#i was inspired by someone
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larkspurclan · 6 months ago
❂ STARTING LORE / Goldenkit's age: 0 moons
Moon 1 - Greenleaf
"In the beginning, there was fire.
Nobody knew how it started, or where it came from. All they could think about was the heat, the flames, and their clanmates' helpless yowls.
One cat was braver than the others. Their spotted fur covered in ash, they trotted to the edge of the forest. Around them, everything was chaos, but they kept calm. Like a cool breeze, they pressed onward.
Finally, they leapt up onto a tall rock,
and let out a powerful, loud screech, that could surely be heard all the way up in Starclan: THE RAIN WILL COME, AND THE FLAMES WILL BOW BEFORE US!
Just then, the sound of thunder rumbled from the sky. A drop of water hit the ground, followed by another. Rain started showering the meadow, putting out the relentless flames.
Like magic, Larkspur’s started growing from the scorched earth, their purple petals unfolding gracefully.
The spotted cat watched as the once-dead ground came alive again, the vibrant flowers spreading in waves, their roots reaching deep into the soil as if to anchor hope itself.
The clan cats, who had been cowering in fear, began to emerge from their hiding places, eyes wide with wonder.
The flames were fierce, but the rain had saved them. They had survived. And they felt stronger.
As the cats celebrated and frolicked in the rain, with the flowers, the spotted cat jumped down from the rock and walked back into the smoke,
never to be seen again."
“I didn’t like that fairy tale at all! Where did the spotted cat go?”
“That was no ‘fairy tale’, Pumpkinkit. That is how our clan came to be.”
Goldenkit squinted his eyes, trying to see through the blur, as he listened to the two cats squabble. He could only recognize one of them, his father, Rowanburn. Only a big blurry red shape in Goldenkit’s eyes.
The other was a smaller shape, white, with brown specks, that let out a squeaky noise that Goldenkit found very annoying. It was nothing like his father’s voice, which was deep and soothing.
“Right. Sorry. But what happened to the cat who saved us?” Pumpkinkit pressed.
Rowanburn went quiet for a moment, as if he was deep in thought. “It was such a long time ago, Pumpkinkit. No cat can remember. All we can do is look up to the stars, and thank them for their heroism.”
Goldenkit kept listening, as the vibrant rays of the morning sun filtering through the bramble entrance warmed up the nursery. Beside him, his littermates Blazekit and Lightkit snoozed somewhat peacefully. Blazekit's little paws occasionally kicking against Goldenkit's back.
Just then, another cat popped their head inside. Goldenkit immediately recognized the familiar scent, letting out a weak mew instinctively. It was Sunstar. Larkspurclan’s leader, Rowanburn’s mate and what was most important to Goldenkit, Blazekit and Lightkit - their mother.
“I’m so sorry I had to go, my little rays of light… I’ve been so busy this morning!” Sunstar purred in her sweet voice as she curled up next to the three, now whining kits, and Rowanburn.
Pumpkinkit sat alone, off to the side, with a sad glint in her eyes, trying to keep herself busy with a ball of moss.
“Tell me all about it.” Rowanburn said with a smile, giving his mate a few licks behind the ear.
Sunstar started with a deep sigh. “Well, first there was Gravelspot’s warrior ceremony. Which went great,” she said, snuggling closer to the kits. “And then there was that whole thing with Bubblecloud…”
Goldenkit listened to his mother’s ramblings, wondering about all the cats she mentioned. Who were they? Maybe he would meet them all one day.
But right now, he was still a tiny kitten, snuggled next to his family in the nursery, eyelids growing heavy, not a care in the world.
This is love, Goldenkit thought to himself and fell back to sleep.
“Your journey begins, young one. I hope you are ready.”
Gravelpaw is granted the name Gravelspot and honored for their insight.
Bubblepaw is granted the name Bubblecloud, and they are now a full medicine cat of the clan.
Bubblecloud is caught outside the clan's territory.
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argentavis · 4 days ago
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larissa-the-scribe · 1 year ago
guys I had this realization the other day that Redwall works really well for reading aloud, and kinda half-remembered something about the author reading to kids? So I looked it up to see if I had made a connection.
And it turns out, yes, actually, because he read aloud to kids at a school for the blind. But all the books they gave him to read were depressing. So he wrote Redwall, a story about heroism and courage and making it through struggles, and filled it with so many sensory, visual details so he could give them something better and I just-- that's so wholesome-- help
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notsolonedesert · 3 months ago
siren ctimene…
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Beeswax or not, what if Eury didn't take that encounter with the sirens very well
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crispyliza · 1 year ago
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I've got you all figured out fanartists
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alexandriad · 1 year ago
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fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months ago
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this is what english teachers mean by poetry appreciation right?
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mythicalcoolkid · 8 months ago
You don't wish your disability was worse or more visible, you wish your disability was taken seriously. Please stop confusing the two, I guarantee you would not get the support you need JUST by being more severe or more visible. Please listen to visibly disabled people when we tell you it isn't better on our side
#m/cc#mine#I tried extremely hard to word this nicely because I KNOW people don't mean bad and often even know there are unique challenges#and believe me I know the challenges of invisible disability too!!#I have invisible disabilities!#but as someone who has also been at least visibly 'off' since they were 10 I am SO SICK of invisible disabilities being hailed as like#a unique extra oppression that us lucky visibly disabled people don't have to deal with#there are challenges to invisible disabilities that visibly disabled people DON'T have to deal with!#but you need to understand that *the reverse is also true*#there are MASSIVE benefits to being able to lie about your disability for example#or not dealing with the overt ableism that comes with your disability being obvious to everyone#*I do not have the option to pretend I'm not disabled.* that is never an option I have#I walk weirdly. I use a mobility aid now. my speech and face are 'off.' I lean to one side#for a long time I wore sunglasses 24/7 and often didn't make sense. I sometimes can't speak or won't react to others#for the most part people will always know that at the very least something is wrong with me#and more obviously I have people telling me they'll pray for me; telling me I can't do things I'm already in the process of doing;#wanting to shake my hand to tell me I'm an inspiration for not killing myself; giving me dirty looks for existing in public#and yes. I'm aware that this is very much an in-community issue. I know the average abled person doesn't know invisible disabilities exist#that's why there's so much awareness happening for it#but as a visibly disabled person I get SO TIRED of constantly hearing 'I wish my disability was visible :'('#it's just 'I wish I had your disability!' but from other disabled people
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hollisartsblog · 6 months ago
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Where is Bill?
Especially in my mind
part 1 here
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months ago
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She will (and he'll let her)
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saltymarshmall0w · 3 months ago
Danny is "in denial" about the Waynes being vigilantes
Danny is really grateful for the Waynes taking him in and all but it’s just… it’s really obvious they’re vigilantes. Do they WANT him to find out? Why?? To join their battalion?
Hell nah. He’s already got enough going on trying to keep in check the many shades in the city.
Danny simply pretends to be oblivious about the Waynes being vigilantes. That's a future Danny problem.
It turns into Kyle levels of denial, where he ends up pretending he thinks the vigilantes are actors hired by the city to cover up all the ghosts haunting Gotham.
And obviously, the city bases them on the infamously growing Wayne family. It's so sweet of the Waynes to volunteer to dress up as their character for public appearances.
Meanwhile, Bruce has banned outright telling Danny even though it's been nearly a year of him living with them. So what if Danny glows sometimes and has full conversations with invisible people in dark alleyways, everyone has their quirks! so, the Batkids have resolved to just "accidentally" leave their mask on after patrol or make tactical plans loudly about taking down Penguin's latest scheme with Danny a room over.
“Is Dick coming to the Gala?” Danny asked as his head swiveled between his phone and the mirror as he attempted to tie his own tie. How did his mom always make it look so easy?
“No, he is going out as Batman tonight, since Father is unable to.” Damian responded. He may as well be blasé about their identities, seeing as Fenton was obviously both completely aware of their identities and completely in denial.
“Oh, man. Does that mean one of the “rouges” are going to attack the gala?” Danny asked, “It’s probably going to be that Two-face guy, huh? He hasn’t made an appearance in a while and his character arc with “Brucie” hasn’t made any progress in a while.”
“Nonsense, there is no predicting the mindset of a criminal like Two-face.” Damian ignored Danny’s disbelieving scoff as he maneuvered his newest brother to face him so he could take over the task for him, else they would be standing there all night. “Besides, Drake is in charge of security for the gala and will do an adequate job securing the venue. If you are afraid remain by my side where I can protect you.”
Damian tightened the tie around Danny's neck and stepped back to let Fenton pull his own collar down.
"That's very sweet of you, Dami." Danny reached up a hand and mussed up Damian's newly-gelled hair, garnering a growl and a shove from the boy. "But you should do normal kid things during the gala, like accidentally saying rude things to old ladies, or complaining about how bored you are, and don't forget to prank all the evil billionaires."
The “I told you so.” Danny brazenly mouthed to Damian later in the evening from where Two-face held a gun to his head was as infuriating as it was distressing.
(Kyle Weston is the fanon brother of Wes Weston (also a fanon character) who’s whole thing is that he believes in conspiracy theories like Wes, but doesn’t believe in ghosts at all to Wes’s frustration.)
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madootles · 2 months ago
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"The Lonely's really got you, hasn't it?"
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eeriedragone · 1 month ago
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The work is mysterious and important!
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 2 days ago
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So... how's outpatient therapy at the mystery shack going?? :')
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dykekarkat · 3 months ago
i do believe in neil's ability to cry on command, and this is not like an ugly cry it's like the most beautiful cinematic movie perfect crying ever seen. it was like the second thing mary taught him while on the run because crying children are extremely sympathetic + u gotta start the manipulating gene young. anyway i think he starts using it to run cons on the foxes during his second year. Most affected are matt and nicky (andrew is adamant that he's not affected but he almost always indulges him), least affected are dan and aaron. renee thinks its funny + allison is just extremely jealous and annoyed because he does it better than her (neil loves dunking on her w this). in my vision the first time this happens it's because the foxes bet that neil can't get the press to shut up without tearing them to shreds, and neils like ugh whatever bets are stupid but this is his Pride on the line. so he waits for someone to ask something suitably insensitive and then just bursts into gorgeous photogenic tears and the foxes are freaking out and the reporter is like oh my god im a horrible person and quits his job and then they get into the locker room and neil just. flips the switch. and everyones like ohhhhhh you bastard. you're evil. also kevin and renee are the only ones to win the bet
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@/vinndas made a post about how different wekser and ethan r and how much ethan would absoluetly hate him and it got me thinking about the dynamic again
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