban · 4 months
Sethos meta ;
Childhood ;
Sethos is an orphan. His parents were members of the Temple of Silence, but they passed in the harshness of the desert when he was only four years old. Bamoun was the one to adopt him immediately afterwards, partly because he'd known his parents well and partly because he'd never had a child of his own to raise. This, in turn, is why Bamoun showed such nonchalance at the idea of offering Sethos as a test subject to the Ba Fragment child experimentation project a few years later, despite the trauma from those experiments being terrible enough for Cyno's memory of them to be blocked completely as a coping mechanism.
At the time of the experiments, Sethos was still just a temple child to Bamoun. Not his grandchild. Gradually during the experiments, and after noting their success, he started growing fonder and more protective of Sethos. That is when Bamoun officially chose him as his successor, and it's also when Cyrus decided to run away with Cyno, aware that if one of the two test subjects had to be sacrificed or lose their newly gained power, it would certainly be Cyno.
Although Sethos no longer had to be experimented on after the successful implementation of the first Ba Fragment and the impossibility of receiving the second with Cyno gone, being parted from Cyno did affect him. Cyno was the only one in the same predicament as himself, and Sethos found comfort and solidarity in that knowledge. After Cyrus took Cyno away though, Sethos no longer had anyone to discuss nor relate to, and he subsequently started bottling things up, a habit which he's grown further into with every passing year. To this day, he finds it hard to speak his mind on personal subjects, and finds it equally hard to allow himself to connect with others beyond a superficial point.
On a slightly different note, Sethos' hair was originally brown in its entirety, but it began turning white(r) towards the tips and in several other spots during the experiments thanks to Hermanubis' growing influence over his body. The process continued slowly but steadily as he grew older, and it only halted its progression recently, after parting with the Ba Fragment after Cyno's sq2. The white in his hair will not fade away with time however. Instead, it will continue to serve as proof of his former hosthood.
He has a habit of repeating things thrice in a blase tone whenever he doesn't care about the topic but wants others to believe that he does, a friendly facade of sorts. Examples: "Oh, a missing person, huh? Sure, sure, sure, what do you wanna know?" ; (NPC: Just cut to the chase already!) "(Sighs) Alright, alright, alright." He comes across as very talkative, extroverted and enthusiastic, but not all of it is genuine. He does enjoy interacting with others, but a good chunk of the time he presents himself as he does with either an ulterior motive in mind or because his persona requires him to.
He enjoys teasing, sarcasm and banter. Example: (Cyno: I just hope for your sake that you haven't done anything you might regret) (Sethos, aware that Bamoun is keeping Cyrus chained and about to kill him:) "Me too. I hope I haven't done anything to incur your wrath." However, if he uses either of these too much around you, it can be a sign that he doesn't fully consider you a friend. He will obviously have moments in which he'll joke and tease during real friendships, but if that's almost all he does, you are not his friend. Do NOT be fooled. This is a tactic he regularly uses to get others to believe they're close to him, which in turn leads to loose lips and various opportunities to take advantage of.
Real friendships are precious to Sethos and he will never wrong his genuine friends, but friendship as a whole is perceived moreso as a means to gain something. Sometimes it's a transactional relationship, other times it's Sethos aptly manipulating the other person into doing his bidding or into offering him what he needs/wants. This is clear from how lonely Sethos really feels deep down (having repeatedly pondered on Cyno's many friendships, if you read his thoughts with Nahida) and from how no one knows his inner workings, whereas his drip marketing description says "he always has those he can regard as friends". Before Cyno's sq2, Sethos had no real friends to speak of. What he had were people he was nice to and who were nice back (including the members of the Temple of Silence), people whom he had something to gain from if kept in regular contact with, and people whom he chanced upon at taverns or other outing places.
Sethos has no qualms about lying by omission, hiding the truth, expertly phrasing something or bluntly speaking his mind. How he acts and which of these four options he settles on depends entirely on the circumstances, what he wishes to gain from the other person and who they are to him exactly. He prefers to not outright lie and he knows very well how the human psyche works, which gives him a tendency towards using half truths or vaguely worded statements that hint at something that he knows you'll catch on but which didn't, in fact, break any laws. He's quite the expert at hiding things, and even parts of himself, from others. There are many examples of this in the sq2, ranging from hiding personal information (Sethos answering Paimon's question about whether he's met Cyno before or not without actually giving her a straight answer) to hiding his schemes (not saying a single word about his and Bamoun's scheme until after Cyno's figured it out on his own at the end of the quest, which is when Sethos finally decided to confirm his suspicions despite having known fully well how the majority of the quest was going to go and how to act to make sure it went the way they intended it to from the start). He even kept some of his decisions a secret from Bamoun himself, such as his divergent opinions on certain topics or his desire to settle the Ba Fragment business with Cyno on civil terms through a sacred duel (which he was aware Cyno would be thinking of, because he said "I accept" before Cyno even had a chance to mention the duel). Still, these shadier approaches are mostly due to his upbringing and the constant need to use whatever means are available to survive in the desert, doubly so as a leader. Sethos as an individual prefers honesty over deceit, but he is rarely Sethos the person. To most, he will act as Sethos the heir or leader to the Temple of Silence, which are two vastly different identities when it comes to how he interacts with others.
Despite his... sometimes questionable ways, Sethos is a fair and pragmatic man. He is willing to give chances and bury the past rather than drag it into the present, but he is not the kind of person to simply forgive and forget. This goes for both his own debts, and others' debts. He will always remember them, and will make sure the offender pays their dues while he himself repays the kindness shown to him and his friends (an example being at the end of sq2, where Sethos repays Tighnari's kindness to his grandfather and to Cyno by giving him free information about his race and roots that not even Tighnari's father knew). Only after the score has been settled will he consciously choose to look past the former debts in question and start again from a blank slate.
However, on the note of others' debts... he isn't as brutal with them as Bamoun was. He doesn't believe killing the offender or otherwise staining his hands with the offender's blood is a suitable conclusion; he prefers to contemplate every possibility thoroughly so that both parties will have a future to look forward to, without conceding too much from his own side of the story. Transgressors will receive their punishments, but punishment as bestowed by Sethos will always be more sensible and practical than if bestowed by Bamoun. Likewise, Sethos isn't afraid of taking personal or temporary losses as long as the Temple of Silence will have a net benefit in the end; the most obvious example being his suggestion about the winner taking both Ba Fragments even while knowing his chances of winning the bout were at best 50%, if not less.
Sethos has an electro vision, which he obtained during his early teenagerhood. He doesn't particularly see it as a gift from the heavens/Celestia nor as a gift from the Electro Archon. Rather, he views it as a gift from Hermanubis whose domain is similarly over electro. To the Temple of Silence, Sethos receiving a vision of the same element as Hermanubis represented a divine blessing meant to showcase that he was accepted as Hermanubis' rightful heir.
His training as Hermanubis' host began when he was still a wee child, not too long after the side effects of the experimentation process calmed down. He was taught regular fighting skills and marksmanship over every weapon type by the Temple's warriors, but most of Hermanubis' power had to be learned through a trial and error method of his own since no one else knew how to wield it, much less teach it.
Sethos is apt at fighting with a bow, a polearm, a sword, a claymore and a catalyst. His preferred weapon type is the bow and he takes pride in his archery skills, but his capabilities with each weapon type are more or less equal. This is why he was fine with summoning a polearm during his fight against Cyno to match his opponent's chosen type, rather than rely on what he knew best, namely archery.
Sethos prefers not to use combat to settle things, if at all possible. That isn't to say he doesn't train anymore (he always makes sure to spare some time for training, lest he grows rusty!) but he prefers not to use his fighting prowess unless deemed necessary. He has saved tourists and rainforest dwellers who have stepped into the desert from both eremites and rogue beasts, and he will do it again, but when it comes to matters that can be resolved through conversation or deceitfulness, he will choose either of these two before he'll choose violence. His patience is also much more notable than Cyno's because of that. He prefers to thoroughly calculate, then act based on the best solution he can think of. It's why you will likely never see him react violently, nor threaten someone with corporal punishments. At least, not unless he's been backed into a nasty corner and there are no other options available for him to pick from.
Sethos has read every. single. book in the Temple of Silence. All hundreds of thousands of them, and can tell you where to search if you have a specific one you're looking for. Reading is one of his favorite pastimes, and the one he fell back on the most as a child and early teenager. After reaching mid teenagerhood, he started spending time socializing outside as well, but the hobby he finds most comforting to this day is sitting among books and reading in silence. He is very curious by nature, and whenever he stepped foot in Caravan Ribat he made sure to buy or haggle at least a dozen books brought in from Sumeru City before departing. His vast knowledge and high intellect charmed many researchers from the Akademiya, who went as far as to plead that he joins a darshan.
In line with the above point, Sethos' memory is very good. He can quote what you've said word for word, and this also extends to the information he's retained from the books he's read. Similarly, this is why he remembers his childhood whereas Cyno doesn't. Most of the time this talent works in his favour, but in some moments it can be more of a curse.
Sethos also possesses excellent navigational skills that many of his acquaintances praised him for, being able to tell where he is even in the emptiness of the desert, where to go to reach an oasis or his intended destination, what time it is and how long it'll take for him to arrive at the destination. His navigational skills are a mixture of good memory, repeated journeys in the desert to the point he now knows where everything is, and an ability to read the sun's position at any moment of the day. Moreover, not only is he a good navigator, but he can move swiftly through the desert and arrive where he needs to be ahead of others, without being half as tired as them.
Bamoun has taught Sethos everything he could think of, which means Sethos can be on the same par as his grandfather. He has been taught the same skillsets, manipulative tactics and foolproof hindsight, but the main difference between them is that Sethos is the more humane of the two, and will never resort to certain moves that Bamoun wouldn't have thought twice about; such as human experimentation no matter its purpose. Sethos has the potential and relevant knowledge to be a copy of Bamoun, but he actively diverts from that path.
Temple of Silence:
The leader of the Temple of Silence is the only person able to move the temple across the desert and make it visible or invisible to the sight of others. Sethos has been taught this skill in preparation for his future as the leader, and is now the only person in the world with the knowledge and ability of how to do so. The other members have an innate understanding of where the temple is and how to get in it after roaming the desert on their lonesome, but they aren't able to show it to others nor allow outsiders in it without Sethos' (or Bamoun's, formerly) permission. This is why Sethos telling Cyno that he will allow whoever Cyno and his god (Nahida) select to enter the temple is as important as it was made out to be. It isn't so much that armed might will stop them from advancing inside, but rather that they quite frankly wouldn't be able to enter the temple without its leader's approval. Try entering a place that's not only invisible to your eyes but also to your touch, and whose location in the vast desert you can't even be certain of because it can change at the snap of a finger.
On the same note, Sethos is deeply knowledgeable about King Deshret's technology. This is in part because it's the base on which the Temple of Silence operates, but he is also capable of unearthing other temples, pyramids and mausoleums with similar technological structures. Safe to say, he was quite shocked when the Traveler gained access to the hidden rooms of the Mausoleum of King Deshret and when the formerly invisible-to-most floating building in the middle of the desert suddenly became visible-to-all.
Relation with Cyno:
Sethos was aware the Temple of Silence's dilemma will eventually be settled through a sacred duel between the two of them since long ago. Not only do his plans prove this, but so does the fact that he knew how to easily and successfully extract his Ba Fragment from his own heart the second their battle ended. He tested how to do it several times before, all behind Bamoun's back, knowing that the odds of winning against the General Mahamatra whose job entailed participating in dangerous battles at every corner were slim even with his own personal training regimens and battles taken into consideration.
The Ba Fragments pulsate like a heart because they are akin to one. Sethos and Cyno's were two sides of a whole, and when the two were present in each other's vicinity, the fragments resonating with one another allowed the two hosts to feel each other's emotions. This is why Sethos and Cyno were able to read each other so well despite having only known each other for a few minutes at the time. Examples: (Cyno: breathes a bit more solemnly) (Sethos, with his back at Cyno:) "What's wrong? Thinking about your professor?" / (Sethos: shows no visible signs of keeping any of his thoughts to himself) (Cyno, prodding him because he can feel those unsaid thoughts making Sethos feel uneasy:) "I think you left some things unsaid."
This is also to say that although Sethos gave Cyno his Ba Fragment, which was a core part of himself since almost as long as he can remember, this special link remained between them to a lesser degree after Sethos parted with his fragment and it shows no cues of dissipating in the future. Rather than actually feeling the exact emotion in their own heart/body as they used to when the fragments were separated, they now have a vague sense of what the other is feeling, or what the other's general emotional state is; and from there they can guess why that might be since they're both canonly intelligent and naturally in tune with each other's thought processes. Sethos' Ba Fragment was considered a part of him, after all, and to a certain extent it still is despite having been offered to Cyno. That will never change, just as their intrinsic connection to one another won't either.
I do believe Cyno is Sethos' first real friend and DEFINITELY the only person who understands him and his struggles. He's not someone Sethos has a purely transactional relationship with (which Sethos is far more used to), nor someone who sees Sethos mainly or solely as the Temple's heir. Cyno is the first to view Sethos as a person rather than as Hermanubis' host and the Temple's savior, since even Bamoun himself was willing to gamble on Sethos' life again by having Cyno's fragment implanted in him, risking Sethos' death if this unknown process were to go wrong. Bamoun did care for Sethos and they did form a strong bond, but in the end his grandfather still experimented on him, and was til the day he died willing to continue the experiment for the betterment of the Temple. Sethos isn't stupid, he always knew this, or at least believed that his own person was always going to mean less in the eyes of others (and himself) when compared to the Temple's success.
The aforementioned point is why Sethos, despite having deeply loved his grandfather, was never 100% sure of how he was perceived by him. This is why he was genuinely surprised, and to an extent hesitant too, when Cyno told him that Bamoun must've always intended for Sethos to be his successor, whereas Sethos was under the belief that to Bamoun either himself or Cyno would've been fine so long as the Temple ended up thriving again (Sethos: You really think so? / Cyno: I do.) Moreover, Sethos acknowledges that Bamoun was an awful man in certain regards and that to him it's possible that they all, Sethos included, might have been mere pawns. In comparison, Sethos' dynamic with Cyno is far more open than what Sethos is used to. It's a breath of fresh air that he is truly grateful for.
It comes as no surprise then that after everything, Sethos has grown very fond of Cyno, and even has a soft spot of sorts for him nowadays. This is important to note because Sethos will not be as open as he is with Cyno when interacting with other people. Cyno not only understands his struggles after having gone through them himself, but he was also there to witness Sethos at the lowest point of his life (losing his reason d'etre/the Ba Fragment and his grandfather on the same day) and helped Sethos find a new path to follow while simultaneously offering him the words he needed to hear the most at the time. Sethos will always be candid with Cyno post-sq2, and he may even allow himself to be vulnerable in front of him, but this is a clear exception from the general rule. He will NOT be even half as responsive to others' attempts at getting to know him, much less be vulnerable in front of others, unless a ton of time and effort has been regularly put into it. He will also never use Cyno for his own benefit, but third parties might not be as fortunate (especially if you count Sethos' comment about the Urracas of this world and how he landed a 16 year old in jail for the Temple's scheme without batting an eye about it). Basically, Sethos reserves MANY special rights for Cyno alone, which most people would have to fight tooth and nail to even hope for.
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draconxs · 1 year
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Spooky Drink Event 🐉🎃🍺
Made a post earlier in the week saying I wanted to do a lil event for myself and here it is!
I've decided that for this spooky season I'll make Kaido go around and share some wicked booze with specific muses that want to participate and visit inboxes to deliver the goods.
So, you know the drill, whoever likes or specifies muse on this post will receive some special booze to celebrate this coming Halloween! All grudges canon or not will be put aside between muses for this special occasion!
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simquoya · 1 year
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y'all remember my'ron from #OGDoS? yeah, he's made his way into #DoSR - but very important: he has a clean slate in #dosr. him and lotus have had no prior history at this point in the story.
you may know him from here
⚫ current chapter: growing pains
< previous chapter: its getting real (chrono)
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