#i went all spooky characters for this all halloween themed af
cfrog · 1 year
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I'm officially Team Werewolf!! And that means cool werewolf theming! Featuring some of my spooky ocs >:3c
Come fight me!
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canellescandles · 2 months
horror au
playing animal crossing was all fun and games with ellie until events happening in the game turned out to happen in real life
->inspired by a short movie on yt
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A/N:sorry for the long break,I went to the beach and lost my right arm because of a damn shark. Specialists say they want to know how human flesh tastes, but it bit my whole arm off 😵‍💫. Anyway, I’ve learned to write with my left hand so I can still cook 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Rainy days were your favorite.
They gave you and Ellie an excuse to stay indoors and play video games for hours on end.
After playing the same games repeatedly, growing emotionally attached to them, Ellie convinced you to give a try to something different from your usual apocalypse-themed games.
Halloween was tomorrow and ellie judged it to be the perfect time to introduce you to Animal Crossing's latest spooky update, a game you had never tried before.
"it's not traumatizing-scary, but I thought if I like it, you would too," Ellie said as she turned on her Nintendo Switch, a gift Joel had given her for her last birthday.
Often, she would gift you video games from her own massive collection, which hadn't gotten her into the Guinness World Records yet, but it might one day.
It was your favorite hobby together, a shared passion that easily brought you closer.
"you know what I like. If it's not pee-your-pants scary, it's deadly boring," you stated clearly as you made yourself comfortable next to her on her bed, lying flat on your stomach, propping yourself on your elbows as your eyes darted to her screen, the game just starting.
"oh yeah? we'll see about that. I bet ten bucks you'll get so addicted, you won't wanna go home tonight," Ellie said with a confident smirk, pressing 'play' as she seized the opportunity to have you to herself for longer than usual.
The screen flashed, revealing Ellie's character in a virtual room. "just watch me," she muttered, focusing on the screen as she led her character out of the room with a joystick.
Her character entered a clothing shop, trying on brand new clothes.
"I'll let you know that having no taste is a symptom of covid" you teased, followed by Ellie's soft chuckle.
She was used to your constant teasing but never grew tired of it.
"alright, try to make her look hot. we're going to see who’s going to need to get their health checked."
You smiled in victory, pleased to get a chance to play on her Switch.
"alright, bet" you said, going through every option available, trying your best to give Ellie's avatar a brand-new Halloween costume.
After a while, your lips curved into a smile as you admired her avatar in a cute, spooky witch costume.
But when you tried to buy the costume, your face fell in disappointment at the sight of Ellie's in-game money.
"man, she's broke af. that's why she looks so hideous. I can't even make her glow up, that's so sad."
"hey, take that back...as long as she's got clothes on, it's fine." Ellie said, taking back her Switch and removing the costume you were eager to buy.
You rested your head in your hand, already feeling exhausted, when suddenly, a loud, deep rolling growl pulled you out of your trance, followed by increasing pouring rain.
"looks like you're stuck with me tonight,"ellie smiled cheerfully, already plotting to stay up all night.
Halloween was only after a night, right after the full moon, but the spooky vibe that accompanied it came early today.
Both of you had turned the lights off, total darkness enveloping you, with the rain pouring and spooky sounds coming from the game as background noise.
You and Ellie took turns exploring the city and completing Halloween quests, distracting yourselves from the menacing storm that didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.
That is until another storm struck, slightly shaking Ellie's house and almost blinding you with the flashes of lightning outside the windows.
Now, the rain was pouring softly.
It was the calm before the next storm.
Turning your attention back to the game, the first thing you saw was Ellie's character momentarily freezing as the screen quickly flickered.
Ellie looked at you to see if you found this as creepy as she did.
"so, still boring as fuck miss apocalypse?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"a jumpscare here and there won't hurt"
A laugh escaped Ellie's lips. "bro, this is 'Animal Crossing,' not Freddy and his friends or whatever."
"Freddy and who?" A look of confusion on your face didn't betray your words.
"Freddy and his friends," she exclaimed, her gaze averted, trying to use her brain that's rotting from playing all the time. "the bear dude who scares kids or something. I dunno, I haven't played that stuff."
"that's FNAF, girl."you corrected, looking at Ellie puzzled. Between the two of you, you always assumed Ellie to be a game nerd.
"yeah, whatever," she said.
Now that you mentioned it, she actually remembered playing it but somehow forgot about it.
Your eyes drifted from Ellie's to her screen, which had stopped flickering, noticing many details.
"You know, I don't know how you managed to do that, but.."
Many details you've never paid attention to before.
"It's really cool how you got an exact copy of your bedroom in there," you said, looking back at Ellie, impressed.
Ellie’s eyes fell on the screen as she listened.
Her eyebrows furrowed suddenly.
She had never noticed too.
In fact, she had never decorated her in-game room with the intention of making it look like her real-life room.
As if trying to make her memories clearer, she scratched the back of her head, trying to think back to when she decorated her room in the game.
"uh, thanks. I never tried to make it look like my room, though."
"you even got the Savage Starlight poster on your wall," you pointed out, looking at her screen curiously before glancing at the same poster in real life, which was in the exact same spot in the game.
Though you were absolutely amazed by this, Ellie felt anything but impressed.
A feeling of unease started to creep up inside her.
No matter how much time she had spent in that game, she never recalled getting this poster.
This was undeniably weird, but it's only in such an atmosphere that things start to get interesting.
It was just a game after all.
"yeah, I think that's how I got broke," an awkward laugh escaped her lips, ignoring how hot she suddenly felt.
With shaky hands, Ellie wandered around her in-game room, which was just as dark as the one in real life.
To lighten it up, she walked towards the lamp on her bedside table, noticing it was placed just like in reality.
After looking at the bedside table, she focused her attention on her screen again and pushed a button to turn on the lamp.
At that moment, a quick 'click' sound echoed in the room, instantly drawing both your and Ellie's attention.
The bright lamp was flickering, casting shadows behind it.
You felt Ellie's eyes on you and turned to look at her, wondering if you both saw the same thing.
"you did that, didn't you?" Ellie asked, eager for a rational explanation for this unusual moment.
"no, I didn't," you exclaimed. The bedside table was just to your left, but your arms remained flat on the bed.
Even if you wanted to scare her, you couldn't have been that creative.
However,your words weren't convincing enough for her to believe them.
Still trying to figure out what was happening between her game and her room, she decided to try something again.
"stay here and don't move," Ellie ordered, to which you nodded and obeyed.
The drawer next to her closet drew her attention.
Her eyes fell back on her game, staring at the same drawer.
You watched Ellie's every move, your nervousness increasing as her finger pressed a button.
It was inevitable.
The drawer opened in the game.
The drawer opened in real life.
A mix of confusion and excitement flashed across Ellie's face as virtual and reality made one.
Thrilled by the turn of events, she turned to face you.
"now this is getting creepy as fuck," Ellie said, talking to you but becoming self-conscious about one thing.
You weren't alone anymore.
"yeah, this feels like the first minutes of a horror movie, but not the shitty low-quality serial killer ones—"
"the crazy haunted ones that leave you paranoid with 'inspired by a true story' in their summary."
"we're definitely in some 'bury your gays' type shit."
Ellie's soft laugh contrasted with the eerie atmosphere. No matter how serious the situation was, you were still able to make her laugh.
A part of her still clung to denial, seeking any rational explanation, but... where's the fun in that?
Was it scary because it was cool?
Or was it cool because it was scary?
Either way, this mystery was eager to be solved. Unsure of where all of this would lead, Ellie gave in to the temptation to discover it.
You decided to keep playing.
She then walked toward her in-game guitar, which was placed in the exact same spot in real life, right beside her desk.
Your eyes drifted toward it while Ellie was focused on her screen.
This was getting more and more interesting.
She pushed one button,making her character picking up the guitar.
As mini-ellie strummed the chords, you and her noticed something about the sound.
The melody wasn't coming from her Switch.
It echoed from her guitar in the corner of her room.
You couldn't believe your eyes,your ears and your mind.
In denial, you were convinced you were dreaming. But when you pinched your skin multiple times, nothing changed.
Ellie looked at you, seeking confirmation that this wasn't all in her head, a sign of her insanity.
"I'm starting to believe there's someone here with us," you said, your worried eyes meeting hers.
"you're just realizing that now?" she smirked.
You crossed your arms protectively, feeling thrilled by the game despite how scary it was becoming. "I'm actually surprised you still haven't peed your pants."
"trust me, it'll take more than that to freak me out like you."
"be careful what you wish for," you warned, feeling and fearing that something was about to happen.
In the dark,where fear and curiosty reigned over all your emotions,it was the comfort place for one thing.
The storm had calmed down for a while, but the rain continued pouring relentlessly.
Each droplet hit Ellie's closed windows, the sound resembling someone knocking.
Now you don't know how that spirit managed to stroll across the windows, but you knew that it got her.
It got Ellie.
With wide white eyes and mouth parted open, her body was entirely frozen, unresponsive to your calls.
The evil had total control over her body.
At least, that's what she made you want to believe.
After slightly shaking her to make her stop, you thought of her biggest weakness, something that always worked when she'd try to prank you like this.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Ellie panted as you tickled her sides, desperately trying to push you away from her before she fell off the bed,head hitting the floor.
Worried, you put a hand over your mouth at the scene. "oh my... are you alright?"
"would be better if you help me back up,"you reached out a hand that she carefully took, before helping her to lay back on the bed.
This is what she gets for trying to scare the hell out of you, always using the same old prank that only worked once on you.
When you were worried about her head, she was shamelessly laughing.
"you know what? laugh while you can. we'll see if you laugh once you wake up in the flames of hell after I choked you in your sleep."
"wow... nice charming words, you really know how to make a girl feel special, huh?" Ellie snickered as she saw you rolling your eyes at her.
The banter kept going, from playfully nudging each other's arm to pushing each other, as if nothing creepy had happened earlier.
That is, until your hands grabbed the Nintendo, back on the game.
Now that the virtual and reality have united, your careless laughter could easily turn into cold-blooded fear.
Ellie mirrored your wide eyes as she spotted the visual confirmation that both of you weren't alone.
Behind her character stood something in the dark.
Something because it was indeed not a human.
Its body blended with the color of death, or perhaps it was the other way around.
The darkness's arms warmly embraced its sinister presence.
The color of its eyes was the only hue transcending through the darkness in the room.
They were red—red like pumping blood and Persephone's pomegranate. Not leaving the character’s body.
Its eyes were able to pierce through the darkness, as if its life was too fierce to be halted by death.
Because it was death itself.
Ellie's eyes turned to you instinctively, seeking confirmation that it wasn’t part of her imagination.
You returned the same gaze, but not effortlessly. This unexpected turn of events made your mind run laps of thoughts and your body freeze in place.
With the same thought, "Is it behind us?" echoing over and over, the silence grew too loud, nurturing your frightened state.
The door creaked.
The one behind you and Ellie.
Your eyes remained on hers, with fear enveloping every single last spark of excitement and amusement.
"It's just the wind, right?" you managed to whisper.
Ellie still understood you despite your shaky voice, mimicking the same tone as yours. "the windows are closed."
That wasn't the first time rationality couldn't explain the strange events around you.
You were just afraid it wouldn't be the last time either.
Suddenly, a message appeared on the screen.
As your curious eyes returned to the screen despite the fear slowly consuming you, another feeling began to take over.
"Don't. Look. Behind. You."
It was regret.
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