#i was gonna write more but i lost steam
babehog · 1 year
I get so fucking depressed over not being allowed to have ANY ODOUR like what the fuck. Got complaints at my job because apparently people have thought I smell bad. And this isn't something new for me either. All my life I've heard I smell bad, that my sweat smells "weird". People have told me I smell like a foreigner, like I'm not Swedish, like I don't care for my hygiene. Sometimes I'll shower and before I've even had the time to dry myself off I've started sweating a little and allready have my "smell" on me again.
And I know dear reader you're probably scoffing at me rn going "pfft lol why not use perfume or deoderant, I bet you don't actually wash yourself" and I just have to say please fucking hit yourself in the head 10 times. I'm allergic to 99% of deodorant (metal allergy and sensitive to drying from alcohol) and even the ones I haven't had reactions to haven't fucking done anything.
We need to destigmatize smell honestly. In our modern society everyone is expected to smell like fucking roses and green apples and fresh cotton and if you visibly sweat or smell even a little funky you get ostracized. I shouldn't have to feel ashamed because you can't tolerate some natural body smells. I'm not sayinh anyone has to huff my pits or anything just don't frown at me don't force me to use antiperspirant because it FUCKS my body UP. When did we accept antiperspirant as the norm in society
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smoreal · 2 years
I have so many drabbles that are slowly starting to eat up my singular word document ;^; I’m trying to decide whether to post them here or on ao3…
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Gosh... with they hype for art fight building with the theme reveals and stuff, I just feel really sad not to be participating this year. I probably won't have another FNaF illustration done, or, really started much this week, but I'll get back to it soon. I am enjoying how the finished versions of these look. It's nice to see I can still draw more than character refs. I was a bit worried I'd lost a lot of that "spark" after a spell where I couldn't draw much at all due to issues with my arm. It seems better now, still don't even know what was wrong with it, and we sure did try to find answers lol.
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heartsandhischier · 5 months
definitely the annoying little brother
luke hughes x female!reader, jack hughes x platonic!reader
summary - 5.2k words. living in an apartment with your best friend is great, but living in an apartment with your best friend and his brother... not so great
author's note - so... got a little carried away with this one, might write a part 2 idk yet but I love cocky Luke
warnings - mentions of alcohol, swearing, smut (first time writing so hopefully it isn't total shit)
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When you first moved to New Jersey, you felt completely lost. Don’t take it the wrong way, it was great—a prestigious college, a change of scenery, and the promise of a fresh start. But your journey took an unexpected turn when you bumber into someone, quite literally crashed into someone, drenching him in your freshly bought coffee.
That someone was Jack, who had also just moved to New Jersey after being drafted by the New Jersey Devils. Like you, he was lost, navigating the unfamiliar terrain of a new beginning. Quickly, you became best friends, each other’s anchor in this new and unfamiliar state. You were each other’s confidants and biggest supporters, always there to lift one another up, no matter the challenge—cheering him on from the stands during his rookie year while he helped you with your schoolwork, or at least tried to…
You supported each other through thick and thin.
When you suddenly found yourself without an apartment, Jack didn’t hesitate to offer you his guest room. What started as a temporary arrangement soon turned into something more permanent, as both of you realized that living together just felt right. What was meant to be a short-term solution naturally evolved into a lasting living situation.
When Luke was drafted, you were perched on the edge of your seat in the apartment, eyes glued to the screen in anticipation as the New Jersey Devils prepared to announce their pick. The moment Luke’s name was called, you jumped up from the couch, overwhelmed with joy. You were thrilled, not just for Luke, but because you knew how much this meant to Jack—being able to play alongside his brother, to grow and improve together on the ice. You watched the screen as Jack sprung from the couch, shaking with excitement. He had told you before, that if Luke was drafted by the Devils, he would move into the apartment. Rather than feeling any apprehension, your strong friendship with Jack made you excited to live with the two brothers.
But here you were, pounding angrily on the shared bathrrom door, “LUKE! Are you fucking kidding me? I’m gonna be late!” The reality of living with Luke was far from pleasant or fun as you had imagined.
Luke was definetely the annoying brother of the three.
Unlike Jack, who was always kidn and considerate, Luke seemed to barely tolerate your presence. He often made snide, witty comments, as if he took some kind of pleasure in getting under your skin.
The apartment had turned into a warzone, filled with incessant arguing, shouting, and tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. In jack’s absence, there was no one to play the peacemaker, no one stopping the two of you from getting at each others throats. Luke was leaving the bathroom a mess, his toiletries scattered everywhere, piling dirty dishes in the sink, not even bothering to put them in the dishwasher, and even taking your clothes out of the dryer and dumping them on the floor so he could use the machine. He even went as far as throwing a party the night before your midterm.You couldn’t hep but feel like he was doing all of this on purpose. You knew he was raised well, with proper manners and common decency—Jack was living proof of that. You knew, you knew he was doing it on purpose. Luke was intentionally firing you up, pushing your buttons. And what bothered you the most, was that it was working.
Luke finally unlocked the bathroom door, and as he swung the it open, a cloud of steam escaped into the hallway. His hair damp, a towel casually wrapped around his waist, showing off his toned muscles. “You don’t need to spend that much time in the bathroom, especially when you end up looking like that,” you snapped, arms crossed in frustration.
“Like what? Incredibly handsome?” Luke shot back, a smug smirk spreading across his face.
“No, like shit,” you fired back, not missing a beat.
“Well, you’re not exactly a sight for sore eyes yourself. So you don’t really need the bathroom before school anyways,” he chuckled, clearly satisfied with his comeback. Annoyed, you rolled your eyes and pushed past him, eager to get on with your day.
“Come on Y/N,” Jack whined, his voice dragging, practically on his knees, begging. His team was heading out to celebrate their victory from the night before, and with your schedule finally clear after endless stress, Jack insisted that you’d join them, arguing that you deserved a break. However, his team included a certain someone—Luke. The thought of spending hours into the night, subjected to Luke’s endless barbs and comments, now potentially amplified by alcohol, spelled nothing but trouble in your mind.
“I’ll put you on my tab, if you come,” he offered wiggling his eyebrows, trying to sweeten the deal with the promise of a free night out. You couldn’t help but laugh at his desperation, “Come on, we both know you’d do that anyways,” you teased, narrowing your eyes playfully at him.
“Please, I’ll clean the bathroom for the next three weeks,” he proposed.
“Four weeks.”
“Fine, four weeks. And I’ll make you lunch for those weeks too,” he said, extending his hand in a peace offering.
“Deal. But I’ll skip on the lunch since you barely know how to cook brocolli.”
“Aren’t we going to wait for Luke?” you asked, slipping into your boots, a hint of curiousity in your voice. Jack chuckled at your questiong, catching your eyes in the mirror as he straigthened his jacket. “What, have you suddenly become best friend with your ‘enemy’?” he teased. “Absolutely not,” you snorted, “Just wanted to know if I needed to prepare for a battle to get us in the back seat.”
The Uber sped through the bustling streets of New York, skyscrapers flashing by in a blur. Luke had headed out erly with Holtz and Mercer, granting you a rare moment of peace on the drive to the club, free from the usual bickering.
The elevator chimed, announding your arrival at the club’s level. As the doors slid open, you were greeted by a breathtaking panoramic view of New York City—the virbant lights and endless stretched out before you, leaving you momentarily speechless. “Pretty sick, right?” Jack playfully nudged you, his smile infectious, clearly proud of the evening’s choice. The club’s interior buzzed with energy, packed with people moving rhythmically beneath the glow of shimmering lights. The music enveloped the space, so loud and deep that the bass seemed to vibrate through the very floor. With a reassuring grip, jack took your hand and guided you through the crowd, weaving towards the table where his teammates were gathered.
They all excitedly greeted the two of you, ushering you both to join them at the table. You loved Jack’s teammates—they were just as kind and welcoming as him, making everyone feel included and part of the fun. They had a way of making you feel like you belonged, as if you were a part of the team.
And then there was Luke.
He didn’t even glance in your direction when you approached the table, too invested in his conversation with Timo to care—yeah sure.
As soon as you sat down, the drinks were served—Jack with his usual beer, and for you, a Tom Collins, your all-time favourite. You couldn’t help but chuckle, Jack had even gone out of his way to make sure you got your favourite drink.
After a few more drinks and plenty of hearty laughs, Jack pulled you out of your seat and onto the dance floor. The music immediately took over as you started moving, and you found yourself actually enjoying the moment. Dancing with Jack, you felt genuinely happy, grateful that you’d agreed to go out. In that moment, you forgot all about his annoying little brother.
Dancing, completely lost in the ruthm and music, you noticed your glass was empty. Sldiding through the crowd, you made your way to the bar, skillfully navigating the sea of people, all moving to the same infectious beat. The bartenders were a blur of activity, moving with swift precision as they tried to keep up with the endless stream of orders shouted by eager club-goers.
While waiting to be served, you suddenly felt a hand wrap around your waist. Startled, you turned around, meeting the drunken gaze of a stranger. “What are you getting beautiful?” he slurred. He was undeniably handsome, but the whole encounted made you feel uncomfortable. You tried to respond, but only managed to stumble out an incoherent answer.
He leaned in closed, his breath hot against your ear, “Why don’t I buy you a drink, and then we can continue the party at my place?” a shiver ran down your spine, and not the good kind. All you could muster was a sheepish smile, your mind racing for a way out. In a sudden, unwelcome move, he leaned in, clearly aiming for a kiss. You froze, unable to move, instinctively shutting your eyes, bracing for impact.
But the kiss never came. Eyes still closed, you heard commotion.
“Back off. She’s not going anywhere with you.”
Opening your eyes, you found Luke standing between you and the stranger, his body tense as he had pushed the man away, shielding you from his advances.
“You okay?” Luke asked, his voice softening as he lightly brushed your arm, his towering presence offering an unexpected sense of security. You looked up at him, slowly giving a small nod, your mind still racing. What the fuck just happened?
Without missing a beat, Luke turned to signal the bartender, “Two Tom Collins’ please.” The bartender nodded in acknowledgement and swiftly got to work on the drinks.
As he handed you one of the glasses, Luke’s hand gently found its way to the small of your back, guiding you with a suprising tenderness toward the dance floor. The music, once again, enveloped you, its rhythm quickly helping you forget the uncomfortable encounter at the bar.
You found yourself dancing close to Luke, closer than you had ever been before. You felt weirdly comfortable in Luke’s presence, and it seemed he noticed, his hand resting gently on your hips, his voice teasing. “For someone who complains so much about me, you seem pretty okay with standing this close to me.”
His comment took you by surprise, a rush of warmth flooding your cheeks. You quickly retorded, trying to mask your fluster, “Trust me, if the club wasn’t this packed, I’d be standing lightyears away from you.”
Luke smirked, leaning in closer, his breath tickling your ear as he whispered, “Or maybe you’ve just realised how much you actually enjoy my company. All those complaints might just be your way of getting my attention.”
You sturggled to maintain your composure, caught off guard by the unexpected closeness. “Dream on Luke. If I wanted your attention I’d just lock myself in the bathroom with you,” you shot back, trying to sound unfazed.
“Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you,” he replied with that damn smirk—you wished you could just slap it off his face.
What. Was. Happening?
Confused and a bit flustered, you mustered up an excuse and rushed through the lively crowd toward Jack at the table.
“Enjoying youself?” Jack’s voice pulled you back to reality, his tone playful as he nudged you.
“Fine!” You responed, rolling our eyes at him. “I’m having fun. But you didn’t have to make them get my favourite drink,” you laughed, giving into his bright smile.
Jack joined the laughter, but there was in his response that made it seem like he was laughing at you, not with you. He tilted his head, genuinely puzzled as he looked at you. “I didn’t tell anyone to order your favourite drink.”
“Well, who’s in charge of the tab tonight?”
The next few weeks, you did everything you could to avoid Luke. The whole situation at the club… it left you confused. It was so unexpected, yet for some reason, you didn’t mind the closeness that you felt that night. But you couldn’t face him. You started waking up hours earlier than necessary just to avoid the usual bathroom fight, lingering around for extrahours before class or work. It was ruining your sleep schedule, but you convinced yourself it was for the best.
Your eyes were glued to the bright screen of your phone—3 AM. You let out a frustrated sigh. You couldn’t sleep. The room felt like an oven, the early arrival of summer in New Jersey wrapping your bedroom in an unbearable warmth. The stress of upcoming exams weighed heavily on your mind. And the thought of having to get up in just two hours to avoid Luke didn’t help much either.
Defeated, you pushed yourself out of bed, sliding into your fluffy slippers. Glancing at your reflection in the mirror, you sighed—you looked a mess. Hair tied up in a messy bun, and Jack’s New Jersey Devils t-shirt hung loosely around you.
At this ungodly hour, no one would see you anyway.
Carefully, you pushed the door open, trying to minimise the telltale creak. With light steps, you tiptoed down the hallway, heading for the kitchen. The gentle glow from the counter lights greeted you, casting a soft, inviting glow over the room—Jack must’ve left it on. However, the comfort quickly turned into dismay when you spotted the very person you’d been trying to hard to avoid for weeks on end—Luke. His back was turned, his curly messy, and a pair of pajama pants hung loosely around his waist. His back muscles, his shoulders—everything was on display.
The sight of him triggered an immediate fight-or-flight response—you needed to get out of there before he noticed you. You turned your heel, but your slippers betrayed you with a sharp squeak against the floor.
“Going somewhere?”
You cleared your throat, gathering the courage to face him as you slowly turned around. There he was, casually leaning against the kitchen counter, a bowl of cereal cradled in his hands—his midnight snack. “Just needed some water. Didn’t realise I had company,” you managed to say, trying your best to sound nonchalant.
He let out a soft chuckle, the spoon in his bowl making lazy circles. “Can’t sleep either, huh? The kitchen’s open for all, y’know.” He wasn’t wrong. Despite your efforts to keep your distance, you did in fact live together, and spaces like the kitchen were neutral ground, even at 3 AM.
“Yeah, I… I guess I’ll just grab that water then,” you replied, navigating the awkward silence that filled the room. You reached for a glass and made your way to the sink—coincidentally right next to where Luke was enjoying his cereal. His presence towering over you as you filled your glass with water.
“You know, for two people who claim to hate each other, we do end up in the same place a lot,” Luke observed with a smirk that you could feel rather than see.
You scoffed, trying to maintain a façade of indifference. “We live in the same apartment, Luke, and your brother is my best friend. Don’t get it twisted.”
“Well, you’re wearing my t-shirt, so don’t blame me for getting the ‘wrong idea’,” he countered.
“This is Jack’s.”
He chuckled lightly. “I’ve been looking for it for weeks, thought I lost it. But now I know you just wanted to feel like you were sleeping next tome.”
You scoffed, annoyed. “In your dreams, asshole.”
He stepped closer, closing the distance between you to mere inches. “Y’know, you could’ve just asked. I’d gladly let you sleep in bed with me,” he said, the smirk evident in his voice as he towered over you.
Heart racing, your voice caught in your throat at the sudden proximity. In a moment of panic, you retreated, mumbling an incoherent “I have to go,” as you hastily made your escape.
The usual calm and comfortable space of your apartment was transformed tonight into lively space buzzing with energy, laughter, and booze. It was Jack’s birthday, and as his best friend, you were determined to throw him the best celebration possible—a surprise party. You pulled all the strings, inviting friends and teammates, and with the off-season granting a rare break, Trevor, Cole, and Alex were able to join the festivities. As you navigated the cluster of people, a glass nestled gently in your grasp, your gaze inadvertently landed on Luke. By his side stood a girl whose laughter harmonised so seamlessly with his, it almost seemed choreographed.
A strange unease began to coil within you at the sight. There was Luke, entiraly absorbed in conversation with whoever this girl was, and something about it unsettled you deeply.
“Seems like Luke’s really hitting it off, huh?” Trevor’s voice cut through the hum of the party, his tone playful yet pointed as he caught your fixed gaze and gave a teasing nudge.
“Yeah, looks like it,” you responded, striving for indifference even as you couldn’t tear your eyes away. You weren’t sure why, but the sight of Luke and that girl, felt like it lodged itself in your chest.
Jack’s laughter soon joined in, bright and unaware of the subtle tension you were feeling. He slapped your shoulder playfully, “Luke’s always been a charmer. Who’s the lucky lady this time?”
You attempted a nonchalant shrug, trying to shake off the knot forming in your stomach. “No idea.”
“This is nice isn’t it?”
The sun was shining, pouring its warmth over Jersey City, a gentle breeze complementing the heat perfectly.
As you wandered through the city with Jack, it felt like old times, just the two of you. His excitement was contagious, sparking a lightness that had been missing for too long.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. And we live together!” he joked, playfully nudging you, but you could sense the underlying truth in his words—he genuinely missed these moments together.
And he was right, it had been a while. The efforts you’d put into avoiding Luke had eventually affected Jack as well, since the two of the basically shared the same schedule. You didn’t want to tell him the truth—that you were avoiding Luke and then possibly having to explain why.
“Yeah, I’ve missed this, it’s just that I’ve been drowning in schoolwork lately.” It was a bad excuse, but it was the best and most realistic you could come up with.
Deciding to take advantage of the beautiful day, you suggested heading to one of your favourite cafes. The idea of soaking up some sun while catching up seemed perfect. Once you found a spot in the outdoor seating area, you offered to go in and order for the two of you. By the time you returned with to coffees, the dynamic at your table had unexpectedly changed. Two additional figures were now seated beside Jack, their curls a dead giveawat—you recognised those curls anywhere. A sigh escaped your lips as Jack, beaming with enthusiasm, gestured towards them. “Hey, Y/N! Look who I found!” the two curlyheads turned to face you, John and Luke greeting you with smiles, with Luke’s carrying his signature, teasing smirk.
Reluctantly, you put on a fake smile and settled into the chair next to Jack, doing your best to remain composed, polite, and NOT awkward. The conversation flowed effortlessly around you, but you remained quiet, occasionally offering a nod or a brief reply. Your eyes shifted between John and Jack, deliberately avoiding Luke, as if by ignoring him, you could somehow make the situation less complicated.
Eventually , John and Luke made their casual exit. You managed a tight smile and a polite wave, holding on to your façade of composure until they were out of sight. The moment they were gone, jack’s attention snapped back to you, his brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity. “Why were you acting so weird?”
Suddenly, the café’s cosy outdoor setting felt more like an interrogation room, and you were in the hot seat.
“Wha-what do you mean?” your voice wavered despite the smile you plastered on. “I was not!” you countered, hoping the denial sounded more convincing to his ears than it did to yours.
Jack’s eyes widened in shock, as if he had just cracked the code. The revelation seemed to knock him off balance, almost sending him tumbling off his chair. “Oh my god,” he whispered, a mix of genuine shock and amusement in his voice as a chuckle escaped.
“You’re sleeping with John, aren’t you?”
A wave of relief washed over you at his misinterpretation. It was better than telling him about Luke, right? After all, jack was still Luke’s older brother, and you couldn’t risk jeopardising your friendship with Jack, even if whatever was going on with Luke meant something.
Caught between the fear of losing your best friend and the chaos of the moment, you found yourself nodding along before the word “yes” tumbled out. And now, you possibly just made your situation even messier.
Once again, you found yourself at a bar with Jack and his teammates, the night serving as a farewell toast before everyone dispered for the off-season. The bar buzzed with a contagious mix of laughter and the clinking of glasses, everyone savouring each other’s company before the inevitable goodbyes. Throughout the evening, you’d successfully avoided both Luke and john, skillfully navigating the minefield of awkward encounters. You also… may have indulged in a few too many drinks to steady your nerves.
As you found yourself back at the bar for yet another round of liquid courage, you sensed someone approaching. Turning around, it wasn’t Luke’s familiar curls, but John’s. you managed a somewhat forced smile as he settled beside you. “Hey, Y/N, having fun?” he asked with a smile.
You nervously accepted your drink as it arrived, taking a sip that was perhaps a bit too eager. “Yeah, it’s great hanging out with you guys!”
An awkward silence fell between you, filled only by the sound of your silent sipping. John’s laughter suddenly cut through the tension, breaking the ice with ease as he chuckled at the obvious awkwardsness of the situation. “Y’know, Jack’s been chirping me relentlessly tonight. Mentioning something… interesting… about us.” You groaned, mentally facepalming yourself.
With a playful gesture, he pointed his finger between the both of you, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. “Did… did we sleep together one night and I just forgot?”
“No no no!” you rushed to clarify, flailing your hands around, desperate to clear up the situation. John, is of course, handsome, and after a few too many drinks on a night out, it could’ve happened under different circumstances. The absurdity of it all hit both of you at once, and you burst out laughing, dissolving any lingering awkwardness between the two of you.
John theaterically placed a hand over his heart. “Phew, good. Wouldn’t want Luke getting all jealous on me.” Your laughter echoed his, agreeing wholeheartedly—until his words fully registered. You never mentioned Luke. “What did you say?”
John merely winked and offered you a pat on the shoulder before making his exit, leaving you at the bar, more puzzled than ever.
As the evening unfolded, the flow of drinks seemed never-ending, each one blurring into the next. Suddenly, you found yourself seated in the passengerseat of a car, the lights of New Jersey streaking past you in a dizzyin display. Barely able to keep your eyes open in your drunken state, you looked over to the driver’s seat—Luke. “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be driving,” you slurred.
“I was sober tonight, Y/N. and you… you were way too drunk. We’re going home,” Luke responded, his tone lacking its usual lightness, replaced by a firm, blunt edge. The drive was engulfed in silence, a tensions hanging in the air that even your drunken haze couldn’t miss.
“So, cosying up with John?” Luke remarked, a hint of something indefinable in his tone.
Luke had seen you at the bar. His voice carried a weight, one that echoed the same unease you felt when you saw him with that girl at Jack’s birthday.
Words failed you as you tried to respond, a string of incoherent mumbles and half-formed words spilling out of your mouth. You felt like you were burning up, put on the spot, panicking. “Trying to make me jealous?” You blinked in shock at his question. There was no hint of anger in Luke’s voice; instead, he sounded amused. You could feel his smirk.
As you finally mustered up the courage to face him, there it was—that infuriating, captivating smirk. Part of you wanted to punch it off his face, yet another part for inexplicably drawn to it. “I… I wasn’t…” you stuttered, struggling to articulate your thoughts. Luke let out a soft chuckle, one hand leaving the steering wheel, landing comfortably on your thigh.
“I’ll admit it, I got a bit jealous. But I know John wouldn’t do that to me,” he said, giving you thigh a gentle squeeze. You were totally lost. Luke was jealous? Why? You weren’t trying to make him jealous. Your intentions had been the polar opposite—you were trying to avoid him.
And here you were, alone, in the car, with Luke.
“And I know you wouldn’t do that either. You’re too charmed by me, aren’t you?” The car came to a stop; you were outside the apartment. Luke finally turned to meet your gaze. His question hung in the air, leaving you speechless. You weren’t interested in Luke, at all. You were just confused.
“Is that the reason why you’ve been avoiding me?” His words struck a nerve—he knew. He knew that you had, in fact, been avoiding him. You found yourself locked in his gaze, unable to pry your eyes away. Luke didn’t look away either; it was as if he was uncovering every secret, exploring every inch of you with his eyes.
In a swift, almost breathless moment, he leaned over, his lips finding yours. The kiss caught you by surprise, yet the thought of pulling away never crossed your mind. Instead, you found yourself surrendering—melting into the warmth of his lips. Your hand instinctively found its way to his curls, fingers weaving through them, pulling him closer,deepening the kiss.
You were moving in perfect sync.
His hand reached out, unlatching your seatbelt, freeing your from its restraint. With an ease of urgency, you climbed over the midconsole, never losing the precious contact between the two of you.
His hands found their way to your hips, finger pressing into the soft fabric of your clothes, pulling you even closer. Arching your back at the contact, your clothed core merely inches away from him, only your clothes separating you. Intoxication swept over you, but it wasn’t the alcohol swirling through your veins that left you dizzy – it was Luke. it was the touch of his hands roaming around your body, the feeling of his lips on yours, it was him. And you needed more. Your hands seemed to take on a life of their own, grasping at his shoulders, tugging at his curls, wrapping around his neck – anything to be closer to Luke.
Lost in the moment, straddling Luke in the drivers seat as you deepened the kiss. His hands on your hips, pulling you closer as you grind against him, feeling him harden beneath you. The friction was maddening, and you could feel yourself growing wetter by the second.
You simply couldn’t help yourself.
With a groan, Luke pulls away, leaving you both gasping for air. But the respite is short-lived as you felt Luke’s fingers grazing your inner thigh, sending shivers up your spine. He hooked his fingers under the edge of your panties, pulling them to the side. You bit down on your lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to escape as he slips inside, his fingers finding your clit with ease.
But you can’t, you’d been wanting this, needing this, needing him. Needing Luke.
You let out a soft moan, giving yourself over to the feeling of his fingers exploring your most sensitive area. At first, Luke’s fingers moved in small, teasing circles, bareuly brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves, just watching you fall apart on top of him.
In the haze of pleasure, you found yourself drawn to Luke’s eyes. They were dark, intense, however, there was a hint of care, and maybe even love, taking in every moment of your reaction to his touch.
You couldn’t look away if you tried. Trapped in his gaze, the car filled with the sounds of your heavy breathing and whimpers – you didn’t want to escape.
Luke’s eyes never left yours, watching with rapt attention as your breath hitched in your throat. Your face flushed, eyes closed tight, feeling the pressure building inside you. Luke’s fingers sped up, pressing harder against your clit.
Suddenly, your vision faded, the orgasm tearing through you like a wildfire, your body shaking with the force of your release.
Collapsing on top of him, your breath coming in short, sharp, gasp as you tried to catch your breath. Luke pushed away the mess of your hair, gently caressing your chin, tilting your face so you could meet his gaze. He was smiling, not the usual shit eating smirk, but smiling with genuine care and affection.
What just happened?
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billzoned · 11 months
Hey, I don't know if you still write, but I imagine sapnap getting angry after losing in a game and taking it out on the bed-
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pairing :: cc! sapnap + afab! reader
content warnings :: explicit content, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it guys), dom! sapnap, sub! reader, edging, ..marking, choking, belly bulge.., hair pulling if u squint, praise.., bjs, creampie :o
word count :: 920
author's note :: i am indeed still writing! i just write excruciatingly slow and my motivated comes in small bursts most of the time. but requests are always welcome <3
(ps.) i am horrible at writing endings, and aftercare...oopsies? :'c
NOT PROOFREAD — nsfw under cut.
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sapnap is one to get just a little bit...angry if he loses in something. it doesn't matter if it's a video game, or anything else– he'll get irritated. to make it oh so much better– he takes his anger out on you every time he gets the chance.
all that could be heard throughout sapnap's room was the sound of gagging and euphoric groans coming from sapnap. after he lost a manhunt (horribly), he had decided to take all of his anger out on you– in your vulnerable state of watching youtube videos in the room next to him, he had dragged you into his own room and decided to simply fuck your throat and try to blow off some steam.
your clothes were nowhere to be found– probably thrown on the floor somewhere as your throat convulsed around sapnap's cock as he harshly forced your head up and down repeatedly. you were clearly having trouble taking all of him into your mouth. "ah, god- come on, just be a good little slut and take it, yeah?" he mocked your struggles. but he rolled his eyes, grabbed your hair and pulled your mouth off of him anyway, letting you take a breather as you coughed from the severe asphyxiation you had experienced in the past two minutes– until he pushed your head back down and continued ravaging your throat until it was sore and raw. he kept fucking into your mouth until suddenly his cum shot down your throat and painting your mouth white with a loud groan.
finally, after what felt like eternity, he grabbed a handfull of your hair and roughly pulled you off of him and carried you to his bed. "you want to be fucked, don't you?" he said as he bent down to start his attack on your neck– biting and kissing all over the flesh until your skin was littered in pink-ish red marks. the noises you were making were enough of a confirmation for sapnap, as he trails his hand down from your stomach to your thighs, and finally to your dripping cunt. he slowly drags his fingers up and down your folds until he stops at your clit– rubbing small circles rabidly and hearing your small whimpers and quiet moans fall out from your lips. you were just on the edge of release, your noises getting just a bit louder and more desperate, until he stopped all of his movements and left you with a ruined orgasm.
"you're gonna have to beg if you really want to cum, sweetheart." he said tauntingly, slipping his fingers into your cunt. you looked at him with fat tears rolling down your face, trying your best to beg. "please, sap!! jus' let me cum-! please-please, please!" you beg, your destroyed voice trembling and filled with desperation. "hm.. i may consider it.." this went on for a couple of minutes until he finally gave you what you were begging for. your legs had started shaking uncontrollably from the overstimulation of his fingers moving rapidly in and out of your pussy as the coil in your abdomen snaps. you moan aloud and your eyes roll back into your head in pleasure– vision going cloudy– as sapnap looks down at you. "there you are... good girl, good girl.. doing so well for me.." he praised, as he pulled his fingers out of you.
he swiftly pulled you to the edge of his bed, lining up his cock with your entrance and pushing the tip in, before slamming into you and making you moan loudly. he grabbed your hips tightly– so tightly that they would certainly leave bruises in the morning. the continuous sounds of skin-on-skin slapping and the sounds of ecstasy coming from both you was simply intoxicating to sapnap. he couldn't help himself– he just had to wrap his large hand around your throat like a necklace and hear your struggled moans. "take it- fuck- take it f'me, yeah?" he whispered in your ear. he looked down over your body, his eyes stopping at the little bulge pressing up in your tummy every time he thrusted in and out. his head fell back from the sight– he wasn't even sure if he could last much longer from that.
your moans increased in volume as his cock brushed against your g-spot, waves of pure pleasure flowing through your veins every time he pounds into you. he slowly trailed his hand down from your throat to your stomach, and to your clit– rubbing it rapidly and stimulating the small bundle of nerves. the two of you weren't gonna last too much longer, that was for sure. with sap pounding into you and the two of you being in a state of pure ecstasy..it was bound to end soon.
you could feel the familiar feeling of your abdomen tightening, signaling you were close to your long awaited orgasm. suddenly, with one simple deep thrust from sapnap your orgasm hit you like a truck– your eyes rolling back into your head and a loud moan falling from your lips. sap's hips were soon stuttering as he groans, head falling backwards and eyes closing as his cum leaks into you. he takes a moment before he pulls out–asking if you're okay and slowly slipping out.
the last thing you remember is him saying, "i'll be back in a minute, alright?" before seeing his blurry figure getting up and walking supposedly to the bathroom to go get a wet wash cloth to clean you up.
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AA I FINALLY POSTED SOMETHING I WROTE!!1!1!! it's 1 in the morning and it's not the best but hope yall enjoy! :3
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gemstone-roses · 9 months
New Year’s Eve.
Eddie Munson x Reader.
Summary: Eddie overhears you turn down an invite to Steve’s iconic nye party, stating you categorically hate the holiday, so, he invites you to spend the evening with him in his trailer instead.
Warnings; SMUT, 18+ only, p in v MINORS BE FUCKING GONE FROM THIS PLACE , mentions of drug dealing., anxiety, praise kink, hurt/comfort vibes, the holy trinity of my fics. Like soo much praise kink, fingering! This took forever to write but I’m proud of it ok. This work and this blog is intended for adults only. I am not responsible for what content you consume.
A:N - I wanted to post one more fic before the end of the year, I hope you all like it! Thankyou for all the love on this blog this past year, I am so happy my fics have been a source of comfort for some of you, I’m so thankful for all the love. it’s been a tough one for many, including myself, here’s hoping the next is easier on rveryone. Much love to everyone ❤️❤️
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“what do you mean you’re not coming!” Steve asks with mock affront, standing at the door of your trailer, your leaning against the door, steaming mug of coffee, untouched, you give Eddie a wave as he leaves his place opposite, he sends you a wicked smile and a wink as he leaves to do his dealings of the day.
You shake your head and chuckle.
“Steve, every year you ask me, every year I say no, my answer hasn’t changed and it won’t” annoyance creeps into your voice unintentionally. Steve opens his mouth feigning hurt before breaking out into a smile.
“Sorry, I just haven’t had my coffee yet, but I hope you have a wonderful party Steve” you smile, and he nods “I understand, I just have to ask you know? Maybe this year will be the year you come”. “You’ve said that every year since we’ve known each other haven’t you” you chuckle, and he nods, swiping his hand through his hair. “Anyway, lots to do, I better be off, have a good night” he waves you off before getting back in his car. You bring your coffee to your mouth, finally. “Spending New Year’s Eve alone sweetheart”? Eddie appears from the side of your trailer, his face in a huge grin you can’t help but smile.
“Yes”. You say. Eddies brow furrows, as he steps into your doorway, his aftershave invades your senses as he places a caring hand on your arm” can’t have that darlin, I’ll be back at 5, come hang with me” he’s says it so casually but the sparkle in his eyes says he’s desperate for you to say yes. You weigh up your options in your head, you were just going to go to bed early and hide under your covers, but the man in front of you makes your breath hitch whenever you see him, and that mouth,god. “Yeah, okay”. You say. And you didn’t think it possible but eddies grin gets wider. “Just come over anytime after five sweetheart” his voice cracks at the end of his sentence and you have to do everything in your power not to groan. “Okay” you whisper. And then he’s gone, leaving you feeling empty without his presence.
5 o clock comes quicker than you thought. Swiftly slipping on a black band tee you pull on a pair of comfy joggers and head over.
The door swings open before you can even knock. “Hey darlin” his eyes are sparkling again as he steps back and does a theatrical bow to show you in. You laugh at his actions as he shuts the door behind you.
“So, sweetheart, you gonna tell me why you hate this holiday so much?” He steps closer to you, his eyes wide with interest. You frown, anxiety pooling in your stomach. “Hey” he says softly. Fingers coming to cup your chin. You look at him, his soft brown eyes make your insides melt slightly. “Did I upset you” he asks and it’s so sweet and unexpected you can’t help but let out a small laugh. “No, god no, I just, it’s silly” you trail off, looking down at the floor. “Not to me” Eddie says softly, and you look up and once more think you might get lost in those eyes. He’s got a reassuring smile on his face, waiting. “I get this impending and unrelenting feeling of doom okay” you whisper, then shut your eyes as if you can hide from the words you’ve said. Eddies fingers caress your face gently. “That’s not silly” he whispers, cupping your face with his big hand. You lean into his comforting touch. “Thankyou”. You whisper, lifting up your hand and placing it on top of his. “You have the most stunning eyes” he mutters before recoiling slightly as if he didn’t mean to say it out loud. “Erm”… he rubs the back of his neck chuckling. “So do you” you say simply. “Ha, thankyou, sweetheart” he laughs awkwardly. The tension in the air hangs between you, you look at Eddie, he looks at you and you think this might be it but then his brows shoot up and he says “Oh my god I didn’t offer you a drink I’m a terrible host” he says suddenly, tripping over himself to get you a soda. “It’s fine! Don’t worry” you assure him. He mutters sorry while he hands you the can and leads you to his room. “So, what would you like to do sweetheart” his grin has returned, and even though he’s asked you you know he’s got something in his mind. “I don’t mind, film?” You say sitting down on his bed pulling your legs up. Eddie stares, completely lost in the moment, watching you do something so ordinary, and you take his breath away. “What?” You ask, burning under his stare. “You’re fucking beautiful” he states. Your heart stops in your chest, mouth falls open and you don’t realise he’s moved closer, he’s sitting opposite you, his hands on your knees, he’s leaning forward slightly, a mix of weed and his aftershave once again enveloping you. You meet his eyes, full of adoration for you, his tongue pokes out to wet his lips and you can’t tear your eyes away. “Can I- kiss you?” He asks and your heart soars as you nod, he crashes his lips to yours and you forget to breathe. The kiss is gentle but firm, he wraps his arm around your waist as he pulls you into him, one hand holds the back of your neck as he runs his long fingers up and down, sending shivers straight to your core. You moan and he stops, panting slightly, he keeps one hand at the back of your neck.
“Eddie” you breathe. “God your incredible” he says, swiping his thumb across your puffy lips, he leans into kiss your neck. He trails sloppy open mouthed kisses down to your collarbone, you writhe underneath him, each press of his lips causing your pussy to throb. “Eddie please” you moan.
‘What do you need sweetheart?” He mutters and it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. “You” you plead, clenching your thighs together to get some, any, form of relief.
“Mm, say it again” he groans, fingers waiting at the edge of your joggers. “I need you Eddie” you moan, pushing your hips up to emphasise your point. Mischief dances across his face as he slowly removes your pants, smiling at the wet patch that’s formed in your panties. He taps his fingers across your clothed pussy, watching as your head falls back in both pleasure and frustration. He bends down, breath fanning over your clothed core. “I can’t wait to feel you come around my cock” he whispers, placing an open mouthed kiss over your dripping pussy, before hooking his fingers through your underwear and pulling them down.
Eddie leans over you as his fingers dance on your inner thigh, one hand bracing on the window behind your head. He bends his head, hovering his lips next to your ear” Spread your legs wider for me darlin” he groans, and then smiles as you do. “That’s it” he says, moving his hand toward your core. “So wet” he comments, pushing his finger inside your hole, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your clit. He moans as you clench around his finger instantly. “Mm fuck Eddie” you whine as he curls his finger inside you. He captures you in another kiss as he presses his thumb into your throbbing clit. “Ah, Eddie-“ you say, your orgasm fast approaching, he continues, alternating between circling and pressing on your sensitive button, pleasure begins to cloud your vision as he pumps his finger in and out of you, wetness dripping down your thighs.
“That’s it, good girl, come for me sweetheart” he soothes as your orgasm crashes over. He keeps rubbing gentle circles on your clit as you come down from your high, when you open your eyes he’s staring at you, awestruck. “You did so well for me” he praises and Eddie’s cock twitches in his pants watching your reaction to his words. “Eddie, that was amazing” you breathe, and he shoots a wicked smile at you that has heat flooding your body again.
“You okay”? He checks and you nod. “Drink this” he unscrews the cap on a bottle of water for you and places it to your lips. No one has ever bothered to be anywhere near as kind and considerate and your heart once again soars because of the man currently sitting between your legs. Eddie’s cock is painfully hard in his pants as he takes in your post orgasmic state. Sweat pooled on your face, your still panting slightly, come dripping from your pussy onto his bed, Eddie thinks it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
You sit up and pull him into you, his clothed cock pressing into your naked core. He hisses at the contact. “We don’t have to, it’s completely okay if you want to stop darlin” and once again your falling hard, the softness in his voice makes you want to cry. “I don’t want to stop” you say and Eddie places a gentle kiss to your lips before pulling his pants down. His cock strains against his boxers, you reach out and tease the head with your hand. Eddie groans, it’s feral and he places his hands on your shoulders as he nips at your neck. “Lie down for me sweetheart”. Eddie removes his underwear as you do, He positions himself between your legs as you lie back, head hitting his pillow. You push up to see his hard thick cock springing up against his stomach, precum leaking from the tip, it makes your stomach flip and your mouth water. Eddie pumps his cock a few times before rolling a condom down his cock. Eddie pushes gently on your shoulders so you lie back down, he taps his cock a few times on your pussy causing you to moan unexpectedly. He positions himself at your entrance as his hand cups your face. “You okay?” He asks, waiting for your answer before he does anything. You nod, taking a deep breath as you prepare for Eddie to push into you. “Can you go slow?” You whisper, cringing slightly, hoping you didn’t kill the mood. Eddies face softens, “of course I can baby, it’s okay, I got you” he soothes softly, his other hand rubbing the inside of your thigh. His hand comes to circle your clit slowly. “Look at me” he says, and you do. The smile on his face is otherworldly, it brightens everything around you as he studies your face closely, rubbing gentle circles on your clit as he slowly pushes his cock inside you. “Breathe, baby” he comforts as your walls clench around him. “Eddie” you whine, “You’re doing so good for me” Eddie keeps praising you until his cock is nestled deep inside you. Eddie groans at the feeling of you wrapped around him. He stays put until you speak. “Move” you whisper.
Eddie thrusts into you slowly, one hand gently splayed across your lower stomach as he rocks his hips back and forth, your hands grip the sheets beneath you as Eddie’s cock reaches a spot inside you that makes your head spin.
“Mm eddie- you moan as your second orgasm builds, every nerve in your body tingling at his actions
“You feel so amazing clenching round my cock like this darlin, you’re takin me so well” he soothes, your pussy clenches at his words and Eddie moans as you squeeze his cock. “Fuck Eddie I’m gonna-
Eddie’s cock pulses as he feels you clench harder. “Eyes on me darlin” he whispers. You meet his gaze and your head clouds with pleasure again “Good, I got you, your okay, come for me baby, drench my cock, come with me, fuck!” he groans as your pussy tightens around him as you release around Eddie’s cock just as his own orgasm crashes over him.
Your ears ring as you hear muffled praise fall from Eddie’s lips, his touch grounding you as your mind clears. “You were incredible” Eddie whispers, drawing patterns on your hips with his fingers. You smile at the sight in front of you. “Eddie” you croak, voice hoarse. “Yeah darlin” he asks, and the sight of him, sweaty, curls stuck to his face, his face flushed with heat, you wish you could engrave it into your mind forever. “Can we stay like this forever?” You sigh. And Eddie chuckles before grabbing both your hands and fitting them in his. Forever sounds amazing with you”. He whispers, catching your lips in a heated kiss as fireworks light up the sky above.
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racerchix21 · 3 months
I keep thinking about a slight au where instead of Gerrard being brought back as captain of the 118, Sal getting brought in as captain. Because there's something like 8 or 9 years between the events of Bobby Begins Again, and the end of season 7. Plenty of time for Sal to mature and get moved up into a leadership role.
The dynamics would be interesting. Because while he had been an asshole during Hen and Chimney begins, he was no Gerrard. And by the time Bobby started, much like Tommy, he was on pretty friendly terms with Hen and Chimney. So they know he's not a bad guy.
And it opens up for a comedic moment when Tommy stops by to pick up/ drop off Buck. Especially if Tommy and Sal had a little something between them previously.
Nonnie I love the way your mind works! I’m gonna need someone to write this at some point 👀
I adore the idea that Sal was one of Tommy’s first crushes at the 118 and they definitely hooked up occasionally after bad calls where they’d lost someone. For Tommy it was him slowly but surely becoming more and more comfortable with accepting his sexuality and it was with someone he trusted to not fuck him up and leave.
For Sal these occasional hook ups were his way of blowing off steam when Gerrard was a bigger jackass than usual. He loved Tommy but not in the way Tommy deserved. When he left the 118 he and Tommy hooked up one last time before Sal moved on with his life and got married.
Tommy never forgot him or what could’ve been something amazing if they’d been different people in a different universe. So when he shows up at the station to pick up Buck he’s caught off guard to come face to face with his past love.
(I hope this makes sense 👀)
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 5 months
Cato Sicarius...needs a reality check
Inspired by the recent "Bullied by Cato" writings.
But I'm gonna have some different kind of fun with this.
Tw: A Slap, Yelling, Cato being an ass but also getting his ass chewed. Angst but the interpersonal kind.
@kit-williams @barn-anon @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets @bleedingichorhearts @bispecsual
The loud impact was followed by stunned silence, as the gathered company of Ultramarines could not believe their eyes.
Cato Sicarius, decorated veteran of the Ultramarines, scourge of chaos and Tyranid alike, had just been Slapped.
Struck across the face like a common mouthy brat, by the Terran diplomat they'd been charged with overseeing.
Once again like many other times Lord Sicarius had made some snide remark about how Bothersome it was to escort a non combatant who's only duty and use was their mouth.
Seems this time the diplomat was Not leaving their response at a hurt look or a mild displeased scowl. The latter had been appearing more lately.
The blow clearly hadn't done any true damage, but their 2nd Captain was still utterly taken aback, but that shock was clearly the prelude to a bubbling offended rage.
Surprisingly the Diplomat did not flinch, as Cato refixed his wide angry gaze on them.
"How dare I!? How - Dare - I?I"
Well that was unexpected. But the Diplomat did not lose any steam.
"You've been deriding me the Entire time I've been here and YOU have the GALLto act offended when I've Finally had ENOUGH!?"
But before Cato could retort the floodgates openned.
"I don't know if you've noticed Captain, but we are in the middle of a War!"
"Humanity is tumbling towards the darkness, and YOU have the nerve, the Shitting Tumerity, to make My life harder, as the imperium is Scrambling to hold itself together!!"
Cato may have been shocked, but at that he did scoff. "You speak as if the imperium is on the brink of collapse. It's not as if any of our subordinate worlds need your flowery language and fanfare. They know the consequentces for disobedience, as should you..." He glared down at the mortal. "If father had any sense, he'd have cracked down on insolents like you-"
The diplomat cut him off with a humorless laugh of disbelief. "OH! OH ho Ho! And you know SO MUCH OH SO MUCH Lord Sicarius. Perhaps I should tell Lord Gulliman how much more Sense You think you have over your own Primarch!"
"I- I would never!" Cato felt an angry blush erupts over his face at the mere thought of challenging his genesire, followed by a cold dread thrumming in the background.
"Oh but please go On! Tell me how you'd divert soldiers and resources to quell a rebellion that occurred because You stuck your damn foot in your mouth. About how the disruption in our supply chain could inspire further disobedience and Cripple our front lines!"
Cato did take pause, he...hadn't thought about that.
The diplomat continued.
"And even if we could force a world back into compliance, we'd have struggles with rebuilding, Further diverting resources that are currently keeping Your brothers and Cousins from Dying!"
They paused for only a breath.
"Lord Guilliman, and diplomats like me, are struggling Every day, to keep the Imperium from falling apart at the seams! And Yet You! Seem to think that the only thing that matters is your stupid pride!"
That seemed to knock Cato from his shock. "Y-You know Nothing!" He shouted back. "You know nothing of what I've lost! What my brothers have gone through!"
Cato again found himself stopped, stunned by the burning rage in the diplomats eyes, excentuated by the budding tears.
"Do you even Know how many of the guard give their lives Everyday! But I guess because they're just baseline humans they're not as Important, as your precious Bloody fellow space marines! When will you wake up and realize THIS ISN'T JUST ABOUT YOU!"
"Without agriworlds, there is no nutrient paste nor rations!
Without the forge worlds, your brothers have no armor nor weapons!
Without humanity, there are No NEOPHYTES!
YOU would not exist! If not for the imperium of mankind!"
They fought through tears and heaving breathes, but they did not stop.
"What...what did I do wrong..." For the first time in this encounter, their voice became small...subdued...
That cold dread he'd felt before warped into a different discomfort. But before he could understand or act the diplomat turned from him.
He wanted them to turn back.
They strode quickly, with tears still running down their face.
He wanted to wipe them away.
They made for the exit, only to stop just before leaving.
His hope of them not going was dashed as they spoke their final words. Moderate in volume, but painfully short.
"Stick to beheading Tyranids and traitors Captain Sicarius, and leave the talk of diplomacy to for those who Actually understand what we're fighting for."
With that, they vanished down the hallway, leaving a group of Ultramar's finest standing awkwardly in the meeting room. And one of them feeling like the dirt beneath a writhing Tyranid grub.
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Fic: One Foot Out the Door (Won't You Come Back Inside?) 3/3
Hey, lookit! I finished a one-shot! Yes, I know three chapters is not a one-shot, but compared to my current WIP folder, this is positively a drabble.
Pairing: Buck/Tommy (Buddie is mentioned, but one-sided in this)
Part One
Part Two
“Yeah. Yeah, I know,” Evan said tiredly. “Is that where the writing on the wall came from?” he asked, looking into Tommy’s eyes with that same touch of fear that was making Tommy's heart hurt. Not trusting his voice, Tommy just nodded. Evan grimaced, squeezing his hands. “I was kind of hoping you hadn't noticed.”
Tommy froze, his first instinct to pull away, to curl in on himself–protect his vulnerable points–because what the hell? Evan knew? Evan already knew Eddie loved him, had already realized? When? How? How long?!
But Evan was still standing as close as he usually did, swaying into Tommy's personal space. He was still holding Tommy's hands in his strong, steady grip, still rubbing his thumb back and forth over the rough, scarred skin of Tommy's knuckles with the same soft, feather-light touch as he always did. As though Tommy was something worth treating gently, as though he was something to be held gently and treasured.
Why wasn't Evan pulling back, babbling apologies, and promising that he hadn't meant to hurt him. Why wasn't he tripping over himself saying that he loved Tommy, sure, but it was Eddie, didn't Tommy understand? He stared at Tommy's hands with an air of exhausted, saddened resignation…but it didn't feel like Tommy had been expecting it to. Evan's sadness didn't feel directed at him. What was going on?
“I'm…I'm gonna need you to run that by me again,” he said carefully.
Evan sighed, bringing Tommy's hands up to kiss his fingers before letting go. “I know I don't always have the best, uh, situational awareness outside of burning buildings, but I'm not an idiot. I can tell when people are interested.” He lowered his voice, crossing his arms over his chest in a gesture that Tommy could tell was more self-soothing than defensive. “And I know Eddie better than anyone. We're…we're working on it.”
Ah. There it was. His stomach dropped sickeningly, and he swallowed hard, reaching down deep for the focus he called on when making a particularly tricky landing or charging into a fire that was escaping control. The focus that let him concentrate only on his next move, let him take things step by step and not look at the big picture of how much danger he was in. He needed that to get through this.
He'd come here intending to fight…but he wasn't an idiot either. If Evan and Eddie were already “working on” something, then the fight was already lost.
God, losing Evan was going to hurt so damn much.
But he loved Evan. He loved Evan enough to want him to be happy. So he could do this. He could withdraw gracefully, make it as clean a break as possible for both of them. The last thing he could do for his boyfriend, before he lost the right to call Evan his anything. Maybe if he did this right, losing Evan wouldn't blow the life he'd been building around this, around them, to smithereens.
“--and Dr. Copeland's really been helping us talk through things. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you, but Eddie's…Eddie's not ready to come out yet and I promised him I wouldn't say anything unless it started causing problems for us.”
Evan was talking. Evan was talking quite a lot actually, his words coming faster and faster in a rapidly increasing stream that always signaled he was nervous, worried about not being understood. It was different from the way he picked up steam when he was excited about something, though Tommy couldn’t have told you how.
Abruptly, Evan broke off, reaching up to lay his hand against Tommy’s cheek. Tommy had to hold himself back from leaning into the touch, the calloused fingertips that were as familiar as his own by now. “I should’ve noticed this was upsetting you,” he said seriously. “That’s on me. I should’ve asked Eddie if I could talk to you sooner…he would’ve let me, I know he would. I guess—I don’t know, I guess I was just hoping we could smooth everything over before anyone figured anything out.” He shook his head, stroking Tommy’s cheekbone with his thumb like he wasn’t about to break Tommy’s fucking heart.
Gently as possible, of course. Evan was too kind to be anything but gentle. But it didn’t matter how gently you were lowered if the drop was a thousand-foot cliff.
“Babe, I promise, we already talked about it. I already told Eddie I wasn’t—well. We’ve talked about it. I’ll go on a different shift if it bothers you. I don’t…I don’t really want to move houses, but there’s plenty of places that’ll take me, so that’s an option too. Whatever you’re comfortable with. Just say the word.” Evan’s brow furrowed, his face settling into the determined cast that meant he was committed to whatever course he was laying down, be it for good or ill.
And…Tommy didn’t quite hear a record scratch in his head.
But that wasn’t far off as a description.
Evan tilted his head slightly. “I mean. Ideally nothing changes. Eddie’s…Eddie’s my partner. I can’t really imagine working with someone else. But I, I, I get it. That’s a huge ask, even if Eddie’s your friend, too.”
“No, I—what?” Tommy was suddenly struck with the feeling that they were having two entirely different conversations.
“I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about this. I—you have every right to be angry about it. I just…I know how you feel about outing people. And I mean, me too! I’d never, I’d never do that to someone, and like I said, I was really hoping it wouldn’t be a problem.” His voice changed again, crossing the threshold into desperation, a slight quaver on the end of each word that told Tommy his boyfriend’s anxiety was ratcheting up with every passing second. “I just didn’t want you to get hurt. Or Eddie.”
This wasn’t the way this conversation was supposed to go. This sounded like…didn’t Evan understand? “Evan,” Tommy said, feeling the words scrape over his throat like broken glass. “Evan, he’s in love with you.”
He could not let himself hope he was hearing his boyfriend correctly until he was sure Evan understood exactly what was on the table here. What he’d been seeing practically from the moment he and Evan first started dating.
Evan reeled back a little, his frown deepening. And then…and then he watched all of the puzzle pieces slot into place in his boyfriend’s brain. Those pretty, pretty eyes that Tommy loved getting lost in went wide, and he sucked in a sharp breath.
“Oh…oh, no. No. Tommy. Tommy, I know that,” he said softly. “But I’m in love with you.”
“I…I look, I’m not going to insult you, here,” Evan sighed, burrowing deeper into Tommy’s side and throwing an arm over his stomach. The two of them were sprawled on Evan’s couch, Evan tucked as close to Tommy’s body as he could manage. Given that he was over six feet tall and pretty much solid muscle, it was pretty impressively close. “If Eddie and I had figured ourselves out sooner…or if Eddie had said something back when we were first dating, well. It would have been a different story.”
Tommy could not help tightening his arm around Evan’s shoulders. “Right person, wrong time,” he said, the words barely carrying even the short distance between them. He felt Evan give a small nod, and could not bring himself to look down at his boyfriend. The man he loved. His, still, because Evan wasn’t trying to let him down gently. Wasn’t trying to leave. He couldn’t believe it.
He…he couldn’t believe it.
“Then why isn’t it right person, right time now?” he forced himself to ask. It felt stupid. Evan said he didn’t want to leave him, why was he looking a gift horse in the mouth? He had to know, though. He had to dig down to the very root of this whole mess, this single, unignorable thing that had been haunting his relationship with Evan all this time, standing in the way of the future he so desperately wanted with this man. He had to dig it out, once and for all.
Evan was silent for long enough that it started to make him nervous. Then his arm tightened across Tommy’s stomach. “Because we’re not,” he said finally. “I’m not the right person for him anymore…and he’s not the right person for me. Me and Eddie—whatever chance we had, it’s gone.” He shifted suddenly, sitting up slightly so he could look Tommy in the eye. “And I’m okay with that, Tommy. I don’t…I don’t regret that. I love you, okay? I love you. Full stop. No qualifiers.”
Evan could be insecure, sometimes. Unsure of himself. But he had never shied away from being honest with Tommy. Even when honesty was difficult, or painful. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be angry that Evan had hidden the fact that Eddie had told him he was in love with him…Eddie was Evan’s best friend above all else, and he’d been trying to stay loyal to both of them. It had been an impossible position. And…he hadn’t exactly been honest with Evan, either, had he? He should have talked to him about his doubts a long time ago. Especially when they became an obstacle to talking about the future.
“So Eddie’s been seeing Dr. Copeland with you?” he asked when Evan settled his head back on his shoulder. He carded his fingers through Evan’s hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. Evan made a soft, contented sound.
“I mean, not as a patient or anything. More like…he comes and sits in on some of my regular sessions and she helps facilitate conversations. We—the most important thing is Chris doesn’t get hurt, you know? We needed to make sure any issues between us don’t affect him. But she’s also helping me set new boundaries, and just be mindful of not giving him false hope. Helping us keep communicating and figure out if we need some distance, and how that would work.”
Tommy hummed to himself, and then pressed a kiss to Evan’s forehead. “That must be hard for him,” he mused out loud.
Loving Evan and not being able to have him? Tommy was probably the only person in the world who could understand exactly how hard that would be. He’d been so sure it was going to be him on that end of this equation…and Eddie was his friend, too. One of his best friends. He couldn’t find it in himself to feel anything but compassion.
“We’ve made it through hard things before,” Evan murmured. “Eddie…Eddie’s my best friend. He’s family. We’re not letting this ruin that.” He turned in Tommy’s arms, bringing himself impossibly closer. “But I meant what I said. I’m not letting this ruin us, either. If you need me to take a step back, I will. I mean—Eddie’s willing, too, but I just finished that HazMat certification, and my heavy rescue certs are more recent than his. Right now, it’d be easier for me to transfer somewhere.”
At that, Tommy wrapped his other arm around Evan’s waist and heaved, rolling him so that he was sitting on Tommy’s lap, facing him. “You’d really leave the 118 for me?” he asked in stunned disbelief.
Evan framed his face with his hands, leaning down to kiss him. Just a brief press of their lips together, but it was full of promise. “I’m never gonna lose the 118,” he said. “I know that…better than I ever have. But yeah, I don’t…I don’t need to work there, anymore. Not the way I did when I first started. You have no idea how much you helped get me there.”
“Baby…” he whispered, everything else he wanted to say getting lodged in his throat. Evan grinned at him crookedly, not a trace of doubt in his blue, blue eyes, and kissed him again. Deeper. Firmer.
Kissing Evan was always a delight, but this felt different. This felt like forever.
And in the face of forever, Tommy found he could finally chase away the shadow that had been haunting them.
“I’d never ask you to do that,” he said when they finally broke apart. He ran his hands up and down his boyfriend’s sides, loving the way he arched like a cat into the touch. “I trust you. I trust Eddie. If you say we can get through this, then that’s what we’re going to do.” He knew Evan hadn’t just been placating him, but the brilliant grin that broke out across his face told Tommy he’d said exactly the right thing. He answered it with his own, sliding his hands further down to rest on his boyfriend’s hips. “One condition, though.”
“Name it,” Evan said instantly, tilting his head curiously.
They weren’t on a romantic trip, or at a fancy dinner. There weren’t flowers or candlelight or any of the other trappings he’d imagined whenever he let himself indulge in thinking about how he might take the next steps with Evan. Curled together on his couch, basking in the knowledge that they were going to be okay…that they’d come face to face with a challenge that would have ended most other couples and were going to come out stronger for it…he found the setting didn’t matter.
“Come live with me when your lease is up. Hell, come now. Come home,” he said.
If he’d thought Evan’s smile had been bright before, this one was blinding. “Thought you’d never ask.”
63 notes · View notes
neewtmas · 9 months
12 days of Christmas // A Lockwood & Co Advent Calendar
DAY 10
Hello everyone! It's the second-to-last post for this advent calendar, and today, it's time for my personal favourite. I wanted to include an x reader fic for every member of the agency, and after Lucy (day 2) and Lockwood (day 6), it's finally time for George! Seeing as this is a certified George-Fanblog™️ of course his fic is gonna be the grand finale.
But the best thing about today's post is that it is actually a collaboration! I wrote this together with the wonderful and insanely talented Eden (@givemea-dam-break) who understood my vision for this so well and I am so proud of what we created together. Thank you so much for doing this with me Eden, it was so much fun!!! love you🫂🫶🏻
make sure you don't miss out and go check out Eden's other writing here: masterlist
Brother Knows Best
pairing: george karim x fem!reader
wordcount: 6.3k
short summary: George's brother shows up at 35 Portland Row and shakes things up between George and reader
advent calendar tags: @givemea-dam-break @wellgoslowly @maraschinomerry @losticaruss @oblivious-idiot @uku-lelevillain @avdiobliss @strawberryloveyyy @strawberrycowgirly @demigoddess-of-ghosts @thefriendlyneighborhoodmomfriend @boookfreeak
my masterlist
day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9
It was a beautiful day in the middle of winter when (name) realised she was in love with George Karim.
The two of them were walking side by side, their breaths forming little puffs of white in the freezing air. It had snowed the night before, but all that was left were some dirty grey piles on patches of grass by the road. She’d had her hands buried in the warm pockets of her coat the whole walk, but still, her fingers felt stiff as she pushed open the gate in front of 35 Portland Row. George followed closely behind, carrying a bag full of books and newspapers they’d borrowed from the Archives. 
(name) bounced up the stairs like she always did, not considering what the puddle of melted snow on the steps that had wet her shoes this morning would turn into over the course of the cold day. The worn sole of her boot slid over the patch of ice, and she lost balance, trying to grip the railing to prevent a fall. 
But that wasn't necessary. George was there in an instant, arms wrapped around her and steadying her until she found her footing again. 
"Are you okay?" he asked, and she nodded, finding herself unable to speak. 
He released her from his grasp, taking a slow step back. (name) could do nothing but stand still for a moment, trying to calm her racing heart. She had no idea if it came from the adrenaline of almost falling or the shock of having George be so close to her so suddenly. She watched as he picked up the bag he had dropped on the ground in his rush to catch her, and then searched his coat pockets for the house key. His fingers trembled slightly, probably from the cold, as he pulled it out and turned it in the lock, keychains jingling.  
Inside, the kitchen was deserted, but the kettle was still warm so (name) just had to choose two mugs and quickly reboil it while George laid out the books they had gotten. At this time of year, the warm, cosy kitchen of Portland Row was so much more inviting than the somewhat chilly archives. They could turn the heating up as much as they wanted here, which was why they had opted for just a short trip over to gather some books and then return to the warmth of their home. 
(name) brought the two steaming mugs over to the table and made herself comfortable on the chair beside George. He had already grabbed one of the books and was intently skimming the table of contents.
“You can get started on the newspapers," he said without looking up, flicking through the book to find a specific page. “We’ve got a few to work through.”
She knew that, of course, because she had been the one to go on an hour-long hunt for all the ones he claimed they needed. Silently, she pulled the heap of newspapers over and started with the one on top, dating back 15 years. 
George took a sip from his tea and grimaced. "You forgot the sugar." 
That wasn’t like her. She always remembered the sugar. What was up with her?
George leaned over and reached past her for the sugar, and (name)'s breath hitched in her throat at the proximity. She could faintly smell his shampoo and was near enough that she could see the little scar on his temple, barely visible, from a case they’d taken on a month or two ago. Wordlessly, and seemingly oblivious to the thundering of her heart, he poured some sugar into his cup and stirred, all the while focusing back on what he was reading.
(name) tried to do the same, she really did, but the fact that George was now so close that their legs were touching made the simple task everything but. How was she supposed to focus when all she could hear was the blood rushing in her ears; hearing him muttering quiet words under his breath as if he hadn’t just stolen the air from her lungs?
It was when she looked at him then, a picture of serenity in the winter sunlight streaming through the kitchen window, that she felt it in her heart. Some urging sense of need, of want. A desire to do this for the rest of her life - to sit beside him, whether it be to research something or remember to put sugar in his tea or God knows what. To spend an eternity pressed up to his side, feeling this thrum of her heart. To feel the thrill of his fingers brushing hers as he reached over to peek at something in the newspaper she was reading.
There was no guarantee he would feel the same, she knew that. She didn’t expect him to, not when his life revolved around uncovering the root of the Problem. But she was grateful for what she got: the time he spared for her; the books he would gift her after visiting a bookshop on his way home from the Archives; the tea he’d make in the morning, served with some partially burnt toast he’d forgotten he’d put in the toaster until the moment it popped out.
And that was okay. Truly, it was.
35 Portland Row was in chaos.
George was in the middle of a cleaning spree, rushing around in a flowery apron and blue rubber gloves, scrubbing at every crack and crevice to be found - and, well, there were many of those. Lockwood was straightening the pillows in the living room, something he would seldom be found doing, and it was likely that he was stuffing things under said pillows to save having to find space for them in the cluttered house. Lucy, bless her soul, was making tea quicker than her hands could move and had spilt boiling water on her toes. Many curse words ensued.
This chaos, however, did not extend to (name). 
Standing by the living room window, staring out onto the street beyond, she felt an odd sense of calm mixed with a hint of excitement.
Why? What incredible company could they be having that had the ability to send the members of Lockwood and Co. into such a frenzy?
Issam Karim.
She had been set on guard duty, ordered by the younger Karim brother to shout out when she saw him approaching. In all honesty, she wasn’t entirely sure why George was making such a fuss about it. He had four older brothers, Issam, or Sam as he preferred, being the youngest of them and, according to Lockwood, the one most similar to George. So it wasn’t like he had anything to worry about.
Even still, when (name) saw a familiar mop of dark curls, she called out to the others and hurried over to the front door.
The knock came soon after; two slow taps followed by silence. George was there, staring at the door over her shoulder, tugging his rubber gloves off. And there was Lucy and Lockwood, peering from the end of the hallway like overly interested parents meeting their child’s friend for the first time.
(name) swung the door open.
Seeing Sam was like looking into George’s reflection, minus the glasses and with slightly neater hair. He was a little taller, broader, and, well, more adult-looking, she supposed. But he was most definitely a Karim.
And, god, did he smile like George, too.
It was the same kind of smile that George showed when he was proud of something - full of teeth and elation, with a sparkle of dark eyes to top it off. If it had been George smiling at her like that, her knees would’ve buckled and her heart would’ve threatened to beat out of her chest, but there was something different about Sam’s variation of the smile. Something extremely fraternal.
George ushered his brother in, scooting past (name) with barely any room thanks to the narrow hallway. Her heart lurched at the feeling of his arm brushing against hers as she hurried to move out of the way.
“Oh, Georgie,” Sam said, smiling at the decorations covering the walls, “you’ve been holding out on me. If I knew you stayed in a house like this…”
He plucked the nearest mask off the wall, scrutinizing it, and Lockwood looked as if he wanted to tell him off, but he refrained after the warning look George gave him.
(name) could understand that. He wanted to impress his brother, especially after years of feeling excluded from his family simply for pursuing a life revolving around ghosts rather than engineering.
She just hoped that he knew he impressed her regardless.
The five of them sat down in the living room, the coffee table laden with mugs of steaming tea and plates stacked high with biscuits and doughnuts. Sam plucked a Hobnob from one of the plates and chewed on it carefully, glancing around the room like a child at a theme park. He had a look of wonder in his eyes that (name) so often saw and admired in George’s.
“You’ve met Lockwood before,” George said from beside his brother. “But this is Lucy, and that’s (name). They’ve both been here a year and a half now.”
“Oh. This is the infamous (name)?” Sam’s smile was dazzling despite the scathing look George gave him. “Wonderful to meet you.”
(name) and Lucy shared a look. Lucy looked like she was trying not to smile as she caught Lockwood’s eye. It seemed like the two of them knew something that (name) didn’t, and it had her feeling a little uneasy.
“Nice to finally meet you, Sam,” she said, offering up a smile. 
The conversation went well enough thanks to Lockwood, who started asking Sam about his university life and how classes were going. Most of what he said, however, was just confusing to them. As agents, they hadn’t gotten the chance to experience much of a school life, so all this talk of complicated maths and big, fancy words went straight over their heads. Sam didn’t seem to mind. It appeared that he just liked having people he could sound incredibly intelligent to.
Definitely related to George. Although George was much more willing to simplify what he was saying so that the others understood.
Not that (name) minded. She could listen to George speak in his overly-complicated way for the rest of their lives and she’d be grateful.
An elbow dug into her side. “You’re staring,” Lucy murmured, leaning close.
“You’re staring. At George. Hard.”
(name) blinked. “No, I'm not.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No! Look, over his shoulder, there’s a tear in the sofa cover. That’s what I was looking at.”
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Oh, yes, with lovey-dovey eyes, huh? You can’t even give a half-decent fib.”
(name)’s face felt awfully hot, and she couldn’t even get herself to look in George’s general direction. She hadn’t been staring at him, right? She had just looked for a moment, finding herself particularly fond of how his hair flopped over his forehead in soft curls; how his fingers fiddled with the loose threads from a rip in his jeans, and - 
With a silent curse, she realised that, yes, maybe she had been staring.
At least it was Lucy who had noticed and not George. Although, she likely would have to deal with incessant questions at night when she was trying to sleep.
The conversation carried on for a while longer before Sam sat his empty teacup on the table and rose from his seat on the sofa.
"Alright, that was lovely, but I’m going to head off for a bit. I have some friends in the city that I haven't seen in a while", he said, wiping his hands on his jeans.
Lockwood stood up as well, brushing some imaginary dust off his trousers as he so often did. "Will you be back for dinner?" 
"(name) is cooking", Lucy added. 
Sam turned to (name) and shot her a smile. "Well, in that case, I'll make sure I'll be back. Wouldn't want to miss that."
(name) lowered her head, embarrassed at the attention that was on her now. "I'm not even that good,” she mumbled. 
"I think you're great", George blurted out, though if the slight pink tinge to his cheeks was anything to go by, he hadn’t meant to say it.
(name) was sure she was blushing now. She knew George appreciated her cooking, but considering his cooking skills, she sometimes wasn't sure if he didn't just say so to make her feel better. 
Sam left the house a few minutes later, and any indescribable tension that had built up dissipated. Lockwood and George started up a conversation while Lucy and (name) grabbed the dirty mugs and took them through to the kitchen.
"So… What do you think of him?" Lucy asked as she dumped the dishes into the sink. 
"He's nice", (name) replied, adding the dishes she was holding to the pile in the sink, though much more carefully than Lucy. She frowned at a chip in the top of one of the mugs. "But I didn't expect anything else. After everything George has said about him, you know, I half expected the sun to shine out of his ass."
Lucy snorted, leaning back against the counter. "George seems a little on edge, though, don't you think?"
(name) wasn't sure where Lucy was going with this. "He's probably nervous if we'll like him. He's family after all."
Lucy looked at her for a moment with an unreadable expression. "That must be it,” she finally said, before leaving the kitchen to retrieve the rest of the dishes that were still waiting in the living room.
(name) was quietly humming to herself as she sliced some tomatoes, periodically checking if the water in the pot on the stove next to her was boiling already. The house was still and quiet, just how she liked it. Sam was out with his friends, Lucy and Lockwood were out doing whatever - they had been gone since lunch - and were, in all honesty, probably fawning over each other in that way they so often did, albeit obliviously. George had buried himself in the library since Sam had left, mumbling something about 'important research and experiments'. (name) had the sneaking suspicion that that meant he was doing something with the skull, but what exactly, she didn't really want to know. Based on the faces the skull always pulled after a day like this, his expression more horrid than ever, it couldn't be anything good. 
The evening sun was shining right through the kitchen window in front of her, and in her peripheral vision, she saw movement in the garden. She looked up and spotted a small red squirrel running through the high grass before racing up the tree. She smiled at the sight of the animal and its simple joy in the winter garden, but a sharp pain tore her from her stupor, and she couldn't help the yelp that slipped past her lips.
Immediately, her gaze fell to her hand, where a deep cut on her finger was bleeding heavily. Shit, there was blood all over the cutting board. Without thinking, she hurried over to the sink and held her finger under the water, cursing at how cold it was. The water faded to red after running over her finger, and she could already feel herself starting to get lightheaded. The shock of the cut was wearing off, and the pain was intensifying.
It was stupid, really, that she was in such a fuss over a small slice. Nevertheless, she yelled for George in what was probably a futile attempt. If he was deep in his experiments, there would be no tearing his attention away. Lockwood had tried many things in an attempt to get his attention, so she didn’t hold out much hope.
But just a few seconds later there he was, suddenly in the kitchen doorway. His eyebrows were raised, lips parted in a silent question as his eyes found her finger in the tapstream, leaking a seemingly endless amount of blood.
"Oh shit, (name), what happened?"
“Thought I’d add a bit of my finger to dinner." She spoke through gritted teeth, joking in an attempt to ease herself, or even George. It didn’t work that well.
She’d never had any problems with blood, and she’d cared for many injuries her teammates had sustained over the last year, but her blood - that was an entirely different story. George was next to her in an instant, rummaging around in the medical cupboard for a plaster of the right size. She almost laughed upon hearing him complain that they needed to reorganise the whole thing as he tore a long strip from a box and cut it with a pair of scissors.
"Can you turn off the water?" 
(name) did what he asked. Before she knew it, one of his hands was gently holding her wrist, bringing her hand closer to inspect the cut. It wasn’t as deep as it had appeared at first glance, just long and thin, but it was still oozing blood. Most of the issue had been the sheer shock of it and the throbbing pain that filled her whole finger.
It was easier, though, to forget about the pain when his skin was touching hers. He held her so softly, dabbing blood away with such care that her heart swelled as she watched him, brows furrowed in concentration as he tried to avoid the cut itself. He pressed slightly too hard, and her breath caught.
"Sorry, I'll try and be gentle,” he promised.
He led her over to the kitchen table, where she could rest her arm atop the scribbled-on cloth as he worked away. He was quiet as he took the plaster off the paper, slathering on antiseptic cream before wrapping it carefully around her finger. Something in his cheek twitched.
She watched as the concentration moulded his face into some softer version of a frown, the kind of one he often donned when working away in the Archives on a more complex case. Delicately, he stuck the remaining side of the plaster down before relaxing a little. His hand rested on hers, enveloping it in comfortable warmth, and she had to question if the lightheadedness she felt was still from the blood or just from the way he smiled at her. 
For a wonderful moment, neither of them moved. His hand squeezed around hers ever so slightly, and his eyes found hers; his gaze encapsulating her very soul. She couldn’t look away, trapped in eyes that no artist could ever replicate, and found a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She could’ve stayed like that forever, would’ve given anything for this moment to last just a little longer, but it didn’t. 
George cleared his throat, pulling his hand back and tearing his gaze from hers as he stood. (name) looked down at her finger, wrapped snugly in its waterproof plaster, and hoped he couldn’t see the blush that was staining her cheeks.
"I'm going to take over dinner", George said, shuffling awkwardly. "There is no way I'll let you cook with your hand like this.”
“But -”
“Research can wait before you say anything.”
And that was that. 
(name) reluctantly did what he said and stayed in her seat, watching as he washed off the cutting board and then continued where she had left off. It was frustrating how much neater he sliced tomatoes than she did.
The pain that had momentarily subsided had come back worse, and her whole finger was pulsating with waves of dull pain. She tried her best to keep up a conversation with George, and not let on how she was feeling. No need to make him more worried than he already was. But it was clear that he was still concerned, what with his short glances back every two minutes. She had to fight back a little smile at that.
A bang sounded, signalling that somebody had just come in the front door, and she turned to look through the kitchen doorway to see who it was. 
Sam, upon seeing the kitchen door open, made his way down the steps after taking off his jacket, smiling as he entered. 
"Man, that was exhausting", he said, making himself comfortable on one of the seats - Lockwood’s. He wouldn’t be happy about that. “Forgot how big London is.”
"Do you want something to drink?" (name) asked.
"That would be great."
She squeezed past George, half-annoyed at the small walking space in the kitchen and half-grateful that she had another excuse to be closer to him, and reached up into one of the cupboards for a glass.
"What happened to your finger?" Sam asked, gaze fixed on the plaster as she filled the glass with water.
"Just a little cut", she said, plastering on some semblance of a smile. The pain was worse now after bashing it on one of the shelves. “Nothing much.”
Sam furrowed his eyebrows in a way that looked so much like George. "That doesn't seem like just a little cut", he said. "Can I check it?”
(name) didn't know what to do. She looked over to George, who was busy stirring the contents of the pot, seemingly not listening to their conversation. 
“Oh, no, George has already patched me up. I’ll be fine.”
“George is about as good at first aid as our dad, which is to say shit. I insist. It’ll be quick.”
With one more glance at George, she sat back down, setting the glass in front of Sam. No harm in letting him check, she supposed.
He shuffled his chair around, sitting so that her legs slotted in between his, then took her hand and inspected the plaster. A shadow of blood was already peeking through.
"I'm going to take this off and see how bad the cut is, alright?" 
(name) nodded in agreement, already dreading the pain this was surely going to cause.
George had turned down the heat of the stove and now leaned against the counter to watch them, his arms crossed. There was something in his expression, a sliver of unfamiliar emotion hidden in his eyes and the slight downturn of his lips.
"Is that really necessary, Sam?" he asked, his voice unusually sharp.
Sam moved closer to (name), slowly peeling the plaster off and revealing the cream-covered, blood-stained finger that had her feeling lightheaded again. 
"Oh, it’s necessary. After that one time you tried to patch me up when we were younger, I wouldn’t trust you with a paper cut.”
George huffed. “I was eight. It’s not like I was going to be an expert. Besides, you’re an engineer, not a doctor.”
Sam only hummed, glancing at his younger brother for less than a second. A shadow of a smile haunted his lips.
(name) shuffled uncomfortably, gaze flickering between the two. Tension was rising for some reason unknown to her, and she had a feeling that she was the root of it. But why? She’d only cut her finger. That shouldn’t have been a cause for anything.
“Just as well I’ve checked,” Sam murmured. “That’s definitely more than a little cut.”
“It barely hurts now,” (name) lied. “Seriously, it’s fine.”
And it was. It had been. She had liked it when George had held her hand so tenderly, making sure not to hurt her. Sam doing the same wasn’t necessarily bad, but it felt wrong. Especially with that look on George’s face. He looked ready to kill.
That look alone had a flicker of hope igniting in her chest. Did it mean he felt the same as she did, even just a little bit?
No, she told herself. This was George. George loved his books and scribbling insults on the thinking cloth for Lockwood to find later and reading away in the Archives. There wasn’t enough room for her to fit in his heart. Surely.
Sam was quick to put a new plaster on, this one more neatly cut than the one George had rushed to tear, though there had been an essence of care in it. In reality, she preferred his jagged edges over Sam’s cleaner ones.
She wasn’t entirely sure if she was thinking about plasters now.
“Thanks,” she said, taking her hand back out of Sam’s grip. “Uh, George, how’s dinner coming?”
For a moment, there was no reply. Then George seemed to remember that there was a world beyond the little bubble that had encased the three of them and hurriedly glanced back at the boiling pan of vegetables.
“Fine,” he said eventually. 
“Hope you’re better at cooking than you are at first aid, Georgie,” Sam jested.
It was clear he meant it to be a joke, but whatever had soured George’s mood had twisted it into something different. He all but scoffed as he turned back to the pan, stirring methodically.
“George is the best,” (name) said. “If we didn’t have him, we’d be living off of Lockwood’s toast and jam.”
George’s shoulders eased slightly at that. “Either that or spag-bol every night. There’s only so much of it I can eat.”
(name) laughed and so did George, albeit breathy and quiet. Even still, it had the pressure building in her chest ease off a little and had her heart aching to hear more.
Sam’s eyes flickered between the two of them. “So, how long have you two been together?”
Dead silence. There it was again - that suffocating tension. (name)'s heart felt like it had stopped in her chest entirely, and George had ceased every movement. The wooden spoon in his hand hovered over the simmering water, dripping and dripping and dripping until the sound became unbearable and, somehow, too loud.
Did she mind someone assuming she was in a relationship with George? No, of course not. She couldn't imagine anything better for herself. But the hesitation in his movements, the way he looked back at Sam with what could only be described as acute disbelief, had her lunch making its way back up her throat. That tiny sliver of hope she’d felt earlier? Gone.
“No! We’re not - ” George stammered helplessly, eyes wide. 
“Oh, my mistake,” Sam said nonchalantly. There was a glint in those dark eyes of his. Mischief. “Just from what I’ve seen today, and how much George talks about you, (name), I kind of assumed…”
Sam closed his mouth, apparently unwilling to be further berated by his brother, but there was a hint of satisfaction in his smile.
- - - -
Dinner, to begin with, went as smoothly as it could after the bomb Sam had dropped. Lockwood and Lucy returned from their escapades, rosy-cheeked and laughing, but their demeanours soon shifted upon feeling the tension filling the kitchen. With nothing more than a look, Lucy seemed to gauge the situation and began talking about some of the strange stuff she and Lockwood had encountered on the streets of London.
Well, to her and (name) it was strange. To the native Londoners, it was an everyday thing. But truth be told, (name) was much more concerned about George… it was strange seeing him behave like he did.
George was often quiet, unless he was talking about a topic he was particularly enthusiastic about or insulting Lockwood or the Fittes team they’d dubbed their rivals. Yet there had always been a sense of peace in those silences, a comfort that allowed (name) to know that he was okay, either just listening or pondering away in his own little world.
Now, though… This silence was new and different and she knew that it was caused by the implication that they were acting like a couple. (name) tried to think over everything they’d ever done to make it seem that way - the lingering touches and long-held gazes, the time spent together and the happiness they always seemed to feel around each other - and she could see why. And if Sam had been telling the truth, George had talked about her to him in what she had to assume was a positive way.
So why was he reacting like this? Why did he seem so distressed by the thought of her?
It was halfway through dinner when she decided she couldn’t bear it anymore. He wouldn’t look at her. Wouldn’t answer her questions on how his research was going. Wouldn’t listen to Lockwood droning on about heaven knows what.
She stood from her chair and moved away from the table. “I’m going for a walk.”
That seemed to perk everyone up.
Lockwood frowned. “You all right?”
“I just need some fresh air,” she said. “It’s stuffy in here.”
Sam shifted in his chair, making to stand. “I’ll come along. I know some good places to clear your head -”
“No, it’s fine,” (name) insisted, and her voice came out rather firm. “I’ll not be long. Just a walk around the block.”
And then she was gone, fighting not to look back to see if George was concerned or unbothered. 
Why did she care so much if he was? He had practically ignored her throughout the whole of dinner, despite her effort to have a conversation, all because his brother had assumed they were a thing. Was she truly so inadequate? Was the mere prospect of being with her so terrible?
It didn’t matter. She’d be just fine on her own. She’d managed it all of these years, and she’d do just the same regardless. What did it matter whether or not he liked her?
But, as she strolled through the wintery streets, it became abundantly clear that no matter how hard she tried, it would always be important to her.
(name) loved George more than anything she had before. She would give him the world if she could. And part of her wanted to believe that, even if he didn’t feel the same, she would always hold on to those feelings.
But that sentiment was just for the romantic movies and sappy novels she spent her free time reading. In reality, she didn’t have it in her to give and give and give and get nothing in return.
The cold air bit at her cheeks, and she crossed her arms as she walked, trying to preserve any warmth that she could. Maybe she should’ve grabbed a thicker jacket on her way out, or changed from her trainers into the pair of boots she’d left out because, god, the frost was seeping through the canvas material. 
She almost jumped out of her skin when something wrapped around her neck.
In a burst of fear, she whirled around and stumbled backwards before realising that the thing was soft, and it was warm. And the person who had wrapped it around her was someone extremely familiar.
“George?” she asked, frowning. Her hand reached up to the thing he’d wrapped around her, nails catching on the knitted fabric. “You brought me… a scarf?”
George, who looked mildly shocked by his actions, nodded. “Uh, yeah - yes. You, um, you left without it. I didn’t want you - didn’t want you getting cold, you know?”
“Uh, thanks.”
And for a moment, she lingered, waiting for him to say something. George stood still before her, looking at her in a way she was sure he had never before - slightly wide-eyed, awe-like - but he tore his gaze from her and looked at the ground.
It was then that the feelings she’d been consumed by just moments ago began to creep back again. Why was she still standing here? So what if he'd brought her a scarf? He hadn’t even been able to stomach speaking to her after Sam assumed they were together.
The thought was enough to convince her. With a tight, thin-lipped and awkward smile in his general direction, she turned to continue on her walk. She’d come out to clear her head, and although she was grateful for the scarf, George was jumbling her thoughts again, just as he always did. And, well, if he wasn’t going to say anything, then she was just going to continue her stroll.
“(name), wait.”
She was half-tempted to keep walking, but the tone of George’s voice was enough to stop her feet from moving. He was nervous. Yes, sure, she had seen him nervous many, many times, but this was different. With the slight tremor in his voice, so very subtle, he had all the power at that moment to stop her.
Slowly, she turned to face him again, stuffing her hands in her pockets. “Yeah?”
There was a look in his eyes, unlike anything she had ever seen before. They had softened considerably from when he had been talking to Sam, and there was a crease between his eyebrows that showed a hint of worry she would usually have to search for in his movements. Never did he show his anxiousness as clearly as he did now.
“I -” His voice caught, and he tore his eyes from her face, instead looking at his muddy trainers. “I’m sorry. About how I’ve been acting today.”
She shrugged. “I get it. Your brother’s here. You want us to like him, but he’s getting on your nerves. It’s what siblings do. None of us mind, George. Sam’s nice.”
“That’s not…” It wasn’t what he had meant, and it was clear that he knew she was trying to avoid the topic. “Sam is a lot of things, you know. He’s annoying and insanely smart and kind and -”
“I’ve met him,” (name) said, not unkindly. “I know.”
George ran a hand over his face. “I know, but what I mean to say is that he isn’t a liar.”
Usually, George Karim was not someone to beat around the bush. It was one of the things that (name) admired about him. If there was something he wanted to say, then he would say it, straight and upfront. But to see him now, fumbling over himself and avoiding the point…
“You’re making no sense,” she said.
“What he’s been saying about me… me talking about you a lot.” There was a brief pause. “He’s not wrong. I do talk about you a lot. I think my mum knows more about you than about me.”
A smile tried to fight its way onto her lips, but she held it back. If this was going where she so desperately hoped it would, it wouldn’t hurt to have him say it directly.
“I suppose that’s what friends are like,” she said. “Growing up, my dad knew every detail there was to know about my best friend.”
If one were to describe George Karim, bold would not be a word they would use. Smart, of course. Sarcastic, yes. Awkward, yes again. Bold? Absolutely not.
But there was no other way to describe his actions at that moment. The certainty he stepped forward with, the soft yet assured feel of his hands wrapping around hers. God, he was so close now that she could feel his warm breath ruffling her hair. And his eyes, lord, his eyes. Despite the slow-creeping darkness in the evening sky, his eyes only seemed to grow brighter. She could see the anxiety creeping beneath the surface, whether it be for the actions that may follow or her possible reaction. 
“I don’t want to just be your friend,” he said. His voice was barely more than a whisper, but she could hear the words as clearly as she would if he had shouted them.
She had known the words had been coming or had hoped, but hearing them was an entirely new thing. She could feel her heart swell with joy and relief, feel the smile that had so badly wanted to break free rise onto her lips. Her hands shifted carefully, cautiously, until her fingers could fit in between his.
“I’m sorry again about how I’ve been acting.” His words were beginning to rush out the way they did when he had too much to say. “I hadn’t felt ready to tell you, and Sam kept pushing and pushing. I thought if I ignored him I could sort my feelings out, but then I got too nervous and couldn’t even speak to you. God, you make me nervous. Did you know that?”
Her face scrunched with delight. “Georgie?”
He looked a little out of breath. “Yes?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Judging from the look of pure shock on his face, he had not expected such a straightforward request. He didn’t speak, but he nodded.
(name) grinned, slowly pulling one of her hands from his grip to push his glasses up his nose before placing it on his shoulder and leaning forward.
As a child, she had not liked to watch the kissing scenes in movies. They had always felt awkward and, at the time, she had never been able to imagine sharing an intimate moment like that with anybody, nevertheless enjoy it.
But here she was, kissing her best friend, and loving it. 
It was a little stiff to begin with but after a moment, they relaxed into it - into the feeling of fireworks and butterflies and warm lips. George’s hand squeezed hers, and his free hand slipped around to her back, pulling her a little closer.
The kiss didn’t last long, no more than a few seconds, but (name) found herself unable to compare the breathtaking moment to anything she had ever experienced. And, well, the look on George’s face told her that he felt much the same.
“I don’t want to just be friends either,” she said, finding herself feeling somewhat shy after such an uncharacteristic moment of confidence. “If that’s okay with you.”
George nodded with such vigour it was a wonder his head was still attached to his neck. “Okay with me.”
thank you for reading!
113 notes · View notes
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Genre: f!reader x bts, smut | 18+ | 12.9k words
Warning: smut, pegging, threesome, oral sex, cockwarming, dom/sub scenes, fighting, mxmxf, orgy (kind of) lots of angst
A/N: this is my longest ever chapter for anything and I’m super nervous about it because I’ve never write from one of the members povs in a story, I feel like I messed up and I’m really sorry if this wasn’t up to your standards. I’ll keep working hard to write something you can enjoy. Also I’d like to credit @jhobiwan for some amazing prompt ideas, I wonder if you can guess what one I’ve used here? Also a massive dedication to @chasing-dreamers for being such an amazing reader. 💜
P.S confessionals are open!
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Yoongi watched Jimin for a while, always being the first awake had its perks. Like the first shower, the quietness but his favourite part was the way he could watch those he loved without them knowing, much like now with a grin across his lips he places a kiss on Jimins forehead. Covering the other with the sheet before slipping out of the bed.
He preferred his showers alone, the water hitting the floor, the steam fogging the room, it was like having a mental break. A moment where worries didn’t exist yet despite that he never dragged them out, wanting to be as efficient as possible.
He doesn’t spend an awful lot of time looking in the mirror, still, he admired the way the bright mint green of his hair had faded into a lighter shade. He had to give Jin his props, he loved it.
As usual, he chose comfort over fashion, pulling on a pair of loose black pants and a black long-sleeve shirt, only deciding to put socks on when he felt a coldness around his legs.
He threw his dirty clothes in the laundry, making his way to the kitchen. What was usually a silent room at this time was clearly occupied, the unmistakable sound of hushed moans filling the space. He peered around the corner, mouth watering at the sight.
Namjoon had Jungkook against the wall, holding the younger up as he fucked into him. Jungkook had his head against the other's shoulder, occasionally lifting his head to peck a kiss to namjoons neck. He holds back a snort at the way their pants are halfway down their legs, although desperate times call for desperate measures.
Yoongi jumps as an arm pulls him from his trance, Jin's soft hands around his waist. “he’s beautiful isn’t he?”
“Yeah, Hyung” The doctor swallowed hard.
“How do you feel watching our baby get fucked?.” The sound of Seokjins gravelly voice sent a shiver down his spine. “Keep watching him.”
“It - good.” Yoongi summarised, his voice no more than a whisper. “I want to take him apart.”
“H-Hyung.” Jungkook interrupted with a moan, his head thrown back against the wall. “G-gonna cum.”
Seokjin hand came down to rub Yoongis cock through his pants. “Look at you already getting hard. I want to watch you ruin Jungkook and then I want to ruin you.”
“You couldn’t ruin me Hyung, I’d have you bent over moaning long before that.” Yoongi shoved back, forcing seokjin to hit the wall.
Jungkooks eyes flickered over to them, Namjoon still oblivious. The younger doesn’t say anything, too lost in his own pleasure.
Yoongi loved the way Seokjin felt underneath him, there was a thrill in having someone bigger than you beneath you, bending to your every will. He felt a little high on the power he had with seokjin pinned against the wall. “If you want it rough baby all you gotta do is ask.”
Yoongi snorted, shaking his head as he leaned down for a kiss before taking seokjins bottom lip onto his mouth, sucking and biting it before releasing him. “Fuck your lips are so perfect.”
“Behave and Hyung will show you how perfect they look wrapped about your cock.” Seokjin spun them around, Yoongi against the wall. Yoongi noticed Jungkooks focus on them again, this time Namjoon looking too, the maknaes whines sounding so beautiful as Namjoon fucked into him again.
“If anyone needs to behave it’s you.” Seokjin grinned at that, his hand tugging on yoongis locks as he littered kisses down his throat.
Their movements paused to watch as Jungkook let out a series of broken moans, the boy truly looked beautiful when he orgasmed. Yoongi noted Namjoons thrusts coming to a stop as he held Jungkook against the wall.
“Hyungs watched.” Jungkook was breathless, Namjoon lazily looked over his shoulder. Smiling at Yoongi before winking at Seokjin.
Anyone in the house could see Namjoon slowly growing more confident, the shy demeanour he wore slipping day by day. Yoongi was rather proud.
“We did and it was delicious but let’s all get cleaned up now.” Seokjin gave Yoongi another peck before moving away.
“Hey!” Yoongi shouted, pulling Seokjin back. “You said you’d show me how pretty you looked sucking my dick!”
“Sounds a bit desperate if you ask me.” Hoseok called out from the other room.
“Shut the fuck up.” Yoongi shouted back, officially pouting.
Seokjin pulled him in for a hug, laughing lightly before releasing him. “Im going to shower soon.”
Yoongi nods, watching as YN walks into the room, Jimins hand in hers. He smiled to himself, everyone was becoming so much more intimate. “Hyung how come they get to fuck in the kitchen but when we do it you call us untrained animals.”
Yoongi laughed at that, eyeing YN, an unspoken memory clearly at the forefront of both your thoughts.
“Maybe I just wanted to enjoy the sight today.” Seokjin mumbles, flicking on the coffee machine.
Jimin rolled his eyes, and Yoongi stifled a laugh knowing the younger would argue futilely. “Yeah sure, like it’s not a good view to see YN spread out on the table like a fucking meal.”
“Actually, I have to argue, she looks rather good spread out on the counter.” Yoongi teased, he loved how red you got any time someone would bring up sexcapade. “I’ll cook breakfast today.” He decided, ignoring the scowl Jimin wore.
“I’ll shower now then.” Seokjin slipped from the room.
“We are gonna cl- we - we will be right back.” Namjoon guides Jungkook out of the room by his hand.
Despite his growing confidence Namjoon was still the most reserved in the house although no one actually seemed to mind, in fact the fond smiles everyone else wore as the pair walked up the stairs were similar to his own.
Besides, Yoongi thought to himself, he was a dignified man who could admit that Namjoon was both sexy, smart and warm-hearted.
“So what’s for breakfast Yoongs.” Yoongi smiled as YN walked to him, her arms wrapping around him. He loved the way her body fit into his as though it belongs there.
He kissed YNs forehead before releasing her from his hold on her, unable to stop a smile at the little pout she wore from it. “Whatever you want baby.”
“I want something sweet.” She smiled. “Pancakes.”
Yoongi chuckled. “Pancakes it is then baby.”
“Kiss?” YN whispered it was always adorable to him whenever you asked. Without a response, he leant down, hand on the side of her face as he kissed her. The kiss the both of you shared always had been like a breath of fresh air, a way to silence the storm in his mind. Yoongi pulled back eventually when the need to breathe became too much.
Jimin let out a low whistle, winking as Yoongi rolled his eyes and YN blushed.
“Nice also I don’t want pancakes.” Taehyung mumbled, Yoongi looked over to the younger, noticing immediately how sad he looked. “I want ramen.”
“I can make you some Tae.” Yoongi agreed, not liking the frown on Taehyungs face.
“What’s wrong?” YN asked, moving away from Yoongi to hug the other.
“Dunno.” He sighed, slumping down on a chair.
YN sat on his left, Jimin immediately rushing to his right. Looking at them from this angle Yoongi could see there was something different about them, the way Jimins playful mood was gone the second Taehyung seemed upset.
He guessed it was the same for himself, Seokjin and Jungkook though. Despite the group relationship you all shared each of you often filtered off into groups, Namjoon and Hoseok being close, himself, Jungkook and Jin and finally taehyung Jimin and YN, although YN was very much equally close with everyone. as someone who listens and observes he had noticed it, and confirmed his thoughts with seokjin during their early morning coffee one day. The other believed that it would change, that the longer the show went on feelings would develop and although there would always be house members that some gravitated towards more, they would all be a unit.
Yoongi could see that, in the way the jokes made bounced off one another, in the way comfort comes in abundance, and in the way no one is ever closed off from talking, listening and supporting. “Hyung?”
Yoongi was pulled from his thoughts as Jimin rested his chin upon his shoulder, his hands around his waist. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” Yoongi nodded. “I need to start breakfast.”
“Do you need any help?” Jimin offered with a meek smile.
Yoongi shook his head, squeezing Jimins hand. “No, what’s up with Tae?”
“He’s sad about the rules being reinforced today. Think we all are.” Jimin sighed, closing his eyes as he rested his head against Yoongi.
“What if we just run away.” Yoongi laughed. Mixing some eggs into the pancake mix. “Fuck the show”
“Wish we could… dunno about you Hyung but I need the money.” Jimin snorts, releasing Yoongi with a pat on his back.
“Can't believe I’m playing best cock wins with you.” Yoongi laughed. Pouring the batter into a pan.
“Ah Hyung, you should be flattered to be against such a professional.” Jimin smirked, slapping the elders’ ass. “I’m going to give my babies some cuddles. Call me if you need help.”
“Yeah yeah, get out of my kitchen.” Yoongi huffed, the action purely a way to mask his own smile.
It didn’t take long for Yoongi to finish making breakfast, the heap of pancakes along with a pot of ramen for Taehyung and whoever else wanted it. Seokjin had come down just in time to help him set up the table, everyone flocking into the room as though the food had beckoned them.
“Well …” seokjin sighs. “this feels like the last supper.”
Everyone looked towards him, Yoongi felt YNs hand brush against his, with her on the left and Seokjin on the right he had a clear view of Namjoon at the head of the table with Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok on the other side. Yoongi masked the surprise he felt at the former choosing to sit beside one another.
Taehyung was still looking down, as was Jungkook and if Yoongi didn’t know Seokjin as well as he did he would think the psychologist was happy. Yoongi didn’t bring attention to it, focusing on the pancakes on his plate instead.
It was YN who finally broke the melancholy silence surrounding the table. “This won’t do. I will not let you all be sad about the rules being reinforced. We have two weeks left and then it’s over. We have lasted up until now besides we still have just under three hours.”
Yoongi turned his head to watch her, she was a ball of determination. He truly loved that about her.
“I know but it’s hard for us, knowing we can’t show you how we feel, seeing you all the time and you being just out of reach….it wasn’t supposed to be this hard.”Taehyung slouches back, digging his fork into his pancakes.
“We wasn’t supposed to fall in love that’s why, but we did and now we have two weeks to get through. It hurts me just as much Tae, I hate seeing you laugh and smile and kiss each other when I can’t do the same but unfortunately, this is the best we can do for now. I love you regardless if we kiss or have sex.”
“It’s just two weeks. We’ve done longer up to now.” Seokjin supplied. “Let’s not end this experience with a negative outlook, I think if anything the past day with no rules has brought us all closer.”
“I agree.” Namjoon nodded. “It feels like we’ve all fallen into synch with one another.”
“Then let’s keep that going.” YN smiled. “It’s only two weeks.”
“Only two weeks.” Everyone agreed. The sour mood slowly picked up.
“Oh Hyung thank you for breakfast.” Jungkook perked up, shoving another heap of ramen into his mouth. “And the pancakes.”
“I’ll make coffee after.” Hoseok offered. “If anyone wants it?”
“That would be good, I feel tired today.” YN voices.
Yoongi turns to look at her, she even looked tired. “Didn’t you sleep well?”
“I did I guess it’s just been an emotional whirlwind the past few days.” She smiled weakly but Yoongis watched her enough to know it was fake.
Something was definitely bothering her, he wanted to ask then and there but didn’t, later, he promised himself. “Okay. Try and sleep earlier tonight. I’m sure Taehyung won’t mind giving you a massage.”
“My services are always open for you.” Taehyung winked across the table, evoking a blush out of YN.
“Okay.” Seokjin drops his tissue, hand hitting the table just enough to make a small thump. “I know I said I didn’t mind watching today but if you start any more horny shenanigans at my table over the food Yoongi cooked I will personally see to it that none of you orgasm for a week.”
“At least fuck YN first.” Jungkook teased, hiding his laugh by taking a sip of water.
Seokjin smiles at him, bringing a hand to rest upon his shoulder. “And for that, you can do the dishes.”
“What that’s not fair?!” Jungkook exclaimed. “Jimin Hyung fucked Taehyung in here before, make them do it.”
The table turned to stare at the pair, Taehyung shrugged looking down, Jimin as shameless as ever glared at Jungkook “Oh you’re definitely getting it you little brat! That was supposed to be a secret.”
“Enough!” Seokjin demanded, jokingly. “Jungkook can do dishes today and you two..” Seokjin points between Taehyung and Jimin “can do it for the next two days.”
“So unfair.” Taehyung pouts. “What if I told Jin hyung the time you co-“
Before Taehyung could finish his sentence Jungkook was chasing Taehyung out of the room, laughter filling the house.
“Someone should go after them.” YN chokes out , tears of laughter brimming in her eyes.
“I’ll go.” Namjoon stands.
“Actually…same here” YN smiles at Yoongi. “Coming?”
“Sure I guess.”
“I better go. God knows what you’ll all get up to?”
Seokjin turns to Jimin and Hoseok. “You coming?”
They share a look before shaking their heads. “No Hyung go ahead, have fun.” Hoseok winked.
The three of them walked together, eventually finding Namjoon pinning Jungkook down on the bed. Taehyung sitting in a chair across the room.
Yoongi noticed the way Taehyungs energy had changed from playful to powerful, the darkness in the other's eyes sent a shot of want straight to his dick. He watched as YN went straight to the bed. Seokjin and Him squishing onto the only spare chair left.
“What’s going on here then?” Seokjin asks.
“Jungkooks a brat.” Namjoon declared.
Yoongi grinned at that, not because it was funny but because it was the truth. “Maybe we should teach him a lesson then.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you begging baby, I miss the sight.” Seokjins voice drops lower as he speaks, Yoongi leaning into his hyungs touch as he massages Yoongis neck.
Jungkook whines. “Get off me.”
“What’s your colour kookie?” YN asked lightly, despite the fact Namjoon was entirely on top of Jungkook, both of his hands holding the other down by his wrists Yn had placed herself above his head, stroking his hair. “Tell me.”
He huffed pushing again Namjoon once again. “Green.”
“I think he just wants to be thrown around,” Taehyung spoke for the first time, everyone looking over at him.
“I agree, Jungkook you did tell a secret. I think you should make it up to Taehyung.” Seokjin suggests, hand dropping lower on Yoongis's back. “Why don’t you let Taehyung be in control today? Be a good boy and show him you can behave.”
Taehyung perks up at that, seemingly interested. He looks at Namjoon before asking him “What do you think?”
“I-er” he stutters, looking at YN who just gives him a reassuring smile. “Sure.”
“You don’t have to do this, I’d enjoy watching you out Jungkook in his place.” Taehyung reassures, not wanting the other to feel pressured.
“No, let’s do this. Tell me what you want.” Namjoon smiles, this time with a sense of sureness to it.
“I want you to kiss YN. Don’t move, just kiss like that.”
“Hyung.” Jungkook whines, clearly unhappy about being left out of the equation.
“The more you talk the less you get Jungkook.” Taehyung says firmly. “Namjoon.”
At that Namjoon leans over, taking YNs lips in his, she pushes into him, hands coming to grip his shirt.
Taehyung watches for a few seconds, everything else around them disappearing. “Jungkook how do you feel about being pegged today?”
The question catches the throuple off guard. “Good, want that.” Jungkook responds, trying to push his hips up to grind on Namjoon, but unsuccessfully so.
“YN?” Taehyung eyes her, smiling back at the excitement on her face. “Okay then. Seokjin Hyung will you go and get the toy? Get it ready?”
“My pleasure.” He smiles, patting yoongi on his thigh as he shifts him enough to stand.
“Namjoon prep Jungkook. YN baby come here.”
Yoongis attention is torn as Namjoon begins removing Jungkooks clothes, grabbing the lube from the bedside drawer, also wanting to watch as YN slides onto Taehyungs lap, taking whatever kisses and touches he was willing to give, the younger in a particularly mean mood.
“Did I say you could grind on me petal?” Taehyung questioned, sliding a piece of YNS hair behind her ear. When she doesn’t answer he taps her jaw. “Answer me.”
“N-no but I can’t help it, I enjoy having you too much.” She responds with the lilt to her voice that Yoongi has come to notice none of them can refuse.
“Such a greedy thing, maybe I’ll keep you trapped under me, making you watch as I kiss someone else. How would you like that?” Yoongi stifles a laugh as she pouts, shaking her head.
“No, not fair.” She shakes her head. “I wa-
Before she can finish seokjin enters the room.
“You ready for YN to fuck you kookie?” Seokjin asks, running his hand through Taehyungs hair as he hands YN the strap on.
“Yes, big boss daddy over here is teasing me.” Jungkook whines, way too playful considering Namjoon was three fingers deep into his ass. The comment caused Namjoon to flush an unflattering shade of red.
“I think he liked that.” Yoongi commented, slightly revelling in the look on Namjoons face. “How would you feel Joon? If Kook called you daddy?”
“Uh-fine” namjoons voice was strained, once again Yoongi took great pleasure in it.
“I want to see YN fuck our kookie whilst joonie fucks our doll.” Seokjin grips Taehyungs hair, pulling the other head back as he bends over to kiss him, Yoongi can’t help but bring a hand to his cock, palming himself through his pants. “What do you think little prince?” Seokjin directs the question to Taehyung but Jungkook perks up at that, seemingly jealousy.
“Want that t-too.” Taehyungs stutters, biting Seokjins lip before pulling away and turning to YN “Off you go baby.”
Yn hops off Taehyung, eyes glassy from watching the two men kiss right in front of her. She’s naked within a few seconds, Yoongi enjoying the strip show just as much as everyone else in the room.
“On your hands and knees.” Taehyung directs to Jungkook, Namjoon moving off the bed for a second to allow the boy to move. Eyes raking over YNs before nodding towards the maknae. “Slide inside of him slowly Princess.”
Jungkook stays relaxed with Namjoon stroking his bare back as YN aligns to strap on with Jungkooks stretched hole. “How does that feel baby?” YN whispered to Jungkook, holding his hips as she bottoms out inside of him. “Too much?”
“No, more. More please.” Jungkook tries to push back but YN stops him. Namjoon fists his hair, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “You aren’t in control, Taehyung is.”
At that, Jungkook looks over to the masseuse “Tae please.”
“Give him what he wants petal, no cumming. I want to see jungkookie crying because he feels so good, but first, don’t you think YN should get a bit of pleasure too?” At that Namjoon gets naked, his hard cock bouncing as he frees it from his shorts.
He grabs the lube, coating his cock in it before shuffling on the bed to fit behind YN. “Ready?”
She nods, bending over just a little, evoking a moan from Jungkook as the strap shifts inside of him. “Fuck me, Daddy.”
Yoongi loved how shameless she could be, how she never hid what she wanted. She was bold, Yoongi loved bold. The room is filled with moans from all three as Namjoon fucks into YN with one slide.
“Enjoying the show, Yoon?” Whenever seokjin has THAT tone in his voice, Yoongi knows what’s coming. “How about you sit on my cock and maybe I’ll reward you?”
“Doesn’t sound too convincing, what do I get?” Yoongi grinds down on Seokjin, sitting in his lap has its perks.
“I could put a cock ring around you and then you won’t be cumming at all, like to see how you feel with blue balls.” Seokjin says curtly, hand resting atop the bulge in yoongis pants.
A particularly loud moan comes from the bed, causing Yoongi and Seokjin to look over. Jungkook was gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles were white, YNs thrusts Into Jungkook were halfhearted, Namjoon causing a ripple effect as he forcefully fucks into YNs pussy.
The door opened, and a smiling jimin bounced into the room making a beeline for Taehyung when he sees him sitting alone. “what’s going on here?” Jimin questions against Taehyungs ear, voice dripping like honey. “Is my puppy in charge?”
Taehyung nodded, gripping Jimins throat and pulling him in for a kiss. Yoongi could feel Seokjins cock against his back and with that Yoongi couldn’t resist. “Let me cockwarm you.”
“Stand baby, clothes off.” Seokjin instructed.
Yoongi rushed to do so, feeling Seokjins movements mimicking his.
“Do you want Hyung on top or beneath?” Jimin questioned. Yoongi couldn’t stop watching them, it was beautiful to see as Jimin slid onto his knees, pulling Taehyungs cock out of his pants the second Taehyung mumbled the words “Beneath please.”
Yoongi couldn’t pull his eyes away, even as seokjin guided him to sit on his solid cock voice low as he asked “How does that feel ?”
“Good,” Yoongi responded, finally feeling settled, and satisfied as the psychologist wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking it lazily.
“Fuck Jimin.” Taehyung gasped beside him. Yoongi was torn between watching the pair or watching the trio on the bed. Jungkook was close, his moans and gasps were desperate. YN was no better, body lazy with Namjoon supporting her. Yoongi clenched around Seokjins cock as he watched Namjoon pull YNs hair back, biting down on her neck, causing her to scream.
“Taehyung please.” Jungkook whimpered, his focus on Jimin as the Dom continued sucking Taehyungs cock. “I need to cum.”
“Only- fuck.” Taehyung gasps as Jimin swirls his tongue around the tip of his cock. “Only once Namjoon and YN have finished, you go last bunny.”
“No Hyungie please.. can’t.” Jungkook sobbed, so beautifully. “Please.”
“Yn baby, let our bunny suck your fingers for being such a good boy.” Taehyung directed, YN following the order instantly, eager to please. Jungkook quietened a little, his sounds muffled.
“Hyungs going to fuck you now.” Seokjin explained, Yoongi nodded eagerly. He leaned back against the therapist's broad frame, using all of his strength to bounce on the other's cock whilst being fucked into. “Your ass is so tight.”
“If you don’t wrap your hand around my cock right now I’m going to let someone else fuck me.” Yoongi threatened grinding down as hard as he could on Seokjins cock. The other responded with a deep moan, hand wrapping around his cock and throat simultaneously.
Despite being fucked out of his mind Yoongi still watched the others, Taehyung finally granting Jungkook permission to cum only as Namjoon filled up YN. Jimin took his entire cock down his throat as Taehyung came with a whine.
Fucking beautiful boy.
“Hyung won’t last long Yoongi.” Seokjin informed, his moans broken and breathless as he sucks a mark onto Yoongis neck.
“S-same,” Yoongi grunted, his orgasm just about to snap.
As though their bodies were in synch Seokjin came into Yoongis ass just as Yoongi painted his thighs, and the floor, with his own seed. “Fuck.”
Yoongis dick twitched but softened against his thigh. Seokjin removed his hand so as to not overstimulate him. Yoongi glanced around, Jungkook was flat out on the bed his chest heaving, YN had slumped onto his chest, strap-on thrown to the side, and Namjoon was checking on them both, despite his own tiredness.
“I’m so proud of you my puppy.” Jimin was cradling Taehyung on the floor, taehyung seemingly out of it.
“Hyung will get us a nice bath hm?” Seokjin whispered to Yoongi, a bath right now seemed perfect, being covered in his own cum wasn’t something he wanted to experience for much longer.
“Yes. Like yesterday.” Yoongi agreed.
“You’ve got to get off me then.” Seokjin reminded him they were still attached, Yoongi could feel Seokjin going soft inside him. Body shivering he pulled himself off, seokjin hissing at the overstimulation the action brought.
“You could have been more careful.” Seokjin glared, pulling up his boxers.
“Oh don’t pretend like you don’t love being overstimulated.” Yoongi joked back. “Is everyone okay?” He directs the question to the room, a few groans and quiet “yes” are the only responses he gets but he accepts it, trusting Jimin to be able to know the signs of a bad scene. He leads out with seokjin. They forego a bath, instead choosing to be quick and opting for the shower and for once Yoongi allows Seokjin to join him, even going so far as to allow the other to wash his hair. He secretly loves it, loves being babied, loves being tended to with soft hands and softer words but he also loved being stubborn, loved being the reserved one, loved being teased.
The shower was quick well as quick as it could be with two people stuck in a post-orgasm haze. Seokjin excused himself to check on the others. Yoongi explained he was going to check on Hoseok who weirdly enough hadn’t joined their little sex adventure.
Midday was approaching and soon enough his chance to be with YN would be up. It didn’t take long before he found the other, sitting on the couch, phone in hand. H
“So.” Yoongi huffs, slumping beside Hoseok. “I have a question.”
“Go for it.” Hoseok laughs, turning his attention to the doctor, phone out away. “I’m all ears.”
“Why didn’t you join us earlier?” Yoongi asks, putting Hoseok on the spot.
“Well- I just…” Hobi trails off. “I guess I wanted to give you all some time to be with each other.”
“And you thought that you could be there because?”
“Because I can’t make love to you all the way you do one another.” Hoseok sighs, truthful as ever. “I wanted to give you all a chance to love each other without worrying about me or how I would feel.”
“You have never been a worry to us Hoseok. You are always welcome wherever we are, whatever we are doing. I don’t know how many times you need to be told this but I will say it as many times as necessary.”
“I just know there’s a difference.”
Yoongi nods, he wasn’t wrong. “Maybe, to some extent, but no one’s feelings in this house are entirely the same. Does that mean I shouldn’t kiss taehyung because Jimin probably loves him more? Should I just stop sucking namjoons dick because He doesn’t love me?”
“Hyung that’s different, at least they can love you.”
Yoongi clicks his tongue. “Do you care for me Hoseok?”
“Of course?” He responds as though offended by the question.
“Then that’s it. No more to it. You’re you Hoseok, those of us that do love you whatever way we do, love you and care for who you are because of who you are.” The doctor states, his tone leaving no room for arguments.
“You mean that?”
“I don’t lie. Don’t ever seclude yourself for that reason.” Yoongi scolds.
“Okay, I won’t.” The Dom agrees.
“What’s it like to be aromantic?” Yoongi asked and upon noticing the confusion on the dominant's face he rushed to add .”You don’t have to talk about it, of course, I’d never want you to feel uncomfortable but I guess I’m curious.”
“No uh.” Hobi blinks. “It’s okay, just surprised. No one ever really wants to know, funnily enough, I actually had a conversation with YN about this the other day. I guess It’s hard to explain, there are all these misconceptions, that we are uncaring, we don’t want affection, we don’t want to be loved and we can’t love. It’s not like that at all, just like with anyone of a different sexual or romantic identity one box does not fit all. I’ve met aro people who are married I’ve also met aro people who don’t even like having friends. There’s a very big difference between them but they are both valid.”
“Of course.” Yoongi nods, more so to encourage the other.
Hoseok smiles, genuinely happy he gets to discuss something so important to him. “For me it’s different, when I first came here I wasn’t big on hugs, kissing or intimate physical touch. I think over time here that’s changed, we could all hug and hold hands and I wouldn’t have much of an issue about it because I consider you all close friends, people I care about very much. I don’t really see myself in a long-term relationship, I don’t want one, I’ve never experienced a desire for romantic love and in some way, I’ve always been very firm on boundaries because I’ve seen how much having an unrequited love can hurt.”
“Do you think those boundaries and desires changed at all here?”
“To some extent, I still don’t want or desire a romantic relationship, I care for you all and love you all, maybe not in the way I know some of you love me but I love you in my own way. I don’t hate the idea of doing things that could be perceived as romantic, not anymore at least, I guess it’s like a squish, a platonic crush you know?….Can I be honest with you, Hyung?”
“Always.” Yoongis eyes soften. “Tell Hyung.”
“I know I can’t give you all the love you give me, I can’t give you a relationship but I have my own type of love, if you could call it that, and the seven of you are the only recipients. I don’t know how to explain that further, I know it’s not the same but it’s all I can do, I don’t want to do more, this is where I’m comfortable. The most I’ve ever felt, the only way I can feel, I feel it for my seven.” Hoseok isn’t one to cry, but it’s hard sometimes so just this once he lets the tears fall.
The thing about yoongi is he was never great with tears, but still, he cared for Hoseok maybe not love exactly but something akin to it, with that in mind all he wanted to do was comfort the other. He wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer. “Is this okay?”
“It’s good.” Hobi mumbled, voice shaky. “Am I too different? I don’t feel like I had a right to include myself in something I know you all see as romantic when I can’t give you all the same kind of love you give me, although I do love you all as friends. Homo intended?”
“Hey.” Yoongi shakes his head, pushing the younger back to look at him. “The love you give us, although different, is never less. We all want you, regardless of the way it is, we are happy with you in our affinity and actually, it’s OUR seven.”
Hoseok laughs at that, thankful for yoongis ability to bring some light to the sombre mood. “I know YN loves me.”
“Not just YN.” Yoongi corrects, hand running up and down Hobis back. “You know you have your own form of emotion, at this point, we should just make up a term for it.”
The dominant's eyebrows furrow, mouth pulled down into a confused frown “What like a Hoseok equivalent to “I love you”?”
“Sure. Uh….” Yoongi draws it out before smiling. “Could always say something like “I hobi you”.”
Hoseok laughs at that, not just a chuckle but a full-body laugh, bending at the waist as he clutches his stomach, Yoongi joining along with him. “No offence Hyung but that’s fucking awful.”
“Well then you think of a term, if you wanted to talk to a human dictionary you should have asked Namjoon.” Yoongi rolls his eyes, shoving Hoseok away from him. “I’ll copyright it, then you won’t have any term.”
“Please do, save me the trouble of worrying someone else will you that awful concoction.” Hoseok wipes away a tear from his face, this time caused by happiness. “Thank you, Hyung, not for the term but for the talk.”
“I would say anytime but after that fucking disrespect you can go to our in-house therapist.” Yoongi scoffed, pressing his lips together to suppress a smile.
“Actually, I’m off the clock.” Seokjin declared, walking into the room as gracefully as ever. “Hoseok, YN is looking for you.”
“I’ll go find her.” Hoseok responds, dipping out of the room.
“Hyung?” Yoongi turns to Seokjin. The man busied himself on his phone.
“Yes?” The therapist hums.
“I think someday I’m going to love Hoseok in a way I shouldn’t.”
“That’s okay. You aren’t alone in that. I’m afraid I’ll love them all a little too much.” Seokjin frowns.
“We are really fucked, aren’t we?”
Seokjin nods, a fitting laugh following.
They spend the next ten minutes on their phones before one by one they are joined by the others as instructed by Sejin. They still had Fifteen minutes before their time of freedom came to an end, the long faces despite the impromptu orgy showed everyone’s true feelings about the matter.
“This won’t do.” Jungkook announced. “We are not ending this thing sad, stop being so sappy it’s not like we are all leaving. We just can’t fuck and kiss.”
“Great words Jungkook, so touching.” Taehyung snorts. “YN baby come and kiss me, we don’t have long.”
Yn happily obliges, standing from Seokjins lap to slide into Taehyungs, it’s hard not to enjoy the sight. The puppy and the princess fight for dominance in their mini-make-out session.
“Don’t hog her!”Jungkook groans. Walking over and pulling YN back to kiss him, taehyung just watches with a grin as he runs his hands up and down YNs thighs.
“Okay okay enough, come here dove.” Hoseok beckons her over, opening his legs for her to sip on his lap. “I’m going to kiss you.”
“But-“ YN goes to argue but Hoseok cuts her off. A finger to her lip before leaning down to place a peck on her lips, nothing intense or overwhelming but something truly special.
Yoongi watches on with a smile, it feels as though he shouldn’t be there but Hoseok pays everyone else no mind. His eyes open as he places another kiss on her forehead and pulls her in for a hug. “Never forget that you are Sir's favourite person.”
“What?” Namjoon asks. Jungkook snickered with Jimin beside him. “You said I was your favourite.”
“Do I Dom you Namjoon?” Hoseok asks lips in a firm line.
“No.” Namjoon scowls, jealous of course.
“Then you are not Sir's favourite.” He continues playing with YNs hair, eyes trained on her as he converses with Namjoon. “Do you want me to Dom you Namjoon?”
Namjoon chokes on his spit. “You-What?”
“Come back to me later when you can formulate an answer and then we will talk about favourites, hm?” He looks at Namjoon for a second before turning back to YN. “Now pretty girl, go and give our eldest a kiss.”
“Mention my age again and I’ll make you sleep in the garden.” Seokjin jokes, but not really, as he accepts YN back into his arms. Any other words swallowed by her kissing him.
They all hear the door open, they all know who it is but no one turns to greet Sejin as he sighs shaking his head at the sight of the intimate session. “You know I said midday right?”
“Oh no, did someone forget the alarm?” Taehyung gasps, and Jungkook sends a pillow hurtling towards him. “No one sent an alarm.”
“It’s fine just wrap it up.” Sejin waves his hand, choosing to look out the window until Seokjin finally releases YN.
“Great if that's all I’ll begin now.” Sejin rolls his eyes. “You had your prize for completing the random challenge. I hope you made great use of it.” Yoongi meets YNS's eyes and she looks genuinely happy, no worry on her face as there is when it’s time for eliminations and as he looks at the others he notices it’s the same for them too. Sacrificing time for prompts was definitely worth it. He turns his attention back to Sejin who was still explaining the next prompts. “Because there are only three gentlemen left prompts will become increasingly harder. That being said gentlemen please come and collect your prompts.”
Yoongi stands, alongside Namjoon and Jimin. As usual, Sejin hands them all an envelope and tells them to keep it to themselves, although that was pretty much a given at this point. “This week's theme is “Switch”
Yoongi, as always when this time comes, looks over at YN, her face already a picture of determination and focus. He bites back a laugh at her face and turns his attention to his own prompt.
This week you will mimic Jimin, you must as as he would during a scene to fulfil your prompt. Yn must not decipher this during the scene.
Well, that was definitely going to be harder. He looked over at Jimin, whose face was a mask of calm. He was never bothered much by the prompts but as always Namjoon, unable to hide his emotions, frowns at the paper. Yoongi would definitely pull him aside and talk to him about it, by process of elimination Jimin would be acting like Namjoon and therefore Namjoon would be mimicking him.
There was no way he could hide an entire sexual personality shift, at this rate they would all be sleeping in the empty room.
“So now that’s out of the way, Jimin you and YN will be picked up this evening for your date, don’t be late.” Sejin eyes Jimin, already used to his tendency to stroll in the room whenever it suits him, regardless of the time wasted. “And that’s it I’ll get out of your hair. If you need me you know where to find me. Remember the rules are now in effect if you do anything you know you aren’t supposed to do you will be removed.”
“Yes yes, we know.” Taehyung pouts, staring at YN.
“Right.” Yoongi stood up. “ I’m going for a walk. YN want to come?”
“You can’t kidnap her.” Jimin protests “Okay fair Hyung.”
“Oh piss of Jimin.” Yoongi snorts, YN wrapping her arm around Yoongis bicep. “You got the big date, just let me enjoy the baby for a little.”
“Since when am I “the baby?” YN ask, pulling a “what the fuck” face as she says the word “baby”
“Since always?” Jungkook responds, voice imitating the confusion of YNs voice.
Yoongi smiles as YN turns to him, so beautiful he thinks. “Yoongi take me away from here, these heathens I can’t take it.” She falls against him dramatically and he can’t help but laugh as does everyone else in the house.
“Let’s go, darling. I will save you.” Yoongi plays back. “Your knight in shining armour is here .”
“Cringe!” Hoseok adds from the couch. “Get out.”
At that they leave the room laughing, arms entwined the entire time spare for the few seconds they put their shoes on.
“How are you feeling now it’s back to normal doll?” Yoongi asks, their conversation from two nights ago still playing in his mind.
“I’m okay, I guess Jungkook was right when he said we had to stop being sad about it.” Yoongi opens his mouth to respond, closing it again when she continues. “I wish Hoseok joined us. He told me you two spoke.”
“We did, I think he is just adjusting. Over the past 24 hours, I’ve noticed a few things?” Yoongi mumbles, staring at the trees in the distance as they walk the grounds. “I think we all segregate ourselves into groups, I don’t know if that’s necessarily bad but I think it would be a better environment if we all stopped sticking by those we feel closest to.”
“We do-“ YN starts, Yoongi shakes his head, silencing her.
“We do. I stay with Jungkook and Jin whenever I’m not with you. I spent time with Jimin and Hoseok alone yesterday and today and I felt slapped in the face when I realised I’d rarely done that. Jimin rarely goes to anyone But you, Taehyung and Jungkook. Hoseok sticks by Namjoon as though he is unable to exist without him. At first, I didn’t care, I came here to win and maybe make a few friends but I love most of you and I’m sure enough going to love the others and I don’t see that working in the outside world if we keep segregating ourselves.” Yoongi finished out of breath, walking and ranting didn’t make for a good duo.
He lets the whiteness settle before then, YN not jumping to speak and he begins to feel afraid he said too much when YN stops walking and embraces him in a hug before pulling back and kissing him. “You’re right, you’re right, I want all of you even after the show ends and it’s not going to work out if we keep on like this. I can already imagine how it will go, maybe for the first few weeks we will all be okay but slowly we will fall apart and eventually, it will be us divided into little groups. I really don’t want that.” She frowns and for a moment he regrets bringing it up, seeing her sad was never worth it. “Do you think we should talk to the others?”
Yoongi takes a deep breath, nodding. “I think it would be beneficial.”
She presses her lips into a thin line. “Then let’s go back and do that.”
“Right now?” Yoongi asks, eyebrows raised. “What about our walk?”
“You’ll still have legs tomorrow.” She snorts, pulling him in the direction of the house.
Yoongi sighs, dragging his weight as he walks. He just wanted a fucking walk. The house grows closer but suddenly they stop moving, shouting coming from the house. Yoongi looks at YN before brushing past her, running in the direction of the noise.
They are met with a sight that no one could expect, there was glass shattered on the floor, Hoseok in the corner with Seokjin, as Jungkook and Taehyung shout at Jimin.
“Let me explain!” Jimin shouts, Jungkook throws another glass on the floor before breaking down into tears.
“You’re a fucking liar!” Jungkook shouts, pulling a sobbing Taehyung in for a hug. “You should have fucking told us!”
“I was going to! It wasn’t even a big deal!” Jimin defends, looking as though he wanted to step closer but couldn’t because of the glass.
“What the fuck happened?” Yn whispers to Yoongi and he shrugs, he has no answers, they weren’t even gone that long.
Taehyung pulls back, looking Jimin dead in the eye. “You’re a fucking cheater.” He spits, his words like venom.
“It was before any of us got fucking serious!” Jimin screams, glassy-eyed. “Just let me fucking explain.”
“Stay the fuck away from me.” Taehyung points at Jimin. “I will never trust you again.”
“You could have just fucking said something Jimin,” Jungkook adds, voice a little quieter.
“You mean he could have just told us the truth!” Taehyung is distraught.
For the first time since entering the room, Yoongi finds his voice. “Does someone want to explain what’s going on here?” He looks at Jimin first and then over to Jungkook and finally, where Jin and Hoseok stand in the corner. “Anyone?”
“Why don’t you explain Jimin? Oh wait you’re fucking awful at doing that. I’ll tell everyone then. Jimin has had a fucking girlfriend this entire time.” Taehyung walks out of the room, the words dumping over Yoongi like icy water.
He doesn’t know what to do first, to comfort a crying Jungkook who has run out of the room after Taehyung, demands Jimin gives them answers Or coddle YN who has been frozen for the past few minutes.
Jimin notices the emptiness on her face. “YN! Baby I-“
She doesn’t give him a chance to explain, walking around the glass to go after Taehyung and Jungkook.
“Jimin what the fuck?” That is all Yoongi can say. Genuinely thrown back by the situation at hand. “Please tell me this isn’t true”
Jimin doesn’t say anything, he slumps to the floor, body overtaken by breathless sobs. Yoongi watches for a few seconds before walking over to him pulling the younger in for a hug. Regardless of what Jimin did or didn’t do Yoongi would always take care of him.
“Jin-ah,” Yoongi calls the eldest who is still frozen in place beside Hoseok. “Clean up the glass, please. Hoseok go and check on the others.”
They both nod, getting to their respective tasks instantly. “Jiminie baby look at Hyung.”
Jimin doesn’t look, his body shaking involuntarily as he sobs. “Let’s go and sit on the couch hm? Let seokjin clean up this mess?”
Thankfully Jimin stands, walking behind Yoongi to the couch. It hurts Yoongi to see him so upset, especially as he pulls his legs up to his chest and curls into himself, crying. “Oh, baby what have you gotten yourself into.” Yoongi sighs, pulling Jimin to him. His hand carded through the hair of the other in an attempt to calm him down.
The soothing actions work somewhat as Jimins choked cries soon become sniffles. “I didn’t cheat Hyung, I would never.”
“Then explain it to me minie.” Yoongi pleads. “I’m so confused here.”
Jimin sniffles one more time before sitting up. “Before I came here there was this girl, we had done scenes a few times but she was a really kind person, I wanted to help her find her footing in the kink world and we ended up going out to dinner a few times. This was before I was accepted on the show, I sent my application but I didn’t know if I was guaranteed to come on here, none of us did, so I continued with life, I kept doing scenes with her and netting her for dinner, we texted now and again when I first got here, she would send me encouragement, I guess sometimes we would flirt but I promise Hyung, on my life , on everything I love, the second I fell for anyone I stopped talking to her in that way. I tried to show Taehyung but he didn’t believe me.”
“Oh, Jimin.” Yoongi could see how it looked. “How did Taehyung and Jungkook find out?”
“They were using my phone to play games when she messaged, here.” Jimin pulled out his phone, opening the text threat before handing it over to yoongi.
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“Oh.” Yoongi huffs. “Continue.”
“I was going to tell her that I didn’t want to, fuck taehyung is practically my fucking boyfriend but at this point if I put a fucking label on things I’d end up having 5 boyfriends and a girlfriend all of whom are mad at me!” He exclaims. A hint of desperation in his voice.
“She said you had late-night conversations, Jimin?” The question comes out a little harsher than intended but Yoongi can’t help it, he is only human and hurt and jealousy were very difficult emotions.
“She called me twice Hyung and I picked up thinking she would need something. We just spoke about how it was here, nothing happened apart from that, she asked me a few kink questions and I directed her to a friend that could help. That’s all.” Jimin searches Yoongis’ face. “Please believe me Hyung.”
Despite how the messages seemed Yoongi did believe him, call it gut instinct. “I do minie.”
“The glass is cleaned, I think we should talk.” Seokjin enters the room, an air of dominance to him that under better circumstances would make Yoongi in the mood to fu k, or get fucked. “Jimin explain please.”
Yoongi sits back as Jimin explains everything once again to Seokjin, much like himself he comes to the conclusion it was a misunderstanding. Despite that, it didn’t solve the resounding issues with the three beings upstairs, all of whom left the room hurt. “You need to talk to YN, you have your date tonight.”
“I need to talk to them all.” Jimin turns to Seokjin. “Please convince them to hear me out, they will take it better if it’s from you. They hate me.”
“They don’t hate you Jimin,” Yoongi argues.
“You didn’t see the way they looked when they read the messages or how quickly Jungkook agreed with Taehyungs thoughts that I was cheating. I thought they trusted me but they didn’t even give me a chance to talk to them about it.” Yoongi could understand that, the pain in Taehyungs eyes was unforgettable, Jungkook was the same and if he had a chance to properly look at YN he was sure she too would have been looking as hurt and betrayed as the rest.
“I’ll go and have a talk with them Jimin but bear in mind they may not be ready to talk, guilty or not they feel you’ve betrayed them and that isn’t something easily forgotten. I’m sure you too won’t forget the fact they dismissed hearing you out so fast. I’ll talk to them but let’s take this one step at a time okay?” Jin comforts realistically, it was one of Yoongis’ favourite things about him. Whenever Yoongi had a problem he would always seek Jin out first, not because he didn’t trust the others but because Jin was brutally honest, even if it hurt.
Yoongi pulls Jimin into another hug. “Let’s wait here okay?”
Jin nods at Yoongi before disappearing out of the room, the two sit in silence although it doesn’t feel awkward at all. Some time passes, and Yoongi isn’t sure how much, he doesn’t pay attention, instead focusing all of his energy on drawing shapes with his finger on Jimins shoulder.
They both perk up at the sounds of footsteps, YN walks in first, sitting opposite Jimin, and Taehyung follows behind, his hand holding Jungkooks, the pair sit the furthers away from Jimin as possible. Yoongi sees his hurt and feels his shoulders deflate underneath him just a little in disappointment.
“I want to explain, please just give me that chance.” Jimin starts, and Seokjin stands by the doorway.
“You have five minutes before I get up and pack.” Taehyung sniffles.
“What?!” Yoongi lurches forwards. “Pack for what Tae?”
“I can’t be here anymore.” Taehyung shrugs. Gaze flickering over Jimin before resting his head against Jungkooks shoulder and staring out of the window. From the lack of surprise, Yoongi guessed YN and Jungkook already knew about his decision.
“Please let me talk before you decide that, Tae. Baby please.” Jimin please, Taehyung doesn’t disagree and Yoongi takes that as a good sign. It was really just a misunderstanding.
Yoongi sat back as Jimin explained in detail. Despite it being the third time hearing it Yoongi still listened with the utmost attention, watching the other three to see their faces and hopefully their forgiveness.
“I promise I didn’t cheat.” Jimin finishes. Sitting forward as though he wanted to rush to their side.
“I understand.” YN speaks first. “I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to explain first, I just see Tae and Kook upset and when I heard I-“ she shakes her head. “I was hurt.”
“I’m so sorry it seemed that way, I promise the only people I feel anything for romantically are within this house.” Jimin says, hand gripping his knee. “Tae? Jungkook?”
“You said you didn’t cheat but you didn’t exactly go out of your way to shut her down Jimin. For all I know you could have walked out of here and asked her out on the same day.” Taehyungs words are spiteful but true.
“I didn’t want to cause any drama. She isn’t a horrible person and didn’t deserve to be shut down over a text message.”
Taehyung scoffed. “But we deserved you lying to us?”
“It was a lie Tae. I didn’t lie.” Jimin shook his head. “I didn’t even respond.”
“You didn’t shut her down.” Taehyung says firmly. “You maybe didn’t cheat but you fucking entertained it by not being honest with her.”
“Taehyung I did not cheat on you, yes maybe I made a mistake by not telling her instantly that I had absolutely no interest in her but I didn’t cheat. I have opened up to you all, you more than anyone. You were the first one I fell in love with. Is that what you want? Do you want me to be honest? Okay then fine fuck it I’ll be honest Taehyung. I couldn’t fucking help myself falling in love with you, I could t help Falling in love with YN after, nor could I help falling in love with Jungkook.”
Yoongi watched as Jungkooks eyes widened, clearly, he didn’t know.
Jimin continues. “Hell fuck me I couldn’t help myself starting to like Hoseok, having a crush on Jin and I’m pretty sure I fucking like Yoongi too.”
Yoongi himself bristles at that, attention turning to seokjin who stands just as surprised as him.
Jimin doesn’t stop there and Yoongi worries the dom may say something he regrets but doesn’t intervene, somehow he can’t. “Yes, I came in here too fucking prideful and trust me no one is more embarrassed about that than me. I came in here with no real fucking connections and I fell in love with you like a lovesick puppy but I couldn’t stop myself because every single time I woke up next to you it was like witnessing an Angel being born, I’m fucking mesmerised by you. So yeah you know what I’ll accept my fault For being too kind but I never cheated on you and the fact you didn’t even hear me out, instantly coming to your own conclusions shows me just how much trust we had”
Jimins crying Taehyung is crying, Jungkook is crying, Seokjin, YN and Yoongi are frozen, and Hoseok enters the too room at that point, he too freezes.
The air is thick with tension, so thick Yoongi is sure if he goes to the kitchen and grabs a pair of scissors he could cut through it.
“How long was she messaging you for?” It wasn’t Taehyung asking this time, it was Jungkook.
“Since the show started, I haven’t spoken to her since the start of the second week.” Jimin answers, honestly.
Jungkook nods, accepting the answer. “Will you tell her?”
“Of course, I will.” Jimin looks around for his phone, typing out a message that reads:
I want to let you know that I won’t be able to make it to dinner after the show finishes or any other time, I’m sorry if this hurts you in any way, you are always welcome to contact the other dominant I sent you the information of if you need guidance. I wish you the best going forward.
Jimin hits send, immediately blocking and deleting her number. “See!” He shows them all. “I would never choose anyone or anything over you.”
“Tae?” Jungkook whispered. “I think he’s proved himself enough.”
Jimin watched Taehyung. Yoongi could see the panic on his face as the masseuse stood up closing the space between himself and Jimin. “I will forgive you, but I’m not ready to talk to you right now. I won’t leave but please just give me some space.”
“Tae-“ Jimin tried but Taehyung was already leaving the room. Jimin looked helplessly at Jungkook and YN. “Please say something.”
“I forgive you. I think TaeHyungie needs some time, he’s afraid of being hurt min.” Jungkook stood, wrapping Jimin in a brief hug before sitting back down. “I’m sorry for not giving you a chance to speak.”
Jimin sat himself between Jungkook and YN, a hand coming out to touch her leg. “Yn?”
“I just- I don’t know what to say.” She shrugs. Bottom lip in a slight pout. “I thought you cheated, you didn’t cheat, and you didn’t exactly go far to close her down, I can understand your reasons why but you didn’t say anything to anyone about it which makes it seem like it was a secret but I know that’s highly unlikely which is why I’m giving you my forgiveness.” She smiled weakly at him, shifting to rest her head on his shoulder.
Despite the ⅔ positive outcome of the conversation, Jimin didn’t look any happier, he looked haunted. Yoongi wanted to fix it all, he really did, he hated confrontation, hated angsty feelings but he couldn’t do anything. He also really fucking hated being helpless. He would make for a shitty therapist, he thought to himself, setting a mental reminder to praise Jin for his therapeutic abilities.
“We don’t have to do the date tonight if you don’t want to, I’ll forfeit the prize.” Jimin looked at YN, dead serious.
She shook her head no. “I want to go, it will be good for both of us, it will give Tae some time away from you to cool off.”
Yoongi marvelled at her ability to think for those around her even when her own feelings had been hurt just minutes prior.
Yoongi noticed Sejin approaching the door, he pointed to it and they all turned their heads. “I’ll go and check on Tae.” Yoongi stands, not wanting to hear the explanation a fourth time.
He could hear Sejins voice taking over the downstairs space as he climbed the stairs two at a time, only growing more concerned as he heard Taehyung crying. He didn’t bother knocking, nothing could stop him from stepping in and comforting the sad boy. “Tae,” Yoongi called gently. Taehyung instantly opened his arms, welcoming Yoongi in.
The second they touched it was like everything inside of Taehyung crumbled. “He d-didn't.” Taehyung hiccuped, Yoongi rubbed his back, doing all he could to support him. “He didn’t t-tell her, He said he wanted to try really try with me but he didn’t even tell some stupid submissive from some stupid club that he loved me.”
“Tae.” Yoongi started. “Baby-“ he pause at the pet name wondering if he should take it back for a second, he was stepping into uncharted territory but he decided he didn’t care, not right now. “I truly think it was a misunderstanding, I don’t think he was cheating or even considering it. He loves you, he really does adore you.”
“B-but then why.” Taehyung cried harder, and Yoongi could feel a damp patch forming on his shirt. “I don’t- am I not enough.”
“Of course you are enough Taehyung, don’t ever let me hear you doubting that again.” Yoongi said firmly, that was something he wouldn’t stand for. “Try and see it from Jimins perspective. You know what his job is, he interacts with people like that on a daily basis and he cannot help it when someone thinks more out of a situation than he does. Would you want Jimin to quit his job? Stop doing scenes? Stop helping people who want to explore something new?”
Taehyung shook his head no.
“You’re Jimins puppy right?” Yoongi asked, this was either going to fix the situation or fuck it up more but something had to be done. “Can you imagine if you met Jimin outside of here? That girl was alone with the desire to try something new safely and jimin provided that for her. Imagine how nice it would have been to have someone as kind as him helping you discover and explore something you really wanted. Now tell me you wouldn’t have gotten your hopes up even slightly.”
Taehyung was quiet for a few minutes. “I can’t.”
“Can't imagine it?”
Taehyung shook his head. “I can’t be mad at him can I?”
Finally, they were getting somewhere. “I don’t think it’s the right thing but you also have to feel your emotions as they are, sometimes we don’t always have explanations for the way we feel.”
“I can’t imagine not falling for him, even outside of here I would have been just as hopeful as that girl. Jimin was still wrong to not shut her down instantly but I should have let him talk more. I said horrible things to him, he is going to hate me.” Taehyung sniffles, engulfed in a bout of self-pity and hatred.
“He doesn’t hate you.” Yoongi chuckles lightly, trying to be as comforting as he could be. “It was a bad situation, everything will be fine.”
“I told him I would never trust him again, I told him to fuck off before you came inside…I said that he was a shitty Dom.” Yoongi did not know that.
Yoongi bit his lip, this situation was a mess. “Did you mean those things?”
“God no I was just so hurt.” Taehyung looked up at him eyes puffy.
Yoongi nodded, there wasn’t much he could do. There was only one solution. “I really think you should talk to Jimin.”
“Can.. can you stay Hyung? Please?”
Yoongi raised his eyebrows, that would definitely make for an awkward talk. “You want me to stay when you talk to him?”
“Yes.” Taehyung nodded. “Please.”
“Okay.” Yoongi mumbled, considering it for s moment before agreeing. “Okay, just let me go and get him.”
By the time he got back downstairs Sejin had left, he would be sure to ask later what had happened but for now, he set his mind on getting Jimin and Taehyung talking. It was his personal project if you will. Jimin was still sitting on the couch, eyes glassy as he stared at the wall.
“Jimin?” Yoongi called out, getting no response. He cleared his throat, but still nothing. Huffing he slumped over to the Dom, waving his hands around his face like a maniac. “Jimin?” He tried again, this time the other finally taking notice.
“Hm?” Jimin blinks.
“Tae wants you.”
At that jimin is up in seconds, Yoongi swears he has never seen the other move so fast, not even for food. He stills only when reaching Taehyungs bedroom door, as though considering his options.
“What’s wrong?” Yoongi sighs.
Jimin turns to look at Yoongi with fear in his eyes. “He hates me.”
Yoongis face falls flat, he had officially had enough. “If you don’t get inside that room I will actually lock you both in the restroom for 24 hours. Do not test me Park Jimin, I am covered in snot and you both sound exactly the same.”
Jimin gives him a hurt look but nevertheless, he walks into the room. Yoongi sits himself in the chair in the corner, giving them space. It definitely ft weird to be present for it but if it made Taehyung feel better he would always stay.
“Please tell me you don’t hate me.” Taehyung sniffled.
Jimin looked surprised, Yoongi could tell he definitely wasn’t expecting that. “Tae no I don’t hate you, I was sure until Yoongi Hyung came to get me that you’d never speak to me again.”
“Explain it again, please. I promise I’m listening to this time.” Taehyung asked, Yoongi kept his focus on his hands.
Hopefully, for the last time, Yoongi listened as Jimin explained the situation. This time Taehyung was listening, nodding along. “I still think you should have shut her down immediately.”
Jimin nodded at that, he wasn’t denying his fault and Yoongi respected him for it. “I should have, I thought I was doing the right thing but I wasn’t. I made a mistake. I can’t change that Taehyung but I won’t ever talk to her again.”
“You shouldn’t have felt like you had to block her. She was someone you were helping and it was unfair of me to react that way.” Yoongi didn’t disagree with that, it wasn’t the healthiest reaction but the sudden outburst of emotions was understandable.
Heartbreak can make you do fucked up things. So can love.
“Did you mean it when you said you’d never trust me again?” Jimin seemed afraid to ask.
“I think I’ll need a little time to get over it, I guess…” Taehyung took a deep breath, Jimin didn’t say anything. Yoongi watched him, his frame still as he held onto Taehyungs pinkie as though if he let go the man would simply disappear. “I was so afraid of having my heart broken when I see those messages I just went into self-protection mode.”
“I can understand that and I’ll do my best to reassure you, it hurt the way you instantly labelled me a cheater even though I’d been so open and honest with you. I’ve never lied to you Taehyung and being so open has honestly been fucking terrifying so when you jumped to the conclusion you hated me and wanted me to stay away from you it felt like one of the worst things I’d ever heard.” Yoongi hated the way Jimins voice quivered, situations like these were never any good, and everyone ended up hurt.
Taehyung jumped forward to hug Jimin, Yoongi could barely hear the apology he muttered. “I’m sorry I did that, it wasn’t fair to you.”
“I just need to know you trust me Tae, everything we have is nothing if there isn’t trust.” Yoongi knew Jimin wasn’t just talking about their romantic relationship, everyone in the house knew Taehyung was Jimins puppy in a submissive way, that was literally impossible to maintain if neither trusted the other.
“I do I just… I need a little time to get over it. Call me overly emotional.” Taehyung joked, an attempt at lightening the mood.
Jimin didn’t argue with him, although Yoongi had half expected him to. “I can understand that, I think I too will need a little time to get over the things you said.”
“So are we okay?” Taehyung asked.
“Mostly.” Jimin smiled, albeit only a little, things were better. Not completely fixed but not irreversibly broken. “Hug?”
Taehyung nodded, eyeing Yoongi. “Hyung, join us?”
“Oh no. Nope. You two have fun, I need a drink.” Yoongi huffed, shaking his head. He wouldn’t drink but still, he could dream.
Jimin paused, looking back at Yoongi before placing a kiss on Taehyungs head “Yoongi Hyung is really mean isn’t he?”
“Yeah.” Taehyung agreed, laughing.
Yoongi was definitely not having that. “I played therapist all day you little ungrateful brats.”
“Yeah yeah, Hyung. We love you.” Taehyung shushes him and he can’t help but find it adorable. His chest swelled with pride at seeing them smiling again.
He truly hated when things weren’t normal. Yes, it would take a little healing, a few long conversations and maybe some trust rebuilding but things were gonna be okay.
Yoongi excused himself soon after. Feeling relieved when he found Namjoon sitting at the table as Seokjin prepared dinner.
“Need any help?” Yoongi called out.
Jin looked around before shaking his head. “I’ve got it covered just relax. How are they? ”
“Better.” Yoongi smiled. At that, Yoongi slumped onto a chair and rested his head upon his hands. Closing his eyes. “Where’s Yn, Jungkook and Hoseok.”
“Upstairs, they are helping her get ready for her date.” Seokjin replied.
Yoongi snorted at the idea of Hoseok playing beauty guru.
“What are you doing?” Namjoon asked as Yoongi rested his head on the table.
“Relaxing?” Yoongi responded dumbly.
Namjoon shifted one seat closer. “Can you help me with this Hyung?”
Yoongi was apparently appointed helper of the day. “What is it?”
“I’m seeking an opinion. I think if kind of figured out what I want to do, I’m just unsure if it’s the right choice.” Namjoon shut his laptop.
Yoongi considered it, not wanting to give bad advice. “What have you decided?”
“I’m going to finish my thesis, get my master's and then teach philosophy but if I win I’m going to use the money to help rent a space so I can have my own bookstore and teach philosophy part-time.” Namjoon smiles proudly, it’s as though for the first time Yoongi is seeing him at peace with himself.
“What are your doubts?”
“I like marine biology. What if I regret not doing something with that?”
“You always have time to go back and get another degree, you aren’t limited to doing one thing forever. If you want to teach philosophy and run a bookstore then do it, it won’t be easy but I’m sure if you need help there are seven of us here willing to do whatever we can. You’re looking at things like you have to choose right now and whatever you choose is irreversible. So what if you make a choice and it isn’t entirely right, you can always try again. Life isn’t one fit-all Namjoon-ah. Follow your heart as cheesy as that might sound do what truly brings you happiness. Forget everything else, forget what ifs, do what you know brings you joy right now.” Yoongi finished, pretty proud of his speech especially seeing the way Namjoon smiled back at him, dimples on show.
“Thank you Hyung, I can’t wait to tell YN.” Namjoon picked up his laptop, taking it out of the room before sitting back at the table, this time carrying a stack of plates.
Jimin and YN came down the stairs hand in hand, as always Jimin looked well put together, if it wasn’t for the puffy eyes you would never be able to tell that a difficult situation had broken out. YN was the definition of beautiful, a red dress, her hair wavy, makeup not too heavy but the smokey eyeshadow brought her eyes to life. Yoongi was tempted to turn them both around and take them upstairs to fuck, lazy fuck because he was tired but still fuck.
Maybe tomorrow.
Seokjin and Namjoon wandered over to YN, from the blush on her cheeks they were complimenting her an unhealthy amount.
“Where are you taking her?” Yoongi asked Jimin.
Jimin smiled at him. “A restaurant, then to a light display and then a walk.”
“Get her flowers.” Yoongi advised. “Actually , just one.”
Jimin frowned. “Why? I could get her a bouquet.”
“She’s awful at keeping flowers alive.” Yoongi jokes and Jimin pushed his arm, shaking his head in laughter.
“I’m great at keeping flowers alive.” YN must have overheard them. Yoongi rolled his eyes, opening his arms to her.
He breathed in her perfume, whatever she had on smelt beautiful. Yoongi pulled her closer, nosing at her neck it was a soft floral scent, Yoongis favourite.
“Cars here, we gotta go.” Jimin declared but Yoongi didn’t let go. “Hyung, stop hogging my date.”
Yoongi reluctantly let go, not before pulling YN in for a kiss, eyeing Jimin the whole time.
Jimins face hardens. “Don’t I get one too Yoongi?”
“Fuck off.” Yoongi laughed. Walking away from the pair.
Yoongi could feel Jimins glare at him and knew exactly what he had done, he hadn’t exactly forgotten the conversation they had during their challenge the other day, Jimin clearly said if he dropped honorifics it meant he was acting as a dominant, not as a boyfriend or friend. A part of Yoongi loved the fact Jimin couldn’t do anything, not right now at least.
Yoongi couldn’t help pushing, Jimin looked hot when he was pissed. YN seemed to have noticed something but didn’t bring it up, Jimin steadied her as she put her shoes on and then they were off.
…and Yoongi was horny but it would have to wait as seokjin started to bring the meat over to the table.
“Where is Jungkook?” Namjoon asked Hoseok as he trotted into the room. “And Tae?”
“Jungkook is coming down, just changing his shirt. I haven’t seen Taehyung.” Hoseok turned to Yoongi. “Hyung?”
Yoongi shook his head. “Not since I came down.”
Jungkook walked into the room, eyes focused on the table of food.
Hoseok patted him on the shoulder, grabbing his attention. “Jungkook where is Tae? Dinner is ready.”
“Oh.” Jungkook looked up at Hoseok. “He’s upstairs. I checked but he is asleep.”
Jin signed, frowning. “Poor thing, I’ll save him a plate.”
“Soooo…can we eat?” Jungkook rocked onto his heels.
“Yes yes, eat, god it’s like you’ve not been fed.” Seokjin laughed, taking a seat.
Jungkook made a look as though to say “Really?” He took some salad into his bowl. “Didn’t exactly have time to eat.”
“It was definitely dramatic.” Namjoon added, sliding a piece of meat into his mouth.
Yoongi didn’t have much to offer the conversation, focusing his attention on satisfying his forgotten hunger. It was already 8 pm and he was wiped out. He had some work to complete but that could be left for another day, he was wiped out.
Yoongi wasn’t afraid of emotions nor was he cold but when there was an influx of emotions going around he easily got overwhelmed by them, despite his deep understanding of emotions he never much bothered discussing them only when it was necessary. Maybe that was why he was so tired now.
“I’ll do the dishes.” Namjoon offers, practically all the food gone spare the plate that had been put aside for a still-sleeping Taehyung.
“What did Sejin say earlier?” Yoongi asked, remembering the man showing up for a while.
“He saw what happened but wanted to give us space to resolve it, he had to check to make sure it was okay but once he see it was under control he went back to his van. He did warn us no fighting and we have to replace to plates Taehyung smashed.”
Jungkook chuckled at that. “I will can’t believe Taehyung smashed plates. It’s been a long day.”
“Yeah it has, I’m going to have an early night. I’m exhausted.” Yoongi huffed, tucking in his chair before climbing the stairs. He knew he could get into his own bed but something about relaxing in Jin's room, stealing his sweater, felt eighth. So he did. It didn’t take long after brushing his teeth and changing his clothes his head hit the pillow and he was out like a light.
He was awoken much later as a sleepy Jin crawled in beside him. Yoongi lets himself be swaddled up in Jin's arms. “My baby had an emotionally draining day.”
“What am I? Your son?” Yoongi grumbles. “I’m not a baby.”
“Shut up and let me have this.” Jin scolds, placing a kiss on Yoongis's head. “I’m really proud of how you stepped up today.”
“Thanks.” Yoongi was half asleep but he still managed to smile a little at Jin's praise.
They both sat up a little as the front door closed, giggles growing louder, bodies thumping against the wall. Jimin and YN must have been back, possibly drunk from the way they did not worry about those sleeping in the house. A bedroom door closed and the house fell into silence once more.
“Kids.” Seokjin chuckled, pulling Yoongi back down to the bed.
Despite the dramas of the day he was where he wanted to be, wrapped in the arms of one of the many men he loved, with the other people he loved just down the hall. Everything was right in the world.
Whatever happened next they would face it together.
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muldermuse · 9 months
what about two sinners having ✨a steamy ✨ moment in the shower OR A BATH??
(also what does she do for work? this question is my newly discovered Roman Empire)
ps I wish I could write like you do 🤌🏼🩵
hi angel!🫶🫶🫶
idk why right but when I first wrote two sinners I had it in my head that reader was a teacher??? Like one of the high school teachers that was way more approachable than others bc she seemed a bit younger and would make you laugh. She’s a hot mess but cares about her job and loves her students
nsfw bath time below the cut for you, my love ❤️
part of the two sinners world
I always think about reader in that outdoor bath that Roy is in in episode 1???? So everyone is away. Roy, his wife and kids have gone out of town briefly and Glenda is on an art retreat. So there’s no one around the house. Gator doesn’t even need to invite reader over, she just turns up with a overnight bag and assumes she can stay. Of course, Gator is secretly delighted but he’d rather die than tell her that. 
They’re on the couch, she’s straddling Gator and licking into his mouth. He’s grabbing her hips and making her grind against him. There’s music playing in the background that Gator awkwardly put on (he wants her to think that he’s cool so fuckin badly) but you can’t even hear it, too lost in feeling Gators lips against yours. As the evening goes on, the kisses are getting longer and harder. Out of nowhere, you jump off Gator and strip down so you’re completely naked. 
“I’m goin’ in your daddy’s tub- Y’know, the one outside?” Before Gator can even open his mouth to object, she’s flinging the door open and heading towards the wooden tub. You sneakily put it on to heat up earlier so steam is billowing into the star lit sky. You throw your hair into a messy bun as you climb in, giggling at the heat of the water against your cold body and the absurdity of being in your local Sheriff’s pool completely naked. 
“Why do you have to fuckin’ ruin tonight huh? Get the fuck out” Gator looks exasperated but the main thing you notice is how hard he is. You move across to the rim of the bath closest to Gator and stand up slightly, crossing your arms to push your wet breasts together. Gators eyes are fixed on your wet body and he’s lost his anger immediately. 
“Your clothes are gonna get all wet when you get in with me, baby” you rest your head against your forearms and bite your lip as you look at him. 
He huffs, “s’a fuckin’ joke” as he starts to kick off his boots and unbutton his cargos; dumping all his clothes on the dusty ground when he’s completely naked. He awkwardly stands there for a moment, cupping his dick as if you haven’t choked on it this afternoon. 
He sinks into the water slowly, sitting himself down and looking at you with nervous eyes. This feels wrong to him, you’ve had sex in the shower before and had sex in public but for some reason, this situation fills him with anxiety. And it makes him so fucking hard. Before he any doubts can creep into his head, he grabs the back of your neck and kisses you hard. You resume the position you had before on the couch but this time, Gator slips his cock into you. He licks into your mouth as you moan on top of him. 
The water is hot and rippling due to the movement underneath. The steam continues to float up into the sky as you ride Gator slowly. He’s looking up at you in awe, his mouth hanging open whilst he watches you on top- every time you move closer into him, he licks and bites at your sensitive nipples. The sudden need to cum hits you and Gator like a freight train, “so- s’fuckin’ good. Y’gonna make me cum, Gator”. Every time he feels you clench on his cock or tell him how good he’s making you feel; his ego doubles in size. He gently bites into your breast and digs his nails into your hips as he cums in you. Feeling him fill you sends you careening over the edge a few seconds after. 
The water feels like it cools around you both, his head is resting against your breasts as he tries to calm his breathing before you both have to dash back to the house. He knows as soon as you get back inside, you’ll grab your clothes and go home. He ignores your small movements and keeps his arms wrapped around your waist- these moments of pure intimacy are rare so he has to ensure he burns them into his memory.
93 notes · View notes
lilacmingi · 10 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Cheer elf!Yeosang x fem reader
Word count: 4,360
Note: This one is another favorite of mine from Christmas 2021 on Wattpad. I loveeeed the plot for this one! I love the concept of elf Yeosang 😭 Reminder: This imagine is from Wattpad so there will be no continuations or extra parts
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You sighed as you stared at the steaming cup of hot cocoa sitting in front of you. Even a festive drink like that couldn't seem to cheer you up.
"So, what's the deal?" Your friend, Jisung, asked.
"I don't know." You sighed. "I'm just not feeling very festive this year. Things haven't exactly been going well and I can't seem to find it in me to celebrate the holidays."
"Maybe it's seasonal depression."
"I don't know, maybe. I guess I feel like I've lost my Christmas spirit, that spark, you know? Things aren't as wonderful as they used to be and life has really kicked me in the butt."
"Maybe it's just that you're getting older. Things are different when you grow up. Christmas doesn't feel much like Christmas."
"It sucks." You sighed. "I'm usually so into the holidays, but not this year."
"You should write a letter to Santa." He suggested.
You let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah, right."
"I'm serious."
"Thanks, Hannie, but I'm good. I'm not gonna write a letter to a fictional being."
"Well, it was worth a shot." He shrugged.
Later that night, you were sitting in your living room, a Christmas special on TV. A sigh left you as you stared blankly at the screen, your chest feeling hollow and empty.
"It's just not the same." You muttered, clicking off the television and shuffling out of the room, your feet dragging along the floor.
You stepped into your room, your gaze landing on your table that sat in front of the bedroom window.
Next thing you know, you found yourself sitting at the desk in your room, a pen and a piece of paper sitting in front of you. You weren't sure why you were about to do what you were about to do. Perhaps it was a last-ditch effort. Maybe you had hit rock bottom with no more options.
You picked up the pen and began to write.
Dear Santa,
I haven't been feeling too festive this year. I'm not really sure why. So many things have been happening lately and I just feel like the holidays aren't even worth celebrating. I've always loved Christmas, but this year has been so... bland. I don't know what to do about it. My friend suggested I write a letter to you, which I think is absurd, but here I am.
You let out a dry chuckle, feeling sorry for yourself.
This is so stupid. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I guess I'm out of options. The only thing I want for Christmas is to get my Christmas spirit back.
You folded the letter and placed it into an envelope, momentarily considering throwing it in the trash, but you didn't. For whatever reason, something in you wanted to get that letter sent out—so you did.
The next day, you set out on your brief journey to the mall. You didn't need or want anything, you only went there to get your letter sent.
You clutched the envelope in your hand as you neared the middle of the mall where the Santa meet and greet was set up. Just outside the area was a red mailbox with huge, cursive letters printed on it that read: North Pole. You didn't put an address on the envelope, you just wrote North Pole, not that it mattered, Santa wouldn't be receiving the letter anyway. Actually, you didn't know who would get it. Part of you didn't care.
You pulled open the flap glancing at the envelope in your hand. You shook your head, letting out a mocking laugh as you dropped the letter into the box.
A large pile of letters was spread across Mr. Claus' desk. Despite his busy schedule, he always found time to go through the letters that made their way to the North Pole. He grabbed the next envelope, ripping it open and pulling the letter out to look at it. Upon reading the written message, he felt a somberness in his heart, placing his hand over his chest.
"Oh no." He frowned.
He placed the letter on his desk, grabbing the intercom mic that sat nearby.
"Attention everyone. We have a code Blue Christmas, level 7. I repeat, code Blue Christmas, level 7. Kang Yeosang, please report to my office immediately."
Said elf popped his head up upon hearing his name over the intercom. He jumped from his seat in the cafeteria and hurried as quickly as he could across the snowy village, kicking up the icy substance as he did so.
He pushed open the doors of the workshop, scurrying up the stairs that led to the big man's office. The doors swung open and Yeosang stumbled in, panting breathlessly.
"You called?" He huffed out, his hands resting on his knees.
"Yes. I've just received a letter from a girl who's lost her Christmas spirit. I need you to go to her immediately."
"Yes, sir." Yeosang stood upright, saluting. "I'll start getting ready."
Yeosang is the North Pole's number one cheer elf. It's easy for people to lose their Christmas spirit around the holidays and Yeosang is around to help bring it back. He's gone all around the world on many different missions, helping people remember how magical and merry Christmas can be.
Santa met with Yeosang to see him off and wish him luck on his journey.
"Before you go, I want to give you some of my magic to use... just in case." He told the elf.
"Thank you." He took the small, maroon velvet bag, slipping it into his jacket pocket.
Santa reached over, straightening the beanie on Yeosang's head.
"Make sure you stay covered." He told the elf.
"Of course." Yeosang nodded. "I should be off now."
"Right. Good luck.”
Equipped with some of Santa's magic and a special pocket watch to contact the big man, Yeosang set off to your town.
It had been a few days since you sent your letter to the "North Pole." You weren't sure why you even sent the stupid thing in the first place. The immense regret you were feeling was palpable and almost overwhelming.
"It's already sent. You can't do anything about it." You told yourself.
Why were you worried about the letter being sent? It would probably get tossed anyway.
You needed something to distract yourself and take your mind off things. Maybe a walk would help you clear your head.
You slipped on some warm clothes along with a thick coat and headed outside. As soon as you stepped onto the sidewalk, the frigid air hit you, causing your face to twist in discomfort. Giving the collar of your jacket a quick tug, you began to walk down the sidewalk.
You walked and walked, not paying much attention to where you were going. Getting out of the house didn't help much at all, considering all you could think about was how much you wish you hadn't sent that letter. There was no point in it. It was stupid. You were just feeling desperate and needed a way to vent and let your feeli—
You let out a grunt as you bumped into someone.
"Sorry." You apologized, glancing over to see who you'd clumsily walked into.
You were immediately taken aback by the man's insanely good looks. You'd never seen anyone like him in your life. He looked like he was sculpted by gods. His eyes were large and seemed to have a sparkle to them, his nose was dainty and perfect, as were his lips, and he had a natural glow to his face. His hair, despite being covered by a hat, was beautiful as well. It was a light blonde color and appeared to be long, as the hair peeking from underneath his beanie curled just beneath his ear.
"I'm the one who should apologize." He stated, his voice deep and melodic, with a gentleness to it. "I wasn't watching where I was going."
"I wasn't either." You spoke up.
"It seems we're both distracted." He chuckled.
"Maybe we won't bump into anyone else." You told him with a smile before bidding him goodbye.
Yeosang mentally cursed himself for letting you slip away so easily. The short interaction the two of you had didn't exactly give him a good opportunity to try and stick around. He had to think of a way to get back to you, and quick.
He took a step forward, hearing something scuff along the concrete. Glancing at his feet, he spotted a small wallet. His eyes widened as a smile broke out on his features.
An opportunity! He thought excitedly.
You kept your gaze ahead, determined to pay attention where you were going. As you headed down the street, thoughts of that guy lingered in your mind. It's not every day you bump into someone so attractive. He was stunning, and his laugh was the prettiest sound you'd heard.
I won't forget you pretty street guy. You thought to yourself.
You came to a stop, considering going back home. All the walking you had done did you absolutely no good. Remembering that there was a coffee shop just down the street, you decided against going home and had one thing in mind, and that was a warm beverage. With a new destination, you moved forward, headed straight for the shop.
Upon your arrival, you ordered a medium peppermint mocha. (or your favorite drink) Despite your current lack of Christmas spirit, you still wanted to try and indulge in the holiday's delicious treats.
The cashier gave you the total and you began rummaging around in your jacket pocket, your heart dropping when you didn't feel your wallet.
"I'm so sorry. I... I think I dropped my wallet somewhere." You told the cashier, trying not to panic too much and cause a scene.
"I'll take care of it." A familiar voice spoke from behind you.
A hand reached past you, handing a wad of money to the cashier. You turned your head, seeing that your savior was none other than the guy you ran into just a few minutes prior.
"Hello again." He smiled.
"Thank you for for that."
"Thank yourself. I used your money."
"I'm kidding. I came to return this to you." He said, pulling your wallet from his coat pocket.
"You're a lifesaver." You sighed. "Thank you."
"It's not a problem. I was just doing what's right."
"Can I get you something? I kinda owe you one."
"Well, there is one thing you can do."
"And what's that?" You inquired.
"Just sit and talk."
"That's all?"
"Mhm." He nodded. "At least until we finish our drinks. I'm not gonna keep you here for hours and hours."
"Okay. I can do that. Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a drink, though?"
"I got it covered." He smiled.
You were handed your beverage and stepped aside to let your new acquaintance order his. Once he had his hot chocolate with extra whipped cream on top, the two of you went to find a place to sit down.
"So, I never got your name." You spoke up.
"Oh, right. I'm Yeosang."
"I'm Y/n."
"It's nice to meet you." He gave you a friendly (and very adorable) closed-mouth smile.
"I know you're the one who suggested we sit and hang out, but I hope I'm not keeping you from anything." You told him.
"Not at all. I was only out for a walk anyway."
"I was too. I needed to distract myself."
"Ah." He nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, what's troubling you?"
"Well, truthfully, I'm just not feeling very Christmassy this year and I don't know why."
"That's understandable." He nodded. "As you get older, sometimes the holidays don't feel like the holidays. It's not uncommon."
"My friend said something similar. You know," You paused, letting out a chuckle. "He actually suggested I write a letter to Santa."
"Did you?" Yeosang asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.
"Well, yes, but I was desperate and feeling sad. I honestly regret it. It was dumb."
"Because Santa doesn't exist. Who knows where that letter ended up."
Yeosang had to stop himself from gasping in horror at your blatant response. Of course Santa exists. How could you not know that?
"That letter may have ended up exactly where it needed to be." He responded.
"You sound so sure."
"I'm just looking on the positive side." He responded.
Yeosang said you only had to stay and talk with him until your drinks were gone, however the two of you sat and chatted long after your cups had been emptied.
"We've been here for a while, haven't we?" You spoke, looking at your phone.
"We have. I didn't even realize."
Before the two of you parted ways, Yeosang asked for you number, which you more than happily gave him.
When you left the coffee shop, you couldn't help but feel happy that you chose to leave the house. Had you stayed home, you might not have met Yeosang.
A few days after your first meeting with Yeosang, he texted you asking if you wanted to hang out. You said yes and gave him your address so he could meet up.
It wasn't long until you heard a knock at your front door. You got up to answer it, smiling when you saw Yeosang.
"Come on in." You stepped aside, allowing him to enter your home.
He shrugged off his jacket, hanging it on your coat hanger. He looked adorable dressed in a large, dark green sweater and a red beanie.
"You look like an elf." You giggled.
Yeosang's eyes widened at your comment, momentarily worried that you were onto him.
"Your outfit is very festive." You continued. "It reminds me of something an elf would wear. It looks good."
"Ah." He laughed nervously, tugging his hat down, reassuring himself that it was positioned correctly. "Thank you."
You then led him further into your apartment.
Yeosang took a quick look at your home, noticing how barren it was.
"You haven't decorated for Christmas?" He asked.
"No. I haven't really felt like it."
"I could help you if you'd like. Christmas decorations are supposed to bring cheer, anyway—and you seem like you need it."
You let out a short chuckle. "Yeah. I do."
"So what do you say? Want me to help you decorate?"
"Yeah." You nodded. "I think I would like that."
You showed him to your storage closet where you kept seasonal holiday decorations. He assisted you in pulling out your artificial Christmas tree and setting it up.
"You don't get a real tree?" He asked.
"No. I've always used an artificial one. Even when I was younger, we always had an artificial one."
"You prefer artificial trees?" He asked, straightening out the branches.
"I do. In my opinion, it's much better than a real one. Yes, you have to straighten the branches out, but it's not nearly as messy as a real tree. It's also not as much of a fire hazard, you don't have to water it, and unlike real trees, you pay for a fake one once and that's that."
"Ah." Nodded Yeosang. "That makes sense."
Once the branches were all straightened out and in place, you hauled a box of decorations into the living room.
"Do you have a certain place where you hang these?" Yeosang asked as you opened up the box.
"Nah. Just grab one and hang it wherever."
You both reached into the box, pulling out a random ornament.
"This one is cute." Yeosang giggled, holding up an ornament depicting a melted snowman.
"Thanks. I think it's unique."
"It is. It makes me laugh too. I like it." He commented, hanging it over a branch. "Hey, do you think we could crank up some Christmas music? It would really help get us in the Christmas spirit."
You grabbed your phone and connected it to your Bluetooth speaker before finding a Christmas playlist to play aloud.
Yeosang immediately began to dance a little when the first song was played. His hips wiggled as he placed ornaments on the tree, seeming to be in his own little world.
Watching Yeosang made you wish you could get more into the holiday spirit. He really looked like he was in his element as he placed more ornaments on the tree, a soft smile on his lips. His face seemed to glow as he continued to work, dancing and humming to the Christmas music being played.
You couldn't help but smile yourself. Just being around him made it feel more like the holidays.
You had just watched the weather forecast and the weatherman had called for snow, which you were looking forward to. You thought of Yeosang since he loved all things Christmas, so you sent him a text.
Are you ready to see the snow? The weatherman said it would snow later this evening.
You know I'm ready! Let's meet up and watch it together.
Sounds like fun!
Meeting Yeosang was one of the greatest things that's happened to you. After spending so much time with him, you felt that you were slowly starting to get your Christmas spirit back.
You waited for the snow to fall, but nothing happened. You thought maybe it was just slow  with its arrival, so you waited... and waited. It wasn't until you heard a knock at your door that you stepped away from the window. Standing outside was Yeosang dressed in his usual beanie (a gray one this time) and large coat. You gave him a frown.
"It didn't snow."
"It's okay. It's probably just a little slow. Go put on a coat and come on out." He beckoned.
You grabbed your jacket and slipped it on along with a head warmer to keep your ears and forehead toasty before joining Yeosang outside in the chilly winter air.
"Come on." He linked his arm with yours, leading you down the street.
A gasp left you as you saw a tiny white snowflake drift down past your line of sight. Moments passed as the flakes began descending faster from above, accumulating on the sidewalk.
"Yeosang, look!" You beamed. "It's snowing."
The elf smiled at your overjoyed reaction, his heart thumping rapidly as a warm feeling spread in his chest.
Thank you, Santa. He thought.
You stared up at the sky, watching the large, fluffy flakes fall from the sky.
"It's so beautiful." You commented.
You were far too busy admiring the snow to even notice that it was only snowing on your street and nowhere else.
It was Christmas Eve and you and Yeosang were spending it at your house. He showed up wearing a Christmas sweater and brought a matching one with him, handing it to you as soon as he stepped inside.
"You got me a Christmas sweater?"
He nodded with a smile. "You should go put it on."
You scurried off to your bedroom to change out of your sweatshirt and into the Christmas sweater. You glanced at your reflection with a bright smile, your fingertips running over the knit pattern. It wasn't an in your face kind of Christmas sweater, but a more toned down one with warm hues and cream-colored reindeer on it. Just the thought of Yeosang getting the two of you matching sweaters made your cheeks warm.
You returned to the living room, showing off the festive sweater. Yeosang's heart skipped a beat when he saw you. The sweater was just a little big on you and partially covered your hands. It was perfect and you looked absolutely adorable in it.
Over the past few weeks, Yeosang found himself falling for you. Never in his life had he fallen for a human, let alone one that he was sent to help out.
"I love it. Thank you." You told him. "You want some hot chocolate?"
"Yes, please. With-"
"Extra whipped cream?" You finished.
Yeosang grinned, nodding his head.
You made your way to the kitchen and started preparing hot cocoa for you and Yeosang. You'd been spending a lot of time with him and because of that, you started feeling like you got your Christmas spirit back. It was a wonderful feeling, one you didn't think you'd ever feel.
Maybe writing that letter wasn't pointless after all.
You returned to the living room with two large mugs of hot chocolate, Yeosang's topped with extra whipped cream per his request. He took a sip, giving you a thumbs up.
He nodded, licking whipped cream from his top lip.
You drank some of yours before placing the mug onto the coffee table. There was something that had been weighing on your mind lately that you wanted to get off your chest.
"Yeosang. There's something I want to tell you."
"Yes?" Yeosang set his mug down, giving you his full attention.
"I just wanted to say thank you. Ever since you came along, you've brightened up the holiday season and helped me get my Christmas spirit back. I know it's cheesy, but if I hadn't met you, I don't think I would be where I am now."
A gleaming and happy smile spread across Yeosang's features.
"I'm so happy to hear that."
"Will you spend Christmas with me?" You asked.
"Of course."
"There's something else I want to tell you." You took in a deep breath, preparing yourself.
"What is it?" Yeosang asked, his heart pounding.
"Along with getting my Christmas spirit back, I've also developed feelings for you. You're not like any guy I've ever met and we've had so much fun together."
"I feel the same way." He responded with a grin.
"You do?"
"Yeah." He smiled, nodding his head.
"That's great." You beamed.
"But, there's something I have to tell you first."
"Okay." You sat up straighter.
You couldn't help but think of the worst.
"I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to say this, but here it goes." He took in a deep breath before continuing. "I'm an elf. A cheer elf to be more specific. I came from the North Pole to help you get your Christmas spirit back."
You blinked a few times before an unamused chuckle escaped your mouth.
"I see what's going on here. You're teasing me, right?"
"No. I'm telling the truth."
You gave him a skeptical look.
"I'll prove it." He grabbed the top of his hat, pulling it off his head and revealing a pair of pointy ears.
"Those are fake." You responded.
"Pull on them." He told you, leaning closer.
"What? No. I'm not gonna do that."
"If they're fake, it won't hurt me, so you shouldn't have a problem with it."
You pressed your lips together, reaching over and grabbing hold, quickly tugging on his ear.
"Ouch!" He exclaimed, bringing his hand up to rub over the spot.
Your eyes widened. If they were truly fake, the pointed ends would have come right off.
"Oh my gosh." You gasped. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
You were too busy being worried about hurting his ear that you didn't even realize they were real. You froze as reality hit you like a truck. He really is an elf.
Oh my gosh. I told him Santa wasn't real... to his face. You thought.
"Believe me now?" He asked, raising a brow.
Your eyes drifted to his (adorable) pointy ears that stuck out from his long, fluffy, blonde locks. It was an unfamiliar sight, and one you'd have to get used to.
"Hopefully this doesn't change the way you feel about me." Yeosang spoke up.
"It doesn't. Actually, it makes me like you even more."
He let out a chuckle, glancing down shyly.
"So, you said you're a cheer elf. What is that?"
"I go around the world every Christmas to brighten up someone's holiday and help them find their Christmas cheer. You were my mission this year."
"Ah." You glanced down at your lap. "You weren't lying when you said my letter ended up right where it needed to be."
"No I wasn't." He chuckled.
"Are there more cheer elves or just you?"
"There's more. Not a lot, but enough to help multiple people out every Christmas. I'm number one, though." He grinned with a wink.
You smiled only for it to falter when a question popped into your head.
"How will we see each other?"
"One thing they don't tell you about cheer elves is that we get vacation days."
Your face brightened up.
"I can come visit pretty often. You might even be able to come to the North Pole sometime."
"Are you serious?" You asked.
"I am."
"You won't tell Santa I said he didn't exist, will you? Because I most certainly don't feel that way anymore."
"Hmm. I don't know. I was pretty offended when you said that."
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth worriedly.
"If you give me a kiss I won't say anything." He smirked.
You had to hold back a smile as you answered him.
"I think I can arrange that."
You scooted closer to him as he did the same, his hand gently holding your cheek. Without wasting another moment, you closed the space between you and Yeosang, placing your lips on his. Your hand moved to cup the back of his neck, pulling him closer as your fingers played with the long strands of hair. Yeosang tilted his head, deepening the kiss and sending a wave of heat through your body in the process.
The kiss was sweet, but intense and left you wanting more. You glanced at Yeosang with half-lidded eyes.
"I don't want you to leave." You murmured, still in a daze from the kiss.
"I won't. I promised to spend Christmas with you, remember?"
You smiled. "And after that?"
"I'll see if the boss man will let me stay a few extra days."
In the beginning, you just wanted your Christmas spirit back, but in the end, you got so much more than that.
Hongjoong ❄︎ Seonghwa ❄︎ Yunho ❄︎ San ❄︎ Mingi ❄︎ Wooyoung ❄︎ Jongho
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mystycalypso · 5 months
I'm gonna go on a mini rant here.
TW: p3d0ph1lia, and child s/@
God, I shouldn't have to put a TW like that on a blog where I post Hello Neighbor content with my bff, but I need to just- let off steam about this because it's something that seems to happen every time there's a franchise centering around kids facing a big bad adult where- people assume that said big bad s3xually @ buses one or more of the minor characters.
A main big example of this is obviously FNAF, with the P3d0philia William Afton being popularized by PinkiePills with her comics to the point where a large chunk of the fandom believes that it's canonical. Despite that not being the case.
The example that has pushed me over the edge to talk about this today is Theodore Peterson. I have been worried since Episode 6s release that people were going to claim that Peterson S/@ ed Nicky. And today, low and behold I see a post (not gonna name drop them for obvious reasons) saying
"At this point it's obvious what Mr. Peterson did to Nicky" with the teaser image tinybuild recently posted
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Now, at first my autistic ass said, "...What?" And I couldn't figure out for the life of me what they were referring to because I mean, we don't even know when this shot is from
Then I open the comments and see people talking about whether or not it was infact s/@ . I know I said I was expecting and dreading this, but it still shocked and bewildered me because- there's genuinely nothing in the show that actually makes it seem like this.
Thankfully, a lot of the comments were openly disagreeing with this idea and sentiment. But- I need to discuss why it's a problem to me, ESPECIALLY with this franchise, which I've already explained is very near and dear to me.
But good FUCKING GOD, especially with WTRB
Is WTRB able to go much darker than most kids' shows because it isn't run on tv or owned by a network? Absolutely. But would TB go that far? FUCK NO.
I've seen this person using moments from the show like this
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To call Mr. Peterson, a p3d0phil3, and I need to clearly explain the purpose of this image. It is to show the power he has built in his lies. Trinity witnessed Mr. Peterson kidnap Nicky before her own eyes, but he has built up such a persona as this pathetic old man in the town that even when she can see behind his lies and see his actively horrific behavior, no one else can.
We see this same back and forth in all their interactions in episode 5. From the moment he offers cookies based on Nicky's goggles to the framing of him looming while her parents work the printer. He believes he has won and can flaunt it because there is no one in Ravenbrooks who believes these kids. No one even notices or is suspicious of Nicky going missing in the first place.
And if Trinity was also an adult or even if Mr. Peterson was say- a woman this wouldn't be coming up or a theory/hc. It is only because Theodore is an older male antagonist.
Now, why is this a problem? Why do these hcs and theories urk me so much every time I see them?
It adds nothing. All they do is make the story "edgier" and "darker" in a way that's so- flat and dimensionless. There's nothing gained by saying "oh Nicky was s/@ ed" if anything you have taken so much from the actual story of Hello Neighbor and the themes of feeling helpless to the horrors you see going on around you. You're not taken seriously as a kid, especially after doing something others see as a slip up like Trinity or by not being the model student type like Nicky. You're young and can see through the lies of others easier but no one believes you.
Not only that, but the supernatural theming of Hello Neighbor is lost because of this. The Guest, The Thing, the Cult, everything is lost or disregarded all to make the series dark on a very surface level.
I'm tired of actual themeing and good writing getting thrown to the wayside for hcs that do nothing for victim representation and do nothing to add to the story and I say this with utter genuineness
If you believe in these p3d0 hcs and theories, do not interact with our work.
Kaydin and I are both VIOLENTLY disgusted by the things we saw written by that poster and by the comments agreeing with their sentiment and we don't want to be associated with the parts of the fandom that twist the series that way.
Thanks for reading.
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The Book Keeper
Kili x Reader
Fandom: Tolkien
Summary: On an unsuspecting summer afternoon, Gandalf the Gray shows up on your front porch and, much like he did to Bilbo, sweeps you up into an adventure you never could have imagined. With the knowledge of things to come, will you be able to change the ending?
Note: For my sanity, we’re pretending the book describes the dwarves the way they look in the movies. Also I’m gonna deviate a bit from book canon and dip my toes (more like my entire leg) into movie canon just because things flow a little better that way. Also also, I took some liberties with the Dwarvish courting customs. I will probably also be uploading this to AO3 at some point, separated into chapters for easier navigation. 
Bear with me and behold my Magnum Opus.
Warnings: canon-typical violence, the Hobbit spoilers, alcohol/drinking, some angst but a fluffy ending, mentions of injuries, kind of a slow burn but very fluffy
Word Count: 45k
Reader Is: Female, from our world, 23 years old
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Stuck. You were stuck. You read the last few sentences back to yourself, but they didn’t make anything click. You’d lost your steam and now, you were stuck once again.
Writing was a lot harder than it looked, that was for sure, but writing something fantasy? You were finding the task nearly impossible. When you’d started the project several months before, it had seemed so fun. You’d grown up on Narnia, on Lord of the Rings. Building your own fantasy world would be quite the task, you’d known, but perhaps you didn’t know quite how time consuming it would be, let alone when you added in the characters and their characterizations, which fantasy creatures to include, how the magic would work, how the weapons would work and so on and so forth.
Thinking about it too much gave you a headache, so you sat back in your chair, closing your laptop. Maybe you needed a break. Some more caffeine, maybe, some stretches for your strained neck and sore wrists.
You stood up and walked to the kitchen to make yourself an iced coffee, filling a glass halfway with ice before pouring in some cold brew and milk. You slipped a bamboo straw into your drink and stirred the liquids until they were better acquainted with one another.
You looked around the kitchen, thinking. This was your parents’ house. You’d moved back in with them after graduating college until you could figure out what to do with your degree. Your dream, of course, was to be a full time writer, to adventure, to find inspiration for a great story, but for now, you were working part time at the local book store, writing your stories in the time you were at home.
Most days, you were left to your own devices, your parents out of the house and the place all to yourself. It was quiet. Kind of lonely, if you were honest, and so you spent most of your days escaping into movies, books, and your own fantasy world. It was kind of monotonous. You couldn’t even count how many days you’d lost this way.
“Is this what burnout feels like?” You wondered, chuckling and shaking your head. It probably was, you reasoned. You’d spent so long at school that now that you were done, you didn’t really know what to do with your life, and…even if you did, you didn’t have the energy to do it.
You let out a long sigh, which was interrupted by the ringing of your doorbell.
Maybe it was the lap desk you’d ordered on Amazon, you thought in passing, walking in that direction. But when you got there, there was no box sitting on the porch. Instead, there was a tall man in a gray cloak and a gray pointy hat standing there.
“Um, hi?” You asked, your eyes narrowing at the stranger, who you were beginning to believe wasn’t just someone cosplaying Gandalf.
“(Y/N) (L/N),” He grinned. “I’ve been waiting to meet you for quite some time, now.”
“Gandalf?” You asked, and he nodded, seemingly proud of your answer.
“Hello, dear girl.” He tipped his hat to you. “May I come in?”
And while there was some part of you telling you this was simply too good to be true, another, more desperate part of you knew if he was real, he wouldn’t be here without good reason. “Uh, yeah, of course. Come on in.”
So, you made him a cup of tea and the two of you settled in to the couch in your living room. Gandalf looked around, amused by your house. He’d seen many houses in his time, although none quite so…modern. It wasn’t often he got the pleasure of travelling to your realm.
“So you’re…the Gandalf. Gandalf the Gray. From…the Tolkien books and stuff.” You wondered, sipping your iced coffee, still in a state of total shock. Maybe you’d fallen asleep at the keyboard and this was nothing more than an exhausted hallucination, cooked up by your writer’s block.
“Quite the same.” He nodded, a glimmer of amusement in his wise eyes. “I’m sure you’re wondering what I’m doing here.”
“Yeah, I…I am.”
“You see, I’m in need of some assistance. For an adventure. One you are…quite familiar with.”
You stared at him for a long time before remembering you should say something. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Oh I think you do.” Gandalf took a long sip from your Captain America mug. “Is there not a book you read in your youth that you wished…had a different ending, perhaps? One you loved very dearly, but…one of the characters you cared for had their own ending cut short…”
You gulped and thought for a long moment, the pieces clicking into place, despite the fact that you were afraid to put them into words. “Are you talking about…?”
His eyes glimmered. “You know what I’m talking about. If you want to come with me, take me up on this offer, all you need to do is follow me out that door.” He pointed to the front door and you stared at it. It didn’t look special, altered, but you knew his magic worked in mysterious ways.
“Why would you want me?” You asked quietly, suddenly unsure. The hope in your chest began to dwindle. “I’m…I mean look at me, I’m not much of an adventurer. I’m a writer. A college burnout. I don’t…” You chuckled pathetically. “I don’t know what I’m doing with my life.”
“You know, I had a Hobbit tell me this very morning that he wasn’t much for adventures either.” He shrugged. “But I believe you know the outcome of that as well. All of this time travel business is rather complicated, isn’t it?”
“What’ll my parents think if I just disappear? How long will I be gone?”
“When I bring you back, it’ll be as though you never even left.” Gandalf reasoned, tilting his head. “And after all, won’t an actual adventure help your story along?”
He drove a hard bargain, that was for sure.
You glanced down the hall towards your room. “Should I…grab my book, then?”
He winked. “You’ll need it.”
You walked to your room and scanned the shelf where you kept your fantasy books. There it was, nestled in there next to Narnia. The Hobbit.
You’d loved the book as a tween when you’d be forced to read it in middle school, but in all honestly, you hadn’t really touched it since. You’d watched the movies, sure, but they were hardly accurate. Your fingers tingled as you took it off of the shelf, and when you got back to the living room, Gandalf was gone.
“Gandalf?” You called. No response. “Gandalf?” Nothing again.
You looked down at the book and back up at the front door. It hadn’t changed at all. It looked ordinary. And yet, you felt a tug in your chest pulling you to see if what the wizard had said was true.
You chuckled and sighed. Or, you’d made the whole thing up in your head. Gandalf had never been there and never would. He didn’t exist.
And then you looked at the coffee table only to find your mug still sitting there, full of steaming tea.
And so, at the risk of feeling like an idiot, you walked to the door, opened it, and stepped over the threshold…into a cozy hobbit hole.
Immediately, you looked back, wide-eyed, expecting to find your front door from the outside, but instead seeing the wide, round door that stood at the entrance of Bilbo Baggins’ home. There was plenty of chatter inside, the deep voices of several rowdy men and one panicked, flustered hobbit.
“H-hello?” You called into the house softly, tentative. You walked a little further, following the voices. “Hellooo??”
Faintly, you heard a now-familiar voice. “Kili, would you go fetch our guest? Seems she’s a bit late.”
You heard a few voices murmur “She?”
Your heart raced as you stood there, waiting. You heard heavy footsteps, and then finally a figure came around the corner. There he was. Kili, the Dwarven Prince, the youngest of the dwarves in the company. He stood a head shorter than you with shoulder-length raven hair and a dusting of stubble across his chin. He was handsome, very much so, in fact. Just the way you’d always imagined him to be.
“Kili.” You whispered, the breath stolen from your lungs as you stood there, bewildered. This was real. He was real.
His breath hitched and he stared at you for a long moment, eyes sparkling as he looked up at you. “I-I’m sorry, have we met before?”
You blinked and shook your head. “Oh. Uh, no. Sorry. I’m (Y/N).”
Kili smiled, charismatic as ever. “You must be this Book Keeper Gandalf speaks of.”
“I guess I am, yeah.” You nodded, staring down at your shoes, shy all of a sudden. You’d been dreaming of this moment for years. Meeting him. Changing things. And yet, being here, doing it…it was terrifying to say the very least.
Your eyebrows furrowed when you got a good look at yourself, though. These were not clothes you were familiar with. Well, you were in a way, you supposed. These were the clothes you’d described the main character of your book to be wearing; a long orange hooded cloak, leather armor on top of a flowing white top. Around your right ring finger, its point facing outwards, was a claddagh ring with a green gem set into it.
You reached up to see if your ears came to a point, and surely enough, they did, just like the Sunset Fae at the heart of the fantasy story you’d been writing. Weird.
“We’re all in here.” Kili motioned behind him, to where he’d come. “Are you from around these parts?”
“Oh! No, I’m from…pretty far from here, actually.”
Gandalf saved you from having to answer that question. “Dwarves, this is (Y/N) (L/N). The Book Keeper. She’s come all the way from another realm to help you on this journey.”
The rest of the dwarves murmured amongst themselves.
“What does that mean, Gandalf?” One of the dwarves asked.
“Another realm?” whispered another.
“It’s true, what he says.” You confirmed, nodding and letting the words come to you. “Where I come from, there are many tales of this adventure, the things that…have yet to unfold for you. I’m pretty familiar with them. Gandalf thinks I’d be able to steer you in a better direction at some points.”
“Prophecies?” Asked a deep, stern voice. Looking at him, a regal dwarf with dark brown hair, a streak of gray near the front of his head. Your heart raced. He was Thorin, no doubt, and he was every bit as intimidating as you’d heard he’d be.
“Sort of. Where I’m from, it’s presented as a work of fiction, actually.” You nervously tucked a strand of hair behind a pointed ear.
He stiffened. “Are you an elf?”
Your eyes widened. “What? No, I’m not. I’m, uh…”
“She’s human.” Gandalf stated. “Where she’s from she’s human, that is. Our realm’s magic has changed her, it seems.”
“Human?” Kili whispered. Until he spoke, you’d nearly forgotten he was standing beside you, staring at you. In fact, his eyes hadn’t left you since you walked through the door.
You nodded, taking in the company for all that they were. Thirteen dwarves, one hobbit, and one wizard who had whisked you away from your normal life into something much more exciting, it seemed. You couldn’t help but get a little choked up, looking at all of them. They had so much left to endure, to survive, to experience.
“I want to help.” You assured them, your voice cracking and a tear slipping down your cheek. “I want to help you. If you’ll have me, your highness. I ask nothing in return. I’m merely…along for the adventure.”
Thorin thought for a long, hard moment. You waited on pins and needles until finally, he relented, “how could we refuse an offer like that?”
The next day came and with it, the beginning of the adventure. The dwarves loaned you weapons. Namely, Kili had. In fact, he hadn’t really taken his eyes off of you since the two of you met. It had been less than twenty-four hours, and he already seemed endlessly fascinated by you.
“Tell me again, what is a telephone?” He asked, amusement heavy in his tone.
“It’s a little device that lets you talk to someone really far away.” You explained.
“Incredible.” He chuckled. “And a camera?”
“It’s like a little box that captures memories. Preserves them as a picture so you can look at them later. Sometimes they’re even built into the phone.”
“Did you bring one with you, by any chance?”
You laughed and shook your head. “No, I didn’t, unfortunately. I’m not sure it would have stayed like that when I came here anyway.”
“Right.” Kili was quiet for a few moments as you walked on. “Do you think a telephone would work between realms?”
“Probably not. Why?”
“How else will I keep in touch with you when you go back?” He was flirting, now.
“Maybe Gandalf would bring our letters back and forth.” You suggested, partially joking, but the look it put on his face made you think it wasn’t a joke to him.
“You’d write to me?” He asked sincerely, catching your gaze with his own.
“Of course I would. I’ve been reading about you for years. It would be nice to make you read about me for a change.”
You caught Balin grinning in front of you, an amused, knowing look on his wise face. You’d always admired the oldest of the company. He was wise and kind, looked out for the rest of the dwarves like they were his kids. You hoped maybe at some point, that kind of affection would be turned to you as well.
Soon, you all came upon Gandalf, who had the horses for the journey. Each dwarf claimed a horse while Gandalf pulled you aside, a large bag in his hands. He gave it to you, a glimmer in his eye.
“I thought you could use some supplies for the journey. Some things that might bring you comfort in a strange and unfamiliar land.” He winked.
“Thank you.”
“Gandalf, it seems we’re a horse short.” Thorin informed the wizard. Bilbo had just arrived, and seeing as you weren’t a part of the plan until the day before, it made sense there wasn’t a horse for you. But that did raise the question: what were you going to do?
“Oh, are we?” Gandalf raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. He counted absentmindedly while the dwarves saddled up. “Well, I suppose one of you will have to take the Book Keeper with you, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“I’ll take her!” Kili offered a little too enthusiastically and a little too quickly. Fili laughed at his brother’s display. He’d never seen him behave this way before. He’d had fleeting crushes, sure, but he’d never been desperate like this. He met your eyes, cheeks reddening and shy. “I…if you’d like me to.”
You grinned. “Sure, Kili. Thank you.”
“You seem smitten.” Gandalf commented quietly and you looked up at him.
“Have been since I was like twelve, but I think you knew that when you asked me to come.”
He laughed. “I know many things.” He replied cryptically. “And I knew we’d need someone with a strong motivation to turn the tides.”
“Well, let’s hope I’m the girl for the job.” You chuckled, slinging your bag over your shoulders. “Thank you. For everything.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” Gandalf chuckled.
You took a peek inside the bag he’d packed you and sitting right on top was a Polaroid camera. It looked out of place in Middle Earth, but you had a feeling it would come in handy.
“What is that?” Fili asked, he and Kili wandering over to you.
“This.” You pulled it out and held it up. “Is a camera.”
“A memory device!” Kili said, excited. “How does it work?”
“Like this.” You turned the camera so it was facing you, Kili, and Fili with Gandalf and some of the other dwarves standing in range, and you pressed the trigger. The camera clicked loudly and then a few moments later, a black square spit out the front of it.
You handed the undeveloped photo to Fili, who looked at it quizzically.
“This is blank.”
“It takes a second to develop. If you shake it, it helps.” You instructed him, and he took your advice, shaking the photo until slowly, figures took shape on its surface, the colors brightening. “See?”
“It’s us!” One of the other dwarves said excitedly, looking at what was unfolding amongst the party’s youngest members.
You grinned. “Yeah, it is.”
Once the excitement had died down and everyone was starting to get onto their horses, bidding the Shire one last goodbye, Kili helped you up onto the back of his horse with a strong tug. You adjusted yourself, an arm tentatively settling around his waist.
“You’re going to have to hold on tighter than that, Book Keeper.” He smirked, pulling your arms a bit tighter around himself. “I would hate to have you fall off and hit your pretty head.”
“I’ve never ridden a horse before.” You confessed, cheeks flushing red.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “How do you travel, then?”
“We have…um, motorized vehicles. No horses involved, usually.” You tried to explain in a way he would understand.
“Your realm sounds strange.” One of the other dwarves noted. You were pretty sure it was Ori, but there were a lot of names. Aside from the handful of them that you could identify easily, it was easy for them all to fall to the background. It was your personal mission, however, to make sure you knew them all pretty well before you left.
“Yeah, it kind of is. Especially compared to Middle Earth.” You chuckled.
“Can you fight, girl?” Thorin asked, skeptical of this girl his nephew already seemed too fond of.
“Admittedly, no. There’s no real reason to fight where I’m from, most of the time.” You told him, honest about it. You had no reason to make an enemy of the king of Erebor.
“We’ll teach you how to take care of yourself.” Balin assured you. “Kili there is an excellent archer. I’m sure he could teach you a thing or two.”
“I did archery at camp once.” You reminisced. “I was awful at it.”
“Oh, nonsense.” Kili shook his head and looked at you over his shoulder, smirking and confident. “We’ll make an archer of you yet.”
“We’ll give you sword lessons with Bilbo.” Dwalin joked.
“Good. I’ll need all the lessons I can get.” You chuckled to yourself.
The first night on the road, you all stopped just before sunset and set up a camp. You helped the boys unpack things, helped cook dinner, and before long, you’d all settled around a fire, eating dinner and talking amongst yourselves.
The fire’s warmth felt good on your skin, and once the sun went down the rest of the way, the stars in the sky were stunning. You exhaled a long breath, letting go of the stress you’d been holding in. One day down and nothing had gone wrong.
Gandalf was at the edge of camp, smoking his pipe. You felt safe with him there, like nothing could go wrong as long as the wizard was present. You knew, though, that at some point, he’d have to leave, and you’d be more or less on your own.
You pulled the book out of your bag and flipped past the beginning, reading by the fire’s light.
“Checking our progress?” Kili asked, sitting beside you, his leg touching yours and his warmth seeping right through your clothes.
“Something like that.” You chuckled, nodding. You flipped the page and brushed a piece of hair out of your face.
“How are we doing?”
“It’s hard to tell. Everything is so…condensed. There are weeks or even months between some of the major plotpoints.” You informed him, closing the book and letting it sit in your lap. “We should be okay for a while, I think.”
“And then what?” Asked Bilbo, obviously very nervous about the possibilities of this adventure.
“Trolls.” You replied, scrunching your nose.
“I have to figure out how much I’m supposed to tell you…what things need to happen and which ones can be avoided.” You shook your head. “It’s a tough call to make.”
“I trust you to make the right decisions.” Thorin said, his voice stern, but a little warmer than it had been since he had met you.
“I’ll do my best.” You promised. The chill of the wind caused you to shiver a bit and Kili took notice immediately.
He got up, walked to his supplies, and returned moments later with one of the blankets he had packed, draping it across your shoulders. You were a lot warmer, but you weren’t sure it was entirely from the blanket.
“Thank you, Kili.”
“Of course.” He nodded, sitting beside you again. “You know, you haven’t told me how you knew my name.” His voice was quiet, soft.
You crossed your legs beneath yourself, curling further into his blanket. “What do you mean?”
“Back in the Shire, even before we introduced ourselves to you, you knew who I was.” He looked at you, his eyes sparkling once more in the firelight. The way the orange glow lit up his features made him look so…princely. Sometimes you forgot he was royalty. Times like this, though, it was impossible to not remember.
“Oh. Yeah. That.” You chuckled, looking away from him and instead at the fire in front of the two of you. “I’ve had this book since I was about twelve years old. I’ve read it a handful of times…I guess I could just tell it was you. It’s going to take me some time to put the rest of the names to the faces, though.”
Kili smiled, a warmth blooming in his chest. You didn’t recognize most of the others, but you recognized him. This was shaping up to become quite the adventure indeed.
Travelling so much after you’d been comfortable staying in one spot at home was, admittedly, a lot to adjust to. The first few days had taken their toll on your body. You were sore all over from riding on horseback for long hours and, additionally from sleeping on the ground every night. Some nights, you got lucky and the group would stop in a grassy area to make camp, but most nights, it was hard rock beneath you, which wasn’t very forgiving.
One of the days brought the group to a village, where you were able to replenish supplies in the market. Kili bought a beginner’s bow and a set of arrows to teach you to shoot with. He and Fili had been appointed as your unofficial bodyguards, as well as your teachers and they were taking the job very seriously.
They took you out hunting with them, and Kili thought it would be the perfect time for your first archery lesson.
“So what do you remember of your archery lessons in your realm, Book Keeper?”
“Not a lot.” You chuckled. “I remember how to notch an arrow, I think. It was hard to pull the string back.”
He smirked, handing you the children’s bow and quiver full of rudimentary arrows. “It just takes practice is all. We’ll have to build up strength in your arms, work up to a full size bow.”
“You think I’ll get good enough for that?”
The prince winked. “I know you will.” He searched the trees and spotted a sturdy branch that would be within your reach so you could retrieve the arrow once you shot it into the bark. “Aim for that branch there, the one with the moss growing on it.”
“Alright.” You pulled an arrow from the quiver and notched it, slowly pulling back the string. You tried to account for distance, but when you released the arrow, it arched pathetically and skidded through the fallen leaves on the ground.
“You’re tense.” Kili noted, taking a step closer to you, his eyes the tiniest bit flirty. “Do I make you nervous?”
“A little.” You admitted, laughing. “I mean, all of you do, not just…” You paused. “Being here is a lot. I’ve looked up to you guys for a long time. I’ve wanted to come here for a long time and never thought I would ever get the chance to. I guess I just don’t want to let you down.”
“You couldn’t disappoint me even if you tried.” Kili said. “I know Uncle can be a bit…stern sometimes, but I don’t think it’s untrue to say we’ve all been fascinated by you. It’s obvious where you’re from is quite a bit different than here, but you haven’t complained once, as opposed to the hobbit, who complains on the hour.”
You laughed a bit at that. It was true, Bilbo had been rather fussy and timid thus far on the journey.
“You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met before, you know that?”
You smirked. “Really?”
“You’ve just got this…spark.” He shrugged, snapping a twig beneath his boot as he took another step closer to you. “Every time we turn a corner, it’s like your face just lights up with wonder. It’s like you’ve never seen a tree before.”
You burst into laughter. “We have trees in my realm, Kili.”
“Do you? I didn’t know.” He teased.
“Where I’m from, I have to travel quite a ways to see really beautiful places, and here, there’s a new one every few miles. I’m trying to soak it all in before I go back, I guess.”
He hummed, chuckling to himself. “Yeah, well, it can be dangerous sometimes, too.” He motioned to the bow in your hand. “Notch another arrow.”
You did as you were told and Kili stood behind you, examining your stance. You felt a large, rough, warm hand on your shoulder, guiding your elbow a bit lower. It was like your skin was electrified where he touched you, goosebumps pricking up on your arms, your heart racing at his proximity.
“Relax this hand.” He advised, his fingers curling around the hand on the bow. “Touch your thumb to your lip. And take a breath in.”
You inhaled.
You let go of the arrow and it shot right into the branch Kili had told you to aim for. “Woah!”
“There you go! See? You’re a natural!” He praised, that brilliant smile of his on his face. “You’ll be slaying beasts in no time.”
“You think so?”
He met your eyes, his smile softening into something more meaningful. “There’s not a single doubt in my mind.”
A few weeks had passed. You had managed to help the party avoid the conflict with the trolls, but had still wound up in Rivendell, in Elrond’s care. Thorin didn’t much care for elves, but he was managing to keep control of his temper.
Elrond had prepared a great feast for all of you, a celebration to welcome you to his land. And thus, you got to sleep in a proper bed for the first time in weeks. In your chambers, there had been a dress laid out for you, silky and orange, as well as an intricate elven circlet with a few gemstones on it.
You changed into the dress without help and headed down to the celebration, where the others were already seated at a table. Immediately, you felt fourteen pairs of eyes on you as you made your way to the only empty seat left, the one beside Kili. Huh. You wondered how that had happened.
“There she is!” Gandalf exclaimed excitedly, causing your already red cheeks to flush even redder. You didn’t like being the center of attention like this.
Gandalf, Elrond, and Thorin had a table to themselves, the rest of the party at a longer table.
“The Keeper of the Book, I presume.” Elrond said, tipping his head. “Pleasure to meet you. Gandalf has told me all about your journey from another realm to be here.”
“It’s an honor to meet you Lord Elrond.” You told him, heart racing as you met yet another hallmark character who had made a mark on your young adulthood. You curtsied. “I apologize if some of your customs escape me. I’m…not very familiar with them, admittedly.”
“That is quite alright.” He smiled. “I’m sure it has been quite the learning curve already.”
“I brought you a gift.” Gandalf confessed, presenting a glass bottle from beneath the table, a black cherry cream soda you were fond of back home.
You gasped, excited for even a taste of home after all of the time that had passed. You knew things had barely begun, though. It would be a long time before you would be able to go to a grocery store again. “Oh my gosh. Thank you so much! I’ll cherish it.”
You walked to the seat that had been left for you and sat down.
“You look different. Did you do something with your hair?” Ori asked innocently.
“Yeah, I pulled a few strands in the front down.” You chuckled, twirling one around your finger. “I’m also wearing a dress instead of pants, so that might be it.”
“Dressed up for these elves, but not for your traveling companions?” Gloin teased and you chuckled, twisting off the metal bottle cap and taking a sip, relishing in the sweet taste.
“My apologies. I’ll be sure to get all dolled up for our next hike through the mud.” The dwarves all laughed. “It kind of reminds me of my prom dress, actually.” You noted, admiring the shimmering elven fabric.
“What’s a ‘prom?’” asked Fili.
“It’s a dance, a big formal event in my realm. The boys ask the girls to go with them as their date and it’s a big deal. There’s always drama about who’s asking who. It celebrates your coming of age, kind of, because it’s at the end of high school. Everyone dresses up really fancy and dances all night. It’s a fun time.”
“You went to this prom? Someone asked you?” Kili asked.
“Funny story, actually. Someone did ask me to prom. Serenaded me with this big dramatic song and everything; it was a little much if you ask me, but we were friends, so I was excited to go. I got my dress, got everything ready, and then a few weeks before the dance, he told me he didn’t want to go with me anymore and asked someone else to go with him instead.” You said, taking a long sip of your drink.
“How dare he disrespect you like that?” Kili shook his head. “One would be lucky to have the opportunity to take you to an event of that kind!”
“Yeah, I was kind of upset about it. My friends ended up taking me with them, but I still got left alone during the slow songs.” You shrugged. “It was a while ago, though. I don’t think about it a lot anymore.”
Kili huffed. “Good. He doesn’t deserve your attention.”
“Is that ale, lassie?” Dwalin asked, distracted by the bottle you’d been sipping from.
You laughed. “Oh, no. It’s soda. It’s like a sweet, sugary drink from home. This one is black cherry flavored.”
Kili hummed curiously and you turned your attention to him again.
“Do you want to try?”
He looked from the bottle to you and his eyes softened. “You’d share with me?”
“Yeah, of course.” You shrugged, sliding the bottle to him.
Kili took a tentative sip, smiling as soon as the sweet drink hit his tongue. “You’re right. It is quite sweet.”
“Do you like it?” You asked and he nodded.
“I do, but…you should enjoy it. I have a feeling it’ll be a good long while before you get another.” He slid the bottle back to you, his warm hand lingering on yours for a moment. You couldn’t fight the blush that overtook your cheeks, you only hoped it wasn’t too noticeable to the other dwarves.
After the feast, there were some other festivities. The elves started dancing and playing music, moving with grace. Most of the dwarves had had a few drinks too many by that point. You could tell Kili was a little drunk, too, and Dwalin had told you earlier that the youngest dwarf was a bit of a lightweight.
At the moment, he was across the room with Fili, drinking and laughing while you took in the festivities. It was nice to see them have fun together. You hoped you’d be able to ensure they would have fun like this for many, many years to come. It saddened you to think of the end of the journey. That was the whole point you were here, of course; everything would be more or less smooth for the dwarves and their wellbeing until that final battle. But one wrong move, one missed moment and it could all be for nothing.
The more you got to know the dwarven princes, and their uncle, for that matter, the more you knew it would devastate you if you failed.
“Are you alright, Book Keeper?” Balin, perhaps the only sober dwarf at the moment, asked, sitting beside you at the edge of the party. “You seem distracted.”
“I’m alright, yeah,” you nodded, taking a sip of blueberry-flavored mead. “Just got a lot on my mind is all.”
“About the journey? Or are you homesick?”
“Definitely not homesick.” You laughed. “I don’t know what it is about this place, but…I kind of feel like I was always supposed to be here. Born in the wrong realm or something.”
“You fit in well.” Balin agreed. “The company has taken to you fairly quickly as well. Especially, ah,” he got a mischievous glimmer in his eye, “a certain dwarf prince?”
You blushed, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Yeah, it seems he has.”
“Can’t say I blame him. Beautiful woman from another realm comes here and saves us from trolls and who knows what else…” Balin chuckled.
The two of you looked across the room, where it looked like Fili was giving his brother one serious pep talk.
“Kili hasn’t had much luck in matters of love, I’m afraid.” He told you, his voice softer, as to not be overheard. “His looks are a bit unorthodox by Dwarven standards.”
“Really…” You murmured, shocked. “Well, by human standards—of my realm at least—he is…very handsome.”
“You think so?” Balin grinned.
“I have since the very beginning.” You told him. “He’s…” your voice got quiet. “He’s incredible.”
“Sorry to interrupt, my lady.” One of the elves came up to you, offering his arm. “Might I have this dance?”
When you looked up, Kili was about halfway across the dance floor, frozen on his way to you, staring at the elf who had offered you his arm.
“I’m flattered, really, I am.” You told the elf. “But, um, I’ve promised this dance to another.”
“I understand.” He bowed and made his leave.
Once he saw that the elf had left you, Kili’s eyebrows furrowed and he continued crossing the dance floor to you.
“You turned him away.” Kili stated, sounding confused. “Why?”
You shrugged. “I’ve had my eye on someone else all night.”
“Oh. I see.” Kili’s face fell and he started to turn, but you grabbed his wrist.
“You, Kili. I’ve been waiting to dance with you.” You chuckled.
Immediately, that handsome grin of his found his face and he took your hand, taking you out on the dance floor. His arm settled around your waist, pulling you close, while the other hand held yours. Despite the height difference, it worked.
“I haven’t found the time to tell you yet, but…” He paused, staring at you like you were made of starlight. “You look beautiful tonight, (Y/N).”
You smiled and your heart pounded. “Thank you, Kili.”
“Of course. I hope this dance can begin to make up for the ones you spent alone that night.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, his large hand warm and gentle. “I wish I could have been there to make it right.”
“I wish you could have been there, too. You would have been an awesome date.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s not every night a girl gets to dance with a handsome prince.” The way you said it was kind of teasing, but you meant it. He really was handsome and he literally was a prince.
He chuckled, blushing at the sentiment. He was quiet for a while before he said, “It feels like you were meant to be here.”
“In Rivendell?”
“In Middle Earth.” Kili clarified. “With our company.”
“I was just talking to Balin about that, actually.”
Kili smiled kind of sadly before continuing. “You don’t think you’ll be able to stay, do you? When all of this is over?”
Your breath hitched and you met his eyes. “If I’m given the chance…I will. In a heartbeat. But I’m not sure if that’s how this works.”
“Okay.” Kili nodded, willing to accept that answer. “Well, for the record, I hope you do. Things would be boring without you around.”
“I hope so too.”
The days ran into one another, as did the weeks. You were accustomed to the road now. You spent most of your time riding with Kili, but every so often, you rode with some of the other Dwarves as well. Balin liked to trade stories with you, Dori and you would talk about what kinds of wine you preferred. They were all good company and they took care of you, looked after you.
Kili had been continuing his lessons in teaching you to shoot, and you’d made quite a bit of progress. Fili taught you to use a sword and how to properly put on armor. You had many long chats with Bilbo about the Shire and warned him to send him a message back home to ensure his family members didn’t sell his furniture while he was traveling back home.
You even got to know Thorin a bit, although he was still very guarded, especially to the two outsiders of the group. You knew eventually those walls would come down, but you also didn’t blame him for having them; he’d been through a lot.
It was night once again, and you were trying to sleep, but it was a particularly noisy night. The crickets were especially loud. Kili was taking the first watch with Fili, so, as he did whenever he was on watch, he put his extra blanket atop you to keep you warm.
“She’s so beautiful when she sleeps…” You heard Kili murmur to his brother, convinced you were out for the night.
“Have you told her yet?”
“That she’s beautiful? Yes, countless times, brother.” You could imagine the dwarf’s confident grin as he said it.
“Not that. Did you tell her that she’s…your One?”
Now that was news. You didn’t think Ones were a thing. Not as far as you knew. You were certain they were something cooked up by the fan community in your world, not something that was real.
You heard Kili sigh before replying, “I don’t even know how to begin to tell her that. Not when I don’t even know if she’ll still be here after we fight the dragon.”
“Then you should be making the most of the time you have with her while she’s here!” Fili whispered passionately. “Not every dwarf is so lucky, you know.”
“I know that.” Kili was quiet for a long moment before relenting, “I’ll tell her. As soon as I can figure out how.”
“Good.” Fili said, sounding proud of his efforts. “It seems she really cares for you, brother.”
And though you were tempted to say something, to break the silence and tell him then and there, you didn’t want the brothers to think you’d been eavesdropping. There would be a better time to tell him; you only hoped it would come sooner rather than later.
With your new revelation, every day became a new adventure, a waiting game in which you would see whether or not Kili would confess to you the way he felt for you. Looking back on all of the evidence, it seemed especially obvious. Right from the very beginning, he’d been enamored by you and the world you came from. Now you knew why.
This was, of course, alongside the usual adventure of running from monsters, in this case, a group of goblins. Although you knew it was important for Bilbo to get the ring, and it therefore needed to happen, you still weren’t particularly looking forward to it. The trolls, you had been able to evade with the logic that the elves in Rivendell would give you whatever weapons the dwarves would have recovered from the Troll cave anyway, which they had.
You’d all slept in a cave to escape the storm raging outside, bedrolls close together. Kili slept facing you. Every once in a while, you’d open your eyes and look at him, to make sure he was still there. One of those times, he was looking at you, too.
“Can’t sleep?” He whispered, his voice deep with exhaustion.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this cave…” You admitted, something sinking in the pit of your stomach. You felt bad for not telling them, but it had to happen and you knew if Thorin had known, you’d all have set up camp somewhere else.
“Mmm.” Kili hummed, nodding. He scooted his bedroll a bit closer to yours and your heart leapt in your chest. Maybe this would be the moment he’d tell you, finally, the thing you knew he’d been holding in for so long. “Well don’t worry your pretty head too much, Book Keeper. Whatever happens, you’ve got thirteen fiercely loyal dwarves here who will do anything to protect you.”
You nodded, exhaling a shaky breath.
“You never did tell me what that ring means.” Kili said, drawing attention to the claddagh ring, still wrapped around your finger. “That’s a beautiful emerald. Did someone from home give it to you?”
“It’s a claddagh ring. I don’t have one back home, but it just kind of…appeared on me when I got here.” You admitted. “I’ve always been fascinated by them. When you wear it like this, on the right hand with the point facing outwards, it means you’re looking for love, but you haven’t found it yet.”
He was quiet for a moment, nodding. His hand reached out, his fingers brushing yours, warm and calloused. They were warrior’s hands, and seeing his with your own just felt right. The contrast between you was perfect. “What would happen if you…found love?”
“Then you flip it over so the heart is upright.” You told him. “And if you get engaged, it moves to the other hand.”
“I quite like that.”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He smiled.
A cold wind blew into the cave and you shivered, pulling your blankets closer.
“Come here.” Kili’s hand wandered from yours and instead pulled you closer to him.
You surrendered to his warmth, to his scent of leather and campfire and pine. His hand cradled your head, combing through your hair with gentle fingers. It did calm you down enough to finally get some decent sleep for the night.
But just before you drifted off into slumber, you heard Kili whisper, “Sleep, Amrâlimê.”
And you did get a few hours of quiet peace before the floor of the cave opened up beneath you.
Thus began your long descent into the goblins’ cave. The company screamed all the way down until you were met by hundreds of terrifying goblins, shuffling you all to the feet of their king, a massive, horrifying thing who looked at you all like you were their next meal.
“What do we have here? Thieves? Spies? Assassins?” The king said. “Why are you here dwarves?” His eyes fell on you. “And an…elf?”
“Close enough.” You muttered, heart absolutely pounding in your chest. You were pretty sure you were about to pass out from the shock of it all.
“Bring the tall one to me. And search them all. Every crevice.” The king ordered, and one of his henchman kicked you in the back of the knees, forcing you to the ground with a pained yelp, dragging you over to their king, who hoisted you off of the ground by your hair.
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Kili yelled, struggling against the goblins that were holding him, but it didn’t seem to stop the other goblins from beginning to search you. “DON’T TOUCH HER! LET HER GO NOW!”
“Ohhhh, the youngest dwarf has a soft spot, does he?” The goblin king laughed, holding you in front of his face to get a closer look. “I can’t begin to see why.”
“Let me go, you big ugly bitch!” You squirmed, kicking the goblin king straight in the eye, causing him to flinch and drop you onto the ground, hard. You groaned and tried to get your bearings. Luckily, you were close enough to the dwarves that they were able to tug you back behind them. Gloin grabbed your leg and dragged you into the middle of the company again while Bifur and Bofur helped you to your feet. Your head hurt from the hair pulling.
“OW! She’s a feisty one.” The goblin king rubbed his eye and pointed at you with a hideous finger. “Fetch the torture devices. We’ll start with her.”
“Over my dead body you will.” Kili readied himself, eyes dark and voice as intense as rumbling thunder.
The other dwarves all took up a position of attack to protect you. Even though their weapons had been taken, they were still willing to fight for you.
But they didn’t get the chance to. At precisely the moment you needed him, Gandalf busted through the wall of the cave, stunning the goblins for a few moments with blinding light and giving the dwarves the chance to pick up their weapons.
The battle broke out. You did your best with the weapon Dwalin hastily shoved into your hand, but for the most part, you just followed the rest of the dwarves, keeping an eye on Kili and dodging the goblins that came at you. He fought harder than you had ever seen him, an intense fire burning in him. It was, perhaps, the scariest and most exhilarating experience of your entire life.
One of the goblins’ claws scratched your arm and you winced, swinging your sword at him and taking him out. The group reconvened on a bridge only for it to collapse beneath you, sending all of you plummeting, plummeting, plummeting down to the bottom of the cave. You laid there on your back, pretty sure this was what a cracked rib felt like. You sputtered and tried to lift your head from the hard surface beneath you.
“(Y/N)?” You heard Kili’s voice as the others began to get their bearings. He looked through the group, becoming more panicked by the second. “(Y/N)?!”
“I’m here.” You groaned weakly, raising your hand so he could find you. “I’m okay.”
“Thank Mahal.” He let out a relieved sigh walking to you and helping you to your feet. “A-are you hurt?”
“I’m okay.” You nodded, out of breath with tears in your eyes. Your knees wobbled, but he held you upright, supporting your weight. Then your eyes widened, remembering. You looked up and sure enough, more goblins were climbing down towards you. “We have to go.”
“Towards the daylight!” Gandalf insisted, leading the charge out of the cave and into the light of the nearly setting sun.
Once you all were finally able to stop, you collapsed to your knees, catching your breath. Kili knelt beside you, looking you over.
“I’m okay.” You told him. “I’m nauseous and definitely bruised a bit, but I’m okay. Are you?”
He reached up and brushed the hair out of your face, his hand pulling your face down towards him. He rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and letting out a long, shaking sigh. “I’m okay now.”
“Gandalf, um…” You reached into your pack and pulled out the book, using your bookmark to open to the chapter you’d all arrived at, still quite out of breath from the whole ordeal, but still focused on the adventure and the group’s safety. “You might want to call the Eagles now.”
“A very good call, Book Keeper.” Gandalf nodded, counting the dwarves before getting a moth’s attention.
You looked around the group and noticed one was missing. Bilbo. “Guys, where’s Bilbo?”
“I think he slipped away before the goblins grabbed us.” Nori said while the others started frantically looking around for him.
“I knew it. I knew he’d run right back home at the nearest opportunity.” Thorin said, shaking his head. “We will not be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone.”
“No. He isn’t.” Bilbo walked out from behind a tree, appearing seemingly from nowhere. “I fell into a cavern. It was difficult to find a way out. I’m sorry.”
Thorin hesitated for a moment before looking at Bilbo. “My apologies. I just thought—”
“I know what you thought. I’m…not quite acclimated to this lifestyle. I miss my books and my reading chair and my hobbit hole. That’s my home. That’s why I’m here. Because you don’t have one; it was taken from you. And if I can…I want to help you take it back.”
The company shared a long, warm moment in the sun, which was interrupted by the sound of the wargs on the horizon.
You groaned. “Great. Right on schedule.”
“You knew—” Fili realized.
“Yep.” You nodded, exhaling a breath. Kili pulled you to your feet. “I know a lot I’m not supposed to.”
“Out of the frying pan…” Thorin started, his voice wary of the oncoming danger.
“And into the fire.” Gandalf motioned forward. “Run!”
So, once again, you were on the move, running to the edge of the cliff, away from the angry, snarling beasts on your trail. The group climbed up pine trees and just before the wargs arrived at the base of the tree, so did the Eagles.
“A very good call indeed, Book Keeper.” Thorin praised.
You chuckled. “Thought the group might prefer to not be torn apart by giant wolves.”
You got onto the back of one of the eagles, followed quickly by Fili and Kili, whose arm fastened around you, holding you in place. You looked at him as soon as he touched you, not quite surprised it was him. It always seemed to be him.
“Breathe, Amrâlimê.” He spoke softly, the word cradled so gently on his tongue. “You can breathe now. I won’t let you fall.”
“Okay.” You nodded, adjusting to a slightly more stable position on the eagle, your arm wrapping around his back for extra support. You took in the sights of Middle Earth. It was absolutely gorgeous from this high up, especially now that you were up and out of harm’s way.
“Are you okay?” he asked again.
You nodded and looked at him, admiring the way the sunset framed his features. Leaning forward, you pressed your forehead against his and closed your eyes for a long moment, repeating his sentiment from earlier. “I’m okay now.”
It was quiet for a long moment before you asked quietly. “What does that word mean?”
“Oh…it’s not in your fancy book?” He teased, a cheeky smirk gracing his handsome face.
“It’s not.” You confirmed.
His eyes softened, the wind blowing through his silky dark hair. “I think you know what it means.”
You tilted your head, eyes exploring his own. “I think I do too…”
A few hours later, the company arrived at Beorn’s house, tucked into the woods. Gandalf went with Bilbo first, instructing the rest of you to come in small groups spaced about five minutes apart, as to not overwhelm the skin-changer with guests all at once.
Finally, you rolled up your sleeve to look at the cut on your arm. It didn’t look deep, but it did look dirty. You didn’t even want to know where that goblin’s claws had been. If you weren’t careful, you’d get an infection.
“Let me see it, girl.” Balin said, motioning you over. You walked to him and sat on a large rock, letting him look over the wound. “He got you good, didn’t he?”
“Looks like it, yeah. It doesn’t hurt too bad anymore.”
“You’re hurt?” Kili asked from somewhere behind you.
“She’s alright, Kili.” Balin assured the prince, a knowing twinkle in his eye. “We’ll get her cleaned up, lad.”
Fili pulled Kili off to the side while Balin and Oin tended to your arm, putting a disinfectant that stung pretty bad on it before wrapping it in gauze.
“Thank you.” You told them sincerely.
“And thank you. I have a feeling our injuries would have been a lot worse had you not told Gandalf to call the Eagles when he did.”
“Yeah, I figured the rest of the journey would probably be a bit easier if I didn’t get a leg ripped off by a giant wolf.” You chuckled, shrugging.
“How are things with Kili?” Balin asked, his voice incredibly quiet.
You glanced over to where Kili and Fili were standing, talking very passionately about something. They were definitely out of earshot, though.
“Can you keep a secret?” You asked him, heart racing.
Balin nodded, his eyes kind. “Of course, dear.”
You took a breath and let the words fall out of your mouth all at once. “I think I’m falling in love with him.”
Bofur perked up when he heard this, turning around with a huge grin on his face. “I knew it! I heard you two last night having a little chat.”
“I forgot you were on watch.” You chuckled, cheeks burning. “I…I don’t know. I think he feels the same, but—”
“He feels the same.” Balin took your hand in both of his. “I’ve known that lad for his entire life and I’ve never seen him so enamored with anyone before.”
Bofur agreed. “Seems he had a rather rude awakening when the goblins almost had their way with you.”
“Yeah…” You thought back on that moment. You’d never seen him yell like that before, never so angry, and all because you were in danger.
“We already consider you one of us, lassie. Not just anyone would be brave enough to kick a goblin king in the eye.” Dwalin said, coming from behind you and putting a strong hand on your shoulder. “And if you feel strongly for him, you should ask him to court.”
Your eyes widened. Ah yes, the ever-elusive dwarven courting customs. “How do I do that? No one’s ever explained it to me.”
The other dwarves chuckled.
“That explains a lot.” Bofur smirked. “Tell you what, we’ll—”
“(Y/N), Fili and I are leaving.” Kili told you, motioning in the direction of Beorn’s house. “Would you like to come with us or wait for the next group?”
You looked at Balin, who nodded, encouraging you to go.
“Go with the lads. We’ll speak yet.” He promised.
You walked with Kili, glancing back at the three of the dwarves who now knew exactly how you felt about their prince. You only hoped it wouldn’t spread through the rest of the group like wildfire.
When the next morning came, Beorn, who was a spectacle in and of himself, served a hearty breakfast for you, Gandalf, Bilbo, and the dwarves. It was a beautiful morning, fog lingering in the trees, sunlight streaming through it.
For the first time in a long time, you felt utterly safe. You knew nothing would happen while you were at Beorn’s house. In Mirkwood shortly after…that was a different story altogether. But for the day, you were safe from goblins and wargs and whatever else was lurking out in the distance.
Part of you wondered if Bilbo had gotten the ring, if it had been worth not warning the others of the perils of that specific cave, but you knew you couldn’t ask him. Not now at least.
You sipped a mug of warm tea Gandalf had made for you, its steam gently waking you up. The mug was very large, as was everything in Beorn’s house, which seemed to make the dwarves look impossibly small, and, you hated to admit it, very cute.
“You sleep okay?” Kili asked, mouth half-full of scrambled eggs.
You nodded. “I slept fine. Did have some weird dreams, though.”
“About what?” Fili asked, perking up.
“I was at a school for wizards in this massive castle and the stairs were moving and I couldn’t get to class.” You told them, chuckling. Maybe Hogwarts was real too, somewhere. After all, Middle Earth was.
“We almost got killed by goblins and you’re having nightmares about school?” Bofur asked, incredulous.
“She’s taking this Book Keeper thing to new heights.” Ori added, laughing.
“I’ve been out of school for almost a whole year now and I’m still having nightmares about it.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “I really don’t think they’ll ever stop.”
“How long are humans from your realm in school?” Dori asked.
“We start school around age five, sometimes sooner. We graduate high school at eighteen, and then if we choose to go to college after, most graduate around twenty-two or twenty-three.” You told them, causing Kili to promptly choke on his drink. “Are you okay?”
“How old did you say you were?” Fili checked again, his eyes wide.
Dwalin slapped Kili’s back until he regained his composure.
Thinking about it further, you weren’t sure age had ever come up with the dwarves. “I’m twenty-three. Why?”
They all shared looks between each other, some laughing softly, others looking genuinely shocked.
“Guys, are you okay? How old are you?” You asked, heart racing. “Dwalin, how old are you?”
“I’m a hundred and sixty-nine years, lassie.” He said.
“Oh my god.” You muttered softly, a hand on your mouth. “Seriously? The whole time?”
“He’s being genuine, Book Keeper. Dwarf aging is quite different than that of men.” Balin told you, trying to be gentle.
“I’m only eighty-two if that makes you feel better.” Fili offered, his eyes sincere.
You stared at him. “It does not.”
“And on that happy note, I believe I’ll borrow the Burglar and the Book Keeper for a moment.” Gandalf said, a mischievous smile on his face as he stood from the head of the table.
“Perfect timing.” You said, grabbing your mug and following after him. Bilbo walked beside you, so you looked down and asked. “How old are you?”
“I’m fifty-one.” Bilbo replied.
“See, that seems more reasonable.” You laughed, still in disbelief. “A hundred and sixty-nine…”
Gandalf led the two of you to Beorn’s gardens, which were quite lush and beautiful, filled with all manner of plants. A few chickens wandered the property and wildflowers grew along his cobblestone fence.
Bilbo bent down and picked an acorn off of the ground, tucking it into his pocket. You grinned. Cute.
“I’m merely here to check your progress. How is everything going?”
“Well, I’d say.” Bilbo said, sounding a bit unsure. He looked up at you for insight.
“We’re looking good on my end.” You nodded. “These next few days are going to be rough, though.”
“Undoubtedly.” Gandalf nodded. “The two of you should…formulate a plan together before leaving for Mirkwood. I’m sure some teamwork could help smooth things over.”
“I think so too.” You nodded.
“Excellent. Discuss. I will see you in Erebor.”
“Where are you going?” Bilbo asked.
“I have some unavoidable business to attend to, I’m afraid. But all of you are in good hands.” Gandalf assured him, nodding before walking back into the house to say goodbye to the other dwarves.
As soon as you and Bilbo were alone, you asked him, “Did you get it?”
He looked puzzled. “Did I get what?”
You wiggled your ring finger, holding up your ring.
He thought for a moment and then nodded, confirming. “I did, yes. Was I supposed to?”
“Yes. Good.” You exhaled a sigh of relief. “Don’t tell the others. But…you’ll need to use it on occasion. As you see appropriate. I don’t want to make you overthink it.”
“Good. Alright.” Bilbo nodded, considering. “What was this working together Gandalf was talking about?”
When night fell, some of the dwarves started a fire. Balin and Bofur pulled you aside. Kili and Fili were off scouting the edge of the property to make sure nothing was coming for the group, giving you the perfect opportunity for a lesson.
“What do you know of dwarvish courting, Book Keeper?” Bofur asked. “Anything?”
“Admittedly, not a lot. I know there’s braiding involved, but that’s about it.”
“That’s a good start, lass.” Balin smiled. “So, when a courtship begins, generally, the dwarrowdam, or, the woman, in this case, will ask the dwarf she fancies if she can braid his hair.”
“They make a courting bead to present to them, to braid into the hair. Something meaningful.” Bofur added.
“Okay.” You nodded, taking in the information.
“If he feels the same way, usually he’ll already have made a courting bead and will present it to her in return. If he doesn’t have it ready quite yet, he’ll present it to her as soon as it is.” Balin explained. “But the woman is always the one to initiate, unless, of course, it’s two men, in which case the oldest of the two will begin the courting.”
“And then they’ll go off somewhere private and braid the beads into each other’s hair. It’s quite romantic.” Bofur smiled.
You stared at the ring around your finger, the claddagh ring you’d carried with you the entire journey, the one Kili seemed so fascinated by. You thought it would look rather beautiful braided into Kili’s dark hair. “Would…um…” You slipped it off of your finger and handed it to Bofur. “Would this work? As a courting bead? I’d have to resize it of course, but…”
He smiled knowingly. “This is the special ring you explained to him in the cave?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“I think that would be perfect, dear.” Balin nodded. “We can teach you how to make the bead once we get to Erebor.”
“Okay, perfect. It won’t be long now.” You told them. “This next leg of the journey is going to be rough, as a heads-up.”
“That’s what I feared.” The eldest dwarf nodded.
Bofur handed you back the ring and you put it on again. “We’re in good hands, though.”
You nodded, serious. “I’ll do my best.”
The next day, you all stood at the gates of Mirkwood and a sinking feeling settled deep in the pit of your stomach. You did not like this. Not one bit.
“Are you alright?” Kili asked, his hand on your arm. “You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I know more than I’m supposed to again.” You told him, your voice soft, scared.
He looked up at you, taking a step closer. “Anything you can tell me?”
“Not at the moment, no.” You shook your head. You turned towards him, suddenly more serious and remembering something from the Hobbit movies you’d seen long ago. Up until this point, everything had been by the book as far as you knew. But in the case that something leaked over… “So, if, um…theoretically of course, if there’s a bunch of orcs shooting at us at some point on our way out of Mirkwood, don’t take any chances that would let you get shot in the leg with a poisonous arrow, okay?”
Kili’s eyes widened. “What? I’m—”
“It probably won’t happen. Most likely. But there’s one version of the story where it does and I just…I don’t know what I’d do if you—”
“I won’t.” Kili grabbed your arms with his large hands, stopping your rambling. “I promise you I won’t take any chances that would let that happen.”
You nodded, exhaling a sigh. “Okay. Good.”
“Does anything like that happen to me?” Fili asked, scared suddenly.
“No.” You assured him. “I’d tell you if it would. I’m not letting any of you die.”
You all set out through the gates, doing your best to stick to the paths. Things got very disorienting very quickly, however.
The group began to wander, confused, forgetting things and losing track of time. All hints of what direction you were going were gone, so you followed whichever dwarf happened to be in front of you at any given moment.
After a short time, you began to question everything. It was hard to tell how much time passed. You all wandered, going in circles, the dwarves bickering between themselves about which way was which. You felt utterly dizzy, confused and unable to ground yourself in the moment.
“(Y/N), are you in your right mind right now?” Bilbo asked you, grabbing your attention.
“Not particularly.” You admitted, shaking your head. “Do what you have to do. I’ll see you on the other side. Stick to the plan.”
“Plan, what plan?” Ori asked.
“There’s a plan?”
“What’s a plan?”
They went around and around while Bilbo climbed up into the trees to get a bearing on where you were. Most of them didn’t even realize he had left. And the next thing you knew in your bleary state, there were gigantic spiders descending upon all of you.
When you came to, Bilbo had cut you and the others free from where you’d been suspended up in the trees, the webs encasing you sticky and disgusting. You used your dagger to slice your way out of them and get to your feet, taking a head count of everyone that was present. All of the dwarves accounted for.
There were hordes of spiders, giant and covered in fur. You fought your way through a few, counting dwarves every second.
When you spotted Kili, however, he was pinned beneath a giant, shrieking spider. You drew an arrow and shot it quickly, putting to use the archery skills that very dwarf had spent hours teaching you. The spider slumped over top of him and Kili kicked it off of himself, looking to see who’d shot it and unsurprised to find that it was you.
He hurried over, a proud glimmer in his eye. “I told you we’d make an archer of you.”
“And it seems you were right.” You laughed, you eye tracking movement in your peripheral. There were more spiders, yes, but there were also elves, plenty of them, and they were coming in hot.
You looked around for Bilbo, but didn’t find him.
“What’s wrong?” Kili asked.
“Do you trust me?”
“Always.” He answered without hesitation.
“I have to go. We have a plan.” You leaned in and kissed Kili’s cheek, causing him to look up at you, dumbstruck.
A grin slowly spread across his face, processing the first kiss between the two of you. “Be safe.”
“I’ll find you soon.” You promised and took off into the trees, just in time to evade the elves who were apprehending the rest of the dwarves.
From your place up on a branch, you kept an eye on Kili as they hauled him and the rest of the company away, and you caught sight of Bilbo in another. He nodded at you and you returned the signal, waiting for the elves to all leave before meeting him down on the forest floor.
“I’ll go in with you and steal one of their uniforms, change, and then linger outside their cells until you get to us. The guards will be drunk tonight because of the festival. They should be drowsy enough that you can get the keys without too much trouble. On your way up to the rest of us, split the keys in half and I’ll unlock half of the doors to get them out faster.”
“Smart thinking.” Bilbo agreed.
“We’ll have to give them some time to get inside and out of our way before we can head inside. In the book, they’re held here for a few days. I think we can get them out in one.”
“Ambitious,” he said, thinking over the plans. “Ah, right. Well, if you don’t mind me asking since we have some time, are you and Kili…?”
“Seems to be the question on everyone’s minds.” You laughed. “Um. No, not yet. Not officially anyway. Balin and Bofur gave me a lesson on dwarvish courting rituals, though, so I kind of know what I’m doing now.”
He grinned. “Moving on up in the world, eh?”
“Something like that.” You shrugged, sitting for a moment and resting your cheek against your knee. “I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before, Bilbo. I genuinely don’t know what I’d do if something happened to him.”
“That’s how you know it’s real, I think. That fear might protect you.” Bilbo said, wise from the journey. “Might protect him, too.”
“I can only hope so.”
Breaking into the elves’ fortress in Mirkwood was easier with a hobbit as a companion, you decided. Bilbo was good at going unnoticed, but especially so when he could sneak into the armory invisibly and retrieve Silvan elf armor for you. You slipped into it quickly, entrusting your bag of things to Bilbo for the moment until you’d be reunited with him.
Then, you went up to the cells where they were holding the dwarves, careful to calm your pace. For the first time in your journey, your pointed ears came in handy. You were able to sneak past any elf you passed without question. They thought you were one of them.
“You there, will you not join the festivities?” An elf asked you. Upon closer inspection, this was Legolas, his blond hair and Orlando Bloom complexion unmistakable. Oh shit.
You did a double-take. “Oh, Prince Legolas. I was going to see the prisoners before joining.” You smirked. “Not every day we have thirteen dwarves in our custody. I’m rather curious.”
“An unusual day indeed. I’ll admit, they are rather…interesting creatures.” He agreed, laughing. “I’ll save you a dance, then.”
“I’d be honored, my prince.” You curtsied, holding your posture carefully before walking past him without any further questioning. You chuckled. Little did he know the only prince that had your attention was a dwarven one.
You reached the hall where the cells were not long after that, looking into the doors and counting. Ori, Dori, Nori, check. Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, check. Balin and Dwalin and Oin and Gloin, check, and finally, Thorin, Fili, and Kili.
Fili was the first to notice you. He stood there for a long moment, staring at you, his eyebrows furrowed. It couldn’t be you, could it? Not dressed like that, surely. Perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him, despite the fact that they’d only been there for a few hours.
“(Y/N)?” Fili asked, his voice hushed. “Is that you?”
You turned to face him, keeping the stiff elven posture you’d adopted to fit in. You smirked. “I put on some elf armor and suddenly you don’t recognize me, Fee? I’m offended.”
At the sound of your voice, Kili rushed to the bars of his cell. “Amrâlimê!”
You walked to his cell and rested your hands on his. “I told you I’d find you.”
“Where’s Bilbo?” Thorin asked from the next cell over.
“Grabbing the keys.” You told him. “And then we’re busting out of this place.”
“Were you spotted?” Nori wondered.
“Walked right past every elf I saw. They think I’m one of them.” You shrugged, tucking your hair behind one of your pointed ears. “Even managed to trick their prince. He’s up at the festival saving me a dance as we speak.”
You didn’t miss the tiny jealous grunt that left Kili’s throat at the mention of another prince, but you didn’t address it either.
Dwalin let out a proud, bellowing laugh. “Well done, lassie!”
You shrugged. “These ears of mine finally came in handy for something.”
“I happen to think they suit you.” Kili said, looking up at you. He looked so impossibly small in his cage.
Your heart ached. You couldn’t wait to get him out of there. “Is that so?”
“I happen to think most things suit you, actually.” He amended, a flirty grin on his face.
“Don’t get too comfortable, Miss Elf Guard.” Bilbo teased, tossing you a set of keys. “We have some dwarves to free.”
You quickly found the key to Kili’s door and unlocked it, followed immediately by the rest of the dwarves on your side of the hallway. The two of you led the others all the way down to the cellar, to the barrels Bilbo had located. You had almost forgotten this part of the adventure. And if it wasn’t too deadly and terrifying, it might actually be pretty fun.
“Are you sure about this, lad?” One of the dwarves protested as they started climbing inside the barrels.
“Trust me.” Bilbo said, looking to you for support. “Trust us.”
“This is one of the best parts in the book.” You told them. “It’ll all work out. I promise. It might even be fun.”
“There might be room for two in this one,” Kili told you, scouting the biggest barrel.
“I don’t know if it could support both of our weight.” You reasoned, thinking quickly. “And we have to get going so the Elves don’t stop us.”
You climbed into the big barrel, preparing yourself for the plummet downwards.
Kili nodded and climbed into the barrel beside yours, his hand reaching out and touching yours.
“Hold your breath.” Bilbo warned, pulling the lever and sending the barrels rolling down into the water tunnels beneath the castle. He took your tip about the floor and came down moments later, gripping the rope on Thorin’s barrel.
“Well done, you two.” Thorin praised. “You never cease to amaze me.”
“He would have figured it out without me, just for the record.” You told him. “Maybe just a little slower.”
You all started paddling, getting out of the elven tunnels a few minutes later, under cover of night. The stars were quite beautiful. You couldn’t help but stare at them, trying to recognize constellations in the still-unfamiliar sky.
“No sign of orcs.” Kili pointed out. “Nor poisoned arrows.”
“Good. Let’s hope it stays that way.” You chuckled, paddling beside him. Bilbo was still swimming alongside one of the other barrels. “Bilbo, there’s room in mine.”
“You don’t think I’ll sink you?”
“You’re lighter than I am.” You pointed out.
He couldn’t argue with that logic. Fili and Kili both helped hoist Bilbo into your barrel for the rest of the fairly smooth ride. There were a few dips and small waterfalls every so often, but the current wasn’t too harsh.
“Is it like this in the book?” Gloin asked and you nodded.
“Yeah. In fact, in the book, there are lids on the barrels. But it’s, uh, harder to steer that way.”
“I was going to put lids on them?” Bilbo asked, incredulous. “Thank you for steering me away from that option, Book Keeper.”
“That’s my job.” You chuckled, making the most of the ride until, eventually, it ended and the group pulled their barrels onto the shore.
“How’s our progress?” Thorin checked.
“We’re ahead of schedule. Our ride into Laketown won’t be here until tomorrow morning or afternoon.” You told him. “We were actually supposed to be in that elven prison for a few more days, so…we’ve got some time to get our bearings. And we won’t have to cut it so close hiking up to Erebor.”
The king grinned. “Excellent. Great work.” He turned to the rest of the company. “Set up camp for the night. Eat some food. Tomorrow, we journey to Laketown.”
You helped the others unpack some of the belongings, drying out things that had gotten wet. You scrunched your hair, draining it of excess water, and set out a bedroll for whenever you settled down. It was dark, but you couldn’t exactly tell how late it was.
Some of the others started a fire to dry themselves and cook dinner, which was whatever fish had slipped into their barrels on the way there. You found a private spot and changed out of the elven armor into your sleeping attire before returning to the group.
Kili was sitting near the fire, his bedroll now set out beside yours, and two plates of food in his lap. You sat beside him and he handed the extra plate to you, which you were grateful for. It had been a long few days, or however long had passed while you were trapped in those wretched spider-infested forests, and you were hungry.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” He nodded. The two of you were quiet for a long time before he finally asked a question you could tell had been eating at him for a bit. “What would have happened if…theoretically, I had been shot with that poisonous orc arrow?”
“Hard to say. In the version of the story where that happened…you were pretty injured from it, got progressively sicker and sicker and then when the company left for Erebor, you had to stay behind.”
“Oh.” He looked at you, his eyes serious. “I would have died, wouldn’t I?”
“No.” You shook your head. Not at that moment, you thought darkly, keeping it to yourself. “Well…it’s difficult to say, because in that version, you caught the eye of a very beautiful elf warrior. She healed you before you died from the poison. And she’s not here, so I…I really don’t know what would have happened.”
“Well…” He processed the information for a moment before a soft, tender look overtook his face. “I did happen to catch the eye of another woman with elf-like ears this time around. I think I prefer this one, actually.”
“I can’t heal you if you get poisoned.” You reasoned, insecurity eating at you, despite the lack of competition. You hadn’t seen Tauriel in Mirkwood, which probably meant she didn’t exist. Probably. She wasn’t in the book, after all, but neither were a lot of the other details you’d lived through that Tolkien had seemed to skim over in his version.
He took your hand in both of his, calling your full attention to him. “Maybe not, but…you did prevent me from being poisoned at all, which, I would argue, is better.” One of his hands wandered up to your cheek and you caught his eyes lingering on your lips for a long moment before he said. “You gave me this earlier, and I’ve been meaning to give it back to you.”
You watched him, curious. “What?”
Kili moved closer and pressed a long, lingering kiss to your cheek, causing your face to flush with warmth. He whispered, his voice deep and gentle, “Thank you for letting me borrow it.”
The next day, just as you had predicted, Bard found your group on the banks of the river. He was defensive at first, but eventually granted the group travel into town in exchange for whatever gold you all could scrape together.
For the first part of the voyage, you were all able to wander about the ship. You pulled out your Polaroid, assessing the damages it had incurred thus far. Part of you expected it to be totally busted, its parts flooded in your ride down the river, but it was functional. Maybe Gandalf had enchanted it to be indestructible.
“Is it broken?” Bofur asked, curious.
“I don’t think so, actually. I definitely thought it would be after everything it’s been through.” You chuckled, holding it in position and snapping a picture of him. A few moments later, it spit the picture out the front. You handed it to him and he watched as it developed.
“Fascinating little thing.” Bofur noted, tilting his head.
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” You agreed, tucking it back into your bag.
“Couldn’t happen but notice you and the young prince last night.” Bofur smirked, mischief in his smile. “We’re still on for your smithing lesson, then?”
“As soon as possible, yes.” You nodded. A nervous laugh wrenched its way out of your lips. “I don’t know why I’m so scared.”
“It’s a big moment. I don’t blame you for being a little nervous. But it’s very obvious to me and,” he laughed, “well, everyone else that the lad cares for you. And I, for one, happen to think you’d make a lovely addition to the family.”
“Thank you, Bofur.” You wrapped your arms around your bag, cradling it to you. “I think I needed to hear that.”
“Book Keeper, if I might have a word.” Thorin said, motioning you to the front of the ship.
You nodded and stood from your spot, walking up to meet him. You noticed Kili was sitting on a crate at the back of the boat, his legs dangling from it. He appeared to be working on something very small, but you couldn’t tell what it was from where you were.
“What’s on your mind, your highness?” You asked, standing beside him, staring out into the fog.
“I’ve heard murmurs of something within the company, I was hoping you would confirm or deny them.” Thorin started, looking amused. “I don’t think it should be news to you that my nephew cares for you, yes?”
“I care for him as well, Thorin.” You assured him.
“Mmm.” Thorin nodded. “I hoped as much. I just ask that…if you do not wish to court him, don’t string him along. The boy has had his heart broken too many times. This time, though, I feel he would never recover from it.”
“When we get to Erebor, Balin and Bofur are going to help me make a courting bead.” You told him. “I should have told you long before now, but I never found the time or opportunity.”
Thorin grinned. His hand came to rest on your shoulder, the other resting on his belt. “That is most excellent news. Do you know how you’ll be making it, yet?”
“I don’t know the specifics. I’ve never smithed anything in my life.” You shook your head. “In my realm, smithing isn’t as prominent as it is here. But I was planning to use this.” You held up your hand, showing him the ring. “Balin and Bofur said it should be something sentimental. This ring is usually used to show relationship status in my realm.”
“I heard you discussing it with him the night of the goblins.” Thorin smiled softly. “I didn’t get very much sleep that night either. I think that would work quite well as a courting bead.” He met your eyes, his gaze sincere. This was perhaps the first time you’d connected with the king on a personal level on the entire journey, but you were glad you were finally getting the opportunity. “After everything you’ve done for us, I would be honored to have you as my niece.”
Your breath got caught in your throat, tears pricking your eyes. “You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that.”
“We’re approaching the gates!” Bard warned. “Get back in the barrels.”
With some protest, the dwarves got back into the barrels they’d come there in. You started to climb into the barrel beside Thorin’s, but Bard stopped you.
“You won’t need to. Just cover those ears of yours.” He told you.
You nodded, using your hair to cover their extended points, looking to Bifur to ask if they were covered. He gave you a thumbs-up before ducking back into his barrel. You inhaled nervously and settled yourself as casually as you could on a crate in the corner of the boat.
It was then that several pounds of fish were dumped on top of the dwarves. You cringed for their sake. You had a feeling this was going to be a very smelly evening indeed. You heard a few quiet groans from them, but otherwise, they remained silent, hoping not to blow their cover.
Next, Bard took the ship to the entrance of town, where he was stopped by the gate keeper. He initially was approved to enter until the disgusting little weasel Alfrid decided to pay a visit.
“Oi! Who’s the girl?” He asked, his unibrow scrunching as he looked you up and down. God, he was even more disgusting in person somehow. You were hoping he wouldn’t be real, but it seemed Tolkien had skimmed over him in the book as well. You couldn’t say you blamed him.
“She’s paid her passage. Therefore, she’s entering town.”
“Now, now, now, no one gets into my town without a more…thorough investigation, let’s say.” Alfrid rubbed his sleazy little hands together and you did your best not to gag at the mere thought of him touching you.
“You will not put your hands on her.” Bard said, defending you. “If you so much as breathe on her, I’ll see to it that the whole town knows.”
Alfrid seemed to contemplate this before relenting. “Fine, but if she steps even a toe out of line, she’ll be sleeping in the dungeons.”
“And she won’t.” Bard assured him, seeming annoyed. Not long after, the boat continued, through the narrow waterways to an alley between some buildings. Bard started dumping barrels full of fish-covered dwarves. He instructed them on how to swim under his house and up through the toilet.
“Count yer blessings, lass.” Dwalin muttered before jumping in.
“Oh believe me, I am.” You grimaced at the strong fishy smell wafting from your companions. Once they were all out of the boat, you went with Bard through the front door of his house, met immediately by his daughters and his son.
“Da, who is this?”
“A traveler.” Bard replied. “Bain, get them in.”
Bard’s son walked down the stairs and signaled the Dwarves to start coming into the house.
“If you speak a word of this to anyone, I’ll rip your arms off,” Dwalin threatened, coming out of the murky waters first.
“Why are there dwarves coming out of the toilet?” Bard’s oldest daughter wondered.
“Will they bring us luck?” The youngest asked.
“I can assure you, they are very lucky.” You told her. “They’ve brought me nothing but luck, in fact.”
Kili walked up to you, sopping wet, his clothes and hair thoroughly soaked. You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at his pitiful state, handing him a towel. He buried his face in it before using it to scrunch his wet hair.
“Not feeling so lucky at the moment, however.” Kili muttered. He handed the towel back to you and started ringing out his shirt, water splattering on the floor. “He didn’t touch you, did he?”
“That…sleazy gate keeper man.” Kili looked pissed.
“Alfrid.” Bard’s eldest daughter said, rolling her eyes. “He disgusts me.”
“Yeah, same.” You agreed with her and looked down to Kili, who wouldn’t make eye contact with you, instead, his eyes were fixed on his dark blue shirt, ringing excess water out of it. “He didn’t touch me. He didn’t even come near me.”
“Good.” He nodded, his eyes still serious.
“I’m pretty sure if he’d have breathed on me I would have puked on the spot.” You joked, which did get him to smile again.
“Is he that hideous?” The dwarven prince finally dared to look up at you, a mischievous glimmer in his eye.
“Literally the ugliest person I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“Truly gruesome.” Bard’s daughter agreed, cringing. She looked at you and offered her hand. “I’m Sigrid, by the way.”
“(Y/N),” you introduced. “This is Kili.”
The dwarf in question did a little bow. “At your service.”
Bard came into the room, carrying a variety of tools and makeshift weapons. He set them on the table all at once.
“Oh no, these will not do at all.” The dwarves started going through them harshly.
“We need iron-forged weapons! Not fishing supplies.” Gloin shook his head.
“All of the weapons in town are held under lock and key in the armory.” Bard told them. “These are the best I can do.”
“Book Keeper?” Balin looked to you for advice.
“Um, let me check.” You reached into your bag and pulled out the thin paperback book you’d been referencing the entire time. You used the table of contents to flip to the chapter about Laketown. “Okay, so um, under cover of night, you sneak into the armory to take the weapons, you get caught, but when you tell the Master and the rest of the town about the quest, they celebrate and give you weapons and a feast and a place to stay.”
“What is that book?” Bard asked. “Is she a Seer?”
“Not quite. Just a…reader, I suppose.” You shrugged. “I’m from a place where all of this is a story.”
“A feast sounds quite nice…” Fili raised an eyebrow. Bombur nodded in fierce agreement.
“Then we do what the Book Keeper says.” Thorin nodded at you, grateful for your guidance. “We leave at nightfall. Ready yourselves in the meantime.”
The dwarves set out to retrieve the weapons sometime after dark. You stayed at Bard’s house with his kids, waiting nervously to hear the commotion in the middle of town begin. Bard, obviously, had quite a few questions for you.
“You’ve been traveling with them? For how long?”
“Quite a while. Almost half a year now.” You said, just now realizing how long it had been. “It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long, though. They’re a lot. They’re loud and kind of messy sometimes, but…they’re fiercely loyal. They’ve saved my life more times than I can count. I really do consider them family.”
“You knew I’d find you on the bank of that river, then?” He asked, his dark eyebrows furrowing.
“I was counting on it.”
“Interesting.” He nodded.
“How long have you known the younger one? Kili, I think his name is.” Sigrid asked.
“I’ve known of him for years. I’ve known of all of you for years, actually. But I met him at the same time as the rest of them, why?”
“You two seem to have known each other for ages.” She sighed. “The way he looks at you…It’s like there are a million stars in his eyes.”
“Oh I know.” You laughed softly. “Once we get to Erebor, I’m finally going to do something about it.”
A call came from the center of town, echoing into the distance. “Explain yourselves, dwarves!”
“Oop, there it is.”
“Just as she said…” Bain mumbled, thoroughly impressed.
You got up and rushed to the door, following the crowds of people into town, where the dwarves were being held by guards. You were careful to cover your pointed ears just in case their attention wandered to you, but you were sure the rest of the townsfolk were pretty well distracted.
“I am Thorin! Son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the mountain! I have come to reclaim our home from the dragon Smaug!” Thorin declared, fire in his eyes. He really did sound like a king when he spoke like that. You got chills up your spine just listening to him.
The crowd began to murmur about a prophecy, the word whispered amongst them. The Master perked up at this. He, like his lackey Alfrid, was absolutely grotesque, any sliver of dignity eaten away by his immense greed.
“If we succeed in our quest, we will share our bounty with Laketown.” Thorin promised. You knew when you all actually arrived in Erebor, that might change, but you hoped you’d be able to convince him to keep his word. “You have my word. All we ask is weapons and shelter until we make our leave.”
The Master thought about it for a long moment before he made his decision. “Welcome to Laketown, dwarves! Let us eat, drink, and be merry to celebrate their quest to reclaim Erebor!”
The townsfolk all cheered and the guards finally let go of the dwarves. You walked to Kili, who looked up at you with stars in his eyes, just the way Sigrid had described. It sent warmth blossoming through your stomach.
“You always seem to be right, Amrâlimê.” He murmured, his arms settling around your waist and pulling you close to him.
“I wonder why that is.” You chuckled, arms wrapping around him as well. You tilted his head up towards you with a gentle hand. “Everything go okay? Well, until…you know.”
“More than okay.” Kili smiled that boyish grin of his. It was at times like these that it was hard for you to believe he was hiding seventy-seven years behind that youthful face. “I cannot wait to get to Erebor.”
“It’s close now, isn’t it?”
“Very much so.” He nodded, pressing up on his toes to kiss your cheek before tugging you into the pub, where the rest of the group was beginning the celebrations.
Musicians were in the corner, playing lively lake shanties, the bartenders were slinging drinks faster than you could comprehend, and there was more food than you’d seen since the group left Rivendell so long ago. You settled into a seat in the corner, at a table with Fili, Bofur, and Kili, the last of whom left to grab drinks. While Kili was away, Fili leaned forward to speak to you over the noise.
“(Y/N), would you visit the market with me tomorrow?” He asked, feigning innocence. You suspected there was something going on, but you didn’t call him out on it.
“Yeah, of course, Fili. Shopping for anything in particular, or…?”
“Supplies and whatnot. For Uncle.” He added, although you were fairly certain it had nothing to do with Thorin.
“Okay, sure, I’ll help.”
He grinned. “Excellent.”
“You like mead, right, (Y/N)?” Kili asked, sliding a mug to you. “You seemed to like the kind the elves had in Rivendell.”
“I do like mead. Thank you.” You grinned and took the mug of the drink, taking a few tentative sips. It was good, but it was very strong.
“I asked if they had blueberry, but they didn’t, only raspberry and some strawberry.”
“It’s good.” You assured him. “You remembered what kind of mead I had all the way back then?”
“I remember everything about that night.” He winked.
The company drank and ate and drank some more. You hadn’t been drunk in a good, long while, so you finally let loose a bit, giving into the warmth and numbness of the alcohol flowing through your veins. You got a bit giggly, watching the dwarves dance and joke around.
“It’s all about unwinding and having a good time, isn’t it?” Ori rambled, rocking in time to the music. “That’s what these adventures are for.”
“Absolutely.” You nodded. “We have a phrase where I come from…‘maybe the real adventure was the friends we met along the way.’ And you guys are like my best friends. I love all of youuu.”
Kili turned to look at you very dramatically, bewildered at the way you were talking. “You’re drunk!” He laughed, pointing.
“So are you!”
He shook his head, though he was obviously lying. “Nonsense. I can hold my beer.”
“Bullshit, laddie!” Dwalin bellowed. “You’re the lightest weight of all of us here, the lass included!”
“Am not!” Kili huffed, crossing his arms.
“I’m a lightweight. Very much so.” You argued, shaking your head. “I’m only (height). It goes straight to my head.”
“He’s only 4’10”!” Gloin’s laugh echoed off the walls, and the whole company laughed with him.
“Oh right.” You shook your head. “I always forget.”
The band picked up a lively tune and Kili abandoned his drink and the laughing company. He took your hand and tugged you onto the dancefloor that had formed. The two of you did your best to follow along with the dance the people of Laketown were doing, twirling each other around, skipping along to the music around and around and around.
You and Kili laughed and laughed, dancing until the music stopped and you lost your footing, inadvertently pulling him down with you. You landed in a heap on the floor, his strong arms on either side of you and his face right in front of you, his warmth radiating onto you, even warmer than it usually was, due to the alcohol in his system.
Finally, things seemed to slow down as you sobered up due to his proximity and that look in his brown eyes. You imagined him leaning in and kissing you, what his lips would feel like against yours, rough and filled with passion and fire. You imagined the way his scruff would feel against your skin and the way his large, strong hands would wander your body. You wanted it. You wanted him.
“Are you alright?” He chuckled, looking you over for damages, but only finding a tipsy Book Keeper with flushed cheeks.
“I’m great.” You insisted, leaning forward and resting your forehead against his. “I’m always great when you’re around, Kili.”
You didn’t miss the way he lit up when you said it. Instead of replying, though, he pressed a messy kiss to your cheek and pulled you to your feet again. You walked back to the others, some of whom were grumbling and exchanging money with one another. If you didn’t know any better, you would have sworn they were taking bets over when and how you and Kili would finally kiss. Unsurprisingly, Balin and Thorin and Bofur were on the receiving end of most of the coin.
You walked, albeit a little wobbly, back to your chair. Once you settled, Balin handed you a mug of what you came to realize was water. It always seemed he was taking care of you, and you very much appreciated it.
“Lassie, could you settle a bet between us?” Dwalin asked.
“I’m a lil’ drunk, but I probably could.” You tilted your head, crossing your legs on the chair you’d settled on. “What’s going on?”
The company laughed a little at your drunkenness.
“Great. Do you know what a One is?”
“I can count.” You insisted, furrowing your eyebrows.
The dwarves all laughed, and then Bofur added, “With a capital O, lass.”
“Ohhhhhhh. That makes more sense.” You giggled a bit and took a sip of water, praying for some sobriety for this conversation. “I do. Kind of. They’re like soulmates, right? Like…and correct me if I’m wrong…the belief that you were created as half of a whole and that your One is the other half?”
“I told you. Pay up.” Fili held up his hand. He tilted his head to you. “Thank you very much.”
“Did he tell you that?” Dwalin asked, shoving a few coins into the golden prince’s hand.
“No.” You shook your head. “I read about it where I’m from.”
“There are works about Ones where you’re from?” Ori asked, genuinely curious.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded. “They’re not in the Book so I didn’t know if they were a real thing or not, but there’s some works about them, yeah.”
You took a long sip of water from your mug and missed the look Fili gave his brother.
Once the party was over and the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon once more, you all headed to the lodging the town was providing for all of you, a large house with plenty of beds, and claimed one for yourself, falling asleep almost instantly. And yet, drifting somewhere between asleep and awake, you swore you felt a pair of soft lips against your forehead.
Before coming to Middle Earth, you’d never had a hangover before. Sure, you were twenty-three, but while you were in college, you’d been focused on finishing your degree. You’d been drunk, sure, but never badly enough that you were hungover the next day. And yet, now, you had a pounding headache that could only be explained by the mere amount of alcohol you’d consumed the night before.
Most of the dwarves were still asleep by the time you came around, their snores all too familiar by this point in your journey with them. You spotted Kili in a bed across the room next to an empty bed you assumed belonged to Fili. He was still passed out, snoring. You smiled to yourself. There he was, your Prince Charming.
You reached for the book in your bag, which was hanging on the end of the bed you’d found yourself in.
The sun was up now, and streaming through the windows, so you opened the book and read the next couple of sections. What came next was the hike up to Erebor, then a confrontation with Smaug, and then, said dragon would be killed by Bard. You wished there was something you could do to stop the destruction. Smaug would destroy Laketown and kill many of the people who lived there. There would be survivors, sure, but…there must be some way to warn them, surely. But there was also the chance that if you told them to evacuate town, Bard might not be there to stop the dragon. You were pretty sure he was the only one who could.
You sighed. Sometimes your knowledge of things to come was a blessing. It had helped you protect the company, keep them ahead of schedule on their journey. Other times, like this, it made you feel guilty, even though there was no real way you could save the men of the village. Some things had to happen; Smaug’s death was one of them. And besides, you’d seen the Master, you knew he was skeptical of the dwarves as is. If he knew it was kind of their fault the dragon would be headed towards Laketown, you had no clue what would happen to them. Then none of you would make it to Erebor. In fact, he’d probably burn you at the stake for being a witch while he was at it.
“You ready to go?” Came Fili’s gruff whisper. He was all dressed and ready for a day on the town. Right. You’d agreed to go to the market with him.
“What time is it?” You asked, eyes bleary.
“Sometime after noon. The market is open. Thought I’d let you get some sleep, though.” He grinned and waggled his eyebrows at you. “You had quite the night last night, Book Keeper.”
You motioned to the rest of the dwarves that were still out cold. “I think we all did.”
You stretched and got out of bed, rummaging through your clothes for something suitable to wear and changed quickly before meeting Fili outside the house, your bag slung over your shoulder.
“Is there anything you need from the market today, Book Keeper?” Fili asked. “I scoped out the stalls earlier. The merchants have agreed to furnish us with anything we need before we leave.”
“Did you see anyone selling dresses?” You asked. “Not anything super fancy, just…clean and nice.”
“I saw some, yes. Any particular occasion?”
You paused, looking at him and the mischievous look in his eye. “Why, what do you know?”
“Oh nothing, nothing…” He shook his head, walking along. “I think I did see one. This way.”
Fili led you down through the market stalls to one run by a kindly old woman. She had several simple dresses. Vibrant greens and oranges. They were perfect now that the leaves were changing color. The orange would go well with your cloak, but the green would match the courting bead once it was made. Choices, choices…
“Hello, lass.” The old woman greeted you. “How can I help you today?”
“I’m looking for a dress.” You told her. “I love this green color.”
“It matches your ring, dear.” She smiled, noticing the gem around your finger.
“That’s what I thought, too.” You told her.
“Is it for any occasion in particular?”
Fili looked away, pretending to be distracted by something in the next stall.
“It is, actually. It doesn’t need to be anything very fancy, but…I’m planning on wearing it to tell the man I love that I want to court him.” You told her.
She gasped, her eyes twinkling. She took your hand in both of hers. “I have just the thing.”
She led you by the hand into her house and let you try on the perfect dress. Its fabric was soft, a deep emerald green. Along its hem, several wildflowers were embroidered with sage green and lavender thread. It was beautiful, though not too flashy, and it went perfectly with your ring.
It was absolutely perfect.
Though she insisted you didn’t have to pay her, wanting to give it to you for the occasion, you gave her most of the coins Gandalf allotted you at the beginning of the journey. You’d been saving them for something special, and this felt right.
Once you changed out of it, you met Fili back in front of the stall. He looked at you, expectant.
“I found one. It’s very nice.” You smiled, patting your bag. “Now, what did you need to buy?”
“…for your uncle?” You reminded him.
“Ah, right! For Uncle! Yes, um, just some provisions is all. More food, some supplies; rope and wood and things…”
“Mmhmm.” You hummed, unconvinced.
Fili led you through the market, purchasing a few things here and there. But you could tell he was just biding his time until he finally asked what he’d actually brought you there to talk about. “So um…It seems none of us have ever asked you how humans from your realm…court.”
You laughed in disbelief. “Oh my god.”
“It’s not for me!”
“I know that.” You shook your head.
Fili stared at you, waiting for more of a reply. “How might a dwarf go about that? About courting a human. A human woman. If he so wanted to. I don’t. No offense, of course, you’re lovely, Book Keeper.”
“Fili…” You hesitated for a long moment. You knew he and Kili were close. Beyond close, in fact. You trusted Bofur and Balin to keep your not-so-secret secret, but could you tell Fili without indirectly telling Kili?
Fili’s expression fell. “Do you not love him?”
Your took a breath, forming your words. “Fili, I love your brother more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life.”
He breathed in relief. “Thank Mahal…”
“It’s just that, um…Balin and Bofur are teaching me to smith a courting bead for him. Once we get to Erebor, I mean. I wish I could do it sooner, but I want to do it properly.” You breathed, fiddling with your claddagh ring nervously. “I want it to be perfect.”
Fili looked at you for a long time, his eyes soft. “You really do love him.”
You nodded. “I do.”
“Well…” He scratched the back of his neck. “He sent me here to get information on how to take matters into his own hands. My brother has never been…patient, let’s just say.”
You laughed. “Oh, I know.” You thought for a moment. “Just tell him…it’s a long, complicated, confusing process, but…flowers are usually a good start.”
“Is it actually complicated where you’re from?”
“Yes. I wish our customs were as straight-forward as yours. With humans, it’s all a guessing game. You go on a few dates together, but there’s always the question of who asks who out, and who pays for the meal and when do you have a first kiss, when do you take the next step, it’s all…experimenting and feeling things out. And sometimes, you think someone is really into you and they’re not and then your heart gets broken because they were acting like they liked you, but they didn’t and they just slowly stop talking to you altogether. Or maybe things moved too fast and it scared them away…so many things that could go wrong. And then you don’t know how many dates you go on before you’re actually considered dating, well, courting, I guess. Same thing, really. Could be three or four, could be a lot more than that…it’s rough.”
Fili was stunned silent for a long moment. “That does sound…awful.”
“It is.”
He looked around awkwardly, unsure of exactly what else to say. “So…what kind of flowers do you want?”
That night was the last night the company was staying in Laketown. Your efforts had bought the group some extra time to spend on the hike up to Erebor. You were spending the evening to yourself. The dwarves were out drinking in the pub, so you were in the house alone, preparing your things for more travel.
You sat on the bed you had claimed and went through your pack, organizing your clothes, folding them in piles. You pulled out your stack of polaroid photos and started shuffling through them. There were so many that you and the dwarves had taken over the course of the journey. The guys making silly faces, cooking dinner over a campfire, dancing and singing songs together, visiting all kinds of beautiful places together. You’d always known Middle Earth would be beautiful, but you had no idea the extent of it. And yet, after having been there for so long, it was beginning to feel more like home to you than the realm you’d come from.
You stared at one picture in particular, one of Thorin, Fili, and Kili all together. You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. It was about time you faced the inevitable. Your own personal quest to save the line of Durin was nearing every moment. You weren’t sure what to do about it. You hadn’t told anyone, obviously. You didn’t even know what they would say. And if you did tell them, there was the chance that it would make them nervous and even more likely to die. Or, worse, one of the others could die as well. That blood would be on your hands.
You found yourself wishing, now more than ever, that Gandalf was there so you could ask him for advice. He was the only one who would know that to do.
Instead, however, the first to wander back from the festivities was none other than Bilbo Baggins, a smile on his face and a wooden mug of something in his hand.
“(Y/N), what are you doing in here all alone?” He spotted the tears running down your face and stopped, his expression softening. “Are you alright?”
“I’m okay,” you nodded, sniffling and wiping away your tears as quickly as you could. “Just, uh, taking a little stroll down memory lane, I guess.” You held up some pictures and he nodded, walking closer.
“You know, if there’s anything you need to talk about, I’ve got open ears.” Bilbo offered, closing the door behind him. “I may not be as wise as Balin, but I like to think I’ve acquired some wisdom of my own on this trip.”
“Thank you.” You chuckled, nodding. “I appreciate it, Bilbo.” You let out a long, shaking sigh. “I really wish I could tell you what’s going on, but I don’t want to put you in harm’s way.”
Bilbo nodded, thinking for a long moment before replying. “Whatever it is you’re facing now…you’ve been carrying it for a while, haven’t you?”
“For longer than I’ve known any of you.” You admitted.
“Well, whatever it is you’re carrying…you don’t have to carry it alone. If you need to tell someone, it can be me. You’ve carried my burdens, let me share yours.”
“Okay, well…” You choked back a sob, pulling the book out of your bag. You flipped through the pages at the very back of it, scanning the tiny words carefully. What you hated the most about it was how easy it was to miss. Like an afterthought. One sentence that broke your heart a million times over.
You pointed and handed the book to Bilbo so he could read it for himself. You couldn’t bear the thought of reading the words out loud. “Am I allowed to read straight from the book?”
You nodded, so he allowed himself to scan over the words, and as soon as he did, he let out a sigh and shook his head.
“Wow, (Y/N), I’m so…” Bilbo exhaled. “You’ve known this the whole time?”
“That’s the reason I’m here. Gandalf told me…he said I’d be able to change it. To try at least.” You shook your head, new, hot tears trailing down your face. “I don’t know. I’m just…so scared.”
“You have every right to be.” Bilbo said. “And, especially now, with everything between the two of you…” He handed you the book back and looked you in the eye. “I am so sorry. Have you…have you spoken to Gandalf about it since then?”
“Not directly. He’s never here for long.”
“Ask for his advice. I’m sure he’ll know what to do.” Bilbo assured you. “And if he doesn’t, well…you and I are rather good at making plans together. We will figure this out.” He took your hands, very serious. “You’re not going to lose him, alright? I promise you.”
You sniffled and nodded, looking at him for a good, long moment before pulling him into your arms. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Book Keeper.”
The next morning, bright and early, just before the company was set to leave for Erebor, you knocked on Bard’s door, nervous. In your hand was a note, a warning about the dragon that was set to come for their town. You explained it as well as you could in a way that you hoped he would understand. It was inevitable, but if he was prepared, it might prevent damage to the town, save some lives.
When he opened the door, he had a dismissive look on his face before he saw that it was you.
“Oh. Hello. (Y/N), was it?”
“Yeah. Hi Bard. Um, so, you can take this with a grain of salt if you want, but I thought you should know.” You handed the note to him and he held it, hesitant.
He raised an eyebrow. “A prophecy from the Book Keeper?”
You nodded. “So it would seem. And thank you for helping the dwarves. I know they probably didn’t thank you properly. I’ll do my best to make sure they hold up their end of the bargain.”
He stared at you for a long moment. “Thank you. Best of luck to you.”
It was a weird moment when you stepped down from his stairs, back down to the dock where Kili was waiting for you. It felt significant. Bard had an impact on you when you’d read the story as a child. It felt…right to help him now. And you knew how important he’d be for the outcome of the story and everything that would come after Smaug’s death.
Not long after, the company boarded a boat and set off towards the shores nearest Erebor. It was beautiful. The waters were fairly calm, the sky was alight with color…You watched as Laketown got smaller and smaller behind you, the Lonely Mountain growing closer and closer.
You caught Kili squinting at the distant grass, searching for wildflowers, no doubt. You couldn’t stop your heart from melting at the sight.
“I bought some things at the market in Laketown. When we get camp set up, I’ll have Thorin send Kili and Fili out to scout for a bit.” Balin told you, his voice quiet. “And then we can get started.”
“Awesome.” You nodded, a chill running up your spine. It was finally happening. You stared at the ring around your finger and couldn’t help but smile thinking about its future. “Thank you, Balin.”
The old dwarf smiled, a twinkle in his eye. “Don’t mention it, dear. I’m quite excited myself.”
Six of the dwarves paddled the boat for a few hours. Not long after, they switched. Kili had been paddling during the first shift, so once he was finished, he plopped down in the seat beside yours, his leg resting against yours. He kept staring up at the Lonely Mountain, his eyes absolutely glimmering with excitement to finally have reached your destination.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” He asked, his voice soft and sentimental.
“It really is.” You agreed, nodding. You imagined years from now when the rest of the dwarves journeyed to Erebor from wherever they had gone to since, business bustling, children laughing. You knew it would be so beautiful. You hoped you’d get to stick around to see it. You still weren’t sure how it would work when everything was done.
Kili slipped his hand into yours and squeezed it excitedly, bringing it to his lips. You swore your heart skipped a beat. Any of the dwarves that witnessed this interaction laughed softly to themselves.
The boat landed some time later when the sun was beginning to tickle the tops of the hills nearby. Thorin decided to camp as far from the mountain as possible, as to, hopefully, not wake the dragon overnight, but he would have dwarves posted on guard all night just in case. He was ever-grateful you’d bought them an extra day of time. The following day was Durin’s day, which meant that around tomorrow evening, the dwarves would enter Erebor finally, and, inevitably, Bilbo would wake the dragon.
As soon as you got out of the boat, you spotted a crate not too far from the shore and scrunched your eyebrows at it. While the others started unloading things, you walked over to the big box and noticed a piece of paper sitting on top of it. Upon closer inspection, it was addressed to you.
“What is that, lass?” Dwalin asked, noticing your absence.
“It’s addressed to me.” You read the words in your head.
My Dear Book Keeper,
Do not stress to much over the days to come
It will all work itself out in the end.
Well done so far. Enjoy these with the company.
I’ll see you soon.
“It’s from Gandalf.” You told them, pushing the lid off of the crate to find a whole bunch of bottles of black cherry cream soda. “He brought us that cream soda I like.”
“I wonder what it tastes like…” Dori wondered.
“We’ll have it with dinner this evening.” Thorin declared. “For now, set up camp and keep an eye on the skies.” He stared up at the mountain for a long time. It would be quite the hike tomorrow, but you knew it would be well worth it.
Sometime after they got the boat unpacked, the camp set up, Thorin sent Kili and Fili out to scout and Balin and Bofur found you not long after, looking excited.
Balin took a tiny kit of jeweling tools out of his bag and unrolled it, showing you all the tools he had at your disposal.
“Alright, lassie, do you have an idea of what kind of design you’d like to do?”
“The bead should be pretty thick, right? Is this circumference okay, or should it be smaller?” You asked.
“Let me see.” Balin held out his hand and you carefully set the ring in his palm. He pulled out the little glass eyepiece he used for reading to examine it more carefully. “Kili’s hair is quite thin, so it might be wise to bring it in a little bit, but in terms of thickness, yes, it should be a thicker band.”
“I got some chains at the market. They’re silver, so they’ll match.” Bofur said, presenting a few broken pieces of jewelry he’d picked up at the market. Well, either he had picked them up or Nori had…borrowed them, one of the two. “Should add onto it quite nicely once it’s melted down.”
“Wait, is she courting Kili?” Ori asked, completely unaware until that very moment that something was going on between you and the youngest prince. “Why am I always the last to know?”
“She will be, but for now, keep quiet, lad.” Dwalin, roughed up Ori’s hair. He met your eyes over the fire and winked at you. “Would hate to ruin the surprise.”
The three of you worked quickly, with Balin and Bofur directing you through every step of the process. The other members of the party occasionally chimed in with advice. Thorin watched the whole exchange with proud eyes. He didn’t say much, but you could tell he approved.
And once it was finally done and cool enough to touch, you couldn’t stop looking at it.
“I think he’ll love it.” Bilbo said, smiling proudly.
“It is quite beautiful, (Y/N).” Thorin complimented. “Very impressive for your first work.”
“I had some really great teachers.” You said, emotion welling in your voice. You looked at all of the dwarves that were around you, Bilbo sitting among them as well. This was your family. These were your boys, and even with Kili and Fili out scouting for the moment, you still very much loved and appreciated each dwarf in attendance. “You guys really mean a lot to me. All of you. All of your advice, your comfort, your lessons…I will carry all of them with me for the rest of my life.”
“Don’t go all soft on us now, lass.” Dwalin tilted his head, compassion in his dark eyes. “We’ve got plenty of time for that.”
“Right.” You laughed softly, nodding.
“When are you going to do it?” Dori asked. He’d always been something of a hopeless romantic, as he’d told you. Loved the idea of young love and the innocence and beauty that came with it.
“I was going to wait until the day after tomorrow to do it. I can’t give too many details now, but…I don’t want to distract him while there’s still a dragon here.”
“That’s a good plan.” Balin put his hand on your arm. “Best of luck to you, dear, but I doubt you’ll need it.”
Kili and Fili came back sometime later, and once they did, the rest of the party finally got into the drinks Gandalf had sent. You’d all found some large logs to sit on around the fire. You’d tucked the bead into a pocket for safe keeping and were sitting there, staring into the flames when Kili approached, a bouquet of wildflowers in his hand. They were beautiful, purple stalks with smaller yellow flowers in between.
He seemed nervous, standing for a moment before deciding to sit on the log next to you. You could tell he was rehearsing in his head how to word what he was about to say next. Thinking about it, you had been a bit vague in the advice you’d given to Fili.
“These, um…I picked them for you.” He said, handing the bouquet to you. “I hope you…like them.”
“These are beautiful, Kili.” You assured him, holding the flowers and admiring them for a long moment. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” He nodded, taking a shaky breath. “I’m glad you think so.”
There was a moment of quiet and you could tell he was contemplating asking whether or not this meant you were courting now, but he didn’t say anything else, unsure of exactly what to say. So, you decided to fill the quiet.
Setting the flowers carefully on top of your bag, you took Kili’s hand and leaned on his shoulder. “I’m really glad I came here, Kili.”
“To Erebor?” He asked quietly.
“To Middle Earth.”
He squeezed your hand. “I am too.”
“It’s been a while since you’ve spoken of home, lass,” Dwalin pointed out. Everyone was circled up now, facing the fire and sipping on their bottles of black cherry cream soda.
“Yeah, you don’t talk about it much anymore.” Ori agreed, nodding.
“It’s…well, it’s pretty boring, honestly. I’m no fighter. I’m a writer. I’ve been writing a fantasy novel, ironically enough, but I got stuck and didn’t know where to take the story.” You shrugged, lifting your head from the dwarf prince’s shoulder, but not letting go of his hand. “There’s no elves or goblins or trolls or…magic there. We latch onto these stories of whimsy and adventure so much because we don’t have it where I’m from. It makes us feel alive.”
You were quiet for a moment, fetching the book from your bag.
“I’ve had this book since I was twelve years old. I had to read it for a class when I was in middle school. Usually I hated reading things I was forced to read, but…I knew this book was different. I could feel it, even then. A classic adventure, a quest to kill a dragon, but there was so much more to it. My friends and I were excited to read the assigned chapters every week to see what trouble you guys would get into and then fight your way out of. It was fun. And at the time we were reading it, they were also in the process of making movies about you guys.”
“What’s a movie?” Fili asked, seated on Kili’s other side.
“Oh. Right. Well, um…a movie is like a play. Kind of. Except the whole thing is recorded with a camera. Imagine if my Polaroid could make moving pictures with sound. It’s like that. Moving pictures with sound that tell a story. And so my classmates and I all took a trip to the theater together to see them and it was really special. I couldn’t imagine then that I’d ever be here, that I’d ever see these events with my own eyes, intervene in them. Even before I knew you guys existed, you had a really big impact on my life. You all got me through some tough times.”
“And you’ve gotten us through tough times.” Bilbo smiled. “I’d say we’re probably even now.”
“I don’t know. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay all of you for everything you’ve done for me. So I guess I’ll just have to stick around and keep trying.”
“Will you stay?” Kili asked, his voice quiet. “A long time ago you told me if you got the choice, you would. Is that still…how you feel?”
The company was quiet, waiting for your response.
“If I get to choose, I will absolutely stay here. If you’d all have me, of course.” You were looking at Kili now, your other hand joining the first, holding his. “I don’t think I could live in a realm that doesn’t have you in it.”
Kili leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead before pulling you into his arms. You reciprocated the hug immediately, surrendering to his warmth. You felt the tears trail down your cheeks. Unlike the night before, you weren’t sobbing, you weren’t sniffling. You were barely making any noise at all, but that didn’t seem to stop the tears from flowing.
“(Y/N), you will always have a place in our halls.” Thorin said, watching his nephew embrace you. “You and the Burglar both. You’re our kin now.”
“Once we get the library back in working order, we’ll need a Book Keeper.” Nori pointed out, causing the others to laugh.
You nodded and pulled away from Kili. He noticed your tears immediately and reached out to wipe them away.
“Oh, Amrâlimê, there’s no need for tears.”
“Someday you’re going to have to tell me what that word means,” you whispered, a soft laugh escaping you.
He smiled. “Soon.”
“Promise?” You held out your pinkie finger.
He stared at it for a long time. “What am I meant to do with this, Book Keeper?”
You reached for his hand and shaped his fingers, tucking them all down aside from his pinkie. “This is a very important human custom where I’m from. Sacred almost. Everyone pay attention.” You told the others, linking your pinkie with Kili’s. “We call this a Pinkie Promise. It’s an unbreakable oath.”
“Why are you just teaching us this now?” Fili laughed.
“Unbreakable, you say?” Kili laughed, his pinkie curling tighter around yours.
“Unbreakable. Now you have to tell me someday.”
He smiled. “Deal.”
You didn’t really get much sleep that night. Too much on your mind. The next morning, the dwarves packed up their supplies just as the sun was peeking over the horizon again. It was going to be quite the hike. Honestly, you were excited for it. It felt right, finally being there after everything you’d all been through to reach Erebor.
While getting ready for the day, you put some of the flowers Kili had given you in your hair, tucking them into the single braid that sat on your shoulder.
Kili gasped and you looked down at him, his eyes fixed on your bare finger, just now noticing that your ring was gone. “Amrâlimê, where’s your ring?”
“Oh.” Your eyes widened and you looked at your hand and then at him. “I guess it must have slipped off at some point.”
Kili started scanning the ground for something small and shiny. “Fili, help me look.”
“For what?”
“For (Y/N)’s ring!” Kili exclaimed, exasperated.
You bit your lip, unsure of what to do. You looked to Balin for advice, who shrugged, chuckling.
“We can look for a moment, but we must get going.” Thorin insisted. “We have no time to waste.”
“It’s okay, Kili,” you met his eyes.
“But your ring…”
You reached out and tilted his face up towards yours. “If it’s meant for me to have, it’ll find me again.
His eyes softened and he let out a breath. “You are wise beyond your years, you know.”
You shrugged, smirking. “Seems you guys have rubbed off on me.”
After the slight delay, the group got moving again, walking closer and closer to the base of the Lonely Mountain. There were footpaths up to the entrance, sure, but they were steep, and since the mountain had been uninhabited for so long, they had eroded in the weather, making it difficult to walk.
Kili went on ahead of you, offering his hand and tugging you up when the steps were too steep. Sometimes, he’d let his hand linger in yours, fiddling with your fingers. You would never forget the way he looked at you, like you were made of starlight. No person you had ever been romantically involved with had ever looked at you like that before. God, you wanted to kiss him so bad.
Finally, after hours of hiking, the group reached the landing where the secret door was hidden. You pulled out the book while one of the other dwarves consulted the map. The sun would be setting soon, so all there was to do was wait.
“Are we sure this is the spot?” Ori asked.
“Yes.” Thorin nodded. “Book Keeper?”
“We’re all good here. Just keep an eye out for the hole. Watch for it while the sun is setting just in case, but it should show up by the light of the moon.” You told them. “But yeah, make sure you double-check during the sunset, just to be safe.”
“Good, good.” The king nodded, resting for a moment. “The light of the moon?”
“Yeah. Would have been a real heart-breaking moment for a second until Bilbo spotted it when the sun went down and the moon came out. The rest of you all gave up, but he didn’t.” You told them, tucking the book away again. For a bit, you took a seat against the stone wall and drank some water, tired from the long hike.
“Are you alright? Is there anything you need?” Kili asked, kneeling in front of you.
“I’m just a little tired. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing well.” He settled in, sitting with you. “Those flowers look very beautiful in your hair like that.”
“You picked some lovely ones, what can I say?”
“Are they…adequate?” He wondered, his eyes sincere and unsure.
“They are perfect.” You assured him, taking both of his hands in yours. You so wished you could just do it here and now, just tell him everything and ask to braid that beautiful hair of his. But it was so close to the door opening. There were bigger things to deal with, more important matters at hand. “Kili…”
“Yes, Amrâlimê, what is it?” He searched your eyes.
“Can I sleep on your leg? I didn’t get very much sleep last night and things are about to get…difficult when that door is opened…”
“Oh. Yes, of course, come here.” He adjusted into a position that would be comfortable for you.
You laid down, using his thigh as a pillow, pulling your cloak around yourself as a blanket.
“Get some rest, Book Keeper.” Balin told you. “I have a feeling we’ll need you once we’re inside.”
You nodded and let yourself close your eyes. And when you did, you felt Kili’s careful fingers playing with your hair, gently lulling you to some well-needed sleep.
When you awoke, the sun was setting and the dwarves were watching carefully for the keyhole to open. Kili had not moved at all. His hand was still playing with your hair. You hummed and stretched, turning to look up at him. He smiled once he saw your face.
“You sleep well?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, sitting up. “Thank you.”
“Just in time.” Bilbo said.
The sun continued to dip beneath the hills, and soon, the moon emerged. Sure enough, there was the keyhole. You smiled. You were right. Of course you were, but it still felt good. However, you knew what else this night would bring.
“There it is…” Thorin murmured, holding up the key as the thrush knocked against the stone.
“We’ve done it. We finally made it.” Balin was clearly getting emotional, his voice betraying him.
Dwalin put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, nodding. The dwarves all stood at attention, watching anxiously as Thorin slipped the key into the hole and turned it. The door gave way, drifting open into the Lonely Mountain.
Kili’s breath stuttered and when you looked at him, his eyes were watering. You took his hand, giving it a supportive squeeze. You knew how long he’d been waiting for this moment. He’d grown up hearing tales of Erebor, their stolen homeland, and had longed to return.
Balin and Thorin lead the other dwarves inside tentatively, touching the stone walls and looking at the carvings upon them. Balin explained one of the carvings, one depicting the Throne of the Kings with the Arkenstone sitting in it, its rays of light shining out, representing the seven dwarven kingdoms.
“I cannot believe it.” Fili whispered, eyes watering as well.
The dwarves were careful to not make too much noise, but they all spent a lot of time embracing each other, celebrating silently before going back outside to wait for the Burglar to scope out the scene. Bilbo did, however, pull you aside to ask for some advice before heading down.
“Balin has requested I retrieve the Arkenstone if I find it…What advice do you have on the matter?”
“You’ll find it down there.” You knelt down to whisper in his ear, as to not be overheard. “Hold onto it. Keep it somewhere safe. You’ll need it for…the days to come. But don’t tell the others.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “Thank you.”
“When, um…when we hear the dragon start moving, we’ll come down to help. It’ll all work out.” You were confident on the matter, and that helped instill a bit of confidence in him as well. “Any other questions?”
“No, I don’t think so.” He shrugged. “Here goes nothing.”
“Master Burglar,” Kili approached suddenly, a tentative look on his face. “I have a request as well…”
“I’ll see you outside.” You told Kili before leaving the both of them there.
Fili was waiting outside with the others on the balcony where you were all waiting together. You hadn’t told them exactly what was coming, but they knew they’d need to be on alert.
“Did he tell you what he’s requesting from Bilbo?” You asked Fili.
“I’m sworn to secrecy, Book Keeper.” Fili chuckled. “He made me do a Pinkie Promise and everything.”
You laughed at that. “Well, I could never ask you to break a Pinkie Promise.”
A short while later, Kili came out to stand with the others. You looked at him, curious, but he didn’t tell you what he’d asked for, only brushed the hair out of the front of your face, warmth in his eyes.
“What now, Book Keeper?” asked Dwalin, his hands resting on his belt.
“Now we wait.” You told them. “Shouldn’t be long. Maybe an hour or so. And then we’ll need to go in there and save him.”
“Does he—”
“He knows.” You assured Dori, who looked concerned for your hobbit’s wellbeing. “I told him. We’ll go down there and drive the dragon out and then…he won’t be our problem anymore.”
“And just how do we do that?” Thorin asked.
You reached into your bag and opened the book, flipping to pretty close to the end of it. “In the book, he just kind of gets pissed off and leaves. I doubt it will be that simple, though.”
“Is it ever?” Ori whined, leaning back against the stone wall.
You spent the next hour listening for any tiny sound that would signify Smaug had awoken and was chasing Bilbo. Nothing yet. You decided that waiting was the worst part, especially when you had a faint idea of what would happen next.
“Something bad is going to happen, isn’t it?” Kili asked, his voice a mere whisper. “That’s what you’ve been so stressed about lately.”
“Everything with Smaug is…easy compared to what comes after.” You confessed. Until that moment, you thought you’d been hiding it well, but Kili saw right through the façade. “That’s what I’m worried about.”
“Mmm…” Kili nodded, taking your hand in his, admiring your fingers before bringing it to his lips. “I will not let anything happen to you. None of us will.”
You nodded, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him it was him you were worried about.
Soon enough, there was a loud rumbling from within the mountain. You all got to your feet and rushed inside, down the spiraling staircases to the massive treasure hoard of Thror. It was…even more massive than you could have possibly imagined. And at the center of it all, was Bilbo, scrambling to get away from the massive beast.
You gulped. There he was. Smaug the Terrible. Big, monstrous, and coming straight at all of you. Fire welled in the dragon’s throat and you all ducked behind a marble staircase.
“You dare challenge me, dwarves?! Over the inconsequential life of one little hobbit?!”
“You think yourself so terrible, Smaug?! You underestimate our strength!” Thorin bellowed. The group split up, distracting the dragon, going separate ways all with one goal: the forges.
Unsure of where you were going, you, Kili, and Fili followed quickly after Thorin, down, down, down the massive fortress into its depths. Erebor was impossibly large, and, seeing it for the first time, you doubted you’d ever learn your way around it.
Smaug’s fiery breath nearly scathed you a few times. Its heat was close and scorching, giving you an even better motivator to keep moving. Eventually, the group all made it down to the forges. You counted the heads as quickly as you could, and when you did, you sighed in relief. This didn’t last long, however, as Smaug quickly rose from the stairwell, peeking through the massive gate that barred him from entering the forge.
The dwarves took cover behind massive metal beams, as did you, however, Smaug didn’t breathe fire, as you’d expected him to. Instead, you heard him land on the other side of the gate, an intrigued growl forming in his throat. You heard a loud clang and then felt his sharp claws cut through your pants as he scratched you, reaching carefully between the large metal bars.
You let out a yelp and collapsed to the floor, using your arms to scurry back, out of his range. It seemed you were bleeding, but it didn’t look like it was too deep.
“You.” He hissed, his eye staring at you, helpless on the ground. “You do not belong here.”
“M-Me?” You asked, staring up at him. The dwarves moved uncertainly, some of their eyes on you, some of their eyes on the beast.
“Yes, you. Mortal girl with the ears of an elfling.” His eyes narrowed and then he snarled, “Book Keeper. You reek of the Mortal Realm.”
Your eyes widened and your heart began pounding even harder in your chest. “I—”
“It’s endearing, really. That you think your existence here matters.” He shook his head. “That you could save them from me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. That was not the way the story went. It never had been. Although maybe Smaug’s dragon-sized ego had caused him to overlook that part.
“Leave her!” Kili shouted, rushing in front of you and leaving the safety of his post.
“Kili, don’t—!” But that didn’t stop him from pulling you off of the floor, supporting your weight with an arm around your waist, a weapon in his other hand, pointed at the dragon.
Kili’s expression darkened, fire in his eyes. “Harm her again and it’ll be the last thing you ever do. I swear it.”
Smaug laughed. “The dwarf cares for you? Despite the fact that you have no right to exist here? Hilarious. And pathetic.”
“She has every right!” Fili joined his brother and your heart raced even faster as every other dwarf and Bilbo stood in front of you, ready to defend you from the massive dragon beyond the gate.
“You know how this story ends, don’t you?” Smaug asked, his voice arrogant. He took a few heavy steps further. “You cannot win. There is no happily ever after. Not for you and certainly not for them.” You could see the fire welling in his chest, and before you could even comprehend what was happening, the fire exploded from his mouth.
It was too late. You nor the dwarves had time to take cover. It would all be for nothing. The journey, your friendship, all of your moments with them…burned to ash.
In that same moment, your hand shot forward, and as if by magic, the flames dispersed as though hitting an impenetrable bubble, a halo protecting you, Bilbo, and the dwarves.
A tear streaming down your cheek, you stood there, hand extended, protecting them with whatever magic this was, whatever power had been hidden inside you all along. Your gaze hardened and though you couldn’t see it, your eyes shined gold like the endless treasures inside the mountain. “I’m writing my own ending, slug.”
Smaug’s fire fizzled and he gasped as though it was being stolen from him, pulled straight from his mouth. He coughed. His chest lit orange, like he was preparing to breathe more fire, but the light inside of him flickered before going out completely. His eyes narrowed at you. “What have you done?!”
“Not sure. Want to find out what else I can do?”
Snorting angrily, Smaug turned around. You heard the breaking of stone and then nothing.
Your knees wobbled, a wave of exhaustion washing over you as you lowered your hand. The dwarves all murmured in amazement and confusion as the dragon fled. You collapsed, but Kili caught you on the way down, his strong arms softening the blow of your knees on the cold marble floors.
“How…how did you…?” Bilbo mumbled, confused.
“I don’t know.” You told him. “I…I don’t have any magic.”
“Well, that certainly looked like magic to me, lass.” Balin said, impressed with your work.
Dwalin smiled, proud. “I knew you had it in you.”
“Let’s make sure he’s left before getting too comfortable.” Thorin insisted.
“Good plan.” You told him, trying to stand, but finding your strength depleted.
Thorin shook his head. “Book Keeper, stay here. You’ve done enough for us for one night. Oin, gather supplies to treat her wound. Kili, you stay with her until she’s fit to move again.”
“I will.” Kili nodded, watching as the others left.
You exhaled a shaking breath, collapsing into his arms. Kili knelt there with you for a long moment, your breathing heavy, shoulders shaking. He held you, careful but firm, his touches deliberate and comforting.
After a while, you pulled away to look up at him, ash smeared on his face and pure starlight in his eyes.
“Kili…” Your eyes watered, voice wobbling. “You…”
“It’s alright.” He brushed the tear from your cheek. “We’re alright, look at me.”
You choked out a sob, staring at him for a long moment before finally, finally…
One of your hands rose to his cheek, tilting his face up to yours. You looked into his eyes for a moment and then leaned in, pressing your lips to his. He reciprocated immediately, like he’d been kissing you for centuries, his lips exploring yours, passionate and soft. Your heart pounded as your noses clashed, your hand wandering back into his hair and his strong arms tugging your body closer to his, chests flush with one another. The feeling of his scruff against your skin was everything you’d imagined it’d be that drunken night in the tavern.
After several minutes, you finally pulled apart, resting your forehead against his, your breathing heavy.
“It means ‘My Love.’” He told you, stopping to take a long, shaking breath. “Amrâlimê. It means ‘My Love.’ And I call you that because…you are my One. I’ve known since that night in the Shire when I turned the corner and saw you standing there.”
“Kili…” Your voice was soft. “The whole time?”
“I didn’t want to…scare you off.” He chuckled at the ridiculous notion. “I know humans don’t have Ones, even here. But that is no excuse. I should have told you so long ago. My brother has made that known at every opportunity.”
You slipped your bag off of your shoulder and onto the floor, reaching into it for a very special pouch. “I didn’t lose my ring.”
His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
You tilted the pouch’s contents into your palm and held up the courting bead you had created from it instead. “I…”
“Is this a courting bead?” He asked, disbelief heavy in his tone and tears welling in his eyes. “You…you made this? You’d give up your ring…?”
“For you.” You set it in his palm and cupped his face in both of your hands. “I love you, Kili. I love you so much, and…if you’d let me, I’d like to braid your hair, court you the proper dwarf way.”
He let out a sob, throwing his arms around you and holding you tight. “I…I thought you’d never ask.” He pulled away to press another passionate kiss to your lips. “B-but my bead isn’t finished yet. I…I asked Bilbo to find an emerald for me, the finishing touch.” He touched his nose to yours, smiling softly. “They’ll match.”
“I can wait as long as you need me to.” You assured him, kissing him again, and then one more time for good measure. “I would wait a century for you, Kili.”
“I can’t believe this is happening…” He smiled into another kiss. “We must tell the others. Can you walk?”
“I think so.” You nodded, the two of you getting to your feet.
You were a little wobbly, but Kili took one of your arms around his shoulder, supporting you every step of the way. Sure, your leg hurt a bit, but you could hardly think about it after everything that had just transpired.
Eventually, you both came upon the other dwarves, who had started clearing out the commons. Some of them, Balin and Bilbo and Thorin, were out on a balcony, watching Smaug as he flew off towards Laketown. Oin had set up a makeshift infirmary in the corner of the room, and as soon as Fili saw you and his brother enter, he rushed over, taking your other arm and helping you to the cot.
“Does it hurt?” Kili asked as they set you down and Oin started examining the mark.
“A little.” You winced as the older dwarf poked at it.
“It’s not too deep and the bleeding has already stopped.” Oin noted. “It will probably hurt for a few days, but it should heal up just fine, lass.”
“Thank you, Oin.”
“I’ll apply a salve and get you wrapped up.”
Oin rummaged through his supplies while Bilbo rushed into the room, an excited expression on his face. “They shot Smaug down! The people of Laketown, they shot him down before he even reached the edge of town!”
The dwarves burst into joyful celebration, but you sat there in shock. Huh. Maybe warning Bard had some unforeseen consequences…
“Oh shit.” Your eyes widened. “He didn’t…burn the town down?” As Oin tended to your wound you reached for the book, desperately flipping to the end.
“He…he didn’t have any fire.” Bilbo said, his voice quiet.
“That…might be a problem.” You told him, taking your lip between your teeth. “Or not…? I really…wow, I didn’t see that coming.”
Before anyone could say anything else, Thorin and Balin returned to the fold, accompanied by none other than Gandalf the Gray. The relief was palpable as soon as you saw him. Good. At least now you’d have him to talk to.
When he spotted you amongst the dwarves, a mischievous twinkle gleamed in his wise old eyes. “Ah, the Book Keeper. Making a splash, I see.”
“Yeah, it seems like it.”
“There is much we must discuss.” Gandalf said. “Oin, are you done with her?”
“Aye.” Oin nodded. You stood and followed Gandalf further into the depths of Erebor, out of earshot of the other dwarves. As you were walking away, you spotted Kili in the corner of your eye as Bilbo handed him what appeared to be the aforementioned emerald.
“So, where do we even begin…?” Gandalf murmured, lighting his pipe as he settled into the chair at the end of the table that appeared to have been the grand dining room a long time ago. There was quite a bit of dust. “I suppose we’ll start with something light; How’s Kili?”
You laughed. “Kili is good. No poisoned arrow to the leg, no near-death in Laketown…and um, we’re actually…well, we’ll be courting soon.”
“Dwarvish courting rituals?” Gandalf raised his eyebrows. “I must say, I’m impressed. Show me the bead.”
You pulled it out of its pouch and handed it to the wizard, who smiled a knowing smile once he examined it.
“I thought that claddagh ring might come in handy, although I must admit, not for this exact purpose.” He noted, smug. “Congratulations! Well, onto the…other matters at hand…Laketown seems to be rather in-tact, does it not?”
“Yeah, that, um…just happened. Smaug got me in the leg, one thing came to another, and he breathed fire at us, but I…stopped it? I think. With a…well, with like a force-field. A bubble around me and the others.”
“Oh…very interesting indeed…” Gandalf thought on this for a moment, inhaling from his pipe before letting the smoke tumble from his lips. “That is something I did not foresee.”
“I think it…weakened Smaug. It was like I stole his fire.” Your voice came out soft and uncertain. “That’s probably why…”
“Very possible.” He nodded. “Well, I suspect that soon, the Master and the rest of the town will be here, demanding their pay.”
“You don’t think that’ll change?”
“I doubt it. And Thranduil and his forces are on their way as well. It seems the Battle of Five Armies is still coming.”
You were quiet for a long time. “Um…Gandalf…”
His voice softened when he saw the look on your face. “Yes, my dear, what’s wrong?”
“I can save him, right? That’s why I’m here? To save them?” You asked, your voice catching.
Gandalf reached across the table, letting his hand settle on top of yours. “I picked you for a reason, (Y/N). I would not have chosen you if I didn’t believe it could be done. And now that you are here…you are not alone. I think you know that.”
You nodded. You blinked and a tear slipped down your cheek.
“You know what they say, my dear, love is unpredictable. It seems you’ve recently learned just how powerful it can be.”
“Thank you.”
He gently wiped the tear from your cheek. “Don’t thank me yet. Celebrate with the dwarves. Celebrate with your beloved. You’ve earned it. I’ll be seeing you soon.”
Gandalf spoke with the rest of the company briefly before leaving, you assumed, to see where the elves were setting up camp, if they really were that far in their journey. You hoped you’d at least get a few days of peace before the war broke out. You needed it.
Bombur cooked up one hell of a dinner and Dori had gone digging through the wine cellars to find something extra special for the company to celebrate with. Oin had changed your bandages once, but when he did, he noticed that your wound had already mostly closed up. You were going to be just fine. Well, physically anyway.
You’d changed into the dress you’d gotten in Laketown, the green one embroidered with purple wildflowers, not unlike the ones Kili had given you.
“You look lovely.” Fili complimented. “Is that the one from the market?”
“It is.” You smiled and did a little spin. “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“Take a look for yourself.” Fili motioned tilted his head towards his brother on the other side of the room, staring at you with stars in his eyes. Fili’s hand touched your shoulder before he walked off with Bofur and Dwalin to get everything ready for the feast.
Kili walked to you, staring up at you in awe. He gently touched the fabric of your dress. “Is this new? I’ve never seen you wear this before.”
“I got it in Laketown.” You confirmed. “Do you like it?”
“Oh, Amrâlimê, I love it.” He brushed the loose hairs out of your face, and pulled yours down to his, kissing you gently. “Emerald green happens to be my favorite color.”
“It does?”
“Well, it’s my second favorite color.” He admitted, his voice soft. “My first favorite is the color of your eyes.”
Your heart welled with warmth and your lips crashed against his once more, his kiss stealing the air from your lungs until you were interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. So, laughing, the two of you joined the others for the celebration.
You all settled in the dining hall Gandalf had taken you to. Some of the dwarves had cleaned up a bit, dusting areas where you’d be eating. Balin got some of the torches going to bring light to the place. It was so big. The ceilings were impossibly high, the walls carved into green marble. It was a place that had been expertly crafted by the most talented architects around, you were sure of it. There was care and skill put into every detail.
“Would you like some wine, Book Keeper?” Dori asked, a bottle in his hand.
“Just a little this time. I think we all remember what effect alcohol has on me.”
The others laughed softly. You were in the seat beside Kili’s and he kept resting his hand on your thigh beneath the table, the warmth of his hand causing similar warmth to pool in your stomach.
“You two look rather glowing this evening.” Fili smirked. “Any news you’d like to share with the rest of us?”
“Ah, yes.” Kili cleared his throat and the chattering dwarves all sat at attention. “Uncle, if I may…”
“Please do.” Thorin nodded his head, expectant.
“Our beautiful Book Keeper has presented me with a courting bead.” Kili said, his hand slipping into yours. “And I have obviously accepted her proposal because…she is my One. We’ll begin our courtship after tonight’s feast.”
The company burst into cheers and applause that echoed off of the walls of the dining hall.
Thorin reached to his nephew, putting a hand atop Kili’s. “Congratulations, nephew.” He looked to you. “And congratulations, (Y/N).”
“Thank you, your highness.” You nodded your head.
“No, no more titles.” Thorin shook his head. “You are one of us now. You can refer to me as Thorin, if you wish.”
You knew in your heart that he was right. This was your family. These were your people. And now, more than ever, you were honored to be surrounded by them.
“Tomorrow, we’ll have a meeting discussing further steps and the things to come, but tonight, we have much to celebrate.” Thorin announced.
The feast that followed was perhaps the best celebration you’d experienced with them thus far. Some of the dwarves got very intoxicated, including Ori, who was laying on the floor in front of the fireplace, mumbling something about cheese. Fili and Kili had a few drinks together, but Kili had stopped drinking before the others to prepare for what was to come.
Fili, Gloin, and Dori left for a while at some point and when they returned, Fili whispered something to his brother who laughed and thanked him. After a while, everything seemed to calm down. Some of the dwarves wandered the halls to find a place to sleep, and Kili took that as his opportunity to escort you to the bedrooms.
In a place the size of Erebor, there were countless bedrooms, but Kili led you down the halls to what you felt was a very sacred place, lit with torches. And along the floor, there was a trail of wildflower petals, not unlike the kind Kili had given you, leading into one of said bedrooms.
“These are the rooms set aside for the royal family.” Kili explained, kissing your hand. “The one at the end of the hall is for the king. The one next door is the one set aside for Fili because he is the heir, and this one has been prepared for us.” He pushed open the door, and led you inside, closing the door behind you.
The flower petals trailed to the edge of the king-sized bed, which had been dusted and dressed with fresh bedding. The entire room was clean. There was a pair of large closets carved into the wall, a large window with a bench seat beneath it, a large desk and a giant bookshelf. The torches were lit, casting the room in warm firelight, although you could imagine just how stunning it would be once the sun came up and started streaming through the windows.
On the desk, there was a vase filled of the wildflowers Kili had picked for you, their colors still as beautiful and vivid as when he’d first presented them to you.
“Do you like it?” He asked, searching your eyes.
“It’s perfect, Kili.” You reassured him, squeezing his hand. You reached into your bag and pulled out the pouch containing the courting bead. “How do we do this?”
He grinned, cheeky. “What, the other’s didn’t tell you the specifics?”
You smirked. “Let’s just say I’m a hands-on learner.”
Kili pulled you in for a kiss, his lips a little firmer now than they had been during your previous kisses, a hand wandering into your hair. While your lips were on his, he tugged you to the bed by your hips and the two of you sat on its edge side by side. He lingered for a long moment before pulling away to reach into his pocket.
Very carefully, he presented his courting bead. It was a little thinner than the one you’d made for him, a more intricate band with a swirling silver design, some leaves carved into the precious metal. In the center of it, was a beautiful glimmering emerald cut into an oval. You gasped when you saw it. Kili had obviously been working on this for quite some time.
You immediately teared up. “Oh my god, it’s beautiful.”
He grinned. “I’m glad you think so.” Kili rested his forehead against yours, his lips mere inches away. “I’m sorry it took me so long, Amrâlimê. I’m sorry all of this has taken so long. If I could do it all over again, I’d have told you the way I felt that first night in the Shire. I have wasted so much time unable to kiss you. And oh, how I have wanted to kiss you.”
You kissed him, your movements long and slow. You felt him smile against you before you mumbled, “That makes two of us.”
“Until recently, I didn’t know that the men of your kind were supposed to initiate courting—sorry, dating." He admitted. “Fili um…”
“I know. He told me.” You chuckled.
Kili laughed sheepishly. “Oh.”
“There’s no real hard and fast rule, but generally speaking, it usually is the men that make the first move.” You told him, a thumb rubbing his cheek. “I don’t mind waiting, though. I’m pretty patient. And the flowers you picked for me are very beautiful.”
“So it starts with flowers. What comes after?”
“It doesn’t always start with flowers, but they are definitely a good way to tell someone you’re interested. After that, they usually ask you on a date. They’ll take you somewhere, a restaurant or a theater or somewhere more creative than that. They might hold your hand or kiss you. If the date goes well, you usually plan another one.”
He smiled, his eyes exploring yours. “That sounds fun.”
“It is sometimes.”
“And then what?”
“And then, after a handful of dates, they ask you to be their partner, their boyfriend or girlfriend. And you keep going on dates and getting to know eachother. Sometimes you move in together, sometimes you wait. And after a long while, they propose.”
“Right. Um, they propose a marriage engagement. A betrothal, I guess you would call it.”
“Ah.” He smiled, nodding as he took in the information. “Well, I will need more details on how to properly do that when the time comes.” Kili took your hands. “But for now, I’m going to teach you how to do courtship braids.”
Kili fetched a brush from the desk and returned to you, gently brushing the tangles out of your hair. “Now, the courtship braids are typically done to mirror one another, so that when we’re standing side by side, they’ll be next to each other.” He told you, pressing a kiss to your cheek and then your neck.
You flushed at his warmth, at the softness of his lips against your tender skin. “That’s romantic.”
“It is.” He agreed. “Which side would you like yours on?”
“The right.”
Kili began to very expertly braid the hair on the right side of your head. It was something similar to the French braids you’d done as a girl, although it didn’t incorporate all of your hair. It sat in the middle of the hair on the right side of your head, some hair in front of and behind it. Once he reached the ends of your hair, he secured it with the courting bead he had spent so long crafting.
And then, you did the same to him, on the left side of his head. He talked you through the process with encouragement and soft laughter, and at the end, you decided it looked pretty good. Kili helped you secure it in a way that would ensure it wouldn’t come out. The bead looked good against his dark hair, contrasting well.
Once it was in place, Kili cupped your face in his warm, calloused hands, touching his nose to yours. He exhaled a long breath.
“I love you, (Y/N).” He said the words slowly, significantly. They sat heavy on his tongue. He gazed into your eyes. “I want to build a life with you and now that we’re here…it finally feels real.”
“I know what you mean,” you whispered. “I can’t imagine a life without you in it.”
You knew then that the two of you were sitting in the eye of the storm, that in a few days or maybe longer, there would be elves and men and orcs at the front gates of Erebor, ready for battle. You didn’t know what the future held, not for certain. But you knew as long as you lived, you would always love Kili, whether or not you got to spend that time by his side.
You had loved Kili since he was mere paper and ink to you, you loved him now that he was flesh and blood and warmth, and you would love him forever, even if he was just a distant memory.
And so, you kissed him with a little more passion that night, held him a little tighter in your arms, relished in the feeling of his skin against yours, his hair between your fingers, and his lips slotted to your own. You loved him like it was your last night together, and for all you knew, it was.
The next morning, sun streamed through the window, casting the room in color and light. By the time you opened your eyes, Kili was still asleep on the pillow beside you, deep snores rumbling from his lips and one of his thick arms around your waist. His courting bead glistened in his braid, the only one adorning his soft hair.
You admired him for a long, quiet moment. He looked so peaceful. Your handsome prince. You pondered it for a bit, what your wedding might look like. What your life together would look like after. The details were fuzzy and uncertain, but your heart ached to know, to get that chance when all the dust had settled.
His face did look rather human, you supposed, taking his face into consideration now that you finally had a good, long, intimate look at it. The others in the company, aside from maybe Thorin and Fili, all had a very different look about them, something more distinctly dwarvish that you couldn’t put a finger on. Perhaps it was their noses. But Kili…if he were a little taller, he’d fit seamlessly into your own realm, you were sure.
You laughed internally at the thought. You weren’t sure what Kili would think of your realm, in all honesty. It was quite different than the one you had spent the last several months in, that was for sure.
Kili stirred, blinking a few times before his eyes truly settled on you, bathed in sunlight on the pillow in front of him. He smiled.
“Good morning.” He whispered, his voice impossibly deep with sleep. He reached up to brush the stray hairs out of your face. “You know, I had quite the dream last night.”
“Whatever might it have been about?”
“It had something to do with…you and I…” He murmured, scooching closer, his arms pulling you so close to him that you now shared just one pillow, mere inches between your faces. His leg slotted between your legs and his lips did not hesitate to begin exploring your own.
You smiled against him, a hand wandering into his hair to keep his face close to yours while the other found itself curled against his hairy chest. He deepened the kiss, drawing a hum from the depths of your throat.
He stopped to look at you.
“You know, I think I had the same dream.” You told him, eyes scanning every detail of his face, committing it all to memory. You wanted to remember this, how you felt in this exact moment, the honeymoon-like bliss of this first morning.
“Really…” He murmured in mock shock. “How strange.”
“Very.” You giggled a bit before finally confessing, “Kili, is now a bad time to tell you I’ve had a crush on you since I was twelve?”
His face lit up, that youthful smile you’d fallen in love with quick to overtake his features. “I knew it!” He laughed triumphantly. “I knew there was something in your eyes that night. That’s why you recognized me before you recognized the others.”
You smiled, coy. “Perhaps.”
He stole another long kiss.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” You smirked.
He grinned, mischievous. “Pshh, me? Never. But I don’t think it’ll come as a shock to the others that I’ve been your favorite dwarf since the very beginning. You’re not very good at hiding it, you know.”
“Really. Good to know; I’ll have to make more of an effort, then.”
He touched the tip of his nose to yours. “Well…I wouldn’t worry about hiding it too much. I think they can handle the news. They’ll just have to accept the fact that I’ve won the race to your heart.”
“There wasn’t anyone else in the running. It’s only ever been you.”
Kili smirked, kissing you one last time before saying, “I know.”
The two of you got dressed for the day and walked down to breakfast together, hand in hand. Bilbo perked up at the sight of you, smiling warmly when he saw your matching braids tied with matching beads.
“Good morning, lovebirds.”
“Morning, Bilbo.”
“Sleep well?” The hobbit asked innocently, sipping a cup of tea.
Gloin chuckled and muttered, “I’m not sure they did much sleeping, lad,” which caused said hobbit to promptly choke on said tea.
You laughed and sat down in the spot you’d been sitting the night previous, beside Kili, who got you each a serving of food. By now, he knew all of your favorites by heart. He set the plate in front of you and punctuated it with a long kiss on your cheek. Now this you could get used to.
It was so nice to have everything out in the open, not that it had been that much of a secret before. Now there was just one last challenge to conquer, that of your lover’s impending doom.
The rest of the dwarves trickled in slowly, grabbing some breakfast before taking a seat at the long table. Thorin was the last of them and he looked absolutely exhausted. There were dark bags beneath his eyes, a slowness to his step. He sat at the end of the table all at once. It could have been the new environment causing this, you reasoned. An unfamiliar bed, an unfamiliar peace and quiet that he hadn’t been accustomed to on the road. There was, however, a little voice in the back of your head that warned of what would happen to Thorin because of all of the gold in that seemingly endless treasure room.
You’d forgotten about it until now, and you deeply hoped you were wrong.
Your concerns subsided a bit when he noticed the beads in yours and Kili’s hair and smiled, proud of his nephew. Thorin was still in there. He could be reasoned with, you were sure. Although, you weren’t sure how long that would last.
Once he got some food, he started the meeting.
“So, Book Keeper, Smaug is dead. What comes next?”
You were quiet for a moment, figuring how best to word it. “So…they call it the Battle of Five Armies.”
“Battle…?” some of the dwarves murmured.
“The five armies being the dwarves, the men of Laketown, the elves of Mirkwood, and two groups of orcs, or, in some interpretations, the orcs and their wargs. It’s…well, it’s not good. First, the men and the elves will come. The men will want compensation for slaying Smaug, and also the gold they were promised while we were in town. The elves come because…well, because Thranduil wants pretty elvish gems or something…”
Thorin nodded. “The white gems. I am familiar.”
“Right. And the orcs come because…they’re orcs. I don’t really know their motivation other than the fact that they crave violence. When the orcs arrive, the elves and men aid us in the battle, but there are…casualties.” You said the word carefully, trying to hide how much it hurt. You knew Kili noticed, though. Sometimes, you swore he felt your emotions.
“Are there more dwarves than just us, lass?” Dwalin spoke up, leaning against the table as he weight the information you were presenting.
“Yes. I believe you call for your cousin, Dain and his forces. They arrive and they do fight alongside everyone else.”
“I’ll send for him today, then.”
You nodded. “That would probably be a good idea, yeah. Um, Gandalf said he was going to check on the status of things, to see where the elves were, I think.”
Thorin was quiet for a moment before asking the one question you were fearing. “And what of the Arkenstone? Is it here?”
“It is here. Somewhere. I’m not sure exactly where though. The book tends to skim over details like that sometimes.” It wasn’t technically a lie. You didn’t know where it was, although you did have a pretty good estimate…
Thorin nodded, his face serious. He thought for a long moment. “We’ll need to get the forges going as soon as possible, ready armor and weapons for battle. The bedrooms and kitchens will need to be prepared. We are about to have several guests…”
The king beneath the mountain designated roles to the party to prepare the place for war. Balin stayed at the table to ask you further questions.
“So what are we to do when they arrive at the gates, lass?” He quieted his voice despite the fact that the king had gone down to the treasure room with his nephews to look for the Arkenstone. “Would Thorin not have honored his promise?”
“He, um…” You shook your head. “Things are going to get weird around here. He succumbs to dragon sickness; it clouds his judgement. He breaks his promise to the men and hesitates to join the fight at all, despite the fact that his people are out there fighting the attacking orcs. I’m hoping we can steer him otherwise this time around, but…it might be difficult to break through to him.”
“If anyone can, I’m sure it’s us.” Balin nodded. His face fell, though, before he asked the next question on his mind. “And these…casualties?”
You were quiet for a long, long moment. You opened your mouth to speak, but instead, you burst into tears.
“Oh, lass…” Balin stepped closer, putting an arm around you to comfort you.
You flipped to the page in the book and handed it to Balin, marking the second time ever someone other than you had gotten a glimpse inside of it, and at that same section, too. Balin read it silently and nodded, solemn.
“I feared as much.”
“It’s…that’s the reason I’m here at all.” You finally admitted, wiping the tears from your cheeks. Balin offered you a handkerchief. “When Gandalf came to me…that was my end of the deal, the promise that I could…change things. Save him. Save all of them.” You took a shaking breath. “It’s not written in that part, but…Thorin doesn’t make it either…”
“Mmm…” Balin hummed, his voice low. “Does anyone else know?”
“Bilbo does.” You confessed. “He, um…found me crying about it in Laketown the night before we left. But that’s it. Just you two. And Gandalf, obviously.”
“I wouldn’t tell the lads.” He advised, his voice trembling the smallest bit. “I think it would make them nervous. Could make it worse.”
“I wasn’t planning on it, but…Kili knows there’s something going on. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hide it from him.”
“He loves you.” Balin nodded. “And I know you love him, too. And I know how much it must have hurt you to carry it this long. But I will not let that happen to either of them and I know you will not either. We saw what happened with the dragon…maybe there’s a way to bring that power in you out again.”
You nodded, considering it. “That’s actually a really good idea.”
Balin rested his hand atop yours. “We’ll figure it out, lass.”
Later that day, the dwarves congregated on the training grounds to brush up on battle skills. Kili had spent most of the afternoon readying the archery range while the others sharpened weapons and reinforced shields. Thorin was the only one not present. He was still searching the treasure room for that damn Arkenstone.
Balin had informed the others of the plan, to awaken that magic inside of you again, so they were all brainstorming methods of doing so.
“Maybe it has to do with the fire.” Nori suggested. “The fire of the dragon oncoming.”
“Perhaps…” Balin nodded.
“Worth a try.” You agreed.
“Here goes.” Gloin shrugged, preparing a flaming torch.
Kili’s eyes widened, stepping between you and the flame. “Now wait just a second, are we sure this is the best way to figure it out?”
“The lad is right.” Oin nodded. “There was real danger involved with the dragon. Perhaps it’s the intensity of the battle that sets her off.”
“No!” Kili protested. “Does anyone have any ideas that do not involve hurting my beloved?”
The others laughed, thinking for a moment.
Dwalin had a mischievous look on his face. “I have a theory.” Then, out of nowhere, he threw a dagger at Kili.
Without even thinking, your hand shot out in front of you and before the dagger made contact with Kili, it bounced away, defying the laws of physics as though it had hit a bubble, clattering to the ground moments later.
Everyone stood there in shock, staring at you and Kili and your outstretched hand.
“Oh.” You said softly, lowering your arm and staring at your palm.
“The lass wasn’t the only one in danger that day, remember.” Dwalin crossed his arms, smirking proudly. “She’s a protector, whether she’s realized it or not.”
“She’s been protecting us with her knowledge all this time.” Balin agreed with his brother and took your hand. “And now, you’ve found a magic of your own.”
“And I intend to use it.” You told the rest of them. “I came all this way. We all did. I’m…I’m not going to let anything happen to any of you. This battle is the reason I’m here; the rest of it was just the icing on the cake.”
“We trust you.” Fili said, meeting your eyes. “We all do.”
Your heart ached. It was still scary, thinking of the oncoming battle and everything it could cost if you didn’t succeed. But this power inside of you, this love you held for the company, you knew it wouldn’t let you down. You knew you wouldn’t let them down.
You couldn’t.
That night, you didn’t get very much sleep. It started with a nightmare. Your subconscious had chosen this exact moment to remind you that you had watched the extended edition of the Battle of Five Armies once. Seeing Kili lifeless and pale, laying on that stone slab, lit by gentle flickering lights…You’d all but forgotten what their funeral had looked like. You wish you’d never remembered.
You woke with a start, sitting straight up and breathing heavy, trying to clear the image from your mind. There would be no funeral. It was fine. Everything was fine. Except, that didn’t seem to stop the tears from flowing.
Kili was still sleeping. You didn’t want to wake him; he’d need his rest for the days to come. So, you slipped out of the bed as quietly as you could and walked through the halls to the kitchens. Dori had been kind enough to organize all of the tea and polish some of the teapots. You put on a kettle and waited for the water to boil.
You heard footsteps coming down the hall and wiped at your tears, partially expecting it to be Kili. You were surprised, however, when it was Bofur that came through the doorway.
“I knew I heard someone in here. Thought you might be my brother.” He chuckled. “Can’t sleep?”
“Nightmare.” You told him, shrugging when the kettle started to scream. You pulled it off of the hot burner and switched off the heat, pouring yourself a cup of hot water and beginning to steep some Chamomile in it.
“Ah…Sorry to hear that, lass.” He nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I kind of…can’t. It’s about the days to come…” You sighed. “Specifically about the worst possible outcome.”
“I see.” Bofur hummed. “Well, if it is what I think it is…I don’t foresee it happening. You’ve kept us out of trouble. This too will pass.”
You nodded, sniffling. “I’m just scared. I know I can do it, especially after training today, but…if I fail…”
“Right.” He nodded. “I had nightmares before we left home, you know. Us dwarves…we all pretend to be so fearless, but I was very afraid we wouldn’t make it here. That it would all be for nothing. I know you fear…losing him. But I think he fears losing you too, lass. Sometimes, fear is all that’s keeping us alive.”
You were quiet for a long moment, letting it sink in. Bofur was right. “You’re wiser than the others give you credit for, you know.”
He laughed. “Yeah, well…you pick up some things in your travels.”
You sipped your warm tea.
“The courting braid suits you.” He noted. “Do you mind if I take a closer look at the bead Kili made?”
“I don’t mind.” You lifted the braid from your shoulder and presented it to him so he could see.
Bofur’s eyes scanned the bead and he smiled. “I saw him working on it on the boat to Laketown. I don’t think he knew then that you had plans of making one at all.” He chuckled. “I could tell he was getting desperate to tell you how he felt.”
“Oh yeah. He had Fili ask me for human courting rituals.”
“Now that, I did not know.” Bofur laughed. “Hence the wildflowers, I presume.”
“Yeah, exactly.” You giggled, taking another sip of tea.
Another set of footsteps trekked down the hallway, this time coming from the direction of the royal chambers. Sure enough, it was Kili. He looked relieved when he found you.
“There you are, Amrâlimê.” He walked into the kitchen. “Are you alright? Why did you leave?”
“I had a nightmare.” You confessed. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Have you been crying?” He noticed your tearstained cheeks as he got closer, his warm fingers slotting into their place along your jaw.
“A bit.” You nodded.
“Come back to bed.” He whispered, kissing your nose. His other hand slipped into yours and squeezed.
“Okay.” A tear slipped down your cheek and he was quick to wipe it away, leading you back down the halls to your shared room after the two of you bid a final goodnight to Bofur.
Kili closed the door behind you and walked to the bed, pulling the covers open for you. You settled back onto the comfortable mattress, laying on your side.
“Now, what is it that has you so worked up, my love?” He whispered, an arm settling around your waist. “You’ve been crying a lot lately, haven’t you?”
You responded with more tears, crawling into his arms and burying your face in his shoulder. He held you tight, doing his best to comfort you with his touch.
“Oh, hey, hey, it’s alright. We’re alright.” He said, his voice soft and sincere. “You don’t have to tell me if it hurts too much. Is it nightmares about spiders?”
“No…” You shook your head, your voice muffled by the fabric of his sleep shirt.
“Goblins? Smaug?”
“Mmm, so something very scary, then?”
You took a shaking breath. “The scariest thing I can imagine.”
“Hmmm…” He hummed thoughtfully, his hand gently stroking your hair. “Do you want to know what the scariest moment of this trip has been for me?”
“When that goblin king hoisted you into the air by the ends of your hair, dangling you above the rest of us, threatening to torture you right in front of me mere hours after I’d finally gotten to hold you in my arms for the first time.” He shook his head. “And the second was when that accursed dragon hurt you and started threatening you. My worst nightmare…is losing you.”
You took a shaking breath, pulling away so you could look into his eyes, bathed in the moonlight streaming through the window.
“I put the pieces together a while ago.” His voice shook. “I know…I’m not meant to survive the battle. In the story you read growing up, anyways.”
A tear rolled from your eye and your breath caught in your throat. “Kili…”
“I thought it might be the dragon that got me. I didn’t know there would be…more danger after.” His thumb expertly swiped your tear away. “And I don’t blame you for not telling me. But I’m not scared. Not of that.”
“It’s like you told Smaug. My ending is getting a rewrite, and I trust you with the pen.” He touched his nose to yours. “The way I see it, I know for certain I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, whether I have two more days or two more centuries.”
You kissed him, your lips salty with tears, and his moving gently against yours. “I love you.” You sobbed.
“I know you do.” He kissed you again before rolling over and pulling you on top of him. His lips gently pecked the top of your head and he held you tight as you cried against him. “I love you too.”
The next day was the day Dain’s forces arrived. Thorin and the others escorted the new dwarves into Erebor and they began preparing for war, forging weapons, adjusting armor, training battle skills. Sometime in the early afternoon, Thranduil, Bard, and their armies arrived at the front gate.
You sat nearby, hidden within the walls, listening as Thorin and the dwarves heatedly debated with them. Thorin refused to give up his treasures, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the dragon sickness or if he knew they’d need their help when the orcs arrived the following day.
“Dwarves, I know you are hiding your precious little Book Keeper within those walls.” Thranduil’s arrogant voice echoed from the back of his reindeer to your very ears.
Your eyes went wide, heart racing as you listened.
“Bring her to me for a…discussion, or we begin our attack immediately.”
“Thranduil, this is madness.” You heard Bard rebuttle.
“Madness or not, I would like a glimpse into the future as well. I believe it’s only fair.”
“You’ll not have a single word with her!” Thorin shouted.
“Thorin…” Balin reasoned. “Let’s think about this.”
“What is there to think about?” Kili joined the conversation. “She is my beloved, not a bargaining piece.”
You stood up and walked to the dwarves. “I’ll go.”
Kili turned around and shook his head. “No. Amrâlimê, who knows what he wants with you? There has to be another way.”
“Maybe I can reason with them, get them all on the same page about the battle.” You tilted your head and reached into your bag, pulling out the book and handing it to Kili. His eyes widened. He’d never touched it before, let alone been entrusted with its wellbeing. “Look after this until I get back, okay?”
Kili took the book and nodded, his eyes serious. You leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to his lips before walking through the front gates. And while you were distracting the rest of the party, Bilbo was able to slip away unnoticed as well.
Thranduil looked over you with curious eyes. They were almost unnaturally blue, celestial. His hair was long, platinum blond like his son’s had been that brief moment you saw him. “Come, child.” He held out his hand and you took it, allowing him to pull you onto the back of his reindeer and take you to the ruins of Dale, where the elves and the men were camped together.
When you got to the tent where the leaders had been planning, you were pretty surprised to find Gandalf already there.
“Book Keeper, I apologize for the elf king’s…brashness. He did not believe me that you existed.” Gandalf apologized.
“It’s okay.” You assured him.
“So, tell me Book Keeper. How is it you are able to tell the future of our world? And how were you able to sneak through my palace unnoticed?”
“I have a book about the dwarves’ adventure from my realm. Where I’m from, all of this is a work of fiction. That’s how I know what’s going to happen.” You told him. “And I didn’t sneak through unnoticed. I was actually spotted by several of your guards. They all thought I was an elf, including your son.”
Thranduil stared at you with those weird, big blue eyes. He looked kinda pissed, but he was graceful about it.
“She speaks the truth.” Bard said, his eyes grateful. “Without her warning, Smaug would have burned Laketown to splinters. I was able to shoot him down before he even reached the edge of town because she told me exactly where and how and with what to shoot him. It worked.”
“I’m glad I could help.” You told him.
“She means well, Thranduil.”
“I will be the judge of that.” The elven king tilted his head, his voice cool and emotionless. “Tell me, Book Keeper, do you know why I am here?”
“You want the white gems in Erebor.”
“They belong to me.”
“That seems to be subjective.” You replied.
“How dare you, you insolent girl—”
“Thranduil, please.” Gandalf calmed him.
“What of the men, then?” Thranduil challenged, crossing his arms.
“The dwarves promised them gold in exchange for the weapons we were gifted in Laketown.” You replied. “And Thorin is being…stubborn on the matter, admittedly.”
“I have tried to argue that your tip about Smaug and the value of his hide outweighs the dwarves’ debt.” Bard informed you. “My people are being stubborn about it as well.”
“No, they’re right. Thorin should pay you for everything you all did for us. I can try to convince him, but I’m not sure he’ll budge.” You shared a look with Gandalf that told the wizard everything he needed to know.
“There is a larger problem at stake here, is there not, Book Keeper?” Gandalf pushed. “Larger than sums of gold or indebted jewels.”
“There are orcs coming. They’ll be here tomorrow. If we don’t all band together to fight them, to finish them off, they will not stop until all of Middle Earth is conquered, all of your people killed.” You told them.
“Why should I believe a word you say?” Thranduil’s eyebrows furrowed and his eyes settled in your hair. “How do I know this is not a distraction to pull my focus from what matters to me? Is that not a dwarven courting bead braided into your hair? Your interests are vested.”
“I do have a vested interest in the dwarves; of course I do. They’re my best friends, my family. One of them is the love of my life. But I have a vested interest in the rest of Middle Earth, too. I grew up on the stories of this place, stories about you, about your son, Legolas and the amazing things he’ll accomplish someday. But if the world is overrun by orcs, I don’t think any of that will happen. Sure, in the short term, the dwarves and the men would get wiped out and you’d be able to hide in Mirkwood, but you wouldn’t be able to hide forever. They’ll get you eventually and it will have all been for nothing, your eternal life wasted when you could have changed the outcome.”
Thranduil was quiet for a long moment, processing your monologue. “And say I do help you…Will you guarantee I am given what I am owed?”
“You have my word.”
Bilbo appeared in the entrance of the tent, tucking his ring into his pocket. “I’ve brought some…insurance that Thorin will pay after the Battle.”
“Bilbo?” Gandalf raised his eyebrows.
“Hello, Gandalf.” Bilbo reached into his coat and presented the Arkenstone, at which Bard’s eyes widened. “Thorin values this gem more than anything. Surely if you present it to him, he will give you what he’s promised in return.”
“How is this yours to give?” Bard murmured.
Bilbo shrugged. “I took it as my 14th share of the treasure in the mountain. With the guidance of a certain Book Keeper, of course.”
You looked from Thranduil to Bard. “Please.”
“If you can provide the women and children of Laketown safety during the battle, I swear every man will fight to the last breath.” Bard offered.
“Done.” You agreed.
Thranduil stared at the Arkenstone for a long, long while before meeting your eyes again. “Since it is orcs and not just dwarves we will be fighting…I’ll call for reinforcements.”
You exhaled in relief. “Thank you.”
“We have been collecting dragon hide from Smaug.” Bard added. “It seems only fitting to offer the dwarves some for armor.”
“Thank you, Bard. Also…do me a favor and pretend Bilbo didn’t give you the Arkenstone. Claim you…found it inside of Smaug’s remains…or something.” You asked. “It’ll save us all some trouble with the king under the mountain.”
“Done.” Thranduil nodded. “Now, my son will escort you back to Erebor, if you so please.”
Your eyes widened. “Um, sure. Thank you, your highness.”
Bilbo stuck around to talk to Gandalf for a moment while you walked outside the tent to find Legolas standing there with an amused grin.
“I saved you that dance.” He teased.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve actually…got a prince of my own waiting for me in Erebor.”
“Well, he is very lucky, then.” Legolas took your arm. He led you to his horse and helped you up onto the back of it. “I could not help but overhear that you’ve heard stories of me, where you’re from?”
“Yeah. About sixty years from now, you kind of save the world. It’s pretty awesome.”
“Mmm.” Legolas nodded, impressed. “Good to know. And I suppose you’ll be around to guide us then as well?”
“I hope so.”
The ride back to Erebor was rather short. Legolas dropped you off at the bridge, where Kili was pacing outside. He lit up when he saw you’d returned, rushing to you immediately and handing the book back to you.
“How did it go?”
“Really well, actually.” You told him, pressing your lips to his for a moment before asking, “Where’s your uncle?”
“He’s…in the treasure room.” Balin answered. “I’ll go fetch him.”
Kili walked with you back inside, his hand tight in yours. The dwarves all assembled in the throne room. Thorin, who was now wearing a large gold and silver crown on his head, sat on the throne carved from stone. He really did look the part, now.
“What did they say?” Thorin asked. “Negotiating for treasure, no doubt.”
“Partially. I told them of the orcs that are coming and…they’ve all agreed to help fight. Thranduil, in exchange for the white gems, and Bard in exchange for the gold they were promised in Laketown and the safety of their women and children during the battle.” You explained, heart racing as you watched the expression on Thorin’s face for any sign of anger. “Bard is also sending us pieces of Smaug’s hide to make armor from. They’ve been…dismantling the dragon.”
“Mmm…” Thorin hummed and then went quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time. “Book Keeper, I must admit, I am quite impressed.” He nodded, a proud look on his face. “You will make a fine princess one day.”
“Thank you.” You exhaled in relief. “The orcs will be here tomorrow, rather early in the day. We don’t have a lot of time.”
“Then we will spend all night preparing.” Thorin decided. “Dwarves, to your stations. We must prepare for war.”
Not long after your negotiation with the other camps, the women and children of Laketown came to the gates of Erebor. At Thorin’s request, you helped them get situated and comfortable. Being a human woman yourself, the king under the mountain knew you would be able to offer them some peace of mind.
You and Dori passed out blankets and pillows and food, making sure everyone got settled in the room Thorin had designated for them. It was tucked pretty far into the mountain, so he knew they’d be safe.
You spotted Sigrid and Tilda in there with their brother Bain, discussing something. Sigrid looked up and spotted you, smiling.
“Hey, glad you guys made it. Everything going okay?”
“We’re doing well,” Sigrid smiled. “Da said you warned him about the dragon. Thank you.”
“Yeah, of course. I…your whole town was so kind to us, I couldn’t imagine letting it happen without giving you some kind of warning.” You told her, handing the girls some blankets.
“What’s that bead in your hair?” Tilda asked, pointing to the silver band holding your braid together. “It’s new, right?”
“It’s a courting bead, from Kili.” You told her, smiling.
Sigrid gasped, excited. “Does that mean that you’re finally together?”
“At long last.” You confirmed, giggling. “Yeah, he’s…he’s amazing.”
“Is that him?” Tilda pointed to the doorway and sure enough, Kili was standing there, scanning the crowd for you.
You thought it was kind of funny. Among the dwarves, you’d always stood out like a sore thumb. You were the tallest of the company, just barely taller that Dwalin, and therefore, you’d been easy to spot among them, but now, surrounded by your own kind, he had some trouble seeing you.
“Over here.” You waved, drawing his attention.
He entered the room, walking to you and taking your hand. After a moment, he recognized Bard’s kids and nodded in greeting. “If you don’t mind too much, I need to borrow our Book Keeper, get her fitted for some armor.”
“Of course.” Sigrid smiled. “Congratulations, by the way.”
Kili straightened up a bit when she said it, proud. “Thank you.”
As the two of you walked to the forges, where the others were hard at work, he pulled your hand to his lips for a kiss.
He grinned mischievously and glanced over at you. “You told them?”
“Of course I did. I’m very proud to be yours, my prince.” You said it kind of teasingly. With the other dwarves and elves and men in Erebor for the battle, the formalities were a bit more important now than they had been during the rest of the journey, bit it still felt weird addressing him with his title.
His cheeks reddened. “You don’t have to call me that, you know.”
You winked. “I know.”
“Uncle wants me to wear a crown.” He sounded annoyed talking about it. “I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel like the time for that.”
“Things will calm down after tomorrow. Reach some kind of normalcy.”
“I hope you’re right.”
You shrugged. “I usually am. It’s part of my job.”
He chuckled and shook his head at you. The two of you walked into the armory, where Dwalin was anxiously waiting for you, large pieces of Smaug’s hide waiting on a table in front of him.
“Woah…” You murmured, looking at it. “That is…wild.”
“It’s quite tough. We tested some weapons against it and most of the blades can’t pierce it.” Dwalin agreed. “Our prince here has requested that your armor be made from it.”
“Oh.” You looked over at Kili. “He has, has he?”
He took your hand with both of his, pulling it to his chest and looking up at you with those warm brown eyes. “I want you to be protected, Amrâlimê. You insist on fighting alongside us tomorrow and I know I cannot change your opinion on it, but I need to know you’ll be safe.”
“I want you to be safe, too.”
“We’re reinforcing the company’s armor as well, at Thorin’s request.” Bofur informed you from the next stall over, holding a weapon so hot it was glowing bright red.
“Good.” That did make you feel quite a bit better.
“I need your measurements, lassie. Thought you might be more comfortable if your beloved did it.” He handed Kili a tape measure and a pad of paper and winked at the dwarf prince, who chuckled and walked with you to a more private corner.
It was sort of intimate in a weird kind of way, Kili taking measurements for your breastplate, the sleeves, the length of your shoulders. And when you were done, he relayed the information to Dwalin to make sure your armor would fit correctly.
Afterwards, the two of you left the armory.
“What does Thorin have you doing for the rest of the day?” Kili asked.
“I’m on Laketown duty with Dori. Making sure all the people are comfortable, bringing them food…”
“Mmm…” Kili nodded. “Do you have anything…pressing to be doing right now?”
“Not particularly.” You answered.
“Good.” Kili grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a small storage room in the hallway. He pushed you against the wall and crushed his lips to yours, passion in every movement. You always forgot how strong he was until moments like this.
You let his lips explore your own for a good long while, limbs mingling with each other’s bodies, your fingers wandering into his soft black hair. You knew you wouldn’t have many of these moments left. In fact, this might be your last one, so you made the most of it, kissing him in a way he wouldn’t soon forget. And once you each came down from the high of your love for one another, he spent a long, quiet moment admiring your features.
“I’ll never tire of that.” He whispered, gazing up at you. “Although, I hope that the moments we steal after the battle will last longer than this.”
You leaned down and kissed him, your lips soft and slow. He melted against you, his eyes fluttering shut as he stood on his toes to be able to reach them. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him to you. It wasn’t often the two of you embraced while standing, and it was made clear why almost immediately, as Kili’s face only reached your chest, but he didn’t seem to care, his arms tight around your waist.
You rested your head against his, exhaling a long breath and just letting him hold you for a moment. “It’s going to be a long, long night, my love…” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
He chuckled darkly. “It already is.”
“What does Thorin have you doing?” You asked.
“Weapon maintenance, mostly.” He shrugged. “He has Fili doing a lot more.” He looked up at you, fingers gently touching your courtship braid. “I sharpened your swords.”
Your heart just about melted. “Thank you.”
“I want to make you some new ones…when things settle, of course. Some daggers, too, if you want. I’m admittedly not a very good weaponsmith, but Dwalin’s offered to teach me. It’s a dwarf thing…crafting gifts for your One, especially while courting.”
You smiled. “That’s really sweet.”
“You think so?”
“I can’t wait to learn more. All of this is still new to me.”
“Of course it is…we dwarves love our secrets.” He took your hand and pressed a kiss to each of your fingers, one by one. “And I cannot wait to tell you each and every single one of them.”
You nuzzled your nose against his. “That makes two of us.”
Once the sun set, the mothers started getting their children ready for bed, but many of them had trouble getting their kids to sleep. Gandalf wandered into the room, smoking his pipe. With him, he had a small red book tucked under his arm.
“Book Keeper,” he smiled, that familiar glimmer in his eye. “I’ve brought you another. Thought a story might help get the young ones to bed.”
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” you read from the cover, chuckling. “Seems appropriate.”
Gandalf nodded. “Quite.”
You rounded up all the kids for a storytime and they sat expectantly in front of you, waiting for you to begin. “Now, this is a story from my realm. There are dwarves in it, sure, but they’re not a lot like the dwarves here in Middle Earth. Their names are a little silly; there’s one named Sneezy and another named Sleepy.” Some of the kids giggled at that.
“Is there a princess?” Asked a little voice.
“Of course there is. Her name is Snow White and she is the fairest in all the land.”
“How about a handsome prince? Is there one of those?” Fili’s voice asked from the back of the room, a smirk on his face.
“There does so happen to be a handsome prince, yeah.”
“Is he a dwarf?” Kili asked, taking a seat beside his brother.
“Unlike my own, no, he’s not, unfortunately.” You smirked at him. “Come here, you wanna help me read this?”
“I suppose I could.” Kili stumbled forward, getting a little push from his brother. “But only if I get to be Sneezy.”
You smiled as he sat beside you, looking over the cover of the little red book in your hand. As the two of you read the story to the children, alternating lines, he couldn’t help but do something he’d thought was impossible: somehow, he managed to fall even more in love with you.
After the kids were all asleep, Thorin called the company together one last time. You all stood in a circle, Gandalf finally with you all once again.
“Tomorrow is a fateful day for us all.” Thorin looked to each member of the group. He was wearing the crown of the king and looked extremely regal. He had been born for this, raised for it. You could only hope that you’d be able to protect the line of Durin when the battle finally arrived. Maybe it was the waiting that was the worst part.
You let out a sigh, closing your eyes. Kili took your hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Burglar, Book Keeper, thank you for everything you have done for us.” Thorin pressed his lips together. “This may be our last night as a company. I do not know what tomorrow holds for us, and for the sake of our confidence…” he made eye contact with you and you could tell that some part of him must have known, “I do not wish to have any more glimpses into our future.”
“Understood.” You nodded.
His closing words sent a chill down your spine. “Eat well. Get as much sleep as you can. Tomorrow, we defend our home.”
You settled between Kili and Fili, managing to get some food down despite the sinking feeling in your stomach. It was rather quiet, given the volume you’d come to expect from the group assembled around you. One last night with them…one last night together before your new life in a still-strange land would get turned upside down for better or worse.
Some of the dwarves played instruments they had, turning to music even in their darkest moments. Bifur was sitting in the corner of the room, carving something out of wood with his knife. You leaned on Kili, your head resting against his. You felt the warmth of his arm around your waist.
Unsure of what else to do, really, you pulled out the book one last time and skimmed the words about the battle. But that was the problem: there wasn’t much. Bilbo passed out in the version in your hands, was unconscious for the majority of the action and only came to when Fili and Kili were already dead and Thorin was dying from his wounds. Not particularly helpful.
You shook your head and shut the book. You gazed into the flames for a very long time, considering chucking it in there and watching it get devoured, but you decided against it. For one, it was your only copy, and for two, you weren’t sure exactly what was tying you to Middle Earth and you didn’t want to risk getting yeeted away early. So, instead, you got up off of the floor and walked across the room, handing it to Gandalf.
“You may yet need this.” He said, his eyes twinkling with something unrecognizable.
“There’s not a lot about the battle in it…”
He looked rather surprised. “There’s not?”
You paused for a long moment. “Gandalf…do you not know what’s in the book?”
“I’ll admit, I don’t know the specifics, dear.” He chuckled and blew his pipe. “I know the big things, sure, but not every detail.”
You stared at him for another long moment. “Okay…interesting. Anyway…will you hold onto it for me? Just in case?”
“Ah. For safekeeping.” He nodded and took the book from you. “I will see that it is returned to you promptly after the battle.”
“Thank you.” You turned and walked back to where you had been sitting before, where Kili was anxiously waiting for you. Before you could settle into your original spot, he pulled you onto his lap and pressed a long kiss to your cheek. You closed your eyes and basked in his warmth and the warmth of the fire.
You looked to each member of the company in attendance, the once-timid Bilbo, your future brother-in-law, the two who had taught you how to show Kili just how much he meant to you, the healer who had treated your dragon-inflicted wound, the quiet scribe who had been writing down every detail of the adventure. It went on and on. Each dwarf had put their own unique fingerprint on your heart.
Bifur walked up to you and muttered something in Khuzdul, handing you something small. When you examined it further, you found it to be a little wooden bird, the thing he had been carving the whole night.
“He said it’s for you, so you’ll remember him when you go back home.” Kili translated for you, his voice gentle and soft and a little sad.
“Oh, Bifur, it’s beautiful.” You choked back a sob and stood, hugging the gruff dwarf, who instantly returned the gesture. “I could never forget you.” You wiped your tears away. “I could never forget any of you. I’ll…I’ll treasure all of you for the rest of my life.”
You knew in your heart that was the truth. No matter what would unfold the next day, no matter where you wound up when it was all over, the company would live in your heart forever, you were sure. In fact, you didn’t think you could forget them if you wanted to. And you could only hope that when the battle came, you’d give them a reason to remember you, too.
When morning came, everyone was bustling through the lonely mountain, preparing for war. There was a nervous energy floating through the air. It was getting to you too. You couldn’t remember the last time your heart had been at its normal pace, but it had been racing all day.
Watching the dwarves armor up was surreal and haunting, especially watching Fili and Kili help each other into their armor. Dwalin carried your armor to you, glimmering and red, like the autumn leaves beyond the hills. You faltered, seeing it for the first time. Smaug had been evil, sure, but you couldn’t doubt the beauty in his scales. You could only hope they’d protect you now, that they’d protect all of you.
“Kili, get your beloved ready. The elf scouts have spotted something headed this way.” Dwalin called before leaving you to attend to other duties.
Kili immediately turned his attention to you, rushing over to help you into your armor. He guided your arms into the sleeves and fastened the straps in the back, his fingers moving quickly and expertly, securing it in place. It was pretty heavy, but you felt well-protected in it.
“How does that feel?” he asked, searching your face. “Too tight?”
“It feels good. Thank you.”
“Of course.” He nodded, his hand lingering in yours for a moment.
Tears welled in your eyes and his expression melted. He pulled your face down to his, resting his forehead against yours for a long moment. “Amrâlimê, I will be with you the entire time. Fili and I will not leave your side, I swear it.” He promised, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I will not let anything happen to you. None of us will.”
“I’m not worried about me.” Your voice broke and a tear slipped down your cheek.
His eyes met yours, his expression bittersweet. This was love, he felt it in his bones. Here, in the face of your first real battle, you were worried about him.
“Dwarves! Assume your stations!” Dain and his men walked briskly through the mountain, getting everyone ready.
You swallowed and closed your eyes, wiping at your tears and pulling away from Kili. Fili handed you your weapons, freshly sharpened and ready for battle, even if you weren’t.
“Nothing to worry about, Book Keeper,” the older prince reassured you, a hand on your shoulder and confidence in his voice. “We’ve got this.”
“I hope you’re right.”
You followed the rest of the company out of the mountain and onto the battlefield where, just as you’d predicted, the Orcs tunneled through the hills opposite you all, storming out in a mighty horde. Most were on foot, but some were on the backs of their wargs.
And thus, the battle began.
Because of your warnings in advance, there were forces ready in all the places you knew the Orcs were start, and more forces ready in the places the orcs would eventually reach. The elven archers took out a good number of them as they advanced, but more Orcs poured out of the tunnels and into the open field.
You followed Kili and Fili’s lead. They barely let any Orcs get to you, but the ones that did, you were quick to dispatch with your sword. It was intense, like everything was moving at two-times speed. You kept your eyes on the boys at all times, watching for anything that could possibly harm them. In the corner of your eye, you caught Thorin a few times and made sure he wasn’t getting hurt either.
You’d lost sight of Bilbo a long time ago, and the rest of the company was pretty well dispersed throughout the crowd.
“You…” A deep, gravelly voice hit your ears and your heart about leaped out of your chest.
Before you knew it, a large hand swung at you, taking you off of your feet. You skidded through the dirt, grimacing.
“(Y/N)!” Kili yelped, rushing towards you, but quickly pulled back by another large Orc.
“The little Book Keeper.” He laughed an awful laugh, towering over you in all of his horrific glory. “You do not belong here, human.”
“I keep hearing that, yeah.” You seethed, getting to your feet despite the blossoming bruises you could feel beneath your armor. “You must be Bolg.”
“In the flesh.”
“You didn’t hear about what happened to Smaug when he said that to me?” You asked, fire burning in your chest, tingling in your fingertips. “I’m wearing what’s left of him.”
“Confident for an Other Realmer. Such a shame to see it all go to waste for a miserable company of dwarves.” He chuckled. “Come with me instead. I could use your insight.”
“And just why the fuck would I do that?”
A blade pressed against your neck from behind, dangerously close to piercing the skin. You felt a strong, tree-like arm wrap around you and your feet left the ground. “In exchange for your life, perhaps?”
“NO!” Kili cried, killing three Orcs on his way to where you were standing, his brother beside him and his uncle not far behind.
Bolg paused, looking to where Kili stood, amused at the emotion on the dwarves’ face. He laughed cruelly. “This is more than concern for their prophet. This one loves you.”
Kili ran at Bolg, slicing through the armor on his thigh and piercing the skin. Bolg grabbed him by the neck and raised him up into the air to get a better look at him.
“And the prince, no less.” He plucked up Fili with his other hand, dangling both of them in the air in front of you, tiny and helpless, struggling against Bolg’s monstrous grip as he began slowly choking the life out of them. “The end of the line of Durin in my very hands.” He grinned, displaying his sharp teeth. “Tell me, girl, who will die first, the heir or the spare?”
“Neither.” You hissed, a hot tear winding down your face and that familiar, blistering power blooming inside you once more.
Thorin slayed the Orc holding you, and as soon as your feet touched the ground again, you thrust both of your hands forward at Bolg. The emotions poured out of your chest at the sight of Kili and Fili dying, their faces filled with pain, groans strained as he squeezed their vocal cords. The image of their funeral flashed in your mind one last time and something clicked inside you, unleashing hellfire upon Bolg and the rest of his wretched army.
For a moment, nothing happened, but then, a crater eroded in his chest, a blinding, golden light tearing him apart from the inside out. And in the same moment, the rest of the Orc army erupted into flame, the same fire you’d stolen from the dragon whose hide you were wearing as a chest plate.
“YOU WRETCHED LITTLE WITCHHHHH!” He hissed, dropping the brothers as he disintegrated before your very eyes, reduced to ash, his voice echoing into nothing, the only remnant that he had ever existed.
The battlefield went silent, the three remaining armies looking around after their opponents had literally disappeared while they watched. After the silence came their victorious cries. The battle was over, hardly any casualties had taken place aside from the attacking orcs.
You rushed to Kili, frantically checking him and his brother for injuries. “Kili! Oh my god. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Amrâlimê.” He assured you, his breathing heavy now that he was free. His voice was a little hoarse, but that seemed to be his only injury.
The older prince smiled. “I’m okay, too.”
You exhaled a huge sigh of relief and looked back at Thorin, who nodded at you, uninjured. It felt like a million pounds lifted from your shoulders. They were alive. The battle was over and they were alive.
Another sigh pulled itself from your lungs and something shifted within you. You were dizzy, utterly exhausted. You swayed on your feet a bit, eyelashes fluttering.
“My love?” Kili whispered, concerned, his hand touching your arm.
“I’m okay,” you insisted before falling into his waiting arms, your legs giving out beneath you.
The dwarf prince lowered you to the ground gently, finding a soft patch of grass before he searched you for injuries. He didn’t see any blood, nowhere had your armor been pierced, and aside from a small cut on your cheek, you appeared to be fine. He pulled you into his lap, his arms cradling you.
Your breathing slowed, but your heart continued to race and tears were quick to begin trailing down your cheeks.
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Bilbo rushed over to you, appearing from thin air. The rest of the company slowly assembled around you. “Did she…do that?”
“I don’t know.” You told him. “I feel…I don’t think I’m injured, I just feel…floaty.”
“Get the girl some water.” Oin insisted.
“I can’t find a wound on her.” Kili told the medic, his voice getting thick with tears and desperation. “Please, tell me what’s wrong with her.”
“You will find no injury, Kili.” Gandalf walked through the crowd of humans and elves and dwarves. “She is quite alright. This is…” He shook his head. “Well, this is the end of the spell I used to bring her here. The magic has all been spent.”
“Oh.” You murmured. It made sense when he said it. You could feel it, the fact that you were slipping.
“Well do something! There must be some spell to keep her here! Please!” Kili’s voice broke and his eyes left Gandalf’s meeting your own as he cradled you closer. “Please, I can’t lose her.”
“It’s okay, Kili.” You told him, your hand reaching up to brush his cheek, for once wiping his tears away. “I…I served my purpose. You’re alive. Fili and Thorin are alive. The line of Durin is safe. You’re safe. I…I wrote my own ending.”
You heard some sniffles among the group, namely from Balin and Bofur, but there were tears glimmering in the eyes of Dori and Ori and Bombur as well.
“You can’t leave us yet, lass.” Bofur said, taking off his hat and staring down at you. “Before the feast? Before the celebration?”
You laughed softly, looking up at the hobbit and each dwarf standing there. Your very best friends. Your family. Your heart already ached when you imagined just how much you’d miss them in your world without magic. “It’s bad timing, isn’t it? I…I’m not ready yet. I’m not ready to go…”
“Stay.” Kili whispered, pulling your face to his, his lips tasting of his salty tears as he kissed you. “Please, stay with me. Please.”
Part of you expected his kiss to be magical, to halt the sinking, floating feeling inside your chest. You expected True Love’s Kiss to save you at the end of your fairytale, but it couldn’t. It seemed nothing could.
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed, trying to sit up so you could embrace him better. “I’m so sorry, Kili.”
“It’s not your fault.” Kili shook his head, pulling you into a more upright position and pressing his forehead to yours.
You felt a tingling numbness in your fingers, and when you looked down at your hand, you found that they were disappearing, breaking into glowing silvery light and floating up into the cloudy sky. “No.”
You looked up at the company, at Thorin, the new king under the mountain, at Bilbo and Gandalf, and each of the others. “S-stay out of trouble, you guys. All of you. I love you so much and…I’m going to miss you for…well, for the rest of my life.”
“Book Keeper…” Thorin spoke, his voice going soft as he knelt down beside you and his nephew on the ground. “(Y/N)…If there ever is a day you come back, you will always have a place in our halls. I meant it when I said you would make a great princess and I mean it when I say it would have been an honor to have you as my niece.”
More tears slipped down your cheeks and you took the hand he offered you. “And it would have been an honor to have you as my uncle.”
Fili approached next, a weepy look on his face as he pulled you into a hug, the disappearance now working its way up to your elbow making it a bit more difficult. “Thank you. For saving my life.”
“You knew—”
“I figured it out.” He shrugged, lowering you back into his brother’s arms. “I’ll never forget everything you’ve done for me. For us. Take care of yourself. Find a new adventure.”
“You guys were the greatest adventure I’m ever going to get.” You looked up at the hobbit. “It’s going to be an amazing book, Bilbo. I should know, it’s the one I’ve been reading the whole time.”
Bilbo gasped, his eyes widening. “My book?”
“Why else would it be called The Hobbit where I’m from?” You chuckled. “Although, I bet your version will turn out bit different than the one I’m familiar with.”
“I would never leave out the best character.” Bilbo wiped a tear from his cheek. “Although, I think I might write a happier ending for her, if it’s all the same to you.”
“I can’t wait to read it.” You looked up at Kili, who hadn’t stopped crying since he’d first started. “Hey, hey, it’s okay.”
“No it’s not.” He shook his head. “I…I was supposed to be the one that didn’t make it. You…”
“I’m going to be okay.” You promised him, your nose resting against his.
“That makes one of us.” He murmured. “You are my One, my other half. I can’t imagine going on without you here with me. I don’t want to.”
“Someday, I promise you, we’ll see each other again. This isn’t the end for us.” You whispered, kissing him fiercely and he reciprocated immediately, his lips passionate against yours. You linked the pinkie that hadn’t disappeared yet with his own.
“Y-you said once…if something was meant for you to have, it would find you again.” He tightened his finger around yours until it started to disappear, too. “I swear to you, I will find you again.”
You nodded, whispering the words you’d been reciting in your mind for so long, just in case this was the outcome of your adventure after all. “I love you, Amrâlimê.”
You continued to vanish as the company watched. The last thing you felt of Middle Earth was a pair of lips against your own and the warmth of your lover’s arms around you.
And then everything went white.
When you opened your eyes, you were standing on your front porch in your pajama pants again. The sun shone bright in your eyes, birds chirping up in the trees, and the slightest breeze blowing through your hair.
You blinked a few times, looking around you to ground yourself. You were back home, except…it didn’t really feel like home anymore. You weren’t sure it ever would again.
Blinking away tears, you turned around and walked inside, half-expecting to wind up right back in Bilbo’s hobbit hole, but no, it was just your living room waiting on the other side of the threshold. You walked out the front door again, desperate, but had no luck. The only thing beyond that was your front porch again.
“No…” You mumbled, leaning against the wall before sliding down it, hiding behind your knees. “No, no, no…please…please! Take me back! Gandalf, please…”
You expected something magical to happen, for someone to appear from thin air and comfort you, but for the first time in about six months, you were left completely alone. It was the same day you’d left, only minutes after you’d first gone, and yet every moment you’d spent away was real and tangible. You remembered everything. Every hour of every day, the vast majority of them spent at Kili’s side.
The tears wouldn’t stop flowing, and you feared they never would, not so long as you were locked out of Middle Earth.
As you sat there, questioning everything your life had become, you couldn’t help but question if it had really even happened at all. Maybe it had just been an intense hallucination. After all, nothing around you had changed. But then, you caught a glimpse of something glimmering in your hair.
Kili’s courting bead, the very one he had spent so long making for you, was still carefully braided into your hair.
And your heart broke all over again. It was real and so was he. And so was the little wooden bird tucked in your pocket, Bifur’s parting gift. You sat there with both of them for a long time, staring at them, feeling them in your hands and forcing yourself to believe that you could go back. That one of these times you closed your eyes, you would be in Erebor again.
It took about an hour for you to get back on your feet and walk inside, only to collapse onto the couch, something inside of you deeply broken in a way you weren’t sure could ever be fixed.
The days passed slowly at first, each one a new burden, heavy and unstable. The hours seemed to crawl by. You had constant headaches from crying so much and you had trouble sleeping. When you did manage to get some rest, you had dreams of the company, of hiking with the dwarves, chatting with Bilbo, kissing Kili one last time. And then you’d wake up and relive the heartbreak all over again.
After a few weeks, it seemed to get a little easier. None of your friends knew why you were so heartbroken and you didn’t know how to begin to explain it to them, so you didn’t, and they never asked.
You got back to writing and, Gandalf had been right, your adventure had sparked something. You knew exactly what the story needed: a dwarf prince.
You’d finished the book in record time, poured all your energy into it. You’d hired an editor to clean it up for you, got the interior formatted, and commissioned a cover from an artist online. And then, a few weeks after that, it was in your hands and available online. It helped fill the hole in your heart the tiniest bit.
After about a month, you went with your friends to a comic con. You knew there’d be Lord of the Rings stuff there, and you knew you wouldn’t really be able to avoid it. You didn’t expect, however, for one of the first tables in the Artist Alley to have portraits of Kili, Fili, and Thorin right at the front of their display.
“You’re really in a Lord of the Rings mood lately, huh?” Your friend Conner asked when he caught your eyes lingering on them.
You shrugged, unable to explain to them exactly what had sparked it. “The Hobbit, but yeah, I have. Couldn’t tell you why…”
Obviously, you bought all three prints, and obviously you bought a poster of Erebor a few stalls later and obviously you cried in the car on the way home and put them up on your bedroom walls as soon as you arrived. Maybe it would hurt a little to see Kili’s face every day, but you’d been sad every day since then anyway, at least now you’d be able to see him.
Some sense of normalcy had returned to your life, sure. You were able to make it through a few days at a time without bursting into tears, but you knew, no matter how much time passed, not a single one would without you thinking of him in some way, shape, or form.
He, like the rest of the party, had left a handprint on your heart, a tattoo in your mind that would never fade, whether or not you wanted it to.
***Six Months Later***
It was now, finally, your twenty-fourth birthday. Snow was falling outside and your friends were beginning to arrive for a birthday party. It helped to have people there. You didn’t want to just be celebrating alone with only your thoughts for company. So, instead, you purchased plenty of pizza, plenty of adult beverages and fun alternatives for your non-drinking friends, which of course included black cherry cream soda. You had a banging birthday playlist going, some fun movies playing in the other room, and lots of snacks in the kitchen.
You were wearing a short-ish silver dress and had done your makeup for once. The bead Kili had given you so long ago was on a chain around your neck. It was hard trying to do the courtship braids without help, so you’d given up on them, instead choosing to wear it as a necklace. It didn’t mean anything to the people around you anyway. They didn’t know the power it held.
“Hey birthday girl!” One of your college friends, Chelsea, said, coming in through the door with a veggie tray and a gift bag. “Brought you some accessories.”
“Oh did you, now?”
Inside the bag, there was a sash and a crown that both said Birthday Princess on them. You chuckled, slipping the sash over your head and perching the crown in your hair. Ironic, you thought. Well, at least now you looked the part.
“Is this mead? Why do you have mead?” asked Ethan, who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, laughing and reading the label on the bottle. “Where did you even get this?”
“One of the party stores had it.” You shrugged. “It’s like wine but sweeter.”
“Huh.” He poured himself a glass and you sipped the same drink from the solo cup in your hand. It was blueberry flavored and very good. Perhaps not as good as the kind the elves in Rivendell had served, but good nonetheless.
More friends kept arriving. You all chatted in the living room, beneath strobing LED lights, vibing to the music on your party playlist.
“What’s on your necklace?” Your friend Cianna asked, taking note of the bead around your neck.
“Oh, a friend gave it to me a while back. It’s an emerald.”
“It’s pretty.”
You nodded and touched it gently. “Thanks.”
Eventually, once everyone you’d invited was accounted for and you’d all had your share of pizza, your friend Natalie prepared the birthday cake, poking a bunch of candles into its surface and lighting them after. And yet, just before they could sing and before you could even dare to make a wish, there was a knock on the door.
Phil walked to the door, a party had on his head, and pulled it open, staring for a long moment before saying. “Uhhhhh, (Y/N), did you hire a bunch of cosplayers?”
“No, why…?” You blew out the candles without a thought and stood up from the table, cautiously walking towards the door, followed by the rest of your group.
“Um, hello, we’re looking for (Y/N) (L/N)…is she here?”
Your heart raced. You’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“Bilbo???” You peered out the door, and sure enough, a hobbit and crowd of dwarves stood there, all clamoring to see into the house. Ori was looking through the window and waved excitedly when you spotted him. Except…he was taller than you remembered. They all seemed to be, in fact.
“Bilbo Baggins?” Chelsea murmured in awe. “THE Bilbo Baggins???”
Phil stepped aside, still looking for the words to say, but none came. He’d been expecting another pizza guy or something, not…this.
“What are you guys…How did you…?” You were flabbergast. You had to be hallucinating. It simply was not possible. You blinked a few times and looked at your friends, who were all, seemingly, seeing what you were. “C-come on in.”
Bilbo walked in, taking off his scarf. There was snow caught in his hair and his cheeks were rosy from the cold. You wondered how long they’d been out there, or, rather, how far they’d traveled to get to your front door.
Pushing past the others, Kili was the next to enter the house, rushing straight up to you and collecting you in his arms, his lips capturing your own. You melted at his touch, falling back into all of the emotions you’d been refraining from feeling for the past several months. His kiss drew a hum from your throat, his arm wrapping tight around your waist.
When he finally pulled away, his hand wandered up to your face, brushing the stray hairs out of your eyes. He took you in for all that you were in this realm and though you looked a bit different from the way you’d appeared in Middle Earth, it was indeed the same Book Keeper behind those eyes. He’d know his One anywhere, even in a realm beyond his own.
“Happy birthday, Amrâlimê. You look beautiful.” His finger touched the tip of your ear, which was no longer pointed, and was instead, the smaller, rounded human ear you’d grown up with. He laughed softly, amused. “Your ears are so small.”
“Kili, I…” You giggled in disbelief, looking up at him for the first time ever. “How are you here?”
“Gandalf dropped us off down the street.” Fili explained, kicking off his snow-covered boots and setting his swords on the floor. “Said he’ll be back with his present later.”
“He also said the rules of your realm may affect us the way our realm affected you.” Thorin explained, much taller than you’d seen him last. “Which seems to be the case, Book Keeper.”
“I…see that.” Thorin was even taller than Kili was, as opposed to his previous height of just past your shoulder. He looked even more regal this way, you decided.
“I’m sorry, what is going on?” Cianna asked, looking from one dwarf to the next.
“Did the lass not tell you about her big adventure?” Bofur teased, carrying a small bag with him. “You forgot your camera in Middle Earth.”
“Right.” You chuckled, taking the bag he handed you. “Forgot about that.”
“And your photos. I’ve organized them for you.” Dori handed them to you in a stack.
The rest of the dwarves filed into the house as your friends looked on in wonder and confusion, waiting for some kind of explanation.
“So uh…to make a long story short, about six months ago, Gandalf came by and swept me off on an adventure. And I kind of, uh…stole Smaug’s fire and used it to wipe out the orcs in the Battle of Five Armies. And fell in love with Kili. And then when I got back, it was like no time had passed at all, Narnia style.”
“That’s the abridged version.” Bilbo said, grinning.
“You know…that kind of explains a lot.” Conner said, thinking back on all the merch you’d bought at comic con. This was, perhaps, why you had cried when you found action figures of Kili and Fili in one of the bins full of toys at said comic con.
“You still have it.” Kili whispered, a finger carefully touching the bead hanging around your neck. “I-I thought…”
“I forgot how to do the braid.” You confessed. “I didn’t want it to fall out.”
He kissed you again, softer this time. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m here, then.”
Natalie pointed to the cake, the candles of which you’d just blown out. “Um, we have birthday cake. There’s ice cream, too.”
“Well why didn’t you say so?” Bofur laughed, walking towards the cake.
“What’s ice cream?” Ori asked, following him.
Balin walked up to you and took your hand as he passed. “Happy Birthday, lass. Good to see you.”
“Thank you, Balin.” You laughed. “You have no idea how good it is to see you guys.”
“Where’s the ale, lassie?” Dwalin draped a heavy arm around your shoulders. He was impossibly tall at human height.
“Have you ever had a margarita?” You asked, mischievous.
“Can’t say I have.”
“Come on.” You took Kili’s hand and led him, Dwalin, and Fili to the kitchen, where you and Cianna started serving up drinks.
Kili stopped at the counter, where he noticed the bottles of black cherry cream soda. He smiled softly and grabbed two, one for himself and one for you. When you abandoned the bar and walked back out to the living room with Kili, the dwarves were mingling with your friends, getting acquainted with one another.
You spotted your friend Taylor across the room teaching Bofur and Bifur how to play ping pong. Ori was in the other room watching whatever movie was on the TV. You were pretty sure it was Tangled. Gloin was scolding Nori for attempting to pocket something while Dori showed Phil and Conner the stack of photos from your Polaroid, telling stories of your adventure. Thorin was standing in the corner with Dwalin and Balin, sipping from a red solo cup, a sight you never saw you’d see. Meanwhile, Chelsea was chatting with Bilbo, asking him everything under the sun about the Shire.
Fili sat on the armchair next to the couch, his feet resting on the ottoman in front of it. “Nice place, Book Keeper.”
“You think so?”
“It’s cozy.” Kili agreed, removing your birthday princess crown for a moment before detangling your hair with the comb he always seemed to have tucked in his pocket. He set to work, putting the courting braid back in your hair, where it was meant to be.
You undid the clasp holding your necklace together and slipped the bead from the chain, handing it to him carefully so he could fasten it to the end of the braid once again. Once it was done, he carefully set the plastic crown back on top of your head.
He leaned in and kissed your cheek and then your lips, lingering against them for a long moment.
“I missed you.” You told him, touching your nose to his. “I was starting to think…I might not ever see you again.”
“How long has it been for you?” Fili asked.
“About six months. It’s been…really hard.” You shook your head. “I was starting to think the whole thing had been in my head…”
Kili frowned. “It’s…only been a few weeks in Erebor. The victory celebrations have barely dwindled.”
It felt like he’d stolen the breath from your lungs. For you, half a year had passed and for them, it hadn’t even been a month? The time travel stuff would never make sense to you, not entirely.
“Wow, that’s…” You shook your head. “Wow.”
Kili took both of your hands, serious all of a sudden. “I cannot imagine what that must have been like for you. Every day without you felt like an eternity. But I intend to make up for every moment.”
“Good.” You kissed him again, interrupted by a tap on your shoulder. You turned to find Natalie leaning over the back of the couch, her eyes locked on Thorin across the room. “Oh hey, what’s up?”
“That’s Thorin, right? Over there in the fur.”
“Thorin Oakenshield, in the flesh. He’s king under the mountain now. And he did not die in the Battle of Five Armies, so he’s got that going for him.” You assured her, twisting the cap off of your cream soda. You couldn’t help but smirk a little. You knew the look on her face and…you couldn’t say you blamed her.
“Uh-huh. Cool. And he’s…single, right?”
Fili choked on his drink and Kili let out a hearty laugh, thoroughly amused.
“Yeah, he is.”
Natalie downed the rest of her drink and adjusted her hair. “Alright good. I’m going in.”
You saluted her as she walked away. “Godspeed.”
“Uncle is that well-known here?” Fili asked, watching her go.
“Only to the nerds, but…we’re all nerds here.” You chuckled. “You three are…very popular among The Hobbit fans, especially the women.”
A smile snuck across Fili’s face. “I am too?”
“Yes, you are, Fili.”
There was a final knock at the door and you stood, walking to answer it. You were unsurprised to find Gandalf there, a proud look on his wise features.
“Quite the party here, Book Keeper.” He said, stepping inside, a book tucked under his arm. “I apologize for my tardiness. I had a meeting with a lion run a bit longer than expected.”
You stared at him for a long time before blurting, “Are you…talking about Aslan?”
That mischievous gleam appeared in his eyes once more. “Oh yes, Aslan and I are old friends. I needed his help putting the finishing touches on your gift.” He handed the book to you. “Happy birthday, dear.”
“Thank you.” The book in your hands was your own, the copy of the Hobbit you’d left in Middle Earth.
He winked. “Check the back cover.”
You took his advice and opened to the back of the book, where a necklace was tucked. It was silver and circular, several symbols along the edge of it and three emeralds embedded in its surface in a triangle. It buzzed with an unfamiliar power. “Woah…”
“This, dear Book Keeper, is a Charm of Return. I needed special permission to acquire it, but it will allow you to travel to either realm as you please. I’m sorry it took me so long to get it to you, but it took quite some time to convince the Council to grant my request.”
You hugged him tightly, your heart racing. “I don’t know how to thank you. This is…”
“It is I that owes you, dear, not the other way around. You have done immeasurable good for Middle Earth, and…come sixty years from now, I may need your expertise once more.” He looked around the room. “These friends of yours wouldn’t happen to be in need of an adventure, would they? I’m sure there are a handful of hobbits, an elf prince, a dwarf, and a few men that could use some guidance and I doubt you’d be able to be in all of those places at once…”
You laughed. “I think a lot of them would be very interested in that offer.”
“I will keep them in mind.” He tipped his hat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, it seems your friend is in need of some help at the ping pong table. Two against one is hardly fair, especially where Bifur is concerned.”
Gandalf walked away and Kili stood at your side again. When you felt his presence, you looked down out of habit, but he guided your chin up instead, laughing. It was, decidedly, odd being taller than you. He didn’t necessarily mind, but he was pretty sure he preferred your height difference the other way around.
“What did he give you?”
“My book. And an enchanted necklace.” You told him, your arms looping around his neck, resting on his shoulders. “Our relationship is no longer long-distance.”
He tugged you closed to him, a strong arm around your waist as he dipped you back, exploring your lips for a long moment before pulling you upright again. “Good, because I much prefer having you close to me, Amrâlimê.”
You reached up to touch his face, your thumb grazing his stubble. Honestly, you were still trying to convince yourself that he was there, that he was real and not merely a dream, as he had been for the past six months. But no matter how many times you blinked, he was still there, his leather and campfire and pine scent just as strong as you remembered it to be, his warmth vivid and real. “Me too.”
“You keep looking at me like you’re afraid I’ll disappear.” He whispered, his voice a bit sad, his eyes searching your own for some hint of what you were feeling.
You teared up a bit. “I kind of am.”
“Oh ghivashel…” He pulled you to his chest, one of his hands cradling your head, gently petting your hair in an attempt to reassure you that this was real, that he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He pressed a long kiss to the crown of your head. “I swore to you once that I’d find you again. Now that I’ve found you…I swear to you, I’m never going to lose you again.”
“Promise?” You asked, your voice wobbly.
He pulled away and offered you his pinkie, a tearful smile on that handsome face of his. You linked your pinkie with his, locking the promise.
Ethan peeked out of the other room. “Hey, (Y/N), can you hook up the Switch? I have to kick…” He looked behind him and asked. “Sorry, what’s your name?”
“I’m Ori.”
“I have to kick Ori’s butt at Just Dance.”
You laughed. “Oh absolutely.”
You helped connect your Switch to the TV, and as you did so, you couldn’t help but notice Thorin and Natalie stepping up to the ping pong table opposite Taylor and Bofur. Yeah, something about that felt right, too.
“Now, what is this Switch of yours?” Fili asked, looking on with curiosity as you switched the cords around before, finally, the menu popped onto the TV screen. The dwarves in the room made noises of awe.
“Remember how I told you about video games? This is that.”
You took a seat on the couch beside Kili and handed one of the controllers to Ethan, who showed Ori, Dori, and Nori how to play while the rest of the dwarves gathered around, interested to see how it worked.
You draped an arm around Kili’s shoulders and rested your legs atop his. Kili’s hand settled on your thigh and he stared at you, obsessed with the proximity after weeks of being apart. He thought you looked so beautiful in your glittering silver dress, your birthday princess crown and sash.
“What?” You asked, catching him staring at you.
He kissed your cheek, his arm wrapping around your waist. “It just…doesn’t feel real. Being here. I’ll admit, I never thought I’d get to come to your realm.”
“What do you think?”
“It’s very different than I’m accustomed to, but I think it definitely explains a lot about you. I like it, of course, but I’m not sure I could ever adjust to living here, not fully.”
“It’d be quite the learning curve.” You agreed. “That’s how I felt with Middle Earth, in the beginning. It felt…unreal. Every morning I expected to wake up back in my bed, like it had all been some fantastical dream, and…once I came back here, I kept expecting to wake up there instead.”
“You belong to both.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, still half-expecting it to come to a point.
You nodded. “I belong to both.” Your hand wandered to the enchanted necklace around your neck. “And now I can.”
After a few rounds of Just Dance, one of your friends put in MarioKart instead, attempting to explain the game to Fili, who showed an interest in the racing game. Seeing the opportunity to step away for a moment, Kili looked at you and asked, “Can you show me your room?”
“Yeah, of course.” You stood up and took his hand, leading him through the living room, down the hall, and into your room.
He looked around, curious. His eyes lingered on every poster adorning your walls for a moment before stopping on the prints you’d gotten at comic con. All in a row, you had portraits of himself, his brother, and his uncle, and above them, there was a poster of Erebor, bathed in mist.
“Where did you get these?” He asked, staring at them.
“At a convention I went to this year.” You shrugged. “Reminded me of home. I left all my pictures there, so things like this are the only way I can really see it.”
“Home…” He repeated the word, nodding. “It’s been hard sleeping without you at my side. Our bed feels empty without you.”
Your heart leapt when he said it. Our bed. You took a step closer to him, stepping into his warmth. His hand rose to your cheek, pulling you in for a long, slow kiss. He had to crane his neck down in order to reach your lips, which caused him to chuckle.
“What?” You asked, amused.
“Is this what it’s like when you try to kiss me?” He asked, looking down at you from his elevated human height. You figured he was probably about six feet tall like this. Thorin and Dwalin were even taller yet, wherever they were in your house with your friends.
“Yeah, pretty much.” You stood on your toes and kissed him again. “I can’t say I mind, though.”
“I suppose I never asked how you felt about it. About the distance between us.” He sat on the bed, pulling you towards him so you were standing between his legs in a way that more accurately mimicked your usual height difference. “You don’t care? Even the human men in my world are usually taller than their beloveds…”
“I couldn’t care less.” You poked his nose with the tip of your finger. “You’re a dwarf, Kili. Your height is part of who you are, and…I love every piece of you. I don’t care how tall you are compared to me, all I care about is you.”
You settled on his leg, pulling his arms around you and pressing another passionate kiss to his lips. He kissed you hungrily, like he had been the one waiting six months to do so opposed to the other way around. When you separated, he rested his forehead against yours and took a long breath.
“Would you like your birthday present now?”
“You got me a present?” You asked.
“Of course I did, ghivashel.” He nuzzled his nose against yours and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small wooden box, which had been painted forest green.
He handed it to you, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as you opened it, only to find a claddagh ring, very similar to the one that had been turned into the bead braided into his hair. Instead of hands on either side of the emerald, however, there were tiny silver leaves, like the ones he’d worked into your courting bead. It truly was gorgeous. You could tell he’d made it himself, which only made you love it more.
With careful hands, he slid the ring onto your right ring finger so the heart was upright, signifying that you were in a relationship. He pressed a long kiss to your cheek. “I’ve been wanting to do that since you told me what your ring meant that night in the goblin cave.” He admitted, his voice soft and deep. “I’d just stare at your ring and think about how badly I wanted to flip it over, to call you mine. And someday…I want to be the one who gets to move it to your other hand.”
“I want that too.” You assured him, whispering against his lips.
“I didn’t know Gandalf was going to bring us here when I started working on it. I just…needed something to distract me from the hole in my heart.” He kissed your forehead and then your cheek and then your lips. “They’re calling you the Emerald Princess of Erebor back home.”
“Are they?” You asked, amused. “I’ll admit, it has a ring to it.”
“Among your other titles, of course. Book Keeper, Fire Stealer, Realm Traveler, Orc Burner…” He searched your face before adding, “You’re a hero, you know. To all of us. When it was looking like you might not be back…Uncle was in the process of commissioning a statue of you, especially once he found out it wasn’t just my life you’d saved.”
“So he knows, then.”
“We all do.” Bilbo was standing in the doorway of your room. He took a look around. “It’s nice in here. Sorry to interrupt, ah, the others are beginning to tell stories to your friends and we thought you might like to be present for that. Also, there’s only one slice of cake left and Bofur said you two haven’t had any yet.”
“Thank you, Bilbo.” You smiled and stood up.
“Is that the Shire?” Bilbo pointed to a poster hanging on your wall. His eyes narrowed at it, examining it further. “Is that my house?”
“Yeah, it is.”
He pointed to a print of Frodo and Sam and Merry and Pippin. “Who are they?”
“Well, that one is your nephew. Technically, I guess, he’s your cousin, but you two call each other nephew and uncle. He’s…he’s going to do great things someday.”
“Huh.” Bilbo nodded, leading you and Kili back down the hall to where the others were all congregating in the living room.
Some had gotten refills of some their drinks, and some of the dwarves were trying the human snacks they’d found in your kitchen. Dori was trying to convince Ori to try a margarita, but he insisted that he didn’t like green food and that also applied to green beverages.
Bofur handed you a paper plate, upon which was the last slice of birthday cake, and two plastic forks. He winked. “Thought you might share with your beloved.”
“Thank you, Bofur.” You and Kili settled into the spot that was left for you in the makeshift circle that had formed in the living room.
Gandalf was perched on a chair in the corner of the room, on the edge of the group, as he often was. Fili had a bit of frosting caught in his beard as he ate the second to last slice of cake.
“Is it good?” You asked, laughing softly.
“It’s fantastic, Book Keeper.”
“I’m glad.” You handed Kili the other plastic fork.
Kili broke off a piece of cake and held his fork in front of your mouth. You ate from it playfully. It was nice, getting to be domestic with him, given that so much of your time together thus far had been on the road, weaving in and out of danger.
“So…” Chelsea pressed, your human friends all waiting anxiously to hear about your time in Middle Earth. “What was it…like?”
“Anything specific or just in general?” You asked for clarification.
“In general, I guess.”
“It was…everything I could have imagined.” You shrugged. “Like, the movies don’t even begin to do it justice, Middle Earth. We started in the Shire, at Bilbo’s, travelled to Rivendell, through Mirkwood, through Laketown, to Erebor. It took a long time, not just the nine hours that are on screen. Like, the book is just the cliffnotes, you know? Being there, doing it…It was spectacular. Scary sometimes, sure, but I think it was worth it.”
“What’s your scar from?” Taylor pointed to the long, jagged mark running up your arm. “Was it actually from dog-sitting or…?”
“A goblin got me, but that’s not even the big one.” You chuckled and stood, pulling up the skirt of your dress the tiniest bit, showing off the large mark left from the dragon’s talons. “Smaug did that.”
“Holy shit…” One of your friends murmured.
“The little scar on my cheek is, surprisingly, the only one I got during the Battle of Five Armies, but that one healed up so well, it’s hard to even see it.” You sat back down next to Kili.
“Meet anyone cool?” Ethan asked.
“Most of them are in attendance.” You replied, and the dwarves chuckled. “I did meet Legolas briefly. And Elrond. And we stayed with Bard for a bit; his kids were really nice. Also Thranduil is like…kinda mean.”
“He is an acquired taste, that is for certain.” Gandalf piped up from the corner. “Not entirely unreasonable, though.”
“What was your favorite part of the trip, lass?” Bofur asked, that mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“If that isn’t a loaded question…” You chuckled, shaking your head. “I honestly…I feel like there are too many to count. There were a lot of moments that really stuck out to me and I loved them all in different ways for different reasons; staying at Beorn’s, riding in the barrels down the river, the party at Laketown…” You took Kili’s hand and he gave yours a squeeze. “Obviously, I’m not single anymore, so I loved every moment that led up to that, as well, and…all of the moments since then, too.”
The group sat there for a while, reminiscing, telling stories. Balin recounted the moment you stole Smaug’s fire. Bofur told them all how wasted you’d been at the aforementioned party in Laketown. Fili recalled when he’d spotted you outside their cells in Mirkwood, disguised as an elf guard and Dwalin bragged that you’d stood up Legolas at the Festival of Starlight that night, managing to trick every elf you passed, including their prince.
“I have a story.” Kili spoke after a while, and everyone piped down, eager to see what he had to say. “So, that first night in the Shire, shortly after Thorin arrived, Gandalf informed us that there would be a mysterious fifteenth member of the company. He said fifteen was a lucky number and that, in addition to our Burglar, we were in need of a Book Keeper to…keep the record straight, or something of the sort. And I thought to myself, we have Ori for that, he’s a scribe, what more could we possibly need to keep the record of the adventure? We waited for a bit. Waited a little longer. And then I hear this little voice in the distance, down the hall and around the corner. Didn’t think much of it.”
You listened carefully. In all your time together, he’d never told you what was going through his head the moment you’d met.
“So Gandalf sends me to get her. Up until then, we didn’t even know she was a woman, which was a bit of an upset among the company. I wasn’t anywhere near the door, so I wasn’t quite sure why he’d sent me of all dwarves, but I stood and walked out of the room and down the hall and when I turned the corner and I…I saw her standing there, looking very lost and something happened, then. It was like she was glowing, this stunning, beautiful woman, and the first word out of her mouth is my name.” He chuckled and shook his head, squeezing your hand. “I’m sure I stood there, gaping at you like an idiot for a good, long time before finally asking if I’d met you before because surely, I would have remembered if we had. As it turned out, she’d come from an entirely different realm to help us.”
You caught a proud look on Thorin’s face, amusement in those blue eyes of his.
“I remember that tense moment after she was finally introduced to the company. I didn’t know whether or not Uncle would let her come along on the journey and, if he didn’t and she went back home after journeying so far to get to us…Even then, I knew she’d be taking half of my heart with her if she left.”
“Awwww…” Natalie pouted.
“But he let her come. And…I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be sitting here with all of you if she hadn’t.”
“And the rest is history.” Fili said, grinning.
“I’ve got a question.” Gloin said, holding up a copy of your book that had been lying on the coffee table. “What’s this, lassie? The Prince and the Prophet?”
“That’s my novel. I finished it when I got back, published it a few months back.”
“You just casually published a novel?” Bilbo asked, thoroughly impressed. “Is it that easy in this realm?”
“It takes time, sure, but actually getting it out there is kind of easy in this realm, depending on how you go about it.” You shrugged.
“Let me see.” Kili held out his hand and Gloin tossed it to him. He looked at the cover and he couldn’t help but notice the resemblance he and the love interest shared, right down to the height difference with the main character. “Second in line for the throne, first in line for her heart.” He read the tagline and his cheeks reddened.
“Well that sounds familiar, doesn’t it?” Fili joked, taking the book from his brother’s hands and holding it up so the others could see it side by side. “Kind of looks familiar too. Huh.”
“I knew it!” Phil pointed, triumphant. “I fucking knew it!”
“Ohhhhhh. Kili. Killian. I get it.” Cianna agreed, and everyone in attendance laughed.
Kili laughed in disbelief, his face right in front of yours. “You named him Killian?”
“As they say, write what you know.” You laughed, shielding your face by taking a sip from your drink. “I needed something to bury myself in. Try to fill in the hole in my heart a little bit, you know?”
Kili pressed a long kiss to your cheek. “All too well, Amrâlimê.” He raised an eyebrow, mischievous. “Do you think I could have a copy? Being your muse and all, I think it’s only fair.”
“Of course you can.” You laughed.
“Are there any mentions of the heir to the throne, Book Keeper? Prince Fillian, perhaps?” Fili asked and your friends all cracked up.
“No, of course not, that would be ridiculous.” You scoffed. “His name is Finnian and he has an intense passion for musical theater.”
The company erupted into laughter. You took a long moment to look around the room. It was like that last night before the battle in a way. You knew the magic of this night was limited. Once it was over, you’d never have this feeling again, this swirl of nostalgia and camaraderie and home, the mix of both of your homes together. Sure, now you had the ability to go back and forth, but you weren’t sure you’d ever get to have them all together in one room again. Only time would tell.
Hours later, the party finally ended. You had lots of help cleaning up, and your friends slowly started leaving to go back to their homes, unsure if when they woke this crazy night would be more than a dream. Some of the dwarves left as well, escorted by Gandalf out the front door and back to Middle Earth.
Once you finally had the place in a relatively normal state and you, Gandalf, Bilbo, and the Durins were the only ones left, you felt Kili’s presence behind you, warm and close. You turned into his arms, resting your head against his chest. He pressed a long kiss to your forehead and then murmured against your hairline the words you had been waiting to hear all night, “Come, Amrâlimê. Let’s go home.”
The celebrations in Erebor when you returned were unlike anything you’d ever experienced before. Dwarves, Elves, Men, and a wizard and a hobbit and a Book Keeper all celebrating together, one last time before they’d all go back to their own settlements and move on with their lives.
The men, Bard had told you, were considering moving to Dale from Laketown, in order to be closer to Erebor for trading with the Dwarves. Many of the dwarves that had come to fight alongside the company were staying, too, to help restore Erebor to its former glory. A lot of work had to be done to get it to that point, Thorin had told you. Especially since a dragon had torn his way through the place to escape the woman who’d stolen his fire.
Speaking of Thorin, he’d granted you a title and a gilded emerald circlet to go along with it, declaring you as an honorary Princess of Erebor, although given your relationship to his nephew, you would have married into that title soon enough anyway. And these days, you weren’t the only princess in Erebor. Dís, Kili and Fili’s mother, had made the journey in your absence, joining the rest of her family in their ancestral home. She had been incredibly kind to you and had welcomed you to the family immediately. Her brother and sons trusted you like their own, so she did, too, especially once she heard everything you’d done for them.
Slowly but surely, the Lonely Mountain was becoming less and less lonely, abuzz with people, the smithing industry up and running again, and every torch lit with warm light.
After another week, Bilbo decided it was finally time to go home. He and Gandalf prepared for the return journey. Bilbo wanted to slip out unnoticed, but the company caught word of it and gathered one last time to see him off at the gate.
“If any of you are ever passing Bag End…Tea is at four. There’s plenty of it…You are welcome anytime.” Bilbo said, his eyes sincere, and his voice wavering.
The dwarves all bowed to him one final time, each of their eyes glassy with tears.
“You’ll have to come back to visit someday.” You said, a tear trickling down your cheek, the pink light of sunrise flushing the scene with warmth and beauty. “For the wedding.”
Bilbo’s eyes softened and he took a step forward. You knelt down to the ground so he could give you one last hug before leaving for the Shire after all this time. He whispered in your ear, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Book Keeper.”
He started to walk away, stopped only by Thorin, who followed him up the path for a more private goodbye. Kili wiped a tear from his cheek and turned you towards him, gazing up at you as he had so many times before. “This is it, isn’t it? This is the end of the story?”
“It’s the end of the book, sure, but…” you shook your head, “it’s not the end of the story. It…well, to me, it feels like the beginning of a new one, except this time…I have no idea what’s coming next.”
Kili pulled you down to his level, pressing a long kiss to your lips. “We’ll find that out together, Amrâlimê, one page at a time…”
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redheadspark · 5 months
Helloo I Just read your new Oliver Wood fic and loved it♥️ so I thought maybe you could do 3. with Oliver Wood...? Pretty please
A/N - I love this for Oliver! Thanks for requesting this, friend!
Strong and Brave
Summary - After receiving a letter from your daughter, you and Oliver reminisce about your time at Hogwarts as 1st years
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Warnings - Just fluff!
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“How is she doing there?”
“From what she wrote, she’s having a good time, Oli,”
Oliver hummed as he was polishing his broomstick, which was perched over his knees and thighs as you were in the armchair by the open window, reading your daughters first letter from Hogwarts.  Seeing her familiar writing made your heart soar, reading how she was describing her first day at the Wizarding school and being sorted into Gyrffindor House.  All you could remember was seeing her being sent off on the Hogwarts Express a week prior, her smiling face beaming amongst the steam of the railroad and her hand waving in anticipation.
To hear from her made those restless nights drift away finally.
“She loves being in Gryffindor, already making a few friends in her House.  She even has a bed right by the window with a view of The Black Lake, she loves that,”  You said aloud as you were reading another paragraph, seeing Oliver out of the corner of your eye smile, “So far she likes her classes, but Potions is gonna be tough for her,”
“She’s lucky she’s never had to deal with Snape,” Oliver grumbled as he moved his rag to another part of the broom, “You said she’s making friends?”
“Yes, two of them already.  They eat together at meals and are study buddies: Elena and Harper.  I’m glad she has friends,” You hummed, looking up from the letter over to your husband, “I wanna write to her tonight and send it tomorrow for her,”
Oliver placed his broom, which was now shining and pristine, down on the ground as you got up from the armchair to sit next to him on the couch.  Feeling him wrap an arm around your shoulders to tuck you in, you both were looking over the handwriting of your daughter, trying to picture it all in your head.  Seeing her in crimson robes, walking along the Hogwarts hallways with her friends, it must have been thrilling for her. 
You and Oliver were dreaming of the day she would be off to Hogwarts and make her own memories.  With her inquisitive mind and curious intuition, along with her tender and empathetic heart, Poppy was going to have an amazing time within the Scotland Highlands.  You did miss her around the house, helping you tend to the garden with the herbs, or learning how to fly on her training broom with Oliver watching her closely.  Even seeing her tucked in her favorite nook with her book in her lap, Poppy was part of this home.  
You remembered bringing her home from St. Mungos as a baby, making more space for her in those four walls.  Her energy was needed in that little house, her laughter was etched along the walls and her bright eyes almost illuminated like the sun rays to bring lightness in the night.  Poppy was the best blessing you and Oliver would ever need, especially after barely surviving the Second Wizard War at Hogwarts.  
“She’s a strong one, like her mum,” Oliver explained as he looked from the letter to you, making you blush as you placed the letter on the coffee table in front of you swiftly.
“And she’s quite brave, like her Da,” You added, Oliver rolling his eyes as you poked his side, “Don’t tell me you weren’t brave as a 1st year there.”
“I wasn’t brave! I was petrified goin’ over in those boats and seein’ the castle!” Oliver exclaimed, though you were giggling as he gestured with his hands, “I didn’t know what it was goin’ to be like,”
“None of us did as kids,” You reasoned with him, nudging him in the shoulder, “I remember seeing you looking like a lost puppy when Macgonagall called your name in the Great Hall.  A cute lost puppy actually,”
Oliver blushed as he kissed the top of your head as you kept talking, “Who would have thought I would be dating that lost puppy some time later, then marrying him years and years later.  I consider myself one lucky lady,”
That alone made Oliver peer down at you with the biggest smile on his face, “Did I tell ya I love ya today already?”
“At least twice,” You replied in a giggle, Oliver giving you a sweet kiss while you curled into him. Thinking of all the memories you two shared together, both as friends and then as a couple.  You love every moment with had with Oliver, both the good and the bad.  Your foundation in return was solid and strong, the cracks that would come along were fixed with talks and moments of comfort.  There would be no one else in your life that would fill your heart to the brim, only Oliver.  And now the child you created with him helped in filling your heart even more.  
“I love ya,” He hummed against your lips.
“I love you too, Oli,” You replied, giving him one more peck on the lips before moving out of his hold and grasping the letter quickly, “Now, we need to write back to her!”
“Now?” Oliver asked in amusement as you got up from the couch quickly.
“Of course now!  Time is wasting and we have plenty to tell her!” You explained, Oliver chuckled as he got up from the couch too to follow you back to your small office next to the bedroom.  It was the start of several letters that you would write to your daughter throughout her first year:  telling her about her father winning a  major game in October, gushing in excitement to see her for the Christmas Holiday Break.
Even breaking the news that she’ll be a big sister come next September.
The End.
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April Prompt Session
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