#i was wondering if maybe ive had a mild case of food poisoning before and just didnt notice
mpregwizard · 1 year
learning a lot about listeria for scene that is exclusively for me to imagine while i fall asleep and will never actually be in anything because it contradicts my plot points
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dibs4ever · 5 years
Sick Day
Barbara flopped down on the tile floor of the bathroom from where she previously had been leaning over the toilet. She grabbed the toilet paper and ripped off a piece, whipping her mouth before tossing it in the toilet and flushing it with the rest of the contents that currently occupied the bowl.
"Okay, I'll keep you updated. Thanks, Diana...Bye" she heard Dick say from the hallway. She assumed he was talking to her on the phone. A few seconds later he entered the bathroom, his smile turning to a frown as he bent down to her level
"Diana says you need to stay hydrated," he said offering her a cup of water
Barbara took the cup from his hands "Yeah, if I can keep it down" she said after taking a small sip.
"Which is exactly why I took out an IV bag just in case", Dick told her “Might be a little extreme, but can’t hurt to be too safe.” he winked
Barbara closed her eyes "I have thrown up literally every 15 minutes for the past 12 hours" she slowly put her head backward
He watched her take another sip of the room temperature water "Are you sure you aren't pregnant?"
Barbara practically choked on her water at his question, which wasn't good for her gag reflexes right now "It takes a little more then a few hot and heavy rooftop make outs and some mild 3rd base action to create a baby clueless wonder"
A small smirk formed on Dick’s face "Touché Gordon" he reached up taking a lukewarm rag that she hadn't even noticed he had brought in and begun whipping her mouth. The touch of the water relaxing her a bit "I don't even want to think about what would happen if I got the commissioner's 18-year-old daughter pregnant"
Barbara smiled "He'd probably kill you"
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of," Dick said tossing the now cold rag into the nearby sink "Come on let's get you back to bed," he placed one arm under her legs and the other under her arms
Before he could lift her Barbara stopped him "Dick I'm sick, but, I can still walk"
Dick nodded and removed his arms from her he stood but offered to help her up from the bathroom floor
Once she was on her feet she let out a groan
"You okay?" Dick rose an eyebrow
Barbara shook her head "My stomach just dropped again."
"Are you going to throw up?" He asked
She shook her head "No...but will you carry me?"
Dick grinned "Of course my lady"
He scooped her into his arms, she nuzzled her head into his chest as he made his way through the Gordon apartment and into her room. Gently setting her on her bed
He sat on the edge watching her let out another groan and move to her side
He looked down at her "Yeah?" he said softly
"I know when you arrived this morning I was questioning why you were here but I'm glad you came over"
Dick grinned "Of course when I saw that your dad was working a double there was no way I was going to let you be sick and home alone"
He looked at her when she didn't answer and recognized the face she made. Immediately he grabbed the bucket next to her bed and handed it to her. He held her hair back as she vomited clear liquid, then began to dry heave
When she was finished he set the bucket back down and scooted further onto the bed, resting his head up against her head bored then he pulled Barbara back so she lied with her back against him in a reclined position
"Better?" He asked rubbing his hands gently up her arms
He felt Barbara nod against his chest "Yeah, for now. I've been sick before but this is the worst I've ever felt in my life"
"Have you been around anyone who's been sick?" He asked
She shook her head
"Ate anything?"
"Chicken, Yesterday afternoon I had it in a salad," she said softly
Dick moved his fingers from her arms and brought them to her hair. "Maybe you have food poisoning" he began to run his fingers through her hair, pulling the wavy red locks away from her face. He could feel the dampness of sweat on her roots
"Yeah" she mumbled resting her head deeper into his chest
Dick continued gently running his fingers through her hair until her breathing became a little heavy
"Babs?" Dick asked shifting slightly
There was no response
A small smile formed on Dick’s face as he slowly slipped out from under Barbara. Grabbing her head in the process and gently laid it on her pillow as to not disturb her.
Dick leaned down and placed a kiss on her temple "Feel better Babs, I'll check on you in a bit" he whispered softly before tiptoeing out of her bedroom. Leaving her to rest
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fenvincible · 8 years
She moved flawlessly. Lithe and a little sexy and seemingly supernatural. She sauntered out onto the stage in her purple dress cut low enough to give any young mammal a heart attack. She had eyes a shocking shade of purple and gray fur that looked softer than a newborn kit. With a shy smile she addressed the crowd: "Hello everybody," her voice was warm honey "I'm Amethyst, and my boss asked me to do a little dance and sing a little song for you tonight, would that be alright?" There was a murmur of consent that rippled through the crowd before the piano started a soft, mournful tune and Amethyst began her song. After the first few chords, she started to dance as well. Her body moved in time with Nick's heartbeat and for a moment the fox wondering if everybody was experiencing the same thing. Her song continued a sweet simple piece ending on what Nick thought might be a heartbreaking note. Right as he felt the spell the bunny had cast leaving the crowd she started again. Only this time the song was different, less sweet and innocent. Her voice riffed and deepened to match the sultry lyrics she was singing. She didn't hesitate to sway her hips to and fro or trace her paws down her generous curves. She was driving the club wild and she knew it. With a twist of her hips and a tug of her paws, she hiked her dress up just enough to show the patrons her lavender purple garters. Throwing a teasing smile to the crowd the bunny continued her song, dancing across the stage. Unable, and not wanting, to stay back any longer Nick needed to be at the front of the stage, in the center of the action. His legs carried him forward before he had made the decision to move. The bunny had seen Nick's advance to the stage, because when he finally made it there she pulled the hem of her dress up just far enough for the red fox to see the purple hue of her garter, again. Offering an extra wiggle to her hips as the fox tried not to lick his snout. Unable to help himself, drawn in by her dancing, her singing, her eyes, he tried climbing up the stage, only to be greeted with the black heel of her stiletto. Staring straight at the purple garter that was driving him nuts Nick offered a smile. "Hey, Fluff. You gotta give a fox points for trying. I just wanna say hi." Nick offered a lopsided grin as the bunny smiled back at him. She shook her head she slowly, and softly pushed him back off the stage before she resumed her dance. Still enraptured Nick headed back to his seat, he ordered another drink and undid the top bottom on his shirt, maybe tonight wasn't going to be as bad as he had thought. "Who was that?" Nick asked the jaguar who was bartending. "She did... she was amazing." "That?" The panther, Manchas according to his name tag, asked. "She's the bosses secret weapon. If he thinks the club has been slow lately he will send her out to perform. She's the best we have had in a long time. Ever I think. She performs in the back mostly." "The back?" Nick's tone inquisitive, he thought he had been in the main portion of the club the entire night. "Yeah, the back. Where the real business takes place. You know." The jaguar looked disinterested. He had started cleaning beer mugs, getting ready for the end of the night. "I don't actually. How do I get back there?" Nick needed the information for more reasons than just to see the performer again. "Most know somebody who knows somebody, and that's how they get back there. I guess if you get in good with the boss you can get back there." Still scrubbing the mugs, the jaguar gave Nick a side eye. "You ain't a narc are you?" "Have you ever heard of a fox working with the cops?" Nick looked insulted and bored. "Yeah, you got me there. We are about to close up for the night, last call and all. But next time you come around look for me." The jaguar finished cleaning the mugs and began to scrub down his bar. "If you're just looking to see Judy again I'll help you. How many times you been in here the last week, anyway?" "Every day." "And you haven't gone to the back?" "No, I didn't even know there was a back." "Then I am more resolved, everybody goes to the back at least once, that way they can meet the boss. I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but come back tomorrow." Finishing with the bar Manchas moved to sweeping the floor, he seemed finished with the conversation as well. So Nick walked towards the door. "Manchas, who is Judy?" Nick asked, confused on why Manchas thought she was important to Nick. "Oh, I guess I should say Amethyst, that's what we call her when she performs." The assignment had been given to Nick and his partner Clawhauser about three weeks ago. There had been a nearly deadly influx in the number of predators and prey animal admitted to the hospitals with Night Howler poisoning. Chief Bogo wanted the two to find out why and how the Night Howlers were being distributed. The two were on what they felt was the right track. They had talked with the patients in the hospital, with the ones that had returned home, with their friends and family to find out that nine out of ten of the cases related to a new up and coming club called Savage. Savage was a club that had recently risen to the top ranks of Zootropolis's club scene. At first, Nick had been unable to figure out the club's sudden popularity. Clawhauser and the other officers were also at ends for why the club was suddenly in the limelight. When another animal, a young sheep, had been admitted to the hospital for symptoms of Night Howler poisoning Nick got his answers. He and Clawhauser had made it to the hospital before the sheep's parents, she was still asleep in her bed. IVs and vitals machines were running to and from the poor thing when Nick first laid eyes on her. Before they could begin asking her questions Clawhauser had run to the cafeteria, Nick swore that cheetah never missed a meal, a snack, or even tea. "Dawn," Nick quietly said the sheep's name, seeing that she was rousing. "Dawn, I'm Nick Wilde. A detective with the Zootopia police force." Dawn woke with a start. Seeing Nick in his uniform shocked her. She physically recoiled from him. "No, no no no," Dawn said, repeating herself while trying to move as far away from Nick as possible, which wasn't much given the small hospital room they were in. "I didn't do anything wrong. I swear." "I know, I know." Nick approached Dawn open pawed, signaling that he didn't mean to worry her at all. "Dawn, you do know why you're here right?" "I-I" she stopped to sniffle. "I went to that club last night. I guess I did something right because they invited me to the back and gave me some berries and-and then I did something very wrong didn't I? I went savage...?" She trailed off, tears in her eyes. It wasn't a statement; it was a question. Dawn didn't remember. "You didn't hurt anybody Dawn, you just gave your parents a good scare. Everybody here is going to take good care of you, okay?" She nodded, still sniffling. "But, I need you to tell me everything you can remember." "That's not much. But I will try." Dawn looked to Nick, ready for whatever questions he had for her. Fifteen minutes later Nick had a large amount of new information to go over with Clawhauser and what he thought might be a new lead. As he was on his way to the elevator to find the cheetah he ran into him. Clawhauser was in no way a small mammal, he was soft and large and enjoyed eating. Which account for why he had spent nearly half an hour in the hospital's cafeteria and was returning to Nick with sprinkles in his chin fur. "I got information, let's go." Nick barely stopped though Clawhauser had nearly run him over. He pushed the button to summon an elevator to his floor. "Dawn was at Savage last night. I think we are right; this club is definitely part of the recent Howler outbreak. But I can't figure out how. I need you to find out as much information on what kind of club it is. I want to get in there as soon as possible, but I want to know what we are walking into." By the end of Nick' sentence, the elevator had reached their floor. "By the way," Nick said as the two stepped into the lift "wipe your mouth, Benjamin, you have sprinkles all over your chin." How Dawn had gotten the Night Howler serum in her system was still a mystery, but Nick was inclined to believe it had to do with the berries she had been given. The mixture of drinking and the serum had given Dawn a fuzzy view of the night and she wasn't able to recall much. What information she was able to give Nick made him more resolute that Savage had a hand in the rise in incidents. "I just don't understand. How are the animals getting the serum? It's only a few of them, the club is popular enough to see hundreds of animals come and go nightly." Nick sat in front of his computer at work, coffee in one paw, pen in another, thinking out loud. "MhuautnahrYaiornab." Clawhauser mumbled from his side of the desk. "You know I can't understand food talk, Benjamin," Nick said as he took out a writing pad to help him collect his jumbled thoughts. "I found out some information?" The cheetah asked after thickly swallowing. "It looks like the club has been open for years, but has recently come under new management. Good as they are it doesn't list who is now taking care of the business." "That's good information Clawhauser. Call Bogo, tell him I'm going undercover. Starting tonight." At the mention of Bogo's name, the cheetah sets down his doughnut and lets out a soft sigh. "Stop daydreaming. We have work to do." As Nick walks home from the club he recalls the events that lead to him being there in the first place. He couldn't believe it had already been a week since Dawn had told him about the club. He would have to go check on the young sheep soon. Her case was mild, and thanks to swift treatment and an antidote many animals weren't seriously affected by the Night Howler serum any longer. But she still had seemed scared when he talked to her. Remembering the information, he had found out at the club this evening Nick decided to text Clawhauser. Did u know club has a 'back room'? I think that is where the serum is. Nick sent a quick text to Benjamin, knowing the upbeat cheetah would be up this late for multiple reasons, none of them actually pertaining to his job. What do you mean Nicky? Nick scoffed at the silly pet name Clawhauser insisted belonged to him. 2nite, I talked to bartender. There is a secret part of the club? I haven't heard anything, want me to look into it? Nick was relieved he had offered, he always hated to bug his partner when he wasn't technically on the clock. Yes plz I got invited to the back tomorrow. Would like to know what it is like. Alright Nicky. I will look into it rite now. C u tomorrow. The short text message conversation had taken just enough time for Nick to be walking up to his house. Thankful for his partner's willingness to be awake a few extra hours Nick walked inside. Though sparsely furnished and in need of a good cleaning Nick's home was one of his favorite places to be. He loved his job and he didn't mind working long hours or going undercover, but he always craved the feeling of bathing in his own shower, watching tv on his own television, sleeping in his own bed. All of these were things he had decided to do tonight. Watching some late night program to keep him awake while he waited to see if Benjamin got back to him. After forty-five minutes of waiting and realizing he couldn't watch another zebra tell him the benefits of stripe care ointment (it helps keep the white clean and boost the clarity of the black!), he showered. Thankful for the abundance of hot water Nick let himself soak in the warmth. Tension rolled off his shoulders, sleepiness rolled into his head. In the three weeks since he had been put on the assignment, he hadn't had a good night of sleep, hopefully, tonight that would change. Exiting the shower Nick quickly dried his fur and slid some pajama pants over his legs. On his way to bed, he saw a notification on his phone. Found some info lets discuss in morning? As always his partner had come through, regardless of time. Nick went to bed excited for the information he might get in the morning.
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