#i was hoping thay it would wirk out
ghoulishbatz · 7 months
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I'm actually going fucking insane this is so awful why did I draw that star trek yaoi and post it fuck my life is so over
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rise-my-angel · 3 days
Okay as a woc would it take away from the story to ignore feature descriptions and pretend maybe Stannis married another woman before Selyse or something to make it make sense😭 I love your wirk so I hope you take no offense to this question!
Absolutely whatever you want is perfectly fine! I try to stay vauge on features beyond dark hair and eye colour, only because thore are just relevant Baratheon features, so the reader can look any which way for the rest of it. I'm not perfect at keeping it vauge but I don't want anyone thinking what they imagine isn't accurate.
My reader to me, looks like me, but I want the reader to you, to look like you. No one should feel left out, I'd never want that.
Whether that be Selyse looks different or if she's just the mother thay raised you and your birth mother looked completely different, or any other idea that you have to feel comfortable. I don't want anyone to feel like they aren't included or their interpretation is wrong! I welcome any and all ways that someone might read the story to feel more comfortable about themselves in it.
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