#i will be fine in. uh. exactly 11 hours and 48 minutes. and a day.
ethernetmeep · 11 months
stood out in the rain a bit to see if that would help my current state.. all it did was have cold water hit my pajamas and hair. somewhat relaxing, if not for the bucket of emotions festering in my stomach— feeling like hot magma and ice are injected into my veins, eventually going to mix together and come to a standstill. but not right now. right now both of them are only somewhat starting to mix, the head on collision of two such contrasting forces feeling like a face plant into concrete. or like skinning your knee so bad in a race you know you’re going to lose, but volunteered for anyway; knowing you would be last no matter what you did.
…yeah, the last part did happen to me when i was younger, unsurprisingly. as soon as i fell i felt hot tears run down my face in a mix of both shame and embarrassment. i knew i wouldn’t get far, but i did it anyway. almost nobody even knew i was gone, or volunteered at the last second in the first place.
when i was younger, i hated that fact. hated nobody even realized i was there in the first place, but also simultaneously didn’t want to stay on the field with a knee gushing with blood and dirt either. looking back on it, i think i just wanted somebody to realize i was gone and say they hoped i was okay.
now things are difficult, confusing. the friends i had as a little girl aren’t the same ones i have today. i still wish for people to hope im okay, but i don’t say it; don’t really ask for it.
life is.. a lot. im having to process new things (new things which are so common and easy for other people, but extremely new to me) and i don’t know what to do about it. i can’t do anything about it. and you’re gonna say “no, you can! you can do this!” but it isn’t that simple. nothing is ever simple, really.
i guess its as myhouse.wad said in its diary section of the mod— “happiness has to be fought for.” which is true! i’ve fought tons of awful shit just to be where i am right now. i mean, im not perfect, but i’m here! i still exist! that has to mean something to someone, right? if not to anyone else, then to me!
…but even then, it’s not like i’m fighting for just my own happiness. i always wanna do whatever it is in my power to make sure everyone around me is okay, too; and doing that makes me realize that i’m not.. well. to put it in gentler terms, i’m never going to be my happiest. letting others be happy, or helping them achieve that goal, is great! its what i want to do, really. seeing other people light up is worth it to me. all i want is for the people i care about to be happy, whether i’m apart of it or not.. which hurts. the part of not being apart of it, i mean. it stings, feeling akin to being burnt alive to then being frozen over— (dramatic, i know..) but i’d rather i be the one to go through that than for anyone else to endure a fate as of that nature.
…granted, theres no exact reason why i should be the one to be put through that. i realize im a decent person all around, and a fate as that would make more sense for someone else of more cruel personality and actions.. but i don’t really mind. i can take that placement— because i know i can still see the good in things, regardless of how shitty the situation is. all in all, i won’t get the future or life i know i want.. and that’s okay. i’m fine with it. of course, not really— as i want more than anything to achieve the things i so desperately strive for— but soon enough i’ll be fine with it. if not now, soon i’ll be okay.
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thealphabetmurders · 4 years
Pairing: Prinxiety
Word Count: 2522
Summary: Virgil knows exactly 3 things: 1. He is stressed about finals more than a normal person would 2. Impressionists are the worst 3. The barista at this new coffee shop has the prettiest eyes
Triggers: anxiety, insomnia, implied/referenced drug-use, lack of self care
Authors Note: I wanted to challenge myself and write a fic with a pairing that I don’t normally do. I am definitely more privy to Logince, Analogical, and Moxiety, but I gotta love Prinxiety, how could you not?  
(Read on AO3)
Virgil tugged off his earbuds as he walked into Monet’s, an unfamiliar coffee house and a new experience for Virgil. Virgil hated new experiences. The smell of vanilla filled his senses as he walked in a dream-like state to the counter (standing a little bit away to let the employees know he wasn’t ready), rubbing his eyes from exhaustion, getting his fix here because he did not have the energy to go out and buy more grounds. He knew that it was most likely extremely unhealthy for him to have only consumed Takis, coffee, and Adderall the past couple days, but it was finals week, which meant it was crunch time. 
Virgil tells people he is a bit more anxious than most people, and by a bit, he means a fuckton. So, of course, finals week has him questioning everything in his life, from his study methods to his career path. Virgil is a smart guy, so he doesn’t actually have anything to worry about, as long as he studies, right? Wrong. As a fine arts major, not all of his classes are just knowing that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, you have to apply the skills you learned into a creative piece, and while Virgil is a talented artist, he was always second guessing everything he created. Which is why, in the 11th hour, Virgil decided he hated the medium he was working in, completely scrapped it, and had 48 hours to create 3 completely new “transformative” pieces. Sleep was not an option until it had to be. Which, it seemed it had been, when he fell asleep on the bus after class, missing his apartment by 11 stops. Coffee seemed necessary at this point. 
Pulling his hoodie off his head, smoothing out his hair, he looked at the pretty standard local coffee shop menu with some lunch items as well, and just looking at those made his stomach grumble. 
“Suppose you cannot create on an empty stomach.” Virgil thought. “And while I’m here…”
 As he was reading, he noticed each combo had a quirky name relating to Monet’s works. Berry spring salad with bagel was Luncheon on the Grass, sesame soba was The Japanese Footbridge….
“Give me a break…” Virgil muttered, before finally deciding on what to get. The shop was completely empty, so Virgil didn’t feel too bad about taking his time, though he did feel a bit nervous looking like a mess in front of the handsome barista. 
His olive colored skin tone with black wavy hair made Virgil feel a bit woozy, but he became dazed when he looked into his beautiful emerald eyes, almost forgetting why he was there, until he asked, “What can I do for ya, man?” 
“Uh, yea, can I get the tomato soup and grilled cheese with a medium espresso frappuccino,” He looked around the empty store, “For here, I guess,”
The barista turned around and looked at the two other employees behind him, one on their phone and one inspecting their nails absentmindedly, “Does anyone want to make a frap?” 
They both looked up and looked at each other before turning back to the one taking Virgil’s order. The one with a large scar on the left side of his face put his thumb down while the other one who looked very similar to his cashier blew a raspberry, shaking his head. The handsome cashier turned back to Virgil, and shrugged, “Sorry, gonna have to pick something else, no one want to make it,” 
Virgil sighed, rubbing his eyes, “Okay, whatever, is an iced flat white with some espresso okay?”
The three looked at each other then back at Virgil, before the cashier said, “Dude… It was a joke,” 
“Yea man,” The barista with a scar said, “We can’t just say no to what you order,” 
“What kind of business would that be?” The third one piped up. 
“Are you okay?” The barista, Virgil looked at his nametag, Roman, asked. 
Virgil merely sighed, “I’m kind of going through it,” 
Virgil pulled out his card, but Roman put his hand up. “On the house,” Normally Virgil would protest, despite the cheesy food names it was still a local business,  but being so stressed and depressed he honestly could bring himself to care. He choked out a thanks and sat down by a window, leaning his temple against the it, cool condensation comforting and making him a bit more awake. 
His food and his coffee eventually arrived, Virgil thanked Roman, who then proceeded to sit down across from him, elbows on the table and hands folded. 
“Can I help you?” Virgil asked, probably being harsher than intended, it was just his natural speaking voice. 
“Probably not, I wanna see if I can help you,” Roman shrugged. 
Virgil frowned, “Help me?” 
“I have been told I am good company and good at advice, and you, Brad Pitt-iful, seems like you are falling apart at the seams,” 
Virgil chuckled dryly, “Trust me, I hardly think you are qualified to handle hearing about all my problems,” 
Roman sat up straighter, looking into Virgil’s brown eyes against his gorgeous green, “I work as a barista by day with a bunch of dysfunctional idiots and I am a bartender at night, there is nothing I haven’t seen before, I am probably more qualified than some therapists”  He crossed his arms and cocked his eyebrow, “Try me,” 
Virgil, intrigued, took the bait, and spilled. He talked about his anxiety, the insomnia, the fear of failure, the days where he debates dropping out, his nerves going into overdrive everytime he thinks about what he is going to, how he abandoned his final project, how he has to start on a new one- essentially everything that has been swirling in Virgil’s mind the past semester. 
“Hmm, okay, so you are pulling all nighters to finish all your work, and you only had one piece to do before you were completely finished with your final, and you then decided it looked all wrong and scrapped it?” Roman recapped and Virgil nodded, “Might I give you a suggestion?” 
“You can try,” 
“When you get home, go to sleep. Sleep for at least 9 hours, in a row, look at your old project again, and see how you feel,” Roman shrugged, “Maybe with a clear head you will feel differently about your project, maybe even get some inspiration,” 
Virgil gripped the bridge of his nose, “Roman, I do not have the time to sleep for a full 9 hours, that is ridiculous, I have to do so many projects,” 
“You’ll have one less to start from square one in if you end up actually liking what you did,” 
“It is a nice thought, I appreciate it, but I probably won’t be able anyways, not after the coffee,” Virgil took another sip, as to prove his point, but Roman just smirked. 
“That’s actually just a frozen hot chocolate with coffee flavoring in it,” 
Virgil eyes flew open wide, “Really?” He stared at his drink for a bit before looking at Roman, “They taste exactly the same, I cannot believe I let you fool me like that,” 
“Janus, Remus, and I made an executive decision, you do not look good,” Roman frowned, concerned, most likely looking at his swallowed out skin and circle under his eyes. 
“Well-” Virgil half-chuckled, “Not a lot of people look good compared to you,” Virgil would later wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because of his flippant flirting that he never engages in, but for now he doesn’t care. 
“Charmed.” Roman said, a fond smile present on his face, “I am sure you are a catch as well, when you don’t look like a skeleton” The door opened and a gaggle of people walked in, dressed in the local high school’s uniform. Roman sighed, “That’s my cue,” 
He stood up and frowned, quickly patting his front and back pockets before pulling out a sharpie. He grabbed Virgil's arm, the other one yelped, blushing slightly at the contact. “I would do the cliche ‘write my number on a napkin’, but now I know if you don’t text me it’s because you don’t want to, which is okay too.” He capped his pen, “Message me about what you decide to do, if you want. Would love to see your art,” And with a flourish of his hand, Roman walked away to the counter to take the many orders of the teenagers. 
Virgil looked down at the 9 numbers on his arm, swallowing thickly, feeling a bit sick, though it is not just from Roman’s number in bold, black ink. God, he was tired. 
His body was not attached to his brain as he walked to the bus station, got off, and walked up to his studio, unlocking the door and banging his head against the wall (not too hard, though, these walls are so thin they might as well be made of rice paper). Virgil looked at the numbers on his arm, remembering what Roman said. 
Virgil shrugged off his jacket and jeans,  throwing them on his ‘stuff’ chair and pulled on a pair of sweats, collapsing on his bed. He looked at his phone, the time reading 3:35pm. 
“9 hours from now… That’s midnight. Is he mental?” Virgil muttered to himself. He attempted to pull himself out of bed to get started to study for his history of art final, but his body would just not cooperate. How long has it been since he has had a proper sleep. 
If you have to think about it, it’s been too long… 
That tomato soup and grilled cheese combination was beginning to make him sleepy. Virgil groaned, face-palming. He went on his phone and set an alarm for 6:00pm. 
“Fine, a short nap,” He said to himself. He hit the lights and it took maybe two minutes before he was sleeping, dreaming of impression paintings and emerald eyes. 
this is Virgil. 
i didn’t end up sleeping for the 9 hours like you asked
i ended up sleeping for 13.
i hate you. 
And how do you feel, now?
much better actually. you were right. after my coma i looked back at my final and realised it was a lot better than I remembered. 
i even ended up finishing it. 
That is fantastic! I am soooo glad I could help. What did you end up doing?
Can you send me a picture? 
oh uh
idk if that is a good idea
i don’t want you to think i am weird
I beta read my twin’s fanfiction. 
I am so desensitized, I do not think I am allowed to be weirded out. 
Incoming call (Roman- Monet’s)....
Virgil yelped when he saw the incoming call. He doesn’t like phone calls at the best of times, but especially not now, not after he showed Roman his final piece. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! He should have just said no, people don’t press about that kind of thing. But Roman is clearly a liar because he said he wouldn’t be weirded out and he is, and Virgil just met this guy and he already messed everything up, why does he have to be such a fucking weirdo all the time, goddamnit, everything is falling apart, Virgil may have gotten sleep but he can’t fix himself. He groaned and snatched up the phone on the last ring, attempting to put on his best, most positive voice. 
“Hey, Roman, wha-what’s up… Bro?” 
“Hello!” Roman answered the phone, not sounding angry or upset, which calmed Virgil a bit, “I apologize, I should have prefaced that I loved the painting. I understand why you might have been worried, but it is absolutely wonderful.” 
“Really?” Virgil let out a breath, “I was really worried that-” 
“Are you kidding?” Roman almost shouted through the phone, Virgil having to pull it away from his ear, “A profile of just my eyes surrounded by roses and irises, in the style of the impressionists, even though I know you hate that style,”
“I don’t hate it,” Virgil muttered. 
“You ranted about Renoir, Degas, and Monet for longer than anyone I have ever met, and one of my closest friends is a curator at the art museum,” 
Virgil sighed, “Yea, you’re right, they suck. Sorry about that…” 
Roman laughed, “Ha, are you joking? That was the highlight of my day. But all that aside, how could you even fathom me not liking the piece? 
“I mean,” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck, “I just met you yesterday, it’s not exactly something people do for someone when they do not even know their last name.” 
“My last name is Perez, my middle name is Thomas, my twin brother is Remus who you met yesterday, I am left handed, my favorite food color is red, and I love attention, it’s why I have done theater for 20 years. Does that help?” 
Virgil grumbled, “I guess it does,” 
Roman laughed, “I love it, Virgil, trust me, it is now my phone background,” 
Virgil’s heart swelled, “Really?” 
“Really. Honestly after us talking for like, 45 minutes yesterday, I would have been more offended if I wasn’t your muse, I mean, what about mean isn’t inspirational?” Both Roman and Virgil laughed at that, “But I could have told you all this over text, I called because I don’t like texting to ask pretty boys out on dates,” 
Virgil’s heart leapt into his throat, he felt as though someone dropped a ton of bricks on his chest. How was he supposed to respond to that? Roman first impression of him was a literal dead man walking and he still wants to go out with him?
“A date?” Virgil responded, still shocked. 
“Unless the pride pin on your jacket was just as an ally, and you just spent hours painting my eyes in a straight way, I would like to, if you want,” Roman said simply. Before Virgil could respond, Roman started speaking again, “And don’t say no just because I saw you at your rock bottom, I can see where this is going,” 
Virgil smacked his lips together, “You got me,”
“What do you say,” 
Virgil smiled, genuinely, for the first time in a while, “Let’s do it,” 
Virgil was only speechless for a full minute when Roman laid out an entire romantic picnic, scheduling it perfectly to watch a matinee Shakespeare in the Park production of Much Ado About Nothing, both of them happily munching on the brownies and sandwiches Roman had made that morning. Virgil only complained for 3 minutes when Roman wanted to take him to the art museum, the blushing lasted for 4 times that long when Roman confessed it was because he wanted to hear Virgil about the paintings, his voice being one of the most pleasant he has heard. When Roman grabbed Virgil by the waist, pulling him in for a kiss, Virgil responded with equal passion and emotion that Roman was, not even noticing they were in front of Monet’s Irises. 
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jungshookz · 5 years
in the walls; kth
Tumblr media
👻 pairing: kim taehyung x reader
👻 genre: spooktober day (3/7); horror but again not scary enough to knOck your socks off
👻 wordcount: 2.5k these r getting longer n longer 
👻 summary: knock-knock. who’s there?  
(picture source here!)
“-but yeah, that’s pretty much it!” namjoon smiles as he tucks his clipboard underneath his armpit “congratulations, y/n… you’ve officially moved in!”
you grin excitedly before letting out a little squeal and whiPping around to take a look at your brand new apartment
this is the first apartment that you’ve purchased with your own money so it is definitely a veRy exciting chapter of your life
it’s all yours!!!!!!!!!!
“as you know, i’m up on the sixteenth floor - if you need anything, just gimme a call and i’ll be right down.” namjoon pats his phone tucked away in his pocket and offers you another gentle smile
side note
namjoon is the sweeTEst landlord you’ve ever met
he’s so polite!! and kind!! and you can tell that he cares about every single one of the people who live in his building
he’s also,.,. pretty easy on the eyes and that’s just the cherry on top
(those dimples??? pLEASE)
you should probably figure out what you’re going to eat for dinner
it’s nearing eight o’clock now and you haven’t eaten anything all day because you were too busy getting all your furniture delivered and put together
luckily you had some help from jimin and jungkook otherwise it probably would’ve taken you like two whole days to figure out how to put the couch together
although you will say that jungkook spent half the time trying to find one missing screw from the little plastic baggie full of nuts and bolts so it was pretty much just you and jimin working together  
(eventually he found it)
((it had somehow managed to bury itself into the corner of the room and he accused jimin of putting it there so that he wouldn’t be able to help with the couch and somehow screw it up))
(((jimin had no comment to make)))
to your complete and utter despair, you open the fridge to reveal absolutely nothing
to be fair you haven’t gone grocery shopping yet so you’re not entirely sure why you were expecting to have a fridge stocked full of fresh produce
you could really go for a burger
…thank god for food delivery services
“uh-huh… yep… yeah… got it… mm-hm…” you shut your bedroom door behind you and adjust your head so your phone is better sandwiched in between your ear and shoulder
you reach up to scratch as your freshly washed hair as you continue to listen to your mom on the phone
your hair is still a little damp but you couldn’t be bothered to blow-dry it all the way and you know that if you mentioned to your mom that you were going to go to bed with damp hair she would probably have a heART ATTACK
“i know, mom… yes, i locked the doors- yes, the stove isn’t on- yeS, i double- i triple-checked everything-”
as much as you love your mom you have to admit that she’s being a little toO much right now
this isn’t the first time you’ve lived alone so you don’t even know what she’s freaking out about
she’s just being a classic mom
but also it makes you feel oddly happy to hear her nagging you as if you were still a teenager
“you know, i have to get up early for work tomorrow so i should probably head to bed soon…” right on cue you let out a little yawn as you pull the blanket up and make yourself comfortable on your (brand new!) bed
after about three more minutes of ‘make sure to-’s’ and ‘don’t forget to-’s’, your mom fiNAlly decides to let you go
you plug your phone into the charger and set it down gently on the bedside table after checking that your alarm is set for tomorrow morning
bright and early
and then you switch your lamp off and all of a sudden your bedroom is engulfed in darkness
besides the soft glow of the moon peeking through your blinds
you didn’t think you were thAt sleepy but now that you’re snuggled deep into the warmth of your soft duvet and cloudy pillows.,,.,.
you’re dEfinitely ready for a good night’s sleep
it’s when you’re about to fall asleep that you suddenly hear a gentle knock against the wall right above your head
your brows furrow in confusion as you stare into the darkness
okay maybe it was just the apartment settling-
you perk up and lean over to turn your bedside lamp on before sitting up straight and twisting to look at the wall
you reach out slowly and smooth your hand over the wall before giving it a knock of your own
and then you wait
and you wait
and you-
your head tilts in curiosity and you purse your lips
you get up onto your knees and the mattress dips slightly as you shuffle in closer towards the wall
“h-“ you clear your throat, “hello?”
you hold your breath as you wait for a response
maybe you’re just that tired
you’re so tired that you’re imagining sounds
that is a definite possibility!
and now you’re so tired that you’re literally talking to the walls
“uh…” you lean in so that your lips are just brushing over the wall “-can you hear me?”
you jump slightly at the sudden response
maybe your neighbour just likes getting to know you at-
you take a peek at the clock ticking away on your bedside table
11:48 at night
“i, uh, i’m y/n!” you lean in and press your ear against the wall and when you don’t hear a response for a good ten seconds you speak up again “what’s your name?”
all that can be heard is the quiet tick-tick-tick of your clock
“…should i guess your name?”
it seems like your neighbour isn’t very chatty but that’s completely fine
you can figure something out
also this is kind of a weird way to introduce yourself to someone but you’re not judGing
“okay, uh… knock on the wall when i get the first letter of your name- got it?”
you let out a little huff and turn around so you can lean against your headboard and you pull a pillow onto your lap
it looks like you’re not going to be going to bed anytime soon so you might as well get comfortable “-a, b, c, d, e, f, g. h, i, j, k- elemeno- p. q, r s, t-“
you perk up immediately “t?”
“okay, t. uh, a-“
oh hEy
that was easy
“ta. a, b, c, d, e-“
“tae? is that your name?”  
“tae.” you test the name on your tongue and decide right then and there that that’s a pretty nice name
“okay, tae. it was very nice meeting you, and i don’t want to be rude or anything, but i need to go to sleep, but i’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
a moment of silence goes by and for a second you think you’ve ruined your first impression with your neighbour but then-
okay! that’s a good sign
you turn to switch your light off before snuggling back underneath the covers
“goodnight, tae.”  
and so, it goes
you and this ‘tae’ person continue having these little interactions every night
it’s weird
even though he hasn’t said a single word to you and has only been able to communicate to you via knocking against the wall, it feels like you have a real connection with him
obviously you’ve been asking him a lot of yes/no questions and that’s how you’Ve gotten to know him
you know he’s 23 years old
you know he has black hair
you know he has brown eyes
you know he likes to play the saxophone
you know he moved into the apartment building five years ago
which is kinda crazy if you think about it because he was an 18 year old living by himself and when you were 18 you were petrified at the idea of even being in a grocery store without your mom (not going to lie - the idea of that still scares the crAp out of you)
you know that his favourite colour is purple
you know that he likes dogs better than cats
you know a lot of small little things about him but you just can’t help but wonder what else there is to know about him
you haven’t exactly built up the courage to ask him if he’d like to meet up in person because this knocking on the wall thing seems to be a zone of comfort for him
and even though you have a description of what he looks like that’s not the same as actually having a face to the name
(which is why you spent an hour the other night staring through your peephole just wAiting for tae to come out)
(no one came out >:-( )
“hey, tae?” it’s about week 4 and a half when you finally decide to do something about the situation
you reach out and press your palm flat against the wall “do you wanna come over to mine one night? or something? i don’t know… i just feel like… you know, it’d be nice to actually meet you and all that, so if you wanna come over sometime i’d totally be down…”
at the 20 second mark of silence you immediately become concerned
o god
u scared him off
you were toO forward
you shouldn’t have said anything!!!!! you shouldn’t have said anything to ruIN this nice little friendship that you made and the you genuinely enjoy being a part of
“or not! it’s totally fine if you just wanna stick to the knocking, i just-“
you shut up as soon as you hear the familiar knocks on the wall and you give a little nod “…can i take that as a yes?”
the corners of your mouth tug up in a smile and you turn to lean against your headboard
it wasn’t that hard
“anyways, that’s how i learned that dish soap doesn’t go into the dishwasher at all.” namjoon snorts as he shuts the dryer lid shut and you let out a little chuckle
you haven’t known namjoon for that long but you can safely conclude that uh
he’s a little bit of a doOFus
“oh! by the way, i was meaning to ask you-“ you hoist yourself up on top of the washing machine and reach over to pull your basket full of fresh laundry closer to you “what do you know about tae?”
namjoon’s brows immediately knit together as he leans forward to turn the dryer on “who?”
you falter for a second
“uh, tae? my neighbour.” you hum and continue to diligently fold your clothes
“…tae…?” namjoon trails off and narrows his eyes slightly
he knows every single one of the residents of this building better than he knows the back of his hand
but tae isn’t ringing a bell
…o god
is he a baD landlord????
“wait, are you talking about suite 403 or 401?”
“40- wh- are you sure?”
“uh-huh. pretty sure. i’ve been talking to him for a couple of weeks now and he seEms like a nice guy but he doesn’t seem to like talking- which is totally fine, by the way, i’m not bAshing anyone for not liking to talk- i just invited him to come over sometime and i was wondering if you knew anything about him so that when we actually meet i’ll have a pretty good idea of-“
“oh, 403! namjoon suddenly perks up when the realisation hits him, “no one’s lived in that suite for years.”
no one’s lived in 403 for years
and by that he means that even before he took over the apartment building no one lived in that suite
the previous owner didn’t really tell him too much about it so he himself doesn’t really know too much about it
you immediately stop talking and tilt your head before letting out a snort “uh… no, i’m pretty sure someone’s living in that apartment. i talk to tae every night- he knocks on my bedroom wall and-“
“are you sure you’re not just hearing, like, the pipes creaking or something? because it’s been a while since i last checked those so maybe-“
“no, i’m like 100% sure that someone’s on the other side of that wall, namjoon.” you state firmly and namjoon raises his hands in defence
you swallow thickly and reach into your hamper with a shaky hand
no one’s lived in 403 for years
what does that even meAN
that doesn’t even make any sense!!!!
how could it be????
maybe namjoon’s just getting his suite numbers mixed up or something
that’s probably it
(you don’t bother double-checking that assumption with namjoon in case he hasn’t mixed up his numbers and what he’s saying is completely and utterly true)
when you return to your apartment after folding up your laundry you can’t help but notice that the air in here feels different
this is supposed to be your home
this is supposed to feel like home but the living room light is flickering slightly and you can hear the low buzz of the heater through the vents and at the same time your hands and feet are freezing
you know what
it’s whatever
you’re just going to go to bed!
you’ve had a long and tiring day and you don’t have the energy to think about whether you’re going crazy or not
“i’m not crazy. i’m not!” you mutter to yourself as you crawl into bed and snuggle up to a pillow
“not crazy.” you sigh to yourself as you stare into the darkness
you’re noT crazy
you haven’t been imagining these knocks
you’ve been talking to someone and that person’s name is tae and-
every single one of the hairs on your body shoots strAight up when you suddenly hear a familiar knock-knock
only this time, it’s not above your head against the bedroom wall like it usually is
someone’s knocking on your bedroom door
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a spooky request)
spooktober masterlist // main masterlist
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What Rhymes With “ATE”?
1. What’s the last thing you ate? Ramen.
2. Do you have a gate to your backyard? Yeah.
3. Who’s your best mate? My mom.
4. How often do you mate? Have sex? Never have.
5. What would you use as bait on a fishing hook? I wouldn’t even go fishing let’s be real, but fine if I did I’d use worms or whatever I guess alkjfklfjklf. I wouldn’t be the one to put it on, though!
6. What do you bate your breath with? Any anxious situation. 
7. What’s the last thing you got in a crate? I don’t get things in crates.
8. When’s the last time you went on a date? Where did you go? Almost 5 years ago. It was a cute coffee and bookstore date with Ty. That was our favorite thing to do.
9. Do you believe in fate? No.
10. Have you ever seen a freight train in person before? Yeah.
11. Do you like grated cheese? Yesss.
12. Do you have an awkward gait? As a paraplegic, no I do not. Everything else about me is awkward, though.
13. When’s the last time you truly felt great? When I was a kid.
14. Who do you hate? Besides myself, no one.
15. Do you know of anyone named Kate or Nate? No.
16. When’s the last time you were late for something? I don’t recall. I’m big on being punctual.
17. Do you know how to plait hair? I haven’t heard it called that, but yes.
18. Do you have a favorite plate? Paper plates, ha.
19. Would rather ice skate or roller skate? I can’t do either one.
20. How would you rate this survey so far? I’ve enjoyed all your surveys!
21. Do you ever just wish for a clean slate? Yesssss.
22. What state do you live in? (if you’re American) California.
23. What is your current state of mind? Blah.
24. Are you straight? Yes.
25. Are you straight-laced? Straight-edged? No, because apparently you can’t have caffeine or narcotics to be considered straightedge, both of which I have.
26. Have you ever visited a strait? No.
27. What’s your best personality trait? Sense of humor.
28. How long will you wait for someone/something? I don’t know? 
29. What is your weight? I’m not exactly sure, but I think mid to low 70lbs. 
30. Are you awaiting anything special? No.
31. Do you berate anyone? Nooo.
32. Is there anyone you’d like to castrate? Uh, no!
33. Are you a cheapskate? Lol I have my moments, but I also can overspend. Just depends, really.
34. When was the last time you collated papers? I don’t recall.
35. Last thing you created? Uhhh.
36. What was your last debate about? I really try and avoid those.
37. Last time you inflated something? Or deflated? I don’t recall.
38. Do you dictate what other people can do? No.
39. Have your pupils ever dilated before? When I go to the eye doctor. 
40. When’s the last time you donated something? A few months ago when I got rid of some clothes.
41. The last time you felt elated? My Disneyland trip earlier this year.
42. Have you ever been to an estate sale? No.
43. What are you fixated on? Health related stuff.
44. How often do your floodgates open? I cry often.
45. Last thing you equated? Hmm.
46. Last time you felt frustrated? The last few days. I feel that way quite often.
47. Do you remember to stay hydrated? Yeah.
48. Do you live upstate? No.
49. How often do you post status updates? I very rarely post status updates on Facebook anymore, I just share things now and then. I tweet a lot, though.
50. How often do you use Google Translate? Not often, but sometimes. I actually did a couple days ago.
51. Who is a classmate that you are still friends with?
52. Have you ever had a teammate before? No.
53. Have you ever tailgated? No.
54. Have you ever reached a stalemate? That’s how I’ve felt the past few years.
55. Have you ever been sedated? Yeah, several times.
56. Do you rotate your mattress? No.
57. Last time you got a rebate? It’s been awhile, but I used to use Ebates (called Rakuten now). I keep forgetting to use it for some reason, which is dumb.
58. Have you ever felt like you could relate to someone? Yeah, many times.
59. Favorite primate? I don’t have one.
60. Do you have something ornate? Uhh. I don’t really have anything fancy.
61. Has an action ever negated the effect of your efforts? Yes.
62. Could you be described as a lightweight? Ha, yeah. For sure.
63. Would you like to visit Kuwait? I haven’t thought about it.
64. Last person that gyrated near you? No one.
65. Do you know someone who is irate or innate? Hmm.
66. Do you know of any inmates? Yes.
67. How long does it take you to acclimate? I struggle with change.
68. Last time you activated something? Not too long ago.
69. What do you advocate for? Stuff.
70. Last time you felt agitated or aggravated? Recently.
71. Last time you had to annotate something? Recently during my Bible study.
72. Have you ever felt alienated before? Yes.
73. What was the last caffeinated beverage you consumed? Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink.
74. Do you like carbonated drinks? Yeah.
75. What captivates you? Staring out at the ocean and listening to the waves crash in and out.
76. What do you allocate a lot of your hours towards? Watching YouTube videos and checking my social medias.
77. Last event you celebrated? 4th of July. Well, we just went out and watched fireworks from the driveway.
78. Last time you were compensated for something? I don’t recall.
79. Do you tend to make things complicated? Yepppp. :/  “Why you gotta go and make things so complicated?”
80. Do you find it hard to concentrate at times? Yes.
81. Have you ever had anything confiscated? No.
82. Last place you congregated at? I haven’t been around a large crowd of people since my Disneyland trip earlier this year. I won’t be again for a very long time given the current state of things.
83. How long are you with someone before you consummate the relationship? I’m a virgin.
84. Last time you had to conjugate a verb? I did that recently when I was helping my mom with her Duolingo Spanish lesson. It amazes me how much I still remember considering I haven’t taken a Spanish class or even really practiced it in almost 10 years. :O I mean, I’ll occasionally try and speak it or if I hear or see it somewhere I’ll try to translate it, but it’s not very often, so I’m surprised I’m still able to at all.
85. Last time you were constipated? I don’t recall.
86. How often do you contemplate life? Often.
87. Are you hard to cooperate with? No, I don’t think so.
88. Do you know anyone who cultivates land? No.
89. Would you want to be cremated? Yes.
90. Do you have any issues with your prostate? I don’t have a prostate. 
91. Have you ever decimated someone’s character before? No.
92. Do you decorate your home for the holidays? Yesss. Well, for Christmas. I used to for Halloween, but I haven’t the past few years. I should do that this year.
93. Who would you dedicate a book you wrote to? My mom.
94. Are you good at delegating group projects? I felt like I always had to take lead in group projects and make sure everything was getting done. I hated doing them, they stressed me out even more.
95. Do you know how to demonstrate things in order to show someone how to do something? I do feel like I suck at trying to explain things to others for the most part, but I guess it depends on the thing. 
96. In what ways do you deviate from “the norm”? I’m soon to be 31 years old and I still live at home with my parents, with no plans to move out anytime soon. I don’t have a job. I don’t have much, basically none, relationship experience. I’m a virgin. I’m just not a functioning adult.
97. How long after you take a painkiller does the pain start to dissipate? It typically takes about 30 minutes, but on really bad pain/flare up days it can take an hour or so and sometimes not until I have the next dose.
98. Do you feel the need to dominate in conversations? Nooo. I’m much more of a listener and I’ll throw the convo back to the other person.
99. Would you ever domesticate a wild animal? Why or why not? No.
100. Who is the last person you congratulated? For what? I don’t remember.
101. Would you like to decapitate anyone? Who, and why? Uh, no!
102. Do you ever think that you could duplicate something you’ve tried before?   Uhh, like what?
103. What do you feel you could educate others about? I don’t know. Remember before how I said I suck at explaining things to others?
104. What elevates your stress level? My heath, my life (including things related to my loved ones in my life, such as their health issues and things they’re dealing with/going through), and just...life in general, man. There’s a lot going on this year alone.
105. Do you have a tendency to make situations escalate? In my mind cause I jump to the worst conclusions. My natural reaction is to freak out.
106.  How good are you at estimating? Uhh, depends what I’m estimating.
107. Do you fabricate your stories? No. 
108. What is something that fascinates you? Psychology.
109. How long does it take you to formulate a game plan? Hmm. Depends.
110. What tends to make your blood pressure fluctuate? Stress and anxiety.
111. How do you generate enough energy to get through your day? What energy? I’m seriously lacking.
112. When did you graduate? I graduated UC back in 2015.
113. When you’re in a department store, which section do you gravitate towards most often? The clothes.
114. How often do you hesitate before doing or saying something? Often.
115. Do you ever wish that you could just hibernate? Yes.
116. Does anyone try to imitate you? Does it get on your nerves? No, but that would most definitely get on my nerves.
117. Do you like to instigate others? Nooo. I’m not an instigator.
118. Could you illustrate a children’s book? I couldn’t illustrate anything, I’m an artist at all.
119. Do you marinate your meats? I don’t cook.
120. Do you masturbate? No. What a way to end, ha.
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spiceloutte · 4 years
Got tagged by the oh so beautiful @princeofyorkshire to answer these 50 questions!
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? I... don't really use one? My hair is short enough that I don't need to.
2. a food you never eat? Vegetables, they're fine but they're not my go to. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Hmm... it depends? If it's warmer then I'm too hot but if its a little cold then Im too cold. That sounds dumb.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Proving you can pull a button up over your head while not unbuttoning all buttons.
5. what is your favourite candy bar? Oh uh... Im not too sure? I like a lot of candy bars, sweet tooth.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Nope
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? Pretty sure it was me telling my little sister I loved her and blowing her a kiss.
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Mint chocolate chip and orange chocolate chip? Golden Gaytimes! I have nostalgia for goody goody gum drops.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10. do you like your wallet? Ehhh it works but I don't really use it. I just store my other cards and coins in there, all my important cards are in my phone case.
11. what was the last thing you ate? Pancakes! But also haribo gummy bears.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? hA I havent brought clothes in months.
13. the last sporting event you watched? I don't know sports, not gonna lie.
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? I... barely eat popcorn. It annoyed me when I had braces it'd always get into the metal and bleh.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? Text? Uh..... My mum? Messages? Fati!
16. ever go camping? Gosh I loved camping as a kid. We would go to this beach and you would always stand on the mangrove shoots and it hurt your feet but it was also fun??
17. do you take vitamins? Nope
18. do you go to church every sunday? When I was a kid I did but I'm not religious so no.
19. do you have a tan? Oh man when I was working every morning and having to be in the sun every week/other week for hours? I tanned real easily. Annoyingly easily. Like my arms were a bunch of shades darker than I actually am and it felt so weird (also the tan fade was so... so bad... Like milky coffee to literal milk...)
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Oh now thats not fair... I eat pizza more I guess but I do like Chinese food.
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? We never have straws here so nope
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? If its cold I like to wear slipper socks! But normally its fun patterns. I love pattern socks.
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I barely have any hours on my learners so I've only driven maybe 50km/hr? So definitely not.
24. what terrifies you? Uh do you have a few hours?
25. look to your left, what do you see? Pillows
26. what chore do you hate? Thorough cleaning
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? (Fati mentioned me here and ajdjdksjd I got excited) uhhh- not being able to pronounce r's. Steve Irwin. Maccas..
28. what’s your favourite soda? Dont drink a lot of fizzy but Sunkist is good
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Most of the time we have my sister's so we just drive through so we don't have to deal with going in.
30. who’s the last person you talked to? Verbally? My sister.
31. favourite cut of beef? I- I dunno. Beef??
32. last song you listened to? Im listening to a producer go through Billie Eilish's album so 'when the partys over'?
33. last book you read? Probably a fic- I can't remember what exactly.
34. favourite day of the week? Don't really have one? When I worked I didn't have a set day off so I didnt gain favouritism towards those exact days.
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? If I tried hard enough, maybe?
36. how do you like your coffee? Milk and sugar, but I have my tea with only milk.  
37. favourite pair of shoes? My uh- my Chelsea boots?
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? Anywhere between 12am and 3am
39. at what time do you normally get up? I like to between 9am-10am
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset. Sunrise doesn't have the same feelings for me anymore after working during. Unless it's foggy, foggy sunrises are !!!
41. how many blankets are on your bed? One duvet and I have a throw but it usually isn't on my bed even though that's?? Why I brought it??
42. describe your kitchen plates? Plastic and plain white ceramic
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? I don't drink alcohol but I do like some vodka drinks like cruisers? I dunno.
44. do you play cards? Nope
45. what colour is your car? We've got a little red car and a white hilux
46. can you change a tire? Uh... With a tutorial? I maybe kinda doubt it but if I set my mind to it I can certainly try.
47. what is your favourite state/province? In Australia? Uh... Queensland? Ive only been to NSW for maybe two days.
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? Ive only had one job and although I liked working with horses everything else was... I know it won't be my favourite if we include everything.
49. how did you get your biggest scar? It's not a scar but I have an indent in my thigh from a horse when it kicked me? All my others are small and stupid. Under my chin is one from when I stabbed myself with my thumbnail while half asleep. One on my knuckle from playing bloody knuckles. I can be clumsy but usually most things disappear.
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? Oh uh... I'm not sure..?
I'll tag @bigsparrowharry @wtfneptune and anyone else who wants to do it
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awkward-toshinori · 5 years
Hey Yo, can I get all 200 asks for the ask meme thing? Please and thank you!
200: My crush’s name is:
199: I was born in:
198: I am really:
friendly and trustworthy
197: My cellphone company is:
196: My eye color is:
Aqua Blue
195: My shoe size is:
194: My ring size is:
20?? hell if i know tbh
193: My height is:
192: I am allergic to:
191: My 1st car was:
I can’t drive yet!!
190: My 1st job was:
No jobs yikes :c
189: Last book you read:
Sword of Destiny!!
188: My bed is:
messy and full of plushies
187: My pet:
no pets but ahh  my baby plant
186: My best friend:
I’ve got tons of them and I’m pretty sure they know themselves
185: My favorite shampoo is:
ah I don’t really have any preferences
184: Xbox or ps3:
*big gasp* ps3
183: Piggy banks are:
They’re superb but I would feel so bad about wrecking one
182: In my pockets:
Glasses tissues
181: On my calendar:
uh there’s nothing noted yet
180: Marriage is:
Something quiet amazing and lovely, at least from my point
179: Spongebob can:
aww man I don’t watch spongebob
178: My mom:
is shorther than me, that’s for sure
177: The last three songs I bought were?
I didn’t buy any songs but I did buy albums and the last three I bought I suppose were Aenima by tool, Portrait of An American Familly by Marilyn Manson and Slipknot by Slipknot, I think
176: Last YouTube video watched:
175: How many cousins do you have?
2 or 3 I think
174: Do you have any siblings?
Yes, one
173: Are your parents divorced?
172: Are you taller than your mom?
yes B)
171: Do you play an instrument?
Not yet but I’m planning on getting a bass so
170: What did you do yesterday?
I went to a cool concert
169: Love at first sight:
not rlly
168: Luck:
167: Fate:
also no
166: Yourself:
no *oops doopsie I’m sorry*
165: Aliens:
164: Heaven:
163: Hell:
162: God:
161: Horoscopes:
not really
160: Soul mates:
hmm  a bit
159: Ghosts:
158: Gay Marriage:
157: War:
not really
156: Orbs:
not really  :/
155: Magic:
no but I find it interesting154: Hugs or Kisses:
153: Drunk or High:
I personally wouldn’t go for any of those but drunk ig
152: Phone or Online:
151: Red heads or Black haired:
black haired
150: Blondes or Brunettes:
ah, blondes
149: Hot or cold:
148: Summer or winter:
147: Autumn or Spring:
146: Chocolate or vanilla:
145: Night or Day:
144: Oranges or Apples:
143: Curly or Straight hair:
142: McDonalds or Burger King:
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:
White Chocolate
140: Mac or PC:
139: Flip flops or high heals:
flip flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:
sweet and poor tbh
137: Coke or Pepsi:
136: Hillary or Obama:
135: Burried or cremated:
134: Singing or Dancing:
133: Coach or Chanel:
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:
I uh, none
131: Small town or Big city:
big city
130: Wal-Mart or Target:
I had never went to one though Wal-Mart
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler:
Adam Sandler
128: Manicure or Pedicure:
127: East Coast or West Coast:
East Coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas:
125: Chocolate or Flowers:
124: Disney or Six Flags:
123: Yankees or Red Sox:
122: War:
I uh personally don’t agree with them and uh dunno
121: George Bush:
Don’t have one yet
120: Gay Marriage:
I find it lovely but too sad it’s not legal here so
119: The presidential election:
Quiet stinky as in no good choices
118: Abortion:
See this topic rips itself in two, if it’s intentionally done I personally think it’s the worst thing to do but that someone can do whatever they want, it’s their body after all, though if it happens and it’s not intended just, big sad react
117: MySpace:
I don’t have an opinion on it
116: Reality TV:
I don’t really watch it nor like it
115: Parents:
I would’ve appreciated if my parents showed me more support and love but not that I have anything against our type of relationship at the moment so
114: Back stabbers:
I totally not like them so I choose to cut contact with them 
113: Ebay:
It’s fine till now
112: Facebook:
I’m not a big fan of Facebook
111: Work:
If it’s something I love, it makes me feel good but if it’s not it kind of brings a feeling of uneasy and frustration to me
110: My Neighbors:
They’re chill, the baby and the puppy are my favorites 
109: Gas Prices:
kinda shitty here
108: Designer Clothes:
They can design what they want however they want, this is not really a topic of interest for me
107: College:
I can’t wait to get to it ngl
106: Sports:
Not one of my interests but they do look fun
105: My family:
I tolerate them easily but yeah I love them
104: The future:
Other than that I’m scared as hell regarding the future? nah
103: Hugged someone:
Eh!! Today!!
102: Last time you ate:
7 hours ago??
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile:
Oh last week I think
100: Cried in front of someone:
U H, yesterday
99: Went to a movie theater:
last thursday
98: Took a vacation:
last Christmas
97: Swam in a pool:
last summer
96: Changed a diaper:
never tbh
95: Got my nails done:
OH, it’s been ages since I’ve done that
94: Went to a wedding:
4 years ago
93: Broke a bone:
never nyehehe B)
92: Got a peircing:
I don’t have any but planning on getting some
91: Broke the law:
90: Texted: 
minutes ago
89: Who makes you laugh the most:
tbh, my friends
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
my stuff but mostly my baby plant
87: The last movie I saw:
Captain MArvel
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most:
finishing high school
85: The thing im not looking forward to:
Missing upcoming opportunities
84: People call me:
Satana(I have the perferct explanation)
83: The most difficult thing to do is:
talk in servers or groups tbh
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket:
Oh I’d feel terrible and embarassed tbh
81: My zodiac sign is:
80: The first person i talked to today was:
my boyfriend
79: First time you had a crush:
in 5th grade
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from:
My boyfriend.. because he knows when something’s up with me or if something’s not good
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking:
hmmm weeks ago I think
76: Right now I am talking to:
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:
be a programmer 
74: I have/will get a job:
I hope to get one as a programmer in the future (though hell If I know what exactly yet)
73: Tomorrow:
I’ll probably hope for school to end faster just so I can nap
72: Today:
I haven’t done much tbh
71: Next Summer:
Will be so busy and I’m so not up to it
70: Next Weekend:
I’ll be going to a cool ass contest
69: I have these pets:
I have a baby plant!!!
68: The worst sound in the world:
static noise
67: The person that makes me cry the most is:
myself?? sounds a bit edgy
66: People that make you happy:
all the close friends in my life and some artists along with stuff I enjoy a lot
65: Last time I cried:
64: My friends are:
There are too many to list them but luv them all
63: My computer is:
full of games that I’m probably not going to finish in the following 2 months
62: My School:
kinda sucks when it comes to students
61: My Car:
does not exist yet
60: I lose all respect for people who:
who are rude and big mean bags of shit?? I could detail this but dunno
59: The movie I cried at was:
58: Your hair color is:
57: TV shows you watch:
SOA, Gotham when my bf watches it and I don’t really like TV shows though I have some on my waiting list
56: Favorite web site:
55: Your dream vacation:
just, somewhere around a forest, it’d be quiet lovely ngl
54: The worst pain I was ever in was:
tooth pain
53: How do you like your steak cooked:
a bit raw tbh
52: My room is:
ass messy as me
51: My favorite celebrity is:
uhhh Corey Taylor
50: Where would you like to be:
Right now?? At my bf, if it wouldn’t bother him..
49: Do you want children:
48: Ever been in love:
still am ig
47: Who’s your best friend:
I have too many but love them all so much
46: More guy friends or girl friends:
I have more guy friends apparently 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is:
achieving something
44: One person that you wish you could see right now:
All of my best-friends tbh
43: Do you have a 5 year plan:
I do
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die:
Not yet and I doubt I’d do it
41: Have you pre-named your children:
me and my bf came up with some names but who knows
40: Last person I got mad at:
My bf i think
39: I would like to move to:
another city in my country, a much bigger one
38: I wish I was a professional:
37: Candy:
36: Vehicle:
Renault or Dacia
35: President:
don’t really have one
34: State visited:
I haven’t been to any at all
33: Cellphone provider:
32: Athlete:
I don;t have one yikes
31: Actor:
Hmm Benicio Del Toro
30: Actress:
I like some but I don’t have a favorite one
29: Singer:
Peter Steele, his voice is simply, lovely
28: Band:
Ohhh anon Tool and Cargo atm
27: Clothing store:
I don’t have a fav one
26: Grocery store:
25: TV show:
Sons Of Anarchy
24: Movie:
The Alien trilogy
23: Website:
Twitter I think
22: Animal:
21: Theme park:
I don’t really have one
20: Holiday:
19: Sport to watch:
ski jumping
18: Sport to play:
Volleyball I think
17: Magazine:
Don’t have one
16: Book:
The Shinning
15: Day of the week:
14: Beach:
Don’t really like beaches
13: Concert attended:
Truda’s concert for moment but I suppose Disturbing’s going ro replace it or maybe Cannibal Corpse, who knows
12: Thing to cook:
11: Food:
Noodles or cremeschnitte
10: Restaurant:
One called Anna
9: Radio station:
don’t have one
8: Yankee candle scent:
dreamy summer nights
7: Perfume:
men’s one are my favorite, gotta admit it
6: Flower:
5: Color:
purple and black
4: Talk show host:
don’t have one
3: Comedian:
A romanian one, can’t remember his name
2: Dog breed:
German Shepherd, American Eskimo, Border Collie, Golden Retriever, Siberian HUsky there are too many I can’t choose only one
1: Did you answer all these truthfully?
yes I did it oh god
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outoftheframework · 6 years
Line Starters
1. “Stop poking me or I swear I’m gonna- Hey!”
2. “Gimme an hour, tops.”
3. “This is not how you propose to someone.”
4. “Why are we running?”
5. “I’m not going in there.”
6. “This is not the time for a selfie!”
7. “Fine, we’ll stop at the playground, but only for a couple minutes!”
8. “You can’t rollerblade everywhere.”
9. “We can’t go trick-or-treating. Besides, it’s not even Halloween.”
10. “I’m not dead! Yet.”
11. “You ate ALL the cookie dough?”
12. “You still play with Barbies?”
13. “Please say yes.”
14. “Since when can you see the future?”
15. “So, why are you on the roof?”
16. “Goodbye.”
17. “So, uh… Did you hear about Pluto?”
18. “Race ‘ya.”
19. “How’d you manage to do that?”
20. “Want me to kiss-it-make-it-better?”
21. “Slap me in the face.”
22. “You braided his hair?”
23. “Just kiss me now and ask questions later.”
24. “Oh. Hell. No”
25. “That’s my girl.”
26. “That’s my boy.”
27. “Which one of you put dye in my shampoo?”
28. “Please, just get out of the tree.”
29. “I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?”
30. “Don’t come anywhere near me.”
31. “We’re done. I’m done. Everything’s done.”
32.“That can’t be real.”
33. “Wait, you are jealous!”
34. “Sing for me. Pretty please?”
35. “Kids these days and their satanic electro music.”
36. “You’re gonna be my girlfriend and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
37. “I think I saw a bad romance movie that was exactly like this.”
38. “How do girls even walk in those things? Do they all have death wishes?”
39. “Bucket list: done.”
40. “I’m famous on the internet.”
41. “Give it back.”
42. “Really? Anime?”
43.“You need to sleep.”
44. “Out of all the times to faint, you had to pick now?”
45. “Fine. You are a princess.”
46. “Okay, okay. We’ll do it your way.”
47. “Your pain is just too entertaining.”
48. “I didn’t think it was that important.”
49. “I never want to see another cat in my life.”
50. “You’re kidding, right?”
51. “I was a cheerleader in highschool.”
52. “Didn’t know you were into arts and crafts.”
53. “Your taste in music repels me.”
54. “You’re late.”
55. “Morning, sexy.”
56. “What the hell happened to your face!?”
57. “Trust me, I’m panicking on the inside”
58. “It’s been years.”
59. “So what’s your secret?”
60. “Leave it to the professionals, honey.”
61. “C’mon, just one more.”
62. “Told ‘ya this would happen.”
63. “1, 2, 3, Jump!”
64. “Roadtrip!”
65. “You’re not my sister. You’re way too pretty to be a part of this family.”
Hey everyone! Here’s some sentence starters for requesting imagines / fics. Just give me a character and/or pairing and I’ll bang it out for ya :)
I’ll write for DC and Marvel and a couple other fandoms if they come up. Thanks guys; I’m excited!! I’ll also make moodboards if requested.
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theguidedarts-old · 7 years
Parturition Chronicles, Part 2.
This post is a direct sequel to the first of the Parturition Chronicles. The first part can be found at this link.
[01] Plot setup: It is now the next day. You managed to convince the old man to let you stay at his place for the night, and he showed you a few things, but he said you had to leave the next day. The problem is, you don’t know exactly how to leave! 
The time is 6:00 AM.
The old man has yet to wake up.
[02] Choice: Wake up Old Man, Don’t wake up Old Man. You choose not to wake up the Old Man.
The time is now 6:00 AM.
[03] Do what is required for you to sustain the state that is considered “alive.” Among these, you make sure to list the following:
- use the restroom
- make a quick thing to eat for breakfast
- be quiet enough not to wake up the Old Man.
The time is now 6:09 AM.
[04] Look out the window. You take a look out the window, and to your surprise, the robot minions are still there doing what they do.
The time is now 6:38 AM.
[05] Wonder how you spent so much time looking out the window but not making breakfast? You spend about 22 more minutes trying to wrap your head around this.
The time is now 7:00 AM. (Actually it was exactly 22 minutes, surprisingly. It’s odd that every single activity you do lands on the mark where the amount of seconds and milliseconds are both zero. What are the chances?
The time is now 7:00:01:483 AM. (Okay nevermind, you spent a second and 483 milliseconds thinking about this.)
The time is now 7:00:04:291 AM. (Wait, how did it take you 1.89 times as long to think a shorter sentence than a longer sentence?)
The time is now 8:00 AM. (You guess you’re just overthinking things and this is reality’s method of punishing you.)
The time is now 9:00 AM.
[06] The Old Man approaches you and says you’ve been standing still, lost in thought for one hour, fifty-nine minutes, fifty-eight seconds, and five-hundred and sixteen milliseconds. What? How does he know this? He was asleep?
[07] The Old Man replies to you by saying that a robot watches your every move, and knows when you’re standing still for an hour. What? But why?
[08] The Old Man doesn’t know when he’ll have a heart attack or stroke, so he tells you it’s for everyone here’s safety. You guess you can trust him. You decide not to  go any further on the subject because you wouldn’t want to be rude.
[09] The Old Man asks if you want him to get one of his Robot Minions to help reheat the food up you made two hours fifty-nine minutes fifty-eight seconds and five-hundred and sixteen milliseconds ago.
You say yes, for some reason.
[10] The Old Man gets one of his robots to reheat the food. This is helpful.
The time is now 9:02 AM. You aren’t sure why this took 2 minutes, to do a small amount of dialogue, but you’ll play along. Like you have been this whole time.
[11] The robot reheats the meal. This step encompasses the whole process of reheating the food.
The time is now 9:10 AM. You guess you can let this take 8 minutes, if it took you two minutes to talk to someone.
[12] You eat breakfast at 9:11 AM. This should be fine.
[13] The Old Man asks you how you slept. You respond with,  “Well, I uh, slept?”
[14] The Old Man asks you about any dreams. You can’t remember anything.
[15] Wait, you can! Your dream was about...
[16] This game. You played it, and there were these platforms over the water you had to jump on and they disappeared after some time but they were really close to the water so it didn’t matter if they did, but you were trying to get to the other side. 
The platforms were made of rubber, like inflatable rubber objects, but they could disappear for some reason.
[17] You jumped on one of the platforms, and did something with your brain... To be more precise, you’re not sure what you did. It’s like how you move your arms, you can just do it. You just will it to move. Anyway, you did this with the platform.
[18] You made it shoot straight upward, and then down at the other side of the water, and you jumped off.
[19] On the other side, there was a door where you entered.. and...
[20] You don’t remember anything else.
[21] The Old Man replies. “Huh, I had a dream like that last night,” The Old Man began. “But in my dream, the platforms came to us and didn’t disappear. 
[22] This surprises you. But why does it surprise you? Well, that’s actually because...
[23] The older people in this dream had this exact treatment... Now that you’re thinking about it...
[24] Nope. You did not see the Old Man in your dream last night.
[25] The Old Man asks you a question. “What is your name?”
[26] What is your name? You are unsure.
[27] The Old Man asks a question to your response. “Why do you not know what your name is?”
[28] Why do you not know what your name is...? You use deductive reasoning to discover you do not have a name.
[29] The Old Man asks a question to your response. “What will you do about this.”
[30] You will get a name. But what will this name be?
[31] Your name is. Your name is...
[32] You decide your name will be... Seriously, make your mind up!
[33] Your name is Name. You picked the best name.
[34] The Old Man is not happy with your decision, but he says this anyway. “Whatever you say, I guess.”
[35] You finish eating breakfast. The time is now 2:00 PM.
[36] You ask the Old Man where the time went. The Old Man does not know.
[37] You ask about the Old Man’s robots. He says they were given to him by his friend.
[38] You ask to meet the Old Man’s friend. The Old Man agrees, but first you both must find a way off of this rock.
[39] This is a rock? Little did you know this entire time, an important detail was being hidden from you. This entire place was a floating chunk of land that is floating in the sky. The temple is a spaceship, but you do not know this yet, but you will suggest this after learning the temple is floating outside. 
[40] But wait, why did you not realize the temple was floating? This detail is unimportant, but will be noted upon anyway. You didn’t realize it because it was not important. Until things are important, you do not realize them in this world, and it seems this is how the world will work. Good thing you’re realizing this just now.
[41] You talk to the Old Man about this floating temple.  “Are you about to tell me we’re flying- Oh, we are flying. Okay then... We’re above the clouds... How did I not notice that?”
[42] At this point you’re confused. “So am I, let’s get to the temple!”
-2 steps, you’re on fire! Meanwhile, 8 hours pass. It’s 10 PM... Good job, -2 steps, but you waste 8 hours managing this. How is this even going to work?
[40] You and the Old Man, ready to get off of this island, rush to the temple! New adventures could be found through this! Or this is just some dumb flavour text you read on the side of the box of cereal you contemplated eating earlier this morning.
+4 steps. Come on, we’re not going to cheat here and give ourselves extra time.
[44] You walk into the temple... What could this be? What an interesting step.
[45] As you walk into the temple, you notice something that you didn’t before.  It is a button on the wall, but not any button, it looks exactly like the platform that was in your dream, same design and everything, but... It’s made out of the same material as the rest of the temple.
[46] You approach the button. What will happen?
[47] You and the Old Man waste 1 hour and 59 minutes talking about the button. It is now 11:59 PM. 
[48] You are about to press the button. Come on, do it already!
[49] You press it, as the clock strikes midnight. You don’t know why, but you guess it’s symbolistic.
[50] The temple transforms into a spaceship, and the rest is history. Well, history you’ll know about soon. Very, very soon.
If you liked this, please follow, it helps me know someone else is reading this.
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babylon-bitch · 7 years
Just Friends ~ Headlights (part 48)
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*Trigger Warning*
Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
Warnings: mentions of suicide
“Harper?” A voice stops me and makes me freeze.
Closing my eyes and letting out a small sigh, I slowly turn around and being met by Michael, Ashton, Calum, Erika, Maddie, and Luke.
“Hey guys.” I say.
“How have you been?” Calum asks.
“Alright.” I nod and eye up Luke. “Yourself?”
“Yeah, I’m great.” He nods. They all say they’re fine, besides Luke, who is pretending to be on his phone, although I know he’s not even paying attension to it and is listening intently to us.
I’m at the super market to get some stuff for my flight and some stuff for my Mum and Dad who are going out with their friends, I’m not really sure who is going but I can’t say I exactly care.
“So, um, what have you been up to?” Michael asks.
“Nothing much, the usual uni stuff.” I shrug. “You?”
“We’re all busy with tour.” Ashton speaks up.
“I’ve been busy with school too.” Erika tells me.
“And I’ve been working.” Maddie says.
“Oh really? What do you do?” I ask.
I never thought it could be so awkward between us all.
“I work at the nursery near Michael’s house.”
“Really? I never knew you were into kids.” I raise an eyebrow.
“Are you kidding? I love kids, I can’t wait till Erika and I have children.” She grins and pokes Erika’s arm.
“Well, steady on.” I joke.
“Yeah, steady on.” Erika speaks up.
“We are having a little get together this evening, do you want to come?” Calum asks. “It’s just us by the way.” He adds
That explains all the alcohol they have.
“Um, I kinda have a flight to catch tonight.” I trail off.
“What time?” Ashton questions.
“3:30, but I have to wait there for three hours, it also takes an hour to get to the airport, so I’ll have to leave my house at 11.” I explain.
“You don’t have to stay long, we all miss you.” Michael pouts and I glance at Luke who is giving Michael a look.
“I’ll think about it.” I sigh.
“If you do come, it’s at Calum’s house, and come over at around 6 or 7.” Ashton informs me.
“I’ll text you later or something.” Erika smiles.
“Okay, thanks for the offer, I can’t promise anything.” I tell them. “I’ll see you around.”
With that I leave them behind and head towards another isle, with a relieved sigh.
I love them and all, but it’s just so awkward because I haven’t seen them all in ages. To add onto that, Luke was there, which made it 10 times more awkward. Although we saw each other the other day, I think our minds were just so messed up at that moment that we didn’t think about anything, we just needed that.
That’s how I felt anyway.
“Here, Mum, I got some flowers and a couple bottles of wine. Will that do?” I ask with a sigh when I walk into the kitchen.
“Yes, thanks dear.” She gives me a small smile.
“Where are you even going?” I question.
“A restaurant, you know the one that has the best chairs? That one.” She informs me.
“Uhm, okay. Who’s going?” I ask.
“Me and your father, obviously, then we have Sam and Paul, and Liz and Andy.” She says whilst wiping the sides. “I think we might go back to Sam and Paul’s afterwards.” She adds.
“Am I going to have to call a cab to take me to the airport?” I whine.
“That’s tonight?” She questions in disbelief.
“Kinda.” I nod. “Do I have to set your home and lock screen as my boarding pass every time I come home?”
“I’m sorry, honey, I’ll pay for the cab.” She apologises and goes to her bag and takes out a couple notes, placing them on the freshly cleaned counter.
“Thanks, Mum.” I smile. “So uh, the guys have invited me over for this little get together.” I trail off.
“Oh really? Are you gonna go?” She questions.
“I don’t know, Luke’s gonna be there and I haven’t seen any of them in ages so I feel like it’s gonna be awkward and uncomfortable.” I say.
“Maybe it will be good to see them all again, especially you know, him, so you can get over him, or at least make it less awkward for the future.”
“He’s not the Dark Lord you know, you can say his name.” I inform her. “What do you mean ‘make it less awkward for the future’?” I give her a skeptical glare
“You can’t expect to not see him ever again can you? Not only with what you both do, but at family gatherings and things like that. I’m not gonna stop inviting the Hemmings just because you and Luke broke up, and that’s final.” She states with a threatening eyebrow raised.
“Geez, yes ma'am.” I widen my eyes in annoyance and walk towards my room.
Closing the door behind me and flopping onto my bed, face first, letting out a groan.
I don’t want to ruin 5 relationships just because of 1 relationship, that’s not fair on either of us. I can’t let Luke do that to me, I won’t let him. I haven’t talked to any of them in ages, mainly because of him, it just doesn’t feel right.
Erika: hey, are you coming over?
Me: I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, as I’ve got a flight soon, and shit like that…
Erika: pleaseeeeeeeee, we haven’t seen you in ages! :(
Me: fine, I’ll go
Erika: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll go tell the others, I’m so excited to see you properly again.
Chuckling at my phone before walking towards my wardrobe. Slipping into some ripped jeans and top, slipping on a flannel onto my shoulders incase I get a little chilly, not that it’ll do much.
Keeping my original makeup, just reapplying my lipstick. Brushing through my hair, and slipping into some black vans.
“I’m going to Calum’s.” I call out.
“Okay, have fun, we’ll be leaving too in 10-15 minutes.” My mum walks towards me.
“You guys be careful.” I tease.
“I should be saying that to you.” She says.
“True, bye then.” I kiss her cheek and walk out the door, pulling my phone out and plugging in some earphones, listening to some Never Shout Never.
The walk from my house to Calum’s house isn’t too long, and I’m greatful for that. I haven’t made this trip in ages, and it brings me a sense of nostalgia. Usually I’d walk this with Luke.
Knocking on the door and texting goodbye to Juliet, I wait for someone to open the door.
“You made it!” Calum grins as he opens the door.
“Hey.” I smile and lock my phone, shoving it in my pocket.
I give him a big hug and give him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re 15 minutes late, by the way.” He tells me as we walk throught he house.
“I don’t believe there was a set time.” I give him a pointed look.
“Shut up.”
“Harper!” Everyone cheers as I walk out into the garden.
“Ew, don’t touch me.” I whine as Maddie hugs me.
“You love me!” She claims.
“I don’t love anyone,” I say and I look for a place to sit down, which just so happens to be next to Luke.
I swear they did this on purpose.
Sitting down on the only empty chair, and putting my bag beside me. Everyone drifts off into a conversation besides Luke and I who just awkwardly sit in silence.
“Hi.” He quietly says.
“Hey.” I nod.
“How have you been?” He asks.
“Well considering we saw each other two days ago, not much has changed.” I slightly snap. “You?” I ask.
“Fine.” He matches my voice.
I hate when things are awkward between us.
“Do you want a drink?” Michael asks as he gets up.
“I’ll have a beer.” I request.
“Okay, Luke?”
“I’m not drinking tonight.” He answers whilst staring at the ground.
“Alright.” He nods and goes indoors.
“Why aren’t you drinking?” I ask after a while.
“Don’t feel like it, I might have one later.” H shrugs.
“I’m not gonna be drinking too much, so you won’t get lonely.” I inform.
“Here.” Michael hands me a beer.
“Thanks.” I wink after I took a sip.
“So, how’s life been for you?” Ashton asks me.
“Great, I’ve been so busy, but I’ve also been to the best parties ever.” I say.
“What makes them so good?” Calum asks.
“Well for starters, the people are so nice. My friend can get into any party, so we all get into the best parties. Plus, when we go out to clubs, people buy us girls all these drinks, so I only have to pay for a ride home.” I chuckle at some memories. “How many people are in you friendship group?” Erika asks.
“Quite a lot of people, there’s around six or seven of us who hangout a lot, but there’s always people who tag along.” I explain. “I think I’ve got a picture of some people.” I muse and take my phone out, looking through my camera roll.  
It’s a picture of Juliet, Blake, and I, I’m pretty sure we were really drunk, but we look happy. I think Tori took it, we were messing around, dancing and shit, Juliet and I are laughing together, Blake’s arm is around my shoulders and he is smiling down at us.
“Here.” I pass my phone to Maddie.
“Damn, she is a fine look in girl.” Maddie whistles.
“Actually I have a gay friend you can go out with if you and Erika don’t work out?” I tell her as she passes my phone to Erika.
“Ooooooh, he is some fine piece of ass.” Erika says and I laugh.
“You’re friends with these people?” Calum questions.
“What are you trying to say?”
“That you aren’t hot enough to be friends with people like this.” He states and passes my phone to Michael.
“Can I have her number?” Michael requests.
“She’s got a boyfriend.” I inform him. “They aren’t interested in cheating like some people.” I mutter very quietly.
“I’m straight, but I can appreciate his looks.” Ashton laughs and passes my phone to Luke.  
They all gush over how good looking they are, and I find it weird because they’re my friends. Yeah, they are very pleasing for the eyes, but I don’t talk about it; plus I’m straight.
Luke rolls his eyes and scoffs slightly before passing my phone back to me.
“Can we not talk about my friends? Firstly the guy is probably the biggest fuckboy, he’s got a heart of gold though, and Juliet is in love with her boyfriend.”
“Wouldn’t mind getting fucked up by that dude.” Erika snickers.
“I’m going to go pee, by the time I’m back, you guys better talk about elephants or climate change or somthing.” I warn them and go in.
Doing my business and washing my hands, I reapply some mascara, before leaving the bathroom.  
It’s a while later now, we’re all just talking about shit, and I’m slightly tipsy. The others are all fucked up, and they are gonna regret drinking this much tomorrow morning. Luke is still sober, he’s had one drink, and he is still on that.
“So, when do you guys go back on tour?” I ask Luke, trying to make some sort of conversation with him.
“4 or 5 days, I’m not entirely sure.” He shrugs, taking a sip of his beer.
“You excited?” I question.
“Yeah I guess, it’ll be good to get out performing again. This place is so full of uhm, memories.” He purses his lips and I nod, trying not to let it hurt me.
“My Mum, uh, she got all these disposable cameras developed, and then gave me a box full of the pictures. That’s where I got that picture of you, Michael, and me.” I tell him.
“Oh cool, how far back do they go?” He asks.
“To when I was 15 or 16, can’t quite remember.” I shrug. “If you want, you could go through them.”
“Might do that.” He says. “Were the pictures from Dubai there?” He blurts out.
“Some.” I murmur.
“Ca-,” Luke gets cut off by my phone ringing.
Pulling my phone out of my pocket, and seeing it’s Blake, a small smile makes its way on my face.
“Hello, how’s it going?” He asks.
“Fine, you?” I ask and take a sip of my beer.
“Great! When do you come back?” He questions.
“I should be flying out tonight, actually.” I answer.
“Okay cool! It’ll be great to see you again, we’ve all missed you.” He informs.
“Can’t wait to see you guys either.” I bite my finger nail.
“So how will you be feeling in two days time?” He asks.
“I don’t know, probably fine.” I deadpan.
“Perfect, do you want to go to a party?” He questions.
“Maybe, I’ll see how I feel.”
“Well think about, everyone else is going, and we don’t want little Harper to feel left out.” He says in a baby voice.
“Oh fuck off. Don’t miss me too much.” I tell him and hang up before he can saying anything else.
“Who was that?” Erika asks.
“Blake,” I simply answer and put my phone in my pocket.
“Who’s that?” Luke asks.
“Just a friend.” I say.
“Sure, whatever, just a friend, keep telling yourself that.”
“Actually he was a friend whilst we were dating, and I can stay faithful, unlike you who can’t seem to keep it in your pants.” I harshly tell him, picking up my bag and storming out.
As I’m about to open the front door, I feel a gentle hand on my wrist.
“Harper, I’m sorry, babe please.” Luke tells me.
“I thought your mother told you not to lie.” I tell him. “I guess she also told you to treat girls with respect. Sorry is only meant to be said if you mean it.”
“Fine, whatever, I regret dating you anyway,” he shakes his head and turns around, as if I meant nothing to him.
It would hurt less if he punched or slapped me.
I sigh and walk out the door, slamming it behind me, trying to stay strong.
Rushing away as a few tears slide down my face, I should never of come, this was always gonna happen if Luke and I were in the same place. We can’t just ignore the whole reason we broke up. I won’t let that happen, we can’t just ignore the elephant in the room.
It was nice to spend some time with the others, but if I only got to spend a couple hours with them, was the expense of getting hurt again, I got fucking ripped off.
Suddenly a loud car horn and skidding of tires, fills my ears and I turn around, being met by a pristine white car, two distressed people in the front seat. My eyes widen as I realise it’s coming straight towards me, looking for a way to get out, then a sick yet appealing thought comes to my mind.
What if I left this world?
Luke clearly wouldn’t miss me, I’m only friends with the others and they’ll forget about me soon enough, I only knew my friends back in England for a few months, they’ll forget I even existed in months, my family might miss me, but they’ll carry on with their lives, we don’t see each other that often anyway.
I’ve never tried to get killed, thought about it, but I have never planned to, simply because I had things going for me. But now? I’ve lost my will to live. I lost the one thing that meant the most to me, and he did it by choice, not by force. He basically left me himself, he had the choice to stay with me, but he didn’t want me.
That makes me think if he ever liked me. Were all the years we were friends just lies? Did he even ever love me? Thinking about it causes everything to hit me harder than last time. I gave him everything, everything I could give him, but apparently that just wasn’t enough.
I remember the time we were in Dubai, where it all started. We spent the night together, and that night was just perfect. It was filled with cuddles and butterfly kisses, and although it was hot as fuck, I couldn’t think of being in a better place but his arms.
It seems crazy to think that that is the same person, let alone the same person I fell in love with.
The guys and girls will always be special to me, despite the situation. I know it’s mostly my fault, but I miss talking to them everyday. In a way I’m kinda glad I didn’t talk to them for a while, because anything to do with them, connects to Luke, and it hurt to even say his name at that point.
It still hurts to hear his name, but I can deal with it now, I have to.
In a way, I feel like they’ve taken Luke’s side, even though there are no sides in this situation, what he did was wrong, I feel like they’ve taken his side. I think the fact that I’m not talking to them plays a part in it.
I don’t need anyone if I’m gonna give up anyway.
What’s even the point of living if the only thing that’s been with me through thick and thin, is simply gone?
The car beeps and flashes it’s lights at me, the two people in the front wave their hands to the left, with distressed features, I think the woman is crying, but I don’t care, I don’t care about anything anymore.
So I just take a tiny step closer, straighten myself out, and look down at my wrist, touching the ink that adorns my skin.
Never thought that those letters would mean so much to me and I would mean nothing to who these letters belong to.
Keeping my fingers on the ink as I let myself be free as the car get closer very fast, not expecting to come out of this, I let my - hopefully - last words out.
Something I haven’t said in a very long time.
“I love you Luke,”
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u said be nosy please so im gon be nosy 1-65 valentines day questions hav fun
ooooh yay thank you! I love when people ask a lot of questions, and since I have nothing better to do on Valentines day, this is perfect.
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
Nope. Wait- theres a cute girl I work with. I don’t know if it’s reached crush levels but I felt like I should mention it.
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
Do fictional characters count? No? Then yeah that will be a no from me.
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?
0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and exactly 0 seconds.
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
I’ve definitely pretended to be different in order to fit into friend groups at times. 
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
Fantastic considering they don’t exist.
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
Can’t be cheated on if you never date (insert that meme thing here)
7: Have you ever cheated?
See above question.
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?
No, most likely not. 
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?
Trust. I think it’s really important to be able to trust your partner and be worthy of your partner’s trust. Even in a friendship, trust is crucial. 
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
I’d prefer a serious relationship. I’m too in love with the idea of love for just flings.
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?
If it’s needed, then yeah. It may help the relationship.
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
I’m a virgin, so…. 
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
Can’t regret anything if you’ve never said/done anything to anyone at all!
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
At least 16. Ideally I would say 17-18, but realistically I would say 16.
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?
Nope. Age can show what stage you are in your life, and if you are in such a different stage as someone else, that relationship can’t be healthy.
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?
I think there’s definitely a “lust at first sight” which can easily lead to love. 
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
I think so. I don’t know if it’s possible for me, but for others, definitely.
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
Abuse, cheating, overall assholery. Also if they diss any of the books I read then fuck them we’re done. 
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?
I would say when the negatives of staying with them outnumber the positives. Also that’s really easy to say as someone who has only ever been single.
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
With myself, yes.
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
Definitely, if that’s what they both want.
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
See above answer.
23: How many relationships have you had?
A solid 0.
24: Do you think love can last forever?
With work and effort, yeah.
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
I would hope so. I’m such a romantic that I need to believe that.
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?
I would like to think no, but it would definitely put a strain in the relationship at this point in my life, considering that I can’t drive and rely on my parents for a lot.
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
There’s no rush.
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
I think so. If the two people are dedicated and willing to make it work, it can.
29: What do you notice first about another person?
Usually its either hair (for women) or face/bone structure (for men). 
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
Bi! Although I guess I’m kinda pan actually, but I prefer the label bisexual.
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
Nope, considering I suffer from ALL OF THEM. Kidding, only like… 200.
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
No, thankfully.
33: Do you want to get married one day?
Definitely, 100% yes,
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?
I’ll pass on that thanks.
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
I’m not sure. I think I would be able to, but I don’t know.
36: Are you still a virgin?
Yes I am
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality?
Personality, but to be honest looks still play a big part.
38: Do you enjoy love films?
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
Do flowers after a play count? Because I’ve been given roses by family then.
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
Not a real one. But once in seventh grade a kid literally threw a teddy bear and necklace at me from across the hall. Apparently he had a big crush on me but didn’t want to say it. It was a nice necklace. Yeah nothing came from that though.
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?
Probably just going somewhere different, maybe the beach or a park or something, and spending time together.
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?
Yes and I wasn’t a huge fan. I prefer King Lear.
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?
Friends. But again, I have no partner. If I picked partner I would probably look like a dick.
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?
I love love, but I have no clue what to do in romantic situations, so no.
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
uh maybe idk
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?
Yeah, but then I helped him get together with the girl he actually liked so it all worked out and I became their #1 cheerleader. 
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?
Can I do fictional ones instead? because I know nothing about celebrity couples and instead just want to talk about Feyre and Rhys from ACOTAR. They are goals!!!!
48: What’s your favorite love song?
It’s hard to pick a favorite. You know what, I don’t care if I’m cliche. I have to pick Can’t Help Falling in Love
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yeah, I think. I don’t know. He was pretty creepy so I didn’t feel much guilt
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?
Because I’m afraid of commitment and being in a relationship. Also my standards are extremely high, I am too wrapped up in myself, and people aren’t my favorite things in the world.
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy?
Poor nice guy, as long as he isnt a ‘nice guy’
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
I actually give people romantic advice a lot. I still question why I’m asked when I have 0 experience, but I won’t complain
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single?
Yeah, a lot.
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?
I don’t think it would be too important to me. 
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”?
For the most part, I’ve been pretty distant when it comes to people I’ve dated or have considered dated. But I also didn’t love them, or even really like them that much, so I may end up being clingy if in a good relationship
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship?
You need to be in a relationship to destroy one.
57: x
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?
I’m really insecure and prefer to have things chosen for me, so more submissive. But I also like to be the center of attention, so maybe a bit dominant
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?
Haven’t had the chance to, thank god.
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships?
If it works for the people in the relationship, and everyone is fine with it, then good for them.
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?
62: How do you define “cheating”?
Touching someone who isn’t a part of the relationship in a way that would upset/hurt your partner. 
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
I don’t think so. Unless its all you do. Even if you aren’t in a relationship, that would be inappropriate
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?
I don’t know. I love all the romance and adorableness, but also why not make every day valentines day and always treat your significant other with this much repect and love?
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
I am. Definitely.
Yay now you know more about me!
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