#i was debating whether to delete this
countriesgame · 10 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have curiosities or facts about Canada you'd like to share, tell us and we'll reblog it!
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cicada-candy · 2 months
if anyones wondering what the vibes in the archives in this au are in my head:
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This random guy swans into the institute:
1) marked by so many of the fears you'd think he was collecting them,
2) Sneaks up on an Omniscient Avatar Of A God Of Fear, and
3) Baffles a harbinger of death because he Cannot See This One What
and he somehow walks out with a job because the afformentioned god of fear wants to know What His Fucking Deal Is.
Chaos Ensues.
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shhroomer · 4 days
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erm hi ehe uh have a dump of all of my doodles over these past few weeks of my sp oc ft some of the other characters (im drowning in assignments you guys someone lend a hand oh god I’m drowningbllsdhdsbja)
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chainsawch · 3 months
*squishes ur paws* @toxycodone
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Happy pride month to thistle and venery, I support gay wrongs only
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kaguya-muneuji · 2 years
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specialagentartemis · 4 months
I get what ur saying but equating special interest (as an autistic term) to "personal interest reading" and like, a quirky little interest feels kinda... off. I truly mean no offense by this, but I'm getting a degree in cultural anthropology, which is my special interest. Like, it feels dismissive to say those things when plenty of autistic people are pursuing degrees in their special interests.
Obviously not all of us are, obviously a lot of autistic people do just research it in their free time, but your phrasing very much feels othering and as though you think academic field of study and special interest are mutually exclusive.
You know, last night when I turned off reblogs on that post I also made a tumblr post that said “what’s the over/under that I wake up to an anon asking me why I hate autistic people and think they can’t get degrees” and then I deleted it because I thought it was too mean. And yet here we are and what did I wake up to find.
I admit, my phrasing in that comment was flippant and irritated and did not acknowledge the breadth and depth of what a special interest experience is, because I was responding to one of dozens of people who were doing exactly what was annoying me in the first place on my post: acting like the only reason someone would get an academic degree is because they are autistic, and degrees are inherently synonymous with Special Interest.
Good for you that you are getting an academic degree in your special interest! That’s great. I’m glad for you. However that was not even slightly the context of the scenario I was talking about in my original post. And it would be nice if my knowledge about Archaeology was not assumed to arise from my biologically innate special-ness (which was also assumed). It would be nice if people on Tumblr would stop talking about expertise as if there were two kinds of people: autistic people, who are naturally biologically gifted with knowledge, and Neurotypicals, who are incapable of having interests or passions or knowledge. It would be nice if people would stop armchair diagnosing strangers based on one interaction. It would be nice if tumblr could respect people for research, experience, and dedication, without assuming that it’s only legitimate if you have a biologically unique Special Interest and casting suspicion on anyone in academia. It would be nice if we could stop assuming that simply being autistic and having a special interest automatically makes you an expert if that kind of experience and rigorous research isn’t there.
I have an internet friend whose special interest is dogs and dog training. I don’t trust them about dogs because they’re autistic, I trust them about dogs because they have years of experience raising and training and learning about dogs. Regardless of whether your interest is a Special Interest or not, experience and dedicated research (whether in a university or on your own with rigorous checks that you’re actually learning things that are true) are what makes your knowledge legitimate, not whether you were born with the correct type of brain. Bioessentialism isn’t cool even when it tells you that you’re the Better kind of person. Especially then, actually.
It’s also very funny (derogatory) to me that this is the website that CONSTANTLY passes around PSA’s to the tune of “Your selfish ex isn’t a Narcissist just because they’re selfish! You don’t have OCD just because you like things to be clean! Being nervous before public speaking is not the same as having an anxiety disorder! ADHD is more than just getting distracted!” And then turn around and go “if you are interested in/knowledgeable about something that means you’re obviously autistic.” And see no contradiction and get mad when I make a frustrated post about it.
Some people have Special Interests AND a degree in them. It’s pretty common and that’s great. Some people have special interests and do NOT have a degree in them. That does not make you any lesser of a person but you gotta show your knowledge is thorough and accurate in other ways, then, if you want to be taken seriously as an expert. There are absolutely experts who have autistic special interests and no formal degrees but you still gotta show your work rather than taking it for granted. Some people do NOT have special interests and DO have a degree. This does not mean they are actually secretly autistic or that their knowledge is lesser than someone with a special interest. Some people do NOT have special interests and do NOT have a degree but have experience and expertise in other areas. That is also fine, and believe it or not, happens. You may observe that there is not a direct correlation here.
This isn’t about balking at being compared to autistic people, as someone else in the notes accused, and this isn’t about saying “academic field of study and special interest are mutually exclusive”. I did not in fact say that. I just did not want my academic field of study reduced to an internet teenager’s armchair diagnosis which is the situation that the original post was about and a lot of people on tumblr enthusiastically agreed with.
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faestelle · 11 months
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tiny small lil simself update
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tootditoot · 4 months
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You see the end goal was to draw my fav characters holding hands, but I am somehow better at illustrating cats lmao
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 months
Almost worried because if ONE does Megatron’s fall to evil poorly there are a myriad of ways it could be bad. But if they do it well I’ll have to listen to people talking about how none of it was his fault and the good guys are all meanies and he was right actually and then I’LL become evil and start killing people.
(Then again people somehow (???) still do this for Anakin and not only did the prequels suck horribly but his fall entailed a bunch of CHILD MURDER. So I guess the lesson is that how responsible a character is for their actions correlates directly to how much you like them.)
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breitzbachbea · 7 months
France is so beautiful to hide the ugliness inside. honhonhon It's a pety bitch and we love him
Motherfucker made a deal with the devil for sure ... Though now I am wondering if that is a thing in French culture/folklore, like, do we have some prominent devil deal story over there? Getting sidetracked.
But YES, we love him for being petty! He is capable of both being a genuine romantic and kind soul and also the MOST MASSIVE BITCH EVER who wants to see the world BURN for his entertainment and ego. Love that for him. I mean, look at this poll for my latest AU FrUK subplot. Card-carrying messy bitch who lives for drama.
But I will seriously say that he is not uniquely ugly on the inside, most Hetalia characters (and indeed most characters period) are super sucky in some ways and genuinely cool people in others. I am as francophobic as the next person, but his beauty is not hiding more uglyness than Turkey's or Spain's beauty - or any of the Nordic's or Russia's or China's, depends on who is your type.
I mean, in the AU scenario I linked alone, there are like. At least three major cases of Everyone Sucks Here. Yes, François' prioritizing drama over his best friend's future, bc all the pettyness got her basically fiancé to sleep with someone for blackmail and he is not doing shit to stop HIS future husband from making another friend's life hell for the petty bullshit. But Gavin MacAllister being hellbent on not letting François marry an Englishman that Fran clearly doesn't seem to abhor, seems determined to have a fun marriage with, is also just. Ugly as fuck behaviour-wise. And Arthur trying to make everyone else pay more than hell for bothering him... Honestly, if he hadn't pissed off Gavin and my Irish boys before François based on snobbish reasons, Arthur would be the least of an asshole, because Gavin's being an entitled prick and François is encouraging it. He is not uniquely terrible, really not, so ... not that much beauty required, really. Hima just hates me specifically by making a Frenchman this heavenly handsome.
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 months
Sadorini got flooded with 17.000 tourists, just today, just from the cruise ships. The island has a population of around 15.500 (and I'm rounding this number up btw). This is on top of the tourists that were there already or flew in.
The councillor told locals to "limit their outings so that the tourists have space to move"
Should we also limit the locals' water consumption so the tourists have more to drink?
After all,in the year of our lord 2024 it's still common for Greek islands to run out of water, especially during the summer.
Whose idiotic idea was this? People can't just stop their everyday routines just because you can't handle the amount of tourists visiting.
Limit the amount of cruise ships that come each day. Or better yet stop all of them because cruise ships are fucking terrible for the economy.
The EU said Greece is only good for tourism and as a light factory and people still believe they're protecting us.
Wake up you idiots!
Tourists on cruise ships don't give any money to the places they visit.
Everything they need is included in the cruise which they already paid for. Why would they spend extra money on food and hotels when they have unlimited access to everything their heart desires on the ship?
They only go out for sightseeing and then return to the stupid cruise ship!!
Stop. accepting. cruise. ships.
Just because the EU adeverised our country as a summer resort doesn't mean we need to let them sink our islands.
I'm not saying we should kick out all the tourists. It's not their fault. The idea of Greece as an ideal vacation destination has been planted in their minds because of this.
It's also not the civilians' responsibility to fix the government's mistakes. Going to the beach with signs against tourists is not a solution. It targets the wrong people and unintentionally might perpetuate xenophobia and racism.
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I just realised today that it’s been over 8 years since I published my first piece of reader insert fanfiction (not for DL but it laid the groundwork for what was to come) and it’s absolutely crazy to me. I don’t know that I’ve talked about it on this blog much (for it was not good by anyone’s standards) but I used to publish on Quotev and I made a couple of friends on there who really helped me when I was going through a hard time in real life (not that I think any of them necessarily realised how much :’) ). Sadly we all sort of drifted away from the site and lost contact but I still think about them sometimes and hope that wherever they are they’re doing well. 
I miss our little community on there too and the silly conversations we used to have, as while I don’t think Tumblr ever quite had the same vibe, I do think it’s grown a lot more impersonal over the years (or at least that’s certainly been my experience). 
Anyway I don’t know that there’s much of a point to this other than me reminiscing but if we’ve interacted at some point while I’ve been running this blog, or even if you just silently like a lot of my posts (because believe me, there are usernames I recognise even if we’ve never properly talked), then I’m grateful and I hope that you’re happy and doing well.
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bloodydeanwinchester · 3 months
i truly cannot tell whether people just aren't seeing the gifset i just posted on their dashes or if it just isn't getting any notes. but that would be weird because they always get at least one note actually usually at least a few before i reblog with the taglist.
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2024skin · 2 months
1 month ago today my exes mom died is it too soon to tell him I unfriended him and ignored his message because I kind of think he raped me
#i never planned on telling him cuz honestly even tho i dont want him in my life anymore i dont know if what happened was actually rape#theres been a lot of debate over whether or not my specific situation was rape or what the feminists like to call “maintenance sex”#so it feels rather cheap of me to call it rape when our collective idea of rape is so much more sinister than what happened to me#but anyways i didnt want to talk to him about any of this because i dont know what to say about it and i think hes too sexist to listen#but i Did get a very funny and wholesome snap memory of him and one of my besties so i sent it to him#and thats how i found out he reached out to me exactly a month ago to tell me his mom died and to ask for support#which of course i cannot provide cuz i feel too conflicted about him to put aside my ego + i feel that he doesnt deserve that from Me anywa#see also my resistance to cutting him out of my life to the point that i didnt block him or delete all of his pictures#i didnt even get rid of all of his things i kept the sweater his mom gave him cuz i Knew she was going to die too soon#and i knew he would miss wearing this sweater which is the one from his favorite picture of him and his mom together#so not only is the context of this situation very ambiguous but also i dont really feel the way i think a rape victim is Supposed to feel#i mean i have my moments when i really think about it where im hurt and im angry and i cant help my reaction to it even years later#but otherwise im fine and even when it comes to him i was mostly chill and stayed with him for a year after it happened#so i dont feel i have any right to call it rape and yet it was definitely not consensual sex#and theres just no other word to describe ambiguously nonconsensual sex
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oh hey! here's a fun little poll for all my christian friends to get unnecessarily opinionated about!! :D
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tedfagoffski · 4 months
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posting a shitty tinky doodle every day until curt mega notices except i am so goddamn terrified of that idea. day 1. little guy from my art class whiteboard
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