#i was so excited for more of my fave dad/son duo but alas
floral-force · 1 year
not really loving this season so far. i’m not as articulate as some people, and i feel like everything i say won’t come out the way i want it to, but i’m just disappointed. i’ll try my best to share my thoughts under the cut:
there are good bits here and there but overall it just doesn’t feel like the show/space western i fell in love with. it feels…sloppy. i feel like the way that everyone is so divided on every single episode is telling as well.
i’m disappointed in favreau for letting this season get botched in the name of stretching the show for as long as he can because i think it’s left a lot to be desired this season. couple that with the fact that we might have to wait another few years for another season…it sucks.
season 2’s side quests had a purpose, it had a flow, there was a goal established, and then a subsequent twist that sets up potential conflict between din and bo. the book of boba fett and trailers for s3 established din’s desire to be redeemed. i just think it’s weird how fast bo (a motivated and determined former TERRORIST that helped overthrow her own sister) switched from being upset about losing the saber to tagging along w din instead of challenging him. the brief exposition on why she was depressed (night owls leaving with the ship and abandoning her quest to retake mandalore) also left me upset. she is a complex character and deserved better than that. I'm hoping that her mentioning how the imperials are after her ties in with that dr. pershing episode and the beskar on the destroyed transport ship.
i can’t articulate exactly how i feel about this--about favreau & co. derailing din's development and sidelining him in almost every single episode in favor of a bo katan redemption arc--but i hope y’all get the idea. i just…i don’t like that they’re framing her as someone who isn’t power hungry. casual fans watching the mandalorian might not have watched the clone wars and/or rebels; there’s no backstory on bo OR any other character cameos (ahsoka too, as much as i love her!).
overall, this season just feels sloppy and lost. they all deserved better than this mess. maybe the last two episodes will be incredible—i’d love for my opinion to be changed. let me know what y’all think—i’m honestly so torn on this season but the disappointment i feel has just been festering since episode 3.
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