#i was considering five of cups for Heart bc water but four of pentacles just works so much better
maldito-arbol · 3 years
Have you come up with what tarot cards the gem trio would be? If so I would love to hear 👀
Okay so sorry for the wait I had to just sit down and contemplate these but I’ve chosen a major arcana and minor arcana card that best represents each gem because AGH I CANT LIMIT MYSELF. SO
Major: The Devil
This one was very on the nose, I don’t see how I could have picked anything else. But the themes of addiction/unhealthy attachments/obsessions within The Devil card are just perfect for them. I also just. omg. The imagery of being chained down by this devil makes me go feral. Heart has such an insatiable need to Possess it’d only make sense they’d be associated with chains and being trapped.
Minor: Four of Pentacles
This one is ALSO very on the nose, as it’s the greed card. It represents holding on tightly to one’s possessions which can be a positive thing in some cases but certainly not so for Heart. Heart embodies the darker side of it, the manic desire to take and own and control. This should already make sense to you now but it’s going to make even more sense when we talk about them a little deeper later on. Stay tuned ;)
Major: The Hanged Man
This is one of those introspective cards, one which requires waiting in patience for the right change in perspective. I associate it with stasis, and Wit is very much lying in wait, half by choice and half by chance but she is nevertheless waiting for her moment. She does grow weary of waiting, however, and her temper gets the best of her sometimes, but it is ultimately up to Marcy to offer this shift in perspective that can finally get the ball rolling with her.
Minor: Two of Swords
I cannot think of a card more fitting for Wit than the Making Decisions card. There’s a level of confusion and even anxiety about the decision at hand and how one is supposed to weigh the options carefully, and Wit embodies confusion. I particularly like the imagery of the blindfold on the card that encourages the trust in one’s own intuition, but in Wit’s case I think it more feels like blindly fumbling for answers. She has a severe case of trust issues going on, which makes it all the more difficult for her to make a confident choice.
Major: The Tower
i bet u thought i was gonna pick Strength for Strength. NOPE. I actually think The Tower is perfect for Strength with its Chaos and sudden upheaval. The whole premise of the tower is about a structure with a fragile foundation that is struck by lightning and collapses in its entirety while those in the tower leap out the windows into the unknown, unaware of what awaits them but forced to go nevertheless. It’s all about a sudden event shattering a piece of one’s life or oneself and forcing them to leave it behind, to adapt and rebuild. I can’t tell you why it fits Strength yet but omg. Omgomgomg. I’m losing my mind. I swear you guys teeter DANGEROUSLY close to spoiler territory every single day.
Minor: Seven of Wands
This card carries a great deal of competition, and I associate it with being on the defensive—this rush to guard one’s own territory or even justify one’s own opinions. Sometimes the entire world can be against you and the only ally you have is yourself. I. Cannot. Tell. You. Why. This. Fits. Strength. Either. I am so sorry LMAO
Anyway bc i love u here are all the other cards i was considering for the gems:
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