#i watched it like 3 times in a row. a work of art truly. bender at peak gay
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hoopyfrood · 8 years ago
ghost in the machines is probably one of the gayest futurama episodes for fry and bender ever, and here’s evidence: every frender scene from the ep.
be warned, there were too many gay screencaps to take and 90% of this episode is one of them pining over the other, so this is gonna be long.
under the cut: gay
right at the beginning of the episode, fry is sitting on bender’s shoulders and bender is holding onto his legs as they watch a parade.
fry was scared of the balloons, and bender reassures him - “see buddy, it’s not so scary.” - and fry smiles down at him, looking happy. he says “i feel better now”, yet continues sitting on bender’s shoulders for no apparent reason for like ten minutes. nobody else seems phased or surprised by their behaviour.
later, after the parade, fry returns to the planet express building with the others to find bender looking annoyed with fry. the resulting squabble between them and the others looking on as though they’ve seen this before just screams married couple lmao.
fry admits that he thinks human life is more important than robot life. immediately upon hearing that he’s not the most important thing to fry, bender tells everyone he’s going to kill himself. the others remain unsurprised by these events.
bender is murdered (by the suicide booth) and his body is dropped off outside the planet express building. fry is the one who answers the door, maybe he’d been waiting for bender’s return. he’s the most visibly upset by bender’s death, is the one to carry him inside, is called bender’s only friend, and is the one everyone comforts at bender’s funeral.
Fry: I miss ‘im so much.
Fry: I love you, Bender.
bender’s ghost talks with the devil. bender mentions fry saying human lives are more important than robots, and the robot devil says “after all you’ve done for him!”. even beelzebot knows bender is dedicated to fry.
bender, not letting go his anger at fry’s words, makes a deal with the robot devil to try and scare fry to death to get his own life back. bender then watches fry sleep, tries to get his attention and fails, and falls asleep hovering above fry. bender follows fry around a lot for like the next 20 minutes. also he comes up with a… sensual murder plan that sounds like an excuse for bender to get his hands on fry. naked fry.
Bender’s ghost: Soap. I know Fry’s afraid of that. [Bender’s ghost rubs his hands.] Maybe he’ll die if I rub ‘im all over with it real slow.
fry tries to get the others to believe he’s being haunted, but they say he’s just upset over bender. several more scares later, bender ends up scaring fry enough to give him a heart attack and put him in hospital.
Dr. Cahill: Your only hope is to go to the Amish homeworld, where no machines are allowed. Fry: I guess it’s for the best. [Bender’s ghost’s head emerges from the heart monitor and woos.] The only machine I’ll ever miss is… [Fry whimpers.] Bender. Bender’s ghost: Say what? [Fry continues whimpering.] Fry: Now that he’s gone, I realise how valuable a Robot life can be… When it belongs to my best friend. [Fry cries. Bender’s ghost exits the heart monitor.] Bender’s ghost: [touched] That’s the closest thing to Bender is great that anyone besides me has ever said. [Bender’s ghost whimpers.]
Bender’s ghost: I’m sorry, Fry. I’m sorry! Wait for your ghost buddy!
the entire time on the amish homeworld is basically bender being with fry for everything he does, even though fry doesn’t know it, putting an arm around him and hugging him, even though fry can’t feel it, and sleeping next to him.
[Cut to: The Amish homeworld. The door opens and Fry, followed by Bender’s ghost, exits.] [Cut to: Outside. Fry and a group of Amish men, unknowingly helped by Bender’s ghost, finish building a barn shaped like a geodesic dome. Fry contemplates his work while Bender’s ghost has his arms raised.] [Cut to: Bakery. A woman removes a set of sweets from the fireplace. Fry does the same, but his sweets do not look as good. Fry is disappointed, but Bender approves of them.] [Cut to: Wheat field. Bender’s ghost passes through Fry, stares at his own hands, and hugs Fry, only to realise that Fry cannot see him.] [Cut to: Bedroom. Fry is sleeping while Bender is lying at the foot of the bed.]
the planet express crew come to visit fry. leela asks fry how he’s doing, and he just starts talking about bender, which is pretty gay. also, fry has adopted an amish (?) way of speaking, which bender copies too.
Fry: Thank you for asking, English. My life is simple, but plain. And, though Bender be gone, somehow, I feel he’s still with me. [Listening to the conversation, Bender’s ghost whimpers.] Bender’s ghost: I sure am, Brother Fry.
the robot devil has arrived too, in disguise, and reminds bender that he needs to kill fry to get his life back. bender is grateful just to be around fry and bender “kill all humans” rodriguez talks about how he could never ever kill fry.
Bender’s ghost: Sorry. I’m not gonna kill Fry. Take me to Hell for all eternity. Just as long as my little bearded meatbag gets to live.
Bender’s ghost: I would never kill Fry! Not even to save my own life! Robot Devil: But, Bender, isn’t a Robot life worth ever so much more than a Human life? Bender’s ghost: Of course not!
the robot devil makes a barn roll down the hill towards fry, with intent to kill him. bender (still a ghost) goes into the robot devil’s body and jumps in front of fry, killing the devil (and himself again?) while telling fry he loves him. yes, the first, and last thing, bender chooses to tell fry once he can hear him is “i love you!”.
also, everyone else was too busy trying not to die to care about hearing bender, but fry is shocked still and calls out to him, almost getting killed as a result of his extreme love for bender.
[Bender, in the Robot Devil’s body, runs towards Fry.] Bender’s ghost: [in the Robot Devil’s body] Fry! Fry! Look out for that bowlin’ barn! Fry: Bender?! Is that thou? Bender’s ghost: [in the Robot Devil’s body, in slow motion] I love you!
Bender’s ghost: I saved my friend. As far as I’m concerned, I won.
bender’s act of selflessness, probably his biggest in the whole series, results in him ascending to robot heaven. but he just wants to be back on earth, so he beats up robot god until he is returned.
Bender: I’m back, baby! [Zoidberg, Hermes, and Leela gasp. Fry walks up to Bender.] Fry: You’re back from the dead?! Bender: I’m back from lots of stuff. [Fry and Bender hug.] Fry: Oh, Bender, Bender, I missed you so much!
and then they make out right there with the rest of the crew watching. well, probably.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
 Buy Now    
Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
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    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
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Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
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Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
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Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
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    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
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Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
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Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Tumblr media
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Tumblr media
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
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Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
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Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
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    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
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Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
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Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
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Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Tumblr media
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Tumblr media
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
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Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
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Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
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    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
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Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Tumblr media
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Tumblr media
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
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    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
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Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
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Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
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   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
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Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Tumblr media
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Tumblr media
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
Tumblr media
The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Tumblr media
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
Tumblr media
The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Tumblr media
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Tumblr media
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
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Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
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Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Tumblr media
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
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The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Tumblr media
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Tumblr media
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Tumblr media
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Tumblr media
Streaming On-line Version
Tumblr media
Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
Tumblr media
Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
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Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
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   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
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Streaming On-line Version
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Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version
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Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
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