#i went through the drawing books i had as a kid and they're so much fun
Healing my inner child and learning to accept I'm not one anymore, makes me cry so much. I'm mourning a childhood I lost while trying to journey onto the path of adulthood. It feels like I leaped through time but my mind wasn't prepared for it. I want to feel more confident about myself and to make my dreams come true. It feels as if I'm taking care of 3 people at once sometimes (my child self, my teenage self, and my current self). I have to learn who I want to be now and what I like, dislike, and what my new hobbies are, but a part of me wishes to be like how I was when I was younger. My imagination was so big and colorful, then at one point things got so dull and depressing when I was a teenager. Depression can take such a big chunk out of your life that you can never get back and it's so traumatizing.
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ivysangel · 2 months
listen, i think smut is great. i read it, i write it, i think about way more than is probably considered healthy, but i don't think it should be as readily accessible in bookstores as it is right now, and especially without warnings.
i went to barnes & noble with my friend a few weeks ago and in the front of the store was this humongous romance section that had hundreds of those booktok romance books that was trending now. i wish i had a picture to show you guys just how big it was, because there were like six or so book cases and then this big table with some "romantic summer reads".
naturally, because it's what's trending right now, so many of the books had those really cute cartoon couple drawings. you know the one's where the two mc's are standing next to each other, or back to back, or hugging or smth (ykwim) and all of them were completely innocent looking and not marked as having adult content in any way. this isn't my first rodeo or anything, so i know that a really good chunk of these books have graphic sex written in them despite having no warnings or indicators of such content. and sure enough as me and my friend are flipping through them we're seeing all of the graphic depictictions of sex that if you were just reading the blurb on the back you would not know existed in the book.
the rationale i've seen from a lot of the authors and readers of the book are that they want something "inconspicuous" that doesn't draw attention to the fact that they're reading smut in public or whatever. and while i understand the sentiment, there's got to be some kind of regulation for this kind of thing. because some kid who's just looking for a cute romance book accidentally picking up smut is actually very bad and shouldn't be normalized in the slightest.
and i always see people saying, "well their parents should be checking the stuff they read anyway" or "i read smut when i was young so i don't see what the problem is" which pisses me off so bad because:
A) i know that when i was younger my mom didn't monitor what i read because the books i was reading were never misleading. both the covers, blurbs, and warnings (if there ever were any) were in line with the content of the books i read and there was no reason to be worried. i'm almost 100% sure that when most parents go to the bookstore with their kid and their child picks up a book with a cute cover, and the info about the plot on the back says nothing about it being anything other than a cute relationship, they don't think anything of it. maybe if it was one of those harlequin novels with the shirtless guys and the ladies with their boobs spilling out of tight dresses they'd tell them to put the book down but because the covers of new age smut books are designed to decieve, that's exactly what they do. decieve. and if it works on your friends and family and everyone around you, why in god's name wouldn't it work on someone's parent.
and B) it's no secret that kids have been reading smut well before they should for ages. i read smut as a kid, some of my friends read smut as kids, lots of people have and will continue to do so, the difference is that it wasn't as mainstream and easily accessible as it is now. not that you had to scour the internet for it, a quick search on wattpad would give you a million results, but it wasn't something that wasn't so publicly advertised, and sold. in my experience, it was the kind of thing that you heard about from a friend who heard about it from another friend not fucking tiktok. the biggest social media platform rn.
i'd also like to point out that if you read smut when you were younger and grew up to not understand how harmful it is, even going as far to encourage kids to read it, you're a huge fucking weirdo. i'm only 18, still very much a "child" by some people's standards, and i get chills when i remember how young i and some of my friends were when we created our first wattpad accounts. which is probably why i care so much about this topic, i don't think children should be exposed to that kind of stuff at all, and i don't like how now anyone of any age can walk into a bookstore and either knowingly or unknowingly pick up some freak nasty sex because a bunch or horny people on tiktok can't understand how harmful it is to have these books in so many places without any warnings whatsoever.
also: this had already gotten so long but i forgot to mention that there's a rising interest in "dark themes" and those books DEFINITELY need a warning. i wrote an essay once on how unregulated darker themed media has contributed to the idealization of toxic relationships in young people, and i'd like to say that right now i think booktok is one of the biggest contributors
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
For de aged Daniel, max has a stream with red line that he can’t get out of so he sets Daniel up with a coloring station and Daniel draws the two of them racing or on the podium. So obvs he has to show max and he does so during the stream which is how the Max Verstappen secret kid rumors start
And since the kid is wearing so much Ferrari people assume that it’s a secret Lestappen baby which max hates because he loves Daniel and Charles is just laughing at all of the tweets/chaotically liking them to add to the rumors
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De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Pt2 | De-Aged Daniel Pt3 | De-Aged Daniel Pt 4 | De- Aged Daniel Pt 5 | De-Aged Daniel Part 6 | De-Aged Daniel Part 7 | De-Aged Daniel Part 8 | De-Aged Daniel Part 9
“Mate, when are you gonna be able to get here?” Max asked over the phone, keeping an eye at the coffee table where Little Daniel was colouring with his tongue sticking out adorably while he concentrated.
“Mate, I told you I'm gonna be late. I am helping maman with something, then I will be there.” Charles' voice was distant on the phone and Max sighed explosively.
“Ok, the door code is the same. I have to jump on.”
“It will be fine, Max.” Charles tried to soothe before they hung up. Max looked towards Little Daniel. “Daniel, Charles will be here soon. Are you ok out here while I go into a meeting?”
“Shaarrllll.” Little Daniel drawled, not looking up from choosing his next colour.
“Daniel? Did you hear me?” Max asked again softly.
“Yeah Maxy. I'll shtay here.” Little Daniel nodded up at Max, brown eyes bright.
“Pinky promise?” Max asked sticking out his finger.
Little Daniel looked at him consideringly before hooking his pinky with a grin. “I'm gonna draw you a picture Maxy!” He declared.
“I'd love one thank you, Daniel.” 
Max went into his sim room after taking a long look at Little Daniel who took a new sheet of paper and started colouring again. He settled himself in his rig and joined the stream, apologizing for being late.
“Everything ok, Mate?” Crane asked. Max glanced up at the camera and waved before straightening his shirt across his chest while he watched them play a round.
“Yeah, I just had to deal with something. Of course, I would never miss staring into your eyes Crane.” Max laughed when his friends snorted.
They set up for iRacing, Max letting the chatter wash over him while he slowly tried to relax and stop listening out for Little Daniel in the other room. Little Daniel had snacks, he had his crayons, paper and a colouring book. The TV was also on, playing another race, and Jimmy and Sassy were around to distract him. He only needed to last at most a half an hour before Charles came.
After the first race– that Max won, he begged off a minute and turned off his camera. He got up and peaked out of the room to see Little Daniel where he left him, looking up at the TV attentively and nibbling his finger.
Max sighed and relaxed further before climbing back in the rig. He came back to chaos as Bennett and Gianni were arguing about whether iguanas truly fell asleep if it got too cold. Max joined in, stating a few animal facts he learned while looking up information for Little Daniel.
They're going through qualifying again when the door to the sim room busts open. It wasn't fully closed in the first place so Little Daniel met little resistance when he barrelled in like the koolaid man.
“Maxy! I finished it!” He's waving his drawing around like a flag. Max's eyes widen and he lunged for his camera, fumbling to turn it off. 
“Fu–sorry mate! He's really fast.” Charles charged in and scooped up Little Daniel in his arms. Max yanked off his headphones and turned to look at Little Daniel who is smiling broadly at him before frowning at Charles. 
“Shaarrllll I wanna show Maxy!” Little Daniel whined, his body going toddler tantrum tense.
“How about we make him another one then put it on the fridge so he'll see it as soon as he's finished his meeting?” Charles tried to bargain, walking out of the room. Max heard the first sounds of Daniel's unhappy cries and followed them out of the room.
Little Daniel looked up at Max with wide, wet, unhappy eyes and Max reached for him. He pressed his face in Max's neck unhappily and Max rubbed his little back, underneath his red Ferrari shirt.
Max took the crumpled picture that Little Daniel still clutched and looked at it while small hands squeezed around his neck. It was a picture of Max and Little Daniel in their race suits in front of a race car. 
“Thank you for the drawing Daniel. It is lovely.” Max said softly, soothingly. Little Daniel sniffed loudly and scrubbed at his eyes 
“You like it?” He sniffled.
“I do! Can you and Charles make me another one?”
Little Daniel nodded against Max's neck and Max thought he must have been very upset to forgo his usual “Sharl” vocal stim.
Max looked over to see Charles watching him with an unreadable expression. Max ignored him and put Little Daniel safely in his arms.
“I'm going to beg off the rest of the stream. I'll be back in five I think.”
“Of course. Sorry.” Charles looked contrite but Max waved it off. 
He got back in his rig and put on his headphones, listening in as the guys gained control over the stream again after his very abrupt departure. The chat was going wild based on what Max could see. He turned on his camera and Crane visibly relaxed.
“Everything ok over there Maxy Max?”
“Yeah mate. But I've got to go, something's come up.”
“Would that something happen to be toddler shaped?” Gianni asked
“Was that Charles??” Bennett jumped in.
“I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!” Max turned off his camera and mic quickly, before shutting everything down and quitting the room. He found Charles and Little Daniel exactly where he left them and Little Daniel raised his hands immediately when he saw Max, wanting to be lifted. Max obliged without hesitation. 
Both Max and Charles’ phone went off at the same time– denoting a group chat message. Max watched curiously as Charles' eyes widened.
“Oh no.” 
“What's happened?”
“Apparently we have a love child.” Charles raised his phone to show the looping gif of Little Daniel running up to Max and Charles coming to scoop him up before Max turns off his camera.
“Well, crap.” Max muttered.
“Shaarrllll….crap.” Little Daniel mumbled tiredly against Max's skin.
“No, Daniel we don’t need to repeat that.” Max mumbled, narrowing his eyes at Charles who was giggling at his phone. “What are you doing?”
“Mate, the internet works so fast, theres already theories about which one of us got pregnant.” Charles snickered into his palm and Max rolled his eyes, knowing he was on twitter liking tweets. Well there went his hope that this would blow over quickly.
“Why would I even want to have a baby with you?” Max groused, not wanting Daniel to be seen as he and Charles’ anything. 
“I would be a good mommy, no?” Charles rubbed his belly before giggling again. “I am going to call Lando to sort this all out.”
“You do that, Daniel and I are going to order pizza.” He rolled his eye before looking down at Little Daniel who seemed to perk up a little. “Would you like to choose the pizza?” 
Little Daniel nodded against his chest before covering his face. Max frowned. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m schowy.” He mumbled while biting his palm.
“What for?”
“I-” Little Daniel frowned and looked at the floor sadly.
“I broke the pinky pwomise.” He whispered morosely. “‘Shell says it's bad. I didn’t mean to Maxy.”
Max felt that cuteness aggression that he’d become very accustomed to feeling. He stopped himself from squeezing Daniel’s little body to his chest and stroked his hair instead.
“It's ok bud, you didn’t mean to. You were just excited.”
“I won’t do it again. Pwomise!” Little Daniel vowed.
“I believe you, let's get some juice. Do you want juice?” Little Daniel nodded and Max walked them into the kitchen, ignoring Charles’ heart eyes and the phone trained in their direction.
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picnokinesis · 7 months
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My friend is running a text-based rpg campaign, and I'm absolutely in love with it, so I decided to draw a 'cover' for each day in the story. We'll see if I can do one for each day, but I'm SO proud of how these turned out so far - all of them are inked in my notebook first, and then coloured digitally. If anyone's interested in the story, I've explained more about it all under the cut!
OKAY. So the game is called City of Mists, and basically it's...kinda hard to explain, but I'd call it 'cyberpunk noir', but with a 90s technological aesthetic. Kinda like when you read Issac Asimov's books and they're using computers but it's all cassettes and film-based technology. Anyway, it's awesome. Every character has a normal life in the city - their 'logos' - but there are some characters who are called Rifts, who have something mythological manifest within them - their 'mythos'. Now, the mythos can kinda be anything, but the point is that it's a legend or story that manifests within the character, and thus gives them new abilities. And every Rift has to balance their logos and their mythos - because to delve too much into your mythos means you forget your normal life and become entirely consumed by the mythos...but to focus too much on your logos means to lose, and forget, your mythos entirely. The 'mist' of the city obscures mythological and supernatural things from those who haven't 'awakened' yet - but Rifts can see through the mist.
So, my little guy is - sighs. Okay. Y'all are gonna laugh. Please be aware that I know, okay? I know. It's fine. This is a choice I've made. But he's called Nakis Sandhu, and he's an investigative journalist (NOT with amnesia) who, when he was a kid, was involved in a train accident that killed his parents, but him and his twin sister miraculously survived. He's trans, and he has a van - he doesn't live in it, thank goodness, but it is important because his mythos is Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas (this is why he looks like Sacha Dhawan, because like....Sacha Dhawan should play Captain Nemo and I'll die on that hill). And so Nakis, when his mythos awakened, turned his van into the Nautilus - Captain Nemo's submarine - and so it now works underwater too, and can travel undetected. He also becomes like, a technological genius and can invent stuff on the fly, but he never studied engineering or anything - it just comes to him in flashes of inspiration.
Nakis' main thing is that he's trying to figure out what happened in the train crash when he was a kid. He saw something different to everyone else, because he saw through the mist - what everyone else thought was an accident was actually two Rifts duking it out (I think). One of these Rifts was a blue bull that is apparently called 'the Bull of Thunder', and the other was a man with fire based abilities - called 'The Burning Man'. On Day 2, Nakis discovered a metal case that had belonged to the Burning Man, that had been hidden for twenty years - since the day of the accident - and was full of clues, including some photographic film that needed developing. Unfortunately, seems that there's a strange filter on the photos, so it's impossible to tell what's on them...luckily, my guy made friends with a photographer on Day 1 (who I believe is another player character) whilst investigating something else, and as a result he's now passed the film on to him, in the hopes that he'll be able to clear them up.
One funny thing: Day 0 was supposed to be a 'chill' day to figure out how the game mechanics worked, and figure out what your character would do on a normal day. Nakis immediately went to investigate something and then nearly ended up drowning RIP. On Day 1, when continuing to investigate the thing from Day 0, he...got shot in the shoulder HAHAHAH but he's fine, he's doing great, he didn't bleed out in his apartment which is always a win. He also bumped into another player character by doing this - so yay!
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pfctipper · 3 months
1, 10, and 12 for the violence ask!!
ahh ty for asking!
1 the character everyone gets wrong
i am picky about characterisation and do often find myself being like 'he would not say that' (although that is often bc it's easy for dialogue to end up super anachronistic. people just talked differently in the 1940s) but generally i like seeing different interpretations!
however anytime people draw leckie and web parallels i'm a bit like. hmm
also i think nix can veer off really quickly into a bit of a caricature. i really like @lewis-winters' meta on his drinking. it's not remotely comparable to the military but i went to an insanely high-pressure uni that was 50% private school kids and being alcohol-dependent was just. Normal. it wasn't even interesting enough to be joked about (the other less fun option was to develop an eating disorder)
to me there's something significant in that we only really see him through dick's eyes - he didn't speak to ambrose and doesn't feature much in any of the other men's books, and in the show he almost never interacts with people independently of dick (except the scenes with the german widow) so we don't necessarily get much of a sense of how he behaved around others. so i'm not convinced i quite pinned him down in uprooted and i think the show probably got him a bit 'wrong' too
10 worst part of fanon
oh this one is hard! i don't think there's too much fanon floating around? unless you count stuff the show invented, like web/lieb haha
i have Thoughts on how stanhope nixon gets portrayed in fics (bc he's only in his forties during wwii and also the product of the same environment as nix) but even for me that is seriously niche. blanche and ann sometimes seem to get pigeonholed as the 'sassy female sidekick' too
12 the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
lt peacock! mostly bc i just feel awful for him. we all know what web thought of him but he was trying his best and the scene where all the men are saying goodbye to him and he thinks they're being sincere breaks my heart. tab described him as a 'sincere and by the book officer but not a soldier' and i think it's a really stark reminder that at any other time in history he would probably just have gone and practiced law and not had to try to be a soldier
also the actor that played him has a great jawline
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thedoover-if · 11 months
i'll just call myself the avoidance anon (lol) and yes, we're doing much better, thank you! I'm happy to say that, as a big FU to my (ex) dad, I am now earning three times his salary. haha
anyways, on the subject of kids, I have this scenario where my PC have always wanted to have a child (totally not me btw) but obviously that didn't happen bc of the cheating and divorce. in a game I played recently, the MC's mother had artifical insemination to have a baby. so what if our PC did that too (we better be making big bucks as a marriage councellor or i'll sue) a year or two after the divorce.
I hc my PC as someone who overworks to cope (if I can't see you, you can't see me) and kinda just... forgets to take care of themselves at some point. while spending a day-off on their favorite cafe, they happen to see a happy family walk by and after almost a week of thinking, they're on their way to get an IUI. a few months later, its confirmed that they're pregnant and affectionately call the bundle of joy, 'my miracle'. ('I lost myself but I found you, my tiny miracle')
on the night of the accident, PC asked the sweet old couple next door to babysit bc they're working late aaand... there goes the plot. at some point after the accident, the ex-spouse somehow meets the child and is curious about the father and (possibly) gets even more heartbroken realizing PC most likely went through a pregnancy alone; the morning sickness, pregnancy cravings, and the heightened emotions on top of the soreness.
ex-spouse: 'oh, what are you drawing?'
(c/n): 'ms. penny said to draw my family. this is me; I'm a prince/princess.'
ex-spouse: "oh, is this your mommy and daddy, then?"
(c/n): 'no, mommy is the fairy godmother. that's daddy and his princess.'
ex-spouse: 'your daddy and... his princess?'
(c/n): 'mmh! mommy said my real daddy left to look for his true love, and that they lived happily ever after.'
(the skit is purely for emotional damage LOLOLOL)
ex-spouse is left to be a silent observer as he watches PC put the child to sleep by singing them a lullaby (think 'never grow up' by ts) and watch them be the mother they always wanted to be, except, the spot next to them was empty (different from his imagination) and the warm, loving gaze PC used to give him was now directed at someone else.
for extra angst, i'd like to imagine the ex-spouse's parents being aware that PC had a baby and sends birthday and holiday gifts for the little one. they were even there for the baby's birth. when the ex later called his parents to ask why they didn't say anything to him about the baby, they simply said 'it was none of his business'. of course, the parents would notice PC overworking themselves, but months later, they saw small, positive change with the PC, and when they opened up they were, in fact, pregnant, they didn't want their kid to ruin the happiness PC found (again)
at this point, it just became a mini-au of an au. I'M JSUT SO EXCITED FOR THIS IF JSJAKPQXNWO
hi again! aw that makes me really happy to hear and YESSS CONGRATS TO YOU!!!
uhm...this skit😭😭 emotional damage achieved anon😭 also i love never grow up!! well this story broke my heart WHYY. reading this makes me so glad i didnt add any kids into this horrible mix LOL. and by the end of the book itll just be up in the air what happens with MC and their partner, so you guys can just create whatever scenarios you want haha
and thank you for the excitment!!💗 sorry its taking so long, coding is such a drag (im really slow haha) but it hopefully shouldnt be too long anymore!!
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streaminn · 1 year
sending an ask bout pjo au bcs i miss them, although i can see why everyones talking bout the bodyguard au (i saw your latest drawing and god damn 👀👀) 
considering you mentioned that tyler was devastated that he couldn't ruffle percy's hair as easily when they get older i'm gonna assume that they're close? or grew close? what's their dynamic like (enid, sally, annabeth, percy, tyler)? does enid know that they're all demigods? if so, does being a werewolf play a part her figuring it out (like can she smell them the way saytrs can, wait is she a werewolf in this au as well?? bcs i think i read so somewhere but i'm not too sure)? also did knowing that percy was a demigod have any influence in her hiring sally or did she find out later? does she know their godly parents? wait is tyler even a demigod?? how did they get to camp? what were chiron and dionysos reaction to enid coming back, to idk drop off the kids or check in on them (also the reactions of campers who went during the time enid went, i mean, if there's any still alive 💀) also what's the fight w zeus about? what kind of godly quests did enid complete before she found annabeth (and did she get any rewards for it)? and also in your drawing of younger enid, you can see a scar that shows a XIII and i was wondering the story behind that👀👀?
(btw just wondering for future reference do you prefer long lists of questions or the questions being spaced out in separate asks?)
I don't mind either! I like long asks bc it makes my brain think
But lemme explain, Enid picks up Annabeth after a few years on working under the God's directly. Immediately, she starts the sweets on America business to make sure Annabeth has a stable life compared to what she gone through. Being a demigod is hard, it's only right Enid makes sure it's easier for her daughter
When Annabeth needed to go to kindergarten, Enid made sure to hover around, after all she's rather aware of her daughter's lineage. It's where she meets Sally and well, they hit it off considering that they're both young parents.
Then the school day ends and wow, those eyes are rather familiar, enid thinks as she reaches the classroom with Sally.
As Annabeth smiles up at Enid, her eyes catch the grinning boy next to her.
Oh fuck, that's her uncle's eyes. Talk abt making this shit complicated. So now Enid stays around because one, that's her cousin and two, she may not be a hero but she cares.
After a month or two, when Sally loses a job, Enid offers her a spot at Sweets on America. Now they're pretty close, three years later :) does Sally harbor feelings? Who knowsss
Enid met Tyler a year after that, when he stumbled in bc Sally was offering samples when he was twelve something.
As for Tyler, he is very much a normie! Just a tad clear sighted like Sally. He was kinda freaking out because his dad has been telling him that he's seeing things like his mom, whos also clear sighted
And well.. The mom had an experience rather similar to Luke's mother in the books so it's no wonder he clings to Enid so much
Since Annabeth and Percy meet alot earlier compared to Canon, Percy tends to loiter around the shop with Sally
This is where he meets Tyler! And vice versa
They're kinda a lil family! Except, Sally couldn't fully embody the mother role. She's more neighbor essentially.
As for Enid being a werewolf, she was cursed. It's why she got that bite scar along her wrist but luckily she got cured during one of her first few quests after her exile. She's okay now, just a few leftover instincts but that's about it.
Since the present pjo au takes place when Enid is 30, Annabeth being a young 7 and Tyler a simply 14 something so they won't be going to camp for a while
Besides, you think Enid is going to let them go there? After what they did to her? Absolutely not.
Enid is also a child of zeus!! So any fight is practically a fight between father and daughter
I purposefully made their ages young so Wednesday can easily settle into the mother role, also bc domestic life with a child is pretty cute. Especially when a smart-ass like Annabeth is there to make sure her parent is dating someone worth her time
The scar? Enid wakes up with it after a near death experience, she doesn't understand it but it exists
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problematicfactive · 11 months
hi. im a dahmer factive. im here to talk about halloween. sorry if this ask is too mean or too blunt. i just don't have a place to put it.
i hate people who dress up as me for halloween. it feels gross to me. it feels disgusting, and to go out on a holiday that involves candy and kids dressed as a real serial killer fucks me up so bad. you never know where people who are affected by these things will be. you never know if theres someone related to a victim out there and yet they parade around dressed as me as if its a sick joke.
it just makes me so mad the lack of respect some people have.
- dahmer.
It depends sometimes I think. I have a friend who just happens to be blonde and wear glasses. He wanted to be a prisoner for Halloween.
I did make an attempt to warn him "Hey, people are going to think you're Dahmer" but he'd already gotten the costume so there wasn't really a lot that could be done for him. After thatit was just a point of assumption. Someone would ask him "what did you go to jail for" and occasionally the answer would be murder. I think the other answer he said he would give was arson but. To the people he answered murder, it's very plausible that they went on to think he was trying to be Dahmer. And you could argue that maybe it's that kids job to draw a separation if he knew he could get confused with Dahmer. I'd argue that it's Halloween and if a kid wants to say he went to prison for murder he should be able to. It's kind of on you to not make assumptions about people
Last year (I was not allowed to front) the host was on a quest to take as many pictures with as many people as possible. We got one with a guy. Just some dirty blonce white guy with that was a prisoner. I don't even think he even had glasses. The host was later told "that's Jeffrey Dahmer" and now that kid is like memorialized in most of our friends minds as the guy that was Jeffrey dahmer for Halloween that one year. But was he really or were we just making assumptions?
Of course, that's just the people you make assumptions on and I'm sure there are people who are loud about it. I've never met one though.
Ted asked me the other day how I felt about people being us for Halloween and I told him I'd never seen anyone dressed as him, but I never really answered the question. And I guess my answer is I don't think those people can be blamed. Between Dahmer, My Friend Dahmer, Dahmer: Monster - The Story or whatever it's called, and every single other story people have made to capitalize on Dahmer, the life of Jeffrey Dahmer had been rinsed, repeated, and shoved in people's faces over and over again.
I don't think the people who dress as Dahmer do so with intent of harming the victims or their families. I think they see him as this. Popular character. They don't have enough of a grasp on whats going on around them to see how people even today are still hurt by dahmer. Or any of those other serial killers that media companies have just turned into money makers.
I read something from a victims family member. She's tired of the adaptation after adaptation of Dahmer. She's tired of reliving her truama every time a new Dahmer story comes out. At this point, these adaptations aren't spreading awareness, they're grasping for money. They've almost normalized showcasement of serial killers through that, not just Dahmer, all of them. These halloween kids. They're just a product of that.
I think, in my opinion, I don't mind too much what people dress up as, I don't want to police that. But there is undoubtedly a lot of disrespect in costumes like these. These kids don't really realize the affects of what they're doing and that's where I blame the people who are writing these books and publishing these movies. They need to stop, they've done enough. And do say that as an introject of a serial killer formed from a movie just like those ones. I like that movie cause I like to see myself.
I'd rather it didn't exist and I didn't exist then have to putthe families through the truama they go through.
That's my opinion on it, it's still totally valid to not like those people and yk, you could say "well, other people who saw dahmer know better so these ones should too" and that's true. But there's always gonna be someone. Had that most recent dahmer show not released though, I don't think a lot of people would recognize someone being Jeffrey Dahmer.
People might confuse someone being Gacy for a clown. But if a new movie about Gacy came out and got Dahmer popularity, people might start confusing EVERY clown for Gacy.
Its a shitty circumstance to be in,definitely, especially if you're introjected from him. Hopefully by next year there won't be any more dahmer hype
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bread--quest · 1 year
more details about them are under the cut in case one of them sounds familiar and you want to doublecheck. if you know what the 8th one is please tell me
mr. revere and i: book narrated from the pov of paul revere's horse. she was formerly a british horse but through some amount of shenanigans was given to paul revere instead. she had an entire arc about unlearning her loyalty to england and choosing to side with the americans that was extremely compelling to young me
all-of-a-kind family: jewish sisters on the lower east side in turn of the century new york. i read so many books with that premise but these were my favorites. uhh there were 5 of them, oldest was ella and then i think hattie and then sarah, charlotte, and gertie. it was a series and later there was a little brother who had to get his name changed because he fell down a manhole (long story). they went to the library and coney island and ate soup and did jewish holidays. probably at least 15% responsible for my fixation on nyc. they were everything to me.
the year of the dog: book about an asian-american girl growing up. her name is pacy and she likes to draw. has a lot of conflicted feelings about being american vs. being part of her family's culture which i related a lot to for reasons that i'm sure you can guess
cobble street cousins: 3 cousins growing up on a street?? actually it was two sisters (lily and rosie) and their cousin tess. they had a cool aunt who was dating a botanist. tess was a broadway nerd. they had a cool attic hideaway. the books were excruciatingly cozy i love them
project mulberry: ANOTHER one about asian-american girls feeling conflicted about culture are you noticing a theme here. uhh a girl and her friend who collects state quarters do a science fair project raising silkworms and then trying to embroider something with them. they get help from a guy who has a mulberry tree and is black and her mom has to confront her inner racism. at one point the author talks to the main character in like the footnotes for some reason
the pushcart war: LOVE THIS ONE SO SO MUCH BTW EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT. uhh its new york in Very Slightly The Future. (it was like 1940s when this was written but the date gets changed with every reprint.) everything is the same but traffic is slightly worse. its supposed to read like an account of an actual historical event. pushcart peddlers get fed up with being literally pushed around by truck drivers and get organized. using pea shooters they make the trucks get flat tires so that everyone can see that they're the main problem of traffic. does a surprisingly good job going into all the ways seemingly small political action can have effects (newspaper articles, local government elections, other unions being affected, even trade with other nations). not exactly a union novel but basically a union novel (to this day i still think of a certain part of it whenever someone brings up union dues). basically radicalized kid me if we're being honest.
the fairy rebel: well it was either that or the rebel fairy can't remember. really weird one honestly. okay so a woman named jan hurts her leg and can't dance and also can't have kids and is like clinically depressed about it. weird beginning to a kids book but it gets weirder. a fairy shows up and makes friends with her and in exchange for jan teaching the fairy what jeans are the fairy makes a magic baby for jan. the baby has a streak of magic blue hair. there are also magic rose presents. the fairy queen is evil and has evil wasps and gives the kid an evil necklace and does some really fucked up stuff like nearly crush the kid under toys. it's okay eventually though i think
haunted doll one: okay so i read this at a campground once and it's probably the most genuinely obscure one on here but. a girl finds a doll and like. touches it? or picks it up or something? and somehow the doll transports her back in time to like a wagon chain exploring the west or whatever. and i think the doll is there in prairie times too. can't remember if the modern girl like possesses the original owner of the doll on the wagon chain or if she just gets prairie isekai'd but i think it's like a recurring event. also at some point someone gets bit by a snake and maybe dies. i don't remember how it ends but the general vibes of the thing terrified kid me So Much that it's haunted me ever since. if you remember this book please tell me
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Repostober (kind of sad story included)
Days 1-4
(I only have about 25 I want to show throughout the month, it's kind of complicated)
The blacked out parts are my deadname, I am not comfortable telling people what my deadname was.
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So... 2009-2011 was just a really rough time for me, especially 2010. Without getting into too much detail, the big thing was M.egam.ind was a very big comfort movie for me. I loved that movie so much and I was super attached to the main character, because that's what I felt like.
Anyway... you're probably wondering why those drawings are all ripped up...
One day I made the mistake of taking my sketch book to school. I've had that sketch book since 2006 (I would draw on printer paper but save the "special drawings" for my sketch book)
Some of the kids who bullied me took my sketch book and ripped up my drawings. They ripped out some of them and threw them away too, but mostly they just wanted to tear the drawings down the middle to show their disdain for me. (I wasn't diagnosed with adhd yet, I was very socially awkward, I wasn't "pretty", I couldn't get cute clothes or new makeup unless it was a gift, and my hair was super short and in tight curls.)
Middle school is... yeah, pretty bad and kids can be cruel. I told a teacher but she said,"It's just paper, you can get a new sketch book."
Sorry for rambling, I just remembered all the hurt I went through during that time. But yeah, that's why those drawings are all ripped and taped back up...
But you know what? I'm happy now. I'm happy with how far I've come in life 💪 and I'm sure now that they're all adults, they've matured and grown to become better people. I hope so anyway... if you've been a bully in the past because you yourself were hurting, and you acknowledge the bad things you did in the past were bad, I support your journey. We should learn from our mistakes and be better people in the future 💪✨
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kedreeva · 2 years
I have finally found out what an eggo is do you guys not just call them fucking waffles???
Joyce and hopper are doing great
Nancy is doing so amazing i love her so much
IT SURE fUCKING DID MY FUCKING GOD steve youre the epitome of a highschool boy oh my fucking god get better soon hun by which i mean get fucking concussed faster
Actually speaking of that does the cinema scene mean that the fight is coming up soon oh shit
An eggo is DIFFERENT. It's a frozen waffle of the brand name Eggo. It's an Eggo Waffle. They were really big for a while!! you could just pop them in the toaster and bam, ready.
Joyce and Hopper are so functional together
YESSSSS fight scene fight scene!!!
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Nancy deserved to slap steve once. He still has to learn to communicate, but he'll GET there!!!
These three should all get a chance to work out their issues with each other IN FACT I AM GONNA write a little fic where Steve gets to talk to Jonathan like he was gonna when he arrived and got detoured by the fucking monster in the ceiling.
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Maybe Steve's been people watching! You know their houses are like. right by each other. There's a little bit of woods between them but the woods behind Jonathan's house is the same woods that's behind Steve's. There's a point at Will's fake funeral where Jonathan is drawing on a map where the demogorgon is appearing, and it's all the same place. The woods nancy and jonathan are wandering around in are steve and jonathan's woods. There's EVERY CHANCE they met in those woods as kids. played together at some point. Like Jonathan says he doesn't like most people but I bet that he doesn't like Steve specifically, too. I bet there's History there.
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El is the best!!!!
no rest for the children, they're still going through the horrors
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Tommy will get worse.
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29 of them I'm pretty sure was the count, and I enjoyed the hell out of them all and if you go into the notes there are others also enjoying the ride.
LISTEN this isn't the end, this is just a chapter end, the book is still going.
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it's not spam it's excitement and I am HERE for it, I love seeing people get excited about the thing I'm excited about!!
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a;jka;dnb;ernsthskjdf;asjdgsh I'mc rying, this is just the best I'm so sorry, the last episode is SO INTENSE for every fucking second of it.
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I have no idea what parts these reference but I'm cackling, Ted is the worst.
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I gotta leave SOME stuff out for you to happen upon like a fucking... well. gift. lol
Mike is going to have so much faith that El is alive still. SO MUCH FAITH.
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YESSSSS Hopper is gonna find that feral child and take her into a nice warm home and give her a goddamn FAMILY.
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I slept like the fucking dead, I took a hot shower, a bunch of painkillers and fell asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow and did not wake until my alarm went off to talk to my australian.
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I MEAN. I'm not really doing much with GO anymore either, but the energy of my fixations remains. gotta go somewhere!
at this point I don't expect you to be normal about anything
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Oh don't worry, Steve and Nancy are not finished having a fiasco.
LISTEN. It's not that Brenner deserves worse (it's not NOT that either), it's that EL deserves BETTER.
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Yeah her plush was a tiger. you know. the same.... the same tiger........ the same one............. the same...................... as hopper's daughter....... had as she was dying...... just. saying....
[for anyone reading along, imagine a long rant about el and a cat here, that I'm not publishing because prompt]
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I don't KNOW. El will get to meet 8 in season 2.
I have not been LYING to myself i have been HOPING for something better. SOME stuff got better!!! like steve.
well. the GOOD news is that I don't think they're gonna let Steve and Nancy get back together, but the BAD news is that that's because I'm p sure that they're gonna kill steve in S5. Just throwing that out there. This is information that is like when someone says "my finger hurts" and then someone else offers to punch them in the arm so they won't be thinking about their finger.
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hmmmm tying a tie may have to go on the list too then, specifically to make you feral.
Funerals in general are weird because they're trying to be about the dead person but they're actually for the living people and everyone's super sad about the person being gone but when catholicism or even just christianity in general enters into it, it gets weird because like??? don't y'all have the concept of a literal heaven? that super happy place where people are supposed to be at peace? why is that not a celebration..... I get why people mourn losing someone but if I were christian it would make more sense to me to be like man I'm fuckin' sad I'm not gonna see bob for a few years but I'm gonna rock up Doing Good til I die so we can hang out in heaven when I get her or whatever. plus whoever's up talking is making the death about god and stuff instead of the person.
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I think it's a good theory. I think MOST theories start off with a half-assed thought and the good ones get a pause and a "wait a second..." and then you go deeper.
I don't know what his band is and have never heard it (nor will I except against my will or by accident), but my understanding is that they're actually pretty good. a lot of fans of the show got into it when they found out and oh.... man, i do not know why there are not more fics where Eddie teaches Steve to play a guitar because we have some EXCELLENT photos of keery playing his guitar.
me too, Delightful... Karen is the Mystery Mom. Looking forward to her losing it.
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Okay but listen, LISTEn
Season 2 has.... THE SCENE.
The scene where Steve turns up at Nancy's house and Dustin, who has been desperately trying to reach anyone and been ABANDONED, sees him walking up and goes "hm, I've adopted a new big brother/father, steve get in your car and drive me places" and steve is like ???? but he gets in the car and drives Dustin places. He walks down into a darkened cellar looking for a monster for this kid. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
PLUS you get to see Steve having his little Life Crisis because what does anything MATTER if there are MONSTERS and actually all he wants is to settle down with Nancy and Nancy is, once again, Onto Something because of Barb
He also adopts!!! a baby monster!!!!
And you get to meet MAX. God, she's the best. I fucking love her. You HAVE to meet Max because she lives across the street from Eddie, and she needs protecting from her older brother because he's an ASSHOLE you will adopt her just as fast as you adopted El and want to both wring Mike's neck and cuddle the hell out of him because he misses El SO MUCH but he calls out for her on the radio every night to tell her that he's still there, he's still waiting, he still misses her and she is listening on her radio but she can't TELL HIM because it's not SAFE for EITHER of them and *sobbing*
plus you get to see El and Hopper love each other and try to have a completely dysfunctional little family together. They are both so broken and they are trying SO HARD.
Okay this is the last ask I got from you, so. I hope you get your assignment worked on, and I hope that you start season 2 at some point. There's so much good stuff in it.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Okay, takeaways from "The Avatar Returns" :)
-The scene showing Sokka putting on warpaint paired with Zuko getting on his Fire Nation armor is fun :) Zukka rights
-I forgot that Sokka...wasn't that good at fighting when the show started lol. Seeing him get kicked down by Zuko was an oof moment. But then seeing Zuko get bonked by the boomerang & immediately after that knocked down by Aang was pretty funny xD
-That said...Sokka just STANDING there & not moving as this big ass ship comes toward him is honestly heartbreaking. He probably had a lot of guilt over how the last raid went. You're just sitting there as the audience & begging him to move & he won't, he's just standing there, trying to protect his village :(
-I also like how Sokka asking Katara if she's willing to choose Aang over her people is the thing that gets Katara to turn back. This episode drills in that Sokka & Katara have a lot of loyalty to their people & to each other.
-Zuko yelling at Aang that's he just a child & Aang responding "you're just a teenager" & Aang saying "have you ever tried?" when Sokka tells him they can't fight the Fire Nation with fun & Aang coming up with a list of fun stops for them on their journey the North Pole....<3 <3 <3 <3 Aang's persistent reactions to everything as a CHILD & determination to always find the fun <3 The way he recognizes even his enemy as "just a teenager" <3
-Gran Gran telling Katara that she gave her hope & telling Sokka to "be nice to his sister" as her parting words before their journey is a really interesting moment. It's sweet & both siblings hug their grandmother & she's showing support for their mission to save Aang. It's a nice moment, I don't want to undermine that but it also poses an interesting setup where we see that Katara is considered special because of her water bending & Sokka is constantly subtly (though NOT purposefully) put down because of it. The insecurity over Katara's bending & powers that Sokka feels is something that's prevalent throughout the entire show. Despite this inherent competitive nature to their relationship & the jealousy, Sokka feels toward his sister, their loyalty to each other shines through & they work together to go & save Aang. I'm sure there are no parallels any of us can draw there or anything, just an observation :)
-APPA FLYING <3 That is all. I just really love that moment. I love Sokka flipping his shit & then seeing Katara smirk & trying to play it cool. Love it so much <3
-I like the parallel that Aang plans to "go home to look for the other Airbenders" not even remotely having processed the news that they're extinct & Zuko is talking about how this is his chance to "go home" & we'll later learn that home is a dysfunctional & toxic mess for Zuko. Aang/Zuko parallels my beloved <3
-Speaking of Zuzu - Villain! Zuko my beloved <3 I think the show does a great job making Zuko & Iroh intimidating & scary but also funny & relatable. It's really good writing & I just love when shows do this with their villains, tbh whether a redemption arc is in the books or not it's just fun & improves the story.
-Aang gets his first "oh shit he's so cool" moment in this episode. In episode 1 he's sweet & endearing sure & I like him right away but in episode 2 we get to see badass! Aang make his debut. "I guess you guys have never fought an Airbender" followed by Aang just kicking the shit out of Zuko's crew is so satisfying. Plus I love how it's true - Aang uses it to his advantage that these guys have never met an Airbender & completely shocks them with his powers & it's so fun to watch. Also, the first Aang Vs. Zuko fight is a lot of fun.
-Avatar State! Aang!!!! I fucking loved Aang just BLASTING out of the water & scaring the shit out of Zuko lmao :D
-Iroh going "oh this is great the avatar is just a kid" at the end & Zuko having to point out that Aang wrecked their shit & most of the crew is frozen or unconscious....Okay Iroh...
Anyway another fun episode :)
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natsmagi · 1 year
(future au anon) OKAY BE READY BC IT'S VERY ANGSTY me and my friend loves angst wayy too much lol
So uh first of all tw suicide :')
Yeah hum i guess you can guess where it went with that
Basically Tsumugi unalived himself yeah-
Which traumatized Natsume and their daughter, Marisa (i was the one who made her!) pretty hard and now they're suuuper overprotective of eachother in fear anything happens to the others like calling each other VERY often Marisa would even get late to practice sometimes (bc ofc most kids are idols too and with time we decided ES accepted girls and other genders too) and Marisa often sleep at home too instead of the ES dorms and like if Anything remotely bad happens to his daughter Natsume would go MAD
It also affected Marisa personality a lot since she was pretty young when that happened so now she's SUPER parano and anxious about her loved ones wellbeing and like she would cling to her friends a lot and always ask them if they're okay bc she always worries they ever..you know. Do what Tsumugi did
Also Marisa is a big nerd (is that the term) she's super into books, animes/mangas, games and such and also a looot into the magic stuff her dad does teehee she also likes drawing and i like to imagine she's the one designing her unit clothes
ANYWAY but its time i actually explain why Tsumugi did what he did. So uh very basically me and my friend decided Eichi died of his illness to give the Wataei family angst which well ended with ES in a MESS since Eichi is like. An important figure in it yk. And so Tsumugi as he now became President of NewDi OR WHATEVER YOU CALL IT got super stressed and pressured with stuff (also grief of Eichi dying) and also with time the idol industry became much more strict and uh. Overworking? Idk how to explain but uh yeah all that was just too much for poor Mugi
It might be ooc idk,,but i decided to not have any mercy to the Eccentrics in this au (i mean do we have mercy on anyone really) and so uh oopsies Natsume i took ur husband away
Damn i ended up rambling a lot sorry i got excited,,i love this au i lot i would love to tell u more if ur ever interested?? :')
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BUT IT IS A REALLY INTERESTING PREMISE........ im not the angstiest guy myself sorry im a big fan of happiness and joy and love but id say this is a very good foundation for the story ur telling from what im hearing !! and given the circumstances of everything i can see these events taking place....... BUT I CANT STOP THINKING ABT THE EMOTIONAL TURMOIL NATSUME WOULD GO THROUGH. like given everything theyve been through, all their promises together, baby tsumugi vowing "lets become happy together, you and me" to natsume-chan when they were kids, now even forming a family together, thinking theyve gotten their happy ending, only for the man he loves to then take his own life due to stress and anguish. im very fixated on the feeling of "i wasnt enough/i didnt do enough" natsume would be suffering through. the amount of regret he'd face. maybe wishing he'd been nicer to tsumugi. had put in more effort. given him a stronger sense of love and security while he had the chance, but now hes gone and the only memory he has left of him is marisa. This au sure is getting the brain juices pumping THATS FOR SURE
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curoopeez · 11 months
I'm watching fnaf through perfectly legal means, and I kinda want to liveblog it, but I also don't want to have to put a spoiler warning while doing it, so I'm just gonna talk under a readmore and put the whole thing in a single post
This is probably be the first blood already. I wonder if that's phone guy
Is it too early for someone to say it's bite of 87ing time and bite of 87 all over the place?
I wonder if they got actual children to draw the children's drawings
Holy shit an opening credits scene I haven't seen one of those since I took my dad to watch James Bond no time to die
Ooh that guy was reading a book on game theory I wonder if that's an easter egg to nod at MattPat
Oh that's Mike!
My mistake it's a book on Dream Theory. I think that was an easter egg too though, there was a theory that fnaf 4 was just a nightmare for a while
Well someone is in trouble
Ok the game Michael chased the job on purpose to hunt find his brother's soul, so this is already a pretty big departure from the source
I wonder if that Abby is gonna end up becoming puppet. It would be tragic, but better than the crying child
Is he trying to lucid dream?
I wonder if this Michael's dad is not gonna be the William Afton of the games
Wow this Jane is a massive bitch
Oh that Steve guy must be the new phone guy
Ngl I might have studied the games lore a little too intensely
Well that's omnious why was there a tape with his name on
Aw fuck the first jumpscare got me
No no no no get back to the room
This guy thinks he's Gregory to wander around and face the animatronics
There they are
Oh great it's still haunted haunted
Did that kid trip at the same time he did? Does this mean anything?
Matthew Patrick!!!!
Oh what a traitor
Poor Doug free him he's trying very very hard to not do anything
Dude wake up you need to witness this
Oh the it's me in the mirror. And Foxy or whatever
Vanessa? What the heck is she doing here? Well as long as she stays away from bunnies ot should be fine
Vanessa tgat is not what you had just said but I'll forgive it because we're finally getting some animatronic action
Her lack of professionalism broke the animatronics. Freddy says if she's legally untouchable she's morally unfuckable
Wait if the place gets trashed out of his shift thats not his problem. Plus he had a witness of how things were when he left
Ok this deaths are pretty goofy but it's a pg13 movie so I guess they have to be
Chica and Bonnie were somehow so cunty when they looked at the camera after sending the cupcake like yas girlies
Wait I just remembered this is happening during the day. Are this animatronics opposite to the game? Peaceful at night and hostile during day?
Girl you went there to commit a crime don't follow the child
WhAs tHAt ThE BIte oF 87?!!!
Oh right Mike's family drama I almost forgot
Well at least it seems this Mike still likes cartoons
Is she... giving him a chance to speak? Maybe she's not as much of a cop as I thought
Oh so he was trying to repeat that dream
Maybe William was kidnapping kids to save the mom instead of the crying child (I forgot his name)
No do not take the child to the job you fool
Well the children are already possessing the animatronics so there must already be a Puppet
That fucking Baloon Boy again
No girl stop do not aproach animatronics
At least he understood it fast
Do not say that to a ghost you idiot
Awww this scene was cute.
Ooh the thick plotens
Abby is such a child "I've been talking with ghosts all this time, can I have some soup?"
Vanessa acts like she has genre awareness and she's trying really hard to keep it lighthearted
Shit don't tell me that's Circus Baby we do not need her in this story
Vanessa did it ever occur to you that people might do what you want if you just tell them whats going on
Idk who that pharmaceus farmastist doofrsmith doctor degree was but I'm pretty sure it was a cameo
You can't really say "they're gone" to a bunch of ghosts
Wow the ghosts are also a bunch of assholes
Did Abby stay in her room all day? She must be starving.
Oh no... look back Jane... oh well
Dude don't take an unnacompained child
Vanessa what are you doing here. This ain't cute anymore
Dude stop rizzing up the exposition dump go do something
I wonder if we'll get beakless Chica. Just once. Just for me
No do not go in the ball pit it's not worth it
Holy shit he's still alive inside the costume?
🥳officer down🥳
Oh this is a nice slow and painful death
I wonder if in the end we're gonna find out that Garret is Puppet. Unless that suit they tried to put Abby in was Puppet
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salmonellaandcheese · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You!
Tagged by the lovely and talented @lady--lisa (So sorry for taking so long! I didn't forget! I just couldn't figure out a way to copy all the questions easily on mobile)
If you saw the first version of this no u didnt
What book are you currently reading?
I'm halfway through Anne of Avolea by L.M Montgomery and a few chapters into the Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett. I really should read more, I used to devour books back when I was a kid, but the library I volunteer at is based on community requests so its almost entirely formulaic ghostwritten thrillers (curse you James Pattison). If anyone has book recommendations let me know!
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I think the only movie I saw was the new Top Gun, which I only watched because my mum loves the original and we went for her birthday. I wouldn't say its fantastic, but I did end up infodumping to my friends about propaganda and pop culture.
What do you usually wear?
Usually loose jeans or other sturdy pants and some variety of print t-shirt with my red flannel. Anxiety kind of made it into my uni uniform, I never thought I'd miss my high school uniform that much. When I'm at home I'm usually wearing shorts and an old singlet that I got in grade 8 or something. Winter means I get to wear big jumpers! I have this horrifically ugly one on it that says New Zealand with a red kiwi on it, I adore it. If I'm reaching out of my miniscule comfort zone I'll wear a funky button up or a more form fitting shirt, I've always dressed quite modestly (although not entirely by choice) and this year I cut my hair off and started to explore my masculinity and being openly and visibly queer. I pretty much only wear natural fibres and very practial/sensory friendly clothing, so most of my clothes are made to last and will be repaired until I deign them unwearable.
Fun fact, I used to actually dress in a style I'd say is somewhere between classic lolita and cottagecore, lots of pinafores and frilly shirts and ribbons. Next year I'd like to step out of my comfort zone and dress in any way that sparks joy, maybe experiment with makeup, different styles or more revealing clothing (ooh a shoulder, scandalous).
How tall are you?
I'm actually not quite sure, between 165cm and 170cm I think (5'5" to 5'7")
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
I introduce myself with my name but with hopes that I'll get a nickname, I've always wanted one.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I'm still in uni but by a technicality yes? I wanted to be a scientist but came to dislike science in high school, but now I'm doing archeology (and history) through an arts degree but I could do it through a science degree. I did really enjoy digging in the dirt as a child, so I think little me would be happy about that, even if i was more into paleontology.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No. I do have a bit of a crush on my best friend, who I turned down a year ago because I'm the stupidest person alive and can't tell the difference between friendship feelings and romantic feelings.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm good with precision and detail orientated things. I love knitting and I've picked up archery and bread making recently. Its actually why I got into archaeology, I wanted to work in restoration and conservation.
I'm bad at remembering to do stuff. It's the ADHD man. Assessments? whoops. Consistent meals? Forgot. Cleaning? sorry not happening
Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I've never had a cat and don't really know how they work.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
I knitted my best friend some lovely socks, they're my first pair of socks and my second time doing fair isle.
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What’s something you would like to create content for?
Look I know this means fandom but I have to start planning for what I'm putting in the show next year, it's only 6 months away. I'd love to do some more sewing, maybe make a gunne sax style dress (provided my anxiety will let me wear it out of the house) and I want to find something technically challenging for knitting, maybe lacework? Send me knitting/crafting inspo. I was thinking of maybe picking up counted thread embroidery too (yes I hate myself).
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Star Wars. I've got brain worms about it. I've been microwaving it for months. Its been on my mind constantly, yet I have no thoughts. I'm forcing all of my friends to watch it. I'm rewatching all of it. I know nothing but also everything. I'm being excessively autistic about a background character wearing a cable knit jumper.
Good thing is that it makes conversation with men under 25 incredibly easy. I've made industry connections over a conversation about Lego Star Wars.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Uhhhhhh. My uni's archaeology society? The history society raised my standards high, they do a lot of fun events, whereas the archaeology one is useful but a lot more industry training and connections focused instead of having regular pizza and power-point nights like the history one.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Hmm. I'm not too sure. I can flip an egg without using anything other than the pan, does that count? Like just wiggle, wiggle, throw it up in the air and catch it.
Are you religious?    
Catholic but in a cool and funky queer way
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A concrete plan of what the hell I'm doing and how to do it. A solution to my joint pain?
Tagging: (only if you want to) @elprupneerg @rights-for-redshirts @doveyluvey @notaghost3 @swagtalia @radioactivehydronerd @hetaari @arthoe-iceland @ratfish-blues and anyone else who sees this is welcome to join in!
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thewatercolours · 2 days
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
It's hard to tell what counts as original and what counts as fanfic when you are a child, but your best attempts at originality are often so closely based on your favourite stories they're pretty much ripoffs. I suppose I wrote lots of disguised fanfic as a kid, in a sense, or at least lots of stories suspiciously heavily inspired by other things. But I had a horror of being thought derivative, so I always filed the serial numbers off. Not that anyone read them except my family and occasional friends. And while I did grow up with internet access, this was definitely before it would have occurred to me to see out fic online and certainly not to post my own - so I was printing these things out and binding them with spiral bindings and drawing cover illustrations for them. In college and later i occasionally read fanfiction (mostly LOTR and Doctor Who), but it didn't really occur to me to write it. I got into writing fanfiction in the way that I do by finishing KQ, needing more because I cried when Graham died, and discovering all of you guys' fics. Maybe it's because it was lockdowns, and I was so lonely and in need of something fresh, but I had the double thought, "I could do that!" and "I wonder if I could infiltrate this circle..."
🥤Recommend an author or fanfic you love
OK, I am going to go out on a limb here and recommend a Doctor Who/Star Trek fic I adored years ago when it used to be on ff.net. I went searching, found it was more recently posted to ao3, and rejoiced that it survives! I ordinarily can't stand crossovers, and I had a limited amount of Trek knowledge at the time, but this one was special. It appears to be a simple "What if" at first, but I remember it getting more complex as it went on. Now, this may not overlap with any of your interests, and I haven't read it in years and may simply be remembering it through a rosy haze, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway.
It's "A Captain and a Madman", a longfic adventure where the Eleventh Doctor finds himself on a strange voyage. Here's the official summary:
When a strange, blue box appears in the middle of Federation territory, motionless and without power, it's up to the crew of the Enterprise D to determine just who its strange occupant is… and if he is friend or foe. Even as that very madman wonders just what kind of reality he's found himself in…
I may have to give this a reread, hopefully to thoroughly enjoy it (or cringe if I find it was all just nostalgia!)
🔪What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh, I don't know! Here are a few random things I have researched in my time. I don't know that any of them are necessarily weird, but they're varied and might surprise you if you've only read my fanfiction.
Napoleon's childhood (for a book that took place in another world that made no reference to Napoleon.)
What your mouth tastes like after chloroform
Chinese canal systems
Chinese treasure ships
Phosphorescent special effects before the invention of electricity
🦴 Is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Answered this one previously, but let's find a new way to answer it. Well, let me tell you something. I am not immune to the "writer hard at work" scene in media. If I see Jo March laying out her entire novel, page by page, on the floor of her attic so she can rearrange the structure by hand, while a determined soundtrack plays, well, I will work on my writing. If I happen across that beloved childhood picture book of mine, How a Book is Made by Aliki, well, I will work on my writing. If it portrays a writer actually in the act of creating, and it's not too sentimental or in awe of them, well, I will work on my writing.
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🧩 What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
I mean, I don't read a lot of fic in general outside our little community but when I do venture out of it, here are some personal boundaries: I don't do smut. I don't do fics where the point is just suffering without hope or a redemptive aspect. I don't do body-shaming. I don't do fics that are written in a way that make it difficult to read at the simple level (outstanding spelling or formatting issues.) I don't do reader x _____ or y/n.
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