#i was gonna do that quote from like i think phineas and ferb where it's like
thechaseofspades · 1 year
For the ask game
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First off, I love the image you chose for this. I can always count on you to come up with something new and unique.
Anyway, on with the answerings. Long post incoming.
11: Link your three favorite fics right now
Alright, let's get this out of the way first. My cardinal sin is not reading enough of other people's work. I'm going to fandom hell after I fandom die sadly but I have already made fandom peace with it. -- I swear I really want to read you guys' stuff I just don't have the time and/or attention span a lot of the time!
[Dear Fellow Traveller by justaboot]
I know, recency bias and all. But hush. The first chapter of this story could have been a story all on its own. I'm going to elaborate on what I like so much about this story in a comment here soon but long story short, I love how Huey is portrayed. Della too. Also Jamie has mentioned that her stories can be traced back to experiences she's had, and I can feel that going through this one. So much vivid detail that takes an experience I've never even touched and makes me feel like I'm living it. Not to mention how Huey feels relatable to me personally (thanks, neurodivergence!). Anyway, get your peepers out for this one, and your reading glasses if you've got em. It'll be a good one.
[Complementary Colors by Korkorali and tsundereanubis]
Come to think of it, this fic might have been a huge inflection point for me. It was probably the first time I ever realized that Violet Sabrewing is Literally Me (TM) because she's autistic and ace and plays chess what is there not to love. But also going through it again, I feel like this at least indirectly inspired "My Head is an Animal". Specifically, the part where Violet has a breakdown and Lena consoles her. Also also, not really related to anything I've done yet, but it got me to take May Duck seriously as a character. One of those moments where I realized that fanfiction could take a one-off clone of somebody else and give them depth, personality, etc. Not that she didn't have that in the show, but I think anybody would tell you that we didn't get very much May Duck content in DT17. Without this fic, we would have never been May'd. Send this to your friends to totally May them.
Pretty much any of the Weblena picks from TerminalMiraculosis but I'm gonna go with three because I cheat:
[Stitched Through Time]
[Crossing the Streams]
[When In Rome]
This was my genesis in the DuckTales 2017 brain rot. I don't care if these end up aging terribly and turns out there's a trillion typos and also it was written in Gaelic so I can't even read it and actually it was all a dream and none of it ever happened. These three are still going to have a special place because they opened me up to being a fan of something. I was just ranging out of that age where you were supposed to hide if you liked stuff, especially anything for kids. My nostalgic pandemic-era binge of Phineas and Ferb, for example, was something to feel shameful of, not enjoy every second of like I ended up doing. But watching DuckTales, and then immersing myself into this fandom shortly thereafter, taught me how to enjoy things. How to love things. How to love myself. Since 2021, I've spent a lot of time embracing who I am and learning to love myself. I'm not gonna say that DT17 taught me how to do all of that, but I will say that it showed me how doing so could make me so much happier in life. And here I am now, being happy in life. Funny how that works.
41: Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
This answer applies to pretty much everything. Movies, tv shows, and yes, reading stuff. I don't rewatch/reread stuff unless I have a reason to do so. It's nothing against the concept or anything, just that I always feel like I need a reason for doing whatever I do. Usually if I rewatch/reread something, it's because I want to check a specific part of it, like quoting a line properly or what have you. Even the fics that I linked up top, I haven't reread them in the two years since I found them. That's just how my brain works I guess.
62: Thoughts on cliffhangers?
I'm fine with cliffhangers as long as they're eventually resolved. I used a few in "Groundhog Day", and that was fun to do. I'll also say that as a writer, cliffhangers in actively updated fics are a neat little trick to get people talking. Want some free feedback? Just have Lena Sabrewing wake up in a void outside of time and space. And then just end the chapter. Comments go wild for that.
As a reader, cliffhangers are alright but it comes with a big caveat: I'm not the best at remembering what I last read. So if it's been a few days or a week since the cliffhanger, I might have some trouble remembering where we are in the story. It might be a smooth transition where we pick up exactly where we left off, but that might not click in my brain. Idk it's weird. And like I said I tend not to reread stuff that often so that complicates things.
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1-14-23 for the show questions thingy with violetta
The show I think I've rewatched the most
Definitely Violetta no questions asked. Back when it was on netflix I rewatched episodes so much I know can quote entire swedubbed episodes
A show I loved when I was younger but upon rewatch it wasn't as good
Girl meets world. Mind you I was only here for Riley and Maya and I literally did not care for anyone else, which also meant I missed on some really problematic plots.
A show I loved when I was younger and upon rewatch realized it was just as good, if not better
PHINEAS AND FERB. Seriously it never gets old. Just as funny today as it was then.
A show I watched thinking "hey, why didn't I watch this before?"
Soy Luna. I refused to watch it for years (and also the fandom kind of scared me off watching it. Sorry to older SL fans but y'all scared the crap out of me). But then as I started watching it, I was like "huh... this ain't too bad".
Still, I do not think I would have liked it when it originally aired. There's a lot of shows I just refused to get into when I was younger and liked as I was older. Some stuff I just couldn't appreciate until later.
Quote something from any show, first one that pops into your head
"But the years went by, and... I still don't like her." - Quote from Good Luck Charlie.
A show I refuse to ever watch again
13 reasons why. I felt bad every second I watched it.
Which show do I wish had more seasons the most?
RISE OF THE PINK LADIES is a big one! But it could have ended when it ended too. A bigger one is probably I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS. YOU CAN'T END IT ON A CLIFFHANGER?!
I am also still pissed One day at a time got cancelled, even though it did get 3 and a half seasons.
Which show do I think had too many seasons/episodes?
Glee... sometimes I think both Family Guy and Simpsons have too many seasons but they go on for so long that they somehow get back again???
Any show I'm watching right now?
Mostly just rewatching the same shows I'm always watching. Rewatching a little of Revolutionary Girl Utena rn.
My favorite character in -insert show-?
You picked Violetta. My favorite character is Francesca.
My least favorite character in -insert show-?
My least favorite character in Violetta is probably Germán. No one has made me as mad as him. Gery is close but she's also a teenage girl and only in one season, so I feel like she can change with some maturity... maybe.
Which show have I found myself engage in shipping the most?
Violetta lmao. I loved all the canon ships as a kid (minus Germangie I always hated it), and now I'm still big on ships, even though nowadays it's more non-canon than canon.
A show where I did not care for any ships at all
I can't come up with a concrete example right now. The only one I can come up with right now is like... Rugrats/All grown up? We've seen them as literal babies and now we wanna ship them just because they're preteens now? (also I find it a little disturbing seeing people make ship art of them as babies. They're not even potty trained and you're drawing them kissing?????????)
Which show has the best fandom according to me?
I'm gonna be honest and say the asoue fandom. Both for the show and for the books too. The way people come together and theorize, headcanon and interpret scenes and dialogue... it's so fun! This series is begging you to analyze it and it's a blast!
Plus, the people I've met in the fandom have often been so cool, and so fun to chat to.
The most unpopular opinion I have about a show?
The most unpopular opinion I have about a show... hmm...
You know, every time I get asked unpopular opinions I forget every single one I've ever had. I feel like I'm gonna be able to answer this when I'm about to fall asleep and realize a perfect answer. But for now I can't.
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cerealmonster15 · 3 years
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solomons new bestie. also asmo
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irlwakko · 2 years
favorite phineas and ferb episodes?
thank you for sending this :’) I’m gonna do this in chronological order and not as, like, a ranking, because otherwise I’m sure I’ll forget some. also of course I like ALL episodes of PnF except Act Your Age, these are just ones that stand out to me and that I go out of my way to rewatch
Mom’s Birthday
It’s underrated, but I love this one a lot because it shows how Candace can sometimes feel insecure because of just how great her brothers are and how grand their projects are, and then of course also shows that the brothers love their big sister and always want to include her and give her a chance to shine. I always like when Candace is written as more than just a foil to her brothers and as her own independent character.
Dude, We’re Getting the Band Back Together
Pretty much the perfect PnF episode in my opinion! Lots of familial/sibling love, Candace working together with the boys on a plan, FOUR great songs, “not yet, Ferb”, and our introduction to Love Händel who I adore.
Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!
Specials totally count, right? Anyway, every character is so great in this. It’s one of the only times we see Phineas lose his optimism in the series, and his friends come together to help finish their plan and help him regain his hope. Canderemy becomes 100% canon, Ferb’s “sometimes, you have to meet the people you love halfway” quote is wonderful, and the final song just pulls everything together. “I can’t imagine having better little brothers” :’) If you haven’t noticed, episodes where the siblings all clearly love each other are faves of mine.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!
I WILL be honest, this one is on here mostly for the song being so amazing. But again, it’s another cute family-centric plot about not comparing yourself harshly to others and the people in your life loving you exactly the way you are. Also Lawrence and Linda’s relationship and just them as characters are SO underrated I will die on this hill.
Rollercoaster: the Musical!
Took a (relatively) bad episode and made it an amazing one. ALL the songs from this are amazing, they simply DO NOT miss. Also I love how Phineas is like “I dunno, I think all our friends would just go along with bursting into spontaneous song and dance” and then they do.
Bully Bromance Breakup
Bujeet. Enough said.
Where’s Perry?
Operation Crumbcake
Purely on here for the ending, I love it so much. Ferb and Isabella’s friendship is criminally underrated.
Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars
A retelling of Episode IV, but Phineas and Ferb are there. They don’t replace the existing characters, the main story of Episode IV is going on in the background, it’s just that now Phineas and Ferb are also there. I maintain that this is a more enjoyable viewing experience than the actual Star Wars.
Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension
I LOVE THE 2D CHARACTERS SO MUCH I WILL ALWAYS ADORE THE 2D CHARACTERS AND I WILL ALWAYS WANT MORE CONTENT OF THEM!!!!!! 2-Phineas and 2-Ferb learn what summer fun is, Perry the Platyborg gets to enjoy time with his family after being held captive and brainwashed for so long, and 2-Candace begins to overcome her PTSD. Amazing episode 10/10, things clearly aren’t perfect in the 2D yet because of the open ending, but they’re better than the old dystopia :’)
There’s my list!!!! Obviously non-exhaustive and I’m sure there’s still episodes I’m forgetting because I was just reading through an episode list and picking what stood out in my mind. Again, every episode except Act Your Age is great in one way or another, there isn’t really a “bad” Phineas and Ferb episode except Act Your Age.
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g0ldenboi333 · 3 years
A collection of my favorite Phineas and Ferb quotes
I, for one, am starting to get bored and boredom is something up of which I will not put. (Rollercoaster)
Is my nose really that pointy? (Are You My Mummy?)
Follow-up single? Who do you think we are, some two-bit hacks who will keep writing new songs just because you pay us obscene amounts of cash?! Phineas and the Ferb-Tones are strictly a one-hit wonder! Good day to you, sir! (Flop Starz)
Um, that man isn't wearing any clothes. (Toy to the World)
You won't tell me? Is this because you don't speak or are you just being a jerk? (One Good Scare Ought To Do It!)
Of course, then I discovered girls and the rest is a blur. (The Ballad of Bad Beard)
Hey, Dad, can we help? Well, I'm afraid not, unless you can preform miracles. What's your budget? (Dude, We're Getting The Band Back Together)
Think of all the practical applications a caveman can have in the modern world. ... Actually, you know, besides politics, I can't think of anything. (Boyfriend from 27,000 B.C.)
I can't hear you! My cheeks are covering my ears! (Out to launch)
I lost her to a boy bigger fingers... (Out to Launch)
It got up... and it danced away. (Out of Toon)
Hey, wait a minute. Everyone. That British kid is saying something really, really... boring (The Lake Nose Monster)
Your hot dog is no match for my bratwurst! (Backyard Aquarium)
Nothing says "mothers love" like a giant robotic platypus butt. (Perry Lay's an Egg)
I'm sorry, all questions must be phrased in the form of an answer. (Let's Take A Quiz)
So, how about that airline food? (Cheer Up, Candace)
It occurred to me while I was on fire. (Cheer Up, Candace)
Well, if you reverse engineer the human heart, you're bound to find love at its core. And gross, smushy red stuff. Yes, love and gross, smushy red stuff. And ventricles! Actually, I think ventricles is already included in gross, squishy red stuff. (What Do It Do?)
Well, next time you can do all the cooking, and I'll stand around coming up with evil plans that ultimately fail. (Nerdy Dancin')
Nice? Aw, now I got to go do something to balance out the universe. See you on the news. (Hip Hip Parade)
The problem with you is: you're completely delusional. (Wizard of Odd)
Yeah, see, 'cause, 'cause he hit him. I'm not an idiot, Charles. (The Beak)
There was no rug, sir. (Phineas and Ferb-Busters!)
Give up? Give up?! The day may come when we'll give up on fruitless searches after a mere eleven minutes, but that day is not today! The day may come when our favorite reptile may be lost from our memories and his enduring love of mushrooms forgotten, but that day is not today! Today we search! We will search for him in the streets, we will search for him in the trenches, we will search for him in the alleys and the mini-malls and the cul-de-sacs of this fair land. We'll search for him in the multilevel car parks and municipal recreational facilities. And we few. We happy few. We small band of brothers — and girl from across the street. We shall not cease 'til he is found! (The Lizard Whisperer)
If the molecular splitter doesn't just disappear when this is over, we should really consider destroying it. (Split Personality)
I'm kicking my own butt! (Brain Drain)
Look! A sponge and a starfish! There's gotta be something we can make out of this! (Summer Belongs to You)
Maldito seas, Perry el ornitorrinco! (The Great Indoors)
If I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd had two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right? (Across the Second Dimension)
You know, my crimes against humanity had just completely slipped my mind. (Across the Second Dimension)
I've got a date with destiny, and it ain't going to end with a kiss! (The Belly of the Beast)
"Don't believe everything you read." Words to live by. (Magic Carpet Ride)
So what would you do with my hair? Nothing. It's perfect the way it is. Wow, you are good. Girlfriend, please. (Bad Hair Day)
Now, Candace, your brothers have issued a gold-based currency which has seriously devalued the euro. What do you do? (Perry the Actorpus)
Oh! I am sorry, Phineas. I seem to have broken your fire. (Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas)
Space is cold and unforgiving, like my father. (Ferb TV)
Woah, hey, hold it! What's with the banjo? Traveling music. Where are they going? Alabama? (Excaliferb)
You know what I like about our friends? We say things like, "We're gonna douse you in ant pheromones." And they're just like, "Okay, whatever." They're so cool. (Gi-Ants)
He's gonna John Wilkes my Booth! (Let's Bounce)
Phineas, go! Ice chalet! (Bully Bromance Breakup)
Tell me she was deported! (Buford Confidential)
Aw, look at the little guy. What's the fastest way I can transfer all my assets into his name. (Meapless in Seattle)
Why, yes. How about a romantic dinner for two? Wanna sip, Phineas? Oh, no, thanks. Oh, okay. I understand. You know, you want to keep yourself open to other drink options. I get it. Actually, I didn't want to say anything in front of anybody, but, it's, I don't like zucchini. Oh. (Doofapus)
Dr. D will be so proud! Assuming he survives the cataclysm. (Norm Unleashed)
Hey, guys, I landed up here. Should I come down? No! Throw down that vine. ...  NO! Just one end. Okay, but I don't know what you're gonna do with half of a vine. Is it me? It is him, right? Buford, pull. ... On the vine. Oops, sorry. It's him. (Where's Perry? (Part 2))
It was at that point I decided to stop narrating. (What'd I Miss)
Ha-ha-ha! We're just having fun with you! That wasn't the real Balloony! It wasn't? No, of course not! The real Balloony popped three weeks ago! (This is Your Backstory)
Norm you monster! Can't you see I'm in pain?! (This is Your Backstory)
I was heading to a golden land of opportunity; a land with a pioneering spirit which welcomed misfits like me! But I ended up in America instead. (This is Your Backstory)
Yeah, we all know the song... But I'm not exactly sure how. (Fly on the Wall)
Ooh, I hope they do not have a male dancer popping out of it. They asked, but they couldn't afford me. (Happy Birthday, Isabella)
Don't ever make Phineas angry. You wouldn't like it when he's angry. (Mission Marvel)
I want your father to disown you and adopt me! (Thanks, but No Thanks)
Yes, the universe is constantly expanding. But what is it expanding into? Oooooooh... Okay, now my mind is blown. (Cheers for Fears)
We can formally begin courting. (Steampunx)
Behold! The I-Don't-Care-inator! (Live and Let Drive)
Yu-rah-noose, check. Buford, that is not how it is pronounced. It is on this channel. (The Inator Method)
Seriously? Someone moved the Earth and it wasn't you? Not this time, no. (Phineas and Ferb Save Summer)
This must be a special episode. He's yelling at his sister again. (Phineas and Ferb Save Summer)
Look, I'm shakin' bacon! You like that? It's a call back to something I didn't even hear! (Night of the Living Pharmacist)
🎶It's just about the time spent together. With you~ 🎶(Last Day of Summer)
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I would like to call shenanigans about the complaints of Phineas being "out-of-character" in the specials and movies. He's a kid! And human! It makes his character more interesting and three-dimensional! He's allowed to be sad or mad when he's out of his comfort zone! I mean, everyone else is allowed to have a wide range of emotions, and it makes it all the more satisfying when he manages to pull through and go back to being his usual positive self
I’m about to get real salty for a second (not at the show tho I’m getting salty at people who get salty at the show) so here’s a cut 
Nothing annoys me more than people who think Phineas had no reason to get upset in at2d. Literally one of the last things 2D Doof said to him before Perry revealed that he was a secret agent was, and I quote, “You really think that he’s your pet, don’t you? WRONG! He’s using you! He’s just your cover!” Of course he was going to internalize that!
And that’s not just speculation, either. As soon as they get a moment to talk without the constant fear of, you know, getting arrested by an evil dictator’s robots, Phineas straight up asks him, “Was that evil guy right? Were we just a cover for you? Were you ever really our pet, or part of our family?” AND THEN HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO BREAK MY HEART BY FOLLOWING THAT UP WITH “Well, apparently not, because you didn’t trust us enough to tell us!” Like? 2D Doof’s words overshadowed the entire reveal. Of course that was going to impact how Phineas reacted to it, and it blows my mind that people think he should have just accepted it with a smile like nothing happened. 
And that’s not even getting into the fact that Perry got them into that mess in the first place. I don’t even think I can say it better than Phineas so I’m gonna use another quote from the movie because I am apparently writing an actual angry essay right now with evidence from the text movie lmao. When they’re still at DEI and Heinz clarifies that he’s an evil scientist, Phineas turns on Perry and says, “You just sat there and let us help an evil scientist open an evil portal into an evil dimension, and you did nothing to stop us?” (With, of course, the caveat that yes, Perry peed on the couch, but “That wasn’t enough!”)
~~ taking a brief break from angry ranting in the middle of the night to add that I definitely don’t think Perry was in the wrong here. I’ve just spent a lot of time thinking about at2d because a) I’ve seen it so many times and practically have it memorized (thus why I threw in all these quotes off the top of my head lol) and b) I’m writing a fic where Perry can talk (it’s Bitch Shut The Fuck Up on Wattpad and AO3 if anyone’s in the mood for sassy, swearing Perry) and I’m going to start incorporating episodes once summer starts in the fic so I lowkey spent most of my nights in bed thinking about what Perry’s going to say and how it would change things if he could explain himself and would he even try to or would he let the kids think he betrayed them if he thought it would keep them safe so anyways I have a lot of feelings but tl:dr Phineas has ever reason to be upset and I don’t blame him and neither should you ~~
And then, of course, there’s the Marvel crossover and, like, he was right? He was 100% right? Candace was too star struck to help, and it was too important for them to take any risks. And you make a really good point with your comment about being out of his comfort zone. I don’t think there’s ever a time that Phineas is more out of his league than in the Marvel crossover. He really is just a kid, and he only got roped into this because he just happened to put his space station in the wrong place at the wrong time and the Avengers made the wrong assumptions. The fate of the entire world depended on them, and when Candace repeatedly messed things up, Phineas had every right to be upset -- and the fact that he was undoubtedly really stressed out because, again, the fate of the entire world, only gives him more of a reason to snap. It’s not out of character; his character had just never dealt with anything like that before.
I mean, of course, there’s Phineas and Ferb Save Summer, which I think was a more mild example of Phineas getting angry, but it’s similar enough to the Marvel crossover that I feel like I need to bring it up, if only to point out the differences. In the Marvel crossover, the world was actively being threatened by a group of actual supervillains. In PnF Save Summer, technically LOVEMUFFIN is also threatening the safety of the world by trying to plunge it into an eternal ice age, but Phineas doesn’t know that which is half the fun of the episode. Like, they don’t know why they can’t move the planet back into place, just like LOVEMUFFIN doesn’t know why they can’t move it further away.
That’s not really the point here, though; that’s just me having unnecessary opinions on everything. I don’t really view this one as Phineas snapping, but Buford does make that joke about how it must be a special episode because Phineas is yelling at his sister again so I’m guessing there are probably people who think it’s ooc which means naturally I gotta bring it up (and, of course, I wanted to reference the meta joke because I love it). 
Phineas built those thrusters. He knows how they work better than probably anyone but Ferb. When Candace says she’s going to overwork them, of course Phineas is going to tell her not to, and he’s going to be urgent about it, but he doesn’t yell. And when Candace accidentally ruins the thrusters, Phineas doesn’t yell at her then, either; he just tells her how to fix it (and, when she’s too scared to go into the attic, his hologram is there to cheer her on). It’s just? So? Wholesome? And “wholesome” is basically Phineas’s entire character, so that fits really well.
And the only other one I can think of off the top of my head is Summer Belongs To You (and it’s entirely possible he’s supposedly “out of character’ in other specials too but it’s 11:20 at night and my brain is fried lmao). “Get on the trike!” is literally one the most iconic lines in the show. Even Dan said it’s one of his favorites because it wasn’t necessarily a funny line, it was funny because it was Phineas saying it, and the fact that so many people remembered it was that it seemed so out-of-place coming from Phineas, which meant they had developed the character well (and if anyone happens to have the video -- I think it might have been an old tiktok but there have been way too many for me to look through -- hmu bc it was such a pure moment). But tbh even though the yelling was “out of character” in the sense that it made for a good joke, I don’t think his actions were out of character at all? Phineas sets crazy goals all the time, and he always achieves them. They’d put so much work into it so far, and he wasn’t going to let it go to waste when the end game was right there. He was exhausted, presumably both physically and mentally (I mean, we didn’t see him sleep at all, you know?) and he wanted to get home and he wanted to accomplish his goal and he wanted to do it as a family (because 🎵 friends are also family 🎵) and he wasn’t going to let Candace ruin that, which I personally think is adorable because technically Candace was never even part of the bet and she didn’t have to make it home with them for them to win so Phineas easily could have ditched her and made her find her own way home but he wanted her to see it through with them and I just have a lot of feelings 😭
OKAY last paragraph because I know no one really cares and it’s getting late and I have an 8:30 class tomorrow and should probably be in bed by now. I also like the point you made about how that makes it more satisfying when he  manages to pull through and go back to being his usual positive self. I don’t know if anyone considers it out of character given that it’s really supposed to be a powerful moment purely because it’s so out of the ordinary (although I guess I could say the same for all these scenes) but god, when Phineas breaks down on the island in Summer Belongs To You, it’s such a testament to his character because he had managed to push through so much because he was determined to get home but it also proves that he does have a breaking point. I mean, we see it in all the other scenes, too, but those are directed at people. This is purely situational, which I think hits harder and it’s why that was the first one I thought of when you mentioned pushing through. All these scenes are a testament to his character, really, and basically the moral of the story is that I completely agree with you, Phineas deserves to have his character explored as much as Candace and Heinz have theirs explored, and that I clearly have way too many opinions and should really learn to tone it down fjksdhfjka
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wrennix062 · 4 years
Let's get personal:
• 6 of the songs you listen to most?
You’ll Be Back (Hamilton), Car Radio (TØP Vessel), Soldier Poet King (The Oh Hellos), IDK You Yet (Alexander 23), Lemons (Brye), S.L.U.T (Bea Miller)
• If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Thomas Sanders
• Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
"Her smile faded, her chest tightened, and heavy blanket of anguis smothered her smallest joy."
• What do you think about most?
Whether or not the world exists
• What does your latest text message from someone else say?
• Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
• What's your strangest talent?
Uhm, I can identify any bird based on a picture (not that great a talent)
• Girls... (finish the sentence) Boys... (finish the sentence)
Girls are handsome. Boys are beautiful.
• Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Not that I know of
• When was the last time you played the air guitar?
Earlier tonight (i was listening to the phineas and ferb theme song)
• Do you have any strange phobias?
Agoraphobia (fear or large spaces/rooms, I always hated gym class)
• Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
One of those round flat LEGO dots
• What's your religion
I don't have one specific, though I lean towards a philosophy known as the Dao De Jing
• If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
• Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
• Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Twenty Øne Pilots
• What was the last lie you told?
That I practiced piano
• Do you believe in karma?
It depends.
• What does your URL mean?
Pidgeon refers to Pidge Gunderson from Voltron Legendary Defender, 11206 is my favorite number
• What is your greatest weakness and strength?
Weakness - Emotions Strength - Music/Art/Writing
• Who is your celebrity crush?
Bex Taylor-Klaus
• Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
• How do you vent your anger?
Writing angst
• Do you have a collection of anything?
Tiny screwdrivers
• Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Honestly it doesn't really matter. As long as I'm able to talk to them and hear them, I'm good.
• Are you happy with the person you've become?
More or less.
• What's a sound you hate vs a sound you love?
Hate - hail on my window or roof Love - pencil tapping
• What's your biggest "what if"?
What if the world as we know it doesn't exist and we are all living an illusion surrounded by other illusions that act as if they understand reality?
"I think, therefore I am."
• Do you believe in ghosts? What about aliens?
Ghosts, more or less. Aliens, absolutely. There is a vast and ever growing space beyond our knowledge, there is no way we're the only planet capable of harboring life.
• Stick your right arm out. What do you feel first? The same with your left arm.
Right - my nightstand Left - my wall
• Smell the air. What do you smell?
My dogs
• What's the worst place you have ever been to?
A mental hospital, visiting a family member. (No, it wasn't an insane asylum, this family member was dealing with suicidal thoughts and tendencies.)
• Choose - East or West coast?
• Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
I am all genders and none, but of my opposite sex would be Shawn Mendes
• To you, what is the meaning of life?
There is none. You wake up, do things daily, go to sleep, and repeat until you die. You aren't meant to do things differently, some people are just considered better than others and actually make an impact.
• Define Art.
A way for others to interpret an individual's self expression
• Do you believe in luck?
Yes. The universe doesn't treat people the same all the time.
• What's the weather like right now?
It's storming outside, lots of thunder and lightning and rain.
• What time is it?
At the time of writing this question, 12:10 am
• Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
No, I don't drive.
• What was the last book you read?
"The Mysterious Benedict Society"
• Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Absolutely not.
• Do you have any nicknames?
One of my friends refers to me as Remus because I remind her of Remus from Sanders Sides
• What was the last film you saw?
"After The Dark" otherwise known as "The Philisphers"
• What's the worst injury you've had?
Between spraining my wrist and getting a two inch split on my scalp
• Have you ever caught a butterfly?
No, but I have held one and walked with it without it flying away
• Do you have any obsessions right now?
Chemical Engineering, learning Italian, Philosophy
• What's your sexual orientation?
Asexual - Panromantic
• Ever had a rumor spread about you?
• Do you believe in magic?
Not really, no (but I do believe in the paranormal)
• Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
The only person I know has done me wrong gaslighted me and made me believe it was my fault, so no
• What's your astrological sign?
• Do you save money or spend it?
Depends on if we're talking about video games or real life
• What's the last thing you purchased?
Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha
• Love or Lust?
Lust is fake. I will always and forever choose love
• In a relationship?
• How many relationships have you had?
• Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
• Where were you yesterday?
At home
• Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
An old toy vault that I got at a book fair
• Are you wearing socks right now?
• What's your favorite animal?
It's between a lion, a snake, or a coral polyp
• What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Use a super cheesy dad joke, it always makes everyone laugh
• Where is your best friend?
At home
• Give me your top five favorite blogs on Tumblr
Idk I don't really follow any blogs
• What is your heritage?
Italian, Danish, Norwegian, English
• What were you doing last night at 12:00 am?
Writing fanfiction
• What do you think is Satan's last name?
Grovum (don't ask me why)
• Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
I tried, I hated it
• Are you the kind of friend you want to have as a friend?
Not really, no
• You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss told you that if you are late on more time, you get fired. What do you do?
If I'm late all the time, it means I don't wanna be there. I'll search for my dream job, but right now there is an innocent life at stake and I can do something about it.
• You are at the doctor's office and she has just informed you that you have one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone that you're going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I tell my closest family and friends. I want them to be there for me, but if I tell anyone I'm not close with, they will only pity me.
b) I will spend the rest of my time eating chocolate, drinking coffee like it's soup, and blending waffles, because doing something weird is doing something fun.
c) Not at all. Death is an inevitable concept. I would be sad, I would be angry, but I would not be afraid. There isn't a point to being scared of something you can't avoid.
• You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
I choose love. Living life without loving another person, whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial, would be torture. And for me, love is the same as trust, but trust is not the same as love.
• What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
"Sincerely Me" from Dear Evan Hansen
• What are the last four digits of your cell phone number?
• In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
• How can I win your heart?
Chocolate, a Ferris wheel ride at night, and accepting my sexual orientation.
• Can insanity have more creativity?
No. Creativity is always in the back of your mind. The same is with darker creativity. Insanity just brings it to the forefront or makes you act on it.
• What is the single best decision you have made in your life?
I decided that self harm doesn't help. I'm glad I did, or I could have landed myself in a hospital.
• What size shoes do you wear?
8 1/2
• What quote would be written on your tombstone?
"Life is a locked door. Death is the key.
Death is a locked door. Life is the key."
• What is your favorite word?
• Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word heart.
Red mixed with black and white.
• What is a saying you say a lot?
What can you do when you live in a shoe
• What is the last song you listened to?
• Basic question, what is your favorite color?
• What is your current desktop picture?
Hogwarts castle
• If you could press one button and make anyone in the world explode, who would it be?
*thinks to self* does my sleep paralysis demon count..?
• What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
It's not a matter of which question, it's a matter of who's asking it
• One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn the light on to find you are surrounded by mummies. The mummies arent really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Offer them some toilet paper, maybe they're here because the ones at the supermarket are still sold out.
• You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they grant you a superpower if your choice. What is that power?
• You can re-live any point in time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half hour experience would you like to experience again?
My first time watching the first scene in IT.
• You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Fighting with both of my best friends
• You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
None. I'm asexual.
• You just got a free plane ticket anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Venice, Italy
• Do you have any relatives in jail?
• Have you ever thrown up in the car?
• Ever been on a plane
• If the whole word we're listening to you right now. what would you say?
F**k Donald Trump
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notalk-justthought · 6 years
you already know what i'm going to say ho
I sure do
Comet- What are you currently frustrated about? nothing, im enjoying my saturday morning so far
Black Hole- What are you most afraid of? being alone
Galaxy- Do you have any nicknames? What are they? yeah. Oli by some friends, then for family, Lulu is the main nickname then there are nicknames for that nickname: Lu, Luna, etc. My dad calls me monkey, my stepmom calls me sister sometimes
Star- What song(s) do you feel describes you? I don’t know, I know a lotta songs, but idk which ones would really describe me
Moon- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)? yeah, I’m been trying to get through A Stranger in the House by Shari Lapena and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Then I’m reading some books for school, one’s interesting that’s called In Praise of Shadows by Jun’ichirō Tanizaki. 
Planets- If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Any place with my friends
Mercury- Describe your aesthetic. I feel like I have a few aesthetics tbh, like one is artsy gay, ones like, this is gonna sound cheesy but “sunflowers and honey” lmao like nature and whatnot, one’s just dark colors, another is gay nerd.
Venus- What’s your favorite tv show? I can’t really think of my favorite show, but one I’m watching right now is called Hello, My Twenties. it’s really good so far! it’s on Netflix check it out!!
Earth- If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you want to be? There are a lot of people I would wanna be just to know what their daily life would be like
Mars- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? to stop procrastinating so much, that would solve a lot of my problems
Jupiter- If you had to pick one color to use for an entire week, what color would you choose? I already wear blue a lot, so that
Saturn- How far would you go for those you care about? realistically, I don’t know, I’m not one to be confrontational but if adrenaline gets to me a bitch just might fight a dude
Uranus- What would you say is your greatest achievement? getting this far in life tbh
Neptune- Describe yourself in one sentence. I’m just a girl trying her best in these troubling times.
Pluto- If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would you meet? Frida Kahlo
Constellations- If you could have one talent, what would you want it to be? (can be magical or not) uhhhh idk
Asteroid- When you die, what do you want to be done with your body? either be cremated and dumped someplace I liked or be cremated and use my ashes to help a plant grow
Aquarius- What’s a topic you enjoy learning about? I like learning about a lot of things, just any kind of information I can get my hands on tbh
Aquila- Do you prefer to read books or watch movies? I wish I had the attention span I had when I was younger cuz then I could actually get through both of them without getting distracted or bored
Aries- What is something you enjoy doing? any kind of artsy thing like drawing, playing piano or singing, reading, writing, a lot of things
Auriga- If you had to pick one villain from any media, who would you rather have to face and why? probably like Dr Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb because he’s a pretty chill villain and isn’t that bad of a villain if we’re gonna be honest here, I mean, he cares about his daughter, he’s only focused on taking over the Tri-state area like he’s pretty down to earth
Bootes- If you could have any animal, wild or not, fake or not, which would you want? there are so many animals… there are cats, dogs, raccoons, foxes, dragons, chickens are fun to have, but kind of expensive sometimes
Cancer- How do you want to be remembered? I want to be remembered as being compassionate and an openminded person
Canis Major- How many friends do you have? uhhhh I know a lot of people, but friends, I have like… 10 good friends, wow that’s more than I thought
Capricornus- What’s a song lyric that you relate to? I know a lot of songs and I can’t think of one right now
Cassiopeia- What’s your favorite quote? the only one that I can remember and that I used for my yearbook quote was from The Aristocats, “Ladies do not start fights, but they can finish them.”
Cygnus- If you could go back to any time period for a couple days, when/where would you want to go? the early 2000s so I can actually experience that as an adult and not as a toddler 
Gemini- Do you have any siblings? How many? I have one (1) brother
Leo- If you could change the way any movie was made, which movie would you change? there’s a lot of movies I would wanna change
Libra- If you could talk to your past self, what would you tell yourself? Things will get better, it’s not going to be perfect, but it will be better than it is now. You are loved by so many people. She won’t show it or say it often, but she really is proud of you and loves you so much.
Lyra- Would you rather be feared or loved? Loved
Orion- What’s your favorite type of weather? cloudy day with the sun behind the clouds
Pegasus- What’s your favorite music genre? I listen to a lot of different genres 
Perseus- What’s your favorite movie genre? horror
Pisces- Describe someone you love without saying their name. She is very ambitious and knows exactly what she wants in life and it’s very admirable. She will stand up for the things she is passionate about or when something goes wrong. 
Sagittarius- What do you do when you don’t feel well? What do you eat/drink? I don’t get sick often so I’m gonna interpret this as when I’m emotionally or mentally feeling down. I usually listen to music and try to focus on other things. I eat whatever I have near me (usually something sweet) and drink water
Scorpius- If you had to pick someone to betray you, who would you pick? No one??? I mean, I guess he sorta betrayed me but I don’t want people to betray me and I don’t wanna betray anyone
Taurus- What makes you feel comfortable? listening to music or hanging out with Daria or petting an animal
Ursa Major- If you had to pick any job to have, what job would you want? Something with graphic design, but mostly just a job at this point
Virgo- What do you value the most- artistic ability/creativity, musical ability, athletic ability, intellect, or work ethic? um artistic ability/creativity
Neutron- Are you more of a leader or a follower? it depends on the situation, I do better when someone has some leadership quality about them, but if I’m the only competent one in the group, then I’ll take up the leadership
Supernova- How do you feel about yourself? she’s trying her best and sometimes she does good and sometimes she’s a dumb bitch
Supergiant- What’s something you like about yourself? I like how I am very open to learning new things and have knowledge about different things
Red Giant- Would you get into a debate/argument with someone if you heard them saying something you disagree with or know to be wrong, or would you stay silent? I don’t get into arguments often so it depends on what the argument is about like if it’s something small, it’s fine and I won’t tell them, but it it’s something political or personally attacks me, I might let them know that they’re wrong
Red Dwarf- What’s your favorite smell? What smell makes you feel most comfortable? I like a lot of different smells, the smell of garlic cooking, the smell of being in the garden for a while, coconut lotion, coffee beans. The most comfortable smell is, okay this is gonna sound weird and kinda gay, but Daria, idk it just brings me comfort
Protostar- Give a random fact about yourself. I can balance things on my head pretty well, I once balanced three discuses (disci?, it was a discus) for like a few seconds until they fell off my head (yes I did discus, only in middle school tho)
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cottagecori · 6 years
hey look it's your turn. ALL OF THEM.
I’M ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT THOUGH (under a read more bc it’s loooong)
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
Vinyls!!! I wish I owned some but we don’t have a functional record player in my house (we have a broken one that my dad keeps telling me he’s going to fix but never does which is fine i’m fine)
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
I have two. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AKA MY FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME and Night by Elie Wiesel because it is just so power and eye-opening 
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
YES YES YES I AM WEARING MY DAD’S OLD HOODIE RN BECAUSE IT’S SOFT AND GIANT OTHER PEOPLE’S CLOTHES ARE THE BEST. When i have a relationship, I will steal my so’s stuff all the time so yeah
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
I started a vlog and it’s actually really nice to do
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
to stop pretending like i’m okay and admit when i’m hurt
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
Probably the forest because it can be a million different things. It can be a getaway, a mystery, a familiar place. it embodies the feeling of seeing an old friend after a long time and i love it.
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
i’ve never kissed anyone so
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
only when i have to be formal the rest of the time that shirt that’s on my floor works great
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
i was in boston with you, rose, and my irl friends and we had this giant apartment overlooking the commons and i went to college at emerson and it was nice until there was a murder (bc i was watching scream) and i woke up so yeah i have strange dreams
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
french toast with strawberries
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
maybe another time ;)
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?
uh Monday. I have intense family problems that i can’t talk to anyone irl about and then my dad got really mad at me. 
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
both depending on where it’s from 
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
desert rose; do you like yourself?
does anyone really?
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
I saw Corbyn Besson at my mall once but that’s it
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
asked someone out?
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
the fact that i overslept for a mock exam so now i’m kinda stressed out about how the actual exam will go
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
i can play 4 instruments and am learning a fifth, i like cats more than most people (depending on the people), i love sour candy, i’m addicted to makeup, and i’m not a huge fan of coffee
daphne; do you believe in karma?
to a certain extent
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
thought i was, not so sure anymore
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
my friends. they’ve gone through some tough shit and have come out even stronger.
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
too many tamales
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
i have no clue because it is 11 am
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
could i change skin color too, bc otherwise i don’t have a lot of options (probably the 90s)
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
no, because i feel like if you live forever there is more a chance for you to not live at all (thanks tuck everlasting for the lesson)
primula; what makes you sad?
way too many things
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
nope it’s a saturday and i’m emotional
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
mak, rose, carolyn, linh, my irl friend group, sammie, brenna, caroline
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
dried mago slices (i know i’m sorry, i’m making waffles now)
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
oh god so many
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
anywhere with magic and dragons so i can go visit my friends easily
violet; favorite tv show?
The Office
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
I use this one a lot 
“Nothing is worth more than laughter. It is strength to laugh, to abandon oneself, to be light” ~Frida Kahlo 
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Walking around the woods, taking cute pictures in fields of flowers, sunny day, starry night, cheesy romcoms played off a projector, good food, better friends
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
i write music, it’s hard
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
i can’t think of one off the top of my head unfortunately
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
open mic nights
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
older idk why i’ve just always been attracted to older people
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?
my friends because they’ve stuck by me even though i’m fucked up in my personal life and in my head
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
Pride and Prejudice, Night, Ender’s Game, Fangirl, The House on Mango Street, Harry Potter
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
Phineas, Ferb, and Perry the Platypus
magnolia; coffee or tea?
tea duh
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
extremely loved
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
listening to sad music when i’m sad
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
god it’s so fascinating i think about it probably more than i should
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
Parents: complicated. Siblings: Fuck Yeah
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
Night but i’m trying to trick myself into being a morning person
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
still dealing with depression
clover; how would your friends describe you?
loud, annoying, barely funny, takes no shit (i’m paraphrasing of course)
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
none of the above. i’m a lil bit of both? 
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
I’m not really embarrassed about the stuff i watch
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
Emotional, Wannabe, Broadway?
lotus; best memory as a child?
baking things with my dad while my mom blasted music throughout the house and cleaned
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
Brown, Black respectively 
dahlia; do you like crystals?
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
guns wouldn’t fucking exist
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
people who think they don’t have to be kind to working people or leave a giant mess for them to clean up because “it’s their job”
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
i love my friends but give me a rom com and a cat and i’m set for life
blazing star; share a secret.
you wish ;)
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
happier 100%
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
Frida Kahlo. A badass bitch who did so much and never let her injury get the best of her. also Emma Gonzales 
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
nymphea; forest or river?
orchid; do you like exercise?
pansy; do you like poetry?
i write my own ♥
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
songwriting? singing? playing flute? idk man
i’m so sorry if you actually got this far
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septicace · 6 years
Okay, get ready for these questions! I made notes on a bit of paper when deciding which ones to send and this will definitely take a couple asks. 1. favorite season? 3. do u prefer to be outside or inside? 10 weirdest dream you’ve ever had? 12 favorite place in your house 13 earliest memory 21 top 5 songs 22 favorite time of the day? 25 dream job from when u were a kid 28 favorite book 31 celebrity crush? 32 early bird or night owl? 34 favorite book quote 38 zoo or aquarium?
Hey hey look who’s finally got the time and energy to answer these. *bling bling* IT ME!!! Thanks for sending them in :D
1. Definitely winter!!!! I just love the cold and cozy and at least when it’s cold outside you can just wear a shitton of layers whereas when it’s hot in summer you can’t exactly rip your skin off. As for spring and autumn, I just don’t like the changey weather where you can’t rely on how it’s gonna be. Annoys the shit outta me.
3. Inside, most of the time. Unless when I go riding or when it’s raining lol
10. Ok, this is actually one that stuck with me incredibly well even though that was at least 3 years ago. Basically, I was in a tram or something, first person, dark outside, with a lot of Asian people with me in the tram. And then it got panicky and alarm bells started to ring and we were being chased by this giant kraken-ish monster running after us so I was sprinting to the front of the train to get away from it and then.......... BAM, commercial break. With a fucking Phineas and Ferb preview. I never found out how that movie ended but have also never been so confused by a dream.
12. My room
13. I... can’t really tell you... I’m thinking something that happened in fourth grade where I trolled one of the teachers by pretending to cry and when she came to check on me I just laughed. Is it weird that I don’t have any older memories?
21. Aww c’mon that’s unfair how am I supposed to choose???? I’ll just go with the first 5 that come to mind that I listened to recently. Whoever he is by New Hope ClubJust a little bit of your heart by Ariana GrandeJust another thing by Maren MorrisSongs I can’t listen to by the Neon Trees Jar of hearts by Christina Perri
22. I don’t really have one... I try to enjoy myself as much as I can at any given time.
25. Another one I can’t really answer because I don’t know... All I know is that back when I was like 6 or so me and my back then best friend planned on marrying and getting a farm together.
28. I’m gonna have to go with the Flicka series by Mary O’Hara. I haven’t read them in ages but those 3 books always stuck with me ever since I first read them. One of the best thrift shop finds ever.
31. Currently mostl Harry Styles. I’ll spare you the rest of the list (unless you really wanna know. Then shoot me another ask ;) )
32. Generally, I’m more of a night owl, because I prefer nighttime, but I can just as easily get up early if I have a reason to. I’m adaptable when it comes to that.
34. Gonna have to disappoint you here. I don’t have one
38. Zoo. As fascinating as I think the under water world is I much prefer me some big ass mammals. I just LOVE all the big cats!
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cellochicita · 7 years
OK SO I GOT TAGGED BY @bananabrianna77 @thiswebsitegavemethisusername @mtt-studios @zephyrus-gryphon @scolipendra91 AND @esmiden
putting it below bc it longgg
1. What’s your favorite inside joke?
This is fine
2. What’s the strangest/stupidest/most interesting way you’ve ever injured yourself?
Naruto running across the street, I tweaked my shoulder something awful
3. What’s your favorite color, and what do you find so appealing about that color?
Lilac purple *star eyes* I’ve always loved purple, it’s very feminine without being in your face, and mysterious, and lilac has the warm red undertones to it that make it feel like a hug. Plus I love the smell of the flower too
4. If you had a million dollars (or whatever currency you weird non-American peeps use) what WOULDN’T you spend it on?
Umm. I wouldn’t spend it on gambling
5. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Whoo boy depends what I can grab as I run out the door. Toast, banana, etc.
6. Hey you now possess the ability to give people superpowers. I, your indecisive trash bag pal, just requested you give me a “random superpower”. What kinda power will you give me?
Hmm, I give you the power of flight bc flying rocks
7. If the roles were reversed, what kind of superpower would you request?
I wanna talk to animals dangit
8. What time is it for you right now?
11 am :)
9. What was the worst homework assignment you ever had to complete?
Oh gosh um, 20 page paper written in one day? That sucked major butt
10. What’s your worst pet peeve?
When people cannot stop to question their own actions.
11. Not a question, but write a short (3-5 line) poem/rap about the closest thing to your left.
Left of me there is
A wall covered in carpet
Why is that a thing
2) Favourite food?
Hnngg all of them? Rice bowls.
3) If you had to choose one song to listen to over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh geez. Um. I could listen to orchestral covers of Asgore’s theme for  hours
4) Favourite singer/band?
Owl City, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Taylor Swift
5) Favourite subject to study in school?
History or music
6) Your favourite thing about the internet?
Heck I love the freedom it gave to me to create music and voicework. I’ve had good experiences networking too :)
7) Have you remembered to do what you need to today?
Ummm I suppose I just did. But I still don’t wanna do it, sooooo
8) What time do you usually wake up if you get to choose?
If I choose? 8 am. Out of bed by 9 (I have to catch up on notifs)
9) Favourite YouTuber?
The entire Internet Remix crew
10) Can you list 5 tumblr blogs you think I should follow right now?
@fishmum, @rileygoldsmith, @kanaking, @asgoriel-stuff, @stariousfalls
11) Who is the most underrated celebrity, in your opinion?
Piano Guys probably, they are great dudes
12) Favourite snack?
Cheese sticks
13) Can you describe your ideal day?
The day I can finally get caught up on all of my recording, then I go and hang out with family and friends
14) Your best tumblr friend?
Riley is bae @rileygoldsmith
15) Can you say the first thing that comes to your head NOW?
Can’t wait until my bf gets home so I can smooch his face
16) Favourite music genre?
Oof. I have eclectic tastes. Alternative I suppose? Not sure. If it sounds good, I like
17) Favourite video game? (If you don’t play, favourite Let’s Play series?)
Probably Undertale duh
18) The worst time someone has betrayed you?
Ex best friend, junior year of HS. But haha jokes on her, I’m dating her ex
19) Could you describe yourself in five words?
Keep enduring to the end
20) Favourite type of weather?
Fall weatherrrrrr
21) Could you describe your favourite place, without using the name?
Absolute peace
22) Favourite inspirational quote?
“Even when you think it's time to give up, don't. Take care of you and find yourself again if you need to” - Moony
1. What makes you feel at home?
My mom usually XD
2.  Favorite soup?
Turkey and wild rice soup P:
3. Sunny or rainy?
Rainy dayssss ftw
4. Other than your family, who is one person who has shaped you?
My best friend
5. What patterns do you like on clothing that you don’t wear yourself (floral, striped, etc.)?
I wish I could pull off stripes mixed with florals
6. Quick, first word/phrase you think of!
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts
7. One trait you envy about others?
The ability to not overthink things
8. What was the first online fandom you joined?
Online fandoms? Hmm, probably doctor who
9. Favorite song from the 20th century?
“The way you look tonight” Frank Sinatra
10. Which class did/do you do best in at school?
The easy ones. I got good grades in history tho
11. Would you smooch a ghost?
1. Waffles, Pancakes, or french toast?
Waffles but on other days pancakes
2. Do you think spiders can be adorable?
So long as they’re not up in my space
3. Best gaming experience you have had?
Solstice ending of Oneshot. It was really the first time I played a game blind, and the ending is masterful
4. Happy song that makes you sad?
5. Favorite adult cartoon?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I KNOW IT’S ANIME SHUSH)
2. Most adrenaline pumping thing you have done?
Bungee jumping was intense
7. Do you believe there is darkness within anyone, can anyone once good be evil?
I do believe, but I also believe the opposite. We all have dark and light in us, it all depends on what we choose
8. Favorite anime OST song, not counting openings or endings?
I dunno haha I do love the whole soundtrack to FMA Brotherhood? Not familiar with all the OST
9. Hade you dramatically lied to someone?
I have before
10. Did you notice I repeated 2 twice the first time you read this?
11. How was your day?
So far, pretty decent : )
1. How are you doing?
Pretty good thanks!
2. What leaves the worst taste in your mouth?
Figuratively or literally? Literally Orange juice after toothpaste. Figuratively, when I have to let stupid people alone to their ways
3. What is the strangest thing you’ve Googled?
Ghandi Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
4. What’s the funniest thing you’ve witnessed in public?
Me doing a perfect double take at a guy pretending to be a mannequin in a store window
5. You are given the ability to solve one unsolved mystery. Which one do you choose?
Amelia Earhart. Where she at man
6. If you could write a letter to your past self, what would you tell them?
Dude, you won’t be lonely forever. It gets so much better
7. Which video game have you played through the most?
8. If you could instantly learn a skill, which one would you choose?
9. What is a song you can never get tired of?
State of Grace, Taylor Swift
10. What is your favorite combination of food?
Breakfast for dinner!
11. What is the pettiest thing you’ve ever done?
Ghosted my friend bc she wouldn’t talk to me
1. Favorite literature or movie genre
Quirky fantasy
2. Top five animated cartoons
Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall
3. If you could choose a fantasy land to stay in for the rest of your life, which one would you chose? Ps. You won’t be able to get back to the real world.
Hogwarts. Gimme. Now.
4. Favorite song at the moment?
Gorgeous, Taylor Swift
5. What is good design for you?
Something simple and clean, but warm and inviting
6. What’s your favorite color scheme/combination?
Lilac, lavender, mint and silver
7. Which feelings effects you the most in litterature/music/film etc.?
I am such a sucker for sister to sister relationships, make me teary every time
8. Favorite game?
Undertale (same as above)
9. What’s most important for you in a good movie?
I need to have fun! And I need it to not drag on
10. What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
11. Extra because I’m out of ideas, if you got a painting. What would you want on it? XD
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tinkjobej-blog · 7 years
no one asked and i’m not gonna tag but i’m bored so
1. name? jessica

2. nickname? turd burglar, crispy nugget, jess, jessie, bessie (don’t even ask)

3. undercover name? i don’t have one…. ;)

4. pornstar name? i don’t have a pornstar name but i have a stripper name, baby porcelain

5. middle name? hope

6. first born son or daughters name? i don’t want children of my own so whatever name of the child/children i adopt

7. age first kiss? haven’t had one yet and i’m 15 so like hahahahah ladies? men? wya

8. age first crush? like preschool age

9. age when you first knew what you wanted to do? i don’t know what i want to do yet

10. age when you met your best friend? i just lost my best friend of ten years, my best friend of six years, and my best friend of four years….. so i have no more best friends (they ain’t dead they just dropped me out of no where)

11. favourite song? atm cuz i can’t pick one lol. disconnect- clean bandit

12. favourite colour? pink/ burgundy

13. favourite film? coraline, hairspray, and pitch perfect

14. favourite actor? dwayne “the rock” johnson

15. favourite actress? kristen stewart, elizabeth banks, anna kendrick, and probably a lot more

16. favourite time of year? fall

17. favourite animal? cats

18. favourite country? i think jamaica would be nice

19. favourite person in the whole world? my mom and trixie mattel

20. favourite food? pasta or chinese food

21. favourite feeling? good adrenaline rushes

22. least favourite song? anything with camila cabello

23. least favourite film? idk

24. least favourite actor/actress? chloe moretz, danielle campbell

25. least favourite event? 2016 inauguration

26. least favourite food? peppers ew

27. least favourite feeling? being nauseous

28. best feeling in the world? meeting trixie, so happy

29. quote to the world? fuck the fuck off

30. best memory? meeting trixie

31. best gift ever given? every gift i get is my favorite

32. favourite alcohol drink? i hate alcohol

33. guilty pleasure? phineas and ferb

34. best superhero? is catwomen considered a superhero?

35. best place in the whole world? i haven’t found it yet

36. celebrity crush? rihanna

37. who’d play you in the movie of your life? personally i’d want emilia clark

38. who’d be your love interest? idk

39. who’d provide the soundtrack to your movie? HAIM

40. favourite cartoon? steven universe

41. character /person you can most relate to? kimmy schmidt, peridot
Originally posted by apfelstrudy
42. sun or rain? rain

43. Adele or Ed Sheeran? both

44. Taylor Swift or Kanye West? none ew

45. pale or tanned? pale

46. USA or UK? idk

47. cash or card? card

48. blonde or brain? if this is referring to blondes being dumb vs brains….. lol next

49. secret talent? don’t have one

50. if you had to make your own religion what would it be? im not religious

51. Audition song? i can’t sing for shit but if we going for it here i’m gonna go with “i’m a ruin” by marina and the diamonds

52. Britain or America’s got talent? both?

53. favourite Disney movie? there’s too many good ones but the high school musicals were good

54. do you love or hate game of thrones? i’ve been one s1 for two years……. but i’m finally getting back into it so idk

55. nicest person you’ve ever met? someone from school
0 notes