#i will always be happy to write fic for the strongberry titles i watched you have no idea
weilongfu · 5 years
I know this is pretty vague but could you write something for my pistachio if you've seen it. I just recently found it and even though it's short I love it~
M-My Pistachio? You... You have... come to me... to request a My Pistachio prompt... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ANON... If you look up My Pistachio on AO3, you’ll find exactly 3 fics. All 3 are mine.
You have come to the right place. You are welcome here. You are safe, loved, and valid here. Bless you, Anon, for supporting independent queer Korean media. Here’s a prompt fill for you. And may you always tread lightly on the Earth. (/ominous blessings)
It had not been long since Mu Yeong had started dating Han Bit. At least in Mu Yeong’s eyes, the passing of six months had not been so long. Calling Han Bit, “hyung,” without flinching had been considered a major achievement. Shopping for their first ever Christmas together, on the other hand, was suddenly an insurmountable challenge.
“Hyuuuunggggg, just tell me what you want for Christmas,” Mu Yeong whined. 
“What would the fun in that be?” Han Bit ruffled Mu Yeong’s hair as he continued to string up fairy lights around their shared apartment. Moving in had been the easiest thing of all, which surprised both of them. “Besides, we’ve been together for six months now. Surely you can think of something.”
“Eh heh... Hyung is right... Surely... Something...”
“Mu Yeong, it’s just a present. Not a stage performance.” 
“But... I want it to be good. I want it to be perfect.”
Han Bit sighed and finished with the string of lights in his hands before squishing Mu Yeong’s face between his palms. “Whatever you gift me, as long as it comes from your heart, I promise to cherish.” 
Mu Yeong pouted. “Why is it everything hyung says sound like a line?”
“I’m a playwright, Mu Yeong-ah. It comes with the territory.”
At last Christmas had come and Mu Yeong and Han Bit made the first order of business opening their presents for each other. Han Bit handed over a rather small box. Mu Yeong opened it to find a silver bracelet with a charm that looked like a film slate on it.
“Just a token,” Han Bit had explained as he put the bracelet on Mu Yeong’s wrist. “Unfortunately, they didn’t have anything that looked like a script. But see, I have the same one.” Han Bit pulled out a chain from around his neck and showed off his copy of the same charm. Mu Yeong wanted to melt. “Now you make sure you tell everyone that you’re taken.”
“I told you! Jun Myeon-ssi is just a junior. He doesn’t mean anything!”
“Yeah yeah.” Han Bit waved it off. “So? What did you get me?”
Mu Yeong slowly pulled out a moderately sized box out from behind him. Han Bit took it eagerly and with much thanks. He tore it open and began to laugh before dumping out the contents. Bags of roasted pistachios, pistachio nut brittle, pistachio marzipan balls covered in chocolate, pistachio cookies, pistachio shortbread, pistachio crackers, a whole host of pistachio themed items ending with a pair of pajamas with little dancing pistachio nuts emerged from the box. Mu Yeong covered his burning face, but no admonishments came. Instead the joyous laughter and rustling of packages continued as Han Bit sorted out all the pistachio snacks into different piles.
“Mu Yeong, this is as perfect as I thought it would be.” Han Bit eagerly pulled Mu Yeong into a kiss, soft and sweet, just barely flavored with pistachio and rose water. Apparently he’d broken into the pistachio marzipan already. “A very good gift. Merry Christmas to me.”
Mu Yeong smiled. “Merry Christmas, Han Bit-yah.”
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