#i was gonna tag this as mushrooms but no one in their right mind would call this thing a mushroom
razehider · 10 months
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red cage fungus (Clathrus ruber) season is always a fun time. they're called witch's cages (gaiolas de bruxa) in portuguese, which is obviously silly as witches are notorious for their lockpicking skills and a cage would be a bad place to keep one in
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they start out as these little innocent looking balls but quickly grow into their stinky red forms in a matter of hours. they can stick around for a few days but it's not uncommon for one to be a dry greyish mess only 24 hours after sprouting
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some can get really bright red and juicy like this one i found today. if the inside of this thing reminds you of a nice fruit and you're wondering if they're edible i recommend purging those thoughts from your mind because getting close enough for these two photos gave me a headache from the rotting smell. the flies love it though
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twst-drabbles · 2 months
Dire 9
Summary: Dire like to make little mental bets with himself about which pixie will be tailing around the dear, dear Janitor.
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Originally, Dire wanted the rest of the staff to play this game of his. He wanted to have fun, make some bets and see which faerie follows the Janitor around and potentially bond with everyone. And also get some pocket money on the side but that’s besides the point. Do you know what they said to him when he proposed the idea?
“Why would we bother when we know you’re going to lose?”
The gall of it all! They have absolutely no faith in his ability to gamble! Sure he almost ran himself into debt before but he had the self-control to stop himself before things got worse. Besides, it’s not that much money, only a few thaumarks and perhaps a nice antique item. And maybe a few dishes and some vacation days…
Anyways, point being, Dire had no one to bet with, so he had no choice but to bet with himself. Play his own private little games, since seeing he has no choice.
There is practically no end to the amount of pixies that love and adore you. Dire did make sure to recruit as many as possible in order to ensure the stability of this college, after all. And, while his memory is a little but foggy, Dire is more than sure he can take a daily guess as to what faerie or faeries will be following you around.
Today was a moist day, as yesterday there was a storm that nearly flooded the campus had it not been for the water pixies that were there. As such, the water pixies won’t be around, as they will be resting somewhere, or playing in a lake. The winds haven’t been all that active so Dire can cross out wind faeries following you around. Those of fire will be hiding away until the moisture calms down, oh but it is an incredibly cloudy day, so the pixies of light might be around.
Yes yes, let’s place his bets on those of light. You do go around and clean in the darkest of places no problem and pixies do so love to help you out. The rewards you grant are generous after all.
“Now then, where did I put the tag,” murmured Dire as he sifted through a drawer in his desk, filled to the brim with a number of fancy black name tags. “There it is!”
With the gold-trimmed tag in hand, Dire walked over to the calendar and pinned it.
“Now I just have to wait and see.” Because you always come by his office to do a general checkup and also report any interesting findings–and there are no shortages of it–to him.
And, as one would expect, you came in not even twenty minutes later. And sitting on your shoulder was–
“Dire, there’s a leak in my dorm and I’m gonna need you to order some materials for me,” you sighed, work outfit covered in muck and dust. A little pixie with a veiled mushroom hat swung their little feet, limbs colored black from their work. “A bunch of mushrooms and mold started growing right in the corner of my bedroom.”
Another little faerie, laid on your head, wearing a jacket of dark green, puffy mold. They grinned and sunk deeper into it’s… ‘luxury’ items.
Dire took in air, then let his face slam on his desk.
“Uh, you doing okay?”
“It’s nothing. Just wading through the ocean of my loses. Please, pay me no mind. I’ll order new floor boards and other such things soon enough.”
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bobohu4eva · 6 months
Part 5 - Psycho
Characters: Reader x Baekhyun Feat. Chanyeol
Genre: Soloist AU, smut, angst, fluff
WC: 5.4k
Tag List: @nana-banana @xzyxbbh @iluvybs @greasywall @endzii23 @scopoliax @silent-potato23-blog @baekyeonoreo
Warnings for this chapter: explicit smut, fuckin while on drugs (LSD), drug use and its consequences
A/N: In case everyone hasn't already forgotten about this series because I suck horrendously at updating! Sorry! This is also most definitely the most intense thing I have ever written! There's a reason it took me so goddamn long lol hopefully I can be a little more consistent from now on
Addiction (noun): Disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences
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“When’s your next day off?” 
He sent her the text a few days after their last night together, a whole day already planned for them in his mind. He just had to figure out how he’d make it happen.
She eagerly let him know, and he told her he’d be picking her up that morning, surprisingly early, but she didn’t question it, she was getting to see him, after all. And from what it sounded like, she’d get him all to herself, all day, at his lavish penthouse. 
Baekhyun once again insisted on keeping his plans for them secret, so when that morning arrived and he picked her up, she had no idea what she was in store for. However the last time he’d refused to tell her his plans they ended up getting high, and she had a hunch that it might be something similar. 
“Are you finally gonna tell me what we’re doing today?” She asked him once he’d started driving, this time showing up in a different car, a silver convertible Porsche. 
‘Hmmm.. No, but I’ll show you once we get to my place. The last surprise was fun though, wasn't it?” 
He took his eyes off the road for a second to look over at her, his taunting smile daring her to disagree with him, but knowing she wouldn’t dare. 
“So more drugs?” 
He grimaced, “sounds bad when you say it like that.” 
“Am I wrong though?” 
“If I tell you that would ruin the surprise.” 
She just laughed and rolled her eyes, deciding to wait until she had more details to really judge. 
“You’ve been working all week right? Any more run-ins with Mr Kim?” 
As soon as he said it, her eyes went to his arm. Now that he was wearing a t-shirt, she could clearly make out the mark from the cigarette, the burn still not completely healed, and even then, it looked like it might scar. 
“I should be the one asking you that, you know.” 
She saw him glance down at his arm too. “You didn’t answer the question.” 
“No, I likely won’t see him again for a while, thank god.” She frowned, still disappointed that he was so reluctant to talk about it. “What about you though? Do you work with him a lot?” 
“Unfortunately, yeah.” He still looked uncomfortably serious, but he perked up in less than a second as he pulled into the garage of his building. “But that’s just showbiz baby.” 
He was so nonchalant about it, and left no room for her to protest, so she simply allowed him to lead her up to his beautiful apartment once again. 
She hadn’t given too much thought as to what drugs Baekhyun had planned for them to take that day, pretty much assuming that it would be mushrooms again, or maybe some weed or molly. But after digging around a bit in one of his kitchen drawers, he pulled out an envelope containing a small piece of colorful paper, with perforated lines criss-crossing it, dividing it into smaller pieces still. She’s never seen it in person before, but quickly recognized it as LSD. 
Just like the time before, he saw the hesitance on her face. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Last time everything ended up fine, and we had a great time, didn’t we?” 
“I know we did, but this is different isn’t it? I really don’t want it to be too much or something and start freaking out.” 
He sighed, setting the envelope back down on the counter and coming to her, leaning in for a quick kiss. “It’s just the two of us here, no interruptions, no obligations, just you, and me. I won’t let anything bad happen. If you start to feel overwhelmed, just tell me and I’ll do whatever it is you need me to to help you calm back down. That day at Chanyeol's house was the most… at peace, I’ve felt in a long time. I’ve been thinking a lot about that day, and what we talked about, that’s why I want to try this with you.” 
“You haven’t done this before either?”
“No, I have, but it’s been a while, I don’t remember much of it.” 
“Why don’t you remember it?” 
“It's a long story, but I don’t remember much from that time of my life in general.” 
As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he’d said the wrong thing, she looked uncomfortable again. 
“Y/n, sweetheart.” He cooed, and her eyes met his, feeling his warm hands intertwining with her own. “You don’t have to do anything, and I don’t want to pressure you, this is just something I’ve had on my mind lately. I still want to get to know you better.” 
“Is it not possible to do that without getting high?” 
“Of course it is, but you know what I mean.” 
She thought back to the day they'd had out at Chanyeol’s house, and she understood what he was saying. “Okay maybe.” 
“So what do you say, hm?” His hands ran down her shoulders, then her arms, eyes never leaving hers. The slight tilt of his head and the way he looked at her with his best puppy eyes ruined any ability she might’ve had to reason with herself.
“Alright, if you’re sure it’s a good idea.” 
He grinned, and finally he was kissing her, really kissing her, not like the little peck from earlier. His tongue slipped past her lips, and his hand held her face to his own. It didn’t take long for her to start feeling weak in the knees. 
As he pulled away he turned to the counter, grabbing the envelope again. He tore off two of the little squares of paper, placing one on his own tongue, and the other on hers. 
“What now?”
He shrugged, “It'll start to kick in in about an hour, have you eaten? I can order us something, or see what I have here.” 
They ended up making breakfast together, and she was surprised by how sweet he was being to her, even more so than usual. It didn't just feel like the usual flirtation that went on with him. Despite not being much of a cook himself, he did his best to help out, and the way he rested his chin on her shoulder, singing softly in her ear as she stood in front of the stove, made her heart flutter. When she was done he thanked her, and told her time and time again how great the meal was. 
By the time they were done eating, she realized she was starting to feel the effects of the drug. Colors were becoming more vibrant, and patterns would start to move if she looked at them for long enough. It wasn't entirely dissimilar from the mushrooms, but it was definitely still different, especially the way her body felt. 
Baekhyun must've noticed the way she was staring off at things, or just the unusually large size of her pupils, since he asked, “how are you feeling?” 
“I'm not sure.. kind of weird.” 
“Come here.” 
He led her to the big cozy looking couch in his living room, facing the windows overlooking the river. He sat down, and she followed suit, resting between his spread legs, leaning her head back on his chest. Some music began to play, and even though they were just sitting there, she felt like her mind was going into overdrive. 
If the mushrooms made her feel heavy, more in touch with nature, LSD was the opposite. She was buzzing, electric, almost. It wasn't unpleasant, but she didn't exactly enjoy it either. 
“Are you okay? Your heart is racing.” 
She wouldn't have even realized it if he hadn't brought it up, but he was right. 
“I.. don't know.” 
“Y/n, baby.” 
She turned around, until she was basically laying on top of him on the couch, facing him. 
His pupils somehow grew even larger when her eyes met his, and for a good minute, neither of them could look away. The rest of his face looked just as inviting. His skin smooth and sunkissed, pretty features in perfect harmony. And then there were his lips. Soft, pink, asking to be kissed. Eventually she gave into the temptation, and their lips collided. 
That was a feeling she had not been prepared for, even in the slightest. 
It was like the excitement of kissing him for the very first time, that night at the club, had come rushing back tenfold.
It was he who eventually pulled away, still looking at her with a bit of concern. “You're shaking.” 
He took one of her hands that had been resting on his chest into his own, further confirming his previous words. 
“Did that not feel crazy for you too?” 
The way she looked at him, eyes wide, panting and shaking at the intensity of it, made his chest swell with pride. Any concern he showed quickly melted away as he grinned back at her. “Kiss me again.”
He didn't have to ask twice. She pressed her lips to his without hesitation, moaning into the feeling as waves of euphoria washed over her. 
Baekhyun, too, could feel how much more intense it was, kissing her and touching her with the added excitement the drug offered. The MDMA as well as the mushrooms had given a similar effect, but not nearly to the same degree. 
While the mushrooms had made him sentimental, wanting to hold her, feel the way her chest rose and fell in sync with his own, the LSD made him ravenous. Sex, while high on mushrooms, didn't even seem possible. The overall heaviness of the body high simply didn't feel sexy, but now he could think of nothing else. 
But Baekhyun knew that they had all day, and was in no rush. For what could've been anything from several minutes to a few hours, the drug blurring time into irrelevance, they simply laid there, lips pressing together again and again, until he pushed his tongue past her lips, smiling into it when she once again moaned at the newfound depth of the kiss. With both hands on her waist he felt the way she continued to shake, overwhelmed by the new sensations. 
Not wanting to overwhelm her too much, and still enjoying the onset of the drug, Baekhyun eventually pulled away, standing up from the couch, with her following. 
He leaned in, forehead resting against hers with a wide grin on his pretty face. “Wanna dance?” 
She smiled back at him and nodded, and soon the room was full of music, something sexy that would make them want to move.
With one hand in his own he twirled her around, placing himself behind her, hands on her hips as they both swayed to the beat. The heat of his chest pressed to her back and his words in her ear as he sang along further heightened how intoxicated she already was. The room around her appeared to melt and shift in a colorful whirlwind, though she didn’t mind it, still more focused on the man behind her than anything else. With the music pulsating through her, his body pressed to hers, she gave into it, even tearing up a little as she kept moving her body. This was the definition of euphoria, she thought. It simply couldn’t get any better than this, the rush of it all so overwhelming that it moved her to tears.
When she spun around in his arms, attaching her lips to his own, she saw fireworks behind her  eyelids, colorful bursts filling her vision even as her eyes were closed. Every touch of his hands brought waves of delight that surged through her without even an ounce of reluctance. Baekhyun noticed her tears, but he could feel it too, not questioning even for a second if they came from anything but pure happiness. 
She let out a yelp when he momentarily broke away before scooping her up in his arms, and carrying her into the bedroom. 
Baekhyun, too, felt the burning need for more, seeming almost frantic in the way he laid her down, wasting not a single second before slotting himself between her legs. 
He was on fire, his tongue in her mouth, dancing with her own as he tugged on her clothes with a kind of impatience she’d never seen before. He thought he would be able to stay patient, savor the feeling and enjoy her with some restraint, but he now saw how wrong he’d been. With the high at it’s full intensity, he was insatiable, he wanted every piece of her, the craving for more so intense even he began to lose it, hands shaking as he got the clothes off her body. First her shirt, then her pants, and eventually her bra, all thrown haphazardly across the room, no care for anything but the need for more skin. 
She arched into him, pushing her hands past his shirt, her touch against his bare abdomen bringing a gasp from him. After one more heated kiss he sat up, pulling the fabric over his head and fussing with his belt, finally getting that off as well. When he leaned back in, he didn’t kiss her, instead, he found himself taking her face in his hand, staring. 
“So beautiful… You make me feel so fucking crazy, you have no idea.” 
His eyes kept scanning her face, taking her in all he could, the way his words made her lip quiver, the blush on her cheeks, it was all perfection, the high adding an aura of effervescence. To him, she was glimmering, sparkling. 
“You’ve been making me crazy ever since I met you.” She answered, knowing she was just as insane for him. 
His lips pressed themselves to hers, this time though, something felt different to him. He felt himself almost start to tear up, though he fought it off, not wanting her to see the way it all overwhelmed him, too. The emotions roared to a new peak, making him sentimental, kissing her deeper, in love with the way her hands on his back pressed him further into her, never wanting her warmth to leave him, not then, not ever, as far as he was concerned. 
“You’re mine, baby, mine.” 
The words were pressed into the side of her neck between kisses, and when her voice failed her, all she could do was nod. 
“I want to hear you say it.” 
She tried to get it out, she really did, but when his fingers briefly met the waistband of her underwear the words got caught somewhere between a gasp and a moan. 
He moved slowly, hungry lips making their way down her neck, spending some time nipping at the sensitive area near her collarbone, before finally giving attention to her bare chest. His hands too squeezed and pinched at the sensitive skin where his lips couldn’t reach, and the sounds she made were music to his ears, though he still wanted to hear those words more than anything else. 
“Fuck, say it, please.” 
“I’m yours.” 
By that point the onslaught of emotion had completely overpowered her, simply giving into the way he touched her, too far gone to even think, making it near impossible to form words. It was all like a dream, his touch combined with the high whisking her away to another plane of existence, one where she could do little more than lay back, shaking, gasping, taking in the waves of pleasure that came her way. The weight of him between her thighs and his mouth and fingers as they teased her nipples felt like heaven and hell all at once, both divine and almost frighteningly tempting. He could see it in the way she looked up at him, eyes glazed over, nothing behind them but desire, a deep yearning for more, even if she couldn’t express it, the intensity rendering her speechless. 
In the back of her mind she realized the staggering difference between how he acted then compared to every other time they'd been in bed together. She felt the urgency in the way he touched her, hands that were usually so steady, so confident, now shaking, along with his unsteady breaths. Never before had he voiced such possessiveness either, though it didn't feel out of place in the slightest. She knew she belonged to him, no other man would ever be able to compare. He was so exhilarating, she felt that the piece of paper she'd had was nothing, the real drug was him. 
She was already out of her mind, and his hand had yet to venture between her legs. With his mouth still on her chest, kissing and nibbling and sucking at the soft curves, he slowly began to venture south, each kiss on her stomach adding more fuel to the fire within her. When his fingers finally hooked themselves into the waistband, slowly pulling the last piece of clothing off her body, a loud moan fell from her lips. She lay there underneath him, panting, mind in a whirlwind, completely exposed, waiting for more. 
Baekhyun was eager to deliver. His mouth went straight in, licking up the wetness he’d coaxed from her thus far, the feeling of his tongue incessantly flicking her clit making her hips push against his face, pleading with him for more. The taste made him groan, vibrations coursing through her, his lips and tongue bringing her close to release quicker than she knew possible. From the very first touch she’s already lost control, twitching and nearly screaming at the strength of her own desire. It was all too much, the tension leaving her helpless to his touch, fingers in his hair as she came on his tongue in mere minutes. 
The orgasm washed over her like a rushing waterfall, knocking any rational thought from her mind as she shook and gasped. It was a new experience completely, the added rush of her high bending her mind into an unfamiliar torrent of pleasure. Finally prying her eyes open to look down at him between her legs, the smirk present on his wet lips was pure eroticism, his handsome face a work of art. The onslaught of her high had been so paralyzing she hadn’t even noticed the substantial volume of her moans, not until Baekhyun commented, 
“My baby can’t help being loud for me, hm?” 
A whine escaped her, anticipation building even further as Baekhyun stripped off the last of his clothes. He reclaimed his place between her thighs, looking down at her flushed face, basking in the warmth of the moment as they both stared, entranced. The beads of sweat on his face appeared more like precious pearls, lips a soft pink pillow, eyes of deep chocolate brown, baiting her to get lost. Even with the way the drug made everything shift and twist about, he stayed still, shining, glowing, illuminating her entire world. 
He leaned in, kissing her with an unexpected tenderness, soft lips moving with hers gently, almost carefully. When he pulled back his forehead rested against her own, eyes fixed on hers. 
“Do you want more?”
She nodded without any hesitation, and the smile on his handsome face was enough for more butterflies to erupt within her. By that point she was dripping, throbbing, wanting nothing more than to finally feel him inside. 
“Can you say it for me?” 
“Please, Baekhyun. I want - I need- more. Fuck, please.” 
Her eyes were filled with greed and impatience as she watched him grab the packet from the nightstand and roll a condom onto himself, wondering how he was still able to keep it together enough to even consider such a thing. The room continued to dance and shift about in a dream like kaleidoscope as he moved himself over her again, both an anchor and a source of even greater insanity to her. 
When she felt him finally push inside, it was like she was experiencing it for the very first time. Now chest to chest, fully flush, surrounded by him completely, she felt herself break. The tears were back, and with every push of his hips into her, sparks filled her distorted vision. She tried to look up at him, but her eyes felt heavy, unable to concentrate on anything but the feeling of him above her, and inside her. 
Baekhyun was no better off. The drug amplified everything to such a degree that he too found himself letting go of any restraint, letting the high take him wherever it so pleased. His moans, and the ever increasing cadence of his thrusts told her just how affected he was, too. She began to move with him, rolling her body into his more or less involuntarily, just wanting to feel more of him, and he did all he could to deliver. 
When his eyes finally met hers again, his thumb moved to wipe away the tears, though they only communicated to him her immense and paralyzing delight. The way she looked up at him encouraged him further, his hips hitting her more deeply, savoring the feeling every time he entered her, again and again. 
The drug had overpowered her senses so entirely, that the lines, the boundary between herself and him began to fade into obscurity, she was a part of him, and he, a part of her. She sensed his pleasure, and felt it in her own body, the same way she knew he felt her, too. They melted together, the high and the closeness of being so intimately connected merging them into one. 
Every time he filled her, she felt him brush against that delicious spot deep inside that made her tremble. He was perfection, beyond perfection, even. Having him there with her, enjoying her as she enjoyed him, whisked them away to a different form of reality. Their shared altered consciousness made it all so much heavier, more real than any sexual experience they could have while sober. This was how it was always supposed to be, they were both sure of it. 
His hand clutching her face brought her eyes back to his, whimpering at his intense gaze. 
“Who do you belong to, baby?” 
“You.” She replied weakly, barely able to get the word out. 
“Say it again.”
“You- Baekhyun, oh my god.” 
Her words stirred up a whirlwind inside him, his lips latching themselves onto the spot on her neck that made her weakest. The pace of his thrusts picked up even more, and she felt her whole body start to tingle, starting from the tips of her toes moving up her body in waves, until she was consumed by it, and again, she fell. 
This orgasm was somehow even better than the last, leaving her shaking, gasping, seemingly tearing apart every atom in her body, and then putting her back together again. Her vision went white, arching, twitching, moaning and completely out of her damn mind as he kept fucking her through it, until he too reached his peak. 
When it happened for him, he kissed her with such force, such passion, that she couldn’t breathe, though she didn’t feel she needed to anyway. His affection felt more crucial than oxygen, happily accepting his lips as she floated slowly back to her altered state of reality. 
They both lay in the aftermath of the near religious experience they just shared, sweating, panting, still pressed to each other as they recovered from the profoundly overpowering encounter that the drug turned their passion into.
Even after several minutes had passed, she was still dizzy, still unable to come to terms with how incredible Baekhyun had just made her feel. 
“I love you.” She whispered, thoughtless, the otherworldly memory of it all and his possessive words drifting through her mind. For a while, he didn’t respond, and she didn’t expect him to. It didn’t feel like some sort of big confession, just what the drug and the height of the moment naturally pulled from her lips. 
“I..” he paused, becoming tense, eyes digging into her own. “What?” 
The harsh change in his tone snapped her back to reality, and she realized her mistake. 
“No- shit, I didn’t mean that-”
“What the fuck did you just say?” He said, sitting up, eyes squeezed shut with a pained expression now on his face. 
“I’m sorry, it just slipped out in the moment.” She looked at him, worry turning to panic as the look on his face slowly turned into one of anger. 
“Get out.” 
“Get out.” He said again, this time raising his voice, eyes still shut, refusing to look at her. 
She started to sit up, tears welling in her eyes, though this time they didn’t come from a good place at all. 
“But, you said you wouldn’t let anything bad happen, I’m sorry, I just- I-” 
When he finally did meet her eyes, they were hard and mean, not softening at all even at the sight of her tears. 
“You can’t be here anymore. Get your shit and get the fuck out.” 
“Baekhyun, please, I can't just leave, I'm sorry, really. Please.” She begged, but he wasn't having any of it.
“I said get the fuck out of my apartment. Right fucking now.” 
She'd never seen that look on his face before, her shock and upset morphing into fear. 
With that she got up, stumbling as she gathered her clothes, leaving his room in a disoriented haze as she got herself dressed, crying harder and harder as the seconds ticked by. The bright colors had turned dark and dull and the patterns that before swirled around so beautifully turned sharp, frightening in their unpredictability. She was delirious as she passed the threshold to his apartment, the hallway seeming to close in on her as she struggled toward the elevator. Luckily nobody saw her as she left the building, eventually collapsing onto a nearby bench under the midday sun, surrounded by the bustling city. 
As her eyes squeezed shut she only saw his face, twisted in anger as he told her to leave. It haunted her, though she didn’t want to face the city either, the cacophony of cars and other people entirely too much to handle. She had to get home, and with no other real option, she pulled out her phone, struggling with it for a minute before finally managing to call her best friend. 
“Hi! I thought you were gonna be with Baekhyun all day, is everything all right?” 
“No…” she said, voice shaking, and even from over the phone Suhyun could tell that something was very wrong. 
“Are you okay? Where are you? What happened?” 
“I- I don't know, I need you to come get me.” 
“Where are you?” 
“I don't know, I'm sitting in front of his building, he kicked me out.” 
“He did what? You sound weird, what's going on?” 
“He gave me drugs, I don't know what to do, I can barely use my phone, I can't take the subway, you have to come get me.” 
Suhyun had known her friend long enough to know that something awful had happened, and needed to get there as soon as possible. 
“Okay, just stay where you are, I can check your location and come to you, I'll be there as soon as I can.” 
She nodded, and her friend on the phone grew even more worried. 
“Yes! I'm on a bench. I won't move. Please hurry.” Her voice unsteady with the onslaught of tears still pouring out of her. 
To make sure her friend was safe, Suhyun stayed on the phone with her until she pulled up, pulling her into the car before making her way towards her friend's apartment. 
She was crying quietly to herself in the passenger seat, trying to focus on what was going on outside the window, but still ending up squeezing her eyes shut again and again, seeing his face glaring back at her, making her heart sting every time. 
“Can you tell me what happened?” 
Finally she looked over at Suhyun, and she saw in her eyes that she wasn't in her normal state of mind, growing more and more worried by the minute. 
She just shook her head, too overwhelmed to get a word out as the sobs ran through her. 
The day had been so perfect, and because of a few little words he'd seemingly snapped, becoming a completely different person. The harshness with which he'd told her to get out kept replaying, she couldn't escape no matter how hard she tried. His face and his words had etched themselves into her mind, the drug making it all so much more horrible.  
They eventually reached her apartment, and Suhyun tucked her into bed, holding her, asking once again, “what happened?” 
“He wanted to do LSD together,” she eventually choked out “and we- we had sex, and I felt so insane after, I said I love you to him, just because of how crazy it all felt, and he lost it, and yelled at me that I had to get out.”
“He kicked you out of his apartment knowing you were on drugs?” 
She nodded. 
“Are you still really high? How bad is it? ”
“I could barely work my phone to call you. All I can see when I close my eyes is his face when he yelled at me to get out but when they're open everything is moving and looks like it's about to attack me. It's awful, I just want this to stop already.” 
Suhyun stroked her hair as she cried, comforting her, but was growing more and more angry as well. She decided it would be best to take her phone for a while, worried Baekhyun would try to contact her and make things even worse. She took it from where her friend had discarded it on the bed, sliding it into her pocket. 
She stayed like that for hours, just keeping her friend company, talking to her, doing her best to reassure her, seeing the way pain and fear consumed her. When she felt the phone start to vibrate she made an excuse to leave the room, and sure enough, it was him. 
“Y/n, I'm so-”
“This is her friend. She can't talk to you right now.” 
“I need to talk to her, give her her phone back.” She could hear the desperation in his voice, but she didn't care.
“No. She's fucking wrecked because of you. You threw her out onto the street while she was high out of her goddamn mind. She could've gotten arrested for Christ's sake, all because of your selfish bullshit. If you care about her even in the slightest, and genuinely want what's best for her, you're going to leave her alone. For good. She doesn't need you to fuck up her life even more.” 
Suhyun ended the call, cutting him off. When he called again and again, she put the phone on mute, deleting every trace of his trying to contact her. The last thing her friend needed was more of him. 
At home in his apartment, Baekhyun cursed himself, nearly throwing the phone into a wall. Unbeknownst to both of the girls, he wasn’t much better off. 
Those three words had set something off inside him. His high took an awful turn as he watched her leave the apartment, overcome with anger, but mostly, fear. When he called and couldn’t get through to her, it got even worse. Suhyun’s warning to stay away frustrated him beyond belief, but as much as he wanted to talk to her, he had no clue what he would even say, he couldn’t even understand his own feelings. 
The guilt and confusion turned the rest of his day into a living nightmare, hoping that he’d somehow still be able to win her back. However as the hours passed, he did come to a realization. 
It wasn’t her words that had caused him to suddenly become so agitated, it was the fact that he’d almost said it back.
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miyamiwu · 1 year
Super, super late reply, but I was tagged by @variabels to list 5 anime/manga recs. Thanks for the tag! (I also love Durarara and Baccano ヾ(•ω•`)o)
I’m gonna list mainly Chinese media in this list, though, because that’s what I consume more. And ha! How brave, asking an ND person like me for recs. Prepare to be bombarded by my rambling!
Starting off with the media currently featured in my header (excluding Blue Lock coz most of my mutuals already know that)...
1. The Earth is Online (danmei* novel)
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* Danmei - Chinese boys love stories
The plot basically: Everyone on Earth is pulled into a death game.
A good intro to the unlimited flow* genre. Each instance is thrilling and complex. The boys love aspect is not much, as it focuses on plot, but it’s definitely not subtle. The characters are also quite diverse. Most UF novels just focus on the Chinese characters and revolve around what happens in China, but this one actually features those from other countries. I also like how the protagonist isn’t treated as the entire world’s savior. Other people around the world are also doing their part.
Where to read: An official English release is coming out in 2024. Translations will be done by luckkoi, the fan translator. As such, they've taken down their translations online. There's an alternate translation by @leonsrightlations , but only a few chapters are out right now. There are several completed translations online, but they're all edited mtl (machine translation). If you don't mind that, you can go google it. I recommend the one by Rainbow Mushroom. Their translations require a password, though, and you can find that on their Discord server.
* unlimited flow - Chinese genre of web novels where the protagonist is pulled into different instances to complete challenges which, if failed, would result in punishment or even death. It’s basically the death game genre, but instead of just one game, there are multiple.
2. Legend of Hei movie + Legend of Luo Xiaohei series sequel (donghua*)
(I downloaded this video from YouTube years ago. I can no longer find it there, so I’m reuploading it here…)
* Donghua – Chinese anime
A story about the young cat demon Xiao Hei and his quest to find a new home after humans destroyed his old one. Cute cat + cool powers + awesome fighting scenes + clean and crisp animation.
You can watch this on Netflix, but it’s not available in all countries. There’s an English and Japanese dub available, but I strongly recommend watching it in the original Chinese. (I can send you the full movie with English subtitles if you want). The series, which takes place after the movie, can be watched on YouTube. S1 of the series is more slice of life, but s2 is action-packed.
3. Low Tide in Twilight (BL manhwa)
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That BL trope where the bottom has a mountainload of debt, while the top gives him a way out… except, not really, coz the male lead Taeju is partly the creditor, and he’s forcing Euihyun into a relationship with him in exchange for money.
Typical BL story with an initially toxic couple, but better. Complex characters, and a manhwa that relies more on the art to tell the story instead of the words. Also, Taeju gives off that same annoying but hot vibe as Kaiser. What more do you want?
4. Link Click (donghua)
The title (时光代理人) would be literally translated as “Time Agents.” I have no idea why the official English title is Link Click.
The plot basically: Two guys with time-related powers run a photography shop, where they accept orders from clients to dive back in time through a photo.
Funimation did this donghua so dirty by not promoting it more back when it aired in 2021. The English subs were also terrible.
Did you know that it used to rank #20 in MAL, surpassing MP 100 S2, Jujutsu Kaisen, and many other mainstream anime? Now, it’s ranked #41 on MAL, lower than before, but still pretty high for a donghua on MAL. That’s just how good it is.
Here’s a link to the blu-ray version with fansubs. Just pick the normal English track option and not English (CR).
Edit: OKAAAY, it turns out that link has the episode order all mesed up. Just ask me if you need an HD copy with good fansubs.
5. White Cat Legend 2020 (donghua)
Title (大理寺日志) would be literally translated as The Journal of Dali Court.
Another cat boy donghua! Can you tell I just love cats?
The plot: Chen Shi travels from the countryside to the big city to search for his missing brother and inadvertently ends up working at Dali court under the cat guy Li Bing.
Slice of Life + Comedy + Drama + Supernatural + Mystery + Action
Baiting you with a hot guy gif~
It's a historical show btw, so expect some references to real-life events.
The animation is also really smooth in this one! You can watch it on YouTube. Here's a link to episode 1.
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Season 2 is also out! I'm yet to watch it, though. I should really do some time...
Tagging some mutuals to check these out, and also to list 5 recs (no pressure)~
@potato-longsocks @echarie @takeunknownroadnow @gachagon @bachirasbodyguard @blonde-batgirl @oo-mi-ru-oo @www98vikitoo @whiteapplesandblackblood
I recommend creating your own post instead of adding your recs in a reblog. My post is already pretty long. Turn this into a long thread, and we'll be a menace on the dashboard haha
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pocato · 2 years
@raisans-art hello! I love your wing AU! Also I don't trust tumblr to send this via ask so I'm just gonna tag you!
So, after reading a bit about your ideas, I started thinking. How would Ingo fall to Hisui?
The answer decided to come as a fanfic!
Warning for mentions of wounds and well... hunting and all the things that come with that.
Cold. So cold. All around him.
Has the ground always been this white?
Where was he before?
The weight on his back shifts, but he quickly comands it to stop. Moving those hurts too much.
Everything hurts, So Much.
Who is he?
Before this all encompasing whiteness, was there something? A name? A memory? Someone else?
The cold seeps into his bones and chills his feathers to the core. He should move, keep warm in motion. He's too tired to do so.
Contemplating his last moments and seeing if he can reach the other life with at least a way to call himself, the figure falls unconsious.
A curious purple creature approachs it. It's not familiar with this one's scent. Must be an outsider. What is it doing wandering so far?
No matter, this being needs help, and giglar is too small to carry it. Luckily, a machoke is nearby with it's young, so with a promise of a challenge, the mother aids the fallen one to reach a safer place.
When he comes to, he finds himself nestled somewhere warm. He hurts less too. A memory flutters to the forefront of his mind. He grasp it with a desesperation he didn't believe himself capable of.
A man in white smiling, calling someone. Was it him?
He's not quite sure, but at least now he has a name for himself.
He decides to open his eyes, and finds himself far too close to a smiling blissey. How uncourt of him! He's sleeping on her pouch!
The sound of other pokemon rouse him fully. He's safe here, these kind creatures came to his aid. He would thank them all if his throat wasn't killing him. Best he can do is offer a tired coo and chirp.
This seems to be enough. He's glad.
After a bit of moving, he manages to stand, but it's quite obvious he shouldn't move too much. Blissey eggs can work wonders, but they don't heal humans that well...
How does he know that?
Not important right now. He needs fire, water and if possible, food. There's a bit of wood in this cave, so he just needs to ignite it and then search something that can hold snow to boil it.
Machoke decides to help, seeing that what he tries is also helpful for everyone inside. Gligar goes out, possibly to search for food. Hopefully it brings extra.
The little machop finds a bowl shapped thing seemingly made of metal between the other stuff that was near him. A pat on her head as a thank you is very well recieved.
Cave becoming cozier by the minute and snow slowly melting, is when he strips of his outer layers to help them dry, and curls his wings around himself. Moving them stills hurts, and the hiss he can't quite contain arouses the worry of his companions.
Timing is on his side and this is when gligar returns, bearing the spoils of her hunt. He's not quite sure how to prepare the meat for consumption, so he leaves that for later while he stabs berries to roast over the fire.
Once he (mostly) manages to skin the carcass, he prepares it to smoke it until cooked. A bit of weirdly crunchy salt will help it have extra flavor and also make it last longer.
Like that, surrounded by good company, is how he spends his first day in an unknown land.
Next time he wakes, the fire was out, his clothes dry and he had enough energy to try to find food by himself. He tries to take flight, but his body demans he stays on the ground.
His companion seem to have an idea of what he wants to do, so they follow him while he searchs for more wood, water and food.
He finds a few mostly dry and small logs, some weird radishes, more berries, a few chunks of salt, one or two mushrooms that seem safe for human consumption and other things that will hopefully help him. Coming back to the cave to leave his treasure, he's derailed by blissey who insist on going in a certain way.
They find themselves in a termal water lake. Oh! Blissey can boil he egg here and make it's healing more potent!
Apparently they're not the only ones interested, a few pokemon of all kind come near and blissey is more than happy to share.
Ingo feels good enought to strech out his wings, but it seems he needs another sesion before he can soar again. Grabbing his treasure, they make way back to camp. But they stop when gligar anouces the precense of another pokemon in front of the entrance.
An abra is floatting dangerously close to the ground, seems he was attacked, managed to flee but it was drained. Blissey wouldn't have more eggs until later. So he decides to approach. The small abra tries to use it psychic powers, but they're so weak right now, they only blur his vision a little.
When he manages to get close enough, the poor thing collapses on the snow. He cradles it within his arms and makes a cocoon with his wings then goes inside the cave to see if any of the food he found can be used as medicine.
Machop points towards a leek, and once he hands it over, they crush it and squezze it's juice over the wounds of the abra. He makes a pulp with oran and sitrus berries and slowly feeds his newest passenger.
Once they're treated, he lays them to rest against him and covers them with his wings. Blissey and machoke cuddle together to keep warm after starting the new fire. Machop and gligar both decide to joing him and lean against him while he takes part of the guest nest that blissey leaves for her patients.
He drift into dreamland looking at the fire, and for a moment, he swears he saw a flicker of purple.
The next day arrives and abra seems to be doing better! And as a matter of fact, so is he!
He manages to do small take offs, but he's still too tired for proper flight. In a pinch he can glide, but better leave it for emergencies. Safety first!
He decides to bring a bit more food to stock up and repay the pokemon's kindness. As much as he doesn't mind their company, he will, sonner or later, need to find people like him.
The leek trick machop showed him the other day came in handy, he uses the juices to preen his feathers and heal the bumps that hurt the most.
The direction they have choosen today guides them towards a temple, but it seems quite empty of human life. A huge... Braviary? (They're not suppoused to look like that, but how are they suppoused to look like in the first place? And how does he know what it is? His head hurts.) Looks down on them, but otherwise leaves them alone.
On the way back the earth starts shaking. Looking up almost gives him a heart attack. That's the biggest pokemon he has ever seen, wherever it's going, he's going to wait far away until he can fly, or make sure no one get's crushed.
Another day, another session of boiled egg, another night cuddling for warm. Time passes as he slowly heals and learns more and more about the place he ended up in. Sometimes he can't sleep, and goes to the entrance and hears the calls of the ghost that trive at night. He avoids exploring on his own, always some of his new agents go with him to keep in out of trouble, much too curious for his own good, their gazes seem to say, even if there's fondness hidden away in a exasperated frown.
Gligar and him take to the skies once blissey gives the ok, and he makes a few rounds of everywhere they been. On the distance, there's a mountain that reaches the heavens. The sky has not been unclouded since he arrived, and he's reluctant to break through and lose sight of everything for now.
His wariness pays off, there's smoke in the distance, far too clear to be a fire type. He get's very excited, and dives down to get a closer look. The night gives him cover with his darker plumage and black clothes, and he manages to make out a few humans making rounds near a settlement. Why aren't they flying? No matter, he leaves in search of his friends, he must thank them and bid them goodbye.
Only, the littlest ones in the group refuse to separate from him. Hm, he's not sure he can carry machop, (there's a device that allows him to carry pokemon easily, he's quite certain, but he has none with him, a shame) so he'll just fly slowler. He's about to depart when machoke holds him back. Right, is late. Better go in the morning and try to bring with him some of the stuff blissey won't need.
Morning paints the clouds a light grey and after they say goodbye, he makes way towards the settlement with new cars attached to his train.
(What's a train?)
Little machop runs ahead, but the guards of the place among the snow shout and draw spears towards his charge. That's not right.
A shout comes from the ground, in a language he's vaguely familiar with. For the first time, he realized he has almost completly comunicated with animalistic sounds. He really needs to talk to people again. But he's going down the wrong track. Focus!
The guards try to make machop go away, but they nick her little fist instead. She cries out in pain, and he growls.
He dives down in front of her, shielding her with his whole wingspan. Abra teleports right behind him, and gligar perches on his shoulder.
The people are afraid. And well, this is not the best first impresion, but they shouldn't harm a peaceful pokemon! He tries to communicate as such but, the language escapes him, only the most basic of words come to the forefront.
"No hurt friend."
That came louder than he expected, but he's not suprised. He's angry but he should control his volume. He learned some time ago how easily sound creates avalanches.
A muscular man, followed by an elder woman and a teen, break out of the group of terrified people. (Did he do something wrong? Their guards hurt an innocent creature!) They seem to be muttering a word that reminds him of zoroark and zorua, but also brings pain to his head, so he ignores it and tries to appear less hostile. Retracts his wings, but uses them to shield his friends. Passes a berry to machop to eat and heal, which he knows she appreciates.
It seems that the others finally decided to adress him, so he gives them his full attention and his gaze zeroes on the teen, the one who spoke.
"What are you? What are you doing here?"
Either he misunderstood something, or they're quite rude. Still, after translating the best he can, he answers.
"Me, Ingo. And lost. Help?"
By the looks of the three who came foward, this is going to be a very tedious hassle.
Welp, that's it! Hope you like it! Drew inspiration from this twitter thread too:
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sad-chaos-goblin · 10 months
@ineffabildaddy and @celestialcrowley both tagged me in this long bio thingy (thank u!!! 💚), it's taken me a while to get round to it but here's some stuff about me:
Real name: Elyan
Nickname & nickname origins: Some people call me Ely but mostly everyone uses my full name.
Ao3: sad_chaos_goblin Haven't actually published anything (yet) but I might start soon ^^
Social media: i mostly use ig but it's a personal private acc
state country: Spain. I'm half English on my mum's side but I've never actually lived in the UK. I was born in Málaga, lived in Dublin for a bit and now I live in Barcelona.
pets: none right now, although I call my work bestie my Tamagotchi and she says she's my pet human, I keep snacks in my drawer cos she gets hungry often <3 Back when I was a kid we had a belgian shepherd and later on a samoyed, both the sweetest things ever. I miss them, dogs should live as long as humans :(
hobbies: reading (mostly I'm into fantasy and good omens fanfics right now but it changes every now and then), lyrical dance, aerial silks, pole dance and recently I'm getting into writing (inspired by GO)
Personality: I'm an extroverted introvert, I love spending time with people I like and I love getting to know new people I vibe with, but I need a lot of alone time, my social battery is limited and social interaction can feel very draining if I don't get alone time to recharge. I can be quite socially awkward and shy if I don't know people too well but once I'm comfortable around someone I get very giggly and silly. I'm an INFJ according to a test thingy someone sent me to fill in.
Favourite holiday: Hallowe'en. Big spooky fan, me. Mostly because it means autumn has arrived, it's my favourite season. Also love costume parties and roasted chestnuts (in the Catalunya region of Spain, where I live, it's tradition to have roasted chestnuts on the 31st).
Favourite food: hmm hard to choose. (Vegan) lasagna, mushroom risotto, curries, avocado toast, regular toast with margarine or olive oil, bread in general, i love bread!
Favourite dessert: lotus cheesecake or fudgy chocolate cake (vegan versions).
Favourite colour: I'm not really sure I have a specific favourite colour but I generally prefer cool colours over warm ones.
Favourite quote/s: "To live is the rarest thing in the world; most people exist, that is all" - Oscar Wilde, "Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn" - Delmore Schwartz, "To the world" - Good Omens
Favourite book/s: too hard to pick all-time faves so here are a few favourite recent reads - Six of Crows/Crooken Kingdom, 1Q84, Babel, Good Omens (currently reading)
Favourite tv shows: Good Omens (obvi), Brooklyn99, The Office, the Haunting of Bly Manor, From
Favourite films: Jurassic Park (the original one), Black Swan, Little Women, I'm kind of blanking here can't think of any others
Favourite characters: Crowley & Aziraphale, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Nina Zenik, Wylan VanEck, Matthias Helvar, Jo March, Tori from Heartstopper & Solitaire, Jake Peralta, Holden Caulfield
Favourite actors: currently quite obsessed with Michael Sheen and David Tennant, I wonder why
Favourite song/s: ooh this is a hard one. Off the top of my head right now:
-My immortal - Evanescence
-Under Pressure - Queen
-Who wants to live forever - Queen
-Lovely - Billie Eilish
-Smoke Signals - Phoebe Bridgers
-Famous Blue Raincoat - Leonard Cohen
-Take me somewhere nice - Mogwai
-Massa Tard - Blaumut
-With me - Sum41
-Perra - Rigoberta Bandini
-Run - Snow Patrol
-Cardigan - Taylor Swift
I'm gonna stop myself here cos I could just keep adding songs and this would get wayyy too long
Favourite music genre/s: Whatever vibes with my state of mind in the moment.
Favourite podcast/s: Don't really listen to podcasts cos I have rubbish attention span and if I play one while I'm out walking around I am practically guaranteed to get distracted by my own thoughts and stop paying attention and suddenly realise I haven't processed a single word in the last half hour
Have you ever met a celebrity: I've decided locally famous drag queens count as celebrities so yes, i have met a few and they were all super friendly! ^^
Do you collect anything: I've moved a lot since I left home so I've tended to be quite practical about not accumulating things. Books would be the exception I guess, I love buying physical copies.
Do you have any idols: in Neil Gaiman we trust
Is there a real life friend you can be completely yourself with: I am terrible at being vulnerable and expressing my feelings face to face but i do have a couple of people very willing to be a safe space whenever i do manage to share
Where would you live to travel to: New Zealand, Tromsø (Norway), West Coast Canada
Random fact about yourself: I get carsick very easily.
If you made it all the way down here, thanks for reading all my gibberish!! <3
I think many people i would tag have already been tagged elsewhere so I'll leave it at that but everybody feel free to join in!
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crowisinthetrash · 2 years
My TWST OCs reacting to being kissed! - Headcanons
tag list: @jades-mushroom @ultimatehope213 (lmk if you want to be tagged)
summary: you kiss the four (whether on the cheek, lips, etc) and they didn't expect it lol featuring: Azrael, Erlik, Gothel
- oh? what's this? you think you are gonna get away with kissing him?
- let's be honest, you kissed him in hopes to shut him up
- it didn't work <3
- "you wanted to kiss me that bad, hm~? now it's my turn~"
- kisses you on the lips back, then definitely will tease you about it.
- though, he wouldn't mind if you kissed him in a way to shut him up <3 even though it won't work
- another reason you could've kissed him out of nowhere where he was in the middle of explaining a joke and you wanted to catch him off guard
- which that was a mission sucess, he was caught off guard as he took a few seconds to process what you did
- he probably made a pun about the situation
- "haha get it cause you kissed me right now-"
- istg with him but either way you did make him blush though (payback for all the times he flustered you)
- but still ends up making you blush in the end
Your tiger boyfriend, Azrael was in the middle of telling you the jokes he had come up with recently since only Ruggie had seemed to find them funny in his dorm. Meanwhile you weren't even paying attention. You were staring at his pierced lips. Wondering about if they are as soft as his hair.. Or maybe you just wanted to shut him up.
"So then the joke is funny because-"
The tiger was cut off by your lips crashing onto his, catching him off guard. Which you pull away to see what he would do. A blush crept on his cheeks before he pulled you back to him and kissed you on the lips to kiss you back. Now you were the one caught off guard. Then once he broke the kiss he smirked at your reaction.
"What~? You think you can kiss me and get away with it~?"
- erlik.exe has stopped working
- he was telling you about his shell collection or talking about a shell before you suddenly kissed him
- or y'all were listening to Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery because that's his favourite artist (and singing along probably)
- and you were like "imagine if we kissed while listening to this song"
- and Erlik was like "😳 what-"
- and than you kissed him
- it took him a moment to process it andnyou saw the huge blush on his face
- the shark was too stunned to speak
- he couldn't speak properly, and avoided his gaze due to how flustered you made him
- like he forgets how to breathe because of you
- though he definitely would say he loved the kiss <3
- then you continue to listen to music together though you do it innocently but you can still see him so flustered because of you
You were listening to Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery because Erlik's favourite artist is Ricky Montgomery and you also like Ricky's songs. Anyway as you two sang along and sway to the music, a thought appeared in your mind.
"Imagine if we kissed while listening to this song."
And with that you pulled him down to your height and kiss him. His face had a bright blush on his face but kissed you back. You break the kiss to see Erlik, processing what just happened, before becoming even more flustered again. You giggle at his reaction, continuing to listen to the music innocently as the shark boy was left speechless and can't even speak without fumbling on his words.
"Y-Y'know.. I, um, Iwouldn'tmindifyoukissedmeagain-"
- you wanted to get him back from flustering you
- so y'all are like baking together, making some cookies and enjoying yourselves
- and like most you get into a little food fight.
- at the end, Gothel had some batter on his lips
- "Stay still." "Huh-"
- And then you kiss him. Which he has a nice blush on his cheeks and forgets to breathe for a moment
- Definitely teases you a little after
- "Oh? Are you sure that's the only reason you kissed me~?" LMAO
- Though you both clean up the kitchen togther he then would be like.
- "Come here and stay still~" You also had cookie batter on you lmao bc he may or may not have sneakily smeared some on you
You and Gothel were making cookies for just something to do together as it was something you both enjoyed, cooking and baking togther. Which also turns into a little play food fight.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Stay still for a moment."
Gothel has no idea but he stays still as you said. What he didn't expect was for you to suddenly kiss him. Blushing, he kisses back.
"You had some batter on your lip."
Gothel chuckles, still blushing as he look back at you.
"Oh? Is that so? Are you sure you didn't just want to kiss me for no reason at all~? I won't be mad~" He teases you, causing you to blush
"Speaking of batter, I'm going have to have tou stay still for me~"
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dajaregambler · 2 years
HeliosR - Year-end&NewYear MochiParty (full)
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Translation of ‘Year-end&NewYear MochiParty’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’. All 3 parts included.
Part 1
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Faith: (It’s sure quiet on this floor today.)
Faith: (Probs due to the usual rowdy ones going back to their families)
(Faith’s phone rings)
Faith: …Sigh, not again
Will: Ah, Faith-kun. Good to see you.
Faith: Will
Will: Your phone's ringing, shouldn’t you pick it up?
Faith: Nah. It’s from Oscar anyway
Will: Uuh, I think you ought to answer all the more in that case
Faith: It’s whatever. I just know he’s calling to pressure me to come back home
Will: Oh. Oscar-san did go back together with Brad-san now that I think of it
Faith: Yeah. And since my mother and father found out about everyone from 13th gen getting a special break, they’ve been using Oscar to pressure me to go back home.
Will: Ahaha, that’s how it is. While you should go pay them a visit, don’t you want to?
Faith: Hell no. No way I can relax with two mentors at my home
Faith: Besides, what are you here for? Ever since our Academy days, you’re the type to like, never miss a chance to go back to your family. 
Will: I do plan on going back, but I kind of have something on my mind…
Faith: Something on your mind?
Will: It’s not that big of a deal. It’s just, how do I say it… was wondering what Ren would be up to and all that.
Faith: Ren?
Faith: Ah, speak of the devil
Ren: ……..
Will: Ren♪
Gast: Yo, Will, Faith
Will: ……And, Adler
Gast: Haha… n’other year of the same ol’ treatment, eh
Faith: Come to think of it, weren’t you two on bad terms?
Gast: Nah, well, I wouldn’t say bad terms…?
Will: Neither can say it’s good terms.
Faith: Aha, what’s up with that
Gast: Anyway, what’cha standin’ round here for having a chat? Ain’t you guys gonna see your families
Will: I will. We are on break.
Faith: Visiting my family means all kinds of trouble for me.
Faith: What about you, Gast? Even though you seem the type to go fool around during breaks
Gast: Hey hey, you’re makin’ me look bad here. All I do is go hang out with my buddies, that don’t mean I’m foolin’ arou--
Ren: Oi, Gast. If we aren’t going then I’ll return to our room.
Gast: Oh, m’bad m’bad
Will: Were you two headed off somewhere?
Gast: Yup, seems like they’re holding a mochi pounding competition in Little Tokyo. We were on our way there right now
Will: Pounding mochi… Now that you mention it, they did say they were going to hold an event where they’ll use unsold sticky rice
Faith: Huuuh, Ren going to these kinda things? Kinda out of character
Ren: I don’t care about pounding mochi. It’s a chance to get food, that’s all.
Gast: Exactly that, if you join the event you get to keep the mochi. So we thought we could have that as food during our time off.
Will: Makes sense. Ren, you did like to eat your mochi with soy sauce and nori
Ren: ….It’s more for the fact that it’s easy to prepare
Gast: Oh, that’s right♪ Since you two got some time to kill, won’tcha join us? Everyone’s on break anyway, let’s fetch us some mochi and hold a mochi party♪
Will: A mochi party… What do you think, Ren?
Ren: I don’t care. As long as I can eat after taking it back home.
Will: Then I’ll tag along if Ren’s joining 
Gast: Nice, it’s decided♪ And you, Faith?
Faith: A mochi party, huh. I’m like not familiar with mochi at all to begin with though
Will: Its fine, I’m sure you’ll like it♪ There’s oshiruko and mushroom mochi which are very delicious.
Will: There’s a lot of other recipes you can do with it too. Such as chocolate flavor, or ones where people eat them as if they’re pizzas.
Gast: I’ve also made a bunch of different ones before and they were pretty good. Right, Ren?
Ren: It wasn’t bad.
Faith: Hmmm. I’ll pass up on the pizza since I’m always having my fill of that, but I’m a bit curious about the chocolate one
Faith: But pounding mochi is like, that one thing no? What Akira did at New Years Heroes….
Gast: Uh-huh, exactly that. Well, with that one they intentionally made a whole spectacle out of it
Faith: I’m like, not in the mood to go around swinging some hammer during my free time though---
(Faith’s phone rings)
Will: Was that Oscar-san again?
Faith: …Looks like it. I’m afraid he’ll go as far as to pick me up from the Tower…
Gast: Huh? Did somethin’ happen?
Faith: Nothing really
Faith: Guess I’ll be joining this mochi pounding competition after all
Part 2
Gast: Ooh, suddenly got in the mood for it, huh
Faith: If I tell ‘em “I’m gonna pound some mochi with the rookies”, I’ll have an excuse to not go back home to my family
Will: Ahaha, I do pity Oscar-san a little…
Gast: Dunno what’s goin’ on, but it’s decided. Let’s head out to Little Tokyo at once♪
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Faith: Huuh, it’s pretty crowded here
Will: Little Tokyo does have the impression of it getting lively during the New Year. It seems to be the culture in Japan.
Gast: Haven’t you been here before, Faith?
Faith: Not much. I often tend to visit Chinatown instead whenever I’m in East. 
Faith: There’s this one Chinese restaurant that’s my fave, they serve some pretty delicious tea there. Right, Ren?
Ren: ….Although there’s this regular I’d rather avoid.
Town’s resident: Oooh, if it isn’t those hero fellas! Came to pound some mochi?
Will: Yes, may we participate too if possible?
Town’s resident: Absolutely! Here use this mallet and that mortar over there. There's enough sticky rice left so go at it as much as you'd like!
Will: Thank you very much♪
Gast: Looks like everything’s prepped already. Awright, who’s gonna do it?
Faith: Won’t you show us how it’s done first? Will and Gast
Will & Gast: Eh….
Faith: You both helped out Akira during New Years Heroes, no? Which means you two know the ropes already
Gast: Well, I’ve done it a few times, so I don’t really mind but…
Will: I don’t mind either.
Gast: O-ooh…
Faith: Then, we’ll be in your care♪
Will: I’ll use the mallet
Gast: Then I’ll take care of turnin’ it around
Will: Okay, let’s start. Watch out for your hands, Adler
Gast: Eh, w-wait a sec…! This is kinda scary!
Will: ….There’s nothing to be afraid of though.
Gast: I mean, I kinda felt a shiver down my spine…
Will: Do you want to do this or not? Akira said it himself how pounding mochi is about teamwork.
Gast: T-that’s right, it’s teamwork! Yeah, I’m good whenever.
Faith: Gast, don’t forget to watch out for your hands
Ren: Great personality as ever you got there, huh
Faith: Aha, why thank you♪
Gast: Alright, we did it
Faith: I was curious how it was gonna go at first, but by the end of it you two were in harmony, weren’t you?
Gast: I know right? Nice cooperation, Will♪
Will: You seemed to be terrified until the very end though
Gast: C’mon~ Haha……..
Will: Would you like to give it a shot, Faith-kun? I’m not sure if it served as an example, but you were able to grasp the general process of it, right?
Faith: I’m fine. Just watching is fun enough
Ren: Stop messing around for fun and help. Pounding mochi unexpectedly requires some physical power.
Faith: Eeh, that like makes me wanna do it even less
Gast: Then how about turnin’ the mochi ‘round? Wet your hands and flippin’ it over as you’re kneading it will do the trick
Faith: Hmmm. Well, I guess I could do that much
Will: Alright, let’s give it a shot, Faith-kun
Faith: Just don’t smash my hands, alright?
Will: Haha, I won’t so no need to worry.
Part 3
Gast: Huh, what a surprise to see them be in tune, eh?
Ren: It’s not bad
Will: Yeah, it went quite smoothly. Could this be the result of our dance practice from the other day? 
Faith: Those are way two different things, dancing and pounding mochi
Town’s resident: Oh, you hero fellas on the sidelines, if you got nothing to do why not use this mortar over here?
Gast: Hell yeah, Ren. How about we also show off our combination?
Ren: ….Watch out for your hands.
Gast: Wha- you too!?
Ren: C’mon, let’s go
Gast: OK, come at me any time♪
Faith: Heeeh, how fast. Aren’t they nicely in sync for being just teammates?
Will: These two did win the shooting tournament. They must have gotten used to working together.
Will: But we won’t lose to them. Faith-kun, want to try using the mallet next?
Faith: Uh, it’s not like we have to win or anything
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Faith: Huh. This choco flavored mochi’s pretty nice♪
Will: Fufu, I know right? I was certain that you would enjoy it.
Gast: This oshiruko’s delicious! The sweetness of it is just perfect, I can eat this forever
Ren: …? Will made this?
Faith: I helped out with the flavoring. Since my nightmares from the Academy had came back to haunt me.
Ren: I see…
Will: Ren, how’s the shoyu mochi? Is it to your liking?
Ren: It’s not bad.
Will: I’m glad♪ I’ve baked tons so make sure to eat a lot of them
Will: Fufu, this somewhat takes me back…We ate these at Akira’s house, together with our New Year’s meal
Will: Do you remember it? How you and Akira fought over who should break the kagami mochi, and in the end it got so solid it couldn’t break anymore.
Ren: ….You have a good memory of all that old stuff
Gast: How ‘bout you, Faith? Did you do anythin’ to celebrate the New Year?
Faith: What I did, huh? When I started out as a DJ I got called out a lot to New Year’s events so I didn’t go back home
Faith: And before that… Brad would come back home and our mother would cook up some extravagant meal.
Gast: Then, why not bring her what you made today?
Faith: Well, maybe…
Faith: And what did you do? Do delinquents also celebrate with their families or?
Gast: Nah, I’d liven it up with my bros on New Year’s. Since it was cold we’d be sharin’ our instant soup around with each other.
Faith: Aha, what a bad boy
Gast: I mean, I was a delinquent
Gast: Pheew~ Sure had my fill~ Can’t have a single bite after all that~
Faith: There’s still a lot left over. We brought so much with us to the point that we could have a mochi party every day.
Gast: Guess we’ll bring the leftovers to Marion and the others. Jacqueline wanted to eat some of ‘em anyway
Ren: Victor should be holed up in his lab.
Gast: Time to wrap up this mochi party then
Faith: Suppose I’ll head back home
Will: You mean to your family, or?
Faith: Yeah. It’ll make ‘em happy if I showed my face at least
Gast: Then bring as much leftover mochi as you want with you. It’d serve as a nice gift for your family too, nah?
Faith: I’m good on that whole gift thing.
Will: Why not take it home with you? I’m sure it’d make Brad-san and Oscar-san happy
Faith: Don’t have any intentions of pleasing these two though
Gast: Well, say it’s somethin' on my part. You did just so happen to tag along with this whole mochi party
Will: Please give some on my part too. Like this, you wouldn’t have to pay it any mind, right?
Faith: What an amazing pressure… You two have a knack for looking after others so in times like these it just feels like I’m being ganged up on
Ren: It’s payback for all that teasing you did.
Faith: Haaah, okay okay. I should bring something, right
Gast: Yup, you better do♪
Ren: Will, aren’t you going back?
Will: …Me? Yeah, I do have plans to do so but…
Will: Wouldn't you like to come with me? Akira didn’t say anything but he did seem concerned about you
Ren: ….I had a feeling it was going to be this
Ren: Don’t worry about me and go
Will: Ren…
Gast: It’s true, no need to worry since it’s all good
Will: Eh…
Gast: Do think he can work on communicatin’ properly but it’s exactly as he said.
Gast: Same goes for me, the whole team’s stayin’ at the tower. That’s why there’s no way he’s gonna be left alone any time soon.
Ren: …I prefer to be left alone.
Will: I see….
Will: Then, Faith-kun and I will be going to visit your families. I’ll take some mochi too, since I know Akira would love it.
Gast: Alright, we’ll be off to prof Nova’s lab then! We can prolly find Marion too in there
Will: Give Marion and the others my regards, Ren
Ren: I will
Will: Well then, Faith-kun, let’s be on our way
Faith: Mhm. See ya once break’s over
Gast: Yeah, be seein’ ya then!
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 4
Masterlist // child reader ML //
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, casinos
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝗼𝐤𝗼 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝗼𝐰??
Quackity was telling you all of his plans
He rambled on for hours of his ideas for casinos and how he was going to marry Karl and sapnap
It sounded great
He had his whole plan set up! He even had Sam helping him with the building
But then he left
Just like everyone else
But that was fine! You were just with sapnap
Before Karl came running over rambling on about needed to move his library
He had a library?
“[Redacted] you need to stay close, please”
You looked at him weirdly
Who the fuck was [redacted]
“Karl my names Y/n you idiot” “flame..” “sorry”
He didn’t even notice it and then you had to spend the next couple days hauling over 100 books
“Oo hey what are these! The covers look really weird”
You had found his time travel books
That man raced over and in the kindest way possible, snatched it from your hands
“Don’t touch those, they are my special books”
You just shrugged and let him be, he freaks you out enough
So you all traveled to this area in the spruce forest and built a really ugly mushroom hut
But hey it’s fine! Foolish thankfully came around later that day and made everything better
So you stuck around
Maybe you needed this, this new start
Oh but prime knows that wouldnt last long
Karl started forgetting
At first it was simple things as just forgetting where he was or little stumbles with names
But eventually he was going away longer and longer
He started calling you by these strange names, some that sound Victorian and western and others that are unlike you
One day he didn’t call you by your name at all
You were hanging around the Sakura trees and the big yin Yang pond waiting for sapnap to come back with George
Then you saw Karl exit the library, running up to him for a hug
It’s been two months since you’ve seen him
You fucking hated it but you couldn’t help but consider him another parental figure
He loved it
But he just stood there as you wrapped your arms around him
Expecting the usual “[reda]- Y/n, I’ve missed you so much my sweet flame!”
But there was nothing just a sad one sided hug
“Hello? I’m sorry but do I know you?”
You were ready to cry
“I’m sorry, I uh must’ve mistaken you for the wrong person” “No that’s fine! Hugs are nice?”
So you left and ran into the library
Scouring throughout all of the books until you found them
The same 8 books you shrugged away
You read through all of them along with Karl’s other journals
You didn’t like going through his stuff especially, a whole invasion of privacy
The more you read the worse it got
What were you gonna tell Sapnap?
Who the hell is James, and [redacted]?
And why couldn’t he stop
It’s no use anymore
You were simply just forgotten
𝐋𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬
The closer you got to the large building, the sicker you got
Kinoko Kingdom was supposed to be your free pass
But somehow you always end up here
You called for Sam on the comms waiting for the beep
The inside looked great to say the least
“What are your past relationships with the prisoner?” “No answer.”
“Where are you currently resided?” “No answer”
“Do you believe the prisoner deserves his sentence?” “Maybe”
You put all your shit in the locker and followed him through all the safety checks
“I’m glad you didn’t bring anything with you”
You stood on the platform heart racing as the lava went down
It was like a ticking time bomb
The small squeaks and scratches of the hovering bridge
He just stared at you
That sick stupid mask was broken by tommy that day in the black stone room
So you had to look into his face
Lets just say he looks good in Orange
“Barrier up or down?” “Down”
He backed up into the corner as you stepped in
Once the lava cascaded down your smile turned into a sick frown
“Hello” is that all he had to fucking say?
“Screw you. Fuck you. Damn you”
He just looked you a small chuckle escaping from his lips
“Those all mean the same thing.” “Well I’ve been living in cinnamon town for the past couple months, and I’m ready to fucking burn some buns”
Yeah he just laughed
“I’ve missed you Hot shot”
“You ruined our damn life!”
Someone went quiet
“If you didn’t have to have a petty little war, or criminalize children we could’ve been fine! It could’ve just been you, dad, me, and George.”
You were pissed, everyone just kept leaving you.
Tommy and Tubbo, Quackity, Karl, Dream, and hell even Wilbur
“You come and visit me, after not having seen me for months and you just yell? Not a hello or ‘how are you dream?’ ‘How’s prison dream’ ‘how can I help you get out of this damn place’ “
You just sat down ready to just walk out into the lava
“I’ve been stuck here for months! None of you even cared enough to visit me, hell even Tommy came around.”
You might have felt a little bad after leaving him
The prison was cold even tho lava was flowing right there
“Why would you leave the discs alone..” “Because I had to end it.”
What were you doing here
What were you planning on saying?
“So, what do you do in prison”
“I have a clock.”
You got up to go look at the pretty clock
Then threw it at his face
“Ow” “deal with it bitch”
The longer you stayed the worse the feeling in your stomach got
so you buzzed for Sam waving goodbye
“Wait.. Do they miss me?” “Can’t say, but I think this may be for the best.”
He wanted his best friends
But he just got the annoying teenager
Oh but that wouldn’t be the last
𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬
You got a letter in the mail one day
Who the hell uses letters??
You were shocked to see the address and the small post card
“Come around some time”-Quackity
Ans on the back it had the cords
Oh well what did you have to loose? Sapnap was focused on Karl
and well Karl didn’t even know you
So you set off
It took you a couple hours travel by horse to get to the desert area
The large sign blaring in the red text
You gotta admit the place looked beautiful
There was a giant dick and different shops
You were shocked to see this random un human like guy
“Hello, I am Charlie a totally human guy!”
Yeah totally not slime
“I’m uh, Y/n?” He reached out for a handshake sort of thing
“Dap me up!” “Another time Charlie”
Maybe when you had hand sanitizer
“Ohh so your Y/n! Mister Quackity talks about you all the time, come on in!”
You were skeptical but followed anyways
Stopping in your tracks when you saw Fundy
“Furry?” “Fire shit?”
You went over to give him a side hug, ruffling his fur
“What the hell are you doing here ginger boy!” “Oh you know, just escaping nightmares”
You were confused then just let him be
You walked to the entry way of the place
A beautiful pond with flowers and an arch
“Did what the place where Mr. Quackity was going to propose!”
Going to?
You shrugged it off following inside
You hated to admit it, but you were excited to see him
Yeah you really needed a parental figure in your life at the moment
So when you saw him, he immediately pick you up in a hug
You didn’t fail to notice his change in appearance
That beanie stayed the same tho
Thank god
“Hey hey! Let me show you around the place, we can also go for lunch and talk.”
The casino looked great to say the least
Loud music booming from the speakers, along with the live jazz band on the side
Slot machines were going off every minute
“Have a chip, something to remember this by”
He handed you a red poker chip
It was a cool one tho, in the middle has a blocky sort of smile
Creepy and dopey.. sick!
So you put it around a spare silver chain
“So how have you been kid? ‘Ts been a while hasn’t it.” “Could be better..”
You both walked around the city in silence, offering to go in the super model shop
“No” “why not” “keep walking”
On your way to lunch you had to squint at what you were seeing
“Oh my goodness you’re still alive?!” “You’re alive!?”
You and revivebur just stared at one another
“Yeah he came back after I died!” “you what now-“
You just stared at Tommy and back to Wilbur
Oh god those shrooms were messing with your head
You should’ve gotten out of there a while ago
Quackity came over placing his hands on your shoulders
“Do I have to execute you both? Get off my damn property”
“Sorry Q. Say, Y/n wanna join Lmanburg 2.0?”
You back away holding your hands up
“I denied that offer once, and I’ll do it again. Fucking zombie freaks”
You obviously muttered the last part
Why the fuck did dream revive those two shits??
When did Tommy even die??
Your visit here has just gotten weirder and weirder
𝐌𝗼𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
Quackity got you away from the brits as quick as he could
So he brought you over to his office
“So kid, how’s your dad..”
Ah you expected this question
“How the fuck am I supposed to know. He’s living his life, Karl’s time traveling! Oh yeah did I mention he doesn’t even remember me.”
He looked at you with wide eyes
“So I’m not the only one they forgot..”
You slammed you hands on the fable dramatizing the situation
“How would you feel about moving here? I mean you could work for me in the casino!”
You thought about it for a second
You have two options
1. Live in shroom town with bubbles
2. Move to las Nevada’s with Quackity
You were sure Sapnap wouldn’t mind
I mean would he even care?
He hasn’t for the past couple months!
“You feel abandoned there, over here there are hundreds of people. You’ll have the time of your life”
You thought about it for a sec
“Alright hand me a contract”
So you signed
Making deals with the devil huh
Little did you know it would cost you your life
Devils little soul
and this is the finale! I will take requests for sapnaps child, and I’ll do some shit with Quackity and the casino and go in more depth if wanted!
As always request and ask anything! And ask if you want to be on a taglist (child reader or general)
For those on the taglist I don’t know if you wanted to be tagged for all child reader shit or just dreams child.. so please tell me :)
@creatorofstars @georgenctfound @samistheidiot @smolbox-png @ghostlysenses @stellarinstigator @bobaducky
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shrineheart · 3 years
More Myc/Reader stuff
More headcanons I plan on using in future drabbles.
Safe Headcanons, drug contents but I mean *gestures to the whole ass mushroom*
Calls you Kid or Rookie affectionately. But if you called him on it being affectionate he'd say some shit like "It's cause I can't remember your damn name".
He and Andre are pretty much besties. Again, not something he'll admit unless he's fucked up. He enjoys the funky dude's company and is way more inclined to talk to him about shit.
He likes spending time with you but like fuck if he'll admit it... unless he's fucked up with Andre. Andre will 100% tell you some of the shit Myc says about you and while a lot of it is filthy there's also some really sentimental shit in there. Andre finds it kind of hilarious.
Andre is always happy to hear shit out if you're pissed at Myc and will most likely give you tips or suggestions about approaching whatever's going on. He's not perfect at it but he probably knows Myc the best out of the humans in the company at this point.
Has a pretty high tolerance for drugs. Andre has to give him some pretty intense stuff at higher doses to get a proper response.
Has no shame and speaks his mind but, chances are that if he likes you and he feels like he actually Fucked Up, he'll kind of apologize. Kind of. There will be no "I'm sorry" but there will be a sort of roundabout confession that will get the point across.
If there are feelings involved be prepared for dealing with the king of avoiding commitment. He'll be weird about the idea of dating if he actually has a thing for you. It's not because you'll be locking him in. It's because he knows it's not permanent because humans aren't permanent.
NSFT headcanons below the cut
He and Andre? Also fuckbuddies. If you're in a threesome with them there is a high chance that they will literally tag team so Andre can recuperate between rounds. You? Will most likely NOT get a chance to recuperate unless you ask nicely.
Yes, he uses the term Daddy. If you hate it? He will find that hilarious and absolutely do shit like orgasm denial unless you say it. Also he just REALLY likes having one over on people. (Now, if it's like a trigger or something he'll just find something equally annoying instead because throwing someone into a panic attack is gonna ruin The Mood TM)
Myc likes orgies and threesomes especially if drugs like MDMA (Ecstacy, E, molly) are involved. You see, MDMA increases empathy and pleasure which, as a mind reader, gives him a lot of extra stimulation. Myc loves being in everyone's heads during the event because he gets what is basically an orgasmic and drug contact high. He might not get off but it's close enough to count.
Open to dicking down anyone, anytime, anywhere. If he's actually dating you? You'll be the top priority but he's probably going to still do stuff with other people... I mean it's basically part of his job, getting jerked off by strangers.
If he reads your mind and you find someone else kind of hot he'd probably just offer a threesome because "hey sure why not".
110% is gonna snark at you and exchange insults. Definitely the kind of person always trying to one up you in the bedroom which isn't too difficult, I mean, he DOES have tentacles.
But if you boss him around or challenge him on stuff? He'll never say it but that is The Shit right there. People usually find him mean, catty, and sometimes intimidating so you getting in his face(?) would be fun.
Teasing. He can tease and edge a person with the best of them but he's a huge whiny bitch about it if you do it back (he loves it but like fuck is he gonna admit that).
If you go multiple rounds there will be a point where he can't actually tell what's going on in your head anymore. This is the best time to pull new tricks on him because he won't see it coming.
Definitely vocal and curses like a sailor.
Always smokes and has a drink afterwards.
If he's at your place you might just wanna invest in some rubber sheets because like... it's gonna be a mess.
Speaking of bio cerebrate, while it is used in memory erasers, in its natural state it doesn't actually erase your memory. But if ingested? You're going to get high. Same effects as things like magic mushrooms.
Sounding works wonders on him. He fucking loses his mind with it.
Plugs also work well both to keep him from cumming all over the damn place and to keep him from doing too much with his tentacles.
Orgasm denial. Look, he gets jerked off for a living. Having someone keep him from it? Drives him up a wall in the BEST way.
If you give him aftercare or if you're really gentle with him? He's going to probably be awkward at first but eventually just become putty in your hands.
Having tentacles often leads him to being treated as an elaborate sex toy so you doing stuff specifically to please him or being sweet or tender with him kinda fucks him up. In a good way but also in a "shit don't catch feelings" way.
He loves going multiple rounds, loves making you cum until you can't anymore, and will absolutely fuck you senseless if you let him. You doing it to him? Will probably blow his fucking mind. Especially if you can keep up with him.
Doesn't mind having you tied up, just gives him more limbs free to fuck you with.
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alonelysimp · 3 years
Ты тоже красивый
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Characters: Tartaglia x GN! Traveler! Reader
WC: 1683
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of violence, swearing
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, M/GN, fluff, Established relationship, Love confession, Lots of flirting
heavy simping, send help ;-; i cried way too many times writing this /pos
Also full disclaimer: no i no not know Russian, apologies if anything is mistranslated. the closest thing ik regionally would be dutch or my shitty half assed excuse for german qwq
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Your foot stays firmly planted on his chest as you lean down and press the blade of your sword to his neck.
“You wanna kiss me so badly right now it makes you look stupid.”
“Shut up, tortellini.” His dumb smile probably reflected your own, a light blush dusting his cheeks at the intimate position. You could feel your rapid heartbeat in your chest, whether it be from the adrenaline of fighting or your proximity to him. Excitement sparkles in his eyes, almost as if he were asking for a rematch. His breath tickles you as your gaze traces the minor cuts and bruises on his face. His hands tug at the front of your shirt, lips ghosting across yours. “I hate you.”
“That’s not what you were saying an hour ago.” You scowl at him and push up from the floor, leaving him on his back. The sound of your sword sheathing echoes off the walls of the golden house.
“At least you didn’t destroy it this time. You can’t rely on your fatui money forever,” you mutter. The metal pieces of his coat clink against the floor, scrambling to go stand by you.
“Can we go again?” You glare up at him with the most annoyed, deadpan expression you can muster. He huffs, flicking your forehead.
“Hey, hey, watch the pretty face. I worked hard for this shit,” you hiss and cover your forehead with both your hands.
“I could say the same, жизнь моя. (zhizn moya ‘my life’)” He pauses after every syllable of the nickname, gesturing to the tiny marks on his face.
“Oh, shut up, you’re fine.” You turn to the door; his arms wrap around your waist from behind. He buries his face in your hair, lifting you off the ground slightly.
“You’re so mean to me~”
“Tartaglia, I feel like a cat getting picked up by a toddler. C’mon, let’s go home and get you fixed up, attention whore.” You blink as your eyes adjust to the daylight outside and grab his hand. He intertwines your fingers. The smirk on his face burns through the back of your head.
“Aww, so you really do care about me.”
“I hope you trip and fall on your face.” He pulls you closer beside him as you walk down the dirt path to your home, the midday sun shining down on the two of you from above. You only had to pull on his arm a few times to slow down on account of the difference in your strides.
As soon as you step inside, he releases your hand, opting to collapse on the bed.
“Dipshit—” you pull the supplies from the shelf, “up.” He doesn’t move, even when you nudge his shoulder, pretending to sleep. You sigh, summoning your sweetest voice and sitting down next to him. “Darling, can you please sit up for me? I need to take care of you~” His eyelashes flutter open just enough to peer at you. You grit your teeth, burying your face in his chest, embarrassed. “I hate you,” you mumble, muffled by the fabric of his coat. His fingers gently run through the hair at the bottom of your hairline and slowly work their way up before cupping your face and making you look up at him.
“Thank you for caring about me.” Your eyes narrow, heat pricking at your cheeks.
“I should’ve left you back at the golden house.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head and sits up, letting you lean against him still. The post-battle heat radiates off him but the smell of sweat is beginning to get to you.
“So are you just gonna lay there or..? I know how comfortable I am, but I was under the impression you were gonna help.” He laughs when you push yourself away quickly and set the supplies down on the nightstand. You begin to unclasp his coat, fumbling with them slightly before getting it open. You punch him lightly when he opens his mouth, knowing full well what he was about to say. “So mean~” He pulls you into his lap while you work, dabbing the soaked cloth at the various scrapes.
“Was I too hard on you?” you ask him softly. He laughs, leaning back and resting on his hands.
“It’s not an easy task to defeat me, ангел (‘angel’). I’m proud you were even able to land a hit.”
“You won’t fight me using your delusion. What if I go overboard and hurt you?” Your fingers dance across his skin, flitting over his muscles.
“Is it bad that I want to make sure I don’t kill my beautiful ангел (‘angel’)? If you don’t want me to hold back, you better not either.” He giggles, pressing his lips to your forehead and smiling “Wouldn’t it be fun?” The soft linen sheets brush against your skin as you shuffle to face his back, taking care of any wounds, regardless of how slight they may be.
“I’d have to patch your weak ass up after, though.”
“I wouldn’t mind watching you turn beet red undressing me.” You choke, covering your mouth with the back of your hand. The alcoholic smell from the cloth quickly deters you from keeping your hand there, but it doesn’t stop the mindless panic you’ve been thrown in. At least he wasn’t watching you burn up, you’d never hear the end of it.
“S-shut…” you stutter out, failing at a desperate attempt to regain your composure. He laughs and turns to take the bottle and cloth from your hands.
“Hmm, I didn’t expect such a rare treat today.” He sets the things back on the nightstand. “Is this your way of apologizing after being so mean to me earlier?”
“Not to your crusty dusty ass,” you mumble, not making eye contact with him. “Go take a shower, you reek.” The palms of your hands press against his chest, more in a gentle urge than a demand. He chuckles, sighing, and presses a kiss to your forehead before standing up to head to the bathroom.
You take the opportunity to stand up and put away the antiseptics and clean the cloth. The soft white noise from the shower fills the house as you hang the towel up to dry. He steps out a few minutes later though, you wonder how he always manages to take such short showers. Yours takes a few minutes longer, and you slip into a clean set of your usual clothes after.
“I have to go do guild stuff, you coming?” You stand by the door, messing with your hair. He glances up his food, a chicken mushroom skewer leftover from breakfast. He hums, tossing the bamboo skewer in the trash.
“Of course ангел, (‘angel’)” he says cheerfully, moving to stand by you. He takes your hands in his, fixing your part line himself. Your arms wrap around his waist, pulling him close in a hug. His lively heartbeat drums against your ear as the scent of sandalwood floods your nose. His fingers run through the back of your hair with one arm around your waist, pressing you closer.
“Hey, darling?” He hums, waiting for you to continue while stroking your hair. “I like you.” You look up at him. He melts, the dumb smile on his face making it quite evident. He buries his face in your hair, mumbling out a “м-милая. (m-milaya ‘[you’re] c-cute’)” You manage to pry him off you, taking him by the hand as you lead him to the harbor.
The commissions you received were nothing out of the ordinary, just little deliveries around Liyue and a few hilichurl camps to clear. You sighed, plopping on the edge of the cliff. The grass rustles as Childe sits next to you, leaning back to watch the sunset.
“I have to admit,” he breathes, “the sunset in Liyue is unlike any other I’ve seen.” The fiery sky matches his hair, a sight you could never see from such a city like Snezhnaya. Your breath hitches when you turn to glance at him. He looks… stunning. The way his hair glitters in the light, cerulean eyes shimmering. How in Teyvat did I manage to land someone like him? He looks over at you, concern shadowing his eyes as he brushes his thumb across your cheek. “What’s wrong котёнок? (kotonok ‘kitten’)” You reach up to your face, fingers coming away wet. You laugh softly and wipe them away.
“Nothing, just thinking about how lucky you are for having such an amazing partner.” He pauses, realization flashing on his face after a few seconds. He huffs, pouting, and pokes at your side.
“Hey! Stop making me think I messed up somehow.” You push his chest lightly, turning away. He huffs, breath tickling the back of your neck as he pulls you into his lap and nuzzles your hair.
“...You’re beautiful.” The waves crash against the cliffside as you stare into the sunset. He pauses, resting his chin on your shoulder. The salty Liyuean breeze ruffles his hair and tickles your cheek as the sun dips below the horizon.
“What do you mean?” His hands shift against your waist, holding you ever so slightly tighter. Your brows furrow together slightly, chewing your bottom lip as you pause to think. You sigh, the hesitant silence lasting between you for a short while.
“Do you know how much you mean to me? You’re incredible. Everything I hope to be and more. I can’t stop thinking about you and it messes with me so badly. I can’t get enough of you, your smile, your touch, your voice. You make me feel ways I never knew I could and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m so... mad, how irreplaceable you are, how much you’ve become in just a year but I love it and—” Your breath catches in your throat, tears beginning to well up. He takes your hands in his rubbing them with his thumbs. He presses a chaste kiss to the back of your neck.
“Ты тоже красивый. (ty tozhe krasivyy)”
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omg thank y'all for the support I'll try to post more consistently (。ŏ‿ŏ)
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Falling for someone like you
Chapter 9 ? What a day
Previous chapter here
Tags : fluff and slight smut warning ⚠️
The next day went swiftly, you both had a great time at the mine and then the museum, afterwards you both went out for dinner, in the small restaurant she had spotted before. Wilhemina offered to pay since you had already done so much for her those few days. "I insist baby..you've been amazing and I was the one who suggested it... Let me get this one"
"Okay fine...don't make a habit out of it you know I love to spoil you, my darling" you had responded placing your hand on her cheek. That night you had gone to bed early, exhausted from the day spent. Your lover laid by your side, your arms around her protectively and her leg draped over your body, and fingers upon your collarbones. "Y/n ?"
"Mm ?" "What are we gonna do tomorrow ? I tried to find something to vis..."
"Amusement Park"
"Huh ?"
"Tomorrow that's what we're doing"
"Oh...you do kn..."
"I checked if it was something you could do, and there are many attraction available"; "Good..." She said before yawning. "Oh baby sleep you're tried"
"I don't want this day to end"
"It doesn't have to...in your mind never" You turned slightly, putting your hand around her hip and under her head, and hers went to your neck. Your legs found the spot between hers and the one still on top of your body. On Sunday you woke up a little bit early to pack stuff in the car before traveling to the park, your girlfriend watching the landscape pass by the cars window. Your eyes fixated on the rood and right hand in hers on her thigh. You arrived and went inside. The place was kinda crowded but since Wilhemina couldn't stand for too long waiting wasn't a problem, you could easily enter attraction in another line. "I hate their faces when they see me cut the line" she said growling from anger and you caressed her hair while explaining "Hey baby... You're not cutting line, your simply taking another one. If they don't like it they can try and live all their life in a body that aches like yours. They'll see if taking that line is worth the trouble."
"I guess you're right"
"I am...if they aren't happy about it they can suck my dick"
"OH so they can but you barely let me do it ?" You playfully feigned being offended and slightly pinched her arm. "That's not even true.."
"It is. Whenever I wanna do it you don't pack"
"Well I'm not going to pack every single day love"
"Well at least some of them baby"
You giggled and subconsciously started walking towards a small Russian mountain.
"Are you up for that mina ?"
"Of course. I'm up for anything", "You Sure ? It seems pretty scary". "It's not. Besides if it wear it would say not for people with back problems"
"Okay okay... Well when you throw up just make sure it's not while the wind is in our way."
"Haha very funny"
:read more:
She said as you took her hand and leaded her to the side line, after a few minutes you got in the seats. Wilhemina held your hand a little tighter than usual, so you nuzzled behind her ear and told her she was more than safe with you. She relaxed a bit and then screams and squeals of joy were the only thing that could be heard. You both moved throughout the park, doing things left and right, pointing at beautiful landscape and designs. You stopped at a flying swing and encouraged wilhemina to come with you and do it together. But she didn't seam to keened on it. Even as you took her hand and tugged her towards it she held her ground. The mushroom tower started to rise and everyone started cheering as the chair flew around in circles and people moved in their chairs."Look it's fun honey" "It's for kids."..."No. It's not. Watch there are plenty of adults her and besides it didn't bother you in the flying elephants."
"That was different"
"Absolutely not, look if it's because you don't stand the movements it's okay, but at least tell me"
"I do stand it" you went closer to her, your hands on her hips as you kissed her cheeks "Babe tell me what the real problem is, no bullshit please"
"I don't have. Anywhere to put my cane in there."
"Well we can leave it in the entrance"
"I'd rather not"
"Why, you don't need it during the ride, and I'll get it for you at the end baby"
"Who knows what will happen during the ride. I don't want to find it broken, not only because you gifted it to me, but because it is my life, I refuse to let it be broken or lost by those incompetent people"
"Hey..hey no need to insult anyone here, baby I know that, but just like when you go to bed you leave it to the side, you can let them take care of it"
"Baby I promise nothing bad will happen"
"How can you do that"
"I'll make sure it doesn't, do you trust me ?"
"Of course I trust you. I just don't trust anybody else"
"But you learned how to trust me, so maybe you can try and give a little trust to that"
"Fine. One session"
"Yay ! I promise you'll love it" You said as you both went to it, and as soon as wilhemina was sited you went up to the people managing the attraction and asked them to keep her cane during the ride.
"Oh and by the way. If anything happens to it. Even the slightest impact, i will make sure you all lose your job, and ruin your reputation so much no one will go to a park that is unacceptable with disabled people."
"..we..yes. well, we will take good care of it"
"You better do." You went back and sat just next to Wilhemina on the double sided chair. "Did you te..."
"It's okay baby. They'll handle it carefully"
"Oh okay..." The swing raised above the floor, and progressively your feets hanged down as they stopped touching ground and The ride began. the wind hit your face faster and faster and you both smiled and yelled as it spined. Wilhemina had to keep her hand on her skirt so it didn't lift up and give everyone else a great view and you giggled. You whispered in her ear as the world around you kept turning and turning. "Don't traumatize these children and get arrested for public nudity I'd hate to have to get you out of jail and runaway together..."
"Is it weird of it actually sounds good"
"Depends on which part"
"The last bit you fool"
"Well my anxiety could never...but keep dreaming darling" You both laughed and held hands as the chairs were turning even faster. At one point the air was to rapid through her hair and it detached her hairdo, you Heard her groan as her hair moved everywhere including her face while she looked at you. "Oh come on why"
"It's fine mina just let it go"
"It's a good thing this was not a wig"
You laughed again as You pushed the hair out of her face and saw her eyes shining with joy, you don't think you ever saw her so happy your whole life, and you thought maybe she never has been.
"I love you y/n"
She said as her hair flew behind her like a beautiful main. You couldn't help but put your hands around her face and bring her for a kiss. Your lips lingered on hers for a while, hands stoking her cheek and breathing linked and she pulled away questioning. "Why the kiss?"
"I just couldn't not kiss you right then"
"But in front of all these people ? Children"
"They won't die because I kissed the woman I love. They've seen people kiss before, they'll be fine"
"But the people here ?"
"I don't give a single fuck about them, I love you and they better get over it."
"I love you too" You enjoyed the rest of the ride, and after you got down you went to get wilhemina's cane for her, and as it took a little longer before she got out of it like the rest you heard someone tell her to get off the swing because people were waiting. You immediately turned around and went up to him, her stepped back a little "What did you just say ?"
"I..i said that this bitch needs to get off of the swing or learn to leave others their turn"
"You better shut the fuck up now, or else you really aren't going to enjoy the ride with a broken nose and bleeding face."
"Is that a threat ?"
"No it's a promise."
"It's unacceptable she ne.."
"And you need to stick your patience up your ass and fuck off. She'd be out of there in a second if you were able to keep your fucking mouth shut, now I bet you don't have any one in your life who has a disability except you because you are clearly having a stroke so let me tell you this. You say anything offensive to my wife. And I'll have your fucking ass in the floor."
"How dare you ? Telling all this in front of my kids"
"Maybe it'll teach them not to be complete assholes to people. Now your kids didn't say anything you did. So maybe you could thing about that"
"M'am you have to hurry..and keep your distance with the rest of the clients" The bold men tried to respond.
"But...i..i" ."
"we'll be out in a sec.. You. Save it. I honestly don't give a shit about your opinion, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for her. Because if she weren't there I would have already been in jail for beating your ass. I'll say it once. Stay. Away. From. her. And keep your thoughts to your two inches long brain."
You went back to give her her cane and you both left the swings, glaring one last time at the men, who looked like he was about to piss his paints.
"Don't bother him, he's an ass"
"You don't always have to get in trouble for me"
"You're kidding right ? He was practically begging me to tell him off. Besides no one talks to you like this and gets away with it on my watch"
"He looked like a kid cought cheating have to admit watching you It was a little hot." She whispered in your ear
"Happy to oblige" you said as you pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and grazed her cheek. After that she bent forward a little and lifted her arms to try and do her hair back which you knew could hurt her.
"Hey hey no.. leave it" you said as you put your hands on hers.
"Let's sit over here baby"
You said while taking her to a small stair bench.
"Sir over here I'll sit on the one higher.
"Oh okay"
You settled her between your knees and asked for her hair tie.
"Do you really want to put it up again ? You know I love your hair down like this, you look so beautiful"
"I know you do, but it's our thing you know, I don't want it to become banal, I like that you're the only one who sees me like this, it makes it special"
"We have other things that are private darling, just because you go out with your hair down it doesn't mean it's not special anymore. I still get to see you in your nightwear or with a messy tee-shirt and a lazy bun."
"I know but still, I prefer keeping it up please"
"Okay baby no problem, can I put it up how I want ?"
"..fine yes, but no funny business"
"Of course" you said as you kissed her neck. You started sectioning her hair, brushing it through your fingers, huming softly. And you started breading, strands of hair between your hands, one over the other. Starting from up and then going down. Wilhemina relaxing visibly in your embrace, letting her head slightly back.
"Oooooooh, I am not the only traveler, who has not repaid His debt, I've been searching for a trail to follow again take me back to the night we met, and then I can tell myself what the hell am I supposed to do.
I had all and then most of you some and now none of you. Ooh
Take me back to the night we met.
"Here done"
"Can I sea ?"
"Let me just ..there "
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"You don't like it ?"
"No..no i do like it.. it's different than what I'm used to"
"I figured you don't usually bread it because it's probably to painful, so I wanted to do something nice". "I love it y/n"
"You look beautiful"
She blushed softly before you kissed her lips.
Afterwards you were both a little hungry, so you took wilhemina to a candy shop, they sold many things like sugar canes and candy floss
You waited before asking Wilhemina what she wanted, and ordered a pomme d'amour for starters, and decided you would take candy floss to walk.
"It's going to be messy y/n we have to cut in"
"No..baby the whole thing is to bite it at the same time"
"I swear if you get my shirt stained"
"It won't willy"
"Oh you know I hate that nickname"
"That's why I use it willy"
She groaned and you both stood while you held the food.
"On three"
"Wait does that mean we bite on three or after three"
"Oh just bite it on three love"
"Two" you both said
You both took a bite out of the apple, juices covering your taste buds and the sweet sugar envelope cracking.
You giggled with your mouths full  and finished the apple as much as you could, heads turning around to find a good angle and sharing the same space.
You noticed Wilhemina had sugar on her top lip corner.
"Baby you have a little something here"
"Oh..thank you"
She tried getting it off but it wasn't efficient. So you stepped closer.
"Here..let me do it" you said before setting down the rest of the dish and pressing her against you while your hands found her jaw and you kissed her soundly, she moaned a little when you bit her top lip. And grazed it with your tongue. It asked for entrance and Wilhemina granted it to you. You made out together for a little bit before parting a little and just holding each other for a while, pairs of hands around shoulders and hips.
After that you bought the candy floss and started walking around the park once again.
You both picked in each others sticks, exchanging looks, smiles and kisses.
Feeding each other bits every now and then.
After a dozen minutes you had both finished
And you kissed her again, sharing the taste of sugar between each other. Her cane pressed against her and her cheek in your hand.
"Thank you y/n"
"For what ?". "For giving my life purpose"
"Aw baby why do you have to be so damn cute ALL the time"
"I'm serious"
"Me too...and you don't need to thank me, you mean everything to me. Come here."
You said before taking her inside your arms, inhaling her sent and circling your arms around her frame. You pressed kisses in her hair and she place them in your neck.
"I love you so much Wilhemina"
She started to tear up a little bit before sniffling and hiding more inside your body.
"I mean it...baby you don't ever have to cry about that again..for I will hold you till the end of time itself. And in every one of your future life's I'll have you in my heart."
Time passed as you held each others before slowly getting going again.
You arrived at a shooting game, pushed animals were hanging from the walls and ceiling.
"Oh here let me win you something !"
"Oh come on darling these games are money black holes"
"Not if your good at it" she starting turning around and walking away
"Besides it's gun shooting you're not going to be any good at that love you don't own any. Also I think it's quite funny that yo..."
"Here m'am, ya just need to get those target over there to ya win"
"Huhh come on y/n, do you even know what I said"
"Ssh baby I gotta focus"
"Sshh? So you shush me now ?"
You ignored her rambling as your hands settled their positions and you started shooting the first few bullets hitting right on the targets, five bullets later you heard a ringing sound and the guy stunned by your performance started
"Well m'am I'll be honest I wasn't expecting ya to win on the first try. But here ya go, you can pick one of them little stuffed animals"
"Mm I'll have this one for my lady over there "
"Excellent choice...here there ya go ... have a nice day birdies"
You giggled and thanked him as you went up to Wilhemina and gave her the white furry bunny you had won.
"So since you were so supportive I'll just keep it to myself"
"...I'm sorry baby...i just didn't want you to waste your money" "I know"
You said as you handed her the toy, "it's for you baby", "Oh.. really ? Wow it's the first time my lover...well anyone wins me something at a game"
"Looks like I'm your first on lots of things babe"
"Heyy" she responded while jabbing your shoulder "Aww why do you always do that, I think I need to go check it at the hospital."
"Oh don't be A baby y/n"
"Well you're the one standing with a bunny in your arms so who's really the baby huh?" She frowned before she joined you in laughter. You walked hand in hand with her gift under her hand. The sun was starting to set slowly as you both chatted and enjoyed the rest of the day.
"Let's get married"
"...What ?"
"Here let's get married now"
"..y/n ? I don't understand...I'm not sure it's a good idea"
"Chill baby I meant there" you said as you pointed the small church in the middle of the other attractions.
"It says it celebrates unions and marriages, but nothing actually official"
"Oh .."
"So let's get married here darling. Let's have our unofficial official ceremony now"
You said as you led her to the counter
"It's okay you don't want to"
"No..no I definitely want to, I'm just straddled, and what If they don't celebrate our 'marriage', baby there are no legal obligations here"
"Well I don't care if they don't celebrate 'Our' marriage. I'll find another fake church that does, but we have to try frist right ?"
She nodded and took your hand.
"Hello ladies how May I help you"
You both looked at each other and she smiled.
"We would like to get married." "Alright, are you married irl ?" "Nope"
"I have to inform you this is all outside of any actual legal union, this mariage is only valid here, and in your hearts."
"We know"
"Perfect then. Follow me" You arrived in a room filled with dressed and suits, the man asked if you wanted to pay before or after, you decided to do it now, Wilhemina didn't even notice you did. "I'll let you approximately 30 minutes to choose your formal wear and get dressed, an hour to prepare your vows and will Then accompany the... well brides walk down the aisle"
"If it's easier i don't mind being already there."
"Oh yes good. Anyway, I'll let you change, there are two different Rooms with staff so you don't see each other until marriage"
"Thank you". You both said before picking your outfits and trying on dresses and suits. After some time the man came back and took Wilhemina before letting you know where was the aisle. You waited there with the pastor, who didn't look used to celebrating marriages between women, but who wasn't mad about it. The music started and there was no one else in the church except for the few staff and you both. The doors opened and you saw your girlfriend walk arm in arm with the guy who welcomed you in. She looked ethereal, beautiful you had never seen such beauty before, her hair was in a beautiful hairdo, half down half up, a bunch of colored flowers in her hair and even a purple orange make-up.
She walked gracefully, her dress following her and a veil attached to her flower crown.
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"Hey...wow, you...look... amazing...I'm so lucky" she blushed before being handled her cane and replied "Well...I must say You're not so Bad yourself y/n"
"Erm erm.. We are reunited today. To celebrate the union of two beautiful souls, linked together by life. Two hearts beating at the same pace, two bodies sharing one path. We are here, in the evening of this bright full day, to make the two women standing here, married, for better and for worst until death do them apart...If i may have the rings. " He took them and turned to Wilhemina "You will now exchange your vows"
"Oh..lord..sorry. this is the part I'm not going to be good at. But you already know that.
You know every part of me. Every single piece I've yet to discover. You hold them, in your arms. Steady, fierce, protective, bringing me the safe home i could have never hope to have. And yet here you stand. By my side every day. You hold my heart, and you make my sun hang, so bright yet so easy, in my sky. I didn't believe I could ever be liked. And you showed me unconditional love.
I didn't believe I was pretty, you made me feel like the most beautiful goddess in the world. I didn't believe I could feel it, but darling, you are the person I love like I would have never believed such feeling existed.. I am not good at expressing feelings, I find them to abstract, to volatile to be caught by my words. So I chose the ones of someone else that resonated with me so hard I believe them to be our own.
'You belong with me, my love. And I belong with you. We should live life side by side, In everything we do. You belong with me today, For now and ever more. And I belong with you, my dear, The one that I adore. We were meant to be, I know; It’s written in the stars. I love the way we are as one, And everything you are. Just think of all the moments Aligning for us to meet, So once we found each other, We were bound to feel complete. But this part of our story, We’ll sit and write together. Hanging memories on the wall,of the home we’ll share forever. So, both of us are certain. As we each say ‘I do’, That you belong with me, my love, And I belong with you." As she was done and the tears spilled from your eyes the pastor gave her a ring and spoke again.". "Now you will repeat after me as you place the ring on her, -I take you, y/f/n" "I take you y/f/n" ; "—to be my wedded Wife" "To be my wedded Wife"
"— to have and to hold from this day forward"; "To have and to hold from this day forward"
"—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer''; "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer" ; "—in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"; "in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,". "—till death do us part"
"Till death do us part"
She said as she finally settled the ring she picked out on you.
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"You will now exchange your vows to your bride."
".. Wilhemina, every time I dreamed about love, it was always me finding it, searching, like a lost salior for my beloved boat.But little did I know, love would find me, it would find a way through my heart, in between the cracks of it, sunshine would bring healing. I remember when I first fell in love. The intensity, the warmth, I remember her smile, her hair. I remember how hard I loved. How wrong I may have, probably because of the youth. I remember how much it had hurt. When she was taken away from me. When I could no longer hold her body, when everything from her had immediately and indefinitely turned to dust. I remember how I cursed at the wind, yelled, screamed, cried, abused whatever God had been responsible for it, responsible for this pain love had brought. I swore, I swore to never love ever again. And I tried, I begged for love to leave me alone. I dreamed it would never hurt again. And I remember when I found you, and you found me. How utterly lost we had been. How stupid it was for me to think I would not fall for you.
For your smile.
For your laugh.
For your eyes.
For your tears of joy and sorrow. For every single beat of your heart. How stupid I had been, To think I would never fall again. But the truth is, I spent all these years climbing, to afraid, to hurt, to coward, to actually jump. But the more high you gain The longer and harder the fall. And man, did I fall. And man, how did it feel so terribly perfect to do so. And man, little did I know, you could make me fly. I wasn't scared anymore. It didn't hurt. It was the answer I had been searching for all of my life. The one I didn't know was within me all along, the one you brought to life. It was love, love was the answer. No Our, our love was the answer. I'm so completely and unapologetically in love with you. You, you, you it's always been you. And the stars are watching, they are jealous, and they talk because never in the eternal burn they experience, never did they see souls shine so bright. Our connection goes beyond speaking, you choose words to express what you want to say. I want words to choose how to express what I say.  In truth, we married each other that first night, in bed, we had been married by our bodies, but now we stand in history—what our bodies had said, mouth to mouth, we now said publicly, gathered together.
'I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz, or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:i love you as one loves certain obscure things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself, and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose from the earth lives dimly in my body. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love, except in this form in which I am not nor are you, so close that your hand upon my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my dreams... We, unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight, live coiled in shells of loneliness, until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies, old memories of pleasure, ancient histories of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are weaned from our timidity, In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love, which sets us free.'.. Today i stand here, as i will stand for as long as my fragile body allows me to, perhaps then I will sit, or lay, by your side my dear, always. And love within me blooms, and makes flowers from every cell in me grow. I will choose you over and over again love, I will hold you close, I will give you peace, I will bring you home. In me. In my heart."
"Now, for the ring.."
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He gave you the one you'd picked for her, a thick golden string with amethyst, and Carnelian.
"-I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"-to be my wedded Wife"
"To be my wedded Wife"
"- to have and to hold from this day forward"
"To have and to hold from this day forward"
"- for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer
"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer"
"-in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"
"in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,
"-till death do us part"
You finally slid the ring on her finger before saying.
"Till death do us part
"Perfect, you may now kiss the bide."
You turned to Wilhemina, picked the veil covering her face, lifted it and placed it backwards before taking she took her face in her hands and yours grabbed her hips, bending her slightly backwards before stealing her lips in the most beautiful and delicious kiss you both had the chance to share, oxygen wasn't even needed as your whole body experienced full Bliss, during the embrace you heard, no felt her mumble 'i love you' to which she know you replied by kissing her harder tumbling a little before parting away, faces close, smiles on both of your lips. You walked down the aisle tightly pressed together her hair darked than usual with the dim candle light. And as you went through the door, bells rang and you felt rice being thrown at you from somewhere you couldn't spot. Eventually you got outside, turned to your wife and spun her around before kissing for what would most definitely not be the last time of the day, body pressed together like it will be during your Wedding night.
When you came back home both of your touch yas tender yet urgent, you took no time to
Set your things, just immediately riding her of her day clothes and coat, slamming the door with your feet and taking her upstairs. Before the bedroom door you lifted her up over the threshold, "tradition is sacred my darling"
"Shut up and just make love to me"
Shortly you were both in your underwear, your body on top of hers, cradling her with kisses and caresses, your lips all over her body.
You began to take her nipple in your mouth and play with the other one, her back arched and she moaned loudly, you were starting to kiss your way down her body but she stopped you.
"I..I..want us to cum...together"
"I can't refuse my baby now"
You dragged down her body before teasing her inner thigh and kissing her clit, making sure she was wet enough, you went up her body again, your hand between her legs stating to work her up. Your own hand finding yourself, toying with your panties before sitting back and touching yourself for her to see. Once you were both ready you aligned both of your centers, and lowered yourself on her. Hearing a moan from both of your throats as the contact was a delightful bliss. Your moans filled the room as you rubbed your clitorises faster, wet sounds coming from the friction. "Uh..uH baby I'm getting close"
"..wait a bit for me.. can you do that ?"
"Uhh..yeah..yeaH" You doubled your efforts and before you knew it she was cumming all over you which triggered your own orgasm. You fell on her body, legs intertwined as your bodies sank into each others. Still catching her breath Wilhemina couldn't stop herself from laughing.
"...We got married...in an amusement park";
"We did baby...".
".....I love you";
"I love you too baby"
A/n: the italic pieces are bits of different poems, I couldn't settle for one, if you think cutting a poem is sacrilegious I'm sorry but I believe that Words and art is ment to be movements, live and change though our experiences of then, pieces of structure that you can use to build. your own.
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chasseuses · 4 years
reasons why i love jade leech pt.2
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so i guess I'm doing this again.
this is more of a repeat of everything I said in part one but with more sobbing and coherent words.
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Jade Leech, Octavinelle's vice dorm leader and the twin brother of Floyd. Many might say that Jade is better than Floyd, although that may seem true to people who don't know him well enough, some people were smart enough to know that Jade was just as bad.
Despite being so fucking shady and nasty, I couldn't help but slowly learn how to love his character. His shadiness is only a part of his charm ❤️ I mean— don't you want that? Don't you just want to look at him and wonder what the fuck is going through his mind right now?
He could be either plotting murder or thinking about tonight's dinner and I would still find his shady expression 🥺 oddly attractive to say the least. I'm being weirdly serious here and typing in lowercase so in a few bullets, expect me to go feral once again.
His eyes are gorgeous. I don't know about you but I get mesmerized everytime I look at them, I swear I could drown in them and never want air ever again. His mismatched eyes,, absolutely beautiful sir please shock my heart eheheh 👉👈 haha jk !!! he doesn't have to use his unique magic to shock my heart bfjfkfjfkfjkffk
His smile is breathtaking, my sun— my light in this dark world of mine. Even if his smile is practiced and insincere, I can't help but go crazy over it. Imagine if he smiled genuinely, no restraints at all as he let out a hearty laugh and a genuine smile took over his expression. I would cry on the spot, I am cryimyfjrkfjkffk.
SPEAKING OF TEETH, MAN I REALLY AM CURIOUS AS TO HOW SHARP THEY ARE. A PART OF ME WANTS TO SHOVE MY HAND INTO HIS MOUTH AND JUST TOUCH THOSE TEETH AND SEE HOW SHARP THEY ARE 🤡 haha imagine if he suddenly bit down tho hahshhhshsdrijfrknfkrgntknffknflfnflffnkfnfkjfkdjfofjddlifjf ok I'll shut up.
I don't think I mentioned it here (i already did) but I am telling you that the idea of someone as composed and reserved as Jade starts pining, IT'S GUARANTEED TO BE SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE 🗿 OH GOD THE THOUGHT OF JADE PINING?? ABSOLUTELY *CHEFS KISS* MAN THAT IS SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE IF YOU SEE ANY PINING JADE PLEASE TAG ME I WILL START CRYIMG
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Oh my god. Have I told you how beautiful Jade's lips are? Please please please please look at them they look so nice ahahahha so irresistible and kissable UEEEEEEEEEE
The way his lips are like that 🗿his fucking smile/smirk. GOD GIEV EME THE ABILITY TO KITH THIS MAN JUST ONCE PLEASE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I'M FUCKING CRYING.
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I'm ashamed to admit that the earliest reason why I liked Jade Leech was because of his hands. Please forgive me, Lilia-sama. I cannot help but get attracted to such beautiful hands- it was if it was sculpted by the god of sculpting himself! It's such a shame that his gloves cover up its blinding beauty- though my eyes can see through the deceit, I know that his fingers are glorious beneath that piece of cloth. My one and only wish in life is to be able to hold his hand- without the gloves, and that's all for my confession.
I'M SORRY BUT I JUST REALLY LIKE HIS HANDS OK. LIKE 😳 haha...!! what if we held hands,, without the gloves 😳 haha jk...! unless ...?9£4(_8 UE UE UE UE UE MR. LEECH LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND PLEASE I'M GONNA BEG
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st a rts sobbing
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
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I'm fucking crying why the fuck is he so cute gof forbid this man from being so fuvking cute i cannot.
People be telling me: cute?? jade is terrifying.
and I go like: that's cute.
UE UE UE EU UEHFHRJFJJDJF HAVE U GUYS HEARD OF WHAT HE DOES TO PEOPLE HE BETRAY HIM???? I LITERALLY WENT 😳 "ahahahh mr leech i will personally betray you just to make you do that to me" you know. like a simp.
U know what I'm going back to lowercase
His extreme love for mushrooms is probably his comic relief so it doesn't completely make him seem like a shady bitch in the game- it's a surprise as to how cute and vulnerable he can get when he talks about or does something related to his precious fungi. It even goes as far as to make him completely lose his sense of surroundings, which is really rare for someone as observant as him- and usually dangerous sjfbjdbf. It's also EXTREMELY CUTE as to how they made Jade someone who really likes mountains- he even goes as far as to found his own club to appreciate them!!
He has pretty deft hands, being able to create a terrarium and care for it as a hobby is applaudable- not everyone has the ability to do just that, you'd have to be able to be extremely precise and careful, and add a little bit of extreme determination to the mix. He would probably smell like mud from all the time he spends in the greenhouse, and stays up late because of creating terrariums. It shows us that he isn't completely a shitty eel who collects dirt on people as his job and I think that's pretty fucking cute not gonna lie!
There was one voice line of him mentioning that he likes gazing at stars, which was completely unexpected for me! He didn't seem like the type to gaze up at the stars and just- watch! Though I expect him to be always alone whenever he does that- he isn't exactly the most approachable person in NRC, people tend to avoid the Leech twins because of Floyd- mostly. People are just scared of them and I don't think Jade has any friends aside from Azul and Floyd. And I don't think either of them would be willing to stay with him to do just that, Floyd's excuse would be because "it's boring~!" and Azul's would be "I have much more important things to do." And I think that's pretty fucking sad.
God please send me to their world I will watch the stars with him please i love him so much I'm—
Look. No amount of words can actually describe my feelings for Jade Leech no words can do my love justice UE UE UE UE which is why I do the second best thing— keysmash.
Please please please I could give him the whole world and it wouldn't do my love for him justice 🗿 UE UE UE UEJFBRKFBTKNFRKFBFKFHJFHFDKHFKDBFKDHFKRBFRKBFRKBRKFBFKFNFKFJFKFJDKFK
I also uh, want him to step on me! Y',)!92+_)£_+ Y'know... He would stomp on my back and dig his heel into my back and probably hurl insults towards me 😳 man. I'd be hIS FUCKING DOORMAT IN A HEARTBEAT.
Omg this is getting long
The first part was much more 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 but I still do this anyways.
Anyways. Please stan Jade Leech I love him so much 💕
i would've included my brainrot but ppl would just go 🗿 "taku you really are a jade simp huh" and NO I DON'T WANT THATTTTTTTTT
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mock the meat it feeds on
For the prompt: could you do geraskier "Don't you trust me?" / "You're not the one I don't trust..." with jaskier being jealous over/worried about triss? (in the books+games she does some manipulative stuff to be with geralt.)
I’ve only ever seen the show so I wasn’t too sure about the shady stuff regarding Triss and couldn’t find a simple explanation of it when I tried to look it up so I kinda took a different route because I really like show Triss so hopefully you still like it! Also on ao3!
And I’m gonna tag @roughentumble again!
In all the years that Jaskier has known Geralt, since that very first day in Posada, he's never known him to tolerate cities well, let alone actually enjoy them, which is why his sudden affinity for Novigrad is so vexing. Well, that and the reason for his newfound affinity.
Her name is Triss Merigold. She's a sorceress, of course, because Geralt apparently has a type and much to Jaskier's disappointment it's decidedly not talkative bards, and Jaskier trusts her about as much as he trusts a rabid dog.
The first time Jaskier meets her, he and Geralt are in Novigrad to replenish Geralt's dwindling supply of herbs and elixirs after a string of back-to-back contracts along the northern Redanian coast. They're searching for an apothecary, Geralt in the same foul mood he always slips into when they're forced into larger cities for whatever reason, his enhanced senses easily overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds and smells of the city, making him incredibly susceptible to sensory overload and the consequent migraines that followed.
Jaskier's done his best over the years to accommodate for Geralt's sensitivity, content with either avoiding large cities altogether when traveling with Geralt or taking it upon himself to venture into busy marketplaces or meet with aldermen while Geralt waited on the outskirts of the city. But buying food or delivering severed monster heads to aldermen was a far cry from collecting the necessary ingredients Geralt needed.
Geralt himself was a walking encyclopedia of flowers and herbs needed for his potions, but Jaskier only possessed a rudimentary understanding of them, garnered from explanations Geralt had supplied when Jaskier had sufficiently wheedled him enough for a herbology lesson. Making the potions used by witchers was a precise science; one wrong ingredient or combination of such could result in a potion meant to staunch bleeding instead thinning the blood and preventing clotting or an elixir meant to heal instead being little more than poison.
And Jaskier would rather Geralt not die because he confused puffball and sewant mushrooms.
With no other option and Geralt's supplies running dangerously low, too low for him to risk even thinking about taking another contract, Geralt's reluctantly accompanied Jaskier into Novigrad.
They initially avoid the main marketplace in favor of backstreets and narrow alleyways in search of a more niche apothecary, hedge witches or homeopaths selling their wares out of their small homes. But after finding three small-scale herbalists' inventory severely lacking, they're forced to head to Hierarch Square in the heart of the city where the crowds are busiest.
They're scanning the overwhelmingly busy Square with its many shops and storefronts and throngs of swarming shoppers for a larger apothecary when they stumble onto Triss.
She's standing outside of a three-story house right on the Square, dressed in resplendent orange robes the color of fresh tiger lilies and, unsurprisingly, marigolds. The color, and the bright midmorning sunshine, brings out the bronze and auburn notes in her thick brown hair and highlights the brilliant sage green of her eyes, even at a distance.
She's watering a row of plants in a red brick planter that Jaskier immediately recognizes as healing herbs, yarrow and nettle and chamomile, milk thistle and Echinacea. Affixed just above the door to the home she's standing in front of is a large sign advertising her expertise as a sorceress, specifically one specializing in healing magic.
Jaskier's torn quite evenly between relief at finding someone who should have all the herbs Geralt requires and immediate distrust. Neither of them have very good track records in regards to sorceresses. They tend to want nothing more than to bed Geralt and get him wrapped around their little finger and tend to despise Jaskier solely for the fact that he exists.
If Jaskier didn't know better he'd say they were jealous, his friendship with Geralt always outliving the witcher's whirlwind affairs with his sorceresses. But Jaskier does know better and it wouldn't do to believe such a foolish notion, to think that Geralt truly wanted him more than he did any of his past lovers.
Now, Jaskier bites the inside of his cheek, weighing their options, or rather the lack thereof, when he notices Geralt noticing the sorceress, his eyes lighting up with recognition. Without any further warning, he strides through the crowd of busy shoppers with Roach in tow to greet the sorceress with one of his rare half-smiles.
She returns Geralt's smile with a radiant one of her own and him into a quick hug, leaning up to peck him on the cheek. Jaskier can only watch dumbly, feeling like a knife has just been plunged into his heart, reopening old wounds along the way.
After a moment, Jaskier hurries after Geralt, weaving in between people who don't seem to acknowledge his existence, stomping on his toes and elbowing him in the ribs as he rushes over to Geralt. Triss greets Jaskier with a wide smile, more polite than he expects her to be as she introduces herself when Geralt fails to bother with proper introductions, leaning in to give Jaskier a hug of his own.
Brushing a few of her curls behind her ear, she invites them in for tea and quite generously offers to help replenish their supplies as much as she possibly can. They sit in her drawing room that's fragrant with sage and neroli, full of dried herbs and various crystals displayed on a shelf above the large fireplace, sipping the orange blossom tea she pours them in delicate porcelain teacups while she and Geralt catch up.
Jaskier listens attentively as Triss explains how they'd first met in Temeria, about the striga and the witcher who fell victim to it before Geralt had arrived, about King Foltest's scandalous affair with his sister, about how she had soon after left Temeria in favor of setting up shop in Novigrad. She's much friendlier than Jaskier is used to sorceresses being, smiling warmly as they talk and laughing when Jaskier jokes about Geralt being much more tight-lipped when Jaskier had asked him for the story about the striga.
After they've finished chatting, Geralt lists off the various herbs and other ingredients they're in search of at Triss' request. With a radiant smile directed at Geralt, Triss rises from her seat and starts bustling around the room, gathering herbs and flowers and small glass jars to store them in, leaving Jaskier and Geralt to finish their tea.
She's across the room with her back to them, standing at a work table scattered with potted herbs, meticulously gathering leaves and petals, when Geralt suddenly stands and crosses the room to stand beside her, leaving Jaskier alone at the table with Triss' cat, a giant fluffy orange beast of a feline with a smushed face that bats at his hand whenever he tries to pet it. Jaskier watches with a sinking feeling in his stomach as Geralt leans in close to Triss to say something to her that has her blushing and giggling as she turns to playfully swat at Geralt's arm, their faces intimately close.
Jaskier forces himself to look away as they continue talking softly amongst themselves, his honeyed tea suddenly bitter on his tongue. The knife in his chest twists.
Triss sends them on their way an hour or so later after providing them with everything they need, declining any sort of payment when Geralt reaches for his coin purse. With a gentle hand on Geralt's shoulder, orange painted nails a sharp contrast to the black of his armor, inviting them to visit her again the next time they're in Novigrad. Jaskier selfishly hopes they need never again enter the city.
Quite predictably, Jaskier’s hopes are cruelly dashed and not two months later they're returning to Novigrad to collect a bounty for a fleder that had been terrorizing an old cemetery not far from the city proper. As they approach the city gates, Jaskier offers to take the proof to the local alderman, hoping to spare Geralt the inevitable migraine, but Geralt just grunts something about having another errand to run.
They head to Hierarch Square immediately after seeing the alderman, Geralt's pockets heavy with coin as he leads them directly to Triss' home. It really is a lovely him, a pale cream color with dark wood timbering and a steeply pitched brown clay roof. It's a shame Jaskier despises the mere sight of it.
Triss greets them at the front door with a smile, the warm afternoon sunshine on her face highlighting the scattering of freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She's enchanting in a sage green dress that matches the shade of her eyes, yellow and orange marigolds embroidered along the hem and modest neckline.
She invites them in much to Geralt's visible pleasure but Jaskier politely begs off, lying about needing to pop into Books and Scrolls across the way for a few things and ignoring the look Geralt gives him at the obvious lie. If he truly did need anything from the bookshop, he would have mentioned it to Geralt, something he and Geralt both know but it's the first excuse that springs to mind aside from being brutally honest and explaining that he has no interest in watching them flirt again.
He does actually head across the Square to wander aimlessly through Books and Scrolls in hopes of distracting himself from thoughts of what Geralt and Triss could be currently doing now that they had no audience. He chats with the proprietor for a bit, then indulges himself and purchases a few inexpensive chapbooks of poetry and a new leather-bound songbook, the pages gilded and the top right corner of every page stamped with the image of a charming little nightingale, a familiar symbol to a poet like himself. By the time he returns to where Roach is waiting outside of Triss', Geralt and Triss are still inside.
He scratches Roach behind the ear the way she likes and feeds her a carrot he's been saving in one of his bags for her, sits on the edge of one of Triss' planters and halfheartedly strums his lute, figures he might as well try to make some coin while Geralt's...preoccupied.
He's made enough coin to afford a nice room at the Kingfisher by the time Geralt emerges from Triss' home, a small self-satisfied grin on his face. It's a shame, really. Typically Jaskier would be basking in the rare sight of Geralt smiling but at this moment it just sets his heart plummeting.
Jaskier would like nothing more than to leave Novigrad as soon as possible but it's growing dark and he'd like to indulge in some creature comforts only an inn of fine repute in a large city can offer, rich wine and a large tub and feather mattresses. Geralt doesn't argue, either in too good of a mood from his dalliance or simply because he enjoys said comforts just as much as Jaskier does, leading the way to the nearby inn while Jaskier forces enough enthusiasm to prattle on about how it was one of his own ballads that led to the particular naming of the Kingfisher.
He performs the very song that evening at Olivier, the innkeeper's, request, stealing surreptitious glances at Geralt in the dark corner he's claimed as his own for the evening as he sings of an unrequited love so painful and all-consuming that when the young maiden learned that the knight she so adored had eloped with a gorgeous princess, she threw herself into the sea. It was only the compassion of a sympathetic goddess that saved her from her fate, turning her into a kingfisher so she could sing of her lost love forevermore.
Jaskier thinks of the nearby harbor, with its fishing ships and sailors, and wonders what kind of bird he'd become if he threw himself to the mercy of the sea.
To Jaskier's disdain, the pattern continues for the next several months.
Any time that they're even remotely close to Novigrad, they make a detour to the city, booking a discounted room at the Kingfisher (the rate generously halved by Olivier who gives Jaskier his drinks for free and always insists he grace them with a performance or two of his ballad about the kingfisher) that Geralt scarcely uses, constantly at Triss' home.
Jaskier splits his time at the Kingfisher, catching up with Olivier or performing with Priscilla, or the Passiflora, baring his heart and soul to the Marquise Serenity's sympathetic working girls who always coo over him and let him wax poetic about the brave, stoic, unfairly handsome witcher who will never return his affection. In the evenings, when Geralt deigns to return to the inn, always smiling the smile of a well-fucked man, Jaskier forces conversation while Geralt plays Gwent with Olivier or other patrons of the inn.
But most of all, he aches.
It's harder, somehow, with Triss. With Yennefer, while just as powerful and ever-present, the jealousy he felt was accompanied by the fact that he simply disliked Yennefer altogether, even before she and Geralt started their weird, complicated, fucked up relationship.
It wasn't difficult to dislike her when she had threatened him, held him at knifepoint, demanded he make a damn wish at the risk of losing his manhood if he refused. She would've easily killed him in her pursuit of the djinn and never lost a wink of sleep over it, disliked him just as much as he disliked her.
But Triss, Triss is sweet and kind, unassuming and about as intimidating as a kitten regardless of the powerful magic she wields. She smiles warmly whenever she sees Jaskier, greeting him with offers of tea and sweetcakes or questions about how he is rather than with snide comments about his age or appearance or his singing.
She's altogether lovely, nurturing and generous and absolutely gorgeous. Someone Geralt deserves. And Jaskier hates it. Hates her, as petty and vindictive as it may be. Hates her kindness and her gentleness and her warm melodic laughter. Hates that the man he loves seems to love her.
He hates her. But not nearly as much as he hates himself.
Not a full month has passed since the last time they've graced the streets of Novigrad and here they are once again back in the city after hearing word of a siren that's wandered into the busy harbor to prey on merchants from Skellige and local fishermen alike.
Accustomed to sirens hunting in packs, the way fish swim in schools and seabirds scavenge in flocks, Geralt had finished the contract in record time, lugging the siren's head and tail from the harbor to the alderman's home to collect his payment. By now Jaskier knows that it's useless to waste time hoping that they can simply leave Novigrad now that's Geralt job is done.
So when Geralt abruptly announces he has business elsewhere in the city, Jaskier just sighs and informs him that he'll be at the Passiflora in the event that Geralt needs to find him. Rather unlikely given that Geralt will be occupied with Triss for the next few hours. Fucking witcher stamina.
He ignores the odd, irritated look Geralt gives him as they part ways. Like Geralt has any right to be bothered by him seeking out his own pleasure with the ladies at the Passiflora when he's off getting tangled up in expensive sheets with a bloody sorceress.
It's not as if Jaskier's actually going to the Passiflora to indulge in the services offered there. Geralt knows that he loathes the concept of having to pay for a fuck, not when he can seduce nearly anyone he chooses with his charm and wit alone, as evidenced by the scores of married men and women whose beds he's graced.
No, Jaskier's heading to the famed brothel for much more selfish reasons than wetting his wick. To strum melancholy chords on his lute and cry and complain about his one-sided love.
Which is exactly what he does. This early in the day the Passiflora isn't very busy, the ladies milling around the extravagant front parlor with its thick red brocade curtains and exposed wood beams, relaxing on red velvet chaise lounges and large tufted couches big enough to host an orgy on.
They greet him with kind smiles and calls of his name, like they're welcoming an old friend, and he manages a smile that isn't entirely forced. He sits on one of the chaise lounges and begins playing, another melancholy ballad about lost love and heartbreak, the ladies gathering round to listen to him sing, charitably ignoring the way his voice shakes.
He leaves the Passiflora a few hours later feeling a bit lighter for having aired his grievances to his enraptured audience, heading straight to Triss' house to collect his witcher for supper. Roach isn't waiting outside like she typically is but Jaskier just assumes Geralt left her in the warmth and comfort of the Kingfisher's meticulously maintained stables under the care of Olivier's best stablehand.
Jaskier isn't sure what exactly possesses him to actually head inside to collect Geralt, should know from experience to be wary about poking his head in on Geralt and his sorceresses. And yet he strolls right into Triss' home like a lamb to the slaughter.
The drawing room, filled with multiple bouquets of marigolds and orange dahlias, is empty aside from Triss' cat. The great orange beast is sprawled out on its side on the green velvet sofa, watching Jaskier with its pale yellow eyes rather judgmentally. Quite childishly, Jaskier sticks his tongue out at it.
He continues through the house to the kitchen, Geralt's name on his lips, and immediately regrets it.
Triss is leaning against the edge of her wooden kitchen table, nearly sitting on it to accommodate the large witcher standing between her parted legs, knees bracketing his hips. The dual swords, silver for monsters steel for humans, strapped to Geralt's back are all that he can see of him. That and one of his big callused hand as they slip under the rucked up hem of Triss' deep green robes to gently clutch at her bared thigh.
It's like Rinde all over again, helplessly watching Geralt in another's embrace as his heart shatters in his chest with enough force it could shake the earth itself. His entire chest aching like he's just been sucker punched, Jaskier averts his eyes and starts spouting half-formed apologies, stepping backward and accidentally knocking a mortar and pestle off a nearby counter with a loud clatter in his haste to retreat.
It's as he's still profusely apologizing that he belatedly realizes that Geralt doesn't have any scars on his left wrist. Unlike the wrist connected to the hand on Triss' exposed thigh. And that while he saw the broad shoulders and dual swords of a witcher, he didn't spot a single white hair, instead what appeared to be a thatch of dark hair.
He looks up sharply, trailing off, to see Triss hastily pulling down her skirts, cheeks darkened with a blush. And standing beside her is...
"Eskel?!" Jaskier gasps, looking the witcher up and down in shock. He's unmistakable with his dark wispy hair and spiked jacket and handsome smile, not to mention the rather distinctive scars running down the right side of his face.
They've only met on a few occasions, on contracts serious enough to attract more than one witcher. Such an occurrence would typically lead to the witchers trying to beat each other to finish the contract in order to claim the reward for themselves but in the case of two Wolf School witchers such as Geralt and Eskel, it simply led to the contracts being finished quicker than expected, the reward evenly split, and Eskel regaling Jaskier with embarrassing childhood stories about Geralt.
Now, Eskel greets him with a crooked smile, rubbing the back of his neck as though embarrassed about being caught. "Jaskier! You manage to drag Geralt to Novigrad?"
The mere mention of Geralt's name sets Jaskier alight, in an instant absolutely fuming as he cries, "What in the hell is going on here?! I would expect this from the likes of you — he points an accusatory finger at Triss, then turns to Eskel — "but you?! My gods, what's Geralt going to think?! His own brother...! Melitele's tits, how in the bloody hell is going to handle this-this despicable behavior?! You should be ashamed of yourselves!"
To his chagrin, Eskel merely laughs, turning to Triss who sends him a confused look. She turns back to Jaskier, still smoothing out her skirts, and opens her mouth, undoubtedly in an attempt to defend her cruel deception.
"I don't want to hear it!" Jaskier snaps, incensed. He throws up his hands in frustration and turns on his heel to stomp back out of the kitchen, through the drawing room, and out of Triss' home, slamming the door behind him, fully prepared to storm across the Square and retreat to his and Geralt's room at the Kingfisher.
He has no plan, no inkling of what exactly his next step is beside waiting for Geralt to return to their room and somehow explaining that once again his sorceress lover has hurt him with her selfishness. The thought of breaking such dreadful news to Geralt is daunting; Jaskier doesn't ever want to be the cause of such pain for his friend.
He may act the careless rakehell when it suits him, ricocheting from one whirlwind affair to another, but even he isn't immune to the sting that comes with being left for another. He's grown attached to lovers time and time again only to be cast aside in favor of someone else, someone younger, prettier, less annoying, the pain always just as sharp as the very first time.
He thinks of the careless way the Countess de Stael had abandoned him for her new lover, of how she had callously ousted him from her home and her life, of how he'd drowned his sorrow in women and wine and a wasted wish on a djinn that wasn't even under his command. Of the horrible pain he feels every time Geralt goes chasing after Yennefer, leaving him behind with his bruised and battered heart still on his sleeve.
He only gets a quarter of the way across the Square, still trying to sort out how exactly he's going to explain the horrid situation, before he quite literally bumps into Geralt, having paid no mind to the bustling crowd around him in his anger.
Geralt's clearly on his way to Triss' home; it's the only reason he ever steps foot in the busy Square, otherwise avoiding it like a plague even he wouldn't be immune to. Jaskier plants one hand on Geralt's chest and points back at Triss' house with the other as he resolutely declares, "You do not want to go in there!"
"Jaskier," Geralt grunts, rolling his eyes and pressing forward, making Jaskier slide backward across the stone-paved street, propelled by the unstoppable force that is Geralt of Rivia. Roach offers no assistance. "I need to see Triss about getting more wolfsbane, I'm out."
"Not right now, you don't!" Jaskier insists, holding up a finger in Geralt's face. Geralt ignores him, continuing to walk forward as Jaskier's boots make a horrendous sound as the soles scrape over the cobblestone. Jaskier lets out an affronted squeak. "Geralt! For once in your miserable life will you listen to me, you stubborn oaf! Especially when I'm trying to protect you!"
"Protect me?" Geralt echoes, abruptly freezing in his tracks. His hand immediately goes for his swords. "What's in there?"
"Oh, put your swords away, it's not a monster," Jaskier says, though he certainly considers anyone who would hurt Geralt in such a way to be quite monstrous indeed. Regardless, the swords aren't entirely necessary. Jaskier sighs. "I just... I don't want you going in there, alright?"
Geralt narrows his eyes almost imperceptibly, little more than a slight squint as he looks at Jaskier, dropping his hand back to his side. "Don't you trust me?"
"Oh please, Geralt," Jaskier scoffs, rolling his eyes. "It's not you I don't trust..."
"Jaskier," Geralt says again, patience wearing thin.
Jaskier sighs again, feeling absolutely awful about having to relay the terrible truth to Geralt. At the very least, he can spare Geralt the pain of witnessing it himself, from having the sight of his lover and his brother tangled together in an intimate embrace ingrained in his mind's eye forevermore.
"Geralt, I'm so sorry," Jaskier begins, unable to stop the nervous fidgeting of his fingers, alternating between wringing his hands together and picking at his cuticles. "I... I was looking for you at Triss' and I found her. With Eskel."
He hopes it's self-explanatory enough to be a sufficient explanation, that he won't have to delve into the lurid details, but Geralt simply stares at him expectantly. "And-And, oh Geralt, I'm so sorry. They were in a rather...compromising position."
"And?" Geralt demands when it becomes apparent Jaskier has nothing else to say, cocking a brow. He seems entirely unfazed by what Jaskier's just revealed to him, as though he had simply reported the weather and not an instance of infidelity.
"And? And?!" Jaskier repeats, aghast. "And, I'm sorry that your lover has been unfaithful! With one your own brothers of all people!"
His voice raises without his volition, the slightest edge of hysteria sharpening it. Fortunately, the dull roar of the marketplace around them drowns it out a bit and keeps him from making a spectacle of himself.
Still, Geralt does not react beyond the confused look plastered on his face. Jaskier doesn't exactly expect a jealous outburst or for Geralt to break down in tears but he does expect a reaction of some sort! Anger or resignation or upset. Anything! Something! Not confusion, not this otherwise blank expression.
Jaskier's about to ask if Geralt heard him when the other man finally speaks.
"Jaskier," he begins almost cautiously, like he has something of grave importance to inform Jaskier of and fears he might startle the bard. "Triss is not my lover."
Ooh, lovely, now Geralt's lying to him. It reignites Jaskier's anger with a vengeance.
"Oh, please, Geralt! Despite what you may think I am not an idiot! You hate cities, can barely tolerate them for more than a moment, and yet over the past year, you've made us stop in Novigrad whenever we're even remotely nearby! You spend hours with her doing Melitele knows what while I'm relegated to playing at the inn to earn coin for a room you scarcely even use!"
"You never gave the impression you wanted to sit with us," Geralt answers, as though that's what Jaskier is upset about, feeling unwelcome during their little trysts. "You seemed content keeping Roach company, but you were always welcome, Triss said so herself."
Jaskier lets out an outraged squawk, gesturing aimlessly in his frustration. "Welcome to what?! Watching the man I've been in love with for half my life and his new lover?! Well, no thank you! I may be a glutton for punishment but I am not a bloody masochist and I have no interest whatsoever in subjecting myself to such a thing!"
He barely has a moment to register what he's just said, what precious secret he's just so carelessly divulged, because as soon as the words are out of his mouth the bell tower across the Square erupts into sound, filling the afternoon with the clamor of bells. It's too much for Geralt, much too loud much too fast, the sound most assuredly deafening with his heightened sense of hearing. He immediately winces, squeezing his eyes shut and raising a hand to his temple.
"Oh, Geralt," Jaskier says, tone softening as he steps closer to Geralt to lay a hand on his shoulder. Geralt just hums, sounding pained. It immediately spurs Jaskier into action.
Keeping his hand on Geralt's shoulder, Jaskier sets his other hand around Geralt's right wrist, guiding him across the Square and letting him lean some of his rather considerable weight on him. Geralt maintains his light grip on Roach's reins like an anchor, earning a soft, soothing nicker from the mare as she gently bumps her snout against the side of his arm.
"Come now, we'll get you to the inn and get you some peace and quiet away from all this hubbub," Jaskier needlessly explains as he ushers Geralt down a less busy side street towards the Kingfisher. He bites his lip to keep from rambling the way he tends to when he's anxious or nervous, not wanting to exacerbate Geralt's migraine.
Fortunately, Geralt allows himself to be led to the Kingfisher and up the two flights of stairs to their room that's significantly quieter than the busy streets outside without any complaints, only speaking up to insist Jaskier make sure Roach is properly stabled. Jaskier leaves Geralt's side just long enough to ensure that Roach is content in her cozy stable with fresh hay and a few apples the size of his fist.
Returning to Geralt's side, Jaskier sits him down on the edge of the bed, helping him strip out of the heaviest pieces of his armor until Geralt waves him off to finish removing it himself, kicking off his boots in the meantime. As Geralt finishes removing his armor until he's in just his dark shirt and leathers, Jaskier bustles around the room making him some tea.
He boils the water over the fireplace, briefly lamenting the fact that he can't instantaneously boil it with a quick Igni, and prepares the dried chamomile flowers he keeps for just such an occasion. He digs a chunk of ginger root out of the bottom of his bag, grating a bit of it into the dried chamomile; just a touch so as not to overwhelm Geralt's sensitive palate.
He wraps the chamomile and hint of ginger in some cheesecloth as a makeshift teabag, setting it in a teacup Olivier has brought up at his request. The teacup is hand-painted, the delicate ivory-colored porcelain adorned with a ring of forget-me-nots and kingfishers in mid-flight. The irony of both symbols makes Jaskier's chest ache and a hollow laugh slip past his lips.
Once the water's done boiling, Jaskier pours some into the teacup, letting the tea steep for a few minutes before bringing it to Geralt who's still rubbing at his forehead. He instructs Geralt to drink it all then steps out to fetch a fresh pot of water from the kitchens, ferrying it back up to their room as quickly as he can. He dips an old rag, also taken from the kitchens, into the pot of cold water, wringing it out until it's damp rather than sopping wet before folding it and gently draping it across Geralt's forehead, setting his empty teacup aside.
He's holding the rag against Geralt's forehead, hoping it'll help alleviate his migraine to some degree, when Geralt's fingers curl around his wrist. His other hand comes to rest on the small of Jaskier's back beneath the hem of his doublet, reeling him in closer until their chests are nearly molded together, his shins hitting the side of the low mattress and his free hand settling on Geralt's shoulder.
Geralt's expression is significantly less pinched than it was in the Square as he looks up at Jaskier, pinning him in place with his gaze alone.
"Jaskier..." he rumbles, voice like an incoming thunderstorm. "What you said earlier..."
Jaskier squeezes his eyes shut, the memory of what he'd said outside Triss' washing over him like the rainstorm accompanying Geralt's thunder. Once again his careless tongue has gotten him into trouble, only this time instead of enraging some twopenny duke or sweet maiden's father, he's potentially ruined the most important relationship in his life.
He's said too much, like he always does. Always blathering on like the lovesick fool he is, using all sorts of pretty words and melodies to hide the ugly things he feels, like his jealousy and distrust, his petty resentment towards those whose only sin was that they'd had Geralt in the way that he's always wanted but can never have.
And now it's going to cost him Geralt, the way he's always known it would eventually. A foregone conclusion he'd tried to delay for as long as possible.
Now that Geralt knows that Jaskier's in love with him, now that Jaskier's so carelessly confessed his most well-guarded secret, he's sure to leave Jaskier in the dust the way he's always threatened. And Jaskier will be without the man he's devoted so much of his life to, with only memories and unsung love songs to keep him warm at night.
He waits patiently for Geralt to continue, pressing his lips together as he tries valiantly to steel himself for the inevitable. But bracing oneself for heartbreak is like bracing for a hurricane; being prepared did not alleviate the devastation that was wrought, it only made it slightly more manageable.
"Triss and I aren't lovers," Geralt says instead, and Jaskier just barely refrains from laughing in his face. "We're friends, acquaintances, really. Nothing more."
There's something about the tone of Geralt's voice, some undercurrent of steel and soft thunder, that makes it impossible for Jaskier to doubt the veracity of his statement, not when for all of Geralt's tendency to deflect Jaskier's prying questions he rarely ever lies to him.
Jaskier opens his eyes, looking down at Geralt with a confused frown. "But—"
"Last winter Eskel told me he'd met her on a contract in Novigrad, that they're...involved," Geralt elaborates. A small smile curls the corner of his lips up, it's the same small smile he wears when he teases Lambert or decides to make a joke at Jaskier's expense. "I've been visiting her to tell her about him. Old stories of dumb shit he's done, mischief he caused that led to a hiding."
Jaskier gapes at him, trying to wrap his mind around what Geralt's just told him. Once he does, he can't contain his incredulity. "You mean to tell me that for the past year you've been venturing into a city you despise solely to tell your brother's lover funny stories about him just to embarrass him?! Oh, gods, what am I even saying? That's exactly something you'd do you-you... You bloody muttonhead!"
Geralt's smile persists. "Muttonhead? You're the one who thought I was fucking Triss."
"Of course, I did!" Because you were always off slipping away to go see her at all hours, always whispering and cooing like a pair of lovesick mourning doves! What was I supposed to think? How was I to know you were just trying to embarrass your poor brother!" Jaskier defends, throwing up his free hand, indignation swelling within him before ebbing away to be replaced by a tide of embarrassment. He groans, hanging his head and closing his eyes. "I'm such an idiot, I cannot believe I've made such a fool of myself! Over a bloody misunderstanding of all things! Oh, sweet Melitele, I'm a fucking fool."
He draws in a sharp, ragged breath, raises his chin and tries to brace himself, staring over Geralt's shoulder. "And now... Now I'm sure you'll be taking your leave. Suppose Olivier will let me stay for a bit until I regain my bearings, as long as I perform my song about the kingfisher for him, he really does love that ballad."
"Jaskier," Geralt says, cutting off Jaskier's rambling before he can manage to embarrass himself any further. How very charitable of him. "Why would I leave?"
"Why would you...? Geralt! I just professed my love for you not half an hour's time ago! What else should I expect you to do? Pick me up in your arms and declare your endless devotion to me?!" Jaskier's impassioned diatribe trails off with a deep sigh. Still pressing the damp rag to Geralt's forehead, ever gentle to compensate for every hand that's touched him with nothing but cruelty, he breathes deeply and meets Geralt's eyes. "I told you, Geralt, I'm not a masochist. I would not torture myself with such grand delusions."
"I know well that you do not reciprocate my feelings. I understand, of course, and I've made my peace with it," Jaskier goes on, forcing himself to go on even when he feels his throat tighten. "I didn't intend on admitting it in such a way — in any way, really — and I apologize. I would be happy to continue traveling with you, truly nothing would make me happier, but I understand if you wish to part ways. I would never...hold it against you or any such thing, I swear."
"Did you mean it?" Geralt asks, catching Jaskier off guard. He's not sure what exactly Geralt's referring to.
He frowns at Geralt, sure his confusion is scrawled across his face. "Did I mean what?"
"What you said," Geralt says rather helpfully. Jaskier raises his brows expectantly. He's said a great deal this afternoon.
"When you said you love me," Geralt clarifies, meeting Jaskier's eyes with no trace of hesitation.
Jaskier manages another weak smile, swallowing around the lump in his throat. "Of course. With every breath in my body. Every line in every song."
"Jaskier..." Geralt breathes, sounding wounded. His eyes slide shut and he tips his head to the side until his nose and cheek graze the heel of Jaskier's palm. He presses his lips to the spot where Jaskier's wrist and hand, softly kissing it.
Jaskier's breath catches in his throat at the fleeting touch of Geralt's lips, his stubble rasping against the smooth skin of his inner wrist. Hearing the hitch in Jaskier's breath, Geralt opens his eyes, gazing up at Jaskier with those buttercup gold eyes of his that always make Jaskier melt, knees weak from naught but a look.
With the hand he has on the small of Jaskier's back, warm through the fabric of his chemise, Geralt pulls him even closer. So close that Jaskier has to straddle Geralt's knee to avoid falling on his ass.
The movement startles another gasp out of Jaskier. He drops the wet rag with a muted thump against the hardwood floor as Geralt places another barely-there kiss to his wrist, just shy of where his own fingers are still curled around Jaskier's forearm.
Geralt raises his head and Jaskier can't resist the urge to cup Geralt's cheek in his hand, only having to move it an inch or so to rest his palm against Geralt's jaw, his thumb automatically brushing over the sharp cut of his cheekbone. Geralt leans into the touch the same way that Roach leans into scratches behind her ear, full-bodied and surprisingly trusting.
Chests brushing and Jaskier's knees bracketing one of Geralt's, they're dangerously close together. He knows Geralt would never hurt him, knows he could likewise never be able to be truly afraid of him. But Jaskier's heart pounds against his ribcage like waves crashing against the rocky shore, the ebb and flow thundering in his ears like warning bells.
Geralt's face is close to his, only a few scant inches apart, a temptation like he's never known. Geralt's always been a temptation, a constant one dangled in front of Jaskier but just out of his reach, closer than a brother. But he's never been *this* close.
Jaskier's been good for the past twenty odd years. Has resisted all of his selfish urges and one-sided wanting. Hasn't let his hands linger longer than could be deemed friendly, hasn't succumbed to his ever-present desire to just throw caution and consequences to the wind and kiss Geralt with all the passion and longing he's managed to contain thus far.
He's been tortured with temptation over the years, nearly driven mad by it all. By the temptation of helping Geralt out of his armor and sullied clothes, face to face with miles of pale skin and mouthwatering muscle greater men than he would find hard to resist drooling over, ignoring his baser desires in order to help bathe him. By the temptation of waking in a shared bed with Geralt only an arm's length away, if even that far, his handsome features softened by sleep and the early morning sunshine bathing him in rays of pale gold.
But he could never make that leap of faith, could never close the distance between them even for the most chaste of kisses. He was too worried about losing what he already had and cherished so dearly in his pursuit of more, afraid he would lose his world while shooting for the moon.
He wasn't lying when he said he would be happy to continue traveling with Geralt, content to have Geralt in his life as a friend rather than the alternative of not having him in his life at all.
But Geralt's eyes flicker down to his lips for a long moment, a flash of brilliant gold promising treasure far beyond any precious metals or priceless gems and Jaskier can no longer resist the temptation, yielding to it instead.
He leans down toward Geralt at the same moment Geralt raises his head, pulled together like two magnets, binary stars drawn towards one another by mutual attraction. He's not sure who exactly kisses who first or if they simply crash together at precisely the same time, Jaskier's hand slipping into Geralt's hair when Geralt releases his wrist in favor of cupping the side of Jaskier's face in his big hand.
Kissing Geralt is like feeling the first rays of morning sunshine wash over him, like walking in the first rainfall after a long drought. It's like the rush of performing for a large audience at a prestigious event and like the intimate camaraderie formed when performing for just a small tavern full of attentive listeners.
It's honey and salted sea air, steel and silver and snow, blood and ambrosia. Like coming home and embarking on a new adventure all at once.
Jaskier never wants to stop. Knows he could easily get addicted to it if Geralt let him, could grow drunk off the bouquet of his lips like the finest wine. And, wonder of wonders, it seems as though Geralt just might.
Because Geralt's kissing him with the same remarkably focused, single-minded intensity he uses when completing an especially difficult contract, when he's sharpening his swords by the firelight, when he's taking care of Roach. Being the object of such intensity is heady, rather flattering.
Geralt's right hand is warm on Jaskier's back, his little finger dipping under the hem of his chemise, using the hand cupping Jaskier's face to guide his head just the slightest bit to the side as he deepens the kiss. His lips are slightly chapped but addictive nonetheless as he curls his tongue against Jaskier's in a way that nearly makes him see stars. Jaskier's knees are perilously weak, knees gone to jelly like the strawberry preserves Geralt fancies so much at the first touch of his lips.
The position is a bit awkward. With how low the bed is, Jaskier's forced to crane his neck at an awkward angle, head tipped to the side to avoid simply mashing his face against Geralt's like a schoolboy having his first snog. He can feel a crick in his neck that's going to plague him for days if he doesn't move but the thought of tearing his lips away from Geralt's is downright torturous and he'd rather stand there forever in slight discomfort if it means he can continue to kiss his witcher for just a moment longer.
But Geralt, ever vigilant, seems to notice the uncomfortable way Jaskier's head is angled, moving farther back on the mattress and pulling Jaskier with him until the bard's crawling on his knees on the mattress, now straddling Geralt's thigh rather than his knee. They're of a height now, easing the way as Jaskier pours all of himself into the kiss with renewed passion.
But even with the lungs of a singer, Jaskier has to break the kiss to catch his breath, chest heaving as he presses his forehead against Geralt's. Geralt shifts his hand from Jaskier's face to his hip as he brushes the tip of his nose across Jaskier's cheek, practically nuzzling him, and mutters, "Never wanted her, Jaskier. Just you. Only you."
Jaskier can't help the groan that's wrenched out of him at the hushed confession, lowering his head for another deep kiss, fisting his left hand in the fabric of Geralt's shirt. His heart feels fit to burst at the confirmation that his feelings aren't one-sided, that his love for Geralt is reciprocated to some degree, enough for him to be straddling the man's lap and kissing the daylights out of him.
A few moments later, he again reluctantly drags his lips away from Geralt's for the sake of breathing, smiling when Geralt grunts almost petulantly as Jaskier pauses their kiss. Catching his breath, he runs his fingers through Geralt's hair, the glide of the silk-soft strands through his fingers both soothing and exhilarating.
Geralt ducks his head to bury his face in the side of Jaskier's neck, peppering kisses down the side of his neck from just below his ear to the collar of his doublet. Jaskier lets out a soft breath, hand tightening in Geralt's hair.
"I... I should apologize to Triss," Jaskier manages to say in spite of the cloud of lust filling his entire body, mind clearing for a moment even as Geralt very lightly grazes his teeth up the long line of his neck. "I said some rather awful things to her..."
"Hmm... Later..." Geralt rumbles against his throat, lips rasping over the sensitive skin and making Jaskier squirm atop him. Jaskier shudders as Geralt starts laying open-mouthed kisses on his throat, wants him to leave a mark, a bruise in the shape of his mouth as proof that this isn't just another midday fantasy or late-night dream, that it's real. He doubts Geralt would be adverse.
"E-Eskel, too," Jaskier says shakily, eyes fluttering shut as Geralt continues showering his neck with attention, his tongue occasionally darting out to taste his skin. He gasps out a sharp moan when Geralt nips at a rather sensitive spot just behind Jaskier's earlobe, apparently not a fan of Jaskier saying other people's names while wrapped in his arms. Jaskier can't exactly fault him for that, dipping his head to press his lips against Geralt's.
The hand on Jaskier's back slips more fully beneath the hem of his chemise, fingers fanned out across the small of his back, Geralt's other hand on his hip squeezing gently. Jaskier shivers again, Geralt's bare skin on his own sending a frisson of pleasure down his spine, heat pooling low in his gut.
He blindly feels for the front laces of Geralt's shirt, humming happily when he finds them. He abandons his grip on Geralt's hair to settle both hands on Geralt's broad chest, sturdy and warm beneath his palms, fingers toying with the laces.
He unlaces them as much as possible, revealing a wide swath of his chest, scattered with old scars and dusted with hair. Jaskier can't resist running his hands over the bared skin, tracing his fingers over familiar scars he knew the stories of by heart: claw marks from a griffin, an old stab wound from a lucky bandit, a slash from the tail spikes of a forktail, all of them part of the man he loves so much, features rather than flaws.
He wants to touch more of Geralt's chest, wants to strip him of his shirt and run his fingers over every scar he can find, press kisses to each one. But he also wants to bury his hands in Geralt's hair again, to brush his fingertips through the silky strands that smell faintly of jasmine bath oil. He wants to cup Geralt's face in his hands, brush kisses across his cheeks and forehead and eyelids and chin. He'd also very much like to get his hands on Geralt's ass.
Years of wanting have left him with so many desires to touch, all of them getting muddled in his head in his haste to accept whatever Geralt's willing to offer even if it's just a few more kisses. But his mind is still clear enough for something to occur to him.
"Oh!" He gasps, pulling back for a moment, panting a bit. He winces theatrically, genuinely contrite. "You may not ever be able to go to the Passiflora again. I may have told all the girls there that you're a heartless cad who's quite thoroughly shattered my heart with your gallivanting ways."
Geralt quirks a pale brow, clearly annoyed that Jaskier's once again put their kissing on hold in favor of prattling on. But there's a smirk slowly tugging at the corner of his lips as he looks up at Jaskier. "Is that what you were doing there?"
Jaskier nods a touch sheepishly, chewing his lip. He runs his thumb over Geralt's bottom lip and the cleft in his chin, feeling a bit foolish as he admits, "You know I don't like paying for sex. I needed a shoulder to cry on. The girls were always rather sympathetic."
"Hmm," Geralt replies, reaching up to card his fingers through Jaskier's hair, brushing his thumb over his cheek. His eyes flicker down to look at Jaskier's mouth, lips pink and kiss swollen. "Somehow, I think I'll manage without their services. Now shut up, Jaskier."
And Jaskier, well, he's more than happy to comply. For now. The sea won’t be claiming him tonight. He’s found his halcyon days.
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Behind The Scenes - How I Made Vyvyan Basterd's Denim Vest
As I’ve had a bit of interest about how I came to make this particular bastard’s denim vest, I thought I would do a write up about it! This was a very long and detailed process to get it to where it is today so strap in kids! (Apologies in advance for the shit phone photos!)
Finding the jacket -
It’s widely known that Vyvyan’s custom vest is a Levis. The dead giveaway is the small iconic red tab on the right pocket. Without even researching this, it was blatantly obvious that it was a denim jacket that had the sleeves ripped off. This jacket in my mind was the one thing that needed to be right because this is the foundation of the project right? Interestingly enough, that I was unaware of, you could tell the age of the jacket via the code on the brown tag inside the jacket by the collar. I looked for HOURS trying to find the right one that would fit Vyvyan’s and I can tell you that it’s damn near impossible. In my mind, the jacket would have most likely been from the late 70s and probably not bought brand new. The more I looked, the more I drove myself insane so after painstakingly trawling ebay, I came across this one jacket. As I was after a particular shade of blue and no front pockets as soon as I saw it I was like ‘THAT WILL DO!’ because the price was right for me. (£20 BARGAIN!) Upon inspection, the reason it was that price was because there was a tiny piece of yellow paint on the back and some spots on the sleeves. This didn’t bother me because I was ripping the sleeves off. It was ironic it was yellow to be honest, Vyvyan must have been doing some work on the Ford Anglia…
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(Photos from the ebay seller)
Once this jacket arrived and I saw it in person, I came to a conclusion it was just a tad too dark for my liking so… I guess I was gonna have to double bleach this son of a gun.
Measuring and ordering the studs -
The next step was finding the studs as from a quick search, postage was going to take a while. The best way I felt like I could visualise this is if I cut out squares that I thought were the right size, going off some references (my lovely friend Andy who helped me with Rick’s badges sent me some good reference photos from the Bachelor Boys photo scans) then I would know exactly how many studs I would need. I’d needed pyramid studs and round mushroom studs. The mushroom studs, going off my references, were the same size as the pyramid ones so that was nice and easy.
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Cutting the sleeves off -
There’s no rocket science behind this, get some sharp scissors (I personally used dressmaking scissors) and then hack them off! I cut before the seam. The reason I did this because A) I was going to be double bleaching it so it would have to survive the washing machine twice at least and I didn’t want it to over fray the edges and B) the sleeves didn’t need to be bleached as well so there was no point having them on there pre bleach. I didn’t chuck the sleeves in the bin because they were perfect for testing on before committing.
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Bleach testing -
I want to say for the record I have never bleached any fabric in my life so this was completely unknown territory. I was willing to accept the challenge though! So I did a couple of tests on some strips from the sleeves using various combinations of part water part bleach as well as straight bleach to the denim. As you can see, the straight bleach to denim was a complete no no!
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Because I’m a right idiot, I don’t have any photos of the dried test strip but I can tell you I tried 50/50 bleach to water (i’m unsure what millitres it was now) and submerged it in my bathroom sink for half an hour. This seemed to work so I went ahead and did this for the whole thing. I ended up using two whole bottles of bleach, the equivalent in normal cold water (I think it may have even been 40/60 bleach to water in the end, meaning I put a little more water in), a pair of rubber gloves (protect those digits, folks), an apron (don’t ruin ya threads!), a big old storage tub, and an old towel laid out on the floor under the tub. I’m not gonna lie to ya, I was bricking it because I was terrified it would go from being too dark to too light because i’d read bleach turns quick. I have no photos of this set up either (surprise, surprise) but I submerged the jacket in the bleach water but I kept it moving around so it wouldn’t end up patchy. I set a timer for 20 minutes but took it out after 15 because, bloody hell that bleach turned quick! I’m lucky I did this right next to my bathtub because I could quickly rinse it off and then the washing machine wasn’t far either so I could shove it in on a rinse cycle. It worked out alright in the end, even if it did take ages to dry!
Now that it was dry, I needed to do the same again but for the lighter patch of denim on the back of the jacket. Instead of submerging this, I stuck a couple of bits of cardboard under the panel (so it didn’t soak through to the rest), got a takeaway tub with a bit of bleach and water, a sponge and just dabbed/poured it on in bits and kept moving it around for 10 minutes. Then repeated the process of rinsing it and chucking it in the washing machine to rinse. Then cut to me impatiently having to wait for it to dry again before I could do anymore.
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Fraying the edges -
In the meantime I had a go at practicing different techniques of fraying and weathering the denim on the strips I had left. I cut off the cuff of one of the sleeves because I would be working with that thickness on the shoulder edge. I basically got a really sharp craft knife (thanks to the boys who I live with who make Warhammer models) and started slashing into the edges, sanding it with sandpaper and then using tweezers to pull excess bits off. This seemed to work quite well so once the jacket was dry, I went and did just that. It was a bit fluffy so I used a paint brush and water to just clump bits of the white bit together.
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B&Q run anyone? -
Funnily enough the first thing (before I even got the jacket) was the chain and padlock necklace our edgy punk likes to wear. I did a run to our local DIY store armed with my copy of the Bachelor Boys book and reference photos on my phone and tried to match up the chain to the one he wears. I must have looked mental. The chain I settled on was dead on the nose perfect. It’s the exact length of each chain loop that I needed. I ended up getting two metres cut because I didn’t know whether one metre was enough and better to have too much than not enough. It's an incredibly thick chain so I'm glad I had my Dad who owns a grinder that could cut the excess off. I went for the first plain, big, silver padlock I could find. It’ll still need weathering but that’s a job for another day. I was unsure about the chain for the back piece so I ended up coming back on a second trip because I couldn’t find exactly what I was after. More on that later.
Studding the back of the jacket -
Woo hoo! The studs arrived! As always, I practiced the studs on a scrap bit before I committed. Turns out the pyramid studs were super easy to poke through but the round mushroom studs needed a craft knife to poke a hole in it before putting them in. Easy enough.
The next step was to measure the length out between each stud to make them even.
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“If you think like the character, I don’t think he would have sat there with a ruler and measured them out, he would have just stuck them in.” - My housemate
That’s all very true and it looks like a mess, but it’s an organised mess that i’m sure the BBC costume department took care with as well! If you look at the Bachelor Boys book (my saviour for getting the back piece correct), Vyvyan is missing studs. This was probably due to the fact the boy threw his body around so much, it doesn’t surprise me that he lost a few here and there! Because of this, I was going off the pilot episode’s jacket studs because it was where it was most complete and that’s more what I was after. The round studs were a bit of a guess and I had to watch and pause the show (oh what a shame, I had to watch it again!). I was hesitant but I just went for it in the end. It didn’t turn out too bad! Weirdly enough, the yellow paint didn’t come off with the bleaching process but I'm oddly glad it didn’t. It added a bit of character and a little personal headcanon.
WIth the two pieces of chain, I know it’s not exact and I kick myself for it but it’s not the end of the world. This wasn’t a bad alternative. I roughly measured out the length I needed and then using some strong cutting pliers, cut the chain. I also stitched them in at the top before putting the stud over the top. This is so A) If the stud goes flying off whilst i’m wearing it, the chain won’t go with it and B) If I do find a better chain, it’d be super easy to replace!
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As for the front of the jacket, that was pretty easy as there weren’t many studs to do. I did make sure I had fully pressed the studs in but the round ones were basically like split pins. Because of this, they did move around and I didn’t want to catch any of them when I wore it. So I very carefully stitched the studs down on the inside, careful not to sew through) I’m not the best at normal sewing so they’re just roughly tacked in but it’ll be safer in the long run.
If you look super closely at the back of his jacket (luckily I had really close up references so I could see the detail really well), It was clearly done with a permanent marker because you could see little spaces where the writing has been coloured in. On the test strips, I tried using paint for the words but it just didn’t have the same effect. Bring in the sharpie! I wanted the same effect so I did that after I had pencilled it out. I also did the same thing for the ‘U.R. DEAD’.
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The very last thing I was going to do to this jacket was the paint on the front. This was the piece of the jacket that I really tried to channel Vyvyan. I wasn’t going to go out and buy expensive fabric paints, instead I hit up a local Wilko (A shop that does a bit of everything) and picked up tester pots of indoor wall paint. They were small enough for the job I wanted them for and cheap as chips. And ya know, I’m sure Vyvyan probably would have done it with whatever paint he could get his hands on, most likely for walls. I know that the paint isn’t designed for fabric as large amounts of it will crack and not look good but I was only using small, thin amounts and if it cracks a little, it won’t matter. I pencilled it out first and then went in roughly with the paint. Once this had dried, I outlined it scruffily with sharpie again to get that ‘I don’t give a shit if it’s neat’ look.
Calling Dr Love… -
I felt it was almost a sin if I didn’t look for one of Vyvyan’s t-shirts to really put the icing on the cake. As far as I am aware the bands that appear on Vyvyan’s t-shirts are: Whitesnake, Rush, KISS, Saxon, Motörhead and The Exploited. I was thinking ‘Oh this will be fine, how hard could it be to find one of his t-shirts?’. Turns out, it’s a lot more difficult than I thought! So I looked at all them individually and tried to find them via ebay but alas, nothing. From my research, it looked like the KISS Rock and Roll Over album cover t-shirt was still being produced. BUT… it wasn’t as exact as I wanted it so using some creative initiative, I had to make it myself! I first of all found the highest quality PNG file I could find of the album cover and modified it. I took out the writing and added KISS around the edge like Vyv’s and turned it 90 degrees so that the person with the beams were at the top on the right, again like Vyv’s. After a lot of fiddling about with colours and such, I got it printed. Turns out it was cheaper to have it made so it was screen accurate than it was to buy the one that looked only slightly similar. Go figure!
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I’m so very proud of the outcome of this project. It was a lot more fuss than Rick’s badges but totally worth every penny, effort and love I put into it. Still need to get Vyvyan’s cuffs and belt but I'm hoping to do a photoshoot with myself dressed as the bastard soon.
If you want to see the finished piece, check it out here!
“I’m very sober and very, VERY BORED!”
- Vyvyan Basterd
48 notes · View notes
queenof-literature · 4 years
Hi all! This is the forth story in my Wild’s Story Hour series, which was originally requests that were sent in, and soon turned into its own series! I’ve been writing this on and off for a few months now, so I’m so happy to post it.
A little note: My Tumblr has been very wonky lately. I’m not sure about y’all, but every time I search for recent in the Linked Universe tag I get spammed with completely random tags not even related to the point where I can’t even see LU content. This is the only tag that’s like this for me. So please know that I’m not ignoring anyone, it’s just been quite laggy and slow for me to get notifications as well.
AO3 Link
Thank you all for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy!
"Thanks for dinner Wild!" Hyrule exclaimed before digging in. Wild heard similar sentiments as he passed out mushroom and veggie rice balls, with some fruit crepes on the side. An odd combination, but that’s apparently what happened when you traveled with a group of eight others. In Twilight’s Hyrule they had found a relatively safe and secluded place for the evening before the sun had begun to set, so Wild took the extra time to put more effort into dinner. The others used to tell him that he didn't need to put so much effort into dinner, they were fine with rations and quick meals over a fire. However after they learned that cooking was what Wild would consider a passion, they allowed themselves to be fed without complaint. If Wild enjoyed it, who were they to stop him. The delicious food was certainly a bonus.
After thanking Wild the group settled around the fire, relaxing into the evening lull Wild had begun to find comforting long ago. He was never expected to talk, he could just sit in peace and listen. And if he chose to talk, which was becoming more frequent as time went on, the others always listened. 
But after the… incident when Wild sang Kass' song, no one had asked him to tell anymore stories. After the first night of 'Wild's Story Hour' as Hyrule called it, Wind would often jump on his back and ask questions about his Hyrule. If Wind was anything, he was curious. That trait seemed to be amped up since Wild's Hyrule also had Rito and Koroks. Now though, Wind bit his tongue and kept quiet.
Wild didn't want to admit that he missed it.
He never thought he would miss talking, especially telling an entire story over a campfire. Talking used to feel like giving pieces of himself away, and if he gave too much he would be empty. Now he felt relieved every time he talked about his adventure. Wild loved seeing his brothers’ reactions to his tales, and the more he talked the more weight was lifted off him. That must have been what Warriors was talking about when he said that sometimes it helped to talk to others.
Wild missed it, but he didn't want to bring it up. It was embarrassing, and he didn't want the others to feel forced to listen to him. He was trying to get rid of that mentality but it was hard.
Wind felt guilty too, Wild could tell. Wild wasn't sure the little pirate had ever seen Wild so far gone in panic and anger. He hated that any of them saw him like that, let alone Wind. It wasn't the little pirate's fault, he didn't know that bringing it up would cause Wild's panic, not even Wild himself knew. It hadn't affected their friendship, but Wild didn't want Wind to feel uncomfortable around him at all. 
Before he could cucco out, Wild signed for Wind to sit with him when he could. Wind smiled and nodded, quickly finishing his conversation with Four before making his way over.
"Yes, Wild?" Wind asked eagerly, but Wild could still see the apprehension under the surface.
"Are you okay?" Wild asked, skipping the small talk he wasn't good at. 
"Of course! Why?" Wild resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Getting Wind, or any of the Links, to admit something was wrong was like pulling teeth. Although, Wild guessed he didn't have much room to talk…
"You've seemed upset lately. Did I do something?" Wild once again got straight to the point. If Wild did anything to upset the younger, he wanted to fix it. And he wanted to fix it now.
"What? Of course not, Wild! I'm sorry I made you think that. It's just… I feel bad I guess.” Wind sighed out, his shoulders slumping out of his fake eagerness. Wild winced slightly, knowing what Wind was talking about. Wild had one of his… attacks, in front of everyone. It started innocently enough, with Wind being curious about a song. It ended with Wild yelling and sobbing about his failures a century ago. 
“That wasn’t your fault.” Wild stated firmly. “You didn’t know what was going to happen. No one did, not even me.” Wild trailed off slightly at the last part. Wind’s face had perked up slightly, but he didn’t look completely convinced. 
“Wind.” Wild said gently, getting the younger’s attention. “I wouldn’t have sung if I didn’t want to.” Wild paused before admitting the next part, slightly embarrassed. “I like talking about my adventure. It feels nice.” Wild felt his ears turn red, but Wind didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he looked happier than he had in days.
“So… everything is okay? Do you forgive me?” Wind asked hopefully.
“There’s nothing to forgive.” Wild reassured. “Of course everything is okay.” 
“Can I…” Wind trailed off from his question, but Wild knew what was going to be asked, and he simply nodded and smirked, opening his arms slightly. Wild caught a flash of Wind’s face, a large beaming grim, before a body launched into his arms from across the log, squeezing the life out of him. Wild squeezed just as hard back, thankful that the matter was behind them. Wild could feel eyes on them, and turned to meet the mirthful gazes of his companions. Wild simply glared at them, warning them not to say anything. This was between him and Wind. But the other Links were simply thankful everything was all right. 
“Hey Wild?” Wind’s muffled voice rose from Wild’s chest.
“Hm?” Wild hummed, biting back a smile.
“Do you ever wanna tell another story for us? It’s okay if you say no.” Wind asked into Wild’s tunic. Wind used to bite back on his hugs and physical touches, afraid it would be seen as childish. But after it became more common around camp, and after the other Links understood that Wind simply came from a home where hugs were a common display of affection, Wind didn't feel the need to hide it anymore.
“Yeah, anytime.” Wild smiled.
“Now?” Wind questioned hesitantly.
“Sure.” Wild confirmed, searching through good memories of his adventure. Like an arrow, Wind launched off Wild’s chest, and Wild shoved down his disappointment at the loss of warmth.
“Guys! Shush!” Wind yelled, a hush falling over the camp besides a few grumbles about being interrupted. “Wild’s gonna tell a story!” He shouted in excitement, ignoring Wild’s shocked face. By now, Wind really meant right now.
“Did you inform Wild of this?” Legend asked, smirking at Wild’s shocked face.
“Of course! I asked him!” Wind scolded, turning back around and sitting on his and Wild’s shared log, ignoring Legend rolling his eyes. Wild saw Twilight shoot a look over the fire, silently asking if this was truly alright. Wild gave him a reassuring look and a nod. The camp was once again quiet as they all looked to Wild in interest.
“Uhh. What should I talk about?” Wild questioned awkwardly. It was always so awkward at the start.
“You always ask that, talk about whatever you want.” Legend crossed his arms, and lowered himself to the ground, back against the log.
“There’s two divine beasts left. You can talk about one of those?” Hyrule spoke up beside Legend. 
“Okay, Gorons?” Wild suggested. The Gorons were a fun people to be around, and if Wild was honest, he wasn’t ready to touch on the subject on the Zora quite yet. That was too close to Mipha. Mipha wasn’t necessarily a secret, but it was a topic he was still sore about.
“Gorons sound fun. Don’t we all have Gorons in our Hyrule?” Four questioned, receiving nods and noises of confirmation. 
“Didn’t Twilight wrestle them?” Sky questioned, receiving blank looks from the others.
“I’m sorry Twilight what?” Warriors’ shocked expression almost sent Wild into a fit of laughter. He couldn’t blame the man though, Wild was just as surprised when Twilight told him about his adventure with the Gorons. 
“And you didn’t tell me?” Wind’s cried in betrayal. 
“Uhh, I needed my iron boots to do it.” Twilight tried to soothe the outbreak of awe.
“That doesn’t matter with Gorons. Those make you heavier, even someone with above-average strength couldn’t beat a Goron with iron boots.” Four smirked from beside Sky, who was watching the chaos he caused unfold. 
“I told y’all I learned how to wrestle in my village!” Twilight shouted with no heat. 
“You didn’t tell us you wrestled a Goron!” Wind yelled back. 
“He also burned a building down.” Time spoke up, biting back a smile at Twilight’s betrayed expression.
“I told you that in confidence!” Twilight yelled. 
“Wait and you give me shit for lighting things on fire?” Wild cried out. Now this was the first he had heard of that. 
“You do it for fun!” Twilight tried to defend himself through the uproarious laughter. 
“Why did you do it then?” Wild questioned. 
“That’s not important!” Twilight huffed. 
“Maybe we should call you Wild.” Legend joked.
“Hey don’t you dare-” Twilight began before being interrupted by Four.
“As entertaining as this is, I think Wild was going to tell a story.” He reminded.
“Yeah! Wild talk about the Gorons!” Wind ceased glaring at Twilight in favor of looking at Wild. 
“Okay, okay.” Wild said after he was done laughing. “Well you guys know my Death Mountain is really hot with all the lava.”
“Understatement.” Warriors mumbled.
“So I had to pick up some elixirs from Foothill stables and drink them on the way up." Wild started, relaxing into his story as he went.
“Don’t your elixirs only last a couple of hours?” Hyrule titled his head.
“Yeah, why?” Wild questioned. 
“That looks like a long and rocky road. What, did you just run through the whole domain?” Hyrule joked, pausing when he saw Wild bite his lip. “Wild!” Hyrule yelled in realization.
"What? I didn't have any other choice! I had plenty of elixirs!" Wild defended.
“What if you ran out?” Four chided with a snort.
“Then I’d teleport away.” Wild shot back.
“Don’t extreme temperatures affect your slate sometimes?” Warriors smirked. 
“I… would deal with that when I got there.” Wild huffed at the laughter that came from the others.
“Yeah a lot of your plans involve that.” Legend mumbled.
“Anyway.” Wild interrupted before the conversation could lead to discussing his battle tactics. “I kept running up the path and there were a lot of fire monsters like moblins, and keese and chuchus-” Wild continued.
“Don’t the chuchus in your Hyrule explode?” Hyrule asked once again, eyes shining in excitement. 
“Yeah! If I throw bombs at them then I can make a huge explosion! Especially the big ones.” Wild confirmed with a grin.
“No, you two are not having a competition of who can make a bigger explosion when we get to Wild’s Hyrule again.” Time already knew where this would lead. It was best to nip it in the bud now.
“Awe.” Wild and Hyrule groaned. 
“We never get to do anything.” Wild mumbled with a pout.
“You were saying?” Time lifted an eyebrow. Wild huffed once more before continuing his story. 
“Right. It was a long walk and of course I wasn’t going to risk taking a horse. There were a lot of cliffs along the path and since I didn’t have much time I took the straight path. Then I accidently ran into a Talus!” Wild grinned at the rest of the group’s groans. They had some run-ins with the larger monsters in Wild’s Hyrule, and while they all had tough enemies, Wild’s had some of the largest monsters that were considered relatively common.
“Volcanos have molten rock, how did you miss it?” Warriors joked.
“It was molten rock!” Wild defended. “It blended in perfectly.”
“Wait wait wait.” Four waved his hands. “Your Taluses are also made of magma and volcanic rock?”
“Yep.” Wild confirmed, laughing slightly at the various looks of surprise the Links always held when they learned of new monsters their own Hyrules didn’t have. The other heroes had been near Eldin, but not quite near Goron City enough to see an Igneo Talus. Hopefully they were never dropped off near Death Mountain. Wild didn’t really want to wake up on fire.
“Are there ice and electric ones too.” Legend groaned.
“Ice ones.” Wild answered. “Those ones are really hard to see.”
“Ugh, remind me to watch my step.” Legend rolled his eyes.
“Will do.” Wild deadpanned. “Luckily I had some ice arrows so it was okay. Eventually I made it to the Southern Mine. That’s where the Goron mine for ore!" Wild explained. "I even met another Hylian there! He had some of the Flamebreaker Armor that you get in Goron City.” Wild had shown the group his Flamebreaker Armor before, and some had even tried it on, including Four.
“Oh? Did you seduce this Hylian for clothes as well?” Warriors raised an eyebrow.
“No I did not!” Wild crossed his arms, glaring at the rest of the now laughing heroes. “I’ll never live that down will I?”
“Nope.” Warriors and Legend smirked at Wild’s glare. 
“I asked if I could buy it, since he was heading down anyway.” Wild spoke over the chuckling Links. “He said he would give it to me if I caught him 10 fireproof lizards so he could make elixirs. I saw a bunch of lizards while running up so I caught enough.” The rest of the group nodded, they too had to do some… irregular things for important items.
“How do you catch that many lizards that fast?” Wind tilted his head. “Aren’t they quick?”
“Oh yeah. If you’re not careful they’ll scurry away and bury themselves in the mountain side or under rock. I had to crouch and hop around.” Wind laughed at the image of Wild moving around like that. 
This was nice.
“Is Goron City far away from the Southern Mine?” Sky asked.
“It’s not too far, but after I got a part of the armor and started approaching the city, Vah Rudania, Daruk’s divine beast, was circling Death Mountain and started launching giant fireballs so I had to dodge them and sprint up to the city.”
“Giant fireballs? Why would the beast attack you?” Hyrule asked. 
“Well I’m not sure if Rudania meant to do it since it was circling the volcano, but Rudania was terrorizing Goron City like Medoh was terrorizing the Rito, so I think it was because of the Calamity.” Wild hummed in thought.
“They were infected with… malice, right?” Four questioned, remembering Wild’s pictures of the large pool of intimidating… something. It was apparently a manifestation of the Calamity, and Wild had said it burned whenever he touched it, especially with the Master Sword in hand. Four remembered even the pool looked evil. Pure black roots took hold of whatever was around it, mixed in with deep shades of reds and purples. Wild also told him there was an odd sound it made that set him on edge.
“As far as I know.” Wild nodded, thinking back to the pools of malice in all the Divine Beasts. “Back 100 years ago,” The group perked up in both excitement and worry. It was rare Wild talked about 100 years ago. Both because he couldn’t remember it, and because it had pained him for so long. “The other champions rushed to their Divine Beasts. The plan was I would protect Zelda, and return to defeat Ganon after the Divine Beasts weakened them. Zelda wanted to come with me, since she still believed there was a chance to awaken her power. She always pushed herself so hard…” Wild trailed off for a moment, staring into the fire. Twilight almost began to rise, believing Wild to have slipped into another memory, but Wild shook himself out of it quickly. “Help never came. The Divine Beasts were taken over by malice, and while they piloted themselves the champions were killed by Blights that Ganon had created to directly match their strength and exploit it. And well… you all know how the story ends.” There was a heavy silence, no one knowing what to say, including Wild. Wind scooted over on the log and leaned against Wild gently, showing his silent support. Wild smiled down at him, then at the others around the fire.
“It’s okay.” Wild told them. “Let’s just keep talking about the Gorons?” He proposed.
“Cub…” Time started, not quite knowing how to get his message across. “Talk about whatever you want to. Anytime.” Time finished, hoping Wild knew what he meant, and judging by the smile he did. 
“Thanks, Old Man.” Wild said earnestly, thankful for the comfortable warmth at his side.
“Well um…” Wild began, thinking about where he left off. He appreciated that everyone waited to let him think, and didn’t interrupt him. “I finally made it to the city. Since it’s made from the materials they have up there it’s made up of a lot of rock and metals, but it’s still great to look at! They work hard on their signs outside their shops and the children always roll across the bridges over lava. There’s also a whole bunch of statues carved into the mountains.” Wild made large gestures solely with his left arm, since his right was still held captive by Wind. 
Time leaned his chin into his hand. It was always interesting to hear about the boys’ Hyrules from their perspectives. Some Hyrules like Wild’s had very little to no government, and Time enjoyed hearing how different civilizations had gotten by. 
“I got to meet with their leader, um, the ‘Boss’ of the Gorons. His name is Bludo. He’s really grumpy, and he has a bad back. He told me that him and someone named Yunobo would use cannons to scare off Rudania-”
“You have cannons too?” Wind looked up, always excited to hear how similar his and Wild’s Hyrules could be.
“Mhm!” Wild nodded. “Do you all not?”
“I had air cannons mostly.” Four spoke up, among some murmurs of confirmation among half the Links. It seems Time, Warriors, and Hyrule didn’t have cannons in their Hyrules.
“Since his back was bad I had to go find Yunobo, who disappeared after running an errand for Bludo to get medicine for his back.” Wild continued after briefly explaining how cannons work. “I just had to follow the path up to the Abandoned North Mine. Since Rudania started terrorizing them and monsters infested they stopped using that one as much. There was a Goron watching the area and he told me to not touch the Boss’ cannons.”
“And let me guess you touched the cannons right away didn’t you?” Sky asked, clearly amused.
“Yes I did. There was one right behind him.” Twilight let out a snort, quickly trying to muffle his laughter at Wild’s playful glare. Time too, was greatly amused by Wild’s antics, although his mind wandered a bit. All of these names for the Divine Beast’s names always sounded so familiar. Was it possible Wild too was a part of Time’s hero line? His Hyrule was far larger than the others, though. He wouldn’t be surprised if Wild was in a timeline of his own. Or perhaps somehow the land had changed and Wild was just far, far into the future. Time shook his head slightly and tried to tune back in. He really needed to stop trying to understand how complex time and time travel was.
“The cannons are so fun up there! I could roll my round bombs into them, and they had enough power to blow up a whole monster camp.” As Wild rambled on about all the ways he could use his bombs around Death Mountain, including cannons and carts, his eyes practically sparkled.
“I finally found Yunobo.” Wild got back on track with his story. “He was trapped in a cave-in and I got to use the cannons to get him out. When I went to check on him, he had some sort of orange shield surrounding him, and he was really timid.” Twilight mused on that for a moment. That sounded like how Wild described one of his champion powers.
“I had to run back to Bludo after that, and he told me about Daruk. I looked up at the stature of him and I finally remembered him, at least a little bit.” Wild had a small smile on his face.
“What was he like?” Hyrule questioned. 
“He was really kind, as far as I could tell. He joked around with me a lot and he didn’t even care that I never answered. He said he would protect Hyrule to his death.” Wild’s smile turned bittersweet. “I think he always forgot I wasn’t a Goron, or he didn’t care, he would smack my back hard enough to send me flying.” Wild chuckled lightly. 
He seemed to be fond of Daruk 100 years ago. Daruk appeared to understand how much pressure was crushing down on Wild, yet he never showed pity or disdain. He even teased him about it. Wild could remember a faint feeling of excitement when being told he would be seeing Daruk’s progress, so he assumed the Link of 100 years ago enjoyed his time among the Gorons, no matter how short it was. 
“Awe yes I remember that well. I distinctly remember running away screaming when the Gorons wanted to thank me for helping them.” The camp cackled at the image of a younger Time running away and screaming.
“Bludo asked me to find Yunobo again, since his back was still hurting him.”
“Good to know everyone in every Hyrule is so needy.” The veteren scoffed.
“Turns out that Yunobo works with Bludo because of his powers he got from Daruk, the forcefield I was talking about. Yunobo hops in a giant cannon along Death Mountain, and Bludo launches him at Rudania.” Wild explained.
“That… sounds dangerous.” Sky laughed a little.
“Yeah… but Daruk’s shield is indestructible! Only problem was the guardian sentries surrounding the mountain.” 
“The what?” Wind raised his head from Wild’s shoulder to look at the older boy.
“Rudania sent them to guard the area once we finally arrived at the base of Death Mountain.” Wind nodded and plopped his head back onto Wild’s shoulder, no one daring to tease either of them, even in good fun. “If they caught me with their lights, they would send magma bombs right onto the path!”
“And how do you know that? Did you get caught?” Warriors asked, slightly surprised Wild would get caught. He could be quite sneaky when he wanted to be.
“Well I was curious…”
“Wild!” Warriors pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I ran back to the base after I tested it and Yunobo had his shield!” Wild defended against the groans and muffled laughs. “Besides I was about to launch someone out of a cannon I wanted to know what we were up against. I avoided the sentries the rest of the time, and I had to whistle for Yunobo to stop and go, and there were some Moblins on the way up.” The rest of the group could imagine that climbing Death Mountain, especially one as large as Wild, while avoiding sentries, fighting monsters, and whistling for someone to stop and go would be tedious. 
“Everytime I fired Yunobo from the cannon Rudania fled further around the volcano, and we made it all the way to the top!”
“Did you set off anymore sentries?” Twilight questioned.
“No!” Wild frowned. “I’m not completely reckless you know!” Wild stated, not appreciating the silence that followed his statement. “I’ll have you know I made it all the way to the top!”
“And how did you get into Vah Rudania?” Time raised an eyebrow.
“I…” Wild started boldly, before realizing exactly how he got into the Divine Beast.
“You what.” Twilight narrowed his eyes.
“I… jumped.” Wild shrugged the shoulder Wind wasn’t resting his head on. “Once I got into-”
“You jumped where.” Time smirked. That bastard, he knew something was up and he was gonna sic Twilight on him! Wild would find a way to  get revenge later.
“Vah Rudania was in the middle of Death Mountain so I used my paraglider-” Wild once again tried to brush this portion of the story off.
“You jumped into the middle of an active volcano?” Four cackled, the first one to understand what Wild was saying and showing an odd lack of restraint.
“Wild.” Twilight chided in ‘that voice’.
“Don’t ‘Wild’ me you lit a building on fire!” Wild defended.
“See Time! This is why I didn’t want you to tell them!”
“How did you know your paraglider wouldn’t burn up?” Warriors lips quivered under the strain of covering a grin.
“I would deal with that when I got there!” Wild claimed once again, trying not to focus on the slight flaws in his argument.
“How? How would you deal with that?” Legend threw his hands up at his friend’s stupidity.
“I don't know Legend. I never got there so I never had to deal with it, since it turned out fine.”
“What happened next?” Hyrule asked, covering for Wild and moving the conversation forward. Wild held back a fond smirk, he’d have to thank Hyrule later.
“Glad you asked, Hyrule!” Wild ignored any other questions. “I heard Daruk’s voice telling me I had to go find the terminal as usual, but this time inside the Divine Beast was pitch black.” The group had finally stopped asking questions and started listening to the story with interest.
“I had to get rid of pools of malice by shooting the eyes, and I had to light some areas up. Once I reached the terminal there were some places that opened up so it was lit up again.”
“Did this one rotate like the other Divine Beasts?” Legend asked from his place against his log. 
“Yeah I could control it with my slate like the other ones. There were all kinds of puzzles like the last beast, like this one where I had to light my arrow with blue flame and shoot it through a hole in the door, then-”
The rest of the Links listened intently  as Wild went into the intricate details of the different puzzles within the beast. They were always interested to hear both about the Sheikah technology of Wild’s world, and how he had to use what was available to him to solve them. As much as they teased Wild for being stupid and reckless, he really was intelligent, espeically when it came to logic and puzzles. Twilight remembered how some markets in his Hyrule had little puzzles made of wood,each one requiring moving certain pieces to unlock different parts. Twilight had never been particularly interested in them, but he wondered if Wild would be, if Twilight found one complicated enough. He’d have to get away from the group and find one whenever they ended up near one of his markets. Perhaps even Four and Sky would be interested in getting their hands on them and taking them apart.
“-and I finally got to the last terminal and unlocked it.” Wild continued, barely pausing to breathe. The group wasn’t sure if he was aware of how much he was talking, or how rapidly, but they didn’t dare interrupt. “Fireblight Ganon manifested, and had the power to throw huge fireballs. But he had to suck in everything around to create them. So I threw my bombs into his mouth and blew them up. Other than that, I just had to get up close.” Wild described the fight in an almost casual sense, even though it seemed these blights were pieces of Ganon himself. It seemed some blights were far easier than others. 
“When Daruk appeared, I still only had one memory of him, but he seemed as kind as he had been in my memory.” Wild had a small smile. “After freeing the beast I got teleported back to Goron City, and Vah Rudania took its position against the Calamity alongside, at the time, the Zora domain’s beast.” Wild explained. “Bludo thanked me, even though he hadn’t really understood what I did. I said goodbye to Yunobo, and, uh, that was that.” Wild ended his story as awkward as always, wincing at his own words. His throat, still unused to talking so much for such a long amount of time, felt as though he had swallowed sand.
“Thanks for the story, Wild!” Wild looked down at the sailor, something shining in the younger’s eyes he couldn’t quite place. 
“Yeah! I always like hearing about how your guys’ kingdoms compare to mine.” Sky smiled, kindly shuffling and reaching over, handing Wild his water pouch. How he knew Wild needed it, or when he even got a hold of it, Wild would never know. Wild nodded in thanks and began sipping at the water, resisting the urge to chug it all in one gulp, as everyone’s voices blended slightly, creating a warm atmosphere.
The group continued to discuss different topics, going off on different tangents relating to Gorons and their Hyrules, all of which Wild was perfectly content to just listen, occasionally answering questions directed at him.
With the warm weight against his shoulder, and the comfortable but lively chatter surrounding him, Wild allowed himself to just exist within the moment, feeling himself relax further.
“Hey Wild?” Wild felt the head against his shoulder stir, and Wild looked down to meet a fellow set of blue eyes.
“Thanks for the story.” A relaxed but genuine smile reached Wind’s expressive face.
“No, Wind. Thank you.”
Very minor spoiler for Age of Calamity: The fact that BOTW/AOC Link canonically eats rocks is beautiful to me.
Wild loves puzzles, change my mind.
I like to write Wild how I play video games in general, which is just screwing around and seeing what happens.
I’m sorry if I get anything wrong about other Hyrules. I’ve played a good amount of the Zelda games but it’s been a long time since not a lot of them are on consoles I have :(
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