#i watched grease for the first time tn and loved it
rqsser · 4 months
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“Bucky has always been independent. He finds comfort in someone for maybe three hours at most in one night, but then he’s gone like nothing ever happened. Oftentimes, he walks the shoreline down at the beach to find peace. But now, he’s found himself at ease in the presence of someone, he can’t seem to get him off of his mind…”
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sabrinabailey · 5 years
I'm Not that Kind of Millennial
Let me preface this by saying that I am basing this off my own experience.
For years now, I have heard so much trash talking about the people in my generation. I have heard nothing but negativity involving me and every other millennial not knowing how to work or we’re all lazy sacks of shits. We’re always the butt of the joke in the comedy shows. I would like to point out that I am not that kind of millennial.
Millennials Don’t Have A Good Work Ethic.
Let’s not focus on the fact that the old man told me that I can’t do anything right while working at Hardees.
There was only one time where I was told that I’m unreliable. I was working for a temp agency and I failed to get to a job that I was scheduled for. After searching for jobs after a while, I called and asked if they had anything for me. She told me that I was unreliable. That lady is wrong. In my defense, it was a lack of knowledge by a couple of bus drivers. Either that, or they just didn’t care. That was the only time that I was told that I don’t have a good work ethic. I was inspired to prove her wrong.
I’ve had jobs where my employer was pleased with my performance. I worked at a casino in Ohio before moving back to Tennessee making my supervisor bummed out to see me go.
I worked at Hardee’s in Knoxville, TN and kept it for almost a year. I was fired. NOT because I didn’t have good work ethic, but because I executed a situation the wrong way. Yes, I learned my lesson.
A week after that, I started working at Sonic. I did the best that I could because I *needed* a job. I was living by myself. I worked as the cook being hounded by an angry woman (the manager) who was always pissed off because her daughter was being a hellion. Next thing I know, she picks her daughter up from her father (not even a week there) and she starts being nice to me. I was there for three months before moving back to Ohio. I left due to financial issues. Making $7.25 an hour hardly making thirty-five hours a week doesn’t help.
When I worked at Sonic in Huber Heights, OH, I quit after day three. Not because my work ethic is on the poor side, but because the management had poor work ethic. The back of the fryer looked like it hadn’t been cleaned off in over a month. Yes, grease was caked on there. I’m not entirely sure if they did anything with the grease. There was an inch thick of black gunk on the floor coming from under the coolers. The coolers were a mess because everything was disorganized, and the shelves weren’t put on the right way. There was some type of residue or gunk on the drains and they were three feet long. The grill looked as if no one had cleaned it at all. A couple of the girls had fake nails on, which is a big no, no. One person wasn’t doing anything and just sitting on her ass on top of the counter. Also, some customers on google review mentioned that the hotdogs tasted like they were cooked in a sweaty shoe. Which isn’t far from the truth.
I worked at an Italian restaurant for almost a year. I left because my boss had a poor attitude towards the restaurant. As in; the tiles on the floor came apart and he didn’t give a damn, equipment in the kitchen kept screwing up and he didn’t give a shit, and finally the equipment in the prep area kept fucking up and he still didn’t give a shit. He wouldn’t pay the maintenance man because he’s a cocky asshole who doesn’t give a damn. See why I left?
I’m now working at Kroger and have been there for nine months. Also, my first job lasted a year and a half. So, there’s that.
Millennials need constant praise in the workplace
No. Just no. If I’m asking you to observe my work, then I’m making sure if I failed to catch something. It’s perfectly fine to ask for help, sweet pea.
Millennials Are Living Off Their Parents
The only time I lived off my parents was when I was a teen. I have lived with my parents when coming back to Ohio and when I moved out of the house that I got kicked out of. In all honesty, we both got kicked out because the owner wanted to sell the house. I know, sounds sketchy. I was questioning it for a minute. Not so much anymore. Instead I’m living with my grandfather. Only because he knew that I needed a place to stay and he has a room.
Sure, I would ask for some money only because I was broke. Remember what I said about making $7.25 an hour? Yeah, I had to borrow $20, multiple times, from them for a bus pass because of that. Also, I didn’t realize that taking Lyft rides would add up very quickly.
Trust me, I sure as hell don’t want to live with or off my parents. I love them to death, but really. Come on.
Millennials Are Financially Illiterate
Well, you know what they say. Old habits die hard. But is it really our fault for not being taught not how to take care of our money? I had to learn how to save my money the hard way. I did, but I need to re-train myself how to do so nowadays.
I learned how to save my money by living on my own. While at Hardees, I was making $7.87 an hour working around forty hours a week, getting paid every two weeks. I paid my rent ($445 a month) bi-weekly, I was able to buy groceries every two weeks, and I was able to pay for a $50 monthly bus pass and a $60 phone bill.
Yes, I understand that I shouldn’t have taken a lot of Lyft & Uber rides just to get to work when it was twenty something degrees. Now, if it gets down to zero and under, then I’ll definitely go ahead and do just that.
Millennials Don’t Believe in Education and Aren’t Educated
Okay, not true. Now days, we have the internet. And in the internet, you can learn so much. There truly is no excuse for not learning anything. Whereas I have been trying my best to learn basic French. I’m not consecutively learning, but it’s a start. I’ve heard from a few people who don’t have a desire to continue their education. Personally, I can’t see a future without any form of education. Right now, I’m in my last semester of my professional writing certificate. I have two online classes left and then here I come assistant editor position.
I also plan on taking a class in Multimedia Broadcasting & Production, become certified in Microsoft Office, a two year degree in English, and (hopefully) get accepted in University of Cincinnati and take up a four year degree in English: rhetoric and professional writing with a minor in electronic media. Not necessarily in that order of course.
All Millennials Are Lazy
The assumption about all millennials being lazy is an eye roller and quite frankly boring. I’ve heard that I’m lazy my entire life. Excuse me if I like to sit down after doing nothing all day. In all seriousness, if you see me sitting around all day, it’s more than likely I’m WRITING. Or reading.  Take me for example, I’ve been writing this for a while now.
We’re All Self Absorbed
This is something that you’re making sound so much worse then what it is. Let’s define self-absorbed. Self-absorbed is an adjective that means being preoccupied with one’s feelings, interests, or situation. Well, I’m preoccupied with my interests when I don’t have anything to do or have to take care of customers. If I’m not doing anything, then let me watch cute cat or baby videos on YouTube.
All millennials are entitled?
          No, no, no, no. I’m not entitled to anything especially in the work place. The only thing I’m entitled to is a raise like everybody else.
We’re Obsessed with Technology
I’m sorry that I need to use Google Maps on my phone in order to get to somewhere I’ve never been before. If it’s not the city, then I don’t know where it is, nor do I know how to get there. Of course, we’re obsessed with technology. We didn’t live in the day when you had to use a map in order to get to where you were going. At least we’re not like the kids in the future where not only will the baby come out of your vagina, but a smartphone as well. I can already see that headline.
Thank you for taking the time to read me bitching. I hope everyone enjoyed it and maybe related to it on some level. Again, I am not that millennial, and don’t you forget about it.
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readexplorerepeat · 7 years
2016 Travels: The Good, the Bad, and the Funniest
2016 was good to us.  We were able to travel to and explore four different states in the US and two countries in Europe. We saw, ate, learned, and enjoyed different cultures, languages, food, and people. Our traveler spirit shone bright this year. We usually tell you the good and the best places to go and eat (we are all about positive thinking here!), but there are a lot of unsaid things when we post our articles. We thought it would be a good idea to actually tell you about the good, the bad, and the funniest parts of our experiences... because, let's be real, you are bound to have something funny happen when you are clumsy and curious at the same time.
THE GOOD: We visited the amazing city of New Orleans this past spring. This is a city that has my heart and my soul and I will come back to visit any chance I get. That's a promise. I can't get enough of the beautiful architecture, the folklore stories, Bourbon St, hurricanes at Lafitte's, ghost and vampires, the gorgeous cemeteries, and of course, the food. If you haven't been to New Orleans, book your trip today!
THE BAD:  Nothing too bad in this trip. But I can say that in this trip we learned two things:  always bring comfy shoes, and rain gear. While we walked towards the Harrah's Casino on day 3, a torrential rain poured down suddenly and with no warning. People, when I say torrential, I mean TORRENTIAL. We stopped at a little store and were able to get umbrellas...that lasted 10 minutes, because ALL of our umbrellas were turned upside down by the wind, and we ended up getting soaked.  every single inch our our body was soaked.  It's no fun to gamble at the casino, and walk around with wet clothes.  
THE FUNNIEST: While we eventually found the humor and were literally "dancing in the rain", one of the funniest parts was when Coco's hubby felt fearless and thought it was a good idea to climb a post on Bourbon St.  He was actually successful in his first few attempts, but he was abruptly stopped by the massive amounts of grease covering his last targeted post. His hands (and parts of his clothes) were saturated by gooey, greasy, gunk, which, by the way, was very hard to clean off.  After that, we danced with a parrot, a rabbit, a pig, and a turtle, and sang "Eye of the Tiger" at a piano bar.  Yeah, that happened.  
THE GOOD:  Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg are great places to visit with the family.  Home to DOLLYWOOD, we had an amazing time this spring.   
THE BAD: Nothing too bad happened while we traveled to TN, other than terrible traffic due to construction. Unfortunately, due to the recent wildfires in the area, many of the city's iconic sites were lost. Our thoughts are with the wonderful people of these two great towns.  
THE FUNNIEST:  Another torrential unexpected rain. While in Dollywood, and towards the end of the day, the skies broke down and rain poured like an open faucet.  We sought refuge at the main gift shop inside the park, and were able to buy an overpriced yellow rain poncho (good quality though). Thank goodness it wasn't cold, as our little 6 year old was not a happy camper.
THE GOOD: This trip was great.  It was Memorial Day Weekend, and the weather was perfect. The craft beer at Goodhops Brewery was fantastic, and the fire works at the boardwalk rounded off a fun filled night.
THE BAD: We wanted to stop by and tour the USS NC, in Wilmington, but, and I'm guessing it was because it was Memorial Day Weekend, the lines were long, and the kids were whinny.  We saw it from a distance and learned a little about too. Maybe next time.
THE FUNNIEST:  There is a town fair at the boardwalk. Our daughter made us laugh hysterically when she compared a Carousel Rooster to her daddy (my hubby). I guess she found the similarity in the long neck and height? Either way, it was a hoot!    
THE GOOD: This trip was almost perfect. We couldn't get enough of the food, the wine, the cheese, the coffee! So many places to go, so much to see, so much to do. It was simply amazing! My favorite part was when we got some wine and food to eat picnic style at the Tuileries Garden, in front of the Louvre. It was relaxing, and uplifting, and one of my favorite memories.  *Read our articles on what to eat, and what to do in Paris*
THE BAD: While we were in Paris, the EuroCup was in progress in France. Because of that, security in Paris was extra strict, which is good, but also, drunken soccer fans were everywhere.  And let me tell you, roving bands of loud drunken peoples, especially in a city you are not familiar with can be a bit scary. The Eiffel Tower perimeter was barricaded with police and body searches, and we weren't able to see the Eiffel Tower at night. Next time it is. ALSO, there was a very limited access to free WIFI around the city.  Cafe's and restaurants will lure you into thinking you can use their WIFI with "free wifi" signs, but it's a lie! They just want you to sit down and eat/drink something.  When you ask for a wifi password they will give you a bogus one. This happened in MANY cafe's (not all though) in the touristic areas. Won't fall for it next time. 
THE FUNNIEST: Everywhere we go, it seems to rain, torrentially. But luckily, this time we were prepared! We had rain jackets, umbrellas, and waterproof shoes. Bring it on rain! What I didn't count on, was the fact that rain makes dirt slippery. Imagine this: Walking down the beautiful vast gardens of the Versailles Palace, when suddenly your feet move in a skating motion trying to avoid your body from hitting the ground. You fail, and you must spend the rest of the Palace tour COVERED in mud. Covered. Did I mention I was wearing white?  Yay me! 
THE GOOD: The food. Oh the fabulous food. *what to eat while in Rome** The historical places were amazing as well. The Coliseum was breathtaking, and the weather was just perfect.
THE BAD: Our flight to Rome got cancelled. - Insert full panic mode emoji- We got a heads up that it was cancelled by calling home (to the US) and talking to a family member who happened to look at our itinerary. We spent hours on the phone with the airline trying to reschedule a flight for 6. Our flight was rescheduled for later that same day and we got complimentary food vouchers while we waited at the airport.- insert happy emoji here-. Finally, beware of pickpockets. While we didn't have any experiences with stolen goods, we were very well aware of our surroundings. Pickpockets and thieves will try to lure you into thinking you are watching a street show, or will force you into buying something you don't want. Keep all of your belongings on you at all times when navigating the streets of Rome. Sadly, many thieves will use children to lure you, so don't fall for those puppy eyes.
THE FUNNIEST: Pigeon poop.  Yes. When a pigeon scared Coco (she actually screamed) and pooped on her later. That, my friends, was epic.  On another note, while at the Rome's airport, we thought it was a good idea to stop by Starbucks and get a latte.  They asked for hubby's name (Chase), and the attendant didn't understand the name and asked again, and again...then she gave up and just wrote it down... this is what was on his cup, and that's how I will spell it forever.  
THE GOOD: Oh Helen, Georgia, home of Oktoberfest in the south. We pack our bags every year in October, and head to the mountains of Georgia. This little gem of a town, welcomes us with open arms and lots of brews and great food. We all wear our Alpine hats full of pins that we have collected over the years as memorabilia of our adventures, and try to match our outfits, and dance Polka at Festhall...yeah, I know, dorky...but it's fun! 
THE BAD: We have always been very fortunate and have had a place to stay while visiting (thanks Stephanie's parents!) but if you plan to visit this town during the Oktoberfest festivities, better book your hotel way in advance. The town is small, and the few rooms available book out very fast. It's almost impossible to find a hotel within a few weeks of the fest.  
THE FUNNY: Das Boot is always fun to play. Drink as much brew as you can from this massive boot-shaped glass and pass it along.  IF you finish all the beer in it, the person that went before you buys the next round.  We also tried some Stroh.  This exotic rum, smells delicious (butterscotch), but as soon as you taste it, it will burn your throat, like gasoline.  It tastes nothing like it smells, and it will make you cry. Yeah, it was pretty hilarious to see the boys try it.  
This year we also found wild bunnies roaming around in the parking lot, and we tried to catch them...unsuccessfully of course. But it was good exercise. 
Remember how I mentioned we like to match? That includes the matching suspenders bought for our party of 8 to wear. Those little boogers can be tricky to hook and unhook, just ask Coco. In an unfortunate bathroom incident, she simultaneously had her suspenders fly off her pants, into the toilet behind her, all while a drunken alpine dress wearing Oktoberfest goer barged into her stall. I'm sure the entire Festhall heard her startled screams.  Oh, I love Helen times!
  2016 was a great travel year for us and we are grateful to have shared our memories with all of you.  Stick around to see where 2017 will take us! It's going to be epic!
Coco & Mia 
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readexplorerepeat · 8 years
2016 Travels: The Good, the Bad, and the Funniest
2016 was good to us.  We were able to travel to and explore four different states in the US and two countries in Europe. We saw, ate, learned, and enjoyed different cultures, languages, food, and people. Our traveler spirit shone bright this year. We usually tell you the good and the best places to go and eat (we are all about positive thinking here!), but there are a lot of unsaid things when we post our articles. We thought it would be a good idea to actually tell you about the good, the bad, and the funniest parts of our experiences... because, let's be real, you are bound to have something funny happen when you are clumsy and curious at the same time.
THE GOOD: We visited the amazing city of New Orleans this past spring. This is a city that has my heart and my soul and I will come back to visit any chance I get. That's a promise. I can't get enough of the beautiful architecture, the folklore stories, Bourbon St, hurricanes at Lafitte's, ghost and vampires, the gorgeous cemeteries, and of course, the food. If you haven't been to New Orleans, book your trip today!
THE BAD:  Nothing too bad in this trip. But I can say that in this trip we learned two things:  always bring comfy shoes, and rain gear. While we walked towards the Harrah's Casino on day 3, a torrential rain poured down suddenly and with no warning. People, when I say torrential, I mean TORRENTIAL. We stopped at a little store and were able to get umbrellas...that lasted 10 minutes, because ALL of our umbrellas were turned upside down by the wind, and we ended up getting soaked.  every single inch our our body was soaked.  It's no fun to gamble at the casino, and walk around with wet clothes.  
THE FUNNIEST: While we eventually found the humor and were literally "dancing in the rain", one of the funniest parts was when Coco's hubby felt fearless and thought it was a good idea to climb a post on Bourbon St.  He was actually successful in his first few attempts, but he was abruptly stopped by the massive amounts of grease covering his last targeted post. His hands (and parts of his clothes) were saturated by gooey, greasy, gunk, which, by the way, was very hard to clean off.  After that, we danced with a parrot, a rabbit, a pig, and a turtle, and sang "Eye of the Tiger" at a piano bar.  Yeah, that happened.  
THE GOOD:  Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg are great places to visit with the family.  Home to DOLLYWOOD, we had an amazing time this spring.   
THE BAD: Nothing too bad happened while we traveled to TN, other than terrible traffic due to construction. Unfortunately, due to the recent wildfires in the area, many of the city's iconic sites were lost. Our thoughts are with the wonderful people of these two great towns.  
THE FUNNIEST:  Another torrential unexpected rain. While in Dollywood, and towards the end of the day, the skies broke down and rain poured like an open faucet.  We sought refuge at the main gift shop inside the park, and were able to buy an overpriced yellow rain poncho (good quality though). Thank goodness it wasn't cold, as our little 6 year old was not a happy camper.
THE GOOD: This trip was great.  It was Memorial Day Weekend, and the weather was perfect. The craft beer at Goodhops Brewery was fantastic, and the fire works at the boardwalk rounded off a fun filled night.
THE BAD: We wanted to stop by and tour the USS NC, in Wilmington, but, and I'm guessing it was because it was Memorial Day Weekend, the lines were long, and the kids were whinny.  We saw it from a distance and learned a little about too. Maybe next time.
THE FUNNIEST:  There is a town fair at the boardwalk. Our daughter made us laugh hysterically when she compared a Carousel Rooster to her daddy (my hubby). I guess she found the similarity in the long neck and height? Either way, it was a hoot!    
THE GOOD: This trip was almost perfect. We couldn't get enough of the food, the wine, the cheese, the coffee! So many places to go, so much to see, so much to do. It was simply amazing! My favorite part was when we got some wine and food to eat picnic style at the Tuileries Garden, in front of the Louvre. It was relaxing, and uplifting, and one of my favorite memories.  *Read our articles on what to eat, and what to do in Paris*
THE BAD: While we were in Paris, the EuroCup was in progress in France. Because of that, security in Paris was extra strict, which is good, but also, drunken soccer fans were everywhere.  And let me tell you, roving bands of loud drunken peoples, especially in a city you are not familiar with can be a bit scary. The Eiffel Tower perimeter was barricaded with police and body searches, and we weren't able to see the Eiffel Tower at night. Next time it is. ALSO, there was a very limited access to free WIFI around the city.  Cafe's and restaurants will lure you into thinking you can use their WIFI with "free wifi" signs, but it's a lie! They just want you to sit down and eat/drink something.  When you ask for a wifi password they will give you a bogus one. This happened in MANY cafe's (not all though) in the touristic areas. Won't fall for it next time. 
THE FUNNIEST: Everywhere we go, it seems to rain, torrentially. But luckily, this time we were prepared! We had rain jackets, umbrellas, and waterproof shoes. Bring it on rain! What I didn't count on, was the fact that rain makes dirt slippery. Imagine this: Walking down the beautiful vast gardens of the Versailles Palace, when suddenly your feet move in a skating motion trying to avoid your body from hitting the ground. You fail, and you must spend the rest of the Palace tour COVERED in mud. Covered. Did I mention I was wearing white?  Yay me! 
THE GOOD: The food. Oh the fabulous food. *what to eat while in Rome** The historical places were amazing as well. The Coliseum was breathtaking, and the weather was just perfect.
THE BAD: Our flight to Rome got cancelled. - Insert full panic mode emoji- We got a heads up that it was cancelled by calling home (to the US) and talking to a family member who happened to look at our itinerary. We spent hours on the phone with the airline trying to reschedule a flight for 6. Our flight was rescheduled for later that same day and we got complimentary food vouchers while we waited at the airport.- insert happy emoji here-. Finally, beware of pickpockets. While we didn't have any experiences with stolen goods, we were very well aware of our surroundings. Pickpockets and thieves will try to lure you into thinking you are watching a street show, or will force you into buying something you don't want. Keep all of your belongings on you at all times when navigating the streets of Rome. Sadly, many thieves will use children to lure you, so don't fall for those puppy eyes.
THE FUNNIEST: Pigeon poop.  Yes. When a pigeon scared Coco (she actually screamed) and pooped on her later. That, my friends, was epic.  On another note, while at the Rome's airport, we thought it was a good idea to stop by Starbucks and get a latte.  They asked for hubby's name (Chase), and the attendant didn't understand the name and asked again, and again...then she gave up and just wrote it down... this is what was on his cup, and that's how I will spell it forever.  
THE GOOD: Oh Helen, Georgia, home of Oktoberfest in the south. We pack our bags every year in October, and head to the mountains of Georgia. This little gem of a town, welcomes us with open arms and lots of brews and great food. We all wear our Alpine hats full of pins that we have collected over the years as memorabilia of our adventures, and try to match our outfits, and dance Polka at Festhall...yeah, I know, dorky...but it's fun! 
THE BAD: We have always been very fortunate and have had a place to stay while visiting (thanks Stephanie's parents!) but if you plan to visit this town during the Oktoberfest festivities, better book your hotel way in advance. The town is small, and the few rooms available book out very fast. It's almost impossible to find a hotel within a few weeks of the fest.  
THE FUNNY: Das Boot is always fun to play. Drink as much brew as you can from this massive boot-shaped glass and pass it along.  IF you finish all the beer in it, the person that went before you buys the next round.  We also tried some Stroh.  This exotic rum, smells delicious (butterscotch), but as soon as you taste it, it will burn your throat, like gasoline.  It tastes nothing like it smells, and it will make you cry. Yeah, it was pretty hilarious to see the boys try it.  
This year we also found wild bunnies roaming around in the parking lot, and we tried to catch them...unsuccessfully of course. But it was good exercise. 
Remember how I mentioned we like to match? That includes the matching suspenders bought for our party of 8 to wear. Those little boogers can be tricky to hook and unhook, just ask Coco. In an unfortunate bathroom incident, she simultaneously had her suspenders fly off her pants, into the toilet behind her, all while a drunken alpine dress wearing Oktoberfest goer barged into her stall. I'm sure the entire Festhall heard her startled screams.  Oh, I love Helen times!
  2016 was a great travel year for us and we are grateful to have shared our memories with all of you.  Stick around to see where 2017 will take us! it'g going to be epic!
Coco & Mia 
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