#i wasn't enrolled until last wednesday
i'm finally enrolled in this semester 🥲
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thesturniolos · 9 months
since we were young
m. sturniolo x reader
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summary: best friends trying to find their feet through sticky situations where feelings get in the way of almost everything.
tags: @sturnioloshacker @strniohoeee @sturniolopepsi @sturnsbaby @strawberrysturniolo @sturniolossmut @sturnioloswife @mattsneezing @mbbsgf @m4ttsturniolo @meg-sturniolo @malsturns @mattslolita @mattnchrisworld @mattitties @chrisenthusiast @creamoncreamoncream2 @chrisdevora @chrisloyalgf @nickenthusiast @klarasmith @kirby0strombolli @kenzieluvssturniolo @kenzieiskoolaid @lilasturns @lovingmattysposts @thetriplets3 @estelleswrld @urfavstromboli @oversturn @flynnriderishot @flowerxbunnie @heartsforchrisandmatt @hoesformatt @apclyptc @alluringsturniolo @byechristopher @bernardenjoyer @bluesturniolo333 @bernardsleftbootycheek @biimpanicking @noellesturniolo @mattsturniolosgf
"oh good heavens, help me! for i shall die, without you, my dear!" arielle pleads, her hands clasping around the sturniolo boy's arm.
"shut up, it's not that funny!" chris huffs, swatting her arm away, before making his way over to the chair closest to him.
chris, the youngest triplet, found himself enrolled in his schools local production of romeo and juliet, and his friends had not stopped bugging him about it since they found it.
it wasn't necessarily optional, it was more like he was forced to be in the play, otherwise his grades were going to rapidly decline, regardless of arielles study lessons.
"who's playing juliet then?" matt says, as he pops up from behind arielle, tapping her arm, making sure she caught on to the mocking session, chris was about to endure.
matt sturniolo, the middle triplet, was quite obviously the most close to arielle, and spent the majority of their time together. although what they didn't see was the endless amounts of love they shared for one another wasn't exactly platonic. well, at less that's what some people thought. arielle and matt however would argue until the end of the earth, to get people to understand that they were clearly just friends.
very close friends.
"is it sophie? we all know how much you love her!" arielle laughs, catching nicks attention.
"oooh, sophie? whos sophie?" nick says, opening the fridge, before quickly running towards the three.
nick sturniolo, the oldest and the one with the best music taste (obviously), the number one marielle shipper, almost like a diehard fan.
"she's just- she's nobody. nobody." chris flushes red and stares at arielle in what he thinks is an intimidating way, but she just finds it hilarious.
"is she someone or is she nobody, chris?" nick teases, pushing chris' arm on his way to sit down.
"she's just someone in my english class that i may have liked last year, but i don't like her now so cut it out. and anyways that's completely not the point! i have to be in this play otherwise ill fail, you know that!"
"but did you have to be romeo? matt scrunches his eyebrows, laughing a little.
"i had no choice, we were given roles randomly."
"okay, i don't care anymore. im bored, can we do something?" nick picks at his jumper, careless to the previous conversation they were having.
"god, so sorry i bored you." chris scoffs and gets up to get a drink, before asking the others if they wanted one too. to which they all replied, yes.
"um, we could go shopping?"
"okay, arielle. we've done that four times this week and it's only wednesday."
"and? it's my hobby, bro. a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do. but, that's not to say nobody else enjoys shopping as well, but from the looks on your faces, you all would beg to differ, which is absurd." arielle lectures, defending her love for shopping.
it was true. the girl loved shopping. it was all she did. she would make the triplets go shopping with her everywhere. from clothes shops to food shops, you name it, she took them with her. it was mainly because she couldn't drive, but she couldn't deny that their company was really the selling point.
the triplets love for her was practically infinite so they would do anything she wanted. although many people assumed arielle would abuse that power and just drain them for everything they had, she did the exact opposite.
after they rose to youtube fame, she stuck with them through it all. through the hate and endless amounts of hours editing and filming, she helped them as much as she could. sure she wasn't in the videos, but she was always working behind the scenes, editing, getting sponsors, coming up with video ideas, helping manage their accounts, almost like a manager.
she didn't want any credit for it and she didn't make it known she helped them so much, she just generally loved being around them.
"okay, fine. no shopping." arielle flopped onto a chair.
"how about we go to dennys?" matt suggests, making their faces light up, giving him the indication that his plan was well liked.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
"god, this food is sent from above, i swear." arielle looks up, as if to thank the heavens for her pancakes, she shoved into her mouth quickly.
"slow down, arielle. you'll choke!" matt says, laughing a little beside her.
"that's what she said." chris mumbles, although everyone heard, making arielle flush red and laugh.
"what did you get again?" nick asks arielle.
"chocolate chip pancakes with nutella and ice cream!" arielle smiles, proud of her order, almost as if she made it herself.
"ahhh, the same as matt." matt looks up and frowns.
"yeah, i tried his last time and it was way better than mine." arielle laughs, oblivious to the faces chris and nick were making at matt.
arielle sips her drink and to her dismay, finds nothing but melted ice.
"ill be back, just going to get another drink. do you guys want any?" she says getting up.
"we're okay." nick exclaims, answering for all of them.
arielle walks to the counter to be met with a familiar pair of eyes.
"omg, arielle, is that you?" the brown haired girl says, putting her hand to her chest in fake surprise.
"amy, long time no see." arielle mumbles, looking her up and down before smiling a little too enthusiastically.
"hows life been treating you?"
"just fine, can i have an apple juice please? just the one."
"of course. what table?"
arielle turns around to ask the triplets the table number when amy gasps.
"omg, is that who i think it is?" she makes her way around the work counter and towards the sturniolos.
arielle rolls her eyes and walks over to them too, with her hands on her hips in annoyance.
"it is you guys! ive missed you all so much!"
"that makes one of us." arielle mumbles, making nick laugh but chris and matt remain silent.
"well, how's life been treating you?"
"is that the only thing you can think of to say?
"excuse me?" amy says, turning around.
"oh no, it's just that you said that to me too, you know, i was just having a laugh. no hard feelings." arielle justifys, folding her arms and smiling fakely.
"oh, aha! i repeat myself a lot!"
"yeah, perhaps it's time to pull out that dictionary from the attic and broaden the vocabulary. although, you could've done with that last year in mr jones' class."
"mhm, anyways! hows things boys? any girlfriends? oh sorry! boyfriends?" she says, touching nicks arm, making him nod his head awkwardly.
"nope!" nick says, shaking his head and looking down.
"how about you matt? last time i saw you matt, all the girls were going insane over you! don't doubt they still are with those looks." she flirts absentmindedly.
"actually, yes. i do."
arielle pov:
as i hear those words come out of his mouth, a little piece in me feels like it's died.
"you do?" chris asks, scrunching his eyebrows in confusion.
"yeah. arielle." matt winks at me, whilst the girl turns around and stares at me, almost in disbelief.
"you and matt?" i nod along, feeling heat rush to my face.
why was i blushing? it wasn't like it was real. i was just a quick excuse as an escape in a stupid conversation. god, i needed to get a grip.
"well, that's great!" she says, her jaw clenching and a fake smile appearing on her face.
"well, we best be going! see you round, amy." matt gets up and walks over to me, before trailing his arm over my shoulder.
i can feel him looking at me and i instantly want to look away. we hug all the time but this is different, i can practically feel him breathing down my neck.
chris and nicks eyes were burning holes into my skin, as they looked in astonishment at matt and i.
they were shocked? i was shocked!
we all walk out the restaurant and i quickly change the subject.
"we had half our food left on that table." i furrow my eyebrows and peer into the window to look.
"so we're all going to ignore what happened then?" chris exclaims, his eyes practically coming out of his head.
"thanks for playing along with that, by the way." matt says, smiling at me.
i shouldn't feel sad about this. its actually fucking ridiculous.
"oh. no, yeah, for sure. it's cool." i answer, looking down at my feet, desperate for the moment to pass.
"now, what do we do?" nick begins walking to the car.
"we could have a sleepover, if your mom lets you."
"sure, ill ask her." i close the car door, before collapsing into the chair dramatically.
i open my phone and text my mum quickly.
momma <3
hi mom! hope everything's okay at work, would it be okay if i slept round the triplets tonight?
of course, if it's okay with mary!
thank you mum, love you!
love you too!
i go to put my phone away but am met with a pinging noise, more commonly known as my text notification.
i open my phone again to see nicks name pop up.
bird whisperer <3
Are you okay?
yeah, why?
You just seemed really off after the restaurant
no, it's okay, just wanted to finish my food hehehe
Hmmm Okay It's more than that but I'll talk to you about it later
what does he mean by that?
he couldn't know, could he? god, i hope not.
the drive back was peaceful but lowkey kinda awkward, which was a first with the sturniolos.
it was probably because of who we bumped into. what i forgot to say was that amy and matt used to be very close. like girlfriend and boyfriend close.
until well, i came back.
i moved to california when i was 13 for 3 years, but i still talked to the triplets the whole time and i didn't really get closer to anyone.
me and matt were like the iconic duo, everyone knew that. people at school, their parents, nick and chris, their friends, teachers, literally everyone.
so when i left, everybody was in shock but of course, they didn't know i was coming back and it was only temporary.
whilst, i was gone, matt met amy and they really hit it off. i wasn't salty about it when chris mentioned it at first, it was when our 2 hour calls turned into 10 minute calls and every month meet ups turned into every six month meet ups.
until i came back, and then it was like everything was normal again.
we kind of just put it all to the back of us, wanting to forget about it all.
but i always felt slightly guilty that matt just dropped amy like that. i was told she wasnt the nicest of people but that didn't mean she deserved to be treated that way. i mean, ive been in that situation and it's painful.
we never talked about her when i came back, apart from when i asked alahna what happened and even she was light on details.
so like i said, we just brushed it off like it never happened.
"arielle!" nick bumps my arm, making me turn towards him and hum in question.
"we asked if you are okay?"
"yeah, i just spaced out for a second. thinking about work, it's really hectic at the moment." i was partially lying, which made me feel a little better, although knowing nick he'd end up finding out anyways.
"so glad we don't have to go to school anymore, honestly it was so draining." chris adds, still on his phone.
"i know, but it was also such a good time as well, especially towards the end."
"yeah, i kinda miss it sometimes."
"you weren't there for half of it." matt laughs, making feel slightly uncomfortable.
i still feel guilty to this day about me moving, but i can't change the past.
"yeah. well you didn't miss much." nick says, lightening the mood.
the car stops, indicating we had gotten to their house and i open the car door to get out.
"i haven't got my stuff guys." i remember, stopping in my tracks, making the guys look my way.
"it's okay, you can wear my stuff." matt carelessly stares, as i nod.
i need to stop looking into things, we used to do this all the time. why all of a sudden does it feel different? amy didn't affect me that much.
we walk into the house and up the stairs to the kitchen.
"now what do we do, no offence but im bored as hell." i sit down on the counter, reaching for an apple in the fruit bowl.
"we could watch a movie."
"we could make a tiktok."
"no we do that everytime"
i yawn and see matt come and stand next to me, grabbing the apple from my hands and attempting to balance it on his finger.
"we could do a challenge video for YouTube." chris suggests, making our heads turn towards him and i nod in agreeance.
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mickstart · 3 months
Congrats on finishing the Ratiorine week!! Ever since about the third or fourth fic, I've been entertaining myself by imagining all the fics taking place in the same universe on a shared timeline. It just feels like they all fit so well together, being snapshots of the same relationship at different times in its development. Was a shared universe intended at all?? I'm curious lol.
Looking forward to whatever comes next~! I hope that heatwave leaves you alone
Thank you!!!! Shshsg it both was and wasn't! I wasn't like, envisioning the fics as jigsaw pieces that could fit together, but at the same time I wrote them all from pretty much my most normal, vanilla interpretation of ratiorine. (Something casual morphing into a proper thing some time after penacony) And this ended up making them work well together. I think it helps that my interpretation of both of them is pretty much set in stone until we get a major lore bomb about Ratio. (Even when it comes to their bedroom dynamics. Ratio is a service Anything and aventurine is greedy and a little desperate to take and take all the pleasure he can clutch for himself.)
For this last fic especially - however much my brain protested - I didn't let myself go into detail about How they got together and what else had changed in the process, so you could imagine either Aventurine was still working with the IPC or something like back-lead had transpired. So I guess in this sense the last one is intended to be read as a follow up to the other fics, a little promise that they will Get There eventually.
And thank you I'm excited too! I have a list of WIPs actually for both them and wriolette! Those two are the ones I'm rotating atm. Potential options below... Late WIP Wednesday I guess.
A few of the Ratiorine fics I want to write:
SFW - Motorsport au with genius chief engineer ratio and reckless driver aventurine who keeps risking his own life on the limit. Chapter fic.
SFW - there's this rlly cute art on twitter I want to write a short drabble for. Probably barely 1000 words about a drunk ratio taking a bath.
NSFW - Aventurine decides he wants to see what going to "school" is like and enrols at the university. You already know the teacher - student kink goes crazy.
NSFW - there's a mission at a casino and ratio is hot and also really attracted to how quickly aventurine can calculate mathematical odds.
General, as in it could be in these and multiple other fics: gender fuckery, more top aven, ratios comically (like badly written porn levels) sensitive chest.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Hi! This is my first time requesting so if you're not up for writing this please just ignore it.
Dragon reader whose species is almost completely extinct , Dragons are always known as big and dangerous creatures so when the murders start happening (canon murders.) Ironically during the same time she enrolls in the school everyone immediately starts blaming the reader (Because dragon bad blah blah blah.) This includes Wednesday and Enid who posts on her blog about how dangerous and murderous the reader is and how everyone should shun them. (The police don't have enough evidence to even hold the reader in a cell.) The reader is constantly beaten and considers taking her life at this point until she meets Marilyn who sees a chance to have a servant bigger , smarter and faster than the hide. So she manipulates the reader into being her lover/servant and tells the reader that actually she and Tyler are behind the murders but the reader is so deep in subspace by this point that they don't care. So Marilyn who now has no need for Tyler outs him (But doesn't out herself.) And Tyler goes to jail.
But now that everyone knows Tyler was the murderer they also know that the reader is innocent and are constantly harassing her about forgiving them and telling her that she's being Dramatic, they end up doing this so much that the reader snaps and tells everyone about how she almost ended her life and also snaps on principal Weems about how the reader reported everything to her and how nothing was ever done about it and how their racism almost cost her her life. Marilyn steps in and clams the reader down who was 2 seconds away from transforming into dragon form and afterwards a smut where Marilyn tells the reader that they are all gonna be dead soon anyways so there's no point in wasting energy on them.
That is all.
Yesss!!! Here it is!!! Sorry about the delay!!! Maybe it's too long, but no one can stop me when I'm inspired ;) I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))))
Scales of hate
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates x Fem, Student, Dragon! Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of suicide, implied slightly smut, dark themes, bad choices, bullying, depression…
Word count: 10,054
Summary: You were one of the last dragons, and when your family sent you to Nevermore, things got worse to your dangerous depression…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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When you crossed the common patio, what your new classmates called "the quad", the eyes turned towards you, all of them.
You arrived at what would be your new home, Nevermore, the most important school for outcasts in the country. You knew that in a school like that, going unnoticed was complicated, but the news seemed to spread like wildfire.
“So it's true?” A blonde girl asked, touching your shoulder. She seemed cheerful, but her face also had a certain wary feeling. Next to her was another girl, more serious and dressed in black, like one of those old movies you enjoyed so much.
“What is true?” You asked, not wanting to be too abrupt. Socializing wasn't your strong suit, but you also didn't want to make a bad first impression.
“Well, that… That you are…” The blonde girl said, avoiding contact with your red eyes.
“A dragon,” the other girl finished. She seemed like she had no problem looking into your eyes, her appearance was perhaps a little arrogant.
You sighed and, seeing the zero need to lie, you nodded, crossing your arms.
“Well, yes I am, but people usually call me, (Y/N),” you responded ironically.
“Wow… You know? We had never had dragons in Nevermore, the teachers told us that they had been extinct for years,” the girl Said, sighing with some relief. Everyone acted that way when they knew your nature, with the passage of time, you stopped giving it importance.
Comically and with some sarcasm you looked at yourself, shaking your head.
“Well, here I am,” you said dryly. You looked at the other young woman, who seemed to be studying you thoroughly with her eyes.
“I see… I'm Enid, by the way,” she said, extending her hand towards you. You hesitated, but your senses immediately identified the particular scent of a werewolf, so you shook her hand briefly.
“Principal Weems puts a lot of things at risk in this school,” the other girl said, arms crossed, narrowing her eyes at you. You were used to hearing worse things.
“Wednesday…” Enid whispered, nudging her. “You shouldn't make her angry the first day… You know, teeth, claws… An enormous size…”
You smiled wryly, with the same defiant look with which she looked at you.
“That I'm here bothers you?” You asked with a soft tone. It was not easy for you to lose your temper, the consequences were terrifying.
“I don't know, it depends,” Wednesday said, tilting her head. “I have read many books about dragons, and none of them said good things.”
“Oh, the books, of course. Literature never did us justice,” you said, wanting to escape as quickly as possible.
“30 books that say the same thing can't be wrong.”
You frowned and noticed how your breathing began to quicken. Luckily at that moment the principal appeared, with a smile faker than a $15 bill.
“(Y/N), how lucky you are here…”She said, sighing with a strange relief. You could see prejudice everywhere, your life was always like this, people used to be nice, but only because they thought that at some point you would transform and slaughter everything in your path.
“Principal Weems…” Your two companions sighed.
You didn't say anything, you just took one last look at that dark, distrustful young woman and let yourself be guided by Weems, who seemed to almost push you offstage.
“I'm glad you're starting to get to know your classmates,” Larissa said, as you went up some stairs.
“They looked very enthusiastic about having me here,” you said ironically. The woman didn't say anything, she just gave you a fake smile while she handed you a set of keys in front of a door that was different from the others.
“This is your room,” she said. You nodded and looked at the three keys and then at the door. Three locks, of course.
“What about my roommate?” You asked, when Larissa told you which key went in which lock. “Shouldn't you introduce her to me?”
“Oh, well, I thought that perhaps you would be a little more comfortable if you were alone, your uncle told us that you didn't like the company too much,” she explained. You nodded passively and listlessly.
“And the thing about the armored bedroom is for my privacy, right?” You asked sarcastically as you opened the locks.
“It's a new system that we're testing, you know, to prevent students from "breaking the rules," you know what I mean,” she said, winking at you.
You widened your eyes at that pathetic excuse and made a sour face for the woman to get out of there.
“All your stuff is here, put things to your liking, tomorrow you'll start classes oh, and one last thing…” She said, making you look again through the door that you were already closing. “Put your uniform.”
You didn't say anything and frowned, giving that draconic look that you knew scared people, thus putting your theories to the test. Larissa stepped back and put on a bigger and more fake smile.
“Well, if, if you want to, of course,” She said with a broken voice. You rolled your eyes and closed the door in the middle of a standard formal parting sentence.
You took a look at your room. It was dark, with a small window. It was no longer just that the door had three locks, or that you were at the top of the school, cut off from the rest of the world. It seemed like you were in some kind of jail. You drew the curtains to find the next surprise.
“Bars? Really?” You asked to yourself, when you opened the window. “There is nothing like feeling at home...”
Sighing, you fell back on the bed and reflected on the last events of your life.
You didn't know much about your family, about your parents. They died when you were just a baby. You've lived with your father's brother since that. He told you lies about losing your parents, until one day, in one of your usual tantrums as a little girl, you wreaked havoc on your uncle's little farm. Then the truth came out.
You were a dragon, one of the last, if not the last. Your parents were too, but unfortunately in small towns people didn't have an open mind.
Centuries and centuries of bad fame, of series and movies where the dragon was the enemy, the terrifying being that came to end humanity, had made a dent in the population, causing them, after an incident that occurred in the town, to blame your parents.
The police did not have enough evidence, they were innocent. But people wanted revenge instead of a rational explanation. They died after a mob of people with pitchforks and torches. You survived thanks to being hidden.
The rest of your life was a concert of prejudices, prohibitions and punishments. Looks of fear and hatred from everyone, cruel advances from your former colleagues. Basically hell. Nevermore didn't seem like the solution and you didn't have to see it for yourself. You knew it well days before you arrived.
You were mired in a very serious depression and your problems did not seem to go away, not even with the treatments of the well-paid psychiatrist who used to treat you, or rather, prescribe you a bottle of painkillers every two weeks.
You left that bottle of pills on the table and you stared at it, as you did every day for a while. You always thought horrible things, give up, stop living in misery, stop living indeed.
You were a coward, you never dared to do it. You were also delusional, thinking that the next day would be better, that there was still some hope. Day after day, you were wrong.
Nevermore seemed to be a refuge for all the outcasts. It was sold as the only opportunity for those who had been rejected by society. Lies. You couldn't leave your room without seeing terrified looks towards you, without comments and stupid questions about how many cities you had razed, if you had ever killed, or if you were dangerous.
They were partly right. You had strength greater than any creature that resided there, you could outrun anyone, you could fly, you could spit fire. You were a terrifying creature, but harmless. Years of self-control by your family forced you to contain your abilities, not to respond to ridicule, to pretend to be a weak girl, without a soul, without the desire to defend yourself, without the desire to exist.
Being on your uncle's farm at least you were allowed to transform from time to time, fly around, feel free. You couldn't do it in Nevermore, Larissa made it very clear to you when you arrived.
Although apparently that girl Enid seemed somewhat closer than the others, she didn't usually get close to you either. In your first classes there was a great void around you, as if you were a carrier of some infectious disease. You could smell the fear, the hate, the rejection.
At least you had the woods. Every afternoon, you went out to vent among the trees. Roaring in rage, pulling out your claws and knocking down a tree along the way. No one saw you there, it was the closest thing to being free, the only thing that made you not look with desire at that bottle of pills.
“Twelve seconds, a new record…” You sighed, panting, stopping your watch.
It was a rainy afternoon, the perfect weather to run and unleash your destructive instincts. You leaned against a tree and looked up at the gray sky, while the raindrops fell on your face.
“Sheriff, honestly, I doubt it was a bear,” a voice that caught your attention said, making you automatically turn your head towards the source of the sound.
Stealthily, you approached what looked like a crime scene. There was a police car and two people examining something in the rain.
“Where is the right arm?” the man asked, who looked like the sheriff of the town.
“It's the only thing that's missing,” the woman who was next to him replied.
You hid behind a tree and had to hold back a scream when you saw what looked like body parts scattered around the area.
“Oh shit,” you whispered, listening carefully to the conversation.
“It's already the third, Donovan, what are we going to tell the press?”
 “What do I know…” The man replied, looking in your direction. “Tell them the bear is back.
“But sheriff…”
“I know, I know. I'm pretty sure this all has to do with that bloody school, but until I find out the truth, it's going to be a fucking bear.”
You listened carefully, trying not to be discovered, because they were looking around. Immediately all your alarms turned on. Several heinous crimes, a dragon, Nevermore. You just had to connect concepts.
You escaped from the place as fast as you could, being a bit unsettled by that information. It could be you, but you were sure it wasn't, it had been more than ten years since you lost control of your actions enough to forget about something like that, besides, the victim looked like a hiker, not a student of Nevermore, which would be your most likely target.
“Well, in today's class, we will talk about one of the most fearsome creatures that exist,” the teacher of "dangerous creatures" began to explain “Dragons.”
You looked up, noticing how the eyes of your companions immediately settled on you. You ignored them and frowned at the teacher.
“Well, for centuries, humanity has feared these monstrous creatures, responsible for destroying several cities and killing and devouring millions of people.”
A raised hand caught your attention. It was Wednesday, the sinister girl who questioned you the day you arrived.
“Mrs. Frampton, what drives a dragon to destroy? Is its nature?” She asked, looking at you out of the corner of her eye.
You knew how scared they were of you at school, but that question seemed a bit strange to you, but just to you. Everyone else was looking at the teacher curious to hear the answer.
“Very good question, Wednesday. Well, many experts have come to the conclusion that, regardless of having a human form or not, these creatures always have the instinct to kill, to destroy. It is said that every time a dragon is born, humanity loses a century of life expectancy. Fortunately, these specimens are practically a rarity.”
“Rarity? What about me?” You said, drawing the attention of the whole class.
“Ms. (Y/N), raise your hand to speak...” the teacher said, without looking at you.
“Excuse me, but I think I have the right to speak,” you said, getting up from the chair. “What you are telling is a pack of lies.”
“Sit down, (Y/N), don't make me have to call Weems,” the teacher said, taking several steps back, since you always sat in the front row.
“What you are saying is false,” you said, doing mental exercises as your uncle taught you. If you didn't, things could get ugly. “Dragons don't have destructive instincts, that's what petulant writers with their ass glued to their chairs who have no idea what they're talking about say.”
“Oh, and I suppose you have more information, don't you?” Frampton asked, her voice shaking.
“Dragons have always been defenders of peace and nature until some lords with spears and bows decided that they should slaughter them to the point of extinguishing them.”
“Of course, and those guardians of nature defended it by killing innocent people…” Wednesday said, from the back of the class.
“You have no idea what you're talking about…” You sighed, starting to feel too nervous.
A few knocks on the door interrupted this tense confrontation. Principal Weems peeked out sheepishly.
“Excuse me, Cynthia, can I take (Y/N) with me for a moment?” She asked. You looked at her scared, you didn't have a good feeling.
“Yes, please…” The unpleasant teacher sighed. You clenched your fists and walked through the aisle of desks, while you listened to how your classmates moved their chairs away from you as far as they could.
“What's wrong?” You asked when you left the class. Larissa shook her head, but she didn't answer, simply motioning for you to follow her to your office.
When you entered the eccentric office, you noticed something disturbing. The sheriff and his deputy were there.
“Is that her?” The man asked, looking at you suspiciously. You didn't say anything, looking at Larissa, who nodded with that fake smile that got on your nerves.
“Please, (Y/N), sit down,” Larissa told you kindly. “This is Sheriff Galpin and his deputy, Agent Santiago. They want to ask you some questions.”
“Me? Why?” You asked, while you sat down.
“Relax, it will only be a moment,” the assistant answered you, with a tone of false kindness.
“Well, (Y/N), your file is amazing…” The sheriff said, flipping through some papers. “I must admit that when they told me you were a dragon, I expected something more… Terrifying…”
You didn't respond to that comment and you noticed how your hands began to sweat, slightly showing your scales, something that embarrassed you.
“Well... tell me, miss, where were you yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon approximately?” He asked, turning on a recorder. You immediately widened your eyes and looked everywhere, feeling cornered.
“This is an interrogation?” You asked annoyed, confused.
“It's just a few questions, (Y/N), it's okay,” Larissa told you, resting a trembling hand on your shoulder.
You snorted and after blinking several times, you cleared your throat.
“I was in the woods,” you said sincerely.
“What were you doing in the woods?”
“Running. I go running every afternoon,” you answered again. You had nothing to hide, although the image of that torn apart body was still very present in your head. That interrogation had something to do with it, you were convinced.
“Yesterday was a rainy day…” the sheriff said, with a suspicious look.
“I like the rain,” you answered.
“And this boy? Do you like him?” He asked you, handing you the photograph of a young boy. You looked at it well. You've seen it before, at least his head. It was the murdered boy. You shook your head, handing the photo back.
“I don't know who he is,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Are you sure?” Galpin insisted. “Because by chance this poor boy was seen entering the woods at 4 in the afternoon and half an hour later he was found dead. What a coincidence.”
“What are you insinuating?” You asked, noticing the sweat falling from your forehead.
“I'm insinuating that you were in the woods at the same time, and, well, given your nature, it's not unusual to think that…”
“Oh no, please…” You sighed, almost laughing. “You're not thinking that I was the one who…”
“The body was found brutally dismembered, obviously in a way impossible for a human being, but that fits a creature of your characteristics,” the sheriff interrupted. You shook your head, unable to properly respond to those accusations. You looked at Larissa, asking for help, some support, a presumption of innocence. You only found more prejudice in her look, concern.
You had heard how Weems seemed to want to defend Nevermore at all costs, but you saw how those rumors seemed not to be true, rather it seemed that she thought you were guilty. It would be useless to want to defend yourself. You were there, at the scene of the crime, you were a monster.
The only thing that could save you at that moment was the advice of your uncle, a lawyer before he became a farmer. They not were comfortable with your presence on the farm, but he respected family above all else, and he helped you whenever he could.
“I have not done anything. I was only there by chance,” you said, trying to appear sure, firm.
“We'll see about that, for now, come with me to the police station…” Galpin said, gesturing for you to get up. You looked back at Weems, who seemed to indicate with her eyes that you do as you were told.
The whole school saw you walk out with the sheriff, enough humiliation for that day.
There they took your fingerprints, a more official statement, but they let you go, they had no real evidence for their misfortune, but they warned you that they would be after you.
You walked around the quad, ready to go back to your room and sink into bed, crying. But the gazes of all the students were strangely riveted on their mobile phones and glanced at you from time to time.
You didn't understand anything, but you knew that something very bad was happening. Larissa told you that one of the students had a blog in which she shared things about Nevermore and other gossip things. As if by a premonition, thanks to the extraordinary abilities of your ancestors, you picked up your phone and took a look at the blog.
Your suspicions were fulfilled. There was a new article in it, talking about you, how dangerous you are, with information that the stupid Frampton must have told them, about your species, the danger people are in with you and how avoiding you could save their lives.
You were burning with rage and the scales were beginning to show on your skin. With your eyes, you looked for the author of that infamous blog, Enid, the cheerful and gossipy werewolf from Nevermore. You soon located her, chatting with her friends at one of the tables. Puffing, blowing smoke out of your nose, you moved closer to her.
“Hey, what are you up to? What the hell does this mean?” You asked abruptly, showing the phone to the young woman, who seemed scared when she saw you.
“Don't talk to Enid that way, you monster,” a girl with sunglasses said unpleasantly.
“Well, then she shouldn't talk like that about me,” you said. “Hey, why did you write that?” You asked the young woman, who seemed to be trembling with terror.
“Enid only does a public service,” Wednesday answered, appearing behind you. You shook your head with a desperate smile on your face.
“Look, you have fed me,” you said, taking a step closer to the blonde, who had hidden behind the vampire.
“Hey, don't come any closer.” A boy approached you. He was wearing a ridiculous wool cap for what you assumed was one of those disturbing gorgons. He was not alone, a gang of what looked like bodyguards accompanied him.
 “Ajax…” The blonde murmured.
You didn't understand what that attitude was about. You never hurt anyone, ever. Now you were seeing how a whole school of people who were supposed to be just as mistreated as you were terrified by your presence.
“I'm not going to do anything to her, I just want her to delete her last blog entry…” You explained, fed up.
“You shouldn't exist,” a boy said, hidden behind the gorgon boy.
Some murmurs proved that he was right and they began to approach you, you did not know with what intention.
“Leave me alone,” you said when everyone started pushing you. Your self-control exercises were not enough for such a threatening situation. It was absurd to think that any of them had any chance of scratching you, but getting angry was not the best of their options. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the words that accused you of being a murderer while those who thought they were the bravest shoved you.
Your body was relaxed and in the end you were knocked to the ground. In your head you imagined calm hills, a sky full of clouds, while you felt the feet of your companions on your back. Your heart was beating fast and you were unable to concentrate. Anger began to rise through your body, your hands began to shake and you opened your eyes, screaming loudly.
All the people who were hitting you immediately shot away. Some came back for you, this time with the humiliation of having exposed their ridiculous strength. You got rid of them one by one, throwing them against the wooden tables.
When you realized what you had done, it was already too late. No one had proof that you were the one who murdered that boy in the woods, but now you just gave it to them. The bullies no longer approached and looked at you in terror.
“I'm sorry, I…” You stammered, looking at the girls that were still at the table, hallucinating. All except Wednesday, who looked at you with satisfaction.
“My God, (Y/N)…” A voice interrupted that tense moment of silence. One of your teachers, Marilyn Thornhill, came up to you with wide eyes.
She was not like the rest. It's not that she had a special attitude towards you or anything like that, but at least she didn't seem to act like the other teachers and she treated you well. You liked her from the first time you saw her, but your depression and the trouble you started to get into had made you to forget your feelings. Now she had seen you hit your mates and that would lead to Weems, and Weems, to the sheriff.
“I…” You said, watching all the guys you hit get up.
It was too much. There was no longer any doubt that you were the murderer. You had just demonstrated your outrageous strength in front of them and a teacher. It was only a matter of time before they came for you, that they took you to the police station, that they sent you to jail or a mental hospital for lack of a better guilty. It was a small town, and you knew how small towns worked.
You were cornered and you had no other options. You had to run away, run away forever. You escaped from the courtyard and quickly went up the stairs. Luckily no one seemed interested in chasing you. You closed the door from the inside and after several minutes crying non-stop you got up and took your hand to the bottle of pills.
Live a miserable life or end it all. At that time you were looking at the pills with trembling hands. A creature like you couldn't be locked up in a jail or a mental institution. You would die slowly.
“Better now…” You sighed, opening the bottle.
The minutes pass and with them, the hours. You were not brave. Not even in the horrible situation you were in you could act. There was no light in your room anymore, it was night. It was weird that no one had come looking for you by then. You didn't think about that anymore, you just debated between life and death with a lost look and your thoughts wandering, as if your own mind was trying to distract you so you wouldn't make that horrible decision.
Just when you finally seemed determined to end it all, someone knocked at your door. Too late, they were already coming for you. You could transform, break the bars and run out the window, it would be easy. But your body stopped. You did not move from your position and the knocks on the door were repeated.
“(Y/N)? Open the door, please, It’s Miss Thornhill…” It was heard behind the armored door. You didn't expect that. It wasn't Larissa, it wasn't the sheriff, it was your botany teacher. You shook your head and put the bottle down on the table again, while hesitatingly you went to the door, turning the keys.
The redhead surprisingly seemed to be alone. She was holding a tray like the ones in the dining room and on her face there was a smile with a tenderness that you had never seen in that school.
“Hi honey, can I come in?” She said softly. You still suspected it was a trap and hesitated, leaning on the door.
“What do you want? Are you coming alone?” You asked, getting nervous again. She looked at you pityingly and shook her head, still smiling.
“I come alone, (Y/N). I was thinking that you would be hungry...” She said, moving the tray.
Your stomach rumbled at the sight of the dinner you had forgotten about and you seriously meditated for a few seconds. Marilyn hadn't acted like the rest of the people in Nevermore, she didn't seem like someone to run away from. After a few seconds, you decided to open the door all the way and let her in.
The redhead walked into your room and she gestured for you to sit on the bed. She sat next to you and put the food on your lap.
“Tell me the truth. Weems sends you to take me with her, right?” You said, starting to eat dinner. “I’m arrested, punished, or both…” She laughed.
“No, honey, you're not arrested…” She said, staring at you as you wolfed down your dinner. You stopped eating and frowned. You were a bit confused. It is true that she was different, but in the time you had been in Nevermore, she did nothing to get close to you.
“I don't believe it, you were there when I hit those boys…” You whispered, setting the tray aside. Marilyn agreed.
“Yes, I saw everything, that's precisely why you're not punished,” she replied.
“Sorry, but I don't understand…” You murmured, shaking your head.
“I've seen how they messed with you, (Y/N), I can't say that this was the right action, but surely anyone in your place would have defended themselves. Don't worry, Weems knows it and she's not going to do anything.”
“What? Why not? Everyone here thinks I'm a dangerous killing machine,” you said, surprised. Marilyn laughed again. Her attitude was one of the strangest for you, but her tone of voice reassured you, she gave you peace.
“Not all of them, (Y/N), I don't think so,” she said tenderly, caressing your cheek. Your body began to burn at the strange sensation of her hand against your skin. Surely your cheeks would have already given you away and would be red.
“Do you... Do you think I'm innocent?” You asked, astonished. You knew that she was normi, that she had no power. If there was anyone with real reason to fear you, it was her, someone who was completely unaware of this world of outcasts in which you lived. But quite the opposite, she seemed like she was the only one who believed you. Little by little the idea of the bottle of pills faded away.
“I don't think so, (Y/N), I'm sure,” the redhead said, removing her hand from your cheek and looking at you now with a melancholic air. “You will find it incredible, but I know what you feel, despite not being a creature as magnificent as you.”
You couldn't help but smile. No one had ever told you that dragons were magnificent. You were so moved that even tears came back to your eyes.
“Wow, you're the first to think that way,” you said in a whisper. She smiled again, but she took a breath to continue speaking.
“I know what it's like to feel alone, (Y/N). I lost my family when I was very young, and I have always lived between two worlds. I was always too odd for normies and not odd enough for outcasts. I have lived all my life in an isolated limbo.”
You listened to her story carefully. It had quite a few things in common with yours, even if it wasn't a scaly, fiery creature.
“I, I'm sorry,” you said feeling sorry for that woman, who seemed like the kindest person in Nevermore.
“Don't worry, I've gotten used to it. Listen to me, (Y/N), don't waste time with those wretches,” she told you, now looking at you fixedly, with a slightly darker tone. “They don't deserve your attention.”
“I don't want their attention, I want them to leave me alone, I haven't done anything to them…” You said, crossing her arms. Marilyn sighed and nodded.
“They, their nature is to hate the different ones and make an excuse that they are the ones who suffer hate. They are like that, honey.”
“So why am I not like that? Well, I mean, I'm one of them too,” you said, thinking of those words. You couldn't find a way to not agree with her.
“You have nothing to do with them. You are unique, they are hundreds. They are cowards, arrogant... But you shouldn't worry about them, do you hear me? They don't deserve you to cry for them... “ Marilyn said, a little closer, almost in a whisper.
You agreed. Perhaps you expected another type of speech, someone who told you that you were all the same or something like that. However, she also seemed to have been teased by Nevemore. How such a kind and innocent woman could feel this way made you realize that she was right. They were arrogant, they did not share they world, they did not let anyone who was different enter it, a different outcast and a normi seemed to be the cause of their problems. Old stories that your uncle used to tell came to your mind. How hate was able to transform people.
“In any case, (Y/N), even if it doesn't help, maybe you could stop by the conservatory some afternoon, and so you can talk to me about your problems and I'll talk to you about mine, is that okay with you?”
You smiled at the proposition. You were no longer alone and you were beginning to realize it. You could not fix everything, at least you could escape the black hole in which you lived for a moment.
The following weeks were somewhat different. Everyone in Nevemore continued to hate you, but little by little you began to ignore them, to contain your rage when someone pushed you or insulted you. It was partly thanks to Marilyn. You listened to her and after classes you began to visit her in the conservatory. You both talked, you laughed... It was a somewhat strange relationship, but it was a relationship. She wasn't afraid of you, she always told you so.
The small attraction you felt towards her intensified. You didn't know if it was because of the pity she showed you, out of pity, but she treated you well, she caressed you from time to time, she listened to you, she understood you...
“Blue moon?” You asked, while you watered the plants.
“Yes, it happens every many years and it sure is a sight worth seeing, don't you think?” Marilyn said, leaning on her desk.
“Maybe it is…” You said joking. She smiled.
“So? Shall we meet tonight in the woods? I promise you won't regret it,” the redhead said, getting a little closer to you.
You turned red, a night meeting, in the middle of nowhere. You knew there was chemistry between you, but your fantasies always stayed inside your room, they never came out. At that time many images were going through your head. Did she feel the same way about you? Or were you just two outcasts in a outcasts’ school? If you wanted to resolve those doubts, you should go to the woods that night.
“Um, okay… Tonight in the woods…” You said with a smile. She laughed and without expecting it, she gently kissed your cheek, leaving you paralyzed.
You left school when the moon shone with all its splendor. Somewhere howling was heard. Your stomach turned at the thought of your companions. Having someone to talk to, managed to bring out some hatred that you had generated towards all your classmates. You might think that hate was wrong, that it's the opposite of love, but Marilyn never said that. She always agreed with you. At first you found the way she talked about them shocking, but soon you enjoyed her cruel comments, always with that innocent smile.
There was no need for light in the woods, the moon was more than enough. You hadn't seen Marilyn, but you were very confident, you were convinced that she would show up.
The lake reflected the moon while you waited for… Your date? You had left early, so you were not in a hurry, you dedicated yourself to throwing stones and making them bounce in the water. Time passed little by little and your nerves began to send you warning signs. There was no sign of the redhead.
You sat on the cool grass, looking at your phone from time to time. No one showed up for an hour. Perhaps something had happened, but it seemed unlikely to you. That she would consider meeting you alone for the night as inappropriate was much more likely.
Sighing with great disappointment, you got up and brushed the grass off your clothes, heading back. A creak behind you stopped your steps. You looked up at the trees, which swayed in the wind.
“Marilyn?” You asked the air, without getting an answer. You weren't scared, you were always the one who scared others, but a chill ran down your back and your senses focused on a dark figure that, thanks to your vision, you could distinguish between the trees.
The wind sent signals to your fine ears. Unfamiliar growls could be made out in that same direction. You had no reason to run, but curiosity made you go closer to the trees. A black shadow pounced on you.
It was a monster. A monster with disproportionate claws and eyes. You fell to the ground in fright, looking at how that creature roared with satisfaction, raising its claws to attack you. Your reflexes acted in your favor, causing you to roll on the ground, escaping the claw.
“Shit!” You yelled, leaping to your feet as the monster roared at having missed. You became defensive, surrounding that creature, which kept stalking you, hitting you with claws from which you could miraculously escape.
Failing to attack you, the monster went into a rage, rushing back at you. This time you were able to get your claws out, grabbing his, sinking into the grass by the force that that dark being did. You couldn't think straight, the fury of that thing was inexhaustible. The image of that devastated hiker passed through your mind. You didn't take long to relate concepts. Surely that would be the monster responsible for those crimes.
Now it was clear to you, if you managed to defeat him, you could clear your name and put the constant visits from the sheriff and the blatant interrogations behind you.
“Okay, you horrible thing, you're going to do me a big favor…” You sighed when you felt how one of his claws scratched your skin, making a wound and tearing your clothes. “You wanted it.”
You took off the trench coat you always wore and began to gasp, your eyes beginning to glow dangerously. It was a clear, lonely place. You could see the lights of the academy, but no one would notice.
The monster stopped mugging you, it just looked at you curiously, while your clothes were torn. Your teeth grew, the scales on your skin turned red, and your body grew and grew. With a roar, you jumped, when, under the blue moon, a majestic red dragon appeared. Feeling like this was a relief for you. It had been too long since you felt that way. Your wings moved, keeping you in the air.
Like a wolf howling at the moon, you roared. You looked down, seeing the monster now as if it were a mere puppy.
With just one claw, you knocked that creature down, smashing it against a tree, which snapped, causing an even more sinister rumble that night.
The monster didn't seem to want to give up, and he stood up, snarling in fury. You went down to the ground, approaching that strange being with a roar, ready to do justice. His claws reached your chest, but immediately after, you grabbed that monster by the neck, lifting it off the ground. The creature roared in fury, digging its claws into your arm. You were going to squeeze that thing until it burst, but before you could, a voice appeared in the woods.
“Tyler, stop it!” It was Marilyn, who appeared among the trees. The monster stopped moving, stopped resisting.
You looked at the woman, surprised. The situation had turned absurd in a matter of a second. Marilyn was talking to that monster, while she was looking at you with admiration.
“(Y/N), do you hear me?” She asked, looking at you curiously. The shock made you paralyze, but you soon nodded, implying that you understood her. You were unable to speak while transformed, but you still had full consciousness.
“Please, let it go,” she said to you, with a somewhat fearful voice, and it was not for less, she was talking to a dragon.
You looked at that monster, which was hanging from your claws. Now it seemed harmless and questions began to appear in your mind from all possible places. Wanting a million answers, you set the monster down gently and began to relax, shrinking in size, gradually returning to your human form.
When you were in your normal form, you ran for your trench coat and quickly covered yourself with it, your gaze fixed on that creature, who was waiting patiently next to the redhead.
“What's going on? What... What is that thing?” You said, shivering with cold. Marilyn didn't seem nervous being around that monster and that was very disturbing.
“Calm down, (Y/N), it's harmless,” she told you, not answering any of your questions. You looked at that creature and then at the redhead, who looked at you satisfied. “You are incredible, (Y/N), a magnificent creature, just as I thought…”
After those words you shook your head, feeling dizzy from the transformation, but above all from the confusion.
“I... I don't understand anything...” You said again, with a hand over your eyes, making an effort to understand.
“Soon you'll understand, honey. Tyler, become human again,” she told the monster, which agreed immediately, reducing its size and transforming into a boy, more or less your age. He was staring at you with a half smile. “Please go get dressed right now.”
The boy looked at Marilyn and nodded again and went into the trees. The fact that he was naked went completely unnoticed by you. Marilyn looked at you curiously and moved closer to you, placing a hand on the wound that protruded from your chest.
“Are you okay, honey?” She asked with a tender but disturbing voice.
“It's just a scratch…” You said nervously, moving away from her touch.
“Well, scratch or not, it has to be healed…” She said, ignoring your desire to back off.
The boy appeared again, now dressed. You, who were waiting for the redhead's caresses on your chest, looked over her shoulder, keeping an eye on that mysterious boy.
“Oh, don't worry about Tyler…” Marilyn said, covering yourself well with your trench coat. “He does what I tell him.”
“I... I don't understand anything...” You said, overwhelmed by the circumstances.
“It's very simple, (Y/N). Tyler, come here,” Marilyn said. The boy moved automatically, like he was some kind of robot, getting right in front of you. “Shake hands with (Y/N), she has been a formidable rival for you, don't you think?”
Tyler reached out his hand for yours. You were suspicious, you had seen what that boy was, despite his angelic face. You shyly shook his hand and he smiled.
“I've never seen anything like this, you're very strong, (Y/N),” he told you with a soft, innocent voice.
You shook your head, speechless. You winced as your wounds began to demand your attention.
“Come with me, honey… Let's heal you to a place where we can talk. Tyler, you drive.”
You got into a car with the boy and Marilyn and after five minutes of traveling in complete silence, you arrived at an apparently abandoned house.
You didn't understand anything, but you followed the redhead into the building. It was a dilapidated house, but well preserved, especially one of the bedrooms on the upper floor. Marilyn sat you on the bed and caressed your cheek, studying your reactions. You were almost in shock, with a lost look. Tyler was also standing there, expressionless, looking at you.
“What are you doing there like an idiot? Go get the first-aid kit,” Marilyn ordered, pointing to the door.
“Yes, Laurel.”
You blinked at the way the boy called your teacher and you were finally able to react.
“Laurel?” You asked. She looked at you with a mischievous smile and nodded, sitting down next to you.
“It's a long story, (Y/N), but don't worry, I'm going to tell you…” She said, uncovering your wounded chest. You instinctively covered yourself and she smiled amused.
“Are you ashamed?” She asked jokingly. You nodded, realizing there was nothing under that coat. “You mustn't honey, you can trust me… The question is… Can I trust you?”
You were going to babble nonsense, but Tyler came back into the room with a white box.
“Wait outside,” Marilyn told him. He nodded, and giving you a strange smile, he left the room.
When it was just her and you, avoiding your defensive movements, she managed to take off your coat, slipping it off your shoulders.
“Be nice, will you?” The redhead said, pulling your hands away. You stopped fighting. That was so strange that not even your shame was able to outshine it.
“I don't understand anything…” You whispered, hissing in pain as Marilyn began to heal your wounds.
“Tyler is a Hyde,” she said dryly, glancing at you briefly. “A powerful creature that obeys the commands of a master.”
“A Hyde? Mrs. Frampton never told us about…”
“Oh, of course,” Marilyn said, laughing. “Those idiots never see beyond themselves. There are more Hyde in the world than dragons, but they prefer to mess with you, typical of the outcasts, harass the weakest.”
“You… You say that he obeys a master… You….”
“Yes, it's me. I managed to unlock it shortly after arriving at Nevermore. It's easy to do it if you know how,” she said without giving importance to the fact that she had a terrible monster under her orders.
You thought of each of the revelations. Monster, hiker, deaths. Soon some dark areas began to lighten in your mind.
“The hiker… So it was Tyler who…”
She nodded impassively, while she passed some bandages over your chest, wrapping the wound well. When she finished, she sighed and unexpectedly placed a brief kiss on your lips. If you hadn't been so confused and scared, you would have trembled at that unexpected act. You opened your mouth to say something, but found no words. It was all so surreal that you thought it was a dream, or a nightmare, a nightmare-dream, or something like that.
“Why?” You asked. Not even you were able to know if you were asking about the monster or about the kiss.
“Because I like you…” She said, amused, putting your coat back on. “You are beautiful and very strong...”
You blushed, but before falling captivated by her words, you shook your head.
“No, I don't mean… I mean… why a Hyde? What do you want it for?”
“Oh, my sweet girl... You're so innocent... I need it to get rid of all those Nevermore outcasts. You see, my name is not Marilyn Thornhill. My name is Laurel Gates,” you nodded with wide eyes, ignoring the first part of her words.
“Laurel Gates…” You repeated with a small voice. The name was not at all familiar to you.
“Yes. I’m the daughter of what was the most important family in Jericho, I descend directly from Joseph Crackstone, the founder of the town and well... This is my house, by the way.”
“Um…” You stammered, desperate because that information seemed irrelevant to you.
“My family had been fighting for centuries to end this scourge of outcasts, to purify the place where their children grew up, but unfortunately, those soulless beasts ended their lives. Nevermore and all his spawns killed my family, I was left alone.”
You now began to understand, not only what had happened that night, but also all the strange phrases that she said from time to time in your talks in the conservatory. Things about how bad your peers were, about the supremacist nature of outcasts.
“Them?” You asked. She nodded, her expression hardening for a moment, before smirking.
“But, it will soon be over, (Y/N),” she said, patting your legs. “My family was always one step behind them, I have… Another way of doing things, a little more… Supernatural one… Tyler is just a pathetic simple tool to get everything I need. And now is when my proposal comes, (Y/N).”
You nodded, understanding where the conversation was going.
“Tyler is a good slave, but when I saw you giving those wretches what they deserved… When I saw what you were capable of, I realized that I was completely wrong. You are stronger, smarter, faster, more powerful... And above all, you also want them to pay for everything they have done to you, I see it in your eyes, you hate them, (Y/N), just like me.”
“I… Well…” You stammered. You were suffering contempt, plunged into a depression that your new companions only made worse.
“They do that, (Y/N), they steal the little happiness you have, they leave you alone, isolated, without hope. It's their specialty, (Y/N),” Laurel said, with a sweet voice, trying to convince you that this crusade was the right thing to do, that they should disappear.
You remembered that fateful afternoon, the one you said goodbye to your family with the bottle of pills in your hand, about to do something crazy precisely because your colleagues refused to give you a chance, to see you as if you weren't someone dangerous, a murderer.
You had no reason to think that they deserved to live, that if you had done what you wanted, they would have won, they would have claimed your life and they would not have cared. In your murky thoughts, you imagined some kind of banquet or celebration after your death, like those medieval songs in which the monster was defeated and the village held an ostentatious banquet together with the defeated beast.
You didn't want that, now you could change history, be the one who won. It was a tempting idea, revenge, make everyone pay for their prejudices. You weren't a bad person, you would never hurt anyone. Throughout your life you had suffered because of the people around you, your parents died because of those people, like Marilyn's, or Laurel's.
“I… I don't know…” You said stammering. “I have never wanted to hurt anyone...”
“I know, my love, you are a good girl, you are not like them, but tell me, what did they for you? Only to suffer at the hands of those monsters...” Laurel said, approaching you, sitting down next to you again.
“I… It's probably just that…” You said, getting very nervous, looking for some excuse to prevent the idea from sounding better and better in your head.
“What, my precious girl? Do you think they deserve to live longer than you? Wouldn't they do the same with another person?” Laurel said, pouting. You had no answer for that. You were good, you knew it, just imaging a person with hope, with a little more joy in living, suffer the same contempt, the same sinking, the same descent into hell made you burn with rage.
“You, you're right…” You said, raising your head. Laurel smiled at you, but she didn't say anything, she just kissed you again, like she was somehow sealing some kind of contract.
“My love… Of course. Together you and me, we will be invincible... Good will triumph, you'll see...”
You nodded, growing disturbingly sure of what you were doing. You could taste revenge, you could take pleasure imagining all these outcasts paying for what they did to you, what they did to Laurel. You secretly loved her, she secretly loved you. Still not sure she wasn't using you, you hugged her, crying uncontrollably into her shoulder.
“Shhh, don't cry my love… Calm down,” she told you, caressing your head gently.
“I don't know if I should…” You sobbed. “Everyone believes that I killed the hikers…”
“That's okay, calm down...” She told you, sounding a little impatient. “Calm down, (Y/N),” she said more roughly, shaking you.
You were scared by that almost aggressive attitude, but you made an effort to remain calm.
“What…? What are we going to do?” You asked, controlling your crying. Laurel smiled, seeing how you finally relaxed.
“To begin with, we are going to get rid of two problems at once. As you know, Tyler has been doing me… favors…”
You stood pensive, thinking about how the monster certainly looked like the mysterious hiker killer.
“He is the murderer… You, you ordered him to…” You said in a very low voice, beginning to being scared.
“My love, everything I do, I do it for the greater good, I hope you understand that…” The redhead told you, cupping your face in her hands.
“Why do you have to kill people?” You asked, looking into those dark eyes that didn't look like your sweet teacher's.
“That doesn't matter, darling, they're just pawns in a bigger game…” She whispered, very close to your lips. You nodded, somewhat puzzled. “For now, let's get rid of that suspicion, Tyler!” She yelled, making the boy appear in the room instantly.
He looked at you and nodded, waiting for his mistress's command.
“Tyler, my good Hyde, are you willing to do your mistress a big favor?” The redhead asked, with a childish voice.
“Of course, whatever you want…” Tyler murmured, puffing out his chest, feeling proud of what he did.
“Well, I like it that way,” the redhead said, getting up and lightly caressing Tyler's cheek, which made you feel a little angry. “Listen carefully, because this will be my last order. You're going to confess to everything you've done, of course, without mentioning me. You will go to your father's police station, drenched in blood and say how much you enjoy murdering poor hikers.”
You listened carefully to those words. The real culprit would finally confess, freeing you from suspicion.
“Okay, what do I do next?” Tyler asked, with that disturbing angelic look on his face.
“Oh, well, nothing, just spending a few decades locked up in jail.”
You looked at her immediately. You only knew about Hyde's nature from what Laurel told you. It seemed to you that such a request was crazy, that no matter how slave he was, it couldn't seem like a good idea. You were wrong, the boy smiled and nodded, leaving the mansion.
“Now, honey, you must return to Nevermore before they miss you. Tomorrow will be a new day, the beginning of our new life, together.”
You obeyed, a little dizzy. Everything had happened very quickly, you had made too important and dangerous decisions, but a smile marked your face, your eyes shone with a different, evil shine. The end of your suffering was finally approaching, and that made you happy.
That night you didn't need medicine, you slept calmly, in peace. In the morning you noticed the first consequences of what happened the night before.
The looks of hatred and fear that your companions directed at you changed. Now they seemed to avoid looking you in the eye. A hand on your shoulder snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Um… (Y/N)…” It was Enid Sinclair, the gossip who advised everyone to stay away from you. You looked at her with a frown. Her face was embarrassed, apologetic. “I, I would like to apologize for… Well, for all the blog stuff…”
You crossed your arms. You thought about everything they had said about you, students and teachers. You thought about that afternoon when you were about to end your life, you remembered why you wanted to do it.
“Perfect,” you said, turning. She grabbed your wrist, preventing you from escaping from her.
“Uh, seriously, (Y/N), everyone here was shocked when the sheriff's son confessed… No one knows what to tell you, but everyone is very sorry.”
You laughed cheekily, a mocking laugh. Yes, they were sorry, just as if you had decided the path of surrender. Surely they would cry, they would wonder if they were really the culprits. It was ridiculous, an apology that, if you hadn't met Marilyn, you wouldn't have been able to hear. An uncontrolled rage seized you, imagining what it would be like to have left this life knowing that in the end, the real culprit was not you, how they would have won.
“Come on, don't be so dramatic…” Enid said, pretending to be joking. “Everything is cleared up now.”
Those words completely unhinged you.
“I’m dramatic? You are the ones who made life miserable for me. Did it amuse you to see me suffer? No Enid, I do not accept your apologies, neither yours, nor those of any of you. You think that making value judgments is your strong point, that you are the victims, that the rest of us are the executioners, but you are wrong, you are only an elite of weirdos pretending to be the masters of the universe,” you said, breathing with increasing difficulty .
“Eh, don't go too far,” Wednesday said, who was next to her.
“I'll do whatever I want!” You yelled, drawing the attention of the entire school, including Principal Weems, who hurried over to where you were.
“Ms. (Y / N), is something wrong?” She asked with a softer tone than usual.
“No, nothing's wrong,” you muttered, looking at her with hatred.
“(Y/N), I am very sorry for everything that has happened these last few weeks. All your classmates are looking forward to apologizing to you, and you should be nice and accept their apology.”
You laughed again, feeling how your scales were beginning to appear on your skin. There were only two ways to transform yourself: by wishing, or in a very important stressful situation, like that one.
“I don't have to accept apologies from the people who almost made me end my life…” You growled, with an increasingly guttural and deep voice. Larissa looked at you, shaking her head, and she started to freak out. “And you are the worst of all, looking at things with your own magnifying glass, pretending to be the destroyer of walls and barriers, the principal who pretends to be the liberator, the unifier of normies and outcasts. But it really doesn't give a shit to you. You just care about continuing to put money into your checking account without worrying about the welfare of the students or staff.
!(Y/N), you're playing with fire, calm down right now or…”
“Or what? Hey? What are you going to do to me? Lock myself in a room with electrified bars, call my uncle and say that even the great Larissa Weems couldn't beat me? You are just another outcast, arrogant and petulant like the rest of the people who live here.”
Your voice was already practically unrecognizable, you felt how the clothes imprisoned you, they felt much tighter. You knew what would happen in just 10 seconds, but the anger you felt didn't matter to you. Al hands until two warm hands landed on your shoulders. You recognized that perfume. Laurel.
“Hey, (Y/N), calm down…” she told you softly. You looked at her and closed your eyes. You knew what was going to happen but thanks to that interruption, you were able to stop yourself in time. The clothes stopped squeezing you and the scales disappeared. You blinked and shook your head, looking around the huddle of students that had formed.
“(Y/N)…” A terrified Larissa said.
“Don't worry, Larissa, I'll make sure she calms down…” Laurel said, with her Marilyn tone. The principal narrowed her eyes, but seeing that she somehow acted as a relaxing balm for you, she let you go with her.
Once in her room, she sat you on her bed and sighed.
“Are you okay? She asked her affectionately. You shook your head and started to sob.
“No, I'm not feeling well. Now they pretend to apologize to me, to pretend that they haven't done anything to me... It's... It's unbearable...”
She growled affectionately, pulling you into a tender, understanding hug. You hung on to her clothes, letting off steam.
“Calm down, darling, you shouldn't waste time and strength with those people... It's not worth it... It's only you and me that matters, remember? You and me.”
“I, I know but…” You said, being interrupted by a passionate kiss from the redhead.
“Do not fear for them, soon they will disappear and you will not have to worry anymore, honey... It's a matter of time... In the meantime, the only thing we can do... Is to love each other...”
After those disconcerting words, the kisses returned, this time wilder. Little by little you left, forgetting about your little crisis and giving yourself over to everything Laurel tried to offer you. Kisses, caresses, gasps that turned into moans, in the rubbing of your naked bodies, in words of love and victory, in a new dawn.
Every time she caresses you, your skin burned. When her fingers entered you, you seemed to freeze, forgetting your problems, regretting wanting to leave this world without feeling what it was like to be loved. The decision you made was difficult, it wasn't morally correct, but you knew you couldn't live without it, that little act of unbridled passion proved it to you. You could be much better than Tyler, you would be her lover, her slave, without the need for forced servitude, knowing that the only thing she had to dominate you was your heart in her hands.
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hyun-xxe · 4 months
Until I See you, Again (Idol!Yeonjun x Female!reader)
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summary: you and yeonjun use to date throughout all of highschool and after, but then suddenly he ended things to become an idol. devestated, you both part ways.... but what if one day, years later, he find something that reminds him of you and desperately tries to find you.
*PART 1*
warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending blah blah blah
i haven't kept up with txt in a while, so their characters will be OOC (out of character) so i apologize
Ever since you were little, one thing that your father always told you was to safeguard your heart; that it was the most precious organ in your body.
Something as simple as a heartbreak can kill it, literally and figuratively. It scared you shitless as a kid, but as you got older you kind of laughed at the thought. heartbreak couldn't be that bad like your dad make it, afterall, him and your mom were going on strong for 28 years.
Entering middle school, you were already pressured to date, and you caved in. You got yout first boyfriend in 8th grade, but soon broke up at the start of summer because he wasn't ready.
It didn't hurt or anything, because you knew it wouldn't last, in fact at the time you just wanted to date to fit in with your friends that were in relationships.
It wasn't until you hit high school where everything changed, because of one boy. You met him by pure accident, as if the universe wanted you both to meet.
The start of the school year, you already had your classes picked out, but something was messed up in your transcript and instead of you getting psychology, the school accidentally enrolled you in AP biology.
You remember walking into that class, ready to tell the teacher that you weren't meant to be in this class, but when you made eye contact with him, every thought of you flew out of your head.
He was sitting in the back of the class taking extensive notes of the board. Feeling your stares on him, he turns toward you with a confused glance, staring you down.
His jet black, fluffy hair covering up until his eyes, but his glasses pushed them out of the frame. he had a black shirt with a grey sweater ontop and blue jeans. Who was he and how come you've never seen him around?
Looking back at the board, he quickly called you over and tapped on the seat next to him and you quickly obeyed orders, trying to not create any attention on you.
"You're like really late, you know that?" he broke the silence between you two, getting a chuckle out of you.
"Yeah, well, that was because I'm not suppose to be in this class, it was a mix up on the schools end, so I am here to fix it." you answer, looking around at the other students in the class.
There wasn't much students in this class, only about 10 and that was because a lot of kids preferred not to take AP classes due to the stress it would cause.
He pushed up his glasses and cleared some of his hair that was blocking his view, "Bummer, you're really going to drop out of this class? What class were you suppose to take?"
"Psychology." you say, "AP of any class wasn't on my list."
His smile causes butterflies in your stomach, "Well, I think you should reconsider with this, it's actually pretty fun. We take trips every wednesday to collect data, and its pretty fun."
The idea of taking a trip perked your interest, "Really? You take trips in this class?"
Your question caused him to chuckle a bit as he nodded his head, "Yes, but don't get your hopes up, its not all that."
That was enough to make you decide to stay in this class, even though you knew it was going to be hard. A part of you wanted to hit your hard really hard, especially since you decided to stay in this class for a boy, a boy who you might not even befriend.
"Whats your name, by the way?" he asked.
You turned to him and stretched out your hand, "My name is Y/N."
He took your hand in his and shook it, "Nice to meet you, my name is Yeonjun."
-7 years later
"Y/N, are you ok?" a hand waved in front of you, "You seem to be really out of space." your friend laughed.
Getting out of your trance that you were frequently in, you looked at him and smiled, "Sorry," you say sheepishly, "I don't know why this keeps happening."
Your friend sighs and sits next to you, "Well, there seems to be something on your mind," he says, "do you wants to talk about it?"
Thinking about it, you shook your head, "No, not really in the mood. Thank you though, Jay." you give him a grin and a pat on the shoulder.
Your friend, Jay, nods his head, still uncertain about you saying no, but respecting your wish. "Well, we should really be studying for this test." he ruffles your hair, "This is our senior year of college, we need to lock in."
You laugh at his words, "Lock in? we've been saying that since sophmore year of college and we still rush to finish things. At this point, those words are like a curse to us."
Jay chuckles and lets out a frustrated yell, "I don't know what to do," he pulls his hair, "This stupid test has gotten me so stressed. When I decided to join this psychology course, I was thinking it was going to be easy."
Shoving Jay in the shoulder, you rolled your eyes and pulled your computer closer to you, exiting the spotify app to go on Youtube. "yeah, well, I don't know where you saw that it was going to be easy, dummy."
He took the computer from you, "Did you hear Kendricks new song to Drake called Meet the Grahams? It's so crazy!"
As he is typing it in, you take a sip of your coffee, "No, I don't keep up with this rap stuff."
Jay pulls it up and before the video plays, two double ads pop up, earning a groan from both of you, "Fuck, you can't even block the ads on here, dammit!"
You were about the laugh until the second ad pops up, which almost let a gasp out of you.
The trailer showcased the songs that will be on their upcoming album, "The Name Chapter; Temptation." and there was one member that stuck out like a sore thumb. His lips gave away his identity, the one that was stuck in your mind 24/7 and you just couldn't get him out.
He was the first guy that ever broke your heart.
Yeonjun always promised himself one thing when he became an idol which was to never have any regrets, which is why he decided to join the company. He knew that it was an only once in a life time opportunity that he just couldn't pass over.
The training life was difficult and hard, but he knew that it was all going to be in the past and he was going to live his dream of becoming an idol, and their ad on Youtube proved to him that he made it.
This was their 6th mini album and with each comeback him and his members did, he still couldn't believe the fact that they are successful.
"This is the best album yet," Beomgyu exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air, "We all killed it!"
Kai also jumped up and down, clapping his hands, "can't believe that accentuated my features better this time! I look sexy!" he smiled big.
Yeonjun laughed as they all watched the trailer to their song, Sugar Rush Ride.
The members gasped when it showed the whispering part and it got them more excited that they get to share their hard work with MOA soon.
"Not going to lie, performing at lollapalooza is still living in my head rent free, I wish we could go back to that time." Yeonjun sighed.
Taehyun hit his shoulder, "You always bring that up everytime we are watching a trailer of ours."
Yeonjun shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry for bringing up the best memory we had," he laughed, "I just want to go back, you know?" he then gasped, "You think they would have us for Cochella?"
Soobin let out a laugh, "lets not get ahead of ourselves now, maybe soon though, I can sense it."
The trailer ended and everyone sat back down.
"Hey Kai," Taehyun called out, "I have a favor to ask."
Kai perked up and looked to his member, "Sure, what is it?"
"I remember I brought my old nintendo with me when we moved in this place, can you bring it to me? I don't know why I suddenly remembered it."
Kai stood up and nodded his head, "Yeah, of course. Where is it?"
Taehyun thought for a little, "It's in the storage room where we keep most of our things."
Understanding the assignment, Kai walked to the storage room to achieve the item and along the way, stumbled upon another thing. When he found the box where Taehyun threw the device in, there was another device.
It was a black, rectangular shaped thing. It had buttons on top that were grey, and one red. It read that it belonged to Yeonjun, so Kai decided to bring it with him back to the guys.
"here you go," he handed the nintendo to Taehyun and then turned to Yeonjun, "Here you go as well."
Yeonjun stared at it, confused why Kai was handing him this device. "Why are you giving this to me?"
"Well, when I was getting Taehyun's thing, I saw this with your name in the box with his, so I was curious and gave it to you to see what it is."
This caught all the members attention as Yeonjun looked at the object closely. He forgot where he got it from and what it was used for, so he was scared using it in front of the others.
"I don't remember where I got this from," he says, pressing a button to see if it did something, but when nothing happened he just shrugged his shoulders, "I guess its useless."
Soobin sighed and grabbed it from him, "Do you really not know how this recorder works." he shakes his head, "And I thought I was dumb."
He pressed a red button and a loud screech was heard in the room, causing some to close their ears. By the time it was done, it started to roll.
7 seconds in, there was nothing that was happening.
"Maybe this thing is use-"
"Is this thing on?"
a voice was heard from the recorder, "Shit, I don't know why I spent so much money on something I don't know how to work."
Yeonjun listened closely, trying to hear the voice clearly.
"Lemme ask Sofia about this."
A minute has passed when they heard more talking.
"You're so dumb!" the voice laughed, "You were recording the entire time!"
it was clear that it was two girls laughing, but the members were confused why Yeonjun even had this.
"Ok, leave so I can do my message you dumbass."
The voice, Yeonjun thought to himself, it sounds so similar to someone he knew, someone he cared about deeply. The laugh, the way they talked, he had a feeling he knew who it belonged to.
"Anyways, that was embarassing, but Yeonjuuunnnnn~" the voice sang out, "I bought this thing to leave you sweet messages because doing it this way seems more romantic... and I saw it in a movie and you know how sentimental I get."
the members stared at Yeonjun as they saw his lips part and eyes get wide.
"I love you with all my heart, and I know I say this often a lot, but I really do love you. I wasn't into dating and any of that stuff even though I had a massive crush on you, but you are seriously the best boyfriend I could ask for!"
your laugh, the laugh you did just now, he remembers hearing it all the time back then and it was his favorite sound.
"I am planning on recording messages in this for the summer of you visiting family in Korea. Please be safe over there and tell them I say hi! Also guess what, I got my SAT results back and I got 1,300! I am so proud of myself!"
there was a long pause before the voice continued, "Anyways, I should end this... fuck, how do you end this- SOFIA!"
Stomps could be heard in the audio, "Y/N! Come on," the voice laughs, "Its like thi-"
The recording ends as it cuts off the friend talking. Everyone looked to Yeonjun who was just sitting there, trying to hold back some tears that were threatening to fall.
He doesn't understand how he could forget about you, but I guess with the intense training he went through, he just naturally pushed his life back in the states behind in his mind.
"Who was that? How come you never told us about this Y/N?" Beomgyu asked.
Yeonjun was still at a lost for words and he didn't know whether to get up and leave, or just sit there for the rest of the night.
"Are you ok?" Taehyun questioned, getting closer to him.
"I-" Yeonjun stuttered, "I need to find her."
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x feminine shapeshifting reader
Warnings: Spoilers for the show Wednesday (barely), a small mention of smut
Summary: Reader has a very special quality along with her special ability, that causes Xavier to be both amazed by her and protective of her at the same time. This request was so creative, it really put my mind to work! I loved it. This is now forever my fantasy lol.
Word Count: 3.2 k
You sighed again as you looked in the mirror. Why did you have to be stuck with this? You were born with a very special ability to shape-shift, just like your mother. Your mother was the one and only principle Weems. You had one thing she could never explain, one thing she could never relate to.
Along with your ability to shape-shift, the universe decided you also needed a pair of wings to fly with. They weren't just any wings. They were large white wings, covered with jewels. You never considered yourself girly, or even "boujee" if you will. However, these wings, were boujee. The jewels on your wings were silver in color, like diamonds. There was also many feathers in between the diamonds. They were so shiny, if in the sun they would glisten, and shine so brightly no one could focus on anything else. As someone who avoids being the center of attention, this was a problem for you.
Your wings were always present, but with your ability to shift, you could always shift into a version of yourself without them on. This is how you managed to hide them from your boyfriend of almost a year, Xavier Thorpe. You were afraid if Xavier seen them, he would treat you differently the way everyone else always did.
"You know you won't be able to hide those forever." Wednesday, your roommate dryly stated without looking up from typing on her typewriter.
You were attempting to comb the feathers on your wings when you heard a knock at the door. Your eyes widened as you looked at Wednesday.
"The closet, go." She attempted pushed you into the closet. The wings were too big
"I can't fit." You exclaimed.
"Shift." She demanded.
"I can't, it's not working, I'm too nervous." You replied, your shape shifting abilities failing you, as they always did when you got too worked up.
You slid under your queen sized bed, pulling the bed skirt over you and sliding over as far as you could. Part of the wing was hanging out, but that's the best you were able to do.
Wednesday Addams, your roommate, was the only person at Nevermore Academy that knew about your wings, besides your mother, of course. Wednesday wasn't really a "hit it off at first meeting" type of person, however the two of you really did hit it off immediately. She was able to understand your extreme differences from the rest of the world. You had homeschooled before Nevermore, but when you became of age, your mother had you enrolled at the academy she was principle of, and loved oh so dearly.
"Its nice to see you as always, but I'm sure you know who I'm looking for." You heard Xavier's voice through the door.
"She's not here." Wednesday gave a short reply.
"That's impossible." He said.
"Well, guess it's not." You could hear Wednesday trying to shut the door.
"We were supposed to have dinner at her mother's place. This was my chance to redeem myself." He now sounded so desperate.
Xavier had always been one of your mother's favorite students. That was until you and Xavier got expelled together, for doing some less than appropriate things at the Rave'n Dance last year. Your mother immediately banned you from seeing him, banned him from your house, and tried to ban him from school. His famous father managed to save him from that. Your mother had not spoke to him, or even looked in hid direction ever since. You can still hear her speech to you about how you'd never be able to get it back, but she didn't know, you didn't want it back. You were crazy about Xavier.
"Okay bye come back in a few minutes." Wednesday slammed the door in Xavier's face.
"I'm not doing this again. It's time" She said to you as you shuffled out from under the bed.
"He asked if you were seeing someone else." She added. You had missed that part, you must have zoned out. "He asked me if it was Tyler." she barely smiled, and you did too, being the only one who knew Wednesday was seeing Tyler exclusively.
"You said no though." You replied, in question form.
"Of course, but you still have to tell him. This is the last cover I'm doing." She said, and you knew she was telling the truth.
"He will be back soon. You better figure those out." she looked up at them. One thing you loved about Wednesday is that she wasn't ever impressed with your wings.
"I need help calming down." You pouted to your roommate.
"No." She responded, knowing exactly what you were asking.
"He will be back any second." You reminded her.
"Fine." she folded her arms on her chest and walked toward you, then reaching out and hugging you. "It's going to be okay. It'll work out." She patted on your back. This out of character part of Wednesday you saw every once in a while always managed to calm you.
After Wednesday reassured you, you immediately shifted back into the version of yourself that didn't have wings. It was probably 10 minutes later you heard another knock. This time you answered the door.
"Where have you been?" Xavier questioned you, like a parent, hand on his hip.
"Chill out. I went to get a coffee." You lied.
"Well then where is it." He asked.
"I drank it.." You said. He was eyeing you up and down still suspicious.
Dinner with your mother was not going well. It was making you nervous. You continued to look at the photo of your late father, which calmed you.
"Is there any ranch dressing?" Xavier asked.
"There is as much ranch dressing in this house as my daughters innocence." Your mother snapped.
"So none." Xavier replied and you immediately started choking, looking at him.
"I did not mean to say that." He added nervously, starting to panic.
You could feel it. Your shift wasn't holding up. You were about to be exposed. Why couldn't you just show him? Why were you acting so crazy about it? You couldn't be treated like an exhibit at a museum anymore. You were afraid he wouldn't ever treat you the same. You trusted Xavier, you just couldn't do it. You'd worked so hard for a year to hide it.
You ran up the stairs to what was your room at home, even though you lived on campus. You looked in the mirror. There they were. You could barely control it anymore, the more complicated life got. You wished you could be like Elsa from Frozen, conceal it with gloves.
"Come on dad. Help me out." You grabbed the picture of your dad from your dresser. Memories flooded in. The encouraging text from Wednesday was reassuring too. She really was getting soft with time.
You suddenly felt the ability to do it. You shifted back to yourself with no wings. You walked down the stairs, to see Xavier and your mother still sitting there, a bottle of ranch dressing sitting next to Xavier.
"I thought we didn't have any-" you started, to be cut off by your mother.
"I'm sorry. And I told Xavier I was too. It's not changing. You two are going to remain seeing each other. I can't take back what's been done." She said. "But I swear, if you come up pregnant.."
"I won't." you stopped that conversation before it started. "Thanks mom." You smiled from across the table.
All was good. Xavier and your mother laughed as they drank tea. They discussed Poe cup, his father, school. You felt so at peace.
"You both be careful." your mom waved you off.
You got into your car and drove yourself and Xavier back to the dorms. You both went on to talk about how well the dinner ended. Xavier was holding your hand, and brought it up to his lips, to give a small kiss. You both got out of the car, when you saw someone running in the distance. Two people, actually. The closer they got, you realized it was Wednesday and...Ajax?
"She's in trouble!" Wednesday shouted, running out of breath.
"Enid is in trouble!" Ajax ran up behind Wednesday.
"Tell me where she is." you demanded, ready to find and help your friend, and Wednesdays friend as well, and Ajax's girlfriend.
"She's in the woods. She wolfed out, and some creature out there attacked her. It looked just like a monster." Ajax explained. "She is hurt." He went on.
Before you had a chance to explain, warn anyone, or do anything, there it happened. You shifted back to your own normal self, wings and all. Xaviers eyes were so wide they could've just popped out. The street lamp shined down on your wings, making them shine even brighter, the wind blowing the feathery parts around.
"I didn't get to pick them." You simply stated.
At this point his and Ajax's mouth were both ajar, Ajax reaching to touch them. This snapped Xavier out of his trance as he smacked Ajax's hand away.
You didn't even have time to worry about the situation in front of you. Only the one that included your friend in trouble, in need of help. You flew away scavenging the woods, looking for Enid. When you spotted her you immediately landed.
"Enid,Enid are you okay?" You shook her slowly. She opened her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm a little beat up that's for sure. Whats with the costume?" She asked staring at your wings.
"Its not a costume. These wings are mine. It's a secret." You smiled, just glad she was okay, you started to help her up.
"You know those are so me, right? She asked intrigued.
"Oh, I know." You laughed, motioning for her to get on your back. She did, and you flew her back to campus.
Thankfully no one was around to see them, as you greeted the others, sharing the news that Enid was okay.
"I think we may need a moment alone." Xavier said to you.
"Yeah I'm going to Enid and Yoko's place." Wednesday said walking off with them.
"Why would you hide this from me? Is my trust not worthy, or am I not worthy?" He asked, noticably upset.
"People always act weird about them." You replied. "I get treated like an animal at a zoo when they're out." You answered honestly.
"And you think that's how I'd treat you?" Xavier asked, anger increasing.
"No. I don't Xavier. I just thought it would be best if no one knew, okay." You explained yourself.
"Thats why Wednesday knew." He crossed his arms. "It's not even about the wings, or the shape shifting, or any of it. I could care less about all of that stuff. I just can't believe you would hide things from me. How is it that you've been able to hide them all this time?" He raised his eyebrows.
"I shift into me without them." You admitted.
"That's a whole lot of work to keep a part of who you from me, when I've been transparent about everything to you. Even my dysfunctional father, and all my visions." He defended.
"Except one." you said.
"The one I drew of you months ago, with those exact wings. I thought you'd hate it." He looked down at the ground as he moved his foot around.
"See, you always knew. It was just right here." You laid your hand on his chest.
"Or right here, but whose counting." He pointed at his head and laughed.
"No more secrets?" He asked.
"No more secrets, I promise. Including, wings, abilities, dysfunctional fathers, psychotic mothers. All of it." You put your pinky out.
"I haven't made a pink promise since I was like five." He chuckled.
The silence filled the room for a minute as Xavier really observed your wings, looking closely at detail. You didn't like when people looked at them too closely, or touched them. You didn't like them in general, but they weren't going anywhere.
"Go ahead." You rolled your eyes a little.
He reached out and touched them with his hands. Chills went up your spine. You actually kind of liked Xavier touching them, which was really different. Even from a young age you wouldn't let your mom, or anyone touch them.
"Whatever power created these...they are a mastermind. This is incredible. I've never seen anything like it before. These were chosen just for you" He slowly rubbed his hand up and down on the wing. "How do the jewels not fall off?" He questioned you.
"One time, while in a wrestling match with my cousin John, he peeled a stone off. It grew back, kind of like a fingernail." You laughed.
"This is amazing. I'm speechless." He looked as if he hardly blinked as he observed them.
"Alright enough doting on them. I do not like the attention from them." You snapped a little not meaning to.
"I'm sorry. I won't do it anymore I promise, my angel." He said.
"And you already start with that." You gasped crossing your arms, referring to the new pet name.
"You are unique, and you were made for me. Please let me take that in just a little." He said pulling you into a hug.
Once again silence filled the room. You knew Xavier was looking at them, which was partially what you were trying to avoid, as if this were before he would be focusing on you, not your wings.
"I just really want to." He said, not referring to what he wanted, but he didn't have to. You huffed, crossing your arms again.
"Okay. Fine. You win. You can. Tomorrow evening after school and archery. Your shed." You made the deal.
"Yes!" He clapped and jumped like a little kid.
"Now go, for now. I need some rest." You said jokingly.
You went to walk Xavier out to the end of your hall when you ran into the door, nearly falling over.
"Dang it." You said turning to the side and sliding out the door, earning a laugh from Xavier. It had been a while since you navigated your wings on a daily basis, you had basically been shifting them away for a whole year.
The next morning, you met Xavier, Ajax, Enid, Yoko, Kent, and Wednesday for breakfast and coffee as always. Tyler was trying to be all chill serving you all coffee and breakfast, not knowing you knew about him and Wednesday.
"Come on now. We want to see them." Ajax carried on.
"It appears you are annoying her." Wednesday snapped back.
"You know what fine. Let's go." You gave in.
All of you stepped behind the Weathervane. You concentrated for a moment, shifting back into your original form. Earning gasps and "ooh" and "aah"'s from the group. You hated that.
"It's like, it reminds me of.." Kent started. "A Victoria's Secret model." He said laughing. You REALLY hated that.
You could see Xavier's breathing increasing, and the paleness of his face turning red, clenched jaw and fists. You hoped for Kent's own sake, he wouldn't say or do anything else. Poor Kent, however, felt the need to continue on. He reached out his hand in what felt like slow motion, and touched your wing, accidentally pulling a feather, and earning a yelp from you.
That done it in for Xavier, he leaped right into Kent, punching him directly in the nose. Ouch.
"Stay off of her, Don't ever touch her again." He said coldly, Ajax holding him back the best he could.
"It's okay, really." You tried to calm Xavier.
"I'm sorry man, I didn't know it was like that. I'm sorry, I was just amazed." he then looked to you.
"Hey, hey now everyone calm down." You tried to make peace. You reached your hand out to Kent to shake his.
"It's okay, Kent won't do it again, he didn't know." You mediated.
You looked at the two of them as Kent reached his hand out to shake Xavier's. Xavier was just looking at him. You let out a little cough. Xavier then shook Kent's hand.
"Never again, are we clear?" Xavier asked him.
"It never happened, it is all fine." You widened you eyes at Xavier.
The wings were ALREADY causing issues. You shifted the wings away, and headed toward class, trying to forget the events that just happened.
After school, and archery, you went to the place you promised to meet Xavier, his shed, the place he typically created art at.
He was already at the door waiting for you smiling, acting sort of shy, biting his lip. It drove you crazy when he did that. You could remember vividly what it did to you at the Rave'n Dance last year.
"Are you ready?" he asked looking you up and down.
"Absolutely." You winked at him, as you turned to the side and went into the shed.
I thought you could go right there, he pointed to a little daybed looking piece of furniture, with a velvet comforter on it.
"Okay." you took a nervous breath.
"We don't have to if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you into this." Xavier reassured you.
"No, I want to." You replied.
"Okay well, sit right over there then." he pointed. "And I'll pose you." He came over adjusting you into the exact position he wanted you in, then walking back over to the blank canvas.
"Oh. Man." He tilted his head and looked at you.
"What now?" You asked.
"Bad hair day, a little." He pointed to the jumbled feathers on your wings.
"I didn't get time to comb them okay." You defended.
"I'm not saying anything." He held his hands up.
"The comb is in my bag." You motioned to your purse you hung at the door.
He got the comb and walked toward you. No one had ever combed them except for yourself, and your mother and father. You had immediate nervousness.
"It's okay. May I?" He asked your permission, earning a nod from you. He rested one hand on your shoulder softly, as he combed your wings, with nothing but care and gentleness. You knew he had to be the one, no other could handle something like this. So fragile, so... weird. But there he was, smiling at you as he combed your giant wings, acting like it was so normal.
"Okay perfect." he stepped away looking at you. "You're perfect." he said, making you blush a little.
"Paint me like one of your French girls." You said as you went back into the pose.
"Never say that again." Xavier laughed as he began to paint. You loved watching him create art. You loved how focused, and passionate he was. Just like clockwork, the sun shined into the window, making your wings shimmer.
When he turned the finished product around, a couple hours later, you were shocked. You were amazed he could paint them so beautifully even you almost liked them. You saw him looking at your excitement, and smiling, but doing the nervous lip bite.
"Hey?" he said as a question.
"Yes?" you asked him.
"I am in love with you." He said, making your hear stop, and lightning flash through your body.
"Hey?" you asked him.
"Yes?" he repeated the same wording you did.
"I love you too." you replied.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Rant below:
(TLDR; One of my classes had a two part final exam, I did both parts and triple-checked they were submitted, I log on yesterday and it says one half wasn't even started and says I'm un-enrolled from the class. Today (20th) is the day the teacher is inputting final grades. I've emailed the teacher and am waiting for a response and am going to throw myself down a set of stairs.)
I am soooo fucking exhausted. I had this class, right? And I joined late. Within the allotted time (three weeks from the start of the semester) but late. And because I joined late, there were three assignments that I had missed. I did them and submitted them within the first week of being in the class. Emailed the teacher and she said she would add them in. Because of the way the categories were weighted, one singular 1.0 point assignment made up 30% of my total grade (because it was the only assignment in that category). And she just never fucking added it in. I emailed her at least five times about it. Nothing. She still hasn't added it in and we're technically done with the class now. That means that even though I was getting ≈90% on every single thing I was submitting, I was barely at a C because of that one category. And then she finally added something else to that category that was worth way more points, and my grade finally went from like a 72% to a 94% and it was like. Okay. Fine. You still didn't add the original three assignments that I repeatedly emailed you about, but fine. Whatever. I'll drop it.
Our final was online. Opened on Wednesday the 14th, closed Monday the 19th at 10PM. There were two parts. I finished them both on Wednesday at around 6 and 7 PM respectively. I triple-checked they were both submitted. I went to the completed assessments tab (this was in a separate site that we used specifically for tests, not the main grade site) and they both showed up but said the grades were unavailable until Monday the 19th after 10PM. Okay. Fine. I checked again on Friday the 16th and Sunday the 18th, thinking that maybe if everyone finished early the grades would release sooner. Didn't happen. Both assignments showed up as completed, but I couldn't see the grades. That's fine.
Yesterday (the 19th), I had a final in the morning/afternoon. My last final, specifically. And then I went to the airport to pick my sister up because she's coming to visit for Christmas. I get home at around 11:30 PM. I decide I'm gonna go check on my final grade because I'm curious as to what I got. I log onto the testing site and it says one half of the test wasn't even started.
Um. What the fuck.
I immediately try to go to the completed assessments tab where it fucking said I had finished them both on Wednesday, and I get a 'You Are No Longer Enrolled In This Course' message (meaning the course has been closed for access).
Um. What the fuck.
I try to go back onto my dashboard to where it says the test wasn't even started. I get the same not-enrolled message.
Um. What the fuck.
So at this point it's 11:49 PM and I'm emailing my teacher and on the verge of a panic attack because I have put soooo much fucking work into this stupid fucking class all semester. I did that fucking exam. But guess what? If this situation doesn't get fixed, and she just marks it as incomplete (just like with the first three fucking assignments), my grade goes from a 96% to a fucking 78% because of the way the columns are weighted.
I'm. Just. So fucking exhausted. I feel painfully burnt out. What's the point of trying if I'm just gonna get dicked over again and again? It's barely 7AM so I obviously haven't received a response yet. She said in an announcement earlier on Monday that she's finalizing grades today (the 20th). And I'm fucking terrified that she's just going to ignore my emails like she did at the beginning of the semester. I'm fully prepared to escalate this to the damn department heads if I have to, but I am just,,,, so. tired.
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brckenoncs · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! MICAH KENNEDY on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 22 year old looks like HERO FIENNES TIFFIN, but i don’t really see it. while  the RETIRED ATHLETE/REALITY TV STAR is known for being AMBITIOUS my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be ALOOF i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song LOSING MY RELIGION by R.E.M  { he/him, cismale}
the statistics
name: Micah Kennedy age: Twenty-One dob: April 1, 2002 gender: Cismale sexuality: Pansexual occupation: Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist for 50m Freestyle - 2020 Olympic Games, Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist for 100m Freestyle - 2020 Olympic Games, Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist for 100m Butterfly - 2020 Olympic Games, Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist for 4x100m Medley - 2020 Olympic Games,  Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist for 4x100m Freestyle - 2020 Olympic Games Reality TV Star - Current, Pianist - Current parents: Jordana Kennedy, unknown father siblings: Madeline Kennedy (twin, 21), Wednesday Kennedy (5) swimming career claim: Caeleb Dressel (minus the Rio de Janeiro Games)
the history
Growing up on camera would have thought to have made a bigger impact on Micah’s life than he let it. From a young age he was trained to have no qualms of the spotlight and made zero fuss when it came to his family’s hit reality tv show. To him, it was just another day at home.
At three years old, no one could keep him out of the ocean. His fascination with swimming and the water was unexplainable but it wasn’t long before he was enrolled in private swimming lessons.
At five years old he made the resolution to go to the Olympics and spent his entire life training to do so. It was amazing when he qualified for the 2020 Olympics at only 17 years old and even more of an accomplishment when he went on to win 5 gold medals, adding him to the list of only four other Americans to win that many in one Olympic Games. Also became the first male swimmer to win gold medals in the 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle and the 100m butterfly in the same games. 
tw: car accident In July of this last year, Micah was out with his sister at a party. She had gotten a bit out of control and Micah jumped into the car with her to stop her from driving away. She did so anyways and ended up crashing it. Micah ended up having to have surgery on his knee, which got completely twisted around during the accident, and his shoulder suffered a tear in his rotator cuff. The doctors had identified that the shoulder problem had been ongoing for a while, just escalated from the accident, but thus confirmed that he would need years of physical therapy to be able to walk normally again and couldn’t clear him to compete in swimming any longer – ending the career he spent his entire life working towards.
This pushed the already recluse of the Kennedy family further into a hole, finding it hard to get out of bed. The best therapy – both physically and mentally – was started and Micah tried to get back to his life as little as he could.
His therapist suggested picking up a hobby and piano seemed to be the only thing that stuck. Now all of his time is dedicated to mastering the skill and trying to grow from there. 
Though he doesn’t state it, Micah is resentful of both his sister and being a Kennedy. He loves his family, truly and dearly, he doesn’t understand how she could put either of them into the situation and why this was the one thing that his family name couldn’t solve. He had tried to make a name on his own and it was thrown back into his face.
updated information ( TW pregnancy, TW NICU , TW depression , TW suicidal thoughts ): after his accident, Micah spent weeks trying to get around feeling like he didn't belong. imposter syndrome overtook him as he felt as though he didn't fit into the Kennedy mold, was selfish for how he had originally broken up with Melrose Levington, selfish for hurting Archie Sinclair, the whole nine yards. It wasn't until he had a breakdown to his mother, Jordana Kennedy, who helped him get into a therapist and into programs -- which worked for a little while. That was until he found out that Melrose was pregnant and after a paternity test it was found that he was the father of her unborn child. After a rather easy pregnancy, their daughter was born suddenly months early and little miss Juniper Levington-Kennedy has been in the NICU fighting for her life.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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porrokin · 4 years
i have actually never posted anything like this on my tumblr - i'm kinda nervous ngl.
below you can find the blurb and entire first chapter of the fantasy novel i'm writing! 🤎 i'm so incredibly proud and wanted to share it with you :)
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Andy was almost an adult now, not once in the past decade had she been entirely sober. This hadn't been a choice of her own; she didn't get many of those anymore after becoming a permanent resident in the Institute. She'd been permanently deprived of direct sunlight ever since her sixth birthday, on December 30th.
Meanwhile, her best friend claims to speak with his deceased parents and the Keepers found her newest ally before she did. They've been forcing him to use his powers for their selfish winnings, cruel violations like this could go unseen since the Warden disappeared.
Escaping the Keepers is one thing; they're still worlds apart from getting home - considering there's anything to come back to in the first place.
story : all rights reserved ; @porrokin
don't copy or claim this in any way; it is my work and belongs entirely to me.
Never once during the past decade had Andy been entirely sober, that fact would, however, become even more disturbing when you considered she was barely eighteen years old. It hadn't been a conscious choice, at least not one of her own.
Ever since her sixth birthday - almost precisely twelve years ago - Keepers had taken the freedom of making decisions away from her. What she ate, where she slept, who she talked to, and whether or not she took her meds four times per day - which she did, much to her disliking.
The Keepers no longer informed Andy of their plans for her, they used to back when she was still enrolled in the program. Christiano was, though she wasn't sure if she always believed him when he talked about what he did during those three hours every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday. Nine hours each week, that's how much time they did want to spend with her roommate. She was on her own, once again.
The line scurried along. Andy hesitantly followed as she took in the newly arrived smell of potatoes and spinach. Lunch must start soon, meaning the clock could say 12:55 am anytime now. The rest of the world outside was sleeping, in contrast to this place - heavily lit by beaming, quietly zooming tubes. The grey ceiling was covered in them, leaving nothing to go by without catching the eye of at least one Keeper. Andy didn't know why they lived during the night, rather than when the sun could cast real and natural light into the long, empty hallways. Probably to keep the public from asking much-needed questions about this place, or perhaps they did know but couldn't care enough.
Another name was called out - not hers. The girl in front of the line had been injected, she swiftly turned around and started walking in against the direction of the line. Back to her room, she went, another day of the same, mundane routine. Day after day, twelve years before you got away.
Long ginger hair draped over her slim shoulders, curls bouncing up slightly with every step she took. Her face looked tense; not unusual for this place, but it was rather strange to see from this girl. When their eyes met, Andy was surprised to see an almost luminescent light grey shade. The girl's eyes were once green but now reminded her of the colour of freshly polished silverware reflecting in the light.
As she walked past her spot in line, electricity seemed to flow through Andy's spine; causing her entire body to shiver. Her eyebrows shaped themselves into a slight frown, for a moment she glanced behind her to look at this girl for an extra second. She wasn't allowed to speak to anyone in white but her roommate, though by now she'd been here long enough to recognize who slept in the same hallway and who didn't.
A loud crackling sound disrupted the silence, a moment later the automated voice began to talk through the speakers. Same time every day, the same voice at exactly five minutes before 1 am. 'Ten minutes before lunchtime, those who have not yet received their injections will be expected back in Hallway 162B in exactly 45 minutes'.
In a matter of seconds, their plan was about to be set in motion.
Right away, rummaging sounds rose from the back of the line. 'I need Andy!', a familiar voice shakily called out. 'My roommate, Andy Donahue!'
'Not up to you, get back in line or I'll make you.' Andy recognized his voice as the heavier Keeper with the bushy, unmanaged moustache. He sounded calm, he'd been quick to tase someone in the past and would most likely have his beefy fingers wrapped around the device already.
She raised her hand and started walking towards the back of the line, her body shaking entirely as if it was freezing and she walked into the cold without any clothes on her limbs.
Without expecting it, she was forcefully yanked back from behind. Before Andy even had time to blink, her arms were locked firmly behind her back, wrists pushing hard against her spine.
'You too, now? Don't think you're an exception to the rules.' Captain Keeper; not because he's the leader, but he sure did like trying to boss the others around. She didn't answer him right away but rather tried to stretch her body and spot Christiano in the hallway. She couldn't.
'I'm his roommate, that's Irvine. Sometimes he freaks out in the presence of many people-' A sweaty hand roughly pulled her head back by her hair, causing her to face the ceiling. Her body alarmed her of the pain this caused to her neck. The bright lights made her eyes tear and she struggled to swallow.
'Did I tell you to open your mouth?' Clammy Hands scoffed.
She attempted to reason with him: 'Let me take him to our room so he can calm down.'
'Get back in line. Otherwise, I'll make sure you don't get out of solitary until snow melts.'
She managed to free her arm from his clammy grasp. 'I can ensure you-'
He reached for her, his face caught between anger and frustration. He was getting impatient, little was he aware that this was exactly Andy's will. She stumbled backwards to avoid him this time, successfully, both of them were surprised by it.
'Christiano will throw up. Do you want that to happen when..' She ever so slightly raised her chin, dramatically pausing for a moment as she raised her boney finger.
Andy continued. 'About six hundred kids still need their injections in this hallway? That seems to be a big inconvenience — if I am allowed to voice my opinion.'
'Sir.' she added. The encounter would surely have been more entertaining would her head not be pounding, the shakiness of her knees increasing by the second. She knew her body needed the meds she managed to rid this morning - she would deny this dependence at any cost if someone were to ask.
He sighed and resultantly nodded in Christiano's direction. 'Go. I'll know where to find you in five minutes.'
She did as told, anxiously searching the hallway for her roommate. So far everything was going just as she so meticulously planned; she was okay.
By now she imagined the time creeping closer to 1:00 am, breaks for the Administration would start in ten minutes; she only needed three. The two minutes after that meant for racing back to their room, in case Captain Keeper was indeed determined to stick to his earlier promise.
Something as cold as ice grabbed her hand, effortlessly disrupting her thoughts. Chocolate brown eyes met hers, a feeling of relief washed over Andy's body. Squeezing his hand, they swiftly disappeared behind the corner at the end of the hallway.
'You got the key?' Andy hushed her voice. Administration breakrooms were still in the same hallway as their offices. She wondered whether they got as little sunlight as the kids here did.
'I do. Traded my last blanket for 15 minutes of borrowing the thing, this place leaks of greedy bastards.' He grinned, accentuating his sharp facial structure.
'If you're right about the Bidding we'll be out of here soon enough anyway.'
'I am right.'
'I believe you.' She extended her hand for him to hand her the key. 'I want to prepare for everything, that's all.'
While Andy gained access to Ad 348H, Christiano leaned nonchalantly against the drinking fountain, his finger push-ready on the button. If she caught the sound of water running, she needed to hide. Christiano would have to sneak her back out after their lunchtime. Not the desired option, as this would be too close for comfort with the Administration break ending at the same time.
Thanks to Christiano's contacts she knew immediately which cabinet to find; about twenty seconds had passed already. Her hands rummaged through the several files and envelopes, one of the many drawers containing surnames with "D" as their starting letter.
She gasped audibly when finally skimming across her own, "Andy Donahue" it said. As she attempted to pull it out, the cardboard folder ripped on one end; the contents spilling out like jelly beans at an overwhelmingly disorganized children's party.
She cursed to herself as she attempted to fish for whatever just got lost within the mass amount of documents and belongings. A soft texture brushed against her finger and with some effort, she managed to grab onto it.
Her journal! Andy's heart skipped a beat, who knew they would've collected this in here after confiscating it years ago. Without hesitation she dropped it into the neck of her jacket, holding it against her stomach with her other hand. What else did she need? Her file was too big to ever sneak out in its entirety and to take this heavy notebook was already a reach.
A loud cough echoed into the room as if she had her fingers in her ears this whole time to block out the noise. Finally, the sound of splashing water seemed to reach her. She slammed the cabinet shut, somehow getting her black sleeve stuck in the process. No, no, this was bad - this was so awfully bad.
While securing the journal with her other arm she put her body up against the heavy metal cabinet and made a desperate attempt at freeing herself from its hold.
'Yes!', slightly too loud.
Within a moment she smoothly turned around, slamming herself against something and stumbling onto the cold concrete flooring.
'We really don't have time anymore, why didn't you come out when I signalled for you?', Christiano grabbed her free arm and hurriedly pulled Andy back up on her feet.
'I'm sorry!'
She followed right behind him, both came to a sudden stop once they'd realized what was waiting behind the walls of Ad 348H. At least six Keepers surrounded them in the hallway, pointing that same amount of stun batons in their direction.
Captain Clammy Hands was the one to break the silence: "Such a shame, Donahue."
© PHOTOGRAPHY : @/k_reckd [ TWITTER ]
to read more, check out my story on wattpad @/porrokin [ same as on tumblr ]
© PHOTO - MODEL : @/iiphugs [ TWITTER ]
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calyxaomphalos · 2 years
The Ghosts of Windy Ridge
Turn #49, four components
location #2 - Timmy's Diner - 5 neighbor #7 - Tina James - 4 item #18 - makes me nostalgic event #11 - sudden insight/realization
Again, I skipped a component. No real nostalgia-inducing items here.
13 April 2022, Wednesday Morning
The day started as most of my days have recently, with a grinding of coffee beans and thanks to the spirit Ergediel. Looking around the small kitchen, I decided that after this one mug I'd go over to Timmy's Diner and get some sort of greasy omelette or something. With any luck, I'd run into some local or other. My talk with Hank the day before yesterday was very useful.
Usually there's no traffic at all turning out of the Centaur Ranch road that the cabin is on, but this morning I had to wait for another car to pass before making the turn. Based on the Academy flair and the robotics-themed bumper stickers, I was pretty sure it was Tina. Then I felt like a creepy stalker when she turned right onto Main Street. The Academy would be a left turn from here.
When Tina signaled for the left onto the road Timmy's was on, I was sure she thought I was following her. I hoped she recognized me as I then followed her into the Timmy's parking lot. I parked a few spaces away, but got out of my car as fast as I could so I could explain myself. Putting on a big smile, I greeted her, "I wasn't following you, honest! I'd planned to come to Timmy's before I even turned off of Centaur Ranch Road!"
"Serren! Great to see you! Please, will you join me for breakfast? My first class isn't until 10:30 on Wednesdays, so I like to come here once a week."
The cook waved at Tina when we walked in. "We're taking a booth today, thanks!" Tina called back to him. There were plenty of open booths and we sat in the very same one where I'd given Dani her reading, and like that time, it was the cook who brought menus, mugs and a pot of coffee for the table.
"I know you didn't know Mo, but I'm curious what you can tell me about the Academy and the student culture there?"
Tina poured some creamer into her coffee and sipped it. "A lot has changed in just the last six years I've been here. Not just the student body, but the whole atmosphere of the country as a whole. One of the things Mr. Forrester did for the Academy was to make sure it had Internet access, well before most rural areas had that sort of thing, you know. I think that has made a big difference in how our students see the world."
"Isn't sixth grade a little young for an Academy? And what's with thirteenth grade? I thought a senior in high school was twelfth grade."
"There are two types of children at Windy Ridge Academy - the truly gifted ones, and the ones with wealthy parents who want the prestige of having a child enrolled there. Some sixth graders are quite capable. The thirteenth grade may depend on which type of student we're talking about. For the gifted ones, it's equivalent to a second or even third year in transferable university credits to most schools across the nation. For the average student, it's optional. Think of it more like the type of education one would get in a Community College. It also can be university credit, depending on the nature of the classes and how well the student does."
"What about social clubs? Fraternities and the like?"
"I run the robotics club, yeah. We meet every other week and participate in county and state fairs, competitions and the like. Our kids are great!" Tina gushed enthusiastically.
"So special interest clubs, but nothing like 'Greek Life' groups," I tried prying deeper.
Tina's face darkened a bit. "There used to be. Next time you come over to my house, I'll meet you halfway and show you where the old Chi Rho Sigma house was. It's been abandoned near on 20 years now, and I can't really get a straight answer out of anyone at the Academy about it all. I'm sure whatever it was has something to do with why they made me practically sign away my first born when I drafted the charter for the Robotics Club."
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