#i was going to try to write that Michael/David Christmas jumper fic tonight
ingravinoveritas · 4 years
I'm the previous anon. So I've read your blog a bit and this is what I think: There are shippers who ship real people just for fun. Yes, they write RPFs, but still, they're not very serious about it. Then there's another type of shippers. They're more serious about it, they can't stop talking about it, write RPFs and they want and hope those people are/will be together, even if they have partners and kids. You seem to be one of them (come on, admit it). Your posts are mainly about their ship, even if it's just a new small thing. You're saying you're respectful. My opinion is: you're trying to be, but you're not completely successful. Am I right?
About their sexualities: Ah, that gossip site. I know about that one. I have a hard time believing any of those things are true. I hope you understand me, it's just a gossip site. He kissed John Barrowman, that doesn't prove anything. There are a lot of celebrities who kiss the same gender, just for cheers and attention. Nothing serious.
About MS: Yes, I know his first crush was on John Taylor, but I completely forgot about it. Same about the Tom Jones thing. But wow, I didn't know about the last one. That's interesting.
Last two things: 1) M's mouth staring- he does it all the time. 2) I'm still not sure why he called DT his lover, but he's often reckless, says things impulsively, even if it's just fun, he doesn't mean it and then he's like "why tf did I just say that?" So, yes.
Okay, Anon. Let me clear a few things up, because I feel I may not have addressed them adequately (or at all) in my previous response to you.
I’m glad you took the time to read through my blog, but I’m sure you didn’t dive far back into the archive to see the trajectory of how I came to post about shipping Michael and David. Before mid-2019, there was nothing. I had just discovered Good Omens then, and I fell headfirst into being a fan of the show and of Michael (I did become a fan of David’s as well, of course, but initially I was drawn more to Michael).
I had no intention of becoming a Michael/David shipping blog, but as time went on, people began to Anon me and send messages asking questions about Michael and David. When people ask me questions, I like to take the time to answer as thoroughly as I possibly can, and people seem to like that I give my answers a great deal of thought. So it becomes this cycle that I continue to receive questions, and consequently the Michael/David shipping become the focus of my posts. (At the moment, I have four anons in my inbox asking Michael/David shipping-related questions. I literally have no control over the fact that people ask me these things, but I am damn sure going to do my best to answer.)
The second thing I’d like to clarify is something I have stated on this blog before, which is that a large portion of the pleasure I get from shipping Michael and David is because they seem to enjoy it so much. But if either of them came out tomorrow and said that they were uncomfortable with fans shipping them, I would gladly respect that and close up shop. I might think it’s wildly out of character, considering all Michael and David do is the exact opposite by encouraging the bejesus out of it, especially when they have had a hundred chances to shut the whole thing down, and could’ve easily said that they’re just friends and don’t want fans to ship them, but they never have. That speaks volumes, in my opinion, and what matters isn’t whether you are okay with or I am okay with it...only whether Michael and David are.
But that is as far as I am going to go in answering this. Because I did take the time to write you a thoughtful response earlier, Anon, and then you came back with this (particularly that first paragraph), casting aspersions on my character and making this whole thing personal when it had absolutely no reason to be. And the truth be told, when I have seen comments like yours in the past, it’s almost always an indication that the person making them is more uncomfortable with RPF than the celebrities they are purporting to defend. The same goes for Michael and David’s sexual orientations, because you also seem more uncomfortable with the idea of them being not straight than either one of them do. Straight is not necessarily the default, Anon, and if you’re going to come and tell me I need to “prove” that Michael and David aren’t straight, perhaps I should ask you to prove that they are, even though that is something neither of us can do because only Michael and David know the truth.
So I think we are at an impasse, because I have a dozen more recent examples of Michael and David’s flirty interactions that I could link you to, but it seems clear that you’ve already made up your mind, and nothing I say is going to matter. I will leave you with one final thought, however, which is this: Maybe, just maybe, let people like things? And if you don’t like those things, don’t read them? I know it’s a radical concept, but you can absolutely block me if you’d prefer not to read my posts, or the responses from my wonderful group of regular commenters/rebloggers that I have on here. I will even lovingly wrap your knickknacks in bubble paper and make sure your gas tank is full, because you’ve officially used up the last of my kindness and good nature.
As the song goes: “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here...”
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