#i wanted to do music and animation because i thought gorillaz was like the coolest fucking thing ever
Healing my inner child and learning to accept I'm not one anymore, makes me cry so much. I'm mourning a childhood I lost while trying to journey onto the path of adulthood. It feels like I leaped through time but my mind wasn't prepared for it. I want to feel more confident about myself and to make my dreams come true. It feels as if I'm taking care of 3 people at once sometimes (my child self, my teenage self, and my current self). I have to learn who I want to be now and what I like, dislike, and what my new hobbies are, but a part of me wishes to be like how I was when I was younger. My imagination was so big and colorful, then at one point things got so dull and depressing when I was a teenager. Depression can take such a big chunk out of your life that you can never get back and it's so traumatizing.
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taygra5shaon · 5 years
21 questions tag
rules:: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people to do the same that you’d like to know better
(i don’t know 21 people in tumblr, and sure as hell i dont whant to look like a weirdo if i tag people who i never talk with, so, i will tag the ones i know, then 2 i like they blog. sorry ;_; )
i got tagged by @brian-maybe-not, thanks you soo much!
i was never tagged by someone in what, 4-5 years in tumblr, (i dont post that much of things, and i’m akward when i try to make friends in internet, so it was ‘normal’ to be a ‘ghost in tumblr’) but you did, and i will never stop thanks you enough! love you!
so, of nicknames I have had many, even if they have not remained: - in elementary school they called me Jaws, because I intimidated the school boys (I was very 'masculine' when I was little, and sometimes they mistaken me for a boy because I fought with them) -some friends called me shaon, because ‘it sound good with your personality!' (I never understood what they meant by this) -some are names that have taken the place of my real name, that sometimes people could not say well, like Carina, Marina, Helina, etc .. one, however, remained since my childhood, given by my parents, Costy.
(at the beginning I didn't like it, but as the years went by, I got used to it)
zodiac sign:: the zodiac sign of pisces :)
height:: I’m 5′0-1 (ish)......i’m short
hogwarts house:: I think I would be among the Gryffindors, because despite my being socially anxious, I am enough brave and loyal, and I like helping people (even if my hard-working nature can make one think of hufflepuff)
last thing i googled:: ......goggle traduction..... this is self explanatory
fav musicians::  hum ... so, my favorite band is Queen, (I need to explain why?) since I was little, my mother made me hear their classics, being a big fan too :) and is difficult to explain what I like about them ... their music is spectacular, and gives you an incomparable feeling of love (at least for me) their style, each of them artists with their different and unique personalities, they manage to put it together and create legendary music, together they formed a harmony, like the notes form a music. together they formed a family that few people have the privilege of knowing its warmth and love. (I could go on for hours, so let's talk about something else) I like the Beatles, as I said before, it was my mother who introduced them to me, and their music is iconic, wonderful, and every time I hear them on the radio it's hard not to start singing with them. for the more recent bands, I like Panic at the Disco, with interesting and very beautiful music, and incredible music videos (I like the art deign). then I like Linkin Park, even if sometimes their music is a little depressive, it's incredible and the feeling they give is beautiful. then, as individual artists, I like Ed Sheeran for his incredible music that it's impossible not to sing them. then there is Melanie Martinez, with her iconic WTF (as always, i love the artistic side) video, with music full of amazing messages and feelings (a bit sad, but still beautiful) I could go on for centuries to list which musics artists I like, but I don't want to make peole bored, so it's all for now
fav books:: then, my favorite books ... the lord of the rings, the hobbit and the silmarillion, then there is the saga of Eragorn (although the last book is not as beautiful as the others), Harry potter, and Narnia ( classic) as less classic books: the Medicus, Graceling, the tree of life, the saga of Inkheart, terese requin, la mort c'est mon metirer, my name is nobody, Sette volte gatto.
song stuck in your head:: there are many music or pieces of text of the music that remain in my head, and ultimately they are Queen ... damn. now i have 'somebody to love' and 'i whant to break free' in my head, and who knows what I'll have tomorrow ....
following:: 152
followers:: 175! wow, I never thought I'd go that far, and I thank you with all my heart for having the patience to follow me until now! I adore you (even if I don't know you ^^') after I finish the exams, I will open a small request space, and you can ask me any kind of drawing (no sexual ones. I'm not very comfortable with them)
do you get asks:: no. even if I'm open to talking. talk to me :)
amount of sleep:: hum .... after hours of art work, I can usually fall asleep around 1/2 at night, and I wake up at 4 am. at that moment I'm like a zombie and I try to go back to sleep, but I can't do that much any more, so, I'm in a kind of sleep-wake. at 6-7 in the morning, I have enough conscience, but not wanting to get out of bed, I take the phone and scroll tumblr or youtube. at 8 am I’m out of bed (this during the holidays, because when I'm under university, I wake up at 5 and get up at that time to study) i’m quite a morning person
lucky number:: 5 or 6, like the numbers of the people of my family :)
what are you wearing:: a black and white striped tank top and denim shorts with tights
dream job:: work in the production of animation, video games or cinema as art and design style  :) or work with writers to get a decent movie script. or as an actress, even though I am nervous and akward, I have always enjoyed acting (and apparently I was also good, since my mother make me joined many times the theater)
I would like to inspire people, and make them feel with my works, make them happy and amazed :)
dream trip:: hum .... I don't have a precise destination, I'd like to go around the world and see the historical wonders of man and nature. I'd like to do it with someone, maybe a loved one with i would love to share the wonders of the earth. I am a hopeless romantic
instruments:: no. I tried different instruments, like piano and guitar, but I am denied playing them ... but I can sing, if this can be counted as an instrument
languages:: I know Italian because I am Italian, lol. but jokes aside, I speak fluent French and some English, (although I am fluent in writing in English, but not so much in writing French) then I would like to speak Spanish or German, I still have time :)
favorite songs::auch, I have a billion favorite music:
- Caravan Palace: Lone Digger. I'm crazy about the style of music similar to the 20s and 30s -Gorillaz: feel good inc. I love the singer's voice and the guitar of the central piece -Linkin Park: iridescent. I'm sorry, sad as it is, and one of my favorites -Katy Perry: Roar: the tiger and my sign in the Chinese zodiac, and my favorite animal (explains itself) -Eminem: Venom. that song is one of the coolest things in the world -Roberto Benigni: how much I loved you. I can not put this beautiful Italian song. it makes me full of love and it breaks my heart every time I listen - Melanie Martinez: baby i'm mad. christ, this song is fantastic. -Deiver Us from the - prince of Egypt -. omg, this music is spectacular. -QUEEN: Somebody to love, Killer Queen, I was born to love you, who wants to live forever, etc ... DO I NEED TO SAY WHY I LIKE? NO? WELL!
random fact:: hum ....
I have a love-hate relationship with my bicycle, because I had all my accidents on the road with it. (I was hit by a car twice, and crashed on a wall because the brakes didn't work)
 I end up at the hospital so many times that I needed another pair of hands to count it. (I'm clumsy)
and lastly, although I am clumsy in the civilized world, I adore survival in the forests, and fight sword against sword with my cousin.
aesthetic:: ok ..... i don't have a precise style, maybe casual? with some 70s touches. maybe even a little hipster or nerd
ok ...... i will just tag some people I love and follow, ok?
  @bowieandqueen11 , @avaloncelsus , @akhmenawkward ,  @innueendo , @ghostie-stories , @brian-maybe-not
(they are few people, but I like talking to them and follow they blog, so forgive me if you never talked to me, I'm just a poor girl)
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