#i was working on a group project and a groupmate didn't show up at our meeting time
dawnthefluffyduck · 4 months
Jesus christ I was flipping through my sketchbook and was jumpscared by my own drawing
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I am so sorry
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swarvey · 3 months
Enamored with Paper Rings right now. It’s written so, so well 🥺 Do you have any headcanons about meeting Harvey in college/taking over the farm years after that?
meeting harvey in college | harvey x gn!reader
summary -> after meeting harvey during college, the two of you hit it off right away, slowly growing to become more than friends.
a/n: ahhh tysm!!!! that means a lot <33 i hope you enjoy!! reader and harvey are at med school btw
the two of you met during freshman year of university while taking the same course
after being placed in the same group project together for the semester, you hit it off with him right away
harvey, though? it was pretty much love at first sight.
you best believe this man purposefully chose his seat near you because he thought you were cute. not that he'll ever tell you that
it didn't help that he was completely enamored with your personality
(nearly imploded the first time you laughed at one of his jokes)
knew he wanted to be with you pretty much right away, but he also didn't want to rush you
so, being the man that he is, he waited patiently until you were ready to express your own feelings before showing you how much he cares about you.
freshman year
"this is impossible," you groan, letting your head fall onto the mattress beneath you. "i quit."
harvey laughs, rolling his chair over to the bed and gently lifting you up by your hoodie. "unfortunately, you can't quit," he tells you, smiling at your frown. "the rest of our groupmates quit half a semester ago, so it's up to us to save our grades."
you sigh deeply as you force yourself to sit up, grabbing your laptop and pulling it onto your lap. as you begin to work — swearing under your breath about your "good for nothing groupmates" — harvey sneaks a look at you once in a while, admiring the way you bite your lip in thought and squint your eyes at the screen.
he wants to be with you, of course he does. he thinks any guy who doesn't should get schedule a check-up with their doctor, since they obviously aren't thinking straight. no, the problem isn't that he doesn't have feelings for you — it's that you can't seem to tell he does. while he knows he should use his time at college to explore and meet new people, he can't shake the fact that, to be frank, you're really the only one he can picture himself with.
"harvey, can you look at this? i swear this doesn't make sense."
"sure!" shaking out of his daydream, harvey sits beside you on the bed, trying not to pay attention to the way your arms are pressed against each other.
while others may move on after realizing their feelings aren't returned, harvey figures he doesn't mind waiting a little bit, especially if the reward is having you all to himself.
sophomore year
"how do i look?"
harvey turns to look at you as you emerge from your bedroom, bashfully showing off your halloween costume with a broad grin. you're dressed up as one of your favorite video game characters, your hair and make-up done perfectly by your friend. she stands next to you with a proud look on her face, eyes digging into his skull. he can basically hear her daring him to say you look bad.
"amazing," he voices, watching as she nods in satisfaction and walks away.
"honestly, harvs, you couldn't have been a little more creative?" you ask, tugging at his lab coat. "you realize we're in med school, right? so half the people we see tonight are going to be wearing this."
he shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck. "well, i couldn't think of anything else," he mumbles. "it's not like i'm trying to impress anyone, anyway."
you hum, nonchalantly fixing his collar and centering his stethoscope. "well, at least you look all cleaned up — maybe you'll catch someone's eye," you tease.
yet again, you don't notice how he stiffens, letting out a quick breath when your hands graze his neck. it's been a year now, and harvey has no idea how you haven't noticed his feelings for you. still, he's been patient, and he truly doesn't mind waiting; it's not like there's a downside, in his mind. the two of you have grown even closer since freshman year, even finding time to see each other during the summer.
"alright, ready?" you ask, grabbing the sides of his arms and laughing when he jumps. "geez, harvey, i know it's halloween, but you don't have to be so on edge. i'm here to protect you!" you cross your arms, feigning toughness.
"really?" he doubts, giving you a questionable look.
you nod, the air leaving your lungs when your friend pokes your side. "we're all doomed if you're supposed to save us," she jokes. you laugh as she starts pulling you to the door, calling for harvey to follow.
he barely hears her, though, hearing only your bright laughter and seeing only your amused eyes.
i can wait.
junior year
harvey is growing tired of this.
he watches helplessly as you talk to a senior — a senior who is clearly attracted to you, by the way — and allow him to pour you another drink. he scowls at the greedy look in his gaze, his eyes raking you up and down as you sip out of your cup. he knows you're clueless and remembers how excited you were to socialize at the formal, especially since this upperclassman is known to be at the top of his class, but truthfully?
he doesn't give a damn.
"oh, harvey!" you say, eyes brightening when he walks over. he doesn't even look at you as he grabs your arm, locking it with his. he can feel you staring at him, his ears burning with embarrassment as he faces the senior.
"what are the two of you talking about?" he asks, his hold on you tightening when the older student leans forward slightly.
"nothing of concern," he says, eyeing your hand clutching harvey's arm. "just some personal techniques i've learned over the years."
harvey's lips form a grim line on his face as he glares at him, the music playing in the background seeming to fade away. he can sense the intentions of the other student, knowing if he weren't there, he would be purposefully getting you drunk to do god knows what with you.
"we're leaving," harvey declares, "but thanks for sharing your insight with them. i'll be sure to ask all about it when we get back."
without another word, harvey drags you out of the room despite your small protests, focusing only on getting you away from the creep. he lets out a breath of relief as you make it outside, resting his hands on his knees for a moment before straightening to look at you with worry-filled eyes.
"what were you thinking?" he scolds, scanning you quickly as if checking for injuries. "can't you tell when someone is trying to take advantage of you? how much have you had to drink? here, take my jacket, it's getting chilly out—"
his words get caught in his throat when you lean forward and hug him tightly, your head resting on his chest.
"what would i do without you, harvey?" you quietly ask, pulling away to look at him with a gaze he's never seen before. "no one's ever cared about me like you, you know that?"
harvey clears his throat, looking away as he gently wraps his arms around you. "i think you had a little too much to drink," he says, attempting to pull you off. "i'll take you home, okay? we can talk more tomorrow—"
before he can finish his sentence, your lips are covering his, your arms now thrown around his neck as his hands find the small of your back. after a moment of shock, he's kissing you back, eyes shut as he pulls you closer to him.
when you break off, he looks at you with wide eyes, blinking as he registers what just happened. his cheeks are tinted red.
you yawn, grabbing his arm once again and leaning on him. "i'm tired," you mutter. "let's go home."
"r-right, let's get you to bed. we can talk about this after you get some rest." wordlessly, he begins to walk you home, hoping with his entire being that you won't forget this by the morning.
senior year
adrenaline rushes through harvey's body as everyone throws their caps into the air, celebratory horns blaring in his ears as everyone begins to file out of the stadium. he can hardly believe it's been four years already — it feels like it was just yesterday he was meeting you in class for the first time, already drawn in by your curious eyes.
after greeting his parents and taking some pictures with them, he promises to be right back before racing off to find you, his bouquet of flowers still in hand. he quickly searches the crowd, knowing you should be around this area, but is stopped in his tracks when you practically pounce on him.
"we did it!" you exclaim excitedly, swaying him from side to side. your family watches amusedly as he shyly waves at them. "we actually graduated, can you believe it?"
"well, i can believe i graduated," he teases. "i'm not sure about you."
"hey! i used my resources well throughout college, alright?" you defend, pushing him away lightly.
"i'm kidding." he pulls you to his side, quickly stealing a peck on your lips when no one's watching.
you sigh, looking down at the cap in your hands. "i can't believe it's over," you express. "it went by so fast."
he nods in agreement, watching as everyone celebrates with their families. "keep in mind, i spent nearly three of those years chasing after you."
"you never said anything!"
"did i need to? i'm sure everyone else knew except for you."
"and whose fault is that?"
"alright, enough fighting!" harvey's mom laughs, walking up to your family and greeting them. "let's take a picture of you two."
"ready?" his dad calls, angling his camera. "smile!"
after developing the photo a week later, harvey notices that, while you're brightly grinning at the camera, he's too busy smiling down at you, reveling in the fact that all his waiting didn't go to waste.
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alexcaldownapier · 11 months
The Final Year...
The Final Projects:
Keeper (working title) - Cinematography
TBC - Sound Design
3 years in and it's graduation film time. No more silliness - it's time to strap in. Yeah, I'm sad about it too.
Anyways, here's a little about where I'm at going into these two specialisms in my final year:
I'm wanting to do cinematography on a graduation project as I feel like my skills have improved a lot in the last year having shot The Play and Longboard Nights, the latter of which was one of the first films I've had screened at a festival. I think my main weaknesses are creating a consistent visual style and designing coverage. On the last short I shot, there was some kind of random lensing, sparse coverage and lighting mistakes. This year I want to sort out these problems while consolidating the things that did work, namely the dynamic camera-work, dirtying of the image and the collaboration with my groupmates. I'm working again with Ben McMorran (director of Longboard Nights) as we developed a really great working relationship on that film which I think helps me to do my best work. I'm already thinking of ways I can play with the image to muddy it up that works for this story and working out how I want the camera to feel (more on this later).
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A photo from a better time (no dissertation to write)
I also want to be doing sound design as this has been something I've really enjoyed since second year. I enjoy the endless, limitless creativity that you have in a sound design - if you can think it, you can do it. Last year, I did the sound design for About That One Time, an experimental documentary. While the film didn't totally work narratively, I think it still packs an emotional punch and this was the piece of sound work I've been most proud of to date. I'm now at the point where my recording skill is starting to get up to scratch and I know my way around ProTools enough to be able to achieve exactly what I set out to with that project. Aside from location recording, there's not much with sound design that worries me at all and while I don't have a project locked in yet, I'm very excited for developing my sound craft further.
Project 1 - Keeper (working title)
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Inspiration still from Kes (1969)
The project I'm doing cinematography for is trucking along very nicely, I think - we have all our Head of Department roles filled and the script has been through a couple of drafts. The team:
Producer: Lucy Gilmour
Writer/Director: Ben McMorran
Sound Design: Rosie Playford
Production Design: James Stevenson
Editing: Jake Sommerville
We also have Eilis Fraser (an old favourite) joining as a production assistant. Lucy's already got us into a rhythm where we understand how we are moving forward as individuals and as a group. We had our first production meeting last week where we each went through our individual roles and responsibilities and outlined how we would best want to work together (don't talk to Rosie when she's sound designing!). I'm really happy with the first draft of the script I saw - it's quite different from how it was first pitched to me, but all the changes are for the better. I can already feel all the beats and visualise the scenes and the characters really well.
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Inspiration still from Win Win (2011)
The story follows a teenager (Will) as he tries out for a county football team. Specific moments in the script really stand out for their tension and humanity. One pivotal scene shows Will becoming stressed during a free-kick, unable to defend his goal properly - a cinematic and literal set-piece. Early ideas in my mind rely on lots of coverage to allow for quick intercutting, lots of camera movement and, to borrow an idea from my last film, a wide shutter angle. Longboard Nights was shot at a 270 degree shutter angle for accentuated motion blur to add to the panicked emotions of the characters. I think the approach worked well for that film and could also work really well for this story as well, however, I would only use it this time for this specific moment in the script.
I'm also thinking of being quite patient and restrained in shot sizes and framings, not pushing anything too much, allowing the audience to observe the story through Will's eyes, especially the quieter moments after the trial. I wrote in my research agenda and rational, about using some more oblique or unconventional framings to add subtext to the narrative, using examples from Tar (2022) and Widows (2018). One idea I talked to Ben about briefly was using the frame to represent convention or conformity. Because the film is dealing with someone struggling to live up to expectations, the camera could be used to frame where he's supposed to be, rather than where he is. Maybe he's small, so there's an awkward amount of head room. Maybe he's not on his mark in goal, so he's half out the frame. Maybe the coach calls him over and the camera doesn't follow him in, just waits for him.
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Inspiration still from Tar (2022)
But yeah, all of this is just ideas, nothing is locked in. We had our first pitch today, which went well? Ben and Lucy presented for the group and we got some good feedback and Ben has had some script feedback from his script tutor as well and so far it's all positive.
In terms of my progression in my role, I'm testing lenses and filters this week so I have something to reference when making decisions later on. I might also do another shutter angle test...
Project 2 - TBC
We're having a little trouble with this one. I approached two people to ask about being their sound designer - both of them informed me that I was not, in fact, Rowen Henderson and therefore, not worth the time. It's fine, even if it takes me all year, I will vanquish that boy through the violent art of sound design. Despite a few of the projects that initially caught my eye already having sound-designers attached, the roster is stacked with great ideas this year. Right now, I'm juggling a couple options: Bethany and Sam's surfer romance, Jack's rat-inspired mother-munching psychological thriller and Samuel Duner's magical journey through grief. While I've worked with Sam before and really like the quiet, confident style he brings to his films, he does have an external sound designer attached currently. There's a chance I could get onto this project as sound designer, but we'll need to see. I think Bethany's romance sounds lovely with lots of opportunity for some subtle sub textual sound design and the crew is also one I can see myself working well with BUT Jack's story sounds like it would be lots of fun to sound design, going back to my sound roots in horror (Subject #36). I hope I don't miss my chance by hanging around for too long without committing, but either way, I think I'll have a lot of fun sound designing this year.
In the mean time, I'm studying for my ProTools exam next week, which I think is going well. But yeah, it's all going well so far.
I'm going to uplaod my research agenda and rational here as well, but aside from that, my next post will be after my first tests.
Here's to a great final year...
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ruiniel · 2 years
Hey seminar anon here from a while back, basically the only update I can give us that I'm the only one getting a good grade from my group.
If you want the longer version; On the Tuesday of the week I sent the ask in I ended up doing the seminar by myself, luckily it was a private seminar so no students or teachers coming in from other classes/departments. Great right? Kinda, I ended making some mistakes in the PowerPoint because my brain was fried after working for so long (didn't include pictures where pictures should have been) I kept reading off it the PowerPoint slides and had my back to the audience a few times. Because we were the group chat gat finished first though my teacher/head of department said I can have a redemption seminar. That was today and oh boy. I corrected the PowerPoint mistakes, memorized some short points and practiced facing an audience. Two days ago one of my groupmates asked me to translate the ENTIRE presentation in a language I don't know (groupmates speak said language, I have a different language as my first and English is a secondary language) I warned them that I'll use Google translate and they said it's fine, sent the translated version to them the same day and waited for two days (today) this time 4 out of 5 of my groupmates joined me. As I was explaining in English and one if the groupmates in a different language my teacher stopped me and told me to hand the rest to my groupmates. They made so many mistakes. Some of then were reading the wrong slides off their phones (the projector showed different slides) one if them started making stuff up on the spot about equipment prices and most of them were reading word for word instead of giving a shortened version. After class my teacher said that I'll be graded separately cause most of my groupmates failed and that my performance was far better than last time's.
Sorry for the long post ❤️
*slams table* Yes! Happy dance! Anon thanks for coming back, glad to see it went in a favorable way for you. Must've been stressful especially since your seemed to be the only contributor for most of the time?!
Anyway from what you shared here I get a reminder that repetition/practice works (sometimes silently for a while). Personal example in hopes this comes across as intended:
I had something similar one time, an event which had to be remote (covid reasons) and apart from my main role in it I took on a task I'd never done before. We had 3 dry runs. Nothing worked end to end, people were floundering and sometimes a little confused but during the live session it all ran as planned and we all did our best (some hadn't done that type of presentation for so many people before). The audience was happy, everyone was happy, great impressions all around, they want another one. Practice helps so much, in anything. Something small even, as long as it's Something and it's Constant
Thanks again for sharing, all the best and I hope you get more support on future group projects, it seems a tad unfair for one person to do all the work though it shows in the end result for you
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ipgroupblog · 8 months
We’ve officially been sorted into our groups for the Interdisciplinary project, and I think we’ve got a great spread of students from the PG Media course. Most of the programme consists of game artists, but it seems as though our group especially covers a wide area of expertise; we’ve got character, concept, and environment bases covered. Additionally and most importantly, it seems as if we'll all work together well! Even though most of us were meeting for the first time during the short introduction time allotted, it was really encouraging to hear people piping up about the software they typically work with and their experiences thus far at the university.
First Collaborations
After we met, we were tasked with two problems to solve. The first was to divide a sheet of paper into as many pieces as we could manage, with each piece being half the size of the last. The second was to transport an egg safely out of a window using only these materials: two sheets of card paper, two rolls of tape (one painter’s, one sticky), scissors, two balloons, and two pieces of string. We sprang to work and created the beautiful contraption you see below, and it worked! After we finally managed to unwrap the tape surrounding the egg, we revealed it was unscathed.
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Belbin Report
This assignment was my first introduction to the Belbin roles! I can see how they'd be useful in group work, especially when all bases are covered. 
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Here are my results. After comparing mine to the team, it seems we have a lot of Teamworkers and Specialists, which are my top results, but at least one or two of our members are Shapers and Resource Investigators so I have faith we'll manage to get the assignment completed. It's great news that a lot of us are versatile and willing to learn a lot about the necessary subjects to execute a vision!
The egg project saw us falling into our predicted roles quite easily, with all of the Teamworking tendencies among our group coming into play very strongly! We had trouble blowing up one of the balloons, so a couple of us gave it a go while the others filled in gaps in the work left behind. Additionally, when it became apparent that a certain tactic wouldn't work, our team was happy to switch tracks and try something different! 
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Comparing my results of this quiz to how I perceive myself, I can't say I'm too surprised. The extraversion trait gave me a bit of pause, but since studying here I do find myself much more energized by social interaction. This is in line with the Belbin test too, though it seems a bit less relevant to how I work. Nevertheless, the extraversion trait did show up within the egg exercise-- I was excited at the prospect of teamwork and social interaction and worked together with my groupmates to solve our problem. My intuition played a hand, too: when our plan didn't go perfectly, I took it upon myself to fashion the legs of our contraption to give it some cushioning, feeling that the more padding the egg had, the better chance our team had at succeeding. Feeling was relevant to the task in that I prioritised harmony and cooperation in the group, and the prospecting characteristic was present in my ability to switch gears as I needed to get the job done with my group! This is especially in line with the Teamworker result from Belbin.
Belbin, M. (1981). Belbin Team Roles. [1981] Belbin. Available at: https://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles.
NERIS Analytics Limited (2023). 16Personalities. [online] 16personalities.com. Available at: https://www.16personalities.com.
I've been placed in Group Five for the interdisciplinary project, alongside four other PG Media group members. After our initial meeting and icebreaker session, we quickly bonded. The group dynamic began to mesh as we shared our experiences, ideas, and interests.
We faced our first task: to transport an egg safely from the window to the ground without breaking it using only paper, tape and a rope. We brainstormed ideas, pooling our creativity and expertise. Each of us had a task, and we supported one another every step of the way. With our combined efforts, the egg survived the journey safely. Our teamwork was key to success, proving that together, we can achieve anything. 
Belbin report
These are my results: 
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According to this I am primarily a Resource Investigator and a Teamworker. It is said that Resource Investigators are appreciated for their enthusiasm and optimistic nature. Teamworkers care about others. They adapt and will do what is required. They support and fit in. They are versatile. The combination of these two roles means an overall interest in people and a desire to communicate. 
I believe that the test results are accurate and describe how I worked in our team.
 Myers-Briggs Test
I took the Myers-Briggs test as advised and the personality type that I was assigned was INFP. 
INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
Introverted: I gain energy from solitude and inner reflection.
Intuitive: I focus on possibilities and future-oriented thinking.
Feeling: I make decisions based on personal values and empathy.
Perceiving: I prefer flexibility and spontaneity over strict planning.
What I found out is that in team settings, INFPs may bring fresh perspectives and creative solutions. My empathy allows me to understand others' perspectives deeply. It is also said that my sensitivity can aid in fostering harmony and understanding within the team.
However, I may need space for introspection and time alone to recharge. This being said, I believe that everyone’s personalities in the team balance each other out and work well together, as there have been no issues in communication or personality clashes. 
Belbin, M. (n.d.). Belbin Team Roles. [online] Belbin. Available at: https://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles. 
NERIS Analytics Limited (2023). 16 Personalities. [online] 16personalities.com. Available at: https://www.16personalities.com/. 
For the interdisciplinary project, I have been assigned to Group Five along with four other mates from the PG Media group. We had our first meeting and icebreaker session right after the groups were formed and we had started to get on with each other very well. I noticed that the group dynamic started to click and evolve almost instantly as we started to share our experiences, ideas, and interests.
Group Task
My group and I worked in the first task group, in which we were to construct a contraption for an egg under which the egg did not break when it was dropped down from the first floor of a building. Within the time frame we were allotted to work with the materials provided, we made it a mission to try to create some kind of contraption.
By making sure that our strategies were synchronized and working as a team, we were able to bring together a functional apparatus that was able to sustain the test and when the test was carried out our egg survived the test. Group task number one has been accomplished by our group.
Reflecting on my Belbin Report
My Belbin report suggested the following three traits as my three primary traits.
Specialist:Through the contributions made to the construction of the contraption, I ensured that any specific skills, experience or knowledge I possessed, which would be of use in the task, would be transferred to the task. In response, I heard extensive concepts and mind-blowing advice that I attempted to add on the foundation to support us in making a perfect contraption of the function and intended results in mind.
Team worker:  Looking back at the group task, I did note that I tried my best to be a team player, and to the best of my abilities tried to play that role in the task. I did so by making sure that everyone was comfortable with the idea, and the developing plan, and did my best to hear everyone’s thoughts and suggestions.
Reflecting on the Myers-Briggs Test
I took the Myers-Briggs test as advised and the personality type that I was assigned was: ENFJ-A 
Extraverted: The test indicates that I have a moderate preference for extraversion over introversion (28%). During the task, I found myself embodying my usual extraverted self, actively engaging in conversations and the collaborative effort. I made a conscious effort to involve others and ensure a vibrant exchange of ideas, recognizing the importance of team dynamics.
Intuitive: The results also suggest a moderate preference for intuition over sensing. Throughout the task, I naturally relied on my intuitive skills and knowledge, expressing confidence in the abilities and experiences of the group members. I embraced creative thinking and trusted my instincts to guide the team towards innovative solutions.
Feeling: The test indicates a slight preference for Feeling over Thinking (19%). While I may not delve deeply into introspection on this, I can acknowledge that I aimed to maintain a balance, avoiding over-analysis and trusting the emotional aspect of decision-making. I fostered a positive and supportive atmosphere within the group.
Judging: The test results also reveal a slight preference for judging over perceiving (12%). As someone with judging traits, I channeled my dedication and focus toward achieving our shared goals. Throughout the task, my attention remained steadfast, and I was committed to seeing the project through to completion, aligning with the traits associated with judging personalities.
Thank you for reading.
For the interdisciplinary project, I have been assigned to Group Five along with four other cohort mates from the PG Media group. We had our first meeting and icebreaker session right after the groups were formed and we had started to get on with each other very well. I noticed that the group dynamic started to click and evolve almost instantly as we started to share our experiences, ideas and interests.
Group Task
During the first group task, we were assigned to create a contraption for an egg so that it would be protected when it would be dropped down from the first floor of a building. Working with the materials that we were presented with, we set out to create a contraption within the limited time we were provided.
Through coordinated planning and teamwork, we were able to get a working contraption together on time, and when the test took place our egg survived. Our first group task was a success.
Reflecting on my Belbin Report
My Belbin report suggested the following three traits as my three primary traits.
Teamworker: Looking back at the group task, I did note that I tried my best to be a team player, and to the best of my abilities tried to play that role in the task. I did so by making sure that everyone was comfortable with the idea, and the developing plan, and did my best to hear everyone’s thoughts and suggestions.
Specialist: During my contributions to the development of the contraption, l ensured that any particular skills, experiences or knowledge I had, would be contributed to the task. I heard very great ideas and unique suggestions that I tried to build upon so that we could make the contraption work efficiently and as intended.
Shaper: As the definition of shaper suggested, I did enjoy working under pressure. It was quite fun to undertake the task of building a working contraption, by employing skills I was not specialised in on top of a limited timeframe.
Two particular points in the report stood out to me as well:
The report also said that:
“You’re likely to do well in situations where you can progress with study and gain experience in an area which involves helping and supporting other people.
Let others know that you like using your knowledge to help others. Look for ways of building up your reputation, so that you can build confidence in your chosen subject. This might be through training or by shadowing someone who works in that area.
You might feel less comfortable in a position where you’re asked to take on broad responsibilities and make decisions under pressure, as this is likely to cause you a lot of stress and worry.”
By reflecting on the task and my contribution to it, I can determine that I have more or less acted in a way that is described in the points stated in the report above.
Reflecting on the Myers-Briggs Test
I took the Myers-Briggs test as advised and the personality type that I was assigned was: INFJ. 
Introvert: The test says that I had a moderate preference for introversion over extraversion (28%). I would say that during the task, I was being my usual introverted self, while I involved myself in the conversation and the task, and I tried to ensure that I listened more to the discussion and was not talking over the others.
Intuitive: The test also said that I have a moderate preference for intuition over sensing. I would say that during the task I intuitively relied on my skills and knowledge and was intuitively confident in the abilities and experiences of the members in the group.
Feeling: The test said that I have a slight preference for Feeling over Thinking (19%). While I cannot reflect deeply on this, I can at least acknowledge that I tried to refrain from over-thinking while attempting the task, and was confident in the plan we had come up with as a group.
Judging: The test also said that I had a slight preference for judging over perceiving (12%). According to the website, those with judging traits are dedicated and focused on their goals, and I can say that during the task my whole attention and focus was dedicated to seeing it through.
Thank you for reading.
The interdisciplinary project was a project assigned to me and many media students to create an impressive art experience. We were split into many groups, I joined a group of 4 other students, all of whom had different backgrounds/skills. As we didn’t know each other, we were given multiple tasks as icebreakers to help get a better understanding of our skills.
Group Task 
We were given two group tasks. First was a task being our ice breaker, a simple task and little planning. However, our second task was much harder as we were given the goal to build a way to protect an egg from a drop with limited tools. We recorded our process to see how we would behave as a team before then reflecting on how it compares to the personality tests. 
Reflecting Reports 
Myers-Briggs test gives an outlook beyond work and more as an individual. This gave more insight into who I am than what I am which I believe connects far more compared to the Belbin Report. The Belbin look specially at my role within a team and less of an individual. 
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Introverted (96%) This would have stated I would not have taken a leadership role and would prefer to listen however; I was more open and spoke more. However, I thought-out the video I speak often, almost taking the lead in helping the situation and organising ideas. This links the statement that “successful leaders and entertainers come from their ranks” (NERIS Analytics Limited, 2015a) meaning even if they are introverted doesn’t mean they can’t be leaders. 
Turbulent (100%) States it makes me very sensitive to stress. While I didn’t experience stress for the group task, it's likely because I'm aware that there are no consequences to my situation, therefore, no stress. 
Intuitive (68%) In the middle which made a middle ground between imagination and practicality. I feel like this seems to be the oddest one as I can be very imaginative however, I tend to not notice if that idea is practical. Like the Belbin report, I am good at planting ideas (50%) but never thinking about them practically. I did this a lot during the video as I would input a lot of ideas for the egg on how to keep it safe. However, I did find it hard to communicate these ideas and overlapping ideas making it confusing. 
Prospecting (65%) Fairly balanced like Intuitive, stating that " flexible when it comes to dealing with unexpected challenges.” (NERIS Analytics Limited, 2015b) this was present very well during the video as I was sharing many ideas but easily got "overwhelmed by the sheer number of options” (NERIS Analytics Limited, 2015b) which was easily helped by the team by picking out the best ideas. 
Belbin Report 
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Specialist (90%) 
My strongest role is Specialist, with the role being “Brings in-depth knowledge of a key area to the team” (Belbin, n.d.) this was seen well when I was able to state from memory how I did the egg challenge before. That knowledge helped us as a team build a stable contraption to protect the egg. 
Resource Investigator (80%) 
My second strongest role is Resource investigator, stating the role of “find ideas to bring back to the team.” In the video, I act more upon the role of resource investigator of being “Enthusiastic. Explores opportunities...” (Belbin, n.d.) and keeping the team motivated. This ties into my Myer’s Briggs test of “Introverted” as I was to keep the team organised with the ideas. Therefore, this may have been why my introverted report did not live up to the statement in the video because being an investigator conflicts with it. 
Implementer (70%) 
My third strongest role is Implementer, which states a weakness of being “inflexible and slow to respond to new possibilities”. (Belbin, n.d.)  When looking at the video I was flexible to the new suggestions and changes but what made me inflexible was the fact I found to physically apply this in action. This connects to my Myers-Briggs test of prospecting stating that I am flexible, therefore, I can be flexible but only to an extent. 
Plant (50%) 
Lastly, my fourth strongest role plants, stating I’m “highly creative and good at solving problems” and often “generates ideas” (Belbin, n.d.) This follows into resource investigators often providing ideas for the team which I did often in the video. When it came to issues, I would often suggest ideas some were better than others which only shines light on my Intuitive nature from the Myers-Briggs test. 
Belbin, M. (n.d.). Belbin Team Roles. [online] Belbin. Available at: https://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles. 
NERIS Analytics Limited (2015a). Energy: Introverted (I) vs. Extraverted (E). [online] Available at: https://www.16personalities.com/articles/energy-introverted-vs-extraverted. 
NERIS Analytics Limited (2015b). Tactics: Judging vs. Prospecting. [online] 16personalities.com. Available at: https://www.16personalities.com/articles/tactics-judging-vs-prospecting. 
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CAS Project: Reflection
Our CAS Project began in May 2022 and ended in February 2023. Initially, not much happened. In May I only came up with an idea, in July I made a list of 6 pilots, knowing that 10 were needed. This part gave me a valuable lesson - I knew with whom I wanted to do the CAS Project and thought about something that can interest both of us. When I was thinking about pilots, I wanted them to be from different countries and eras not only because it would be more interesting as a project, but also so that my groupmate writing about planes would have different models to write about. I left 4 places for him, because I wanted him to have a choice as well. I thought that maybe he had some planes he preferred and this would lead me to pilots. Only when a third person joined us in Nivember, I learned to pay more attention to the project. When the fourth and last person joined us, we realized that our tasks were dependent on each other - without my work completed, the person responsible for posters would be unable to act. This was a stimulating factor. One of us showed excellent leadership and motivation skills - thanks to him I managed to complete my list quickly. So I learned about importance of a good leaderships in the projects. When it comes specifically to my part, the project helped me to learn how to divide my work into fixed parts done daily in January. Ultimately I didn't manage to achieve this and I ended with completing 5 pilots in 2 days, but it was a lesson anyway. Later on, I experienced doubts whether the project can be completed in time. But I was unable to do anything other than asking about progress my groupmates. My work was completed. Our taking action in February was spontaneous to some extent. We didn't know where to hang it and didn't even have the pins. Luckily, we found everything we needed. And this gave me thoughts how it's important to plan everything. When I paid extra attention to the way posters hang, I noticed that the appearance of presented information is necessary.
The project was initiated by us and helped me to identify what I'm good and week at. For sure I enjoyed working in a group. The fact that everyone had to do something in which we are good at was very helpful and showed me how to divide work in a group. Some experience (like waiting for others to complete their work in time) was new to me. I asked two people about our project they could see in the aula - both were very positive and even enthusiastic.
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psycholojosh · 3 years
Got my first 1.00 in grad school!
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I just want to take the time to share my happiness lately.
When the pandemic began last year, I was saddened by a lot of things. One of them was the lost opportunity to study cognitive-behavioral therapy (or CBT) in-depth when I enrolled in a class. Psych 249 - that was the course code. I was excited for that class because CBT is a popular form of therapy these days. And surprisingly, I learned that it was an umbrella of many therapies that tackle the cognitive and behavioral connection. To top of it, one of my favorite professors, Dr. Divine Love Salvador (awesome name, I know), was instructing us.
Before the lock downs and quarantines and face-to-face classes were still done, I was really looking forward to this class. CBT was a therapeutic approach that I really wanted to hone into and explore. Not to mention, Doc Div (my prof's nickname in school) is an expert in this approach. She and her fellow faculty in the clinical program believe in the power of experiential learning when it comes to training. Our class would meet once a week for three hours. She would discuss theory on the first hour, have a pair demonstrate a technique in front of the class in the second, and have us do our own activity and psychotherapy simulations on the third. The learning was so amazing! I was really looking forward to my turn in the demo since I saw how helpful the post-demo cliniquing was. Plus, my classmates were all insightful people.
Partway in the semester, classes halted due to the pandemic. We were all of a sudden left to our own devices to study. This wasn't surprising to me since I entered graduate school. Grad school has really shaped me to become an independent learner and thinker. But, the complication was the pandemic and the redirected goals to survive and thrive. Doc Div emailed us instructions on the stuff we were "required" to submit with a deferred deadline to a year later - this year.
We were asked to write a case formulation paper - which is a common skill for any psychotherapy class - about a fictional case of an eating disorder. We were also asked to come up with a CBT-informed project that aimed to either educate or be therapeutic for a target audience. This was a group effort and I was grouped with my friends, so I was excited. And lastly, we had to write a final reflection paper based on questions she provided for us in the email. These seemed a lot to finish, so I was thankful for the deferment of our deadlines (and grades).
A few weeks later, as COVID-19 cases were rising and a lot of people were experiencing various psychosocial issues, our university's mental health clinic decided to open its services for free to our own students and staff, frontline healthcare workers, and their respective families. Doc Div was quick to email us the opportunity to volunteer for this initiative for extra credit. I didn't mind the credit at all, yet I decided to volunteer because I wanted to help. And I also realized that the learning I would get from this opportunity would be substantial. Lo and behold, I was assigned to my other professor, Ma'am Sandy Ang (my prof in Psych 264, the Psychopathology class), as my clinical supervisor. In a span of 6 months, I met with a total of 4 clients, each having their own cycles of supervised psychosocial support sessions with me. It wasn't until the end of the year did I accomplish the requested reflection paper. I'll tell more about my experiences here in another post.
Months leading to the deadline, I collaborated with my group to finish an educational blog site about learning skills on boundary setting. We were somewhat happy with the outcome; and we knew that we can improve on it further. Likewise, I have been reading the case given to us for the formulation paper. I started writing bit by bit since the previous year, but only to organize the details. It wasn't until the final two months that we were told that the paper could be done as a group. The idea clicked: I have to work with my group so I could stay afloat from the stress. Luckily, I accomplished a lot in my own, so I only had to present them to the group, ask for their inputs, and add what was missing together.
The process was stressful, to be honest, even as a group. There was a lot of further reading, late night calls to discuss things, writing and preparing materials. It was chaotic, but I felt like I was doing something right and learning something new. Though, I couldn't help but wish for the time that I could "re-learn" all of this with a guidance of an expert or professor.
But anyway... we were buzzer beaters. Submitting by the 11:59pm mark and giving the final sigh as our emails with the requirements attached were making their way to Doc Div's inbox. I felt so much relief knowing how much hard work we've put into our requirements. It didn't take long for our profs to give us our grades from last year. I opened my student portal account and...
An uno?
An uno!
I was so shocked but thrilled that I felt like my hardwork paid off!
The thing is, the sem doesn't count to our final computation of our general weighted averages, so that kinda sucks. But, I'm happy to report how I was able to show some promise with the subject I wanted to learn so much from. Even if I felt alone for the most part, having my groupmates and our collctive efforts made me feel like it was all worth it.
I really do look forward to when the "newer" normal would present us the opportunity to come to school in person again. Online learning is an adventure, but like many I have taken, I get tired of it too. I also miss the things we take for granted, like the facial expressions or the ability to chitchat with my seatmate in class. It made my grad school life all the more fun. But until then, we gotta do what we gotta do.
Cheers! I hope you get your success in these trying times too.
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245-am · 2 years
Word Vomit 2: W1502
It's funny how one simple decision could change my life path. Was it really destiny though? Was it pure luck? Was it all because of how I am as a person and the people around me that influenced my decision?
It was the November of 2021. I felt so burned out I have been working on my tasks last minute which then results to a subpar output. I was lost, I was tired, I was depressed. Sick and tired with the constant stress and pressure I'm in that time — well, in all honesty, they're still here with me. Anyways, I was truly close to filing LOA (Leave of Absence) so that I can give myself some break mentally and physically. I already have the needed requirements, and all that's left for me to do is to submit everything. However, I didn't push through.
For some reason, I still worry about others. You see, we already have groupings for our midterms and finals. And because of these factors, I thought that all my efforts (or the lack thereof /j I actually worked my ass off) would be discarded. Plus, I wouldn't want to leave my groupmates cause it would probably be a hassle for them. So I stayed. Boy am I glad I did — of course despite my mental health falling apart.
I had no friends in my class so it was difficult for me to pick groupmates or a partner for our projects. But for once, God was I lucky. That time, I didn't have anyone to be grouped or partnered with. So I, of course, messaged the group chat and asked if I could join anyone who's got a group. I hesitated at first, but I had to toughen up a bit or else I would fall behind.
During that time, I was imagining different what ifs. And honestly, one of it is the "What if he'd be the first person to see my message?" or "What if he offers me to work with him?" Thinking about those what ifs, I just laughed it off and shot my shot. In rare occasions, the universe and my angels altogether side with me. And in that moment, those what ifs became a reality. It was a one in a million.
I was first intimidated and worried that I might not do well. I admire your work ethics, I admire how you're able to speak your mind, I just admire who you are. But as time goes by, we got the chance to spend more time together. I was able to know you more. I've learned about your imperfections and you showed me that it's okay to make mistakes. And in that moment, I already knew I was falling harder.
Though I'm not lucky when it comes to these typa things, I'll just let the wind take us to wherever it'll lead us to. With all the possibilities and choices I could've made, I'm so glad that our paths crossed. I'm so lucky to have you in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I believe I've shown you how much I care and appreciate you. At this point, you probably already have an idea in regards to how I actually feel about you. I know I'm not as slick as I think I am whenever I like someone. I do apologize if I can get confusing, I'm just unsure if your feelings for me.
As much as I want to directly express my feelings for you, I just fear that it might ruin our friendship. Besides the fact that you're my first ever best friend during my college years, I treasure you in my heart that I don't want my feelings to get in the way. However, if the time comes wherein I'm ready to face whatever the consequence may be, I'll finally be honest. But for now, I'll just be admiring you from afar and keep my feelings hidden.
And so, if this don't work out the way I wanted it to, maybe in a parallel universe? But you know what? Regardless of what's gonna happen between us in the future, I'll forever thank the stars and the universe that I at least got to have you in my life.
Looking forward to seeing you in real life some day... For now, we can only settle with zoom calls and movie marathons <3
Ligaya - 6/6/22
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