#i watched the shawshank redemption yesterday and. man.
mallowaj · 1 year
yall ever watch a movie from the 80s / 90s with the most in your face queercoding ever seen, load up its tumblr tag hoping to see some gay person saying the exact same thing, but theres NOTHING?!! like, was it just me??? who read into this???? its so baffling everytime man, because how on earth did NO ONE think the same thing and go on tumblr to talk about it. I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#phil speaks#i watched the shawshank redemption yesterday and. man.#i dont think redd or andy were necessarily in a romantic relationship or nything like that#BUT#the relationship they did have felt deeply queer with the whole becoming “institutionalized” thing and whatnot#and im not saying that to overlook the corruption of modern prisons / police in general#(i mean that LITERALLY goes hand in hand with the queer experience as well lolz so its fitting)#but i think that that same institutionalization can be applied to the queer experience#my favorite example is when redd is finally honest with the board and tells them exactly how he feels about himself / his time at shawshank#it felt a LOT like coming out especially with how his life goes after doing so#like yr telling me this guy had to change who he was after doing something that broke a societal norm then adhered to that norm + /#expectations of others for so long that he lost himself and only found himself again when a man who went against the norm to be himself /#entered his life? and then befriended him and learned to be unapologetically himself which ultimately lead him to an even more difficult /#path of self-acceptance but once he did accept himself and broke free from expectation he went to live the rest of life out with the SAME /#man who sent him down that path!??!?!??!#THAT FUCKING QUEER.#QUEER AS HELL EVEN.#idk i was vry invested in this movie for no particular reason an i was flabbergasted that no one else read into it like that#so sorry for the rant but i HAD to talk abt it bro#ive been thinking abt it nonstop#anyways#andy felt very aro to me especially with the whole “that doesn't make you a murderer. a bad husband? maybe.” thing that went down#the way his character expresses love is very platonic even with his wife#also. with andy being aro. i dont think its much of a stretch to think redd and him are a qpr#like youre really gonna send this guy to go dig up a letter asking him to come live with you in mexico that is buried under the same spot /#where you and your wife “made love” and you make sure to note that he cant know whats inside of that letter until he essentially comes out#making sure that theres a committment???#LIKE DAMN#if that isnt a proposal of some sort idk what is#this has been phils queer reading of the shawshank redemption
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tamayokny · 1 year
“Get to know the blogger” game :D
I was tagged by @variantoutcast my beloved
• Share your wallpaper:
I have 2 separate wallpapers on the PC I’m using. My lockscreen is Asa Mitaka/Yoru from Chainsaw Man. My homescreen is the chapter 201 colorspread from Tokyo Revengers. I’ll share these at the end.
• Last song you listened to:
“Arepeggio” by Alexandros [Spotify] [Youtube]. This song is used in the Judgment opening sequence, but I’m just really feeling this song right now.
• Currently reading:
Tokyo Ghoul, vol. 12 by Sui Ishida
The Last Days of the Romanovs by Helen Rappaport
The Complete Poems of Emily Bronte by Emily Bronte [compilation published by Neeland Media]
• Last movie:
My dad and I watched some of The Shawshank Redemption Friday night. We didn’t watch nor finish it (my dad is a channel flipper) but we both love the movie.
• Last show:
The last show I finished was The Glory and Tokyo Revengers season 2. I’m currently watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo and I might start another anime, but I’m not sure.
• Craving:
...good question. I’d say comfort and sweets.
• What are you wearing:
A red-pink-white plaid PJ pants and a comfy gray t-shirt
• How tall are you?
Somewhere between 4′10″-4′11″
• Piercings:
I had my ear lobes pierced when I was younger, but I currently have no piercings. I think they’re cool, but they’re not for me.
• Tattoos
None yet! I want to get my twin sister’s name [who predeceased me] and our birth month flower. I don’t want to do a daisy (I think they’re boring), so I’m considering using the sweet pea flower instead.
I might follow a similar pattern for my grandfather who recently passed. I’ll get his name and a flower that represents his birth month, so either aster or morning glory.
• Glasses/contacts:
I wear glasses! I’m not a huge fan of contacts, I’m kind of terrified of them lol. I’m blind as hell and fun fact: my right eye is 3x weaker than my left eye.
• Last thing you ate:
My dad made me scrambled eggs and toast. It’s been hard to eat this week, so these light foods were good for me.
• Favorite color:
Reds and darker pinks
• Current obsession:
I’m trying to complete Lost Judgment, the game I’m currently playing.
I’m going to do more research on my family genealogy. Part of it brings comfort to me [my grandfather loved that stuff], but it’s genuinely interesting to look at that stuff. I’ll probably read more about German/German-American History after the semester is over.
• Pets:
I have an obnoxious German Shorthaired Pointer named Luna!
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Favorite fictional character:
To quote Never: “Fuck. Evil question.” 
Here are some of my favorite characters (and these are ones I can think of):
Muichiro Tokito (literally me but a fictional teenaged boy) and Tanjiro Kamado (Ellie says I’m like Tanjiro; it’s comforting) from Demon Slayer
Tobio Kageyama, Shinsuke Kita, and all of Inarizaki from Haikyuu!!
Lara Croft from Tomb Raider
Wanda Maximoff AKA Scarlet Witch from Marvel (saved the best for last)
• Last place you traveled:
I went to my grandmother’s house yesterday. We, along with my dad, his two siblings, their spouses, a cousin, and grandma’s husband got together to remember my grandfather who passed away on 03/28 (Tuesday morning). (This is the same grandfather I’m referring throughout this post.)
No pressure tags, but everyone is welcome to play and tag me.
@numbaoneflaya @rogueninja @meshla @malkinse @bpdanakins​ @sasukdyke​ @oatflatwhite​
Okay, tag system kind of unreliable and I know I’m forgetting people so again: everyone is welcome to play and tag me <3
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Asa and Yoru from Chainsaw Man
Tokyo Revengers won’t upload but you can find the spread here.
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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Moment I: Crash Landing (NOT) On You
Son of Zeus!Bokuto x Child of Demeter!Reader || PJO x Haikyuu AU
Summary: Bokuto swears it’s all Akaashi’s turtledove’s fault. If it didn’t decide to fly over Cabin Four, he wouldn’t be in this mess, fearing death (or at least serious injury) by celestial bronze gardening tool. (Featuring Kuroo, Son of Hermes, still the provocation master).
wc: 2.1k || genre(s): humor, fluff || masterlist: turtledoves & daisies
A/N: this is the first fic I’ve written in a while, so I’d appreciate any feedback/comments. Also can i just say that I’m absolutely infatuated with Son of Zeus!Bokuto 🥺
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“Bokuto-san, be carefu!l” Akaashi worriedly watches as his white-haired friend streaks through the sky. Bokuto has his hands outstretched, golden eyes wholeheartedly focused on the turtledove fluttering in the air in front of him. Zipping closer, he swipes at it again, trying in vain to capture the bird as it darts away from his grasp.
His fingertips brush the feathers, only for it once again dodge his hand. “Dammit.” Bokuto scowls as he continues to loop around the dove. As much as he loves flying, the sun is starting to hurt his eyes as he struggles to capture Akaashi’s turtledove. He knows Akaashi loves the bird, but by the gods, did it have a “free spirit” and then some. To be fair, Akaashi had befriended it during a quest, so it’s probably all magicked up or something. Which would explain why it was impossible for him to catch the stupid thing despite being a literal son of the skies.
Apparently the turtledove just wants to make his day harder because suddenly it dives downwards towards Camp Half-Blood, darting past the lava-belching climbing wall as it makes it’s way towards the fields. Bokuto gives chase, plunging after the damn bird, pouring on the speed as he tries to catch up to the (he’s now 95% sure it’s) magic avian. He can see his outstretched hand getting closer and closer towards the bird and he is finally able to just get his arms around it when suddenly he hears someone shouting his name.
“Bokuto-san!” Akaashi cries out from a distance, watching in horror as his friend continues to speed towards the ground
“LOOK OUT!” a foreign voice shouts as several other campers scream. Twisting midair, Bokuto does his best to shield the bird from the impact as he plows through the soil, uprooting the rows of wheat, and—
Oh shit. He can see the golden stalks slowly floating down from the air. Please, please, please tell me I didn’t land where I think I landed. There’s a giant divot in the soil where he must have skidded to a stop. His head is aching, and he’s definitely scraped up, but otherwise he’s fine. Bokuto has never gotten seriously hurt from a fall before (courtesy of being a son of Zeus, he guesses). He’s a little banged up, and he’ll definitely be sporting a few bruises, but nothing a bit of ambrosia can’t fix. Groaning, he sits up, and gets a better look around him. There are several campers staring at him in shock, and an increasing number are beginning to look pretty pissed. In the distance, he can see emerald vines agitatedly waving in the air. There’s only one place within the entire camp where you could find moving plants, and oh my gods he is so screwed— Yup, he definitely landed smack dab in the middle of Cabin Four’s fields.
Gods he is in so much trouble- Demeter’s children are fiercely protective of the magical plants in their gardens, fields of wheat included. Grown from mysterious seeds gifted to them by their mother, the crops behind their cabin always seem to yield fruit regardless of the season and can regrow harvests overnight. (Bokuto can confirm this because he once spent an entire evening staring at a watermelon as it developed from bud to full fruit before the sun rose.) Cold dread settles in his stomach once he remembers that the plants only retain their regenerative abilities so long as they remain rooted in the soil of Camp Half-Blood. And he can tell with a glance that the piles of wheat surrounding him are most definitely not rooted in anything. Ah, that’s probably why more than half of Cabin Four looks like they wouldn’t mind tying him up and throwing him into the sacrificial flame before dinner.
Hearing footsteps behind him, he gulps as he stands, turning around to face a pissed off Cabin Four camper. “What the hell did you do to my plants Bokuto?” you scream at him. Bokuto is well known—his shockingly bright hair is recognizable anywhere, and he’s also a son of one of the Big Three, so it’s no surprise you know his name. Tilting his head, he tries to match your face to a name. Maybe you’re a new camper? A glance at the cord around your neck, filled with more than a few beads, assures him you’ve been at camp for a while. Damn, it seems like you’re one of the few campers he’d never crossed paths with up until now. Akaashi appears behind you, chest heaving from sprinting towards Bokuto. He makes concerned eye contact with Bokuto, and the owl-haired man nods reassuringly before revealing the turtledove safely tucked behind his arms.
“Um...I was trying to get this back to ‘Kaashi,” he blurts out, shoving the turtledove in your face. You raise an eyebrow before turning towards the bird. You coo at it, whistling and nodding as the bird chirps back at you. They’re one of the campers Konoha’s mentioned before - the ones who can talk to animals he recalls, watching in awe as you converse with the turtledove. You seem to nod before gesturing for Bokuto to release the dove, which he does hesitantly. Surprisingly, it calmly hops from his hand to your arm, chirruping and nuzzling your cheek with its head as you turn around.
Walking towards another section of the garden, you finally stop in front of a cluster of vines. Moving the dove to your shoulder, squat down, coaxing the vines to slowly grow outwards and around your hands. Your gaze becomes focused, and the spring breeze seems to dance around you as the vines intertwine, spiraling to form a beautiful cage. With a snap of your fingers it’s complete, vines retreating from your hands and moving back towards the soil, leaving you with a sphere of intertwining branches that somehow still look alive despite not being attached to a living plant.
With a small shrug, you nudge the bird towards the entrance of the cage, smiling when it happily chirps it’s satisfaction. Turning around, you hand the spherical container to Akaashi. “She didn’t like the metal cage, but as long as you leave the door open she promises to come back by sunset and not cause any trouble, right?” you pause to look at the turtledove out of the corner of your eye, but she quickly coos at you, assuring you that you shouldn’t be seeing any stray turtledoves for the time being. Akaashi quietly nods and thanks you, clutching the cage firmly to his chest.
For a moment, Bokuto breathes a sigh of relief - it seems like his days of turtledove chasing are over. That quickly changes as you whip around and stomp back towards him, seemingly with the wrath of Hades in your eyes. With one flick of your wrist he finds himself quite literally rooted in place with the surviving wheat stalks and surrounding grass tightening around his limbs. You pull something out of your pocket and oh gods is that a celestial bronze shovel?!
“You!” You’re glaring at him, pointing your shovel at his chest. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to get those magical wheat seedlings growing right?”
Bokuto swallows nervously before shaking his head. Your scowl deepens, and now the shovel is definitely pressing into his collarbone and he’s just the slightest bit worried that he might actually meet an untimely demise (via. a highly enhanced gardening tool).
“You’re so lucky we just harvested this field yesterday, otherwise I would have personally gone to Chiron and requested that you be banned from participating in all combat-related activities for a couple of weeks!”
“Hey, hey, hey! Isn’t that a little much? It’s not like I destroyed the whole field or anything,” Bokuto protests. Sue him for being a little competitive, but he enjoys the chance to butt heads with other campers (all in good fun of course).
“It’s not like I destroyed the whole field or anything,” you parrot back at him in a sing-songy voice. “Yeah, and thank the gods for that, otherwise I’d actually whack you with this shovel right now.” On second thought maybe he shouldn’t talk back. Wounds caused by celestial bronze- even tiny scrapes and bruises - sting like a bitch and aren’t as responsive to ambrosia and nectar. He’d rather not deal with a stinging injury for the next couple of days on top of recovering from his untimely crash-landing into your field.
“Woah, woah, woah, y/n.” Bokuto sighs in relief when he hears Kuroo’s voice. The dark haired son of Hermes approaches you, waving his hands placatingly in front of his chest. “I’m sure we all realize that Bokuto probably shouldn’t have dive bombed your field—”
“Hey, it wasn’t my fault bro!” Bokuto hisses at Kuroo.
“Shut up Bo, I’m trying to save your ass right now,” Kuroo whispers back, before going back to smiling sheepishly at you.
“--but I’d also appreciate it if you didn’t knock my best friend out with a celestial bronze object.”
Chuckling, you tuck the shovel back into your pocket. “I wasn’t gonna even touch him,” you retorted, “just wanted to scare him a bit since this is gonna be a pain in the ass to fix-up.” You sigh, looking at the carnage around you. Any plant grown from your mother’s magical seeds was temperamental at first— the first time you’d tried to grow this field of wheat the plants had almost overtaken all the land surrounding the cabins. It took a careful combination of soil preparation, plant magic, plus many hours of watering, shoveling and weeding, to coax them to grow without overrunning the rest of Camp Half-Blood.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, and now that Akaashi’s bird isn’t trying to Shawshank Redemption its way out of a cage every ten minutes, I’m sure you won’t be getting any sudden sons of Zeus falling from the sky anytime soon,” Kuroo jokes.
“Doesn’t mean it’s going to be a walk in the park to get this back together,” you complain. Your eyebrows are pinched together, lips sticking out in a small pout, and for some reason, despite the fact you’re probably still pissed at him, Bokuto can’t help but find your expression slightly endearing.
Noticing the small pink spots that appear on Bokuto’s cheeks, Kuroo follows his friend's gaze. His smirk deepens when he realizes what’s caught the silver-haired man’s attention. Golden eyes glimmering at the opportunity to provoke you just the tiniest bit, Kuroo replies “Would you mind untying Bo? I mean I know you’re into some kinky stuff y/n but I didn’t realize that—”
“Oh my gods, shut up Kuroo!” you growl, cheeks burning with embarrassment. A rushed wave of your hand causes the vines to drop Bokuto unceremoniously onto the ground. Within a second you’re less than an arms’ length away from Kuroo, celestial bronze shovel pinned against his throat. “I will not hesitate to hit you with this if another word about that so much as leaves your mouth Kuroo,” you hiss.
Kuroo gingerly eases the deadly gardening implement away from his neck, backing away with Bokuto in tow. “Don’t worry about it y/n, after all, we did agree it was only a one-time thing,” he responds, laughing when he sees your back stiffen.
“I hope you go rot in Hades, Kuroo Tetsurou!” you huff, as you roll your eyes. “Go drown in the Acheron or something!” you add before stomping back towards your cabin.
“I’ll let you know when Nico or someone else from Cabin Thirteen has an opening in their calendar to take me down for a visit!” Kuroo barks out a laugh when he catches you flipping him off as you walk towards the cabins.
Stretching your hands above your head, the tension seeps out of your shoulders as the sun sets. You can see the lights of the mess hall glowing in the distance, but you’re too exhausted to bother with a big dinner or company from the other cabins tonight. Instead, you stroll back to your bunk in Cabin Four for a well deserved nap. (If you get hungry, you can always raid the cabin pantry later.)
In the distance, a pair of golden, owl-like eyes keep drifting towards your retreating figure, wondering, why, of all things, you have a celestial bronze gardening shovel.
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Bonus Facts:
Y/n owns an entire set of garden tools made with celestial bronze. Bokuto discovers this later and is genuinely scared + concerned™
“That” refers to a secret game of truth and dare that happened one night when all the counselors got bored during their weekly meeting. Both Kuroo and y/n have sworn on the River Styx to never reveal any specific details from said truth and dare. To this day y/n wonders how Kuroo has gotten away with using it to tease them despite their oath.
Bokuto has actually met y/n before, but just in passing. They were responsible for setting plant traps before a particular game of capture the flag that allowed y/n’s team to waltz over the flag and win the game within a half hour, all while Bokuto’s team could do nothing but dangle from where they were tangled in plant stems and watch.
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impractical-matters · 4 years
Tag Game: fav movies by decade
Tagged by @cheddarholt - thank you so much Iara! 💕💕 this was a fun challenge!
Rules: pick your favorite movies from every decade (that is, if you watch tons of old movies – if you don’t, just go as far back as you can)
1930s: The Wizard of Oz
1940s: Casablanca, Fantasia 
1950s: Cinderella, Peter Pan, The King and I, Guys & Dolls, White Christmas
1960s: West Side Story, The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins
1970s: Mame, Grease, Fiddler on the Roof, 1776, Bedknobs and Broomsticks
1980s: Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, The Princess Bride, Blade Runner, Top Gun, Footloose, Field of Dreams, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
1990s: Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, Independence Day, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Pretty Woman, Blast from the Past, Sliding Doors
2000s: Catch Me if You Can, The Pursuit of Happyness, Men in Black, Waitress, Chicago, Bridget Jones’s Diary, The Incredibles, Love Actually
2010s: Knives Out, Avengers: Endgame, Bohemian Rhapsody, Silver Linings Playbook, King’s Speech, Yesterday, The Martian, Kingsman, Interstellar, Booksmart, The Hunger Games, The Greatest Showman
2020s: The Old Guard, Birds of Prey, The Invisible Man, Palm Springs
Tagging: @dylannobriens @tinanewt @hecthledgers @hathawaywrites @romaanovas @mysnflower @fiirelords @buckleydiazs @buckyperalta @msmischief101 @mercheswan @mischiefsmanaged @anduril @superdanys @andrmacche @gomezmichelle @tabbytabbytabby @ginnypcttcr
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daniellethamasa · 4 years
Hey all, Dani here.
It’s the first of June and I’m already running behind on my blog. I got this post all prepped up yesterday, and just needed to add in my runners up and my winner/pick for the month. Instead I got distracted by watching anime, and when I woke up this morning I realized that I had never finished and scheduled this post. Whoops.
Anyway, it is the first Monday of the Month and that means it is once again time for a Calendar Girls post.
Calendar Girls is a monthly blog event that was started by Flavia and Melanie, but is now being hosted by Katie and Adrienne. They are all wonderful ladies, and you should check out their lovely blogs. Okay, so Katie is still on a brief hiatus for a few months, so for right now Adrienne and myself are all hosting Calendar Girls together.
So if you link back to Adrienne, and me, we can keep track of all the book picks and posts each month. Thanks, everyone!
First, more about the Calendar Girls. It is designed to ignite bookish discussions among readers, and was inspired by the 1961 Neil Sedaka song, Calendar Girl.
Just like the song, each month has a different theme. Each blogger picks their favorite book from the theme, and on the first Monday of the month reveals their pick in a Calendar Girls post. Make sure to post back to the hostess’s post, and both Katie and Adrienne will make a master list for the month. The master lists allow everyone to see the other Calendar Girls’ picks and to pop on over to their blogs. Thus, we all get to chat about books and even make some new friends!
Oh, and you don’t have to identify as female to join the Calendar Girls. We welcome readers of all types. So if this sounds like fun for you, join us in all of the fun bookish conversations.
Finally, Annie Woods, the first participant in the Calendar Girls Springtime Whirl to achieve a bingo, has selected our June theme. You can find all of Annie’s social media details at these links: Instagram,  Goodreads, Twitter, Website
The June theme is…
Drive-In Movie Day
Favorite Book Adaptation
I’m really excited about this one.
Because the thing is, this is about your favorite adaptation, not necessarily the best or the most faithful…for the record, my opinion is that the best adaptation is for The Perks of Being a Wallflower because the author wrote the screenplay and directed the film. It does not get much more faithful than that, and I will excuse any and all changes because the author himself made those extremely minor changes.
Anyway, here’s where I’m torn for this prompt: which adaption form do I choose? Because there are many ways to adapt a work. Do I go with a film version, a TV version, a stage production? That makes it so much more difficult to narrow down the possibilities.
And I guess I should point out that I’m going with my favorite adaptations in an entertainment factor, not in faithfulness to the source material. Because there are always changes, and I’ve already announced the best/most faithful adaptation. So my book/adaptation pick is going to be one where I found both the book and the adaptation to be incredibly enjoyable, personally. Feel free to disagree with me down in the comments, but let’s keep from being rude about it. We can all like different things and that’s totally fine. (And you know, I say this just because; I haven’t really had any rudeness in my comments. Thanks for being awesome everybody.)
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TV: Shadowhunters, The Expanse, Outlander, Game of Thrones (the early seasons), Dresden Files, The Magicians, Vampire Diaries, Secret Circle, The Witcher, Legend of the Seeker
Movies: Timeline, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter, Ready Player One, Vampire Academy, Divergent, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games trilogy/quartet
Anything Jane Austen/Charlotte Bronte (TV mini series/movie)
Okay, so obviously I haven’t included Marvel or DC movie or TV on here, though I do also really enjoy those.
Oh, and I didn’t include any of the manga/anime either. Wow, this just made my list kind of ridiculous. Umm…I think I’ll do another post at some point about manga and anime adaptations that I love.
And I know there’s some I’ve probably missed here.
And there’s also some that I haven’t read/watched yet.
But you guys, this is actually a harder decision than I thought it was going to be. Oh man. Okay, okay, I just need to say that I’m done adding in contenders, and I’ll pick from what I have above. But if you want me to go even deeper into movie adaptations, TV adaptations, and more, then let me know, and I’ll set up a series of posts in the future.
All right, so rather than sit here agonizing for too long, I’m going to choose one TV adaptation and one movie adaptation. I hope that’s okay with all of you. Let’s do this.
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski AND Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
There, I picked two. Wow, that was not an easy choice. Okay, so RPO is not really a faithful adaptation at all, but the movie has the same geeky 80s pop culture heart as the book, which is great. And they are both excellent on their own. Just don’t try and compare them because then the movie will disappoint you. Regardless I love them both, and I understand that licensing issues made it difficult to faithfully adapt the book into a movie. And then there’s Geralt of Rivia. Honestly they did a pretty decent job adapting the book into a show, and I’ve watched the show twice now because the effects and the action are excellent. I’m really looking forward to season 2.
Oh, and if you really want to start planning ahead, the July Calendar Girls theme was also already announced, so you can check out that post here. The July posts will be up on Monday, July 6th, so we’ll see you then.
Other Calendar Girls posts to check out:
Adrienne @ Darque Dreamer Reads – Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy
Deanna @ Deanna Writes About – Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
Ashley @ Inside My Minds – The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
More coming soon
Calendar Girls: June 2020 Hey all, Dani here. It's the first of June and I'm already running behind on my blog.
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2wnikiangel · 5 years
Ask game
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people. Because I always feel I little bit nervous, when I need to tag people I like or follow, I would like to see answers of everyone who found this game interesting!
Tagged by @kasielartist. If you don’t know her, just go to check her awesome arts. She’s very talented and I think we will hear about her more in the future. And she’s very kind and modest. Just a precious. :)
Warning: I love writing, so everything you’ll read by me is pretty long. Not Sorry.
Nickname(s): My father started to call me “Niki” when I was 4 years old and I’m so used to it, that I practically like it more that my real name. Some of my friends likes to call me “Angel”, because I like to help people. That’s why my full nickname is Niki Angel. And yes, my older sister calls me “špunt”, that’s a czech slang for “very small person”.
Zodiac: Acording to Horoscope, I am -- creative (yes), passionate (kind of), generous (yes!), warm-hearted (yes!!), cheerful (yes!!!), humorous (trying but failing), arrogant (well, yes), stubborn (more than anyone around me), self-centered (nope), lazy (ooooh), inflexible (yes, and I hate it) -- a summer and Sun child, Leo.
Height: Something between dwarf, human and elf -- 1.55 cm.
Hogwarts house: Traits: dedication, hardworking, fairness, patience, kindness, tolerance, modesty, loyalty and produced the fewest Dark wizards of all the four Houses. Who I am? I’m Jean Valjean Hufflepuff! I remember how sad I was like a kid when everyone thinked about me like a stupid person, just because I was in the Hufflepuff. But, after some time, I wear our colors just proud as other houses. Because we have nothing to be ashamed of! Just look at the traits! That’s something what can change the world in the most positive way!
Last thing I googled: Keanu Reeves. It was because in Czech republic he isn’t so popular and everyone around tumblr and youtube are just so crazy about him that I wanted to know why. Now I know and I watched two films yesterday with him in lead role.
Fave musician(s): I FREAKING LOVE MUSIC. My taste it’s pretty diverse. I wrote only favorite of every gender of music I listen mostly everyday, because otherwise we would be there for more than a week. When you click at the name of the artist(s) you can hear my favorite song made by them.
Kpop: Ultimate favorite is “TVXQ”. It was my first Kpop band back in 2007, when I started to listening Kpop. Then I love “VIXX” (+ “Leo” / “Ravi” / “LR)”, “4Minute” (+ “HyunA” / “TripleH” / “Troublemaker”) and “KARD”. Others I like to listen everyday:
Girlband: “2NE1″ (+ “CL”), “AOA” (+ “Jimin”), “BLACKPINK”, “Brown Eyed Girls” (+ “GaIn”), “CLC”, “EXID”, “Girl’s Day”, “Girl’s Generation” (+ “Taeyeon”), “Miss A”, “Red Velvet”, “Secret” (+ “Hyoseong” / “Jieun”), “SISTAR” (+ “Hyolyn”), “Stellar”, “T-ARA”
Boyband: “100%”, “B.A.P” (+ “Yongguk & Zelo”), “B1A4″, “BEAST”, “Big Bang” (+ “G-dragon”), “Block B”, “BTOB”, “BTS” (+ “Rapmoster” / “Agust D”), “EXO”, “GOT7″, “iKON”, “INFINITE”, “JJCC”, “MBLAQ”, “MONSTA X”, “Nu’est”, “SHINee”, “SS501″, “Super Junior”, “U-Kiss”
Solo: “Ailee”, “BoA”, “DEAN”, “HOLAND”, “Hyoshin”, “Jessi”, “Sunmi”, “YEZI”
Rock / Alternative: Tie between “Panic! At the Disco” and “The Score”. Their music helped me on every exam on university and inspireted one of my biggest Les Mis fanfic project (I think it will be done next spring). Others: “8 graves”, “30 Second to the Mars”, “Billie Eilish”, “Against The Current”, “Coldplay”, “Disturbed”, “Evanescence”, “Fall Out Boy”, “Five Finger Death Punch”, “Get Scared”, “grandson”, “Hurts”, “Imagine Dragons”, “Linkin Park”, “MISSIO”, “Nine Inch Nails”, “One Republic”, “Set It Off”, “SIAMÉS”, “Starset”, “The Cab”, “Thousand Foot Krutch”, “The Neighbourhood”, “Twenty One Pilots“, “Digital Daggers”
Classic: Favorite is our composer “Bedřich Smetana” His Moldau is still one of my favorite piece of work. Then “Beethoven”, “Mozart”, “Vivaldi” and “Wagner”.
Cover: Because this talented people matters too! “Chase Holfelder”, “Nick Pitera”, “Peter Hollens” and “ZEK”.
And many, many, MANY soundtracks and instrumental music for games, films, series, original works, etc.
Following: Les Misérables and Ao no exorcist artists, writers and fans. Some psychology blogs too.
Followers: 10! And I really appreciate it. I’m still new to tumblr, not so active and my fanfiction writing is still on start. Hope, maybe after some years, I will have more thank to my works.
Song stuck in your head: “Imagine Dragons songs battle - Peter Hollens vs. Chase Holfelder”.
Amount of sleep: 2-4 hours per day. I’m so used to live under pressure, stress and lack of sleep, that’s is weird to sleep more than 4 hours. That sometimes happens on holidays, 1-2 times in year. And I seriously don’t remember how much sleep I’m getting. Maybe 8 or 9. Irony -- I love sleeping, but we have some love-hate relationship.
Lucky number: 13. Stuck with me from my middle school years.
Do you get asks: Actually - no. And I need you to know, that I’m absolutely okay with them. So if you want to ask something or just chat or you have problem and want to help, just messege me. I’m open to everyone.
What are you wearing: Red summer dress. (And, yes, I’m not one of the fashionable person you want to know.)
Dream job: Soldier! But... Well, I’m too small and not 100 % healthy so I must give up this dream when I was 14 years old and my doctor told me that I will never be a soldier. It was pretty hard for me back then, but I decided to work for police in Special Victims Unit with focus on sexual abuse on children. I’m slowly getting there thank to studying and hard work!
Instrument(s): I played piano profesionally for 10 years. I stopped after some time on highschool because I could no longer attend courses in my town. I can still play it, but don’t have piano or keyboard at home, so I sometimes play on train stations just for the nostalgy. BUT! I want to buy my favorite piano for 30. birthday. Hope I will save the money, I have 7 years for it. OH, and I can play some songs on quitar.
Language(s): Motherlanguage is czech, so is absolutely normal for me to understand slovak. I speak english, even thoughs I have C1 certificate, I’m nervous and can’t speak or write without shaking, sweating and making stupid mistakes. I learned german on middle and high school, but can’t say a shit practically anything in this freaking language. When someone ask me something in croatian, polish or russian, I mostly understand but I blame it on Slavic roots. And I’m learning french for 6 months now, because I always wanted to speak and understand this language.
Fav song(s): “Hurricane by 30 Second to the Mars”! Mentioned already in the “Favorite musician(s)” ask.
Aesthetic: piano sheets, coffee, blue color, literature, music, theather, optimistic thoughts, deep thoughts, dogs, family, friends, love... <3
Random fact(s): My lucky number is 13, so 13 random facts about me!
MY FAVORITE book is “The Picture of Dorian Gray”; musical is “The Phantom of the Opera”; anime is “Yu Yu Hakusho”; manga is “Ao no Exorcist”; film is “The Shawshank Redemption"; series is “Game of Thrones” but not the season 8; band is “TVXQ”; color is blue in any shade; season is autumn; dogbreed is “Czechoslovakian woldog” and icecream with flavour of citrone or pistachio.
My biggest dream it’s make everyone on this world happy, satisfied, loved and accepted.
I’m coffe AND tea person. I can’t choose what I love more!
I love cleaning the house while listening (and stupidly dancing and falsely singing) to music.
My life motto? “Freedom. Beauty. Truth. Love.” Bohemian all the way!
I’m pretty shy and don’t talk much at first. I like to be around people, don’t get me wrong, but mostly I’m a listener. That’s maybe why I love writing so much.
I already know what song will play at my funeral! It’s “Lacrimosa from Requiem by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”.
I’m romantic! If you’re my parnert just prepare to be woke up with your favorite breakfast, we will watch your favorite series and talk about it all the time, I will plan our vacation just to make sure it will be unforgettable for you, I will buy your favorite perfume, I will DIY presents for you, I will respect and love you with all my heart, I will praise your work, I will learn about your hobbies and support them... Yeah, my friends call it’s “annoyingly submissive” but who cares? That’s just me.
Even thought what I wrote here (^8.) - I fall in love only one time in my whole life. It was 2 months after my 18. birthday. He was tall, black-haired cishet man, witty, inteligent, humourus, gently, ironic, sarcastic and beautiful human being. And he’s my boyfriend for 5 years now and we have awesome 1 year old daugher. 
I studied law and public administration in highschool and criminology on university. In Semptember this year (2019) I’ll start my master’s degree for public safety and 2 years long psychology practice. After this I’ll go to work and start my distance learning of psychology (A/N: 3 years for bachelor + 2 years for master + 4 years for doctor + 2 years of another practive - then exams and only AFTER ALL OF THIS you can become a psychiatrics with your own office! That’s why I wanted start studying this subject AFTER my police graduation).
I have emepthophobia - abnormal and very strong fear of throwing up. This is why I eat only things I know for long time (no raw meat, no sushi, no experimental cusaine); I don’t like eating at restaurants (I’m afraid that some guest can get nauseated and start throwing up); I don’t go to amusent parks and never was (and I'll never be!) on their attractions; I am abstinent (Don’t try to force, seriously); I don’t like to be around drunk people; I hate hospitals and doctors (even thought a deeply respect them, but try to get the tube into my mouth ONE MORE TIME AND WILL DESTROY ALL YOUR BLOODLINE) and I HATE films when they put throwing up like “comedic” aspect (mostly American comedies. That’s why I don’t watch them.). Actually, just writing it down makes me anxious because I imagine all the things I’m writing and it’s horrible... (I needed to stop writing, calm myself for like half a hour and even after this I didn’t wrote everything that I hate about this phobia).
I’m demisexual but still don’t see myself as a part of the LGBT+ comunity. Maybe because when I come out some friends of the comunity (namely gay, lesbian a trans female lesbian) they say that “demisexuality is nothing compare their fight for rights” and it’s “just another heterosexual made-up thing for which don’t want sex or want to judge others who love sex with no relationships including”. That’s why, when someone ask me why I support LGBT+ so much and have so many friends of them, I’m saying that I am a “Straight Ally”. Even though I know it’s not all the true (because I don’t identify myself like heterosexual at all), I just don’t fell I need to explain or “come out” like some others. I just live with it and I’m happy. To all demisexuals: Don’t ever think you are weird. You aren’t! You can fall in love. You can feel aroused. You can have fuctional relationship with no sex or sex including. You don’t need to have anyone to be happy. Just like have a family, child/children, husband/wife and be sometimes excited to be touched by your loved one(s). You can love or hate hugs. You can found someone attractive just INSIDE and be happy with it. Every demisexual it’s different. But still matters. Don’t ever think about to be ashemed by your sexuality. It’s your thing and NO ONE can’t say a shit about it.
Yeah, and I beat cancer when I was 17 by the way. And still not 100% healthy but living.
Thank for tagging and hope you found it interesting!
See you next time, maybe with my another Les Mis fanfiction!
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cryptobrief · 5 years
Reports surfaced yesterday about a group of seven criminals from Iceland who managed to get away with 350 computers used to mine Bitcoin who have now been given their jail time.
The total value of the Bitcoin mining computer and associated parts summed up to around $1 million. The men were then forced to pay damages since the equipment was never actually found.
A local news outlet, Visir reported that the criminals in question stole the mining equipment in December 2017 and January 2018. In addition to the computer, they also stole more than 800 graphics cards, 120 CPUs and 120 motherboards.
Sindri Por Stefansson is one of the sentenced men who gained recognition worldwide after he escaped imprisonment in Iceland last year and managed to catch a flight a Sweden with the countries Prime Minister.
Not quite the Shawshank Redemption
Stefansson was given a four and a half year sentence which was the harshest punishment of all the men out of the group.
The authorities who were looking into the theft of the mining computers had no idea where the stolen equipment could have been at first. But when Stefansson was detained in spring 2018. Whilst trying to find the stolen equipment, police tried to watch for surges in the electrical grid and even engaged with an idea provided by a psychic.
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Stefansson was being dubbed as the ‘mastermind’ of the scheme by different media outlets despite not being charged or convicted. As reported by CryptoGlobe, this was only because he was held longer than any of the other suspects of the scheme.
Sogn prison was where Stefansson was being held but he managed to escape the penitentiary after escaping through a window and making his way to an airport.
I feel like it would have been a lot more interesting if he ‘scooped’ his way out of the prison instead…
Caught red-handed
Before he could get to Iceland, Stefansson was caught red-handed in the Netherlands. He told the New York Times that he regretted fleeing the nation because his mug shot was all over the news after landing in Sweden.
What I personally, find most interesting about this is the fact that it isn’t actually illegal to escape from a prison in Iceland. A Former Supreme Court Judge Jon Gunnlaugsson said “our system supposes that a person who has been deprived of his freedom will try to regain it. It’s the responsibility of prison authorities to keep him there.”
Not quite Shawshank, but still an interesting tale.
What are your thoughts? Let us know what you think down below in the comments!
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toomanysurveys9 · 7 years
1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends.
pay off loans/debts. have this baby! put more money in savings. lose weight/get healthy after baby. go on a road trip somewhere fun.
2. What color are your pants?
3. Favorite motivational quote.
everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind. always.
4. When was the last time you drank coffee?
last weekend i had a frappe if that counts.
5. What was the last thing you ate?
i had an amish-made donut for breakfast..
6. Favorite animal.
besides cats and dogs, owls and foxes.
7. Favorite song.
body like a back road by sam hunt. it’s just kind of fun. otherwise i also like better man by little big town lately.
8. Last movie you watched?
9. Any turn ons?
well, yeah. pretty usual stuff.
10. Any turn offs?
too aggressive. dirty. list goes on..
11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head.
i don’t feel like it.
12. What are some meaningful movies?
there are a lot of meaningful movies to different people. some i like are the lion king (don’t judge me - there are several good lessons in that movie!), the pursuit of happiness, and shawshank redemption.
13. 2 most important people in your life right now?
there are way more than two. especially my parents, my husband, my son (even if he’s not born yet), and my siblings. just to name a few.
14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends?
have my child!!!! i am so uncomfortable, and i only have four days until my due date but it’s probably gonna be longer before he’s actually born. i would love to have wyatt’s crib set up in his room. and maybe try to get cocoa to settle down a little more when people walk in the house because it’s gonna be hard to control a crazy pup while trying to bring in a baby too, but it’ll be manageable no matter what. :)
15. When was the last time you read a good book?
it’s been a little bit since i’ve read anything.
16. How long do you study for usual, if you study?
i rarely studied in school. lol.
17. Do you have any nicknames?
marley, marley harley, lina, mar, mare.
18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.)
if i wear it, it’s usually kind of floral i guess..
19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state?
i do.
20. What is something unique that you do every single day?
i don’t really think i do anything all that unique, ever.
21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called?
something that would tell you my life is basic and boring and not worth watching probably.
22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone?
last week.
23. Are you a shopaholic?
definitely not.
24. What are some songs that always make you feel better?
i don’t know. depends on the day and my mood.
25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself.
surveys for sure. reading, unless i’m reading to the kiddos. book shopping.
26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in?
i don’t know, to be honest.
27. How do you like being roused in the morning?
i don’t. lol. uhm. i guess just the alarm and getting up myself will do.
28. How was your day? What did you do?
so far it’s been uneventful. i woke up. took care of puppies. was going to work on getting clothes put away, but ended up bouncing on an exercise ball and then mom picked me up. when the guys get back from training, i’ll probably go home and put clothes away. now i’m helping with lilli and rose while doing surveys.
29. What did your last text message say?
my last sent text was me telling jake i was at my parents but i promised to get laundry put away when i get back home. last received text was mom telling me she was on her way to pick me up.
30. Do you respond to texts quickly?
depends what was said and if i want to talk to that person at the time..
31. Who was the last person you called?
my mom probably.
32. List 5 things that are on your wish list.
i don’t really have a wish list..
33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for?
i have no idea..
34. Winter or summer?
summer. i hate being cold and i hate getting sick so much.
35. What is a quality that all people should have?
kindness towards others..
36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be?
books. more books would be lovely.
37. What have you been thinking about lately?
wyatt. giving birth and labor. my family (there have been a lot of surgeries lately).
38. What is the secret to a happy life?
i’m not sure i’ve quite figured that out just yet.
39. What are some phrases you say often?
"fuck”. “i don’t know”.
40. Favorite food?
mac and cheese lately.
41. List 3 wishes.
parents to have everything they need/want. jacob to be happy. be the best mom and wife i can be..
42. What are some of your greatest fears?
failure at anything/everything. losing those i love.
43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
birth plan i think.
44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)?
i’m not too sure.
45. Spicy food: Like or dislike?
depends on how spicy. i don’t like a lot of spice. but i like a little bit.
46. Scary movies: Like or dislike?
like if they’re not stupid.
47. Do you like to travel?
i do but don’t get to enough.
48. Any regrets?
of course. i have lots of those.
49. Do you like rain?
sometimes. i usually don’t mind it unless it’s cold and i have to be out in it.
50. What do you spend most of your money on?
i only spend money on wyatt (if i have to have something - we still need little things) and bills. jake spends everything else on whatever he wants.
51. Would you rather visit the past or the future?
the future. for sure.
52. Favorite clothing store?
i don’t really have one. i usually just go to walmart because it’s cheap, but i very rarely get clothes..
53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down?
i don’t really know besides it can get better, and i hope it does for their sake..
54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you?
lately, i think about it A LOT. there’s a lot of unknowns, and it is very scary, but i’m also kind of excited and happy...
55. What angers you the most?
when people are abusive towards other people and animals probably.
56. When was the last time you got majorly angry?
yesterday. jacob said he was getting a motorcycle and there is no way that is in the cards for us anytime soon. we need to build up our savings and get other stuff taken care of. plus, i’d like to move out of state by next summer.
57. When was the last time you got really sad?
58. Are you good at lying?
not really, no.
59. What foreign language would you like to learn?
french more or  spanish.
60. How many languages can you speak and what are they?
just english really.
61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead?
i never go to parties anymore. i usually stay home and do nothing. i kind of can’t wait for wyatt to be born cos i’ll have him to tend to..
62. What books do you plan to read this year?
i don’t know. probably reread a lot of books... and a lot of children’s books to wyatt. i’m hoping he will enjoy books...
63. Do you have breakfast every morning?
i have to or i get sick.
64. Tell us a secret.
i don’t really have any secrets to tell.
65. How many concerts have you been to?
quite a few. most were just free ones at the fair, but they were concerts all the same.
66. Last hug?
rose before she got laid down for her nap.
67. Who knows you better than anyone else?
jacob. kayla. my mom.
68. Baths or showers?
showers for sure. not really a fan of baths, but that’s partially because our tub is tiny.
69. Do you think you’re ambitious?
i guess so.
70. What song is stuck in your head?
none at the moment. i have other things on my mind.
71. Countries you’ve visited?
i’ve only ever been to different states in the u.s.
72. What do you most value in your friends?
loyalty and trustworthiness i guess.
73. What helps you to sleep better?
fan on. dark. covered up and comfy pillows. i also generally prefer to sleep naked or mostly naked.
74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand?
quite a lot from semis fueling up when i worked at the gas station.
75. What makes you nervous?
thinking about how i’m going to be in charge of a little person’s life.
76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
i don’t know..
77. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
forgive for sure.
78. First mobile phone?
i don’t know, just a basic flip phone for emergencies only when i was in middle school.
79. Strangest dream?
oh man. i’ve had some weird ones since getting pregnant.
80. Best dream?
i don’t know.
81. Who is the smartest person you know?
probably my dad.
82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr?
i don’t know?
83. Do you miss anyone right now?
i do.. but he’ll be home soon i’m sure.
84. Who do you love? Why?
jacob. wyatt. rest of my family.
85. Do you like sharing?
depends what and with who. for instance, i don’t like sharing my husband. i don’t mind sharing food, if it’s not something i’ve been craving.
86. What was the last picture you took with your phone?
belly bump picture.
87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens?
i don’t know. i guess there might be. but there might not be..
88. Favorite genre of music?
i listen to country a lot these days..
89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
90. Describe your life in 5 words.
it’s had ups and downs.
91. Describe the world in 4 words.
it’s a huge mess.
92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done?
ran around my trailer in just a bra and jeans when i was drunk.
93. First three songs in your favorite playlist?
i don’t have a playlist anywhere.
94. Are you more creative or logical?
logical i think.
95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth?
hurt someone with the truth.. i don’t like to lie. but i don’t really like hurting people either, so either would really suck.
96. What are you most proud of?
graduating college. i was the first in my family to do so.
97. What personality trait do you admire in other people?
i don’t know. i guess courage would be one of the top ones.
98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?
having a good day with family (husband, son, parents, siblings, etc).
99. How do you usually start a conversation?
hey, what’s up?
100. What is the best news you could hear right now?
that it’s time to have this baby. or someone paid off all my loans. ha.
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