#i was hoping this wouldnt happen with dunes
sleepcults · 2 years
small shows dont work the same way as stadium shows do stop adding the stress and anxiety of going to a huge show to something that's supposed to be chill and fun. its an entirely different culture
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
i think the cleopatra movie is fun speculation but I dont think that project will happen. Angelina jolie was actually attached to that peoject. I dont think there is any meat to the rumour, it sounds like jeff heard something and then he made an educated guess with amy producing and denis directing that logically zendaya would make sense. Also he said mentioned meaning its kinda of a nothing rumour tbh. ( i hope im wrong) but this sounds kinda dead in the water. Jeff is also very hit or miss.
But that project is in the infernos of hell, like it is a developmet nightmare, denis has revelations of rama and dune messiah
(But i wouldnt mind being wrong)
Well, if it's DEAD in the water, then I wouldn't want Zendaya attached to a film like that anyway tbh....especially not if ANOTHER Cleopatra film with Gal Gadot is also being made as well. No way lol...
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cuyanir · 4 years
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VERSE NOTES: twin twilight ( aka the book of bobos )
naturally all of this is speculation that i’m happy to abandon the second i learn anything about the upcoming show. but i also see no reason not to embrace the cool imagery of boba taking over the hutt empire. if it’s real, that’s cool (tho i wouldnt want it to be boba’s endgame), if it’s not, that’s also cool. so yes, speculation. but fun speculation !!!
fun fact -- ‘twin twilight’ is a placeholder name, ill wait for the show to actually settle on a proper verse name but i picked this one to as a sort of reference to tatooine and the naming conventions of other criminal syndicates of sw, such as crimson dawn or black sun. uwu.
after jabba’s death, there was a lot internal squabbling between the hutt lords as to who should take over jabba’s operation on tatooine. this meant that bib fortuna could simply declare himself the new king sort of by default. he simply took the throne and kept his head low, hoping the hutts will continue their in-fighting and won’t actually check whether the throne is empty or not.
because bib couldn’t attract attention of the hutts, he couldn’t do much with jabba’s resources. there weren’t that many of them to begin with. after the dune sea execution the palace was looted, the staff and hired forces scattered and bib was left with scraps of what used to be an impressive criminal empire. but he had enough to live comfortably and he still had the palace. during his reign, the remains of jabba’s power stagnated but that’s how bib managed to stay alive, by not attracting the attention of hutt lords.
after boba and fennec take over, they free the slaves and focus on getting the palace operational. boba has no need for the entire building so there are sections of it that get permanently locked, but the most important rooms get restored, restocked and have their security measures upgraded. people doing the refurbishing are the tatooine locals who then spread the news about the new king in the middle of the desert. people start coming back to the court because they know things are about to get busy and work is guaranteed.
once the palace is under control, boba’s attention turns to the rest of the planet. he respects the tusken territory so he leaves that alone, but he slowly takes over the trade routes cutting through the dune sea. if traders wish to use them and be under his protection, they have to pay. it’s not exorbitant and the safety is always guaranteed, so it’s not an awful deal. there are also several tusken and jawa camps along the way for additional trading between the tatooine cities. 
protecting trade routes requires forces which know how to handle a blaster and can fend off raiders and/or wild animals. mercenaries and hunters from all over the galaxy come to the palace, looking for a steady employment. boba also offers contracts for the more skillful visitors. he still prefers to stay hands on, so the most important jobs are done by him or fennec or both. but he will hire someone to clear out some dangerous den or a raider camp from time to time. 
hunters/mercs that have proven their worth will be eventually send off-planet. as boba’s influence on tatooine grows and he restarts the outer rim trade, the hutt clan can’t afford to ignore him. even if they wanted to leave him alone, they can’t because letting boba rule over jabba’s domain sends a message of weakness to other crime syndicates in the galaxy. and the hutt clan’s position is already very wobbly, compared to black sun and crimson dawn. the hutts will attempt to reclaim jabba’s domain but boba knows exactly where to hit them because he spent years working for them. the tactic he utilizes at first, very relentlessly, is siccing the new republic on the hutts. he does so by contacting the rangers through a third party and tipping them off where hutts’ bases of operations are hidden. 
some threats are taken head on and a lot of high ranking hutt families are eliminated either by him or fennec. once hutt clan gets the message and leaves tatooine alone, other crime syndicates begin to take interest in boba’s little operation. but he is not entertaining any coalitions, mostly because he’s boba and boba works alone yadda yadda yadda, but part of it is also boba’s previous working experience for almost every crime organization in the galaxy. he knows that sooner or later they turn on each other, hence his lack of interest in any long-term alliance. 
as boba’s kingdom grows, the previously quiet palace gets lively again. boba resumes some of the duties jabba had, such as resolving disputes or settling debts for people of tatooine. because fennec is his equal, she is often found on the throne as well. she’s also responsible for making the palace fun again because boba is tragically ignorant of how important having a good music band in the palace at all time is. they compliment each other well when it comes to running the palace and are equally involved in seeing their operation flourish. 
but eventually, boba will reach the peak and he will lose interest in running this operation. he proved a point, he didn’t let this planet defeat him, he returned and conquered it in return. once he’s satisfied with the conquest, he will move on. give the palace away to fennec or anyone else, return to hunting for a brief while. and this is the place where i’d link my mand’alor verse if i had it written out so UHH watch this space but yes, the next logical conclusion is him returning to mandalore.
to sum up, they have fun on tatooine!! boba’s a great businessman who can and will fuck up other crime syndicates and new republic alike. if we have any threads happening in this verse, it’s likely boba will offer some sort of job for them and thats fun !!!! or they can just hang , the vibes at the palace are immaculate now. theres a cool bar and a lot of gays , lets chill lets have fun !!!!!!
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aestheticvoyage2019 · 5 years
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Day 193: Friday July 12, 2019 - “Indiana Dune Dump”
Rolled up to the shores of Lake Michigan to visit the US’s newest National Park and keep my trek of visiting all in the lower 48 clean... but I was pretty dismayed with what I found.   I pulled up to the ranger station when I arrived just after 9 - “is this the National Park?”  I was curious because the sign said State Park. “There is no real entrance to the national park” the girl at the window said, “just this one.”  “Ok well will my National Parks pass work to get me in?”  “No because this is the state park.”  “So where can I get into the National Park?” I asked curiously.  “You cant” - well how much does it cost to get into the State Park?  $12 was the answer.    “So whyd they make this a National Park” I asked the attendant....   “To make my life miserable and have the name.”
Thats trash.
I paid my $12 to get into the so called National Park that Pence got written into the government funding bill back in February when the administration shutdown the government.  I happened to mention that I just wanted to go put my feet in the water as I paid and she told me I couldnt do that because the lifeguard left at 6.  “But you can walk the beach!”
And so I went down there.  Found an old building taped off, thick mosquitos and a beach lined with Gary Indiana’s industry and lights.   Theres a pretty short list of bad or goofy National Parks....   there is a huge gap between Cuyahoga and this one.  Unbelievable that it has National Park status.   By this measure, Higgins Lake should be a national park.  I guess if you like your sunsets to go down off to the side, and your night sky lit by industry lights, this is the place for you.   But having grown up going to Lake Michigan at places like Ludington, South Haven, Manistee, and Sleeping Bear - I wouldnt even consider spending a beach day here.  
I climbed up on the empty lifeguard tower.  And smoked a celebratory week’s end cigar, and listened to the waves and swatted mosquitos non-stop and decided, that as disappointed and riled as I was that this place had Park status, I decided that at least it would keep the droves of tourists away from the real good places up north and keep them beautiful and clean.  And if the state and its representatives needed this badge of honor to joined such an elite class as the Tetons, and the Yellowstone - than all I can do is hope to God someone with a brain undoes it some time down the road.  At least the NPS had this together before congress appropriated it:
“Our preference is that the designation of ‘national park’ be reserved for units that contain a variety of resources and encompass large land or water areas to help provide adequate protection of the resources, and that in general, similar types of units have consistent designations,” P. Daniel Smith, the acting director of the National Park Service, asserted in written testimony to a Senate subcommittee last year. “Indiana Dunes has more in common with the other Great Lakes national lakeshores . . . than with most national parks. Indiana Dunes is the smallest of the four lakeshore units, and the only one of the four that does not include any designated wilderness.”
What I experienced was even less complicated than that.  Maybe they had indeed only done it to make that attendants life difficult.  Shame.
You get the idea - I was disappointed and jealous.  You may recall I once Advocated for establishment of a Great Lakes National Park.  But this aint it.  At 11p, 90  minutes after I arrived, and man on a 4 wheeler and spotlight blasted up to me and told me the park was closed and I had to leave.   “Gladly” I said.  He warned off something about when it reopens the next day -  I waived and said “I wont be back” - my travels to parks has always felt like a love letter to the best the country has....   Indiana Dunes was a one night stand, Id rather forget.
Song:  Jason Aldean - Rearview Town
Quote: The parks do not belong to one state or to one section.... The Yosemite, the Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon are national properties in which every citizen has a vested interest; they belong as much to the man of Massachusetts, of Michigan, of Florida, as they do to the people of California, of Wyoming, and of Arizona. Who will gainsay that the parks contain the highest potentialities of national pride, national contentment, and national health? A visit inspires love of country; begets contentment; engenders pride of possession; contains the antidote for national restlessness.... He is a better citizen with a keener appreciation of the privilege of living here who has toured the national parks.  ~Stephen Mather
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shakingsphere · 5 years
um i need a distraction so heres a question thing that yall are supposed to send to me but i just answered all of them if ur interested
Alisons: Sexuality?
straight i think
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
she/her cis
Amaryllis: Birthday?
january 30th!
Anemone: Favorite flower?
idk what they’re called but these vine type flowers on the side of my porch!
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
depends on the context, definitely nothing where they could take advantage of me
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
i hate quotes i can never remember any lmao
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
.... diet coke
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
maybe? he didnt love me back
Baneberries: Favorite song?
vienna by billy joel
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
my parents are nice and supportive but overbearing and judgmental. my dad has a tendency to talk when its not his place and my mom is very jewish. my sister doesnt like me very much and is kind of rude. one of my brothers is really nice and the other is awful
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
I dont
Begonia: Favorite color?
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
red panda
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
a cat
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
an animator 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
i love kids theyre so cute
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
heights bc theyre scary, and unachieving because i dont want to waste my life
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i used to play with ants a lot
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
like if i was conscious it was my last day? i dont even know
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
single :/
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
central asia and iran
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
when im with my friends and we’re just hanging out
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
no ma’am i am a child of god
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
my ear lobes and i want to get my doubles done
California Poppy: Height?  
5′3. it be like that
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
yes!!!!!!!!!!!! omg
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
a college sweatshirt and pj pants with penguins on them
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
when i was little....
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my friend hannah
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
i haven’t...
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
um lobster?
Columbine: Are you tired?
yeah lol
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
college and moving out of state!!
Coneflower: Dream job?
something where i can use my degree lmao
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
i think im an introvert but i also might just have anxiety
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i would take a bullet for most of my loved ones
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
yes. a tie-dyed teddy bear named tie-dye. he is my husband.
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
nothing that people who arent me should remember, but i think our experiences shape us so
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
im not dead idk
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
um id probably be upset i care about my parents approval way to much
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
my friend hannah again lol
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
public speaking!!
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
um i met my future roommate, i lost a bit of weight, and i got some cute shorts
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
join my college’s honors program and study in russia
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
im not doing this one too tired
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed? 
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
i try to tell ppl they are important to me
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
im funny i think
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
i wake up at 9:30 its 70 degrees Fahrenheit and i get lunch with some friends and then we hang out for the day
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
im so bad about this all i do is watch youtube and study, but i love to draw and im going to start reading more
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
pretty sure its french for clear or bright (depending on the context). my mom just liked it
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
im from a suburb of kck. its a nice and safe place to grow up but i wouldnt choose to live here
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
nice, but its in the basement so the view is really bad i hate that
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
no nope no
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she is very smart and hardworking but very judgmental and a bit inconsiderate. she loves me very much tho
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
he is short and angry. he tends to interrupt me a lot. he is supportive of everything i do. he is stingy about money tho
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my mother’s mom died before i was born, and my i was never close with her father. he died when i was 8. my other grandma has bad dementia and isn’t sure who i am anymore. shes presbyterian but she would send my sister and i dreidels and such for hanukkah. im told i look a lot like her. my grandfather has been very grumpy for as long as ive known him.   
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
my 13th. i had an anxiety attack and had to go home early.
Peony: What was your first job?
i was a hostess at a seafood restaurant.
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
i give myself time to process it and then just move forward i guess
Pink: Where is home?
where your sense of belonging is ig idk
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
i would have made better grades and quit band in middle school haha 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
i want to be happy with 2 kids and a husband and live below my means but still be comfortable 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
nihil was a philosopher. 
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
fuck idk my dog
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
background noise when your sitting outside
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
for everything to work out!!!  
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
very very hard
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
the internet
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hours but i overslept
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
i have to
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
i dont have a job rn and thats bad
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
my jeans from uo
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
cool librarian or 90s mom
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
160,000 dollars :)
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
the cost of college!!!!
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
oof like 2. i read Dune, and Slaughterhouse Five
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
college! finishing up my first semester
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
yeah :( 
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
ive been late to ap french almost every day this semester #c’estlavie
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✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
“It’s me! I’m the best! The rest of these make believe so called ‘muses can all suck-“
[Shut up Harlock, you don’t count. I hope its okay if I don’t name names. All of them were on tumblr and people might be around from those times. I wanted to start fresh]
1: [NAME REDACTED BY THE ORDO HERETICUS]: She was an Inquisitor of a low rank travelling around on a small escort class ship, helped out by a slightly above average number of inquisitorial stormtroopers who were all adorable painballs that were delicious to write. She eventually transitioned into a Chaos Daemon of undivided allignment (or of Malal, or perhaps of no allignment whatsoever- a true neutral of the warp) during an EPIC ADVENTURE that saw some Hokuto no Ken (Fist of the North Star) level combat and shit with daemons, so she could eventually revenge herself on the evil dipshit inquisitor who set her up for corruption. None of that happened and the blog died like, halfway through a fucking dope fight scene with a Changer of Ways and his skyscraper sized warp dune-worms. I’m still mad I didnt get to retire this charachter correctly as queen-bitch of her own daemonworld, enslaving and ensuring suffering for its denizens for all eternity in her own corner of hell, watching the soul of the depraved inquisitor who destroyed her writhe in torment for all time.
2. The colonel of #1′s stormtroopers, who survived the warp infestation of their master and went on to being loosely attached to various other blogs and charachters as part of other story lines. If we’re being honest, while these charachters were amazing, nothing epic was planned for them like number 1, hence their number 2 spot. The colonel was similar in Harlock in that they were both too old for this shit, and tired as hell. This guy looked exactly like Bruce Willis.
3. A knight, from [setting redacted] who was super grim and SRS, looking for an honorable death in a kind of ‘failed ronin’ way, but with heavy plate mail and a big fucking sword. Total badass and lady killer, despite being essentially an asexual sadman who hit things. Never got a real arch, never got to see any kind of resolution at all, relatively short lived blog- and sadly part of a multimuse blog which stole a lot of his time and focus away for weaker charachters who sucked.
Honorable Mentions:
Rin! The 40k smuggler and free agent who was inspired by me beating Shadow Run Returns’ ‘Dead Man’s Switch’ campaign. She was a cool punk chick living in a shitty shuttle which she used to hitchhike on imperial freighters across the universe, moving illicit goods, stealing shit, and doing missions others wouldnt. Like a poor girl’s rogue trader, or shadowrun in 40k. I goddamn loved this charachter so fucking much that it still hurts my soul that I made her right when i left the 40k community the first time on tumblr. Rin, it wasn’t you, it was me, and I’m goddamn sorry that your dead. The muse did not deserve thy mun.
The Major of #2, working loosely for #1:
This girl was shamelessly fucking stolen from a charachter in Black Lagoon (an anime/manga) and commanded a rutheless group of cutthroat mercenaries and gangsters turned stormtroopers, in addition to just normal stormtroopers depending on the timeframe, who was so fucking cool that she demanded her own sub-blog. I loved writing this sadistic basketcase and  sincerely wish I did more with her before the end. What a coold charachter. However, she had nowhere near the development or depth of #2, and is an honorable mention because again, I completely and shamelessly plagiarized this charachter. Even her blog art was just from the anime. By the way my dudes, watch Black Lagoon. That is some good shit.
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isaacathom · 7 years
to top it off, why did Jun take Seren
the issue is why he would do that. the only way it works is if the group in the base were woefully uninformed and didnt know how many people had come. after all, as far as the grunts know, there were only two people - Seren and Elliot. and if elliot ran off, then its just Seren. especially since the team knows that the organisation will NOT arrive until they’re sure most of the team is off premises, as part of The Scheme. so if Jun wholeheartedly believes that its likely to take an hour or so for everyone to get out, and therefore MORE than an hour for help to arrive for Seren (this also assuming Elliot is a total fucking coward, which he is), he wouldnt be able to leave her behind. but he also cant adminster quick help because, yknow, he’s gotta fucking flee. if hes caught, its all over for him and his family. it ruins everything. he hates being in the Team, but the least he can do is not be caught doing that, so he can keep providing for his family, yknow.
so then, whats he to do? he doesnt want to leave her there, in case it takes ages OR if they dont even find her (still assuming Elliot is a coward, which the Team either already knew in general or Jun is assuming based on his prior behaviour), that’s something that will weigh on him. if he turns on the news in a few days time and finds out a body was discovered in the Team base or that this girl has gone missing, it will fucking shatter him. he’s fairly confident shes not THAT badly injured, but its less that he thinks she’ll die there and more that he’s concerned she’ll wake up alone and get lost trying to get home, lost to the sandy dunes. thats terrifying. thats terrifying for a man whose moral code is to help everyone he can (which makes him being in the Team an ethical nightmare for him and he honestly hates it with all his being)
so, he takes Seren. it was his only choice, based on what he knew. had he knows that Elliot would change his mind less than half an hour later and return, he wouldve probably just fixed her position and then left her there. but he didnt. it probably turned out for the best on the whole, since, if nothing else, it lead to her having a loving family again, which she wouldve been hard pressed to find otherwise. especially with Seren promptly falling out with Elliot once she comes to. lose that entire support network. just her, on her own. so even if Jun has any regrets about taking her, she allays them frequently.
that works. then he has to like, actually leave. he’s the last one out of the building, since he’s helping seal some doors. and he’s the one who radios in with something that sounds rather innocuous. ‘yea [CEO], i got home safe after tonight’ done. [CEO] sends in the org. the clean up crew is in. but he also has to actually get home. bearing in mind the base he was working out is out in the north western desert, and he lives in like, the centre east. what sorta flying pokemon does he need to have for something like that. fuck. uh.... thats actually a good question. like its gotta be big enough to carry two people (of rooouuuughly equal mass. roughly. he probably weighs a little more but in terms of general size Seren IS taller than him). and in a stable way. im thinking.... salamence or a togekiss? togekiss arent super small, i dont see why it couldnt carry them back east. a salamence definitely could but WOULD a doctor have a salamence. at least togekiss makes thematic sense. Jun is basically the fairy/psychic specialist in the Team, lmao. you could also have pelipper but thatd also be kinda weird. i like togekiss.
thatd be a long fucking flight home, though. i mean, fuck. theyd probably need to stop on the way. itd look pretty weird too, if anyone saw. the implication is noone saw them - if they had, the investigation into serens disappearance wouldnt have stalled. they probably stuck to the north, which is fairly rural and kept low. stop a few times, warm everyone up, check to make sure the girl is ok and maybe do the basic first aid now. though the idea is he actually does that just before he calls in. then its just checking shes alright from there.
he probably doesnt get home till like 5, which is after Elliot gets home as well. possibly even longer, since the idea of the east of the region being p rural comes from the mountains being Big Ol Fucks. and theres only three routes through them - the first is to go over them, which requires going really high, which not everyone is capable of doing (for a variety of reasons). the second is to go through them, like, through the caves, which isnt an option for Jun. and the third is to go around. if Jun comes from the north, he can POSSIBLY go around from the north end where there are some lower routes. so like. late ass morning. buddy better hope he doesnt have work that day. gets home late, scaring the absolute fuck out of Bronwyn, who is sleeping restlessly because she knows Jun is ‘at work’ and its later than normal. so he arrives home and she jolts out of bed and edges downstairs (trying not to wake Lyndelle, which is actually probably successful) and then sees her husband coming in the back door with a teenage girl in his arms and its like ‘honey what the actual fuck’
thatd be awkward. ‘listen honey i can explain but first i should make her comfortable so she can rest’ ‘...... alright, let me help’ *a few charged minutes later as they close the door to the spare bedroom* ‘alright Jun what the fuck is going on. why are you home so late’ ‘Bron i wouldve thought that was kiiiinda obvious’ ‘Jun’ ‘ok, so the girl and an older man raided the base, and some grunts roughed them up. the man fled, and the grunts knocked her out. i didnt wanna leave her behind in case the man didnt come back, sooo.....’ ‘jun if they find out we have her youre fucked’ ‘......fuck’ ‘i wish you would think these things through’ ‘listen Bron, we’ll just look after her for a day or two, just make sure she’s alright. see if anything pops up in the news. we’ll work from there’ ‘you mean we’ll send her home, right?’ ‘probably? i dont know. it depends what happens.’ ‘You’re a worry. were you seen?’ ‘i dont think so.’ ‘alright.’ and then idk, they probably go to bed. Jun’s guilty. Bronwyns kinda pissed. Lyndelle, at this blissful stage, has absolutely no idea whats happening. she doesnt find out until she gets home from school the next day and sees Seren through the open door and immediately gets spooked. wouldnt you be? fuck. though she probably gets a slight tip off when she wakes up that morning and is like ‘wheres dad?’ ‘still in bed, dear - he had to stay late at work’ ‘oh, ok’ bearing in mind even at this early stage she VAGUELY knows Jun is in the Team. of course then she hears all about the hot news at school and its like ‘hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm right’. so shes vaguely prepared for ominous shit at home but NOT for a girl her age sitting quietly in her spare bedroom reading the paper. i mean, the fucks up with that, yknow.
i had like 3 breaks in the time it took to write this but i guess the tl;dr Jun was unaware there were other people inside the base and believed Elliot had completely fled, and thus felt obligated to help Seren. WITH the end goal of helping her get better in a few days and then sending her back home with some sort of note that wouldnt be identifiable but would explain the story. of course we know it doesnt go that way and they basically end up adopting her as Rhia Stanton, but, yknow, its the thought that counts
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My how time flies. It has been too long. Life seems to have settled for now. 1st grade is right around the corner and summer isnt long enough. This post is about bonding and how important being involved in their lives early on is important. The key to summer time is all the memories that you can collect in the entire summer. So far we have packed as much as we could into the 5 consecutive summer weeks we have with our cherub. We have gone to amusment parks, pokemon hunting, pokemon TCG, cabin camping in the mountains, golfing, summer camp, swimming, fishing, hiking horsebackriding... you name it we tried it. But we didnt do it all alone. We wouldnt have been able to do it without both sets of his grandparents and Ill give a little shout out to my sister for watching him while we were in the office and the grandparents were away at play. The oportunities given to a child can not be amounted by the amount of activities put in though or the amount of money spent. But the quality time that we were with him for it. The amount of times we sit together around the dinner table while we talk, laugh and cry. The amount of time we spent on roller coasters because we didnt want him doing it alone. (It was extremely terrifying but worth seeing his smile.) The time we spent letting him crawl the town center playing pokemon go to battle gyms. The time we spent learning how to tie his shoes. The hours we spent learning how to play the pokemon card game together. (Which I only looked at as a kid and let the collect) Even the hours we spent watching the Ultimate Beast Masters on loop because it was that or American Ninja Warriors. The hours we have spent so far this summer has been precious. Every moment hoping that these memories stick. Hoping we can create these throughout the entire year. Along with years to come in his life. Building new long lasting memories is important. I love the few that I have retained as a child. The ones that my family created for me. I unfortunately have a hard time remembering them often because I have been through some tramatic memories and events and there was a point where that is all I remember. The trama. The amount of times my mom had gone off her medicine and my step dad getting angry. The amount of times that I was berated and told I was worth nothing. The amount of times I felt like nothing. It happened so often that the times spent at the beach were shadowed. The times we went berry picking shattered. The times where we would watch the fireworks and go stargazing overshadowed. The amount of times I got sick for prolonged periods of time. The times where my only contact with my dad was a phone call on my birthday. The times I went camping in the sand dunes with my grandparents. The lighthouses we went up and down. The wild ponies of Chincoteague we saw. Going to Disney World and losing my 1st tooth. Honestly most of the memories started to fade as my parents mental state dwindled. Their depression settled in. The darkness consumed them. In turn I was a target. There was even a point were it got physical and I had no idea if I would survive. I have a damaged relationship with my mom that I dont want to fix because of it. I dont want this to happen to my step son. I want to make sure that we consistently give him possitive memories. I hope that for my husband's and his mothers sake that they can consistantly give him possitive memories and that by the end of the day he is happy. I hope I can do that consistantly and his step dad can do it too. I hope he remembers that he is loved by his grandparents, step parents, extended family and parents. We all love him. And creating these constant memories is crucial for us. I recogonize the importance in bonding with my step son. Making sure that he knows the I love and care about him not in my words or how much money I can spend on him but with my time. I know my time is what he truly desires but not only my time but how I spend that time with him because that is what he will remember. Something that happens to him in 10 minutes can be remembered for a lifetime. It just depends on how you spend it.
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