#i was discussing this with my bff and the exact same words came out of our mouths
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Thoughts and Reaction to Guiltrip!
Alright, so this one is a bit more of a serious one for me. But I'll be going in order of the episode so the more serious talk will be a bit further down! First thing we get is this lovely moment:
I've already addressed it in a post, but I'll say it again here. Guiltrip is episode 11, several episodes take place before Guiltrip that we haven't seen yet, so this is awhile after Marinette and Luka broke up. We also know that Marinette has always had feelings for Adrien, even when she was with Luka. Luka always knew that fact too. None of this is new and is to be expected, obviously, when Love Square is endgame. But! I also want to point out here that this is just a soft look. Very gentle, very common. I see people looking at each other both in real life and in other shows all the time. A look that says "I adore you". And I think it's sweet! Very subtle, but enough. Something's wrong with Rose. We never get told (in this episode anyway) what it is, but it's a chronic illness that's a worry in Rose's life, ever since she was young. I feel really bad for Juleka, knowing that her friend's been struggling with an illness, and whenever something happens she has to worry about it alone. Also that really sucks when you try to cheer somebody up and make a joke, that because you were mislead about a situation you end up making things worse. Poor Marinette. :c Adrien when he realizes he's bumped into someone (and the pink bubbles to remind us of Marinette's feelings for him):
Adrien when he realizes just who it was he bumped into!:
Scroll up now and look at how Marinette was looking at Adrien earlier that day. It's the exact same look. Yet, something feels different from usual to me, idk. But continuing on. Marinette gets slightly jumbled with her words, but manages to give herself a kick and says nope not now! Good for her! You can't expect to change overnight, but she's working on it.
She looks to the side, gathering her surroundings for a split second and she misses the top step. I'd like to say that this is just a joke for the show but well, this kind of thing has happened to me a lot because I'm that much of a klutz so I feel for her here. (On Halloween I forgot that there was another step as I was walking down as I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't walk on my foot for 2 weeks. It's a serious problem, guys. Really. xDD) Marinette had told Adrien she's concerned it was something she said that upset Juleka and Adrien tells her while sometimes she doesn't make sense, what she says is never mean. This scene reminds me of when Ladybug's worried about something and Chat Noir's there to keep her grounded and remind her of how things really are. I very much appreciate seeing such a scene with Adrienette! Makes the Love Square much more rounded. Also the way he stops her and says let him go talk to her to try to help the situation and any possible misunderstandings from taking place. ;-;
Can I just say... oh my gosh. He went from determined, to hearing Marinette trying to comfort her, to looking with confidence "This girl is amazing." and the whole Ladynoir vibe I'm getting from this scene makes me happy. The thing that's unrealistic about this scene though is you expect to tell me that 8 kids went down those stairs and came up behind them and Marinette, Adrien, and Juleka didn't hear? XD Now here's where the serious comes in. Rose is hospitalized with an illness we don't know about, but has been a long-term thing that has Juleka really worried a lot. That must be so stressful :c I'm going to be honest and say I never really saw Julerose romantically. Like I can see how people do, but to me, I could see that their bond was really unique. It didn't really fit completely in the "BFF" category either. But if felt like there was more to them that I didn't really understand. I think the best example off the top of my head was during Zombizou, when Rose was going to help Chloe after she slid down Chat's stick and she went too fast for him to catch her. Juleka seemed especially worried and concerned for her. Rose never seemed to get concerned about Juleka in the same way Juleka was about Rose. Juleka's always been more protective and worried and it was always one of those things that made me go "hmm, interesting". Now this episode finally explains why and I'm honestly super glad for it. Because this kind of a relationship is not a common one in media, especially kids media. Partially because having such serious illnesses in young people is not particularly common, and having someone who's so caring and protective of that person is even less common. And most people probably don't realize how amazing it is to have health problems and then have someone in their life who acts like Juleka does for Rose. I had a life-threatening illness as a kid, one that still affects me greatly today. When in school, my friends knew about it without me having to say anything unfortunately, and while they didn't usually treat me differently, sometimes they were pretty ignorant and didn't understand why I wasn't "normal" like them. They asked questions that were harder ones to answer, and tended to forget my answers. I got a lot of "I know you have X problem but I still don't see why you can't..." as well as thinking I was lying if I said I wasn't well and couldn't go to a party, and that was hard to deal with, being limited in what you can do which makes you different and being judged for things out of your control. So seeing these kids who only know something's wrong with her, but are willing to do so much to make her life better and happier, not judging her at all, wanting to take care of her no questions asked was really heart-warming for me. I only had one friend during that time that was anything close to this. I never had to explain anything to him if I didn't want to. He never asked me personal questions I didn't want to answer. And he seemed to know what he could do to make things for me easier if I was having a hard time without me ever saying so. And this is another reminder to me that this show is aimed at kids. To show kids that they'll likely encounter someone around their age that's going through something serious like a health problem, and what that kid needs most is kindness and not to be made to feel like they're even more different from the other kids than they already feel. The way they handled that aspect of it for such a short, limited intro to it, I think they did good. I discussed this next bit with a friend. She mentioned it first, the trope where those with chronic or serious illnesses are usually an "inspiration". With this episode, you kind of get the feeling that because Rose's been through so much, she's therefore a really positive and bubbly person and it kind of gives off the vibe that if you don't view things the way she does, then you're not doing it right. "What matters isn't the problem, but how you handle it." While I agree with this, and that when you come out of or regularly deal with
such hard times, automatically trying to see the world better and brighter can easily happen, but it's not exactly realistic either, at least not to the extent Rose and other people the media has portrayed. For one, I think you have to have always been more of that kind of person from the start to realistically be so positive. As my friend said and I agree, positivity is just who Rose is, she's not who she is just for the sake of a trope. But honestly, when you've gone through something so difficult, and if life continues to throw you more difficulties on top of it, being positive so much can sometimes turn into a negative and be harmful too. When you've been through a lot, it's important to allow yourself to feel the negative too because it's part of dealing with such problems. And if you've been through a lot in life and you haven't come out of it being all sunshine and rainbows, always looking on the brighter side of things, that's perfectly okay. Life's hard and tends not to work out how we'd like, or even for the better sometimes. If being positive and hopeful after struggling is hard to do, you're not bad or wrong for feeling that way, everybody handles things differently. c: ANYWAY, moving on to the rest of the episode! Juleka being all irritated and worried that the class was going to expose her spilling Rose's secret xD While the situation isn't ideal, it's nice that this is the most involved she's seemed with everyone in the entire duration of the show. But Rose knows something's up, and I love that she talks to her about it and realizes that she should've told everyone herself instead of Juleka being the only one who knew. Which has been such a burden on her. (Oh no, what if this is a reflection of Alya knowing Marinette's Ladybug later on? I'm hoping not.) Ugh these children and how much they care about Rose! These kids are the absolute best. But then they kind of ruin it a little with going overboard. Which, frankly, I think is just ignorance of her situation really. I mean, we don't know what exactly is wrong with Rose. Just that she ends up in the hospital. If they knew about her condition, what causes her to get sick, what to look out for, etc, they'd be much more informed and much less likely to be frantic whenever something's not perfectly "normal" with her. All of these kids are going to be overprotective parents someday, aren't they?
Okay so like... are Adrien and Marinette going to question at all how Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up immediately after Juleka was akumatized, and no damage had happened outside of the school for it to be known to the public? Literally the only ones that could've possibly known were the class to have shown up that fast. ??? I am confusion. "I can't help my best friend face his father." "No, Nino..." Two things: The fact that THIS is what he's feeling guilty about? My poor Nino! Dx I just love him, he really doesn't get enough love and appreciation imo. Also, um, isn't Ladybug like right by Chat? Didn't she hear that? What? Idk but I feel like we're really missing something here. Usually we get things that are kind of hints, that make us wonder if they know right, but this? This is a bit too blaring-in-your-face, and there's two major things so close together. Really strange. Chat about to use Cataclysm on himself. Good grief that was not expected. Chat Blanc threatened to destroy himself along with everything else. Now Chat Noir while affected with negative emotions from an akuma almost Cataclysmed himself. This show really is getting deep and dark isn't it. o.o Also is there something Adrien needs to work out with someone...? Daizzi and Rose saying the other's so cute, ugh they're both so cute! And Pigella's costume and transformation is so adorable omg. Okay so Pigella's power allows people to see their biggest wish, the thing that'd make them the most happy and feel positive emotions. I know some people probably think "That's it?" Considering that Shadow Moth preys on people's negative emotions, such a power is actually extremely useful facing Shadow Moth. (And let's not forget, that while that's her power, she has the ability to fight and make a difference just from being transformed too) BUT AWWW Juleka's wish! And her face when Pigella said it aloud. ;-; Am I the only one wondering if Pigella may someday use her power on Shadow Moth and that's how they learn his motive? I'm so impressed with how Rose knew how to handle everything. She knew she can't slip up with Juleka. She knew to sneak away to detransform and come back as Rose. She knew to subtly give the Miraculous back so nobody would ever know she had it. Even Chat Noir had no idea! I don't know why, I'm just so very proud of that. "She doesn't need a Miraculous to be a superhero." She really has the characteristics of one, and I can't wait to see more of Pigella. Also I'm really wondering. This scene here:
All the kids that are part of that friend group are there...except Marinette and Adrien, of course. Alya knows why Marinette isn't there. But is she wondering about why Adrien isn't there too? LOL Marinette being like "I'm taking your pillow back, sorry! Gotta wait for it like everyone else." and the boys being like LE GASP. Marinette's right, she's not fragile! The fact Rose jokes with her and makes everyone laugh, and Chloe saying "Hey, why doesn't everyone laugh when I say something like that?!" Adrien: Because in your case, it's never a joke. Chloe: Hm, that's true. Which is super funny, especially how he just so casually says it. But also it really shows again how Chloe wants to be liked. She wishes the kids would laugh when she makes comments, but it's because they're said in a serious/obnoxious way, instead of making light of something like in Rose's case here, that they don't. I know she talked about it with Ladybug in an episode, but it again shows that that's what she'd like. All that needs to happen is someone helping her get there. Maybe Zoe and Luka will somehow help with that later on. Anyway, this was a really great episode! I feel like some things might not make quite as much sense as they should if we got it in order, but what can you do when Gloob has to air them? Even a friend of mine who's been doing what she can to avoid spoilers, still got spoiled. She's having to delete tumblr to avoid future spoilers because people can't help themselves and tag things properly. So thanks Gloob. :P All we wanted was the episodes in order. We've waited this long for S4, we can wait a bit longer. But they gotta make money I guess. I'm glad other countries are trying their best to keep it in order anyway. c: Guiltrip also has some really great Adrienette moments, and covered a more serious topic which was really interesting and shows how much the show's changing. Especially with some of the choice of camera angles and movements! Like the zoom-in on the door with Adrien and Marinette, the boys LE GASP scene. Very cool artistic choices! Looking forward to the episodes that come before this one to try to help fill in some of the gaps! And apologies to those that frequently read these posts from me, I started writing it up late and couldn't finish so you get it the day after instead. xD
#ml#miraculous ladybug#ml spoilers#ml season 4 spoilers#guiltrip spoilers#adrienette#juleka couffaine#rose lavillant#adrien agreste#marinette dupain-cheng#thoughts and reaction to guiltrip#miraculous tales of ladybug and chat noir#miraculous ladybug spoilers
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"Maybe if I stab you, you'll understand what I'm feeling like right now" - for the period one
I Don’t Want To Wait, eighth grade

rowaelin high school bff au: past-take masterlist
AN: Another holiday, another past-take. Enjoy this super sweet ride back to eighth grade with our two favorite idiots. And have a very Happy Valentine’s Weekend! xoxo, Char
Excitement rippled through the halls of Orynth Middle School as the eighth graders gathered their valentines from their lockers and headed to the pick-up circle for the end of the day. A steady stream of whispers flowed through the halls, discussing their big evening plans. It was the grade’s first boy/girl party, and everyone was talking about it — whether they’d been invited or not. It was being thrown by a new student, who’d just transferred schools from Eyllwe. Nehemia was stunningly beautiful with her rich brown skin and long braids clasped in ornate gold accessories, coming into eighth grade with an air of sophistication and worldliness that had everyone clamoring for her attention. And apparently she thought the best way to make friends was to throw an exclusive Valentine’s Day party in her family’s rented house on the outskirts of Terrasen.
Anyone who was anyone had been invited, and though Aelin would never admit it, she was relatively surprised when she’d opened her mailbox last week and found the invitation waiting for her. Surprised, but thrilled.
“What are you going to wear?” Lysandra asked. “What does ‘festive casual’ even mean?”
“Red?” Rowan piped in, shoving his gloved finger into Aelin’s shoulder. “You look good in red, Ace.”
“I do look good in red,” Aelin smiled, hoping that the blush that rose to her cheeks would be hidden by her already flushed skin, red from the cold February winds.
Aelin was grateful that her two closest friends would also be there tonight. She couldn’t imagine being brave enough to go to a party without Lysandra or Rowan.
Lys flicked her chestnut hair dramatically over her shoulder, sighing loudly. “I look fine in red, but I look way better in green.” She pursed her lips. “I do have that pink top I got over Christmas,” Lysandra added thoughtfully.
“The low cut one?” Aelin gasped, remembering the sparkly pink top Lysandra had purchased on a whim. She only remembered it because she’d tried on the same one in blue and had put it back immediately, deeming it much too revealing to feel comfortable in. Though she guessed she didn’t have anything to show off in that particular department quite yet.
A wicked grin appeared on Lysandra’s face as she shrugged. “Some of us are going to try and get kissed tonight.”
Aelin tried her very hardest not to look in Rowan’s direction at the mention of kissing, but she couldn’t help it. She let her blue eyes slide to his face, and she watched as his cheeks paled, staring at her in horror, his jaw tensing as he breathed in deeply.
“There’s going to be kissing at this party?”
“What did you think was going to happen?” Lysandra laughed at Rowan’s discomfort, and Aelin watched as his brow furrowed and his nose scrunched up as if he’d just smelled something terrible. “Don’t you have someone you want to kiss?”
Aelin’s heart thumped erratically in her chest, waiting for him to answer Lysandra’s question with an annoyingly hopeful heart.
“What?” Rowan asked, scrunching his nose further. “No. No way.”
“What about you, Aelin?” Lysandra asked, and Aelin opened her mouth to answer, wondering what she was going to say; it’s not like she could tell anyone the real answer. She was infinitely relieved when a car horn beeped in her direction.
Her dad leaned over and waved to her and her friends, and Aelin had never been more grateful to see him than in that moment. She gathered her backpack from the sidewalk and ran to the car without answering her friend.
“See you tonight!” she called out as she entered the warmth of her dad’s sedan.
Her stomach churned as she glanced out the window and saw Rowan’s curious gaze following after her. She buckled her seatbelt and tore her eyes away from his. As if she hadn’t been nervous enough before, now she had to think about kissing?
She took a deep breath and ignored the uncomfortable pang that settled in her stomach. She’d been looking forward to this party all week, and it was going to be amazing. Whether she was kissed or not.
. . .
“Well, you look very pretty, Fireheart,” Rhoe said as Aelin finally came down the stairs. It had taken her two hours to find the perfect outfit, but she finally had. She spun around, feeling incredibly in her red off the shoulder sweater and black skirt. She loved the way it flared around her knees when she spun, showing off the patterned tights she’d pulled from the bottom of her drawer. They were a little snug and pinched at her waist, but it was far too cold to go anywhere with bare legs.
“Thanks,” she said, wrapping a bright red ribbon around her half ponytail.
“You ready to go?” he asked, and she nodded, excited. They made their way to Rowan’s to pick him up, and Aelin couldn’t help but smile as she saw him. He jogged excitedly to the car, making his way into the backseat with Aelin.
“Where’s your red?” Aelin asked, and she could feel her cheeks heat as he shrugged off his thick jacket to reveal a red and white baseball t-shirt underneath. How did Rowan look so cute in everything?
Aelin let her eyes tear away from her handsome best friend to his Aunt, who was approaching the car with a big wave. Rhoe rolled down the window to greet the woman whose long dark hair was curled into smooth waves and her eyes smudged with dark shadow, making her look even more stunning than usual.
“Whoaaa, big date tonight?” Rhoe asked, and Maeve laughed heartily.
“It’s rare I have a Friday night to myself.” She paused. “I am going out to dinner, but don’t worry, I will have my phone on.”
Rhoe smiled as he handed her Aelin’s overnight bag.
“Reminder,” Rhoe said, pointing to the kids in his backseat. “I am at the station tonight, but if you want to leave this party at any time, Maeve will come and get you.”
“Dadddd,” she whined as Maeve nodded effusively. “We’re going to be fine.”
He sighed and patted Aelin’s knee, squeezing it gently. “You’re so big now. You’re practically grown ups.”
“I’m only thirteen,” she laughed.
Rowan sat up taller as he announced, “I’m fourteen.”
“We know,” Maeve laughed. “Have fun, you two. See you at nine.”
Despite her best friend at her side, the drive to Nehemia’s house was long enough for the nerves in Aelin’s stomach, which had previously subsided, to start tumbling around furiously again. She tugged at the waistband of her skirt, giving herself room to breathe a little deeper, but it didn’t help. She kept remembering the word ‘kissing’ and getting nervous all over again. Was she going to kiss someone tonight? Would Rowan? Her stomach clenched uncomfortably at that thought.
“You okay?” Rowan asked, noticing her fidgeting beside him.
“Mhm,” she nodded.
He definitely knew she was lying, but she was grateful he didn’t press her. She didn’t think she’d be able to explain what was causing her so much anguish.
“Wow, nice place…” Rhoe commented as he pulled up the long driveway. Nice was a bit of an understatement. The house was much less a house and more of a castle. Giant windows took up most of the front of the house, showing the thriving party inside. “Have fun!” Rhoe called out to them, but Aeiln was only focused on her breathing. The nerves in her gut had multiplied and exploded, and she was starting to feel like she had a real stomach ache.
Rowan exited the car first, and she was grateful that he reached back and helped her out of the car. She felt unsteady on her feet.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asked, and Aelin nodded again, relieved that he let her link her arm with his as they made their way into the party.
Inside it was, like, a real party. Aelin struggled to take another breath, looking at the boys and girls dancing closely, backs and fronts pressed against each other with not a millimeter of air between them as hips swayed in time with the music overhead. Grinding. Lysandra had told her the name for that particular dance. People were grinding.
Of course that’s where Lysandra was already, on the dance floor with some boy’s hands placed dangerously low on her hips as they moved together. Aelin gulped. Was she going to have to dance like that? She didn’t think she’d be able to.
“I don’t have to dance, do I?” Rowan asked quietly, and Aelin smiled as she looked over at his panicked face.
“No way,” she said, thinking the exact same thing.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Where do we go first?” Aelin asked, looking to Rowan for guidance, but it was as if his shyness had been activated at the sight of so many people. He shoved his hands into his pockets and his shoulders hunched over as his eyes scanned the crowds of students.
Ugh. He would be no use.
“Aelin!” Aelin gasped as two dark arms wrapped around her shoulders, hugging her tightly and pulling her away from Rowan. “Thank you so much for coming!”
Aelin nodded dumbly at her party host, who smiled widely at the pair who’d just entered her house. She wore a flowy pink top that billowed around her like an ethereal cloud and jeans that looked more expensive than anything Aelin had ever owned. Aelin struggled to say something, but she didn’t have to worry. Nehemia was playing gracious host, explaining the set up to them as she gave them a small guided tour.
“Feel free to join people on the dance floor,” she explained, pointing to the wooden floor that had been set up in the middle of the room. “I think there are a few games going on in the other room, if you’re not up for dancing,” she continued, pointing to the circle of kids on the plush couches on the other side of the hall, hovered around a table. “And we have tons of snacks in the kitchen.”
Aelin could practically hear the relief flow through Rowan as Nehemia led them to her mostly empty kitchen. It was much calmer and quieter without the music blaring overhead, plus… Nehemia might have undersold when she said there were “snacks” available. It looked like the baking display at Maeve’s on special holidays. Despite the uncomfortable band pinching her waist, she couldn’t help but gasp in delight as she saw the spread in the kitchen.
Pink frosted cupcakes were plated by the dozen, surrounded by bowls upon bowls of all kinds of chocolate. Chocolate covered pretzels with red sugar crystals, heart shaped chocolates in beautiful red wrappers, bowls of powder covered truffles…. Aelin licked her lips. She loved chocolate.
“Want something, Ace?” Rowan asked, half laughing because she was certain he already knew the answer.
“Cupcake please!”
Nehemia smiled. “Oh, I’m glad you’re going to take one. We ordered them special from my favorite bakery in Eyllwe,” she told Aelin, and she nodded excitedly, happy that she seemed to have gained approval from the new girl.
She reached for the cupcake in Rowan’s hands and took a large bite immediately. She hummed with happiness as the chocolate cake and strawberry frosting hit her tongue, relishing in the sweetness.
“So good,” she mumbled through the crumbs, earning another smile from Nehemia. She managed to inhale it in about three bites, laughing as Rowan flicked a stray crumb from her nose. “Whoops,” she laughed. Nehemia joined in the laughter but flitted off to welcome her next party guests — an overhead ding announced the front door opening.
“Want to go check out the games?” Rowan asked, and Aelin nodded. Since grinding with Rowan was not an option, games sounded safer.
But as they made their way into the adjacent room, Aelin realized her mistake. A glass bottle spun slowly, making its way around the circle and finally landed on a grinning Dorian Havillard. She felt her stomach tumble as he leaned over the table and pressed his lips against a shy girl in her computer class named Sorscha. Only, she didn’t seem so shy right now. She was kissing Dorian in front of practically her whole class!
Aelin was too afraid to look at Rowan, but out of the corner of her eye she could see him wringing his fingers in front of himself. A sure sign of discomfort.
The crowd cheered as the pair parted, their faces flushed and eyes glowing as Sorscha passed the bottle to a boy on her left. He turned around with a wide smile.
“You two wanna join?” he asked, scooting over to make room for Aelin and Rowan to sit. Umm. No. No they did not. Dancing would be less weird than this.
Aelin’s jaw almost came unhinged as Rowan replied with a quiet, “Sure.”
Sure? SURELY he knew what he was say yes to, right?
Aelin whipped around to look at him, his brow set in a determined line as he glanced back at her. He shrugged, as if to say Why not? And Aelin was positive her face read the thousand reasons why they could not. First, she didn’t want to risk kissing anyone except for Rowan. Second, she didn’t want to see Rowan kiss anyone else, and third, she absolutely didn’t want her first kiss to be in a game of spin the bottle? At a party? In front of all these people?
As Rowan began to sit, Aelin’s stomach flipped again. Like. Really bad. Like, worse than just nerves.
It had to be these tights. They felt like they were squeezing her insides, and now that there was food inside her, it needed to come out immediately. This was not good.
“Uh, does anyone know where the bathroom is?” Aelin asked the circle, avoiding eye contact with Rowan, who had fully sat down now. She knew it wasn’t smart to leave him alone to kiss whoever he wanted, but her stomach did that awful squeezing thing again, and she knew if she waited much longer she’d completely embarrass herself.
“Down the hall and to the right,” Sorscha pointed, and Aelin smiled graciously, ignoring Rowan’s raised brow, seemingly asking her What’s wrong?
“Be right back,” she mumbled, trying to walk calmly down the long hall, despite her insides feeling like they were revolting against her. Luckily, there was no one inside the small powder room, and she was able to slip in and lock the door, quickly divesting herself of her tights as she plopped down onto the toilet.
And that’s when she saw it. The small patch of dark red on the inside of her underwear.
No no no no no. Not now! Anything but this!
She didn’t have any kind of pad to use, and she desperately needed to get back to the game of spin the bottle. But she knew she was stuck.
Her heart pounded and tears stung at the corners of her eyes.
Desperately, she looked around the small bathroom. Surely there had to be something here, right? But as she took in the ornate pedestal sink and scanned the decorative shelves, displaying fancy bottles of perfume and pungent candles, she knew she was out of luck. There was absolutely no place to hide any kind of feminine products in this place.
How could she have been so stupid? It’s not like Aelin didn’t know that this day would come eventually, she just didn’t think it would be this day. Lysandra had gotten her period two years ago! It was so long ago, that Aelin had kind of forgotten that one day it’d happen to her, too. It wasn’t as if Rowan had to deal with anything like this.
Her eyes clouded with unshed tears as she thought of him. He was probably going to end up kissing some amazing girl tonight, and they’d fall in love, and she’d be his girlfriend and then probably wife, and they’d have beautiful children and live happily every after, all because Aelin had to hide inside the bathroom until Maeve came and got them in… she glanced at her phone… two more hours!
Another ripple of pain tightened across her abdomen, and she leaned over, trying to find a more comfortable position, but it was useless. She was going to die alone in the powder room of the coolest new girl in school, missing the party that everyone would surely be talking about come Monday.
She had to get back out there. She couldn’t lose Rowan to some random girl in a game of spin the bottle! And why was he so eager to play? Her worry spiraled again as she imagined his future happy life with some nameless faceless girl he kissed. Maybe she could scrunch up some toilet paper and put it in her underwear? At least she was wearing black, so nothing would show if it leaked. But as she was hit with another pang of nausea, she knew she wasn’t going anywhere.
A knock at the bathroom door startled her, as she cried out, “There’s someone in here!” as confidently as she could while feeling like she was being stabbed in the gut.
“Ace?” The last voice she wanted to hear right now called out. “Are you okay?” Rowan asked. “You’ve been gone for a while.”
“I’m fine!” she called out through clenched teeth.
She could see the shadow of his feet moving on the other side of the door and hoped that meant he’d left her alone, but she knew she wasn’t that lucky.
“I can call Aunt Maeve to come get us if you’re not feeling well.”
Aelin let her head hang in defeat. She should just let him do that. But she knew Maeve hadn’t gotten all dressed up tonight just to come pick up Aelin, either. No. She could stick it out for a little bit longer.
“I’m not sick,” she said, pulling up her underwear and kicking off her too tight tights all the way. There was no way those were going back on. Not a chance.
“Are you…upset?” Rowan’s voice called through the door, and Aelin knew her best friend wasn’t going to leave her alone until he made sure she was fine. Which meant showing him her face.
She took a deep breath and turned the knob on the door, cracking it open just a fraction of an inch, but he pushed it open further. His eyes examined every inch of her face, looking at her thoroughly as a slow frown appeared on his lips.
“You are sick,” he said, holding the back of his hand to her clammy forehead, his frown deepening at her cool touch. She shivered, and his eyes dipped down to her bare legs in confusion.
“I’m not sick,” she whined. “I…” She took a deep breath. Was she really going to tell him this? Searching his stubborn gaze, she knew was going to. He’d never leave her alone otherwise. “I got my period,” she whispered as low as she could, and Rowan’s jaw loosened, forming a small o as he scanned her again.
“For the first time?” he asked, and she could feel her ire rising as he continued to hover in the doorway.
“Yes, for the first time,” she hissed. “And I don’t have… things.” She could feel her cheeks heating. “Will you please leave me alone and put a note on the door that it’s out of service or something?” she mumbled. The only thing that could make this worse was if she had to evacuate the bathroom.
Rowan nodded, shutting the door, and Aelin finally exhaled and let herself sink to the bathroom floor. She hugged her knees into her chest, realizing that if she pressed on her stomach, the pain slightly subsided there. She had just rested her cheek to her knees when there was another knock on the door.
“It’s just me,” Rowan said, causing Aelin to groan. Hadn’t she asked him to leave her alone? “Can I come in?”
Aelin didn’t bother standing up; she just reached for the doorknob and twisted it open with a loud sigh. Rowan looked around the empty bathroom for her, taking a second to find her curled up on the floor.
“Here,” he said, squatting down to her level and holding out his hand to her. She held hers below and looked up at him with wide eyes as two blue pills fell into her palm. “It’ll help.” He reached his other arm out and handed her a can of coke.
Without questioning how or why, Aelin placed the pills in her mouth and swallowed them quickly, enjoying the way the sweet bubbly liquid felt on her tongue. She was so rarely allowed to have soda, and it was delicious.
Rowan’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he reached into his back pocket and handed her a small yellow wrapped square.
“This was all I could find in one of the upstairs bathrooms,” he said quietly. “I hope it’s okay?”
Aelin’s eyes looked anywhere but at the face that was far too close to hers as she took the pad from his fingers, mumbling out a small “Thanks.”
“Do you know how…” he asked, and Aelin thought she was going to burn alive from embarrassment as she pushed herself up to standing.
“I think I can figure it out,” she snapped, pushing him out of the bathroom and locking the door behind him. UGH! So embarrassing.
She sat on the toilet and unwrapped the square, her eyebrow raising as the pad unfolded itself. She examined it quickly, and deduced that it was pretty intuitive. She peeled off the paper adhesive and affixed the pad to the inside of her underwear, relieved that she wouldn’t have to worry about blood getting anywhere.
After washing her hands, she was about to retreat to her same spot on the floor when she saw those same shadows shuffling around on the other side of the door. Sighing, she opened the door again where a pacing Rowan was waiting for her.
“You’re hovering,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Leave me alone, Buzzard,” she said, enjoying the way the nickname sounded on her tongue.
“I called Aunt Maeve,” he said, his eyes apologetic. “She said she can be here in thirty minutes.” He watched as Aelin sighed again. “Do you want to go back out there? Or…”
He trailed off, and Aelin bit her lip and shook her head. The idea of rejoining the party seemed absolutely awful. “I’m just going to wait in here. Come get me when she’s here?”
Rowan nodded again and headed down the hall, and Aelin sank to the floor again, bringing her knees up to her chest in the only position that had made her feel comfortable so far. The floor was a little cold against the backs of her thighs, so she made a tiny seat for herself out of her scrunched up tights. She settled in and hoped the pills Rowan had brought her would kick in quickly. And that Rowan wouldn’t move on too quickly from her.
When there was a third knock at the door, Aelin didn’t even bother raising her head. She just chuckled softly and called out, “Come in.”
Rowan slipped in and closed the door behind him, settling next to her with a large bowl of chocolates she recognized from the elaborate kitchen spread Nehemia had showed them. She unwrapped one immediately and plopped it into her mouth, smiling when Rowan did the same.
“Don’t settle for a spark,” he read off the inside of the chocolate wrapper. “Light a fire instead.”
He snorted and crumpled up the foil, tossing it into the small trashcan in front of them.
“Calories only exist if you count them,” Aelin said, smiling wider.
“It does not say that,” Rowan laughed, grabbing the foil from her hands, which—did, in fact, say that.
“I’m sorry I ruined the party for you,” Aelin apologized. She felt horrible about that, but Rowan shook his head. “You could go back out there, if you wanted…”
“I only came to hang out with you anyway,” he said, causing something in Aelin’s chest to constrict tightly. Gods, she loved him so, so much.
Aelin sighed and placed her head down on her knees again, this time resting her cheek against them so she could look at Rowan beside her. He mirrored her position, his knees up and his face tilted toward hers, smiling softly. After a few minutes of silence, Rowan finally spoke up again.
“Does it really hurt?” he asked, and Aelin’s smile fell from her face as she acknowledged the all consuming pain residing in her lower stomach.
“Maybe if I stab you you’ll understand what I’m feeling like,” she said, and Rowan cringed.
“That bad?”
“Worse,” Aelin said, hugging her knees in tighter to fight off another wave of pain. “Thanks for…” she shrugged, taking another chocolate and popping it into her mouth.
Rowan shrugged back. “It’s nothing. Aunt Maeve gets cramps really bad.” His brows furrowed as he remembered some conversation with her. “She always told me I needed to be the kind of boyfriend who could buy tampons and pads and not be scared of a little blood.” His cheeks reddened as he sat up suddenly. “Not that I’m your boyfriend or that you have a boyfriend,” he sputtered, and Aelin sighed, knowing that was definitely true. “I just meant…” He sighed as his cheeks dotted with a deeper red. “You understand what I’m saying, right?” He cleared his throat, which was suddenly scratchy and dry. “Anyway, are you feeling better at all? The pain pills should be kicking in, and caffeine is supposed to help, too.”
Aelin snorted at her worrywart of a best friend. “Yes, Buzzard.”
He quirked his eyebrow at her in that way she utterly hated as he inquired about the repeated nickname. “Buzzard?”
“Yeah,” she said, poking at his bony shoulder. “Always circling around, watching me like a hawk.” She widened one eye as large as it could go, leaning her head toward him and causing him to laugh raucously. She loved that sound. She heard it so rarely. “Scavenging for supplies,” she added, nudging her knee into his.
“Buzzard,” he repeated matter-of-factly, solidifying the nickname.
“Thanks again for taking care of me, Buzzard,” she said quietly, watching a smile spread across his face. “I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here.”
“Any time,” he said, knocking his foot into hers.
“So, once a month?” she asked. “Every month? For the rest of my life?” She knew it was a lot, but if he was offering…she was definitely taking him up on it.
He snorted and handed her another chocolate. “Sure, Ace.”
She stuffed it into her mouth and smiled. Everyone was going to be talking about the fun they had at this party on Monday, but as she looked at her laughing best friend on the floor beside her, she couldn’t bring herself to care.
tag list:
#rowaelin#high school au#charincharge writes#tog fanfic#throne of glass fanfic#valentines day#past take#outtake
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"A thing of a secret, lovely beauty" as a part of Gwyn Lightsinger theory
This is NOT A SHIPPING DISCUSSION, just a theory
Y'all why is nobody talking that this sentence was used TWICE in the same chapter to describe BOTH Elain and Gwyn?

Love triangles are by no means uncommon in books, ya especially, but WHEN HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A PERSON DESCRIBING BOTH LOVE INTERESTD USING THE SAME EXACT WORDS.
Jace and Simon were never the same to Clary.
Will and Jem were never the same to Tesaa.
Dorian and Chaol were never the same to Celaena.
Tamlin and Rhys were never the same to Feyre.
It can go on and on.
No author would ever describe both love interest the same. Even if they have similarities the main party and readers never focus on what they have in common, but differences.
"A thing of a secret, lovely beauty" is purposely highlighted and has attention drawn to it because it's the last sentence of the chapter and only indication of Azriel's possible romantic feelings towards Gwyn, but if you reread the chapter you would notice that Azriel used the exact same words to describe Elain earlier, which is SUS.
It's almost as if Azriel's exact romantic feelings for Elain were transferred to Gwyn.
I just can't get it out of my head, even if Az finds them both pretty they look very different and he has different relationships with them, and the same description was obviously done on purpose.
There are so many Gwyn Lightsinger theories so I'm not gonna go much into it other than point out that Gwyn was definitely sus:
She basically glows when she sings
Nesta had a vision while Gwyn was singing
His shadow danced with her breath "like it heard some silent music"
SJM specified the times Gwyn sings, dusk and dawn, and she never randomly points something out, it's always foreshadowing with her
Azriel was drawn to library without knowing why he came, BUT HE CAME AT THE TIME GWYN WAS SINGING
He could, for some reason, picture how Gwyn would look with a necklace, WHILE GWYN WAS SINGING
When imagining Gwyn with a necklace, he imagined her the exact same way he did his love interest who necklace was intended for, WHILE GWYN WAS SINGING
It's totally realistic for Az to want to give Gwyn a present, nothing odd about it, and it's realistic that he would want to give the necklace to someone after Elain left it, BUT GIVING IT TO ELAIN'S SISTER'S BFF MAKES NO SENSE, because Elain would find out soon
Az avoids conflict at all costs, and to deliberately create one by giving Elain's necklace to someone she is likely to run into, that's not a realistic move
The normal thing would be to either get rid of a necklace by returning it or giving to someone else, and then getting Gwyn her own present
Even if he loved Gwyn more than anything in the world, giving her Nesta's sister's present is ridiculous
Azriel is always careful and thinks ahead, and doesn't suddenly go somewhere without being sure why, and knows it will be a hot mess when Elain finds out
Also, Gwyn being a water nymph and possible lightsinger, with her reddish hair and teal eyes has A HUGE SIREN vibe, and what do sirens do? Lure people, mostly men, to them with their beautiful voice, so I'm pretty sure she/lightsingers are based on sirens
#gwyn lightsinger#acosf#a court of silver flames#acotar#azriel#elain#elriel#gwyn#not gonna tag with g/ynriel even tho it's not anti ship. but most of the shippers i have seen were extremely rude so#acotar theory
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what have I created?
idk if yall like this, but they just exist not i guess :/
ok the the first one is Royalty AU
first things first, when I say Royalty AU, I don't mean the classic shit we've all become accustomed to. Im talking about the good old Chinese royalty! And I want to emphasize that these guys will/should be dressed in century appropriate attire. As someone thats read a handful of 'marinette, princess of china' fics from the ML Fandom, I've noticed a common trend. Marinette wouldn't be in the culturally appropriate clothes, always ballgowns. Not that there's something wrong with it, its just most of if not all these fic are set in China, so I'd expect Chinese royalty to dress as THERE dress code calls for. And since this AU takes place far in the past like, it won't make sense for any of the characters to be in royal clothing that wasn't from there region. I'm not trying to white knight/gatekeeping. Im Guyanese not Chinese. But since JTTW and Monkie Kid take place in China, it's only right. In my opinion that it. You don't have to outright agree with me.
With out of the way, it's time for that good old AU crack
- Wukong is the king of the Flower Fruit kingdom(or a different one if you'd like, again I'm only familiar with what western culture has taught me, but I'll try my hardest)
- he’s single but rumor has it he used to/still is dating the Vigilante/thief The Six Eared Macaque
- *chants ShadowPeach violently*
- no one know whether it true or not
- On of his wanders around the kingdom he finds an abandoned baby in a basket.
- and no shit sherlock it's fucking baby Xiaotian
- I think we all know where this is going because i'm a simp for Monkey Dad & Monkie Son shenanigans
- Xiaotian becomes prince
Shit, ill be referring to Xiaotian as Mk from now on, I mentioned this before in a fic I wrote for lmk that Mk's a nickname for Xiaotian for some reason- wait i don't have to explain my self to you people!
- Sun loves his son
- MK is treated differently by staff and others because he's not blood related to the king
- no one mistreats MK per say, because there King loved his adopted son, but words are said behind his back
- Sometimes MK hears what’s said, and he feels as if he won't live up to his dad’s legacy.
- He meets Mei during a festival
- Mei is from a noble family, that wouldn't mind if they got a connection into the royal family.
- but it becomes hella clear to Mei’s family very fast that the two are just friends, and will always will be. but hey there daughter is bffs with the prince so that's a plus.
- the Demon Bull Family is rules a kingdom as well, I dont/am not creative enough to think of a name I leave that to you.
- It's a common misconception that DBK is a tyrant, when he’s not.
- most of the time...
- they have been at war with the Monkey King for some time now and settled for a peace agreement.
- that agreement being there sons to marry
- oooo original i know
- MK and Red Son are roughly the same age, Mk being 20 and RS 22
- RS is revolted/disgusted at the idea of being wed to the Monkey Kings child, even more so when he realizes MK is adopted,
- but, that all changes the second he meets MK while he meets him by accident when he gets kinda lost in the palace when he and his parents go to discuss the arrangements.
- the second he looks at MK, he's instantly in love. MK less so, he's nervous and honestly kinda bummed he's not marrying someone he loves but it's for the good of his ppl, and he'll do anything for them.
- RS isn't even aware that MK is Suns adopted son until MK walks him back to the meeting room.
"Oh There you are MK! I was about to have a servant go fetch you!" Sun Wukong says, gesturing for his boy to come sit with him.
"S-sorry for keeping you waiting I got caught up in my lessons with Mr. Tang" MK responds, sitting next to his father. Red Son looked gobsmacked. The beautiful young man he had bumped into, was the prince of this land? Damn, life truly blessed him. Or cursed him depending on how you looked at it.
- the two are left alone in a separate room for a while.
- And MK straight up tells RS why he's agreeing to this union.
"Look Red Son. I've dreamed about meeting my one true love for a while. And I would give almost anything for that dram to be real. But I wouldn't ever dare give up my people, for as there price they mean more to me. I'm doing this for them, no other reason" MK says, his back straight and hands folded neatly in his lap. The look in his eyes was a mix of sadness, but that was drowned out by loyalty and determination. It just made Red Son fall for him even harder. Clearing his throat Red spoke.
"I understand, for im doing this for the betterment of my people to. But I propose a wager"
"A wager?"
"Yes, if i can make you fall in love with me by years end, before our marriage, we can live together like in the fairy tales from far away. But if I fail, in a years time afterwards you will be permitted to find your own path in life" Red Son stated. MK took a moment to process what was happening.
"So, if you succeed in making me fall in love with you, before our marriage we can live happily ever after?" Red Son nodded in response, letting the younger continue.
"And if I shouldn't fall for you, in a years time after our union, im free to leave?" Red Son nodded once more.
"So, what do you say?"
In the end, your free to choose their fate, should Red Son win the hart of Mk? Will he fail? Or will he let him go, and let him travel the country, after all Mk's a free spirit and keeping him trapped in a big house is like keeping a cannery trapped in a cage only for its song, only for it to dul. Or will the unthinkable happen and will both boys find their freedom? together or appart? I don't know, because that's all up to you 😉
personally, I’m partial to where MK and Red Son both find freedom together. Like they straight up run away together to somewhere far away and just live out there lives together.
this could also be genderbent thing as well. MK or Red as their respective counterparts. Again it doesn't have to be, but it’s whatever bro. im just spitting out the idea.
Also, there is a main side plot that they fight the WBS throughout the year as well, along with other shenanigans you wanna throw in.
The second is a My Hero Academia/BNH/MHA AU
truth be told i'm not a big fan of MHA i think it to over hyped(this is also coming from the same person that’s a Fairy Tail fan lol), and the fandom i don't even know how to describe that mess, but I will admit not the whole of its toxic since every fandom has some toxic members, some even more so.
I just sometimes find myself enjoying MHA AUs like the Fullmetal Alchemist, Danny Phantom, Evil!Deuk AU and several others.
to make it clear I don't see this AU taking place the same time as the main plot of the actual Anime/Manga. This could be either like 6-10 years before or after the plot idk bro. But i’ll do this after the main story plot of MHA, so keep that in mind ya? another thing, the gang is still in China, the top hero school in the world just so happens to be in Japan, and it’s only ever mentioned by Sun wukong and other pro heros. So MK never attended AU. in short it’s only ever mention/ reference.
- Mk was considered Quirkless as a kid.
- he was just a late blumer, i swear
- Mai’s Quirk is called Dragon.
- it pretty much works the same way as it does in the show(duh)
- Tang’s got a knowledge Quirk,
- my man can retain information and he’s basically an archive of information drawback being his personality lol
- Piggsy is a Animal that gained a Quirk
- in cannon to my current knowledge, there are two other characters that can confirm animals can become sentient. the characters being Fumikage Tokoyami, & Nezu the principal at the school UA.
- Sandy is just Conner Kent, aka he like superman but can't fly, or shoot lasers from his eyes. And blue.
I have two scenarios for Macaque and Wukong
*- The first one is that, Sun Wukong & Macaque are brothers. twins to be exact.
- they where legit people, but have mutation quirks that made them too like monkeys.
- the added powers were just a boues.
- Sun and Mac are close growing up, like there brothers but also best friends.
- the draw back to there quirks could honestly be whatever you want bro idk, same with the others tbh. Personally I like to think Sun just has lack of motivation, and Macaque needs to draw on other people's energy.
- Sun is a hero, Monkey KIng and Mac is a villain Six Eared.
- Sun was always treated has the golden child in the family, Mac always resented that, but there shitty up bring didn’t stop the two from being good brothers to one another.
- soon tho the resentment became hatred when Sun was able to attend UA in Japan, while Mac didn't.
- Mac be angy
- so he became a villain, and joined the Chinese branch of the LOV(league of villains)
- Sun doesn't know this till he finds out during the all out war during the main story. and by that time he’s a full on hero with is own agency(The Flower Fruit agency)
- when the hero's ultimately win and Mac is arrested
- This ultimately hurts Sun a lot, his brother was in jail now, arrested for his involvement and wrong doings, he knew nothing about this! this brother, his blood. A bad guy? why? he hadn't seen his brother since he left for UA, he hadn’t seen him when he came home, and started his agency.
- this just puts Sun into a funk so he’s not as active as he used to be, and he starts thinking he might need a successor
*- The second one is that they were two separate people that had similar quirks and both attended UA but Sun ended up in the hero corse. so 1A.
- Both Macaque and Sun have similar quirks, Sun’s is obviously more light based while Macaque’s is more shadow based(this applies to the first one as well)
- Macaque was placed in class 1B, U.A.’s High's Heroics Department, I believe, you can correct me.
- In cannon Class 1A and 1B both went to the training camp. I can see the teachers pinning Sun and Macaque against each other to hone their skills.
- And because of that they become great friends
- In fact when they graduate they both co-found there hero agency together in China and are a duo.
- But due to Monkey King’s popularity and Six Eared's association with shadows(people sometimes saying he has more of a villains quirk than a heros) the public see’s Macaque as Sun’s sidekick when thats far from the truth.
- now it’s up to you whether you think that Wukong and Macaque would be in a relationship together, but knowing how cooked we all are, ShadowPeach is a thing here more than likely.
- If you do or don’t support/ like the ShadowPeach aspect, the two would be living together regardless since its more cost efficient.
- They my be heroes but living costs are expensive!
- I would imagine there would have been a huge fight/argument between the two in privet of course, at there home.(or in there shared office if you want the extra angst of the other people they work with hearing them fight)
- If the two are dating, then this would either lead to an out right breakup, or Macaque just up and leaving with Wukong thinking he’ll come back once he’s cooled off. But after a week, with no sign of his partner, or him answering texts or calls, not even coming into work. Wukong gets worried that something might have happened to him. so there wouldn't be a confirmation if they were still a thing or not.
- But Wukong remains hopeful, despite the nagging at the back of his head, and gut telling him to go find Macaque, or atleast make a public statement, or even just tell another pro hero about it.
- on the not so shippy side, Macaque and Wukong still have there argument, and much like the ShadowPeach esc side, Macaque up and leaves, and isn't seen for weeks. the only difference here is that when Wukong comes home one night to there flat, most if not all of Macaques stuff is gone.
- where as if this was the ShadowPeach side, Macaque leaves all of his possession in the flat he and wukong share. for the simple reason being, he still loves him and wants to go back, but Macaque being Macaque can’t bring himself to do it, especially after seeing just how hurt Wukong looked when he yelled at him just before he left.
- in other words, ANGST DIALED UP TO A 10 BABY
- in either case, its a news report that confirms Wukong's suspicions that he desperately didn’t want to believe, and that is Macaque turning into a villain.
- much like if the two were brothers, Wukong just can’t take it and is no longer as active as he once was, and is thinking about, either A) Retirement B) Saying, “Fuck Society, Be Gay Do Crime” and join Macaque as a villain himself, or C) find a successor, and a way to bring Macaque back to there side, but most importantly, back to him.
- also extra points if you're after people's hearts and want to make them suffer; - If there dating, Wukong curle’s up in the bed he and Macaque shared, holding/wearing something of great value to Macaque and just crying himself to sleep, where as Macaque is getting wasted on alcohol, as he stumbles out of the bar he’s in, he either see’s something that reminds him of Wukong or while he’s trying to put his wallet back into his pocket, a photo of them on their first date fall’s out. and Macaque just cries in a nearby alley way. And it’s there where he gets indoctrinated into the League.
- If there just friends, macaque heads to the nearest forest and just levels it, where as Wukong just gets engrossed into his work, trying not to think about it. you could add you own spin on this, again i'm just spitballing.
- Obviously MK is a huge Monkey King fan
- at Twenty MK has come to terms he's quirkless (HE’S NOT)
-for ANGST reasons MKs fokes kicked him out at this realization at 13.
- he works at Piggsy's Noodle shop, and has been since he was 14.
- don't need a quirk to drive or cook!
- the boy lives a content life with his new family, till DBK happens :D
- DBK runs a Mafia(in conjunction with TLOV) and has been in jail for like 5 years thanks to Monkey King, PIF and RS brake him out one night when MK's out making a late night delivery since Piggsy had the bright idea to go 24/7 service!
- one thing leads to another and Mk somehow manifest what looks like the Monkey King's staff, but its not, it’s MKs powers, it just so happens to be the same power the Monkey King has. And it practically goes down the same way in the pilot.
- but unlike the pilot Mk and Mei go straight to the FF Agency, after making a panicked call to Pigsy and Tang.
- one way or another Mk are lead into Wukongs office. Mei being forced to stay in the lobby.
- they have there convo, butterfly monkey squishing included.
- "And so, I want you do be my success-" BOOM 💥
- from there they rush downstairs and see that the lobby has been infiltrated by the DB fam, and you know fight.
- once the DB family seems like there down, PIF wisks them away. Much to Monkey King’s displeasure.
From there stuff kind plays out like cannon, the calabash ep is just a conjoint quirk the Demon bros have. As for EP9, ill have to script that one out myself lol. I'll get onto it as soon as my will to commit stabs me in the face. Till then have a dancing Kermit the frog.
Now if you'll excuse me, am about to Kermit a felony :D
(For legal reasons thats a joke)
Psst @writingamongther0ses its done
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Kara needs to realise she's in love with Lena on her own!!
This one for away from me! 😅
I've been seeing a lot of posts saying they wish Cat Grant would come back and tell Kara she is in love with Lena, or that Alex should tell her.
But the thing is, I don't want that to happen!
Guys, one of things that has been annoying people to no end is the fact that Kara has to be TOLD she's into someone. She had to be told she was into Mon El and she's basically being told she's into William.
Lena had to be told she had chemistry with James, a romance that came out of literally nowhere and didn't go anywhere but rock bottom because of the lack of build up, chemistry, communication and utter disrespect James had for Lena both as a girlfriend and as his boss.
Anyone who reads my posts knows I couldn't stand James, but at least he and Kara had actual chemistry in season one right from the get go. Kara didn't need to be told she was into James, she was aware of it. She did however have to be told by Alex that Adam was flirting with her.
So why would we want someone to once again tell Kara she is into someone rather than her coming to this realisation all on her own?
Should the writers ever put Kara and Lena together they need to come to the realisation that they are into each other all on their own. Constantly having to be told you are into someone is a poor way of showing a romance.
Antis would have a field day it Alex or anyone else told Kara she was in love with Lena. They would say the exact same thing we've been saying, that they had to be told this because there is no chemistry.
So no, I don't want Cat Grant to come back to tell Kara she's being and idiot and is in love with Lena. Should the writers want to make SC canon I want Kara to realise she's in love with Lena. I want the writers to stop making her an oblivious dumb ass who protests she isn't into someone only for another character to tell her she must be and for her to be like "yeah you must be right and I must be wrong " and to constantly second guess herself.
Kara had chemistry with Mon El but the relationship was riddled with problems, lies and a lack of respect. Not all on Mon Els part, Kara didn't have a lot of respect for him either and tried to push him into doing something he didn't want to do.
My biggest issue with Karamel and why I never saw it as endgame was because these two characters didn't really know all that much about eachother. Kara knew Mon El the ex royal guard and the new person he decided to be on Earth and Mon El knew Kara Danvers and Supergirl. Kara didn't know who Mon El truly was until just before she had to send him away. She found out he was the Prince she couldn't stand and they had no time to discuss it before he was yeeted into space. After Mon El came back he was someone completely different, he wasnt the Mon El she had known and Mon El finally got to meet Kara Zor El. This would have been good for me if he hadn't come back with a wife. But he did, and he still strung Kara along, even discussing his marriage issues with her to the point she told him she didn't want to hear it.
Now Kara and Lena have a similar issue. Lena got to know Kara Danvers and Supergirl but unlike Mon El she knew them as two separate people. Kara got to know Lena Luthor, Lena didn't have a secret second identity and didn't lie about who she was, she didn't pretend to be "Lena Thorul" or "Tess Mercer". Kara actively kept her identity a secret from Lena which would have been fine if she hadn't gone all OOC in season 3 and decided she could play Lena by being an ass to her as Supergirl but then come back and play nice and be Lena's bff as Kara Danvers. Yes, Lena kept secrets from Supergirl but she didn't do these things to hurt her, secrets were kept to protect Sam and it's not like Supergirl didn't keep secrets from Lena. Lena didn't tell Kara everything either, but why would she tell her civilian best friend about the top secret projects she was working on ? Or that she had met with Lex and was keeping him alive? What buisness is that of Kara Danvers?
Remember when Kara screamed at Mon El that she had given her heart to a lying Jack ass?
what if Lena believes she gave her heart to a lying Jack ass as well? Lena even told Kara that she had broken her heart.
The funny thing about these two is that no matter what they just can't forget about each other. Even when Supergirl was being an ass to Lena she was still there for her and Lena was still there for Supergirl. They may have been mad at each other but they came swooping in whenever the other needed help.
Remember the scene where Kara had hoped that what had happened wouldn't ruin their friendship? But Lena wasn't going to sit and take that and told her that she had real friends, ones that didn't lie to her and didn't ask her boyfriend to vilolate her trust? Kara or rather Supergirl looked broken and what did she do? Kara went straight back to Lena for the first time in RAO knows when as Kara Danvers so she could be with her best friend so she could have Lena in some way. But we still saw the guilt on her face when Lena said she could never trust Supergirl again.
Then we had the reveal and great RAO!! That was one of the most emotional scenes the show has ever produced. Kara was broken! She knew what she had done was wrong, keeping the secret for a while wasn't wrong but all the bull shit that came with it and the length of time was what was wrong. Kara herself has admitted this. Kara was practically hyperventilating when she revealed herself and when Lena just walked passed her she was broken. The look of utter relief when she believed Lena had forgiven her was amazing. Personally to me it looked like Lena really did in some way forgive her and couldn't bear to see Kara like that. She's always been weak around Kara, but the moment she was alone with the AI and only her thoughts for company the hard side of her that closes of any feelings of love came out.
Then we had Kara going out of her way to try to make Lena happy. She flew around the world to her her favourite things to make her happy. Lena really looked like she appreciated this , I know that she was pretending but part of me thinks she really did appreciate it. It only took a request and one pouty face from Lena for Kara to break the law, to go against advice not to do it just to make Lena happy. Non of that was healthy for either one of them, the problem was that they didn't really discuss the 3 years of lies and everything that came with it. They had a few tears and a hug and suddenly were bffs only with super benefits now. We know why Lena didn't bring it up, but Kara was willing to accept that everything was absolutely fine and she didn't really question it, she was to over the moon Lena seemed OK with her.
Then we had the scene in the Fortress. Lena may have been trying to play the big bad I don't need you Luthor in this scene but she failed miserably. This was Lena's turn to absolutely break down like Kara did at the award ceremony. There are true feeling of love between these two whichever type of love you decide it is. You don't break down over someone you don't care about. Lena shot Lex to keep the world and Kara safe even though she felt betrayed by Kara. Now I know people hate that Lena used Kryptonite , but I'm sorry Kara showed no signs of pain, only heart break. Plus no one gave a rats ass when Jonn or Alex used it on her and she showed it bloody hurt. Even after she was released from the fortress she showed no signs of being in any pain, so any 'torture' commentators can sit down before you hurt yourselves.
Kara STILL believed in Lena and didn't want her hurt when she was about to use the medusa virus. It was Alex who used and manipulated her. Kara was almost getting through to Lena before Alex decided trick her then to point a canon at Lena! Rememeber it was Hope that shot at Kara, Lena didn't want that to happen at all.
Lena is still fighting to help save the day even when she supposedly hates Kara. She helped during Crisis and even if she did 100% hate Kara and the super friends she is still the reason 1000s are still alive. But no one wants to remember that. No one wants to remember she's the reason National City survived the Daxamites, no one wants to remember how she helped with Reign. No one wants to rememeber how she re-created Harun El and cured cancer. No one wants to rememeber that she mass produced Harun El and gave it to Alura along with the recipe so Argo could survive. No one wants to remember she saved Argo a second time when she shot Lex. No one wants to remember that she saved all the aliens of National City from the isotope. No one wants rememeber she had a suit ready to save Supergirl from the poisoned air. Shall I go on? Lena Luthor is a hero, she's going down a dodgy path because she is hurt, confused, betrayed and traumatised but it doesn't mean she's evil. A lot of fans don't seem to understand the definition of the word at all, Lena isnt being good right now by any stretch of the imagination but she certainly isn't evil.
People keep saying how she should finally have her redemption, and how bad it is that the guys get theirs. But here's the thing, all those things I mentioned above? Those ARE Lena's redemption. To be completely honest, Lena came into the show with people believing she needed redemption because of her name. But she didn't, it wasnt Lena herself who needed the redemption, it was the family name. Lena hasn't redeemed the Luthor name so much because Lillian and Lex kept f**king it up, but my RAO she has more than earned her place as hero and not like her family at all. This right here? Is a set back and everyone likes to conveniently forget everything she's done.
The writers have made Lena very OOC this season. Personally I think she will give up on this idea of hers. Lena isn't an angel, but then neither is Kara, or Alex, or Jonn or Brainy. The only actual angels at the moment are probably Nia and Kelly since we haven't seen them do anything dodgy or kill anyone (I'm assuming bad past Brainy did) and have it glossed over like it didn't matter.
But now we have Kara still not being able to stop talking about Lena. Even in regards to possibly starting a relationship with William she can't help but compare it to what happened to Lena.
Now that was a lot, but bottom line is if Kara is in love with Lena SHE and only SHE needs to come to that realisation. Having someone else tell her would cheapen it and make it look like the writers had no choice but to have some tell Kara to make it real, just like that have been doing non stop so far.
Plus Lena and Kara can not start a relationship any time soon. That would be a terrible idea. They can realise they are in love but starting something together would be rushed and unhealthy. THERAPY! They have Kelly there! But personally I think Kelly giving any kind of therapy to her girlfriends sister and her brothers ex would be a conflict of interest. She would be biased in Kara's favour whether she would realise it or not.
Peace ✌
#supergirl season 5#supergirl#lena luthor#kara danvers#alex danvers#supercorp#kara zor el#anti james olsen#anti mon el#jonn jonnz#brainiac 5#nia nal#kelly olsen#cat grant
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Misadventures of A Random Girl - Diary - Chapter 1.1 - Drama
Do you ever have someone that you just can't hold a conversation with? Like, no matter how hard you try to be calm and reasonable, you still end up yelling at each other? I think we all have someone like that. I do too.
There are some things I can talk to her about, but there are some topics that just don't dare be touched, lest I light an explosion.
It's funny though. It's for this exact reason that children have two parents. Either one parent doesn't know about what you want to talk about, or the other parent is really sensitive of a topic, but there are some topics that you can go to one parent about, and some topics to talk to the other about. It's important to know what you can speak calmly with one parent about, and what is best not to talk to them about.
It's actually pretty surprising how much just choosing a topic for discussion wisely can affect your relationships. And this goes far beyond parents. This affects friends, acquaintances, superiors, you name it.
This brings me to a funny experience I had a few years ago, though I would not have called it funny back then.
This was almost three years ago; I had recently moved overseas, and I had little social experience due to the fact that I had been home schooled almost my whole life except for six months when I was seven (I have some experiences I will talk about from then as well). The town I moved to was quite small compared to the big city I was used to, and because I was the only American that was living there, I became very popular, very quickly (to give you an idea, it took about 3 weeks - 1 month for the whole city (≈ 80,000 people) to know who I was, having seen me for the first time). So, I started at the school I would be studying at for the next ≈1.25 years, and naturally, because I was from the US, and I was so popular, most of the girls wanted to be friends with me, and everyone wanted to know more about my life in America (to the point where I was cornered with people asking me questions). I remember, the question I got the most was, "Say something in English!!" :D
So, as I was trying to fit in more with the collective, I tried to find out more about what everyone was interested in. I quickly learned that anime was something very popular, that probably 50% of teens were into (the other 50% was into makeup or being cool : | ). I had heard of anime at the time, but because there was a language barrier, (and I honestly had no idea if the anime they were talking about was the same anime I knew lol) I was hesitant to get into it (and then go, "Hey everyone, I watch aNiMe!!!", like what if I got it wrong lol :D).
This brings me back to the friend thing. At the time, I had two BFFs. One was into "anime" (at this time I still had no clue what people were talking about :D), the other was into making Likee and TikTok videos. She got me into that, and I honestly enjoyed it, but I was still DYING to know what that "anime" was :D. So, I asked my friend that was into anime. . . . . . DUHHH.
I figured out that, yes indeed, it was the same anime I knew.
So what was stopping me?
So I watched it.
* clapping * * clapping * * clapping * * clapping * * clapping ** clapping *
So, yeah, everything was fine. I got really into anime, the anime friend of mine was happy because we had something to be weird about together lol.
But if that was it, then I wouldn't be talking about this now, would I? :D
Well, I quickly learned that the other friend I had absolutely HATED anime, like, she just couldn't even stand the SIGHT of it, I'm serious. = > = But, somehow, she was friends with these other girls in my class, and there was no problem, even though they were really into anime and all that. It FASCINATED me, I really wanted to know what was going on, because she really seemed to have a problem with the friend of mine that was into anime.
Fun fact (that is actually really important): These two BFFs of mine had the same name.
Let's call them L1 (into anime) and L2 (into Likee and TikTok)
I had also recently became friends with two other girls, let's call one of them T, and the other S.
One day, I was eating in the cafeteria with L2, and I got a text on Instagram from T, and she was telling me things about L2, and giving me reasons why I shouldn't be friends with her. I was really confused = > = (naturally) and, having little social experience, I showed the text message to L2, like, wut do I do with this .... She took the phone from me and started writing to T. The conversation went approximately like this:
L2: What is your problem? Why can't you just leave me alone? Now you have to go and try to manipulate R(me)?!
T: This has nothing to do with you! I wasn't talking to you!
I don't remember the rest of the conversation that well, but I know that L2 showed a side of herself that made me think to believe T, not to mention I could tell that something had happened before I moved there, + I didn't have much social experience (had this happened now, I would have known not to get involved in their drama lol), so I wanted to figure out what happened before I moved (and deep down inside I think I really wanted to get involved with their drama because I had never been involved in drama before, I only realized this after I was in deep and regretted getting involved). So I found T alone with L1, and I asked them about it.
In short, if I don't say it like they did, and bluntly give you a synopsis of what they told me, they told me L2 was a backstabbing b***h that I shouldn't be friends with, because she would just stab me in the back like she did them.
Having little social experience (I swear I think I'm going to die just from typing this :D) I went to L2 and was basically like, "HeY, L1 and T told me that you're a bAcKsTaBbInG b***H! Is this true :DDDDD"
Of course this didn't end well.
In the end I ended up sparking a match where there was gasoline ...
It wasn't good.
I'll give you a summary of what happened before I came there (of course there's always the chance that all this was a lie that they came up with to make fun of me and get me to leave and go back to America, but I don't really know so we'll leave that theory of mine alone lol :D). I also want you to know that this information was all gathered from gossip, rumor and me piecing things together and coming to my own conclusions, so I can't prove any of it. I have no material evidence at all. I'll give a short summary and then explain further.
L2 has some bad character traits, like jealousy. S really likes to manipulate people, and found L2 as a nice target, since she could take already existing gasoline and matches (drama) between L2 and L1, T, and light an explosion, after which she could just watch them burn from the sidelines. This is really what it seems like, because she wasn't really on anyone's side, she would participate in gossip on both sides.
Before I met anyone, L2, L1, and T knew each other. They all went to dance classes together, and they were the bestest of friends. Then a new girl joined the dance class. Let's call her A. A became pretty popular (I still don't know why), so everyone wanted to be friends with her. She wanted to be friends with L1 and T, but she couldn't care less about L2 (I'm guessing the popularity got to her head, it happens to the best of us). Naturally, because L2 wanted to be friends with her, L2 became very jealous. L2 ended up following the three of them around, but was pretty much left out, making her even more jealous.
Finally, she just turned on L1 and T, "Well if you won't pay attention to me, I won't be friends with you anymore!". Basically she played tit for tat. (Let me remind you that they were pretty young, so this is expected behavior). The gamble was that she would throw their relationship out the window, hoping for them to pick it up, and come back to her with apologies. This, however, did not happen. Instead they just thought of her as jealous and tried to disconnect themselves from her. But, due to the fact that they were young = > = ... they did this with many mean words which did quite the opposite.
You see, mean words cause this effect -- I call it "The Very Last Word Effect" lol
It works like this :D
L1 and T: Your a backstabber! You mean! We don't want to associate ourselves with you! ;P
L2: Well you're meaner! You don't want to be friends with me!
L1 and T: Like it's not your fault that you have and insufferable attitude!
L2: Well you're ugly and mean! I had a friend that was just like you! I hate her!
L1 and T: * insert mean things *
L2: * insert meaner things *
L1 and T: ...
L2: ...
I think you get the idea. Once someone says something like that and the "The Very Last Word Effect" starts, it becomes a competition for saying the last word. Thus, L1 and T did not disconnect themselves from L2 at all. And they became a weird sort of frenemies. They all quit dance classes at some point, but the drama stayed. And then it started about anime. L2 decided that she hated anime, and L1 decided that she didn't like L2 at all because of that. And then T decided that she couldn't decide if she wanted to be friends with L1 or L2, so she was constantly stirring things up with her involvment.
But get this- THEY ALL WALKED AROUND THE SCHOOL TOGETHER ALL DAY LONG LAUGHING AND CHATTING, such that an outsider who had no clue what was going on would think that they were best friends.
This is where S comes in. Somewhere along in here, S became friends with this hopeless trio. She lit matches here and there, and sparks started flying. Sometime around here is also where I came into the picture. My position with anime really made L2 feel helpless, like maybe I would leave her too. Knowing that L1, T, and S + another friend group that I haven't even started talking about yet were all against her, and afraid that I would leave her, she pulled THAT SAME CARD that she pulled so many years ago. She made up a reason for me not to be friends with her.
She told me, in short, that I had to choose. L1 and T or her.
I didn't want to choose. They were all my friends. I thought it would be wrong of me to choose friends. It IS wrong to choose friends.
But she insisted. She gave me a bunch of reasons to choose her. "I defend you from your bullies!" she said. I don't remember all of them, but I know there were a lot.
I kept repeating, "I don't want to choose!".
And then she started saying things, like, "See, it's all that horrible anime! You started watching that anime and now all you want to do is hang out with L1!" she said.
"I had a friend like that! She stabbed me in the back like that! I don't talk to her anymore!" she said.
That was ... kinda the last straw for me. What she said made me really upset. I started saying mean things, calling her names and a bunch of other stuff. The argument really heated up. I started recording everything. Finally, I just ended the conversation and left with L1 and T to go home.
In Part 2:
I got sick soon after, and then I started hearing from my friends that L2 had been talking behind my back about me with S and that other friend group ...
AN: I hope you enjoy this story. This is just part 1. I originally planned to have it in just one part, but I really want to post something, and this is getting pretty long :D
These are all my personal experiences that I wanted to write down someplace ^^
by @arandomgirl23
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Road to Graduation Chapter 4
Return of the Vytal Tournament!
“The Vytal Tournament is back?!” Ruby almost squealed in happiness.
“Well it will have been two years since it last took place, is it in Mistral this time?” Weiss forgot all about Ruby’s cloak and leaned forward to check.
Blake noticed Yang’s face tighten slightly, and she started to say “Yang...”
Weiss however, having seen it was indeed in Mistral, had checked the time on her scroll. “We’re going to be late! We CANNOT be late on our first day back, come on!” She threw the door open and rushed out, Ruby hot on her heels. Yang sighed and followed them.
Blake put the flyer to one side and caught up to Yang. Blake slipped her hand into Yang’s and gave it a quick squeeze, “We’ll talk about it later ok? We don’t have to enter.”
Yang smiled at Blake and squeezed her hand back, before letting go and they hurried up to catch Ruby and Weiss.
Yang looked at Ruby and Weiss, wondering if they were still happy they’d rushed to get to class on time considering that over half had been spent listening to Professor Port regale them about the time he “Single-handedly fought an entire pack of Manticores, seven of the beasts, each trying to take his life!” Even Weiss’ eyes had glazed over, and Yang wasn’t too far behind. Like most of Professor Port’s lessons, his stories never seemed to be close enough to what it was like actually dealing with the real thing, especially as they had dealt with a large pack on the train to Argus. Yang knew she wouldn’t have been able to deal with the whole pack on her own, so added this story to the ever-increasing list of exaggerations by Professor Port.
Blake spotted a note Yang slid over to her, “Maybe if he actually focused more on teaching what they’re like and how to fight them instead of boasting about his imaginary kills we’d actually learn something in his class”
Blake smirked and nodded to Yang; Professor Port’s long tales were punctuated by occasional bits of knowledge that were actually useful. The problem was trying to stay awake whilst listening to the rest...
“...and, as the beast reared its head, red eyes glinting in the Winter sun...” The bell rang, cutting him off mid-stream, and nearly everyone jolted awake and started rummaging to leave. “Ah. Is class over already? Five pages on Manticore tactics and how your team would defeat a pack. On my desk by Friday!” The room seemed to nod as they headed for the door, “I’ll need to shorten the story if I’m to fit it in next class, maybe cut down on the Grimm? No, that won’t work...” Professor Port was muttering to himself as he walked back to his desk, but barely anyone paid his murmurings any notice, and even those who did knew he wouldn’t change his stories, none of them had heard how a single one ended yet, and nobody expected that to change any time soon.
The other lessons were more useful, Dr Oobleck’s history lesson, covered Mountain Glenn, an area team RWBY had visited with him in their first year, in more detail, albeit spoken at a speed only Weiss could make notes on out of the four of them. Professors Peach, Goodwitch, Mulberry, and Greene’s lessons were also much more useful.
Professor Peach covered various herbs that could be used to help heal small wounds; Professor Goodwitch took them through some sparring exercises and practice fights, instructing them on how to improve; Professor Mulberry covered a brief reintroduction to weapon maintenance and upkeep, focusing on barrels in guns (making sure to let Ruby know he was thrilled she had returned - it was no secret to anyone that Ruby was Professor Mulberry’s favourite student, considering the loving care she gave Crescent Rose); and Professor Greene worked them over with stealth, Blake earning praise from her for being able to creep up on Yang at every time of asking.
“Okay! Lessons are all done, can we now discuss how we’re going to kick serious ass at the Vytal Tournament?” Ruby looked at Weiss for permission, knowing the white-haired girl was the most likely to object to not doing homework straight away.
Potentially surprising to Ruby was that beneath the calm front Weiss showed as she shrugged saying “You’ll only keep getting distracted if we don’t, so yes, fine,” she was actually fired up and ready to enter, and ready to win.
Yang on the other hand, was the exact opposite, despite saying “Yes, let’s do this!” and putting on an excited front, she was not up for it at all. Yang was feeling very conflicted about competing in the tournament, she could see Ruby was ecstatic about the chance to fight in the tournament again, and whilst Weiss kept up the cool attitude…ha!...if her attitude at the last tournament was anything to go by she was almost as excited as Ruby was. Yang however was not excited. She was, although she didn’t want to admit it (even to herself), a bit scared. Last time she’d fought in the tournament some little…well someone had messed with her head and made her see and do something that she would NEVER do. She remembered the looks on the faces of the crowd as they judged her. In their eyes she was a monster. She couldn’t be with their team in the tournament again and put the others through that, she just couldn’t.
Blake’s voice cut through Yang’s thoughts as it always did, “I don’t know about competing this time.”
The reaction from the other three girls was immediate and identical: jaws dropped, eyes wide, words frozen on the ends of their tongues.
“WHAT?!” Weiss nearly screamed at Blake, and Blake’s ears, already slightly low, flattened completely against her hair, and Yang immediately stepped forwards, fists balling slightly.
“Weiss!” Ruby had also not liked her partner’s tone, and turning to see Ruby’s face, with a surprisingly stern look on it, made Weiss immediately feel awkward, and Blake’s defensive pose made it worse.
“I’m sorry for shouting. I overreacted.” Weiss looked at Blake directly, and even Ruby seemed surprised by the quick change. Yang’s surprise must have shown on her face because Weiss looked at her, “What? I’m trying to be better okay?” Blake’s ears rose up at Weiss’ apology, and behind Weiss Ruby beamed with happiness and a little pride. She was learning and getting better! First it was defending Blake in Argus, now apologising without being told or forced to! Weiss has grown so much since the rude and bossy heiress she had been back when we’d first met, and okay she was still bossy, but still! I am so proud we’re BFFs.
“Why Blake? What’s wrong?” Weiss sounded concerned.
Yang cut her off “It’s for me, isn’t it?”
Blake looked at Yang from the side of her eyes and nodded very slightly, her ears back to being flat again. She knew she might have overstepped, but Yang’s face that morning had been hiding pain. They hadn’t had time during the day to discuss it, but she knew what Yang was thinking, she remembered the looks on the faces in the crowd, Blake knew what it was like to be viewed as a monster. It was horrible.
Yang grabbed Blake in a hug and held her tightly, Blake’s eyes went wide before closing and leaning into the hug, her arms around Yang. Her ears had shot up in surprise but lowered slightly in happiness.
“Thank you.” Yang whispered to Blake before letting go, much too soon for both of them. Blake could still smell Yang’s lavender shampoo, and she blushed slightly from how much she liked the smell, and Yang was doing the same.
“Blake was looking out for me. Because of what happened last time. You all saw how the crowd looked at me. Like I was…like I was a monster.” Yang’s voice cracked at the end, and Ruby immediately grabbed her sister in a tight hug.
“I hadn’t realised! I’m so so SO sorry!”
“It’s okay Rubes, it’s been almost two years since it happened, and we’ve been kinda busy saving the world you know?” Yang ruffled her sister’s hair affectionately.
“That doesn’t matter, I should have realised!” Ruby felt awful and it showed, from the look on her face to the way she held herself.
“Ruby’s right, we should have remembered and noticed. There’s no way we’re competing now.” Weiss shook her head.
Blake chimed in, “I agree, we shouldn’t compete.”
“Guys...” Yang started to talk but Ruby cut her off.
“No, Weiss and Blake are right. I’m your sister and more importantly your team leader, so my decision is final. We are not competing in the tournament this year. I will not force you to try and go out in front of a crowd of people thinking you’re a monster. You’re not! You’re Yang Xiao Long. You’re my sister, my teammate, and I love you. I hate it when you’re hurt, and I will not deliberately hurt you just so we can fight in some stupid tournament. Team RWBY will not compete!” Ruby ended her declaration with crossed arms and a nod of her head.
Yang smiled sadly and almost had to wipe a tear from the corner of her eye. Ruby has grown up so much, she was so proud of her little sister. “Ok then Rubes, I can’t argue if you pull the team leader card.”
Ruby smiled back, “Group hug?”
Everyone came together and hugged, it wasn’t something they did very often, but at times like this it felt like the right thing to do.
The moment was ruined by a loud incessant knocking on their door. “Guys! Open up! It’s important!”
They pulled apart and Ruby went to the door and opened it, “What’s up Jaune?”
The tall blonde was at the door, wearing just his hoody and jeans, “Have you seen the news?” Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads, “Put it on someone’s scroll now!”
Yang and Blake exchanged a look out the corner of their eyes, and Weiss agreed with the unspoken words, Jaune was being weird. He was never like this. Blake pulled her scroll out and switched it to the news, turning the volume up loud enough for them to hear, and put it on the bookcase so they could all see it.
“Now rewind five minutes to the start of the segment.”
Blake rewound the live news five minutes and let it play.
“Now over to Lisa Lavender for this special report, and the following report does contain footage some viewers may find disturbing.”
“Thank you, James. Tonight, the return of the Vytal Tournament was announced, over a year after the last one was held in Beacon and ended with a tragic loss of life and terrorist attack on Beacon Academy.”
Blake looked up at Jaune, “Jaune...”
“Keep watching.”
She looked back down to the scroll, it was playing the end of the fight between Pyrrha and Penny, with Lisa Lavender talking over it.
“It was also announced that at least two of the events that marred the previous tournament were the result of terrorist activity.” The scroll showed a picture of Emerald and Mercury. “These two people have been identified as having been associated with the White Fang and Roman Torchwick. As viewers may remember, Mercury Black made it to the semi-finals against Yang Xiao Long, where it appeared that he suffered a terrible injury.” The news footage cut to a recording of the fight towards the end. Blake looked at Yang, who was watching the news with a strained face, and she almost closed the scroll but for a small shake of Yang’s head. “New evidence has come to light which brings a different take on the situation.” The footage was now showing some CCTV footage from the fight between Pyrrha and Penny, with Ruby in a corridor, and Mercury walking. “Despite his apparent injuries in the fight before, Mercury Black can clearly be seen walking, and indeed fighting, in this footage. Something that should be impossible given the injuries he was supposed to have suffered previously. What authorities have released is some previously unknown knowledge that two of the people in that team were working with Roman Torchwick and the White Fang terrorists, and this woman, Emerald Sustrai, has an illusion semblance. This semblance was the key to creating several disturbing images for both the crowd and fighters to manipulate and trick them into committing violent and disturbing acts, all with the goal of causing a massive Grimm attack on Beacon Academy.”
Yang dropped to her knees; she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“Despite what people believe they saw at the time, it has come to light that Yang Xiao Long, far from being a perpetrator of a vicious, unwarranted attack, was in fact an innocent victim of the terrorist plot. As can be seen from the CCTV footage shown, the attack had no effect and was likely an illusion on Xiao Long that clearly had no lasting damage on Black, despite how serious the injury looked, and how he acted. It was another step in the terrorist’s plot, with Xiao Long an unknowing victim. Another victim was the late Pyrrha Nikos, manipulated and tricked by illusions to overuse her semblance against Penny Polendina from Atlas Academy, causing the second tragedy, the reveal of the android and loss of Miss Polendina’s life. What makes it even more tragic is that Miss Nikos then went on to lose her life fighting against the terrorists, a true hero to the end.”
“The authorities announced their recent findings at an inquest regarding the Vytal Tournament coming back, and what greater security was in place to stop further tragedies happening. Both Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black are still at large and considered armed and dangerous. They have had Huntsmen and Huntress training at some point, despite no records of graduation, and only having been at Shade Academy in Mistral for one year, with forged papers. The public is advised not to approach at all, and to call the police from a safe distance.”
“Thank you, Lisa, now...” Blake closed her scroll. The room was silent, Jaune had stepped into the room from the doorway and was standing next to Ruby, Yang was still on her knees, silent tears rolling down her face. Innocent. They were telling the truth. What had happened to her was actually being told on the news.
“We thought it best to get back to normal as quickly as possible, and to announce what had actually happened to some degree.” Everyone turned to find Professor Goodwitch standing in the open doorway, a soft look on her face for once. “Not everyone was on board with announcing the full details, and we kept Cinder and her real goal out of the news but thought it might be...helpful to some people to announce Miss Sustrai’s illusion semblance. “
Yang could have hugged her, and the others felt the same way. “Professor...”
“Don’t feel the need to hold back. Professor Ozpin thought you all had something special about you, the events in Atlas clearly back that up, and that includes you Mr Arc,” Jaune’s eyes widened in surprise, “So don’t be held back by events outside of your control and what others may think of you, especially considering the events of the last tournament. Now that’s dealt with, I need to speak with you and your team Mr Arc, concerning the upcoming Vytal Tournament.”
“We’ve already decided not to compete.” Jaune’s statement surprised everyone, but not Professor Goodwitch.
“I thought not. However, I need to explain why your team will be remaining at Beacon for the duration of the tournament.” She turned to team RWBY, “Welcome back to Beacon Academy.” She nodded and then walked across the hall to team JNPR’s room, Jaune following her and closing the door to team RWBY’s dorm behind them.
There was silence in the room for a moment before laughter broke it. Yang was laughing. They looked at her quite confused. “Oh, that is ironic. We literally just finished agreeing NOT to compete, then get given a reason as to why that’s completely wrong and get told by Professor Goodwitch that we actually SHOULD compete.”
Weiss cracked a smile, “That is pretty ironic.”
Ruby looked between them, “So what you’re saying is...”
Yang looked up at Ruby with a grin on her face and stood up, “Oh we’re competing now. I’ve been proven innocent, that bitch Emerald and Mercury have been shown to be evil, so I’m good to compete. And we’re gonna win this thing.”
“Wooo! Go team RWBY!” Ruby jumped in the air and high fived everyone, Yang returned it enthusiastically, Blake with a wry grin on her face, and Weiss reluctantly, but Ruby knew that was just because Weiss didn’t like high fiving. “Can we now make plans on kicking ass?”
Author’s note:
I saw somebody say online that they were surprised that nothing had ever come of how people viewed Yang at the end of the Vytal Tournament last time, so I thought I should bring it in and try to cover it. And yes, the Vytal Tournament is back! Gotta have a tournament arc in there somewhere right? I got the names for the other teachers and what they teach from After The Fall. Someone also mentioned in a comment they were surprised at Ruby’s reaction to the Vytal Tournament returning. I thought that Ruby’s main issue with it would be that it was hijacked by Cinder and the White Fang – not really an issue anymore as far as they know – and the fact that Penny died, also not an issue.
#RWBY#rwby fic#fanfic#rwby fanfic#fanfiction#rwby fanfiction#rtg#ruby rose#blake belladonna#yang xiao long#weiss schnee#jaune arc#glynda goodwitch#professor port#vytal
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My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 18 - I’m Fine
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.

Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15 / Day 16 / Day 17 / Day 18 /
It was a normal day for the boys as they shuffled around their studios, practicing or recording.
Namjoon in particular was getting slightly impatient.
(Last night - Namjoon)
"Alot could happen in 3 weeks."
Yoongi frowned, "couldn't she just come with us?"
Instead of waiting for Bang PD to arrive, he decided to drop him a text.
- PD nim, I have been thinking about our previous tours abroad and wondering if we can hire a billingual PR manager to come along with us for the next tour.
The reply was almost instantaneous.
- We have been thinking about it too and have someone in mind. But we found out the agency let her go and we still haven't been able to get in touch.
Namjoon took the chance and pushed for it.
- PD nim if you don't mind, I do have someone to suggest whom we have worked with during the last Europe tour. We can discuss this in detail maybe later today?
As he focused on waiting for the reply, his heart was racing a little.

Why am I being nervous about this? It's not even my girlfriend...
Just then the door of his studio shifted a little and in came Bang PD with a smile.
"Oh! PD nim! Were you already here?" quickly, a wide smile came over him as he stood to greet his boss whom he hadn't seen in some time.
As the older man sank down into the cosy grey sofa and squashed abit of the Van cushion under his weight, he spoke up in a light tone.
"Namjoon-ah, why are you bothering yourself with these matters when I've already got a whole team of staff to look into such things? It's not like you haven't got enough work on your hands."
Namjoon wasn't sure if he was being scolded for being nosy or was Bang PD trying to thank him for going beyond his scope.
He sat down and with a pressed smile, began to put forth some of his plans he had been working out in his head.
"Actually, PD nim, there's this one person we really hope to have along with us..."
Back in the agency where you used to be, things were running as usual. But your co-worker and bff, Fan, had been having a hard time coping with other reporters who had no interest in the music events they covered. It was mostly a touch and go approach that left her missing you, her partner in crime, even more. Days were getting tougher and she even entertained the though of leaving altogether since there was hardly anything else to look forward to.
As she packed up her stuff ready to leave for the day, her boss strolled by with a worried look.
"Hey boss, everything fine? You look like you just lost your company."
He smirked tiredly, used to her teasing. "Thankfully not. It's just that one of our Korean counterparts have been asking for Chae-rin and it was a pity I let her go. I don't even have anyone else I could send as a replacement."
At the mention of your name, she entertained some hopes of reuniting with you.
"Then just hire her back and send her over to Korea! You do know she's IN Korea right?"
Surprised at this piece of newly acquired information his brain quickly turns the numbers and realised that it clicked.
"But wait," he said, "didn't she say something about needing to rest for her health?"
Fan quickly brushed it aside, "well yeah but it's been awhile now she's probably fine. Why don't I call her for you just to... You know, see if she fancies something like that? Oh and, which company are we talking about here anyway?"
The boss ponders, "That sounds good, Fan. It's the one.... with Mr Bang and BTS."
Her breath hitches and chokes in surprise as he catches on quickly, "What's wrong? You alright?"
"Oh nothing!" she laughs, "I'm feeling just fine! I'm fine! Yea, definitely, just fine!"
I'm feeling just fine, fine fine...
You wake up to the sound of your new BTS alarm, it was your favourite song of the moment after seeing the elaborate choreography and how it was such a comforting yet emotional track. You look around and find a note stuck to your phone. It was neatly written and you recognised Jk's handwriting from the numerous letters he'd written over the last year.
'Noona, (they insisted I be fair and call you that) we won't be back early tonight because of the rehearsals for the tour schedule next week. If you get bored, just get a cab and let me know where you are. The hyungs and I will be at the studio so please have a good rest and eat well. Jin-hyung says he made some soup and the kitchen is yours. Please call us if you run into any trouble at all.
Of course, it would be a surprise if these busy idols were mopping around their house in the peak of their career. You weren't even expecting to see them altogether, recalling what a feast it was last night which only showed how long it had been since they could all rest at home together in the same space.
Finally. Some time to explore the city!
You thought to yourself, slowly reading off the messages you ignored since the night before.
There were a stream of pictures and messages from your ex colleagues and friends, as well as a few from Jungkook mainly to check if you were awake yet.
Just then, your phone rang and to your surprise it was Fan. Excitedly you answered it with your croaky morning voice.
- Ahem, ah, ah. Hello!
- Oh gosh, Chaerin, sorry did I wake you up? I didn't check the time difference!
- Don't worry it's noon here. What's up? You hardly call!
- Yeah I know, it's only been like what... Less than a week since you're gone and I'm dying without you.
You laughed at her cutely exaggerated tone which you missed.
- 4 days to be exact. It's only like what, my 3rd day here? It feels like I've been gone forever though. I miss working already.
- Really? How's your... Erm... Body? Has all the... Discomfort worn off?
You pause at her overly cautious choice of words and found it strange.
- Are you with someone?
Fan smiled, knowing how sharp you were.
- Well yes, and I wanted to ask if you really MISSED WORKING WITH US SO MUCH THAT YOU WISHED YOU COULD COME BACK?
Placing deliberate emphasis on the keywords with her back facing the boss, Fan definitely knew what she was doing and wanted you to catch on it.
- You're in the office aren't you... With, let me see... At this hour, wouldn't there only be the boss left? Hang on, are you saying he wants me to come back? Oh come on...
Giving an air punch, Fan was more than excited even though there wasn't even a conclusion.
- Not just me but before you... TURN ME DOWN, I just wanted to know it might be because you're PLANNING TO SETTLE IN KOREA?
- What are you going on about, Fan? You know full well the reason why I was dragged here! of course I have to settle here with... Well, you know who! And eventually I'll have to find a job and---
Quickly, Fan cut her short and put the phone to the boss.
- OKAY OKAY! I got that I got that! Hang on yes yes!
Nervously, he took it and tried to be as casual about it as he could. Unknown to you, there was actually a huge sum of money behind the contractual agreement which BigHit had offered. One that made it harder and harder for him to turn down or ignore. He knew the ball was not in his court and he had to get you back no matter what it took.
After half an hour of lengthy explanations and persuasion, you finally got the full picture.
- So, boss, ah... I mean, erm John, you're telling me the Korean agency we worked with, wants you to post me there as a permanent PR manager for them, while you manage the press at the Europe office, is that it?
- Yes, that's exactly what it is but of course, I'd have to hire you in order for that to happen.
It sounded like a good plan that would help keep your time occupied with income while you got a legitimate work pass to be in Korea as how you needed to. Only thing was letting them know, you'd soon be needing to use some maternity leave and that could potentially cause issues.
- But there are so many PR managers in Korea, why us and why me in particular?
- Beats me! but I know you've always outshone in your abilities and it doesn't surprise me if you were headhunted directly by them. It's just that they probably didn't know you had left the country and man, their staff are so persistent! There were a couple of mails I missed around the time you left which I ignored, since well, you left, but they've called me countless of times this morning as if they can't even wait an hour longer for me to disclose your details. But I told them I'd have to speak with you first. You know, PDPA can be a real bitch these days...
It was true.
Personal data protection was such a sticky issue that never let anyone in this media line rest. Of course, it didn't make any business sense for the boss to let another agency poach his ex-staff when he could possibly leverage on it. Anyone would. But you still didn't get it - why you?
- Before we go on, Mr John, which agency is this that has put forth such a strange request?
As if haunted by the thought, he sighed and sank into a chair.
- Apparently they said the leader made a direct request this morning for it and it became urgent. Remember the boyband you covered at your first stint? What was it again...
He motioned to Fan asking for the name of the band and she quickly showed him her Season's Greeting calendar with the 7 smiley boys.
- BTS. That's right. The Bangtan Boys.
The day whizzed by and you were completely caught in the flurry of calls, and emails you thought you never had to open again.
In a matter of hours, you had set up your laptop and found a small empty area where you could sit comfortably and wasn't occupied by one of the boy's laundry or gadgets.
The call had ended abruptly when you told Mr John to send you the emails for your consideration since Fan was probably freaking out at both her roaming call charges and the surprise of it all.
The leader made a request this morning? That's not possible... Namjoon? But why?
Bewildered, you let the mails load by the chunks until you hear the arrival of new mail from your boss - you had always gave it a different colour code just so you'd never miss it.
As you clicked it open, you saw the unmistakable BigHit email signature and a long mail thread which you read every single word not missing any of it. You could tell it was written very directly due to the probably lack of English expertise from the local staff but was succinct and sufficient to get the point across.
It was simple. They wanted you to work for them - with lodging and everything else taken care of.
This is more than perfect!
After going through the legal and operational details over the phone with their representative, you carefully broach the subject of possible maternity leave, in the near future. To your surprise, they were not only supportive but assured you that even the expenses would be taken care of so long as you were returning to your duties after that. The only thing was that you would have to start work the day after tomorrow in view of the tour that was upcoming.
Another long flight. Packing after you've just unpacked.
With a small sigh, your eyes caught sight of the neat scribbles Jungkook left for your this morning and smiled to yourself. Well, it wasn't that bad if this meant you were able to be with him for the next 3 weeks. It had just been 3 days with the boys but the thought of not being able see, hear, and just be near him had grown so uncomfortable that it made you teary.
Hurriedly you shook these thoughts off and took a deep breath, picking up your phone to text Jungkook.
- Work hard for today Kookie, I've got some news for you tonight :)
Hours later, Fan sorts out her own paperwork and ties up loose ends in the office, and prepares to take the first flight out in the morning to meet you. Unlike you, she had to get on flight soonest in order to arrive on the same day you start work.
Looking through the texts, she remembered having Jimin's number from the time when she pressed Chae-rin for at least one emergency contact other than JK's, in the event where she wasn't contactable. Picking up her courage, she decided to send him a text of her arrival... After all that you've done for her, being there for you in this uncertain period of your life, was the least she could do, of course, with some help, a surprise appearance would be the cherry on the cake.
The doors of the apartment swung open hastily and you hear the familiar banter of Jin, Namjoon and J-hope, as they discussed formations for the concert. They were so loud it sounded more like a party than 2 people just talking.
'No, no, no... hyung, I'll change it and Taehyung will sit on Namjoon and me because -- AAAigoo Jungkook-Ah! Your big bag is in my face, watch it!' It was J-hope, the loudest of them all, sounding suddenly cautious at the silent arrival of Jungkook, probably squeezing through the door with his over-sized bag.
'Sorry hyung! You okay?' Without even looking back, he habitually kicked off his shoes and tried to mask his excitement of finally being able to see you at the end of a long day. Going straight to his room, he finds your bags sitting at the door, luggage zipped and packed like the day you arrived. With eyes wide in shock he starts going into every room in search for you and when you were nowhere in sight, he grabs his phone and starts calling you, frantically looking around the living room if you'd left him a note or something.
The older boys, especially Namjoon, calmly check out Jungkook's room to see what he was being flustered about only to be startled by sudden movements among the rack of Jungkook's black tee-shirts.
'OOH! OOH! OOH! What-what -- Ahhh... you scared me!' Hushed Jin who put a hand to his chest after seeing that it was you, hidden behind the clothes. He looked extra warm and fuzzy today, in a turtle neck and glasses you seldom saw him wear.
You put a finger to your lips and motioned for Namjoon to come closer as you whispered to them. 'The company told me about your request.' You said, to the 3 older boys who were crouched down with their faces inches from yours in the dim corner. You continued, 'I'll be moving to the empty apartment next door in the morning.'
'JJINCHA???' J-hope exclaimed only to be quickly silenced by your hand.
'But why're you hiding from Jungkookie?' Namjoon asked. 'You trying to make him think you're leaving? You want to prank him?'
You nodded. 'It's now or never, isn't it?' with a cheeky wink, the brothers nodded and stood up giving you an "OK" signal, and started going into their overly exaggerated acting mode.
Jin sat on the bed while Namjoon went out to look for Jungkook, and J-hope started talking loudly again. "OMO! Jungkook-ah~~ Why are all her luggages packed up again? Aigoo, Jungkook-ah!"
As the boys gathered, they thoughtfully positioned Jungkook's face in your view, a clear sign they had done this so many times for the camera.
Namjoon started on his worried low voice, asking Jungkook if there was something wrong or if there was anything else he hadn't told them about. Before Jungkook could even respond, Jin chimed in like a comedic duo with Namjoon, picking up line after line, not even letting Jungkook process what was happening.
'... and you know, its getting late now, where do you expect her to go? right? her bags are all packed and she isn't answering her phone, are you sure she didn't say anything else to you? Jungkook-ah, check your phone again, did you miss some messages?'
You watched as Jungkook stared blankly, trying to recall while he cocked his head to one side, eyes fixed on the packed suitacases in deep confusion. 'No... Noona only said she had something to tell me tonight, but... but...'

'Something to tell you? Ah! That's right, she has to go back home that's why these are all packed!' Jin added quickly.
'NO!' was Jungkook's only response and you could see J-hope trying not to laugh at the innocence of this man-child. He was practically about to throw a fit at his 'helpful' hyungs in his sheer helplessness. As he mumbled unintelligible words to reason out why it wasn't possible you would leave, Namjoon decided to give it the final blow.
Putting his hands over JK's shoulder, he brought him nearer to where you were hiding as if to tell him a secret.
'Jungkook-ah, actually, I spoke to Bang-PD about Chae-rin.'
Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath in disbelief as he shrieked in a high pitch tone you'd never thought he was capable of. 'You, WHAAAAT???? HYUNGGGGG!!!!'
He continued, 'so I told him that for your sake, and hers, she has to move out of this place. Jungkook, hyung is sorry, I really tried my best to speak up for you but I think we can't have a girl here.'
You saw the Jungshook gifs appearing before your eyes as he froze in place, not even attempting to refute all that he heard. You made a mental note to commend his loyal and abiding nature even though it seemed like Namjoon had just turned his back on him.
After awhile, Jungkook spun around, looking at the other boys, studying their faces before going straight to J-hope giving him a deep closeup view of his bright round eyes.
'Wohhh, too close, Jungkook, too close, what-- what--' As he observed the reactions of his brothers, he stood up, surveying the room this time calmly and with sharp eyes, he realised how they had been deliberately leaving an empty space in front of his clothes. It was only then that he faintly saw some colours hidden behind the row of monochrome clothes, and took a deep breath of relief.
'Noona~ I know you're there. Come on out now, you have some explaining to do.' He closed his eyes with a satisfied grin and mild annoyance, pointing in your direction.
Slowly, you emerged bashfully, to the wind-screen wiper laughs of Jin and J-hope.
'Sorry, Chae-rin, we're just really horrible at acting no matter how hard we try. But for now I think we will leave you to deal with our little Kookie, see you outside for dinner! Bye!' In the blink of an eye, the hyungs exited and shut the door behind them as you heard their quick footsteps scurry down the hallway.
It only took you half an hour to explain the situation to Jungkook as he took it all in.
'Are you saying you'll be travelling with us when we're on tour, and when we're back, you'll be staying beside us?' He summed it all up in a sentence.
'Well, y-yes.... but Jungkook I'm going to be a company staff from now on, you need to be mindful of that especially when we're around the other people. I will have real WORK to do, not just tagging along.'
The glee on his face was so evident that you weren't sure if he was really seeing the full picture. Giving you a total embrace, you could feel his muscles relaxing slowly in your hold while he buried his nose in your hair.
'I don't care about that,' he whispered, slightly emotional all of a sudden. 'As long you're not leaving, I know I'll be fine.'
The next morning, Jungkook headed for practice early, filled with newfound vigor. They go through their routines, new formations, have meetings back to back and work from sunrise to sunrise.
A staff also meets you at the apartment, rather surprised that you had made your way to the door.
'How did you manage to get here?' He asks, slightly puzzled since it was a very secured residence.
Flustered, you blurt out whatever came to your mind. 'Oh, I met Namjoon while I was coming and he showed me the way, ha... yea that boy has good a very good memory for these things yea?'
'Ah, Namjoon? Yea, he did? I heard he doesn't request for staff directly but he specifically asked for you to be brought in as soon as possible... You guys must be close huh?'
As he opened the door to the adjacent apartment, your eyes saw the largest and most spacious loft-like studio, with full-length glass windows and light day curtains blowing in, fully furnished, open concept space. There were 2 rooms in view and a small kitchen, and a balcony. For a place like Seoul, you knew this had to cost a lot being in the same building as the boys.
The staff continued, 'there will be another staff joining us tomorrow and it seems you both are acquainted. It hasn't been sorted out where she will stay but for now, please settle in here as your home while you work with us. Since you're friends with the boys already, I guess there is no need for us to introduce you?'
You brushed it off casually, 'yea you must have had so much to do with my sudden arrival, please don't worry yourself with these trivial matters. I'm thankful enough as it is that Mr Bang made these arrangements himself.'
'Sure, in that case I will leave you and if you need any help just call for myself of any of the managers. We'll see you at the company tomorrow, Ms Chae-rin.'
As he closed the door to your new home, you pick up the shiny new card that came with a long black strap. Your passport-sized photo greeted you back with the same smile as you read the words beneath it to yourself.
Strategic Artiste Management & PR Lead (BTS)
This meant a promotion in your career; a new role - not to say the least, one you've proved your worth for, but more impressively,with a team under your lead, the one to call the shots on the bulk of their public appearances, personal welfare, and the first say over the boy's schedules.
As you go through the contract that you had read tens of times over before inking it, you shake your head in disbelief. This was practically the role of a highly paid corporate nanny over 7 grown boys that the world was fawning over.
But well, who's complaining? And you knew deep down, with Jungkook by your side, you'd be more than just fine.
Thank u for your likes, reblogs, reads and for waiting ... and I will keep updating this book!
Please feel free to leave me your comments and if you are going for LYinSG, see u there! :))))
This story can also be found on wattpad with my same username:
#My20YearOldIdolHusband#idol husband#bts#bts army#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts scenarios#bts imagines#jungkook fanfics#kpop fanfics#jungkook#jhope#hoseok#namjoon#rm#jim#seokjin#bangtan fanfics#bts fluff#jungkook fluff#jungkook scenarios#idol
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Something keeps jumping out at me after reading about all of the repeating storylines. Rebecca's story is also repeating. The 1st time around she lost the baby (abortion), Robert (to Chrissie), and her family(because she left). Cut to now, and she's lost the baby (I'm thinking there was no baby, but she thought there was), Robert (think she finally realizes that it's not happening), and her dad is upset with her, and we know he's going to be dying soon. I'm thinking maybe she has a breakdown.
All this time waiting for a Robert breakdown which never came, only to have one for Rebecca instead… Typical. (I jest haha, Robert’s characterisation during the reveal was perfect.)
This is exactly it though, anon! What I’ve been thinking is Rebecca had an abortion, realised Robert wasn’t going to choose her over Chrissie and booked a one-way plane ticket somewhere… Now Rebecca has found out there isn’t going to be a baby (I completely agree that she was never pregnant but believed she was), realised that Robert is never going to choose her over Aaron and once again booked a one-way plane ticket with no intention of coming back… Of course we know she’s going to come back but we don’t yet know the reason why. (Unless I’ve missed something??) You know, anon, I would love some kind of breakdown if it meant her just snapping and admitting to playing games etc. :P But ultimately, if it meant her character started to make a little more sense, then it could only be a good thing in terms of the narrative I think.
While we’ve touched on these parallels with Rebecca’s backstory though, I’m afraid I’m going to go on a slight tangent but it absolutely fits to this analysis in my mind haha. Because @itwasjustmisplaced and I have been discussing Rebecca’s wardrobe choices a lot, as you do, because we’ve noticed some patterns emerging…
Now this discussion began when we registered the significance of the dress Rebecca wore in the hospital episode when she left - it being the same one that she was wearing at the party on Aaron’s release day…when she found out she was pregnant. (You see the tragically ironic circle if she then found out she hadn’t been pregnant at all at the hospital?) Now, Taryn and I have since come to the conclusion that Rebecca’s only worn this dress four times, and each time something potentially significant to the current storyline has happened:
10th Nov - The most significant thing that happened with Rebecca herself was Robert interrupting Diane’s protest at Home Farm and humiliating Rebecca (for show supposedly) and then her getting all in his face in front of his family. But something significant happened with Vadam who have been linked to Robron continuously… Vic went to hospital where she revealed she thought she might be pregnant, found out she wasn’t and was told her symptoms were probably due to stress because of James and Holly etc. Potentially foreshadowing Rebecca’s current situation?
12th Jan - Lachlan’s trial. As far as I recall, nothing pregnancy related happened in these episodes. But what did happen was Lachlan v Lawrence which we know is cropping up again, and the constant mention of Lawrence’s will and the fact that he isn’t Lachlan’s biological grandfather… (Which I would assume will feature heavily soon if John Bowe is making the distinction between Lawrence’s biological daughter and non-biological daughter in interviews…) And the White family talking about putting all of this behind them and making “a new start”… The very words that Aaron and Robert used on -
6th April - … Just a few moments after Rebecca has discovered she’s pregnant. And which she lingers to listen to…
29th May - Rebecca goes to the hospital where she finds out something, before she leaves the country, upset.
Rebecca wore that yellow dress in each of them. Which may not seem that significant, but the outfit she wore during Maxine’s reveal episodes was the exact same outfit she was wearing on the night of The Incident. And as far as we can tell, she’s only worn this outfit on these two occasions. I have no idea if this much thought has been put into the wardrobe choices (I’d like to think it has) and whether there’s any significant meaning behind any of this, but the connection has to be intentional at least.
But within theory realm, not only is that significant dress yellow, but a lot of the outfits Rebecca wears are yellow. Just like Holly and Nell, who were also brought in as temporary plot devices (Holly’s return at least). And I’m getting a little bit carried away with the connections I’ve made between Rebecca and Holly, but if you or anyone wants to go down that path too then I’d recommend rewatching that opening montage to the episode where Ashley died which showed Holly in her yellow dress (in relation to Jai and Nell), and Rebecca wearing yellow, separated only by Holly’s brother Adam and Rebecca’s sudden BFF Vic, all accompanied by that poignant and potentially foreshadowing quote about not knowing what little time people have and being kinder to people who have always been kind to you… Just a couple of weeks after Rebecca said about Holly “the good always die young”… I’m not saying Rebecca might die while wearing a yellow dress in late September / early October, but… There’s some connection. I just don’t know if it’s intentional…
Anyway, the significance of yellow? If you look it up, there’s a whole load of meanings this colour can stand for, so I’m just going to pick out a few:
Positivity, hope, youth, fun, joy, loyalty - Everything it was implied Rebecca was before she arrived when she was pitched as the good White?
Freshness and spring - Like the birth of a newborn child?
Cowardice - This is why I’ve gone on this ridiculously long tangent, anon. Because we’ve established the parallels between Rebecca’s story now, and what’s happened in her past. She herself admitted that she tends to “run away”…
Betrayal - She slept with her sister’s boyfriend/fiancé, she came to the village specifically to betray her family for this man, had a DNA test done without Lawrence’s knowledge, slept with her supposed friend who had recently got married to her other supposed friend (I’m not even mentioning Ross)…
Deceit - “I’ve lied to everyone”…
I don’t know if any of this means anything in the slightest, anon, but your thoughts on the repeated arc of Rebecca’s story matched my own which are now tied in so intricately to this weird connection I’ve made and can’t seem to let go of haha, so I just thought I’d throw it out there… I’m sorry this was such a long tangent analysing costume choices in the world of Soap and that it took so long for me to get to my actual point haha!
I really don’t know what the plan is for Rebecca - breakdown, dying, baby - but I feel there is definitely something…
#apologies for only now getting around to replying to this anon#and for my absurd rambling about wardrobe choices and clothing colours haha#the realms of neverending theories and overanalysis#SSW Theory#The Theory speculation
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Last week one of my BFF Alina was here from Pakistan for vacations, we were meeting after monthsss. This made me remember the times when we used to meet daily in university, the moments in which we joked about visiting each other’s home with family in future. Never realized that we are living in future now, this is the very time we used to discuss while sitting in those corridors outside our class. Time flies by so quickly, we have known each other for more than a decade now (Haye I feel so old looking down the memory lane – older and wiser though).
We Being ‘Bad Moms’ *devil emoji*
So we both decided to ditch our babies for a day by locking them up with our hubbies at home and party outside ALONE, just like we used to do back in our care-free university days. The idea itself was so enthralling that it got us both all excited. We planned to watch a movie first then go and dive into the snow at Ski Dubai in Mall of the Emirates. Being a Karachiite, I had always wanted to experience snow but was not able to because of so many reasons ( HI was not much interested, E is always with us – no body is available to babysit her) so when i found Alina keen enough to check it out, i was like yesss i got my partner. :p
Plan of the Day
We booked 2 o’clock show of the movie ‘Dangal‘ at VOX MOE on Friday (since that was the only day HI could babysit E). Left home at about 1:30 pm after settling the babies with their fathers, gave them ample amount of food, with lots of advice for the day (yes, we fulfilled all our duties and made sure they will be fine without us) and wished them good luck (that is what they needed the most… haha). Reached the cinema on time, exact at 2 pm (we are so punctual… yo). The movie wasn’t started yet, we got our popcorn bucket meanwhile the ads were going on. The movie actually began at 2:30 pm (we were forced to watch whole lot of advertisements :-/ not fair).
About Dangal
The movie itself was really good based on a true story with little punch lines (that would’ve been too hard to insert in that ‘oh so serious’ type of plot) . I loved the idea conveyed through the movie; “Nothing in the world is impossible to achieve with constant hard work, determination and focus“. Amir Khan is such a fine actor, his movies are always a safe watch. The only drawback was duration which was 170 mins, so longgg man. But all is well that ends well, the girl got gold medal at the end and we came out smiling from the cinema. It was a good watch.
in the cinema
Sephora Visit in between
We at Sephora
Next up was The Ski for which we both were way too excited. But Sephora was on our way so we ended up entering in, we just can’t resist it. Bought some stuff, collected my loyalty card gifts which were due since long and then we headed straight down to our desired destination ignoring the urge to have a cup of coffee because we were running late.
Ski Dubai – Mall of the Emirates
Upon reaching the snow park, we purchased our Polar Pass which costs around 250 AED per person but we got 2 in the same price since I have got Entertainer BOGO vouchers :D. There are some other types of passes too, you can check out the pricing and description here. We also had to rent a locker to keep our belongings, paid additional 30 AED for that. Got our ski dresses, shoes and gloves on and we were all set to raid the snow.
There are total 3 rides for adults (Tobogganing, tubing, and bobsled rides – snow bullet is the best of all) which you can enjoy unlimited number of times on the Polar Pass as long as you are not frozen. A chair lift tour which you can catch once, it takes you all the way to top from where you can watch skillful skiers sloping down the snow. We both initially thought that we’ll go multiple times on each ride but the cold (temperature was -2 degree) became unbearable after spending 1.5 hrs inside. We both dropped the idea of trying the rides multiple times and concluded that we should find our way out before we turn blue. We went on each ride once, took lots of pictures, played in the snow ( I threw lots of snow balls on Alina :p) and had lots of fun. Check out the pictures and random video i made:
Following are my concluding remarks – ‘words of wisdom‘ on the snow park:
It is not worth it, 250 AED is way too much for those 3-4 rides and one can’t stay inside for long considering the cold atmosphere. But if you have got any deal or voucher than you should experience it.
Watch out for your cell phones,Mobile phones stops working in extreme cold reason being when the battery becomes too cold, the phone may turn off. While the natural reaction may be to immediately hit the power button and try to turn the phone back on, that is a terrible idea- DON’T DO THAT; Mine remain fine alhamdulillah (Thank God) but i came across a girl whose phone stopped working because of chill and it was not just any phone, it was an iPhone.
There are no pockets in the snow dress so you better think twice before taking your phones or any other stuff inside, may be if 2-3 persons are going with you only one of you who has got pockets (in their pants/trousers) can take it along. Otherwise, it’ll be difficult to roam around.
They give you wrist bands and a card which is required to scan before entering queues for rides or sometimes they’ll ask you to show it randomly. You will need to take care of it as well. I dropped mine somewhere, it was too difficult to hold everything specially when your hands are numb. Thank God, they were satisfied with my wrist band though.
Dinner Expedition
At last we saw our hubbies and babies waving at us from outside, we joined them in no time because we were unable to stand that cold anymore. And this was the time I and Alina, we both were starving VERY BADLY. We discussed dinner options and SoHo grill got unanimous votes. Loved their steaks, may be because we were famished but they tasted delicious.
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Picture is not over yet – Park Mania
The day wasn’t over yet, we took the kids to park afterwards. Nobody could differentiate between us and the babies, we went crazy there as well, check out for yourself below. Enjoyed the kids’ see saw like never before. We were so high that day, had such an amazing fun filled day.
Special Thanks Para
All the credit goes to fathers who volunteered to babysit and encouraged us to carry out our plan. All thanks to you boys, that was so thoughtful; much appreciated :) – *Imagine us giving a big ‘thank you speech‘ and a big round of applause to you*. And by the way, the babies did not give them hard time at all. They enjoyed a movie after putting the them to sleep at home. A win-win situation for all!
Mommies’ Day Out – A Day in Snow! Last week one of my BFF Alina was here from Pakistan for vacations, we were meeting after monthsss.
#MyDubai#Amir Khan#Bollywood movie#Crazy Mommies#Dangal Movie#Dubai#mall of the emirates#MOE#motherhood#Movie Review#Movie time#Park time#Sephora#Sephora UAE#ski dubai#Ski Dubai MOE#Snowy Day#SoHo Grill#Travel
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