#i was really tired this morning and came up with ths at 6:30 after snoozing my alarm again
drac0line1nn1t · 19 days
Wade: *whispering seductively to Logan* I know exactly which buttons to push in bed
-8 hours later-
*Wade hitting snooze on the alarm for the 12th time*
Logan: Wade get up, we have work
Wade: *pulling the sheets over his head* Nooooooooo *hits snooze again*
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Oldest Friend pt. 2
A TMR/TDC Gally x FEMcharacter imagine.
This is Part2 to Oldest Friend Part 1 :)
Hi:) I haven’t read Kill Order but have seen the movies and read the other 3 books, this is just a story I’ve had in my head, a character that I created, and the way I picture everything going. LMK if there’s anything you’d like to see in this, and feedback is welcomed! Reminder that this is very windy and lengthy and that’s just how I write lol. 
triggers: still none that I can think of, LMK if there is anything that I should put as a trigger. 
word count: 3582  (again, I’ve always written lengthy stuff and can shorten or add more to the next ones if preferred, I just always want to make sure the backstory and details that are in my head get put in)
He jolted awake. The sun was brighter than normal… he was late! He jumped up and started pulling on the first pair of pants he saw, running around and trying to grab a shirt, belt and shoes as fast he could. Man, his ass was grass when he got to-
“What the bloody hell are you doing, Gally.” Came a voice from behind him. Frozen in his tracks, Gally ever so slightly turned his head. Newt was propped up in his bed, staring at him. Confused, he glanced over at the clock above the door. 6:47 AM. They usually didn’t even get to the cafeteria for breakfast until about 8:30.
“The.. sun.. is bright?” he started, plopping back into bed and throwing his clothes to the ground. A glance around showed the other two boys, Ben and Minho, sound asleep in their own beds. Newt rolled his eyes at him.
“One of those wanks probably left the curtains open again.” He sighed, sinking back down into the covers. He shot Gally a smirk and gave him a quick look over.
“What…” Gally asked, scooting back and leaning against the wall.
“I’d try to get some more sleep if I were you, mate,” he teased, reaching to pull the string and close the curtains before laying back down. “all that sneaking about at all hours of the night will catch up to you eventually.” Gally about came out of his skin! Newt knew… he looked at the other two, snoozing away, wondering if they knew, too. Newt let out a laugh as if he read his mind, “Relax, Gal, they don’t have any clue. Mind telling me what’s so important to lose sleep over, though?”
“I..” he had every intention of playing as if he had no idea what he meant but Newt shot him the ‘I’m-not-stupid’ look. “met someone… who enjoys losing sleep to see me, too…” he mumbled, pulling his covers up over his chin to hide his pink cheeks.
“Ahh, well, c’mon, don’t be shy now, who is it?” Newt sat back up in his bed and crossed his legs. Gally hesitated, what if this got him in trouble? What if he got her in trouble? Newt seemed to be pretty good at that mind reading stuff. “Chill, mate, I don’t care what you do as long as your back here by morning and have a pulse.”
“It’s… a girl?’ Gally started. They gave each other a puzzled look and then burst out laughing. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“Well... how about the beginning then?” Newt prompted. Instead of going back to sleep, Gally spent the rest of his morning gushing over Meghan with Newt listening to every word. He didn’t give up her name and wanted to keep a good amount of what they had talked about between just them, but Newt understood. After a couple hours of spilling his guts and Newt poking fun at him, the other two guys woke up and it was time to head to breakfast. They got there a bit earlier than normal but she was still the first one at the table. He quickly gathered his food and sped to claim the seat next to her.
“Hey, Meg.” He breathed, excited to see her. Her long hair was up in a loose bun that sat at the top of her head, and it seemed she decided to wear her glasses instead of contacts. Hmm, she usually only did that when she was tired. She had just taken a big bite of her eggs and turned to hi with wide eyes.
“Heh, Guhl” she laughed, covering her mouth while she finished chewing. Shit… he thought. Why do you have to be so damn cute!! She leaned in and bumped her side into his for a second before leaning back to her seat and wiping her mouth with a napkin. “How’s your morning, Gal?”
“Umm.. well..” he gathered himself, turning pink and trying to get the guts to tell her. He couldn’t though… “So, Newt had figured out I was sneaking about… and I sort of…” he stopped and gave her a look, seeing her freeze.
“You… what?” she whispered, looking around. “Are we in trouble!”
“No! No, course not. I mean, not that I know of. I just..” he took a deep breath.  “I told him I was meeting up with you. But- hey, I didn’t actually SAY it was YOU!” he ended with, seeing as her jaw dropped to the floor.
“Well!” she demanded, turning toward him and grabbing his arm, dropping her voice to a whisper again. “What did he say!”
“Meg, Gally.” The voice made them jump and she recoiled back to her own space. Newt had snuck up on them, coming up behind them to come take his seat at the table. He gave them a sly grin. “Mornin’.”
“Morning..” she mumbled, stuffing her face with food. She glanced at Newt first, then to Gally through the tops of her glasses. Newt starting laughing as he picked at his food, earning a stomp on the foot from Gally. Their table slowly filled up and started humming with conversation.
“Aye, Gally, man you ready for today? Heard we’re headed out to the desert again.” Clint said, plopping down next to Meghan and almost knocking her plate off the table. He took a piece of toast and shoved it into his mouth.
“Hopefully ya got enough sleep…” Newt mumbled before taking a sip of his orange juice, raising his eyebrows at them. Meghan started choking on her eggs and Gally went to stomp his foot again but missed, getting Clint instead.
“Ohw duhd whuht th hehl!” he yelled, food flying out of his mouth. Everyone started laughing at the chaos happening but luckily seemed to miss the big picture. Gally gave Meg a little smile from the side and jumped back into the back and forth with everyone else. She smiled big at him, happy. She couldn’t help but feel nervous though, she was so afraid of getting themselves in trouble. The last time someone got in big trouble… well… they hadn’t seen Alby since. And she really didn’t want to find out why.
She remembered it very clearly. Alby had been acting funny for days then finally, the last time they ever saw him, burst into the cafeteria screaming something about brainwashing and lies before 7 armed guards rushed in and tranquillized him. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes before anyone could see and snapped back into reality.
And just like that they went back to their quiet life as they knew it. Newt kept their secret and they still got to meet in that dusty old storage room. They each had decided that they wanted to tell the other about what they had been feeling but every time one of them wanted to the words wouldn’t form. So, they had both been trying in subtle ways. Hugging goodnight, playful shoves when they walked, grazing hands any chance they got, literally anything to get a smile out of each other.
Of course, the next day Gally would tell Newt about the night before and complain about how he felt so stupid for not telling her how he felt. Newt would give him the best advice he could, but he also didn’t really know how to handle it; there weren’t actually any instances of romantic relationships in here that they knew of. Mainly he just sat and listened. Gally and Newt grew closer as their talks became more frequent but not necessarily just about Meg. Newt just… understood him. What it felt like to be in this place, the frustrations of not knowing what direction their lives were going. He understood why Gally risked getting in trouble to sneak out, why he clung to what he had with Meg. He even understood why Gally would pick and choose what he told him about her. I get it mate, you keep her secrets like she keeps yours. Protect her and shit. You’re a good lad, Gal.
Then came the day they all got to work together. Meg was out in the desert working on updating some program and Gally and Newt were out building those giant walls again. When the lab techs landed WCKD had the guys pair up with them to test whatever devices they had, and of course Meg made a beeline to Gally.
“Alright, everyone! Don’t touch them wires they’ve got on you, we need em to get accurate results! And keep track of the weather, them dark clouds are rollin in fast and those wires can’t get wet! You four, go back to the walls. Then you two, we need these two buildings put together. But you each do one, don’t team up. Only use what’s been put out for ya, too.” One of the white coats instructed before heading back into the burg and taking off.
“Alright, doc, what the hell is this stuff?” he teased, turning and motioning to the little suction cups and wires she had stuck to his chest and neck. She barely glanced up from her tablet to meet his eyes.
“For your vitals.” She had been acting funny. She hadn’t said a single word at breakfast, and these were the first words she had said to him out here. He walked over and pretended to look at what she was doing.
“Meg…” he started, but she reached down and squeezed his hand, not even looking at him.
“We need to talk.” She was barely audible. And just as quick as she grabbed him, she let him go. She took a few steps back and looked him up and down, making him blush. “Alright, Gally, I need you to start lifting stuff.” He shot a look to Newt, who wasn’t too far away getting ready to work on the other structure.
Newt stifled a laugh and yelled, “Aye! You heard the woman, get to work, ya wank!”
It honestly wasn’t a bad day. There wasn’t much out for him to use for this one, some wood, hammers, nails and rope. It was definitely less than he would do on a regular day, so he wasn’t going to complain too much. Not to mention he got to show off in front of her. There were a few times he could’ve sworn he had caught her looking, but when he would double check her nose was always buried back in those tablets. A few times she came over and adjust the wires on him that he wasn’t sure was really necessary for whatever was on those tablets… but again, he wasn’t going to complain.
Eventually the shed.. hut… whatever it was he built, it was done. She went around and shook it a few times but it stayed standing, so she gave him a thumbs up. She ran back over to him and had him hold one of the tablets while she worked on them both.
“So.. what exactly are you doing to me?” he asked. She was quiet for a bit before responding, furring her brows and something on the screen.
“Okay, so these wires I have on you? They’re recording your vitals: heart rate, brain patterns, anything in your system that changes and whether or not it could be from something physical or not. That goes to this tablet,” she motioned to the one in his hands, then motioned to the one she had. “and this one is hooked up to… something… somewhere. It’s a remote system that doesn’t have to be hooked up to you but still is able to monitor all your vitals but without having to have anything actually on you. But they aren’t adding up right now..” she trailed off.
He moved behind her, looking down at both the tablets. She froze for a second then leaned into him, continuing to mess with the tablets. But… he could see the screens. The numbers were identical. He blushed, realizing what she was doing. He reached around her as if he was pointing at something on the one in her hands, resting his arm around her shoulder.
“Ahh, there. I see it, that’s what isn’t matching.” He said, his heart racing as she leaned into him more. He let out a laugh when he realized the system had picked up on his pulse quickening. She looked up at him and gave him a silly face but when she looked down she let out a giggle when she saw it. She stepped away and looked back at him.
“Looks like all that lifting had loosened a wire, here, I need to get these back in sync.” She pushed a button on each screen, then reached up toward where the wires were suctioned to his neck. He tensed up for a second but then relaxed into her touch. “Just need to triple check on your pulse.” She said softly. At first she really did seem to check for a pulse, but after a few moments she cupped his face, giving him a small smile. He felt his heart jump into his throat.
And then the rain started. He felt it first, two tiny drops hitting his forehead. Then it seemed to come down in sheets. He started tearing the wires off as they ran to the hut, picking up a dry cloth once he got in there and starting to dry them off. Meg stood in the far end of it, throwing her hair into a loose bun.
“Well, at least this part was done!” she laughed, laying he tablets on the floor. She crossed the room and stared out of the doorway for a few awkward seconds before turning back to him. “Gally, can we talk?”
“Yes.” He said a little too quickly. He tossed the wires to the ground and started toward her, ready to finally get the words out. He stopped right in front of her, she wouldn’t meet his eyes.
“So, I need to know…” she started, still not meeting his eyes. “Do you want the good or bad first?”
“What.” He said flatly, the question taking him off guard. “Um.. go ahead with the good. Bad is bad either way.” She looked up at him with glossy eyes, giving him a small smile and coming toward him.
“Now.. don’t be mad at me. I should’ve asked first…” she started crossing her arms. “But I stumbled into the database and didn’t know if I would be able to get back into it and-” he grabbed her on either side of her face.
“Spit it out, Meg!” He teased, dropping his hands down to her shoulders.
“Happy late birthday, Gal.” she whispered, reaching up and grabbing one of his hands. “You’re 17 now!” He gave her a blank look. He hadn’t thought of birthdays in a long time… or about how old he was. Yeah, of course, he knew he was older. But he hadn’t really thought about it in years.
“I’m 17?” he mumbled, wrapping his head around it. “Wait, how long ago?”
“About a couple weeks, they track our ages for their data. I was in there and came across mine and when I thought of yours… I just wanted to know.” In one swift movement he picked her up and spun her around, earning a laughing fit from her. He sat her down after a few spins and pulled her into a big hug.
“Thank you, Meg! When do I get to tell you happy birthday, then?” he asked, pulling back and looking at her. She laughed at that, reaching up and running her fingers through his hair, giving him goosebumps.
“About 10 months, young one. I turned 17 a couple months ago.” She teased.
“Young one!” he said, raising his eyebrows at her. “I may be young but at least I’m not short!” he winked at her. She pulled her arm back and gave her a playful smack on the chest.
“Hey! I am above average height for a girl my age!”  she exclaimed, standing on the tips of her toes. Even doing that still made the top of her head come to his chin. He couldn’t help it anymore, he reached out and pulled her close, cupping her face in his hands. She seemed taken aback but didn’t pull away, instead reaching up and mirroring him. And then it happened.
Their first kiss. They both froze for a second, neither of them sure what they were doing. But then she leaned into him, pulling him as close as she could. That was all the confirmation he needed. He wrapped his arms around her and they stood locked there for who knows how long, only coming apart for air. He pushed her toward one of the walls and started to run his hands over her body while she knotted her fingers in his hair. All of a sudden she pushed him back, her face a flushed pink and hair a mess.
“Gally! We.. what.. are you?” she couldn’t get a full sentence out. She glanced toward the wide-open doorway and back to him. “That was…”
“Great.” He started, walking toward her. “Fantastic. Long overdue. Well… at least on my part it was.” He stopped in front of her, putting his hands in his pockets to stop himself from pulling her back to him. “I’m sorry… I’ve wanted to do that for a long time now an-” she cut him off, her lips crashing back into his for one long, hard kiss. She pulled back, cupping his face in her hands.
“Don’t you apologize for that again. Ever.” She dropped her hands and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. “We just… we need to be really careful from here on out, Gally.”
“Careful? He asked, wrapping his arms back around her and resting his chin atop her head.
“I.. I need to tell you the bad news now.” She locked her arms around him, not letting him go. “Is that okay?” he started running his hands up and down her back.
“Of course… are you okay?” he mumbled as he felt her start to shake.
“No.” she couldn’t keep her voice even. “Gally, I found Alby. And Nick.”
He tried to pull back from her, shocked, but she had that iron grip on him. Found them? What did she mean by ‘found them’? He relaxed back into her, waiting for what she was going to say next.
“They.. they’re in the other maze.” She whispered, finally pulling back to look up at him. “ We created the maze to put them there. And they…” she trailed off, letting her tears fall.
“What?” he asked, unable to hide the scared look on his face. “They what, Meg?” She took a deep breath and steadied her voice.
“They don’t know who they are. They know their names. But only that. Nothing of who they were before they were put in that… that prison.” She spat, breaking away from him and walking back to peer out the door.
“What do you mean… by any of this?” he slowly walked and stood next to her. He looked down at her and saw the tears running down her face.
“I… I’ve gotten in trouble. My work wasn’t what it used to be. They were holding this… project over my head. And I wanted to do it so bad, Gally.” She looked up at him. It broke his heart to see her so sad. “And I finally got to go in… but I wish I hadn’t…” she started to explain as much as she possibly could to him, scaring him bad. If what she told him was true, that means that THEY are the experiments… not animals, not other people. THEM. He didn’t want to believe it but why would she make this up? He started to tear up, too. “And… Gally..”
“Yes?” he croaked, stepping close to her.
“I think they’re killing us. I don’t know how, I don’t know if we’re just a casualty of the experiment, but… they’re just… waiting.” She whispered.
“On wha-”
“On someone to die.” She interrupted. The way she said it was so matter-of-fact. He pulled her back into him, making sure she was still looking at him.
“They won’t hurt you, Meg.” She started to interrupt him but he kept going. “Understand? I don’t know what the hell is happening or what I’m going to do but I’m going to make sure you aren’t a part of this. Not you.” He started crying too, planting one more kiss on her forehead. When they pulled apart she started rubbing her face, ridding the evidence of any crying. He did the same, walking out into the last bit of the rain and waiting on her to grab her stuff. She came out, tablets in hand.
“Ready?” she sighed. He shook his head, walking back into the hut. He came back out with the wires and handed them over to her.
“Don’t wanna lose these.” He joked. She gave him a smile and ran to catch up with Newt, who had already started toward the burg, which had apparently landed at some point during the storm. As soon as she couldn’t see him, he let his expression turn dark. It would be over his cold, dead body before he let anyone, even WCKD, harm one hair on her head.
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