#i was worrying that they wouldn’t let us on the train because my baggage is too big
drivestraight · 3 months
1 hour into this travel day with my mom and i realized that i’m literally the problem re: anxious abt baggage and check-in times and literally everything
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radiosandrecordings · 4 years
What was with Martin and Tuesdays. 
He was never late for work, which managed to surprise Jon as it wouldn’t seem out of character based on the rest of his quality of work ethic. But on Tuesdays, and Tuesdays alone, he was always early. 
Not only that, but he was oddly... Chipper, at 8:45 on a Tuesday, stepping into the Archives with a takeaway cup in one hand and a bag of some unspecified pastry in the other. The pastry varied from week to week. 
His hair seemed to curl more than usual, like it was damp and just starting to dry, as if he’d showered not more than a few minutes before stepping foot into the Institute. Aside from his unusual sense of alertness, though, there was a contrasting weariness to his step, like his limbs were heavier than expected, or he simply didn’t have the energy to keep his shoulders up, allowing his arms to slump when standing casually. 
And it wasn’t any of Jon’s business, but it was strange. And, unfortunately, Jon hadn’t spent four years in research to see something he deemed ‘Strange’ and be able to let sleeping dogs lie. 
Of course, he couldn’t just ask him. That seemed like it would be some sort of workplace violation, for a boss inquire as to the activities of their employees outside of the workplace. Maybe if they were friends, yes, it would be acceptable. Tim could clap Martin on the shoulder, sling out a casual “Up to anything interesting this morning?” and Martin would stammer off a tale of whatever it was that he did in the early hours of a Tuesday. But he and Martin weren’t friends.
So he just... Did some casual observation. 
Martin always seemed to have a bag with him, on Tuesdays. Just a backpack, grey,  nothing strange, but he usually had a messenger bag slung over his shoulder most days. He didn’t have it on Tuesdays, though, so clearly whatever he was putting in the backpack was small enough that he could fit his usual baggage in it too. But aside from whatever the indeterminate contents of the bag were, his damp hair and weary but confident demeanour, Jon couldn’t find anything else glaringly obvious that made Tuesdays different. 
Until one Tuesday, of course. 
The Institute had never been terribly strict about dress codes, but that was mostly because it didn’t have to. The type of person who worked there usually had a certain demeanour about them that meant they didn’t need to be reminded what was and was not appropriate for the workplace. Some of Tim’s more colourful shirts aside, the Archives had never had much problem with this subject so far. 
So of course, eyebrows were raised when on a Tuesday Martin arrived to work five minutes after Jon and approximately twenty five minutes before Tim and Sasha were due to arrive, wearing, aside from his coat, his usual slacks and a t-shirt, the front of which displayed the cover of a book Jon had never heard of.  
And apparently Jon was staring, because Martin seemed to notice. “Ah, I’m sorry, I know this isn’t exactly proper of me but I forgot to pack my shirt this morning so when I was getting changed after practise I only had a t-shirt.” He made his way across the room, over to his desk. “Well, either a t-shirt or my training shirt, and I figured that might not smell too great, heh. Uh- Sorry that wasn’t-” 
“Training for what?” 
The words were out of Jon’s mouth before he could stop himself, damned curiosity getting the better of him, yet again. 
“Hm?” Martin paused, halfway through taking his coat off. “Oh! Rowing. I go rowing on Tuesday mornings, have to be at the river by 6am. Tiring, but fun.” And that’s when Martin shrugged his coat off properly. 
Ah ha. 
Jon was not a person who particularly concerned himself with the appearance of others. He’d only properly, long term dated once in the past, and he’d never really held any strong feelings for anyone since Georgie. Even passing attraction, to an actor, to a model, to someone sat on the other side of the café, wasn’t really something all that common for him. But he was half convinced, if his life was a cartoon, that viewed from the outside in that moment there would be three small stripes of pink, purple and blue over his head. Because Martin Blackwood had arms.
Well, yes, obviously he had arms. But they were... They were nice arms. In a way that Jon was not expecting. Strong, and muscular, and coming from broad shoulders, but not in that straining, abs-and-veins, body builder sort of way. It was a casual muscle, strength built up under layers of fat. It was a practical muscle, meant for lifting and holding and, apparently, rowing. 
Jon supressed the entirely inappropriate desire for a hug. 
When had Martin started saying his name? By his tone that wasn’t the first time, maybe the second or third, he was worried, Jon should answer, Jon should-
“Jon are you okay?” 
“What? Oh, uhm, yes, perfectly fine,” his mouth was dry, why was his mouth so dry? “It’s, uhm. I wouldn’t worry about it. Not like anyone ever sees us down here anyway, just don’t make a habit out of it.” 
“Gotcha, thanks.” 
Coat now slung over the back of his chair, Martin turned back to his desk, settling down and powering his laptop on, conversation with Jon clearly intended to be over. But-
“Rowing, uhm... Tim does kayacking, I think? Or has gone, a few times at least, that he’s mentioned before. Just, if you ever wanted someone to talk about... About rowing, to.”
“Oh, does he? Cool, I’ll mention it to him later, thanks Jon.”
“Uhm, yes. Well. Have a nice day, Martin.” 
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Rager Teenager.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader
Word Count: 2900.
Alex doesn’t even look shocked when she sees you landing in her backyard, dropping a bag of clothes loudly on the ground.
“Hey.” You greet her with a smile, looking at her standing in the doorway with a glass of wine in her hands.
“Running away, kiddo?” She points at the bag, but she means it like a joke. Let’s just say you were quite generous with the amount of clothes you packed. You could be leaving the house for a month, for what it’s worth. Yet, no one would actually think that you are running away from home.
“Yep.” You shrug it off. Her eyebrows are pinched together immediately. “Can I stay?”
Alex moves away from the door, giving you space to walk in. “Should I call your moms to let them know or-?”
“Nah, they’re aware.” You pick up your bag and make your way inside, passing her on the way in. “Hi, aunt Kelly. Where’s Jamie?”
“Oh, hi.” Kelly smiles at you from her wine glass. She then acknowledges the bag, pointing at it with her face. “Is that some big creation or something fun for you two to do?”
“Actually, just my clothes. I’m moving in.” You smile making your way to the stairs. “Indefinitely.”
“Oh. Sounds fun.” Kelly gives you two thumbs up, not looking as amused as she made it sound. “Your cousin is upstairs.”
“Cool. Thanks for letting me stay.” You say, making your way to Jamie’s bedroom to surprise her.
You are aware they didn’t exactly let you stay. Especially not ‘indefinitely’. But you know they would never say no to you, just like your moms would never say no to Jamie if she wanted to stay at your house. You also know that Alex is probably calling Kara right now, and that at some point tonight Kelly will try to assess how you’re feeling, claiming this is an open safe space.
It’s annoying that they’ll treat you like you’re the one that needs to talk about your feelings and understand them. You do understand what you’re feeling. You’re feeling like they think you should be ok with the fact that you don’t need their attention anymore. And of course you don’t need it. But you want it.
Your moms have always been your best friend. You tell them everything and you like that. You like the fact that you don’t have to be rebellious to get their attention, because you are the most important person in their lives, and you liked that feeling.
But well, now things are different. Maybe you need to change a little. Make a little trouble. Be a rebel rascal. A wild child. A rager teenager.
“Hey!” You drop your bag in a loud thud on the floor, making Jamie look up from her phone.
“I see you finally brought back all the things you borrowed from me.” She points at the bag with her eyes, and you roll yours in response.
“You wish.” You throw yourself on her bed, in front of her. “I’m actually moving in.”
“You don’t say.” She throws her phone to the side, looking at you with curiosity in her eyes. “Well, go on. Let’s hear it.”
You tell her everything and Jamie looks amused that the first time you’re throwing a tantrum is over something so dumb as not getting their attention. Says the girl who doesn’t pick up her phone at eight -not even in a life-threatening situation- because that’s her catch up time with her moms.
“So your big rebellious act is coming to my house?” You nod. “I would’ve thought staying with, I don’t know, Lillian Luthor would be far more dramatic.”
“Should I?” You ask out loud, but you’re actually talking to yourself. “No, right? No. That’s insane.” Is it? Yes, yes it is. “But I do have another rebellious idea in my baggage.”
Jamie zeroes in the bag you brought in. Sure the bag is big, but it doesn’t fit what you’re thinking.
“Not my actual bag.” You roll your eyes. “I meant my emotional baggage.”
“Oh, that’s a lot bigger than that one.” She agrees with her head, making her point. You look at the enormous bag on the floor of her bedroom.
“No, it’s not.”
“Hey, remember that time you almost died?”
“Which one?” You ask and she gives you a satisfied grin, like she is saying ‘touché’. Yeah, you guess she has a point.
“ANYWAYS!” You say, trying to ignore her. “Movies!”
See, it was kind of obvious that you wouldn’t be good at being rebellious. You never had to do this before. You’ve only seen it in movies. Ok, so let’s try what movies did. In Harry Potter, Hermione's big rebellious act was erasing her parents' mind. Huh. That you have the means to do. But no, that’s insane. Right? Right! Making your moms forget you is insane! Maybe you should think of rom-coms or teen movies. Hm, in ‘Mean Girls’ Cady throws a party when they’re parents aren’t in the house and dresses slutty or whatever. You can’t pull any of this off. Who would come to your party? How would you kick your moms out of the house? And you would rather die than dress slutty.
“Movies.” Jamie repeats, incredulous. “You know, for a genius you really lack basic information at times.” She says making you gruff. “You want to be rebellious? Steal Lena’s BMW, sneak out, go to a party, get drunk-”
“I can’t exactly get drunk unless it is alien alcohol.” You add.
“Steal alien alcohol.” She adds to the list, a little disgruntled that you made her lose her train of thought. “Make me go with you.”
“You’re literally giving me the idea.”
“Hmm, yes. Because I’m dying to go to this party Maya told me about, but I need plausible deniability. As in-”
“If your moms ask, it was all my fault?” You ask with an eyebrow raise and she agrees with her head. “Ok, fine. I’ll take the blame. But I think we can be more rebellious than that.” You give her a wicked smile. “Can you imagine how crazy it would be if-” You take off your glasses. “She went to a party?”
“WHAT!” Jamie sits straighter in bed looking equally terrified and excited. “No! You can’t have Superkid go to a party! She is a SUPER! Kara would absolutely kill you.”
“What’s the point of only pissing off Lena? I do that way too much already.” You throw yourself back in bed, thinking about it. “Besides, no one wants a Luthor in their party. Now, who’s going to say no to Superkid?”
“Ok, wait a minute. I-I-” You can tell you have made Jamie really confused when you leave her speechless. “Superkid doesn’t even exist anymore, and you want to bring her back just so you can go to a party?”
“Superkid doesn’t-'' You laugh, then furrow your brows. Holy shit, people still think you’re not supering anymore. “Oh, yeah, about that. I’ve been supering in secret ever since I came back from that other reality.”
“You-” Jamie’s mouth comically open wide like a cartoon character. “But-You-And then-I don’t get it.”
“See? That’s why I’ve been doing it in secret.”
Because how do you do it? How do you go back to being a superhero when you made such a big deal about not ever wanting to be a superhero ever again in your life? How do you unsay it?
Should you just come back home and be like ‘oh yeah, by the way, Superkid exists again, and you have to go back to worrying about me, Lena. And yes, Kara, you might have to go to outer space save me again a couple of times. No biggy. Good night!’
So you don't, right? You sneak in in secret instead. Pray you don't die on the job. Pray they don't find out. And mostly, you pray that you're doing the correct thing, because it's the righteous thing to do and not because you selfishly want that powerful feeling you had before.
“So for weeks you’ve been going around National City saving people and no one knew?” You nod. She needs to make sure. Jamie slaps your arm like you could feel pain. “You didn’t even tell me?”
“I’m telling you right now. Before anyone else.” She still rolls her eyes at you. “Come on, it’s a great way for Superkid to do her comeback. At a party, dancing with stupid teens.” Jamie looks unconvinced. “We can still take Lena’s car.”
“Why would we need it? You can just fly us there.”
“Yeah, I know. But it will piss off Lena.” You give her another wicked grin. “I’ll let you drive.”
“Yeah, ok, cool.”
Simple as that.
So it’s Friday night, Jamie agrees she will go to the party with Maya, and you told your girlfriend you were grounded. Yes, it’s a lie. But barely. You’re sure you’ll be grounded right after this, anyways.
It’s before midnight when both of your aunts say goodnight and go to bed. Kelly makes sure she schedules a ‘talking about your feelings’ session right on Saturday morning with you, before she leaves, though. Ugh, this won’t be fun.
You give them some time, then use your super hearing to make sure they are asleep, before you fly out the window and look for Lena. Like you suspected it’s Friday night and she’s made it back to L Corp, after you left home. Rao, you’re so mad.
You fly home and check for Kara’s presence. All clear. Must be tailing Arnold McKenan or running away from her problems. For someone so brave, you can’t believe how much of a coward she is when it comes to Lena. Rao, you’re raging.
You grab Lena’s car keys, your supersuit in their closet, and then pick the car up and drop off in front of Jamie. You love Jamie, and you know she drives better than you do, but still you fly behind her car the entire time to make sure she is safe. Damn the car, if it was for you, you would toss it in the ocean, it’s Jamie you care about.
“Holy!” Maya says, when she slides in the car. “That’s-wow! Did you steal this?”
“For sure.” Jamie smiles and drives off, leaving nothing but tire marks behind.
“Is that why Superkid is following us?” Maya asks, and you smile to yourself.
“Nah. She was saving a kitten and I asked if she wanted to come to a party. Now, she’s following the car.”
“WHAT!” Maya yells, sounding excited. “You’re joking! We’re going to a party with Superkid?” She gets nothing but a nod. “Holy fucking shit! I can’t believe my girlfriend won’t be there. Maybe we could convince her to sneak out?”
“Please. Do you even know your girlfriend?” You hear Jamie’s response. “She would never.” You scoff. “Besides, I don’t want to be third-wheeling all night. You guys are awfully handsy.”
“Yeah, well. She’s hot.” Maya says, making you smile even more. “Here. We’re here.” And so Jamie parks.
“Hi!” You open the car’s door to Maya, giving you her hand so she can exit the car. “I’m Superkid.”
“Of course you are.” She manages to say, looking red as a tomato.
“Your friend Jamie said it was ok if I came. I hope I’m not intruding on anything.”
“NO! No! Not at all. You’re more than welcomed. I mean, it’s not my party, but I’m guessing you will be more than welcome. I mean, who wouldn’t want Superkid in their party, right? So yeah you’re welcome! Anyways, you cool? I’m cool.” She rambles, making you and Jamie share a look. “Oof, I’m sweating.”
“Don’t be nervous.” You put your hand on her shoulder for a light squeeze. “I’m just a normal teen.”
She wheezes out a laugh. “I don’t know about normal.”
“More than you think. Shall we?” You point inside the house, and she agrees with her head. They fall a little behind you, and you can hear Maya whispering.
“Doesn’t she look awfully familiar?”
“Haven’t you met her before a few times?” Jamie saves you and you smile when Maya agrees, and lets it go.
Let’s just say going to a party as Superkid is on the top of the best ideas you’ve ever had. Superkid is a big hit. There’s even a line so people can take pictures with you. And they all love you. You’ve never felt so loved in your life. This was exactly what you needed.
It sucks that alcohol does literally nothing to you, but you still enjoy watching Jamie and Maya getting louder and flushed and talking nonsense to you all night. So this is what it's like to be a normal teenage girl? You’ll take it.
It is also very exciting that Maya can’t ever stop bringing your name up. The real you. Not Superkid. Not you in this shiny suit. The nerdy you that is apparently home, texting her so she can enjoy the party.
The night goes on and you don’t think once about Lena in her stupid office, doing her dreary paperwork, acting like that fucking company is more important than your family’s existence. You also don’t think about Kara in that stupid DEO, doing her dreary patrol, acting like the fucking world is more important than your family’s wellbeing. Or maybe you thought about it once or twice. But not as much as you would if you were home alone waiting for them. But hey, you shouldn’t be thinking about them! They sure as hell aren’t thinking about you right now.
“Shit, shit, shit.” Jamie says looking at her phone. “It’s mami! She probably noticed I’m not in my bedroom.”
“It’s ok. Let me see that.” You grab her phone. “I’ll take this up in the sky, so she doesn’t hear all the noise.”
“You’re going to answer her phone?” Maya asks, and you realize that it doesn’t make a lot of sense for you to be answering the phone of some girl you just met. Damn! Maya still makes sense even with all the alcohol.
“Oh. Um. I’m really good at impressions!” You say with a smile. But you can’t actually impersonate Jamie. You put both hands on your waist and look up. “Hope, help, and compassion for all.” Then you smile. “That was Supergirl.”
“It was perfect.” She says, and now the alcohol is probably doing the effect again.
“Ok! Gotta go!” You fly up and notice that a bunch camera flashes follow you. Feels good to be loved. “Heeeey auntie.”
“Where the hell are the two of you?” Kelly yells through her phone and you actually have to take it off your ear, because it’s too loud.
“Oh!” Think of something, come on. “We’re at-at the Fortress. I brought Jamie to help me look for this thing-”
“And none of you thought it was a good idea to let us know that? We were here thinking she was kidnapped!”
“By whom?”
“Well, I don’t know. It’s a new threat every day in this town! A few weeks ago you literally vanished from your bedroom one night!” Oh, that. What a cool funny story, that no one thinks is cool nor fun, except you. Kelly exhales. “Why didn’t she pick up the phone herself?”
“Oh! I think she got lost in one of the rooms.” You hate that you’re lying so much. You never once lied to Kelly before. What if she just knows? “Don’t worry, auntie. We’re safe, and will be back home in bed soon, ok? Go to bed, everything is ok. Goodnight!”
You hang up before she answers. Way to be suspicious. You come back to the party and see Jamie hyperventilating afraid of the conversation you just had.
“We should go.”
“Relax, I handled it.” You pick up another jello shot, putting on Jamie’s hand. “Chill, I’ve got this. No one will ever know.”
And when you make it back home and park Lena’s car exactly like it was parked -in all honesty Jamie couldn’t parallel park so you picked it up and put it in its place-, you think no one will ever know. And when you and Jamie sneak in her bedroom and go straight to bed, and none of her moms wake up, you are sure no one will ever know.
Wouldn’t it be nice if that was actually the case? But when you wake up the next morning… Oh, crap. Oh, shit. Oh, no. What are Kara and Lena doing here?
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
The lighthouse that guided me H.H ❤️🔥
~Best friends brother  
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I do not grant permission for anything of mine to be copied or redistributed even if recognition is given. All rights reserved to Hogwartsmarvelmommy © 2021.
this is 18+ only!
word count: 9.9k
summery: Sam knew you and his brother would hit it off, so he made you promise to not fall in love with his twin... easier said than done. 
Warnings: Swearing, miscarriage, blood, smut. (additional warnings under the cut)
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (F & M receiving) fingering, some dirty talk (But like not really) protected sex. 
A/N: ok... i really only planned for this to be like 2-3k words, but i just couldn't stop... hope you like it :)
It was the insistent pounding that woke you up. The first thought in your head was how you were going to kill him for interrupting a perfectly good dream.  With a loud, rather dramatic groan you rolled out of bed and flung open your door. Sam looked like he was stressed beyond belief. Pushing past you, he came into the room plopping down onto your bed and groaning before burying his face in his hands. This was not a sight you were used to, usually your best friend was a happy go lucky guy, but right now he seemed to be anything but.  
"Sam, what's wrong?" Suddenly all the anger from being awoken so early left you, seeing him in distress was bad enough. You closed your door and went over to him, crouching down in front of him, hoping the boy would talk to you so you could offer some sort of help.
"There coming," he groaned. Who was he talking about? Who was coming? You were about to ask when he spoke up again, "my brothers want to see where I live and go to school, there on a plane now," 
You felt all that worry dissipate instantly. Did he seriously wake you up at the ass crack of dawn because his brothers wanted to come spend some quality time with him on his free week. Why did he always have to be so dramatic? 
With a roll of your eyes you let out a chuckle. "Seriously Sammy? That's what's wrong?" 
"Y/n, they're going to judge all of this," you looked around your room, there was nothing out of the ordinary really, just a bed, a dresser and some random nick knacks. 
"My room?" You asked, confused. 
"No, our apartment,"  he said. You were a bit taken aback. Yes your apartment was rather small and lacked a lot of decor, but for two broke college kids it was what you could do.
“What is wrong with the apartment?” you asked him, verging on offended. You had put in a lot of effort to make the place your own. From the beer bottle wreath on the pantry door to the pong wall of champions. It wasn't much but it was home, and that's what mattered. 
“I need to tell you something,” he sighed slightly looking up to you. “I come from a very well off family, and i am nowhere near broke, i just don't want to flaunt the money i have around,” you weren't sure you'd heard him right, the boy you'd lived with for three years, who you considered your closest and best friend was telling you he was in fact not broke? When there had been times you ate microwave noodles for lack of anything else in the house.
“So you have money?” you asked, your confusion was evident in your tone. 
“I'm sorry,” he sighed. 
“Why would you lie about that?” You wondered. You were taken aback at your best friend's confession. Confused and a little hurt were just the brink of it. Why did he think he had to lie to you? After all this time?
“It was easier. I didn't want to worry about anyone just befriending me because of money,” He explained. You rolled your eyes, not sure if that was an acceptable explanation, but for now it was what you were getting. 
“Well where are your brothers staying?” You asked him. 
He sighed in relief at the fact that you weren't completely ripping him a new one. “Can they take your room, and you can crash in mine?” He suggested.
“Absolutely not!” You exclaimed.
“Y/N!” he groaned out. 
“You give them your room and you take the futon in the living room,” You told him, smacking his cheek lightly. 
“You're the worst,” He groaned. “But I need a favor,” he muttered.
“I swear if you ask me-” 
“Can you take me to pick them up at the airport?” He interrupted. 
“And he asked it,” You sighed walking out of the room. 
“Y/N? Is that a yes?” He called out after you. 
“Fine Sam, but you owe me big!” You exclaimed before shutting the bathroom door. 
You had met Sam your first day at the University, and instantly the two of you had clicked. You oftentimes would say the two of you were half-soulmates, like half of your soul was Sam’s but the other half you hadn't meant quite yet. You understood Sam, and he understood you, and it was easy. You knew he had brothers, but mostly when he'd get time off school he would fly from Scotland back to London to visit them instead of vice versa.
So despite spending most of the last four years together, you had never met them. 
You got yourself showered and put together before going to find Sam, who was a mess. “You look like a train hit you,” You told him as you stood in his doorway. 
“Y/N, that's not helpful,” He groaned. 
“Well let's go get your brothers,” you announced, grabbing your car keys from the counter. 
“Wait,” He exclaimed. You turned to look at him, waiting to hear what he had to say. “I need you to promise me something,” He muttered. 
“My brother, Harry, my twin. I need you to promise you won't fall in love with him,” He told you. You nearly doubled over laughing, you couldn't imagine falling in love with anyone, much less someone related to the Div you called your best friend. 
“Yeah I'm sure that won't be a problem,” You chuckled. 
“Y/N, i’m serious, the instant you guys meet you're going to click, and if you think me and you have a lot in common, i can promise you, that Harry and you will have more,” He explained. You realized he was completely serious. 
“OK Sammy, i'll do my best to not fall in love with your twin brother,” You nodded at him. He took a deep breath before finally walking towards you. 
“Let's do this,” He muttered. 
The airport was crowded, much like you had expected, but you still found yourself trudging through the packed areas to the waiting area to wait for Sam's brothers. “When is their plane set to land?” you wondered looking up at the screen that had all the flight information. 
“They just landed. Tom texted me to let me know,” He told you as he stood waiting impatiently. 
“Why are you so nervous? There only your brothers Sammy,” you tried to get him to calm down. 
“Look at that mane!” You heard from a group of people that had just entered the waiting area from the landing pad. You saw the color drain from your best friends face as he turned and saw a curly haired boy coming at him. Sam opened his arms as the boy crashed into him, hugging him tight and muttering things back and forth to each other. 
“Did you have to leave me?” A man asked as he walked up to the three of you, glancing at you and flashing you a smile before throwing his own arms around the already hugging pair. 
The three of them hugging was cute, and it made you wonder why Sam was so nervous in the first place to have them here, since he looked so happy now. 
“Ok, Guys this y/n, my best friend and roommate,” Sam told them, turning the two boys' attention over to you. 
"Hi," you mumbled, feeling rather shy suddenly. 
"You weren't joking when you sai-" Sam smacked Harry in the back of the head before he could finish what he was saying. "I meant hi," he told you, extending his hand out to you. 
You took his hand in yours, noting how attractive his hands were. His grip was tight as he shook your hand, staring into your eyes with the most breathtaking brown orbs you had ever seen. You weren't even aware you could think brown eyes were so beautiful. His curls had fallen to his forehead, giving him a boyish look, but dear God did he pull it off. No wonder Sam had asked you to not fall in love with his brother, just looking at him had your stomach in butterflies. You let go of his hand, looking away hoping your best friend wouldn't pick up on how easily you were taken aback by his brother.
The older boy 'Tom' extended his hand as well shaking yours and saying hello, before the four of you headed down to the baggage claim. 
Both boys found their bags quickly and then it was off to your car. "Shotgun," Harry yelled as you unlocked the door. 
"What? No!" Sam argued.
"You snooze, you lose Sammy, and it looks like you just lost," you laughed as Harry smirked triumphantly, throwing his bag into the trunk before sliding into the front seat. You knew Sam was nervous to get back to the flat. Worried that maybe his brothers would judge you based on the appearance of your place. 
You parked the car and led the boys up to your place, unlocking it and slipping inside. 
"Wall of champions huh?" Tom asked as he admired the drunk scribbles of the pong wall. 
"Me and Sammy boy are undefeated," you announced proudly pointing to the top where your names were scribbled out. 
"No," Harry laughed, shaking his head, "there is no way, Sam is awful, and has never won. Ever!" 
"Board doesn't lie, red," you told him, shooting Sam a smile. 
"Prove it," Harry said. 
You looked at Sam who had a mischievous look plastered on his face, neither of you were ones to back down from a challenge. So you spent the early afternoon drinking and Whooping Sam's brothers asses at beer pong. Easily.
"She carries you," Tom told Sam as he dropped himself onto the futon.
"Does not!" Sam argued with a laugh. 
"No she does," Harry confirmed.
"Oh piss off," Sam laughed, shoving his way in-between his brothers on the sad excuse for a couch you had. "We need a new couch," he groaned. 
"Let's go shopping for one," Tom said randomly. 
"We're drunk," you pointed out. 
"We can Uber," Tom laughed. You rolled your eyes but reluctantly agreed. 
You stood in your living room in your fuzzy pajama pants and tank top staring at the giant couch that was now taking up a majority of the room and the two sleeping boys on it. 
"We actually did that?" Sam groaned, walking out of his room in only boxers. "I've never been so drunk in my life," 
"Day drinking for the win," you told him, holding your fist up for him to bump. The prior night consisted of way too much drinking and then shopping at furniture stores, before going to a pub for more drinking. If you were honest with yourself, you didn't even recall getting the sectional into the apartment. 
Your head was pounding and you felt like you had been hit by a bus. So you opted to exclude yourself from any activities Sam had planned for him and his brothers, and instead spend the day catching up on your studies. 
You found yourself sprawled out on the new couch with books around you as you worked on your laptop. Regardless of the fact it was a drunk purchase, you had to admit the couch was pretty comfortable. 
You didn't realize you had fallen asleep until you were woken up by someone moving beside you. You sat up watching as Harry settled in. He glanced over to you and sighed. 
"Sorry I was trying to avoid waking you," he said apologetically. 
"S'ok, where's Sam and Tom?" You asked. 
"Club," he chuckled. You rolled your eyes, before grabbing the books from next to you and setting them onto the table. 
"You didn't want to go?" You asked. 
"Not in the mood," he said, smiling at you. You felt a tad guilty about being happy Harry had chosen to not go, opting instead to hang out with you. Sam had been right, you and Harry had A LOT in common, so talking and joking with him came almost naturally. He radiated positivity, it was like if he was a color, it was yellow 100%
After a couple hours of talking about everything you could think of, the room fell silent. "Let's go on an adventure," Harry suggested.
"An adventure?" You wondered. 
"Why not?" He laughed. 
"I'm not very adventurous," you admitted coyly. 
"That's ok, we'll figure something out. Let's just drive until inspiration strikes,"he said, standing up and extending his hand for you to take. 
Your decision to say yes was probably where everything went wrong, but looking back.. you would do everything the same if you were given a second chance.  
You parked your car on the side of the lake. Looking over at Harry with a skeptical look. "You gonna back out?" He asked. 
"Harry, it's only like 68° out here," you reminded him. He nodded with a smile before opening the door and getting out of the car. Somehow both of the Holland twins had a way of convincing you to do crazy things. 
You got out, feeling the chill of the air make goosebumps raise on your skin. "Harry, I'm not sure about this," you admitted walking towards where he was now standing on the dock. 
"Me either, but it's not an adventure without a little hesitation," he told you. 
"Who told you that?" You asked, laughing. He thought about it for a minute and shrugged. 
"Ok, let's do it," he told you, giving you a nod. You sighed nodding back before slowly peeling your pants down your legs and then your shirt over your head. You took a deep breath before removing your underwear and then unclipping your bra. 
You stood completely naked staring out at the ice cold water, not daring to look at the boy beside you, no matter how badly you wanted to. You felt his fingers interlace with yours. “Ready?” He asked. 
“Nope. let's do it,” You told him, squeezing his hand. You followed his movements. As soon as his body lunged forward, yours followed, hitting the icy water almost instantly. It felt as if there were pins and needles poking you on every inch of your body, and when you finally came back up to the surface, you gasped trying to catch your breath, your body tensed up from the shock of the temperature. 
"Adventures. Are. Dumb." You shuttered. You could see Harry's teeth catering together.
"That. That was stupid," he admitted swimming back to the dock and pulling himself out. He reached out his hand, grabbing yours and hoisting you back onto the dock.
"Remind me to never go on an adventure with you again," you laughed, before realizing something. "We don't have towels," 
Harry's eyes widened, "no we don't," you stood on the dock, completely naked trying to shield your body. 
"I have a blanket in my hatch. We can turn on the heater and sit under it until we're dry," you offered. 
"That sounds good," he told you before grabbing the clothes from the ground. You rushed to your car, opening the trunk and jumping in. Luckily you had left the keys in the ignition, so all it took was you leaning over the seat to crank on the car. Forgetting about your completely exposed state. Harry pulled the hatch closed as he crawled into the car, tossing the clothes into the back seat and unfolding the blanket. You plopped down beside him, pulling the corner to cover yourself, hoping the heater would warm the two of you up fast. 
After a few (awkward) moments, Harry finally spoke up. "You have a nice body," he said quietly. You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. 
"Harry, were you looking at my naked body?" You joked, knowing it would have been impossible for him to have not seen you. 
"I mean, when I came to crawl in you were bent over the back seat. Like on full display. Would have been hard to not look," he laughed, turning away to hide the blush that was gracing his ears and cheeks. "This trunk is roomy," he said, trying to change the subject. 
"Me and Sam had to sleep in here once, hence the blanket," you told him. 
"So you two?" Harry wondered. 
"No, never. He's like my half-soulmate, like in a friendly way, you know?" You asked.
"Well he's my womb mate so kind of," he admitted. You couldn't help but laugh. "You know, we will probably warm up faster, if we're closer," Harry said shyly. His logic was right, but you were worried about your self control. 
"Yeah, ok," you mumbled, scooting closer, until your leg was touching his.
"Can I put my arm around you?" He asked. You nodded quickly. You let out a sigh of relief at his warmth,as you let yourself snuggle into his body, being cautious not to place your hands anywhere questionable.
It was nice. It was strangely intimate as well. "Sam told us you were beautiful, but I can't believe how breathtaking you are," Harry said quietly after a few minutes. You glanced up to his face, his eyes were closed, and it seemed like he was trying to focus on his breathing. 
"Are you just saying that because you have seen me naked?" You asked. He laughed, before opening his eyes and looking at you. 
His eyes met yours, and it was like you were each seeing something you had been looking for for way too long. You saw his eyes shift down to your lips.  
"No, Y/N, you are just breathtaking, clothes and all," he told you, brushing stray hairs from your face. 
Your next movements were slow. You glanced down to his lips, and back to his eyes before slowly leaning in, giving him plenty of time to curve your movements, but he didn't. Instead he followed them.
"We shouldn't," you whispered, faces so close you could feel his breath on your lips. 
"I know," he told you. You bit your bottom lip, before looking into his eyes. There was something about Harry, something that was throwing all your inhibitions out the window. All you could think about was how his lips would feel on yours. His hand reached up, rubbing his thumb across your face, you closed your eyes and leaned in, closing the distance between your lips. 
The second your lips met you felt something ignite in you. He kissed you slowly, not rushing into anything. His lips were soft and warm, and made you melt into him. Turning your body more, your naked chest pressed against his as your fingers laced themselves in the curls on the base of his neck. 
As he rested his hand on your waist, squeezing lightly, as he deepened the kiss. 
His tongue swiped across your lower lip, looking for access, which you quickly granted. You leaned back as his lips found themselves trailing your jaw and to your neck. 
"Sam will kill us," you let out, as you threw your head back giving him more access to your neck. 
"Let him," he mumbled into your neck, before continuing his task. You knew you should stop him. This was the first step, in the wrong direction. Harry was someone you could easily fall in love with, and if you stopped now, you could pretend this naked, heated, makeout session had never happened. But then his hand slid down from your waist to your thigh, as he pushed you farther back onto your back. 
You pulled his face back to yours, reconnecting your lips with his in a hungry kiss. 
You continued the heated kissing for a while, letting yourself lose control, something that did not come easily for you. 
"Harry," you moaned into his lips, making him lift his head. 
"Tell me what you want darling," he told you, face red from kissing you. You pushed him up and over so he was sitting again. 
"Do you want me?" You asked. He nodded quickly, grabbing your waist to pull you over to him. You threw one of your legs over his, and let him get himself situated, grabbing his hard member and lining it up to your entrance. You let yourself sink down slowly onto him, enjoying the initial feeling of him filling you up. 
"Christ, y/n, you're so tight," he groaned, as he bottomed out on top of him. you leaned forward resting your head on his shoulder, getting used to the stretch he was giving you, before you started to move slowly. He kept his hands on your hips, helping you with your moviments, but never forcing them, letting you choose the speed of your thrusts. 
Harry peppered your neck with kisses as you held onto him, letting little moans and whines escape your mouth as you rode him slowly. 
He whispered sweet nothings to you, making you lose it, hearing you were 'perfect' and 'so beautiful,' 
"M'So close," you moaned out, as your movements became more rigid. 
"I've got you darling," Harry whispered as he took over, and began thrusting up into you, he let his hand slip between your body's, finding your bundle and rubbing it as he thrust into you. "Oh god," you groaned, throwing your head back. 
"Let go for me darling," he said as he pressed open mouth kisses to your neck. 
As soon as you felt him twitch inside of you, you felt the band in your stomach snap. You felt yourself convulsing around him as his thrusts became sloppy and slowed, having hit his peak with you. 
You let your forehead rest against his, both of your breathing heavy. "Wow," you whispered. 
"I think I like adventures with you," he chuckled, making you roll your eyes before kissing him again. 
Your eyes opened to the light streaming through the window. At first you were confused at the amount of windows surrounding you, and then it hit you. 
"Oh god," you groaned, sitting up. 
"What?" Harry gasped, sitting straight up. 
"We fell asleep," you told him as you rustled around you to find your clothes. "I don't know where my clothes are," you groaned. Harry placed a hand on your check, turning your face to him. 
"Back seat darling," he told you, before leaning in and kissing you. He pulled away sooner than you would have liked and reached over the seat grabbing the clothes from last night. 
You both dressed quickly, moving to the front of the car. The drive home wasn't a long one, and you were relieved when you arrived home to find that neither Sam or Tom were there. 
"So," Harry said as you poured both of you a glass of water. 
"What?" You giggled sliding it over to him. 
"Last night was incredible for me, and I don't do the sleeping with random people thing," he told you.
"And you think I do?" You asked him.
"What? No!" He told you, nearly spitting out his water. You couldn't help but laugh. "I just mean, that I'd like to do it again, maybe take you out as well, get to know you more," he told you, reaching for your hand. You laced your fingers with his, blushing as a smile spread across your face. 
"I'd like that," you whispered. Harry went to move around the counter, but as soon as he got off the stool the front door swung open and a very hungover Sam and an amused Tom came in. Pushing whatever moment you were having to the back burner. 
"You let him get pissed?" You asked Tom as you rushed over to your best friend who looked like death. 
"To be fair, I tried to stop him multiple times, but he kept telling me 'I'm in college I can handle my booze'" Tom laughed.
"Sammy," you groaned as you pushed him onto the couch. 
"Sorry mom," he mumbled as his eyes fluttered shut. 
You rolled your eyes at how dumb he could be. 
"What did you guys do last night?" Tom asked, walking over to where Harry was in the kitchen. 
"Went on a late night adventure," Harry told him, avoiding eye contact. 
"Oh yeah? What did you do?" Tom repeated. 
"Nothing really," Harry mumbled, trying to avoid Tom. But Tom knew Harry better than anyone. 
"Harry?" Tom asked, making the boy look at him. 
Tom gasped, looking from Harry over to you and then back. "Tell me you didn't Baz," Tom groaned. 
"Didn't want?" You asked, confused.
"You two had sex," tom whisper yelled. 
Your eyes grew wide and you could feel your cheeks heating up, "how would you gather that by just looking at him?" You demanded. 
"Sex glow," Tom explained. 
You snorted before rolling your eyes. "Oh whatever," you told him, not buying it.
"So you didn't then?" Tom asked, looking directly at Harry, who's cheeks immediately reddened. "Jesus you two, Sam is going to be livid," he informed you. 
"We're not going to tell him," Harry said quickly, to which you agreed just as quickly. 
Tom shook his head, "was it just the one shag? Or are there feelings?" Tom asked. You looked at Harry and bit your lip. He nodded before speaking back up. "Just the one shag, no feelings at all, " he lied. 
You sat in the driver's seat of your car, waiting.  Memories flooding your mind of that night weeks prior. You glanced down at your phone, checking the time again. You were being impatient, but to be fair you had been waiting for this for a long time, too long. Having had to accept secret calls and texts as enough for the time being. But now it was time, you somehow managed to clear up a weekend, and he happened to be free, and now you were going to sneak away, and not be a secret for just a few days, not have to hide behind a screen, or be a distant voice. 
Your phone began to buzz in your lap and you looked down to see the contact name you had changed a few weeks ago “My baz <3”
“You here?” you asked, bringing it up to your ear.
“Just landed. Am I getting my bag and heading out to you?” he wondered. 
“Yup. and then we will have two whole days uninterrupted, just us, in a virbo, naked, and sweaty and-” you were cut off by his laughing.
“Someone is clearly eager,” he told you.
“Fuck, i messed you sweetheart” he told you. 
“Yes i am, the phone sex and sexting isn't doing it for me, I've literally had the real thing baby. Now I want it again, so hurry up so we can get out of town,” you groaned, as there was a knock on your window. You jumped, and turned to see him standing at your door, red curls crazy from a cat nap he had surly taken on the flight over, and a smile so big you could drown in it. You jumped from the car throwing yourself into his already full arms, making him drop his duffel bag, but he didn't seem to mind. He wrapped his arms around your waist lifting you up in his hug, and burying his face in your neck. 
You could have sworn your heart skipped a beat. 
"Let's go," you urged him, impatient for what you knew was to come later. You began the hour-long drive to the weekend rental you had gotten for the two of you. Making sure you would be alone, and able to not be bothered by anything. Or so you thought. 
"Sam's calling you," Harry said as you turned another corner.
"What, why? He thinks I'm with my dad for the weekend," you told Harry. Looking down at your phone. Harry shrugged. 
You answered the phone hoping it was nothing. 
"Hey, I uh, have a problem," Sam sounded worried.
"What?" You asked. 
"I wanted to make sure it was okay that I invited Harry to stay with us for the two weeks we have off of school next month, because I already invited him.. and I totally forgot to ask," he muttered. You felt a smile grow on your lips. 
"I don't know Sam, I'm not sure me and Harry got on well," you joked, peaking Harry's interest. 
"Really?" Sam asked. 
"Yeah, I just thought he was annoying and I'm pretty sure he didn't like me at all," you told him. Harry started to shake his head and roll his eyes. "I am fine with it Sammy," 
"You sure?" Sam wondered. "Cause I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable by any means,"
"Positive," you confirmed 
"How's spending time with your dad?" He asked you.
"Good, hey look we just got somewhere so I gotta go, call you back later. Love you, bye," you hung up the phone before he could continue any conversation, knowing he would keep you on the phone for an hour if you let him. 
"You love him?" Harry asked. 
"You love Sam?" He repeated.
"Course I do," you smiled at him. 
"He's lucky to have you, you're a good friend," he told you. Your brows furrowed as you looked over to him. 
"Is that what we are? Friends?" You asked.  You parked the car in front of the house and turned to look at Harry. 
"Do you want to be more?" He Wondered. 
"I mean, the way I feel about you, I don't feel about any of my other friends," you whispered. 
"And how do you feel?" He asked.
"Well, when I see that you're calling or texting me I get this feeling in my stomach, it's like an insistent fluttering, that never goes away, as long as I'm talking to you, gets me all flustered and nervous. And when you told me you were going to be able to come this weekend, I was so excited, because it meant I could spend even a second with you alone." You smiled at him before biting your lip, "I really like you," 
"I like you too y/n, more than I think I've ever liked anyone," he told you, reaching his hand out to caress your cheek. "And because of that I've had something on my mind," 
"Oh yeah? You asked 
"Yeah, I mean I know it won't make much of a difference since we'll still have to keep it a secret, but I'd really like it if you were my girlfriend," he told you, his cheeks flushed red as he watched you closely for a reaction. 
You leaned in close, nearly touching his lips with your own, "I would love to be your girlfriend," you whispered before closing the space between you in a kiss. 
Everything with Harry was easy, even though the situation was strange, and the secrets and lying were hard, everything felt natural. Every Time you talked to him it felt like home, and you knew you were in over your head. If you had hoped to not fall in love with him, you absolutely would have been let down by yourself. You knew you were going to hell for lying to Sam, but you couldn't change the way you felt, and although you wished you weren't hurting him, you didn't regret anything you had going on with his twin brother. 
You entered the little rental house, surprised at how cute and quaint the decor was. It had a very boho chic feel to it, there was a four poster bed in the middle of the room with sheer curtains streaming down. There was a little sectional in the corner with a television in front of it, and a little kitchenette to the right of the room. The owners had left a fresh vase of roses on the little table along with a basket that had chocolates and a few other things inside. 
“This is romantic,” Harry said, as he looked around the room. 
“The pictures were cute, and it had good reviews, i didn't expect this though,” you admitted. 
Harry walked over to the bed, pushing the drape to the side and looking towards you. “Come test it out with me?” He asked. You rolled your eyes at him, but went over, slipping off your shoes and climbing onto the bed (Which felt like a cloud)
“It's nice,” you hummed as you let your body sink into the mattress. 
“Be nicer, if i wasn't so constricted by these clothes,” he told you, making you look over to see his smirking face. 
“Oh yeah?” you asked, turning to face him. 
“Oh yeah,” he repeated, raising his eyebrows at you. He adjusted himself to his side so he was facing you now. 
“What are you thinking about?” you whispered. 
“That night,” he muttered, “The way you looked, riding me, falling apart on my cock. How tight your pussy was and the way it clenched around me while I whispered sweet nothings in your ear,” your eyes widened in shock at the filth of his words. 
“Harry,” you giggled. 
“Come on, you know you have been thinking of it.  I know I can't get the sound of your moans out of my head, the small whimpers you were letting out with every stroke of my cock on your g spot,” you felt your walls clench around nothing at his words. He knew what he was doing, and he was doing it well. “I just wish we had had more time that night, I could have had you whimpering if I had been given the chance. I would have filled you up good with my fingers, and eaten you like you were my last meal,” he whispered. 
You closed your eyes, trying to keep from letting off how unbelievably aroused you were. You had rushed straight to the point the last time you and Harry had been left alone, but now.. There was no rush, no time crunch, you had all night, and all weekend to give into your sexual desires. Lord knows you have already given into your emotional ones. 
“Show me,” you challenged, stealing a glance at the way his mouth widened with your words. He pushed himself up onto his knees in between your legs, grabbing your ankles and pulling you down the bed and closer to him. “Harry,” you giggled. 
He ran his hands up your clothed legs, and up your body, until he was leaning over you, his face close enough that you could smell his shampoo and feel his breath fanning across your lips. “Want to make you feel good,” he whispered. 
“Do it then,” you groaned, arching your back up and into a kiss. His hands found your waist, sliding them under your shirt as he kissed you like his life depended on it. He slowly pushed your shirt up until it was pooled above your breasts and he then pulled the fabric of your bra down, taking your already pebbled nipple between his fingers and rolling it, which made a slight moan escape from your mouth. 
“Can I take these off?” he asked. You nodded quickly, sitting slightly up so he could remove the shirt. He reached behind you to unclasp your bra, but not without a little struggle. When he finally managed to get it undone, he slid the straps down your arms tossing it to the side, before dipping his head down, and taking one of your nipples in his mouth. You let out a loud gasp at the sensation, as your hands instinctively found themselves tangled in his auburn curls. He made sure to do the same to the other breast before trailing open mouth kisses down your stomach and stopping at your waistband of your leggings. Glancing up to you for permission, which you nodded, overly eager for him. He hooked his finger in the waistband peeling your leggings and underwear down in one sweep. He could see how wet you already were for him, from the glistening sheen of your cunt.  
He ran two fingers through your folds, stopping at your clit and pushing down. “Oh,” you moaned out at the unexpected pressure. 
“So wet for me darling,” Harry whispered.
“I have been waiting for this,” you admitted, looking up to see him smirking at you. 
“Oh you have?” He asked, pulling his fingers almost all the way out before plunging them back in.  He brushed your g spot with the tip of his fingers making you moan out his name and arch your back. “Been waiting for this?” he asked as he continued to finger fuck you. 
“Yes, Harry,” you moaned, as you felt a knot forming in the pit of your stomach. Harry moved his thumb, and you almost whined at the loss of stimulation, until you felt his tongue lick up from above his fingers to your nub, wrapping his lips around it as he began to suck slightly. You were done at that point, and you knew it. “So close har,” you warned, but he didn't falter in his actions in the slightest. Instead he sped them up, pushing you over the edge even faster. With a loud moan of his name, your back arched off the mattress and your toes curled, as you felt an explosion of bliss. Harry continued his movements through your orgasm, only slowing and coming to a stop when your legs quit shaking and you seemed to relax. 
“Fuck, y/n. You're bloody perfect,” he mumbled, bringing his lips to yours, you could taste yourself on his lips, but you didn't even mind. All you could focus on was the fact that he was way overdressed, for the activities you wanted to partake in. you grabbed at the hem of his shirt, and he broke away from the kiss to allow you to pull the shirt over his head. 
You took a second to admire his bare chest, he was muscular, but  wasn't overly defined, and he, well he was perfect. 
“You're breathtaking, you know?” You told him, making him turn a shade of red. 
“Shut up,” he giggled, before reconnecting your lips in another kiss. 
You let your nails graze the naked skin on his back making him groan, and rut his hips against yours. His clothed bulge rubbing against your naked sex. “Take em off,” you instructed. He pushed himself up onto his knees, unbuttoning his jeans, but before he could push them down you sat up grabbing his hands to stop him. “Can i?” you asked. 
He smiled at you before nodding. You pushed his jeans down as much as you could, you could see the outline of his cock that was straining against his boxers. You leaned forward, placing an open mouthed kiss on the fabric. “Fuck,” harry groaned. You looked up at him through your eyelashes to see him looking down at you.
“Want me to..” you asked. 
“Yes, fuck yes. If you want to, I mean,” he stuttered out. You smiled up at him, pushing the fabric of his boxers down until his cock was free of the restraint. You took his length in your hand, pumping it a few times, as you licked your lips and leaned forward, taking him in your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down as you worked what your mouth couldn't take with your hand. Harry held onto your hair loosely, watching as you sucked him off. “M’close,” he warned you. You continued what you were doing, not caring, he had done it for you, the least you could do was return the favor. You felt him begin to twitch against your tongue, as his grip on your hair tightened and his hips rutted forward, nearly making you gag before you felt him release himself the warm liquid slipping down your throat. You pulled your head back letting him out of your mouth with a pop. 
Harry pushed you back onto the bed, making you giggle at his eagerness. He let his body fall to yours, lips crashing in a deep kiss. His fingers laced with yours above your head as he moved his kisses down your jaw to your throat, sucking lightly, leaving small marks that would be a reminder for days. “Harry, I need you,” You whined. 
He lifted his head smiling, bringing his lips back to yours. His hand slipped between your bodies, lining himself up at your entrance before sinking slowly into you. He slowly thrust into you, setting a slow pace. 
“Faster, baby, please,” you moaned out. He grabbed your thigh lifting it lightly as he began to thrust into you harder. 
“You're so tight,” he groaned, as he began to quicken his movements. You reached down, rubbing your nub as he pounded into you. 
“I'm close,” You told him as you neared your second orgasm. 
He reached down, replacing your fingers with his, “Cum all over my cock darling,” he groaned. His fingers circled your clit, and with one particularly deep thrust, you felt yourself clench around him, as you whimpered at the relief. After a few more movements Harry's hips stilled and his body went limp, laying his head onto your chest. “That was incredible, you are incredible,” he told you as he laid there trying to catch his breath. 
You smiled as your eyes fluttered closed, sleep taking over your overworked body.
The weekend passed quicker than it had even come, and before you knew it you were kissing Harry goodbye at the airport where you had picked him up two days prior. 
“I wish we had more time,” you whispered as you hugged him, your face buried in the crook of his neck. 
“I'll be here next month, love. Five weeks and we will be back together, promise,” He whispered into your ear, kissing the top of your head. 
“I'll hold you to it,” you told him, kissing his lips one final time before he had to leave. 
“I’m counting on it,” he said, before walking away. Just like that, faster than he had arrived in Scotland, he left for London. 
The drive to your place was quiet, and the whole time you were fighting the urge to cry. You parked your car, and grabbed your bag, noticing a pink sleeve peeking out. You unzipped it, and saw Harry's pink hoodie, that he had probably shoved into your bag after you had practically lived in it and only it for the weekend. You couldn't help but smile to yourself. You shoved the hoodie farther into your bag, zipping it up and heading up to your flat. 
As soon as you opened the door you were hit with the aroma of a home cooked meal. Sam was standing facing the stove, focused on whatever he was stirring. 
“Smells good Sammy,” you said, startling him. 
“Oh good, your home. Come stir this for me,” he instructed holding a spoon out to you. 
"Yes chef," you said, bringing your hand up to your head and saluting him. 
"You're an idiot," he groaned at you. You walked over taking the spoon and began to stir the sauce while he cut up garnish for the top. "How was your weekend with your dad?" He asked. 
"Uh good, busy, but ok," you lied. Seemed like you were doing a lot of that to Sam recently. 
"So you guys worked everything out from that fight?" He asked you. Your eyes grew wide, realizing you had fucked up. You and your dad had gotten into a fight about money, and afterwards he had cut you off, and told you to get your life in order. It had been months since you had spoken.
"No, but we pretended so that my gram wouldn't be upset," you lied again. 
"Oh, that makes sense. I was confused when you said you were going to spend the weekend with him, I thought you might have been lying to me, glad that wasn't the case," he said as he drained the pasta. 
Guilt. That was the only thing you felt. Guilty for being a bad best friend. Guilty for lying. Guilty for not sticking to a promise you had made. You were going straight to hell. 
It had been a few days since yours and Harry's weekend, and he was set to be back in a little over a month. You were sitting on the couch, laptop in your lap when the pain started. At first it was a slight pinching sensation, but soon it became like a stabbing pain, and you nearly doubled over from the intensity. You tried to stand up, but let out a groan as the pain increased. Sam looked up, worried filling his face at the sight of you. 
“Y/N? You're bleeding, what's going on?” He asked, as he rushed to your side. You looked down to see a line of blood down both of your legs, and immediately got dizzy. 
“Sammy, I'm gonna pass out,” You warned him. 
“I’m taking you to the doctor,” he told you as he practically carried your limp body down to your car and drove you to the nearby emergency clinic.  
The doctors drew blood and put in an i.v to get fluids into you, all the while Sam never left your side, holding your hand tightly as he knew you hated doctors offices. 
“Okay darling, we're going to run some tests and get to the bottom of why you're feeling so bad,” the nurse told you, as she left the room. Sam sat beside you as you laid in the bed, squeezing your hand lightly. 
“It's alright, you're okay,” he cooed as he stroked your hair. Just then the door opened and a doctor came into the room. 
“Miss, Y/L/N, i have some unfortunate news, it looks like you're experiencing a miscarriage,” your jaw dropped as you heard the words coming from his mouth. You glanced up at Sam who was looking at you with raised eyebrows. 
“I- what?” you asked. Clearly not registering what you had just heard. 
“The HCG levels in your blood make me think you were maybe around ten weeks pregnant, which would explain the extreme blood loss, and the feeling like you were going to faint. The unfortunate thing is that there is not much medically that we can do, so we will send you home. Try and get some rest, take it easy and if you experience any clotting bigger than a golf ball,  come back in. ill have the nurse work up your discharge paperwork,” he turned to exit the room but stopped in the doorway, “I’m sorry guys, i know this must be hard news,” and then he left. 
“You were pregnant?” Sam asked. 
“I guess so,” you mumbled. 
“Who have you slept with? What was ten weeks ago? That was like-” Sams face fell. He looked down at you, “That was our holiday week, ten weeks ago,” He told you. You winced at his insinuation, which in and of itself gave you away. “Tell me you weren't pregnant with my brother's baby y/n?” he sighed. 
You weren't sure if it was being caught in a lie, the hormones coursing through your body, or the fact that you had just been told that you had lost a baby you were never even aware of, but you felt a sudden surge of emotions, as your eyes glossed over. Sam noticed this almost instantly. 
“Shit y/n honey, please don't cry,” he told you, but it was too late as the tears began to spill from your eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” you nearly wailed. Sam pulled you into his arms as you cried your heart out, mumbling things about how ‘awful of a person you were’ and how you ‘didn't deserve him in your life’.  
“Y/N, try and breathe, and tell me what happened,” he whispered as soon as your crying settled slightly. So you tried to explain what had happened, where you had gone wrong, and when your heart had been opened to his brother.
“Are you mad at me?” you asked as Sam tucked you into the couch with your favorite fuzzy blanket. He hadn't said a word to you since you had left the hospital. 
“I am,” he sighed, sitting down beside you. “Y/n, what happens if he hurts you? If he breaks your heart into a million pieces? What happens when I'm forced to choose a side? What happens when I have to choose him over you even if I know he was in the wrong?” he asked, voice cracking, and tears prickling his eyes. “What happens if I lose you over something he does? I'd be crushed, your my best friend, the person i turn to when things are hard, the one who knows me inside and out, the one id trust with my life, but he is my brother, my twin brother, you are like a stranger compared to the way i know him,” 
“No, y/n. Just- I can't have this conversation right now, because i want to yell at you, tell you how betrayed i feel, but i can't because this- what your going through, is bigger than what i feel right now,” he stood up pulling his phone from his pocket and walking to the front door. “And that's why I called him,” he said before opening the door. 
You felt tears form in your eyes again at the gesture. Your best friend putting his own feelings to the side to make sure you were ok. Harry stepped inside the house, offering a small smile to Sam who just nodded at him, obviously hurt. Harry went straight to you, pulling you into his arms as you started to cry again, this time it was even worse. 
Harry held you for what felt like hours as you cried until you fell asleep. He placed your body down gently before walking to the kitchen where Sam was standing.
“No, you don't get to start. Why her? Out of every person in the world, why her?” Sam demanded.
“It just happened,” Harry said.
“That is not a reason,” Sam argued.
“She's it Sam, I don't know,” Harry said.
“You wouldn't have known that had you left her alone,” Sam was verging on pissed at that point.
“No, Sam, you don't understand. I didn't need to know her, the second I saw her in the airport standing beside you, her hair tied up and in that old pearl jam t-shirt. Everything changed, call it a gut feeling, or me being an idiot, but I swear to god Sam, I fell in love with her before she even spoke a word to me,” Harry explained, hearing the words he said for the first time out loud.
“You're in love with her?” Sam asked. 
“Desperately,” he admitted. 
“I'll hurt you, if you hurt her,” Sam warned. 
“I wouldn't expect anything less,” 
“And if she hurts you, well, i cant hurt her but i'll give her an earful,” Sam laughed. 
“I know,” Harry laughed.
“God it had to be my best friend?” Sam asked, shaking his head in disbelief.
“I'm sorry, the heart wants what it wants,” Harry said. 
“Who are you? Selena Gomez?” Sam asked, hitting his brother's shoulder. “I’m sorry, about the baby,” 
“I didn't even know there was a baby till you called,” He told Sam.
“She didn't know until today. You guys were careful, yeah?” he asked Harry. 
“Harry! You fucking div! condoms man!” Sam groaned. 
“I know it was just-”
“No, no, no. I do not want to hear the specifics of you sleeping with my best friend, just- next time, CONDOMS!” Sam stressed.
“Okay, okay, that's easy enough,” Harry laughed. 
“You look nervous,” Sam laughed from the passenger seat of Harry's car. 
“I am,” you told him,
“You have met mum before darling,” Harry reminded you. 
“Yeah, as Sam's roommate and best friend, Not as your girlfriend,” you explained. Your stomach was in knots the entire drive from the airport to the Hollands family home. This was all new territory, sure you and Harry had been together for eight months, but meeting the family was a big feat, even if you had met them all before your relationship had started.
“I promise you will be fine, love” Harry assured you. 
“I'll hold you to that,” You muttered, as he pulled into the driveway of an extremely nice house. You felt your jaw drop, as you glanced around the house, unaware that they had grown up in such a nice place. 
Your door opened, and Harry held out his hand for you to take, which you did. Stepping out of the car and smoothing the bottom of your dress down. “Ready?” Harry asked.
You smiled up at him, “Nope. let's do it,” you squeezed his hand lightly as he pulled you along, Sam following closely behind. 
The inside of the house was just as nice, pictures of the boys lined the walls from when they were tots until now. You heard the pitter patter of paws on the hardwood and looked over to see a blue staffy running towards you. Sam dropped down hugging the dog. 
“Hi Tess, hi darling, oh i missed you too,” You giggled at the sight of the dog smothering Sam in kisses. 
“Just in time,” Niki sang as she rounded the corner. “Oh y/n,” she said, pulling you into her arms. “So glad you could join us for the holidays,” she told you, squeezing your shoulders. 
“Mum,” Harry said. 
“Oh yes, sorry please go ahead,” she giggled while backing up.
“Mum, this is Y/n, my girlfriend,” Harry said, making you shoot him a strange look. 
“Oh so nice to meet you,” she gushed with a giggle.
“He insisted he re-introduce us with your new title,” she explained. You laughed glancing up to see a blush covering his cheeks. 
“You're cute,” you told him, before being whisked away to meet the rest of the Holland crew. 
The night ran late, as you got to know everyone. The whole Holland family was easy to get along with, you spent most of the time laughing at embarrassing childhood stories and telling stories of Sam at school. 
“Are you ready to go?” Harry whispered in your ear when he noticed you had yawned for the third time. You nodded, eyes feeling heavy from the long day. You went around saying your goodbyes to everyone, Sam opting to just head back later. So you and Harry took off to his flat which he shared with Tom and a few friends. 
Once you got to his place, he grabbed your bag, leading you inside, and passed two boys who were occupied in front of a video screen. “You can meet them tomorrow,” He told you as he helped you up the stairs. 
His room was nice, quite what you would expect from a boys room, plain bed, empty dresser, there was a shelf full of movies, and a large tv, but nothing extreme. 
“Can i have a shirt?” You asked. “To sleep in?”
Harry smiled at you before walking over to the dresser and pulling out an old t-shirt. “This one will look nice on you,” He told you. 
“Help me out of these clothes?” you asked. He leaned forward bringing his lips to you as his fingers found the zipper on the back of your dress. He unzipped it slowly, pushing it off your shoulders before it fell to your ankles, revealing the lingerie set you had bought for him. 
“Oh god,” he groaned looking at the black and gold lace that lined your body. 
“You like it?” You asked with a cheeky smile. 
“I'm going to like it even more once it's on my floor,” he told you as he grabbed your bum, lifting you up and carrying you to his bed. He threw you down, and you landed with a giggle as he attacked your neck with kisses, trailing the patterned lace that laid over your breasts with one hand. “The things i want to do to you,” He growled in your ear. 
“Do whatever you want baz, i'm all yours,” You said with a wink. 
“Whatever I want huh? What if I just want to make sweet love to you all night?” He asked, catching you off guard. 
You smiled and brought your thumb up to his mouth tracing his lip and the birthmark right beside it. “Make love to me then,” you whispered. 
Harry bit his bottom lip, as he looked into your eyes. “I love you,” He blurted for the first time. 
You felt your smile grow even wider, as you leaned up, kissing his lips softly. “I love you,” You mumbled into his lips. 
You stayed tangled together, lips clashing, tension burning between you, for a while. 
“Harry,” You moaned into his kiss. 
“Yeah baby?” He asked.
“Make sweet love to me?” You nearly begged. 
He smiled wide, jumping up and walking to his dresser, pulling out a little foil square and tossing it to you before quickly undressing himself. You took the chance to slip out of the lingerie you had on, laying naked and waiting for him. 
He crawled onto the bed next to you. “Sit down,” you told him. 
“Yeah?” He asked excitedly. 
“Yeah,” you told him. 
He sat down, back to the pillows, and legs spread open, waiting for you. You ripped open the condom, rolling it over his member slowly in a teasing manner. “Y/N” he groaned, making you laugh.
“Alright,” You laughed, climbing on top of him, and lining him up to your entrance. 
“This feels familiar,” He whispered as you sank down onto him.
“Going back to the beginning,” you whispered as you began to move slowly. You wrapped your fingers in his hair as you brought your lips to his, letting all the love flow between the two of you. 
“I love you,” Harry mumbled into your lips. 
“I'm in love with you,” You told him. He grabbed your bum before flipping you onto your back. “Harry,” You giggled. 
“I'm so glad I found you y/n. I feel like I had been lost at sea and you were the lighthouse that guided me home,” he expressed.
“Harry,” You whispered feeling your heart skip a beat.
“I love you so much,” He whispered, before connecting your lips again, and moving his hips, sinking farther and farther into you with each thrust. You continued to kiss him, fingers tangled into his curls as he grinded into you, bringing you both to your breaking points. 
“Harry,” You moaned as you reached your climax.
“God Y/n, you look so beautiful falling apart because of my cock,” he groaned as his thrusts became rigid and rough. 
“Cum for me, Harry,” You moaned in his ear as he reached his peak finishing into the condom. 
He rolled off of you, disposing of the condom in the bin by his bed and turning back to you. 
“I love you,” He whispered again. 
“I like the sound of that,” You sighed, as you snuggled into his body. “And I love you too,” you whispered.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 6
Jason walks into the hospital room, heart breaking at the sight. Adrien, a huge bandage covering what was left of his arm and part of his shoulder. And next to him… This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to be there to make sure the kids didn’t get hurt. Instead, Ladybug- no, Marinette, he reminded himself. She had told him her name through sobs as he held her on the roof after they gave their statements to the police. Marinette blamed herself. He could see it in everything she did, the way she responded to people, her body language around Adrien and Jason. He knew she blamed herself. But she shouldn’t. She wasn’t the one who had been trained to fight villains like that. Villains willing to kill kids to get ahead. But Jason was trained. He was supposed to be prepared and know what to do. But now, Adrien would have to relearn how to do everything with just one arm. Sure, he could get a prosthetic, but that wouldn’t be for several weeks. And even if he chooses to get a prosthetic, he’d have to relearn everything. Again. And it was all because Jason couldn’t save him. He couldn’t save anyone. Jason turns to leave, not ready to talk to the boy who lost an arm because Jason wasn’t fast enough.
“Jay?” A soft voice from the bed calls, making Jason freeze. Whirling around, he rushes over to the bed, immediately looking the boy over to see if he’s okay. 
“Hey kiddo, how ya feeling? Are you- I’m so sorry.” Jason rambles, falling onto the spare chair next to Adrien’s bed. A chair that should’ve held a parent. If Gabriel wasn’t a piece of shit supervillain who cut off his own son’s arm and kept his wife’s corpse in a hidden basement. Yeah, that investigation must’ve sucked. 
“It’s weird.” He says, and Jason frowns at the tears filling the boy’s eyes. “My arm hurts, Jay. Really bad. But every time I try to hold it, or move it to a position that doesn’t hurt- it’s not there.” 
“Oh kid.” Jason clamps his mouth shut, determined to not let the kid hear his voice cracks, determined not to let the kid see him cry. What did he have to cry about? He’s the one that wasn’t good enough to protect these kids. Jason leans forward and gently wraps his arms around Adrien, letting the boy sob into his shoulder. Holding onto a sobbing Adrien, Jason’s able to see Marinette wake up and instantly leap into a fighting position. When she notices him, she relaxes slightly, until she sees the crying boy. Then her face morphs into pain and she backs up away from the bed, wrapping her arms around herself. 
“Mari?” Adrien says, pulling away from Jason and sniffling. 
“I’m so sorry Adrien. It’s, it’s all my fault.” She says, still keeping her distance. Jason sighs and stands, moving across the room in two large strides and wrapping her into a hug. She stiffens for a moment before basically collapsing in his arms. Jason just holds her and lets her cry, just as he let her on the roof two nights ago. After years of not being able to feel anything other than happy, Jason would support these kids and encourage them to feel. Even if it hurt. They deserved to feel. 
Sitting and talking to Adrien about anything and everything after school had become a daily occurrence for Marinette. Jason walking her from school to the hospital had also become a daily occurrence. So walking by herself was weird. Doable, because she was Ladybug and could walk across Paris alone, but still weird. Especially since Jason was so insistent on her being more careful now that Hawkmoth- Gabriel- was behind bars. Jay was convinced that that meant that the regular, run of the mill bad guys would come back out of the woodwork now that they didn’t have to deal with possible akumas. Regardless, that hadn’t happened yet and she could easily walk by herself. It was still weird though. Walking into the hospital, Marinette frowns at Jason who was pacing and rapidly arguing with someone on the phone in English. Quickly reminding herself that, no he wouldn’t be akumatized, and yes, he was allowed to have negative feelings, she moves so that she’s in his line of sight. Making eye contact with him, she raises an eyebrow as a silent question. He frowns, but doesn’t do anything else except nod towards Adrien’s room. Rolling her eyes in annoyance at his avoidance, Marinette lets herself into Adrien’s room, smiling softly at her friend. The first two days after the battle, she could barely look at him. She blamed herself completely and didn’t feel like she was worthy of being his friend anymore. Now, almost a week after the battle, she still blamed herself. But it was easier to look at him, easier to talk to him.  
“Hey kitty.” She says, walking over and sitting in the chair on the left side of his bed. 
“Hey bug. Jay still on the phone?” He asks, and that’s when she notices the tell-tale signs of worry on his face. 
“Yeah...how long has he been on the phone?” She asks, frowning at his wince. 
“Well, he tried to ignore the person the first three times they called. And then he finally answered, said ‘leave me alone’ and hung up. And then they called again, and that’s when the yelling and arguing started and he left the room. That was…” He trails off, looking towards the clock on the wall. “Almost two hours ago.” “Two hours? On the phone? You don’t think he’s in trouble, do you? I mean, I know he has a life back where he lives, and I’m sure his boss is probably getting frustrated with him. But-” Marinette stops herself, not wanting to say something selfish. She knew that Jason had a life outside of Paris. But he was the only grown up to care that Ladybug and Chat Noir were just kids, that they needed help. He was the one to make sure they weren’t spending too much time being heroes and not enough time sleeping and doing homework. He was their big brother, and she wasn’t ready to say bye yet. Even if they could still call him. It wasn’t the same.
Jason Todd was livid, and for the millionth time that week, thankful that Gabriel Agreste was rotting in a prison cell instead of manipulating people who were having a bad day. Cause this was not a good day. 
“B, I’m not sure what you want from me.” He finally huffs out, glancing towards Adrien’s shut door. 
“I just want to know why you haven’t returned. Dick informed me of the flooding your first day, and how things seemed to magically fix themselves. You told us that everything was taken care of, and then you stopped answering any questions about the situation. Seeing as there is apparently no immediate danger to anyone there, I think it’s time you returned home. You have responsibilities here, Jason. Your family is here.” Bruce says simply, and Jason has to bite his tongue from arguing. How was he supposed to tell Bruce about these kids who needed support that they weren’t getting anywhere else. That there were two young superheroes in Paris who needed someone to understand what they were going through, since they couldn’t (or wouldn’t) tell anyone else? Bruce would have adoption papers written up in minutes, and taking the two from their city didn’t seem right. Plus he would never let Bruce adopt them, the kids had enough emotional baggage to deal with without being a Wayne. 
“I just haven’t, Bruce. I’m a grown man. I-” “You have responsibilities, Jason. I let you take this vacation because I could see you needed it. But now we need you. I- your brothers miss you.” Bruce says, and Jason rolls his eyes at the man’s inability to be emotional. He would’ve done great in Hawkmoth’s Paris. 
“Okay, I’ll start looking for a ticket. I should be home in two or three weeks-”
“I’ve already ordered a ticket for you. Your flight leaves Paris at noon tomorrow. See you then.” Bruce says, hanging up before Jason has the chance to argue more. Not that he had the energy after going back and forth between arguing with Dick and Bruce for two goddamned hours. Resisting the urge to throw his phone against the wall, Jason takes a couple deep breaths to ground himself. No need to upset Mari and Adrien and if he goes in there pissed off, they’re gonna get upset. Shaking his head to try and clear it, Jason throws open Adrien’s door, grinning at the two, sitting side by side on Adrien’s bed. 
“Pixie Pop, you’re gonna piss off the nurse if she sees you up there again.” He says, walking over to his usual chair. 
“You’re upset.” She says, instead of arguing and reminding him that she can take anything the nurses can dish out (they’d had the exact conversation yesterday….and the day before.) Jason blinks, acting confused. 
“Don’t even try and act like you’re not Jay. Mari’s scary good at reading people.” Adrien says with a frown. Jason huffs and rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah, okay, I’m pissed.” He admits, slumping back in his chair and crossing his arms. Marinette turns to Adrien and whispers something to him, Adrien nodding before she turns back to look at him. 
“You’re gonna need our phone numbers.” She says, and Jason frowns in actual confusion this time. 
“Gonna need a little more than that, Pix.” He says. 
“Well, we knew that you’re not from here. And that eventually you’d have to go back. I mean, I’m sure your boss wasn’t planning on you taking a vacation quite this long. But-” Marinette pauses and lets out a shaky breath. “But neither of us want to lose you. You care about both sides of us, and you’re the only one. You’re our big brother, Jay, but we both know that you have another life somewhere else. And I’m sure those people miss you too. I mean, you’re kinda cool or whatever.” Marinette teases, but he can tell behind the smirk that she’s close to tears. Jason sighs and stands, bringing both of them into a big hug. 
“I don’t wanna leave, ya know.” He mumbles, frowning when he feels his shirt getting wet from tears. 
“I know. But you have to. And that’s okay. It’s not goodbye forever.” Marinette says, her voice breaking as she holds onto him tighter. 
“Expect a lot of calls and face times. Especially once I get my arm. I have so many jokes to make, you’re gonna be sick of it.” Adrien says, and despite the joke, Jason can tell the boy is crying too. Jason squeezes a little tighter, accepting the fact that he’d be leaving. And that he wasn’t sure when he’d see the two again.
Tag list (open): @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat 
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
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“I made eggs!”
Alec looked up to see Jace standing in front of the stove, making sandwiches with eggs and ham.
He didn’t even know they had ham. But that’s mostly because he avoided the kitchen like the plague, thanks to Isabelle.
“You look tired,” Jace pointed out.
For a 13-year-old, he was annoyingly perceptive.
“Didn’t sleep well,” Alec yawned as he sat down on the counter.
“Nightmares?” Jace asked, suddenly looking concerned.
Alec didn’t have nightmares. But it made him sad to wonder why it had been Jace’s first thought.
Did Jace have nightmares? What were they about? What did he do when he had them? How did he cope?
See! This is exactly the kind of stuff parabatai should know about each other!
“Listen,” Alec said. “I want to talk to you about something.”
“What’s up?” Jace asked, now focused on frying the bacon.
“It’s about what you said last night,” Alec said carefully.
“Oh,” Jace looked pleased. “Well, I’m glad you want to talk more about it. Did you know more than 30 different waterfowl species live in New York? We are practically living in a hell dimension!”
“Uh,” Alec said. “It’s not about the ducks.”
“Huh,” Jace looked disappointed. “What is it about then?”
“Do you not remember what you asked me last night?” Alec asked, suddenly worried.
Was it a joke? Or maybe Jace didn’t really mean it? Has Alec been overthinking this whole thing?
“Are you talking about the parabatai thing?” Jace inquired.
Alec nodded.
“What about it?” Jace asked and suddenly his eyes sparkled. “Ohhh do you wanna discuss where we should get our parabatai runes?”
“Actually,” Alec said. “I’ve been thinking it over.”
“Why?” Jace’s eyes narrowed. “You agreed last night.”
“I know,” Alec looked away.
“Alec,” Jace almost whispered. “Do you not…Do you not want to be my parabatai?”
“It’s just that...I don’t w-”
“I get it,” Jace interrupted and flopped an omelet on Alec’s plate. “You changed your mind. That’s okay.”
“Jace, I just-”
“It’s fine!” Jace shrugged and turned around.
Alec saw him gripping the frying pan a little too tightly. He wasn’t wearing any mittens.
“You’ll hurt yourself!” Alec rushed to him.
Jace removed his hand and it looked red – but it wasn’t burnt.
Alec quickly removed his stele from his pocket and drew an iratze on Jace’s hand.
“There,” he said.
That seemed easy. The need to protect Jace was...almost instinctual. And there weren't even parabatai yet.
Everyone made it sound like it was a big deal. But it seemed so simple to Alec.
“Why do you not want to be my parabatai?” Jace demanded suddenly.
“I…” Alec faltered. “People…People might talk.”
What if they saw him watching Jace train? What if they saw Alec stealing glances? What if they punished Alec? Or worse, what if they punish Jace?
If someone ever found out about Alec…About he was and who he liked…They might start spreading nasty rumors about the two of them.
Alec had seen it happen before. He didn’t want it to happen to them. He felt like his family has been through enough.
Being Alec’s parabatai seemed like an unnecessary baggage. Jace had enough baggage.
“Oh,” Jace said. “Oh.”
“I’m sorry,” Alec said, not knowing what else to say.
“It’s-It’s okay,” Jace replied. “I understand.”
“You do?” Alec asked, his stomach clenching.
Did he? Did he know?
“Of course people would talk,” Jace said. “Why would you want to be the parabatai of someone damaged like me?”
“What?” Alec blinked.
“I watched my own father die,” Jace said quietly. “I never knew my mom. I didn’t have any friends until I came here. I’m a weirdo. People might say things about you if chose to be my parabatai.”
“People are stupid,” Alec said without hesitation. “You’re not damaged.”
Jace was quiet. It was a little unsettling.
“I mean sure you’re a little weird,” Alec chuckled. “You do talk awful lot about ducks and-”
“They are a real threat!” Jace argued.
“I’m serious,” Alec said. “Yeah, you’ve been through a lot. Maybe that’s exactly why you need a parabatai. So, you’ll have someone to take care of you.”
“I don’t need anyone to take care of me,” Jace almost snapped, but his tone came out petulant and worried.
Like it should be.
There. There he was.
“Your bacon is burning,” Alec pointed out with a grin.
Jace muttered a curse and turned the stove off.
“See,” Alec pointed out. “I told you.”
“Sure, that’s why I need a parabatai,” Jace rolled his golden eyes. “To save my bacon.”
“And to save you from other stuff,” Alec pointed out gently.
“I don’t need to be saved,” Jace crossed his arms adamantly.
“Then why do you want a parabatai?” Alec asked.
Jace looked surprised. As if he hadn’t expected anyone to ask him that.
“I don’t know,” Jace said.
“Well, if you don’t know why then maybe you shouldn’t have one,” Alec said.
“Why do you want one?” Jace demanded.
Alec thought for a while.
Not about why he wanted one. He knew why he did.
Alec knew his future. He knew what awaited him. He might never find love. He might never get married.
But a parabatai… he still had a chance. He still had a shot at forming a bond that might last forever. He still had a chance to experience some kind of love, even if it was only from his parabatai.
But he couldn’t tell Jace that of course.
“It’s nice to be chosen,” Alec said, which wasn’t completely untrue.
Jace frowned.
Alec waited. Patiently.
If he was going to be Jace’s parabatai, he felt like he had to get used to it.
“The Codex said parabatai bonds are eternal,” Jace said quietly. “I want a bond like that. People keep leaving me. I want someone who will stay.”
Alec’s heart broke. He had thought that he was the only teenager with insecurities. But apparently, he was wrong. It made him worry about Jace – who seemed fragile underneath all the confidence. He wondered if Izzy was like that too.
He had thought of Jace as the sun. Bright and beautiful and always shining.
But Alec had forgotten that while it was rare, solar eclipses still did exist. Sometimes even the sun got blocked out too.
“Hey,” he said gently. “Hey.”
Jace looked up reluctantly.
“Entreat me not to leave thee,” Alec smiled.
Jace blinked.
“Entreat me not to leave thee,” Alec repeated.
“Don’t leave me,” Jace said, his voice barely a whisper.
“Okay,” Alec smiled.
Jace pulled him into a hug, burnt bacon and breakfast all forgotten.
“But what about you?” Jace asked, pulling back suddenly. “You said people will talk. What did you mean?”
Alec hesitated.
He could tell Jace. After all, he was his parabatai. Or he was going to be.
Alec didn’t understand the point of having a parabatai if you couldn’t be honest with them.
But his need to hide was more persistant than his need to be honest.
He could tell Jace. But what if Jace was disgusted?
Worse, what if Jace stopped talking to him.
Imagine being promised that they will love you for the rest of your life and then one day they suddenly abandon you? Just liked that? Because you wanted to be honest? You wanted to be free?
Alec couldn’t think of anything worse than that. He hoped it would never happen to any parabatai ever.
“Just stuff,” Alec said instead. “People might say you’re better than me.”
It wasn’t completely untrue either.
“People are stupid,” Jace repeated Alec’s own words. “Besides, I wouldn’t have asked you to be my parabatai if I didn’t think you were amazing.”
“You think I’m amazing?” Alec asked, surprised.
“And then some,” Jace grinned.
Alec grinned back.
“The bond is between you and me,” Jace said. “Let’s not let anyone get in between, okay?”
“Okay,” Alec promised. “No other people.”
“Or ducks,” Jace added.
“Or ducks,” Alec giggled.
“Are you okay now?” Jace asked.
“Yeah,” Alec nodded. “Sorry about all the drama. I talked to Izzy last night and she wasn’t very helpful.”
Jace laughed. “Izzy doesn’t believe in parabatai bonds. She is the last person you should have talked to!”
“I know that now,” Alec rolled his eyes.
Jace put the pan back on the stove. “What did she say?”
Alec hesitated, but decided to be honest. He had to start somewhere, right? “She said parabatai bonds are gay.”
Jace laughed harder.
Alec didn’t know Jace knew that word. Or Izzy.
It was like curse words. No one said it in front of children but the kids seemed to know it anyway. Alec didn’t see the point in not using them.
“Yeah, she went on about how they are too intense and soulmate-y nd weird and gay,” Alec said, laughing nervously.
“Izzy is hilarious,” Jace said simply.
“You know,” Alec tried to sound nonchalant. “Other people might say it too. Say it’s gay.”
“So what??” Jace asked munching on bacon. “Maybe all good things are a little gay.”
Alec laughed then. And he knew he wouldn’t stop – not as long as Jace was there by his side.
This one is for @beclynn-herondale​ - happiest of birthdays to this beautiful, fierce and talented *insert a vegetable of choice*
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qjhughes · 4 years
Sunsets and Surprises
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: A trip to Italy isn’t the only thing that Harry surprises Y/N with.
Warning(s): itallyrry, lost luggage, y/n constantly in harry’s clothes, harry being an absolute sap, surprises, not edited (sorry, i hate having my betas read the shorter pieces)
A/N: anon requested: harry and y/n visit a small town in italy. harry takes y/n to a private beach and he proposes. Yet again, this gif has like, nothing to do with the fic, i just like it fjshdak!!! This is only like, the third (?) proposal scene I’ve written so I apologize if I still suck at the proposal speech!! Normally I wouldn’t give away the big surprise but it was quite literally in anon’s request so I figured I may as well apologize for it now. I hope you like this anon!! I don’t know how I feel about it completely but yeah!! I hope you enjoy it!!
Masterlist | Taglist | Request - Guidelines | Come Talk To Me!!
Reblogs help a lot and are greatly appreciated!!
When you originally imagined visiting Italy, you imagined a peaceful getaway, all worries left back in the States. 
You should have known that it wouldn’t be that simple. Your luck forbids anything from going as it’s supposed to. Which is why you’re standing next to the baggage claim in Catania Airport, waiting patiently for your bags to roll around. Harry’s already gotten his bags, so he asked you to watch over them while he quickly runs to the bathroom. 
After almost ten minutes of watching the same bags roll around the claim, you decide that there’s no way your bags are here. They must have gotten lost somewhere. You try to keep calm, knowing that as soon as Harry gets back from the bathroom, he’ll calm your nerves. 
You turn away from the baggage claim and look in the direction of the bathrooms. What is taking him so long?
After a few more minutes of waiting, Harry turns the corner and all the tension immediately leaves your body at the blinding smile that he flashes you. 
“Sorry for taking so long, baby. There was a lone in the bathroom and then I stopped to take pictures with a few fans.” You smile at him and wave it off. 
“It’s fine, honey. I get it.” He looks around you for a moment before training his eyes back on your face.
“Where are your bags?” You grimace, almost having forgotten about the missing luggage until he brought it up.
“Yeah, about that…” He frowns at your words.
“It got lost, didn’t it?” You nod and he just sighs.
“Alright, well, let’s just go. I’ll call and get it sorted out. Until then, you can just wear my clothes. I brought extra knowing you’d probably want to wear them anyway.” You smile at that, loving how he remembers that you always prefer to wear his clothes over your own. 
“Hey, baby?” You speak up as you’re following him out of the airport to where the car is supposed to be. 
He hums in acknowledgement, encouraging you to continue. 
“Can I play the music in the car?” He laughs slightly and nods.
“Of course, doll. Play whatever you want.”
The drive to Sicily isn’t as bad as you initially thought it would be. The fact that Harry let you pick the music (as he does most times, he still swears he has no clue why you act surprised nearly every time he agrees) helped the drive go by much faster than it really was. 
“Where exactly are we again?” You wonder as the both of you climb out of the car in front of one of the most beautiful villas you’ve ever seen. The outside of the building is an off white stucco design. There are arches that make the place look slightly asymmetrical, but it all just adds to the appeal. The shutters, trim, and porch covering are all wood that’s been stained a brown so dark it almost looks black.
“We’re just about on the coast of Riserva Dello Zingaro beach.” You swoon slightly at the light accent he has while pronouncing the name of the beach. 
“Go on in, dove.” He throws you the keys to the place you’ll be calling home for the next week. “Get comfortable, I’m just gonna bring the bags in.”
You do as you’re told, venturing into the villa and taking in the space. It’s not huge, and you’re grateful for that. You know Harry handpicked this spot, knowing exactly how much you hated having unnecessary amounts of extra space. The floor plan is open, the kitchen, dining room, and family area all visible, no walls separating them. The decorations that make you smile, the homey feel that they give off making you feel like you could stay here for the rest of your life. 
You walk to the back of the house and into the bedroom that you and Harry will be sharing for the week. The moment you lay your eyes on the room, you gasp. It’s possibly the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (besides Harry). The bed is larger than any you've ever seen, the frame matching the white bedspread. There’s a white couch facing the floor to ceiling window that faces the view of the beach. 
As you’re ogling the room, a pair of arms wrap around your waist and you immediately relax into them. “Do you like it, baby?”
You nod and hum in approval. “Love it.”
“I’m glad.” He places a kiss to the crown of your head and you turn in his arms.
“Can we go to the beach?” He pouts at you for a moment.
“I can’t today. Gotta make that call about your luggage, remember?” You nod.
“It’s okay. We can stay in today, get used to everything.” He expected you to be slightly more upset about not being able to go out, knowing that you barely get to go anywhere anymore without someone recognizing you.
“We can go tomorrow if you want.” He offers.
“I thought you wanted to go explore tomorrow. Wasn’t your plan really to go to the beach starting Wednesday?” He smiles fondly at you as you speak.
“Yeah, but we can always change plans if you want to.” He’s trying to reason with you so you get what you want, but you know how much he likes sticking to the plan. You’ll be fine without the beach for a few days. 
“No, baby. It’s fine. We’ll go on Wednesday like we planned.” He leans forward and places a peck to your lips. 
“If you’re sure, then we can do that.” He’s scanning your face.
“I promise I’m sure.” You reach up to wrap your arms around his neck and push yourself on your tippy toes to give him a quick kiss.
“Alright, then let me go make this call really fast.” You nod and let him make his way to the family room while you begin to rifle through his suitcase to find a comfier outfit of his to slip on.
The next few days with Harry are perfect, and you’re not sure how it could possibly get any better. He had been constantly loving up on you every chance that he got. He blamed it on you always being in his clothes, but you figure it’s probably just because he’s been happier, more carefree while he’s been here.
“Are you ready to go to the beach, baby?” He peeks his head into the bathroom and is faced with you in a navy blue bikini top and a striped pair of bottoms. 
“Yeah, I’m ready. Wanna help me finish applying the sunscreen to my back?” He just nods and reaches his hand out blindly for the bottle. You chuckle at his actions.
“You’re like a teenage boy, H. Act your age.” You notice your mistake the moment he begins to hum under his breath. “Great, now you’re going to have that song stuck in your head all day, aren’t you?”
He just shrugs, a smirk on his face while he applies the sunscreen to your back. He uses deep circular motions, almost like he’s massaging you, and you have to tell him to stop before you never make it to the beach.
The walk there is short, five minutes at most. In the heat, however, it feels like it takes a lot longer. 
You’re confused when you get to the beach and nobody’s there. You’d think that there would be more people here at this time of day, especially at a beach this nice.
“Honey, why is there nobody h-” Your breath catches in your throat as you turn on your heel and see Harry down on one knee, a velvet box in his hands.
“It’s a private beach, not many people come here. At least not at this time.” He chuckles lightly and you can’t help the way that your heart swells at the look of the smile on his face.
Before you can say anything, he clears his throat. “Y/N, I know this is unexpected, it wasn’t planned out much or anything. But that’s okay, because neither was falling in love with you.” He chuckles again, almost like he’s nervous. But you can’t really blame him. You’re nervous too. “I didn’t expect to ever fall in love, really. I thought that nobody would ever be able to understand, to cope with the hectic lifestyle that came along with being in my life.” His voice waivers for a moment. He pauses to gather himself before continuing. “But then you came along. You walked right into my life and said you didn’t care what baggage I already had or what we picked up on the way, you were here for it all. Looking back on it, there wasn’t a distinct moment that I fell in love with you, but there was a distinct moment in which I knew. I knew the minute you came to my house in the middle of the night just because I was stressed out and you didn’t want me to be alone. You put my happiness and health over yours that night and that’s when I knew, without a doubt, that I was royally screwed. You make me so happy every single day that you’re around me. Excuse my cheesy reference, but you light up my world like nobody else.” He pauses while you giggle lightly and roll your eyes at him. “I look forward to making you smile and laugh every time that we’re near each other. And, if you’ll let me, I’d love to continue putting a smile on your face every single day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Y/N. Will you marry me?”
You don’t hesitate before saying yes and throwing yourself into his arms, letting him spin you around and take you back to the villa to show you just how glad he is to have you as his fiancé. 
Permanent Taglist - @spidey-reids-2003​, @jackiehollanderr​, @scarletsoldierrr​, @thewayilookatbacon​, @parker-barnes-af​, @lost-in-the-stars03​, @kisses-holland​, @josiemara​, @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​, @fanficscuziranout​, @akila-stilinski​ , @babebenhardy​ @write-from-the-heart​, @slytherinambitious​, @miraclesoflove​ @quaksonhehe​, @dummiesshort​, @sleepybesson​, @sunshine96love​, @itstaskeen​, @wotamelonsugar​, @fallingfordolans​, @missleahlin​, @urbandcal​, @5-seconds-of-mendes​, @bookwormmusiclover15​
Harry Styles Taglist - @alwayshave-faith​, @hufflepuff-always-and-forever​, @sucker-09​ @just-chillin-out-in-me-box​, @macksmedicine, @xo-spidey​, @afterhoursharry​, @shawnieeboyy​,
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sukunahz · 3 years
i.  been away .
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: what would you do? / a03
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: your old friend, eren yeager had been gone for almost an entire year and you and your friends have all but moved on with life. in fact you have barely given him a second thought -- but when he returns, he's not the same passionate frat-boy you once knew; he's a stranger now.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.6k words
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, oral, fingering, eren is kinda’ mean, mentions of alcohol, intoxication and drugs. based on the absolute banger been away by brent faiyaz. i posted this on a03 two months ago and i swear every week my writing changes and when i look back i’m ashamed. i swear the chapters get better 😩
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You were barely paying attention to the conversation around you, you were idly fiddling with your completely empty cup since Sasha and Connie had been arguing about the same thing for the past 20 minutes. You knew it was because they had both been tiptoeing around something; they were keeping something from you. What did you expect from the two people closest to you, but you weren't a sensitive, little baby bird? In fact, you had forced yourself to not shed tears over a night that was so insignificant that there was no point for these two to continue on with this desperate charade. “He’s back. Isn’t he?” You stated bluntly, your words were viciously slicing at their conversation. They both remained silent; their clear discomfort was painted vividly onto their expressions as they exchanged worried glances between each other. Eren had been gone for so long that he had faded from you and your friends’ lives completely, he was so easily displaced from your thoughts in such a short amount of time and you had felt the least bit of guilt for it. Time marches on, not even Eren would be able to bend time to his will. Your friends had adjusted to life without their friend, but you could sense the discomfort in celebrating Connie’s birthday in his absence.
“Apparently.” Sasha replied, her gaze darted towards the door as if his return was some impending doom, like a devastating natural disaster that would upset the balance of everything. You wanted to be confused as to why they were hiding this from you, but you knew full well that with the way he disappeared – you would be counting down the days till he returned. Sasha and Connie knew that you were now a minefield and one misstep by anyone would illicit a violently ruinous reaction from you.
“He’s not the same.” Connie added, interrupting your train of thought. “You know how he left… he's -- he's not the same guy.” There was a silence after that, you had lost the energy to keep fighting them about Eren. You could see the disillusion drain into Connie’s face, you weren’t the only one who Eren left, in fact – it was everyone in this room that he had left behind. Those two were inseparable a year ago and now it seemed like Connie could barely string together a sincere sentence about Eren. You couldn’t keep recounting your history with them, a history that was so minuscule that you had no right to expect anything from him -- right? You forced the two to return to their idle conversations, doing anything to drag the conversation away from someone that you had tried so hard to put behind you. There was load music droning through the common area accompanied by smoke from Jean’s vape that was dancing wistfully near the window.
You heard a pause in the atmosphere in the room, there was a break in the cluttered chatter of the house. There he was, speak of the devil -- Eren had finally returned after an entire year, surrounded by a group of people who carried the same troubled and unsettling demeanour as him. You had to force every muscle in your body not to respond to him, since all he did was glance languidly your way before he joined a group of people in the other corner of the room. You felt nimble fingers press a comforting touch upon your thighs as she was still engrossed in her conversation with Connie. “Don’t.” Sasha whispered to you; her gaze was still straight ahead. You scoffed at her warning; she knew you all too well, just how easily you were able to get tangled into Eren’s web.
“I won’t.”
You weren’t over Eren because there was nothing to get over, you had no feelings for him, and not a single thing would change just how much of a brazen jackass he was. The timing of your pep-talk with yourself couldn’t have been better since Eren and his friends found themselves occupying the vacant furniture around Connie, Sasha and yourself. It had been a while since you had even been able to soak in his presence, but you could tell there was a different air to him, he seemed indifferent now, his lids drooping low and he barely paid any attention to the conversations around him. You could hear Armin’s attempts to draw Eren out from his shell, his repeated calls to invite him to participate in the conversations but all Eren could do is brush him off or reply with a simple mumble. How did he manage to be so magnetic; he was surrounded by friends and yet he was completely withdrawn and isolated?
“Hey—” Zeke called out to you, his words were already slurring, and the smell of beer was swimming around the air around him. He was just as rugged as his younger brother and you could tell that he was a part of Eren’s recent downward spiral. Despite bearing the same haunted resemblance as his younger brother, Zeke’s blonde hair is tidy and taken care of in contrast to his unruly facial hair. You could tell that Zeke bears no regard for taming his beard or his alcohol intake, you could also tell that just like Eren, he probably didn't care about much at this point. Lost in your observations, you realised you must have been staring too long as Zeke’s gaze met your own. “You know he almost used up his one phone call at the station on you!” He wrapped his arm drunkenly around Eren’s shoulder. Station? You thought to yourself, did that idiot get himself arrested? You glanced quickly towards Eren and you could see the shame and irritation across his demeanour. He had barely even said a word since he arrived, yet he already looked drained and exhausted.  
“Why would he waste a call on me?” You muttered with a roll of your eyes. Your short temper was also about to blow. Why does everyone connect you two together, you were friends before he left and nothing more? No amount of history between you two would change anything, not even one alcohol-fuelled mistake. Eren didn’t owe you anything and he didn’t fail to hammer that notion into you when he left.  
“Eren, you might wanna’ take care of your wasted brother before he embarrasses you anymore.” Sasha jested with a tilt of her head, a futile attempt to diffuse the situation. With that, you decide that it would actually be you who embarrassed themselves if you stayed any longer.
“I’m gunna’ get a drink.” You whispered to Sasha before forcing a reassuring smile across your features in order to ensure that she doesn’t follow you. You weren’t in the mood to talk about Eren or whatever the fuck he’s been up to in his long absence. A better person would be concerned for him but all you could do was feel irritation, you heeded Sasha’s warning, you’ve been living your life – dealing with your own baggage and Eren doesn’t get to just return out of nowhere and take the reins of your life again. You pushed yourself onto your feet towards a familiar friend in the hallway.
“Not joining the welcome wagon?” You teased; a conceited sneer etched upon your features as you can see the displeased expression on your friend. You were provoking the obvious bad blood between the two, it was rather petty of you to seek him out for the sole reason of loathing Eren together, but who better to understand than Jean
“My bad, I better hop in the line and give that asshole a proper welcome!” Jean quipped back, his tone was overly dramatic and topped off with a sarcastic roll of his eyes. “I’m actually getting out of here; Connie’s got some weird black pepper flavoured vape that I’ve been dared to try – wanna’ come?”
“Yeah – I’ll join you in a sec’, let my grab my jumper first.” You replied, accepting any invitation that would lead you as far away from the impending disaster that lurks outside the hallways. As Jean made his way downstairs, you entered your room before the comfortable silence was interrupted by an all too familiar voice. The voice was deep and steady, but you noticed it lost its notable flare, the usual effervescence had lifted from him, all that remained was something dark and troubled. You couldn’t recognise who the man standing before you was. He had stray, brunette locks falling on his forehead while the rest of his hair was hastily tied into a bun. His broad physique was framed by an almost entirely black wardrobe with the exception of his large gold key necklace that sat perfectly upon his chest.
“What’s wrong with you?” He dimly asked, he crossed his arms as he pressed his weight against the wall. He had an air of disappointment surrounding him, as if he couldn’t believe that you wouldn��t want to be in his presence, he couldn't believe that you didn't press further on the comment that Zeke made earlier.
“What’s wrong with me?” You challenged him, was he so self-entitled that he thought he could guilt you from walking away from a conversation that you did not want to be a part of. You didn’t want to know what changed Eren and you didn’t care what it was that pulled him away.
“Wanna’ tell me why you’re so pissed?” His expression, or lack of expression didn't change. As your temper rose, Eren’s voice and demeanour stayed the same. Despite his words showing a genuine interest, his voice and mannerisms displayed nothing but a disregard for absolutely anything going on around him. This wasn’t the Eren that you knew, the man that you had known had life and zest spilling from his expressive eyes, he cared about the smallest things around him despite being just as haunted as you were. In fact, it was Eren who was able to keep you from falling into a dangerous spiral, but it looks like he wasn’t able to save himself.  
“Fuck off, Eren. Maybe if you could take a hint, you’d realise that you’re the one pissing me off.” The words came carelessly fumbling out from your mouth -- at this point you knew you were overreacting; you could tell he had gone through something, but he owed you much more than he was giving you and you relished the thought of humbling him.
Eren didn't respond to your rant, instead, he drew in a long, sharp breath of air before he stepped towards you. Your chest rose and fell, almost out of breath from your last sentence as you stumbled backwards from his advances, your back crashing against the wall behind you. His arm extended to reach out for the wall behind you as his face creeps in closer towards you. “You and your short temper.” He mumbled to you while you soak in his scent. At least there was something familiar about him, this same scent that you were once tangled in. It’s embarrassing just how easily he’s able to bend you to his will. Just like that you were under his spell again, itching to give him a proper welcome back even though you know he doesn't deserve it. But he was so close and tempting, covered with a new and mysterious aura, maybe it was your distaste and resentment for him that fuelled your next move.
Your hands tugged at the ends of his shirt to pull him closer to you as you connected your lips with his. It was a long and messy kiss when he slipped his tongue inside yours. Eren's movements were hungry, as if he had been starving for days and this was his first taste of food. You could see his features were radiating with passion, the colour from his eyes seeping back in. His movements were so robust compared with the apathetic display he had put on earlier. Just for a second, you could see the person you once knew before. Your arms travelled from the bottom of his shirt to wrap around his neck and Eren slips his arms around your upper thighs, inviting you to wrap your legs around his waist. He didn't break his lips away from you but instead he sends a wet trail of reckless kisses along your neck before he lowers you onto the desk nearby, your legs still wrapped around his body. You were ashamed that you wanted more, didn’t you promise yourself that you wouldn’t let him come back and take over your life again, you put him in the past the second he chose to walk away.
“We shouldn’t do this.” You mumbled; Sasha’s prior warning seemed to have fallen upon deaf ears. There was a room outside full of your friends and one stray noise could end it all for the both of you. Despite your weak attempts to convince yourself that you could walk away from this encounter, your body seemed to have a mind of its own and was telling him the exact opposite. Eren’s lips trailed lower and lower from your neck, to your chest and falling all the way to your thighs. Almost every inch of your skin was covered in his wet trails. Your neck and back arched as soft moans spilled from your unruly lips.
“Tell me to stop then.” He breathes, you peered down on him as his hands rest on your thighs while he was on his knees. You remained silent; however, your hands travel to his hair as an invitation for him to continue on. Eren inches closer and closer towards your centre, his fingers pushing the thin fabric guarding your core to the side. His tongue draws intricate and wet lines across your slit as you emit a loud moan at the sudden sensation. You could feel a forceful wave of euphoria rush through your spine while he keeps a tight hold on your thighs to stop you from squirming. He was assiduous with his ministrations and he didn't remove his tongue when he introduced his fingers to your wet centre, teasing your entrance to get a reaction out of you. You inhaled sharply at the newly added sensation, his tongue and fingers massaging your clit effortlessly.
“Just shut up…” Eren interrupted, as he pushed two of his fingers into you, dangerously close to being knuckle deep inside you. As if your calls of his name were distracting him from his intricate work. His familiar cockiness has returned, the jovial frat-boy that you once knew was zealously tasting you. His ministrations contained a heightened bravado now and you were finally starting to recognise who the man before you was.
“You’re tighter than I remember.” He observed, his fingers were frozen inside you as his piercing eyes were connected to yours, you knew that he was about to have you wrapped around his finger again.
“Maybe I’m just not as turned on as you think I am?” You challenged, forcing yourself not to bite down on your lip in front of him. With your remark, he quickly pulled his index and middle finger out of your pussy. The movement was so abrupt, and it left you craving all the more from him, just when he was pushing you to arrive to your peak, you came crumbling back down. A punishment for your quip at his sexual prowess.
“Oh really? Why don’t I show you just how wet you are then?” The devilish smirk spread across his lips was almost maniacal, a gesture of his sudden surge of confidence. He wrapped his already wet fingers around your own and lead them towards your now notably, wet pussy. Your fingers lingered there, unsure of what to do as you refused to make eye contact with Eren.
“See for yourself, since I apparently am not up to the task.” You still stalled for a moment, heat racing towards your cheeks, despite you baring your entire body to him, were you so shameless that you would pleasure yourself right in front of him?
“Go on — touch yourself.” This time, Eren’s tone was posed as a dominant command than it was a request. Just when you had thought you had the upper hand; it took just one minute for him to have you at his beck and call again. You hesitantly began to rub around your slit, shame soaked into your thoughts as you realised that you are just as wet as Eren stated.
Quiet moans fell from your lips as Eren smugly watched you have a taste of your own medicine, it was bittersweet since despite the pleasure you were giving to yourself, all you were doing was proving Eren right. Once your high started increasing, he softly wrapped his fingers around yours to stop you from what you were doing before he rammed two fingers inside you abruptly, eliciting a high-pitched yelp from you. His other hand was still wrapped around yours, pinning your arm to the desk to stop you from squirming. “Jealous, are we?” You provoked him; your eyebrow raised to match your goading sentiment.
His pace begun slow as he pulled in and out of you in long and detailed movements, he knew exactly how to build you back up as you responded to his movements with moans and your back arched up against the wall, your arms still pinned down by his free hand. “God, stop playing around.” You called out in frustration, he was playing with you and you knew that he was keeping you just below your boiling point.
“I thought you weren’t turned on?” He questioned; his fingers were moving just slow enough within you. You sat there silent, breaking your eye contact with him and refusing to fuel his ego anymore. However, Eren can see the way your body responds to him. “You want it that badly? Then beg for it.” He removed his fingers from you hastily as he rose from his kneeling position, so his face and body were hovering over you. He was just high enough that the tip of the key hanging off his change was resting comfortably on your chest. Your fingers reached out for the collars on his shirt as you carelessly pulled him even closer to you, your lips angled towards his ear.
“I’m begging you… Don’t you want a taste of me?” You successfully coaxed Eren into returning to your core, however, it was not his fingers that revisited you but his tongue. Your game of cat and mouse continued on as his tongue explored every single crevice of your pussy, his hands were keeping your thighs spread apart and pinned to the desk. Your back arched higher and higher as you quickly approached your climax, your fingers were tangling themselves into Eren’s hair and your chest rising and falling as you were getting ready to cum. Eren’s tongue was hitting all the right spots, it was as if he could read your body like the back of his hand, someone with barely any experience with your body could still bend and twist it to his will. Your body finally released the cluster of sexual tension that Eren had so diligently built up with within you. As you fell back against the desk, Eren rose from his position again, standing up this time as the pad of his thumb narcissistically grazed the bottom of his lip, cleaning up the excess remains of your orgasm.
“You’re right, I did want a taste.” He buttoned the bottom of his shirt back up and ran his hand smoothly through his hair, a futile attempt at cleaning himself up. You knew he was about to walk out, and you should have known better than to try to stop him, you loathed him at that moment and yet your body and perhaps even your heart was yearning for him.
“Eren.” You sat up quickly and reached out for his arm. He stopped in his tracks, not a word left his lips just his wide, emerald gaze staring at yours. “I think you should fuck me—” Before you’re able to provide any explanation his lips had crashed onto yours, yet he remained standing, his arms were cupping your upper neck as you are pulled up to meet his height. You responded instantly; your arms wrapped around his torso as your tongue eagerly crashed against his own.
His lips met your neck, and you knew he was about to plant a blue and purple reminder of this very moment. Despite Eren’s greedy reaction to your kiss, you could sense his hesitation in his movements, and you’ve experienced this before, he’s going to walk away – again. “I can’t…” He whispered into the crook of your neck, halting for a moment before he pressed one final kiss above your now growing bruise before he straightened himself up and walked out of the door. He didn’t even give you one final glance before leaving you alone on your desk and once again you could see all the colour drain from him as he exits. He was about to return to the same brooding and apathetic person he had become. It was embarrassing that you thought one hate-infused tryst in your room would change that, you were never able to change Eren.
You had barely adjusted to the change in pace, one second ago he was tasting every inch of you and the next he was leaving you dazed and confused on your desk. How quickly the loneliness crept into you, why did you need him around you so badly? Hadn’t you just sworn to yourself that you would resist him, you wouldn’t make the same mistakes that you did before? You forced yourself not to delve into the dark mystery that was Eren’s year away, but you know he wasn’t relaxing and getting back in touch with his brother, he had lost himself, getting himself arrested and God knows what else – but for some reason he’s back now?
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kiribakuficrecs · 3 years
hello!!! im going on a very long trip at the end of april and I'm looking for some very long fics to download to keep me entertained! i dont care what they're about as long as there's no major character death or mentions of non-con. ur blog is a godsend ilysm and you do such a good job thank you so much 🙏
hi there!! i definitely have a lot of good lengthy fics i can recommend to you!
quote love unquote by newamsterdam 
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
acceptance and denial by poteto
It all goes okay when Kirishima decides to come out to his friends and it all goes wrong when decides that Bakugou is the best fake boyfriend material.
cause the darks not taking prisoners tonight by imatrisarahtops
“Are those soba noodles?” Kirishima asked.
Again Bakugou’s only reply was a grunt. He offered no further explanation—not that Kirishima honestly expected one—as though making soba noodles from scratch at half past four in the morning wasn’t at all a bizarre occurrence and made complete and total sense. For a fleeting moment, Kirishima even wondered if maybe he was the odd one here. Besides, he’d already decided it was generally not in his best interest to question these types of things with Bakugou, especially when it was something essentially harmless.
When Kirishima has a nightmare and is unable to fall back asleep, he accepts defeat and decides to study in the common area of the dorms. What he doesn't expect to find is Bakugou, also very much awake, and Kirishima can't help but think that maybe they're both having the same problems with sleeping. If he's worried, it's just because they're friends. (Right?)
the weight of your hand by kamin
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
so take my hand (your life will be brighter) by multiclassmaps
When a stranger shows up at the ice rink during Bakugou's usually private training sessions, Bakugou expects to hate him. He doesn't expect to develop feelings that become increasingly difficult to deny, or for them to help each other sort through their emotional baggage. - Bakugou really didn't like Kirishima's smile. There was something about it that made his stomach hurt, something about it that made it difficult to focus. He definitely hadn't thought about that smile on his way to the ice rink that day. He definitely hadn't.
distance makes the heart grow fonder (false) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?! Well, turns out he never needed to.
-- “Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!” "Really closely?"
perihelion by tauontauoff
Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
fight me by mr_todoroki
Bright red, spiky hair. Annoyingly bright smile. Clothes that radiate ‘look at me’ vibes. Neon yellow tank top with black shorts. And those were definitely crocs on his fucking feet.
Yeah, Katsuki hated this guy.
Bakugou gets a new roommate.
quietly by chezka
“We’ve been taking the same way to and from school for weeks,” Kirishima grinned, and then when Bakugou frowned at him he put on an affected pout, tilted his head so that he was looking at him through his thick, long lashes, “you never noticed? Am I that easy to miss?”
He could barely finish the sentence before a laugh escaped his lips, and Bakugou rolled his eyes, hit him with a shoulder a little more violently than necessary.
“You stick out like a sore thumb, broom-head,” he grumbled, promptly ignoring Kirishima's whining about his hairstyle when it started coming, “I didn’t notice ‘cause I didn’t care.”
“And now you do?”
everyone knows that cats are independent by purplepersnickety
Eijirou enjoys his job, working the graveyard shift at a 24/7 coffee shop. His daemon Riot is always there to keep him company, and he likes meeting the early-morning patrons and giving them the best possible kick-start to their day. It's been his routine for about a year now.
Then one day, a grouchy guy with a daemon in the form of a lion walks into the shop in the dead of night, and Eijirou decides to strike up a conversation with him.
punks not dead by wrunic
“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.
“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.
“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.
“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
sent, delivered, read, loved by kiribakuhappiness
Kirishima E. [6.49pm]: ur okay for such an angry dude bakugou! :)
Bakugou K. [7.12pm]: FUCK YOU!
Kirishima E. [7.14pm]: haha! :D ttyl!
Bakugou K. [7.52pm]: STOP TXTING ME!!!
- OR -
Bakugou's and Kirishima's relationship develops from classmates to friends to more, as told through their text conversations.
flicker by mr_todoroki
He was starting to feel depressed. Life was so uninteresting. It was so mundane and forgettable. He had no one to hang out with besides Kota, his family didn’t even live in the city.
He grew his hair out as some sort of rebellion, some sort of stand to make his life the slightest bit more interesting. But he could already feel himself giving in to the pressure of cutting it. He needed to work to live. Without a job, he’d truly have nothing.
Kirishima never applied to UA, therefore never became a hero.
let’s get down to business by kjelfalconer
Katsuki Bakugou, one of the brightest rising stars on wall street, is in need of a new personal assistant. Again. Could Eijirou Kirishima finally be the one to last more than two months?
Katsuki's long suffering HR department sure hope so.
something about us by bigstupidjellyfish
nothing like being in highschool and having no idea how to deal with emotions
fireproof by inkbender
Four years after a classmate nobody seems to remember is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima drags an amnesiac hobo he found washed up on the beach into his apartment, attempts to teach him how to adult (with varying degrees of success), and discovers along the way that the line between heroism and villainy is quite fine indeed. Plot-divergent after episode 45, the Forest Training Camp arc.
blood riot by magicallee (alternatively)
Kirishima from a universe with no quirks is mind-swapped with an alternate universe version of himself where there are superpowers.
And in that universe he’s a super villain.
And Bakugou is the superhero who caught Evil-Kirishima and put him in prison.
blindside by drowclericpelor
“You’re the first guy friend I’ve had that I can just like, be friends with. You’re either the most unthirstiest boy ever...” Camie shrugged and made another wobbly illusion appear between her hands. It looked like a sparkly rainbow with the word ‘friendship’ beneath it, accompanied by what Bakugou assumed was supposed to be a twinkling sound effect, but it had a tinny quality to it and sounded far away. “...or I just ain’t got the kinda straw you like to ssssip.”
Carefully, Bakugou considered the strange turn this conversation had taken.
He had never been asked, point blank, if he was gay before. And he honestly had never thought about how he would respond. Lying about himself didn’t sit right with him. But he’d always wanted to wait until he was the number one hero - when he stood above everyone else - before coming out. Though he’d had times when he’d thought about doing it before then and had almost gone through with it once. But being the number one hero came first. It wouldn’t matter what people would say about it then as long as he’d risen to the top.
Bakugou knew his lack of a response would give Camie all the answers she needed.
flour power by wingsonghalo
“I’m telling you now, Shitty Hair,” the blonde growled, “I am not gonna play house with you. We will cart this stupid flour around for a week like the assignment says. But some of our idiot classmates are naming the thing and setting up ‘playdates’ and dressing it and I am not doing anything that stupid. Got it?”
Kirishima and Bakugou are paired up to take care of a flour sack for a week. It would be so simple, except nothing with Bakugou is ever simple. Also Kirishima might be kinda sorta completely head over heels for him.
sunchaser by chonideno
that feeling when you suddenly want to jump off a cliff for no reason but instead of a cliff it’s your best friend and instead of jumping it’s growing feelings out of nowhere
or how Bakugou has to try really hard not to throw everything to the wind, and Kirishima doesn't help
i also have a tag specifically for fics that reach somewhere between 30k-70k words long if you wanted to check that out as well! i hope you enjoy the fics here and that i was able to help, ily enjoy your trip!!! :D 
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 10 - Student Council President Sakura
To Sakura, world still revolved normally; nothing changed between them, nothing mattered enough for her to behave differently. To Sasuke, the world shifted in its axis, having revealed a glimpse of his true feelings to her however falsely convenient she deemed them to be; everything changed between them, everything mattered enough for him to behave differently.
Like flinching at her slight grazes on his skin or his ears picking up her voice in the middle of the crowd noises or his eyes following the trail of her rose hair tied up in a ponytail, bewitched by the sway of the strands as she tousled to get to the front of the fray, her fingers burning a hole through his sleeve.
“HOMERUN!” The announcer screamed through the microphone, the feedback running through ripples in the throng of people. “Uzumaki Naruto nails a clutch win in the last inning for his team in their first ever nationals!”
Screams erupted around them, and as others jumped and cursed and hugged each other, she stood there frozen in time, her hands on her mouth. “He won. He won, Sasuke.” Her voice quivered, and he knew then that she was crying.
“Yeah, the blonde idiot won.” He allowed himself to smile, picking the blonde among the ruckus that enfolded below.
An hour and lesser filled stadium after, the two went down to congratulate their friend with open arms despite the sweat and the grit. Sasuke went with the flow, jumping up and down and circling about in the middle of the pitcher’s mound. They broke away from each other’s hold after several minutes, breathless in the undertaking, and flushed with all the gleeful screaming.
Two firm pats on Naruto’s back and a ruffle on his porcupine hair. “You did well, idiot.”
“Ah I earned a compliment from grumpy. This truly is the best day of my life!” His teammates broke in laughter in the background.
“I’m so proud of you. I’m so glad we took the bullet train to watch your game,” Sakura said through tears. Perhaps it was the height of the celebration or the ride of her emotions; she reached for Naruto’s face and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Sasuke turned away just in time, thankful for the screams, hoots, and whistles that possessed the student body. In his aversion, he also saw another face who kept looking anywhere but at the two. Hyuga Hinata, his ironic comrade in heartbreak.
Haru was in the group of spectators earlier, a pseudo-coach and mood-raiser for the team, his undercut prominent against his cap. Sasuke guessed him and Hinata were civil enough to be enclosed in a common space. He walked towards her, hands in his pockets.
“I’m gonna confess to him in the cultural festival,” she told him before he could reach her side.
He leaned against the bleachers, shutting out the continuing noises from the student body. In the midst of it, he can hear Sakura scolding all of them for misunderstanding. “And you’re gonna get rejected.”
“At least I told him what I felt,” she replied. “Did you already?”
He shrugged, unsure himself whether he got the point across or not.
“You better make it clear. You berated me for giving mixed signals after all.”
“You don’t hold your punches, Ms. Hyuga.” Sasuke sighed. “I think she rejected me already.”
Hinata let out a small laugh, the first in his vicinity. “Well, I’m just giving back your advice. If you think it so, you should ask again.”
“A second heartbreak won’t do me good.”
“The future has a lot in store.” She finally landed her gaze on Naruto and Sakura who separated now and were engaged by Haru in some funny exchange. “Good luck to us, Uchiha. I’ll take my leave.”
Sasuke detached himself from the bleachers. “Without saying congratulations?”
But Hinata continued on her exit without giving him a reply. To his surprise, it was not only him who caught her leaving; a pair of blue eyes also followed after her, mouth agape, hesitant to call her name not when he was in the presence of her ex-boyfriend and ex-captain. Ah, we’re all stuck in this complex hell, aren’t we?
His phone vibrated against his pocket. On normal days, he would ignore the call, but today wasn’t normal and he had to act nice for the favor he asked.
“Did your best friend win?” Itachi’s voice greeted him.
Sasuke didn’t correct him on the terminology. He just grunted a small yes, and somehow, he can hear his brother smiling on the other end of the call.
“Glad my donation helped fund their team’s expenses. I take it you also spent some for the bullet train?”
Again, another small yes.
“That’s nice.” It was the first time he heard Itachi chuckle again after the accident. “I’m glad you have friends.”
They’re not my friends fell silent on Sasuke’s lips. All he wanted was to consistently rank first, have uninteresting interactions…but all of those foiled because of the two. “Yeah, something like that.”
He heard the beeping pager in the background. “Gotta run, little brother. See you.”
Little brother. Sasuke swallowed back an unfamiliar sound.
It was a sob.
Sakura tried to look at anything but him – the titles of books on his shelves behind, the heads of other faculty members bobbing, the ticking of the second hand on the wall clock. Kakashi clucked upon seeing her career sheet.
“Haruno, you’ll be graduating salutatorian, just points away from Uchiha Sasuke and yet you haven’t listed a university or a job listing. It’s referral season, and you’ve done a lot of good in this school.” Kakashi held his eyes steady on her, a firm line on his lips. “Don’t you want help?”
She mustered a smile, if that was what they call it nowadays, and handed him a filled out form. Whether he could see that it was written with wavering hands, she’d never know. “I settled on fashion design. I’ve always wanted to be a seamstress myself.”
That was a lie, and she knew Kakashi knew judging by how the firm line stayed. He briefly nodded and let her go.
Sensing the bubbling anxiety, she traversed the noisy hallways and almost sprinted to what has also become her safe space – the hidden spot of the boys behind the library. It wasn’t lunch time yet so Sasuke and Naruto wouldn’t be here. She slumped against the wall, sobs racking throughout her body.
Aimless was what she would describe her direction, untethered her depth, and a black hole her emotions.
“I wish you would let me help you.” Kakashi’s voice made her jump. She scanned her surroundings but cannot find a telling strand of silver in the hedges. He was probably standing on the entrance, just before the canopy of vines. “I didn’t follow you. I just knew the three of you went here for lunch and after-school chats. I’m a faculty, Sakura.”
“Please go away.” She never heard her voice sounded so small…and vulnerable.
“Sometimes, talking it out would make the burden feel lighter.”
She didn’t respond, and he didn’t wait for it. His audible footsteps were an indication he was moving away so she took the bait. If this was one way to be near him, why couldn’t it be in the guise of her pain?
She emerged in the hedges, eyes bloodshot red and strained, only to find him leaning against the wall, waiting with a handkerchief for her.
In an ironic turn of events, he brought her to the program she initiated. When he turned to leave to give her the privacy she needed, she asked him to stay. And that simple silent gesture gave her the courage to face her reality.
That her parents were divorcing, and in a futile attempt to cope, she made herself scarce, almost invisible.
Perhaps she was too much work for a middle-class couple with a lot of bills and unemployed siblings to feed. Maybe if they didn’t have a child that hindered their defining career opportunities to relocate or get promoted to an overseas position. Her outstanding community work and numerous distinction medals just weren’t strong enough to warrant a reconsideration of their decision.
And maybe it was a wrong move to get a part time job and dissociate from the pink-haired, studious Sakura and be the adult black-haired, funky cashier Sakura because it only gave them the idea she can live just fine on her own without any of them worrying about her instead of seeing the whole thing as a call for help.
“If you’re ready, you should share your problem to the two,” her sensei said when they finished with her therapy consultation.
“They have heavier baggage,” she simply replied.
“They’re not comparable. Naruto has an empty baggage, a kid with no past, yet he drags it around. Sasuke has sand for load, it’s leaking at the seams but he refills it. And for you, it could be air or water. It’s because you’re compressing them all inside that they become heavier.” He laid a hand on her head, an action of a sensei to a student. “Thanks for sharing some of those with me, Sakura.”
Cultural festival was an amalgamation of confessions, last clinchers, and stolen moments. Whoever snatched a dance with someone they liked would be blessed with good relationship – that was how the saying went among the ranks of students.
It was the reason why Sasuke and Naruto hid throughout the day in their spot, content to eat instant ramen, batches of onigiri, and packs of orange and tomato juices. Throngs of freshmen and second years were on the hunt for their feet as dance partner.
“If only they knew I have two left feet,” Naruto grumbled. “I can’t even enjoy the day with Sakura. It’s pathetic to think I’m stuck with you.”
“I second,” Sasuke said. “Do you think she’ll confess to Kakashi later?”
“She hasn’t made a move yet?”
Sasuke shook his head.
“Wait what do you mean you second?”
Minutes of silence ensued. Sasuke put a whole onigiri in his mouth, too flustered to say it right at his face. “I like Sakura.” The words were jumbled with his chewing, and he was sure Naruto didn’t catch it.
But the idiot grinned and laughed maniacally. “The great pretender finally admits! When did you realize it? Did you have the fireworks in your head too?” He even mimicked a rainbow with his hands.
“That’s a rainbow, you idiot.” Sasuke scratched the back of his head. “When she was busy looking at Kakashi playing the piano.”
“Ah, will we ever have the chance?” Naruto snickered. “Let’s confess tonight, grumpy.”
“Already thought of that and already prepared for it.” Despite the seemingly downfall trajectory of their common affections, Sasuke still managed a smirk.
Not to be one-upped, Naruto pulled out his phone and flashed a small bouquet of dahlias. “Ready to be picked up tonight.”
A Greek tragedy, that was them; two best friends falling in love with and being rejected by the same girl.
Majority of the school population have gathered around the giant bonfire on the campus grounds, but Sakura knew Kakashi would be stuck in his cubicle in the faculty lounge, nose-deep in a novel, headphones in to drown out the noise, and feet propped up on his desk.
Tonight was the night she would bare her other truth naked to him.
But before she could even step foot in his space, she already heard the voice of his favorite book drifting across the nooks and partitions.
“You should be with your students.” Giggling and a sound she would only assume was a string of kisses.
“I don’t have much time with you. Let me be greedy just this time.” Hearing her sensei say that painted him in another light. So there was this very attached Kakashi, far from the laidback and chill professor she knew.
Sakura should turn her heels and join the rest of the student body. She should act like a good student model, ignore her teacher’s affairs, and pretend she was never here. Except she tripped while running, and that summoned the two of them to her aid.
“Sakura? Did you need something?”
She side-eyed Rin Nohara and shook her head, her one only good chance blown to bits by her own recklessness and stupidity. She muttered an apology and starts to walk away with limping feet when Rin stopped her.
“I’ll get a drink in the vending machine. I’ll be back in five minutes Kashi.”
Thank God for women intuition, Sakura thought.
But inevitably she was left alone in the corridor with her heartbeat far stronger than the noise of the band outside around the campfire and the unknowing subject of her admiration. She held tightly to his rubber tie around her wrist, the mark etched deeper by each day she leaves it there mangled with her pulse.
He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, a smile etched on his face, the soft moonlight falling on his features only to highlight his beauty mark. It was unfair seeing him like this only to have him break her heart.
She knew she didn’t stand a chance, but even then, she had to hear it clear and loud.
“I like you.”
Were three words ever enough to encapsulate the three years of affection she held for him? One word for each year she felt content with glimpses of him, may they only be passing shadows in the halls, an echoing voice in the adjacent room, the silent arbiter in council meetings or a silver strand she could easily pick out in a sea of black of white.
Kakashi looked at her, his smile still etched, his face still immaculate. “That wasn’t a question.”
“And that wasn’t a reply.” It was nature to look away when one was too scared to face truth, but for the many times he helped her, even without him fully realizing the extent, she owed it to him to be brave.
“But you already know the words.” A head pat, the same gesture that gave her comfort in the past was the same gesture that broke her heart just now. How easy it was for the breaker to give and take minute and mindless affections, but what right did she has to think they were special to begin with?
It was the end of an illusory conception.
A bouquet of dahlias and a bouquet of daffodils were hidden behind Naruto and Sasuke. It was dark, already past seven, the bonfire in its final vestiges, its sputtering flames waiting for last-minute lovers to dance in their splendid light.
Within the shadows came the girl of their dreams, hair untangled and morose emerald irises dipped in pools. Sasuke first noticed the bare wrist, the rubber tie gone, and he knew then that she confessed, and she was heartbroken.
He didn’t need to say anything to the blonde beside him. Her stance was enough to convey her present state of being. What she needed right now were her friends, not aspiring lovers stupid enough to break the friendship label.
And so they hid the bouquets on their backs, safe in the clutches of the dark, and when she reached out to them, their free hands already grasped her trembling fingers in waiting.
There they were, three broken-hearted people, wallowing in their own respective pain, sitting on the dewy grass that would leave stains on their clothes the next morning. When the school band started the last song, Sasuke stood up, abandoning his bouquet on the side, and pulled the other two up.
“Would be a shame to end our last cultural festival like this.”
Ten steps later, they were in the middle of the crowd of couples, three awkward friends holding each other’s hands and stepping on each other’s foot.
“For the love of God, you really can’t dance Naruto. Can’t you do a simple turn to the right?” Sasuke complained.
“Why are you putting all the blame on me? You’re the one who can’t differentiate the right from left!” Naruto spat back.
She laughed, and it somehow stopped their bickering for a moment. Bent at her stomach and eyes clinched shut in crinkles, that was their Sakura.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Baby bird and Super daddy (DC)
it was Friday afternoon and school was out which only meant one thing for a group of young sidekicks: it was time to haul their butts to San Francisco and more to the point to Titans tower.
Oddly though one member of the titans wasn't getting his normal ride from Gotham to the tower with his mentor Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne but inside had been picked up in Smallvile by his surrogate big brother Nightwing who was also giving a ride to Kon-el, AKA Superboy.
Sulking and pouting in his costume, Robin AKA Tim drake was blushing and his bottom looked a little more puffy then normal, but only a expert would know to look and see it.. so Naturally Dick had.
"So I'm not one to judge, I mean, I've know you and Kon where hooking up for awhile." Dick said, smirking and while he kept a eye on the controls of his aircraft, he made sure to steal looks back at the blushing big time Tim who had been tugged into Kon's lap. And of course Kon was smirking.
"but I just need to know, Is my little brother from anther mother in huggies because you two are kinky, or Kon needs to stop topping for awhile?"
"DICK!" Tim shrieked and whined, burying his face in Kon's shoulder and whining.
"He tried to make me his little guy, needless to say it backfired." Kon chuckled, and rubbed Tim's back and patted the boys bottom, a faint crinkling being heard only by Kon due to his super hearing over the dim of the plane.
"Oh, I HAVE to hear more..but before that.. I think I have a juice box or two if the little guy is thirsty." Dick offered.
"Dickkkkkk!" Tim whined and pouted, shooting daggers though his mask.
"Well he is a thirsty bitch, but he had a big ba-ba of fresh milk before we left." Kon chuckled.
"Hate you both." Tim whined and tried to squirm out of Kon's lap, but he was a boy of tissue in a boy of steel's grip, and wasn't going anywhere.
As Dick chuckled, Kon reached into Tim's belt and pulled out a superman logo pacifier and popped it in the boy wonders mouth and rocked him, and in seconds Tim had gone night night and Kon was free to tell the story.
Tim had pleaded and begged to hang out with Kon-el for the two days he had off from school back in Gotham (the staff was recovering from the latest attack by a bat rouge, Riddler this time.)
Bruce had tried to say the time could be used to help out with Gotham but after getting Alfred on his side it had only taken anther half hour before Bruce was dropping Tim off by the Kent farm, commenting on how much extra baggage he had taken with him for just going there for Thursday and Friday (Tim had spare clothes at titans tower)
Tim had come up with a excuse that he might help on the farm and didn't wanna end up smelling like cow dropping and Bruce had let it go.
Superboy of course who's X-ray vision was coming and going at this point had been able to spot right away was was in the extra luggage and just smirked to himself.
The Kent's of course knew without being told that Tim and Kon were dating, Connor just wouldn't shut up about him and they were practically all over each other calling it rough housing.
"If that's what you kids these days call it. Take it out to the barn." Was all Pa said, not looking up from his newspaper.
Once out in the barn, Tim went right to work turning on the puppy dog eyes and kissing Kon's neck and blowing in his ear, things that drove the boy of steel wild.
"Koooon, I have a hawt idea we should try out." Tim said in his 'I'm so cute you can't refuse me' voice which normally had Kon wrapped around Tim's little finger.
However forewarned Kon was ready and kept his control in place, though asked what Tim wanted to try out.
"Well have you ever heard of diaper punishment or age play?" Tim had asked, opening the luggage and holding up a teen sized diaper with little bat symbols on it and holding it out, grinning ear to ear.
Kon however, returned that grin with his own and played along, though not like Tim had expected.
"oh I see, You wanna be my little baby bird! Cute! and you even got bat diapers! Adorable!" Kon gushed as Tim's jaw dropped.
"W-What? No! I-" Tim started, blushing bright red.
"Ohhh I've heard of this, you're gonna act like you don't want it so you can be a pouty little boy while enjoying your diapie wipies~" Kon chuckled, dashing up and snatching the diaper from the smaller boys hands and planting a smooch on him, tongue dominating Tim's mouth and feeling the fight go out of Tim for a second.
he also felt the boy wonder less then wonderful hard on press against his leg and broke off the kiss.
"well I think that answers whether or not you want daddy Kon to make you a good little baby bird." Kon said.
"I what.. No! I was gonna.. you were gonna.." Tim whined, flustered and trying to will away his hard-on, but but there was no amount of zen training with Batman that was going to make the boy wonder's stiffie vanish.
"Oh look, you have a paddle, and some baby outfits.. paci's and ba-ba's..Damn you must REALLY wanna just be a helpless little diaper dork huh sweetie?" Kon was saying, looking though all the supplies tat had been meant for him and super warming up to the idea of babying Tim.
There was even a pair of jean overalls with crotch snaps so a certain diaper boy could work on the farm!
"and look at all these diapers! Somebody plans on making LOTS of presents for his super daddy huh?" Kon added.
"NO I DO NOT! THAT WAS ALL MEANT FOR YOU!" Tim whined and stomped a foot, hands balled in fists and at his sides.
Sadly, this did nothing to help his argument.
"Baby bird, that's enough of the attuide. You need to take off your big boy clothes and lay down so I can get you in a diapie or else mister man." Kon said, smirking but trying to have a authoritative tone, picking up the paddle.
Sadly as it turned out for Tim's poor soon to be bright red backside, Kon had the balls and more.
On a scale of 1 to 10, Kon guessed the effort he had put into the spanking (and being nice enough not to use the paddle too!) was about a 3 or 4, but from the howls and sobs that had escaped the soon to be pampered sidekick, you'd of sworn he had gone all out.
'Man, either full on humans are more fragile then I thought, or Tim just can't take a spanking!' Kon mused as he cleaned up the puddle that the boy wonder had made during his ten swats, and let's just say it wasn't urine. 'Though for someone who's sobbing so much with his nose in the corner..'
"Baby bird, you're gonna wake up half of Smallville with that sobbing, I'm gonna need you to tone it down or I'll have to get creative with gagging you." Kon called over sweetly.
Tim, with pants gone and butt glowing bright red from the spanking and having his hands on the back of his head turned around from the corner and moved his mouth as if to argue, then apparently thought better of it and meekly nodded his head.
"I-I'll try.." Robin sniffled and whined, any trace of him trying to be dom had left his body when he'd creamed himself from being spanked.
"I could give you one of your paci's, but you have to promise to be a very good boy and not spit it out, I'll just pop it back into your mouth anyways." Kon offered.
Looking around the dirty floor of the barn, Tim made a icky face and nodded he could be good and opened his mouth for the customed Superman paci, with the large oversized rubber nipple making Tim start to drool down his chin in seconds.
"it's too bag you didn't pack a enema kit, I bet you have the CUTEST 'i'm pooping!' face baby bird!" Kon commented, having laid most of the items out on his bed and chuckling at the whimper that escaped from Tim.
"Shucks, and Pa and ma Kent kicked us out to the barn for the night.. I know ma has a nice big one. Ah well, there's always tomorrow." Kon chuckled and shrugged.
Tim gave a series of muffled protests around the paci turning a little pale at the thought of getting a massive soapy enema while Kon and the Kent had breakfast, though it was also making him get a little excited.
"Hmmm? Oh I see someone likes the idea~ thats great! I'm sure Ma and Pa won't mind having a baby around the house." Kon laughed.
Tim whined and wanted to argue, wanted to take out the paci and say no way in hell,m but his body betrayed him again and he made anther puddle instead.
"Sheesh, You must be backed up like crazy.. Better get you pampered before you paint the walls."
"Wait, did he really cream himself again just from-" Nightwing asked, snickering and glad he'd switched to auto pilot for this.
"NO I didn't!" Tim whined and huffed, squirming in his seat.
"Baby bird, what did I tell you about telling fibs?" Kon warned wagging a finger at the smaller boy.
"...OK maybe I did.. But it's not my fault! you know how hard it is to crank one out at the mansion since Alfred doesn't approve!!" Tim whined and sulked,
"Actually back in my day Alfred just left me tissues and Lotion and a note asking I keep my voice down." Dick chuckled, though he blushed a little as he recalled it.
"That's SO unfair!!" Tim whined and huffed.
"Don't worry about it baby bird. now that you'll be my little guy at least once a week I'll make sure you're never backed up again." Kon teased and kissed Tim's forehead.
"My hero.." Tim huffed. "Just finish the poopie story."
To say the Kent's were a little shocked the next morning when A clearly diapered Tim was lead over, sucking on a paci and dressed to go to work in the field would of been a understatement, but as the human couple that had raised Superman from babyhood to adult, Had been the home of Matrix while she was still adjusting to life on this earth and were now looking after Kon,,they got over the shock rather quickly.
If anything, Kon had called it and Ma Kent dotted on baby Tim right away, though to Kon's disappointment (and maybe Tim's) she turned down the idea of giving Tim a enema for fun.
"Those are just in case the widdle cutie is all backed up!" she scolded Kon, who pouted a little but backed down.
Breakfast was egg's and bacon for the Kent's and Kon, and a bowl of oatmeal for widdle Timmy who (thankfully!) was too big to fit in Kal's old highchair, but they did have a booster seat he was put into and had one of Kal's old bibs tied around his neck.
"You know, after we get the farm work done, we could go into the wood shop and likely make him a high chair." Pa mused.
"W-What?" Tim asked, his spoon dropping into the bland icky oatmeal.
"Oh, get idea pa! Think we could make him a crib too?" Kon asked, grinning ear to ear.
"I don't see why not. Just a shame Most of Clark's old stuffies didn't make it." Pa chuckled.
"heh, I can help with that. I've been making teddy bears for the church to sell so I think I could make our new widdle great grandson one or two. Do you want a teddy bear Timmy?" Ma asked and reached over, using the bib to wipe a spot of oatmeal off of Tim's face.
"I...I..I.." Tim whimpered and squirmed like crazy in the high chair, suddenly thankful that Kon was the only one with hearing good enough to heard what he was doing to the front of his diapers, though Kon just smirked.
"Trust me Ma, he does."
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My name is JK (Alien!Jungkook! x Human!Reader)
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PART TWO (SEQUEL TO ‘MY NAME IS 01001010 01001011′)
Warning: Tooth-rotting fluff, Jungkook being a cutie, ok the real warning tags are Daddy kink, birthday sex, innocent reader being trained (???), lots of hicks and marking, cunt slapping, oral sex, uhh and jk being a competitive baby.
Genre: Fluff, Smut, if you squint and look closely, a little bit of humour.
Word Count: 5.6k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
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It had been a week since Jungkook had, ahem, dicked you down. And it has been the best week of your life so far – he showed you things you had never seen before, the most beautiful scenes that your eyes feasted upon. You both had gone to the Neon Valley, it was a vast blue-purple lake that lit up at night due to the minerals on the sand bed below, and the lilies residing there would dance every night.
They fluttered, swung and swayed – and simultaneously, Jungkook and you too, had danced – he took you in his arms and as you both slow danced to the humming of the diva-crackers, you couldn’t help but look at his gorgeous face, adorned with a smile that you’d never replace for anything in this universe. You could feel yourself falling for him, he twirled you with ease, and as you stumbled back into his arms, he lost his balance trying to save you from falling and splash! 
You both had ended up in the hot water, and despite the current situation, you both had burst into boisterous laughter which echoed across the plain field around. In the shining moonlight, Jungkook’s face was more lit up than the neon water they were in, his long hair sprawled across his forehead, as he pushed it back with his left hand, while holding your waist with his right arm.
Jungkook looked at you with such intensity, you didn’t really know how to react. both of you knew you wanted more than just cuddles on your couch that was too small for Jungkook, more than grocery shop romances, and trekking on the artificial mountain, and more than watching movies together,, more than cuddling under the tree at the main park, more than making fun of each other, you wanted each other so much more badly.
“Kiss me,” Jungkook whispered, his face getting dangerously close.
“I’m scared,” Of course you were, but you didn’t move away from me.
“Of what?” Jungkook’s eyebrows bunched up like they always do when he’s confused.
“Of falling. Of drowning,” you answered as you looked into his eyes, how could someone not fall for him?
“Well, I’m already drowning, so don’t be scared, silly,” Jungkook’s eyes formed from his usual doe eyes to half-moon crescents and, you were no longer afraid to fall.
Because he was there, he will always be there, right beside you.
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Fuck. You couldn’t help but curse as you saw the red spot on your lavender sheets, they were my favorite sheets. You had really bad mood swings when you were on your period, and you were basically uncontrollable. You saw Jungkook’s figure on the left side of the bed, sleeping peacefully, his chest heaving up and down as he breathes consistently.
“Baby,” you whined, as you almost pushed him off the bed. There was no way that you were going to the pharmacy to get the goods, so he was your only choice possible.
He stumbled as he got up, sleep still swimming in his eyes, as his hands went up to rub them, trying to get rid of the slumber that had taken over him.
“Yes, princess?” he asked in his hoarse voice – which turned you on (especially a lot now, since your uterus was sad, lonely and angry). His eyes travelled to the blood on the sheets, and it would be an understatement to say that he had a heart attack.
He immediately engulfed you in his arms, “Are you hurt anywhere?” he said, unable to breathe, because fuck, if anything ever happened to you, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
The worry in his eyes was making you feel guilty; did he even know what was happening?
“Jungkook, chill,” you laughed a little before directing him to the side of the bed, telling him to sit.
“Humans – well, only females – have to go through a period of time where they bleed. From down there,” you explain, and watch him go into a slight state of shock.
The poor baby just woke up 2 minutes ago, so this was probably hard to digest.
“You… you’re bleeding… and you don’t go to the hospital?”
“Does it hurt?” he asks in the timidest voice ever, careful not to offend you. He remembers once he asked you about body hair and since it was your biggest insecurity (cue Middle School flashbacks when you were the only girl with a slight unibrow and mustache), you couldn’t help but lash out on him.
“Yeah, it hurts a lot in my tummy,” you said on your way to the bathroom, “I need my supplies though, could you get them for me?”
Half an hour later, Jungkook returned with five bags of chocolates, chips and snacks – enough to feed a small village. The entire week, he kept studying you (you swear you saw him looking at you and writing notes in his small notebook, like a detective. Sigh) and your mood swings and tendency to eat the weirdest food combinations – he couldn’t help but gag when he saw you dip a whole cucumber in peanut butter.
“Kookie, cuddle with me,” during the day you would make grabby hands at him, and get him to massage your back, but at night you’d be the complete opposite – wanting to sleep as far away from him as possible. He also noted that you were more sensitive to jokes during the week, so he kept them at a minimum, and his praises at a maximum.
“Baby, you know, you look so cute in my arms,” he cooed, as he kissed your cheek while cuddling. He didn’t miss the blush that crept on your cheeks either.
Also, despite all the bleeding, you were ready to jump his bones anytime. He hasn’t had this much sex with anyone in one week. Not that he minded it.
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You were more than ecstatic when you saw your favourite-est food in the world stocked in the human section of the grocery store. Spicy Hot Korean Ramen! You still remember when eating this used to be a challenge, back on Earth.
As you stacked the basket with half the stock, Jungkook couldn’t help but look at the ingredients – what was it that made you love them so much?
He was well, more than shocked to see all the different kinds of spices that humans could barely tolerate, chili flakes, red pepper oil, habanero flavored seasoning… he couldn’t let you eat this!
“Baby, this is too spicy for you, maybe we should buy this,” he pointed to the boring chicken and cheese flavored ramen. No! You were going to buy the spicy one and that’s finalized. Of course, Jungkook looked at you, and couldn’t argue. He doesn’t think he could argue with you even if he tried to.
Back at the apartment, Jungkook bit his tongue, trying not to say “I told you so,” as you fought your tears while eating the horrendous noodles. You were positive you could never feel your numb tongue as you chugged down the glass of strawberry milk that Jungkook handed you.
As expected, Jungkook was prepared for the stomach ache you experienced throughout the night, and gave you medicine to recover.
Before sleeping, you heard him sigh before saying, “I told you so,”
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Jungkook had noticed you a lot, ever since you moved in with him. You didn’t have much belongings anyways, because you were only allowed to carry 100 pounds of baggage on the space craft, so you only carried the essentials. (Yes, you brought an oven. Yes, it was 77 pounds heavy. No regrets.)
While getting accustomed to his cozy, but huge apartment, you couldn’t help but trip over furniture. At first, it was his coffee table in the kitchen, next to the refrigerator. Every time you would get something to eat, your pinky would hit the leg of the table, causing you to splutter nonsense and then cry about it.
His bed was also higher than you expected it to be, so every day, for an entire month, after waking up you would underestimate the height – and always, always fall down from it.
He was extremely shocked by your ability to ignore pain, and to continue suffering every day because of the same cause at the same place. It’s okay, because now he’d hold you as you stepped out of the bed, and moved the coffee table to the other side of the kitchen.
He also noticed that humans don’t always have a thought out sleep schedule, they did as they pleased. Last night, you were pretty much half asleep at 4 AM, as you tried to finish the last episode of the new Netflix series.
“You were so sleepy, yet you continued to watch it without even understanding what’s happening?” he asked as soon as you woke up, to which you shrugged.
Again, next week, you forced yourself to get up at 5AM in the morning, so you could go for a jog. After all, you were thinking of getting more fit, all you did was lay on the couch. But as you headed in the bathroom for a shower after the run, he couldn’t help but think that humans are weird.
The first time Jungkook heard you crunch your bones, he was so scared, you almost though he would faint. He threw his game controller on the floor, as he ran towards you – thinking you had dislocated a limb, or something.
“Kookie, I was j-just stretching,” you could barely make out the words, trying to hold in your laughter as he tried to make sure you were okay.
With a sigh, he ran his hand through his fluffy – much longer – hair now, as he headed back to continue his game, “Baby, you’re so weird,”
“But you still love me?” you asked as you joined him on the couch, laying your head on his lap.
“I will always love you. Even if your bones crack,”
Bonus: When you got up at night for a midnight snack, you were surprised to see that Kookie wasn’t in bed with you. You later found him in his office, studying about how a human’s joint makes loud popping or cracking sounds because of the gas gathered there. He was finally content to ensure that you were safe.
Of course, you smothered him in hugs and kisses, because he always looked out for you. Always.
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After a few weeks of being in Corellia, you had started to well… miss Earth. It was natural to do so; you’d lived your entire life there.
“I miss the sunsets, they were so pretty,” you spoke as you showed him a polaroid of you and your sister with the sunset behind you both. You pointed towards the one sun you had, and the purple, pink and orange hues of the clouds.
In an attempt to make you happy, Jungkook gave you a chocolate, they always made you happier, and he’d read somewhere something about chemicals in it making humans happier. But he was surprised to see you dancing (terribly) to a pop song, that seemed a little annoying, but he could deal with it.
The song had seemed to lighten your mood a lot, as you danced along with him happily, and as you looked at him, you felt happier. His long, wavy hair bounced as he danced with you. His eyes were smiling, and it was so pure that you laughed along. You were happy finally.
Until two weeks later, when you came across a photo of you and your high school class, trekking up a mountain on your senior trip to the north. Jungkook saw you sad again, missing Earth and your loved ones. Some were dead, some didn’t make it here, and some lived on the hotter side of the planet.
He put up the same pop song again, and cuddled with you on the couch. For the first time ever, you really felt grateful to God for something. You felt grateful that you were alive, and that you had Jungkook along with you. He looked how he looked every day, wearing a casual white t-shirt and grey baggy sweatpants. You adjusted yourself on his lap, and looked at him, and looked into his brown eyes. As you traced his face with your finger, he laughed, “Princess, do you feel better?”
You smile at the word of endearment, kissing his cheek, “You make me realize the difference between a house and a home. A house is a place, made with bricks and concrete, and materialistic items. But a home, is so much different. A home is where you feel belonged, a home is a place where you get that feeling of love. You make me finally realize how Earth was more of a house for me, but here, in your arms, I finally feel like I’m at home,”
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You never thought Jungkook would be an overprotective boyfriend. Or a way too over protective boyfriend. During sex, he would go crazy on your body – sometimes treat you like a china doll, fragile and easily breakable, and sometimes it would be rough and harsh, not that you minded it.
His apartment was well, more suited for Jubal people because the ceilings, the bed, and of course, the kitchen cabinets were all bigger in height and size in comparison to your apartments back on Earth. Often, without thinking Jungkook would put food on the top most cabinets, and you often either felt too embarrassed, or too stubborn to ask for his help.
Which resulted in you – dangerously – climbing on the shelf to grab your precious food. This was a routine now, so you didn’t exactly pay attention to your limbs – just letting your muscle memory do the work for you. Right foot on the counter, and then you push your left knee as well, until you’ve made yourself stable on the counter top. Then, you stand up, holding the cabinet handle. Today was the same, but Jungkook had recently scrubbed clean the shelves, so they were more slippery than usual, and there was a fleeting moment when you thought you were about to fall (which would, by the way, give you the nastiest head injury), and before you realized it, Jungkook had looped his arm around your waist.
You were still shocked – chips in hand – when he settled you on his lap, almost like a child.
“Princess, what were you thinking?” he says as he lets you turn around, so you straddling his lap.
“I just wanted some chips, Kook,” you say with an amused grin. He was obviously distressed, as he sighed while running his hands through his hair, like he would when he was frustrated.
“Baby, you have to tell me if you need something from there, okay? What if you had hurt yourself?” his voice seemed to get louder with every words, and just like that, your amused grin was replaced with a pout, as you lowered your head.
 You didn’t mean to make him angry like that.
Looking at you, he knew he couldn’t ever stay mad at you. It was physically impossible for him. He hugged you, and your head rested on his cheat, feeling his fast heartbeat morphed into a more, stable and steady beat, “I’m just always worried for you. Even if everything is wrong, it’s alright, you’re the only good thing in my life,”
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It had been ages since you had gone to a festival, and there was going to be a carnival-like festival in Corellia soon. You didn’t think Jungkook would be that interested, so you were quite surprised to see him… so excited about it.
“It comes twice in a year, you have to come! I’ve heard they’ve made it more human themed this year, so you feel welcomed, but we’ll have our traditional rides too!” he spoke with a gleam in his eyes, as you both got ready.
Jungkook of course, made sure you were wearing at least five layers of clothes, two pairs of gloved, and three pairs of socks. It was night time, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of you looking like a walking marshmallow.
“Baby, you look so cute!” he exclaimed, holding your hand. The dead town looked really alive tonight, as the red, yellow, purple and other multicolored lights lit the place up, to make it feel even more alive. You were really shocked at the amount of people present, but that’s what made it even more fun.
The first thing had to be food, you got two plates of fries, because, well, is it even possible or human to share food? And that too, fries? No way. 
Jungkook had recently discovered ketchup, and now he would dip everything in it before eating. Ramen, dipped in ketchup. Chips, dipped in ketchup. Bread, dipped in ketchup. And now, you saw him cover every single chip in ketchup before eating it. While you thought this was disgusting, you were still amused by his new found love for it.
You both scared a giant cup of strawberry milkshake, that looked like it was out of a romcom, cotton candy pink color, with whipped cream on top. And naturally, the cherry. Your noses touched, as you both drank at the same time, and you couldn’t help but want to live in the moment forever.
You both had spent the night, either enjoying rides that were too scary, and hazardous to experience but at the same time too fun to miss out on, or competition with each other to the next level. You knew Jungkook had always been a competitive little shit, whether it was about who would cook better and faster, or about who loved the other one more, he was always in a competition. This was no exception either, as you both we immersed in a car racing game, where you were well, obviously losing.
You had never really been the best at arcade games, and this car games was extremely frustrating, because the goddamn seat was too big and your legs could barely reach the pedals on the bottom while holding onto the steering wheel simultaneously. He laughed as you struggled to multitask, and at one point you didn’t realise you were going the wrong way until you heard Jungkook laughing so hard, he was struggling to breath. Three tries later, Jungkook had had his fair share of victories as he put you in his lap, and told you to focus on the steering only. He’d handle the pedals part. Together, you guys had broken the fastest record of the day and of course, he had to congratulate you. And the congratulations came in a form of a heated kiss – which wasn’t liked by the Jubals waiting in line to play the game.
Later, you both had way too much fun beating others in basketball as you paired up, and beat a Jubal power couple. Then came the bumper cars. The same Jubal power couple had hit your and Jungkook’s car so hard that you almost flew across the set-up, if it wasn’t for the seatbelt, and Jungkook’s arm around the waist. It was safe to say that Kook took his revenge by hitting their car repeatedly, as he shoved them into a corner. You kissed your over protective boyfriend on the cheek, he was just so fricking cute.
You both ate more food than you could handle, and as you were walking, Jungkook bought a donut and tried to feed you.
“No! No, Kook, I swear!” you tried to get away from him, but he held your waist as he pushed the donut in your mouth, smearing it over your cheek in the process.
“Kook!” you exclaimed, as he kissed you, and licked away any leftover icing.
You couldn’t help but blush when he smirked, “Sweet.”
At the end of it all, you pushed Kook into a small photo booth that sat on the other end of the carnival.
“Please? Come on!” you tried to show him your puppy eyes, and turned your lips into a pout.
“But baby, I don’t look good in photos!” he whined as you inserted the money to take a four portrait photo.
“Please? Just this once? For me?” you pouted again, and pushed him in with you, and you tried to drag his arms.
“You can’t give me the puppy dog face! You know I can’t say no to that!” he whined, adjusting you in his lap.
“Just pose, Kookie,” you said as you closed the red curtain on the side. In the first one, your arms were around his neck as you laughed and looked in the camera, and he looked at you, pouting. The second one, you both looked at each other and smiled, his hands in your hair. The third had been him grabbing your face, squishing you cheeks and bringing you closer (but because of the movement – it was also blurred, at which you were disappointed, but Kook assured you it looked good), and lastly, in the fourth one, you were kissing passionately, while Jungkook smiled in the kiss.
You both climb the small hill, where people are buying and lighting their lanterns in an orderly manner. You both buy one, and you end up writing “JK X Y/N” on it with red paint, and before Jungkook lights it, he adds a red heart, and “4EVER,” underneath which looks so cheesy, that it makes you laugh.
He looks at you, and kisses your forehead. Around 10:30, everyone lets go of their lanterns, and you both also let go of yours, letting it fly in the sky, as Jungkook cups your cheeks and pushes your hair back, before kissing you, sweet and slow.
The night had come to an end as all the Jubals were leaving too. You didn’t know exactly what time it was, but it was definitely i-can’t-walk-o’ clock, as Jungkook gave you a piggy back ride without any questions when he saw you stumbled into others. In one hand you held the teddy bear he had won from the water gun thingy, and in the other you held a cotton candy like sweet – but it wasn’t exactly cotton candy. It was blue and purple, and shined because of the crystallized sugar on it.
The last thing you remember was resting your face where his shoulder and neck met and mumbling, “This was the best day of my life,”
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If someone had told you that you’d have a cook off with an alien in two months’ time, you would’ve laughed in their face. But. Here you were. Trying to cook the best alfredo pasta he would ever taste in his life.
You tried to glance on his cooking station multiple times, only to be pushed back, “Baby! It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
Jungkook really seemed to be absorbed in the cooking process, and you were starting to feel deprived of his love and adoration that he would usually shower at you when he was not working in his office.
30 minutes later, he brought you his favourite dish, the one that his mother used to cook for him when he was younger. It was orange red-ish coloured deep fried small cutlets, that smelled… amazing. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it tasted like, it was salty, but in a different way. And so, so, yummy. You were a little insecure when Jungkook took a bite of your pasta, and showed no emotion.
Oh no, you had tasted it and it felt pretty normal, juts how you’d make it on Earth. Was he allergic to something in it?
“Baby, what did you put in this?” he asked, but he didn’t seem to stop eating it. He didn’t speak anything until, well, he finished the dish.
“Can you make that for me every day?”
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It had been over six months, since you and Jungkook had been seeing each other. Naturally, as a couple you both did fight – mostly over stupid stuff, like which restaurant to go to, or disagreements on what to buy etc. But you both would always sort it out, no matter what it was, he was always by your side.
It was his birthday, and Jubals never really celebrated their birthday – “Why would you celebrate this? I’m just one more year near death,” he said as you told him about ‘Earth Traditions’.
Albeit to whatever he said, you made yourself busy when he went out to meet the gang. You’d met them a couple of times before, being much closer to Taehyung because he never really questioned whatever you did, and just went along with it. You had enjoyed Jimin and Jin’s company as well (mostly because they cooked for you, not gonna lie).
As you hung up the balloons that said, “Happy Birthday!” individually, you had started to well, decorate yourself as well.
You knew how Jungkook always looked at you as if you were the most pure creature in this universe, his innocent little baby, so you decided to dress the part. Dressed in white panties, with a small bow on them, you adjusted your pink tinted, bra that came along with it. It left little to the imagination, as it was see-through, but there were small bows on each nipple, making you look like a present. You’d never really been the one to dress up in stockings as well, but here you were, tweaking your garter, as the pink shaded white see-through material latched on your legs as a second skin. Now, you waited patiently.
He finally came, around half past seven, and looked better than ever. You’d worn your silk robe that you would usually wear around, so he wouldn’t suspect anything. He looked so happy, his eyes crunched up into its usual crescent shape as he laughed while blowing the candles and eating your home-made cake. He had always loved your baking, so when you made his favourite Oreo cake, he was really, really happy. You’d made him a teddy bear – you were bad at sewing, but hey! A for effort.
“Kook, there’s a present in your bedroom too,” you said as you took his left hand and guided him in the bedroom. You had given him several gifts already, so why were you giving him another one?
“Baby, you didn’t have t-“ he stopped as soon as you dropped your robe in front of him, letting him take in the sight of you, clad in your lingerie that he had only imagined in his wildest fantasies.
The light hearted aura around him seemed to vanish, as a darker shade took over his eyes. Without speaking anything, he carried you bridal style, to the bed and laid you down softly on it.
“Gonna let me taint you, angel?” he asked, and at the sight of him, you couldn’t help but moan and nod.
“Use your words, baby,” he said as he let his fingers roam on your figure, and lit a fire in your core, making you overwhelmed.
“Yes, Daddy, please make love to me,” you whine, but he tsks on your choice of words.
“Angel, my princess,” he says as he leaves a trail of wet kisses from your neck to you collarbone, sucking on it, “I’m not going to love to you today, I’m going to fuck you, baby”
You gasp as he circles around the bow on your nipple, before ripping the thin material completely, letting the cool air hit your vulnerable skin.
As Jungkook just keeps looking at you, his long hair shadowing in front of his eyes, you can’t help but feel needy, “Daddy, please, touch me,” you whine, trying to get ahold of his hand.
He gently brings his mouth down, sucking on the little tip of your nipple, as his tongue works magic around it, and you’re already starting to get wet.
“It’s u-unfair that you’re all d-dressed up,” you moan, as you try to take off his white t-shirt. He chuckles as he takes off his shirt, letting you look at his god-like body. You were speechless when you first saw him, and you still are every time you both have sex.
His lean body, is just perfect in every way, and the way the moonlight hits his face, giving his face the shadows that come along with the highlights, you were dumbstruck at how breathtaking he was.
While Jungkook loved to mark you, mark your body, make you his, today was harsher, much more aggressive as he bit your chest, making you cry out in pleasure. He painted your body in hues of purple and bright pink, using his tongue to make each bruise feel better. As soon as he reached the hem of your underwear, he stopped, and that resulting in a whine from you.
“It’s my birthday, and you said I deserve anything on this day. So, princess,” he said, unbuckling his belt, and you swallow hard before he lets his cock free, ”let me fuck those beautiful tits,”
He pushes himself into your mouth without any warning, letting you groan and whimper as you produce enough saliva to make him sopping wet, “Good baby,” he whispers as he lets his dick between your tits.
You smiled, as you held your breasts together, and he slides his hardening member between them, “fuck baby, you’re so soft, so pretty for Daddy,” he murmurs obscene praises as you whimper in pleasure from the friction between your breasts.
He places his cock between them, and first experiments with his movements, and as time passes, he becomes faster, and messier. You both didn’t mind the mess, as his pre-cum lands on your chest, collarbone and nipples, and you can only whine in pleasure while letting him use your body.
His movements go from steady and fast to uncoordinated and stuttering, as he pulls out and pants, letting him catch his breath.
“Fuck, baby, they felt like heaven, but there’s something else, way better,” he grins as pulls himself down on your body, and looks as you underwear, directly. It makes you whimper, when you feel his hot breath through the thin material. He laps his tongue on it, and it feels so good, but not good enough, and you wish he would just take it off.
“Daddy, please, take it off,” you whine and he pulls your legs further apart and digs his face between them.
He smirks and looks at you, already fucked out as a blush stays on your cheeks. Angelic.
“Keep the stockings on, okay, sweetheart?” he says as his finger traced down your leg, as you shiver under his touch.
He comes up to you and cups your face, pressing a kiss against your cheek – and it felt so chaste in comparison to what you both had just done.
And before you could realize, he slips his fingers under the hem of your panties, and shreds them into pieces.
“What do you want from Daddy?” he stops in front of your clit, spreading your lips, waiting for your answer. He knew you were shy, too shy to speak vulgar words, but you were just so needy right now.
“Daddy, I need your tongue,” you speak, and let his tongue sit flat on your bud, it gave enough stimulation, but at the same time not enough, and you just needed more. You couldn’t help but buckle your hips into his face, and that resulted in his getting up and looking at you, making eye contact.
“You’re being ungrateful now, huh?” he says as he smacks the bud hard, where seconds ago he let his tongue rest. It’s painful, but at the same time, it just feels so, so good. He smacks it two more times before letting his teeth sink in your inner thigh, as you let lewd noises escape your mouth, as he further marks your thighs, and you knew, for sure that they would last a long time.
After a lifetime of teasing, he lets his tongue slurp the cum that escaped your pussy, as he went to town on it, eating you out as if he’s been starving for years. You let your moans escape as he slips his tongue inside you, and lets his nose rub against your clit. You were so close, just about to fall off the edge as he pulls himself away, and you whimper, grabbing the sheets as if your life depended on them.
“Your cunt is always, always so pretty and tasty for Daddy,” he smacks between your thighs again, making you gasp, “always ready for Daddy,”
His ruffled, brown hair shines in the dark of the room, the moonlight being the only source of light, illuminating his face.
He lets his dick enter you, gently, until you reach your limit and instead of waiting like he always does, he rams back into you again, letting you adjust with his steady movements, as you grab his hand and hold it. He always holds your hand when he’s being rough, to let you know that he can stop anytime. (but u is a hoe)
He slides out until only his tip is inside you, and lets himself into you all at once, fast and reckless. Wild. It isn’t long before your walls clench around him, “Daddy, I-I’m so close,” you say as your rub you clit, slowly with a continual movement.
You orgasm starts first, hot and sticky liquid, dripping down you thigh, staining your perfect stockings, and soon Jungkook follows, as his head buries in your neck, and he groans before letting himself loose.
“Happy Birthday, Kookie,” you whisper before letting him take you to the tub, where you both well, fuck again.
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A/N: It’s always so fun to write alien!jk, and I hoped you guys liked it. Also, a huge thank you to @bisoo-ausucre for supporting me so much!
Could you please help me decide what to write first? Frat boy!jk OR titanic!au with Jimin as Jack? 
As always, requests are open, and so is my inbox. See you next time!
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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I Wrote This Just For @shoutosteakettle​ Go Give Her A Follow!
Edited: 10-7-2020
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You didn't know Izuku had a quirk. 
You never throught Izuku would make it into UA, at least not the hero course. You knew he was applying, and you knew he was determined to get in but you also knew how hard the entrance exams were. Just a quick moogle search would tell you that the acceptance rate was low, without a quirk it was damn near impossible. 
When you applied to UA with Izuku you hoped that he would get into another course, like the support course, he certainly was smart enough. It wasn't that you didn't believe in him, but the reality of getting into the hero course without a quirk was just low to impossible. When he came to you and told you he got in, you were ecstatic. He beat the odds, he would become a quirkless hero. He would become a hero alongside you, his best friend. 
Your first day of UA was a shock. You hadn’t been able to test with Izuku in the entrance exam because they separated everyone up into different groups, you had no clue that he had a used a quirk to get in. When you heard from a student in glasses, Tenya Iida, that he had a quirk, you were in disbelief. When it came time to throw the ball during the endurance test you were utterly hurt when Izuku threw the ball with such force. 
You were hurt upon learning he had a quirk. How could he have a quirk? Izuku, your childhood friend. Izuku, your best friend. He was quirkless. You spent many nights up late comforting him when he cried over the fact he was quirkless. You spent many days defending him from your peers when they bullied him over it. Sometimes you felt guilty for having a water quirk, and you even had a scar from fighting with Katsuki when he called Izuku worthless.  
Why would he lie? Why would he lie to you? You trusted him so much, didn't he trust you? 
You had been deciding how to approach the quirk subject with your best friend. You knew you should've left Izuku and Ochaco alone, they had to prepare for their fight against Tenya and Katsuki, you should've been preparing with your own teammate but you needed to confront Izuku, you wouldn't be focused enough to fight if this was this distracting you.
You ran your nervous hands through your hair as you approached Izuku and his teammate. You bit on your lip as ypu spoke to him, careful words trying to make your voice seem calm and the least upset as possible. 
“Izuku, can we talk? I mean... Unless you’d rather get ready for your fight.”
Just by standing in front of him, Izuku could tell you were nervous and upset. He had known you for years, he could see the way your hands shook ever so slightly, the way you bit on your lip, habits you did when you were nervous. The way you adverted his gaze and wearily eyed Ochaco backed up his thoughts. Izuku looked over at his teammate with an apologetic smile. 
“I’ll be right back.”
Izuku grabbed onto your hand and pulled you away from the rest of class. Worry etched his face as he spoke his words. His worry brought comfort to your stomach. Surely if he was this worried over you, then his lie was not as complex as you thought. Perhaps, he had a good reason to lie - but was there ever a good reason? 
“What’s up? Are you okay?”
“I... When did you get a quirk?”
With your simple question Izuku dropped his hold on your hand and nervously played with his own. It was such a simple question, but he couldn't answer it. Between his silence and nervousness, all those negative feelings came back. 
Why did he lie to you? You trusted him more than anyone else, did he not trust you the same? 
“You told me you didn’t have a quirk, you had Katsuki convinced too... I guess I just don’t get why you lied to me... Out of all people, I know the most about you, we’re best friends.”
You took a deep breath as he remained silent. You could see his eyes, just as nervous as yours. The little clogs in his brain turning, trying to find an excuse. There wasn't a good excuse for a lie as big as this, was there?
“I just wanna know why, I mean, I- fuck, people made fun of you, but I was always there for you. Do you not trust me?”
“[Y/N], it’s not like that.” 
“Then tell me why you lied.”
“[Y/N]... I can't tell you...”
You balled your hands into fists and kept them at your side. He could have said he was a late bloomer, but he didn't want to lie to you. He couldn't lie to his best friend, but he couldn't tell his mentors truth. He couldn't lie, nor be truthful, because of that he was going to lose you.
“Can’t or won’t? Never mind, it doesn't matter.”
Your eyes were glaring down at the ground as a few tears leaked out as your hand went up to your arm and grabbed your scar. He didn't trust you enough to leave this information with you. He didn't trust you enough to be honest, but you had a scar adorned on your skin, proof that you would do anything for him. 
“I don’t think we should be friends anymore.”
You didn’t wait for Izuku’s reply. You didn't look up to see if he was upset. Instead you wiped the tears off your eyes with the back of your hand and turned on your heel. You walked away from Izuku, your now former friend and walked towards your partner for the class assignment.
He was tall compared to you, and his hetero-chrome eyes pierced into your soul. He towered over you as you smiled at him and introduced yourself. 
“Hi, I’m [Y/N] [L/N].”
He wasn't there to make friends. He wasn't there to play nice. he was there to become a hero. Yet as you smiled at him, he couldn't help but flash you one of his own, albeit a very was quick, and brief one. 
 “I’m Shouto Todoroki.” 
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After you introduced yourself to Shouto you really connected. Maybe it was the fact your quirk is elemental based like his. Maybe it was the fact that your water and his fire were so different yet so good together. Maybe it was the fact that your water was so calming in contrast to his fathers fire, the man he was trying his best not to be. 
You became Shouto’s first friend at UA. You stuck through his mood swings and earnestly listened to him when his father upset him. You began to have late night talks about your dreams and aspirations. You walked to school every morning, and you ate lunch together. In a sense, Shouto replaced Izuku as your best friend. 
You were Shouto’s first real friend, one his father actually tolerated. You were Shouto’s best friend. Maybe that was why it hurt him so much when you and Izuku got on talking terms again.
It had been Shouto’s decision to befriend Izuku after the sports festival. It had been him to push you into talking with Izuku again. He had been the one to tell you that Izuku was nice. He had been the one to tell you that Izuku deserved a second chance, so why did it hurt so much. Why did it hurt to see you smile at Izuku? Why did it hurt to see Izuku already at your door when he came by to walk you to school? Why did it hurt when Izuku helped you with homework? Why did it hurt when he saw you both so close?
Shouto couldn’t help but stare down at his food as you and Izuku goofed off across the lunch table. He began to miss the days before he urged you to talk to Izuku. He missed the days where it was just you too together. The days he had you all to himself.
“My mom wants me to come home from the dorms for the weekend, do you wanna come with me and see her?” 
“I love your mom! Of course I’ll come by.” 
Shouto moved the food around on his plate, but he still didn't eat it. He wanted to be able to take you home. You would love his older siblings. Natsuo and Fuyumi would adore you.  
“Sho, you should come with us.”
Shouto’s briefly looked up at you but put his attention back on his food once he saw your huge smile. You looked so happy at the aspect of going with Izuku to be his family. He wanted to be able to take you home, but why would you want to? His family was anything but perfect and loving like Inko and Hisashi Midoriya. He had a bastard father, dead brother, and a mentally unstable mother. They were perfectly, dysfunctional. 
“Oh. That’s alright, I’ll just stay in my dorm tonight.”
“Are you not feeling well? You barely ate your lunch.”  
Shouto’s cheeks flushed from the attention you gave him as you leaned over and placed your hand against his forehead. You quickly removed it after you received both, a perfect cool and a perfect warm temperature from each side of his head. Shouto couldn't help that feeling that entered his gut as you worried over him. He felt warm and fuzzy on the inside.
“I’m fine, I just really need to study for Present Mic’s English test.”
You frowned over at Shouto. He flushed and you were positive he hadn't ate a single bite of his lunch. It would be hard to detect a fever due to his quirk, maybe you should make him go to Recover Girl?
“Tell me if you begin to feel any different, okay? I can bring you some soup and company.”
Shouto didn't want to be such a possessive friend, but he couldn't help this feeling he got when Izuku came around. He couldn't help how upset and sad he felt as Izuku and you goofed off. Shouto was never good at expressing his feelings, but the more he thought about them, the more he realized what he felt for you. He wanted to be the one you laughed with. He wanted to be the one you held hands with. He wanted to be the one who helped you study. The one you trained with, shared secrets, and had family dinners with. He wanted to be yours. 
Shouto was your friend, just your friend. He couldn't let these feelings screw things up, no matter how much it hurt him. After all, why would you want him when you could have Izuku? He would be perfect for you. He could give you a flawless relationship. You wouldn't have to deal with parental issues or the an emotionally constipated boyfriend. Someone without baggage and problems. 
Shouto could suffer through it as your friend, no matter how much it hurt.  
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You felt awkward as you sat in the Midoriya household. Maybe it was the fact that Inko had no clue you and Izuku were having friendship issues. Maybe it was the fact you were sat across from Hisashi but you barely knew Izuku’s father due to him traveling for work. Maybe it was the fact they talked and acted like you and Izuku were dating. 
To be fair, you and Izuku had been friends for a long time. Inko always imagined you two would date and eventually get married. You were always in her home, holidays, birthdays, school projects. She was a second mother to you. A replacement to your own mother who emotionally and psychically abandoned you but placed pressures on you and your quirk. Your mother financially provided for you, but Inko was the one who was actually there. 
The Midoriya household was an escape for you growing up. It was a safe space but now it was foreign. It was too soon to come back here. You still weren't over Izuku lying about his quirk. Your friendship was still fragile, it was still in the mend. The longer you were here, the more you realized how you weren't ready to forgive him.
Everything was different now. Inko wasn't there when you and Izuku stopped being friends. You stopped clinging to the Midoriya household as a stress reliever becuase it was no longer an option. Inko was Izuku’s mother not yours. You clung to your friendship with Shouto instead. He could relate and understand your stresses. He could relate and understand the pressures your mother forced and projected onto you. Things shifted and Shouto became your safe space, Shouto became your escape. 
Your hands fidgeted under the table so you grabbed your thigh with your left  hand and picked up your fork with your right hand. You tried to eat your food to calmly get through this meal and evening. 
“So, [Y/N]... Is Izuku treating you well?”
You scrapped around the food on your plate as you thought of how to delicately handle this matter. The question came from Hisashi. He wasn't home enough to know that you and Izuku weren't dating, he only knew what Inko thought and told him. Inko thought you and Izuku were going to be cliche childhood friends turned lovers. You couldn't blame Inko for thinking that. She wanted what was best for her son, and in her mind that was you. Growing up you and Izuku were so close and you, yourself, could have seen yourself being with him, but things changed. 
You desperately wanted Shouto to come with you so you could avoid the awkward comments you would receive from Izuku’s parents. While you thought maybe a male presence would get them to back off of the fantasy of you being with Izuku, you couldn't lie - you really liked Shouto.
“It’s not like that with me and Izuku, were just friends.” 
Once dinner was over you opted against going with Izuku up to his room and decided to stay and help Inko with the dinner dishes. Inko could help herself from prying into your business as you dried the dishes she was scrubbing. She could tell something changed between you and her son. You were sitting far apart and you were both so quite. Normally, you would've sat close together while you both geeked out over some hero.��
“Did something happen between you and Izuku?”
While Izuku could lie to you, you couldn't lie to Inko. The woman practically raised you, so you told her the truth. The whole truth. From the argument, meeting Shouto, becoming Shouto’s best friend, the sports festival and slowly refriending Izuku.
“I’m awfully sorry my son is being so stubborn like that. He could just tell you the truth, he is a late bloomer. I think he’s embarrassed.”
“Don’t apologize for him. It just hurts because he was my closest friend, and after years of friendship he won’t admit that he’s a late bloomer? It hurts because he was willing to let me walk away from our friendship instead of fessing’ up.”
Tears were ready to fill your eyes thinking about how betrayed and hurt you were, before a small smile graced your face. 
“At least I met Shouto from it.”
While she was disappointed in her son, Inko couldn't help but smile as she saw the sparkle in your eye when you spoke about Shouto. 
“This Shouto, the one from the sports festival, do you like him?”
A blush creeped up your neck and spread across your cheeks as you looked away from Inko. You liked him, you liked him so much, but he was your friend. 
“Shouto is my friend, my best friend.”
“That’s not what I asked. I asked if you liked him.”
“I- I don’t want to disappoint you. I know you always thought I’d grow up and marry Izuku, but Shouto... He’s nice, and bluntly honest. Sometimes he’s a little oblivious to things, but he’s there for me when I need him.”
“I’m not disappointed with you. ...A little bit with the way Izuku is being, but not with you. [Y/N], I know my son would rather I didn’t say this to you, but I’m going to give you some advice. You don’t have to stay friends with someone because of years of friendship, especially if you’re not in a place to be friends with him. Friends grow apart all the time, and you do not owe Izuku anything.”
Inko knew in the long run, her words would effect your friendship with Izuku, but she couldn't be selfish. She wanted you to marry Izuku and be her daughter, but she couldn't force that on you. You grew up as her unofficial daughter, and that meant she wanted what was best for you, just like any mother would want. 
“Thank you for the advice.”
Your felt your phone vibrate and you whipped it out of your pocket to see a new message from Shouto. 
Shouto Todoroki: If your not busy still with Izuku, is your offer for soup and company still on the table? [Sent: 8:27 PM]
[Y/N] [L/N]: Of course, Sho! xx [Sent: 8:32 PM]
“Inko, something came up and I have to get back to the dorms.”
“Of course. Have a safe trip back.”
You put your coat on and grabbed your purse once you reached the front door. Before you could turn the nob Izuku stopped you. 
“You’re leaving already?” 
“Yes, I need to get back to the dorms.”
“You can’t stay? I was hoping we could play a video game, or something... You know, like old times.”
You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. You knew Izuku thought if you came to his home and remembered all your childhood memories, remembered all the good times then you would forgive him. He wanted you to drop the quirk thing, he wanted to push it all under a rug and be normal again. He couldn't do that, he couldn't pretend your friendship was the same. While you could try to get over it, try to move past it, the fact he wanted to pretend it didn't happen bothered you. 
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“You know what your doing... You’re acting like you never lied to me, like we never stopped being friends.”
“I- I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable... I thought this would help ease you back into our friendship.”
This whole evening was uncomfortable. 
“Well I am. I am uncomfortable. You were my best friend and you lied, or at least won’t tell me the truth. Why?”
“You know I can’t tell you.”
“I don’t understand why you can’t tell me. I’d understand if you’re a late bloomer, I’d understand if it’s the fact that your quirk brakes your bones. I just want your honestly. What do you value more, your secret or my friendship?”
You felt angry as Izuku remained silent. He wanted to tell you but he couldn't. He told Katsuki. While he didn't really believe him, All Might made it clear he couldn't tell anyone. 
“I don’t want you approaching me or talking to me. I’ll be civil in school because Shouto is my friend too, but I’m not your friend outside of school.”
“[Y/N]... Don’t go. I just can’t tell you the truth, my mom doesn't even know...”
With another buzz in your pocket from Shouto and Inko’s words of advice stuck in your head you say your last piece to Izuku.
“The thing is, once you lie once I can’t tell if your lying again. My trust in you is gone, and I don’t think it can be repaired. I put my trust in you, I’ve scarred myself for you, but you hurt me. Friends drift apart all the time, and that’s okay, we’ve drifted apart, that’s okay. Right now Shouto needs me and I don’t intend to drift apart from him.”
Izuku wanted to tell you, but he couldn't. He had to keep his mentors secret. All Might warned him about the dangers that lurked with this secret. He had to keep it because just the knowledge of it could put you in danger. Izuku stayed silent as he watched you walk out the door. He was silent as he let you walk away from him for the second time, the emotional rift between you wide, pushing you away from him and closer to Shouto. He had to keep this secret to keep you safe, even if it hurt so much. 
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You left quick hard knocks on Shouto’s dorm room door as you balanced two servings of Shouto’s favorite soba and two hot cups of tea from the place you ordered food from a lot. Mr. Aizawa had given you a hard glare as you went up to the boys dorms but after he seen you had fresh soup he let you go with the simple warning that you better be out of there in an hour or you'd receive a detention. 
It didn't take long for Shouto to open the door. He immediately took the food from your hands and placed it on the counter. He turned back to you with small smile on his face. 
“Hey, I brought you soup.” 
“Thank you.” 
Shouto smiled as he watched you open the takeout package and pour his soup in a bowl. You carried his soup over to him and felt the back of his head with the back of your empty hand.
“You should be in bed resting.” 
You grabbed Shouto’s hand and pulled him over to his bed. You placed the soup on the edge of the nightstand by his bed as you instructed him to lie down. You wrapped his blankets around his body and tucked in the end under his feet. 
Shouto smiled up at you as you handed him his soba. You looked so sweet and worried over him. Maybe it was the fact he hadn't had someone worry and care over him when he was sick in a long time. Sure he had his father, but he didn’t take care of him. He just fed him medicine and left it at that. It filled him with such intense longing feelings as he watched you maneuver around him, tucking him in, bringing him water, and even getting him soup. 
He didn't even have the heart to tell you he wasn't actually sick. He used that as an excuse to get you over, he planned to tell you... But then you started worrying over him. 
“Thank you [Y/N], this means a lot to me... I’m sorry if I ruined your evening with Izuku.”
“Truthfully, I’d rather be here taking care of you than with Izuku. We got in another fight.”
Shouto knew he shouldn't feel so happy about it. He should feel sad and push you to talk it out with Izuku, but he didn't. He didn’t give you advice or tell you that you'd both makeup. Instead he felt hopeful. He could be just as good as Izuku, he could make you happy. Instead, he grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together. 
“You’re a great person, Izuku’s being an idiot by just letting your friendship slide away.”
“Thank you, Sho... Ugh, I should go, Aizawa is gonna bust in any minute and kill me.”  
You go to pull your hand out of Shouto’s but he keeps a firm grip. 
You know you should leave. You should go to your dorm or else Aizawa will give you detention. You should leave but Shouto’s smile was so inviting, and who wouldn't take the chance to relish in the presence of their crush. 
“Aizawa will literally kill me.”
“I’ll take the blame... I just don’t want you to go right now. I want... I want to be with you right now.”
You didn’t go back to your room that night. You stayed the night in Shouto’s dorm. You slept beside him, and when morning came you woke up with your face pressed against his chest. You hadn’t known he was staring down at you with love in his eyes. You hadn’t know he was watching you with a wanting, domestic feeling in his chest. 
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After that night everything changed. The dynamic in your friendship with Shouto shifted, and Izuku became a thing of the past to the both of you. You were civil to Izuku for the sake of your mutual friends but that was it. You didn't talk to him willingly inside of school, or outside of school. 
Shouto seemed to take your side in the whole ordeal. He hadn't pushed you to talk it out with the boy or even asked you to be civil. In fact, Shouto seemed to distance himself from Izuku. He didn't eat lunch with Izuku, but preferred to eat a meal in solitude with you. He didn't study with Izuku, he preferred to study with you in the back of the library or in your dorm room. 
Shouto knew it he should've done the heroic thing and push you to be friends with Izuku, but he couldn't. After that night, Shouto’s feelings for you became so clear. He wanted to hold you, to be the one who protected you, the one comforted you and prevented your tears. He wanted to be your boyfriend, and more. He wanted to be to you, what his father should've been for Rei. He wanted to be the one to make you feel loved. 
It wasn't an insecurity, or him being possessive. While he didn't like the idea of you having someone who shared so much history with you in your life, he was really reluctant because he saw the way Izuku looked at you, but then he saw how he treated your friendship. 
Izuku looked at you how Shouto looked at you, but Izuku was willing to throw away your friendship. Shouto could live with someone better sweeping you off your feet. Shouto could live with you falling in love with a great man who treated you good, good and better than he could. He could live knowing someone better than him had you, but Izuku was not a better man. 
You deserved someone willing to give you the moon. Someone, kind, loving, and honest. Maybe that’s what pushed Shouto to tell you the truth about that night. Izuku lied to you, or at least with held information and that caused your friendship to drift, but Shouto lied to you as well. He wanted to be honest with you, he wanted to be different than Izuku. 
“I have a confession to tell you.”
The words kind of just tumbled out on their own. You lifted your head up off of his chest and with furrowed eyebrows you looked in his eyes. You had previously been peacefully cuddling together on the grass under a shady tree to escape the heat. Shouto’s tone sounded so serious that you had to pull away from his cool chest to look in his eyes and give him your full attention. 
“Are you the one who ate my muffin?”
“That was Bakugo.”
“Okay, then what’s up? You sound very serious.”
Shouto’s stomach dropped. He felt nervous to tell you. You were already upset about the muffin, and he knew how you felt about lies. Izuku lied, and you stopped being friends. What if you stopped being his friend? No. Shouto had to tell you. He had to tell you out to respect. He had to tell you because this is the type of thing his father would do, and he didn't want to be like that. He had to tell you because this is how Izuku hurt you, and he didn't want to do that. 
“Do you remember that night a couple of weeks ago, when you came over and took care of me?”
“Yeah, you were sick so I came over, and stayed the night.”
“I wasn't really sick.” 
You let out a sigh before lacing your fingers with Shouto’s. You were hurt that he’d lie like that, but the fact that he was sitting here, spilling out the whole truth with comforting. You smiled at him to which he responded one that could only be described as a nervous, unsure one. 
“Why did you lie?” 
“I... I was jealous. The idea of you spending the evening with Izuku upsets me. [Y/N], I really like you. I like how you worry and care about me, and I like all the little things about you, that stupid scowl and pout you do when your upset, and the way you stick your tongue out after an argument when no ones looking. [Y/N], I like you and I know I’m probably ruining things, but I needed to be honest with you.” 
“Sho, you’re not ruining things.”
You bit your lip as you scooted closer to Shouto. You unlaced your hands but just so you could then slither them around his body. You rested your chin in the crook of his neck and placed your lips by his ear as he tightly clung onto you.
“I’m not mad you lied, because you were honest with me... You’re always honest that’s why I like you.”
“You like me?”
”So much, Sho, so much. I like how you’re always honest with me, I like how you're so protective, I like the little sweet things you for me, like how you let me take advantage of your quirks, and how you scare off Mineta when he’s being a pervert.” 
As Shouto planted a kiss to the top of your head you were oblivious to your audience. The truth is, Izuku was coming over to tell you the truth. He was going to tell you about he how he got his quirk. He couldn't stand the fact that he wasn't friends with you. He couldn't stand how much it hurt not having you around. 
As he watched Shouto hold you, tears welled up in his eyes. You were so perfect together. You brought out the best in Shouto, you made Shouto feel stable enough to express his emotions, you made Shouto feel like he was his own person, like he wasn’t just Endeavor’s son. Izuku could see the way Shouto stared down at you, with love and adoration pooling in Shouto’s eyes, and Izuku could see the way you looked back at Shouto. He made you safe, happy, secure. 
You were perfect together, and all Izuku did was hurt you. It hadn't taken long for Izuku to back track his steps. He turned around and retreated from his initial plans to tell you everything. You weren't his anymore. you weren't Izuku’s. You belonged to someone who would give you the world and would. You belonged to someone better. You belonged to Shouto now.
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coffeeew · 4 years
Feel So Lucky | Jeon Wonwoo
❀→genre: pure ~ f l u f f ~
❀→synopsis: You and Wonwoo met through Instagram and had been talking for almost a year now, but never got the chance to meet until now.
❀→pairings: Wonwoo x Neutral gender reader
❀→warnings: n o n e
❀→word count: 1.04k
❀→side note(s): I thought about this idea about for days ago and wrote a TON of scrapped aus that felt boring. So I told myself “Okey, just make it short and cute, quality over quantity.” and it ended up being really cute :’)
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Your fingers fidgeted with one another while you anxiously waited on a bench for the next train to arrive.
It was a cold day. Even though the sun was up in the sky and shining bright, the cold breeze made you shiver and you could feel the tip of your nose freezing, as well as your cheeks, meaning they were probably red.
You had forgotten to put on your gloves when you went out, so your fingers were freezing cold as well. But your body temperature was the last thing you were worried about at that moment.
What if he doesn't like me?
Your lips pressed against each other in an attempt to keep yourself from anxiously biting them until they bled.
No, if he didn't like me he wouldn't have wasted that much money on a train ticket to Ilsan, right?
You couldn't believe you were finally meeting him in person after so many months.
You could be scared of finding an old man in place of the cute young man you had been talking to for so long. But that was impossible when you facetime every night and sent random pictures to each other throughout the day.
You were more scared of not being enough to reach his expectations or just being awkward and ruining the whole visit.
What if I get too used to his presence and end up missing too much when he leaves?
The truth is that, somehow, you already missed him, even though you had never seen him in person. Your mind wished he was hugging you instead of just watching him through a screen the whole time.
But today was the day. You were going to be able to see him in person and hug him until your arms gave out.
"Train from Changwon arriving at Platform 3 in five minutes."
You immediately snapped out of your thoughts and looked up to the train tracks. You stood up and walked closer to the rails, graving into the metal bar that marked the safe area.
Your heart raced when you heard the train from afar. Some people stood up as well, waiting to see an acquaintance or a family member.
This time you couldn't help to bite into your bottom lip, your hands gripping harder into the cold metal.
When the train stopped right at your eyes and the doors opened, you immediately started looking for a tall guy with black short hair and round glasses.
Your heart dropped when you saw his familiar face standing in the middle of the crowd, some meters away from you, looking through the people. Your hands let go from the metal bar, and you felt like screaming his name, but the words got stuck in your throat.
It wasn't until his eyes met yours that you saw his bright Bambi eyes smile.
You didn't know at what moment your legs just started automatically walking towards him, you could see him doing the same thing.
Your feet stopped once you were about four feet apart. Your mind was thinking a lot of things but at the same time nothing. He stopped when you stopped and just looked into your eyes.
You said and gulped, waiting for his answer. He giggled and lowered his head a bit.
You smiled a little bit and took another step. He licked his lips and took the necessary steps to be almost touching your body.
Your body jumped a little bit, looking up at him. When did my head lower?
"Can I..."
"Hug you?"
You finished his sentence, making him smile and nod. You smiled back and reached to him, wrapping your arms around his body and burying your face on his shoulder.
His arms wrapped around you as well. The contrast between your cold body and his warm embrace made you feel like if you were at home.
Your stomach fluttered when your nose sensed his scent. He smelt good... really good. It wasn't like those extremely hard scented colognes man wore, it was more subtle and it smelt kind of like a baby. Your arms wrapped tighter around him.
You felt how his chest vibrated when a small laugh came out of his mouth.
The murmur was almost inaudible, but you clearly heard it. You chuckled.
"I... You smell good."
"Yeah... and it comes from someone picky and sensitive with scents."
"Then I'll buy more of that cologne and softener."
You laughed and finally brought yourself from lifting your head off his shoulder.
"You're warm."
"And you're cold. Did you wait for long?"
You shook your head. That was a lie, you were there almost an hour early because being in your house waiting made you even more anxious.
Both of you stayed silent for some seconds. You took that chance to look closely at his face, getting a bit overwhelmed by his features. He had a prominent jawline and cheekbones, his eyebrows were thick and his nose had a long bridge. His eyes reminded you of a cat. Sharp and serious. But his smile was beautiful when he smiled or was happy, his eyes opened in excitement and had a precious shine that was even cuter in person.
You blushed when noticing you had said that out loud. You couldn't bring yourself to say anything, you even opened your mouth but nothing came out. Your face was buried on his shoulder as a defense mechanism. He giggled and one of his hands went up to your head, caressing your hair.
"You're really beautiful too, Y/n."
You smiled against his shoulder and after some short seconds, you broke the hug, just to take his hand, linking your fingers with his and giving him a warm smile.
"Shall we leave?"
He smiled and lifted his baggage, which he left on the floor to hug you properly.
"Guide the way."
You loved Wonwoo... and maybe he loved you too. You guys were just too foolish to notice it yet. You just knew you enjoyed being beside him a little bit too much and felt lucky to have him enjoy his time with you too.
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papergirllife · 4 years
Bitter/Sweet Drabbles
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The way he smiled at her, the way their chemistry made fans of both fandoms cheer made you worry. It’s common for artists to have stages with each other, especially if they took on emceeing jobs or during award shows.
You weren’t angry, nor disappointed in any way. But the way they were smiling at each other made you nervous. You always had a very serious case of insecurity, it started ever since your ex started cheating on you, you hadn’t dare to leave the relationship, until you confronted him, then he left you permanently, only leaving a huge scar on your heart. You hadn’t known that the wound would reopen until today.
When it all became too much for you, when SM announced that he’ll consider taking on the role, you went to look for his co star’s account on instagram, and she’s so beautiful, Jaehyun is way out of your league, you knew this from the start. Yet she’s at the same level of beauty as he is, what if he finally sees that he made the wrong choice? And leaves you for her?
Then you found a short clip of a fan pointing out that Jaehyun panicked when he received a text from someone during his birthday live a few months back, you looked at it a hundred times to see a sunflower emoji saved as the contact’s name. But you were most definitely not the sunflower emoji. So who was it?
You could feel yourself panicking as you laid down on your shared bed with Jaehyun, has he shared this bed with anyone other than you? You try to bury your thoughts as you switched on some random movie on netflix, yet your heart wasn’t really into anything that’s happening on the screen.
“Y/N? Y/N?”
You woke up to the voice of Jaehyun calling for you, it was a Sunday, and he just got back from another inkigayo episode. You soon felt his arms wrapped around your tired body. You tensed up when he did so, flinching at his touch like fire being burnt on your skin.
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
“I think I’m just feeling a bit cold from the constant rain, I’ll be fine, you can go get dinner with the boys, I want to sleep.”
“Oh, okay. Should I get you some medicine now?”
“There still some in the cupboard. I won’t be needing any.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.”
You successfully avoided his eyes, the eyes that make you want to give him the whole world if you could, the eyes that would send you into cloud nine, as well as a painful death over the cliff.
Once he left the door, you cried and cried even though you didn’t really know what you were crying for at this point, until you tired out yourself, slipping into slumber.
Jaehyun could sense something was wrong when he woke up to find that you had left his embrace, when he clearly remembered that he pulled you against himself as close as possible, and when your hugs were short and tensed. He finally decided to ask when the both of you sat down for lunch, when you finally came out of the room saying you had lots of work to do.
“Is something up, Y/N?”
“Nothing, why would you think so?”
“I feel like you’re a bit distant these days.”
“I’m just busy.”
You weren’t looking him in the eyes when you answered him, instead your eyes were trained on the plate of noodles in front of you, suddenly finding them very interesting.
“You’re avoiding me.”
“I’m not, Jae, it’s going to be month end, I just have lots to fix before passing it up to my boss.”
“Look at me then, look up Y/N, stop avoiding my eyes.”
When you did as he said, Jaehyun was shocked to see how tired and swollen your eyes were, and he had only seen you like this once, when you got out of your last relationship. 
“Y/N, tell me what’s wrong, babe. Why have you been crying so much?”
“It’s nothing.”
“It can’t be nothing.”
“I’m just insecure okay?!”
You hadn’t meant on lashing out at him, but your emotions had been running high these past few days. You could see the shock in Jaehyun’s eyes, the realisation that it was your doing, made tears leak at the corner of your eyes.
“I’m sorry, it has nothing to do with you, it’s just me”
Then you rushed into your bedroom, locking the door behind you.
Jaehyun was trying to decipher what you had said, were you back with your ex? Are you leaving him? Are you still conflicted on who to be with? Jaehyun laid down on the couch after clearing up the plates, not knowing what to do.
When you heard complete silence outside your bedroom, you sneaked out and laid a blanket on top of his sleeping figure.
That very night after having dinner with his members, Jaehyun tried his bedroom door once again, finding that it was unlocked. He went in to see your sleeping figure, so beautifully peaceful unlike earlier that day, what did he do to make you so distressed? What if your ex was looking for you again? Would you choose that trash over him?
Jaehyun sat next to your sleeping figure, his hand brushing away hair that was stuck onto your cheeks by your dried tears. When you woke up with such hurtful eyes, Jaehyun could feel his heart clench.
“Can I ask you something, Jae?”
Your voice was croaky from all the sleep, but you didn’t care, you needed to know now.
“Who’s the person you saved as a sunflower on your contacts that contacted you during one of your v lives when you were showing your phone to your fans?”
“What are you talking about? That’s the florist shop that I buy your flowers from, their shop’s logo is a sunflower and their name is very long, so I was lazy to type it out, and put the emoji instead. The reason I was worried was because they sent a text to confirm my order being sent to this address. You didn’t trust me?”
You looked up to see Jaehyun sporting hurtful eyes at what he was suspicious about, you let your gaze fall back down on your hands clasped upon your thighs, emitting a loud sigh.
“It’s not you that I don’t trust, I don’t trust myself.”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
“What I mean is that I don’t have enough faith in my plain old looks and boring personality to keep you interested in me for forever.”
Jaehyun’s feelings went from being hurt, to being heartbroken, not for himself, but for you. The words you said had such heavy feelings that his broad shoulders sagged, he thought you were suspicious towards him, but it was self doubt. When did this start again? He thought he had brushed all your worries from your past relationship away, is he the source of all your insecurities now? 
You got up and walked inside the connected bathroom, standing in front of the mirror to look at your own tear stricken face, too emotional drained to even bother putting in the effort to wipe them away.
You looked back at Jaehyun who sat hunched on the bed, his own tears crinkling at the corner of his own eyes. You didn’t know what are his feelings towards you are now. Anger? Disappointment? 
“I’m sorry, Jaehyun.”
Your voice rang loud and clear as the echos bounced off the walls of the bathroom towards the bedroom, letting it ring into Jaehyun’s head a few times. He heard it loud and clear, shaking his head, not wanting you to apologise when you’re most clearly not in the wrong, but he couldn’t utter the words yet, a lump in his mouth as his head spins.
“I’m like a broken mirror, no matter how much effort you use to put the pieces back together, I’ll still be broken.”
You felt more tears escape your eyes as you said this, you knew the truth all along, but you still let yourself love another being, even when you knew how heavy your emotional baggage weighs.
When Jaehuyn heard what you had said, he made himself force down the rock in his mouth, you’re not broken, no one is allowed to say that, not even yourself. He walks to the bathroom, and pulls you into his embrace, out of the cold and empty toilet.
“A mirror will never be broken Y/N, they reflect the same thing at different but all very unique and beautiful angles, that’s how you see me, you’re the only one who sees each and every one of my sides but yet you choose to stay next to me.”
Jaehyun knew what he had to do to heal your aching heart when he first met you, he swore to himself that he’s never going to give up. He knew the weigh on his shoulders wouldn’t be an easy fit, but as long as he’s standing tall, there will always be a place for your head on his shoulders, right now, tomorrow, and many more days to come.
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choco-glow · 3 years
“Like so, riduur…kat-tay-LEER da-RAH-soom.”
“Leer, think two ees in Basic. The letter’s a bit weird in Mando’a.” Senya shot Shae a rueful smile, and Mandalore the Avenger threw back her long red braid with a laugh, wispy strays forming an auburn halo about her head. “You’re doing great, riduur; it’s hard picking up a new language, especially when it doesn’t use the same grammatical cues as Zakuulan or Basic.”
“And you didn’t have an overbearing father forcing you to learn everything, Buir.” Arcann drawled from where he was underneath Shae’s speeder, his face striped with oil and a bit of grease, blue eyes bright over his smile. Senya couldn’t help smiling back, warm and happy, because her lone living child was so at peace with his rebirth, with this, with them…Hell, he was picking up Mando’a faster than anyone else on base, but then again, the Mandos had taken him in like a lost son, Shae particularly. Torian chuckled low and rich from his perch atop the speeder, working on the upper half of the engine while Arcann took care of the transmission, and Senya found herself happy to have a second son again, if in name only.
Torian Cadera and his wife, a former Togruta bounty hunter-turned-adopted Mando, had been mostly adopted by Shae, and while Chromi was out and about taking care of things, Torian had elected to help his newly adopted brother with the repairs that Shae had, quite frankly, gotten too old to do. Not that that had stopped her, of course, but Shae had allowed Arcann and Torian to take over, while Senya eased her out, swearing and muttering under her breath about being too old for this shit, etc, etc.
“No, that is true, but still, I should at least be able to say that phrase, Tyth knows you tell me it enough.”
“It’ll come with time and practice.” Senya flushed, just a little at Shae’s sweet, quiet smile, and she took her riduur’s hand, conscious of the fact that she stood almost a head taller than the other woman. Then there was her power in the Force…Senya still felt like the odd duck out, though Arcann had made himself useful enough to blend in admirably. But then, he and Thexan both had felt better with their fellow soldiers on the battlefield, rather than the cold confines of Zakuul’s palace. Vaylin too, though Senya had always been less sure of her youngest…but she shook those sad thoughts away, longing for her children, and knowing that at least they were at peace once more in the Force.
“So it will…How about we go find ourselves a bit of dinner? We’re old ladies now; we can’t skip meals.” Shae pulled a face at that, and Torian laughed, falling back a little at her expression.
“Admit it, Mandalore, you’re no orochick any longer.” She swiped at him playfully, and he grinned, cheeks dimpled and eyes crinkled shut, and Senya laughed, catching Shae’s hands and pulling her closer.
“Old my ass, Cadera, don’t make me swat you like your buir should have.” Shae ruffled his hair, though, grinning despite her protests, and let Senya drag her off, while Senya failed to hide her smile. “I see you smiling too, riduur.”
“Yes, well, it’s nice to listen to you…even if you’re a bit over the top.”
“Hey now, I’m downright boring for Mandalore; trust me, some of my predecessors weren’t that nice. But…eh, that’s old news. C’mon, let’s hit the cantina; that C2 droid found the best chef in the galaxy.” Senya chuckled at that as they took the elevator back up to the main deck of the base, protected by the heavy cliff overhang, with the rest of the Alliance stronghold carved into ancient bedrock. Odessen as a planet was relatively young, and life on the planet hadn’t progressed to sentient yet, which had made it perfect for the Alliance…and having been so young in the galactic record, it was also that rare planet that hadn’t been explored yet, hence the first come, first owned philosophy.
Not that their Commander had claimed the planet for herself…no, Ionial had taken care to file everything neatly, and for a Jedi Knight, that was a rare perk. Then again, she was married to Theron Shan…and as he was the main Operations manager to the whole of the Alliance, Senya had a feeling that paperwork was something that poor couple dealt with even in the marriage bed.
 Certainly, she was perfectly fine shacking up with Shae in her old age; Mandalore had baggage, but so did she, and though they did have responsibilities…they could set them down for a time. Shae, however, nudged her out of her thoughts with a careful touch to her elbow, and Senya glanced down at her riduur, eyebrows raised…and followed Shae’s line of sight to one of the tables in the back room, empty but for a familiar figure in long graying braids, her slender hands wrapped around a mug of tea, her beautiful face pinched with weariness and sorrow.
“…That’s Satele…”
“So it is…Senya, love, how much to you know about the Grandmaster?” Shae murmured as they accepted their drinks, and Senya chewed her lip, reviewing everything she’d learned about the former leader of the Jedi in the last eight years.
“…I know that she was the Grandmaster, and though she still holds the title, she is no longer the speaker for the Jedi. I know that she helped train our Commander…and I know that she’s Theron’s mother.”
“…She’s a hell of a warrior, in the speaking halls and on the battlefield. I’ve gone up against her once, and out of respect, I’ll never do that again.” Shae replied softly, and to Senya’s surprise, the Mandalorian took her hand, guiding her to the room. “And out of respect, I think she needs a friend.” Senya glanced back up at Satele’s face, and even at this distance, Senya could see tears sliding down her cheeks.
“…You might be right about that. A moment…” She leaned over to the waitstaff who took their order, and hurriedly ordered a third meal of Alderaanian stew and fresh veggies, and Shae nodded approvingly. They made their way to the back room, and it was Shae, her eyes frank and kind, who slid into the booth opposite Satele’s seat, and gently clasped the Jedi’s hands. Senya joined her as well, her own long hands joining Shae’s, and that brought Satele’s eyes up slowly, tears streaming down her face, her pain so strong that Senya instinctively reached for the Force to help calm her. That seemed to help, just a little, and Satele took a deep, shuddering breath.
“…Can we ask what happened?” Shae asked gently, her tone as soft as Senya had ever heard it, and Satele gave a weary, wet laugh.
“…I tried to talk to my son, and utterly ruined things. Again.” She swallowed, with difficulty, but cleared her throat and took a shaky breath. “Theron…and I have a…well, complicated is too strong. We don’t have much of a relationship at all. I…when I got pregnant, I didn’t think about him, I didn’t think about being a mother…I was too worried about being found, about figuring out what I could do with him. My master, Ngani Zho, took him and raised him…I stayed for six weeks to nurse him until we’d found a formula that worked, but that was all. And I left him.” Satele’s voice broke at that, and both women slid around to hug her, letting her weep into their arms. Senya’s heart ached for her; she’d been raised with no attachments, to have no attachments, and no matter what the Jedi might say, that was something that damaged the very soul.
For all that she mourned her children, Senya was grateful that she’d been able to love them so fiercely. Not being able to care for her babies like that…it horrified her to her very core. One glance at Shae over Satele’s braids, and Mandalore’s eyes were shuttered, angry, and grieving too. I could hate the Jedi for what they’ve done to people…even the Sith cherish their children.
“I am such a horrible mother…” Satele was whispering now, and it was Senya who shook her head, voice low but fierce.
“You are no such thing. You are a woman who was forced to make a choice, with little regard to your own heart.”
“But…the Code…”
“Blast the Code.” Shae’s voice was as sharp as vibrosteel, and Satele flinched, just a little. “Sorry, but…Satele, you wouldn’t have made that choice if you’d been like me, would you?” Satele froze, and for the first time, Senya sensed someone just outside their door, listening…she closed her eyes, opening her mind, and to her shock, it was Theron. He was frozen on baited breath, his eyes wide, and Senya amplified the sound in that room, just a little, just enough…both Shans needed to hear this.
“…No. No, I wouldn’t have…if I’d been…normal…like him…I’d have kept him. If Malgus hadn’t been hunting me…I would have been overjoyed to be a mother…” Satele whispered, but it was enough; Senya heard a bitten off sob outside the door, and she reached behind her, grasping the younger man’s sleeve and gently tugging.
“Theron, you need to come in here.” She called softly, and he shook, but he obeyed her, watery golden eyes a match to his father’s, wide with worry and nerves…and it was Satele who watched him, tears still burning down her cheeks, who reached out for his hands.
“…You really would have kept me?” His voice wavered, and Senya clasped his shoulder, willing all the love she could feel pouring from Satele into him, knowing he was only just Force sensitive enough to catch it.
“Yes. Yes, I swear, I would have…I would have needed Master Zho to help, because I was…I had no idea what I was doing…but I would have brought you home and to hell with anyone else.” She whispered, and he closed his eyes, lips twisting in pain. “Theron, sweetheart, I’m so sorry…”
“I’m sorry for what I said…I’m sorry, Mama…” He whispered, and Shae hopped up out of the way to let mother and son embrace tightly, both of them sobbing as the dams broke between them. Senya managed to order a fourth meal too, and when they all arrived, she laid them out neatly. Soon, Theron and Satele had calmed enough to sit back down, this time opposite one another with Senya sharing the seat with Theron, Shae on Satele’s side.
“I know you two are probably exhausted, but you need to eat.” She declared, and Theron’s lips curled up in a half-smile, used to Senya’s Mom skill by now, while Satele managed a wan smile and Shae openly grinned.
“Thank you, Senya, Shae…”
“Yeah, thank you…I’m so sorry I yelled, Mom…” Satele only shook her head, eyes softer now, and clasped his hand.
“You were right to yell about that. I never…” She paused, took a deep breath, and continued. “I should have talked to you about all of this…really, I just should have talked to you. I know you felt like the dirty secret for years…and understandably so. I treated you as such, and Jace…” Theron sighed, wincing, and she nodded. “I owe you a lifetime of apologies.”
“…No, just the one is good, Mom. You did give me to Zho, and without him, I would have…well. He explained a lot, especially when I flunked out of the temple; he could have told me to bug off, but he kept in touch, helped me get into the SIS, even went with me to get my implants in. And he never faltered when I asked if you loved me; he always said yes, looking me dead in the eyes. I…didn’t always believe him, but he always said yes.” Satele smiled, just a little, and it was Shae who spoke up, having stayed quiet through most of it all, uncharacteristically so.
“He sounds like a good guy…I’m guessin’ he’s gone to the Force, isn’t he.” Both Satele and Theron nodded, twin expressions of pain marking their faces, and Senya closed her eyes, pulling a well of comfort and care from her core and filling the room with it. She had always been a master at controlling her emotions, in no small part because she was so strong with her empathy, and Satele gave her a fragile smile, so shy and tiny, that Senya couldn’t help smiling back.
“Thank you, Senya…and yes, he is. But he went down in battle, as he wanted, protecting his boy.” Theron was picking at his steak now, his jaw tight, but he heaved a sigh.
“Yeah, he did…it…it was hell watching him die in front of me. But I wouldn’t want him to go any other way; whatever else happened, he was a warrior, and he didn’t let any fight go past him without taking a swipe. But he’s at peace now…kinda wish he’d visited, but…I figure I’m doing a good job if he isn’t coming back.”
“Or you two didn’t need me until now.” The voice of an old man, far older than Satele or Shae, even, filled the glowing spot now hovering next to the table, and Ngani Zho, glowing blue and smiling faintly, stepped from the shadows, giving Theron a gentle cuff on the ear, and tweaking Satele’s nose. Both made the Shans break into startled laughter, and their Master smiled fully this time, leaving Shae and Senya speechless. Force ghosts were…a rarity on Zakuul, if at all; Senya had sensed Darth Marr’s spirit on Odessen, alongside Satele at times, but only just, and never had she sensed Thexan or Vaylin…Shae looked almost frightened, and Senya clutched her hand, broadcasting calm.
“So, you two finally talked it over…about damn time.”
“Master Zho…”
“Don’t you give me that, it’s been long enough. Take your time, feel things out, but let the Code go, Satele. At this point, it matters, but not more than your boy…and Theron, so help me if you don’t cut out the swearing—”
“Look, I’m a leader now, I’m gonna swear a lot more—”
“I will appear in front of your wife and complain to her.” Theron froze, and Zho crossed his arms, looking as smug as a Force apparition could. “With her old master in tow.”
“…Orgus passed on.”
“Wanna take that bet, son?” Another crusty old man’s voice sounded, and the former Jedi Orgus, short-haired and taller than Zho, leaned over the other ghost’s shoulder. Theron blanched, while Satele burst into relieved laughter, leaning back and reaching over Shae’s shoulder to give the other Jedi a brush of her fingers. He chuckled and squeezed her hand before vanishing, and Zho smiled down at her.
“Now then, any more complaints I should know about?”
“No, thank you, Master Zho…and thank you for coming to see us.” Satele murmured, and he leaned over to kiss her forehead, his eyes calm and warm, then he leaned over to do the same to Theron, who hugged the old man tight, despite their bickering.
“…Tasiele would have been proud of you both. She loved you so fiercely, Satele, and Theron…your grandmother would have fought tooth and nail to bring you into the Temple from the start…But she left us far too soon. It’s hard, losing your soulmate…” He gave them both a wan smile, Satele’s mouth open in shock, Theron’s eyes wide and his jaw hanging slack, and Zho chuckled. “Never did really care for the Council’s strict policies…maybe that’s why we had a secret marriage, and why when you were born, Satele, we kept things quiet. Kinda blaming Revan and Bastila for starting a line of rulebreakers…”
“Father…” Zho gave a warm chuckle, and kissed his daughter’s brow, then his grandson’s, and vanished once more, his revelation leaving both Shans speechless, while Senya and Shae made to get up and back out. Satele came her senses, and shook her head, taking a deep breath. “Shae? Senya? Please, don’t go…I’m sure that was…absolutely bizarre for you both, but please, stay…” They shared a look, and at Shae’s quiet nod, sat back down; Senya was on firmer ground here, if only just, but Shae looked…spooked, for lack of a better word.
“…So, I’m guessing you never knew…?” Shae murmured, and Satele shook her head, eyes closed.
“I knew my father was a fellow knight, but…my mother died when I was a child, and I was already with Zho as his padawan. He was always just Master to me, but kinder, gentler…at the same time, stricter. Now I understand why…” Theron gave a huff of a laugh, and Satele cracked a smile at him.
“It all makes sense now…Force, it must have killed him to keep that secret to the grave…” Theron murmured, and Satele squeezed his hand.
“I think that’s really why he came back…to prove that we had more than just a shared Master…that there’s always time to fix things.” Theron smiled at that, really smiled, and Senya was struck by just how much like his mother he looked in that moment. He took after his father in eyes and coloring, but his smile was all his mother’s, with a touch of Zho in there in the quirk of his lips.
“Yeah, there is…” He leaned up, kissing her on the forehead, and sighed. “But duty, unfortunately, owns my sorry ass, and I need to go get things in order. Love you, Mama…make this a…thing? Maybe tomorrow?” He asked, sounding so unsure of himself, and Satele kissed his forehead back, both hands cupping his face.
“I love you too, Theron. Go, and call if you need any help at all.” He shot her a weak grin, and sped back off to work, while Satele slumped back into the cushions with a weak laugh. “…You both are looking at me like I’m crazy.”
“Nah, just figured you were overwhelmed.” Some of Shae’s easy-going nature had returned, and she motioned for the Jedi to keep eating. “Eat up, no point in wasting good food.” Satele obeyed, and by the time the three women had finished their plates, Senya gathering up all four dishes, Shae was gently rubbing Satele’s shoulders, and Senya knew that look in Mandalore’s eye.
 They’d talked it over extensively over the last six months they’d been together; if there was anyone they might wish to add as a third lover…Satele was first on the list for both of them, and Senya could already feel the beginnings of a dyad between herself and Satele, which, had she not taken the time to research it on the Holonet…
“…thank you both. Sincerely. I…I thought for sure it was all over, that…that Theron would never speak to me again…” Satele murmured, and Senya cuddled up to her other side, rubbing her upper back while the Jedi leaned into them both, melting a little from the gentle touches.
“He’d already came back in the short time we were there…” Senya murmured, and Satele gave her a weak smile, gray-blue eyes weary but relaxed.
“Still. Thank you. For listening. For feeding us…and for not running away screaming at the ghosts.”
“…It was creepy as fuck, but you’re cute enough to make us stay.” Shae sighed out, and Satele burst into laughter, cackling a little as Senya hid a smile. “What?!”
“Oh Force, Shae, I know we were enemies once, but you always know how to make a woman laugh.” Shae grinned at that, looking smug, and Senya just chuckled.
“It’s a strong skillset of hers…just like my empathy is mine. Satele…I can feel the loneliness rolling off of you in waves. It’s been with you for years…” She calmed down, sighing a little, and Senya probed the tentative dyad with careful touches, smiling as Satele closed her eyes and probed back, understanding and a little joy warming between them.
“…so it has. So it has. Your empathy…small wonder you walled yourself off, Senya…” Satele’s eyes were calmer now, and she glanced at Shae, making sure that the lone non-Force user was also in the conversation. “You two…I was surprised to see you two together, but at the same time, I was happy for you…” She trailed off, looking vulnerable now, and it was Shae who spoke up again, this time her voice softer, that familiar rasp Senya’s favorite sound in the world.
“Well, if you wanna give it a shot, riduur, we’d love to have you in the middle. There’s something already with Senya and you, right?”
“How…did you know…?”
“I might not have the Force, but I can read bodies almost as well. And Senya said she’d sensed something the first time she’d met you, a…dayd, right?”
“Dyad, but close enough. A bond, between two souls through the Force. It’s rare…but it’s strong.” Satele bit her lip, worrying at it, and Shae gently took her hand.
“Riduur. Satele. There’s been a bond between us too, we were both just…too indoctrined by other bullshit at the time to see it.” Those blue, blue eyes, warm despite all the storms they’d weathered, watched both her riduur…and her riduur-to-be with a calmness that not even Senya could call up. “I lost my daughters…you lost your whole family. Senya lost everyone but Arcann, and for a time, she’d lost him too. We lost our lovers, and in time, discovered that those weren’t what our hearts had longed for. I had a long time to figure my heart out…have you?” Satele seemed to think on it for a long, long time, dipping her head to stare at her tea; neither Senya nor Shae were impatient, though, holding her hands, Senya radiating love through the bond, Shae’s eyes never leaving Satele’s face.
When those eyes lifted again, though, both women were shocked to see that the storm clouds in Satele’s eyes had parted, leaving sky blue irises, with a hint of gold glimmering in the centers. A warm smile, rich and bright and so lovely it made Senya’s heart ache to see it, and she leaned in, kissing first Shae, then Senya full on the lips, pulling them into her arms.
“…I have. I found where I belong.” Shae grinned, bright and fierce, and Senya laughed, happy as joy from deep within welled up and overflowed, Satele’s power second only to her daughter-in-law’s.
“Good. ‘Bout damn time. C’mon, you two…let’s go let the brats know.”
“Arcann will be thrilled.”
“Torian’ll probably just call me a gold digger, the little shit.”
“…oh crap.” Senya paused as Satele froze, her arm over the Jedi’s shoulder while Satele’s arms were around their waists, and she touched Satele’s cheek, worried.
“Love, what’s wrong?”
“…Theron’s going to kill me.”
“Nah, probably just bitch about it. Hey…” Both of them stared as Shae got a wicked grin on her face, and suddenly, Senya understood exactly how Hylo felt whenever Gault opened his big fat mouth. “We could stage a strip Pazaak tourney. Let the kid really understand what trauma is.”
“Oh Force, Shae, no.”
“…I have a better idea.” Satele’s voice was smug, and she pulled out an old datapad, pulling up a file that crackled for a moment before clearing, revealing a tall man with long dark hair in a half-pony tail, his robes a bit disheveled.
“Is this thing on?”
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