#i was like hmm even if its not joy and slay and fun at least it's deep
doobydoobydoowau · 8 months
bro i signed up for queer joy not queer anguish ✋😭😭
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transboygenius · 5 years
SE4SON: Chapter 23 (Finale)
[*After the explosion*]
The barricade was gone, the hellish atmosphere was gone, and most importantly, the king was gone. Everything looked so clear, so beautiful. With those walls no longer imprisoning them, the citizens felt as free as escaped caged animals. King Jason was no more. The only thing left of him was a pile of glitter, and his giant crown. The whole village was a mess, not to mention half destroyed, but at least they are now free from that tyrant. All thanks to two young heroes. With all that junk scattered around, it attracted some thieves. Some green hooded thieves.
"Hey guys! Look! Free loot!" "WOO HOOOO!"
While the green hoods collected as much as they could carry, the peasants went to explore the giant crown further, with the Faithful Five (plus Sally) up front. Diana lifted the crown, then threw it into the distance. Jimmy and Nick had been under the crown, hugging each other with their eyes shut tight. Jimmy? Nick? The two boys reopened their eyes after they heard their names. The boys looked at one another, seeing how closely they're holding each other in their arms. Nick even lifted his visor to get a clear look. The two boys eventually broke the hug slowly, while blushing and grinning. As for the amulet, it shrunk back to its normal size again. Rodent Girl snatched the jewel, then wore it around her neck.
"Give me an entire empire made of cheddar! Oh, with a swiss fondue maker! No! Ehhhhhh, let's see... A fondue fountain! Yeah!"
Everyone stood in silence for 30 minutes, as nothing happened.
"WHERE'S MY CHEDDAR EMPIRE?!" Whined Rodent Girl. "Well, I say about all of the amulet's powers have been drained. Probably best for all of us!" Replied Jimmy. "Except me."
Furious, Rodent Girl threw the amulet on the ground. Because Jimmy and Nick touched upon the Amulet Of Bind to save everyone, the jewel then shut off from its magic for good, to make sure evil never lays their paws on it again. However, that doesn't mean there isn't any good use for it. Jimmy decided to keep the amulet. Although its useless without its powers, it still looks pretty nice. Speaking of bind, the boy genius recalled Nick wanted to tell him something earlier.
"You were saying..." Quote Jimmy. "Hmm?" Questioned Nick. "I didn't quite catch that back there. You mentioned you had something to tell me." "Oh. That. *Ahem* What I meant to say... *Sigh* ...I'm ready to call in quits." "'Excuse me?" "I mean, being popular and all that. Obnoxious girls breathing my air. Breaking my leg so many times at the dumbest risks. You're right! It's not worth it! And I don't even care what the other kids will think of me anymore! So, if that position for a new friend is still open, I'd be happy to fill in."
Nick offered Jimmy his hand, and the two shook on it. The boy genius was moved. He knew Nick would say yes eventually. In truth, Nick was gonna tell him how he really felt, but that was because he thought saving the town meant sacrificing their lives. Now, here they are in one piece. Besides, Nick doesn't find it appropriate to confess right now. Jimmy just got over a breakup, and they've only been close for about a week. Perhaps they shouldn't rush things. Someday, maybe Nick will come out with the truth.
"Soooooo, no more king. Now what?" Asked Diana. "I think you'd be perfect for royalty, Diana! We haven't had a queen around here in so long!" Suggested Mitzi. "Woah woah woah! Don't be too hasty! You can't just decide a king or a queen! Shouldn't we take a vote?" "I'd vote for you!" "Yeah, I'd vote for the big lady, too!" Screamed a random peasant. "Me three!" Then another. "BIG LADY FOR QUEEN!" And another.
The voting spreaded like wild fire. The entire village pumped their fists into the air, repeatedly chanting "Big Lady!" Everyone was doing it. Sally, the rest of the Faithful Five, Albert holding up his prosthetic arm, even Jimmy and Nick. The only ones that didn't vote were the uppity, higher class citizens. At long last, Diana had accepted their votes as a landslide.
"Alright! I'll be queen, then!"
The peasants were so joyed, they tossed their hats up. They even gave her a new robe, mace, and crown. Diana was quite flattered, yet somewhat embarrassed, by this gesture.
"And what's a queen without her very own chancellor?"
Diana pointed at her friend, Mitzi. The woman was blessed, and speechless. The two hugged things out, while the peasants cheered.
"HOLD IT! HOLD IT! What about me?" Asked Richard. "What about you, fink?" Replied Diana. "Yeah, FINK!" Spat Mitzi. "Well, I know that me, you, and all your friends have got off on the wrong side of the shoe, but... ...you need me more than you think! You need experience to rule a kingdom! How will you know how to handle the money carefully? Taking charge requires steps from A to Z! And besides, I really need a new job. My wife's going to be very disappointed in me. Mother, too. Please, your new greatness!" "Sorry, sir! You're looking at the new, bonafide chancellor, right here!" Bragged Mitzi. "Wait a moment. *Starts thinking* Hmmmmmmm.... As much as it pains me to help an old friend of Jason, I could use the experience. I'll tell you what: You could work part-time as my personal tutor! You teach me the supremacy of royalty, and you'll get a payment of your usual salary! (As soon as I find where Jason keeps all his money)" Said Diana. "Oh, bless you! Bless you!" Bowed Richard. "And if you want a Christmas bonus and paid vacation time, you could work fulltime cleaning up Butterscotch's new stables!" "Bless you- What?"
After that, Diana announced the new rules. Prices will be dropped. Everyone is now free to do whatever they please, unless it's gonna be problematic. The citizens will get equal amounts of earnings. Classes will no longer be divided. The higher class can go beat it! ...after they clean up the mess. And no more hangings. Just then, the people heard thunder roaring. The clouds turned gray, and it started to rain. The silver paint washed off of Nick's armor. All I had to do was add water?! At last, Sally then witnessed what Jimmy and Nick have been trying to tell her. The real Silver Knight's armor coat was never painted on. It was crafted from genuine, shiny silver metal.
"Y-you mean to tell me... ...th-that's not genuine silver?" Stuttered Sally. "Sure looks like it." Said Nick. "Uhhhhhhhhhhh, how embarrassing!! I thought I was chasing after two legends from the past, but instead all I've done is pester some commoner kids!" "I'm sorry, Sally. We did try to tell you." Replied Jimmy. "Yeah. Guess this is all on me. Sorry for all the trouble." "Hey, lighten up, kiddo! We still had loads a fun! We had dinner with a tyrant, escaped from prison, and even slayed a monster! Plus, you made a new family out of this!" Quote Nick.
Sally did a little thinking on it. From all the exciting tales her father used to tell her, she was eager to meet this heroic pair. The Wise Wizard and Silver Knight would save them from their misery. Then ever since her parents got hanged by the king, Sally was hoping to fulfill her father's dream of finding the old legends, and then making them her parents. Not because of what awesome dads they'd make, which is mighty true, but it's what her father wanted when he was her age. Sally looked at the painted picture for a moment. Although, she never found the legendary Wise Wizard and Silver Knight, she yet made an amazing new family, and the two boys did save the town regardless of them being some mere commoner children.
"I suppose you're right. I mean, you two aren't exactly legends, but you're still great guys. Thank you so much for saving AppleSmoked Wood." Sally thanked. "Who's that?" Asked Nick. "The town we live in." "Ohhhhhhhhhhh. So that is the town's name! AppleSmoked Wood! To think: We've been living here for over a week, and haven't figured out the name of the village we're living in." "How sad it is." Said Jimmy. "Why?" "We just got to know the town's name, but under weather circumstances, looks like we'll be leaving sometime soon."
The whole squad walked back to the ranch. Actually, Butterscotch gave Jimmy and Nick a ride on his back, since they are the heroes. Now that Diana is the new queen, they might as well say goodbye to their old hut, and give the animals a new home at the castle. There were quite a lot of struggles that took place at this ranch, but at least they had some happy memories. Speaking of animals, the hens' eggs have now hatched, with a total litter of 500 chicks. Diana and Mitzi helped the two boys out of their costumes. After that, they delivered a goodbye to each member of the Faithful Five, including Sally.
"Diana; As the new queen of AppleSmoked Wood, promise me you'll do a good job. I know you can. And word of advice: Don't let power get to your head. Trust me, I've been there. Mitzi; You're a good person, but remember to learn somebody's background before you judge. Benson; No more eavesdropping, please." Said Jimmy. "Rodent Girl; Now that you're living royalty, you probably have a better chance of making new friends now! Human friends, that is. But bear one thing in mind: Don't make them like you for your fame! Make them like you for who you are! Sally; You must be the luckiest kid in the world. You have a new family, a big new home, and you're friends with the town's newest heroes! Butterscotch; God I wish I could take a picture right now. A real-life unicorn." Said Nick.
Everyone started to cry. Rodent Girl began wailing, and blew her nose into Benson's apron. Despite their time machine being on the roof, Diana managed to get the boys up there. She just threw them up on the roof. After that, Jimmy and Nick hurried inside. Jimmy released the kite for flight, and the last thing they need is a bolt of lightning. Living their remaining minutes, the two boys continued to wave and say goodbye, while they wait for electricity to strike.
The goodbying went on for about 12 minutes. Jimmy and Nick's arms were getting tired from waving, and so were the squad's. Butterscotch was starting to fall asleep. Their luck went out the window as the rain then stopped.
"Well, we'll be staying here for awhil-"
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning hit the kite, followed down the wire, then powered the machine. In just a flash, the boys were now gone. Diana saluted a farewell to them.
[*Back in the modern era*]
The whole gang has now tired themselves out, and decided to take breaks. Putting together this time machine is not as easy as riding a bike. Sheen and Libby were tired as well, even though they did absolutely nothing. Judy, while exhausted, continued to force herself to work. Carl was the only one who hasn't fallen under exhaustion. The allergy boy came to Judy's aid, and gave her a shoulder massage.
"Mrs. Neutron, I think you ought to take a break." Said Carl. "No... My baby... My baby... Jamie... Jimmy..." Replied Judy. "Who's Jamie?"
Carl then dragged her away from the machine, and offered her a pillow to rest on. Hugh was quite envied. Where's MY pillow? The allergy boy looked at the time machine. The gang deserves a power rest, but he wants Jimmy to come home now. Trying to be a good friend, he decided to bring Jimmy here himself. But how's he gonna do that? He put on his cape, hat, and took out his magic want.
"Carl, we're already tired enough! Don't bore us to sleep!" Said Sheen.
Carl didn't listen. He's no expert, but it's worth a shot. This may be a good chance to impress Judy, too. He wielded his magic wand, and spoke his own made up words. Sheen just rolled his eyes. He walked up to his friend to talk him out of it, just to save him any humiliation.
"Kibbidy-do! Kibbidy-dome! Please bring my best friend Jimmy back home!" Chanted Carl. "I know kids have said this to you very often, but, you kinda look ridiculous. No offense, though!" Sheen tried to argue. "Kibbidy-do! Kibbidy-dome! Please bring my best friend Jimmy back home!" "Could we at least phone a real professional? Like Houdini? Or Blackstone? Or that wizardy guy from the animated short film starring the mouse?" "KIBBIDY-DO! KIBBIDY-DOME! PLEASE BRING MY BEST FRIEND JIMMY NEUTRON BACK HOME!"
Suddenly, a bright light and loud BANG took place. It drew in the whole squad's attention. Carl was in shock, and Sheen was too. The allergy boy gazed at his wand. He probably needed to throw in all the strength he had. As the brightness cleared, Jimmy and Nick stood in place, handcuffed like they were to begin with. The two boys grinned and greeted their old friends and family.
"JAMES!" Judy screamed. "NICHOLAS!" Also screamed Mrs. Dean.
Carl took the key out of his pocket, then unlocked the handcuffs. After that, both of the boys received hugs from their parents. Judy was squeezing the daylight out of her son, while Mrs. Dean was tearing up from being reunited with hers. Jimmy then requested his mom and dad to let go of him for a moment. Accepting his request, Jimmy threw himself at Carl, embracing into a hug. Carl was confused, because he thought Jimmy was uncomfortable hugging the same gender. When he finished hugging Carl, he did the same to Sheen.
"Gentlemen, I am so sorry I took you for granted. I have not been a very nice friend to you both! I've been so full of my own potential, I never took the time to acknowledge yours! The bestest friends in the world deserve a pal that actually cares for them. That is why, from now on, things are going to be different around here! Carl; No more harsh lecturing, and human experimental testing! If I happen to accidentally trigger anything that sets off your anxiety, keep me apprised!" Said Jimmy. "Gee. Thanks, Jimmy! You’re the greatest!" Carl thanked. "And Sheen; Thank you for being a supportive friend! Thank you for at least trying your best to be a helpful friend! Thank you for being the friend that wants nothing more  than to put smiles upon our faces. I feel you deserve much more credit than what you've earned!" "Sooooooooooo... ...would you like to watch 395 episodes of the original 90s Ultralord show on Cageflix with me?" Asked Sheen. "... Sure! Anything for an old buddy of mine!" "HALLELUJAH!"
Sheen's prayers have been answered. Jimmy Neutron is a changed boy, and has learned to respect his friends. Out of excitement, Sheen returned Jimmy's hug. The moment was disturbed when they received an uninvited guest. It was Cindy, who finally swallowed her pride and came to apologize to Libby. She didn't notice Jimmy and Nick there.
"Cindy?" Libby was surprised. "Yeah. It's me alright. Listen, about what I said earlier... A lot has gone right through my head. I don't know what's wrong with me." Said Cindy. "Is this an apology?" "Yesssssss. I'm sorry, Libby. I'm sorry for my outburst back there. Pride really takes a toll on me. It seems that I am the one who is... ...wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng." "*Pats Cindy on the back* You're alright, girl." "What's going on?" Asked Jimmy. "This is between us friends, Neutron- Neutron?!" Quote Cindy.
Cindy couldn't believe her eyes. Jimmy was back. Instead of throwing her usual angry fit, she decided to just steer clear from him and run back home. Libby, however, grabbed Cindy, and pushed her towards the boy genius. If Cindy is mature as she says she is, she might as well prove it. Not just to her friends, but to herself as well. Time to face the music.
"Is there... ...something you'd like to say?" Jimmy asked timidly. "Mhm." Cindy hummed. "...?" "...!" "...?" "Maybe you were right. This breakup is best for us." "Wait, could you say that again? First sentence." "You were right." "And again?" "You wer-" "*Giggles* Just messin' with ya! Go on, if you may!" "*Groans* Perhaps we are unhealthy for each other. All I ever thought about was getting my happy ending, but this relationship of ours isn't gonna lead to anything in the future. Maybe, there are alternate ways to find my happy ending. Sometimes, the best way to be free is to move on." "I couldn't agree more. *Puts out hand* Friends?" "*Slowly reaches for his hand to shake* Friends. Whatever."
The two shook hands, reclaiming friendship. Cindy wasn't proud of what she did, but it felt hella satisfying.
"Well Nick, looks like you'll be on your way." Said Libby. "Nuh uh! I ain't going nowhere! Jimmy and I are now two peas in a pod!" Replied Nick.
Cindy, Carl, and Sheen were dumbfounded on what they just heard. One: Nick noting the boy genius as his best buddy. And two: Did Nick just call Jimmy by his first name? Unlike with Cindy, the kids have never heard Nick address Jimmy by his first name. Libby was not at all surprised. She figured out the message here. Sheen thought, if Nick finally decided to settle with Jimmy, then that means he's ready to settle with him and Carl.
"If you're now cool with Jimmy, then does that make you..." Said Sheen. "Huh? ‘Does that make me’ what?" Asked Nick. "...our new FRIEND! *Gazes at him with twinkling eyes*" "Uhhhhhhhh-" "WELCOME TO THE NERD SQUAD, NEW FRIEND!"
Sheen embraced Nick into a big hug. Quitting popularity has taken a load off of Nick's back. But now that he's friends with Jimmy, he's got a brand new load: Sheen. Ah, hell with it. For Jimmy, he might as well learn to tolerate Sheen's wacky actions. While Nick tried to squirm out of Sheen's grip, Jimmy removed the amulet out of his pocket, and gave it to his mother.
"Happy belated birthday, Mom." Said Jimmy. "Oh, Jimmy... This is beautiful. Where did you get this?" Asked Judy. "It-" "Oh, on second thought. Nevermind." "Now that the kids are back, what say we all celebrate?" Suggested Mrs. Dean. "That's a wonderful idea! How 'bout dinner at Paste Pot's Pizza Palace?" "Mehhh. There's this international All-You-Can-Eat buff-fet that serves everything, including a sushi bar! It's very expensive, but... *Applies makeup* ...I know how to get us free meals." "Ooooh! Oooooh! Why don't we dine at Pancia Grassa: Italian Eats? And as a bonus treat, Showtime Ducks On Ice has a grand performance tonight!" Quote Hugh. "Hugh, it's the boys we're treating. Not you."
Jimmy had something else in mind.
"That's all very nice of you. But frankly, I'd rather gorge down at The Candy Bar, and catch a movie with my new best friend, Nick! ...for the remaining of the day!" "That's right! His best friend."
Nick wrapped a single arm around his short buddy, as they walked off together. Cindy has never seen Jimmy that close to anyone. Also, when did Nick start calling Jimmy "Jimmy?" The skateboard boy looks spot-on happy in the boy genius's presence. These two have been together for an entire week, in whatever timeline. Could this be one of those "stranded on a deserted island" cases? Nah, that's ridiculous! They're men! Men don't fall in love with each other! Can they?
Meanwhile, Carl tossed all his magic gear aside. He's through with magic now. It's time to hang up the hat and cape, and go back to the llamas that need him dearly. Here's a magician the world isn't ready for yet. Everyone shrugged, and left the scene to attend to their own businesses. After that, a little white familiar rabbit popped out from the hat, giving off a wink.
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