#i was dreading the scene so much and gah
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Was Not the Hero/Not What You Expected Questions Round 4
Was it the palisman or glyph tattoos that caused Philip Curse?
Answer: It's a bit complicated, well, not so much, but I will be bringing it up into the story later. Well, Philip will explain it to someone in phase 3 : )
2. I feel if Philas was canon Philip will become a gay icon and many people with religious trauma or internalized homophobia will adore him.
Answer: I believe so too. I was legit expecting the show to go that route cause we don't really get to see such things before in shows. And it sucks cause there are many people in his situation still stuck in this self destructive hate that is also hurting other innocent peeps and would be nice to show those peeps they don't have to stay in such a dreadful path.
More Questions and Answers:
3. Wait chico don't tell them if you're religious they'll shoot you/joke
Answer: hahaha, idk if i can say i'm religious, but oh well, hahaha
4. What would Philip think of spicy food? If he can taste it?
Answer: If he could ever be able to taste food again, he probably would be so confused and not like it cause he isn't used to such feeling in his mouth burning, hahaha.
5. Have you seen a reverse of mud and feathers by Jess the vampire?
Answer: I have not o.o. I think, Idk, hahaha x.x, not sure what that is. I don't really look at other stuff much since I get fixated with my own writing. Writing thousands of words a week takes a lot of time from me v.v and if i'm not writing i'm like fixated on other random stuff cause gah, my brain. Or I'm just daydreaming constantly on future scenes for my fanfics. Even my ps5 is just collecting dust cause I ignore it, hahaha
6. Does Philip know some Puritan swear words?
Answer: He does, but he rather not swear if he can help it : )
7. Have Philip and Silas rode a horse together?
Answer: Yep, a few times honestly, without anyone noticing
8. I wonder How Luz would react to Philip being bi as her?
Answer: Oh, you will see in phase 3 : )
9. If Silas was a woman would she and Philip tried to conceive a child together?
Answer: For sure
10. How would Canon Philip feel about Silas?
Answer: Very conflicted honestly. He probably would avoid Silas but at the same time make sure Silas doesn't get corrupted by witches
11. Does Philip like cats and does he act like a cat?
Answer: Philip has no opinion on cats. And hahaha, idk, does he act like a cat? o.o
12. In “ Not What you expected” can Belos possess people that would further claim that he just a demon and would make him a major target for the witch Hunter than the actual witch?
Answer: Yah, Belos has the ability to possess people in that storyand would for sure further push the belief to others that he is a demon and would just cause him more problems later
The following questions are ones I cannot answer due to spoilers. Sorry peeps. I can't really answer specific future story stuff v.v
I’m Not what you expected would Philip help the boiling isles in the future and became an actual hero?
In “Not What you Expected”would Philip outlive Caleb and serve to protect his children till the president day to make up for his sins?
In “Not What You Expected” would Philip become a local legend in Gravesfield after centuries past and would Luz become a fan of him and maybe stumble upon the boiling isles?
In “ Not What you expected” would we get a scene paralleling Castlevania particular the Bishop and Blue fang demon inside of the church where the demon tears down the bishop lies about his work and how their work disgust God you can watch this scene on YouTube.
would Silas appear in “Not What you expected”?
”In Not What you expected” would Philip save that woman who is accused of being a witch?
”In Not What you Expected” would Philip try to awkwardly bond with Caleb, like climbing in his bed and trying to snuggle him while Caleb is praying and sweating that he won’t kill him in his sleep or try to do chores around the house but failing cause he drips and stinks.
would Philip and Evelyn become buddies in “ Not What you expected”?
#philip wittebane#the owl house#philip wittebane redemption#philip whittebane#Silas x philip#silas harding#philip x oc#was not the hero#nisroc chico#chiconisroc#philip#belos
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Sudden realization on why I loved 'The Outpost'
This episode of 'The Bad Batch', in a way, was terrible.
Terrible because...how do you follow a masterpiece like this?
How do you do anything but re-watch that episode, over and over again, wondering how something this sublime can come out on Disney +?!
How do you come close to the drama, laconic humor, brilliant animation, character development, and grim, Dosteyevskian outlook on life after that?! In 30 minutes?! Gah.
This is a thesis that matched the argument, just so wonderfully done.
Not to mention, I'm from icy climates myself. I'm a settler on the historic homelands of the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe nation, in a lovely mix of prairie and forest. Our winters can be brutal, sometimes hitting -40 C. I've been snowed out of track meets, often ski and snowshoe up until April, and have gone both trick-or-treating and Easter egg hunting in the snow.
I love it.
The rushing sound of cold wind, the feel of ice on your cheeks, the comfort of a fire and a friend. The feeling of darkness and cold, with the quiet of the snow and the howling of endless force outside your door.
God DAMN was this episode everything.
It also reminded me of my favorite parts of one of my favorite series of all time.
All of the Wall scenes from 'Game of Thrones'.
(Part of me wants to draw terrible fanart of Jon Snow and Crosshair running into each other, lol. I guess they can just huff at each other?).
Dragons and political banter and knights are fun, but the scenes involving the Wall and the Night's Watch are my favorite, and it made me realize what I loved so much about 'The Outpost'.
I love the sense of foreboding dread that winter can bring, endless ice and chill. The ongoing sense of a white horizon, the blinding brilliance of the sun on snow. Long dark nights, short, bitter days. The feel of your skin as the wind and the cold hits.
The necessary comradery that only survival in an intense, unforgiving wilderness can bring....whether you are a clone or a brother of the Night's Watch.
The dead of winter is the same for us all, especially if we are understaffed and under siege.
(And I won't go into how Mayday and Jeor Mormont were so much alike in their stoicism, dedication, and tragic devotion to protecting against horrific odds. Maybe I'll do some equally mediocre fan art of those two drinking by a fire, making smores, I don't know)
We can never have enough winter scenes in media, especially in stories of brutal heroics. Because when they are done correctly, they are projected deep into building a character's true nature and mettle.
#game of thrones#crosshair the bad batch#the bad batch#thebadbatch#cloneforce99#winter#jon snow#the night's watch#got#a song of ice and fire#asoiaf
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(Fake ASMR Commission) Confronting An Undead Pirate Queen
"You ignored my warnings... Now you will be lost in darkness forever..."
"OoOoOoOo- *cough, hack, splutter*"
*wispy sound of appearing from nowhere*
"ENOUGH! I grow tired of this spooky 'OoOoOo' business. I'm a pirate, blast it. Pirates do not moan."
"I'm a cold-blooded villain who robs innocents of life & loot. Not a crying ghost!"
"And this... This is my ship. What are you doing here? Speak! Lest I turn your hair into a bone polisher."
"You're not here for my treasure. Really? Then why else would you have ventured all the way out here to this accursed island? That's why everyone comes here. They think they can steal the treasure of I; The Dreaded Pirate Queen & escape with their lives. I make sure that no one who travels here ever return home."
"Oh... So you got shipwrecked. How unfortunate for you. I'm curious. What caused it? A terrible storm perhaps?"
"Yohohohohoho! A swarm of mysterious blue flames you say. So that's what happened. I'll inform you that those flames are the spirits of my crew. Even in death, they're still ever-loyal to me. I cherish them so dearly."
"Speaking of which... Are you alone on this island or did others get shipwrecked with you?"
"Ah, so you have a crew as well. What a treat."
"Sigh... I remember the good old days. Sailing the seven seas with my crew... Stealing from other ships... Building up a massive treasure hoard... And enjoying the thrill of battle. It was all so much fun."
"How did we die. Well... If you must know... One day, an enormous kraken attacked our ship. The beast was powerful... Voracious... The crowning definition of a sea monster."
"We all fought valiantly, but the kraken proved too overwhelming. Some of us were crushed... Some of us were devoured... And I, like many of my crew drowned among the wreckage of the ship. None of us survived."
"To my surprise however... The consciousness of my crew endured in spirit form. Those blue flames. And I; The captain kept my body. Albeit in a zombified & skeletal state."
"Very astute of you to notice. If my ship was destroyed then what are we in right now? I'm not entirely sure what happened, but it seems that my spirit is tied to the ship itself."
"Once the wreckage washed ashore this island, my ship began to magically re-build itself. I can't describe this as anything but a miracle. Since I am eternal then my ship must be as well."
"No more questions! I've humored you for long enough. Let's get down to business, shall we? You have no way of escaping this place. So I think it's about time I make this island your tomb."
"Yohohohohoho! Begging for mercy, are we? How endearing. Tell you what. I'll give you one of my swords so you at least have a fighting chance. How's that sound?"
"I can respect a challenger who proves their prowess in battle. There's nothing more thrilling to me than a clash of swords. And just so we're absolutely crystal clear, this isn't a friendly competition. You'll be fighting for your life."
"Oh, no... You can't kill me. I'm already dead. The fight will end on one of two conditions. Either you die... Or you survive long enough until I'm satisfied with your performance."
"Here. Take my finest cutlass. I'm sure you'll find it quite comfortable to wield."
"Are you ready?"
"Very well. Now... May the best combatant win!"
*several sword clashing sounds that fade out into the next scene*
*one final clang sound effect to end the fight*
"GAH! Enough! *pant, pant, pant...*"
"I can't believe this. The only time I've ever known defeat was at the tentacles of that blasted kraken. Never have I actually lost a sword fight."
"You... You are very strong. Hehe~ Whew... Congratulations! You've earned the privilege to fight another day. You have my respect."
"Although... I'm not sure how much good this'll do you since it's not like you can leave the island anyway."
"I could lend you my ship. But there's a problem. This ship was powered by a legendary artifact known as the Skull Gem. The ship can't move without it."
"I lost it to the depths of the ocean after me & my crew perished. I doubt anyone will ever find it."
"You're joking. You have the Skull Gem? Are you serious? The ocean is practically endless. How could you possibly-..."
"Yes, of course that's the Skull Gem! How in the name of Davey Jones did you find it?!"
"Clam fishing. So... You're telling me that you just so happened to find the Skull Gem in some random clam?"
"I... I have no words. The odds of that happening were a million to one."
"I supposed less likely things have happened to other people. But this is still a remarkable revelation."
"Well... Consider yourself an enigma. You & your crew will be the first to ever leave this island alive."
"Now... The Skull Gem please."
"Yohohohohoho! Finally! Now me & my crew can terrorize the seven seas just like old times!"
"Gather your crew. We'll shove off whenever you're ready."

Also Fake, here's a background you can use for the thumbnail. A Pirate's Treasure Room

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Live Stale reaction:
YAYYYYYY so excited, been meaning to read these but never got around to it! Yay!! It's time >:]
His birthday is December 7th so cool! I wonder what the birthdays for everyone else are!
Omg landlord the guy ever
MAAAANNNN The other grunts SUCK what a bunch of jerks!!! It's really interesting to see the difference in behavior

heheh workaholic man
Benoît 😊
Soldat 😭😭😭
Benoît 😊
We love you Ben
GAH The atmosphere is incredible incredibly accurate depiction of the dread and ptsd that he faces in being in such a familiar environment. The senses being added such as smells is perfect it makes it feel overstimulating 🤌🤌
Omg hi ben
Delib I swear you're just kicking him while he's down that jab to his wounds was unnecessary 😭
Dissection? 👀👀
ATP training mentionedddd
[Protocol] FUCK OFF
"meh" HEHEHEHEFHEHEHEHEHEH Why is he like that lmaooo
Oooooo the girls are fighting!
Oh crap his birthday is coming up I hope nothing bad happens 😊😊😊
oh that's really cool! Even though the wound isn't attached there's still sensation!
Last goodbye? 👀
Getting dumped by your superior damn (/silly) OMG BEE BEE MENTIONED THRHRHRHEHEAAAAAAAAAA
6 teabags? Ben. 4 was already too many ,,,
Omg happy birthday bananasol
The present the daydream 😨 no,,, leave that little guy alone let him enjoy his birthday
Thumpers mentioned 🗣️🗣️
Oh damn Nevada=Delibergone no wonder he's in Coventry
Shi Xuan mentioneddd

OK i've heavily edited the soldat fanfic but im not sure how else to continue it XD
it seems that it's actually already "done", then that story can just seamlessly be continued to the vee (2nd) comic
but there is one cool chapter im still proud of. i wanna share here, i'll do it later ;3
you can read it early and find out if you want
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Can we just talk about how amazing Húrin’s scenes in The Lays of Beleriand are? First of all, FIRST OF ALL, this amazing passage, which is one of my favorite parts of the entire book:
For Húrin standing storm unheeding, unbent in battle, with bitter laughter his axe wielded—as eagle’s wings the sound of its sweep, swinging deadly; as livid lightning it leaped and fell, as toppling trunks of trees riven his foes had fallen. Thus fought he on, where blades were blunted and in blood foundered the Men of Mithrim...
THIS IS LITERALLY SO HEROIC. I can’t even process it, it’s so good. The alliteration is so beautiful. The imagery is incredible. That the sound of his axe is like a eagle’s wings recalls the scene when eagles carried him to Gondolin. The comparison to lightning reminds me of another heroic final stand, that of Fingolfin. And ‘storm unheeding’ makes me think of how later he is condemned to sit upon Thangorodrim, which The Lays of Beleriand often describes as the ‘thunderous towers’ or ‘thunderous mountain.’ In this passage there is such a vivid picture of the chaos and violence of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad and how brave Húrin was in this battle. ‘Unbent in battle, with bitter laughter’—this gives me chills every time! Every single time!!!!!!!
Said the dread Lord of Hell: ‘Dauntless Húrin, stout steel-handed, stands before me yet quick a captive, as a coward might be! Then knows he my name, or needs be told what hope he has in the halls of iron? The bale most bitter, Balrogs’ torment!’ Then Húrin answered, Hithlum's chieftain— his shining eyes with sheen of fire in wrath were reddened: ‘O ruinous one, by fear unfettered I have fought thee long, nor dread thee now, nor thy demon slaves, fiends and phantoms, thou foe of Gods!’ His dark tresses, drenched and tangled, that fell o’er his face he flung backward, in the eye he looked of the evil Lord— since that day of dread to dare his glance has no mortal Man had might of soul.
Is it possible to love Húrin even more?! This is just unbelievable. Morgoth threatens him with torture and that is his reply! Steadfast indeed! I love the way the dialogue is composed and all of the alliteration, which really enhances the intensity of this scene. And I literally cannot convey how stirring this entire section is. It also has a lot of dialogue, which is exciting, since that is something often lacking in the prose Silmarillion.
Then Morgoth commands the Balrogs to torture Húrin, and then he offers Húrin the chance to serve him and fight for him, and offers him riches and power and the command of his armies, if he will betray Turgon and reveal the location of Gondolin. Morgoth’s dialogue runs 45 lines—he goes on and on about what he will give Húrin if he serves him:
‘...with thy sword go search their secret dwellings; when in triumph victorious thou returnest hither, I have hoards unthought-of'—but Hurin Thalion suffered no longer silent wordless; through clenched teeth in clinging pain, ‘O accursed king’, cried unwavering, ‘thy hopes build not so high, Bauglir; no tool am I for thy treasons vile, who tryst nor troth ever true holdest— seek traitors elsewhere.’
Húrin, who has just been tortured by Balrogs, INTERRUPTS Morgoth! Do you know what a power move that is?! Gah!!! I just love him so much! ‘Seek traitors elsewhere’—what a line, this is just ASTOUNDINGLY GOOD, like nothing has any right to be this good, AND YET.
#hurin#silmarillion#morgoth#Lays of Beleriand#my writing#LISTEN TO MEEEEE THE LAYS OF BELERIAND IS SO GOOD#it's SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO GOOD#help I love it so much
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hello!!! boy am i glad to have you back :) i’ve had a very stressful week, lots of crying and panic attacks so i genuinely cannot tell you how appreciative i am of the joy this chapter brought me :)
damn the identity crisis just kicked in
other half…????
the amalia angst has me SCREAMING
figuring out whether or not i trust matthias has been my biggest issue throughout this whole game, but abel’s never steered me wrong
i can’t explain to you how comforting the lines “you’re not a monster, rowan.” and “you’re just as real as i am” are
HE IS LJ??? guys i’m actively losing my mind right now
the music in the background of this scene is BEAUTIFUL
it’s resurrection time baby!
we have a new companion 🥲
i don’t think we’ve purified all the corrupted power spots, this seems far too easy
the breakfast with amalia was so wholesome and i’m so glad we could get her back to her dream university
of course we told her the truth, she’s our best friend
i am dreading abel’s reaction HE’S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH
every single week i am more and more impressed and in love with the whole team, kisses for all of u!!
-abel simp anon💓💓
Good to hear from you!! I’m sorry you had a hard week but I’m glad this chapter was able to give you some happiness 🥰 already looking forward to Saturday heheheh
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The Devil Judge ep 12
I’ve been slightly busy with other stuff and avoiding this, slightly not wanting to face the end of the show.
It’s pretty obvious things aren’t going to End Well, really. But anyway, these are mid-ep thoughts so I don’t forget what I want to say.
So about Yan Su Hyeon, I really just want to shake her because I feel like the show is sorta lauditory about her devotion for Ga On, but like, in no way is that a healthy way to live your life. You’ve based your entire life around this one dude, a dude who has rejected you over and over again. And then when he is growing apart from you, you want to insert yourself into his business and threaten fucking Kang Yo Han, which is a terrible idea from any angle.
And like omg the shippy and angsty potential of all these scenes with Yo Han and Ga On cause like the hand on the arm and...you can clearly see Yo Han is pissed but he cares about Ga On so much and there’s the back of the neck grab and you could have either gone in for the kiss or done what you actually did and give him a fucking ultimatum to push him away.
So god this just hurts and I’ve been dreading it. The Break Up. There are so many episodes left though, so where is this relationship going gah. I mean this is the Third Act Breakup of a romance novel, but also...IDK IDK I have bad vibes.
“I am the Abyss” sure sounds a lot like “I am the Kraken” for my OFMD peeps. Yeah, okay, you’re an untouchable monster badass who doesn’t have feelings, sure. You’re Sad Bastard Run says otherwise.
As for the rest of the episode I hate everything and why are these two the kind of “sure I’ll show up whereever you tell me to” stupid?
Fuck I have to watch the next one now.
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I think part of this might just be the fact that like... I've done my best to perfect the art of how to appreciate crumbs LOL. I got some crumbs, and they were tasty! & I'm just sitting here glad that it didn't taste bad, you know, I'm a very "well it could always be Worse" about things sometimes... which is verrry different from how I approached kfp3, so like, I guess I was "Too Successful" at lowering my expectations in a way, dhsdhjds, but I'm glad I got to dodge Major disappointment thanks to this approach. I've just like. something something inner peace, ability to ignore/dodge subpar stuff's ability to Hurt me so long as it's not extreeeemely over the top bad. so. hm. lol. Like, I'm not gonna let stuff bother me, I'm just gonna take whatever bits I might like & Go. As long as I'm not outright offended by stuff or whatever.
I've seen people saying stuff about like how Shifu got sidelined in this movie and whatnot, and it's interesting comparing those complaints to how chill I was with his presence/role. I have balanced expectations where like, I'm never gonna expect him to have the same level of prominence that he did in the first movie, cuz the first movie was different in its need to feature him heavily. His role as a supporting cast member is understandably less prominent in the following movies and I get that. So my instinctive thought is like "sidelined? I mean he wasn't in movies 2 and 3 that much either, so". And I always remember him as "barely" having been in the second movie (we must keep in mind though, it being the first movie to come after how much he was in movie 1, it would feel like a lot less screentime to me, & did for that reason). but. The more that I think about it..., I mean he was There for the cannonball stuff/confrontation in 2. He was There at other points. he definitely had stuff to do & a role to play...
So I'm just kind of sitting here Realising that I could have reasonably expected more, but I didn't, and was thus satisfied with this one aspect in terms of what's there.
Because again. Instead of basically having any measure of expectations at all walking into this thing, I was more like "please do not ruin my favourite character beyond repair". & that didn't happen so I was like. fine. I got some more content. I was entertained. idk.
It shouldn't really be like this though, obviously. Like, I shouldn't have to lower my expectations to the absolute bare minimum and then just brush off any stuff (e.g. the plot/pacing overall) that does bother me.
I mean, I didn't want this movie in the first place; I saw the cracks showing in 3 + it was a good solid ending/closing off of the series, so I reeeeeally wanted them to stop there. And they didn't, so here we are, I just didn't want them to take a sledgehammer to the characters/world that they did have built - and one could argue that 4 really does undercut the characters/world of what's come before. My personal favourite character imo has managed to dodge that though so I'm just like. Appreciating the small things. Which, huh. I seem to have gotten way too good at doing these days, huh. :P Well, if they're going to insist on giving me more scenes I'll appreciate what I can. I'm just worried that the tasty crumbs are gonna become expired food soon if they keep it up.
This movie could've been great if they did it right... there's no law saying that sequels Have to be bad... there's just... a bunch of forces e.g. economic etc pushing it in the direction of being bad... :')
The fact that they're supposedly already working on a 5th film fills me with such dread. cuz I'm so tired lol. I just managed to make it out of this movie Happy but idk if that can persist. gah
Anyway, on some reflection I've come to understand people's complaints about Shifu being sidelined and whatnot. I'm just gonna hold onto being happy with what I got though honestly. & I mean, idk.
God I can't believe we almost got a Shifu kidnapping plotline though..... Would've loved to see that djksdjsdjkds let him be the disressed damsel /j kinda feel robbed of that LOLLLL
Honestly. I think I just like. forgot how Good and Fun 2&3 were and I was underestimating how good his moments in those two were. and thinking back im like Hold On... maybe 4 IS a notable downgrade in terms of his character. It's been a while since I properly revisited the previous movies as well (!) so that would absolutely be a contributing factor too, like, I'm a little Rusty on it and then seeing the fourth movie is my refresher on the character, etc.
Because there was a little while there where I was wondering how Other Shifu fans would feel about his characterisation in this film. Right now I don't really have other opinions from like, fans of him specifically, to adequately weigh my feelings/thoughts against. I have seen more than one person also picking up on/commenting on how he suddenly seems to backtrack in this film though, so.
anyway. anyway. I wasnt even comparing it with previous movies anyway I was looking at it in isolation. "Wow! Something!" my standards were extremely low guys. And that worked out just fine for me I guess. That's Why. jangling car keys, you know.
When something is Brand New, it's practically always gonna have that shine of novelty about it, you know? So I could walk away from the first viewing happy because Wow New Content !. And on reflection I'm like okay yeah maybe I AM cheering on crumbs. But like... I'd rather be happy cheering on those crumbs than be miserable wishing for what could have been. and don't get me wrong we could have had so much. but. I'm not gonna waste too much time angsting on that. I've long made peace with it XD
augh, I am sleep deprived. :P
Okay now from the POV of STANNING CHARACTERS… (kfp4 spoilers)
So first off. My condolences to Tigress fans + people who are big fans of the Furious Five. And I mean – the Furious Five are were (?! 😭) core cast members, they’re great and fun characters, so I can absolutely understand the outrage of them just not being there AT ALL. In fact… idk their absence is weird in that it does feel less like kung fu panda without them. I take the view that what Matters is the movie being good, so if you have a movie that’s good, you can get away with certain characters* not being there if they wouldn’t serve an otherwise good plot. You can’t really say that’s the case with this movie though, because its pacing etc had much to be desired. So… yeah. You kicked them out but then the movie still wasn’t even good?? 😭And they didn’t even get a little scene they got nothing!! 😭No speaking scene I mean!
*Certain characters when I’m not completely obsessed with them (LOL). Because I, like anyone, am BIASED, my point here is that’s the “objective” take, but subjectively it absolutely sucks when your personal fave isn’t there so I really do sympathise. If shifu wasn’t in the fourth movie at all, I, too, would be extremely upset and furious. So fans of the Five have every right to be personally unhappy with their absence. For example if Shifu was absent from a Good kfp movie because he wouldn’t contribute to the Good plot, “objectively” that makes sense from a writing pov. Subjectively, I would still be personally unhappy with it.
ANYWAY. So now for analysis/discussion from a more character-focused pov/being biased in terms of my focus!
I mean, Shifu’s my fave, put him onscreen and don’t completely mess it up and there’s a good chance I’m just happy to see him again. And I was pleased to see him again. Ahah… What can I say? I’m a shifu fan… XD
Anyway. He’s SO not having a fun time dhsdjhsdsd I’m. god. Still getting my thoughts together about this. I have sorrrrt of mixed feelings/am of two worlds.
I did really enjoy his scenes. He’s actually kind of a mess honestly omggg. It kinda took me by surprise and I was actually very amused. I can’t help it he’s why I’m here LOL.
So like yes on the one hand I absolutely did accept and enjoy his scenes. On the other hand I was a bit surprised because… Well. Movies 1-3 did seem to have him on a clear trajectory of getting better and becoming more chill. He’s very Not Chill in this. You could make an argument that the whole “Oogway choosing Po as his spiritual successor” is a/the major issue that’s set back his progress in this movie, is why he’s clearly Not Fine (however much he might claim otherwise ckjdjkdsjk), etc. Because he only gets hit with that knowledge/information at the end of movie 3. The whole fact that he’s been kind of “overlooked” by Oogway (or at least, kind of skipped over technically…) and is now technically “surpassed” by Po, etc etc.
However, the above is all Watsonian analysis. From a Doylist point of view, I doooo think he has been Flanderised a bit. Feels like he’s just kind of been stuck/shoved into the box/role of grumpy “least-zen zen master” without much room to move about. It does feel like he had a lot more room/leeway before with his character/characterisation than he seems to have now…? And idk how to feel about it. Because like… I still really enjoyed his scenes in this movie, I loved it. So I don’t actually have any personal issues/complaints with it, I guess I do just feel like it can be “overdone”, if he really is thoroughly boxed-in like this. If his character has been simplified down/exaggerated… There are potential concerns with that but like, again. I loved him in this movie.
I mean I guess it just comes down to some mixed feelings on my end. Because I was getting this sense of “okay this kind of seems like… a bit overdone on the characterisation. But at the same time… I still love this characterisation” dhsdhjas? Hmmm. Still mulling over it. But I had fun! On an analytical level, I recognised that this movie had flaws, and that Shifu’s characterisation can be symptomatic of an overall downgrading of writing quality/handling of the characters in general. On the level of Being A Fan, I am a little baby being mesmerised by car keys being jangled in front of me.
It's also just kind of Funny to learn just how badly he’s doing. I thought he was Fine I really overestimated how well-adjusted he was at this point sdhsajksdakjsad god I. Mixed thoughts but I truly did love his scenes for the most part. Oughhh.
The fact that he’s now officially confirmed/clarified In Canon that he’s a red panda is hilarious. It took them four movies to do it. It’s been MANY years. But people having no clue what kind of animal he is over and over again, piggybacking off that… Man I loved it.
Hhhhhh yeah. Gonna keep mulling it over.
& I did feel catered to as a Shifu fan, by virtue of the fact that He Was There (I am the baby looking at the jangling car keys). So like, that would have affected my overall experience of the movie As A Whole in ways too! Because you can’t completely separate subjective from "objective". The movie itself could be lackluster but I could still be like “yesss Shifu” if I enjoy his individual scenes, etc. So tbh I had a great time, if only for that. I wanted to see him again and I did, LOL.
And like idk, if I fine-tooth-comb comparison his characterisation in previous installments vs this one, maybe I will come up with discrepancies or whatnot, and I guess one of my concerns is like, even if I was totally fine with how he was written in this movie, it raises concerns about how he might be portrayed in any future media, etc, so I’m just kinda wary? Idk. But tbh I had fun. That’s what matters.
#loooong rambling under readmore about inconsequential stuff looool#kfp4 spoilers#Kung Fu Panda 4 spoilers
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tma review aka I'm off the deep end this time.
you guys know where the other reviews are. if you don't drop me an ask. let's get rolling.
also I've had to adjust the structure of my normal reviews a bit because I am experiencing so many things.
idk where to start. actually yes I do I eagerly await elias' long and painful death.
top five episodes:.
E111 Family Business - immediately my favourite episode I loved it I loved hearing about Gerry and the impact the obsession with those books have on people. like the way he was marked by them right from the beginning and didn't really have a chance. excellent times.
E101 Another Twist - MICHAEEELLL I miss him so much I was actually devastated when he died he scared the shit out of me so much. just an epic character and his use of architecture to supplement his power is excellent.
E103 Cruelty Free - THAT PIG??? ough I love the Slaughter and the Hunt stuff it's so fucked up I love it so much nothing will top the first one they did but this was excellent. scary shit.
E107 Third Degree - what can I say I love trains and fucked up train stations and fire and heat. epic episode hit all my favourite things on the head.
E117 Testament - sorry this was really vying for its spot with the next episode I just had such a sense of dread listening to them.
characters thoughts
elias please die <3 slowly and painfully I hate you so much. that's it. explode and die.
jon. where do I start. I'm enjoying very much his powers and how he's using them and what an effect it's having on his sense of self. keep it up but stop getting kidnapping and being dumb god bless.
tim..... daisy...... I'm upset. I saw it coming and I thought they'd be the ones to die but I'm also caught up more in the reactions of the people they were close to. basira...... hope she's ok. tim's "I don't forgive you" line.....
martin. oh dear. um. I absolutely adored his scene with elias. yknow THAT one. was it emotionally harrowing? yes. did it create my favourite quote "I can't hear you elias there's a door in the way!" also yes. I'm enjoying his arc keep at it my guy keep with the tea!
MELANIE PLEASE MARRY ME. I am free every day of the week for you I love you I'm writing our initials in heart shaped glittery pens etc. in all seriousness she's one of my favourite characters and I hope they do more with her.
GEORGIE. another loml. as well as basira who I want to know more!! basira and daisy.... gah I'm inconsolable.
sighs. where do I start. where do I start so much has happened.
so these are my general thoughts
ok so first thing is all the different phobia things. ok when I tell you days before I had made a list of phobias to make short stories of and then I find out that that's the case for these avatars my mind was blown. it's very clever. makes a lot of sense and I love the idea of feeding them.
top ten unlikely team ups is julia and trevor damn nice!! they're hanging out and killing monsters!! um. yeah fascinating hope we find out more about julia....
I'M STILL DEVASTATED ABOUT MICHAEL. AND GERRY. MY PALS. my weird guys!! I literally miss michael so much.
tbh I have just been having a great time. just been enjoying episode after episode.
THE SENTIENT TAPE RECORDER fascinates and compels me so much I love thinking about it.
love the new focus on death and dying and zombies etc I've found that cool. 10/10 like what does it mean to build a body very epic.
my predictions
OK NO.1 PREDICTION IS THAT more of the gang are going to become hosts/avatars of the different fears. like I've got my bets on basira becoming a patron of the vast. I think they're all slowly going to see the impacts of living under the conditions of the archives soon.
dreams..... will become significant I am sensing perhaps they will all start having one collective dream.
think jon is going to be faced with a die to save the world moment. but like a proper one. a proper this is the end of the line only to be yanked back moment.
more trapped in the web moments pls.
ngl I think the next villain might be a proper serial killer. like yes most of them are but I mean hunting people down style.
this is not going to end well. like I think it will end very very tragically at this point.
episode 120
ok so I don't have the time nor the energy to dissect it but it did rule. tying together a bunch of statements and just being weird yknow. I just felt I had to acknowledge it. so glad I didn't get it and then nothing else I'm sorry to the people who did lol I would've lost my mind.
feels a bit shorter this time round but honestly I'm just tired and don't know what more to say! feel free to ask me questions about things I love answering questions <33 can be anything at all as long as no spoilers ofc!
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Saving Senpai

Pairings : Senpai! Tamaki x Kohai! Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warnings : Mild Cussing , Watch out for Dadzawa (:3
Word Count : 2527
3rd Person's POV
Ah Yes Valentine's Day. The Day Girls give chocolates to Express their love and The Day Unpopular boys dread in complete jealousy and bitterness. So much for a fun activity.
The Day Tamaki greatly Despised.
One Indigo haired Male though was utterly speechless when Girls flooded towards him Trying to Hand him Chocolates and some even screaming how much they like him.
Now Tamaki was not used to things Like this at All. In fact he never interacted much with people because of his social anxiety. This caused the Male to Tremble backing towards the Wall as Panic Flooded his system.
His Anxiety Level went off the roof and he couldn't even form any words. Where was Hado and Mirio when you needed them!?.
His legs began to wobble and his hands were sweaty and clammy, he felt dizzy and he was starting to hyperventilate. He was about to pass out. He was definitely going to Pass out.
' Can someone Please Come and Save me! ' he yelled in his mind as the girls closed in on him.
There was definitely No escape this Time.
But as If the Heavens Heard his prayers. Someone did come to his rescue.
" Hey! You guys! Look! It's Almight! " A girl with h/c hair shouted pointing at the other direction of the halls and those girls who were crowding him turned their heads towards the direction the girl was pointing.
The Girls were Distracted and the h/c haired girl immediately squeezed her way through the crowd grabbing the dumbfounded indigo haired male and he was swept away from this horrid scene with the girl dragging him through the halls taking sharp turns and when they were in an empty room she let go of his hands.
Tamaki was in a daze. In his own little world because he had never seen someone.... Someone this heroic and attractive at the same time. The way her hair bounced while they were running, How her brows furrowed when she was irritated, how she bit her lip in anticipation. It was adorable and now that they were in an empty room. He felt her hand let go of his and the sudden loss of touch actually pained him. He wanted to feel the softness of her hand again... Her warmth .
" Hey, Senpai? Are you ok? " Y/n asked waving her hand around to see if the male would react. The girl thought that the poor boy must be traumatized after that but little did she know that Tamaki was still in the process of falling for her even more.
" I... I-I'm... F-Fine... " He stuttered out his lips shaking.
" I'm glad you're fine! Hahaha, I was walking through the halls and saw that you were clearly uncomfortable so I thought I'd help you out or something. " The girl explained while her eyes met his.
Her eyes pierced his very soul, they look so big and so mesmerizing Tamaki could drown in them if he keeps gazing back at her.
" T-thanks... I.... I appreciate it... I just didn't know... How to handle... Things... Like that " Tamaki stated looking down on the floor .
" Don't you remember me? I'm from Class 1-A ! Well I can pretty much guess why you didn't remember me since you had your face against the wall the whole time " Y/n chuckled and Tamaki was sent in another mode of panic. She was in that class!? He must have made himself look like a fool infront of her! Damn his stupid self for giving her a horrible first impression.
" I... I'm Sorry " Tamaki mumbled his eyes darling everywhere avoiding her eyes at all cost. His face lighting up in embarrassment, he can't face her! Not after she saw him at his most pathetic state! .
" Senpai don't apologize. Everyone has weaknesses.... And I think yours are pretty Cute... Just like you " The girl complimented and flashed him a toothy grin that sent Tamaki's heart on overdrive.
Did she just compliment him? Did she just say she thought he was cute?!. That made Tamaki's heart pounded at a very alarming rate as his eyes darted back to hers to see if she was lying but he was met with the brightest and most beautiful grin he had ever saw.
" U-um.... I-.... I.... Umm.. " Damn it Of all the times he couldn't form words it has to be now! Why is the world so against him!?.
" You're Adorable Senpai, But I have to Go. Aizawa sensei will be mad if I arrive late Bye~" Y/n smiled and turned to leave but unexpectedly Tamaki's Hand darted towards her holding her arm in place.
Y/n glanced back in surprise and was met by a very red Tamaki, he looked as surprised as she was.
' Oh my god what have I done!? Why did I do that!? What do I do?! Oh no... I can't speak... Words please come out! Why do I keep embarrassing myself infront of her!? '
Those were the thoughts in Tamaki's head, he kept cursing himself to speak but it was no use.
His hand still clutching on her arm his eyes reluctantly meeting hers, his hands shaking and he tried. He really tried to let go of her hand but his body seemed to have a mind of his own.
Once his eyes were once again trapped in her gaze Tamaki saw the questioning look she gave him, Tamaki's words were caught in his throat and those very words seemed to die once they reach his mouth and no sounds could be heard.
Opening his mouth to at least try to say something but it was futile, his lips only wobbled and quivered as sweat began to form on his forehead.
Then y/n's questioning look turned to a bemused expression .
Tamaki flinched as more thoughts flooded his minds.
' Now she'll think I'm a coward! Or even worst a creep! She'll laugh at me.... She'll make Fun of me! '
Tamaki gulped closing his mouth and squeezing his eyes shot preparing himself for the insults or the laughter about to be thrown his way and he was right.
Tamaki heard y/n's melodic laughter that was so pleasant to hear but it would have been better if he wasn't in this situation where y/n could possibly be thinking that he's pathetic.
His heart faltered at the thought that she could be making fun of him. But all those thoughts were crushed immediately when Tamaki felt a pair of lips peck his own.
His eyes shot open to see y/n leaned so close against his face that they were only a few inches apart.
" Did.... D-Did y-y-ou just--" Tamaki stuttered but he was cut off when y/n gave him another peck that was too short for his liking but her lips for him is like heaven.
" Yes... I did... Senpai we'll be late, I'll see you soon Ok? " Y/n chuckled as Tamaki's hand slowly released his grasp on her arm to which y/n appreciated.
His thoughts were clashing with one another. His heart was about to burst, his face couldn't get any redder. And by now steam could be coming out of his ears.
" Thanks... Bye senpai! " Y/n bid her goodbye but before that she leaned in to give the Indigo haired male another peck before dashing out of the empty room.
" Her... Lips... Were so... Soft... Warm... Gentle... " Tamaki muttered as the image of her pecking his lips kept on replaying in his mind and then he couldn't take it anymore. It was too overwhelming.
He passed out.
Luckily the moment Tamaki Passed Out Mirio had accidentally passed through the walls and he found his Friend lying unconscious on the floor.
Mirio brought Tamaki to Recovery Girl's Clinic and Recovery stated that Tamaki was fine. He may have fainted because of being too nervous.
Meanwhile in Class 1-A y/n was being punished by Aizawa Sensei because she was Late.
" But this is just my first offense! " Y/n argued but her teacher only shot her a glare that shit her up immediately.
" Ughhh" Y/n groaned in her seat while Mina rubbed her back comfortingly.
" Jeez, where have you been anyway? " Mina asked and y/n gave her a playful grin.
" Saving the Senpai prince from his wicked admirers " Y/n answered and Mina gave her a questioning look.
" What---"
" Mina! Y/n! , If I hear you talking again you two are getting in trouble " Aizawa sensei growled and the two girls immediately sat straight shaking.
____________ Lunch Time
" Tamaki What happened exactly? I found you passed out in an empty room earlier. Are you sure you're fine?" Mirio asked to which Tamaki averted his eyes his cheeks turning red as he recalled the past events .
" I-I'm Fine " Tamaki answered and Mirio decided to drop it.
When they reached the Cafeteria Tamaki's eyes we're darting every where . His eyes searching for the Kohai who saved him earlier.
He was so busy looking for her he didn't notice his gaze turned intimidating and intense affecting almost everyone in the area, some students even avoided him like the plagued and Mirio had been calling his attention for the last 2 minutes.
" Tamaki! " Mirio yelled this time catching Tamaki's attention bit that's not the only attention Mirio also caught the attention of those girls who tried forcing their chocolates on Tamaki earlier.
" G-gah!? " Tamaki gasped when he was once again crowded by raging fangirls trying to get him to accept their gifts.
" W-woah! " Mirio was pushed aside by the fangirls and Nejire was fast enough to avoid being stomped by them.
Tamaki didn't know what to do and now he was in a foul mood because he didn't hey to see his little Kohai y/n.
The whole cafeteria was in an uproar by the squealing girls.
" Don't you Think it's a Little Rude to Give Chocolates to a Boy who already belongs to someone else? " That sentence was enough to silence everyone in the Cafeteria.
Tamaki recognized that voice. That sweet voice, but at the same time heat rose up to his cheeks.
Y/n had sneakily managed to sneak up behind Tamaki as she glared at his fangirls . Her eyes were glaring yet she was smiling . But not a friendly smile, a sadistic and sinister smile that made the fangirls shiver.
" Sorry girls, He's Taken, He's Mine " Y/n announced as her Arms snaked their way around Tamaki's Torso hugging him from behind as she tilted her head to the side to look at Tamaki's Fangirls.
Tamaki's heart beat was beyond what the heart monitor could read his face flushed feeling two small arms wrap around him. Her touch was intoxicating.
Looking down at the girl who was embracing him from behind he suddenly managed to gather all his courage to place his hand on her hand as he leaned down to kiss y/n's head.
" A-and.... You're Mine Too" Tamaki mumbled but because of how hard everyone was listening they heard it loud and clear.
Y/n sent one last glare to those fangirls and they were gone before tamaki even knew it.
" Hehehe, I saved you Again Senpai. Now I'll let you go now " Y/n chuckled as she slowly let go of her hold around him but she was stopped by tamaki holding onto both of her arms and pulled her closer against his back as he personally guided her arms to wrap around him again.
" Don't... Not unless... Y-you say that y-you meant w-w-what you s-said earlier... I-if you didn't... T-that w-would be r-really mean.." Tamaki muttered .
" I... Because I meant what I said... When... I said you're mine too" He added making y/n widen her eyes.
Her own cheeks turning pink.
" Senpai... Of course I mean it... Only if you want me to" Y/n grinned and that made a smile creep up to Tamaki's lips.
" Of course I... I want you to... You're mine... Right?... And... C-can you stay with me... During lunch? T-they might come back again" Tamaki stuttered making y/n laugh.
" Of course I will, We gotta show them you're mine right? And I'm yours" Y/n cooed .
" Get a Fucking room you fuckers! " Came the obnoxious comment from Bakugou.
And that's when the two finally noticed that everyone was looking at them the whole time.
Y/n and Tamaki immediately jumped away from each other. Tamaki banging his head on the wall due to embarrassment and y/n covering her face in her palms while Mina and the rest of the Class 1-A girls comforted and teased her.
Suddenly the whole room erupted in cheers and loud claps saying that they were a really nice couple.
" Hey y/n I didn't know you got it in you! " Denki teased making y/n give him a punch in the guts.
" Zip it! " She growled but after seeing the teasing looks of her classmates she immediately retreated back to covering her face with her hands.
" Wow! Tamaki! Already getting the girls huh? " Mirio laughed patting Tamaki's back.
" You got a pretty good catch! She's a beauty! And she packs a punch! " Nejire cheered joining Mirio in patting an embarrassed Tamaki.
" Aww, who knew an embarrassed y/n could be so Cute~ this is the first time I saw her like this " Mineta commented but his Comment earned him a glare from Tamaki.
Tamaki was already behind the girl, his hands placed possessively on y/n's shoulder a dark look plastered on his face as he glared down at mineta who. Cowered in fear.
" Scary " The boys muttered.
" What is going on here?! " Everyone turned to the entrance of the Cafeteria and Aizawa and Present Mic were standing there staring at everyone.
" Mic, what happened? You got here before me" Aizawa muttered.
"Yeahhh, it's just a sweet little showcase of affection from our very own Tamaki Amajiki and one of your Daughters in Class 1-A , Y/n L/n " Present Mic's voice boomed .
" Oh shit you're so screwed y/n" Mina chuckled
" Good luck with Dadzawa" Denki added.
" Y/n.... You're definitely getting detention... And No boys until you're 20 , and that goes for the rest of your Girls " Aizawa sensei threatened while pointing at the rest of the girls.
" Huh!? Why us too!? " Hagakure asked and Aizawa sensei's sharp and murderous glare was thrown their way.
" Am I hearing complaints? " Aizawa lowly growled squinting his eyes at the Girls and the his students Immediately shook their heads out of fear.
" What a Day "
#bnha x reader#Tamaki x Reader#Tamaki Amajiki#Imagine#Bnha Imagine#Tamaki Amajiki Imagine#Tamaki x Y/n#BNHA#Boku no Hero Academia#MHA
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11x04: NIMBY Reactions
Oh my God, that’s the good stuff right there. I’ve been hanging on for the middle of the season, where I have felt pretty certain the tone -- with Gallavich particularly -- might shift and I was NOT disappointed.
So first thing’s first: though Mickey had barely anything to do with the A Plot (Milkoviches Next Door) I still thought this episode was the best Mickey-being-Mickey-as-I-know-and-love-him episode we’ve had yet. (Though fair warning, I thought 11x03 had some quality classic Mickey in it -- just mostly the scenes without Ian.)
Before we get started on Mickey, though, this is the second episode in a row where I’ve enjoyed the Frank plot? Granted, it was LARGELY Liam that I enjoyed, but I was still watching the Frank plot and that is a major shift from season 10, where I barely bothered.
But yeah. Ok. Mickey. This episode was such a great Mickey episode from start to finish. One of the things I love about Shameless is the whole thing where normal for kids living in desperate conditions, while very different from most people’s normal, is still normal for THEM. And I really enjoyed Mickey watching the Milkoviches move in while giving the Gallaghers key intel on exactly what they were seeing. And kinda understanding how messed up some of it was in real time. That’s a real experience people have -- being mid-story and suddenly thinking “Yeah. This is way more fucked up than I realized.”
I also enjoyed the several moments in the episode where Mickey overtly acknowledged that his family is insane, he just doesn’t like the Gallaghers looking down on him. Which: valid.
Speaking of -- finally we find out the state of the Mickey-Terry relationship. Which is: there isn’t one. Another thing I loved is that Mickey shares the desire to see his family move on, but he’s not going to bother engaging with it. He’s going to work on getting him and Ian out of there, and pay hardly any attention to his family. Love that for him.
I also love love LOVE that, now that he has a bead on something to do for money that doesn’t fill him with dread, Mickey is taking the same attitude he had when Ian was working and he wasn’t -- which is that he’s going to take care of things. As someone who was baffled at Mickey’s inaction and willingness to let Ian do all the work in the first few episodes, I really loved this. Because it’s consistent and it indicates that his world view just kinda like... Someone has to be taking care of the money part, and that might shift back and forth between him and Ian, but the result of the effort is going to be shared between them. I understand where Ian was coming from -- especially when Mickey kept returning to criminal enterprise -- but it’s nice to see a little more of how Mickey views things.
Also, I know this is very well observed, so I’m retreading well-worn ground, but the scene with the cereal. Gah. I love it. Ian regressing -- I know they gave us the shot of the bottle of Jamison, but I felt like they were getting their point across with the cereal and the cartoons. And Ian not answering or responding to Mickey right away was extremely evocative of Ian’s history of depressive episodes. I loved how forthright Ian was about how awful the prospect of finding another job was, because it’s covertly agreeing with everything Mickey was saying in the first few episodes, too.
There are so many little things I like about this scene. Mickey coming down the front stairs instead of the back, like he intuitively knows where Ian is at. Ian watching Harley Quinn cartoons, as both an in-joke AND as a believable cartoon choice. Mickey picking up the bottle, checking it’s weight and then just... moving it a little to the side. Mickey putting himself between Ian the TV. Mickey already having a plan for Ian. Just so much good stuff in there.
Also, let’s talk about Ian for a minute here. One reason I hesitate to call anything OOC with these two is that the book generally isn’t closed. I really didn’t get the “I’m on my honeymoon” stuff, but after this episode, it folds in a lot better with what is going on with these two. Another thing that folds in better is Ian’s mounting frustration -- which is VERY Ian. He starts out with this forced buoyancy -- we’re going to get out own place, you are going to get a legal job so you can stay out of prison, I am going to make this warehouse gig work, and even though I’m frustrated and losing patience, I’m still trying to talk things out, and touching your hand and trying to ground everything in the fact that we’re together and we love each other -- and then we see that get chipped away at. Ian’s paycheque reveals that he’s being scammed out of a living wage. Mickey takes the road less travelled and immediately brings in more money that he’s every going to be able to get through the jobs he can currently get as a parolee. Mickey isn’t gracious about this, and the tension ramps up and that four episodes later he’s just walking around with a well-established and throughly justified black cloud over his head.
The Milkovich’s really arrive like they’ve bought a White Trash in a Bag collection from Target. They seem to even have brought mattresses expressly for the front yard.
OMG, Mickey got a scene with Sandy (and Debbie). But honestly, my favourite beat is the look Franny gives Mickey after he says kids are idiots. I also love how Sandy joins Mickey in just not seeing a point in waging battle against their family.
Lip, this is a little thing, but you aren’t supposed to eat breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. Brunch ideally REDUCES the number of meals you eat. But the key brunch move is to order something you can’t/wouldn’t make at home. Do not pay $14 for eggs and toast.
So. Ok. I have seen some people very annoyed that Ian is so focused on Mickey not going back to prison, but I can’t see what is wrong with this. He just flat out isn't wrong to worry about it. It would be devastating if that happened. Mickey and Ian are extremely fortunate that he’s out at all. It’s a truly bizarre turn of events and I do not fault Ian for having a lot of concern about anything happening to jeopardize Mickey’s freedom. I also think this is confirmation that Ian just flat out doesn’t want to be without Mickey. I think he’s depressed -- and therefore extremely pessimistic -- in this episode, but there is far more indication that Ian wants Mickey around than that he doesn’t, so of course he’d be extremely focused on this concern. Also Cam puts some tremor onto “get sent back to prison” that really grabs my heart and squeezes.
Cam in the towel is just good news. Mickey’s adorable with the gun. This scene is cute.
This is the episode where I gave up on side-eying the Gemma-is-Superior running joke and just accepted it as kinda funny. Something about third-party confirmation. I dunno.
I enjoy the fact that Debbie apparently doesn’t know Sandy lives with them? Also, that feels like an Ian move. Gets boyfriend, moves in with boyfriend.
The fact that Mickey is low-key playing Ian to get him to join him in this MUCH more promising venture is my absolute favourite. Bless the director for that foreground Mickey shot. Bless Noel for that nuanced facial expression. Bless everyone involved in that moment. It is one of my favourite things ever.
I love that Ian’s whole reason for these outfits is so that Mickey will LOOK dangerous and not have to defend himself, thus staying out of trouble. That’s deeply, deeply sweet.
Another sign that something is even more wrong with Frank than usual when he fully forgets the entire trip to visit the Brotherhood.
I didn’t love V vs. Debbie but I really did enjoy Kev aligns with Frank, and also has a scene with Mickey. And that they weren’t silo’ed off on their own.
So the eventual reveal we get that the old lady loves having rough sex with Terry was not a surprise to me because a) Shameless, but b) because of Christian’s face. Christian’s facial expressions are among my favourite on the show right now.
I love this gif set by @sickness-health-all-that-shit. What can I say except “look! Ian is smiling!”
Mickey should be a better liar, but you know. He isn’t.
I do like that, in this moment, the things they both bring to the enterprise come together to create a new possibility. This is pretty much exactly what I HOPED was going to happen and I love to see it.
I think I’m going to ignore the Tami storyline because it was gross (not bad, but ... gross.) Also @fiona-fififi already wrote something that is much more comprehensive... I get the frustration, but just no part of me thinks Ian would allow himself to go where Tami did in examining what happened to her. Not at this point in his life. Which is sad, but very much in line with how Ian handles himself.
Um. Yeah. Carl. Glad you’re not fully participating, Carl. But this is untenable.
Overall, I am all the way in on this storyline for Ian and Mickey -- and pretty into the idea of V getting involved with politics. I think we’re getting all the seeds of where this show is going to leave the characters. And I haven’t loved every moment, but I do feel like the overall show is working for me better than last season.
That might be faint praise. But I really liked this one. Best yet.
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As someone with great perception, one would think that Tadashi would be quick to register another’s. It comes as a surprise that the process takes longer for him to see. Not that he is slow or careless, no, he is blind to physical irregularity. What is considered a blemish to some, is simply a chapter in Tadashi’s eyes. Chapters make up a book, but one chapter isn’t the entire story.
Touya’s marks doesn’t need to be a conversation starter. It doesn’t need to impress. Or it doesn’t need to take to the stage in bright spotlight. It doesn’t need to be anything other than itself. Touya’s burn marks is his body’s best attempt to heal the skin that has been mistreated, and his body’s best is everything Tadashi could ever ask for.
With burn marks of his own, he understands; Touya just keeps on being a much more comfortable presence to be around.
Tadashi slips away from the barista’s counter and jogs in the most lightest way towards his customer’s table. This was it, it wasn’t so often he had moments like these, when he can spend time with someone new. “Touya …” The name rolls of his tongue gently and lusciously before he pulls his own chair to sit on, “Well, Touya, you have no idea how glad I am to meet you. I’m-”
Out comes an unwarned screech. The world stops. If this entire scene was a song, then this is the part where the record players screeches itself in halt. Tadashi freezes in place, a look of absolute dread consuming his features. Please don’t come, please don’t show up, please don’t- His prayers go unanswered when footsteps go down the staircase and get louder and it’s his aunt downstairs in the cafe.
‘Something’s up with the toilet today. Have a look at it will you?’
Tadashi begins to die inside when out of all the problems that exist in the Hamada’s household, she had to air out the bathroom issues. Heck, there really aren’t any bathroom issues among the family members! It’s the customers that need a quick stop to the restroom that make him in charge of keeping their household toilets in optimal shape. Gah! How frustrating! He can’t even explain any of this to Touya unless he wants to make this interruption worse than it already is- A pink flush takes over his pretty face as his head hangs lower to make his cap hide him. He whispers.
“Ah … excuse me.”
Steadily, Tadashi pushes the chair back and with a little bow at Touya, he scrambles away upstairs obediently. Aunt Cass smiles contently, in blissful ignorance, but confidently.
‘Thank you my little mechanic, I’ll take care of things from here. Oh!-’
Now she experiences the same shyness Tadashi does, but she makes it die down more quickly than her nephew can; she had nothing at stake like Tadashi did.
‘Um, hello! Can I perhaps help you even more? Anything else I can getcha?’
The feeling of eyes on him isn’t something Touya isn’t used to; he’s a pro hero, it’s part of his job description, and even without that he knows he’s the type that attracts attention, with his white-streaked red hair and turquoise eyes beneath completely white lashes and the countless scars marring his skin…
The scars.
Without thinking, Touya fidgets with the collar of his shirt as if trying to cover the large burn scar creeping up the side of his neck and jaw, stark in contrast with his pale skin; the sleeves should be long enough to cover his arms, although there’s little he can do about the few scars on the back of his hands. But when he glances up to meet the barista’s eyes, he sees no trace of disgust or pity, the young man appears unbothered and Touya lets out the softest sigh of relief.
“Oh! No, I… I don’t mind.” Touya is quick to take another sip of his coffee to hide the light blush he can feel dusting his cheeks, though he lets himself nod and a smile shyly but welcoming. So cute…
“Ah, excuse my manners, I don’t think I’ve caught your name. I’m Touya. Nice to meet you.”
#rcbcllixvs#‘⠀i'm not giving up on you ( ic )#HAHA UM. I WANTED TO SPICE UP THE SITUATION-#I promise you don't need to respond just as long or at all pffff I'll write us a starter for their next interaction!
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who is the hardest pov to write for? who is your favourite? who is the easiest? your favourite platonic relationship to write for? are there someone's parents or minor character you never know how to write? (i've heard dumbledore is very hard) basically give us your opinions about all the povs!! it's very interesting to see the mechanic behind the writing tbh
Ahh fun! You know there’s nothing I enjoy more than talking about writing (instead of writing lmao). 😂❤️❤️❤️
who is the hardest pov to write for?
I always say Snape, though the more I think about it, maybe it’s not so much hard, so much as just emotionally draining. I feel decently comfortable with his voice at this point, I’m just always really tired and a little sad after I finish haha.
As I rambled about in an ask yesterday, Sirius is quite difficult for me, and Peter is an occasional struggle too. Peter is not as fun to write because he lacks the lyricism of Remus or the good-naturedness of James, but he’s quite useful when you need to observe other characters doing things from an outside perspective. 😅
your favourite platonic relationship to write for?
It’s a tight race between James and Sirius…and Sirius and Lily. 😈
Although actually I have a major soft spot for James and Remus too. And Lily and Remus. GAH. I love them all!!!
are there someone's parents or minor character you never know how to write? (i've heard dumbledore is very hard)
Dumbledore IS very hard!! Thankfully I have him away on Important Business a lot. 😂 I also find McGonagall a bit of a challenge sometimes. I usually dread writing the scenes I decide to put her in.
No one’s parents have given me too much grief yet, although Walburga Black is definitely exhausting. And just in general giving side characters (like the various Ravenclaws in TLE1) their own personality is always a bit daunting. It took me a long time to get Anson right. He’s kind of boring, but he’s also supposed to be kind of boring…I was very happy to be rid of him when the time came. 😈
basically give us your opinions about all the povs!!
I shall now summarize each character POV with emoji:
James: 🤓😍😇🤣
Sirius: 😎😤🤬😎
Remus: 🥺🥺🥺😏
Peter: 🥱🥸😲🤫
Lily: 🤨🥰🙄😳
Severus: ☹️
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S4e10 is the first time i want to actually rewatch an entire episode of handmaids tale.... ok wait second time - was it the new “ofglen” who blew up that important building with all the commanders inside and the handmaids outside - that ending was great
But omg
First off elizabeths moss’s acting!!! Ive gotten too used to that same dreadful look shes been making for the past couple seasons that... the wide range of facial expressions really surprised me and it just!! Wow
the suspence the whole episode. Nothing EVER goes right in this show. I knew what i wanted to see but i fully expected fred and serena to go free and happy. That back and forth feeling was super engaging
I loved that even though there was that tension between june and moira before, moira jumped right back to trying to fight and doing all the screaming and ranting for june - someones gotta do it and june was too mentally exausted
K like im still confused why everyone can go in and out of the waterford prison so easily and was like.... dooooo they want june to kill him?!?!? Why are you leaving her alone???
And i was so excited like yesssss shes gonna kill himmm - well first i thought she was gonna go to serena and kill her baby
But when she was walking around that room... like a cat pretending not to notice the mouse in the room - we just know june too well to think she wasnt at least planningggg something
Also fred is fucking DISGUSTINGGGGG as usual. Lying during his ... conference like WHY are you just gonna beleive this psycho at face value?!
Oh and serena thinking shes got all the power back.
Omg the two of them. I cant
And fred really being such a fucking disgusting person to think ANY part of june enjoyed his torture. She is so strong dude - i could never sit there not knowing if my plan will work and playing nice. I thought she was gonna break that glass and stab him
And like. Ok. Lukes not the worst but also - his whole - just get over it!!! Attitude.... even if she cant get him on the wall why are you reprimanding her and trying to pretend she can just get over that trauma with some food. Absolutr lack of empathy.
But june saying hes gonna be on the wall... i was so giddy!!
And i rewatched that smile she made when larence told her she hanst lost her touch- well she could barely contain her smile throughout that entire negotiation. And i loved watching larence put on a show like ‘ah we rlly miss waterford! My brother!!’
Gah and just. Also... i kinda thought june was gonna kill mark when she was outside his building. Men in this show. She went through 7 years of hell and you told her youd help and fucked her over and then throw an entire dramatic tempertantrum when she calmly sits on a bench near your house.... lol wow..i mean uncomfortable but have some prespective
And i wanna say the like demand straight to - oh im sorry. Didnt mean to he a cunt - i meant please? Act june did, its not overacting but knowing june it is so it was funny af
The suspence watching fred get ready to go.., i was literally chanting for the plane to be to gilead but it was so much better! Watchint him get arrested all shocked. “Im a man! I have rights” all the fucking ew... open the door back up and slap him
I just thought he was gonna get sent back and wed watch the commanders all hang him. But it to be lawrence - again with his ‘oh? Is there anything i can do to stop this? No? Ok bye fred!’
And i mean i knew we were in for a treat with nick taking him but i was NOT EXPECTING JUNE to just POP OUT of the trees!!! Fucking perfect. A literal horror movie just for fred
Also why did he keep calling nick son.... like... no one likes you???? Do you really think you can regain power just saying words like this???
And this is e first time i fucking LOVED seeing june in a red coattt and her faceeee like last episode when she turned from calm to screaming - it wad so good and so intense and such good acting and that heartbeat music got me
But hereeeee i cant even desribe the combination or rage and calmness pouring out. Not to be a weeb but thats the first time i think ive ever seen a live action representation of how i imagine anime cool characters to act
That power play of nick and june making out in front of fred loool - i dont care about the ships but that was perfect
“This is sick” - whats sick is how you never run out of things to do and say that make me feel sick...
I loved how june told him to choose - i feel like jt was a call back to his lawyer saying that she CHOSE to be a handmaid. Like theres not good option here
Does anyone think she actually would have shot him dead IF he did choose the gun - part of me wants an alterantive ending where he chose that just so i could watch june either tell him ‘no thats too easy’ or like shoot him in the foot so he cant even run right before being like
Oops i missed and chasing him down anyway
I hate horror movies but watching them all chase him down UGHHH IVE NEVER FELT SO MUCH GLEEE - k not never but ya know
OMG ALMOST FORGOT that sceneee with june and emily talking at the table about how june wants him to be scared to death. And fucking luke - with his judgements turning and looking. I feelll like.... emily helped june decide to do this. Because after getting to the end of the episode it seemed more like they were planning in plain sight in thay scene
I havent rewarched the show. So maybe im remembering incorrectly but it does feel like this fits because - wasnt emily kind of what inspired june to actively start rebelling when she drove the car around and ran one of the guards over
Anddddd the songggg from the 1st? Or 2nd??? Season. The ending right? I just remember that the last time we heard that song was when june first started a quiet resistance against gilead and all the handmaids were together in it. So it brought back those feelings of like ‘FINALLY its happening!!’ And it fit soooo perfectlyyy
When the girls first ran up to fred i thought they were gonna surround him and reinact that ���shame” thing they used to be forced to do. I mean i guess they did without actually saying it cause they definitely killed him the way gilead forced the handmaids to kill people in the first season
And it was wonderful to watch! Thank you handmaids tale for making me feel like a psychotic sadist for enjoying that ENTIRE scene. I was giggling like i was watching a disney movie
Gonna ignore that part where june picks up the baby covered in blood - ew
I wanted to seeeeee serena get the finger - more so - i wanted to watch tha family come in and get her and be like - hey guess what your coming back to gilead!!! And see it end with serena as a fucking handmaid - GIVING BIRTH TO THE BABY BETWEEN (i forget the one who visited hers name) LEGS!
But fuck seeing fred on a wall with the “dont let the bastards grind you down” from the the very beginningggg - it felt sooo goodddd
And i just needed to squeal over this episode some more! I watched it hours ago. But i kinda wanna rewatch it rnn
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Anything ruminating that you want to share with us that hasn’t been asked yet? Maybe you’re like GAH I wish someone would ask me more about X or my thoughts about Y when it comes to joker!
Oooh now, this is a great ask. Hmmm. Well, you know in the screen test footage where Joaquin is in the full Joker makeup? There’s probably a gif set of it that’s still around. Based on the lighting and the different mannerisms Joaquin was showing and his expressions, I thought we were going to get a darker and more sinister Joker than what we got in the movie. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still love the movie, and I think Joaquin did an amazing job. I do kind of wish we got to see more of him as the Joker. I understand that it’s an origin story and the Joker moments we get it are great. But I wanted a little more.
Arthur never really scared me. He mostly just made me feel uncomfortable. Aside from the scene with Gary in the apartment and the final scene, I wasn’t afraid of him. For awhile it seemed like this Joker was more of an anti hero than a pure villain. But then the final scene happened and my opinion of him changed. For me, that was the moment Joaquin felt like the Joker to me. He’s not Arthur, he’s not even the same Joker on the Murray Franklin show. No, that guy is a completely different person. I don’t think anyone is safe from him. That was the moment I felt dread. It was pure Joker. And the best part was I didn’t need the suit, the clown makeup or green hair to tell me who I was looking at. I knew exactly who it was just from his facial expressions. It’s terrifying and I love it. I want more. Those few glorious minutes were not enough.
That kind of why I want a sequel. I go in and out about it. It’s a great movie on its own, but I really want to see Joaquin play the Joker. The movie is a great slow burn about how ”Arthur” (assuming that’s his real name) becomes the Joker. It’s basically a first act. I want to see him as the Joker. I want to see how he develops and what he’s capable of. A Joker that tells dark jokes and is terrifying? Yes, please! I can see him beating someone with a crow bar and dancing like a ballerina full of glee while he does it. I know people might not want to see him like that, and I completely understand, but he’s not Arthur anymore. He’s the Joker now. There are so many interesting possibilities they could try.
I have a feeling a sequel might not happen, and that’s okay. As much as I’d like to see it happen, I‘m okay with my own interpretation. That’s why I’ve been writing one shots. I call that persona Arkham Joker because he’s so different from Arthur and the Joker on the Murray Franklin show. When I write for him I base the characterization based on the vibes I was getting from him in that scene. He’s smug, cold, calculating, manipulative, detached, and condescending. So I suppose we’ll have to go with our own imagination and I’ll have to keep writing one shots. Shameless plug, I’m actually working on a second part to my most recent Arkham Joker one shot, so keep a look out for it. Thanks for the ask anon ❤️🥰
#arthur fleck x female reader#joker fandom#arthur fleck#joker movie#joker 2019#joker imagine#joker arthur fleck#arthur fleck x reader
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Request: hellooo i was wondering if you could do (young) spencer meeting a young, pretty shy med student? (for example she’s 25 and he’s 30 or something) they could meet while investigating a crime scene and keep bumping into each other all the time, eventually getting together. i love fluff so it’d be great if it was cute and all :) hope you have a great day! ❤️
A/N:Hi! Thank you for requesting! I did the best I could and I hope you like it!
Warnings: mentions of case, bad medical talk.
I start my day by opening up a school book. It’s my 3rd year in med school and I have an exam to study for. Yay. To find a way to distract me from my grueling task I turn on the news, hoping to find something interesting. There has been a murder behind Joe’s Bar in town. All we know is that she was a brunette female social worker. Stay safe out there. Holy shit. Joe’s Bar is only a mile from here. I turn off the tv, put on my shoes and head out to the bar to check out the crime scene.
I get to the bar and there is a crowd of people surrounding the police tape. I look and I see, Omg those people are from the freaking FBI! I see their jackets! I am snapped of my thoughts when someone bumps into me,
“Ah! Oh god, I am so sorry I’m just trying to get through.” the man says to me I look up and meet his eyes. Oh. My God. It has got to be the most handsome man I have ever seen. He is about 6’0- 6’1, amber eyes, soft smile, nice eyebrows and a great jawline. I look down and look at the jacket he is wearing. Oh my god he’s a FBI agent! A super cute one too! I always thought FBI agents were old white guys, or badass women.
“No uh, um, it’s fine! It was my fault I wasn’t paying attention. And It’s really nice because it’s not everyday you bump into a handsome cute man.” I say, stumbling a bit and having trouble making eye contact with the man. Probably blushing a bit.
“Ah no it’s mine as well. I also think you are pretty as well. Really pretty by the way. Also sorry I’m just tired. I was woken up early to work this case. I'm with the Behavioral Analysis Unit in the FBI.” he says scratching his head looking at me. All of me if I might add.
“Thank you and uh of course! You’re an FBI agent! That’s so cool by the way. I’m just a lame med student who’s 26 and barely has a life! But the Behavioral Analysis Unit, that sounds fancy.” I say sarcastically. “What’s your name?” I ask, hoping to get to know him.
“Uh um, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid! Uh also before you ask I am a doctor in mathematics, engineering, and chemistry. Also what you’re doing is- it’s amazing! You’re uh saving lives! Like me! Gah, sorry I forgot to ask what is your name?” He asks after mentally face palming himself. God it’s so cute.
“Im uh future Dr. Y/N Y/L/N! Nice to meet you!” I say while shaking his hand.
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” he says, then somebody in another FBI jacket yells something that I can’t quite hear. “Ah sorry I uh have to go. Nice meeting you Y/N!” he says running away into a SUV. Wow, that was the most awkward and sweet bumping into someone ever. Like ever. I then decide I’ve had enough and start to walk back to campus after I take a detour so it can be a longer walk. Because I am dreading studying for the exam.
It’s a day after the initial meet up with the cute Dr., and, it’s exam day. My exam is at 10 oclock so I decided to go to my favorite coffee shop to get a nice pick me up before I take an exam that will determine if I need to redo this year. And I am not redoing. I put on my hat because of the chilly Virginia air and I start walking to the coffee shop. When I get there it is decently quiet. I look around and I notice there is one man in line. He is wearing black slacks and a blue dress shirt with short curly brown hair. The man gets his drink and he turns around and- Oh my gosh. It’s the FBI agent from yesterday!
“Dr. Reid! Hi oh my gosh! It’s you again! How’s it going?” I ask him. He looks up, and looks confused for a second then he smiles and responds with,
“Y/N! Hi! It’s nice to see you um how's it going? Ah sorry I need to answer you first um I’m doing, doing well. This case is not being closed anytime soon.” He stumbles a bit. He looks down at his coffee and looks up at me. He looks tired. Very, very tired.
“I’m doing well! Well, sorta. I have an exam today. Also, it's sad to hear that nothing is going well with these crazy murders.” I say with a chuckle. I look up at him and meet his eyes. Those sweet eyes.
“You have kind eyes.” I say. Crap! Why did I just say that?
“I um, thank you.” he says looking at his feet fidgeting a bit. Ugh, he probably thinks I’m weird. He probably wants to run out of here and-
“Sorry I’m so awkward, I never really talk to women.” he says looking up at me and looking back down. Oh thank the lord it’s only bad social skills and not him hating my existence.
“Nah it’s all right, I don't get out much as well.” I say looking up at him. “I’m a med student so all I focus on is how to dissect an aorta! Not talking to cute guys.” I say with a smile to him. He looks up and meets my eyes. And I felt no worries about my exam or anything at all! Then the moment is interrupted by his phone ringing.
“Ah, sorry I have to go. Good luck on your exam!” He says running out of the building.
“Wait! Can I get your nu-!” damn it. Too late. He is already running down the block. I missed my chance. Yay. That’s always fun. I mean it’s totally like everyday you meet a cute FBI agent that’s your age and keep running into him and have great chemistry. Yeah totally that happens everyday. Gosh, I need to get my mind off him. I’m a med student and I have an exam. I can’t be thinking of cute boys right now. I then order my coffee, get it, and head back to campus to take my exam.
I sit on a bench outside of my campus dreading 1:00, the time I get my exam answers back. What if I fail? What if I have to keep redoing and redoing and never get to be a doctor? Or a surgeon? What if I never get a good job. All these thoughts keep going through my head and it gives me a headache. I get up and I decide to take a walk around campus. I get around to the main building and. No, it can’t be. This is the 3rd time this week! How is this even possible,
“Y-Y/N?” Spencer says running to me. Oh god. Cute agent alert.
“Oh hey Spencer! Wha- What are you doing here?” I ask him. Honestly being genuinely confused. I was wondering if he came to see me or if my roommate was like a serial killer. Eesh- that would not be fun. I do not plan on ending up in a morgue anytime soon.
“Oh we um found our guy and we were just looking for details on him. He was a janitor here.” He says looking at me.
“Oh god he worked here? Like I could have seen him before?” I say, shocked. I could have walked past a serial killer. Wow.
“Yeahh probably,” he says then he looks up at me and sighs. “Look Y/N, I think you’re really pretty. Andd I really like you and I’ve been to awkward to tell you because I think you’ll reject me because I’m lanky and-” I pull him in and I kiss him. Kiss him. I kiss a freakin FBI agent. Its soft, letting him know I get the memo. We pull away smiling and he asks,
“Would you like to uh um, go on a date? Tomorrow? At 7? I- I can pick you up!” He says hopefully, praying to the gods I say yes.
“Yes Spencer, that would be lovely.” I say pulling him in for another soft kiss. We pull away with our noses touching and I say,
“I think the universe wanted us to date so that’s why we kept seeing each other.”I say smiling.
“Yeah it probably was fate.” he says staring into me eyes.
“Yeah, maybe it was.”
#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fluff#request#fluff#spencer#reid#criminal minds reid#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#anon#enjoy
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