#i was cackling like a witch and my sibling was laughing like 'i hate you'
optiwashere · 8 months
A few Asheera questions for ya in the mail hope you don't mind
Whats Asheera's least favourite food? Like most hated
What does Asheera's laugh sound like, does it compliment Shadowhearts witch cackles?
Do her older siblings tease her? Do her younger siblings look up to her?
What was it like coming out to her parents (obviously a smooth and easy transition judging by the fics)((pun unintended))
Thank you~
Heya anon! I absolutely don't mind questions about my favorite half-orc 💜
She'll eat practically anything, but if she catches a whiff of cooked cabbage anywhere in the dish it's going to be a challenge for her. She cannot stand the stuff.
You know those laughs that start out wheezing, almost airy/breathy before turning into full-throated laughs as the person makes themselves laugh harder just by laughing? Yeah, it's like that.
Her oldest sister, Yetza, loves telling "embarrassing" stories about her. I'm pretty sure I mentioned in one of the fics - one of the wedding ones, maybe - that she does this kinda thing lol. Her youngest brother, Fanel, is a wannabe adventurer in his very early 20s and he definitely looks up to her. After everything that happens with the Absolute crisis, he basically hero-worships her at that point.
It would have been when she was 19-20. She wasn't beholden to any one deity then, so she never thought physical transition was something she could really ever do. Her family is relatively poor, she wasn't particularly religious for a long period of her life, and she never knew any wizards growing up. At least, none capable of permanently polymorphing her. Anyways, she came out to her father first while working with him — it was completely by happenstance that she told him first in the middle of working on a project to help her prepare for apprenticing with a local blacksmith for a year. He was definitely confused because she never "seemed" girly to him, but he was accepting. Just confused for a long time. Her mother immediately understood when Asheera told her though. Maybe she wouldn't have put it as seeing Asheera as her daughter the whole time, but it's more like a lot of disconnected puzzle pieces were placed together and suddenly made sense with the whole picture laid out before her.
Thanks for the lovely questions!
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svtskneecaps · 3 years
now feels like a good time to mention my aunt (who we haven't seen since before covid) is in town, so we did a family dinner at my grandparents' house. naturally weird shit happens at dinner--this is my fuckin family we're talking about--and i was screwing around and decided, hey
i'm gonna get my sibling with a deez nuts joke
i tried to convince my little sister to get them with a "saw con" bc they share an interest so if she mentioned a convention for the interest it would sound true. she wouldn't, so it was up to me
for the next five minutes i almost successfully had my sibling convinced there was an event happening on the college campus called "saw con", to the point where they downloaded an app for it
in the end, though, i was running low on ammunition and on time (no doubt they would soon see there was no listing for a "saw con" on the event app), and switched tactics
"i think they're doing a screening of that new pixar movie," i said, screwing my face into a look of concentration, "that italian one, with the gay guys and the sea monsters"
and the stars aligned so beautifully as my sibling looked up at me and said, "luca?"
and i fucking POUNDED the table grinning like some hell creature that's got its claws in your soul
"luca deez NUTS"
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 years
Being a Slytherin and Dating Fred Weasley
HP masterlist
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-Fred,,,,,didn’t know how to deal with having feelings for a Slytherin 
-my dude was so lost. 
-it began when he was eleven, you were both first years.
-Around your fifth year, you and Ginny were talking about how a guy said you were too intimidating to be with. You jokingly looked at Fred and went, “could you fall for a woman like me?” 
“I already have.” He said without missing a beat. 
-You’re a Prefect. He adores you. 
-He was shocked to find out you were a nerd. And, that you had to wear glasses or else you couldn’t see. When he found out you couldn’t see without help, he designed a pair of glasses to stay on your face on the quidditch field. He also charmed them to stay clean and adjust as your prescription changed. 
-He began working on them your second year. They still weren’t perfected until your sixth year. 
-He gave them to you as a one year anniversary gift, you cried. 
-He panicked. 
-He was worried he had insulted you, when he asked what was wrong you just went, “this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever given me.” 
-His heart melted. 
-He also won points with your family with the invention. Especially your dad. 
-His nickname for you is “hissy.”
-The nickname has caused several questions which Fred and you just shrug off. It’s a secret as to how the name came to be. 
-He has bi-wife energy. 
-You were muggle born, you came from a non-slytherin family (the first member to be a Slytherin that your family tree knows of). 
-They all knew it was your ambition that got you into your house. You also hated being a follower, you were a born leader. You also had a poisonous bite, your comments have been known to make others dislike you. You spoke your mind when someone was rude. 
-Molly immediately accepted you in their family despite your house. As well as Arthur. 
-You were protective over his siblings. After not having a good relationship with your own, you adopted his. 
-Ginny loved having another girl around all the time, Hermione can’t stay all summer but you can.  
-Ron liked seeing someone give Fred and George shit. Plus, whenever their pranks were too hard on Ron, you always said something. 
-Percy doesn’t necessarily dislike you, he's just a priss. But only you and his family can call him a priss, if someone else does it that’s when you jump in. Percy knows that when it comes down to it, you’re a ride or die for their family, so he accepts you. 
-George was the only one who wasn’t surprised when you and Fred announced you two were dating. He had been shipping you guys since day one. 
-Bill and Charlie had known about you because of Molly. She wrote them letters about how Fred was clearly in love with a Slytherin girl named Y/N. They were wary, then when they saw how you treated Fred and the rest of their family, they liked you. 
-Molly has a muggle camera, she enjoys taking random pictures of her family. 
-She’s taken thousands of you and Fred. Her favorite is one that was taken after christmas. You and Fred were lying on the couch. His head was on your chest, your hand had stilled in his hair. You both were passed out. 
-There’s also many of you two just laughing at each other. Eyes crinkled, mouths open in silent laughs. 
-Speaking of laughs. He loves yours. 
-It ranges from absolute cackling, silent shakes, wheezes, screaming laughing. He loves it. 
-He makes it his mission to make you smile once a day. 
-You have a familiar. She is tattooed on your body. When you were born, your family got her for you. She grew as you did. 
-You had a snake, not a death eater snake or a snake like Nagini. A snake that protected your family. Her name was Mushu. 
-Mushu could transform into a massive snake, one that could swallow the Dursleys if she wanted. On your skin, she was as tiny as a garden snake. She chose her size. She had black scales, but in the light they turned chrome. 
-When you and Fred started dating, you were extremely worried as to how he would react to you having a snake on your body. You were so worried you couldn’t hide it from him. 
-Fred was fascinated by Mushu, Mushu’s favorite place was to lay on your breasts, it was soft for her. She also loved your back because she could spread out. If you slept on your stomach, Mushu would go on your back. Fred would trace her scales at night. 
-But when you told him about her, you were petrified. 
-One night in your dormitory (your roommates were out and you use a charm to get Fred up there) he could see your leg shaking, you were having an anxiety attack about it. Which caused Mushu to get more restless. 
He knows by now about your tells when having an anxiety attack, like dissociating. 
He set a hand on your knee, “what’s wrong hissy?” 
“I...I have a secret, Freddie.” You said, with tears in your eyes. “You don’t have to tell me, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He knew it wasn’t anything involving you cheating. He knew you well enough. 
“No, I want to, I’m just really scared as to how you’re going to react. But before we move farther in this relationship, you need to know.”
“Okay. Whatever it is, it’s safe with me.” 
“Okay, I have a...familiar on my body.”
“What?” He had only heard legends about such creatures. 
You nodded, “she was given to me as a baby, my parents didn't know what the world held out there, because they knew...they knew you-know-who was around. So they contacted a well known witch with familiars, and they bought her for me. A familiar has to be bonded with an infant or else it won’t connect well. The two have to grow up with each other.”
You were gauging his reaction, he nodded for you to continue. You smiled, your hand absentmindedly going to your chest. “Her name is Mushu. I called her Moo as a toddler because I couldn’t pronounce her name. She’s a snake.” 
“Okay.” He nodded. 
“....Okay? You’re...okay with this?” 
He shrugged, “it’s a part of your body, Y/N. I love it no matter what.”
You smiled, your shoulders relaxing, “you want to see her?” 
You looked down your sweatshirt, “Moo, you gotta move.” You said. 
Mushu, the stubborn beast she is, did not. 
You sighed and looked at him, “she won’t move.” 
“Where is she?” 
“In between my tits.” 
His eyes widened, “you don’t have to show me.” His cheeks were bright red. 
“I will if you’re okay with it.” 
He nodded, “whatever you want to do.” 
You smiled and gripped your hoodie. You pulled it from your head, trying not to blush as Fred was seeing a lot of you for the first time. You were wearing a bra, but still. 
You didn’t know how Fred would react. He gazed at you, you could tell he was trying extremely hard to not look right at your boobs. Her body rested between your breasts. Her tail had curled around your stomach, her tail dipping beneath the band of your sweatpants. Her neck was around yours, her head coming down to rest on the swell of your breast. 
He took one look at her and went, “she’s beautiful.” 
You sighed, “I love you.” 
“And I love you.” He said kissing you. He pulled away, “why were you scared?”
“Because, I’ve never shown her to any partner I’ve had. And I like you a lot more than I like those exes.” You smiled. “Not going to lie, I’m also not the biggest fan of my body, but she helps me with that. With owning it.” 
“You’re absolutely exquisite. No matter your size or what beauties grace your body.” At that comment Mushu’s head shimmied. He smiled at her, “they make you who you are.” 
“And that is?” 
“The love of my life.” 
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
Almost A Thousand Years - Killahead, Part 2 | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot:  You’ve known Hisirdoux Casperan for almost a thousand years.  You’ve hated him for almost a thousand years.  And for almost a thousand years, you’ve been cursed to feel each others pain.  But somewhere in that time, things changed.  [Hisirdoux Casperan x Mostly Gender Neutral but Probably Female Presenting Based on How Historical Men Treat Them!Reader]
Word Count:  5,258
Warnings: B A T T L E 
A/N:  HAPPY HOLIDAYS KIDS!!!!!  also, i swear to god this was written a month ago, before aaron confirmed the skulls and wizards thing
Taglist:  @furblrwurblr @rainningdoom @fluffydmonkey @blondie0458 @sitherin-mxschief @jinxedleo @lawlesshedgehog @einahpetsyarcip @dolphincommander @sorrels-scribbling @anxious-stitcher @alive-and-afraid @animedweeb333 @douxiesdamsel @saroski05 @justarandomhoman @tales-of-hisirdoux​ @blixeon​​ @yagirlcheesely​
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It was about as surreal as you thought it would be.
As a child you were trained to fight; to stab, to slice, to claw, and to bleed.  You were taught that humans were the root of all evil and that the Gumm-Gumms would one day take what was theirs.  Now you were fighting with the humans, the evil, the oppressors, against what had been your home, your people.
And it was going surprisingly well.  It turns out having insider knowledge is very helpful on the battlefield.  You were able to block everything they threw at you, to dodge and weave through their attacks and land some pretty good hits of your own.  Douxie had your back, of course, blue light striking down as many opponents as it could take.  In return, you took out anything that even threatened to get too close.
It was going well.  But it didn’t last.
“Oh no.”
“(Y/N), stay behind me,” Douxie’s voice was a dull hum against the roar around you, and of course, the screaming troll in front of you.
“Oh god.”
Douxie noticed the fact that you weren’t even close to listening to him and took action, moving in front of you, striking any Gumm-Gumm soldier who even looked your way.
So, that was it.  That was what had kept you in the dark as a traitor for at least a hundred years.  The very sentence that made you avoid Britain with all your strength.  The thing that drove a wedge between you and the man you now loved.
Four words were all it took.
“(Y/N)??  (Y/N), love, please, answer me!”
You jerked your head, snapping back to reality.  No matter what events were relevant to your personal history, there was still a battle going on.  You had to keep fighting.  You struck down another few Gumm-Gumms just as Douxie used some of Archie’s fire to dispose of another, another few.
“Ha, I've always hated those twits!”
“Valid!” you cried as you ducked under an opponent’s strike.  You took out their knees, rising again, just in time to see Morgana descend from a sky wormhole.  Just what you needed.
“Night has already fallen.”
“Oh, really?  Couldn’t tell.”
Douxie rolled his eyes at your sarcasm, but you could see the grin on his face.  That boy loved you and all of your shenanigans.  You were shaken from your thoughts, however, when Morgana started firing spells into the crowd, yeeting her magic around with reckless abandon.  
“Morgana’s returned!  She’s enemy number one!”
“Go!” Jim yelled, “We’ll hold the bridge!”
“Hisirdoux, with me!  I-You!” oh no, he was talking to you, “I take you in as my apprentice, spare your life from the sword, and this is how you-”
“Master, they didn’t have a choice!”  Douxie grabbed your hand, pulling you behind him as if to shield you from Merlin’s wrath, “It was a matter of survival!”
“Survival!  What-”
“Please, Master, let them help.  If we leave them here, any of the nights might try to attack them!”
“And why should that matter!  They are a traitor, are they not?  Death on the battlefield is more merciful than anything they might receive after the battle is won.”
“I won’t let anything happen to them,”  Douxie’s voice was calm, but you could hear the anger behind it, “(Y/N) has proved their loyalty to me hundreds of times. They’re more than capable and I trust them with my life.”
You broke from your reverie, eyes painted with concern.  How could he trust you so easily?  Why did he, even after everything that had happened?  This shouldn’t have come as such a shock to you.  He did love you, after all, and yet, you still found yourself surprised by this revelation.  You couldn’t help the hesitant smile that crept onto your face as you squeezed his hand slightly.  He really did love you, didn’t he?
Merlin grumbled something, probably regretting that binding spell right about now, before motioning for you to follow him.
You cast a wave back to the kids, a silent wish for their luck, before you ran after Merlin, your hand still entwined with Douxie’s.  He didn’t let go until you reached a small group of ruins, at which point you, your wizard and the old man stood, backs facing each other, all of you peered out into the darkness.  Archie flew above you, dragon eyes finding nothing out of the ordinary.  Not yet, anyway.  You kept your sword out in front of you, and you could tell that Douxie was doing the same with his brace.  You had no idea what Merlin was doing, but you never did, so that wasn’t a big deal.
“I feel dark magic.”
“It means she’s close.”
You and the familiar both gasped as something ran through the trees.  A chill made its way into the woods, surrounding you and raising goosebumps on your skin.  You felt your heart begin to race as strange echoes continued to ring out through the air.  They soon morphed from a collection of noises into a laugh- Morgana’s.
“An old man, a foolish boy, and a traitor; lost as always.”
Your small group moved slightly, scanning the forest for any sign of the sorceress.  You could feel her presence, but there was nothing there.
“Do you dare run… or face my vengeance?”
Oh.  There she was.
“Um, is there a third option?”  Archie asked, sounding much too calm for the situation at hand.  You couldn’t blame him though, you would have done the same.  But you weren’t doing the same.  You were looking over your shoulder just as a collection of roots shot out at you.  Thanks to your little turn, you had an advantage, cutting the offending plant parts before they could get to you.  Douxie and Merlin, however, were not so lucky.  The latter was pulled to the ground and stabbed through the shoulder with a particularly sharp root.  He barked out an order for Hisirdoux to run, which he could not do because of the roots clinging to his shoulders.  You used your sword on what you could, and a blast of green energy from Merlin took out the rest.  A little anticlimactic if you ask me.
Despite your escape, Morgana cackled, even as Douxie fired spell after spell at her with little success.  While he made his attempt, you helped Merlin to a standing position, a task that became easier when Douxie rejoined you at the old wizard’s other side.
“Merlin, you’re injured!  Badly…  (Y/N), is there anything-”
“Hisirdoux, if I should fall this day…”
Merlin handed his former apprentice a scroll, one which was covered with notes and instructions about building a tomb, and the heart of Avalon.  Your brows furrowed as you read over Douxie’s shoulder.  That wasn’t ominous at all.
“Why are you giving us this?”
“Foreseeing the future means preparing for the worst of it,” he glared at you for a moment, and you wondered what exactly he could see.  He clearly hadn’t seen your act of treason coming, but there were other things that made you wonder.  Your thoughts were interrupted by more ominous Merlin content, “That includes your wounded friend.”
“Jim?  What about him?”
“The corruption in his heart has no cure.  When he returns to the future, it will overtake him.”
Oh.  Oh.  
Oh no.
You’d had your suspicions, but hearing it from the master wizard himself brought it to another level of reality.  There was no cure.  There was no solution.  You were going to go home, and you were going to kill Douxie.  Or you’d try to, at the very least.  Maybe, now that Douxie was a master wizard himself, he could do you both a kindness and kill you where you stood.  
Yeah, no.  He wouldn’t be doing that anytime soon, but a witch could dream!  You feel his hand on your back, a gesture meant to comfort you that only made you sick.  How he still cared about you, even after all of this would confuse you for years to come.  For now, though, you just accepted it.  There wasn’t time for much else with an evil sorceress on the prowl.
“No, no there must be some other way!  I made a promise to them, to Claire, to get them home alive, all of them!”
“Yet, to save time itself, you all must return home, even if it means James Lake will be no more.”
That wasn’t exactly a pleasant thought.  While a distance stemming from your past had momentarily sprung up between you and the kids, the gap between you had since closed.  You loved those little monsters like they were your siblings, and you’d do anything for them.  The thought that Jim would have to die, to make another sacrifice when he’d already given up so much, was just another thing that killed you inside.
“And there’s no other solution?” you tried to keep quiet despite the rage that boiled inside you, not at anyone in particular, but at the situation as a whole, “There’s no way to fix this that doesn’t get Jim killed?”
Merlin shook his head, but you didn’t need that confirmation.  You already knew the answer.
“Such is the burden of a wizard,” the old one spoke as your small group made its way deeper into the night, “To make the hard choices mortals cannot,” he grunted, slouching forward slightly, reminding you that you should really take a look at that stab wound at some point.  Merlin, however, paid no real mind to this, instead, continuing his little monologue, “Now it is yours to bear.”
You looked away from your wizard companions to see a giant skull, lodged between a rock and… well, another rock.  Some may call it a canyon, you called it fucking ominous and terrifying.  The skull was lit from within, orange light seeping through the space where eyes had once stared out into the world.  You wondered, for a moment, how these old bones had ended up here, and how they had stayed.  What was the last thing this being saw?  Was it the sky above, or the ground below?  What could kill something as large as this?  You didn’t ask your questions.  It didn’t seem like the right time.  
And really, it wasn’t time for anything other than nerves and anxiety.  Without a word, you followed Merlin across the rocks until he stood in front of the skull, on top of an odd sort of contraption.  You stood a few steps behind, safely off the weird cage thing.
“Morgana, reveal thyself!”
Before you could question the logistics of giving yourselves away, a portal, ringed with gold and made of shadows appeared, releasing the queen of the apocalypse onto another rock.  Yep, that sure was an evil sorceress.  Just what you needed at this time of night.
“Look what has wandered into my web,” nice starting point.  Threatening, but not over the top.  You cast your sarcastic thoughts aside for the moment, as valid as they were, preparing yourself instead, for a fight.
“These are dark powers you medal with, Morgana.  Who granted them?  Who resurrected you from death?”
“Wizards beyond your ken,” ah shit.  Just as you suspected.  ‘Wizards beyond your ken,’ was mysterious witch for ‘The Arcane Order.’
And then she was gone again.  Dope.
“So, uh… we should head into the big skull of doom?” you asked, eyebrows knit together in a mix of concern and confusion.
“Yep, let’s go.”  You and Douxie nodded at each other before helping Merlin scale the rocks and get into the skull, asking Archie to stand watch for a moment, just to secure his safety.  He agreed only once you’d promised to call him if things got rough.  
Inside of the first skull, you found a second, slightly smaller skull.  What the hell was it with magic dudes and skulls, huh?  Morgana had this as her lair, the Arcane Order’s ship was a skull, Douxie had his whole vibe and Merlin kept skulls in his office.  Shit, even you kept bones around, though you were a doctor and arguably had the best excuse.  Your thoughts ran wild as you examined the space around you, but they were interrupted by the reappearance of your least favourite murder-witch.
The two wizards prepared for battle, but you hesitated.  Something was wrong here.  Morgana was crying, no-sobbing.  You recognized this, whatever this was.  You’d seen it in yourself back in the 1300s.  Yep, something was wrong alright, and judging by this, someone was probably dead.
“It’s your fault!” She cried, “You’re the reason Arthur is gone!” 
Oh, so you were right.  That didn’t really explain how Arthur’s blood was on your hands though.
“Uh, guys?  It kinda sounds like the King is dead.”
Your companions had no time to respond as Morgana rose through the air, seeking misplaced revenge instead of proper justice.  She fired a spell at the three of you, which Douxie ran to shield you from.  Merlin joined him a second later, limping towards the younger wizard with your help.  The second he stood on his own, your magic joined theirs.
“She’s too powerful!  We have no choice but to seal her away!”
“I know.  I’ll try to buy some ti-”
Douxie was cut off when Merlin knocked you both clear across the room and out of the way of another spell, one which left the old wizard in chains.
You felt the impact that Douxie suffered and you were sure he felt yours.  Nevertheless, the two of you pulled yourselves up just as Morgana started on another speech.
“Oh, shame!  Little Douxie finally gets his staff, just in time to die with it!” 
She aimed her next attack at him, but you interfered, knocking her away with a shield made of your magic.  
“And you!  Traitorous little wretch!”  you weren’t exactly sure which treason she was talking about or who she learned it from.  You’d betrayed a lot of people over the years, she’d have to be more specific, “Why do you still fight alongside them?!”
You knocked away another attack before answering, “The shorter one is cute!”  With that, you went on the offensive, landing a kick to Morgana’s stomach and striking her again with the butt of your sword.  Your small victory didn’t last long though, as she struck back, the impact slamming you into the opposite wall and probably cracking a few of your ribs.  You’d have to apologize to Douxie for that one.
Morgana scoffed at you, looking down at your crumpled figure as you struggled to stand, “Only a fool would fight for love!” 
Her voice may have contained a little more rage than was necessary, and she may have been projecting a little bit, but she didn’t have time to say anything else.  Douxie handed a few hits with his staff, using surprise to his advantage, and holding up surprisingly well despite the pain you both were in.  Morgana turned her taunting onto Douxie, mocking him as they fought.
“You can’t even wield it!” you winced as she landed a hit, “You should stick to your usual tricks.”
You bit your lip as she struck him in the face- twice.  This really wasn’t a great day for either of you, was it?
“Use the power of your staff!  Make it your own!”
“Please, Douxie.”  Your voice was quiet, and there was almost no way he heard it.  Hell, you weren’t even sure what you were asking for, but in the next second, his staff turned into a fucking guitar so that was probably it if you had to guess.  Or maybe it was the next second when he avenged you by smacking Morgana in the face with said guitar, sending her flying across the room.  You knew that as a doctor you shouldn’t hope for someone to crack a rib, but this was an exception you were willing to make.
“BABE!  THAT WAS HOT!!” you yelled, too shocked to say much else.
“Bleeding balroths!  This is nuclear!” your wizard said, spinning the staff around.
You couldn’t help but laugh at that as you pulled yourself up from the ground.  Of all the things Douxie had ever said and done in his life, that had to be the Douxie-est.
“Did you just strike me with a-a lute?!”
“Uh-uh-uh-uh.  No, uh-uh.  Spellcaster guitar, darling.”
You weren’t exactly sure what the fuck he just said, but you were 110% there for it.  He played a lil’ riff on his staff, and you had a very brief mental debate on whether or not that took the throne for the Douxie-est thing he’d ever done.
“Needs tuning though.”  He continued to play the riff for a solid minute, and you weren’t sure what was funnier.  The fact that this was, in fact, something that was happening, or how Done Merlin looked with literally everything at that moment.  It was both.  Both was good.
“I meant make it your own weapon!”
Douxie finished playing just in time to shield himself from another of Morgana’s attacks, “Well, this is technically an “axe!”  
“You are a huge geek!”
“And you love it!” your wizard yelled, playing again while running from Morgana, looking for an opening while avoiding a volley of spells.  He was right.  You did love it.  That’s why you were going to help at the next opportunity, your (and technically his) poor ribs be damned.  
“Hisirdoux!  This is no time for dreadful music!”
“Absolutely infernal.”
“I mean, I thought it was good!”  you yelled, launching your own round of spells at Morgana, making it harder for her to land a hit on Douxie.
“No worries, this is just the opening track!”
“What do you hope to do?  Blow out our eardrums?”
“Well, pardon me if this rock is too freakin’ awesome for your medieval sensibilities!”    You had no idea how he did it, but he managed to land on one of the light fixtures (of all things) while you weren’t looking.  You couldn’t really see him from where you were, but you were almost certain that he was doing the sign of horns and sticking out his tongue.
“Enough of your noise!”  Morgana cried, blasting you to the side quickly before returning to her real fight.  You were lucky that this blast was not as strong as her first.  You were able to roll out of it without causing any real damage, a benefit to both you and Douxie.  Speaking of, your wizard found himself locked in a Harry Potter-style duel, two magics facing off against one another in a single stream.  It was not looking too good for your boi though.  He seemed to notice this, and jumped from the light and returned to physical combat on the ground.  Unfortunately, that did not end well either, and you bit back a cry as Douxie was thrown through the room.  Yeah, things were looking rough.  Time to call in the cat calvary. 
You swore you were only gone for a moment, but in that time, Douxie managed to get himself pinned against a wall.
“Do not fret, Merlin.  You’ll find a new apprentice to replace him.  Are people not dispensable, after all?”
“Ok, go, go now!”  you whispered to Archie, your tone intense, which was fair considering the situation.  The familiar did as told and flew at the witch, sending her fling off balance and keeping her away from Douxie.  Arch did a quick loop near Merlin, tossing the wizard his staff before circling around to land on Douxie’s shoulder.  Merlin and Morgana began their fight as you ran to your wizard and his familiar.
“Nice work my dudes, you think you can keep it up?”
“Probably!  Arch, light me!”  you liked the sound of that. You liked the sight of it even more as blue flames encircled Morgana, trapping her, and allowing Douxie and Archie to make their final attack, keeping the sorceress in place.
“Hurry, I can’t hold her that long!”
“Don’t worry, we’ve got this,” you said, voice quiet as you threw your own spell at the witch from below.  Hopefully, that would make things a little easier.  It did.  Douxie was grateful.  
“You have lost yourself, Morgana!  Bound to dark magic.  I have no choice but to seal you away!  Sigilia infractum!”
It seemed to work for a second, but then, for like, the third (?) time in that battle you were blasted back, Douxie fell with you and hit the ground harder.  
“Man, this sucks,” you whispered as you pulled yourselves up, going to Merlin’s aid.
“She’s too powerful,” he groaned, “You have to finish this, together.”
“We can do that… we can do that!  Let’s go!”
You and Douxie moved in sync, matching each other’s movements exactly.  Using his staff, Douxie’s blue magic replaced Merlin’s green while yours froze the witch again, keeping her from attacking you.
“Sigilia infractum causera!”
Finally, the blast from the spell did not hurt you, instead, it did as it was supposed to, trapping Morgana.  You let your own spell ease up, instead, lending whatever strength you could to Douxie, God knows he would need it.
“I will destroy you all!  No matter what it takes, no matter where you go, I will end all that you love until you feel my agony!”
“Yeah, you aren’t the first person to threaten that!  Come up with something original, then we’ll talk.”
The witch roared and threw a spell in your direction, but it disappeared into a shadow edged with purple.
“Hey!  Hands off my teachers!”
Oh, Claire!  Claire had found you somehow, that was good.
“I swear on all your lives, I shall rise again!”
“Already seen it,” the girl cried, throwing some much-deserved sass Morgana's way, “You don’t win.  See you in 900 years!”
And with that, the spell was complete.  Claire opened another portal, dragging Morgana into it.  With that big historical event over, your adrenaline failed you and you staggered forward.  That was pretty convenient considering it let you catch Douxie, who was doing much worse than you were.  You noticed his eyes rolling back slightly, which was a cause for some alarm.
“Hey, heyheyheyheyhey, stay with us, you nerd, don’t pass out on me,” you weren’t sure you could handle the stress if he did.
“Douxie!  Are you okay?!”  Archie and Claire moved in, the former knocking Douxie back and licking his face relentlessly.
“Ugh!  That’s-that’s disgusting!”
You and Claire both laughed at this, glad that at least this part of the fight was finally over.  Douxie stole a glance at you and wondered if he had somehow died during the battle.  How else could there be an angel before him?
“Well,” he turned his gaze from your smile to Claire with only minor difficulties, “I think we just saved history.”
You sat back, all fears forgotten for now in a moment of relief and elation as you watched your boyfriend give the girl a high-five.
“And you took down a ninth-level sorceress.”
“Damn right,” you giggled, which was new, but not unwelcome.  You turned to Douxie, “Sharp work, samurai.”  Your friends rolled their eyes at your antics, though they did it out of love.
The excitement calmed for a moment, allowing Archie to speak, “Merlin would be proud.”
“Yeah, if he wasn’t out cold.”
“I mean, it’s not a great look for him, but full transparency?  I could probably take a three-hundred-year nap right now.”
Douxie laughed, but he wrapped a hand around yours and whispered, “Please don’t.”
You squeezed his hand, a silent promise that you would not answer your problems with sleep.  Not today, anyway.  To be completely honest, the problem immediately at hand could be solved rather quickly, by you, at least.
“Anyway, Merlin’s still been stabbed, so I’ll just-”
Fortunately, this was just a stab wound.  No magic, no tricks, no possession, just medicine.  That was what you knew, it was what you could deal with.  It was over too quickly.  Was that a thing you could say?  Could you wish for medical treatment to last longer?  Was that something you could do?  Not to mention that he was your boyfriend’s surrogate dad, which just made things complicated.  Either way, it was over too fast.  You returned to Camelot, mourned the dead, said your goodbyes, and that was it.  Time was up.  You had to go home.
Home.  What even was home now?  You knew the answer.  Home was Douxie.  Wherever he was, you wanted to be.  He made you feel safe, feel loved, feel every good thing that humans are supposed to feel, but-  To save the world, to save his life, you would have to leave him.  There was no other choice, either you stayed in the past and everyone died, or you went back to the future and risked his life by staying with him.  You had to go.  As soon as you got back, you’d have to run.  You didn’t know where, to-to Spain, or Japan, or Cuba, Vietnam, Egypt, France, somewhere, anywhere, just to keep him safe.  You didn’t want to do it.  You just wanted to stay by his side, forever, if possible.  But that was the thing.  It wasn’t possible.  And that broke your heart.
And if possible, these gosh darn kids were going to break you even more.
“Everybody, ready yourselves.  We don’t have much time.  I’ll dial us in for when we left.”
“But what’s gonna happen when we get there?  The danger we escaped, it’ll be waiting for us.  And Jim’s still hurt.”
You bit your lip as you and Douxie approached Jim and Claire. You really didn’t want to be the one who had to say this.  You didn’t want to be around when she heard the news.  Shit, you didn’t even want it to be news.  You just wanted your kids to be happy, and to not kill your boyfriend, and to live for once.  Maybe fate just didn’t like you.
“Claire, about that…  Jim is-”
“Ready to face the inevitable,” Jim held out a hand to stop you.
“Jim, are you sure?” Douxie asked while you maintained your silence.  You were pretty sure if you said anything you’d lose your composure. 
“Jim?”  Oh God, and now Claire was going to find out how screwed you still were.  This was gonna suck.
“Claire, the shard in-  There is no cure.  That’s what Merlin told me earlier.”
You winced at the horror on the young girl’s face.  She didn’t deserve this.  Neither of them did.
“That’s crazy!  We can find something!  I’ll learn a spell, we can stay here!”
“If we don’t all go back right now, the future won’t exist.  What kind of hero would I be if I sacrificed everyone else?  Not to be ironic, but we’re out of time.”
“No!  Douxie, (Y/N), tell him!  We can fix this!  You can fix this!”
You brought your hand up to hide your eyes from the sorceress.  She was right, you should have been able to fix this, and tears wouldn’t solve anything.  Your only solution was running away, and Jim-  oh God, Jim.  See, it was things like this that made you start drinking in the twenties.
“I’m sorry, Claire.  He’s right.  We must go back now, but when we do, we’ll find a way to reverse this,”  he stole a glance back at you, and your distraught state only drove him further.  He had to do this, to fix things when you got home.  He owed all of you that much, “I promised I would return you home, and I am, but the portal can only stay open for a few moments.  This is our one shot.  Trust me.”
A moment later, he joined you at the base of the ship before taking your hand and leading you onto it.
“We’ll fix this,” he promised, his voice low so only you could hear, “Together.  We’ll go home to the future, and we’ll fix this, and then-” your eyes met his as he paused, “And then, maybe, we could start our future.”
Despite the tears that threatened to fall, you smiled ever so slightly, “We’ll build a new one if we have to.”
It wasn’t until his lips met yours that you started crying.  It wasn’t his fault it was just- fuck you would miss this.  You smiled again as you pulled apart, though the tears hadn’t stopped.  It was for his sake, really.  Under normal circumstances, you might pretend that everything was fine, but for just one second, you wanted to believe it.
“I love you,”  your voice shook, and you hated it.
“I love you, too,”  his voice was strong, yet tired.  And you loved it.
You pushed a small smile onto your face, trying to cast the illusion that you were okay, and that everything was okay, and that no one would die when you returned.  Your attempts were quickly halted by a sting on your cheek.  That came from him, you realized, as you noticed a thin cut that ran across his cheekbone.  You ran your thumb over it, his skin patching together and healing under your hand.  At least you could still do that one thing.  Sure, you were a traitorous assassin, but by god could you heal a small cut.
Douxie smiled, his grin seeming more natural than yours.  He kissed you one last time before letting you go and taking the time map.  You watched him, not saying a word as he said something under his breath and activated the map and the heart.  A beam of light lit the night sky green, going on for a moment until it formed a portal.  You could almost see your time on the other side. That was it.  That was how you would get back to the future.  Yay.
It was weird.  You’d known Douxie for so long, and hated him for most of that time, but now?  Now you were dreading going back to your time, going back to general safety because it meant that he would die.  It was just odd to think that there was a time where you would have wished for this, for a chance to kill him and avoid the blame.  If you wished for anything now, it would be another way out.
You followed Douxie onto Merlin’s airship and walked past him, standing as far away as you could.  You didn’t know what would happen when you crossed that barrier.  You might try to murder him instantly, you might be able to control yourself, you might be able to fight off your curse entirely.  The point is, you didn’t know, and distance was the best solution.  So, you stood alone and stared off into the night as the ship moved off towards the portal until Steve’s ramblings returned your attention to your friends.
“Man, Camelot was crazy!  Why don’t they ever talk about that in the history books?”
Douxie gave the blond kid a pat on the shoulder, and you watched as Steve headed towards the front of the ship where Jim and Claire stood.  The girl was looking back towards you, but you couldn’t meet her eyes.  Her boyfriend was doomed, and there was nothing you could do about it.  And you would have done anything.  For those kids, you’d give your own life in a heartbeat, but that wasn’t an option.  Not now, not yet.  Douxie, however, met her eyes, though only for a moment.  You didn’t have to hear him to know what he was thinking.
“My burden to bear.”
And with those final words, the world turned green, and you were gone.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Little bit from a fic about the next generation of Titans, in a universe where DC’s weird vendetta against Titan offspring isn’t allowed to get in the way of Robert, Lian, Cerdian, Mar’i, Jake, Irey and Jai all growing up together. Also Sarko, the alternate timeline future son of Kyle Rayner and Soranik Natu because hey why not. 
And with special guest appearance by Mar’i and Jake’s alternate universe half-sibling, Thomas Grayson, son of Dick and Babs, and who takes up his universe’s Red Hood mantle after his Uncle Jason.
“I mean, its not like I have a ton of options here.” Lian spread her arms wide to encompass the rest of the Teen Titans and make it all the more self-explanatory. “We kinda all grew up together, and I’m just saying, once you’ve seen a guy shove a crayon up his nose and then eat it, there’s a little less shine on that future prospective love interest.”
“Hey! That was one time, and I was three!”
“Oh Robbie, neither of those things are even a little bit true,” Lian said pityingly.
He scowled. “Oh, like you’re some great catch yourself. You’re the literal dictionary definition of a walking bi disaster. Remember that time you got ahold of one of your dad’s explosive arrows and brought it to daycare and almost blew us both up? What do you call that, huh?”
Lian narrowed her eyes at him and planted her hands on her hips, adopting a challenging tone that - as Mar’i knew from far too many previous experiences - could carry the name “Brace For Impact.”
“Precocious,” she said loftily. “I almost took out a potential world-ending threat all by myself, when I was five. Way to go, me.”
She pivoted to offer an explanation to their bemused extra-dimensional visitor. “See, there was this whole prophecy thing before Robbie was born, about how he was destined to be the god of douchebags and would grow up to take over the world while calling himself something suitably ridiculous like “Lord Chaos.” So periodically we like to check in with his ego, knock it down a few pegs here and there, make sure its still in manageable ranges. Kinda a team-building exercise.”
“Of course, at this point you’re far more likely to all be my actual villain origin story instead,” Robbie grumbled. Lian leveled a smirk at him.
“Oh, we have contingencies for that too.”
“Yeah, we’ll probably just have the twins run around you in circles at hyper-speed while making up shit about alternate timelines and stating it all as absolute fact,” Cerdian contributed from where he still sat cross-legged on the floor, engrossed in his video game. “It drives Rob up the wall. He just physically can’t with them.”
“Oh come on,” Robbie exploded. “Just because I refuse to take them at face value when they just start spouting off BS about alternate timelines where, wait what was it last week, oh yeah, where Jamie Lee Curtis was Buffy the Vampire Slayer....”
“How dare you!” Irey jumped to her feet. “That was 100% true. I watched every single episode and they were all flawless!”
“Six seasons and a moooooovie,” Jai sang out.
“What does that even mean?” Robbie yelled.
Jai picked cackling like a hyena over giving him an actual answer. 
“You’re so weird.”
“Hey! You know better than to give Jai shit for being weird,” Sarko piped up from across the room. “Its not his fault he has West DNA.”
Jai snapped his fingers and pointed at Kid Ion emphatically. “Y’know, its funny he should mention that. There was actually this one timeline once, where practically everything was the same as this one except our dad’s name was Wally East there instead of Wally West. And you and me were best buds there, Rob. We were like. Sympatico.”
Robbie took a deep breath and rubbed his face with his hands. “I hate them so much,” he said in a much calmer, almost subdued tone. Conversationally, even.
Which of course was when Irey jumped up onto the couch and shook her fist at her twin, who shook his right back at her, from his seat on the floor.
“They can’t keep getting away with this!” They yelled, in creepy twin-unison.
Mar’i shook her head and sighed. It was like you could actually see the wind-up mechanism hovering invisibly behind Robbie start back up all over again.
“What are you even quoting right now?! One hundred percent of your references are lost on every person who has a normal relationship with the space/time continuum, which is every single person other than you two!”
“Quick Jai, run! Before he gets us, and our little dog too!” Irey yelled, speeding out of the room, her brother hot on her heels.
“Oh no, not our little dog, Garfield!”
“Toto! The little dog’s name is Toto!”
“No, dude, that’s the hamster from the Lion, the Witch and the Laundry Basket. Which, I understand the confusion there, like you’d think there’d be a lion in that movie, not a hamster named Toto, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be taken literally. It was like, a metaphor.”
Dramatic silence permeated the room in the wake of the trio’s equally dramatic exit. Lian pursed her lips and turned back to Thomas, contemplatively.
“Now I know what you must be thinking. Its not cool that we all gang up on Robbie like that. And that’s true! But there’s something else you have to keep in mind here.”
Thomas raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“Its also really fun for the rest of us.”
He laughed. “Hey, no judgment here. I mean, I’m Mar’i and Jake’s half-brother from another universe, remember? You know how this works. I’m probably evil anyway.”
Lian beamed. 
Mar’i gagged. 
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Draco x Reader - Not So Familial
Hiii, would you mind writing a Draco x reader where they are best friends since childhood and are like siblings, but then one night she has to sleep in his room and when he sees her in his shirt is like the hottest thing ever and he kinda starts having feelings for her? thank you so much !!!
Draco was speechless as you walked from his room, an old t-shirt he hadn’t seen surface in ages on your body, dangling around your thighs as you rubbed your eyes, a yawn escaping your lips.  The shirt was long enough to keep you decent but short enough to highlight the best parts of you, in Draco’s opinion.
“What are you wearing?” He asked bluntly as you hopped onto his bed, your legs staring him in the face. His mouth had gone dry. Since when had you looked so.... inviting? Your hair was tussled from your long day, eyes heavy with sleep and a content smile on your lips as you spread out on his sheets, head falling onto his pillow. 
“Pajamas,” You teased, one of your eyes popping open to stare at him. You weren’t stupid, you knew Draco liked how you looked right now. That had been the plan from when you had asked to stay in his room that night, something about one of the ghosts in his house pestering him in the guest bedroom. For six of your seventeen years on earth you had been attached at the hip and best friends.
Unfortunately, Draco viewed you like the sister he’d never had. You had brothers and new for a fact, you would hate Draco if he even slightly resembled your siblings. You loved him and it was spoken freely yet the depth of your feelings escaped him. You were getting tired of it and in a bid to get him to see you in a different way you had decided to show off a little bit more skin than usual.
He was a teenage boy with a girl in his bed, something had to change for god’s sake. You were proud to see that you were having an affect on him as he tried to avoid your gaze. 
“That’s my shirt,” Draco declared as he rolled over to turn out his lamp, if it was dark and he couldn’t see you, he would be able to think again. It wasn’t as if Draco had never found you pretty, you were an attractive girl and he could admit that. But never had he seen you like this before. It was different than you being in a swimsuit or wearing something, dare he say, sexy. 
You wearing his shirt sparked something possessive in him. You looked good and you looked comfortable, like you were meant to wear his clothes and sleep in his bed. You, Y/N Y/L/N, his best friend in the whole world, practically his sister, looked hot. 
It wasn’t a very flattering word but it was true. Your legs were plump and soft and he wanted to lay his head on them. 
“Good job Draco!” You mockingly congratulated and he groaned, grabbing on of his throw pillows from the floor and smacking you with it. 
“Why are you wearing it?” He asked, trying to keep his eyes level with yours and not move anywhere else as you shifted from your spot, laying down next to him as you set your head on his chest, he let his arm fall down around you. Draco’s hand was settled over your side and resting against your stomach but he found he wanted to let his fingers travel down the length of your thigh and feel the tantalizingly silky smooth skin there. 
Draco had to forcibly shake his head to clear his thoughts and prevent them from going any further. You nearly laughed out loud. He looked like a man trapped between a rock and a hard place, completely unsure of what to do next.
“I had to wear something to bed Draco, shame on you,” You played. scolding him lightly and delighting in the way he turned red as he looked straight up to the ceiling, trying to calm his breathing and heart rate but you could hear it beating strong against his rib cage. 
“T-thats not what I-!” He sputtered but paused when you started giggling. “Oh you little witch!” Draco exclaimed realizing you had been mocking him. He sat up straight in bed and turned to you where you were lounging comfortably. In a split second however, his hands were pressed against your sides tickling you as you squirmed around and cackled as his finger tips ran up and down in a quick pace. 
“Draco!” You wheezed, hands grasping his wrists tightly as you tried to get him to stop. “I’m sorry!” You giggled. 
“You better be,” Draco said grouchily but heart stopped at the sight of you, breathless and flushed beneath him. He hadn’t even realized he had your hips trapped between his legs as he sat atop you until now. Any words he had dried up in his throat as he licked his chapped lips. 
You stared up at him with a fondness he’d never noticed before. Draco was hot and bothered but you were calm and seemingly comfortable in this position. The twinkle in your eyes told him that you might even be enjoying yourself. 
“Penny for your- mmph!” Your words were stolen away as Draco shook wrists free from your hands, scooting down your body so he could hold your warm cheeks in his hands, connecting his lips to yours. In an instant you were adjusting against him, lips tugging at his in a rhythm that had him breathless. 
He let his hands drop from your face as he hooked them beneath your thighs, wrapping them around his waist. “Merlin, you’re gorgeous,” He breathed and you whined when the insistent press of his lips against yours vanished, yet his words made up for it.
“Do you mean it?” You asked, panting as you brushed your nose against his eyes closed, trying to hold on to this moment and commit it to memory before he realized this was a mistake. You were equally nervous and exhilarated at the same time. 
“Mmhmm,” He hummed, lips dropping from yours to trail kisses down to your neck which he sucked and nipped at experimentally.Draco’s hand trailed from the back of your thigh and higher, toying with the hem of his shirt. You were on fire at the lightest touch from Draco.
“Wait!” You exclaimed, not wanting to get burned no matter how good this felt now. 
Immediately Draco’s hands went to your hips, a far safer spot. He looked at you, wondering if you wanted him to remove himself completely from your side. In an answer your legs wrapped tighter around his waist. 
“I have wanted this for far too long to have you realize that you don’t like me,” You said. “W-we should stop for now. I don’t want you to do something you regret just because you were thinking with the wrong head,” You mentioned pointedly and Draco took a deep breath, letting your words process. 
“I agree, we should slow down,” He conceded. “But,” Draco said, brushing his lips against your unexpectedly, “I do like you,” 
“Really?” You had to ask again, waiting for this dream to end.
“It’s taken me too long to notice, but I want you Y/N and not just because you are the most beautiful person I know and not just because I feel like I can barely control myself right now but because you have always been by my side and you make me happier than anyone else,” Draco’s words were honest and he didn’t truly realize the depth of his feelings until you were staring at him with thinly veiled worry and fear, like he might turn you away and shatter your heart. Your heart was one he wanted to protect. “It just helps that you look absolutely delectable in my shirt,” 
Draco winked and you snorted, smacking his chest as he rolled off of you, coming to lay beside you, your chest pressed against his and he looked at you with warmth. “You ruined it you, you, boy” You said with distaste, making Draco laugh this time around.
“You like this boy though,” He pointed out. 
“And you like this girl?” You asked once more, letting the hope settle. 
I think I might love this girl. Draco thought. “I definitely like this girl,” He said instead. 
With a gentle kiss the the forehead, Draco pulled you closer as you found yourself quite tired again. All of the excitement was settling down and now you only felt content. You smiled and tried not to look too smug. Oh how easy it had been, why had you waited so long? 
“Goodnight Draco,” You mumbled as he tangled your legs together. 
“Goodnight love,” He said and you giggled at the pet name.
Draco could get used to this. 
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dralf0yy · 4 years
Come Back || G.W x Reader
A/N: This is really just based off some scenes from Descendants 3 that i thought was a lil angsty🤡 and it’s kind of an AU? Where like the muggleborns were separated from the purebloods by a barrier across the black lake instead of VKs and Royals
Summary: Y/n Y/l/n is a muggleborn witch who has trouble with fitting in. She finds an old potions book and one potion seems to catch her eye. It worked, but as they say, ‘All good things must come to an end’
Warnings: Swearing (not too bad tho)
Word count: 2.5k
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For many centuries, muggleborn and pureblood (and halfblood) wizards and witches were separated by a barrier, just by the edge of the lake.
Purebloods got the perfect life at Hogwarts while we muggleborns, or ‘mudbloods’ as they would say, got left to live and go to school in the ruins of the previous wizarding war across the lake. It was all like that up until you and your small group of friends were chosen to attend Hogwarts. You thought the negativity in your life would cease
But you thought wrong
People still didn’t accept you due to your muggle parents being the ones to almost expose the entire wizarding world. The muggleborns didn’t appreciate the fact that their families had to be obliviated because of that but they came around eventually.
Unfortunately, it was a bit harder for the purebloods, and you didn’t fit in at Hogwarts. The Y/L/N name wasn’t very popular around the wizarding world since the incident
But when you met George Weasley and his siblings, they welcomed you like they had known you forever, despite the fact that you were a Slytherin, and you grew close
You and George started dating 6 months after you came to Hogwarts but you kept it a secret until the completion of the 1st year.
But things just got worse from there. More people would just send you dirty glares or whisper things about you in the halls because they think you put him under some spell
Everyone seemed to have a thing against you, even the professors. Snape even gave you detention this afternoon and took away 30 points, despite him being your head of house, for talking out of turn
You were just about to finish organising the books in Snape’s dusty old cupboard when one fell wide open onto the floor
You picked it up and glanced at the description of the potion on the page.
‘makes the affected become under the influence of having a platonic liking for the brewer. This will only work if they aren’t already like that’
Your eyes went wide. You had found a solution to all your problems (most of them anyway) in this book that belonged to the ‘Halfblood Prince’.
You shrugged, ignoring the name of someone who must’ve been some self-absorbed git, and folded the corner of the page to bookmark it
You went back to organising the last of the books and bolted out of there towards the girls’ lavatory on the 2nd floor, which you learned no one went into cause of Moaning Myrtle, with the worn out potions book in your clutch
You had arrived in such a hurry and had startled Myrtle upon your arrival but you were too focused on gathering your equipment to listen to her annoying rambling
You collected your things from the 2nd to last stall and began brewing the potion whilst thinking of a way to bribe the house elves to put it in the food for the feast
The substance in the cauldron started to boil and bubble up. You carefully poured some into a somewhat large dropper bottle and cleaned up your things.
You shoved the old potions book into my bag without thinking and walked out and towards the entrance to the kitchens
It worked!
It had been around a day since you managed to get the potion in everyone’s food
You were walking down the corridor whilst looking for a particular mop of red hair to spend your free period with and noticed that you weren’t receiving the usual negative remarks, but instead friendly glances and soft smiles
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice a certain redhead sneaking up behind you
An arm wrapped around you and a hand went over your eyes. You jumped being obviously startled but giggled when you realised that it was just George
“Hey Georgie, lost your other head have you?” You teased as he retracted and made his way around to your side
He chuckled, “Fred’s with Lee, they’re scheming”
“And you aren’t involved? Bit suspicious isn’t it?” You playfully narrowed your eyes
“Oh don’t be so anxious, love. I just wanted to spend some time with you out by the lake. I heard that someone has a little something set up there for someone very special. Oh and of course there’s you” He snorted while you smacked his arm
You rolled your eyes, “Well come on then, wouldn’t want it getting ruined by some reckless first years now would we?”
“Well of course not-”
“LAST ONE THERE IS A BOGEY FLAVOURED BEAN!” You yelled and sprinted backwards out the doors, so you could look at George
“HEY THAT’S NOT FAIR, I WASN’T READY- WOAH” he loudly whined while he tripped over a sketchy looking patch of grass, landing face first onto the ground
You cackled at the sight and fell onto the damp ground, clutching your stomach. George looked up at you from where his face was just buried with a small playful grimace lingering on his face
He walked over to your shaking figure and picked you up and threw you over his shoulder and you shrieked
“George you git put me down! I’m not a sack of potatoes” You wheezed out
“I will when we get to where the stuff is set up”
It wasn’t long until he set you down onto a soft, yellow and white spotted mat with your favourite food and sweets laying on top.
Your mouth was agape and George gave you a lopsided grin that was full of love and adoration
The playful atmosphere dissipated as you stared into each other’s eyes
“This is beautiful Georgie, but what’s it for?” You breathed out, almost too quiet for anyone to hear
“Well, I noticed how everyone has started to be a lot nicer towards you and I just wanted to show you how proud I was of you. Even though you had nothing to do with it,” George smiled, “Besides being the most amazing person ever” he continued
“Hm, such a suck up, Mr.Weasley. I’m starting to think ol’ weatherby is a bad influence on you” You teased and he softly chuckled, going on with his little speech
“I just.. I know how hard it was for you to cope with all the bullying and I’m especially proud of you for not giving into everyone’s bullshit.”
You shifted your gaze down at the mat and played with the hem of your jumper
A thing you did when you were keeping a secret or lying
“I didn’t seem to notice actually,”
“But now that you mention it, yeah, everyone has been nicer recently” You smiled and George sheepishly beamed back at you
“Anyways, back to the picnic,” George gave a wide cheeky grin, “Let’s dig in, I’m starving” He exclaimed and rubbed his hands together
You snorted at his childlike behaviour coming back whilst he dug into a fried chicken leg
You were absolutely stuffed, and judging by the way that George was splayed out on the mat, he was too.
There was a comfortable silence, besides students chatting and laughing in the small distance, until George sat up and blurted out,
“I just remembered! I have something to give you. It’s in my bag” You snickered
He got up and started going through his bag when realisation dawned over you
his bag was under your head
You abruptly sat up in horror remembering the potions book that you carelessly threw in there, “George wait that’s my-”
“What the- I don’t take potions. This must be yours” He gives you a sheepish smile and you let out a breath that you didn’t even realise you were holding in when he went to put the book away
He stopped his actions and mischievously smirked
“Ooh, bookmarked a page have you? Must be interesting then” He smirked and opened the book to the page it was bookmarked at
Your sense of relief was gone once again and you froze, scared of how he would react
His face contorted into a confused expression as he read out, “makes the affected become under the influence of having a platonic liking for the brewer..?”
Your heart felt like it was breaking out of your rib cage
“Y/n what.. Did you use this?” His eyes snapped up from the page to look at you
“I-no. Yes- maybe?” You couldn’t think straight. Your mind was getting clouded with doubtful thoughts
‘What if he breaks up with me?’
‘Will he hate me?’
“Y/n!” You flinched a bit at the sudden noise
“Are you even paying attention to me?” George huffed when you shook your head
“I was saying that you could get expelled for this,” he started to raise his voice, “What the bloody hell were you thinking?!” You flinched again, this time a bit more obvious than the last
“George.. please don’t yell at me- I meant well— You know that” You pleaded
“That doesn’t mean it wasn’t stupid, Y/n-” You cut him off when you snatched the book from his clutch
You had enough and you snapped
“This doesn’t concern you, George. I had to do this. You wouldn’t understand, you’ve got a perfect life because you’re a pureblood” You stood up and grabbed the remainder of your stuff
George sighed, “I don’t know if you’ve realised, Y/n, the reason we took you in was because we were like you- are like you. We weren’t accepted by everyone because we’re not as rich as every other pureblood family. We knew how it felt so we took you in. Blood status doesn’t matter. And it would be bloody great when you realise that” he retorted
“Me? The reason I used that potion was because all people see me as is a muggleborn,”
A mudblood
A burden
A waste of space
“And I don’t know if you’ve realised, George, no one cares if you’re not as wealthy as the other pureblood families. The only people that really seem to have something against you are the people in my house. I’ve got them and the rest of the bloody school to deal with” You seethed at the redhead, whose face and neck had gone maroon from the anger building up inside him
You couldn’t handle being around anyone, especially George, so you ran. You ran as fast as you could and you were gonna keep going to until you bumped into Hermione, your best friend
Meanwhile, George had stomped back to the Gryffindor common room whilst muttering, “I can’t believe I trusted her. Probably has me under some spell like everyone else says”
Fred was sitting on one of the lounges playing a game of exploding snap with Ron, when he noticed George’s irritated demeanour
“What’s got your wand in a knot, Georgie? Troubles in paradise?” He teased, earning an unsatisfied huff from George
“Shove off, Fred” he retorted
“Ah so I was right. What seems to be the problem my dear brother” Fred calmly asked in contrast to George’s snappy behaviour
George sighed and frustratedly ran his hand through his soft hair, “Y/n put a potion in everyone’s food to make them like her. I trusted her Fred. I can’t even believe she had the nerve to put that into everyone’s food. What was she thinking?! It was reckless and stupid,” He paced and rambled
“It’s typical of her though. It’s what muggleborns would do-”
“-That’s too far George. You know muggleborns aren’t any different from us. She’s our best friend and your girlfriend. And so what if she put this one potion into everyone’s food? All she wanted was to finally stop getting bullied, it didn’t harm anyone” Fred sighed
“We put potions in people’s food for pranks and it doesn’t always turn out right. Yet, I don’t see Y/n getting mad at you and possibly ending your relationship because of it”
George scoffed, “You know I hate it when you’re right”
“All the more reason to be, Georgie. Now go you git. Find your girl” And with that, George bolted out of the portrait hole, out into the castle to find you
“I just don’t get it ‘Mione.. I thought out of all people, he would understand. But he didn’t understand at all and lashed out on me” You frowned and sat down on the grass by the edge of the lake
“Y/n.. George just doesn’t want anything bad happening, especially to you. He loves you and he doesn’t want you getting sent back over there anytime soon” Hermione begrudgingly replied, not entirely wanting to favour George over you
You didn’t say anything back, you just stared blankly at the other side of the lake thinking of going back. Maybe, just maybe, things would be much easier and better if you went back.
Better for George
He wouldn’t have to be burdened with having you around and having to be anxious about you slipping potions into food or be worried about being seen with you; A mudblood.
“He doesn’t have to worry about me getting sent back,” Hermione peered up from her book, intrigued by your response
“Because I won’t be sent back. I’ll be willingly going back. I don’t belong here, and I was stupid to believe that I wasn’t just a stupid mudblood. I was stupid to believe that anyone would ever really accept me here.” You spat and your anger and sadness resurfaced
“You’re planning on going back? What about our life here? I- What?” She stammered, unsure on what to do about your decision
“It’d be better for everyone else. I love you ‘Mione and I’ll miss you but I’m going back-”
“Well then I’m going with you.” She stood up and started to gather her books
“No, Hermione, I know how badly you wanted to come here to fulfill your dreams. I won’t let you throw all that away for me”
She looked at you with a solemn expression and sighed. She sat back down on the grass and looked up at you as if she expected you to sit with her
You resumed your place in the lush grass and leaned against her shoulder, “I’m gonna miss you y’know, but if this is the decision that you want to make then, I’ll support you all the way. We’ll tell McGonagall tomorrow” Hermione mumbled as you both looked out to the giant squid in the lake
“Don’t tell anyone else, please? I don’t want anyone to know that I’m leaving..” You trailed off as the reality of your decision was finally sinking in
“I won’t. Just promise me you’ll come back? Because you most definitely belong here, Hogwarts is for all witches and wizards, pureblood or not”
“I promise.”
Tags: @paigeyisme @slytherinlovesgryffindor @cleopatera
- E
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 5 Part 6
Once more, we delve into the world of Midnight Striga! Everybody Clap Your Hands!!
Eda roared, leaping toward the man, the monster, who had just casually murdered a child right in front of her!! Whipping her staff down to crush his skull, she was caught dumb when he casually leaned out of the way, a frost clad fist slamming into her face as she fell forward. A gasp of pain burst out as she was sent sprawling. Luckily, Eda had been in plenty of brawls. Gathering her wits, she tucked into a roll, coming up flat on her feet.
“If you think I’ll go easy on you ‘cause you’re human, you’ve got another thing coming!!” She shouted, eyes glancing at Lily, still prone against the wall. What was up with her, this was an emergency!! She growled, shifting herself to spring between Lily and the goons following that monster.
“Go... easy... on me? Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!” The bastard laughed, actually laughed!, at Eda’s claim, as if the idea that she could beat him was so utterly ridiculous it deserved nothing but ridicule. The fact that his goons echoed him was like rubbing salt in the wound. “That- That was truly amusing!! In exchange for that wonderful jest, allow me to introduce myself.” He bowed, a mocking leer stretched across his face. “I am Rudolph Cranwin, practitioner of the most noble art of Frost Magic, not that I ever really cared about the alleged nobility of it; twas but another tool for me to kill with, nothing more. I look forward to seeing how long I can drag out your demise!!” He said cheerfully, as if her death would be the highlight of his day.
‘To this piece of shit, it might very well be.’ Eda bitterly thought to herself. Her thoughts were cut off by his next words.
“However,” Rudolph mused, “This crowd truly is far too large. Better to thin it out a bit before I let my precious brethren have their fun.” He raised his hand, a cold wind building into a ball in his palm. Eyes widening in shocked comprehension, Eda lunged forward, a massive ball of flames building along Owlbert. She had to get there in time, she needed to! If she didn’t… Rudolph gave her a mocking smile. “Too late, Owl Lady. Winter Spite.” With those two words, the ball exploded in all directions. A huge burst of extreme cold, so deep that it effortlessly extinguished Eda’s building spell, ripped through the stadium. In an instant, the entire place was coated in frost. Just from what she could see on the ground, Eda saw several Demons and Witches in the crowd frozen in place, ice and frost coating their bodies; from the few she could clearly see, at minimum twenty had died, a quarter of which were children. The smallest she could see looked to be about five. As if some signal had gone off, the hoard of Mages lurking behind Rudolph burst forth, screaming in bloody rage, sickening grins coating their faces, spells primed to rip and tear.
“Tree Shot!” “Big Head Blast!” “Sword Beam!” “Wind Cleave!”
Eda braced herself for the attacks; a tree root tore out of the ground, ripping across Eda’s ribs, a spell shaped like a giant head rocketed past her, a beam of light shaped like a blade cut into the stadium, and slashes of winds tore at the bystanders. And more. So many more. They weren’t all incredibly powerful, but they all had something in common; the palpable desire to hurt leaked out of each and every one. Bearing her fangs, Eda whirled around, launching a wave of magic upwards, cutting off as many spells as she could. Her quick timing was used against her, however, when a blast of cold smashed against her back, sending her flying.
“Ah, ah, ah! No interfering with the games, Owl Lady!” Rudolph mockingly chided. She turned her head towards him, eyes burning with hate. He merely grinned. “If the crowd wishes to live, they must defend themselves, or have one of their own act as a champion! You, and your sister I suppose, are my prey.” Rushing into her guard, his palm glowed. “Winter Punt.” A burst of frigid air formed underneath her gut, angled upward, and as it released, Eda choked on her own air as it drove her into the sky.
What was with this guy!? She had decimated Lily earlier, and while she was feeling some of the effects of pushing herself that hard, that quickly, she shouldn’t be this hampered. She sighed, freezing up as she saw her breath, as if she was in the middle of winter. She looked down, and saw her limbs coated in patches of frost, weighing her down, slowing her reactions, and who knows what else. She genuinely didn’t even feel the cold, not really, but her body was acting as if she was naked in a blizzard!!
Rudolph smirked. “I see you’ve noticed.” He chuckled, slowly stalking towards the Witch and her prone sibling. “Yes, a fun little aspect of my magic is that it clings to the body of those it hits, slowing them, filling them with cold, stilling the flow of magic. The longer our fight goes on, the slower, weaker, and more feeble you will become.” He cocked his head, a look of mockingly fake sympathy playing across his features. “Oh, how tragic, to be cut down so short.” He cackled, an uproarious sound that resounded through the arena.
“Bastard.” Eda bit out, trying and failing to flake the frost off her limbs. “If I wasn’t dealing with this, he’d be flatter than paper!!” She glanced back at her sister, still stuck in that pose from where she had dropped, dead to the world, tears pooling at her feet. ‘What’s up with you, Lily? We don’t have time for this! ...Please, whatever’s going on, I’ll help you, but you have to snap out of it!’
Luz growled as she and the others passed by yet another corpse, this one bearing the distinctive signs of Retic’s harvesting; the chest ripped open, organs carefully partitioned and severed from the surrounding tissue, and the corpse tossed aside like a rag doll, whatever body parts he didn’t take flopping uselessly. The others stoically pointed forward, steadfastly ignoring the gore and death surrounding them; they knew that if they stopped, they wouldn’t continue. But with each corpse, each tragedy they passed, the burning rage built up within them.
“So…” Willow drawled, trying to distract them from the horrors surrounding them. “You mentioned you were a member of this group. What was that like?” She instantly felt like kicking herself, but it was the only thing she could think of off the top of her head.
Luz snorted, but decided to answer; it would come out eventually. “I wasn’t a member of the Black Dog Squad specifically, but I often got saddled to them; they provided a big, bloody distraction, I completed the objective, whether it was stealing a priceless relic, assassinating an enemy, or just setting the pieces for something bigger in motion, I got it done. I hated every second of it.” It was truly the most painful chapter of her life, bar nothing.
“If you hated it, why did you join?” Amity stated more than asked. Truthfully, Amity cringed at the accusatory note in her voice; all of this pain was like nothing she had experienced before. The fact that the girl in front of her, that snarky, selfless, free-spirited girl had been in any way connected to a group capable of this? It was jarring. She had to know why.
Luz gave a small chuckle, the kind of empty, hollow ache that only came from someone trying to humor the most tragic and heartbreaking of requests. “I didn’t exactly want to join. Suffice to say, I entered Oroboros’ field of vision when I interfered in a few of their operations, not that I knew it at the time. They ended up deciding to pay me a visit. The reason? Join them, or someone will die.”
Gus cocked his head in perplexedness, deciding to ask what he felt they all were thinking. “Well, you didn’t seem to have a problem sacrificing yourself earlier.” He hoped he didn’t sound accusing, but it really was confusing to him.
Luz snorted, morbidly amused. “I never said I was the one being threatened with death.” She calmly replied, causing the others to pause for a second. Luz continued, nonchalant. “Yeah, whenever Oroboros decides it wants someone in its ranks, but they have a few too many morals, they take a hostage, someone that person cares about dearly.” The others felt a sinking feeling at Luz’s words, as she rambled on. “Whenever the recruit talks back, their hostage gets beaten. Whenever they fail, their hostage has a limb broken. Whenever they succeed, the hostage gets a wonderful meal, after having been deprived of all but the bare minimum of food and water needed to keep them alive during the extent of the mission of course. Every aspect of an Objectionary Recruit’s time with Oroboros, someone like myself, is intertwined with the health and safety of their hostage. If the Recruit dies, so does the hostage.” She finished, walking on.
The others exchanged alarmed glances, before Willow spoke up, voice loaded with uncertainty. “Then… did you leave your hostage behind?” She didn’t think Luz had, none of them did, but the only other alternative…
“HAHA!!” Luz cackled, as if what she asked was funny. “No. No I didn’t. They begged me to leave, to save myself, to do the right thing. But I didn’t! I stayed. I killed, and stole, and ruined countless lives, for the life of someone dear to me. But, ultimately, it was for nothing. A guard, one who would’ve been a perfect fit for the Black Dogs if it weren’t for his lack of magical training, decided he wanted to have some fun. My hostage took exception to that. An hour later, their bodies were found. The guard had been strangled with his own belt… my hostage had a knife slid into her liver.” She turned her head towards the others, an almost beatific look on her face. “It’s hard to threaten someone with a hostage when they’re dead, afterall.” And then, Luz laughed, the broken, empty laugh of someone who didn’t know how to find any other way to make it stop hurting.
And so the group moved onward in silence, the Witchlings carefully ignoring the splotches of tears that followed behind them; they didn’t want to tell Luz she’d been crying ever since she started talking.
Boscha growled, hastily ducking under another clumsy swing from the disgusting pile of fat in front of her. With a roar, she leapt into the air, an axe kick launched for the fat thing’s head, a curved blade of bloody flames trailing in its wake. She yelped when he caught her kick, slamming her into the ground with a painful Crack! Cursing, she bobbed under another lunge, slamming a burning fist into his stomach, something that prompted a horrific squeal from the disgusting beast.
His smile dimmed, Fatso charged Boscha with a roar, his mouth distending into the massive chasm of flesh he used to swallow his foes. Screaming in challenge, Boscha belted out a burst of flames, gushing from her mouth; it was an honestly surreal experience to be literally breathing fire!! Fatso squealed, flailing back from the flames that avoided his colossal mouth. Boscha smirked. ‘So I just have to keep him from eating my attacks, eh?’
“Try and eat this, you fat fuck!” She shouted, unleashing a wave of flames. Even if he ate some of it, the rest would scorch him badly, something Fatso was apparently smart enough to realize. With a shocking level of agility and strength, he hurled himself into the air, beaming in childish delight. Out of the line of fire, he opened his maw, inhaling with all he had; the massive wave of flames was sucked into his gut. Boscha cursed. Why wasn’t this working!? Her flames, her damnable flames, the one thing she could reliably use, were worthless against this creep!! Whispers started creeping in, the sound of screams building in her head. She shook it off as best she could; she knew trying to fend it off was temporary, but she couldn’t afford to be distracted.
“Oooooohhh you’re a funny one! IIiiiiiiii’llll have lots of fun tenderizing you!” Fatso cheered, rushing up to Boscha, slamming his corpulent fists into her legs, a scream of agony ripping out of her throat; he had definitely snapped a bone or two. Before she could move, he gripped her by the skull, violently slamming her against the stone. “Iiiiii’mmmm gonna have so much fun with you, and when you get all nice and tender, I’ll get to eat you all up! Wooooonnnnn’ttttt that be fun!?” He kicked her in the stomach, her lunch spilling out in response. “Aaaaaawwwww, you lost all that food! Tttthhhhaaaaattt’ssss no good! Nooooowwwwww you won’t taste as yummy when you get in my tummy!” He whined, hurling her away in annoyance. He pursed his lips, placing a pudgy finger on them. “HHHhhhmmmmm maybe I’ll have better luck if I try finding that scarf girl?”
Boscha’s eyes snapped open. Shakily rising to her feet, she screamed. “YOU KEEP AWAY FROM HER!!” With a roar, she rushed him, only for him to dismissively backhand her away, not even bothering to look at her.
“YYyyyoooouuu’rrrrrreee no fun anymore.” He said without a glance, waddling off. “Aaaaaaalllllll you can do is throw that stupid fire. Nnnnoooooo fun, no fun at all eating the same stupid trick.”
“Fun?” Boscha whispered, eyes widening in incredulousness. “You think this is supposed to be FUN!?” She half-screamed. Tears started building in her eyes. “HOW IS KILLING US, ATTACKING US WHEN WE’VE DONE NOTHING TO YOU, SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!?!?!?”
“Hhhuuuuuuuhhhh? Wwwwwhhhhaaatttt kinda stupid question is that? IIiiiiiittttt’ssss fun because I’m strong, and you’re weak.” He said, as if saying that the sky was red, or that plants were purple. “Tttthhhheeee boss said that, because I’m part of Oroboros, I can do whatever I want, eat anything I want, anyone I want, because I’m strong and they can’t stop me, so whatever I do is fun, because I say it’s fun!!” He cheerfully explained. “Eeeeaaaaatttttiiinnnnnggg is so much fun, I could eat forever!!!! BBbbuuuuuuttttt when I eat people-meat, it’s even more fun, because they give the bestest screams when they go in my tummy!!” He patted his gut for emphasis.
Boscha’s blood pounded in her ears. Strong? This… fat piece of TRASH thought he was strong!? No… he didn’t know the meaning of the word. She had seen real strength. He might’ve been powerful, but he wasn’t strong. If he faced someone with real strength, he’d be crying like a bitch. Boscha pulled herself to her feet, utterly indifferent to her previous pain, nothing but burning rage flowing through her veins at the moment. Flames sparked, sputtered… and raged. Boscha wasn’t sure if she was fully conscious at the moment, but she didn’t care. This bastard had threatened one of the few things in this life she actually cared about still, and he had the balls to pretend he knew what strength was, and that he was strong?
Flames pooled at her feet. In a burst of heat, Boscha zipped to Fatso’s side, fist cocked back. With a roar filled with the rage of a wild animal, Boscha slammed her fist so hard against his gelatinous face, she would swear later that she felt his bones bend around her fist. “You think you’re strong?” She asked, the deathly calm doing nothing to hide the burning hate hidden within.
As Fatso rocketed back, eyes snapped wide open in disbelief, Boscha rushed in, flame-clad knee slamming into his gut, watching in grim amusement as he coughed up a mix of blood and miscellaneous bits, whether the blood was his own or not was up for debate. “You don’t know anything about strength.” She ducked under his clumsy swing, landing a clean blow to the throat, prompting him to choke. “Strength isn’t about lording what power you have above someone else.” She slammed across his face, knuckles landing a solid hit to his eyes. “It isn’t acting as if you’re above the same rules and laws everyone has to follow.”
He grunted, and roared, swinging both arms down towards her skull. She leaned back, letting the attack whiff by, slamming home a kick to his chin. “It’s about making a difference.” She caught his next punch, her eyes narrowing at the panic in his gaze. “It’s about looking after what’s precious to you.” She twisted his arm to the side, prompting a squeal of pain. His eyes furrowed, before he lunged forth, attempting to swallow her, only for her to catch his face with her free hand, fingers covering his eyes and digging into his temples, arresting his movement. “It’s what happens when you stop standing on the sidelines to cruelty, or acting to further cruelty yourself.” Flames started licking up her arm, prompting Fatso to start struggling.
“I don’t think you’ve ever seen real strength before.” She casually continued, ignoring his screams as the flames scorched his face. “I wonder, if I had never seen real strength, would I have turned out as something like you?” She pondered, even as Fatso begged and pleaded for her to let go. “Even so…” She murmured, glaring at Fatso, even as his skin blackened and peeled under her grip. “How can you call yourself strong… when you’re losing to someone AS WEAK AS ME!?!?!?!?” She screamed, wetness pouring down her face. She screamed and screamed and screamed, all while the skin, fat, flesh, and what little muscle remained of his body all turned to ash, tears pouring down her face all the while. When all that was left was his scorched, pitted, blackened skeleton, Boscha fell to her knees, tears falling in pools. “I’m so sorry I’m weak. Maybe if I was stronger… you wouldn’t have had to die so slowly.” And with those words, Boscha fell, her strength spent.
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lillabeast · 4 years
Order Feast
This took a week to write and its kinda rushed but oh well. Chismest is having their annual feast and Miriam and Audrey decide to celebrate with Kawn and Boni. (there is some bardriam so hecc,,)
Audrey woke up to a heavenly smell wafting through the air. She was sprawled across her cot in her shed. She should order a better bed because her back was killing her and she did not get consistent sleep. She realized that the sun had barely even started to rise. She brought her attention back to the aroma. It smelled of pastries and donuts, and boy was she hungry. She got up, cursing herself for sticking with a cot this long and got ready for the day. She grabbed her boots and gloves and put on her scabbard and sword. Lastly, she wrapped her beloved golden scarf around her neck, giving off a dramatic flair as the ends fluttered down.
She headed out the door and went immediately to the chicken coop and grabbed the bag of chicken feed and filled up the feed bucket for her beloved chicken Marmalade. The hen was fast asleep, so She continued to where the smell was coming from: Kawn’s House.
She opened the door and was greeted to the sight of a table with plates full of the most gorgeous pastries she had ever set her eyes on. She couldn’t remember the name of any of them but they looked delicious. Immediately, she went over and tried to grab one, but suddenly…
“Audrey NO!”
Audrey immediately stopped and looked over, it was kawn. They were wearing their greenish-white long sleeved shirt, but their capelet and cap were still on the hat rack. Instead they were wearing a green apron that matched his pants. They weren’t wearing any hat, but they had a hair net on. They looked kinda ridiculous like that.
“Kawn? What the heck are you doing??”
“It’s almost Lights’ Eve! I’m making pastries to bring for everyone when we start setting up the tree!”
“...What?” Audrey had no idea what any of that meant, but Kawn had an exhausted look on their face.
“...Did...Did I not tell you?” Kawn looked confused and stressed.
“Oh Eya’s sweet chords…” Kawn paced a bit messing with his apron. 
“That means I prolly didn’t tell Mim!! Ouugh I don’t have a ride to Chismest!!” 
“...Can I have a pastry?”
“Wh- I mean… That is really important to the holiday… but… Oh! Here, have one of these, I was practicing these for Light’s eve and I was just going to give them to the mayor as a gift!” Kawn proceeded to pull out a plate of these triangular shaped donuts with a cinnamon sugar glaze smeared upon the treat. Audrey quickly snatched one up.
“Aw heck yeah now you’re talking!” she proceeded to take a bite and was shocked by the fact it was cream filled. She looked at the cream as she finished her bite, The cream had blue and red dye swirling within, it wasn’t fully mixed to be purple. There was also a fruity filling.
“It’s a light cake!” Kawn beamed, proud of their work. “The Baron family is in charge of hosting Order’s feast, Boni is the bard of Chismest so They’re resting til the feast! As the only one who remembers how to make Light cakes in my family, It is my duty to make them.” kawn was now bouncing slightly, excited to share their family tradition with Audrey.
“Wait, your last name is Baron?” Audrey choked back a laugh as she finished her light cake.
“Uhm… Ye?” Kawn tilted their head slightly. 
Audrey swallowed her donut. “How did you not know that The Baron was your Dad??”
 “...Well Baron is a title, I didn’t think it was his real name.”
“Ok yeah that’s fair.” Audrey thought for a moment. “Hey, can i come with you to the feast?”
Kawn’s face lit up. “Yeah!! It’ll be so much fun!! You can help set up the tree in the town centre!!” 
“Alright I’ll go get Miriam to get you to Chismest, She can come back and pick me up.”
“Wait I thought you could fast travel?”
“Eh I wanna experience a broom ride.”
She would soon regret her decision.
She was miles in the sky, clinging to Miriam for dear life. Miriam had the biggest smug grin on her face, probably enjoying the panic audrey was in. 
“Wow, so much for the ‘Brave hero!’” She cackled.
Audrey couldn’t find the strength to reply. Instead she just held onto Miriam tighter.
Miriam’s smirk grew, and she turned to the terrified ex-Hero. 
“We’re almost there, better hold on tight!” she called, with the most devilish grin anyone had seen. 
Audrey whimpered in fear, and managed to tighten her hold on Miriam. The witch was surprised she could even breathe at this point. She was living for it.
She pointed the broom down and dove towards the town below. Audrey let out a loud and shrill shriek of terror as she squinted her eyes close, waiting for the nightmare to be over. 
Suddenly Audrey heard a malicious cackle.
Audrey opened her eyes to see that she was in the town centre, no one was there yet but there was a table that had all the sweets that kawn made. The witch was cackling so hard that Audrey questioned if she even had lungs. She would have yelled at her, or have gotten angry, but she was still shaking like a leaf. She shakily and carefully got off the broom, and silently thanked Eya for letting the broom ride end quickly.
Suddenly the two heard singing. It was a very beautiful duet, a wordless melody that drifted through the air. The Ex-Hero and The Witch looked over to see Kawn, and their sibling Boni.
Boni was a tall and fairly buff figure, and they wore a light cyan sweater, a sea green apron, and turquoise pants. Their beanie was knitted from hand and was the same turquoise as the pants, though its brim was a bluish green. The beanie was also decorated with a single red flower with a yellow inside. 
Audrey pondered if they were like Kawn and just had a multitude of the same outfits because that is the exact same outfit Boni wore when they first met in the Lumber town in Xia-Tian. 
However, Kawn wasn’t wearing their usual outfit, instead they were wearing a spring green sweater, their hand knitted beanie was a darker green but with a mint brim. The pants matched the color of the beanie. Both of the siblings were wearing boots designed for cold weather and thick leather gloves.  Audrey and Miriam noted that, despite Kawn being 5’7” tall (taller than the two of them) they looked short next to their older sibling who was 6’7”.
Boni and Kawn seemed to be lost in their song, joyously walking to the town Centre. Suddenly, Kawn let out an excited squeak and ran over to their friends. Audrey barely had any time to react to Kawn running over and hugging her, before they turned to Miriam and offered a hug. Miriam was glad that Kawn learned that she hated surprise hugs, but she was a tad jealous of the running hug Audrey got. She decided not to dwell on it and hugged The Bard, who sang out a short and sweet melody. 
Kawn backed off and smiled at the two.
“How was your flight?” 
Miriam smirked evilly.
“Oh it was just fantastic.”
“Ugh… I’m sticking to fast travel.” Audrey groaned.
Kawn felt like something happened, but before they could ask, Boni stepped up.
“Bitty? What is she doing here?” they asked. They were glaring down at The Ex-Hero that burnt their sibling to a crisp. They weren’t as forgiving as Kawn. 
Audrey shrunk under the glare of the giant bard, she was sure her days were numbered.
“I uhm...I’m just-” 
“Audrey and Miriam are here to celebrate with us!” Kawn quickly piped up. They seemed oblivious to the tension, and Audrey was about to suggest she go home to Langtree when Kawn continued. 
“Why don’t you go get check if everyone is ready to set up the tree?” Miriam could tell kawn was panicking, their breathing had sped up a bit. She had gotten used to the small signs that showed they were upset. 
Boni gave Audrey a tired glare before looking back at Kawn. “yeah that sounds like a good idea…” They gave a slight smile and headed off. 
Kawn sat there for a second, and Miriam watched their breathing slow back down to a normal pace. 
“Guess Bon-bon hasn’t forgiven you huh?” The bard gave a nervous chuckle. 
“Can you blame them?” Miriam sneered, “You remember what Audrey did to you, and I know for a fact it still hurts!”
“Wait what!? Are we sure it’s not infected??” Audrey was now extremely concerned as she tried to check the scar. 
“W-Woah Hey no no I’m fine!!” Kawn held the sweater down and hopped back, they were still smiling but even Audrey could tell that they were uncomfortable. “It doesn’t hurt Miriam!” They gave Miriam their best attempt at a comforting smile. 
Miriam cocked an eyebrow, “Bet.” She grabbed some snow and rolled it into a ball and aimed for their chest. 
“Woah WOAH WOAH HEY NOW LET”S TALK ABOUT THIS” Kawn started to sprint as the witch started to chase them on their broom. 
Audrey watched the two run around the town square, Miriam was now using magick to form and chuck snowballs at the bard. While that chaos was happening, Audrey noticed a group of people. Well… “group.” It was three people, one of which being Boni. The other two were shorter than them but were also strong looking. One was carrying a pine tree, another was carrying lights, and Boni was carrying a generator for the lights. 
Suddenly, the adrenaline from the broom ride wore off, and it prolly wasn’t helping that she had terrible sleep and an aching back, so it was no wonder Audrey suddenly felt exhausted. Kawn noticed this and was going to go over to check on her, but was pelted by a snowball. 
“Ack!” the bard brushed off the snow from their head, “Audrey? You Ok?” Miriam frowned a bit, watching the hero. 
“Ouuughh…” The hero groaned, before face-planting into the snow. 
“AUDREY!!!!” Kawn ran over to their fallen friend. 
“Oh…” Kawn frowned. “She must not have slept well last night.”
“We should just leave her there.”
“Miiiim! That’s mean!” 
The commotion drew the attention of the older bard, who walked over and looked down at Audrey. They didn’t like Audrey, but they didn’t want her to catch a cold out here. 
“You can take her to my room, you can put her in the guest room you’re using.” Boni sighed. Kawn nodded and struggled to pick their friend up. Boni may or may not have forgotten that Kawn wasn’t as strong as them. The younger bard slowly stumbled off with the sleepy adventurer to Boni’s house.  
Boni sighed when Kawn left earshot, “I don’t understand it. Why are they so quick to forgive her?” 
Miriam shrugged “I’m not sure, but it’s kinda annoying. But whatever, as long as they’re happy.”
Boni huffed and helped everyone set up the tree. They knew the first day would be uneventful as all the kids and families were busy at home making handmade decorations for the tree. Boni looked over at their two coworkers, Johann and Boris. 
“You two go get the automatic watering fountain for the tree and some buckets of water, I’ll get started on the lights.”
Johann and Boris nodded and headed off. 
Miriam huffed, “I can help with the lights, seems easy enough.”
“That would be great, thanks!”
After a few hours, the fountains were set up and half of the tree covered the tree when they ran out. Boni sent Boris and Johann to go get more lights. Eventually, Kawn and Audrey showed up again. 
“Sorry about that! I also took a nap!” The bardlet sang as they skipped up. Audrey groggily lumbered after them. 
“How are you so energetic all the time?”
“The trick is to be so upset with Eya that you enjoy life to spite her.”
“...Wait wh-” 
“Oh! The tree looks lovely!”
Kawn completely ignored everyone’s look of concern as they skipped up to the tree and examined it. The only one who seemed unphased was Boni, but Audrey and Miriam figured she was used to this. 
“Yeah we ran out of lights, I sent Boris and Johann to get more lights.” Boni said. They looked down at the smaller bard, before ruffling their hair. “I’m glad you didn’t sleep in a park bench, Bitty.” 
“Ack!” Kawn stuck their tongue out before throwing some snow at their sibling. 
“Oh is that what you wanna do?” Boni scooped up an enormous amount of snow and held it above the little bard, who squealed and ran. 
“NOT AGAAAAAINNN!!!” Cried Kawn. 
“YOU BROUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELF!!” Cackled Boni, keeping up behind them. Suddenly, Boris called Boni over. The two bards stopped and looked over. 
“Hold up,” Boni said, dumping the snow on Kawn and walking over to Boris. The two talked for a bit before leaving. 
“Ackpth” The bardlet dug themself free and playfully brushed themself off. 
“So... ‘Bitty,” Audrey sneered, but her smug grin ended quickly as Kawn gave her the coldest glare she and the witch had ever seen from them. 
The terrifying sight ended just as quickly as they looked over at the returning Boni and Boris, who were now carrying more lights, a ladder and another generator. Kawn ran over to help them, tho they weren’t very strong. 
“...I...Is that normal?” Audrey asked.
“...Nope.” Miriam replied, “I’m not sure if I should be happy that Kawn is capable of being angry... or terrified.” she murmured. 
The Ex-Hero only nodded in response before going to help. 
They started to set up the generators and ladder, and Miriam got to work on her broom and Audrey got on the ladder and helped Miriam with the lights. It was getting late as they went along, and the wind had started to pick up. Audrey was reaching up to the top of the tree to put the last bit of lights when a gust of wind managed to blow her scarf off. 
“NO!!” Audrey yelled before jumping off the ladder to try and catch it. The fabric slipped through her fingers as she fell quickly towards the ground. She did not think about how high up she was. Luckily, Boni was setting up a generator when she noticed the adventurer falling, and they quickly dove in to catch her so she would have a softer landing.
Audrey landed heavily in Boni’s arms, but still somewhat hit the hard cold floor, and immediately tried to get up and run after her scarf but Boni held onto her. 
“What the hell are you doing!?” They cried, glaring down. However, their face quickly softened when they saw tears well in The small one’s eyes.
“MY SCARF!! I HAVE TO GET IT!!” She cried. Kawn was looking over from where they were fixing any broken lights, they started chasing after the scarf after they realized what had happened. 
Boni wanted to stop them, but noticed Audrey wince when she put weight in her foot. 
“Hey shh calm down, Kawn is going to go get your scarf...” Boni said, trying their best to pull off a soothing voice. Their sibling was much better at this, and it was hard because they knew what Audrey had done but...
They decided to put aside their feelings about Audrey for now. 
They lifted up the protesting and sobbing hero, and looked over at Miriam who had floated down. Miriam started to say a snide comment about Audrey getting her comeuppance, but bit her tongue instead.
“I uh... How about I...” Miriam felt awkward trying to comfort the one who hurt both The bard and herself, “I Uhm... Brew up a potion to help soothe the pain. It seems she sprained her uhm... Ankle...” She shuffled nervously. 
Boni nodded, “Boris, Johann, Take over for now, I’ll be right back. C’mon Miriam, let's get to my house.” The two headed home, Boni carrying the distressed ex-hero.
‘It’s just a scarf,’ Miriam thought ‘Why is she THIS upset about it?’
Then she remembered when her original broom broke. She was so mad and took her anger out on Kawn after they ran off and decided to help the witches that did that.
Eventually the three got to Boni’s and they set Audrey up with an ice-pack on her ankle, with a blanket, some of the sweets from the table and a nice mug of hot chocolate. Audrey still seemed upset but had calmed down.
Miriam was busy in the kitchen, with a bunch of ingredients for the potion. Boni had left an hour ago to finish setting up the tree. She looked outside and noticed that a blizzard had started up, and saw Johann and Boris heading home. 
Suddenly, Boni walked in. 
“Has Kawn come back?”
The witch shook her head as she poured the warm brew into a vial. 
Boni huffed, “They’re gonna freeze out there.” The large bard seemed upset. 
Miriam frowned and looked back outside. It was getting dark and Kawn had been out there for a long time. 
She called her broom to her, “I’m going out to look for them.” Miriam knew Kawn would stop at nothing to find the scarf unless someone stepped in.
Boni huffed, “Not like that you’re not!” They dug in the closet before throwing a sweater at Miriam. 
“I was going to give that to you for your birthday next year but it’s more useful now.”
Miriam pulled it off her face and looked at the sweater. It was a dark purple sweater like her dress with a cyan stripe across the middle. 
“Thanks.” Miriam was thankful but her voice sounded dismissive. She put the sweater on over her usual outfit, pulling her cape over the sweater and heading off. 
She followed the wind, since Kawn would still be following the scarf. It was extremely cold and her face stung as the wind sliced against her. Eventually, she saw Kawn trudging through the forest near Chismest, past the Nexus Point. They were shivering and still looking around, digging in the snow and looking in the trees. 
Miriam swooped down and stopped in front of Kawn. 
They looked up in shock and stared for a moment, processing everything happening. 
“M-m-miriam?” The shivering bard cocked their head, “Wh-what are you doing here?” 
Miriam huffed and lowered the broom and pulled Kawn on, “It’s too dangerous for you to keep looking for the scarf, c’mon.” 
Kawn frowned and tried to resist but they were too cold to struggle much. Miriam flew back to Boni’s house. 
Boni had finished making sandwiches for everyone by the time they got home. Kawn was still shivering when they hopped off the broom and stepped inside. Miriam hopped off the broom and went to go grab a blanket. Audrey looked up from her mug of hot chocolate. 
“Did you find my scarf?!” 
“N-n-no...” Kawn whimpered. Miriam was laying a blanket on them, and led them to the guest bedroom.
Audrey frowned and looked at the ground. Boni gave her a sandwich. 
“Get some rest, tomorrow we’ll be decorating the tree.”
Audrey nodded a bit,”Thank you...” Her voice was low and sad. 
Boni frowned, before they suddenly got a text. They looked at their phone, and then smiled. Soon, they quietly headed off to go work on a surprise. 
The next morning, everyone was in the town centre. Parents, children, people who just lived here, all were working together to put their own creation upon the tree. Audrey’sankle still hurt but she hid the pain well, as she usually does when she gets injured. She was helping little kids find places to put their creations. She was still upset about her scarf, but she could just ask Kawn to go pick a new one up in Mount Ichor. It wouldn’t be the same, but... She couldn’t dwell on it. It was just a scarf. 
She totally wasn’t still incredibly upset by the loss of her scarf. 
Miriam was helping place the creations up on higher places, trying her best to prioritize children when working but usually just grabbing decorations and flying up. The two of them had been at this for hours, they were waiting for Kawn to finish cooking breakfast for them. Apparently it was tradition that at a certain point, everyone would go back to their home at select times for the three main meals of today, and the Barons, of all people, were the ones to call when breakfast starts.
Luckily, Miriam and Audrey were the Barons’ Guests.
Eventually, Boni showed up to let the town know that it was time for everyone to take time off for their family breakfast. Miriam quickly started flying home and Audrey started their way over to the house slowly on foot. They were still deeply upset about her scarf, despite what she would like everyone to believe. 
Miriam and Audrey came in to find plates of pancakes ready on the table, as well as a pitcher of orange juice and some bottles of syrup. 
“CREPES!!!” Audrey yelled.
Miriam rolled her eyes, “Pancakes.” 
Kawn was passed out on the couch, holding a spatula. There was a cup of orange juice in front of them.
‘They must've been up extremely early’ Miriam thought, ‘They were cooking when I woke up and left.’
“Should we wake them up?” The ex-hero asked, lightly poking the bardlet.
“Probably not.” Miriam sat down in her chair and started serving herself. “Come eat or else it’ll get cold.
Audrey looked at the bard before going over and joining Miriam at the table and serving herself. Boni put a blanket on their sibling and joined the girls for breakfast. 
“Eat up because tomorrow-” Boni ate some of their pancakes and downed some juice, “-is Light’s Eve.” 
“Did you just eat an entire pancake in one bite?”  Audrey was almost jealous. 
“What’s Light’s Eve?” Miriam ignored what she just saw. 
“The day before the feast. Tomorrow, We are only eating light meals. So you will be eating one slice of french toast for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch, and a small chicken breast for dinner. I planned this all out ahead so i could give you two a heads up, you don’t have to join us with that but we won’t be cooking anything more substantial for you.” Boni was swallowing another pancake.
Audrey was watching in horror as Boni quite literally inhaled their breakfast. Miriam was a bit perturbed but ignored it. 
“I’m sure we’ll be fine with a light meal. We were lucky to even have so much as light meals during our adventure, we were mostly living off of dried fruits and nuts!” Miriam was very glad to be having meals again after the adventure, she hasn’t really complained about a meal since then. Audrey looked at Miriam with concern. 
“Excuse me, what!?” 
“You and kawn lived off of...that??”
Miriam huffed, almost insulted. 
“I’m done eating, you two finish up so we can get everyone and continue the decorating!” Boni interrupted. Miriam realized they were trying to de-escalate the situation. Miriam huffed but nodded. Audrey still looked concerned but looked over at the sleeping Bard.
“What about them?”
Boni looked over at kawn, “They’re in charge of feeding you two, as well as me but like... I get special treatment? Basically I get today and tomorrow to be lazy, because at midnight during The Order Feast, I have to sing ‘The Order March’” 
Mim cocked an eyebrow “That’s just the Overseer Song, Kawn did that and they didn’t get tired.”
Boni huffed, almost insulted “I have to sing loud enough for all of Chismest to hear.”
“At midnight.”
“...oh.”  Miriam sunk into her shoulders. 
Audrey was trying her best to imitate Boni and swallow a pancake whole, but was having a lot of trouble.
Miriam was taking a sip of juice when she went to look at Audrey and nearly spat out her drink. Audrey glared at Miriam as half of the pancake fell out her mouth. Boni smirked and got up to make sure Kawn was comfortable, and put the spatula on the counter. 
The rest of the day was spent eating meals and decorating the tree. Kawn was usually asleep but Miriam figured (hoped) that it was just that they were tired. 
During dinner, however, Kawn was awake and seemed pretty well rested and happy. They were talking with Boni while setting some gifts aside. 
“Wait, were we supposed to bring gifts?” Miriam had a hint of panic in her voice. 
“Well, you’re really only supposed to give gifts to your family. And like, traditionally they’re hand-made but people are busy, so most just buy gifts.” Boni said, dismissively. 
Miriam’s brow furrowed. “Ok well I’m gonna go do that then! Audrey, you want to come with me tomorrow?” 
Audrey still felt awkward without her scarf. Yesterday she could manage because she was busying herself helping with the tree. The tree was almost done, meaning she would have nothing to distract herself, and on top of that she had no gifts for Kawn and Miriam, who she kinda saw as her family. 
“Yeah I’ll come...Wait are you going to make the broom ride really scary like last time?” 
Miriam sighed, “No… as much as I want to.” 
Kawn smiled and gave Miriam a thumbs up. Miriam rolled her eyes
Audrey nodded, thankful that Miriam wasn’t being mean for once. Dinner wasn’t very eventful, but it was still fun. Everyone was cracking jokes and poking fun at one another, and everyone seemed to be comfortable. It was as if the past had melted away and that. 
Audrey and Miriam both wondered if this was what it was like to have an actual family. 
The next morning, Audrey and Miriam headed off on the broom. Kawn had packed them breakfast and lunch. They were light meals, just as Boni warned. Kawn offered to make them bigger meals but Miriam and Audrey were determined to try to celebrate the holiday with the Bards. 
“I’d go with you but I have to bake for tomorrow!” Kawn said apolegitcally.
“It’s alright, we kinda need this to be a surprise.”  Miriam said, dismissively.. 
The two headed off as Kawn waved goodbye, Audrey may or may not have been screaming the whole way up.
The girls got to Grandma Sapphy’s, and Miriam got to work on some potions. She insisted that Audrey not look for fear of her “ruining the surprise.” 
Audrey decided to ask Sapphy for help making gifts.
Miriam wondered why Audrey had three gifts, and if she had asked, Audrey would have asked The Witch the same thing. 
They returned just in time for dinner, placing their gifts in their own hiding spots. Dinner was light and quick to finish (Audrey had tried to steal many of the sweets) and everyone went to bed. Miriam was in a sleeping bag in the guest room with Kawn, and a thought creeped into her head. The two have been this close before so the thought shouldn’t have scared her. She carefully crawled out and got up and went over to Kawn. They were asleep but she had to be careful not to wake them, they were a light sleeper. 
She carefully leaned in, and carefully gave him a kiss on the head. The bard moved a bit which caused Miriam to dart away. They didn’t move anymore than that but they had a sleepy smile on their face. A small, yet genuine smile. Miriam, now content, went back in her sleeping bag and went to sleep. 
It was finally the day of the feast. The group of four were carrying the presents and sweets. Miriam and Audrey stood off to the side with the gifts as Kawn and boni set up their pastries with the other food. Everything smelled amazing and the band from Chaandesh was here, playing some music. Once Kawn finished up, They excitedly ran off to talk to them. 
Boni turned to the two girls, bearing a large grin.
 “Ok you two,” they said, crossing their arms “Time to gorge yourself, give gifts, and just enjoy yourselves!” 
Miriam immediately held a gift box up to Boni, who froze and looked down at it. 
“Thanks for uh...letting us celebrate.” Miriam was quiet and looked away. She wasn’t used to giving gifts to others. 
Boni gave the witch a soft smile and opened up the box and gasped, pulling out a red leaf from Delphi. It was preserved and put in a frame barely big enough for it. 
“Aw sweet!!!” Boni pulled Miriam into a bear hug, and the Witch let out a squawk that caused Audrey to chuckle. 
Boni turned to the bemused Ex-Hero “Oh, did you want a hug too?” They gave a big devilish grin. 
“Ah no no! But uh yeah I got you a gift too!!!” Audrey said, panicking. She didn’t want to be crushed by the giant bard. 
Boni was taken aback. She was kind of mean to Audrey, yet she was giving her a gift? 
They carefully took the gift and opened it. It was a necklace with a glass crystal that contained a small red flower. 
“I uh… had help making it. I didn’t make it, Miriam’s grandma did.” The adventurer said, sheepishly. 
Boni gave her a soft smile before handing Audrey and Miriam their own gifts. “I loved these, thank you so much. I have to go get ready for tonight, you two have fun. Save me some food.” Boni walked off, humming softly as she lumbered off. 
“That was uncharacteristically soft.” Miriam commented. Audrey gave a sheepish nod as she opened her gift. She let out a loud gasp as she pulled out a long, golden scarf. It was just like her old one, but it didn’t have that annoying and itchy tag on it!
She immediately put it on, with an especially extravagant form to her flair. Miriam rolled her eyes and opened her own gift. Her eyes flew open as she saw a set of vials, perfect for potion making. They were just the right size to hold ingredients and potions, and were in a nice little crate she could place. 
“Woah…” It was all Miriam could manage as she carefully put her hand on one of the corks. She quietly put the box lid back on and placed the box where the group had set up their own little hang out spot. 
` Audrey was busy twirling and striking poses, but snapped out of it when Miriam whistled at her. The adventurer looked over and realized that Miriam was holding a gift out at her. 
“Look, Kawn would have wanted me to make you feel included, so i got you...this.”
Audrey looked at the gift before grabbing one of her gifts and walking over and handing her gift to Miriam and taking Miriam’s gift to her. Miriam stared at the gift dumbfounded as Audrey opened the gift box.
“It’s a potion of power.”
“Wow. That’s low.” Audrey chuckled as she pulled the potion out and looked at it.
“I kinda feel bad because I wasn’t expecting you to give me a gift back, now I just look mean.”
“Nah it’s all good, i could actually use this for my job.” Audrey pocketed the potion and looked at Miriam. “Again your grandma helped with this, so… yeah.”
“Mmm I’m sure it’s gonna be embarrassing.” Miriam carefully opened the box and looked inside. “Wait what?” She pulled out a book with a leather face. She flipped through the pages and smiled a bit and shook her head.
“Wow. She REALLY wants me to get into potion making. I mean, not complaining. I got some new fancy viles so I guess i'm doing this. She looked at Audrey. 
“I guess you’re not too bad.”
Suddenly Kawn walked up holding gifts of their own to give. They were humming to the tune of the music as they skipped up.
“Hellooo!” they sang out. 
“Sup.” Audrey flashed a piece sign at the bard. Miriam rolled her eyes and looked at Kawn. “Hey Kawn. I got you a gift.”
Kawn looked surprised, before giving a big smile. “I got you two a gift as well!!” They handed their gifts over. “Go on! Open them! I really wanna see how you react!”
Audrey decided to go first, she opened the box and saw an axe. It’s handle was made out of wood that was found in langtree, and there was a design of a sky seal swirling up the handle brandished into it. The blade had a leather sheath for it, and it had Audrey’s name embroidered into it in gold. 
“Everyone in Langtree pitched in to make this for you!” Kawn piped up. Audrey teared up and blushed and hugged the axe.
“Wow- Gosh I’m sorry! I-if you don’t like it I cou-”
“NOO I LOVE IT!!” Audrey cried as she hugged Kawn, almost crushing them. 
“Ouukh! Aw… You’re welcome!!” Kawn hugged Audrey as she backed off and wiped her face with her sleeve and looked at the Axe. 
Miriam looked nervously at her box. Ot was small, it wouldn’t be nearly as flashy as Audrey’s gift. She was jealous of that but she couldn’t see herself using an axe. Miriam carefully opened her box, and she saw a small hair clip. It was dark blue with a yellow, star shaped jewel. Next to it, was a necklace that matched the hair clip. 
“I talked to Sapphy as well, and she helped me make these. I chose the shape and colors!”
Miriam carefully put the hairclip and necklace on. 
“Thanks.” She could almost feel her face burning. “I, uh, got you something as well.”  She handed them her box and hid in her sweater.
Kawn opened the box and sang a giddy little note and pulled out a potted flower. It was yellow and shaped like a star. 
“You also got me a star shaped gift!!” Kawn was ecstatic as they looked at the flower. 
Audrey gulped as they looked at their gift. She doubted it would be as good as a plant, but she handed it over anyway. Kawn excitedly took it and put the plant down. The gift was small, but Kawn didn’t seem phased. They opened the gift and gasped before pulling out the pretty black feather from its protective box. It’s colors shifted to a deep turquoise in a certain light.
“It’s so pretty!!! Thank you!! Oh gosh these gifts are great!!” 
Miriam smiled, they were always so easy to entertain. Audrey was still surprised by their simplicity but was busy hooking their axe to her sash. 
“I’m gonna go eat til i explode” Audrey said, simply. “If you want me, I’ll be by the spicy stuff.” 
“Ok!!” Kawn waved and turned towards Miriam. 
Miriam noted the current song was a waltz. Sapphy had actually taught her how to waltz. Claimed it was important for her to learn for whatever reason. 
Suddenly, an idea sprang in her head that terrified her.
“Miriam?” Kawn was wondering why Miram was suddenly blushing. 
“Oh uh sorry. What’s up.” 
“I wanted to know what you wanted to do!” Kawn presumed Miriam was just spaced out.
“I uh… How about we dance”
“Sounds fun!”
“I meant, like a waltz.”
“Su- wait what?”
Miriam grabbed the Bard’s hand and dragged him to a more secluded area where they could still hear the music.
The bard was still shell shocked as Miriam carefully took their hand carefully on hers, and carefully put their hand on her shoulder and her hand on their hip. She decide that she would be assuming the lead role, as she was the one who actually knew how to waltz. 
“We’re just gonna do some steps, nothin fancy.”
It was Kawn’s turn to blush as they sheepishly nodded.
Miriam led them as they kinda shuffled about. Kawn was having fun but could tell Miriam was still nervous about this. 
They decided to add a bit of their own pizzazz.
“I’m having fun, but ya know what would be greater?” Kawn smirked, Miriam raised an eyebrow, secretly terrified that Kawn didn’t like this. 
Suddenly, kawn lifted Miriam's hand and then tried to spin, giggling as they went. Miriam fumbled as she wasn’t expecting this and accidentally knocked Kawn off balance. 
“Oop-!” Kawn yelped, as they fell back. Miriam quickly caught Kawn and held Them up as they were leaning back.
“Woah-” Kawn gasped, “Nice catch.” Kawn blushed and sheepish;y smiled.
Miriam smirked and dropped Kawn,
“Ack!” Kawn flailed and sat up, giggling. “Aww c'mon, that was a good dance!” 
“Then let’s have a second go.” Miriam said, holding out her hand. Probably the smoothest Miriam has or ever will be. 
The two giggled and danced the night away, not really following the rules of waltz and just doing whatever came to their mind. Not caring what was happening or what the world might have thought.
It was the happiest Kawn had ever seen Miriam.
Suddenly, There was a loud and clear singing. The two looked up and saw the lights of the Nexus Point were at their brightest. 
“It’s midnight.” Kawn gasped. 
“We were out that long?”
“Time flies when you’re having fun, cmon!” Kawn took Miriam’s hand and ran for the tree, leading the confused Witch.
When they got to the town centre, they saw that the tree was lit up to match the Nexus lights. Boni was up in front of the tree singing to the entirety of Chismest, some sang along and some just watched. It wasn’t quite the same as the Lullaby, probably modified so that the Bard doesn’t just get chucked to the spirit world. The song was much longer, and some of the notes changed. Kawn quietly sang along, and rocked side to side. Miriam carefully laid her head on Kawn’s shoulder and hummed along with what she knew from Order March. She had a lot of fun the past few days, but she was looking forward to sleeping in her own bed after today. She let out a slight yawn as the song came to an end. 
Miriam sleepily nodded and rubbed her eyes. “Yeah, but i’ll be alright.” 
“Nah let’s go to bed, we’ll fly home tomorrow.” 
Miriam nodded and sleepily followed the bard back to Boni’s after they grabbed the gifts. Kawn put the gifts in a safe spot and tucked Miriam into bed. 
“Wait isn’t this your bed?”
“Yeah but you’re flying tomorrow. Get some sleep.” Kawn gave Miriam a kiss on the cheek as they went and got ready for bed and slipped into the sleeping bag.
“...Can you sing the Wind Sonata?”
“I’d love to!”
The bard started to sing and the witch got comfy in bed. Today was a long day but she was happy she came. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, she was very excited to show Grandma Sapphy her gifts.
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vesperlionheart · 5 years
Sirens of the Sea, 12, and gaasaku for a friend. If you do it thank you so much
The Spirit of the Oasis - GaaSaku  (5.5K)
There are stories of miracles that are whispered in shadows, behind hands, and over night time campfires because they need to be, and not because they are true or worth believing. Least of these stories are the ones of the oases that bloom for the pure of heart who are most in need of them. Magic carpets, cities of brass, and enchanted flutes were all a poor man’s fantasy and Gaara was no longer a poor man, so there was no use in believing in such stories. 
“You think you’re too good for old Baba’s stories?” Chiyo teased Gaara.”My grandson thought that way too.”
“I’m not going to end up like your grandson,” Gaara grumbled, hating how he had to show his elder such respect when all she did was tease him. 
“That’s what he said too, when I told him about my lover who said the same damn thing,” Chiyo laughed, slapping her knee while her brother fed another log to the fire from beside her, silent as ever. 
Gaara winced, unable to clear his mind of the mental image of old bad Chiyo having someone she could call a lover. It was such a dirty sounding word when she said it. 
“That’s...understandable I suppose,” Gaara forced to grit out.
“You ain’t gonna ask me what my lover did or what happened to ‘em?” Chiyo whined playfully.
Gaara really didn’t want to ask. 
“What happened, elder?”  
But he was a good kid.
Chiyo’s beady black eyes sparkles from underneath the sagging of her skin, heavy with bushy gray brows. “Hey commissioned a friend to map the desert for the brass rider and got that far before the way was no longer for them.”
“What does that mean, baba?” Temari asked. 
Behind Gaara his brother and sister sat on their own mats, drinking from the elder’s stash of wine and gorging themselves on her food. Gaara took only enough to be polite but did not consume. He was the head of his tribe now, he couldn’t afford to piss off an elder. 
“He had received the words of his elder, to travel across the desert, to seek the aid of the brass rider, and follow where it would lead. But with no faith, he relied on his friend the cartographer to map his steps. Without faith he was a lost one, as was my daughter, as was her husband, as was their child, my grandson.”  
Baba Chiyo reached into her sack cloth dress and pulled out the blue powder before throwing it onto the fire, changing the color of the flames and making their burning smell sweeter. Kankuro leaned forward in his seat, excited by the change blue powder produced. It was a simple traveler’s trick, nothing but small science, but to a people without education, Gaara understood how it could seem like magic. 
“It is a sin to seek without faith.”
“It is foolish indeed,” Temari agreed, always the faithful daughter. When the mystics had said the murderer of their mother and not she who was first born would lead their tribe she had bent her head in thanks for the prophecy and never questioned it. She should have hated him but her faith saved him from that life of neglect, so as much as Gaara wanted to sneer and think himself wiser than the superstitious sand witch, he would honor her words and listen. 
“Are we called to seek, wise woman?” Kankuro asked. 
Chiyo cackled and rocked back in her seat while her brother poked at the fire. “Are you destined for greatness, or does the bird long to fly? Which is easier to answer, I ask you?”
“It is a great honor to be so star blessed,” Temari whispered, watching Kankuro with soft eyes and softer thoughts. When she looked to Gaara her softness didn’t lessen and he felt all the safer for it. In the absence of their mother, Temari had been his maternal comfort for all those years. He would not deny her this. 
“Speak of our fate, elder,” Gaara said as he lowered his face to the sand and the ground. He touched it to his fingers and closed his eyes. “I beseech you, speak it.” 
Between them the blue fire crackled and the desert night spun on. Eventually, Chiyo breaks the silence and Gaara knows he is allowed to lift his face to her once more. 
“I will say this then, you own a great and vast land, and on that land you have built up your father’s estate so that is the envy of others, but it yet lacks three things. The first is this, a talking bird who speaks only wisdom, second is the tree that sings prophecies, and third is the golden water from the fountain without end. Come into possession of these three things and you will be made far greater than any that came before you in the tribe of the Wind.” 
“Oh elder, these are grade items indeed, but how would we begin to find them?” Temari asked, already sounding in love with the idea. Gaara stayed quiet, content to honor his sister with whatever she wanted within reason. 
Chiyo waved to the fire and the draft that followed her hand made the flames flicker. “You should travel for three days in the direction of the sun’s birthing, and then you will find a fallen king who has traded his riches for humility. Treat him kindly and he will tell you where to find your three treasures.” 
Gaara glanced sideways at his brother, grimacing at the star struck look in Kankuro’s eyes. Sometimes he was no better than their sister when it came to matters of fate. 
The night grew long and Gaara bid Chiyo and her brother farewell, departing with his siblings back to their tribe and back to their manor. They slept soundly through the night, but the morning had nothing but turmoil for them. 
As luck would have it, Kankuro became obsessed with the idea and in short order packed up and headed out on his adventure to seek his fortune, both for himself and for the family. And for all of Temari’s faith she did not want to risk the life of her brother. She begged Kankuro to reconsider, but the middle child was unswayable. 
“Take your hawk with you,” Gaara instructed. “If he should return to us for any reason we will know you have perished and mourn you properly.”
The suggestion only made Temari more upset but Kankuro gathered up the leathers and hood for his hunting hawk and promised the both of them he would return with enough riches to make them sultans.  
Yet seven days later his hawk returned itself to their garden and the whole house mourned for the loss of the firstborn son. 
“This is the price of faith,” Gaara said to his sister in his anger, only to regret his words hours later once his spirit had cooled. 
He tried to apologize but Temari had locked the doors to her chambers and forbid the servants entry. She kept her doors shut no matter the hour of the day. Gaara ordered her favorite dishes be made, her favorite coffee be brewed, and even burned her favorite spices to coax her out, but his sister was unreachable for days. 
Four days later Gaara had reached the end of his patience and ordered her doors be broken down. He refused to let his sister starve herself and leave him too. She was all he had left and the thought of life without her-
“She’s not here, my lord!” 
Gaara’s thoughts unraveled. “What do you mean?” 
The servant produced a note and bowed low. “She has fled and taken her hunting hawk with her. Mercy, my lord, we did not know.”
Kankuro’s headstone had not been planted yet and already he was to commission a second? The thought turned his blood to ice.
 “Make ready my horse.”   
Gaara rode for a day to the edge of his territory before he saw his sister’s hawk, flying to greet him along the way. In the wild desert he cried aloud, summoning it down so that he could weep over it’s feathers and scream for the audience of his animals. No one could hear him in the desert so he let his heart show. Nowhere else would he be so honest. 
“You have forsaken me, you have gone where I can not!” he cried into the sands for nearly the rest of the day. 
When night fell Gaara noticed his horse had run off and the hawk had disappeared with it, leaving him truly alone. He took shelter under the shade of a rock outpost and rested there. 
The morning came, and with it, thirst. All his food and water had been tied up under his saddle bags, leaving him with nothing more than his shoes and clothes. He had a small bag of money, but in the middle of the desert it was more worthless than dirt. 
“I have wasted too many tears on my family, soon I will join them. If only there would be someone left to miss me.”
Gaara stood and trekked in the direction of his home, not realizing his sense of direction was off.  At the end of the second day he was weak and too tired to rouse himself further, so he took shelter under some more rocks and cried without tears. 
He was the youngest, what were they thinking making him their chief! He had been the only one with enough good sense to resist Chiyo’s silly superstitions and look where that got him; his faithful sister lost, his older brother dead. 
His head swam with exhaustion and dehydration, so when he looked up and saw an oasis growing out of the dead earth he did not believe the sight of it. How silly for his brain to play such a mean trick on him. An oasis would bloom for the faithful in their time of need, the old stories said. 
 Out of all his siblings he had the least faith. What had faith done for Kankuro or Temari? 
But his body felt like something he no longer controlled as he roused himself and staggered towards the mirage, smelling wildflowers and water in the air. His feet touched the stone and then the earth, soaked and wet before he fell onto his knees and plunged his hands into the water, sinking them up to his elbows in the cool pool. He cried aloud, bringing some to his mouth to drink. He turned greedy for the taste of it and gorged himself until he felt like an ocean rested in his belly. 
“Satisfied?”  a voice teased from somewhere behind him. 
Gaara turned, stumbling to see, perched atop one of the rocks, a woman with pale hair, paler skin, and eyes as vibrant as emeralds. Her smile cut her lips into something spellbinding, as Gaara found himself transfixed at the sight of her. 
She laughed at his expression and rolled off the rocks, drifting more than falling. Behind her the long train of her dress trailed, curling with the breeze until she stood in front of him. Gaara felt his throat grow tight as he tried to swallow and keep his eyes off the way a slit in the fabrics cut all the way up to her thigh, showing off leagues of soft flesh. 
“You look even cuter when you’re startled, I think,” she laughed, kneeling down so she was closer to his level. 
Gaara’s eyes kept wavering, too amazed by the curve of her uncovered shoulders and bare arms. He could see so much of her, more than he was used to seeing in a desert landscape where sundeath was as common as thirst. 
She wasn’t human.
“Temptress,” he choked out. “I’ve been seduced into your lair and now you’re going to-to kill me here.”
She blinked in surprise and then burst out laughing, standing suddenly to better grab at her stomach as the mirth of his words shook her shoulders. “Temptress?” she gasped. “I’m not even an angel this time? You must be a heretic of some sort.”
“I know no spring or oasis would open itself for one with my miniscule faith. I am not delusional,” Gaara struggled to answer.  
“I’m not going to eat you, silly heathen.”
“Then you mean to deflower me!” he accused, backing away, face red and warm from the admission.
“A tempting offer, but no. I’m not in the habit of seducing half dead heartbroken boys so you may rest easy, Gaara of the wind tribe, I’m not here to do you any ill.” She swept the train of her dress behind her and dipped low into an old fashioned bow from before bows became reserved for men exclusively. “I am Sakura, and I simply wished to save your life.” 
“Wh-what benefit is there for you to do so?”
“Are you not wealthy?” she teased.
Gaara reached for the pouch of coins and tossed the bag at her feet. It opened and spilled, scattering glittering coins of silver, bronze, and gold. He eyed her warily to see what she would do next.
Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes, tilting her head back to better see the stars. Behind her the short cut of her sunset pink hair shifted, nearly ethereal in how it moved without touching her shoulders.  
“I have no use for your silver, boy, take these back,” she said, motioning with her bare toes to the spilled coins. “I risk so much for far greater rewards, such you could never pay.” 
“What do you want from me then?” Gaara asked, making no move to gather his money pouch. 
“Sit with me among the flowers and talk awhile. In the morning I will send you off with food and water. I swear upon the stars no ill will come to you from me here in this oasis.” 
Gaara hesitated. The creature before him was not human, she was a being of magic and starlight, one who could bloom waters in the desert and command the plants to flower with fruit. Beautiful as she was, Gaara didn’t want to make the mistake of thinking her mediocre. If she was truly a creature from Chiyo’s tales, he needed to show her reverence.
Gaara shifted, folding his legs under him until they were bent. He touched his face to the ground and bowed low. “Great spirit, I thank you for your mercy. I shall do as you bid me.”
“Sakura,” she breathed, chuckling. “Please just call me Sakura. Now stand and join me by the flowers. You must tell me of your quest.” 
Gaara climbed to his feet and saw her hand offered where he could reach and grab it. He hesitated before accepting, and Sakura led him to a natural stone table with benches on either side. A pair of goblets had already been set out with sweet wine and plates overflowing with ripe fruits waited for him.
He sat and told her the story of his sister and brother, about how he wanted to at the very least, find their bodies and bring them back. He told her of Chiyo’s stories, of the talking bird and other treasures. He told her of the Wind Tribe, of his people who were strong and vast. He told her of the prophecies around his birth. He told her of the elders who raised him. He told her of his favorite steed, and hunting bird. He told her of where he ran the fastest and where he meditated. 
Before he could help it, he was spilling all his secrets to her, eager to appease her and win a small smile. She was a creature of magic, maybe even one of the star children. It made sense to appease her like how he appeased Chiyo and the sultan. 
But he never wanted Chiyo to smile at him that much. 
He never wished the sultan to laugh at his stories or ask him more. 
Soon the dawn’s pale light cut open the sky and filled it with color. Sakura stood from their table and he watched her move, marveling at the way she seemed more like water than flesh. 
“Where are you going?” he asked, standing to follow her. She stopped at the edge of her oasis and pointed. 
“I will show you where to go. Three days hard ride from here there will be a humbled king who speak to you. Be kind and listen, for he will tell you what you need to know,” Sakura said. 
“What about you?” Gaara asked.
Sakura smiled coyly and cupped two hands around her lips. She cried out, loud and clear a whistle that cut the desert air in half. A moment later Gaara heard the whinny of his favorite mare. 
“Look, she approaches,” Sakura said of his horse. “And with her she brings Temari’s hunting hawk. Take them both with you.”
“Sakura.” When she didn’t respond Gaara touched her hand, drawing her attention once more. “What will happen to you now?”
“I will go to where I always go. Should you be in need of me again, call out at nightfall and I may just appear.” 
“Never,” Sakura laughed before she melted under his hand into water foam along with the rest of her oasis. 
Gaara reached for her desperately, trying to gather her up, but the foam dissolved on his fingers and even the scent of her was a memory.  
“Sakura?” he tried calling. Only the wind tickled his face, teasing him as his mare whinnied for his attention. 
After calling and searching, Gaara realized Sakura really was gone and that he had best do as she instructed, so he mounted his mare and turned the horse in the direction of the humbled king. Fed and watered his horse carried him over vast distances until dusk fell and he turned in for the night, taking shelter under the stars. 
He made a fire to fight off the desert cold and ate and drank of his goods. Before the stars could come out he dared one more call to Sakura. 
At first there was nothing. He watched and waited but no oasis bloomed. There were no flowers there was no water and no Sakura. 
“Was it a silly dream?” he wondered aloud.
“Dreams rarely feed us, Gaara,” Sakura teased, sitting down beside him. 
He nearly jumped when her arm brushed his. “Sakura? Wh-what are you doing here? You didn’t come when I called.”
“I am not your servant, young lord,” she teased, batting at his face when he came too close. “I shall come and go as I please. You are lonely, you need company, don’t you?” 
“I am quite lonely out here. Who else would listen to my voice but the wind.” 
“Oh the wind makes horrible conversation, all it talks about is the same dull things.”
Gaara smiled and settled back into place beside the fire. “Will you tell me things tonight?”
“Hmm?” Sakura arched a single brow in question.
“I’m sure I bored you plenty with all my useless chatter. Tell me about yourself this time,” he said. 
Sakura’s smile was coy and teasing. “Oh, you wish to know my secrets, do you?”
“I wish to know more about my friend.”
 Sakura froze, utterly still as her eyes stayed wide, fixed on him. Then her lips moved but there was no sound, no voice to match their shape. Gaara knew what she meant to say.
“Yes, my friend, if you’ll allow it. I could also worship you, but i’m not sure how appropriate that might be if you think me a heathen. But, I think we could be friends if you will allow it.” 
After another moment Sakura stiffly nodded, seeming more human in her hesitance.  “A friend… I don’t think I’ve had one of those in a long while,” Sakura breathed.  “I’ll allow it.” 
Now it was Gaara’s turn to smile and Sakura’s turn to be thrown by the sight of it. “Now, will you tell me more about yourself? Do you have brothers or sisters?” 
“I have neither, or if I did, I do not remember them.” Sakura glanced towards the fire before waving her hand before it. The flames rand higher and thicker, casting long shadows. “It’s been a long time since I could remember my human days.”
“You were human?”
Sakura waved her hand again and Gaara saw images in the fire begin the manifest. A small girl chased after a golden ball that fell into a hole. She cried and promised anything if only she could have her ball back, as young ones are bound to do. 
The flames shifted until a serpent came along, asking for a favor in return for the retrieval of her golden ball. ‘Anything, anything,’ the child promised. The serpent returned with her ball and promised her it would return for his favor when she came of age. 
The girl returned to her grandmother and learned the arts of her lineage until it was time for her to wed. That is when the serpent returned with his son, a prince who she would wed.
The story was pretty enough to be a fairytale children listened to before bed, but the serpent prince was not the hero he dressed himself to be. Instead of taking the girl as his wife, he took her to his city in the desert and dressed her in jewels before enchanting her along with the rest of the city. 
Before the enchantment could freeze her in place she begged her husband for the reason behind his crimes. He revealed himself to be a wicked creature, a demon long since freed from his ancient seal. The city was his trap, stocked with gold and treasures of the earth and flesh for whoever could find it. 
Many men tried, but the city was made by demon hands and trapped with trickery and evil. No one made it very far into the city before their sins consumed them. Men went mad on the walls, listening to the songs of siren voices. Adventures went insane at the sight of such treasures. The few who made it to the girl’s final resting place saw her on a throne and dripping with jewels. Those who reached for her with lust in their heart were struck dead by her bronz servants. 
And all the blood that ever flowed only fed the demon underneath the city further. 
“Then how are you here?” Gaara asked, looking away from the fire. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” Sakura joked, her shoulders sloped down and heavy. “If you mean the girl in the City of Bronze, well, I can’t speak on that. We’ve all been enchanted not to. See, what happened was-” 
Her voice was cut off, stolen away from her as she gasped aloud and shook her head, side to side. She waved to the fire and it turned blue with magic and then a new picture arose. Gaara saw the city of bronze collapse, crumble into the desert and be no more. 
Sakura breathed heavy and turned her face away. “There are too many sad stories, and I can tell you none of them. Only know that I am here now as real as I can be because of so much blood.” 
Her voice was tired and sad, making Gaara itch to pull her close and comfort her somehow. Whenever his sister was upset he would send her a plate of her favorite candies, or her favorite coffee. She was weak to good food. When his brother was upset he would send him something fine, a new javelin, a trusty steed, a fancy saddle. Kankuro was always cheered up by gifts. 
How could he lift Sakura’s spirits? 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” he pleaded. 
“Tell me a funny story,” Sakura said, glancing towards the fire as the blue flames bled red again, her magic sapped. 
“Have you heard the story of the old woman and the devil?”
“Is this a funny story?” 
“The devil doesn’t win,” he answered.
“Then tell it to me,” Sakura laughed. 
So he did. 
The next day Gaara raced across the desert and at night he summoned Sakura again, and the dined on desert flower win and told more stories. 
The third night Gaara called for her again and Sakura was there, highlighted by the star’s light. 
“Is that the reason you can only come to me at night?” he asked. 
Sakura nodded along. “I borrow the star’s magic to leave and manifest this form. I haven’t been human since oh, since too many years ago, but even before then I knew the secret histories and their languages. I knew how to steal and to siphon and how to borrow the magic left in this world.” 
Something in her words made Gaara pause. “What’s wrong?”
“There’s so little magic left in the world. It’s getting harder and harder to appear each decade. The stars are never changing in their nature, but what of it if there are no hearts to behold their beauty and marvel at their wonder.”
“How does magic work?” 
“How does science work?” Sakura countered instead.
Gaara bristled. “Science makes sense. There is a reason for every reaction. There are formulas and reason.”
“Of course there are. Why is magic any different? I can reach out and touch the very atoms of a creature or object and direct them to the desired change with language. You may use oxygen and fuel and heat to create combustion, but I just excite the log into burning.” 
“If magic is so easy, why is not more prevalent among the people?”
“Did I say it was easy? How many centuries did I have to perfect these wretched words, tell me my friend!” Sakura laughed, clapping. Her hands rang out a sound that echoed in the sky above her, turning the clouds over into thunderheads in the desert. “Oh, but I’d trade it all to be a girl again.”       
“Why can’t you?” Gaara asked. 
“I don’t know the words for such a thing, but maybe one day I will discover them,” she said. “Breaking free from another creature’s enchantment requires knowing the nature of their spell or their true name. Once you know that, you can undo all their magic even if they’re dead or gone from this world.”   
“I’ll free you.” 
Sakura went still. Gaara moved closer and touched her arm, startling her. “No,” she breathed. “There is nothing left to free. That city is nothing but rubble. The bodies all gone. Please, don’t. Be content with this.”
“Do you know how many friends I have in this world?” Gaara argued. “I have you and I have my family. I have traveled and nearly died for my sister and brother. You think I wouldn’t do as much for you?” 
Sakura’s face fall with a soft sadness that made her look so old even if her face was as smooth and youthful as her first day at eighteen. “Sweet friend, please forget me and sleep instead.”
“Sakura I-”
But he was already falling, sliding sideways off the log. Up overhead the stars spun in circles before winking out, one by one by one…..
When he awoke in the morning Gaara roused his mare and led her the rest of the way, discovering the humble king resting under a palm tree. He was kind to the old man and listened to the story of a young boy and then his sister who came through seeking the same thing.
“You must travel there, to the base of that black mountain. There you will hear a great many voices that taunt and cajole you to turn around but you must not, for once your head is turned you will be just another black stone at the foot of the mountain.”   
“Even with inhuman willpower I still might turn around if I’m startled,” Gaara said. “I should probably just stuff my ears full of cotton or pig fat to keep from hearing anything-whoa, man!”
“What brilliance!” the old king exclaimed. “How ingenious-never have I heard such a plan in all my days. You may yet be the one who saves the talking bird for his own. A man of science for the ages, woe to the mystics.”
There was the ghost of a memory in his brain about a conversation he had with...someone about magic and science...but that memory was from so long ago, it wasn’t worth remembering.  
Gaara grimaced at the old man’s volume but didn’t say anything else. Instead he bowed in thanks and did just that. He approached the mountain and heard the first voices, though there were no bodies and, like the king said, the voices could do nothing to him. He stuffed his ears full of cotton until he could hear nothing and then began his trek. 
At the top of the mountain there was a golden cage. He grasped it firmly and pulled until it was free. The bird inside the cage roused from sleep and spoke with the voice of a human, clear and polished. 
“You have pulled me from the mountain. In thanks I will tell you where you may find the golden water and where you will find the singing tree.” 
“That’s all well and good, but I just want to find my sister and brother. Where are their bodies?”
“They have been turned to stone and one stone is as any other, I can not tell. But, I will tell you how to revive them. The water under my cage, take it and sprinkle it on the black stones before you. It was free them from their curse.”
“Like a chemical reaction,” Gaara murmured. 
He moved to do as the bird bid him and the first few stones were transformed back to their human bodies, breathing and alive. They thanked Gaara and praised him even as he ignored them in favor of finding his sister and brother.   
The sun moved across the sky and in time he came to the last two stones who were his dear sister and brother, alive and breathing! He gathered them up in his arms and cried again, too happy to have his dead siblings back from the grave to care about treasures or riches. 
That day the three of them left with the talking bird, the branch of the singing tree, golden water from the fountain, and a small army loyal to the one who freed them. 
In short time Gaara’s fame at the head of the Wind tribe grew. The conquests of his private army turned on tribe into two, and two into four, and four into fifteen, until an entire country looked to him for leadership and wisdom.  
The talking bird was a creature of legend, star crafted from the days of old and knowledgeable of a great many things. With his council Gaara guided his people and grew his tribe into a successful country that eventually swallowed even the sultan’s lands.
And yet the more of his days he spent, the lonlier he became. 
What was he missing?
What couldn’t he remember?
There was something… something he needed to remember. What was it?
“Bird, tell me the thing I seek.” 
“You seek a memory, my sultan,” the enchanted bird sang, flying about in his cage. 
“What is the memory I seek?” 
“One that is forgotten!”
The way the bird laughed provoked Gaara to anger, so he shook the cage to rattle its contents. “Speak, creature, as you are compelled to do, and release me from this pain in my chest.” 
“I am compelled to speak only truth and to answer my master, but the memory will only bring you more grief. Do you wish it, still?” 
The pain in Gaara’s heard was fierce and the only thing he could think of from one day to the next. His sister and brother ruled more than he did by this point, and the only thing his advisors needed him for was an heir. But the thought of marriage made him…
“I need this memory, speak it, bird!” he all but growled. 
“Very well then. Her name is Sakura. I shall tell you how to find her.”    
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scgdoeswhat · 5 years
A Very Penderghast Halloween – Beckett x Clarette
Summary: The Penderghast gang celebrate Halloween.
Rating: NSFW
Words: 5541
Author’s Notes: Happy Halloween!! I had this idea pop up into my head a few weeks ago to celebrate Halloween with my favorite magickal crew! I didn’t expect it to grow into a behemoth, but here we are. Thanks to @hellomynameisdevi​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​​ for the early help, and I’m also going to submit this for @skyecrandall​​ Choices Horrorween Week!
Hope you all enjoy! Beckett doesn’t belong to me (unfortunately), but the story does. No Beta used.
Sorry if the “Read More” link isn’t working. It’s Tumblr’s fault, not mine!
Tag list: @xo-endlessmayhem-xo​ @grungeisntmything​ @friendlylilshipper​ @felmasri​ @numberonepoetryexpert​ @hellomynameisdevi​ @beckettbaguette​ @siegrrun​ @choicesthatplayyou @retroangxl​ @askdana​ @50shadesofraleigh​ @darley1101​ @kamybelen-blog​ @herdecisions​ @artchoicesreblog​​ @teenytinymagician​​ @choicesfannatalie​​ @itsstillnotwhatyouthink​​ @abigailpoe​​ @flyawayboo @brightpinkpeppercorn​​ @gardeningourmet​​ @harringtons-honey @manateemilk​​ @queenodysseia @thatcatlady0716​​ @divergentofhogwarts​​ @pottershat​​ @topsyturvy-dream​​ @choicesyouplayandmore​​ @zeniamiii​​ @never-neverland​​ @drakewalkerfantasy​​ @syltti78​​ @elementalistshoe​​ @maxwellsquidsuit​​ @sleepingpillcorporation​​ @tabithacarlisle​​ @ludextruction @pbmychoices​​ @wickedgypsymoon @mistychoices @izzycheeese​​ @lady-kato​​ @fluffy-marshmallow-heart​​ @flynnomalleys​​ @walkerismychoice​​ @thefirstcourtesan​​ @drakesensworld​​ @laceandlula​​ @rhymesmenagerie​​ @shainaa00​​ @princessstellaris​​ @itsbrindleybinch​​ @donutsgirl36​​ @liamzigmichael4ever​​ @mckenzie-powell​​ @sunflowergirl05​​ @justendlesssummerfeels​​ @friedherringclodthing​​ @choicesarehard​​ @desiree-0816​​ @elanorwaverley @aworldoffandoms​​ @mrsbriarmarlcaster​​ @star-adorned​​ @wiselight @cloacasexual
Please let me know if you want to be tagged/removed on future fics and I’ll tag anyone I may have missed in the comments. Thank you!
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Clarette stood in front of the full-length mirror in her room, putting the finishing touches on her first Halloween costume in three years. She ran a hand down the front of the deep red corset, smiling at how the tight fit pushed up and emphasized her bosom. Turning sideways, she smoothed out the lace overlay over the black tulle miniskirt, the fabric bouncing back to its natural shape after she finished touching it. She threw the high collared, black, satin minicape over her shoulders, fastening the button around her neck before slipping on a pair of matching elbow length gloves to complete her look. Stepping into her black heels, she walked out into the living area of the suite where Atlas was hanging out and Shreya was waiting for her.
Her twin sister glanced at her, peering over the magazine she was reading and raised a skeptical eyebrow at Clarette’s outfit. “You look like a vampire-brothel-hooker all smashed into one.”
Clarette laughed on her way to the kitchenette, throwing a wadded-up paper towel at Atlas. “Well, if that’s the case, then Beckett will be my lucky customer later!”
Atlas groaned in repulsion, her face disappearing behind the page. “I really hate you sometimes, you know that?”
Shreya snorted in amusement at the siblings’ banter while she looked at her reflection in the mirror, touching up her black lipstick to complete her short and skintight sexy witch costume. “You two make me glad that my sister is younger than me. I could never imagine having any type of sex conversation with her,” she said, shaking her head in dismay. “I will say that this is fun to dress up for your Attuneless holiday, Clarette. Believe it or not, what I’m wearing is tame compared to what I’ve seen some sorceresses wear.” She looked over at her roommates’ outfit and busted out into a fit of laughter. “If Priya saw your outfit, I don’t know if she’d be flattered or embarrassed by your interpretation of what a vampire is.”
Clarette stopped in her tracks. “Whoa, wait. Priya LaCroix? As in the fashion designer? She’s a vampire? Vampires are real???”
Shreya nodded, gently patting her on the head. “I forget you didn’t grow up in this world, but yes, yes, and yes.”
The dark-haired twin stood in shock at her newfound knowledge. “I swear, I’m always learning new things around here.”
“Are you serious? Out of everything we’ve been through the last two years and it’s vampires existing that throws you for a loop?” Atlas chortled.
Clarette shrugged, a broad grin on her face. “I only know the bad vampire stereotypes, like this one!” She ran over to Atlas, and in a bad accent that sounded like the Count from Sesame Street, she yelled out “I want to suck your blood!” while tickling her.
Atlas screamed at the tickle attack. “You ass! You know I hate being tickled!” She cried out before shooing her sister away.
Cackling, Clarette got up and straightened her top out before she had a wardrobe malfunction. “I promise, no more tickling for the rest of the night. But seriously, are you sure you don’t want to come tonight? Please?” She affixed the puppy dog eyes on her sister with one last plea.
The light-haired twin rolled her eyes in response. “You know that face doesn’t work on me. Do I look like Beckett to you? And nah, thanks. I’m good. I’ve had my share of roughing it out in the woods, at night, with demons and crazy psychopaths after me to last me a lifetime. You guys have fun in the forest and whatever.”
The doorbell rang at that moment, signaling the arrival of the rest of Motley Crue. Clarette and Shreya made their way to the door, opening it to their group of friends.
“By the way, if it wasn’t obvious, you two look absolutely absurd,” Atlas continued, “at least the others had enough sense not to dress-“ she looked up and stopped midsentence, where she was greeted with the sight of Zeph dressed up in a skeleton costume complete with face paint while Aster donned a headpiece resembling a unicorn. “At least Griff and Harrington had enough sense not to dress up,” she rectified her statement.
Griffin stood in the doorway with a full bag of mixed elixir in hand, laughing at Atlas’ unimpressed expression. “I would’ve dressed up if I knew everyone else was going to!”
Beckett scoffed. “You couldn’t pay me to dress up.”
Clarette pranced over to her boyfriend, noticing Beckett’s eyes darken as he took in her entire costume. “I’m sure I could convince you otherwise,” she replied, a sly grin on her face. “Besides I know what you could dress up as. You could be the police!”
He raised an eyebrow at her suggestion. “And why, may I ask?”
“Because sometimes you’re the fun police!” A mixture of groans and laughter were heard at her bad joke while they all waved ‘bye’ to Atlas. Clarette giggled, bounding out the door and down the long corridor, leading Beckett by the hand while the others followed their path.
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The evening sky was the deepest shade of midnight and the moon was hidden behind the cover of clouds as the six of them made their way through the Penderghast campus. They continued walking into the woods beyond the lake, the lights of the university dimming behind them with every foot before being swallowed by the foliage.
Clarette bounced excitedly with each step, wanting to savor her first real Halloween since being introduced into her current magickal world. The last two years had comprised of shadow monsters, maniacal Blood Atts, and power-hungry Sources, all of which diminished any desire to celebrate one of her favorite times of the year.
This year was different. With no threats on the horizon, she decided they would all be celebrating spooky season with her. She took solace in now knowing who she was and where she came from, which gave her the security to enjoy the festivities. The last time she felt so carefree was when she was a child, and Halloween had no pretense; it was only about how many treats she could fill in her goody bag.
Moving to a new area for high school had given her a different reason to enjoy Halloween, when she embraced the dressing up aspect the most. In a smaller city where she was one of the few minorities and the only Asian American girl in school, she relished the opportunity to be someone else for one day. She found she was comfortable dressing up in any manner she wanted, and that usually equated to a getup that conformed with her party girl label.
As Clarette thought about ideas for her costume this year, she knew it was going to be one of those stereotypical sexy outfits, but she felt assured about making her decision. The difference between dressing up in a sexy costume now and a few years prior? Her actions were now on her terms and she was finally comfortable in her own skin. She was dressing up for herself and not to fit in.
Over the last two years, she had regaled the group with stories about Halloween, from urban legends and folklore to the revelries in the Attuneless world such as haunted houses, mazes, and hayrides designed to scare people. Convincing Shreya was easy; she didn’t need to be asked twice to be her partner in crime in dressing up and looking good while doing it. Griffin, Zeph, and Aster were always down for some hijinks, and surprisingly Beckett didn’t try to make a logical argument to get out of it. Only Atlas rejected to partake in it, citing her very valid reasons of already living through enough nightmares.
Griffin led the way through the brush, smoothing out the path to make sure the girls of the group wouldn’t trip over any loose rocks. “So Clarette, what are we doing? You didn’t exactly lay out the plan.”
“I don’t really have one. I was thinking about lighting a bonfire, telling some scary stories while we drink, pretend to do a séance…. I don’t know, whatever comes to mind, I guess.”
“A séance? Are you sure this is a good idea?” Zeph asked with hesitation. “My abuela always said you don’t mess with these types of things, especially since the veil is the thinnest this time of year.”
Shreya scoffed while adjusting the sparkly witch hat she wore on her head. “It’s not like we’re actually summoning anything. Besides, Clarette already talked to a dead Dread last year and nothing else came from it.”
Clarette shivered at the mention of Raife, memories of her and Atlas destroying his corrupted essence doing little to soothe her mind.
Beckett wrapped his arm around her, noticing her shiver. “Are you alright?”
“Just a little draft, nothing more,” she fibbed, not wanting to worry him about the thoughts in her mind.
The evening had started innocently enough, with the bottles of elixir being poured and stories being told from the Attuned side of things. They all shared stories of how ‘The Dread’ was used as a bogeyman in their different upbringings, all of which were terrifying in their own right. Silence reigned after the last tale was told and they all took a sip of their drinks, the silence enhanced with the effects of their beverages.
Zeph turned his head to the right, on alert. “Did anyone else hear that?” His eyes flickered across the group.
“I didn’t hear anything,” Clarette answered. “Come on, Zeph, stop trying to scare us.”
A distant rustle echoed through the night.
“I heard that,” Griffin interjected as he stood up and dusted his pants off. “Zeph, come on, let’s check it out.”
Zeph grimaced, steeling himself. “Fine. But if I die out there, it’s on you.” He got up and joined Griffin past the shrubbery.
The other four looked at each other with uneasy glances as the minutes ticked by.
“Yeah, this isn’t creepy, at all,” Clarette commented, snuggling more so into Beckett’s side.
A moment later, the flames extinguished, leaving them in complete darkness.
“Very funny, Shreya,” Beckett remarked. “Would you please turn the fire back on?”
Shreya looked at him with her mouth agape at the accusation. “I didn’t do that, Beckett.” She snapped her fingers to reignite it, but nothing happened.
The branches where Griffin and Zeph walked into shook, the disturbance causing them to jump at the sound.
“And very funny, you two!” Clarette hollered towards the direction of the bushes. “You can stop with the cheap scare tactics already!”
Aster branched out, the shadow lingering on her face. “It is not them.”
“What do you mean it isn’t-“ Before Shreya could finish her sentence, the undergrowth parted, a giant shadow monster appearing before them.
“Holy shit!” Clarette jumped up and ripped off her gloves, blasting the apparition with her Sun magick. The beam that came from her hand went straight through and did not cause any damage, to her disbelief. “It didn’t do anything!”
“Clarette, go!” Beckett stepped in front of her, shielding her from the monster. “Aster, make sure she stays safe!”
Aster nodded, grabbing Clarette’s arm. “Come on, I know a safe place!”
“I’m not leaving you, Beckett! I can help!” She tried wriggling out of Aster’s unhuman, strong grip, to no avail.
Beckett took a few steps towards Clarette, never turning his back on the monster. “I told you before, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, my love, and I never break my word.” He kissed her hard, channeling his feelings into the singular action. “Just remember, I love you.”
Before Clarette could respond, Aster dragged her further into the forest, the trees camouflaging their retreat.
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Clarette ran through the trees, complete darkness engulfing her surroundings. She wasn’t sure if she could hear a faint laughter echo through the expanse of thicket, but she knew there was no way she would stay in one place to find out. Her pulse raced in her ear and her lungs burned as she weaved through the cover of the forest, her survival instincts kicking in.
"Don't turn around. Don't stop now. And whatever you do, don't turn around." The thought repeated itself in her mind. She had watched enough horror flicks in her days to know one of the rules of survival.
How could a shadow monster be chasing her? They had eliminated the different threats over the course of their Penderghast careers, including those using essences to create corrupt forms. She frowned at the memory of her attack going right through the monster’s center, its red eyes and sadistic grin smiling at her inability to vanquish it.
It turned out Atlas was the smart one that evening, opting to stay back on campus instead of joining the Crue in the woods. Their evening was supposed to be full of harmless fun and Halloween shenanigans.
Or they were supposed to be shenanigans, until that fire went out without explanation and the giant shadow monster appeared through the trees. It seemed to laugh at her with glowing, red eyes and the sinister smile on its warped mouth, its intent bent on destroying everything in their path.
The monster must have taken both Griff and Zeph down quickly, as the rest of them didn’t even hear anything from where they had disappeared. There was no scream to signal trouble, and the only shout she heard was from Shreya. Her shrill shriek rang through the woods until it was cut off with a stomach dropping abruptness.
Clarette’s mind raced with thoughts of what happened to her friends, her brows furrowing when she thought of Beckett. She should never have left him, despite his urging and insistence. She and Aster were nearly a Thief-field length away when she heard his voice ringing through the foliage, telling the monster to stay away from her. Clarette had stopped in her tracks, ready to turn back when she thought she heard him scream, only for the forest to stifle any identifiable sounds.
She shook her head to clear her mind. The current circumstances gave her no time to think and instead, she concentrated on winding in and out of the hedges and trees. Now it was just her and Aster, thanks to Aster's abilities to navigate the forest where she grew up.
"Clarette!" Aster huffed through exertion, the flowers in her hair downcast and sodden. "The trees are telling me there should be a cabin 50 feet that way. You should go there while I go for help!"
Clarette stopped in her tracks, giving Aster an incredulous look. "You want me to go to a cabin, in the woods, in the middle of the night??? I am not going to die like some cliché, slasher movie!"
Aster frowned, the reference going over her head. "Movies can cut you in the Attuneless world? I have to remember this for later! But in the meantime, I'll go track down Atlas and the shadow monster won't get me because I know these woods like the back of my hand! The cabin should be over there!" She ran off in the opposite direction, leaving before Clarette could get a final word in. “I’ll be back!”
"Shit!" Clarette whispered to herself, knowing that anyone who ever says “I’ll be back” never returns according to the rules of horror films. Looking around after taking a steadying breath, there was no sign of the shadow monster and she quietly made her way through the trees. The 50 feet she crept through felt like a mile, but Aster was right; there stood an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods.
"This is what I get for watching all those Freddy Krueger - Scream - Friday the 13th movies when I was in high school," she grimaced as she approached the solid oak door, trying to peek through the tinted window. "No, this isn't scary at all."
Opening the door, her eyes widened as a feeling of astonishment overtook her. The darkened interior of the cabin was illuminated softly by elegant, taper candles in metal, gothic candelabras while the glow of strategically placed jack-o-lanterns added to the ambience. The hazy flame from the fireplace cast a warm light over the entire room, highlighting the black, satin sheets that adorned the bed against the far wall.
In the middle of the room stood one Beckett Harrington, a proud smile on his face after having everything go according to plan for the evening. He held his arms out wide, showcasing the result. “Surprise! I know you love Halloween, so I wanted to give you one to remember.”
Her shock quickly dissolved into anger as she marched over to him, pushing his shoulder hard and backing him against the wall next to the bed. "You ass! I can't believe you made me think you were hurt and then you made me run through the woods thinking everyone else was hurt!"
Beckett rubbed the back of his neck as he watched his idea blow up spectacularly in his face. "I thought you would appreciate the Halloween scare since you've been so excited the entire month. Between you regaling us about your Tuneless traditions of going to haunted houses and watching scary movies with me, I just wanted to bring a little piece of that to you because you've missed it."
Her face softened at how much thought and planning he had undertaken to pull this off, though her arms remained crossed. "Well, the haunted houses I used to go to weren't real because they're played by actors and I love watching scary movies with you because I get to snuggle and bury my head into you when it gets too much. It's all make-believe!" Before she continued her tirade, a light bulb went off in her head. "Wait. Does this mean everyone was in on it?”
Beckett nodded. "Indeed. I asked for their help to execute everything. Shreya extinguished the fire with no effort after Griff and Zeph’s cue of disappearing.”
"What was Atlas' role in all this? Summoning the shadow monster?"
Beckett chuckled, his cheeks red. He remembered the day he went to Atlas for help in pulling this off and while she initially refused, she had relented in the end.
“Hey, Harrington,” Atlas paused after helping him with the illusion, “you really love my sister, don’t you.”
Beckett flushed. No one had asked him about their relationship point blank after he and Clarette had exchanged ‘I love yous.’ Looking at Atlas, he replied in a confident tone, “I do. I love her very much.”
A wry smile crossed her face. “I know. Just making sure.”
She made him swear to not tell a soul she helped him with this, knowing that her sister would never let her live it down.
"Griff and Zeph helped with the illusion of the shadow monster. Atlas had absolutely no part to play in this. When she heard the beginning of my plan, she held her hand up and said 'no' outright. She wanted no part of 'whatever freaky sex thing' I had in mind, even though it hadn't even crossed my mind."
“I don't know if I should punch you or kiss you," Clarette laughed, none the wiser to his masterplan.
“I definitely think I should be rewarded with the latter, but I may be slightly biased,” he beamed.
She closed the distance between them, placing her arms on his shoulders as she brought him down for a slow kiss. "Well, now that your plan has been executed, did any 'freaky sex thing' cross your mind?"
"I don't know if it would be considered freaky, but you already know I think about you quite frequently in that way."
Clarette gleamed at him, her eyes shining in the dim light as she comprehended in full how much preparation was needed for him to pull the entire evening off. “I can’t believe you really did this all for me.”
“You know I would do anything for you,” he replied as a tender look fell on his face.
“As twisted as your plan tonight was, I do know that.” Her fingers trailed down the lapel of his blazer as an idea of her own entered her mind. “Hmmm, you know, I don't think I ever told you what the best part of Halloween is."
He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close. "Oh, and what's that? I thought you said the best part was dressing up?"
She brought him down for a kiss, their mouths moving against each other in hypnotizing fashion. His tongue teased her bottom lip, asking for entrance and she moaned in acceptance, their tongues dancing with the deepened kiss. His hands roved down past her short skirt to her ass, squeezing it and bringing her closer to his frame. She gasped as she felt his erection pressing against her lower abdomen, his hardness causing desire to shoot through her veins. They broke apart after a few minutes, both feeling dizzy and lightheaded from their kisses.
"The best part of Halloween," she purred, while starting to unbutton his shirt, "is definitely the treat. After everything you put me through tonight, I deserve something tasty to put in my mouth, don't you think?” She planted kisses on his now bare chest, her fingers tracing down his torso before landing on the front of his pants, grasping his arousal through his trousers.
A strangled sound came from Beckett's throat, his voice shaky with each squeeze of her hand. "Yes, oh - you definitely deserve something tasty as a treat," he managed to get out with difficulty.
Clarette unbuckled his belt, undoing the button and sliding the zipper down with care, all the while kissing a path down his stomach. His muscles flexed involuntarily when she trailed the outline of his abs with her nails and flicked her tongue against the flat plane of his lower abdomen. His pants hit the floor and he groaned after she kissed him through his underwear, her face rubbing against his prominent bulge through the black fabric.
Standing up straight for a moment, she unfastened her cape, dropping it to the floor in between them. His gaze went down to her chest, her breasts inviting his touch. His hands roamed up the corset before caressing the swell above the garment with his thumbs, the soft skin smooth to his fingertips. He bent over to kiss her again as her hand cupped him through his underwear, and once again she placed kisses down his body.
Her knees came to rest on the soft fabric of the cape she had dropped, and she looked up at him through thick lashes, the glint in her eye causing him to bite his lip in anticipation. Seeing her in this position was one of his favorite things in the entire universe.
She lowered his boxer briefs in an unhurried manner, licking her lips as his glorious cock sprang free from its constraints. His hand found its way to the back of her head, tangling in her luscious, raven locks as he guided her mouth to him.
"My, someone's eager," Clarette chuckled as she wrapped one hand around his dick, licking the underside of his shaft from base to tip. His jaw hung agape as he let out a sharp breath with the sensation of her tongue on his taut flesh. Stroking his length, she wet her lips before placing a kiss on his velvet tip, their eyes locking as he was met with a seductive smile.
Beckett watched in awe as she twirled her tongue around his tip slowly, before taking him in and sucking on his head. She bobbed back and forth with a gradual pace, her hand working over his impressive length before releasing him with a pop from her mouth. Gripping his cock in her hand, she opened her mouth and slapped him against her flattened tongue, the move eliciting a groan from him as she then licked the precum off him.
Once again, he found himself past her lips, her fingers wrapping tightly around him while moving up and down in tandem over his hardness. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall, enjoying the attention his girlfriend was slathering upon him, his other senses heightened with pleasure at the sound and feel of her mouth around him. His eyes opened when he felt her warmth leave him, and he looked down to see the marvelous sight of her licking his tight balls. He groaned as she sucked on one, followed by the other, her hand never stopping the rhythm on his erection.
Beckett’s eyes were glazed with desire as she returned to sucking his cock, her tempo picking up with each twist of her hand. He couldn’t help himself as his other hand entangled itself in her hair, giving him a firm grip on her head. He started thrusting into her mouth, stretching her out with his thickness, filling her with more of him after each buck of his hips. Her hands left his cock, sliding around to grab his ass as he took total control. Fucking her pretty, little mouth, he came hard as he hit the back of her throat, a deep moan accompanying his release.
Clarette swallowed his entire load, gasping for air after he pulled out, her lips swollen and mouth raw. This was rougher than what she was used to with him, but the truth was that she loved it. Beckett was usually so in control and the knowledge that she could make him lose it excited her greatly, if the wetness between her legs was any indication.
He helped her to a standing position and held her against him, wrapping both arms around her while kissing the top of her head. “Clarette, you’re magnificent,” he whispered as he cupped her jaw and kissed her gently.
She returned the kiss with fire, whimpering into his mouth as his hands wandered up her skirt and rubbed her through her soaked panties. “God, Beckett, I want you so bad,” she murmured against his lips. Taking his hands in hers, she led them towards the bed, her pupils dilated with need. She looked up at him with a hazy look, her tongue darting out to wet her lips before asking her next question. “How do you want me?”
His nostrils flared at her implication and he swallowed before giving his answer. “Like this.” He kissed her hard before turning her around and bending her over the side of the bed, her ass facing him. Quickly shrugging out of his blazer and shirt, he knelt behind her and slid down her skirt and underwear slowly, revealing her glistening center to him.
Massaging her thighs, he moved his hands further up until he reached her apex, running his thumbs over her lips and spreading her juices over her mound. He traced the inside of her long legs with his fingertips, widening her stance by moving her feet apart, using his tongue to make his way back to her sex.
Clarette’s eyes fluttered shut as she felt him rub her slit, his name leaving her lips as he opened her up before he delved in with a long lick. He wrapped his arms around her legs, his fingers drawing circles on her clit as he ate her out from behind. She grinded back into him, her orgasm building quickly from how aroused she had been earlier. Her eyes snapped open when he stopped, only to close again when she felt him stand behind her, his big, thick cock pressing into her entrance.
Beckett leaned over her back, nipping at her ear, while rubbing his head against her sopping pussy. “Trick or treat, my love.” Straightening up, he pushed into her in one fluid motion, shuddering at her tightness. He started out with long, powerful strokes, burying himself deep inside her with each thrust, a feeling of intoxication coming over him as she enveloped him in her wet heat.
She screamed his name in pleasure as he stretched her out, filling her to the brim with his slow pace. Her hands pulled at the satin sheets as she breathed heavy, lying face down into the bed as he pounded her from behind. The familiar electric buzz coursed through her body, ready to give in to him.
Beckett gripped her hips, his fingers leaving imprints from the pressure he was holding onto her with. He groaned in pleasure as he alternated his strokes, speeding up then slowing down when he felt her getting too close to the edge. Looking down, he got a thrill at seeing her bent over for him as he fucked her in this position, her body still clad in the corset from her costume and her long legs still accentuated by her black heels.
Clarette started pushing back against him, and he stood still, watching his swollen cock disappear into her with her movements. He could feel the tightness in his balls building once more, and he bent over her back, his broad frame pinning her petite body against the bed. Grabbing her arms, he held them to either side of her head as he drove into her throbbing pussy.
“Tell me what you want, Clarette,” he growled in her ear, his voice low and animalistic.
“Fuck me harder and make me come, my love,” she moaned, her sweat laden body writhing under him.
Groaning, he reached a hand between her legs, gliding his fingers over her clit as she grinded against him. He rubbed her nub back and forth, sliding her bundle of nerves in between his middle and ring finger, the action making her body tense under his touch.
“God, Beckett, that feels so good,” she scrunched her eyes shut, concentrating on his rigid dick pounding into her and his hand working her pearl. She could feel her orgasm coming, her body buzzing, ready to explode.
He closed his eyes as pumped her faster with his thick shaft, her pussy gripping him like a vice, her walls pulsating around him. He sped his fingers up against her clit, urging her to come around him. Slamming his hips into hers, his dick hit her perfect spot repeatedly and she clenched around his hard cock, her scream muffled by the bunched-up sheets under her.
Her body glowed as she reached her high, and Beckett continued to fuck her through her orgasm, his own rapidly approaching. He held her down as he buried himself in her over and over, before exploding in her after one final thrust. He collapsed over her, his chest to her back, closing his eyes as he peppered kisses on the curve of her neck.
After staying in her for a few moments, he pulled out and climbed on the bed, pulling her up to his chest. She gave him a small smile, kissing his chest with a sigh of content. “That was fun.”
“It wasn’t too much?” He asked with trepidation, knowing that this was the first time they had made love in this frenzied manner.
“Not at all. I like it when you’re in control.” She trailed a finger over his heart, sitting up as she started unhooking the corset. “Though maybe you could’ve taken this thing off me before we started to, you know.”
A tinge of red dusted his cheeks, although it was barely visible in the darkened room. “Ah, yes, about that…” With a swipe of his hand, the hooks undid themselves as the garment fell away. He pulled her back down onto him, wrapping his arms around his faux vampire vixen. “You may have played to one of my fantasies, and you’re right, I do see the validity of Halloween, after all,” he admitted. “But I have been wondering about something all night.”
“Fantasies, hmm? We’re going to have to revisit that sometime. And by the way, that’s one more tick in the ‘I’m right’ column,” she smirked, moving her head to look up at him. “But what were you thinking about?”
“I loved looking at you in your costume, but what made your outfit a vampire? You didn’t have fangs and you weren’t sucking on blood or anything-”
“I seem to recall that I was definitely sucking on something earlier,” she interjected, a playful smile crossing her face.
He held her close, the reverberations from his low laughter rumbling through him. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
“I do, and you love me for it.”
He couldn’t deny her as they laced their fingers together, engaging in pillow talk until they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
The cabin was now dark and silent, the flames from the candles and fire long extinguished. In the midst of their activities that evening, they paid no attention to the metal candelabras twisting and falling to the ground because of his attunement, nor did they pay attention to the glow she gave off because of hers… but a pair of flashing red eyes just beyond the clearing certainly did.
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
Preparations for the End
It had started simple enough. It was graduation, for her, from Grimwood Finishing Academy for Ghouls, and she was graduating with honors and a full ride scholarship to Cornell; she wanted to be a veterinarian. And this was all simple because their headmistress Sibella De Ville had informed them to invite their families to this graduation. It wasn’t a massive problem, a lot of the families here were small, and simple, witches, werewolves, vampires, monsters or ghouls of some sort, they were mostly families hiding from the public eye. Hell, there was even a kitsune attending her school. But for the most part, a lot of the kids who landed here were orphans or runaways; persecuted for what made them different because it wasn’t like being a metahuman or alien; this was the supernatural, something mortals would always fear.
But this led Mary-Beth to her little problem. She could invited just one aspect of her family, it simply wouldn’t do. And Mary-Beth voted that she had the weirdest family in existence.
Sure, her mortal parents were supportive; and even encouraging of the family Magic being learned, she was a Charmed One and in the Magic world that was special as most magical families did not have as many as three children. Three was also a sacred number, a number for good luck, and in the Magic world, three was a number for power. So, her family was already an anomaly; as there were only a handful of Charmed Ones at any given time.
But back to her problem, for her graduation party; and inviting her family; she couldn’t NOT invite any aspect of her family, it’d probably start a feud; a bigger feud… again; but at the same time she didn’t think that it’d be this complicated. Family holidays were already hell enough to plan out since so many relatives; mostly on Raven’s side; had come out of the woodworks. And her weird family was so enthusiastic about being supportive and being there for her she couldn’t not invite any of them!
There was her one of the most powerful, raw magic Witches in modern age and completely mortal.
There was her little brother Billy, and he was her brother, he was weird.
Her baby sister Jessica was still growing into her powers.
And her best friend was a Witchlighter and the reincarnated King Arthur of Camelot, with his older brother being the reincarnated Sir Lancelot, and his younger sister being the reincarnated Lady of the Lake; they were also Charmed Ones
Then there was her cousin, Rachel Roth, a.k.a. Raven, most powerful mortal celestial being in existence.
Raven’s older, adopted brother, who was a famous cyborg hero, Victor Stone, a.k.a. Cyborg. Vic was exuberantly supportive of her; even embarrassingly enthusiastic about it; he had shown up to almost all her sports events with his moms, decked out in team spirit cheering for her; even when Rae couldn’t.
Their adopted moms, Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Dr. Pamela Isley, Gotham’s most dangerous villains. Surprisingly awesome and unsurprisingly crazy, but fun and loving aunts for her. Her mom loved them, as did her dad.
Raven’s adopted niece and nephews; Melvin, a metahuman who’s imagination manifested to suit her will and reality, Timmy, who was a metahuman banshee, and Teether, another metahuman who’s indestructible teeth could slice through anything.
Melvin, Timmy, and Teether’s foster parents; who were New Gods; Big Barda and Scot Free; they lived in Australia but would fly up for all family holidays; they were… big. Plus, their son Jacob; who was so precious!
There was Raven’s weird father figure/uncle person, who was also her mentor and loonier than a looney tune; having voluntarily locked himself up in an insane asylum; John Constantine. John Constantine was a madman, who adored Rae and had taught Mary more about thinking fast with Magic than anything her school had taught her.
Raven’s grandfather was the Devil himself, Lucifer Morningstar, who preferred to be called Luci with family, his demon consort Mazikeen Morningstar. Their frequent tag alone was Beatrice Decker; a good friend of Mary’s actually. Next to Chris, Trixie was probably her best friend.
All of the angels were Raven’s aunts and uncles; and Mary still didn’t know how but somehow Mary and her siblins had been adopted into that lunacy. Between Gabriel randomly dropping in on her studies, and Raphael coming around to tutor her, and Anna just swinging in; and Balthazar abducting her to random places, and Castiel showing up to check in on her from time to time with Luci’s son; Jack, who was Cas’ adopted son. It was nuts.
Not to mention Cas’ husband and husband’s brother, Dean and Sam Winchester were always randomly popping in to steal pie and drag her and her siblings off for monster hunting. They had charmed her mother somehow, Mary still didn’t know how, all she knew was that Hunters were always randomly popping into her life now.
Raven’s grandmother was Death, the actual entity of Death. The Endless were also now aunts and uncles; Mary had to remember to put them on her graduation party list as well. The Endless would be highly offended if she invited all the angels but not them, they still hated the angels for some results of the war, but they would hold truce for family gatherings.
And then there were the cousins she had gained through Raven’s demonic father, Trigon, who she couldn’t just ignore! Mary actually like Etrigan, she was awesome, Jason Blood not so much.
Also, if Raven came then her not-boyfriend boyfriend would come along, because Jason never strayed far from her cousin since their reunion. No, Rae would not be bring her actual boyfriend Koryak; no one approved of them dating, except maybe Jason, Mary didn’t get why the idiot didn’t fight harder for her cousin, they were magnetic and totally together.
Mary opened her door; which was taking a hard beating; as she dragged her attention from her quest to finish the list. The moment it opened a man shoved his way into her room.
“HEY!” Mary shrieked as she was shoved aside.
“Where’s the Gem!?” the man demanded.
“I’m tracking her magical signature, it led me here, where is she!?” the man turned on her. He was rather handsome, early thirties, long brown hair, brown eyes; he looked like the comic book character Remy LeBeau.
“And who the hell are you!?” she demanded, her own Magic cackling at her finger tips.
“She’s my aunt!”
“I’m Merlin, Merlin of Camelot, and I need help! I might have just unleashed the Four Horsemen!” he snapped, his brown eyes flashed red.
“Merlin has a beard,” she stated.
He laughed.
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mardi-nah · 6 years
Kitsune (1)
Bullying, possession, angst, mythology, fantasy, magic, romance, enemies to friends to lovers, Japanese culture, Japanese-American narrator
Grandma always warned me, “You’re too American, mago. You trust too easily. Your country has forgotten the creatures that live inside of it. Don’t look away from the yokai. Don’t turn your back to a kitsune—that’s how they get you.”
I think she was worried that I didn’t believe in yokai, but I did, at least somewhat.
My family used to fly to Japan to visit every year or two, and we might stay for a week up to a month. I remember being little, scribbling in a coloring book as anxious, unfamiliar families came in, seeking my grandmother, speaking in low tones.
She would sit in a room alone with one of the members, closed off to everyone but the two of them and sometimes myself. She would ask me to continue my puzzle games and coloring, but I always listened closely.
“Hello Miko,” Grandma said, “How are you?”
She tilted her head, the pendant tinkling like a tiny bell. “I’m fine, thank you. You have a lovely home.”
Grandma bowed her head. “Thank you. I’ll put us on some tea. Is there anything you would like to eat?”
Miko smiled slightly. “I would like some hong dou tang please.”
That was azukimeshi. It was almost always bad if they asked for azukimeshi or tofu or aburage.
Grandma didn’t say anything, though. She stood, walked back to the little stove she had in the room, and went about putting on a kettle of tea and starting a pot to boil the sugar and the adzuki beans.
“Your family is worried about you,” Grandma commented as she went about cooking, “They’ve told me you have started refusing to let your dog sleep in your room.”
“It caught fleas,” Miko answered easily.
“They say you did poorly in your English courses. And yet you speak fluently with me.”
Miko sat quietly where she was for a minute, just smiling that small smile, eyes on her lap. And then, with no warning, with no movement, Grandma was suddenly on the floor, eyes bulging as Miko strangled her.
I never saw or heard the other girl move; the chabudai had been flipped over on to its side, but I couldn’t tell you how it happened.
I started to scream.
My parents and Miko’s family burst into the room and looked around for a minute. A broad relative of Miko’s sucked in a breath, whispered in fear or awe or a little bit of both, “It’s Kitsunetsuki.”
Fox possession.
And then everyone immediately charged for the two struggling women. The yokai possessing Miko must have imbued her with incredible strength; my father was the first to reach her, but as soon as he started to pull on her arm she flung him off, sending him sailing across the room. He landed with a hard crack, and my screams heightened.
It took all four of Miko’s relatives and my mom to pull her off Grandma, who turned on to her side, coughing and wheezing.
“I curse you!” The girl hissed, dark eyes rolling into the back of her head, a froth building at the corners of her painted lips. “I curse you and your family! The Sasaki family will fall, one by one, and your daughters will bear no children. Your sons will die bloody.”
And with that, weeping and shaking, the family dragged Miko out. We never saw her again.
Grandma had bruises around her throat for weeks, but she never talked about it. No one prompted her too, either.
I could never understand how so many people could come visit my grandma’s home, and yet when we went to the market for groceries people would watch and whisper about us as we walked by, as if we were a scandal. They never approached us and would quickly move away if they saw us coming. Mothers would hold children close, men would step between us and their women.
And there was always that word. The word they whispered, chanted like a protective charm—or a curse. That word seemed to follow Grandma and myself everywhere in town.
Fox witch.
The summer following the Miko incident, I fled from the stuffy house and into the trees surrounding Grandma’s property, running and hopping over fallen tree trunks and cheered on by the low singing of cicadas.
Grandma and Dad hated it when I came out here, so maybe it was me being rebellious, playing in the woods. Maybe it was curiosity, or some grand sense of adventure, or maybe it was even simple destiny leading me into those thick woods.
Whatever the case, I ventured so far, so deep, that eventually I came upon a statue.
The statue itself wasn’t that important—it was only a Jizō statue, depicting an almost cheerful figure with its eyes squinted closed. We had a small cemetery in the back of the property where Grandma’s parents had once had to bury some of Grandma’s young siblings after a tragic fire. The Jizō statue was erected later to honor the deceased children—it was the thing perched on its head that made me catch my breath.
A fully grown man sat on the Jizō’s head, wearing the loose crimson trousers and white top of the traditional hikama. A white kitesune mask trimmed in red hid his face from me, and tufts of impossibly white hair stuck up and out around it, messy and uncared for. He was swinging his sandaled feet like he didn’t have a care in the world, a red handheld fan was clutched in one of his hands.
“Oh? A girl comes to visit me after all these years? Hello, girl. Are you tasty?” His voice was a bit muffled by the mask, but it was deep, a man’s voice, tone cheerful.
I back pedaled immediately, heart in my throat. Suffocating. “No, I—I don’t taste good at all.”
“Are you sure? You smell scrumptious. And your family owes it to me, abandoning me for so long. I’m very hurt.” He jumped down from the statue, and somehow being on the same level as him made him seem so much scarier, taller and broader and powerful.
I backed up and up and up until I tripped and almost lost my balance. The man giggled, and it just seemed so mean, like my embarrassment and pain genuinely delighted him.
“You’re all so selfish,” the man continued, taking a step forward for every one I took backwards. “You take and take and take and can’t fathom to give every once in awhile. I should kill all of you and be done with it.”
The Sasaki family will fall, one by one…
I whimpered, flinching as my back hit the trunk of a tree, cowering as the man came steadily closer. “Please don’t. I haven’t done anything.
He stopped, throwing his arms up dramatically. “Exactly! You and your kin have done nothing. I was loyal for generations, and your matriarch left me trapped here for a stupid mortal man.”
“My—my what?” I sputtered.
The man cocked his head to one side, as if considering me beneath his mask. “You look uncomfortable. Am I making you uncomfortable?” I didn’t get the chance to answer before his visage popped into a cloud of milky fog, and I coughed and waved. When it cleared, a young boy in the same outfit was standing in front of me, head still cocked. But now there were thick, fluffy tails swishing behind him, white at the base with blood red tips “How about now? We’re even the same height!”
I pressed back against the tree, mouth dry, eyes wide. “Kitesune.”
“Human.” He replied mockingly. “Oh, I know, how about this?” Another pop, another cloud of smoke, and then the mask was gone and a young girl with a round face and short black hair was smiling giddily back at me. She was missing a tooth, and she looked only nine or ten, my age—
It was me.
I screamed.
She—no, he—laughed, loud and rough and cackling, and it followed me as I fled, running as fast as I could back to the safety of Grandma’s house.
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hey-hey-chan · 7 years
Supernatural!Bang Chan
So, I decided to start a new series of of supernatural!Stray Kids, yay! I was gonna do a soulmate one but I just finished a series about a boarding school with tons of supernatural beings so this is sorta gonna be interesting.. btw the series I was reading is called Shadow Falls-definitely check it out if you enjoy reading and love triangles (which I usually hate). And sorry in advance if some of my ideas are similar to the ones in Shadow Falls - but like there are only so many things you can do with the same types. 
Also, these scenarios are going to take place in boarding school for mythical creatures cuz I find that more interesting XD 
Another note, I was gonna write these in like bullet form or 3rd person, but I started to do that and realized-hey, I can’t write in 3rd person to save my life. :(
P.S. I don’t edit my work so... beware
The screeching bell rang through the hallways, creating rough murmurs of all of the students. Being as different as we are, we’re still like normal teens, mumbling insults under our breath. 
“Ugh, seriously, why haven’t they changed the bells yet? Everyone knows vamps have sensitive hearing.” An older vampire girl had questioned. I had only been at this school for a couple of weeks, but I could help but notice how all of the same types of beings stuck together: faes with faes, weres with weres, vampires with vampires, etc. And it sucked because despite knowing my powers, I was half vampire and half werewolf - almost a forbidden mix. 
Everyone knew werewolves and vampires hated each other; they were forced to play nice in the school, but were always hostile towards each other. There was one mixed vampire and werewolf in the school, but she was a teacher, so no one poked fun at her. Obviously I didn’t have a group to run to, I couldn’t hang with the weres without being called a blood sucker and I couldn’t go to the vampires without being called a filthy mutt. 
As I said before, it was only 2 weeks since I learned of my abilities, but I hated them every day. 
As usual, I got caught up in daydreaming what it would be like to run through the open fields of my old house again and accidentally stumbled over the vampire girl. She gasped, can you say overdramatic much?
“Sorry,” I mumbled, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Luckily, she let it go, whispering “filthy dog” as I passed her. I scurried out of the history of vampires class and happily jogged to my dorm room, who I shared with a fae girl. 
Luckily for me, faes didn’t really care about the whole werewolf/vampire rivalry, faes had their own rivals - witches, though that rivalry wasn’t as bad as the first. 
“Hey Joohyun,” I said as I entered. She smiled and nodded to me. Joohyun was a pretty good roommate, she was quiet, clean, a good chef, and she didn’t make fun of me. I could see us being friends, you know, if she ever talked to me, hence the quietness.
She was a few years older, so she didn’t have as many classes as I did. 
We sat in silence for a few hours until she tapped me lightly on the shoulder. I flinched and then jumped out of my chair, due to my quick reflexes. Though, I immediately relaxed as I saw a scared Joohyun in front of me. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I just-I don’t know.” I stumbled over my words. She shook her head and laughed nervously.
“No it’s fine. I should’ve known that you would’ve gotten worked up.” She patted me on the shoulder awkwardly. “So you know, it’s your first month here and I know it’s hard adjusting since you’re...mixed and stuff so I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to this party with me?” I immediately started to form the word “no” but Joohyun started to throw out her fae convincing skills. Faes had the ability of charm and even when they turned it off, it still shined through with their natural skills. 
“C’mon y/n, you’ve been doing nothing socially active for the past couple of weeks, go out and have fun. I swear this school isn’t as bad as you think, it’s only those wolves and vamps who are all uptight, the rest of us aren’t so bad.” I still was uncertain. She pulled out her pretty puppy eyes and laid her arm on my shoulder. I could feel her altering my emotions.
“Please? I don’t wanna go alone and I wanna introduce you to some of the faes and some other kinds. You don’t need to mingle with the weres and vamps if you don’t want to. We really don’t care how you’re mixed.” I sighed, knowing I had nothing better to do anyways. 
“Fine, I’ll go lemme just throw on... some clothes.” I gestured to my gingerbread pjs. She smiled.
Unfortunately and regretfully, I found myself standing in front of... nothing. 
“Joohyun, what the hell is this?” I half-shouted, looking at nothing but trees and dirt in front of me. She chuckled. “I swear if you lured me out here to kill me, I will-” Joohyun just laughed.
“Kangaroos.” She randomly said. What the fuck?
Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled into some kind of vertex and ended up having to cover my ears because of the booming music and loud chatter. 
“A portal with a mist over it, created by my good friend who’s very powerful witch.” God, I was never gonna get used to this magic stuff. 
“Hey Joohyun!” A guy appeared, hugging Joohyun tightly enough that they weren’t awkward, but not overly romantic. “Glad you could make it, sis.” Wait, sis?
“Wait, you have a brother?” Suddenly, the boy looked at me, as if he noticed my presence. 
Once he turned towards me, I immediately recognized him. I had never talked to him, but I always heard him talking. He was quite the social butterfly; always talked about, always desired by the girls, and highly regarded in the student body of the school. I recognized the guy as fae, just like Joohyun. 
“Oh, hey, sorry, didn’t see you there. Plus, I didn’t think my sister would bring a friend. She’s the quiet type but she’s pretty so boys love her.” He joked, I think. Joohyun hit him on the arm, but she had a calm smile. 
“Yeah we’re siblings-” The boy cut her off.
“No one really knows cuz my sister over here never talks and here I am chatting up a storm with girls falling at my feet and teachers to their knees.” I laughed politely but I was still overwhelmed by the atmosphere. Joohyun sighed.
“Yes, please meet Chan, my baby brother, sadly. And I don’t tell many people cuz most people don’t believe me or try to befriend me to get to him.” Chan laughed, his dimples showing and all. I blushed at my thoughts, wondering how I could feel something for someone so fast. 
“Oh please, don’t flatter me.” He extended his hand to me. “So I’m Chan, host of this banging party, and you are?” Oh shit, I almost forgot to introduce myself. 
“Oh, yeah, um, I’m y/n, I just moved here like two weeks ago.” I added with an awkward smile. His eyes got brighter with realization. My palms started to sweat, and not from heat. 
“Oh my gosh, are you that new girl? Vamp and werewolf, the most interesting combo.” At that remark, Joohyun hit her brother, now with a frown. 
“You don’t need to stick around for my rude brother, let’s go meet some nice people.” Joohyun took my hand as she guided me through the crowd. 
I clumsily bumped into a couple making out, toughing each other where people should only be touched with doors closed. The two vamps hissed at me but I didn’t stick around. 
Soon, Joohyun found what she was looking for and stopped. 
“Joohyun!” The group exclaimed.I sniffed them out, most of them fae except for the few exceptions of a shape shifter and warlock in the mix. 
“So this must be your new roomie, the girl who caused quite the ruckus at our quiet school.” The girl shook my hand. “I’m Jimin, I’m a fae.”
“y/n, and I can tell.” I added, vampires and werewolves always could sniff out types easier than the others. They all laughed at my not so funny joke. 
“We know who you are. I gotta say, you brought excitement y/n. Most of us have known each other for a while, so you’re new blood, which excites and terrifies us.” I chuckled nervously at her statement. 
“Well, sorry to disappoint, but I’m not a very interesting person.” They laughed and soon the party kicked up a notch and people started to get drunker and drunker as the night went on. I stayed in the small group of faes who happened to be nicer than expected. Someone had put a drink in my hand, but I refused to drink it - I’m smarter than that.
“Yo yo yo, hold up, hold up.” A screech echoed through the air, making everyone cover their ears. “Ayo, I have something to say.” All the students made their attention towards the handsome, but obviously drunk werewolf who made his way to the mic. 
Out of instinct, my heart started to beat faster and I grew anxious for no reason; I just had a bad feeling. 
“Well say it fast Sejoon or get off the stage!” Chan yelled. His eyes were bright and glazed over from drinking, but also, he was curious to see what Sejoon would say. Sejoon cackled into the mic, making me flinch.
“Well, to be quick, my kind’s feud with the vampires have stemmed over centuries, stemming from our founding fathers, and yet, a little girl has come to mess it all up.” I gulped, feeling chatter erupt. “I have been at this school for 10 years, not once I had a problem with it. And I, as the good person I am, never cause serious trouble with a vampire or lash out, but today my friends, today is the day I lay down my foot.” He stopped and threw his glass on the ground. 
“And I know she’s here tonight! I saw her! You!” My heart stopped as he pointed at me. Everyone’s heads, in an instant, snapped at me. 
“y/n, the bloodsucker and who tainted our line! You dare come here?” He laughed as I felt shame wash over me. “You’re a werewolf and a vamp, but you exude no confidence in yourself despite being two of the cockiest kinds.” I suddenly grew scared of the other vamps and weres in the room who were eyeing me like some kind of prize, though I felt bittersweet with the other types who sent me sympathetic stares. “Pathetic you are just a pathetic little-” Suddenly the mic screeched again, throwing everyone’s heads down. 
“Get off of me you fairy!” I looked up at those words and saw Chan wrestling the drunk were for the mic. 
“Get off my stage you asshole! This is my party and it’s welcome for all kinds!” Chan yelled, using his strength to push poor Sejoon on the ground. 
“Hey! You little bitch, you think you can mess with the weres? We’re ten times stronger than any fae!” An arrogant were had yelled. Chan, despite probably being weaker, laughed. 
“Oh yeah? Well here’s this dumbass, I have an army of friends to protect me, will your pack do the same?” The were growled at the threat of his pack, loyalty meant everything to a wolf. The wolf lunged at Chan, but he swiftly avoided it and glared at him. 
“Well, now that that’s done, no more fighting at my party or I’ll have Kasey zap you all with her spell, mmkay?” He walked off the stage, exuding charisma I’ve only dreamed of having. 
Suddenly, the music played again and everything was right. I guess people get over fights quickly here. 
“Hey, you alright?” I heard a charming voice say behind me. I whipped around and saw Chan staring at me with dark brown eyes. I gulped. 
“Hm oh that? Yeah, I’m used to it now.” I lied. He looked serious, not like his usual expression, and took my wrist. 
“Follow me.” I felt compelled to follow him and suddenly we were in his room. I snapped out of his compulsion and flew against the wall.
“Please don’t touch me! I’m not ready and I barely know you!” I rambled on, hoping I didn’t have to test out my new powers.
“y/n, y/n, calm down. I didn’t bring you up here for that!” He yelled over me. I opened my eyes. 
“You didn’t?” 
“No, and if I did, closing your eyes and praying wouldn’t be a good option. You should try like, idk, attacking them.” He added. I took a deep breath and calmed down. I could feel anger still radiating off of him in waves from the recent fight.
“Yeah, sorry, um, that was wrong to assume of you. um, but why am I up here?” I gently asked. He turned around, making me swoon with his dark gaze, differing from his usual kind eyes.
“I just wanted to apologize in a quiet environment. I was rude to you when I first met you, I totally forgot about how it would be totally annoying for people to talk about you being mixed vamp and were, it must get troubling.” I nodded.
“Understatement of the year dude. I just started to show signs like a month ago and then my parents, human ones, shipping me here on regards to my school counselor, who, of course, happened to be a witch.” He chuckled, finally showing the true Chan everyone knew. “The others are nice, though I never belonged anywhere in the human world, and now not even the supernatural one? Sucks balls.” I cursed. He let out a loud chuckled.
“Golly, never thought I would hear that leave your mouth.” I snorted.
“Well, you don’t really know me.” We stood in silence for a moment.
“You’re right, but that’s what’s intriguing. You’re different you know? You’re kind of scared, anxious, always on edge at school, kinda wimpy for a werewolf and vampire.” I glared.
“Oh wow, be still my beating heart.” I joked. He smiled, showing those dimples that made my heart pound. 
“It’s kinda of refreshing, plus you showed up to my party wearing a hoodie and sweats, who are you?” I shrugged.
“I didn’t bring party clothes... and I hate jeans, too confined. Must be the dog in me.” He laughed and ruffled his curly blonde hair. I shuffled my feet. 
“So, you’re Joohyun’s brother?” I mentioned casually. He nodded and I saw his eyes light up, which made me all coo from him loving his sister. 
“Yup, one and only. I give her a rough time, so I would ask of you to try and ease up on her.” I smiled.
“You’re not too bad. I guess I should thank you for defending me out there. No one else would have.” He looked as if he were going to say something, but then backed out.
“You’re half right, most people wouldn’t have. But I’m sure no one would let you get hurt, it’s a rule here, defend when thy bully is acting out.” I rolled my eyes. 
“Guess we have to exterminate all the weres and vamps.” I joked, he laughed too. 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure Joohyun will protect you... Well sorta, she has the gift of healing, so if you get beat up, she can help.” I laughed. 
“Wow, I feel so safe now.” I half joked, I guess everyone here has something to offer. His eyes turned darker, but still smiling, somewhat flirty, I think? 
“And I’m here too.” I raised a brow. 
“What?” He sighed. 
“I’m here to protect you too. Faeries don’t just sit around in tutus and flirt with everyone who walks.” I shrugged.
“I don’t know, you’re quite the charmer, I’ve heard.” He turned his head away while scratching his neck. And, was he blushing? Oh my gosh, now I’m blushing.
“Not really, I guess I’m social, I don’t mean to flirt, it’s just the fae in me.” He shrugged, but I grinned as his shyness. 
“Hey buddy, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got the looks, the charm, and the style, who couldn’t love you?” He gave me a stare that made me feel melt to the floor. 
“You think I’ve got the looks?” He gave me a flirty grin that I couldn’t help but chuckle. I then opened the door, and was embraced by the booming music. 
“Ok bud, we’ve spent enough time in here. People might think we’re doing something.” He stared at me innocently. 
“Hm, but could we?” He asked while shutting the door and pressing me against it. I immediately pushed him off and he went flying. I wanted to look shocked but all I felt was smug. 
“Nice try Chan, but you’re gonna have to try harder than that.” He bounced up and looked at me with a newfound respect in his eyes.
“Woah, you got like ten times hotter when you threw me across my room.” I laughed and so did he. I coughed to break the tension.
“Well, time for me to go.” He smiled. 
“I’ll see you again, right?” I gave him a lopsided grin.
“Well, your sister is my roommate, unfortunately.” He smiled, looking more and more enticing as I stared. I quickly turned around and made my way out.
“Ok, later fairy boy.” But I already knew my time here wouldn’t be as bad as I thought it would.
I know I write too much and that’s one of my weaknesses, my apologies for anyone who actually read this lol. Happy new years eve and I’m shaking just thinking about school. 
and so how this supernatural au is gonna work is basically the boys won’t necessarily be the same, but I’m not gonna make them all faeries cuz that’s too much. 
Woojin will be next so look out for that! I hope y’all stick around :)
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sophygurl · 6 years
WisCon 42 panel Female Friendship
Female Friendships in Our Stories panel description: 
Women are often portrayed as competitive and territorial in media. In science fiction, this can be even stronger as the Smurfette principle often rules, and many of the women characters fill the "not like other girls" trope. It's rare to see genuine female friendships flourish in our stories. For many of us, the "mean girl" trope does not reflect the reality that we live in, and we're hungry for better depictions of our lived experiences. More stories are digging deeper into what female friendships can and do look like, however. Shows like Big Little Lies, Grace and Frankie, and Insecure; as well as female-led movies such as the new Ghostbusters and the Pitch Perfect series are some examples. Few of these are SFF-related though - we need more!
Moderator was Naomi Kritzer, with panelists Karin Gastreich, Crystal Huff, Lauren Jankowski, KJ, and Clarissa C. S. Ryan
Reminder that these panel notes are only my own recollections and the things I managed to write down - my notes are incomplete and likely faulty in places. Corrections and additions are always welcome. Especially please do correct me if I get names or pronouns wrong!
Also I name panelists as that’s publicly available information but not audience members unless requested by that person to have their named added.
[For context - I’ve been proposing a panel like this for years (due in large part to conversations with @prozacpark who sadly was not at-con this year) and was so excited to finally see it happen! It did not disappoint. It gave me ALLLLLL of the feelings and I plan to make some additional posts on the subject once I finish my panel write-ups. This will mostly just be about the panel itself, although knowing me I’ll add in the occasional aside. Also I’m really glad I got to this panel early enough to get a good seat up front because it filled up quickly and became standing room only with people sitting on the floor all over the place. Obviously a topic we WisCon-goers find close to our hearts.]
I neglected to get info down about the panelists introductions - sorry! I did jot down that Clarissa said she occasionally remembers to write male characters because it made me laugh. All of the panelists, I believe, are writers, so do look up their work if you want to find more female friendship rep in your reading!
Naomi started things off asking about the panelists’s fictional favorite female friendships and why they found them interesting. Her example was Anne of Green Gables - Anne and Diana. She liked that Anne comes into the friendship so needy and that Diana just accepts her as-is. 
Lauren said Lost Girl’s Bo and Kenzi (YES) and that even tho Bo is attracted to women, she never sexualized Kenzi. (I especially love this in the context that Bo is a succubus and many of her relationships have a sexual component but she never turns that on Kenzi because Kenzi isn’t into that and it’s just inherently accepted between them that they are strictly platonic but deeply entwined friends - haaa see, I told you I’d have asides)
Crystal talked about Cold Magic by Kate Elliot. Crystal said she is unsure if the characters would choose their friendship over their new spouses in the end and has questions about the heteronormativity of that but overall loved the female friendships in the series.
Clarissa is a big fan of the Ghostbusters reboot. She doesn’t ship any of the women together, and finds that puts her on the outside of a lot of the fandom.
KJ reiterated Cold Magic and said that it is about cousins who are raised as sisters but who choose to be friends and the powerfulness of that choice. She also likes Kira and Dax from DS9. 
Karin said she had a hard time finding examples from within SFF. She really likes the sister friendship in the Little House books, as well as Simple Magic, the Witches of Eastwick book (not the movie), and The Other Boleyn Girl (book).
Crystal talked about Alyc Holmes’s Dragons of Heaven and the transgressive ways it shows female friendship. 
Naomi brought up the issues of shippiness and the line between friendship and romantic relationships and pushback within fandom. 
Lauren talked about a personal story she had of a messy end of a friendship because she was told that adoption is pseudo-family as a defense of shipping adopted siblings. As an adoptee, this was very hurtful. She talked about her frustration with shippers who ship romantically and refuse to acknowledge the importance of friendship. The valuing of romance over friendship and friendship not being valid in and of itself. “Friendship is enough.” [I was kind of obnoxiously cheering this on because this is a huge issue for me. This might be the point at which I made some comment about there not being any way to dissuade shippers once they settle on a ship. For the record - I’m a huge shipper myself, I just happen to ALSO ship platonic and familial relationships and get super frustrated at fandom’s seeming inability to look at relationships in any other way than romantic.]
Crystal also talked about the extent that people will go to in order to ship something. She added “I know that my life isn’t mostly centered on getting people into bed.” 
Clarissa added - why not both? She does want more queer female romances and finds herself sometimes going “oh they glanced at one another ... oooooh”. But friendship is so devalued and friendship breakups hurt!
Karin asked if making the friends sisters made the pressure to ship less - I mostly cackled from the audience, because no.
Naomi steered the conversation toward the topic of sisterhood - both literal and figurative. Also about friendship breakups. There is the classic romance plot of the couple breaking up and coming back together - do we find that in friendship narratives?
Clarissa said that Ghostbusters had an example of that at the start.
KJ said Buffy and Willow do this a couple of times.
Naomi said she often finds this in middle grade YA because this reflects reality at that age. Then asked about friendship tropes - for example she really loved the idea of blood sisterhood. She grew up in the 80′s when the idea of sharing blood = death and how doing that showed such a deep level of trust.
Crystal said it’s hard to come up with female friendship tropes because of how rare examples of female friendship are. Tropes are the things we see so much of they become ingrained. 
Naomi asked - then what should be the tropes?
Karin said it’s hard to find books populated with female characters enough for there to be lots of female friendships in them. She doesn’t like the trope of the friend who only shows up when the main character is having romantic drama in their lives. 
KJ she wants more examples of groups of female friends because that’s closer to real life. [YES] If these do exist in fiction, they are more in the background. 
Clarissa wants more ride or die friendships. She gives Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Ghostbusters as examples of this. 
Naomi wants more moments like the one in Ghosbusters where the one character was talking about her story of being haunted and being made of fun for it as a kid. The other character simply says - I believe you. This is a metaphor for sexual abuse. The validation that women give to one another around this. [Cue me sobbing tbh about being on both sides of this phenomenon]
Crystal wants more female friends who are not Mean Girls to one another. Example: Dreadnaught which is about a trans girl superhero. 
Lauren talked about female friendships where the women are being supportive of one another. And women rescuing one another. Some personal stories about women rescuing one another were shared among the panelists.
KJ mentioned the graphic novel series Rat Queens.
Naomi brought up  Sarah Dressen’s YA books. The example of a friend rescuing another friend from being left alone with a creepy “family friend”. The protectiveness of female friendships. [Me: crying again.]
Karin said she is all into rescuing between female friendships because we all need rescuing sometimes and thank goodness for the friends who rescue us. It’s a different dynamic than when men rescue women.
Clarissa said her “dirty fandom secret” is that she really loves hurt/comfort stories - they don’t have to be romantic in nature. An example is when she took care of a friend who had recently had surgery. She was like “wow this is so intimate - I’ve never seen your bodily fluids before.” [So much crying/laughing, thinking about taking care of my bestie after her double mastectomy last year.]
Crystal mentioned Foz Meadows - An Accident of Stars.
Lauren said that when she’s down, a friend will share pictures she’s taken of her books in bookstores to cheer her up. She also talked about wanting both more big adventure stories about female friendship, and more small snapshots of life.
Crystal said there is some of that in the Nancy Drew series, but looking back on those today - she is really turned off by the racism.
Naomi asked what is a story arc for friendship?
Crystal said that’s as varied as the individuals, and again there just isn’t enough of it in fiction to map out.
Karin talked about that initial connection or bond upon meeting someone that you know is going to become a friend. But then there is a process of trust building. The climactic moment is when that trust is solidified.
KJ said it’s more of an ebb and flow. She wants more honoring of the variety of friendships that exist as being equally valid. 
Clarissa brought up a book - Stiletto? (I didn’t catch full name or author’s name) which includes the enemies to friends narrative.
Naomi said she loves enemies to friends even though she hates enemies to lovers stories. 
Crystal said fiction needs to make more narrative sense than real life does, which causes us to simplify how relationships work.
Lauren wants more friendships that start with meet-cutes.
Naomi posited the question of what is a happily ever after for a friendship arc.
Crystal answered - the book isn’t over.
KJ said different friendships would have different happily ever afters.
Clarissa noted that different cultures have different types of friendships. She was talking about how our culture sees romance as the primary relationship in someone’s life and friendship is secondary or even tertiary. 
KJ said she’s married to a man who is less social than she is, so she wouldn’t be able to meet all her social needs with him anyway. It’s very important to her to keep her friendships. 
Crystal said friendships are often about surviving a thing together. But there is also the idea of creating something together. Naomi said fandom is often built on friendships like that.
Crystal also talked about the idea of rituals in friendships. As society has become less formal, we’ve lost some of those rituals. In fiction, we can create these.
An audience member asked about long distance friendship in fiction. Crystal said - all of my friendships are on the internet! She went on to talk about the tradition of epistolary friendships. 
Naomi said the ritual of friendship these days is allowing someone to call us on the phone [HA]. 
Crystal brought up a book The Belles.
An audience member asked about unique sources of conflict in female friendships. Another audience member shouted out the video game Life is Strange in response.
Crystal said - let’s talk about the elephant in the room: no more conflict about boys. There can be disagreements between friends about politics or moral choices.
Naomi talked about the idea of losing a friend to a boy or the friend who only shows up when they are between relationships. Resolution to a conflict like that is the friend discovering the importance of their friendship.
KJ said another conflict involves distance - either physically moving away or becoming more emotionally distant, even a life change such as one friend having kids and the other one not. 
Clarissa talked about trying to hold on to friendships through time and space as something SFF especially could explore.
Crystal added - or something like magical abilities manifesting in one friend but not the other.
Naomi mentioned fanfic about Hermione pre-Hogwarts and losing her friendships from that era.
An audience member added that part of the conflict in those types of situations would be that one friend couldn’t tell the other what was happening in their life.
Naomi loves it when the friend tells anyway because isn’t that what best friends do? They tell each other everything no matter what. The panelists all agree they hate secret keeping as plot device.
An audience member brought up a series - Heroine Complex about superheroes with secrets.
One audience member brought up Supergirl as an example and I continued while trying not to spoil current storylines for one of the panelists. I think I said it was doing interesting things in regards to how secret keeping was affecting a female friendship and also how the show in general does good at the valuing of friendship for it’s own sake.
Clarissa mentioned Cardcaptor Sakura, a manga/anime.
Crystal mentioned Gwenda Bond’s Lois Lane books. 
An audience member brought up My Little Pony, someone else said Sailor Moon. Clarissa said anime/manga in general does a lot of this but we’re not on recs yet. Naomi said - oh, we’re on recs now. (lol)
Clarissa - Princess Jellyfish. KJ - Agents of Shield for the mentor/friendships. Audience - Parasol Protectorate. Audience - Michael/Tily from ST:Disco, Call the Midwife. Audience - Hullmetal Girls, Spinning Silver. Audience - Tamora Pierce’s Magic Circle. Audience - Steerswoman. Audience - Jessica Jones. 
Naomi asked - what do we want to see more of?
Karin said - just more female friendships.
Lauren said acceptance from friends for just who someone is.
Crystal said she is drawn to friendship arcs but also wants wants them normalized.
Naomi talked about found family.
KJ said more women interacting with one another in general.
Karin wants more of the female mentorship role.
Crystal suggested Meg Elison’s post-apocalyptic stuff for how female friendships function in that kind of environment. 
aaaaaand phew! This was one feelsey-ride! I loved it so much and hope we get more panels like it in the future. 
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edream93 · 7 years
prompt idea - something during harry's childhood or the hook siblings childhood if you wanna include harriet and cj. idk if you want specific prompts or not so just incase hmm.. maybe captain hook teaching harry (or all of the hook kids) to play the organ/piano/whatevs??
Hey anon! So…this may me a little bit of cheating…I say cheating because when I received this ask, I was actually working on a scene from Harry’s childhood for “We’ll Light the Fuse”. Not sure if it’ll actually make it to the next update but it doesn’t have an spoilers so…why not? I’ll also try to do the piano/organ thing too later. Don’t worry, though, you don’t need to have read WLTF to understand this.
But for now, hope you enjoy this product of coincidence? 
(Note: My headcannon for now is Harriet is two years older than Harry and CJ is three years younger.)
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Once upon a time… there were three siblings that could only depend on each other. One night, the eldest sibling left, wanting to start her own life on the other side of the Isle after years of looking after and protecting her younger siblings…
“Hey! Enough of those tears, Cali! They’re not gonna change Ettie’s mind!” a ten year old Harry Hook yelled throwing a somewhat clean rag at his crying younger sister. His gesture, though he meant well, only seemed to make the seven year old cry even more. He faced palmed.
And Uma calls me dramatic, he thought. The fact he knew the tears probably weren’t real and merely an old trick Harriet had taught her when CJ was still too small to be anything other than a distraction didn’t help him be any more sympathetic either.
Harriet had left in the dead of the night, collecting all of the few personal objects she had along with the red jacket that she had outfitted from one of their father’s old coats… Harry had suspected she would desert them for the past month now. She already had a ship, one of their father’s better ones given a month earlier when she had turned twelve, and her crew was easy to come by since most of their father’s crew all had children of their own who they had grown up with.
Good riddance! Harry thought bitterly, ignoring how much his sister leaving had felt like betrayal. He may only be ten, but he knew getting too close with anyone, even family was a risk. Blood wasn’t always thicker on the Isle after all. His strenuous relationship with a father who most of the time couldn’t bare to look at him was a prime example.
So he ignored how he would miss Harriet’s cackle of a laugh when he did something that really helped carve an impression into the minds of those of the Isle that he was a pirate not to be messed with. He ignored how he would miss their daily spars where woven in between sarcastic remarks and insulting names, there would actual be tidbits on not to get himself killed, much more helpful than his father’s suggestion slurred suggestion to just run himself with a sword. (The frequency that Hook made that comment and ones similar had started to wear off…that is until the old Captain actually tried to force his suggestion onto the boy himself.)
“You’re gonna leave me just like sissy did!” the young blonde cried throwing the rag right back back at him, anchoring him back to the present.
Harry refrained his desire to just shove her off the boat and into the murky water below but a voice that sounded too much like his older sister reminded him that all too familiar sneer of hers that if “precious Calista Jane” went overboard their father would have his neck. And Harry quite liked his neck.
“Stop that cryin’ right now! Ye hear me?” he growled, trying to repress himself from turning into a useless heaving ball, curled up on the deck of the ship, struggling to breathe and waiting for the world to stop spinning like he did when he first found Harriet gone.
He took a deep breath, causing CJ to look at him with wide teary brown eyes. For a moment, the young boy thought that one of his sisters was finally listening to him, that was until CJ stomped on his foot with as much force as she could (which was a lot for a seven year old) before kicking his shin.
“Holy crocodile! Ye little goblin!” Harry howled falling to the ground and clutching his lower leg.
“No!” CJ cried, stomping her foot, though this time thankfully nowhere near his own. “You can’t leave! You can’t! You can’t!”
“Oh shut up you idiot! I’m not going no where!” the boy rolled his eyes, flopping back on the deck of the ship. There was only a few of his father’s crew above deck at the moment, many of them somewhere else, roaming the island, or sleeping off whatever questionable moonshine they managed to get their hands on. He was bored. He idly wondered what Uma was doing and if she was stuck working her mother’s shop again.
“Promise?” CJ prodded, hovering over him, blonde hair knotted in a poor attempt at mimicking the braid that Harriet always struggled with taming into submission. Her bottom lip was trembling and the only tell that this wasn’t completely an act was the way the younger child bit the inside of her cheek. When Calista Jane was pulling a con she bit her bottom lip.
Oh Davy Jones, he thought sitting up. He was never really good when CJ got like this, when she looked at him expectantly as if he could actually keep a damn promise on this pitiful rock that they called home. He wasn’t stupid. He hadn’t made a name yet like Harriet. Still known to too many as just one of Harriet Hook’s bratty little siblings. But maybe…one day, with a certain sea witch, he would be so feared on the Isle that he could make a promise to his sibling without his stomach twisting at the uncertainty of being able to keep such a promise.
“Yeah, yeah. I promise,” he said pushing her away none too gently as he got up to his feet. “We’ll even go on a grand adventure one day,” he muttered, sarcasm heavy in his voice but CJ didn’t seem to hear it as her eyes grew wide, any remaining traces of her crying now long gone and she let out a squeal before running off to another part of the ship yelling “ADVENTURE!” and needing to go find that Freddie brat loudly.
Harry rolled his eyes again, glancing at the dock where a familiar turquoise figure caught his eye waiting impatiently for him, a mischievous smirk instantly fading away his concerns for the time being.
He ran down the ship’s board, his usual mischievous smile on his face until he caught sight of an unpleasant head of purple hair waiting next to Uma.   
“Mal,” he ground out. Before turning to Uma. “Why’d ye bring her here?” he hissed.
“Yeah, I thought we were going to have some real fun, Uma.,” Mal sighed, sounding almost bored as she barely gave the boy a glance. “Didn’t know we were gonna spend the day with this charity case.”
“Ye wanna say that a bit louder, pixie?” Harry fumed through clenched teeth, taking a step closer to her.
Uma pushed her way between the two. “Both of you, chill!” she growled before tugging Harry off to the side. “What’s up with you? I thought you’d be up for causing a little bit of mayhem,” she said, glancing back at Mal before in a lower voice saying, “I heard about Harriet and…ya know, thought it would cheer you up.”
(Davy Jones.That weird stomach fluttering thing always seemed to happen at the most inconvenient of times, he thought, taking in her rare look of concern.) 
“I do like causing mayhem but with ye, lass. But not with that purple tadpole. I just don’t see why ye would even want to hang out with her. She’s got no real substance! Everyone knows she’s just her mother’s clone. And not even a good one.”  
Uma rolled her eyes. This wasn’t the first time Harry had made his feelings about her friend from the other side of the Isle clear.
“Look Harry,” she growled irritatedly, poking him in the chest. “Mal and I have each other’s back. We’re gonna rule this island and then we’re going to take over Auradon together and shove all those sugary sweet royal brats off their thrones. Now, I can do that with or without you, Hook, but if you’re with me then you need to shut your clam about Mal. She and I are partners.”
Harry knocked her hand away from him, ignoring the part of him that wanted to ask weren’t they partners. 
“This is n’t going to end well, Uma. I can feel it. Mal. Is. Bad. News,” he said putting emphasis on the last few words. “And not in the way ya wanna mess with.”
Rolling her eyes, Uma turned around, speaking over her shoulder, “You’re too paranoid, Hook. Mal and I have a plan. Like I said, you’re either with us or against us. When you come to your senses, Mal and I will be the docks by one of your old man’s other ships,” she said before starting to walk back towards where the purple half-fae was smirking triumphantly at him.
(Damn pixie.)
The young boy bit his lip, holding back a curse as he watched them both disappear around a turn, hearing a faint conversation of needing to find something slippery and smelly for their next prank. His stomach twisted with a sense of foreboding that something irreversible was going to occur soon…
A few hours later, he would realize that he hated being right…and once again, he hated how he felt powerless in protecting what was his.
Yep, I bet you can guess when this took place… So I was going to cut it off right after Harry sees Uma but…then my fingers slipped across the keyboard…repeatedly…and…well, yeah…
Hope you enjoyed, anon! And I’ll try the piano thing at some point too.
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