#i was like - gritting my teeth in tears almost asking my artist to stop lol - and it’s already so small. idk how people go bigger there!
johndonneswife · 2 months
What is your tattoo of? 👀
it’s a snake and some flowers - tbh i don’t love it and want to go back to add more flowers / make the snake more realistic looking but sternum tattoos HURT...i’ll go eventually but i’m not in a rush 💀
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danddymaro · 3 years
Stubborn | Rohan Kishibe x Reader
Recap :
- Kira is Dead (LOL)
Josuke isn't massively fucked as he was in the last episode LMFAO. Basically, things went a LOT smoother here, with only one little exception.
Rohan admitting his feelings while almost losing his (F/n)
Character injury 
Major change in story
Happy end , no worries
Warning : Not so much romanticism but it was an idea I've had. And we just need to get these drafts outta here.
Thoughts are in italics and quotations // ‘ Example,’
Flashback are all in just Italics
Word count: 3451
Rohan glowered at the younger, limping male as he trudged his way closer to him and the woman that was gingerly held within his secure hold.
"You..." the emerald-eyed male sneered before tenderly easing the (h/c) haired female down, mindful not to bring her any more unneeded distress.
He was then quick to shoot back up, moving in long strides, advancing towards Josuke with no trace of the tenderness he'd held moments ago, but rather, maliciousness that itched over his features as he came face to face with the younger.
“ Stay back !”  Rohan nearly roared, moving to stop the dark-haired teen from further advancing towards the hurt, (h/c) haired young woman as she lay injured on the concrete ground.
Jojo was then pushed back by a jut to the shoulder that was executed by a bloodied hand that stayed and had every intention in the world from letting him advance forward.
"Don't you dare come any closer Higashikata," Rohan huffed out with the same venom.
With glaring eyes, Josuke shoved the shaking man aside, quickly doing away with the sudden grip with his own vicious jerking motion, not willing to waste any more time with useless quarrels when it could be spent helping (f/n).
“ - You can't be freaking serious!” Jojo cried out in return while not holding back on the aggressive shove,  "What are you doing?" He then proceeded to ask, his tone wavering in the slightest, struck by the elder man's opposition. 
'- Don't you care about her?' He wondered with bared teeth, ' Doesn't it hurt you to see her like this?' He added, eyeing her beaten sight, all with threatening tears ready to path way onto his young, yet worn face.
“- I need to heal her”!  He then declared as he reached out past the artist, all in spite of  his determination to stand in opposition
‘Closer...I'm almost there... I'm almost there (f/n),’ Josuke thought to himself, knowing he was just centimeters away from his stand’s working range.
“ What you need to do is get the hell away from her!” Rohan retorted, still fighting back, and yet, throughout the entire time, he hadn't taken the liberty to look down at (f/n), instead, training his spite-filled green orbs eyes on the frantic teenager.
 “I didn't ask for your help!” Kishibe added, his spite heightened as he reminded himself just why she'd been targeted.
‘If it weren’t for you…’ The mangaka thought to himself, glaring venomously at the other male. ‘If it weren’t for you.... this wouldn’t have happened…’ He thought with assurance. 
'If she hadn't gone out of her way...all for you...' He then added with the same spite, his entire body trembling with fury.
"I'll get her out of here myself, And I don't need you to get in the way!" Kishibe added, soon hearing sirens in the distance as the paramedics approached.
"I don't need your help," He proceeded to speak lowly.
"- But she does," Josuke said back, sternness in his voice, "and I'm going to save her," he said with certainty, not wanting to have another loss on his hands.
"I didn't ask for your help," Rohan insisted, and the arrogant declaration stiffened the teen with silence. “Because if it weren't for you..." Rohan then repeated out loud, his sentence going unfinished before he continued with another line instead. 
  "....You should have just stayed away from her, ” he maundered, going ignored by Josuke as he wordlessly brought out his stand, the large humanoid being standing tall and just as determined as its wielder, who by then had a grasp on what the real issue was.
It only took the few uttered words prior to understand the true reason behind the elder male's actions, and it made him seethe with rage,  
“ You're pathetic,” Josuke said below his breath, unable to look away from (f/n) as he spoke, doing just what the other man couldn't. 
'Is that was this is about?' He wondered, 'That asshole...he can't just man up, can he?
- Not even for you,' He thought bitterly while gazing down at (f/n).
  “I don't give a damn about what you want. And I could care less about that simple-minded pride of yours,”  he went on, his voice rising as he finally took a chance to look back at the other male as he let crazy Diamond's power befall upon the female.
Cobalt met emerald, and in between the fierce gaze were unsaid words shot in between the two, whereas an understanding was made. 
'- Try to stop me.' Josuke taunted Rohan with a tight toothed grit, his body standing rigid straight as his hands which were at his sides trembled with his withheld fury.
The younger's haggard breathing steadied for just a moment as he stood as strong as his convictions were, and the very sight made the other man that glared at him scorn.
“I despise you,” Kishibe hissed before a sharp gasp came from below, the little noise stealing his attention, his eyes finally trailing down to the female to watch as the shattered bits of her bones took form. 
The endless flow of her cuts then closed, stopping the messy spill.
His expression then unscrunched from its frustrated sneer to melting relief as he saw her breathing begin to steady and afterward, a low, drawn-out breath left him as he saw her (e/c) colored eyes slowly flutter open, the lovely drops gradually adjusting to the light of the cloudy sky.
A small grunt emitted from (f/n) before her (e/c) colored eyes fell upon the teen kneeling before her. Her two hazy orbs then locked onto the concerned blues staring down at her,
 'JoJo...it's you...' She thought with a wave of comfort that soon livened her.
And after the relief settled, she then surged with elation, " JoJo! " (f/n) said amidst bubbling joy, her arms immediately circling his neck, tightly holding him with a urgent need to feel him close. 
" Jojo...you're ok," she said sweetly, soon crying into his neck. 
Her face then pressed directly onto blood and grime, ignoring the filthy stench that clung to him as fiercely as she presently did.
 'You're alive...' She thought with joy, knowing that, that was all that mattered.
"...But you’re all beat up," she sniffled afterward, grateful that even if he was injured, he was well enough to stand, enough to tend to her.
A weary chuckle then left her as she realized how fortunate they were to barely scrape by.
“Yeah,” he breathed while releasing the same breathy chortle she did, and instantaneously, his tensed body melted under her loving embrace, realizing that they had somehow gone against the odds, and he was thankful that it was all over. 
" Glad your back...and just as cuddly as ever too," he then smiled, the palms of his hands laying on her back, bringing her close while he returned her affection, grateful that he had another moment with her to add to his memories. 
'He would have taken you too...' Josuke thought while closing his eyes, ‘ He was so close to taking you...' He added while sniffling, grateful that Kira had left without claiming another innocent life.   
Peeking out from over the healer's shoulder, (f/n) then caught sight of the mangaka, observing as his face twisted into frustration, and she wasn't certain if it was fueled by pain or anger.
She noticed he was bloodied too, but couldn't see from where the gore spilled from, and she wondered when he'd arrived.
She asked herself whether or not he'd made it during their fight and had been caught in between as well because he'd seemed to have gone through an entire battle himself.
'Rohan...why do you look so...troubled? So …Beaten?' She wondered with concern, not knowing that the scarlet color that had clung to him so passionately had come from her, unaware that the reason he'd become so tainted by the tint was because of how strongly he'd held her.
He kept her in his arms, his vibrant, green eyes dimmed with horror as he felt how much of her life oozed from her stilled, cooling body.
"(f/n)?" He said softly while gingerly cradling her in a nurturing demeanor that wasn't too difficult to comprehend because by then, any fool could see how much he cared about her. 
By then, every bit of the hesitance he showed before was disregarded as he left himself bare, unable to face the situation with anything but the truth.
Swallowing thickly, he let out a soft, weary chuckle as he looked down at her, his thumb gently gliding over the running red that painted her lovely lips. 
"...You've made your point already, " He murmured softly as he witnessed the flow of his sorrow trail down the sides of her paling face.
' I can't live without you. ' He mused while he sourly smiled. 
"...You're my best friend." He openly admitted to her, the softness in his voice so tender, one would never believe it ever had the viciousness in it to convey his typical arrogance. 
' And I don't want to lose you,'  He thought while pressing his forehead to hers before huffing out three little words that had knotted in his throat before, but somehow, now found easy to utter in spite of the thickness that clotted his throat, 
"I love you..." he huffed, closing his eyes tightly. 
Gingerly, the hand that wasn't supporting her trailed over her bruised cheek before holding it, 
'Why....Why was it so hard to say before?' he wondered with frustration. 'Why is it that now, now that I finally have it in me to say it...you can't even respond back,' he added, lamenting being so cold with her in the past. 
 "Can't you hear me?" he asked her softly.
It was then that each and every instance he'd shown her anything but welcome tormented him because he recognized that every second of those memories could have been filled with her smiles instead.
If he hadn't been so bullheaded, then maybe he would have let his pride go for a moment and tell her what he felt.
If he hadn't let her go hours before, then she wouldn't have been in the killer's sight.
If he'd just pulled her back into his home and told her that he wanted her to stay a moment longer, then the outcome would have been different.
"Now, please...just wake up," He compromised with her, " Please...?" He whispered faintly, his voice falling into silence as she stayed still, unstirred by his plea.
And as he continued to speak and beg, the white material of his clothes soaked in the infectious red, letting it creep through the fibers until every thread was replaced with the color of her fleeting life.
And it wasn't long before the murmurs of bargain he released were then drowned out by a familiar voice, and it was at that moment that all of his suffrage evolved into bitter resentment.
' Why do you insist on risking yourself for him...?' Rohan thought with bitterness, witnessing how willingly she leaned into the other male, and much more, how happy she was to see him. 
'Don't you get it?' He continued to silently maunder, 'Don't you get that ...eventually...one day...he won't be able to heal you?' he added.
'In the end...he'll lose you too...'
"Rohan..." She breathed, slowly easing away from Josuke, offering him one last smile before her eyes found their entire focus drawn to the irritated male whose sight drew far from hers, finding the rubble of the street more his taste.
His lips were pressed together until his mouth formed a thin, firm line that wouldn't allow a single peep to escape. 
'Do you remember any of it?' he then wondered, not knowing which one of his organs had it worse, his twisting stomach of his overworked heart.
Slowly, his face filled with red, and he lost his ability to gaze at her any longer without turning completely vermillion.
Before she could question his sudden fluster, a faint memory of a sweet, sorrowful murmur came forth, and it made her eyes grow wide. 
With widely peeled (e/c) colored eyes she gazed at the dejected male before trudging her way to him, all while slowly functioning before happiness flooded her and filled her with giddiness.
'It was you...' She thought with a bursting heart, her hands both flying to her torso to press over her heaving chest.
"Rohan!" she said while suddenly leaping towards him, surprising him with the sudden pounce. 
"Rohan! I..." swallowing down thickly she chuckled, hoping it wasn't a delusion of hers.
'I heard... I think I heard you,' She thought with a heavy heart. ' I think that … we feel the same...' She mused while she felt his arms tightly wrapped around her. 
She took the risk and pressed her lips to his, quickly discovering that she was accepted by the simple ease he displayed while melted along with her. 
As Josuke watched, he took notice of the embrace they shared, observing the longing glow in Rohan’s eyes before they shut tight, taking in the way his hands held her, almost as though there was nothing more precious to him as she was.
"Of all people..." Josuke started, slowly shaking his head at the young woman, unsure of what to tell her, deciding to go with what was most obvious, and could basically sum it all up, 
"Rohan...That guy...he's just insufferable," he mumbled lowly, and it made (f/n) giggle. 
Rather than be insulted, the young smiled instead, 
"He is, isn't he?" She admitted, unable to count all the times the man had made her fume, because, truth be told, he got under her skin more than anyone else could.
"He's insufferable, and kind of full of himself, and don't forget that he can be a real jerk too," She added while looking up at the bright sky. 
"He's all of those things," she admitted while continuing to beam, acknowledging Rohan's worst points and accepting them.
"- But he's also sweet," She informed the Joestar descendent.
 "When you ask him something, he might say no," She reminded him, " But for the most part, he'll give in, with almost no fight, just an annoyed, little sigh that makes it seem as though he could be doing better things when in reality it's all a front," She informed the listening male.
"It's all a front so you won't see how eager he is to please everyone," She explained. 
" And it doesn't come from insecurity," She quickly added with certainty.
"It's not that he wants to be loved by everyone, or needs their validation," She further explained, making certain he grasped the reasoning behind the other man's actions.
 "He's just...Well,  he just wants to have all the answers, which in turn will help everyone he loves, and cares about, and that is including you." She spoke, and during the last bit, Josuke scoffed.
" He can't stand me!" he said with certainty, " But it's not like I care !" He quickly added. "'Cause it's not like I like the guy either, So it doesn't bother me one bit, " he added with a huff, crossing his arms while trying to seem indifferent. 
"You've gotten the best out of him." she started,  " - More than once," She then added with sagging shoulders.
 "To him, you're a rival. No matter what he says, you're on par with him. And the small admiration he has for you is flushed within that stupid arrogance of his." she sighed, wishing it wasn't so.
"He's just such a sore loser, and what's much worse, he hates having depts., because it means that he's somehow failed,"  she added, falling into the root of the problem.
"He might seem like he hates you, but if anything were to happen to you, he'd be concerned, " She revealed. "Because, Morioh is his home, and he knows that if anyone is capable of protecting it, it's you," she said while gazing at him with trust, setting the same trust on the youth.
 "He wants to be the one to do it...and in his own way he does, but he's well aware that when it comes down to it, you have the strength he lacks," (f/n) continued on. 
"He detests it...but at the same time... he's so grateful." She said with amusement, remembering that the only reason she'd come to the conclusion was because Rohan had let just a bit too much of the truth slip out during their talks. 
"He seems difficult to understand, but, that's just because you think about it too much. He's not so complex. He's just a bit eccentric and weird, " She said with assurance. 
"And weaved within all that strange nature is a good person." She added with a grand smile.
"You could write a whole book on him, huh?" Josuke teased, and she took it in with a bright glow, hanging her head afterward, 
"It'd just be a long love letter," She said while grinning stupidly, it being something Josuke threw his head back at. 
He laughed, openly teasing her, but silently admiring her at the same time.
'That's what I want,' he then mused. 
'Someone like that. 
Someone that dedicated. 
Someone that's willing to understand me,' He thought while praising the young woman, hoping he'll be lucky enough to have someone as comprehensive and sweet as her one day. 
In a sense, it reminded him of his mother and the sweet way she always expressed herself about Joseph Joestar. Granted, the situation hadn't been ideal, but he always smiled when his mom showed her tender side as she recalled the love she still held onto.
Josuke was well aware of how much she'd suffered, but when he'd asked her if she could change it all, she never changed her answer. 
She always chose to relive it all, and Josuke accepted it, compromising with himself that even if it ended up in suffrage, he'd be willing to cherish every moment he had with the one person that could give him that same love and understanding.
' That idiot...' Josuke thought to himself, unable to understand how Rohan couldn't see the way her eyes glowed when she looked at him. 
'That giant idiot,' He added, feeling insulted on the young woman's behalf whenever the other man showed jealousy towards their friendship, one that he never had any intention to morph into anything else, because it wasn't necessary.
And (f/n) would never dream of it either.
' Isn't it obvious?' He wondered, '(f/n) doesn't see anyone but you, just like, sometimes, you can't see a damn thing besides her,' He added.
For just a split second the two men aligned their eyes together, yet again lively green and bright blue met, though, with a different message sent in between, and it was almost amiable.
The artist's hand held the young woman's, tightly grasping it as he pulled her along before they both stood before the teen. 
"Josuke...Higashikata," Rohan said lowly, uttering the name with the same disdain as always,
"You won't hear this from me ever again, " he started before quickly looking back at the darling woman for a quick charge up in inspiration.
"But..." He started, all while still eyeing (f/n), " Thank you." he breathed, trying to keep his face stern, though faltering as he remembered the pitiful state the female had been in moments ago. 
"Thank you for healing her,"  He said with true gratefulness before looking back at the other male. 
At a loss for words, Josuke stayed silent before nodding quickly, 
'Sure, ' he silently added because he was left blubbering and flustered, having no chance for recovery before Rohan retreated, leaving with the young woman close behind him.
She looked back at him with a halfhearted smile, partially apologizing for not staying any longer, and somewhat sheepish for simply walking away with the other man while Josuke was still injured himself. 
But, the Joestar descendent didn’t mind in the least bit.
Granted, Rohan Kishibe wasn't his favorite person in the world, but he made his friend happy, and after the shitty day they'd had, Jojo wasn't going to insist to have her stay with him instead for what was just a couple of stitches he needed.
He then walked over the sidewalk, moving towards a more comfortable spot on the grass to lay on as he heard the blaring sirens ring louder. 
With a smile, he looked up at the Morioh sky, and he smiled, grateful that the bizarre summer of 1999 was finally over with. 
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josiewinters1999 · 4 years
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When Ice Melts: A Loki Fic (Chapter 2)
Loki x Original Female Character 
Chapter 1
Contains: Mentions of death, angst, mentions in intense violence 
Chapter Summary: Loki sits in his cell, deep inside the Great Temple, while his captor, The Cheiftess, decides what she is going to do with him...
A/N: Thank you to @mirukobecomingbothered​ for reminding me this project existed. Also, please bear with me on the art, I’m kinda a new artist and I’m still in the process of discovering ‘my style’ and what kind of look I want for this series lol. Stuff if gonna change a lot before I figure out what works. As always, enjoy and tell me if you like it!
Night had fallen and Willie picks at her dinner as Voorsha watches her from across the table of the dining hall in the temple. 
Finishing his final bite, he wipes his mouth, swallows, and clears his throat before speaking, “Willie…”
Before he can say anymore, she finally looks up to make eye contact with her protege, “He didn't recognize me, Voorsha. He looked at me like I was a complete stranger.” Her eyes fall back to the bowl of stew beneath her, tears welling, “I’ve known him for over a thousand years and he looked at me like we’d never met.”
“Miss,” Voorsha sighs, sympathy for his master laced in his voice, “I know you love him, I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling. Seeing him after all this time must have been enough pain without this.”
She looks up again into his blue black eyes, ones that match hers, “What am I supposed to do? He’s rotting in a cell I put him in,” she idly stirs her food, “but I can’t let him go either. I know him and if he leaves this city, he’ll just go somewhere else and wreak havoc on an unsuspecting population of people.”
Coughing slightly, Voorsha folds his hands respectfully, “May I give my advice to you, Miss?”
Willie nods, meeting his eyes once more, “You know I always treasure your advice Voorsha, you don’t have to ask.” 
He nods in response, straightening himself, “If I were you,” the brown haired boy begins, “the chieftess of the last tribe of Galfreski, a woman with two kind hearts and knowledge beyond anything anyone in this city has ever seen,” this makes Willie smile at his words, “I would show this Asgardian what it means to be like you.”
The woman across Voorsha furrows her brow as he goes on, “Show him the responsibility of running a people, and show him what humility is,” He clears his throat once more, “On our many journeys across this wide universe, you have shown my young eyes many things. I have seen men like him; arrogant, prideful, power hungry. What he needs is to be broken. You need to break through his shell of narcissism and bring him back to the man you once spoke of.”
Listening carefully to his words, Willie nods, processing them. Usually, she would take Voorsha’s advice with a grain of salt. He didn’t always fully understand what he spoke of, though his intentions were always pure. He lives to serve his people and learn as much as he can to do so. It was what drew him to be Willie’s right hand in the first place.
“Yes,” Willie finally speaks after a moment of brief silence. “I believe you might be right, my boy.” She goes to stand, “I’m going to visit him, call a servant to clean this up, please.” With a nod of Voorsha’s head, a piece of his long hair falling into his face, Willie leaves to make her way to the dungeon.
Holding a small stack of folded fabric, Willie, in her usual night attire, makes her way back into the dark, cool, dungeon of the city’s Great Temple. The occasional heat of each passing torch on the wall gave her a sense of comfort and encouragement to speak to the only man in this prison of hers.
Descending the last stair, she walks through the arch and towards the only holding cell. It was a stone room with one metal door blocking the entrance. Metal was a scarce material on Galfreski and was only reserved for things of utmost importance, holding sacrifices, and now, prisoners, was one of those things. 
What was she supposed to say to him? She knows what she wants to say but given the rather strange circumstances, she must keep up her charade for much longer. How long, though, is a mystery.
Approaching the metal bars on the cell door, she nods to the guard watching over Loki. Returning her gesture, he retreats into the darkness, leaving the two alone at last.
Loki, from within his cell, hears the second set of feet outside. Knowing exactly whose footfalls it is, he scoffs lightly, “Come to gloat more?” Willie grits her teeth, Loki always knew how to push her buttons, he was so good at it, even now.
“No,” she says blankly, “I came to give you something.” Opening the small grate at the bottom of the door, she stuffs the stack of fabric through to his side, “Some fresh clothes.” There is nothing but silence for a moment so she continues, “Here, clothing is based on occupation. You can tell what someone does for a living instantly based on what they’re wearing. Prince isn’t a job here so I found some traditional clothing fit for a warrior.”
At this, Willie watches as Loki slowly gets up and makes his way cautiously to the clothes she just gave him. He picks up the red, sturdy, fabric, holding it up to the light of the flames outside his cell. “It’s just a simple tunic,” Willie assures, “that and the traditional wrappings for your arms and feet, and a belt. I hope they fit well.” 
Her eyes linger on him longingly, watching that familiar frame fondle the clothing, holding it up to himself, being gentle with his injured hand, “You’re a tad bit larger than the average Galfreskan, so it might be a bit short. If it is, let me know and I’ll have one made for you.”
At that last statement, Loki lowers his tunic and looks at the woman through the bars, “If you claim to know so much about me, you’ve threatened me with death, and you’re keeping me held prisoner in this dark hell,” he spits, “then explain to me why you’re being so…” he trails off, unable to find the words.
“So what?” Willie smirks, leaning against the wall next to the door, “So kind?” she crosses her arms, “I may be a tyrant at times but I do have the capacity for kindness Odinson. I care deeply for my people, and as long as you’re staying here, you’re one of them.”
He looks away, not being able to bear seeing her have the upper hand, “Nevermind,” he grumbles. This makes Willie hold back a chuckle, it really felt like old times, their petty arguments that ended in her winning always had him flustered and grumpy. 
She watches him intently, his hair still matted with sweat and his face flushed from the heat. Despite being in the basement of the temple, the air was still most likely unbearable for a frost giant.
Loki glances back up, confused at her staring. Choosing not to comment, he instead changes the subject, “I mentioned I knew someone from this planet.” It was now Willie’s turn to look away, not yet ready to have this conversation, mostly because she hadn’t thought of what she was going to say.
“Yes,” she finally musters, “you did mention that.” She forces herself to look back into his green eyes, “What did you say her name was again?” He steps closer to her, almost desperate to know where his friend was, “Her name is Willie.”
Hearing him speak her name was almost music to her ears. It didn’t help that the way he said it was with such longing and concern. She pushes herself off the wall, taking a step away as Loki watches her, “I know her.”
With his healthy hand, Loki grabs the bars, “Can I speak to her?” he asks with desperation, “Is she here?” The chieftess shakes her head, “No. She’s not.” Loki only furrows his brow, “Then where is she? Can you call her?”
“I can’t,” Willie’s voice gets lower with each short answer. “Why do you want to see her so badly?” He removes his hand indignantly, “No reason, she’s just… an old friend of mine and I’m sure she could convince you to let me out of here.”
With a smirk, Willie laughs, “I guarantee she could not.” Loki’s face of annoyance is enough fuel to go on, “Willie can’t do anything.”
This makes him angry, “She can do more than you think. If you knew half the things she’s done you’d speak about her with a bit more respect, you disgusting pig.” It makes her heart swell to hear those words, even if he did just insult her. “Now,” he begins again, this time with more hatred in his voice, “tell me where she is.”
Willie thinks for a moment, biting the inside of her cheek. “She’s dead,” she finally blurts out. She swallows the shock of her own words, not being able to believe what she just said. 
Her black blue eyes dart up to read Loki’s face. All emotion except shock was gone from it. His breathing stopped, as well as his heart. Even in the low light, she could see his eyes beginning to gloss over. He swallows, breath hitching as he speaks, “She’s… dead?” he shakes his head in disbelief, “No, she’s not” His anger wells again and he smacks the bars, “You’re lying!” he screams.
Sighing, Willie lets her arms fall to her sides, knowing now this is the lie she has to peddle, “I’m afraid not. Willie died quite some time ago.”
There is silence for a while, Loki stepping away from the bars, doing his best to contain his emotions. The one person he could always count on to be by his side was now gone. He sits on the stone bench to the side of the door, unable to stand on his own two legs anymore.
He wipes a hand through his hair, mind racing. “Dead…” he whispers to himself. Willie watches, regretting her choice of action already, but knowing it was probably for the best. “Did she suffer?” he asks, not looking up to the chieftess, soft concern in his voice.
Willie straightens herself, knowing what she has to do to drive him to where she wants him to go, “Yes she did.” This causes him to snap out of his soft sorrow and look up to her again. He says nothing so she continues, “She burned. Alive.”
The tears welling even more, Loki mutters softly, “What?” Willie sighs, shrugging as she begins to pace back and forth across the door to the cell, “Yes. I know you wouldn’t know this but a few years ago, there was a rather violent revolution that led to me being in the position of power I’m in.” Loki watches her intently as she continues, “On the night of the final battle, she fell into a pit of flames and perished.”
Loki chokes back a sob, instead clenching his fist and standing again, “You monster, you let her die.” Stepping up close to the bars, she stares him down, “I didn’t do anything, she did it to herself.” The next words spill out with the anger she held deep in her dual hearts for Loki’s foolishness years ago, “She was weak, and worthless, and deserved the fate she was dealt. Willie wouldn’t have lasted a day in my Galfreski.”
Reaching through to bars with his uninjured hand, he grabs onto her red robes, pulling her flush against the bars with all the force he could muster. The chieftess smacks her head on the metal as her face squishes. “Don’t ever speak of her like that in front of me. You don’t know anything about her. You claim to be kind but she was beyond kind. She would never speak of anyone the way you speak of her.” 
He pulls his face close to hers, his breath hot on her blushing cheek, “If I ever get out of this cell, you can bet all your power that I’ll make you pay for what happened to her.”
She smirks, “You act as though I was the one that pushed her. She died fighting for me, you arrogant prince.” He spits on her, the warm liquid running down her nose, “Then you should show some more respect.” Willie only chuckles, “I can do as I please.”
With one last tug on her, Loki forces her away, sending her stumbling back for a second. She wipes the saliva from her face, her tone darkening once more, “If anyone should be showing respect here my dear, it is you.”
The chieftess straightens her nightgown, smoothing the wrinkles Loki caused, and flattening her long tousled hair, free from its usual updo. “Sleep well, Loki. I’ll be back for you in the morning. We have much work to do.”
She turns to leave but Loki shouts after her, “Work? I could never work with someone like you.” A sad smile graces Willie’s lips, “We’ll see, darling.”
The night was a restless one for them both. In their separate chambers, they mourned each other. Each one’s heart yearning for the other, joined together in their pain alone. 
Loki lay on the cool stone, tears leaking from his eyes. “I’m sorry my love,” he mutters to himself in the dark, imagining the screams of his beloved as she went up in flames, “I should have been there to protect you, just as I always have.” 
He turns onto his back, looking up at the black ceiling, the red stone being completely drenched in darkness. He wonders if Heimdall can see him, if his father, or his mother, are worried about him. Surely they cared somewhat.
Thoughts of him, Thor, and Willie flood his mind. A sorrowful smile overcomes him as the pleasant memories come back. The three of them were the best of friends, always smiling and laughing together. Part of him wishes life could go back to those simpler times. Willie and he were always running and hiding to steal a kiss, checking three and four times to make sure they were alone. They kept their love a secret, fearful of what others would think of a prince and a Galfreskan warrior falling in love.
And oh, how he loved her. Willie was the first woman he had ever loved, and he vowed she would be the only one. She understood him in ways he didn’t understand himself, she always looked past the mischievous brat his father saw him as to see the man he truly was. 
Their love was one for the ages. She had crashed her space craft on Asgard over a thousand years ago, beaten and bruised. Odin, knowing of the supposed fate of her planet, destroyed by war and conquest, saw her as a brave soldier, and cared for her until she was healthy enough to leave. 
He instructed his two sons to look after her. In the beginning, Loki had no interest in her. She was ignorant, spoke only English with a harsh accent, and was far too timid to actually converse with. However, as time went on, she began shirking time with Thor to spend with the other prince. 
One day, she had followed him through the palace halls, her time on her home as a hunter teaching her how to be quiet and undetected, even in times like that. Her stalking led her to the palace library. Loki remembers seeing her jaw drop in awe. It was that day he learned she wasn’t as dumb as he thought she was.
From then on, the two spent many days in the library, reading all the books it had to offer. Many she needed read to her, as the language was one she didn’t know. At a certain point, Loki began to enjoy translating, seeing the way her red tan mouth curled up as she listened to the story.
They shared their first kiss in the palace gardens. The sun had been shining bright that day, a cool breeze blowing through the various flowers and trees lining the winding paths. 
Sat under a shaded gazebo made of gold, they enjoyed the quiet of the pleasant day. Slowly but surely, their hands inched closer. When they finally touched, they looked deep into each other’s eyes. Neither was sure what they should do next, but eventually, their lips collided gently. They pulled away just as quickly, both blushing like mad.
Loki chuckles softly to himself at these blissful memories of love long lost. Lying on the stone floor in a prison cell on the planet she was born on, he wishes nothing more than to be in her arms again, gliding across the dance floor of one of the many balls his father held at the palace. The way her warm hands held his as they danced, the way her dark eyes stared so affectionately into him, was enough to make his heart swell to almost bursting. 
However, knowing he’d never feel her touch or hear her soft voice ever again brought him immeasurable pain.
In her chambers on one of the upper floors, Willie lays on her straw filled futon, cuddled into her thin blanket, as she lays on her side. Staring to the corner of her room, she watches the glowing blue cube set upon a pedestal of stone that acted as an almost end table, despite there being no furniture in the room other than her bed.
What was she doing? How long could she really keep this up? It hadn’t even been a full day and she felt like buckling. How was she supposed to fake her feelings this long?
Throughout the past years since her return to her home planet, she had experienced many things. Things she wished upon no one. Things she wishes Voorsha hadn’t witnessed. 
She sighs, remembering that night, the last night of the old system. The city state she now rules over was controlled by a tyrannical woman, The High Priestess. She used fear and ignorance to subjugate her people to do her bidding. Had it not been for Voorsha, then being just a young boy with dreams of peace, Willie most likely never would have been on top of the temple that night.
The day Willie finally made her return to Galfreski, she had noticed a change. It had been so long since she’d walked the red paved streets of her home, she barely noticed it was a change for the worse. 
That day she met the boy, a boy with long dark and a fire in his eyes Willie felt nostalgic about. He introduced himself as Voorsha of the house of Veronski. The boy knew who she was, that she had been beyond Galfreski, an unheard of occuranceWord had traveled the city fast. 
From then on, the boy snuck her to secret locations throughout the city, in the dead of night, when leaving your home was not only dangerous, but forbidden. Willie ended up meeting others with the fire in their eyes, other revolutionaries, and with some convincing, she joined their cause.
For months, Voorsha and Willie, side by side, planned their siege upon the temple, to take it back and give it to the people. Willie had hoped coming home would have been an act of peace, but her determination to have happiness for her people outweighed her desire for a quiet life.
The night finally came. The sizable group stormed the temple, the pyramid structure being their beacon of hope for a new era. 
Willie remembers being the one who personally gutted the High Priestess. She dragged the old woman to the top of the temple, with the whole city watching, stuck a dagger into her throat and slit her from chin to belly button. 
Her hot insides spilled onto the roof, fitting as that was where she had sacrificed many of her own kind before. The smell of raw meat filled the noses of everyone within 50 feet. It was a pungent smell that only fueled Willie’s rage.
When she told Loki someone had burned alive that night, she hadn’t been lying. Someone did burn, but it hadn’t been her. With one hard push of blood soaked hands, Willie cast the High Priestess off the temple and into the raging pit of fire below. She took most of her entrails with her, but the remaining ones were lazily kicked down.
The sound of her weak screams caused the crowd that had formed below to cheer. They all looked to Willie, the blood up to her elbows and her knuckles cut and bruised, as a pillar of strength. Later that night, she was crowned their new leader.
It was never supposed to be that way. Willie never wanted this. The responsibility was so much for her to handle. She is an old woman now, despite her youthful appearance. She had no capacity for patience like this, but for her people, and for the look of pure adoration in young Voorsha’s eyes, she’d do anything.
So from that day until now, Willie ruled over her people with a kind yet firm fist. Much damage had been done to her people’s culture that she intended to slowly fix, and may whatever god was out there strike her down should she fail.
But even after all the violence and death Willie had lived through, she still found herself struggling to process Loki’s return, no matter what form it was in. Even now, he had complete control over both her hearts, he just didn’t know it yet.
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warlordess · 5 years
An Alternate Journey (Pokeshipping; part four)
Authors - @warlordess​ and @miyatoriaka​
Notes - So here it is, the major motion-fanfic of the century! For those who don’t know, famed Pokeshipping artist Miyatoriaka drew a twelve or thirteen page comic for Pokeshipping Week 2018 based on the “role reversal” theme. After seeing a few pages, and then obsessively rereading all the pages over and over, I felt inspired to write for the first time in months, to really sit down and dedicate hours to a specific project. When I mentioned casually that I was interested in writing a fanfic version of her comic, she was immediately supportive! Since then, we’ve discussed the project over a few conversations and figured a lot of little details and kinks out and I was able to draft a few chapters while working which I finally had time to start typing up…
You can find the prologue here.
You can find chapter one here.
You can find chapter two here.
Title - “An Alternate Journey”
Summary - Eleven year old novice trainer Misty starts her Pokemon adventure, best friends Gary and Ash by her side. But will she withstand every test her travels throw at her and become the greatest master trainer of all time? Fic co-crafted with famous fan-artist, Miyatoriaka!
Ages - Misty and Leaf are eleven years old, Ash and Gary are thirteen, and the adults are adult-aged so who cares about ‘em? Lol.
Chapter Three - Brock
“Misty, get back here!” Ash huffed in exasperation, gasping for air to ease his burning lungs as he and Gary continued to chase after their mutual friend. “Why would she follow Leaf like that? This is too dangerous! I mean,” he paused to catch his breath again, offering the other boy a furtive glance before refocusing on the semi-dark path before them, “you know who that guy was with, right?”
“Yeah, trust me, I noticed the logo same as you,” Gary replied, gritting his teeth, face darkening in thinly veiled fury. “Team Rocket… But Misty doesn’t know anything about them since she only just left home…” Then he raised his voice loud enough for the redhead to hear despite the distance between them. “I just wish she’d wait for us to catch up!” he finished, lengthening certain syllables to better get across his point.
“Can’t!” the aforementioned female shouted, barely bothering to turn her head as she and her loyal Eevee speedily skipped and leapt over multiple fallen brambles, thick tree roots, and otherwise uneven footing. “If Leaf thinks she can do something here then I can too! Ah! I hear something up ahead!”
[read more]
The night had almost completely taken over and Misty had to strain her eyes momentarily while they adjusted to viewing her surroundings exclusively via moonlight. She crashed through a thorny patch of foliage and entered into a clearing, where she found the man in black and what seemed to be a cohort of his, who was now in possession of the entombed Pokemon fossil. Both of them were actively battling against Leaf while the three security guards from the museum were on the ground behind her, each nursing a fainted Pokemon of their own.
“Leaf!” Misty yelled, leaping into action with Eevee in tow, however she was blown back by a gust of wind that seemed intent on driving both a physical and metaphorical wedge between the two girls.
It was Hypno against Hypno and Misty, blinded by curiosity, couldn’t ignore the sudden feeling of inadequacy she felt as she watched her rival up in arms and doing serious battle with someone else, let alone a criminal.
A Hypno? Since when did she have one of those?
Ash and Gary appeared behind the redhead after clearing the obstacle course themselves but she was too enthralled by the amazing show of power before her to notice them.
“Use psychic and, when they’re down, finish this up with headbutt!” Leaf commanded, throwing out an arm to point out their target before having the gall to glance at Misty over her shoulder as if just noticing her presence. “Well, if it isn’t my precious little late bloomer. Actually you’re just in time for once. You’ll get to see my Ditty crush these two losers,” she concluded proudly with an almost affectionate wink.
“Like we’ll let you ruin our weeks of planning with one little Pokemon! Hypno, barrier!” the same grunt Misty had seen earlier in town growled.
It was a quick draw. Leaf’s Ditty (odd sounding nickname but sure) released a blast of unnatural energy so powerful that even the surrounding atmosphere was thick with it. This energy grew, condensed into a barely visible beam that shot in the opposing psychic type’s direction, shattering the mirror of light that had been erected in front of them. Then Ditty dug their stubby claws into the ground and propelled toward their somewhat dazed and injured opponent, smashing into them and knocking them backwards into a nearby tree.
Hypno fell limply to the forest floor, clearly unconscious, the man in black clicking his tongue in frustration before returning the Pokemon to their Pokeball.
“You assured the boss that this would work!” his female partner wailed angrily, shoving him in the shoulder to soothe her own ire. “Like you said, weeks of planning, right? And then we’d definitely get away with a priceless fossil that the boss would undoubtedly promote us for!”
“Look, I promised we’d escape the museum security and the cops if we followed through with my plan! I never said nothin’ ‘bout some snot-nosed trainer and her friends!”
“Well, either way, I did my part sneaking up on the guards’ Pokemon and using mine to knock ‘em out! I’m not gettin’ pinched again this soon after the last time!” And thus, she haphazardly threw the artifact she’d been holding into his arms. “Here! You take it and figure out our backup plan!”
“We don’t have one to figure out! And I’m not risking prison just yet either!”
Scowling, he faced the group of children who’d spectacularly fowled up his last month of impressive scheming, taking in the sight of a smirking Leaf to a courageous Misty, to a stone-faced Ash and downright furious-looking Gary.
Finally deciding that the odds were stacked too high against him, the dastardly villain tossed the fossil into the bushes nearby, grabbed his partner’s hand, turned and dragged her away deeper into the woods while she screeched indignantly in protest.
“Ah! Get back here!” Misty shouted too, lunging forward as if to initiate another chase, but she was stopped just as swiftly by Ash snatching a hold of her hand and shaking his head at her. “Ash, what’re you…?”
Perhaps thankfully, she was distracted from finishing her accusatory inquiry by the sight of Hypno glowing white. It seemed blinding in the darkness, their form shifting and morphing, molding and shrinking. The light faded into an odd violet blob with a humorously minorly animated expression on its face.
“Wait, that wasn’t a…? What is that?” Misty asked, shaking Ash off of her and pulling her Pokedex from her pocket, flipping it open and pressing the analysis button.
“Ditto, the transforming Pokemon. Due to its unique organic makeup, it can rearrange its cell structure to transform itself into any other shape upon sight. It has a fault memory, however, and relying on it can cause it to inaccurately mimic its target. This Pokemon is one of a few species that has no gender.”
“Wow…” she exclaimed in awe, unable to conceal her envy. A Pokemon that could turn into anything, huh…?
“Thanks, Ditty, you were perfect as always,” Leaf told her Pokemon affectionately, bravely leaning down and further expressing her adoration with a kiss to the side of Ditto’s face before recalling it to its Pokeball. Then she turned and winked at her audience, fossil now tucked neatly under her arm, “Well, Misty dear, boys, I hope you enjoyed our show. Though I’m afraid if you’re looking for an encore worthy of me it might take a little while.
“Feel free to watch me as I walk away, okay?” Another wink and a suggestive puckering of her lips and she traipsed by, leaving the rest of them to follow after her.
By the time they’d made it back to Pewter’s Museum of Science and Natural History, Sergeant Jenny had arrived and was alternating between barking orders at her subordinates and double-checking details from the witness statements previously relayed to her, including the three security guards who’d retreated after their Pokemon had been knocked out in order to explain the situation to their superiors and the police. At the sight of Leaf leading the group of other trainers, however, ancient and priceless artifact in her grasp, everyone and everything came to a halt.
“Oh, oh my, I can’t believe it!” Penelope was the first to regain her nerve, hand over her mouth and looking downright tearful at the truly victorious outcome. “You found our project! You got it back f - from them? Oh, thank you!”
Leaf was almost instantaneously surrounded by officer and employee alike, all showering her with praise and applause, shaking her hand and calling her a hero, telling her that she would of course have unlimited free access to the Pewter museum, lifetime guarantee. And Leaf was lapping it up while Misty and her friends stood in the background.
“Yeah, I still don’t like her much…” Ash muttered, but his begrudging tone belied the newfound respect he couldn’t contain.
“She sure does make a lasting impression though,” Gary replied softly, his tone much more accepting of how impressed he was, and he purposefully avoided eye contact with his old friend, who was suddenly sporting a half-knowing, half-disbelieving expression.
Finally deciding that she’d seen enough, Misty beckoned to Eevee and her friends, turning and heading back to the PokeCenter.
While a large part of her couldn’t help but envy Leaf for becoming so unattainably strong and knowledgeable, another much smaller part of her couldn’t help her pride.
At least one of them had made large strides towards their dream…
And, while nobody else could see it, the redhead smirked to herself, the next thought running through her head both courageous and frank.
She would catch up to her old friend soon enough…
Misty spent the next two days training her Pokemon, challenging or being challenged by any local or passing trainer, especially those who’d also decided to go watch Brock battle at the gym. She still wasn’t sure of the strategy she should use to face the gym leader but she was at least able to gauge the Pokemon he had in possession and what moves they knew, how strong they were.
“My Metapod evolved into a Butterfree, so I could use sleep powder to put them out… But does putting a Pokemon to sleep actually win the round?” she mused aloud the next day after lunch. Their group was currently back at the gym for another recon mission, sitting halfway up the bleachers and watching Brock beat another young trainer.
“I think regulations say the Pokemon has to be unconscious for one full minute or else must withstand three impacts from enemy Pokemon techniques before being declared unable to battle,” Ash told her, brow creased as he did his best to remember the rules.
“Really? They want me to hit an unconscious Pokemon?” Misty yelped.
“Well, Pokemon are generally able to handle a lot, otherwise being a trainer and the existence of the league and all that wouldn’t be possible. But also, unnaturally induced methods of status effects - sleep, poison, freezing - are usually minor and only have very short-term effects unless there’s a drastic strength difference between the one inflicting and the one inflicted, which means the latter wouldn’t stand much chance against the former anyway.” Noticing this more in-depth explanation didn’t ease the redhead’s discomfort, Gary added, “But yeah, most people just wait the minute out and have the other side forcibly forfeit the round.”
“Mm hmm… I guess that makes sense.”
“So what are ya thinkin’? Is today the day? Honestly, I’m kinda impressed you’ve been able to keep yourself from running straight up to Brock and challenging him these past couple days. I dunno if I coulda withstood that kinda wait if I was in your shoes,” Ash told her with a snarky grin.
“Well, I guess that just means I have more patience than you!” Misty joked back, shuffling to her feet and sighing to calm her nerves. “But I guess I’m not gonna get much stronger or smarter than I am now, am I? So…” the redhead replied with an affirmative nod, maybe more to encourage herself as she rose to her feet rather than to further impress her decision on her friends.
Then, before anyone could continue or conclude the conversation, she was bounding over the bleachers in front of her, taking care not to knock into any of the other spectators in her excitement as she hopped from row to row in pursuit of the gym floor.
“Brock!” she shouted in between shallow grunts as she weaved and leaped her way closer, Eevee in tow. Her fists formed, shoulders tight, eyes ablaze, before pointing out the shirtless gym leader who was practically gaping at her from his earthy arena below. “I’ve come to beat you and get my first gym badge!”
“Uh…” the teenage gym trainer blinked, flustered by her manic enthusiasm.
“Well, that’s not embarrassing for anyone,” Gary commented with a hollow laugh, but Ash already had his mortified and flushed face in his hands, shaking his head halfheartedly in exasperation.
Misty vaulted over the wall dividing the seating sections and the arena floor, gasping for breath all the while. Eevee joined her moments after, looking mighty ferocious for such a small creature.
“Ah, so you’re next, huh? And what’s your name if I might ask?” the suddenly quite imposing teenager asked, teeth sparkling as he smiled at her and skin glistening with sweat after his previous workout.
“My name is Misty and this is Eevee, and we’re gonna take on the whole Pokemon League together because it’s our dream to be the best trainer in the world! You’re our first step so you better be ready to lose!”
“That’s some good energy I feel comin’ from you two! I like it when my challengers are filled with the kind of passion you have for your dream. It makes for a good match,” the teenage boy replied with what appeared to be a charming smile.
Ash, having barely recovered from his bout of secondhand embarrassment after Misty’s most recent spectacle, felt an agitated tingling flare up in the back of his mind, his eyes narrowing subconsciously at the display before him.
There was no way Brock was… was there?
“Now if we’re talking about dreams, I have one of those myself. You see, though my family maintains the Pewter City Gym, I don’t wanna stay here running it forever. No, in fact, what I really want more than anything is…” There was a drum-roll playing inside everyone’s heads as they braced themselves for his answer. After all, who’d heard of a gym leader who didn’t really want to be a gym leader before?
“What I really want is a girlfriend!”
Misty and Gary immediately facefaulted at such a proud (and wildly random) declaration but Ash’s reaction was the exact opposite.
“What are you doing?” Gary muttered in objection, looking up as the raven-haired trainer leaped to his feet with the appearance of a man whose brain had just imploded.
And internally even it felt that way to him, his nerves snapping and muscles going rigid. He had thought for sure that, despite whatever slight paranoid concern that had crossed his mind at first, he was just reading entirely wrong into the situation, but now he couldn’t help thinking it to be true…
“Well,” the lean and (still) shirtless gym trainer went on contemplatively, “I want a girlfriend, but also I wanna go on a sabbatical and learn the ins and outs of Pokemon breeding. I guess that means I have two dreams, and twice as much to accomplish once I leave this place to my family…
“So let’s start this battle, okay, Misty? And we can see if your passion for your dream is strong enough to take me down!”
“This is a Pokemon battle between gym leader Brock and challenger Misty for the Boulder Badge! The official rules of this gym state that the challenger may use any and all Pokemon on hand in order to defeat all Pokemon in Brock’s possession. There is no time limit!” Brock’s assistant explained from the sidelines, holding up both arms as he did so, then drawing them both down as if they were slicing through the air. “You may start!”
“I call Geodude!”
“Come on out, Butterfree!”
The two Pokemon appeared in a symmetrical flash of red light from across the field from each other, the bug-type floating up on their sparkling wings while the rock-type levitated in place, flexing its gravelly biceps.
“Ah, rookie mistake! Bugs have a distinctive weakness against rock-types!” Brock warned her tauntingly. “Geodude, tackle!”
“Dodge it, Butterfree! And counter with your gust!”
The rock-type Pokemon propelled itself up at its foe, who was light enough to twist himself sideways in mid-air, escaping a direct hit. Geodude was still able to clip the bug-type in one of his wings however, causing a momentary lack of control. Butterfree struggled to stay up in the sky, fluttering backwards to what seemed to be a safe distance before starting to flap his wings, the wind picking up and swirling around in response. With one final brutal thrust, Butterfree was able to push the wind tunnel at his opponent, who automatically crossed its muscular arms in front of its combined face and torso, blocking the impact from doing any significant damage.
“Butterfree, let’s try your supersonic!”
“Rollout, Geodude!”
The felled bug-type shook off his recent failure and unleashed a high-pitched yet somehow hollow wail that Misty could barely make out. Geodude, however, was already on the move, tucking itself into a mostly perfect sphere and spinning in place before shooting itself at his opponent.
The supersonic appeared to miss its mark due to the increase in the rock-type’s speed and, what’s more, Geodude continued to swing his entire mass back and forth across the battlefield, picking up momentum and coming closer to direct impact with the bug-type with every attempt.
Butterfree dodged to and fro even without Misty’s directive but he was losing ground - er, air - as Geodude continued to pick up speed, climbing drastically higher towards the ceiling until finally…
“Freeee!” the bug-type screeched out loud, falling haphazardly toward the ground after being slammed into by his opponent.
“Ah, oh no, Butterfree, quick! Use your gust to keep yourself from hitting the ground!” Misty yelped, internally admonishing herself for not thinking up a better strategy more quickly.
This battle was already reminding her of her recent discouraging loss against Leaf…
Nevertheless it worked, and the adamant wind bursting back at him helped him glide high into the sky despite his latest injuries. Unfortunately, he wasn’t out of the woods quite yet because first contact did nothing but ignite further Geodude’s thirst for victory.
“Keep it going!” Brock shouted triumphantly, throwing forward a fist to urge his Pokemon onward.
“String shot, Butterfree!”
White, sticky thread shot out from between the small fangs in Butterfree’s mouth, the bug-type going so far as to spray it in all directions.
It didn’t take long for Geodude to get caught up in the webbing, though it didn’t bring him to a complete stop.
“Gust again, Butterfree!”
“Geodude, defense curl!”
The dusty wind cycle hand next to no effect on the rock-type Pokemon, something Misty was getting both used to and frustrated by. Not to mention that Geodude adding to his already stellar defense was going to make him downright infallible. And there was still that ongoing rollout technique too…
There really was nothing else for it. She would have to use her special not-so-secret strategy after all.
“Butterfree, use your sleep powder!” Misty commanded, and her Pokemon followed suit quite dutifully.
“Nice try but you can’t stop Geodude that easily, especially not now!”
And it appeared that Brock’s latest taunt was true, for even when slowed down by Butterfree’s string shot, the previous momentum and combination of reckless power and speed it’d gained from rollout were enough to evade any targeted area of status ailing dust as it floated towards the ground from Butterfree’s wings. The rock-type was out of reach way before the sleep powder drifted toward his original position on the field.
But watching her recent maneuver fail gave Misty another idea.
“Butterfree, one last time, use your gust!”
The bug-type screeched, holding himself high above the stream of sleep powder, flapping his paperlight wings rapidly, causing the aforementioned powder to dispense suddenly over a much wider range. It sparkled in the artificial light from the rafters as it landed all over the battlefield, including…
“Ah, Geodude!” Brock gaped before a mildly impressed grin spread across his face. He crossed his arms over his chest and nodded affirmatively, his Pokemon faltering mid-roll on the ground, trying to blink away the onslaught of excessive exhaustion setting in.
Misty waited the mandatory sixty seconds, not having the heart to attack a defenseless, unconscious Pokemon (no matter what mineral composite their body was made out of), before the makeshift referee raised the hand that was closest to her side of the arena.
“Geodude is unable to battle! Misty is the winner of round one!”
“Not bad at all…” the Pewter City gym trainer lamented, returning his Pokemon and repocketing the Pokeball he’d used, at the same time removing another one and holding it up.
“This next one won’t be so simple for you to beat though! Truth is, I only have two Pokemon on hand that adequately produce a challenge as rock-types but this other one is my strongest and it’s usually all I need to teach new trainers a lesson or two…”
Misty knew what was coming before the next words had even left Brock’s mouth.
“Go, Onix!”
He launched his second Pokeball into the air where it snapped open of its own accord, scarlet light shooting out of it and forming a large scale semi-opaque mass that took up a significant portion of the gym leader’s side of the field. The Pokeball flew back to Brock’s hand, a ricochet effect after the release of the Pokemon held within.
“The challenger now has an opportunity to exchange their Pokemon before the new round starts. You have thirty seconds!” the referee shouted in clarification.
Misty paused momentarily where she stood, weighing her options, looking her airborne Pokemon over and assessing his damage. True, he’d been knocked around a little by Geodude’s rollout but he’d been quick enough to dodge most everything else and tough enough to outlast the hurts he had received.
“Butterfree, are you up for another battle?” the redhead chose to finally ask, the bug-type twisting around and bobbing up and down in response, which seemed to indicate a ‘yes’. “Alright then, let’s go!”
“You got this, Misty!” Ash cheered from the bleachers, and Misty offered him a thumbs up from where she stood, only now just realizing that he and Gary had moved down to the first row of seats for a closer view.
“Round two, start!”
“Butterfree, string shot and then combine your sleep powder and gust like last time!” she ordered of her Pokemon. Why fix what wasn’t broken after all?
“I told you I wouldn’t make this one so easy for you to win! Mud sport, Onix!”
The giant rock snake gave a mighty roar and thrashed around, disrupting his opponent before the second phase of attack could be commenced, kicking up much that lay throughout the entirety of the arena with his tail. He flung it around, submerging the sticky threading meant to slow him down and negating its effects.
“Rock throw!”
“You gotta dodge it, Butterfree!”
Onix smashed his tail into the ground, unearthing a few boulders, curling his tail halfway around them one at a time and launching them in the bug-type’s direction. Butterfree weaved left and right, barely missing multiple direct hits until, finally, he couldn’t maneuver fast enough.
He careened backwards flat against the wall behind him and fell to the ground, the damage too great for him to catch himself as he went.
Misty panicked internally, running around the marked edges of the gym’s battlefield boundary to get a closer look at her hurt Pokemon but was unable to get any closer, prepared for the round to be officially called in Onix’s favor.
And perhaps she’d counted her Exeggcute before they’d evolved because, despite all odds as well as Butterfree’s major weakness to rock-type damage, he began to cautiously and feebly flap his wings again, winnying his name as he slowly rose back into the air once more.
“Great job, you got this, okay?” Misty encouraged, Eevee apparently coaching her ally with similar words of comfort from beside her trainer. “Now try using your confusion!”
“Onix, rage!”
The rock-type roared again, his eyes appearing to glow somewhat from his suddenly unbridled fury just as a wave of psychic energy blasted against him, knocking him back a foot or two. Grime and dirt that had settled in the crevices between each of his nodes instantaneously unsettled and wafted into the air. Even more enraged after this latest attack, the earthy serpent let loose a torrent of wails and slams, beating and crumbling everything in his wake. Butterfree barely rose high enough to avoid this terrifyingly aggressive outbreak, though both he and his trainer were caught off-guard by what happened next.
“Wrap him up in your bind!”
Onix lifted himself up to his full height, encircling the bug-type with his whole body and coiling tightly around and around, crushing Butterfree from without.
There was a screech as Misty’s Pokemon vanished completely from view. Seconds later, Onix unwrapped himself and dropped the nearly fainted bug to the ground.
As Butterfree landed, he automatically unleashed a toxic cloud of dust and then went completely limp.
“Oh no, Butterfree…” Misty moaned in concern, removing the aforementioned Pokemon’s ball from her belt just as the referee began to make his announcement.
“Butterfree is unable to battle. Brock is the winner of round two! The challenger may have thirty seconds to choose their next Pokemon!”
“You did really well; thanks so much for everything,” Misty whispered to the Pokeball in her hand after recalling her Pokemon to it. “I promise I’ll get you some treatment after this.”
She then took a few seconds to weigh her options. Onix’s defensive stat was so high that most of her Pokemon were going to have trouble doing any damage. It was the very same problem she’d acknowledged since the beginning but it was even more evident now as she experienced the situation firsthand. She had originally hoped that the ingenuity of her sleep powder strategy would be enough to carry her team straight through to complete victory but she knew that chances of that were rather slim…
“Fifteen seconds, challenger!” the referee warned her.
“Eevee vee eev eevee!” her starter Pokemon yelped from her wide, nudging her in the ankle to get her attention.
“It’s nice that you wanna help but I don’t know how much you’ll be able to do… And I don’t want you… getting hurt too, like Butterfree did… or like what happened to you before when you fought Squirtle, you know?” Misty reminded the fox-like Pokemon with a sigh. She was quite surprised when Eevee not only stood her ground but ended up leaping into the fray without her trainer’s say-so.
“Wah, Eevee! But…” the novice trainer called out but her Pokemon twisted her head around, offered one last confident bark of her own name in her direction before marching on. “Well then… heh, I guess I choose Eevee!”
“Round three; start!”
“Tackle, Onix!”
“Eevee, use your growl!”
Despite his size, the rock-type Pokemon seemed rather put off by the smaller one’s throaty howl. He still pursued a direct hit with his physical techniques but Eevee bounded sideways, sliding in the dirt, and the tackle missed.
“Sand attack!”
It took much effort on Eevee’s part as she rocked back and forth on all fours, kicking up at the earth with her paws until a decent dusty smog hit the air, bellowing up into Onix’s face, causing him to roar and blink his eyes rapidly in discomfort, wrenching sideways while he waited for his vision to clear.
“Now’s your chance, Eevee! Tail whip and then quick attack!”
The normal-type Pokemon hopscotched around on all fours, wagging aforementioned tail back and forth, before grinding her paws into the ground. Then, using that friction as a base, she dashed off at high speed, leaping up onto the closest boulder-fragmented portion of Onix’s body, shooting up and up until she was close enough to smash him in the face.
“Again! And again!”
Eevee bounded to and fro in less than a second per command, so instantly that Brock hadn’t even drawn his breath to utter a counter just yet.
Onix, made of rock though he was, did seem to be looking a little short of breath. Misty was just starting to think that she and Eevee would be able to win this without having to call on any other Pokemon when…
“Onix, rage!”
The rock snake’s eyes glinted red and he unleashed a full, deep cry, much the same as the first time he’d been ordered to use that technique. His sudden flailing maneuver forced Eevee to evacuate, and she dodged one last earthy jab by flipping backwards and landing on all fours without a scratch.
“Rock throw!”
Now on the defensive, Eevee dodged as one - two - three! - giant masses were thrown haphazardly her way. Soon the whole battlefield was covered in smog from the dusty ground, so thick that neither trainer could see their Pokemon.
“Eevee!” Misty shouted desperately.
“Onix!” Brock’s tone was quite similar.
“Eevee, if you can hear me, hit ‘em with your quick attack a few more times!”
“Not gonna be quick enough! Harden, Onix!”
They were finally able to make out two distinctive shadows as the dust around them really began to settle and it looked at first like Onix was starting to buckle under Eevee’s repeated full body barrages but the smaller Pokemon let out a high-pitched yelp as the rock-type noticeably upped his defenses, stature growing stiff in response to Brock’s order. The normal-type bounced off her opponent and fell backwards, rolling into the dirt.
“Rage again, Onix!”
It was over so quick, Misty felt winded by the results. Eevee fainted and she went to pick her Pokemon up, carrying her over to Ash and asking him to watch over her for the duration of the battle. Knowing that her starter had willingly made such a sacrifice for the sake of their dream unnerved her some but it mostly left her feeling resolved to not let such a thing go to waste.
Between the type advantage and the sheer massive physical and defensive power, Onix continued to successfully fell most of Misty’s other Pokemon, usually in two to three shots a piece. They did their best to each whittle away at his energy before they were knocked out until, finally, only one was left.
Her last hope…
“Go, Gastly!”
Round seven. If she didn’t win this one then she’d be defeated and have to try for her first badge again another day. After all the training she’d done, all her observations, all of her Pokemon’s efforts, after her loss to Leaf and subsequent first row seat to her rival demolishing Team Rocket’s theft at the Pewter Museum of Science and Natural History...
“Let’s start this off with your confuse ray!”
There was a flash of blinding light that left Brock’s Pokemon looking moderately dazed. Onix swayed from his massive height but didn’t buckle entirely. The gym leader, acknowledging that most of his Pokemon’s attacks would be rather useless, did what he could to strategize around it.
“Rock throw!”
Unfortunately his Pokemon didn’t seem to hear him properly, instead slithering forward before ramming himself straight into the far wall.
“Onix?! Snap out of it! I said you have to use your rock throw on Gastly!”
Knowing better than to wait for Brock’s voice to get through, Misty decided to take advantage of the situation.
“Use your lick attack!”
Gastly floated dutifully up towards his opponent’s face, a prime target for a nice sick lick, guffawing all the while. Onix seemed to stare through him as he approached, appearing both absent-minded as well as short of breath, and neither affect seemed to improve after the ghost-type made contact.
Onix, I said use your rock throw! C’mon, buddy!” Brock shouted from the ground.
Perhaps it was due to Brock’s soothing (yet uneasy) tone finally reaching him, or perhaps he was simply so grossed out by Gastly’s slimy organ streaking across his face, but his vision seemed to immediately clear and he shrieked throatily, going on the offensive and launching a few boulders at the ghost-type’s speedily retreating and gassy back as it trailed away.
Gastly evaded by altering his visibility, fading in and out of sight and appearing in multiple different areas of the gym, once or twice even sneaking up on Ash and Gary (causing the former to vacate not only his seat but that entire section of the bleachers in mere seconds).
If the ghost-type’s uproarious laughter was not indication enough, his level of distraction being so high that he couldn’t be bothered to listen to his trainer’s next directive, cost them their opportunity to maintain a purely offensive position.
“Darn it, I told you to use hypnosis, Gastly!” Misty cried out, stomping her foot into the ground. It took her three attempts just to be heard and Brock and Onix weren’t having it anymore.
“Just keep using your rock throw, okay? Gastly can’t dodge forever!”
And the gym leader was right. Despite his ability to turn invisible at will, Gastly still maintained a semi-corporeal body, and his attempts at escaping a direct his were eventually thwarted by his opponent digging up and utilizing the entire battlefield against him.
Gastly smashed into the wall behind him, pieces of it crumbling to the ground in retaliation. The ghost-type appeared to be downright winded - flattened - where he landed before popping back into full form and gravitating dazedly back towards the center of the arena.
He seemed to turn more serious after taking some decent damage, eyes glowing a smoky violet as he attempted to use his hypnosis after all, however Brock told Onix to avert his gaze, which caused it to fail.
“Don’t waste any time, Gastly; try your night shade instead!”
The gaseous smog floating around the ghost-type seemed to size and shudder, the lights all around the gym fluttering from up in the rafters. There was an eerie shift in the environment and the energy around them all before Onix seemed to be smacked by a mostly invisible wave of dark power, the impact sending him flipping backwards. Just as he was crawling back to his full height, another burst of unearthly energy careened into him, and he crashed back into the wall behind him.
“Onix, counter with your rock throw!”
The two Pokemon were both up in arms, using their natural element to try and take the other out over the next several seconds. Everytime Gastly let loose another round of night shade, it would shoot straight into the newest boulder Onix had dug up from the ground, shattering it to pieces but otherwise dissipating harmlessly. Likewise, the rock-type’s onslaught was useless in reaching the ghost-type Pokemon, though not lack of trying. Alas, any boulder that happened to successfully make it past wave upon wave of elemental power was dodged by Gastly anyway.
It was watching this transpire over the following few seconds that gave Misty an idea.
“Gastly, stop what you’re doing and just listen to my directions… Go left now!” the redhead shouted aloud, watching her Pokemon follow her latest orders to a tee. “Now go right! And… right again! Left now! Left! Right… Now use your sucker punch!”
With each specific instructive shout, her Pokemon phased forward on the battlefield a little at a time, perching in mid-air just long enough for one of Onix’s impending attacks to get within a few inches of impact before being told to move again, and each maneuver got him closer and closer to his target, hiding behind the hurled boulders to conceal his location and eventual trajectory.
The gaseous smog swirling around Gastly darkened and tightened up into what appeared to be a clenched and gnarled fist, smashing into Onix’s stony face and sending him careening to the ground. For the last time, dirt was loosened and lifted up due to the ferocity of the battle taking place before settling once more where it had come from.
Brock returned his family’s precious momento Pokemon to his ball, waving at the referee to call the final round and the victor’s name.
“Onix is unable to battle! The winner of the round, the battle, and the Boulder Badge, is the challenger Misty and her team!”
Gary rose, cheering and clapping, Ash let out a whooping holler, still carefully holding the now barely conscious and still wounded Eevee in his arms. Gastly was rolling around the arena, laughing outrageously to himself, and Misty continued to stand there in the middle of the challenger’s box, hardly daring to believe what seemed to have transpired.
“I… we… won?”
The question came out breathless, almost pained. Her last ditch strategy had somehow panned out and earned her the win? She’d gotten her first badge? She’d… finally proven herself as a professional trainer!
“We won! We won!” she screeched, hopping and dancing around, repeatedly pumping her fists into the air, Gastly swooping in and twirling joyously around her. We did it! Yay!” And she ran towards the area of the bleachers where her friends stood waiting for her, Ash squaring his shoulders and losing all functionality in his limbs as Gastly came near, relinquishing Misty’s Eevee to her so they could properly celebrate their victory together.
It was, in fact, after she’d called Gastly back to his Pokeball (causing Ash to loosen up) and while her starter Pokemon was affectionately and softly licking her cheek that Brock thought it was finally time to approach them all.
Misty nuzzled Eevee’s forehead before giving her to Gary, turning and waiting to receive her prize. But to her confusion, Brock took her by both hands and pulled her close. She felt a rippling shock course through her but it faded immediately when Brock opened his mouth to speak.
“Misty, I…” he began but was interrupted by a balking, apparently infuriated Ash.
“Excuse you!” the raven-haired trainer squawked, eyebrows twitching madly, skin and brain aflame with… with something as he quickly intervened between gym leader and challenger, pulling Misty backwards and freeing her from Brock’s dastardly grip.
“Um…” the redhead began in befuddlement.
“Ah,” the rock-type trainer responded knowledgeably, “so the headstrong, over-protective, jealous boyfriend comes to the rescue.”
The words flew from Ash’s mouth in a flighty rage before he could stifle them.
“I’m not her boyfriend!” And, to further prove such a fact, he willingly stepped away and let the two of them get on with their business.
Misty appeared to have a delayed response after the strange scenario that had just occurred between herself, the gym leader, and her old friend. Nevertheless, she shook it off after a few more moments of half-baked contemplation and resumed her conversation with Brock, clearly ignoring a still furious Ash, who was stomping around and muttering to himself in the background while Gary smirked at his odd behavior.
“You’ve got a good team with you, Misty. May you never forget that this badge,” he told her as he revealed the shimmering circular item, “was earned through the use of your combined power and not just your personal wit alone. It’s important to rely on teamwork and to honor everyone’s sacrifices. Your Eevee, your Butterfree; they knew how important this victory would be to you and fought despite their weaknesses.”
“Yeah, it was probably thanks to Butterfree that you beat Onix at all, ya know?” Gary mentioned from the background.
“Wha’d’ya mean?” she asked in confusion.
“You didn’t notice?” Ash replied, having recovered from his recent temper tantrum, or perhaps he just felt as though he needed to be included in the conversation. “When he fell to the ground and fainted, Butterfree released some of his poison powder. It drifted up and infected Onix. That’s why your Pokemon’s normal physical moves began doing more and more damage; because he was weakened by poison.”
“Wait, really?” And, to think, it had still taken the rest of her team to knock Onix out...
“Anyway, here ya go! You’ve definitely earned this,” Brock relented, handing the shimmering gray pin over to the redhead and watching her eyes slowly widen in awe, her lips starting from slack before curling upward into a relieved smile.
She accepted the token of her victory and couldn’t contain her whoop of glee, throwing up her hand holding the Boulder Badge into the air as if to show it off to the world. She then took a moment to show the badge to Eevee, who cheered her own name from the safe haven of Gary’s arms.
Her next step to becoming the world’s greatest Pokemon Master was complete. And so, her adventure would continue on.
Notes - And so, trainer Misty has earned her first Kanto League badge! What will be her next adventure? Will she have to battle Leaf again anytime soon? And will she learn anything about the evil Team Rocket organization that everyone else seems so wary of?
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